The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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1 " "
V Nsw Tork, Nov, I. RpreaentaUTs of
fi Eastern rallroada masting- tier havs
cilI to ratify their smployes within
Bxt few days that the 19 per cent
ssa cut decided tn October 14 would
put Into effect as aooa aa the author
isation of the rati labor board could be
t Thia announcement, coming on the
fcwile of the recent threatened atrlke of
fa it workers In protest, was taken as
an Indication that the managers do not
etrink from any poturible issue that may
Mutt from their action.
I The proposed cut would reduce the
ages of operating .mployes conduct
ors switchmen, engineers and firemen
-to the figures In effect prior to July 1.
Vin. when a general Increase or 22 per
en: was granted. For shop workers
and maintenance of way employes the
seduction would be even more drastic
Labor board dimtomeh or
Cbicaao. Nov. 4. The United States
railroad labor board will hand down i
decision tabliahlnir new rules for rail
- road shop crafts In three weeks, it Is
The decision will complete the rules
JBrovlslons for the shopmen. It will be
I.Ahes third decision of the rules for those
.Classes oi rsnroaa fmuiujw aa iw j-
ready have been announced.
With the rules questions out of the
way,,, thrre will remain rule considera
tions for many other classes of em
ployes. Including 40 rullnss for the
rbrot her hoods, but the entire working
Conditions problem In expected to be
dlnpoaed of by esrly spring.
, Then the board will be In a position
jto consider wsge questions, over which
a nation-wide strike was threatened.
I...,.- I. .Ii.i :
; ' rr-
la Grande Plans
Armistice Program
La Grande. Nov. i. The American
slon haa decided to confine its Armis
tice day celebration to the afternoon of
the day, aa-lt was believed that a full
'day celebration would not be as well at
tended. A parade, patriotic speaking,
arhletlr events and a dance and r re
work n dlnplays are on the program,
(Which begins at 1 o'clock. Other posts
In Union county that do njt put on cela
3ratlons of their own are expected to
-join with the I. Grande post. The
a nion and Klgln posts are also planning
"to observe the day In a fitting manner.
Don't fiil to see living characters in
pantomime portraying.
'The Gonf erenc4 Table"
And Will Irwin's nejv book
MT1 TVT la.TTr-
See our corner display window at
West Pirk and Morrison. Street.
Take Your Discount In S. & H. Trading lStamps-Filled Books Redeemed on Td Floor
Phone Your
v Orders, r
Experienced tele
phone !erks at your
service at 8 a. m.
Prompt Deliveries.
Tmorrison. aldct. west park, and tenth streets. I
America's Greatest . "
Stock Show
Make arrangements now to attend
the Pacific International Livestock
Show. Bitter -and better than ereri
Candy Sale
Main Floor
Hand-rolled Chocolates of su
perior quality. Assort- AfZn
td flavors. Special, lb. tHtO
Spanish peanut Brit- OfJ
tie- special, the pound imC
Fresh Toffee the J(Tp
appreciated sweet. Lb. xJi
f s Best Showing of
Correct Modes Large AsSortmentsf-Moderate Prices'
New Silk
Maia Floor New Silk Braid
tnd Cord Girdles in novelty
styles I with tassels pnd drops.
Black, ! brown, navy and combi
nations of black and colors. 72
inches long. $2.95 to $4.95
Rnnrrimftn Mnv 4 Th innukf nwt.
ng for approval of the school budget
ior 1932-M will he held at the school
iOua Saturday afternoon1. Novemberi
(II. The special feature of the estimate
a an Item of SVWfl for a armnssium.
4 Ml
Made bv the
Eagle Bread
A Real Thirst
Can h mixed in a mm
at with water car milk,
hot or cold. It is Bo
'. den's old established
Malted Milk with anew
a chocolate flavor. Mfated
v at home, tt Is kist like
the soda fountains serve
Get it from vour grocer
or druggist.
TkrHfaf CwytOMf
. We jell many allied
" lines of merchandise, t
' but our main business
is filling prescriptions.
, We put tntelligetjte
; and accuracy into it.
Result : Many satis-
fieJ customers., who
wouldn't have any
body else fill x pre
" scription.
' Open All Night
Juniors' Winter Coats
' w - s . -m '
In a apcciai Saturday aale v
Junior ' Shop, 2d Floor Featuring a sale of
quality; Coats at a price that will appeal to
mothers who have girls to twy for. Velour,
Bolivia, Chinchilla and other popular materials.
Loose and belted styles, some with plaited backs.
Effectifely trimmed with stitching, loopsbut
tons, etc. Many have fur collars, others with
:ape oif shawl collars of self materi- (Pftr ff
al. Sizes 8 to 16. Extra values at JJeUU
Misses' Dresse$
Velour, Tricotine, Jersey, Poiret Twill, Duve
tyn and Canton Crepe Dresses in many dainty
youthful styles including jumper and guimpe
effects. Long or short sleeves. flJOj QQ
Roundi or square necks. Special tDaCrxelO
Misses' Sweaters at $5
Second Floor1 A very low jprice for Sweaters of this quality. Warm
and comfy for school and! sport wear. Tuxedo and coat models.
Plain and fancy weaves with belts and pockets. Shown in wanted
colors. Sizes range from 32 to 36. Priced special at only $5.00
grade flannel in red and, blue.
Laced front and yoke styles with
large sailor collars. Trimmed
with braid. Sizes 6 to 20--at
$5.00. $5.95. $7.50. $8.95
RAINCOATS and Capes of
rubber and rubberized material,
Coats have cloth lining and vel
vet collars. Capes have hoods
or separate hats. Shop early.
Priced from $2.29 to $12.50
Boys' Suits
With 2 Pairs of
Knickers Main Floor Suits that will give satis
factory wear NOT TRASH! Made up
in sturdy mixtures in serviceable col
ors. Latest loose belt stylies with side
or patch pockets. 2-Pant i(IJ"J O 9K ftf
Suits priced special only J-OeOtl r
Boys Corduroy
Suits I
Main Floor Dark brown .color espe
cially desirable fof school wear. Pants
full lined and all seams are reinforced.
Popular belted model. Sat- IQ QK
urday pniced special at only 5Oe70
Hair Bob
Man barber first, class work
guaranteed. Heart's Desire curl,
curled bob or straight cat.
Bring the children in tomorrow.
Nestle Hair Waving .
the' most Successful method
yet devised for giving a perma
nent wave to the hair. Experi
enced operators. PHONE FOR
APPOINTMENT. Second Floor.
Ivory Soap
4 Cakes
Special OK aV
Maia Floor None sold or deliv
ered at above price except vital
other purchases suae in tae
Drag Dept. Limit 4 cake to a
customer. Ivory Soap OfTa
4 ckes on sale for onlyUU
Toilet Needs
Usterine Tooth Paste at 50c
Kolynos Tooth Paste at 25c
Lyon's Tooth Paste only Z3c
Creme Ekaya priced at 59c
Orchard White priced at 39e
Mentholatum at 19c "d 45c
rnltl. n.tiir.l nAnr Tmlet
Soaps at only I0c 3 for 25c
Twink Soan Flakes Dye on sale
Saturday special at 4 for 25c
Mechanics' Hand Soao at 10c
Colgate's Mec Soap Piste 15c
Extra Specials
Epsom Salts regularly -J
ioc lb. Special 20 lbs. for O-L
5oc On-Riah Hatr Re- OKp
mover nriced special at iOs
" - ay -
Fur Trimmings
It's surprising what the addition of,a bit of fur makes in the appear
ance of a suit or coat! Even the plainest garment is made to look much
more attractive. Our showing of Trimming Furs is very complete,
offering all the most wanted kinds at reasonable prices. Beaver, Nutria,
Coney, Mole, Krimmer, Skunk, Opossum, French Seal, Bear, Squirrel,
Civet, etc. Widths range from 1 to 12 inches. Inspection invited.
Fur Collars at Lowest Prices
Coats In the Season's Smartest Styles
In selecting your new coat at this store you not only have larger assortments to choose from
but you also have the satisfaction of knowing that the styles are absolutely authentic and that each
garment is carefully tailored. Our stock of Coats is now at its best and with the holiday season
approaching the woman who has a coat to buy will find it to her advantage to make selection at
once. Every new and favored mode of the moment is represented in this masterful showing. No
matter what style you may have in mind you are certain to find a pleasing model. Moderate prices.
Women's Mocha Gloves
Saturday $2.39
A Sale that will interest hundreds of women who need new Gloves.
The price is far below regular value, which is an added attraction in
these days of economy. Splendid quality Mocha Gloves of a well known
make. Popular one-clasp style with stitched bafk. Shown In beaver
and dark gray two of the most desirable shades. Don't ?0 OQ
overlook this opportunity. Priced very special, the pair 0eOi7
Center Circle, Main Floor
New Plush
Second Floor Featuring a notable showing of
many beautiful new models for winter wear.
Plush Coats are' becoming increasingly pop
ular for those who would select dressy gar
ments. Short and H iengths with full backs
and belted fronts- Large cape collars of fur
and some have fur cuffs. Trimmed with fancy
buttons and tasseled sashes. Are lined
with novelty silks in beautiful patterns.
Prices Range From
$29.75 to $6850
$75.00 Goats
Second Floor Saturday special. Women's
high class Coats selling heretofore up to
175.00 at fifty-five dollars. Normandle. Riv-
olia. Andrea Veldette and other materials.
Plaited, belted and loose models. Some with
fur collars, ethers with scarf or care collars
rof se4f material. All are silk lined. Several
desirable shades of brown and blue. flCC
Values ud to t7S. Special at only DUtJ
Millinery Clearance
Continuing the Sale that has cre
ated the greatest buying activity of
the season! Portland women look
t this store for Millinery bargains
and we have never yet disappointed
them: Shop 'early inr the day.
. -Hundreds of
' -Hats
in this sweeping dearaway and the
styles, are right up to the minute.''
Hats for maids and matrons. Dress
Hats, Tailored Hats, Sport Hats in
all the very smartest shapes.
$ 7.50 Hat special at
$10.00 Hats special at
3.75 I 418.00 Hats special at $ ,9.00
5.00 $20.00 Hats special at S10.O0
$25.00 Hats special at 512.50
$35.00 "Hats special at $17.50
Millinery Salons, 2nd Floor
112.50 Hat special at $ 6.25
(15.00 Hats special at $ .7.50
Sale of Bengal Oriental Rugs
Third Flor Discontinued patterns in Bengal Oriental Rugs priced for quick" clear
away. 'A wonderful opportunity to buy quality floor coverings at a real big saving.
LOT 1 $55.00 Bengal Rugs,
size 4x7 ft. Limited flQQ
number. Special at tDOSe I O
LOT 2 6x9 ft. Bengal Ori
ental Rugs. Regular CQQ CA
price 125.00. Sale OaaeOU
-9xi2 ft, Bengal Ori
ental Rugs. Formerly QC
$169.00. Special at DiOD
Clothes May Not Make
The Man
but they certainly go a long way in helping a man attain success.
Good clothes are an investment that never fails to pay dividends.
Saturday is a good time to choose that new suit or overcoat.
Our stocks offer wide range for choosing at reasonable prices.
Men's Overcoats
Belted arid loose Overfcoats in the season's smartest stvles
Dressy- models or the heavier garments for service and warmth.
Overcoats, Rain Coats, Ulsiters. Priced from $30.00 to $60 00
Young. Men's
Snappy styles .designed
especially, for young fellows of
high school age. The very
latest cats, single or double
breasted, plain or with belts.
Suits at $20. $22.50 to $35
Men's $3.50 Shirts for $2.49
Main Floor
S High-grade Madras Shirts with silk
stripe, variety ot desirable patterns
in the best colors. Soft cuffs. Sues
! 14 to 154; Regular. 3.50 Q ytQ
i Shirts., Saturday priced aj',Ii.7
"Carter Week"
featuring i syecial showing of Car
eer's Knit Union 'Suits for men. All
"i weights and styles in cotton, wooL '
; mixed wool and suk. Buy Carters
for complete underwear satisfaction.
Men's Suits
Single and double breasted
models, belted or plain. L Sys
tem" and other famous makes.-
Browns, blues, greens, ijrays,
heathers. Here are Suits that
will fnmf urt to vour hirhst ex.
pectations as to style, fabric, fit
ana nnisn. rncea $35 to $65
h urn
11 r
Basement Millinery
Trimmed and Banded Hats
Hats in this group selling earlier in the
season up to $4.69. Don't 'neglect this J
opportunity to buy a smart hat for utility
wear at a very special price. Many at
tractive trimmed models, also the banded
Hats. Good selection of wanted colors.
Special $1.98 J
Children's Handkerchiefs
10c Each
Maia Floor Wonderful values at the
price. Fresh new stock just received.
Fancjr bordered Handkerchiefs in pleas,
ing colors and designs. Spe- A
cially priced Saturday's selling JLUi
Sport Kerchiefs
3 for $1
Women's pure liaen Sport Hand-
u)i-,J crenjejs 'Sieu a new kh ui inc
Jainty "Lissue Kerchiets. Very de
sirable for gift-giving and for personal
requirements. Priced special ff
for Saturday 35c 3- for ol.UU
Plain Linen Handkerchiefs 15c
Mii. Floor Onlr that we secured these aba sharp price concession we
would be obliged to sell them at 20c or more. Plain, pure white Linen
Handkerchiefs with neat hemstitched edge. Soft finish, ready 1 Ca
n ue Suitable for women or ehildren. Priced very special at AtJC
W Jkr '
- i
7? .
Pork Sausage
28c Lb.
Fourth Floor For your Sunday
: 1 D .1 A
link Pork Sausage or Sausage Pat-
- - ... ... : . iK V cr
ages. Priced special at Ov
Oregon Walnuts, new
crop 5 lbs. $2 a lb. HtOy
Ghirardelli's " Choco- QK
late special per 3-lb. can OpC
Libby's Pork and Beans 10c
Utah Canned Peas, can 15c
Old Monk Olive OU, Qt.$1.40
" Model. Grocery
4th Floor
Good News for Men!
$10 Patent Calfskin Oxfords
Maia Floor Saturday extra
special. Men's patent coltskin
Oxfords for full dress or
dancing wear. Plain and ele
gant. - Made with flexible welt
soles. Full assortment of sizes, widths B to E. A trade oppor
tunity enables us to sell these high-class Oxfords at half Of? AA
rerulir price. . Special shipment last in bv express tDileVIU
:) Men's Oxfords $5.4
Mun Floor Men's Oxfords or high Shoes in black and brown
kid black or tan: calf. . Extreme or conservative styles anil pat
terns. For young men or their elders. All sizes in the sale.
Men's Oxfords SSS-r'Men's high Shoes pri;ed special at $65
Sale of.
$2.00 Covered Turkey j1 AO
Roasters priced at only tSx.fxO
12.75 Turkey Roasters at $1.98
2.50 Food Choppers at $1.98
S5.O0 Casseroles in frame $3.98
$3.75 Pie Dishes special $2.75
$i Serving Trays special $1.29
$1.75 Nut Bowl Sets at $1.48
13.75 Aluminum Percolators for
Saturday's selling priced at $2.98
4 5c Egg Beaters special at 29c
40c Floar Sifters special ar 30c
75c Potato Ricers special at 48c
Dpt TW'trd Floor.
' -.V - -