FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON L1LLIE SAMTAELLA GRANTED DIVORCE HEARING SECRET (Farm Statistics of Legislation ur Secrecy hunt a tout the awarding of. t divorce decree to Mr a. LMie Santaella, rife of Balvatore Bantaella. pianist and leader of the orchestra at a local theatre, afiar a aeartiif.held before Circuit Judre fit pie ton October t. newa of wklch be cam pabllo today. . The judge explained today that the cue was beard out of It turn becauae of representations made to Mm by the wife's attorneys that she a 111 and wished to leave at once for Ui East. The Santaella divorce went by de fault, the plaaiet faillnr to contest It The bearing; u not on the court cal endar and It waa fceld late on a Monday afternoon, whereas default divorcee are ordinarily heard before the presiding cir cuit Jodae on Wednesday In their reg ular order. The finding? of fact and the decree were handed down the day of the hearing. : . bstreme cruelty.- tn that Santaella truck bar and threatened to aend her to an Insane asylum to get rid of her. were charged by Mrs. Bantaella In (fee rMgtnaJ complaint She altered that he cursed the Unified States. Out of an In come of 110(H) a month he gave her only lie a month for household espenae,'ehe claimed. Alimony of $250 a month for herself and $100 a month for the eup- port or tneir child were asked. In the amended complaint, filed by Mrs. 8antaslla the 'day of the hearing.1 ahe leaves out the charge of disloyalty to the Unled 8 tales and aays that San taella'a Income la $600 Instead of $1000 a month. Judge Stepleton allowed alimony of $50 a week and restored to the wife her maiden name of Lai lie Hansen. She haa the cuetody of the child, 4 months old. Mrs. Santaella waa a dancer before her marriage. Divorce suits filed: Anna E. against William IL Harwich. Effle against rarry McDowell. Leena K. agatnat David A. Murphy. Harley M. against Jessie B. Chase, Sue against Albert E. Sanderson, Bertha against Schuyler C Mitchell. V. V. against AJta McCurdy, AnnetU against Victor B. Benway and ' Ella i . . Oregon needs some changes In tejg Ulation so assessors will have to make complete reporta of farm statistics, said Charles E. Gage, head of the crop apd livestock report . service of the minified States department of agriculture, wtio waa a visitor here Thursday. dBeSers OF OHIO SOCIETY Heated cosrrplalnt on the part of Ohio . i -r whiWv -.... i.A inmt . v(ri l Salim society imraowi tpet.uac i to confer with atate official, concern- I coaiMaa ' " the 'Central library Thurs Ing the discrepancies between the farm day evening led to the discovery that all statistics prepared by the government and those prepared by - the state.. He aaid that the reporta made by the' state were wholly Inadequate and aaid that the government was ready to cooperate with the atate tn making the changes Thursday noon Gage spoke before the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce and said that he waa sur prised to learn that Portland lacked! a department of agriculture, v which fie thought could be of great value to farm ers. He also reported that his depart ment had. asked for an appropriation to carry on a quarterly livestock census and that the chamber could assist In supporting this appropriation. . During bis visit in the state he has been accompanied by F. L. Kent, field manager for the bureau of crop esti mates. T0C5G BAXCHER I5JCRED J Goldendale, Wash., Nov. 4. Claiide Woods, a young rancher residing nar Dot, in eastern Klickitat county, was seriously injured Wednesday- while at tempting to pass a truck with his auto mobile on the grade at the head of Pine creek,' on the Central Washington highway between Bickleton and Cleve land. His car skidded off the grade, turned over several times and landed against a wire fence. Woods' collar bone was broken and he suffered In lernai injuries. a companion was en- Injured. j heat had been turned off In the bluldlng at . o'clock. . The ianitor told me that such was tne tule and that he could do nothing." said L. B. Seeley. a "member of the society. "At the circulation desk the attendant told me that while she would not dare to order the heat turned on and thus hamper an economy policy, she woujdn t be annoyed If the building was warm. I'm nearly frozen myself and it is like this every nteht.' she told me. I finally had to call the librarian at her home In order to get authority to have the buna ing warmed at all. Miss Anne Mtuheron. librarian, places responsibility this morning on the en gineer. "I have Just told him that 'the building must be kept comfortable," she said. "We can't afford to do anything else, either for the sake, of the public or our own staff members. l, nowever. hsve had no complaint from any mem ber of our staff. There Is no rule that the heat must be turned off at S o'clock. On the contrary, one of our patrons, a woman, a few evenings ago, said the library .was so warm we must be wasting st tarn." , STORE ROBBERS SENTENCED Ridgefield, Wash., Nov. 4. Albert Walker, James O'Donnell and George Clarke, who robbed the general mer chandise store of O. L. Byerly at Ridgefield last month, were sentenced to the Monroe reformatory by Judge George "B. Simpson. Hikers' Booklet to ; Be Issued by (Jlub Council ol Oregon A booklet of suggested hikes that may be taken in and about Portland, to gether with information as to suitable clothing, equipment and food supplies for the biker and mountain climber, is to be published by the Council of Oregon Outing Clubs, it was decided at a meet ing held Thursday night in Central library. The suggestion was made by James E. Brockway, executive secretary of the Boy Scouts. Many persons, especially newcomers, wishing to take walks have no idea where to go, Brockway said, and a book of this sort would be of great value. Material for 'the publication will be submitted to each of the outing organi zations represented in the council for suggestions and additions, before being printed. Members of the -council- present out lined the work end the future plana of ' their respective organisations. Several Interesting talks were made on vacation trips-taken during the summer. . ... - SCHOOL A3TFEX DEDICATED Castle Rock, W&sk, Nov. 4. The new auditorium annex to the Tootle school was dedicated Saturday night with a program, supper and dance. County Superintendent Joseph. Gardner spoke Raymond Imus. an ex-service man, is superintendent end -William Lee of Toutie -.principal. "Many from Castle Rock attended. oaliOperators ; Decide I to Abide ': ffeBy? Court! Order LEAVES CHILDREN YS OREGON -South Bend. Wash.. Nor. 4. The fu neral ot P. W. Rhodes, for many years a resident of South Bend, took place in Raymond Wednesday. He is sur vived by five children. Ernest F. Rhodes, . Raymond ; Edwin Rhodes, Roseburg, Or. ; Mrs. Myrtle Huddle- s ton. Lone . Rock, Or; ; Mrs. Maude Wheeler, Cottage Grove, Or., and In Rhodes, Caithness, B. Ct Indiana polU. Not. iy L N. S- The United Mineworkera will have to Tight It out alone - in their effort to obtain suspension of Federal Judge Anderson's Injunction a gainst the check-off system. Indiana jperatora. all of them named defendants in Judge Anderson's decree. will not Join in the appeal to be taken today in the United States Court of Ap peals at Chicago. - ! Meeting at Terre Haute last night, the Indiana operators unanimously pledged themselves to abide by Judge Anderson s decision and to refrain from Joining the miners in their appeal. - Meanwhile, with 10.000 Indiana miners still idle, and Ohio and Illinois strikers ordered back to work by their district officials pending decision of the opera tors on abolition of the check-off, the threatened tie-up of the coal industry marked time. Fractional Decline ; In Food Costs Seen; : Some Sections Gain Washington. Nov. 4. L N. S.) The retail cost of, food la some cities ' la coming down " but in many instances it is so small as to be. hardly noticeable. according to figures made public today by the bureau of labor statistics of the department of labor. y The figures are for seven principal cities and show that retail food prices during the month from September IS to October IS decreased two tenths of I per cent tn St Paul, four tenths of 1 per cent in -Little Rock. 1 per cent tn New Haven, "Conn. ; Richmond. Va. and Washington, D. C In Omaha there was an increase of If per cent and tn Memphis an' increase of 1 per cent There was no change during the month in Baltimore, Kansas City and Phila delphia. .- r VAP0RATtf Milk handy; With ibe cream left, in! saving andjSpod m 100 C against Fred H. Montague. WOMAN'S DEATH EXPECTED Mantesano, Wash.. Not. 4. Doctors have abandoned hope for the recovery airs.- j una mcnarason or this city, ef who leaped from the second story win dow of an Aberdeen hospital last week. Mrs. Richardson had been taken to the hospital suffering from a stroke of paralysis and It la thought her mind waa affected by her Illness. HERO'S FUNERAL SCHDAT Castle Rock. Wash.,- Nov. 4. Funeral services for Albert Rosen will be held 8unday afternoon in i the Lutheran church by Richard Sugars post. Amerl can Legion. Toung Rosen was a mem her ol the engineers corps and. died overseas from the effects of a crushed DESSERT GOES TO RELIEF ' McMlnnvIlle College. McMlnnvllle. Nov! - Dessert at dinner for members of the College olub is a thing of the past, but Hs absence Is adding $20 a week to the Near East relief fund. Students and fac ulty members have pledged approximate ly I2S0 for Armenian relief. . . wsswssseawasa j , SPECIAL SALE OF ! ? v Majestic Electric amd 12 11 o 1 1 ii IP n . raifoiaojia Come Cnd ret them. We are going to close oat oar entire stock of these extremely handy Heaters at the abofe. low price for a few days only. Come early. WHILE 7 nr ' REGULAR PRICE $11 SMITH-McCOY ELECTRIC CO. 104 Fifth Street Main 8011 vd.. ci-.-:-i njm j7, ui. . . . I -, t 0 I i fctv SC6i(- Bocrnt G3vs natW yuMrrber cm. hdrd Urkon. wis avk- Gcrrfldefs price 6ty0iq? 1Ren.'CbSicie1i baulIfLL 3rd, YeXvnoi UtzsSt d I PPS-doorH It is safe fe say, that tiew $c fcili ft be CbssiMelb Wa brTieurarcl laterr ThcdeL car Sc-fabeLow regular ppce. ! r I Sag? car ct 9ur5v Jrr&tx, 1 I Formerly $140 . I Jf J Now $10p IV J "You Save $40 V Ptit in. yoiir home for five dgiys5 free trial T Offer Limited to Present Supply of Graf onolas and Records We'll put in your home for five days' free trial this $100 Columbia Grafonola and any 12 Columbia Records. Twelve records, will give you twenty four different selections and you can make a real test of the joy and happiness Columbia music brings to your home. Then; if you are satisfied, you can pay for the Grafonola and records on very easy monthly terms. No charge will be made for the five days' triaL If you are not satisfied, we will take back the Grafonola and records . with out any charge to you or any obliga tion on your part , Could any offer be fairer? , You need not pay one cent until you satisfy your- self beyond all doubt by a fiye'days' trial that the Columbia Grafonola is the phonograph you want. This handsome Grafonola is of modern stream line design. 'It may be had in a variety of ma hogany, oak and walnut finishes. It has all the latest Columbia improvements. The tone of the Columbia Grafonola is famous for its richness and purity, and this particular model can be depended upon to smg its own praises in your home. . It stands" 42i inches high and has room for "47 records. It is equipped with the Columbia Individual Record Ejector. By a touch of the finger on the proper button any record desired is slipped out from a felt-lined compartment. . This model at $100 is the biggest-phonograph value ever offered at the price. It is literally true that you can get today: an up-to-date Columbia Grafonola with its many modern improvements for less money that you. would pay for an old-fashioned unimproved phonograph. . When you pay your good money for a phonograph, get a modern instrument the Columbia Grafonola. - This offer also good on Graf onolas priced $30, $45, $60, $85, $125, $140, $150, $175 6 STAnmO imr motors ceo- Park. cHdU boucUs&rvkti i 1 Meier &. Frank Company, 6th and Alder Sts. 2 Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder St 3 McDougaD Music Company, 129 10th St. 4 -William Gadsby & Sons, 2d and Mdrrison Sts. 5 Bush & Lane Piano Company, Broadway and Alder 6 Remick's Song t& Gift Shop, 324 Washington St 7 r McCormick Music Co., Inc., 429 Washington - St 8 Henry Jenning & Sons, 5th and Watbington Sts. 9harff & Dubiver, 172 3d St . 10 Schwan Piano Company, 10th and Stark Sts. 11 H. Goldstein & Son, 601 1st St 12 Vcro L. Wenger, 142Vi 2d St i 13 Laurelhurst Pharmacy, Belmont at 39th. 14 EmU Gehring, -720 MUwaukie St ! : 15 E H. BottemiQer, 751 Thurman St ; 16VMt Scott Drug Co., 5932 92d St S. E. Bring or mail this Coupon to any of these stores DeaWiName, Street. City. State J You may deliver the $. Columbia GrafoooU a&d 12 "-Hi Records to me at the ddresa gHrea be low for a S-day free trial as adrertiaed. Name. Street. City. State XJs.