FRIDAY. NOVEMBER. 4, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 10 ;AND DALIFORtllA SEB OREGOr . HI .CIIEESEiFOR SSD POTATOES ' FRJDAf J9 AIBTj TRADE , -. , v - 9 ttter V Omh CSbtF.iirai skef rut rtnuic,). , 4 Se thi v.... ' 44 Baa X-raae.te .... it Nt Ttrk , ., 4e, NtiUi it Let Atgetos tit so -m , (4 2640 t$4 6 flHc so ' ,.. 21 aAs ; . . With Callorni eagerly seeking ttook at fresh tna. wCthyth eutou there far betow the eo Ml fnr Mil. M Tf the J rmmm, . iodmUam H strontly ft further lyfe la local no u'; -4 l TUUmooh.wiUv: lb Immedi- t Tatar. .-.j ,f. ,,, . . .... .. (- Saw WkAi. .ku W i r llb-wal W4 W lot Ttll.asaok eea ror-rrtjy. Its horn rttfT il.mii erwurnwually Haslted. bat Ttlanvih Is ml th in eopply more then g .mail per trot of tb require meets be es s-e ef it smell autpui. i FWmljr- -ehaaas as available In tha sasm try. It cnwti of sorhnua goods. Thie emm of ater t ssorina lowly am at tvtos.. that . am. evmudeTahiy Veiow . (wk . el frta. The tirade la rlaaaoring for fresh and the- stora stock ia hard to stove evea at tha haw tehae. , The ttesirtn apeetal infbvniatiein rewarding , any gaarW should writ th Market KOI tar, Orearoa Journal,. Inrlaalns itanp for reply.. ( EOO tRADB 1 HOLitXO iTKADT Trada in tha local at markal ia (taaoj, wlta lanafal pflno , rhanaa b Priday. FW ;nra ia ahArtar thaa n f raquinamanta. raa aaja aanaidarad U par. eaai W tba BUTTER BITUATIOf HOLDS WEIL . Amwaranra aaama ta tnrtV-at that annta M arr mars tntaraaiad la oaatln Baa an rar. huttat pnwa niat at tha tlma that N m4 awnuan foaua axa arauaBia. NatarthaW, thra ta a ttaa4v toaa locaiHj, wit prtraa socaaoaad. ; ClIICtEX irEFLIXi ; ACC CM CL AT E , BUthtly aiaraaialaCla aftxl oi chlrkaaa art ; ta) tba rrant atraat taada. J Laadinc tum- laa aanytaa- atmk atari at tha and of tha day trading. Dnt th a not; nUUcieat a yat to araa yneao ta a nrar m,..''. " va in i a ii.. t HOP DEAL IS MADKI AT II CEKTft w . PaMB lot at koaa la rapnrUd aold ta loeai ia taanaU at 9An a naund. Thii aat ml. tloiaal to.atahllh tha aarkat. aithmiih it lrxil tM that b rawing liitkfasU .ara wlliiag to pick o iilltad lata . ' . M - i , t ,.. , osiojf trade in iroir tebt quiet m. bunimniiai umon unnuFi aaaa- atatioa U atlU wking 4 var ranul fi lta No. 1 "dh aarlaad lota at wintry paiuta, bo buii aaa la gawUna. lorn aataa ky yadanaDdaat trow- art axa aaid U ka auod JI.Bt, BRIEP HOTES 0" rRODt'CE TRADE f'.aaUrknrar antng in arkt lota U tha KaaC I Wuntry killwt aal and baa aiachatMad. " waua anuioaiia, f J at nan. . fpmita M bauar .t tlfe prmnd. a Hum auu prioaa high. - WEATHER SOTICK fOR EOirPERS Tha waaUMr boraaa driwt rridty: Protoet ' T T anring tna twit " haora aaalnat tia uwMis wmann mperunrMi u Oatna north t Baattla, 4 oagraaa: aoruiaaat to Hpokana, aagroaai aaH to Bakar, II dagraoa. had kotith niaaa, aa aagraaa. atinlmum taaapa iparatur , aa raruasa toaaarraw about 4t ivm. WHOLESALE PRICES' 1ST PORTLAND Tbaaa tr priaog Ntftkts pa wholaaann. .ao oubwwm hum, Dalr Pn SCTTt1--aMi.t BfVa, bag Ma Cnamary " i aw, aiciqr pia.a wreppara; ".. 3 tltko JKi dairying, baying CrrKKrATortta4 IdrllMr baxU No, 1 gnda. 4Ta (K- No, i. 41 4 to: gooatn auJona. 4Ta far UoT groda. - , t'UKRHR ftatltng . jrlcai TlUaoMok, fraak . Otogoa i bwf rtr.M igrlrb.i Toajo Amar fco, IOo lb. PrHn to nbhara, t a. W Tllh woki Trtplata. 2a; Young Amarica 57a. flHog frtrj- lofk , fancy, BSe; Ltmhiirrar, tg)t0a IV I tnaat btx-k. 80 12a. Rnylua BTtao. rront .Hrart: Cr t rarwrpta, 47 ft 4o in-1 ranrllrd, arthng prtra. II B) 5 Or daa. ; Mlat-t. SO 61s do. ;, 4ao do. I Horaga. 1111420 dna. KtiOK A-wx-ttUwa. nrtraa; Balart, 60 Via. flwta. ITa d a. pnlwu. 45c dna.; poa Wvaa. 0a dna.l haanara atoraga, 4 On Coa. . . UH POt:LtnT-Jllna prWt Hoary buna. ITa lb, light haoa. IT t L8a lb.; print. 20e lb. t hmtlata, Jo lb.; air) raoatara, 10c lb.; tnr k.yv draaajrl. 43 ft 41a tb.tdnrk, 20 ft Ida lb. ' Praah VaaalaMH , and Fruit rorjtH rRriT on n.softu js bmt baaaaaa. IftlH lb., ltan. I7 T aa-ti rraotrafty Florida. M OOglt.00; Baarriw, I f 00 at l.M, -t FtrKHIK. 'Wat 14 lOftSJIO baa Kaatara, J1 par Wral; kooklabarrlaa, 11 aillo lb DRIkb rRCIT IHtaa. i.Tft.Ti: tarda. ) Mil r ". flga. Iltlftlll par bat; praio iia ami owa, oono. ooa. life id. (iiuiM!- s-uing bnoo'ta rataiiara: Local, S4.758.00; bnjlne hce, J5ft4 00 eoun try; gsrue. iv ay ia ia.k (rata aeioca. 40 diwea binrhas. rOTATTjF.H nsnirig pnew to ret a nan: Ore gon, laecv. g 04 eental; kuylog prlee, eountry, air FS ewntaL gXJKTArltJCa gtrlnu : kwan, g 8e IK: aseta. 62.00 ack; rsbhage, lVtft2o lb.; car rots. 1150 aeeki Wary, MftTSo doa; esrg- pitar, ise ta.t ratuice, toe ao.: parsnias, 11.60 secki gesen oeuperv IOo To. ; tnma- trm, nreann gOavTBe baa. rslifnrnia 12.50 a8 0 lug, jmmpkjn, . 2? 2 He la.; squash, 8ttt lis. I aVwMwsdish, 1 1 .lH. stmatts, 800 IK; trticaekel, $1.66 do. ' mull flower. 50 ft $l.o do. . . .j a pri; aDitawaham. ettra fancy. 4 tier. l1TI:-(tay. 4-tMt $.60; hotea. 4-Uer. APPTES Wlnirt fUoanaa, extra fancy, 4 aer. 2.3Si fancy 4-tUr, I J.00; choice. 4 Oer, 11.78. . , i - APPLP8 OHley. . ttr faney. 4-Uer, 13.15: Uaey, 1 4 tier. $.00 . ehotca, 4-tiar, 11 11. " j rr Lin- Jonathan ana ppMeqwrta, , bb- wripped, 81.75. Hrieaia, acy, 4- 31 ft 4.001 faaoy. 4 tier, 13 23;ahoi $3 00 , T, - . - - T APPLtit Cooktnartark. 7Sftl wm.. ..." , , V , tier, ; ahotoe, -aer. Twenty-five eanu eft all above en 166 and 1$ toasa, 3o etf en iiaa ana amauci. rorNTTtT MaUTsT-Henina nrlre; Country ho, II I II He IK ; .for top blockers about 111 to ISO Tna..1 heavy irWf leasi vuol. taa. shaat 10 is 1011 ik, ia ir id., heavy M.tna aaWa 1 V al 1 S m hV etaft W-e-' spfing Hntbat 13ft 18o IK BMoaau MMis-itams .krakfat baetvn, 334oe, lb. IMOIfD MEAT (Tftams, 29 ft 8 la lb,; l$Ae at tierce lei., nnni"w.i. i -m - PArKlN-HOC8ll MTATt Btawr nef . , . . rK9R rtrUI Chiaarifc. llftlU Tb-I kaH . ( j etvirraon. 17ft18e lb, black end. left 111 !V 10-le, Vaak-t Wpparad ead. 13.26; OTltlCHa r-ra. gat, 34.60: Olympta, 83.00 eal.. $1.40 at-ljevaba, large $3.75. . saaail $1.80 do. 1 , . ansaaa , e Vae4 And MMm ' Ttopa 1621 -evop. . triaster. 8Sft26 Bx WIDICS Caiftkln. JOf! kht. Iftaat i fcld. Sft 4ei salted. 8ft 4e 1W I, TAtJLOVT ANB. OltEASK No, I ; Jtllow, )' . 8et No. 3. 2a ,. TAariBA KAIIIC-New. net eld. BHe Ta. W0Olr--vTulamtt valley, eoerx. lOez m atram. Uei fine, ao Ik.; Castara Crregoaldaha, 1320e us. ' MASS "mall white. , Oe Th.; tsnga white. Pink. 6H1 Vata, 1i sayoa. 4tkl twal. . - I, ,' rov it raaa, satotiago. Kl.k laran sty la, Na. 1, oj Bin Raa, t : Navv Or teas bead,: 6 Via, , ' t UtTKkWRoeatedV 11 m ft 38 ta aek at Wmt rvmraa. e TOOa, $18 S toa; st at. ft i SB e.tvlav Jtmimr, IA. T HA. tut-. 9 'wm VII " li'w aa ' 7 v. e . y , WB w-n, l8a4no, fancy mbl aad dairy. $34.60: - liaaip, ;a last, ' . SVOAR Cuba, 3T.80: fraft and berry, $ 8l: yellow D. $3 75 beet arswulated. $64$) . ettra r. 6I.6I: golden t, 85.66. CANttD atOi Csrastl-wt. Lfhhy, $8.66; A. ie. Ma Tsraoa, $5.40 Alpine. 63.66: Kasta, $ 7 J aaaa w f a,-e. iainrraa kw an, a. w. 4Tw M TS Walanta. 'stfttaa !., alaaoada, 27 a - el :: rubaeta. iiaisri in aar ata; gssaatt, llli peaena. 33t BsbbIs, 18a - Neae, Paas-Toile - - - RnpTaWStaal. dark. Jla; wafta, 13a Di . . , u.ii. s e &a t 1 t. . .. . ... I aw"i iwmmm . i. m . I.INBKRO OO Hsm baweeV bhis., 6e: raw, t eeeas. 61.06 BaL . I abla. 8; kettle 6184; ewtled. t OAl. OH-rPH tmtaf -white, ta ruraa ar trrm bsre.l.i IT tae rxr gsL: eaasa. SO oak - naaKUNa--lroa . kbth, 3 6c; eaasa, 860 rrPT, OtTrUsIa, $t6S fchL ',v -., W HITS 4 LJtAla Tea i Iota, 12e; 668 Aa, . Ti'srtNTlNt Tanka, $1 ejaL. 6-gak, gaa ) If II SO, . . ' a ' .. ' '' " Uverpwrtt Waat Lower v " IJaevTMnl. N. 4. i Wheat Uarck, 2 lid jpwar; tweeenoer, it swtf, WASHINGTON FAR SOUTH AMI if ., ... ...... , - , i t : . - . I Inqairfaa for faaqr Oratos potatoaa for aaad ro f eontUg ioratrd fnam aaarly 0 part of Uw aowatnr. A bigh aa $9 par aaatal 1 Ma ofTarad for gawk stnek In a UaaHad va at growing- pointa. vhila tha bt on aaaifr "a fnr ! taUg atmtr- appaaia to bo m better vmn r.m at uutt thara li Bo a Inordinary dmgand, - Tha Far Hsath k Ah. f and n.b. r7'j " aa m no aetnai waanaaa Baa nwil Caiiforota ' oparaton ontirm to tako oa - fW lota of ard niatna. atmul rK 9 wmV inr oaaa qnamjr. hut they gJv not bnjing Uhia ShiDeianta from Onm am ninln-. hnt. hi. ou aofnparauvar anall. aithoactt praetieaiii w o iia nomat lot uug ported ot lha. m Xaklata coajtinoaa "to offer lta 7. bat fbara appaara to ha a general tack af daatra among Kaatrrn Waahincon g moot a vto grado thoir atock. Thrrrfora C. R. : 1 te nara o ootam in that terrrlMir. hltlrsnca fUd' run PMBurai ana la afraruw aa. ur mi II.1S m nntil than h arkal nU Mart .-so aiuwoia. u i nary markcta abcraad: . i ho Palla. Idaho UauDiu BaM. Ainaand and gaeaasiaat llraltad, atarkrt ctaady. Mo carta ' aajaa rtDortxL Wtfonloadv raah " to gnon ii. a. grada l mkcd Faraai II. no ft nmtlt tl.OO- Itiwu II.1SI1M mmtly 11.21. Octobar 11 aoaniiur jUtnrdai prlra nnefaangad, - j uraeiry.' tjoio. HanilBg wry Tight, praeKeagt v no oaonoo omriann uami ommmaa tunihBd. markat dull No oariut aalra raported. . Wat- onioaaa, caaa to growara ry itrm aaMo aackad Ranla, Potra. .S. ptit 1, avastl; Allianeo. NeK Prartlcaify no- " tnarrlr. .practirally no danand. anwraawit Bght. nir- gat auu. wagnniotaa. eaan to grown a- mui- tng tight, market tteaayt bulk Karly Obioa, na. i, t . " ft (ff i rj mug Bhaa Trmapha, No. 1. Mad atock. .V3 waopara. Wh . Car Iota t. o. b. aaaal tanaa. Praetkall no wtra inauinr . dcniand r moretnanl. Jfo art fepoltrtl Wtrehoo. eaah to are-era Hauling Bght, daataad .and moaamont alow; bulk Koamd WBttaa, U. . a. grado 1. hi Waupaca 1 1.25,. at olhar Wiaooa- ua pouna a , . Cotton Market: Is Lower at Opening Hew Tort. Kor. . (L K. B.) Raporta that tha National Oinoeri' aavwiatioa, aatinatad tha ginning to dt-t . 880,000 balea. lndiaating a yiald of T.ftgO.000 balea. accounted for haary ana general aauing at tno opening or tha couoa markat todajr. ilnt prioea droppad 12 ta 24 pointa.. 4t i Tha narkat at Urarpool waa tno weak. ' The market gagged off, towarda the doaa, which waa fairly ateady at a net advance ot 1 point to a net decline of .pointa. . ' " ' t Hnot eottoa waa uiet today, i potato lower at 11.80. No galea. . OfB. Higbs low... Cloak, JTannary 115 1844 1708 ' H22 afareh 100 . j.2 1T5 May 1T7S 180 - 1772 1788 July ., 1780 . 1755 1T2S 178 October 1850, 1850 I860 180 Ooscmbar ,1828 1887 1813 480 AMERICA W- LIVESTOCK . PBICES hta leof 8S.1S 4; CKieagO. Nor? 4.---(l M. 8.) HecaHe reipta, 8.000 1 artlra and steady to 10c higher. Bnlk, T.07.7J: top. $8.15; 'hegryweigSt. IT.507.8&; medium weight. 7.807.8; light weight. 87.80ftT.88; light Ughta. 87.75 HtH.lB; heavy packing eowa. amooth, $0.7S L82i aga 88.40 t7-4P; piga, Cattle Reoeipta. 8008: alow and-' fairly ateady. Beet ateen Choice and prime. 19,00 18.00: BMdiaa and good, 88.18 4 10VWJ; good and choke, t 50 ft 13.00; eoamoa and awdJom. 81.00 1.50. Butcher cattle Haif- 8.00; eowa. 18.40 a 1.50; bulla, 88.10 ft 8 25. Cannarg and cotteia Cowa and kMirkm IttaaisA, ua 4.00: eal calves Ctiaht and hamlvwirfehifi 1 87.80 ft 11.50; feeder steers. 88.00 ft 7.00; stocker steers. 18.85 ft 8.75; atoeker cow and heifers, 18 00 ft 8.25. Sheep Beoeipta, 8000: fat lamb ateady; sheep alow. Leatba 484 Iha down), 88,00ft 8.40; iamb (ouila and common ) , 88.5Qft 1.7: yearimgs weavers, gj.60 ft 7.75: ew 18.00 ft 8.25; ewe, cull and reunion. 81.78 ewes. m e.uv; leeaer van, laaag.uu. San Praneleco Hoes 810.00 Saa Fmaclace, Nov. 4. (XJ. P.) Cattle Ores fed (teem. No, 1. 6 ft 6 He; second Quality. 4 X ft 8 fee: er and haifera. 4 at 5 He; calve. Oshtweight, 7 ft 8c; osires, heavy, 6rift6e. - j ShepT.rab, 7 ft 7 4e; wether. 4ft 41c; ewe. 3i ft 8 He. ' - . . nogs Hard grain fad, weighing 100-172 lbs., 10; wet 800. So. i j Own var Hat 88.1b Denver. Nov, 4. Cattle Receipts. '880. weak. Steers. $3.00 ft 6.00: eowa and heifers. 8S.OOftB.0Or toekrs and faedara. $4.50 6.0O: ealvea. 35.B0A9B0. Hogs Reoeipta, 300. ateady. Top. $8S5; vwjk, ai.vvws.iv. Sheen Raneiuta. 1 T ona Iraba, feeders, i !H2-65 32.50 ft 4.23; $7.00 ft 8.00. KaMat City Hocj 87.8v ' Kansas Cttv. Nov. 4 I. N a m f.etl Raoeicta. 10OO: dulL Stmrs. i.VSfi&ttjn- eowa gad heifer. $$.00 ft 7.00; itockem ssd feadera, $6.25 ft 7.00; calvea, $7.50 08.75. j Hog Receipts, 1600; active. Bulk I tn sales. 8T.18ft7.4B; heaviea. . 37.00ft7.48; Ughta, $7.16 ft 7.46: mediums $7.25 ft 7.504 oneep iteociptt. 40001 dull. Lambs, $8,50 If 8.65; awe. $4.00 ft 4.25. ' iftrnaha Hag 97.68 ' South Omaha. Now. . . (L N. 8 1 Rnaa Receipts 4000: tstive, steady to 10c higher; Bulk, $6.80 ft 7.80; top. $7.65. f ' Cattle Receipta 1100; beef steers tndlaW atock weak; spota lower; no choice, fed steen here; built .and vag gtaady; stockera tad feed ers dulL . - , heep Reoeipta 2000; fat lamha steady: top fed weatorna, $8.60. . SbMp alow and soeear; feeding iamb, gtaady. . i Kew York Batter aad Erg; New Tark. Nov. 4. (t N. S.) Butter ltarkst Dareiy steady, creamery extras, 46 K creamery nna, iia flht; creamery itner scoring, aiwasue, ea aawy tuba, $2ft46e; ladiaa, fresh, txtm, 85 ft 16c, t Chose Market irregular. Stats Whole milk specials, 33 th ft 28 a; lower grade. lttfSle; average run, 22a Wisconsin Whole mOk. faney Toanf Ameyteanii, 21ft 22c . State Mima, aneeiai. llHa: aktma. choice, lit lei skims. ehoace . to good. 8 tMOo; 'Jower grxitw, a-win, .- Egg Mtrket Irregular. ' Natrby whit, fancy. 8Se: nearby brown, feney, 687Se; extra, 63 ass.. nail. s rr. Milk The nominal wboJeeala price It $at$71 pes au pouaos. oauveretx in nw lor. , Chlraaa Dairy Prod are 7 I Chicago, Nov. 4. (I N. g.) Butter .Tte- ceipta, 4160 tubs. Creamery, extra, 44c; fietta, 864Svie, packing stock, 28 ft 24c i Egg' Receipts, 1420 cam. Miaeellanesina, ''woi ordinary nrM, aaejaic: tirfita, 54c; iihecka. 26 ft 38a: airtiea. 28 0 30c. ! ..nrLlu,,L ft 10 iisisiea. 20Vsv20a: Tonna Ameiteaal SoftSOtae: avniaorna. ngiitie: aricx, xt se zii e. live Poultry -Turkeys. 80e: chickens. I9e P rings, 23a; rooster, 15c; see, 22c ( .dock. 20. - H v ... ,j . Ttrmlaal Reipto San yVanr-iarft Rerwints from Oeeann itn4ne the month of October, via water:. Floor , 153.- in r. aarxs; wheat, 1ST centals; oata, 66, 6B4 eentala: bran, 7952: millron. 27.86 aarka: feed. 40; middHna. 8077 aarka: millron. 21 726 mokai laorta. 3446 moka: rroata. 681 tTem Whrii7i, via rail: 8000 ar. mesa flour: vi water, 238,704 ajr. sackst wheat, 12 138 centals; bran 3MT sacks: feed. 18.576 arks; Buiirun. 322 tack; groata. 1463 aacki. miadUa. 1380 Backs. , . " BalaiArt SMH 1: CMraao, No. 4. Modern Miller asytt Ra ta needed eve mwch M th winter wheat terri tory in th ftoaUweaV. Graia that was seeded area time as-o haa not yat garminated, aa- the oil to excessively dry, la the Wast aad terri tory east ot tha Uisstatirpt eaoditioas are mora IsTwrsbl. - Oeweval tadlcatiens ara that area finally reaeedad wiQ aot be a large a teat year. rrtdkU Wheat Last j Chlrsgo, Nov. 4. The Chicago Tribune Quotes lama A. Pattea a aayms: "I am not Interacted ta ia wheaf market. - Wheat won't (tap at t dollar; it will go mneh haw. There ia Botany aonsnmptive demand to bolster a the market, thing tm held up the prioa, European credit It hot, a poor that we eaanot look for aay ainort damand ta held up tha aaarkBt ft ,s; , f ..- t Ktw Ttrk FailtTT Market 1 New Tort, See, 4. 11. N. 8.1 live paaV try . Irresrniar. CTitckens. 23ft22c tmmi. ft28e: tarkeyt 82ft38e; roastera, 16e; dacka Sft82; sees. Sft38e. , , !7 - - Ktw Tart Patata Market ' ew Jora. no. 4. (L X. 8.1 Pataboes; (It bulk, barrel oe bag) "-Market steady o-l br whit. $ 66 ft $.50. r k CRANBERRIES MAY SELL TO THE EAST LOCAL CRAIIB E IS " . 11 1 as Waila there ia eatraao daUneaa In the local ettpbtrrf trade, and ofpeoally 10 for the eery wgh prvsefl Saatan atock. mark eta ot tha enaa try are gaaeraQy farorabta. Itaroiriea for Ore ftat eraBbernaa tr romlng frVan a-wider Urrt- fcory man arar t,cfnn . .iw4 n'aa all r pa U: aaJea will be nude . alaoat ia atgM a ammimn growing eeeoccn. 1 For tha fina tlma Imm. riu.. .ihl arh aaoea oc tnat Kerrrtory are inqoirinr for Ore- tvm-n saauieum crsncxrnea. Aa- order lor a carload waa available here thia week, hat it waa impoanbla to aaaaabaa a fall ear waea it waa ornwDdea.; .. hue Eastern -rasberriea are - ofrensd ia Portland. Or., ttoek. wiil -soon Te avaiUbla in the Ea-t- It ta a gUoatton before dupli rated. The Eastern noil waa renorted aa awaaoalry nnaU thia - season, thia betsg the cause for that pnee advancing to the highaat paint oa record. Becap ot the record price ana trie nuge tretgnt can, aa weu aa the' treat priea difTerential between tha Kaatarn and Goes stock, whotesalera - eeneraBv cannaied thah a deta- tor all except the sow II initial rVravrnt, wujca waa jaucnaaea wa una oroer. December Wheait t Again Is Lower In Initial Trade Chicago. Nov. 4. cl. T. 8.) Wheat worked sharply higher in the later trading, with the eioae at good gaina and not far from the day'i ion. A crop scare coming from the Boahera hemisphere, telling of tmseaaonabie eold weath er ia Argentina, with the wheat crop there in a critical etage, took the trade by iurprise . and stimulated substantial huying and extcruiTt short covering. - Wheat closed with net galna.of lmtt hher; eora rcaa ft He adranca and oata tje np. - V Chicago. Net-. 4. (7. H. .) Jicember wheat aiumped to 88e at the opening of today's market, the toavert price fij aH years. Oa the break, however, there waa good eoauoiadoa bonne baying, which had a stahuixicg tendaBcy. The opening tor December wheat waa e to 11i tower, and for at ay Ao to e off. Shading was of a mixed character. Cora started Ha lower to o UgHer for December and unchanged tot May. Trading waa light,, the market folic wing the tread of wheat a ine opening. 1 Oata ooenad niwkisant (Whra . wraa amaa buying by local aherta. froTiatona were duU. with efreriagi light gad the ranse of price at tha outaat eztremely aar- JOW. Range of Chicago prioea as furnished by the Ctuted New: s. WHEAT Open., High. 88 101 .. 108 H 108 H CORN 44H 46 ...( 50 51 OATS 80H 81 85 A 38 . .P0BK low. 88 108 H 44 80 Close. let -108 k "48 H 51 5 81 U -88 tiec' May Dec. May tOwts May 1500 892 835 760 780 LAUD i 892 mil 780 - '780 800 830 760 780 -00 817 75S 787 Jaa, May etigg Work Eidgefield. Wash., Sot. . Excelletit ahar- vsatlna weather la prevailing around BidgefieM tad the " surrounrling country and farmer are hurryins to complete fan work. Practically all gfloa round her bar been filled and rancher are bust di tiring the lata eron of potatoes and putting fall train. The potato crop will oe aeui 7 a per cent ni normal around here, aecording to statements of various growers, but m a rew eases Dig yield are reported. From the 10-acr. patch of Walter W. Cook, south ot Kiageiieia. sn average ot 180 Backs of potatoes, ! field run. waa harvested They were of the Whit Burbank variety and of a flat marketable sue. DAIST . PRODUCE OF THE - COAST eJsKmjftA fwsVaavVlv i't BaaUla, Nov. 4. IL N. 8.1 Egg Select ranch, 58ft60e; pullet. 4248e, muter ajity creamery, 46c; bricks, 47c Cheese Oregon Triplet. 24 St 25c: Tonne Amerloaa, 80c t-e aneele Market Loa Anxelea. CsL. Nor. 4. L N. 8 1 But ter, 51a. &tt itxtras, esc; cs count, 57c; pullcU, 48e. PoultryHens, 25 ft 32c; broilers, 40c: fry ers, $le. .. . 7- V Wolrtd Aid Corn Grovrer WaahinsTton. Now. 4. Tha . anvarnmant is coming to tha. aamstanee of the fanner in the ens can sea Dj the low price tor corn, it was announced at the treasury department today. Mil tna present large increase may not have to b sacrificed at a losing price, the di rector of the War Finance corooration todsv decided, with, the approval of Secretary Mellon ana secretary wauace, to appoint a committee to investigate and develop .plana for warehousing corn on h large cie. , MtaaeanoUs-DBjatk Flax Dttlnth. 4. IX S. S.) Flax Noeem- her,. $1.82; December. 1179 H : Jasnary. $1.80; track and arrive. 8l.83ftl.83H. Minneapolis. Nov. 4. (L . S.) Phtx- sevamnet ai.i ; ueceniMr, i.70t; Janu ary. . $1.77 H i track and arrive, $1.73 H 6y.TTlr',. HlsaeapoUs Wheat Options . Minneapolis, Nov; 4. Wheat: r. . 'i' ; Close . ' . ? Open. Friday. Thursday. December $1.10H $1.1$H $1.114 May ............ 1.10 1.U , 1.11 H . -XaBgag City Cask Wheat anus- dry. Nov. 4. Cash wheat: No. 1 dark winter. 81.14; No. 2 81.04ftl.18; No. 3, t-oseajuisr; r.a. gl.OO tor hard; No. S 0 860 ft $1.01; No. 8. 95 98c ' ' A Cottoa Sett On Market . New Tork. Nov. 4. Cottonseed oil': October. $8.20ft8.80; December. 88.53 8.5(5; Jan nary. $B.88ft 8.7lj- March. $6.89 ft 8.81 j May, aaivvaii. - ?, V. Chleai-o Potato Market Chicago. Nov. 4. CI. N. S.) PoUtoee Keeeipts. 78 can. Northern white, 31.50 ft 1.75; Minnesota North Dakota Bed River Ohio, IJL6S ft.1.63. . . ;.. j , I ... , Si, LoaU Cash Wheat s St Lonhti Mo., Nov. . Cash wheat: No. 8 fed. $1.15; No. 4 red. 64H ftOOe; No. 8 hard, 65c; No. 2 soft Wheat, $1.13: No. 1 hard white, tl.OO. .. Stadias It Delayed Mora, "0v. 4. Owing to tack of rains err little wheat aaedins haa been done, has faliea since October 15. No rata V., Baeaos Aire Wheat Bnenoa Aire, ' Arganlina. Nov. 4. Wheat elowsd easy. . November,- 3 1.07 H, up 5c; Feb ruary. fl-ViC - i 3faJ Stores Market xNw Tork. N. 4.-(1 N, B.) Turpentine Rarsnnsh. 74; New Tork. 62. , Rin Sarannah 4.43; New Terk, 8.80 6.85. - -'. Girl Proyes She Has Class Colors : On, Under Cover .v'w '- . . K r Brpwnarviile, Or, Nov. - 4. Insist, anca of. aophomores of the local high school ia compelling- members of the freshman class to wear srrn brought about a near riot, - The wicilance committee seised giti of the "rook" elasa and .Insisted that aha show w hether aha was comply tnc with the rules. Tha rirl mphaUcally insisted She ' was. Brought before the stu dent body she raised her skirt enough to show an emerald colored garter. W MARKET QUE WHEAT IS SOUGHT -AT LOW QUOTATION FBXDAT WHEAT TBADE '-- Bli Gala Bard wkitc ........ fMO . Ic Raft wklta Jt it .Walt daa let ' Tear A 1.88 IM NORTHWEST GRAIN RssfErpTS --v-ar- Wheat, Barley. ITioar. Oata. Bay. Portland. Fft-. . 121 ... ft. 13 ea ago . . .. ' 4 I 4 ftsaeoa to date. 1S4 1.1 11 011 Taar ago .... 0488 i'JS 289 Taventaa, 1 Than. 27 ; .- 8 ' Tear ago f 10 t 2 Season u dato. 824 74 882 Tear ago ei..'. 2823 88 ' 884 tteattle. Tbara.,--., 18 Taar ago . .. . 84 S . . . ' Seaaoa to -date. 888S 104 845 18 880 S4 4S8 335 c a 2 222 180 4 75 85 1 21 874 '780 Tear ago 2388 12 118 .14: Kxnorts 'Irmrn Portland Steamer, taa Teaaa. for Orient. 38,384 rnsheta Vaeat; ateamor Adaaf Mara. - er . Orient. 18A.SJ4 basheia wheat. , . t ' Wheat market1 ia aaoted at Tory low figures, bat the volarne f aalea at country point ia ao hmifcrd aa to aaake pre vailing quota tin na nominal. Her and thrre amall d be ot Wheat are . being forced upon -the market and at current valuta. Millers and exporter alike are grabbing each offering gad are willrng to take more at the price, bat grower feel that the market ha -been forced entirely too Vow: t Extrem low wtjeat pricea are confined to the export grade, formalins wheats, each aa No. 1 blueetem, Baart or Marquia, are hard to obtain. Aa high as 11.10 per bushel. Portland track, is being offered for No. 1 bluest ai, with club down to 88 ft c, but there are few grower wilhnt ta do bttsinea. f - . With lb Vheat market tone down in the gutter, there name a cab la from Argentine aay lna that loeuata had appeared in ajaendoba and in Santa Fe Nevertielese, Liverpool started with wheat showing a lose of 2 Vtd to 3d or 5e ,o a DUsaei. wrma un wag little early c- uiiij av .awsago. llour market eontirrae to weaken hare and forecasts are f or a further decline in price toon. u usnai ,iBBira lor oat t niftier price eon- a trV"Ttaa' Price, mm doort Patent. 87.00: WiHanwtta valle haaU a A. io.r ao-au; -caaenr - nara woest. 17 Vot twaerr aroajrtam,-85.55; bakers' valley, s 85.80; graham. 85.80: whole .hnL s an- Unuu Prtn "heat, patent. $7.40 per bbL Price (of Bitt. "tra, tuonrhaa SOo extrsJP Muying price for old crop; Willam etta tuaathv fa,w-v v 4 Aft AIR AA . M Eaatern Oregon timothy, 118. OO per ton do jer. 810.00 11.00; trw. I8.00 7.00t 515.00 15.86 per ton. . To; doaoestic, 7 in carload tot, lea amounts higher, v MIIXSTCrrs Minrun at mill. , ascrtad. tern una txiiira; canosas. 2u.uu 0AT&--:Pertoa, buyiag pricg.-, Feed, f 26.50 jaVQT Ala- S BABLTttytng pricet Feed, 823.00 ft 24.00- brewing. $25.80. SEED Buying price: Bed clover. 15 9 I6e; !ke. l4r; vetch, 8 lb. FEEDSTXJFFS P. O. B. millk: Rolled barley, $84,00 88.00; whole barley, 381.00; alfalfa meaL . S3&.00: .oconut meak 128.00: cracked oorn. $18.00; wbol corn, $38 00 per ton: whalg oate, $33.00; roUed oats. $36.00; enjecea wncat, aaa.ov: cratcQ itea, 147.00 WHEAT . - Nov. .,sW. I 1,06 sea-.. J a .a ; .88 BTK ' 72 -784 "72 K 11 1 ' 76i Dec. Hard wit Soft white White club Dec, . . , May . . t 1.00 .88 .98 .73 78 Apples, Are Dull -Witlr Price Quoted in East .t- "' : ;j AJnartegit Jtaan Shiprnant Ctrlot shipmento for the United State: CaBfamlh' 87 New Hampabir.. f jolorsdo . , , , . . Idaho Maine ........ Massachusetts . . Michigan . . . Montana ...... 20' 87 60 1 11 14 New York 44 Uregoo ....... $2 Utah . ; . . Washington ..,.518 Total 83S Extreme dullbess continue la th msrket for pples, both at primary and iobbins nointa. Pa cific Northwest primary point reported little acuvrcy, woiie joooing market as rula were weaker aad lower. , Xiocal situation it extreme ly uiet,!j'.. .i Primary markets raported: s rvenstenee tnesata. extra - fancy. 10 Tier cenx, ao.uu, tract,; laacy, $1.99 eyx.uv, j . - . . 'Takima Jonathans C. arerf. K tr oki9i $1.00; Winesapa, medium to large, extra fancy, $2.15; -faaey. $1.76 ft 1.80. KOcnester.' . X. 43old. eainail linn.. AM Light wire inquiry. ' Demand light. Movement low. Mie4, nuU. Tao few tale reported va quoie. ; PhUadelpWa---5jO nan on track, inctodlnl broken. - Demand and ' movement moderate. Market dull ' for boxed atock. ; Washington jonamaoa, extra uncy, metuum to urge, 82.50 2.65: Rome, extra fancy, medinen t Urea. g2.50 1.00; Stsymans,. jtxtra faney, medium to laraw, ed.avas o.vv-, - Chicago -230 cars on track, including brok en. Demand and movement slow. Washington ueucious, extra tancy, targe, S4.0O m 4.SB; me oinm, 3.73.UO; faney Urge, 83.754.00 Spitaenburgs, ' extra fancy, medium. $2.65 ft 2.85. Aoctkm xrrlees: 11 ears snld Wash. ington Jonathans, extra fancy, medium to large, 82.10 ft 2.60; average, $2.45; fancy medium to large, 1.8Jft2.65; average, $2.30; Deli cious: eaixa-iancy aarse. ts.somg.oo; average, 33.40; Oregon Spttsmborgs, extra fancy small to medium. m z.-a; average. S2.00 Kanaat City 157 cars oa track, including orouenw Buppti neivy. uemand and move ment moderate. . Market weak. Washington Ie- ueios. extra laney,. nxecaum to large, Jonathans, -extra - fancy medium. S3.00A)S.10 fancy, $2.75 2.00; Idaho Jonttbaro, jumbl pace, az.aoez. fo: poorer tow a 12.U0. Eittabon 187 era on track, including broken,. Opening pricea Thursday. Supplies neavy. lmano. ana movement slow, waining- toa Jaattnana, actra fancy small. 32.00 02.25 medium, 82.25 ft 2.50; large, 83.50 ft 3-00: De- ncion, fancy small, Sa.00 S.65; . medium 68.50 4.00 arae. $4,008)4.25; very large, 34.25- 4.7ia- 8t- IjcuisaalaS. unbroken -and 6 broken cars on track, mostly selling an (action. Demknd and movement, very light. - Market slightly weaker. Bulk, per fcu&hel measure, aidshs Jonathan No, 1. 36.00 A 4LS0. Anetioa oriees: A ears sold. Washington Jonathans, fancy, very lerre, $2.55; small to Urge, $2.15 2.25; mostly, $2.25; C grade Rome, medium to very large, $2.00 2.25;. average," $2.10$ Waxen era, extra fancy, small to very lares, $2.16 ft 2.25; mostly $2.15; hand picked, orchard run, coll out, small to huge, $2.05 3.1 8. Minneapolis 1 S 8 cars on track, including broken. Supplies liberal. ' Demand and move ment moderate. Market ' steady. Northwest, medium to large JnsLhans, extra fancy. $2.75 ft 3.00, fear $3.23; O trade, 12.2$ ft 2.50; De licious, extra fancy, $4.00 94.25. New Tork Supplies boxed stock heavy. De mand limited. Movement light. Northwest, Jonathans, extra fancy, large. $2.40 & 2.50; -very large, $2.69 ft 2.65; tmrj to medium, $2.00 2.25;. fancy, medium to large. $2.00 2.25; few very large, high as 32.-40; car run, 12.00 2.10; Bosks, extra fancy, large, $8.00 jfi.e. u..u. eatna,t. .ii l 2.00; few large, 2.50 2.65 ; few 2.75; smtU to medium. S2.00vC.15; Sptttenlrargs. extra fancy, large, mostly, 13.00; fear very Urge, $3.23"; medium. $2.50 ft 2.75; small, mnstiy, $2.25; fsnoy, medium to large, mostly $2.25 2.50; few very large, $2.73; C grade, ail aiaes. 12.0062.55; Winter Bananas, extra fancy, t. Asat 9i. 1 aft . MaiMM a ka ft2.75.- smaU. $S.23ft2.4ft; fancy, medium' to large, 82.50 2,7 5; very large. 88.00; small. gz.ootf J5,ao i vi graae. au sues, OrOey. extra fancy, large. 12.75 8.00; small a.VU W .WV, ' W a ..... ... .WH.t. to medium, $2.25 2.50; Delicious, extra fancy. lerre. S.7a W 4-ou : amau to medium.-M-Ow ct 3.50. klontana, Mcintosh, fancy, amall to me dium, $2.5952.76; few $2.85; C grade, eat run. $2.-25. Boston 28 onbeoken can an track. De mand aad movement slow. Msrket steady. Closing price Wednesday and opening price Thursday; Washington. Jonathans, extra faney. medium. to large, $2.75 3.00; fancy, medium to large. $2.50 2.75. Auction price: 6 -ear sold. - Washington, aDeheaoua, extra fsney. aU sizes, $8.204. 60; average, 33.81; fancy, all sixes. $2.553.60; average, $2.9$: I onsthazu, extra fancy,- all aiaea, $3.60 $.10 : average. $2.e2: Brstsenhurgs. extra - laacy. all $2.60 3.35: aeeraa. $2.74. Kew Terk Wool aad Hides New Tork. Now. 4. Ct N. S.) Wool Market steady; doeaestie fleece XX Ohio, 23 38c; da polled scoured basis, 18 67c; do Text sconced haaja. 40 73e; territory atasia. scoured. 55 85c . Hide Market- firm. .Native ttaarrs. 14 H 14c; Steaded steer. Ht14U,e. Saa Fraaelsee Poaltry Market , San FT-snrix-o, No. -V. P.y PooJlry Brotier, 35c lb,; kr;e kens. 28 28c; ducks. 20 22c . . - . . m mix 1 1 a k 1 1 1 a onpif' mnn iiiuiil u, unuuin IVUUlX IfUillV HOGS ARE COIHGsCOIilliEllCETOBAY FRIDAY LIVESTOCK TBADE Hog-s Strara. - Lanka, PorUaad ttM , f .tUK V' CIir 8,15 ,18.88 - Omaha MS 8.88 Btw - M Sat Eaasa Clt7 .. . kU 78 ' . BM SeatUa 3f market , Sa Fraaeigcw.. 18.88 848-. 7.71 ".4 PORTLAND LIVtSTOTS: -RUN - . Hocb. fjattlo. Calvea. Bbeep. Otra. FWday - . . Week ago . 3 week age 4 weeks ago Tear aa . 43 36 a 124 a 3 78 .1018 . 86 73 80 - 8S 183 201 asi. 17 888 mat 16 6 4155 2163 4 2S Tl too 4 1613 833 310 " 5 11 X' years ago 8- rears ago . . .'. 1 3-92 20 ss rear ago .... 22 While there were nine toads of Hvwarjv ' ea. Ported hi the North Portland alters at the open ing of the Pridw markets on), fewr ar were-for tha trade, other betas direct aaJptaenA Five loada of swine esme from ftonth TtakoJa. to vatvoua local Backers. Thia ia tha find thaa that the araalley packer hav brought in boats nm uie ntiuweat, a condition that waa ex plained in a pre vi one market rwnorr: - Notnmslly speaking the local bog market wia aaeauy wiia bo change noted in price. uraerai nog nmrket range: Pnme light S9.O0ftt.50 Bmooth heavy. 230-300 Iba. ... 8.75 8.00 fmooth heavy, 800 lba up . . i. T 00 S.00 ooah heavy S.00a7.B0 t. Ps .00 ft 0.B0 Pander pig " ... 0.00 9.60 Stags ........ T . 4.00 1 6.30 ' Oattla About Btaadv In tha. eattla .11. v. ihara mm, a Mall n, m "ta r-oniana rnday. Uenenl xenanient in the trade indicated, a ateady tone. , former prices were generally continued. General eattla marteiL rann Cboioe steers . . , Medium to good steers Pair to medium ateen ,.$5.75a.25 4.706.T5 4 75i (5.25 14.75 Lorn moo to fair ateen 8.75 8.7! Chotee-cow and heifer . . 4.50 6.00 aieaium u gooa cows ana heifer. . 4.00 14.60 rant to medium cow and heifer. . . 8.50 4.00 uommon to lair Oowi and hsifsrs. . 2.76i 18.60 -raere 1.601 8.751 2.75 8.T5 Bulla ...... : . Choice feeder ..... Pair to good feeder . Choice dairy carves . a J 4.60 ft 5.00 3.75 ft 4.50 8.60 ft 0.00 rrime light calvea 8.00 ft 8.50 8.00 ft 8.00 6.00 ft 6.00 Medium light calve Uaayye . 8heeo Sltoathm Oulat White a ateadv tone is n!u.atA r sheep and lambs was quiet at North Portland nun. necipis were out one toaa. tieneral sheep and lamb markat range Kast of mountain lambs 36.50 7.00 vauey lamD . Fair to good Umbt Call Iamb Feeder lambs . Light yearlings Heavy yearlings tight wethers . Heavy wether Swe Thursday Afternoon Sale COWS No. Ave. Tba. Price I No. Ave. lbs. Price 6.00 ft 6.50 5.00 tf 5.50 3.00 4.00 4.60 ft 5.00 4.60.00 8 60 4.50 8.50 4.50 2 608.60 1.00 3.60 3 760 ( 8:... 796 1 i . . .1000 1 1140 1 1050 2 923 256 I 1 1030 1 8 258 J 8 203 1 520 20 132 6 188 182 2..., 245 7 175 6. . . . ' 160 'J 1 . . 826 4.25 2.00 3.50 2.00 8.50 2.00 1 1010 $ 2.25 1 790 2.00 1- . . . 830 2.00 1 710 2.00 2 855 2.00 S 836 2.00 CALVES 5.60 I BULL $.50 I HOG3 $ 9.00 I. 2. . . . 250 178 114 152 192 253 178 126 173 $ 9 00 9.50 6.... 6.50 7....' 8v0 23... s 0.6 4...-. 8.60 2..., 8.25 5.;.. B.60V S.V.. a. so .is;...- Tl.OO . " 9.50 0.50 8.25 9.50 9.00 9.50 8.50 9.50 . LAMBS 68 $ 6.75 I 17,... '72 5.00 22;... 75 6.25 . 25.... 75 6.00 f 324 . . . . , ' . EWES 111..- 8. . 77 91 $ 6.00 5.50 4.50 5.75 ISO. . 2., 2l:: is.'. 67 !II I00 I 16.... 134 $ 2.10 . . .. lag ,B.or 1 - TE ABLINGS . .. 8S $ 4.75 1 BCCKS . .. 175 $ 2.50 MIXED . .. 130 $ 3.00 Friday Morning Sals STEERS 1$. No. Av. Lbs. Price, i No. A v. Lbs. Price. $ 6.75 4. 840 $ 5.00 1 . .1050 COWS 18.... 1047 $ 4.50 J V 1.. .1059 8 8.00 , 167 $ 9.50 .' 350 -6.66 HOGS 9.50 21 .j 8.00 1 . . 9.50 1.. . 1. . . 6.. ft.. 170 270 100 LAMBS 78 $ 6.10 . 102. . 69 S 6.25 Hutu atit-tr av 118 $ 3.50 . 8..1. 126 $ S.00 ,95 .4.50 16. ia. Eepublic of vChile ' Issues Nev.Borids , DaM November 1 A new offering of . $10,500,000 Republic of Chili 25 year 8 pay cent external lota sinking fond gold bond waa made public yesterday. The bends ara dated November 1. 1S21, and are payaoie ta united states cola coin. Tbe loan agreement stipulates that the Chilean government hall provide an annual sinking fund of 4 per cant, to be paid in equal quarterly installment, beginning February l, 1922. to ba aaed to pur chase bonds in th open market, at prices not to exceed 110 during the first 10 year, and at 105 thereafter. In addition to this plan, tha issue ia callable as a whole at 110 during the first 10. years, and at 105 thereafter. Any bond not redeemed prior, to maturity win be paid by the republic at maturity at 105. The purpose ef the Issue is to providde funds for the purchase of rolling stock for the Chilean tats railways, and also tor improvement work, including electrification. ' ' Bonds are being offered at 99 H tno interest by local partietpaBte in the syndicate, which in ciud?aw .weman. Smith aV Camp Co., Ladd A Til ton bank and Lumbermena Trust company. ' The underwriting syndicate was headed by Blair &. Co. of New Tork. Umatilla County - Wheat for Exhibit Pendleton, OrV Nov. 4. Pour vsrietiee at wheat will be sent to the InternaUonal Grain and Hay show at Chicago the -last ef this month, representing TJmatill county farmers. - - The grain exhibits were one which took honoai at th Northwest Grain and Hay show, held here daring the Round-Tip. . - - - -; Triplet wheat grown by P. S. Cafff- A Sen of Pendlatoa, Hard Federation wheat grown by Otto Reunion of Pendleton,- Early Baart crown by R A ..Reeas of Rrho and .9maatfW aw,wa tv August Weinke of PtioB)RortC will form the ex-sl nioit. - a. oaie an nay grow oy ajnariea wics Under ot Boardraan, which tods first nns here, wiU also be sent : i. $ t POTATOES ALONG .THE -San Francisco Btarket' COAST SMI TSamaVM Vm 4 i II T A IWh. 1 j Kirrrs, 12.35 2. 50; Salinas. $3.75; Oregon - ..v., - - . . .V WWU Bnrtianka, 82.65 ft 2.75. Onion Crystal -Wax, $8.00; brown. $4.00 ft 6.25. :? - ' 3.. - -i ' " '-'.vi.. Lot Annate artel ' -Lo Angeles. CaL. Nov. 4. (L N. S.I Pota toes: Lugs, mostly $1.00 1.25; Burhanks. best. $2.75 2.90; poorer, $2.0O2.S0; Idaho Kumets, 32.603.00; baking stock. 33.25 $.40; rursii. $25 2.40. Seatu Market r , Seattle, Nov, 4 -X N. S-) Onkxu Ore gon, 4 3 5e Its. ?-.:! - - - Potttoot Takuna gems. $3 8.00 40.00 ton. - " 1 ' 1 - Cfeehalis Bread Lower -7'.' Chehalav Wash., New. 4. The bakers and bread dealers of (Jhehalai and Centralis have an nounced a eat ot 1 cent's totf is bread aoM war th counters, which f now in effect. Bread i now seUing. for 9 and It vents per loaf. - . Saa Fraaeiseo Cash Barley Saa Francisco, Nov. '4.- -CTJ. P.) Barley Spot feed, per: cental, $X20-1.23; shipping. Wlaalpcg Cask Wheat - Winnipeg, Not. 4. Cash wheat: N. 1 north em. 61.04: o. 3 northern, tl.01 H : No. 1 northern., tl 9 ike; No. 6 aorthern, 7e. (WILLAMETTE DiKE I'MIIIII HILL Flllns; -was completed on tha 1200-foot dikt at tha mouth at tha WTUIametta Thursday aad tha rock work. wUl besjia Friday mominr. The laat tart ef tba work arUi ba rushed and it Is tba pectaUoa Vt Iaiaa;or Jaroaa U. ri- hemua of th Port of Portland ta bar the project finiahed by th middle of tba month. Tha dregls Titan of U Pa. elite . Bridge company, ia rmorlrts; boulders and bard pan from th lower and of Montromcry dock, Tttia material will be used a a fUl oa the dike. V The dike at the mouth of the Wlllam. etta was authorised by tha T?ort af Port, land as a permanent aid - to na1g-ation at tnat point, wnicb is tba hardest place that irtiota have to necotiate. After the Tuna rise each year the entrance to the wiiianette shoals by . deposits, of mud and sand and annual dredging- Is neee aary to Keep a raSrway. . fcnarlneerB, backed up by Cantaln Pearson repreaentinr tha Columbia Hvar pUota, contended that tha construction of a dik .would tend tot bold a part ot these deposits ind deflect tha balance into tna bis; current of the Columbia a train. Log boat men out un an ob jection but were overruled. The February rise la -the Willamette will scour that mouth to tba full depth and it will be free for the action of tn aiKe. CAPTAIlf BUCJT BAIXEY IS - HERE MEETS OLD PBICXDS Captain "Buck" Bailey of Seattle, one' of the best known cicerones of the Is'orth- west and a man who haa figured in the past as skipper of opposition tugboats at the mouth of tbe Columbia, i In tbe city, Visiting .formes opponents and ahip mates around "lime Juice" corner. Cap tain Bailey came from- Puget Sound as coasting pilot aboard the steamer Card iganshire, of tbe Royal Mail fleet, which Is in tba harbor. It waa Captain Bailey who brought the big carrier hero on her maiden voyage, that betng in June, 1114. and he waa again called oa to "take bar around" from the northern port, though for the past two years Hhe genial akipper has been "on the beech." not out of a berth, but taking it easy as a reward for many years In active service. In dlscuRsing early days with some of the waterfront fraternity he recalls that when he first came to the Columbia as master of a competing bar tug tbe dis covery that teredoes were' at work on piling ot the south Jetty resulted in one newspaper wag getting un a story to the effect the wood eaters of tha sea had never before been known at the entrance to the Columbia and suggesting that Captain Bailey must have brought them over tn the afterpeak tank of his vessel, for the sole purpose of propogat ing them at the mouth of the river. However, Captain Bailey says that with all the things he went throurh in former days .he wishes Portland and the state ail the success the improved ship ping conditions can bring aad points to the fact that had be not thought tbe port would some day far outatrio -either he would not' have bothered to spend nis time competing lor its business. BATE OK CANNED GOODS AND r DBIED FRUIT .TO EUB0PE CUT The tariff sheet between Portland and European markets on canned -goods and dried fruit-underwent a cut by -various steamship lines when tha , commodity rate on canned stuff waa reduced from 90 to 75 cents the hundred, dried fruit in boxes from $1.15 to, IX and dried fruit in bags from So cents to 70 cents. Re frigerator space for apples-remains at $1 per box. Of the five companies operating be tween Pacific coast ports and Europe there is no regular conference aa in the case of westward trade on the Pacific Operators, however, stand on the gen uemen s agreement. There has been a big slump in European buying of late. practically no wheat being sold at all. Following the downward trend the off shore lumber market is on the decline. The barkentine Annie M. Rolph haa been fixed for Puget Sound loading, for South Africa at $2150. This is a cut of $5 over the. cargoes "on the barkenthne Hesper ian and the schooner David Evans, both Of which got away in April. Announcement from Hew Tork Thurs day showed a cut of from tl to 1 5-50 from the Atlantic side to the east coast of South America. v US8MCT0B SATS KEW UOCM IS SPLENDID INVESTMENT "If a vessel is never lifted on tha new 15,000-ton drydoek, tba tact that It la In eluded among marine repair facUitlea of the port is: one of tbe best advertise ments - obtainable," la the opinion of Captain John K. Bulger, supervlimg in spector of the western district of tbe United States steam vessel Inspection service, -who la hero from, bis Saa Fran cisco headquarters, ' "Having been tn this district when the original Port of Portland drydoek was projected and finally made a reality. I think I - can appreciate the value of such additions to a marine community and now, since the old dock Is not fitted for the largest of .modern Teasels that must be reckoned with during the corn ing 10 years, the new dock will, In my opinion, fully repay all-that has bean expended on it." Captain Bulger,, .aa supervisor, has temporarily taken the place of Captain E. S. Edwards, inspector, of hulls, and John Wynn. Inspector of boilers, who are on vacation. Captain Edwards spending his time here, while Wynn is at San Francisco. FINED FOB BLOCKING DOCaC ' j , AND FEKALTT SUSPENDED Charged with blocking the entrance. to Municipal . Terminal. No. 2 with a raft of saw logs, O. A-Downing, a wood dealer, waa fined $100 this morning by Munlcipdl Judge Roesman. Downing was arrested by Captain Jacob Speler who testified that the" position of the logs made it Impossible for large -vessels' to warp Into the dock. Tbe court suspended -payment of the fine on condi tion that Downing remove the logs Im mediately and In the future retrain from leaving his rafts In that place. 4 DREDGING IS BEGI?k"oK r - . GRA.T8 HARBOR SHOAL Aberdeen'. Wash.. Nov. A Dredging of the shoal near Grays Harbor city by the Grays -Harbor port eornmlasioa dredge, has been started. The dredge will be worked on three eight-hour shifts. The channel to be dredged Is 2000 feet in length and to a depth of 20 feet, which, aa proposed, means the removal of 150,000 yards of sedimenL - . BATES; 8TEADT u; ' . New Tork, Nov.' t-kt N. R)-Both grain and general rates are jsteady with no change in Quotations. Prices: Ocean (steam) grain ateady; United Kingdom 4 shillings; Germany. IS marks; France left francs; 1-olland If ft kronen.. Gen eral cargo steady. - - - vl JAPANESE DESERTER CAUGHT An escaped Japanese seaman Trent the NEW WILLAMETTE RIVERA DIKE S - - ' H . . - ."4; - ; ' - - Driving; of th jUlnj; oa the - fllVa "... txnipleted TTjurviday sad ibe rock mi wriU besin lmmelUtvcxr aad tba- - project arUl be rausbed so that it may be txmipleted by Korrtnbrr li, . Tides at Aitria Satarday , - Htsb Water , Lw Water 4:41 a. m. T.2 Yl. l:43-a. rns S.S ft. 3 :67 p. m. 7.S f C 11 :16 p. m. I.S fU tSeaslda Hlrh water nine roinutet aariiar.-. . - - ... - , - , Seajtld Ixjw water 21 minute earlier. ' steamer Helmaa Maru. which avrTivwdain port several days ago. waa captured this morning by a farmer at BJatnier. 1$ mi lee below - St. . Helena, aorordlng to tbe United States tmrnigratloa aervtoe. The Japanese Is being held at Rainier and WW ba taken to St. Helens sad ba put back on board the Helman Maru when she leaves, BIO TBEIGHTEB LUCK.E9BACH e DISABLED! LIMPING TO. TORT San Pedro, CaX, Nov. 4. IV. PJ The 14. 000-ton Luckenbach freighter 3C L Luckenback, Kew Tork for Saa Pedro, Is disabled at sea, 1000 miles south of here and- is proceeding to thia port un der steam from one boiler, according to wireless advices picked up her at noon today. The steamship K. I, Luckenbach 'of the Luckenbach Steamship company, was listen to arrive at yortiana Movemoer 22 with general cargo from New Tork and Philadelphia. She baa on board for this port better - piaa S00 tons and a iau-s uipment awaits ner arrival aera for the eastbound Voyage. ... . . ALL AL0KG THE WATERFRONT Tha staamshls -Cordova- Alaska' Steamship comoany. Portland for Hon. Olulu. haa again been aet back and tha ailing date is now annownced as Taea day. Nove-nber 3. from Astoria. Tha ateamabln Wlllhilo of tha WU. llama line, is north bound from Balboa and will ba due at San Pedro, about No vember .15. She haa a large quantity ef freight for Portland Sad ia due to ar- rtve ner isovember so. , , - The steamshio Senator will Bail from Terminal No. 2 Saturday afternoon for mo rrancisco. ean Pedro and San Diego. She baa a full list of nasaenrers and capacity frettrht. Niels Nlelson. first of the JVorwesrlan steamships under charter to Dant A RasseiL. . a-anv reoorted iHaw as at Chriatobol on November A On the same day a sister ship, the Lulse Nielsen. sailed from Barrv for Portland. - Tha third ship, the Hanna Nielsen, Is "still at Slavanger. l ne Japanese steamship Uralssa Maru entered Friday from Cardiff tn ballast. . She will load grain for Houser. News of the Port Arweaj 8sawaawr S Veehtdljk. Dutch stasjsrT. from .Saa fas. emeo, earge in tranatt , . - . PwS(JaawlSara,'kav wwWVMwssMMP Oleum. Amenren ateeaarr. for Saa Ftaavavoa. tallaat, Daisy Math ears. Asterieaa atsuaier. foe Saa Pedro, from St. Helena, lumber. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at trvr Stowta North Haad. - Nov. . 4 Condi uoaas t th mth af th river at aeoa; Se wind sooth, 32 miles: weather light man. Pattmad humidity af, sooa, 7$. DAILT BITEB READINGS 8 a. m.. Pacific Tim. raaaian 0 0.00 69 IT 43 Eugens ,. Albany .... Salem Oretea City. Portland . . 10 IS 12 15 1.6 010.02 6-1 :. 4t O.2U0.4V0.16 S.5r-l.l)0.63 .48 3. 91-0.4:0.00 s 54 44 ) railing. BITEB FORECAST The Wills nsett rtwar at Portlaad wul ywaaaia nearly etatioBery dartag the aekt tare sw tare say, except aa allectad by th tad. . AT WOBLBtJ FOBTS Astoria. Nav. 4. Arrived at midnight: lap. aaese steamer Taurus&uae stsra. Iran a Aataria, Nov. 8. Ballad at 1J0 p.- m I Steamer Bobto uoodleuew. lor New I art vu Puget Sound. Sailed at 2:80 a, as.: Steamer Ohioaa, for Philadelpoia- Arrived at 2:40 and left lap at 5 p. an.: Dute'i jtaamer Vachldijk. from Ban rrsBrtas. Ballad at IJ RMiaw VI Ramala fav Aaa Waa. AmtilmA mt T -SO n a, Moanrahin KUeva ttmr B.m P-J,a I Sailed at 8:40 p. av: Steamer Tasnalnais. tot saa. mnv bsun bi w p. sa.. ores ra ST saxavy, tor Saa Padre. Saa Padre. Nov. S. Arrived at 6:88 am,: Steamer CeUVe, tram PortlcBd. Arrived t 7 a. as. : Staamer Santitm. from Colombia river. Arrived tt 7:80 a. as.; Steatser Mexican, trota Portland, for New Tork. Sailed at 11 a. m.: Stoaaaer Adsairal Evan, (na Portland to Baa Diego. Balboa, New I. Arrived t- Staamey WTXtpote, tram Portlaad for Sew Tark . Cristobal. Now. t. A reread . steamer Steal Raager, from New Terk for Oriawt. Arrived; Norwegian steatser Kieit Meiasa, from Cardiff for Portland. v Barry. Nov. 2. SaDsd: Lata Nieteea. fee Portland. T sin tar. Nov. 1. ar. I U-rrivad: Staamer Watt Eador. from Portland. New Tork. Not. S Bafled ma. for Portland. Staamey Dak. fWUawt. No. 2. Arrived: Ja Taihow Mara, frosa tVTTJaasl. - . - Seattle. Hoa, 4. CL ). Al Arrivwd. Ta- suabi Mara, from Kobe, aoow; Roots Geodf el low, from New Tork. via Portland, noon; Seat Rita, trm Saa Imaaaana, lt a. WLt PaHaam, from British OolumMa porta. 1 a. m. Bailed: Lisfct htma sender Heather, tar eae, 6 It a- m. Ar rived: Jaovruttown. frosa Sams rang. 16 J8 a. ml IWrriwr. from Taeoaaa, 10 p,' ta. ; Kaahima Mara, from Vaneoevwr, 4:43 pi m; .lhs,mhra Maru, from Vsaeouver, 1 p. mj aUymand. Now. 3. Sailed j Davenport, tor Baa bias. 10:80 a. m. Sua rtaaciaea, New 4 (L If. S ) Arrived Kor. curat h Ooast, Cranrewt Oty. 10:15 a. bl; Pert Aacelea. Los Angelas. 10:83 a. aa.; Kara aa wooo. aam aateiea. ie: a. as.; Curacao. Partiand, 10 Mi a m. RayBkaaa, Los Angeles. 11:6$ a. a,;- Cauapar, Cawaaar. 2 :15 p. av: Saaao, law, Inge tea. 7:2t B. so.; Wshoogal. Lee Aaawiea. T :2t p. an. Sailed Nov. 8 Sovtk Coast, , lea A age las. 11:25 a. aa,: ETrnbeih. Bsnden. 11 A6 a m; eea roam, mtnt Jwaa, z;e p. as. a fort Bragg. .-OS at aa.: Admiral Drwey. atlie, 8.20 a- aa.; Tiriraah. Aaosoa. 8:48 na: Can Benrv. rorUand. 4 Basdcm. 4:1 p. a,; B- J. Uaana,- Lea A Br geieav. 6:1 p. m. : Acme. Baasaoav.. 3:10 p. m.; tnraev. , eearrat, p. m; Need) Rock, 7:20 p. m. Arrired D. U. Seofietd, phUadrlrihia. 12:05 Atlas. Coca Bay, 12:06 p. m : Cold Carbwr. PerUaBd, Main. . 8 a. m-T Maftrwamh. Ttd k nl . X-0.1 . aWM . IX u.a 6:46 a. av: John 6. KirkratxV. ladyiasith 4:40 . av! Krvikea. Daaaigv. 60 a. av ' t . t - . . t . - . m, 9 , 7 - - '.'' - - .J ... ' ... - ... - fwJ-ej i-Ui . . . at tbe month of tte waUmelte Sailed today -Stmt mnsr. tUMton. 6:48 WashamsaL rsagayaa rivwr. raa . 38 a w . . " S (L K. S.) Saaed. Svaa. 3 B. SB. . '-f. aneroeea, Kee. fertVaa twaaw, at .Taeeme, Nw. 4 Arrtvw. Juha twrhawkaea, frnm Seattle, tt 6 a. as-: rhytUa. tram Saa Pes a- , men, at 8 48 a as. I rewsnyrvaaka. tram, j. at S:80 a. m. : M a. Orava. rrwas aaatra-. aa t JO a. as.; r-filaat- traee Saattla. at 1 a., m Rafted. Noaeaabee 4. Saa Ivts, far Saa . lVdra, at 1 a. at. Sailed. Noaeeeeaf 8. M. a. , kmsacett, f ot View lark, vit Pettleaa. tt an P- - av s , POSITIONS OE, TEASELS Radio reraart free North Bead tdv the' pe- tsml. "t ,a0owi vasssb at S P aa, ka- j' Bierr. AstorW .for ' Saa Pedr. ft ssjlsa w south at CohxaBbia rivwr. . rwnsa Kiac. aUdoaaa far Asssauarta am Bet. attle. 210 Btilea frees SaaUlak- t -J WTTIsaaetBt. Kvswwtt tor Baa PraaaaBm, SIM BsiVas from Kvwreti. RtsMa Goodteltow. Pwrtauad for SeaUUa, tawwa T wva i Dwa Norfolk .. a a f WW. 9 6 , t S ' a, a Praa. . 9S .Hannhiha Siheriaa Prince Iartaaouth Nee. saaaataa w ax iwbw.s eawt a a . r wv. uSa LackaaBBBk,....Na Tsrk,....N. Reae Oty ......... bbb rraa. . , . . . jnjv. Kewsieeoet Ma KeatUe ..Nov. 1 ' . . . v " "- y ' Was? laseia Staarawnd Raakew Mara Msrurta New. a v Ouraoae ..a. r. eafl way, .Nee, T Any Mara Sas Fraa ...t.Ke. OratnB Mara Crass Harber, ..Nee. . Bfnkkat Mara ... '.SsSBIS .- it. Now. 8- FViadas ....New Orlaaaas. .. .New. rvansytvaxaaa I era. ...... wn. mt noadaras Aatwev ...... .Nov. 1 1 Canada . . . . Vanrewver .....Nee. 12 a DaarfieVl Saattla a . PMar La Larrbaaaa .... laiwitn-ai . . . . Nv. 1 3 . Panaaran New Tork. .....Nee. 1 1 West Rlxes New CaaU. A.. Nee. $ a PaTla ..Bueao Arra,...Nee. 16 ' Turi Mara New Orieaaa. ...Nwv. 1 Oaaxwt .......... ..orsrat ....... .Kew. I Chflw ......tntawvw' Agiwrltl k. ....... w Orksaaa... .Nov. It , Sea Crus, ........ Wast Cweet, . . . New. It-. Wfllhrto ....New- Terk .Now. 2 ,. Rety Ms-ru Saa Prsa. . . . . . Nee. t Taikat Mara Row New. 30 K. L Lack e bach. . . New Tork Nee. 33 : Nebraska.:,... Mverrnol Nov. 2, Texaa New Tork. Nov. 36 T B t grt Ptwra rail lent Taasela taa ru. .-a Kama Mara ....... .Orient ........ .Nav. 1 teewtot ...S Dieew A way. Now. Santa ASdS .......Saa-Padr,. . .. .Nov. 6', Wanama Saa Praa. .... .Nov. vt Port "aid Mara Euro .......Now, Aden Msr i ...,. .Orieet . . . ..Kau. $ fUBBWoott -Ma. . . . , . .aawrUe ....... .Hwv. $ Heinsn Mara Oriaat ........ Nat. 6 Anaatta Rolph -. Saa Iraa .Nee. S Nrse Moaarch ,..Fwrwnw Nov. Cordova t .Honolulu Nov. Oaeea Margarat PtolaatlpUs ....Net. 6 orea rouwa . .Net. 6 t Wast Islet Buropa I.INoi. S ury ....... Mirepa .......New. S ...........R. T. aad any. .Nee. ' Bailor N. China norm. .Nov. 1 Kaatara Raws Ot tar ......... .Kan BV.- - a Mar ..Valnaraia No.13 1 PeaBevleasrhim Tixwm a, ,i r V - ------- r ....... r-w.. , a . rslasa Alar Euram Nee. It : ...Tahsaraim Nee, 18 ...One,,,.., .,..,. 4 Tamaraa Mart TanrwanJsaa Mara. ..frtB ..No. 14' fUthariae Park fiia, v.." it! Paaamaa .....New Terk. ..Nm'ii T-aW- " OetamM Eaiea Mara .... La fayaa , Aden Mara .. .. Heaswa Mara ... ...... .... nUerB peoXle Terssla ;. 4 ............... He emaa Monarch Irvina Eaasevw Sailor Aatswaaw - ... Itawrh Kaah . Nerwvrtr Oty Bunawet W laUp St. Joasa l,. W spams .- gt Paaawa jF . UV ; Termtawl No. Aaesrtxa Blpa .... ..'....,..,., . Alt bis ' Jobaa Pwrtsaa Wemwrt- . Santa Ahcia ; Txaaywe Pmat Cetlaa Msjrw Ear-steel Sparine Park N. P. Law. Ca., folrktov PvBiaawJ Lbr So.. Onaea Isarcarrt Okab asaaator Terminal Na. Tewastaa Maru manj.aer Jerfctattik Ttammal Na. 4, Taaraahtasa Mare Isisria TBAKSPORTATIOM rwOcJrftr eV Frt'ti Ssmcas from New YorV. rrrCTatotrBo and soctttampton aoorvaaia, ... is. Owe. is, OA a BUN LA. .Dea. S. T Si LTTERPOOL aCVTMl f bbwI Mo, tat, Swm St. Aast. SO ALBAMia Caasw). ...freak 1,mn.iy, tea. S U A t T tr A W atrff rtAAfWU aa. a a wi. . , j aiatr ss um tv aaavrv t sa ata .a j wt-M am g t. su 6AXOM1A ,..,. a, taar.' 10 v I.ONDO50EKST AND CU800W tStai 6tov.1t. free. 31. Jan. 31 ??u"'" fraa.1 ssaraiA...... am, y. re.i LONDON ftaaoMia 17 BOSTON TO LONDONDESST. LITEAPOOt - AND CLASGOW ASSYRIA , MONTSXAL TO GLASGOW SSSANDRA BPECUL MaXmrBRASEAN SAU-IXCS . . Madam. Otoralur. Mistiaa. Oawea. Napas, Pa-, tree. Tfw-t. IPwrts vary acewrdlaa to vonaaa I ' oamtaoaiiA.... It. aa.i- CASOSIA...... ttoa. f Par laiormatto. Tirketa, etc.. apply t Laeai i Agwne or Caaapaayt CrWme. t21 nu6 Asav. SeatOe. Phewr Elliott 112. 11 AUSTRALIA . " Mm tXAAASlft AttS) 8aarra SEAS - Tm TattMt sas JISTOEIA AKD WiU PCITiTS ; rrcAarn ttarnet ": LEATM DA TXT EXCEPT SUNDAY, 78 P. M. STLSROIO SLECrtM lOOOISOMTttU Made for AS ort sad - rang ax kaom bvat aa-aa 8rovB th. albs a ST. oocau aaata ttts ma' TMS MASK IBS T7A6MMJITT1081 0k S-T-E-A'-M-E-R FOR SAN tntANCIBCO mad LOS ANGELES . . SAILlNft SATWBOAT. tMP.A . CHEAP RATES. at. frOtttaT, ataaS, 122 TKISS ST. ftosr Waa, BUl St ' MVwutatl wwMB aVaBBsl wluswSsrtsmmBr atww aTsbsalrl . kmb s. a. 00. r acw sutAkAasC .j v -'3 - S S 5