FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ,4. 182L. THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ; PORTLAND. : OREGON r- 11 TOW TOPICS comuo mm Katfaeal Oimh Has. rDeOftsd. i -h s i is ... - MM latarwattaatal ItrajtStSj Otwfna hMhf Scaeal aaanrfaoae lUSll eee J rUa. U, mab 16 to 17. Aeaarleae Hlatarteal HMctiUn. Peetflo Oeast . rM-k. rertWad. Xoaaaabar I aaS St. i Oraeae Bat uwltUN. rarUand. Dwiwi, a bow saaraanoa Oib CnriaUaa tsiaa. Seana. raSrsary 11 to lft. I ws-lrua-a vnwa-r. i a rntOtM m4 TlelaJty Baturdar rsia; Mtnorir Virata, . r and Waafatoctan SatanU rata SrahaMy mia Mt pafftioa; frank to atruna natnany gal an the mint. stodarale Booth arts v-tads la Interior. WEATHE1 C05DITI058 A stora af jaKWrata anars la appammtl antral eft Ua BrltM) Cota labia anaat. asd the araaaare ta eiaaparaUrat low (n the lake rina aaatwars to New Rntlaad: it sthar fttatrtrta ralaUaatr . hab vnmmn pra aaUa. PrialnltaHMi ka - il alma tha f rartftn Coaat aa far anarth a. ManhflekL Or.. and B(Dt ralna aaa lallaa la the aan Lata rraio. Tha aaaLbrr m aaran oa tha Pa, ' . - "V. w Ml KiV1 " . At i .1. - ' m! . lay. Maitmaia tratratrararMi of 83 and 94 aVrrara vara raosrtMl jraataHa mm Saa Darajo ad l.aa ftnaalaa, Cal.. raapactlaaly. HnaUwar atnrai varntnsa war arsarad at T a. m. fnr all Wuainftoa aaaoorta aad tha aaaath af tha CahimMa rtwf. Btona vast af v to' atroat aAtuhwrai htftlnt to aaartaaaaat gala aa in .wvniniim tvaxa umr aiaa wwim Ralatlve humldlta at Portland: Nooa jaa tarda. SI par rant;. p. aa. jtaatarday. 11 par aaat: 6 a. a, todar, 98 par cant . WipiuOin ainra Jaaoary 1: Total. 80.31 for ; ami, 88.08 toa-Haa; WWmr?, 1 T UK ha. imMHK GIUJIM. OBSERVATIONS -I- - - 4 I s 6" 4d 42 e 4 .01 M 11 0 0 44 ,14 Tl 42 0 5 4 0 K 54 0 74 2 0 62 40 0 t .... 0 4 41 4 0 2 4 .St 60 SI 0 6 4 0 74 6) 0 60 88 0 4 04 8 54 .02 74 82 Q 72 60 0 88 48 0 48 88 8 84 0 64 44 0 ! 62 4 1.02 64 44 0 78 84 0 72 4 0 6 44 64 44 0 8 42 0 J 0 74 58 0 4 42 0 704 2 62 0 64 18 0 12 .... 0 54 60 .24 48 0 28 0 52 44 0 64 40 0 60 43 0 68 84 0 ITATIOM BaSar. Or Knatna. Maaa. rmrrain, N. T . fmlcary. AIU (htnuta, 111. , X-mrrt. Colo. . ! afuliMM. Iowa . . . TraMM. Cai. ialaaatoa. Taiaa . . . rltana, Mont. Itnnolula. T. IL ... Hnrna. . & " Kaaaaa ntr. Ma. ... In Anaalaa, CaL ... MaMhflald. Or. MMtfiwd, Or "dafapWa. Taia. ym (Maaaa. La. . . c Nra Tart. !. . ... Mnma. Aava , frh fla.L Wh. . . i North Ptattat, Nah. . . . Oklahrana 1'ltr. Okla. ' rhnaali. ArU. rittabarf. fa. roraUllis fclahe pHrUaad. Or. - Friar ttupart. B. C. Hnaatmrf . Or Bnaa.ll. W. ta Sacra rarnlo. CaL St. Ink Mat. a St. Paul. Mlaa. Salt lata Ot. Utah San DMfn Cal . . . . San V'rmrv-Uon, Cal. , . Snttta. Wwh. Shartdaa, Wja SlOia. AlaOia Spnaana. Waah. .... '.i Tinana, Alaaka . . . TaUh laiand. Wiaa. Tonnfia. Naa. , ' 'Valdaa. Alaa ' Vcje"a. B. C. V0 WaTla. Waah. . v WaahinftMt. TV 0. . v.wl. ir.iK i ll.t.ww wwt "f praradlnt day. ff 1 1 1 . - Te Talk et Iowa Bird "Nests and r.M . Inara Rlrds" Will bS the SUb- - . .a tiinatrataxl lecture by Ira N. '1 Uebrtelson before the Oregon Audubon society Saturday night at I o'clock In t, t ihrarv halL For several years Mr. s Gabrlelson has been conductln Inves tigations in the East and Middle West ' on the economic vaiue oi wtrua farmat and Is at present with the United fcutei biological surVey In Oregon as " ' Art h termlnatlon of rodent " ---.. in r.ahrlelson will give a second . lecture In February. enUUed. "Close-Up f Studies Of Bird Life. Xahbl WUe Leetare Rabbi wise's sertnon at Temple Beth Israel tonight . .i s .in h on -Progress In Piety. Saturday morning services at 10 :30. At ih. Kundav rnornlnc assembly at 111 Rabbi Wise will Bpeak on "Guy Fawkes 1 n takinr as his subject the Gun- ' powder-Plot and Including a discussion , of disarmament In the face of historical r.i. at rellsloua. racial, economic and V social nreiudicea. All men and women ar elcome. " Trails Clsb te Meet The Trails club of Oregon will meet at Broadway and Taylor street at 9 :30 a. m. Sunday, to i .k. a atreetrar for North Portland to ; vir tha atnrk show. Lunch will be . , nnrrhaaad on the sround.. In the aft- ernooo the trip will continue down the ... roiumhia river to the lighthouse snd will return by way of Willamette river ' r, inhna. a. Thouvenel will be leader. Ta niaraai ParsBUI TtespoBtlblllty The regular meeting of the Oregon Civic leasue will be held at the Benson hotel aturdav at 1 o'clock. Dr. J. S. Land ' a ers, president of the Oregon Normal school. wll speak on the subject of "Pa rental Responsibility and Juvenile De- llnouency." There will also be discus sion hv public officials. Phone Main 431 for reservation Bart's A ate Bs Uses Portland Astoria-Seaside division Leave Port land 7 :20 a. m., 10 -.00 a. nv, 1 :M p. 1:11 a m. Leaving Astoria 7 :15 a. 1:11 a. m.. 10:00 a. m.. 1 :30 p. ra 2:45 n. m. and 1:11 p. m. Direct connections at Astoria to and from Seaside a-Maiaon Reach nolnts. Busses leave Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Tele phone Marshall 43IL Adv. S. P. Mes Bare ea Ter--F. L. Burck- I halter, assistant general manager of the Southern Pacific In charge of the Ore gon lines, accompanied by W. F. Kirk bride, engineer of maintenance of way snd construction, and W. M. Jeekie, as sistant engineer of maintenance of 'way and construction, arrived Thursday for a short tour of this district Babel Krseger ta Speak At Congre ration Ahaval Sholom, Park and streets, at I o'clock tonight Rabbi Krue ger will deliver an address on the sub- laet "Bywords That are Las words. The Junior congregation will meet Sat urday at 10 a. m, ' ' C. B. M array Goes to Jan More grief was addad to C B. Murray's string trouble Thursday when Assistant United States Attorney Thomas Magiitre filed a criminal Information against him In i gavaKeSBSSSaaaafla DANCING Jerrv Reed's Orchestra . 13 to 1 :3d. t to 7 :30, 9 :30 to 12 :30 Asierleaa sad CSIaase Dltaes Sarvlee Sspresie 11 A. H to I A. at Try Oar Laaea er Blsaer . Wast DSTI 11 A. M. to I P. M. PrlreS 30c, ISc. 40o to 75 lneludas Soup, Vegetable snd Beverage B serial Sssdsy Chicken BIsssr tie 11 a. M. to s K. 64. sTsfresklag Fesstshi Brisks dental &dt Vsiklsrtos and Broadway .isttalra. . . WEEKDAYS Um ledajfal.coort, ItegiwT.TioUtion of th nikmaJ prohibltlm Ur, Uurttfi counsel enter ad m plea, of not rullty for his itcfit. Th troveminent IIesi thft on October 21 Murray told til toil eating liquor. Murray had been fined 3a in the federal court on At: rust t for ia aim liar violation. A week aro the city conncil refoaed to contlnuo - Murray IlceraM for hla Russell street soft drink establishment.' Last Saturday the (O days expired ta wAlch he was gtren to pay the f2 fine. Unable to raise the money Murray has gone to jail. j Te Glre Heallsr IeaieaftrmtiBa The 8ociety for 8preadlnr the Knowledre of True Prayer, as orranlsed by F. L. lUwion, London healer and teacbar, arlll be (in noonday meetinsrs November 7 In room SOU Fliedner buildintT. where healtth talVa and free demonstrations In heatlns; will be given. Skepare't A ate frsr LIset-eMultnomah Falls division. LesTe Portland t:30 ttu 11 at m, t M p. m. ; 4 -.30 p. m. daily. Lea re Multnomah Falls 7 :1S a. m.. 11 ;1 a. nv 11 M p. ntu, 4 p. m. end :10 p. m. daily. Basses leave SL Charles hotel. Zo4 Morrison street. Telephone Marshall 41 IL AdY. Shepard's Ante "Ltaaa Portland St. Helena-Aatorla division : Leave Port land 13 p. tali 7 U0 a. nv, 10 a. m.. 1 p. m.. 4 :U p. m. , Leave Astoria 715 . nx, 10 a. nv. 1:30 p. nv. S JO p. m. (:li p. m. Saturday. Sunday and holidays. Busses leave St, Charles hotel, 204 .Morrison street,. Telephone Marshall 4S8L Adv. Bhepard's Aato Bas Llsea Portland- Hood River division. Leave Portland 1 :10 a. m., 11 a. m, 2 :45 p. m. and 4 00 p. m. dally. Leave Hood River 0:301a. rru 11 a. ra 3:20 p. m. and 4:30 p. m. dally. Busses leave St Charles hotel, 204 Morrison st Telephone Mar. 43SL Adv. Deatal Service at the College The annual session st North Pacific college has berun. Patrons and friends desir ing; dental service may now race live prompt atention. East 6th and, Oregon streets, Adv. -t i . PertIaaKewtMrr Leave Fourth and Alder dally, I, 9 :30, 11 a. m. and! L 2:30, 4:15, 6:30, ( :I0 p. at. ; Saturday and Sunday 11:15 p. m. Phone Mala 3114. Adv. Blf Da see, Labor temple. Fourth and Jefferson streets, Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday, this week. Good floor. good music and a good time. Look Cor next week's announcements. Adv, ' 'Four et Coaatry's Greatest Joaraallita and five other big numbers on Portland Lyceum course. Season tickets, Meier A Frank s today. Adv. rortlssd Ttnameok CsdHIae Stage, Hoy t hotel, daily at 8 :15 a. m. and 2 p. m. Special arrangements made for flab Ing parties. -Adv. - Largest Sole reserved season tickets In history of Lyceum course. Seats sell ing Meier Frank's today. Adv. Lyeeea Coarse seats reserved yester day totaled 1019.. Get yours at Meier A Frank's today. Adv, Oaly Six Says Left before Lyceum course opens. Get season reserved seats at Meier A Frank s today, Adv, Beeeverlag Frogs .Operation Mrs. Ce- lindle Roberts, mother of Captain Fred W. Roberts, of the fire mashal'a office Is recovering from an operation ner - nv. m - and St Copyright 1521 - Clay i of basis, i Fifth at Alder formed Wednesday. . Mm Roberts is. st ths Sellwood General hospltaL- - , "Winter Coming On Burglars Are most active during this season. Get your valu ables' and , documents under the protec tion of a safety deposit box. Ladd A TUton bank. Adv. Jasaa-Calas, Let us send you some new illustrated literature on travel. Dor- sey B. Smith, manager. Journal Travel Bureau Adv. Feet . Hart7 See our foot specialist X-ray services free. Knight Shoe com pany, Morrison near Broadway, Adv. 8tr.-America St Helens vis, Columbia river. 2:10 p. m. daily: 11-30 a. m. Sun- say. .. juaer at. dock. Mara aazi. Aar. Fortland-Salera gtare Leaves Seward hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from 7 a. m. to T p. m. Fare. JLSO. Adv. SsirtraaUst , Chsrrh 'Party A prozres slve 600 party will be given, under the Low Price Headquarters on ' 0oSoAisiy Goods 2500 pair of reclaimed U. S. Army Shoes, new Off KA soles and heels, choice-. stJVr Several thousand pieces of U. S. Wol Underwear, A garment UUV Army Shoes, new, $3.80. $4.40, $50 and $6.00 Chippewa High-tops S6.50 and .$7.50 New Slickers, all lengths, up from $1.75 Army Raincoats up from $2 New Hip Boots . $4.25 New Knee Boots . . . $3.50 Jfew ! Mackinaws. . . .$8.0O Tin jHats 50 Army Wool Blankets, gray .$2.95 Army Wool Blankets, O. D., $2.50 to ..$4.25 Army Breeches, O. D. up from -..$1.50 Army Khaki Breeches up from . $1.00 Wrap Leggins. , .50t-75c A List of Just a Few The largest stock of army goods in Portland Our prices the lowest. Call and look us over. Horenstein's Amy Store 200 First, Corner First and,Taylor . JvW v, ml Wm Hart Sdaftner 5c Man We're not selling "prices" We're selling the best clothes a that are made -i 1 YOU! appreciate fine quality, fine style anci expert needlework in clothes; you understand the economy in good quality. Then come to . this store for Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. We don't want yu to come on Sam,l Rosenblatt & Co. auspices of the Social. club auxiliary of; the First Spiritualist church. East Sev-; enth and Hassato streets,-Saturday, at 1 35 o'clock, in the assembly nan. , FnisUes to Meet The Filipino asso ciation, will bold s special meeting Sat urday at 8:30 p. in. in mte auoiiortum of the T. M. C A. Satost.Mmt aty 8Ug-nnocts O. E. trains - Non, 5 and tor Mill City. Joseph. Hamman, Salem. Prop. Adv. Br. If arie Eaml has resumed practice. Lafayette buildinr, 313 Washington street Adv. . .Safety Boxet 1 PaOy. t8i Oskya-AdT. HOT LAKE ABBITAXS Hot Lake, Nov. 4. Arrivals at Hot r iv. Kanatorium Tuesday were: B. F. uaThitt anil EL B. Tonne. Baker ; Cleta LaMonte, Union ; Harry Hobst, J. H.. SuUiyan. Georgia spencer. quit New Wool O. D. Trousers at .$3.75 Leather Puttees $4.50 and $5.0O O. D. Wool Shirts, re claimed, up from. .$1.0O Campaign Hats $1.0O New Lee Coveralls. .$2.35 Slipon Sweaters . ." 98 Sweaters, $1.00, $1.75 and $2.00 Leather Faced Gloves. 25 Canvas Gloves, pair...l0i Army Wool Sox, 25?, 35 and, pair 50 Cotton Sox, 2 pairs 25 Libby's Pork and Beans, can - 10 Corned Beef, tan 18 Velvet Tobacco, 2 cans 25t of Oar Many Barglns any other Gasco Building George .jidMr.IjLxil Qar k, . Baker j Mrs. E.C. Cross, Salem ; John W. Pat terson. Baker ; J. M. Foster. La Grande ; Mrs. G. L Bergevin, Gibbon ; J. W. Hale. Ash wood: Roy A. Baker. Hot Lake. r 4 ' YV71WING at bridge is VV a resJ winning when the hostess presents a box of Vogans.Tan Jar as first prize. ? ; Each piece different in shape and flavor a won derful melangSof .light and dark richest chocolate fresh country cream ground roasted almonds and the most delicately flavored fruits. ' Tan Jar" is the candy success of the year I Everywhere you turn, the vivid tangerine-hued box Is in evidence. Let Tan Tar bring good luck to vour bridge party. You will find it at nearly all better stores, t a. . vooAn candy company Tornand and Spokane COME yogo.rvs Big Dance and Country Fair AT THE ARMORY SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5TH ADMISSI0K tie, IlfCLTJDlJTO WAR TAX Given by Samaritan Social Club ' fj ' 1 '.j- j ' ' - - J 2S5Ssaa " " ' ''" if Hill jk WVAl, i ?c m & (mm Jim latfs Safraifa'aaaaaas at saassxt af the Stmtm ..North Bend. Nov. 4: All of the men recently Injured by , the explosion at the Beaver Hill mine are reported improving- and on the way to' reoovery. V I LI V to TO THE mt( aV mm i ml $mm fmdm, MtmMwmick tkaw JOINT COFFKK TltADK PUBLXCITT COMMITTaUC, 74 WaH Streot, 380-386 East Morrison f BoEtMissT THE VALUES WE ARE OFFERING : ''aaaaBSBnBBaBBS Everybody Want Good Merchandise at Low Prices Here U Your Opportunity to Buy High Clais Mer chandise at the Lowest Prices COATS, SUITS, DRESSES For every size, taste and purse, in the newest styles and warmest materials." JUMPER DRESSES EzcellenUall-wool Jersey Jumoer Dresses. 36 to 44. Brown, nary and red. Special price for two days .$4.95 $1.69 Silk Specials $1.69 Fancy Printed Silks and Satins for kimonos and coat or jacket linings. Values to 12.25. NEW APRONS - . A very large and varied assort ment of new models of allovcr aprons in fast color percales and .ginghams. POLLY PRIMS Special 89c Made of fine unbleached Domes tic and attractive patterns of cretonne. OUTING FL.ANNEL 27-inch White Outing, - Q rood duality. Special... JLL WOMEN'S SHOES $3.98 Shoes that sold as high as 12.00 in black and brown kid, high lice. Some with cloth tops. Sizes W' aWaVaa,a, a S3.98 to 5 y only Special . . . . Aw she IssaVsar COTTtX , aPawalaB9SBlla9SMS i the Parsed abate ia , tafaflOta COTTZX is (A PssW Double Red and Green Timdjng Stamp on AH 9Cath rircham S&hxr- clay and Monday. f- r , Street Cor. Union-Ave. liKeiini ,BATH TOWELS' Just the kind you would .like. Heavy quality, large size bleached Bath, ToweL Just an 411-. excellent towel at 7U TABLE DAMASK Special Value 75c 70 Inches wide, hirhly mercer ized Table Damask; good, heavy. quality, attractive pat 75c terns. Special r rice. SAVE ON SHEETS Bleached . Seamless Sheets. splendid good muslin, JQ full 72x90 size. Sp'L OltitV AMERICAN LADY CORSETS V'- Another shipment of the popular American Ladv Corsets. Minv new models. $1.50 to $7.50 WOMEN'S WOOL HOSE All the new styles In heather mixed, plain and ribbed. On sale at $1.00 to $2.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES $5.00. The public demands good shoes. also reasonable prices. . In , its crade. the Thompson- shoe is an- equaled for wear, style and prico. Brown and black, in. neat broad last or ngllsh narrow dress last Saturday and Qr if Monday OOeUJi ftacas aV . New Tork: 11 It ill. . . . ' 1 1- I . ' 1 . - I . " v ... i..m ... i .... i ,1 ' " ----- . T. ....... , j. "S - ...J : r . . . - , m ' - . -s T. -: r ' - - L - - " - -