! THeVoREGON- DAILY.' JOURNAL, . PORTLAND OREGON-.! " .THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. lOTl.' 3 FOnEIGN-BOfttl TO Uf CITIZENS AT AUDITORIUM . Judf Jacob Kapsler, ho heads; tha eotnmlttea appointed fraro tha Amarl ca.nlz.Uon eommlttaa vt Portland to ar- - ranaV for an AmericanlsaUon ,wk. ao nouncta that en of ths notabla .features . M las ic patriotVe demonstration at Th A odi torture during- tha week, will ;b tha, admission into loll tfUsenship of ,a larf class of foietgn-born people, tha crnonles being ttr chars f Charlea K "VfolTarton, Judf of tha Vnltad Juu district court, ' ,. ' : Judta Wolvarton, said In speaking of mericantaallon : I am in hearty tym- pathy, with an movement that will tend tio Arnencamaauon Jn spirit as well aa in nana Many uaa our schools almply. an v far a.a It Is.necsssary to acqulrs . aunicltnt ' knowledf of our civil ao .' arnmetlt to enable them to paaa tha or deal In court. I would Ilka to aaa them taka a aroader view of tha extfency and avalrthsmsetvaa of (h advantages of .fared them to acquire a knowledge of .Ule htatory . of our country and of our , . Inatif tttlona and of - Ufa customs and . .nabUa of. our peopia. iThia would an ' courage and Instill into their minds an ; Interest In clUaenahlp aa applicable to ithia eountry. " . f "l ara afraid too many of those de siring;, naturaliaaUon aeek It only for , their, e;Wn advantages 'In a mercenary ., spirit, without much, thought whether they can be of reciprocal advantage to the country, to tha community In which they live or te tha people with whom they ara to associate. They should be encouraged to feel that good citizenship 'and loyalty to tha government will be ; exacted of them, and to that extent they should adapt their actions to the1 sentiment-" . " ..r.. The committee meeting , was attended by Mtas Anne . Mulheron,, Lawrence. R. Wheeler. W. V. Tomllrmon, A. M. bray. H. K. Katvalage, H. J. Langoe. Fred Park, J. C. Henderson -and Judge Kanx ler. Mtaa Mulheron was made tha head of a sub-committee for the wocklng out of programs for community celebrations during Americanisatlon- week. - Judge Kansier, Wheeler and Langoe constitute a cornmlttee which will wait upon Mayor Baker In regard to the date for the) celebration. Foch Pronounced As "Gosh," Says ' General Pershing " 8U touts.' No. t.'N. &) . Here's the official dope by which you may settle your beta: "Pronounce Foch to rhyme wifh By Gosh! aald General John J. Peiahinc la answer to a query here today, re garding the correct t onnunclat-'on of the noted Frehm tn's name. Tres bien." said the allied ' su preme commander. simllJiC. LIVESTOCK SHOW rtlf SATURDAY Rollege Fraternity Planning Conclave For Next -Month ' Carl Stebinger Was elected president of lha Portland alumni chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity and plans for' holding In Portland oil Dicember 30 and 21 the bi ennial seventeenth district conclave of the fraternity were started through the appointment of committees at a meeting held Wednesday afternoon at the Oregon hotel. ' Other officers elected were J. B. Hunt, secretary, and Kenneth Robinson, treas urer. The officers and a group of com mitteemen will be charged with the prep aration of a program of business and pleasure for the conclave which will draw to Portland several hundred college men. both undergraduates and alumni, from the five chapters of Kappa Sigma In the Northwest, to add to the nearly 150 members of the Portland alumni chapter. The schools to be represented officially by delegates are the Univer sities of Oregon. Washington and Idaho and Oregon Agricultural college and Washington State college. Pasco Man HasCopjr Of Civil War Daily Issued in Wall Paper Whm W. J." Conrad of Paaco. Wash uapscaea nis suitcase in rortiancl on hi way home after a visit In Veeders burg, Ind.. he found a copy of the Vlcks- burg Iatly Cltlsen. Civil war time paper, printed on wall paper. Conrad's cuuy was an Issue of July 2, 1163. ; Conrad believes that his cousin. An thony Roaenbargerl: his "buddy" in the "lfty-thlrd . Indiana regiment. r wKh whom ha vtsltod In Veedersburg. put the copy In his traveling bag and forgot to tell him of It. .The copy is plther a well preserved genuine copy or a facsimile. Wall paper wa the only paper Available staring the siege of VICkabnrg. - u-'Lim. ii m un II ' i !Headq uarters fpr the Pacific -International- Livestock exposition wen) moved Wednesday night . from the regular of fices in tha Northwestern Bank building' to the new exhibits annex, adjoining the 10-acre stock .. show pavilion, at" North Portland. Oeneral Manager O. M. Plutnmer and his cor pa of stenograph ers and clerk opened their new head quarters on the grounds early . this morning, and are completing the last details of preparations tor the launch ing of the show, which opens at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. , - - . . Two .special livestock trains from the Western Royal Livestock show left Spo kane last night. ' The special livestock train which left San Francisco Monday morning,' arrived it 9 l mv Wednesday, bringing tt carloads of blue ribbon an imals.' The great pavilion Is rapidly f tiling and She- management expects .to ws have . tt. filled to .capacity by .Friday nlsht, -x t Saturday ' wfUV be school children's day with ree admlssioa to all boys and gtrlsof school age. - The doors of the x noatuoa will be thrown open t 8 :10 a. m. Special street car service, with di-rect-to-stock show i cars leaving, : on Broadway, beginning at Salmon,' every Bin minutes, win be Inaugurated at a. m.. Saturday 'Double ears will be used during nun hours and P. It U c P company, officials etate that the serv ice will be increased as needed. ; Beats for the night horse shows and matinees are being sold in advance at tha Sherman-Clay, store!- The public Is urged to secure, seats, .in ; advance for thea events, and aid 14 facilitating the handling of tha torse show crowds. ' r r i PulpitJ Calls; "1 v :Pa;$tor Quits; as ;' iN e w s Puhlisher ' i .".j- ., ' v t' , KansasCity, .JCov 3. CL ;X.;S. The Re v Burris A. .Jenkins," paator of the Linwood Boulevard Chrlstiaft church, today severed ibis connection ; with the Kansas City Post, of which be has been publisher for-.neany three .years. Pressure 'cf church activities, ii was stated, made a choice necessary' between the 'church: and the newspaper. u -The church, la and always has been my first '' consideration," r. ' Jenkins stated.' ,v , , . - Dick." Smith, managing: . editor, will f be editor-in-chief and will bav4 charge of then publication ot tha paper for ; the present It was annoqaaed. ; : i .tj-, : . r iz.- flardin&and lauder ;Play? Golf -Together , Washington,"- Nor. J. (U i P.y--Presi-dent! Harding' went golfing early today . with . Harry Lauder,-' Scotch comedian. Despite a cold wind, Lauder was- la his usual Scotch, costume with knees bare. ' Other Cities iTHnkv; Exposition Certain; 5 Declares Boh Hall ' Bob HaU. who-makes a hit at -the Or pheum this week with soitga which he J makes np aa be goes along, aays thatj . Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and a number of .other cities to which his sinslns takes him. don't know there is any question, as to whether there will be a 1915 exposi tion In Oregon. ' . .. "They think the Question is already aeUled." he aald today. :At every show I'intrcduce a song about the exposition and a&k those In. the audleace who ara going to attend to join wiUi, me. - Say. Judged -by ther' results therb - wilt - be a.. 108 -per. cent attendance .from - other . cities :-m ?- Hall presented extern ptore versa in be- i half of the exposition mt the Rotary' nd Klwania clubs this week which won car dial applause. REOI8TEB. TAKE3SV BOBBED . ' " .Boys broke into a grocery etor oper ated at 1190 'Knapp avenue b' F. W. Bartholomew Wednesday night and car rier away the '-cash register containing . S.V The register was ound in vacant lot near by. .where tha boys had . O carded after removing the mxey, ? - More Delay Denied In J. Bourne Case Further delay In the suit brought against Jonathan Bourne Jr. by R. M. Stokesbury, was denied the defendant Wednesday by Federal Judge R. S. Bean. The court, set the' suit for trial 'on December 19 and ordered counsel for Bourne to have Bourne s depositions on file In Uie clerk's office within 30 days. Stokesbury has brought suit for the re covery of stock he . formerly owned In the Kurcka District Gold Mining com toasted to seal in the delicious Burley flavor Indian Breaks Word;; Is Arrested Again Joe Kuckup, aged Warm Springs. res ervation Indian, failed to take advantage of the "second chance" the government gave him recently, so he must stand trial .on a charge of introducing liquor on the reservation. Otherwise his conduction-the reservation Is 'ideal, says the superintendent. Judge Wolverton set his trial for December 14, after the Indian pleaded not guilty. Kuckup is at liberty under $700 bail. EARLY RESIDENT DIES Monleaano, Wash., Nov. 3. Funeral services were held Wednesday for Mrs. Mary' J. Lynch, 72. who came here with her. husband In 1885. t - - . - An Unparalleled Economy Garment Sale Event ' ; V' ' - in which , - ;. Positively Every Winter Suit in the House Is VSr, 7 A card on the wall ol Edison's 1 abort, tory, fluotlnf Str Joshua Rey nolds, reads:' "There -f$ no 'exr'edient ' to which a man will not resort to avoid the real Utor of thinking.". "Reynolds was right,' aid Edison.: . "Every where in the world we tee men trying to escape the full use of their minds." U A big, pari sugar trick FREE with vry poand of Royal Clab, Coffee. : - - IsEdi isou Is, "thinking the hardest thing in the world fpr those who"have not formed the habit?V, We do not believe it is for the people of the Northwest -who have -the repu tation for doing things on a big scale. We believe they will stop, and do a little intensive thinking. Did it ever occur to you that BETTER COFFEE is roasted here in the NORTHWEST than a thou sand miles away? Do you know 'what a surpassingly rich and mellow flavor- ROYAL . CLUB COFFEE has? Thousands of. 'pounds of Royal Club are roasted fresh every day in- Portland VACUUM PACKED to retain the flavor. W . In a public message. Governor Olcott urges the public to buy Northwest manufactured products. The loyalty of Californians to the products of their state is proverbial. ' - :C:,.J ' : . . If you believe m trie "Northwest and wish to build upVNorthwest indus tries, use ROYALCLUB or some .other NORTHWEST ROASTED . COFFEE. Think this over! LANG A-CO PortW. Orego. Coff Reates CaixiT 'Maaufactorm " v. ''Vr.V..:,;:;v-..,i :..:-r;- tI,;''flv - i jryzAr ii - - ........ - i (P) . V'-M ' Jill ? s." 1 . . WE WANT FIVE HUNDRED PORTLAND WOMEN TJD PARTICIPATE IN THIS THE MOST PHENOMENAL MERCHANDISING FEAT IN OUR HISTORY! at HALF PRICE! NO RESERVATIONS! NO EXCEPTIONS! UNPARALLELED, Because it occurs on the threshold of the winter, season with months of winter wear ahead ! . --UNPARALLELED, Because every: Suit is a iiew a stunning a' , fascinating winter model in stock but a few short weeks! " UNPARALLELED, Because this is NOT a sale of suits bought for salq purposes but an absolute and unreserved dispqsal of our com plete lines of high-grade Suits frpm America's foremost mariufac- Half Price! Glance at the, eight delightful styles wc have pictured and remember that there are fifty others; in every size, for the slim miss who wears a 16 size, to the dignified matron who requires specially designed suits in size 51! the finest models the season has brought forth! ........ ........ At Coming as It Does, in Time for Thanksgiving and Holiday Festivities-- Every Portland Woman Will Appre - ciate Its Importance! Every exquisite costume suiti-claboratery embroidered and fur trimmed and every stunning tailored model included. -4y - v- V Developed in Moostvoe, Dnvef &e Laine, Yalama, Tricotiae, Poiret TwiBaJ Far' Trimmings of Mole, Squirrel, Nutria, , . Wolf . QpossBsa, . . . Basvaratte. Se Our Three Large Window DUplaysl Select Your Suit Tonight and Be on Hand . i Tomorrow Morning at'Nhxel ' $1 l5:oo. Suits, rnow. .$57.50 . $5:po Suits, - now-. $47.50 $ 89.50 Suits, tnow, .$44.75 . S 79.50 Suits, now. .$39.75 69.50 Suits, now. .$345 : $ 59.50 Suits, now. .$29.75 f $ 49.50 ' Suits, noVv .$24.75 $ 39.50 Suits, ' now. . $19.75 $ 29.50 Suits,; now. .$14.75' ; , EVERY SALE FINAL ,; 4-Owing to the extraordinary redactions, there can be no. exchanges, refunds -or lyawy isiiWiilF' ml : TTT : :."