The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 03, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    C, T A1 r A iv ,St? jeSI fctt Jk ftS&ialfcVs? &4b4 3A-?A V T aa-taaeaaasassssssssssssssssssss
tfpiV' --''ftrfLXr ' iTvylQKSJ li- I-1 city editionFJ r
' VJI ;( vf .1 JkX Jf " VKSSBiiS-X V-"- FlvJL Lr'v' " "IW r A1 - THE and - idy, - ; .
VY iV)V,V Sl.V'V-'xV ''y-SXSn''S0mK i ' jT-NSt fFtI'' cioaJ'; ttnaetUedjeasterly wind.
v . ? . V . - Jr t -t ; V6"-y Ay VVVO'V-----V"V: ' 7 ? " V - - Maximum1 temperature Wednesday:
S. rial .agaTi-'. WINLT - jT'- ' -7 T CY'- V ' .Portland . .i.,.. M Nw OrlcaS. ...T. .
If All timrm and If s All True
GAT AMY OOURAUD Broiled when her
foster daughter vamped bar. husband, but I
a Turk for a son-in-law mad br rasp.
Th stnryls one of tba entertaining tea-'
turea in Th SunJay Journal magaxine.
VOL. XX. NO. '206. , at rartotfka, . PorUaad, Ortsoa
' '' PRICE TWO CENTS ? cm waisJg otw
' - .- V- J.i aTAMDS riVK CtMTS
mav An much A f-v.'
dispel many f old ; V"
which are held
about aims of
.By David Lawrence-
Oitiirliht. ItSl. kJ Tfc Joareal) .
! (la thai, tha foarta a of algtir in-
.w. 4lmh4m wiaa tli fMdcr a mci-
kim wcf H. UUa h CWaa ta a ta
tarulloaal prytkia.1 , 1 ,
Washington. Nov. . China h aJwaya
. bacn si problem common to tha alx reat
powarf-Ortat BrtUln. United 8Ut,
Crmny. Japan. RuaaJa and Ftanc. '
Tim and aala efforts hava bn made
ta float -tlx-powsa loans or flve-pbvrer
kwoa among banklnr fteupa of alt the
major countrlM In an tffart ta help put
Chlaa on her feet. ' Uttl by Uttle the
nation of th world Hare been encroach
In m her domain. .Her undeveloped re
sources hive bn temptlnf to tha alart
baalaaas man of othar countries.
Conceariona hava been obtained in aU
aorta-of waye from the helpless covern
mont which In recrnt gtnerattbng has
really had no strong; central government,
but baa moved along with curloua indlf
. ferenc as local govarnmenta ' and pro
lnrlal authorities hava sprung up with
in tha immense empire. 4 '
Th poaaasston of railways means a
great deal to the nation which owns and
eperalaa them in China. It lnaurs c
caa to the mlna of the Interior for the
bringing out of valuable freights. . Brit.
Uh, Amerkan and German capital have
Keen content to develop railway enter
prises without assuming to obtain, polit
ical control for their respective govern.
ments of any territory In China. The
much-talked-of province of, Hhantung.
ith us , Immense territory, wae never
, reeled to Japan at the Paris peac con.
ferenc. put the port, which Irf practically
the door to Hhanluhg province was gtvan
Japan. -as wall as. Jurisdiction over' th
railway to the interior. Including a SO
mil strls) on esrh side , of the railway.
It la true the Germans .had that very
ricbt and Japan waa asking only for that
which Germany had forfeited through
her defeat .In the war. Japan waa ask-
' In for thoa richla aa her reward for
ousting the Germans from Klachow and
the Tut. KasU
But that brought the rub. Would the
Japanea be content to operate aa tha
German hadT Indeed, th Oermw en
tered Into working agreements With Brit
ish and other European buatnesa ma th
th r Bast. . It waa purely a commer
cial, not a political, propoaitlon. ; Would
. the 4a panes keep It commercial or baa
U to pehetrata China politically and get
s hold r the administratlv tndepend
esiOf China? 9' v---vi-t
( The Chinese thought ao. They openly
said fOm , That's. the basla for their op.
posltloir lo Japan's acquisition of one
iiv a mar of e. foothold in China- If s a
cmestlon of faith, f Urtist or suspicion.
Th Jupancs .protest .that theynaver
break their word j that-they have only
disinterested motives snd seek merely a
place for commercial expansion for their
(toavluded en- Pass Two. Column Om)
Chicago. Ko. I. IV. P.) Peggy Hop
kins Joyce, former Follies beauty, and
her mUllonalr lumberman husband to
day were, hear agreement for settlement
of their marital and financial dlffJ
tultlfj out of court.
S Reports In some quarters were that
air agreement had been reached allowing
Peggy to retain tho II.I9I.IW.I2-worth
; of gifts which Joyce gav her from
' August I. -ltl, to th time of their
' separation.
' Weymouth Klrkland. attorney for Mrs.
Joyce. Intimated tho negotiations were
near conclusion, but refused Jo confirm
the report that an agreement! had boon
reached. i . '
Id return for allowing her -to keep the
expensive) gifts. Peggy IS understood to
have agreed to permit Joyce's ault for
annulment of tha marriage, which cornea
up for hearing before Judge Joseph
aabath on Tuesday.
Th hearing, according to the) agree
ment, will b only perfunctory and an
annulment will b entered by th court
Peggy- will not hava to appear. -
At present loyo la paying Peggy
tllte a month temporary alimony and
baa given her 1 10,000 attorney fees.
. .Rumors connect Peggy's name with
that of a wealthy son of a Parts banker
la can, her marriage with Joyce Is aa-
nulled. ., . .
Labor Federation
Opposed: to Mine :
J Strike at Present
IB rsited w)
Washington, Nov. t American Fed.
ration of Labor officer win calst tho
calling of nnauthortaeid minora strikes
at thla tim. It, la Indicated In high Quar-tera.-
. f i . ,
Th time, according' to thos In a po
sition to knw the attitude of federa.
lion officials. 1 Is not ripe. - Later, how
ever, per hap even kef or the expiration
Urn of tberpreaent national, agreement
among miners and employers, a strike la
Inevitable 1n tha Industry, and when that
time cornea between S&u,Qflo and 4W.0O0
man will go out. It la predicted. ' - '
. Th national agree merit expire In
March.", . ", . t i
Five Dead in Clash t
Of Jews and .Arabs
.. -fi. , .
London. Kov. JL (L N. --Fou' Jews
' and on Arab were .killed, by .a bomb
. during an outbreak Of violence In Jero-
salm.aald a Na-Agency dlrpatch
from that city today. . Ill fbas between
Jew and Arab nav kd to numerous
cUh- ; - -,'.'. '
Prisoner Breaks Down and Weeps
When First Degree Charges
' Are Read, Saying, "I Didn't
Do It"; No Bail Is Permitted.
By Wallare C. Eakla
Jorar Coneepondent
Albany, Or.. Nov. J. pete Beebe.
charged with first degree murder for
the alleged killing of his employer, John
rainter, and Painter's son. William, Oc
tober 1), was bound over to the grand
jury without bail at a preliminary bear
ing here this morning.
When Beebe heard the complaints
read he cried out. "I didn't do It" '
Then he turned in his chair, put his.
arm on the 'back and hi head on ; his
krwu sobbing violently. He maintained
thla position throughout the hearing,
which lasted nearly an hour.
Former. District Attorney Gale S. Hill
waa appointed to defend him. The court
set 120,000 as the amount of bonds but
as under the charge made no bonds can
be allowed this wss changed.
Tho grand jury is scheduled to. meet
during the last week of November. None
bf Beebe's relatives waa at the hearing.
Sheriff Kendall waa the only witness.
The hearing waa held before Justice
of th Peace Victor Oliver. Sheriff
Kendall produced the gun with which it
ta alleged the two men were killed on
the Painter (arm near Lacomb. He tes
tified that he found one empty shell and
one loaded shell In the revolver, which
showed evidence of having been used.
Jailers said Beebe' slept little during
the night.: spending almost the entire
night weeping. After the hearing today
he waa returned to the jail and ; de
clined to talk on th advice of Attorney
Hill.. -?': :.
" Sheriff Kendall returned to the scene
of . th , murder Wednesday to', net the
Jl .calibre revolver with which tho
Painters wer s.iJtd October 19. : Fol
lowing ' directions given them' by Pete
Beebe. he found tho. gun-in the Painter
granary, awhile at th. Painter: place.
Sheriff Kendall gave the cabin a more
thorough search and found in the wall
t U),buildlnr - nark-that' might nav
been, mad by, a deflected bullet; r This
discovery was believed, to confirm, the
suspicion that the" elder Painter bxd
been 'Shot while In the . . .
. Further' thait th acd'ulslUon of lhfor-j
matioa' concerning, Beebe'a Itahlts the
aherltf . bbtatned ; no' Information that
would -unfold the death atory.
En route back to. Albany the sheriff
called at tha Beebe farm and Instructed
the accused young man's father and
brother ta come to Albany.- - They fol
lowed Immediately, and wlllinrly. Neith
er had been Informed of the tragedy.
aocoruing to their word, and neither
sought to learn from the officials the
caua of their being called to Albany.
xneyv eaid . they . had. been near the
Painter homo Tuesday, October 18, the
day beforo tho murder, but had noticed
nothing to excite suspicion. Th pur
pos of their visit waa to meet Pete,
who vaa en route to Lebanon, they said,
and their mission did not require them
to go as far as the Painter place.
On Thursday, after Pete had taken
tha Painter team to his father's homo.
Oeorg 'Beeb accompanied his brother
back aa far as the gat on , th Painter
piacc, no saia, put did not go near the
cene of the murder. After being ques
tioned a to minor details that might
aid the state's case, the officials allowed
Carson and George Beebe to go home.
They confirmed th prisoner's state
ment that he had been blind and that
he had partially regained his sight The
eider oeeoe aiso remarked that, hla son
u a. good marksman with a shotgun.
i-ituourg. Fa.. Nov. 1. (L N. S.)
Thirteen nun asleep on the second floor
of 8t James convent In the west end
here. -escaped death early today when
Ihey fled through smoke filled corridors.
Several of th nuna were assisted to
safety by firemen.- An unknown person
who discovered tho fir fired three shots
and attracted tho attention of one of
mo nuna to the bias. ,
Armistice Day Made
Municipal Holiday
Armistice day hereafter will be a legal
aoiiaay in th city of Portland. The
usual eminence declaring the. da v a
holiday for city employes, with the ex
ception or th fir and police
department, waa brought before the
council at the meeting Wednesday after
noon.--At the suggestion of Mayor
Baker the ordinance waa 'amended to
ma lie th day a legal holhiy. it was
unanunouaiy adopted.-
Three Workers Are
Caught in Cave-in
OeveUnd. Ndv. . LN. a ) Three
workmen were reported buried alive
when debrta at tho riew public audito
rium on sixth street caved in ' this
morning, carrying th workers, with it
Follow workmen were attempting to
rescu mem, wall - doctors wita - pul
motors were rusnea to the seen. -
in and
Hootch Slip
Off a t Sea
(Br Eni venal hnisl
New fork, Nov. I. To ho, ho and a
bottle of rum." t -
With 11.000 bottles of good sea-going
sea whiskey on her manifest 'the Brit
ish windjammer J. B. Young in charge
cf Mate Leon Mangoy, who couldn't
navigate, slipped Into port today.
It's a sad tale, mates, but a true one.
The schooner waa jibing and filling off
the Jersey shore today with no one at
the wheel ivhen a pilot boat went out
snd brought her up. The first news the
mate had to give, on landing was that
while he was supposed t have '1300
cases of hootch in the hold, he was shy
1H0 cases. He was also shy his cao-
who had taken a small boat and
departed into the mist while the schoon
er was somewhere off the Long Island
shore. -
Whether the 1000 cases of "whiskey
disappeared with- the captain, the mate
didn't say, although he did say that he
had a tale to tell the British consul of
mysterious doings at sea that would
make that worthy's blood run cold. '
'' After his captain's desertion Mangoy
said that not being able to navigate, he
had drifted around the Atlantic until
t'-.c Navesink loomed and the pilot boat
look him in tow.
The J. B. Toung was bound from St.
P;erre to Nassau and is owned by. J.
B. Smith of the latter port
Two holdups around 5 o'clock thi;
morning brought out a ha,lf dosen. uni
formed police under Captain Harms and
two plainclothesmen who scoured the
neighborhood without finding 'any trace
of the bandits.
While William Riley was milking his
cows, a bandit entered his house - a
Forty-first avenue southeast and Elfhty
second streM, and forced Mrs. Riley to
hand over "several dollars which were
cached in a sideboard
While police were searching the neigh
borhood, another call came from a home
on 118th street, reporting a similar rob
bery. Police believe the nam bandit
committed both.-
The man w ho entered the- Riley" home
was described by Mrs. Riley as beine
about 29 yearn trfd.'i five feet four' Inches
tall and weighing 129- pounds. She said
he wore over 4ho lower, part of .his face
a : dirty whiter handkerchief. He ear;
ried a black revolver and a flashlight
'Wrecked' m;Eiot
J Over Dice Game
Kansas CJity. Nov. 3.(1 A
rloV which raged for' nearly two hours
between convention visitors, : hoodlums
and police badly wrecked the beautiful
lobby of the Hotel Baltimore here early
The fighting began when officers at
tempted ,to -break up a crap game on
the lobby floor. Over 100 DOlica were
called ' and charged Into the fia-htlns-
mob'-which surged back and forth In
tho lobby. More than 100 shots were
fired before the lobby could be cleared.
The majority of the rioters were cltv
hoodlums, well known to the do lie. Thev
had been "running gaVnea" to fleece
American Legion convention visitors for
three days, the police . stated.
Twenty-five officers responded to. the
rirst not call, but were unable to gain
entrance do the lobby. Another riot call
brought all police available. The "offi
cers cleared the lobby, after mirrors.
glass and furniture had been broken, and
fighting- was then resumed In the street
Boards torn from a nearby fence around
a -partially constructed building were
used aa . weapons by tha. rioters. i;.
A check up after the rioting showed
that over a score of policemen were
suffering from bruises. N arrests were
made. , .r .. .
Two: Men, Thought :
Camorra Members,
Held for Big Theft
New Tork; Nov. (U. P.) Tho hand
of tho Camorra, stretching across the
Atlantic to guW a gang of International
gunmen In this country, was today said
to be behind th 1&.000.000 mall robbery
hero October 21. .Two' men wer today
locked up In Jersey City, suspected of
connection with tho -robbery..' They are
Italians with criminal records. r -.
Michael Arbesl. alias Rafael de Rosa,
and JTrank Calabrcae, suspected of being
tools of tho Camorra. were held in S50.000
bail each.
. e- .. x ..... :
Drop in Bread Price
"Benefits Consumers
. . , : : : ' ; - - -. '
. Consumers will get the "benefit of the
cut in -price on tho larger loaves of
bread, according to announcement of
retailers today. Th price of the 1
poand loaf remain at 10 cents to the
consumer, but' tha -pound aix wCl
bo dropped from ' IS to, ltcenta. "Two
pound toave are not generally handled
In retail trad. - Grocers and other re
UUera buy the lVk-Pound loaf from bak
ers for .11 ( cents under the now price
schadule. a " .i v : , - i. , .. . .
Italy, Paid; Homage
v .j ' '".' ??.' e-
; Rome. Not.j J. L K. 8.) Thousands
of reverent men and' women paid h om
asa today. to" Italy'a unknown warrior,
who will b Interred -with royal honors
Friday. Th body arrived from th lson
so battlefield yesterday and since then
baa been lying in state In tho church of
Santa; Maria Degll Angilt Tomorrow
It will be buried under Victor Emanuel's
monument, "the altar of tho nation." ;
Upon Secret or Open Sessions
Depends Failure or Success of !
Arms- Conference, Publisher
Tells Guests at Tokio Dinner.
By Clarence Daboe
Tokio,- Nov. 3. (U. P.) Lord North-'
cliffe, ;am,ous British, publisher, advo
cated full publicity for the sessions of
the Washington conference "on limitation
of armaments here today, addressing a
dinner given him by newspaper pub
lishers. Later in an exclusive Interview with
the United Press he declared the Anglo-Japanese
alliance had "outlived its
usefulness," and that sentiment is
againgt its continuance, He then
touched on the Irish question, declaring
that if De Valera represents the ma
jority2 opinion in Ireland, then Ireland
is "asking for-trouble."
"Whether the Washington conference
means peace or ultimately war," Lord
Northcliffe declared, addressing the
dinner given in his honor, "depends
greatly en whether it holds secret or
open sessions.
"It is of exceeding importance to the
world's welfare that the fullest publicity
be given."
There is no solution of the Pacific
problems, he said, which is not' based
on Anglo-American friendships For
that reason. Lord Northcliffe told his
hearers, the Anglo-Japanese alliance is
the dominating factor in preventing a
settlement of Pacific problems because
It places the United States definitely
out of consideration. a -.:
Elaborating his views later in an in
terview with the United Press, Lord
Xorthcliffe declared:
. "I have not met any Englishmen or
Americans in Japan who disagree with
(Concluded oa l'a Two. Column Seren) -
- 'v , By Frater Edwards
Washington, Nov. 3. Senator -Tom
Watson. Georgia, launched into a bitter
attack upon senators who criticised him
for his charges that American soldiers
were hangeS wllhout trial in .France
when the senate convened today.; '
The Georgian reiterated his charges
and declared that he could substantiate
every word that he uttered.
Watson presented a newspaper which
he said contained a picture of the hang
ing of an American soldier and asked
that it be printed in the Congressional
Watson then sent to the desk a letter
from an ex-fervice man in Philadelphia,
which stated that he had a photograph
of a scaffold upon which two negro sol
diers were hanged in Prance. .
The writer stated that the soldiers en
camped nearby, had been invited to at
tend the hanging.
Senator Moses (R N. H.) objected to
Senator Watson introducing two photo
graphs he had said he had Just received
from one of his correspondents, on he
alleged would show "an American - sol
dier dying on the gallows"; the other
he claimed was "another American sol
dier being prepared for death."
"I consider the objection of the senator
from New Hampshire a very cowardly
one." Watson shouted.
"I - demand that he apologize to me
for- the insulting attitude he has as
sumed toward me."
Senator' Moses resumed his seat with
out making- any response.
Foch and Pershing
'.Capture1 St. Louis;
Ovation Extended
St. Louis, Nov. 3. L a) Tho
"center city waa captured early today
by Marshal Ferdinand Foch of France
and a coterie of other notables, tncludinc
General John J. Pershinc, Missouri's most
noted eon.
Smilinjr, though obviously weary from
half a dozen daya 6f "being: received,"
the noted visitors alighted from a special
train, which brought them hero from
Kansas City, where they had attended
tha third annual convention of the Amer
ican Legion. . :,- . ' . "
Notes of bands and rousing cheers from
throats of eager thousands greeted . the
Bill Opens Alaska
Land for Homestead
Washington. Nov. S.(I. JC. S.) A
bill authorising tho opening .of COO.OOO
acres of land in Alaska for homestead
fmrposes passed tho house late today.
The land is now classified as coal land.
but it is regarded as land valuable for
farming purposes. . .
Victory 4 34 Bonds.
' Are Selling at Par
New York. Nov. . U. P.) Victory
4 bonds sold at par today. Shortly
after noon 309 worth of that issue sold
at 100. pp 40 cents. .The record for this
bond Is 1.4 and the lowest price is
Reductions Sought Run From 20
to 60 Per Cent and Include
Nearly rEvery Article Which
Is Used in Average Household.
Proposal hag been made by all trans
continental lines to reduce railroad rates
from 20 to 80 per cent on hundreds of
commodities moving east and westbound
and in and out of the port,: according
to advice received by local railroad offi
ces today from the 'transcontinental
freight bureau' at Chicago.
The reductions have been proposed to
meet water competition via the Panama
canal and - represent many weeks of
work by railroad traffic managers at
, Copies 'of the list of reductions have
been received by the traffic departments
of the Union Pacific and Southern Pa
cific systems.
Included In the list of reductions are
many proposed on the most important
commodities such as 'lumber, canned
goods, fruit and steel and iron.
. Many of the proposed west bound rates
are dependent upon-whether the railroad
lines obtain relief from section 4 of the
interstate commerce act Hearings are
soon to be obtained 'on this application
tor relief. ..
On the east bound rates some of those
proposed for carrying articles east of
Chicago are dependent on concurrence
or fjastern railroads.
Te; list of more important reductions
ou cast-bound movements follow :
Commodity. " Prnent Kite. Proposed Bits.
Fruit and Teaetable waste f 1.25 H t 0
Frozen meiU . (for eait- '
era ports) "3. S3 I 2.$0
Strained hone; (all ett-
ern territory ) t.ti 1 IS
Machine campreawd bops 2.92 2 30
Pickled berrins (.Chicago
and wrat) 1.08 .85
Canned saeds leaatern
Canada). $
Banal cam and coffin
stock. (Chieaao. wet . 1.92 " .8
Infusorial earth N. Y- r- -
and Piitshurr territory) 1.00 .43
Lumber (for piano aound
boards ICturaso,. wot) ..SH r "A
.. , We: Rate msec i .
Wooden plan snd roller end (Chieaao i
and nesti . . . jv . i -. .-. . ; v . ,:. . .$1 00
Comb ben): " i . . ; i 3.7S
GiroLlal erctna MTitrmco and not) , . 3.S6 4
Wpgjw Mil , :ftrt jJ . wm I , ,:. . -1.00
f ."Ht0, .fie giorV Atlantl Ceart I
i tmroodjtj. - Preaeajt TUtea. Propoaed Rates.
Ream (dried) . t . . . 0.B5 H te-.. . SO.SO .
Canned srtotU i .$O.SS J ' .80
tTMd frna (boxea) . . , l.0 os
Dried fnait (aan.-n .... 1.30 - 1.15
i . . WrealbeuBd lte
.1 Comuodits. - Present Hates. . Propoeed Bates.
Simp, molasses and
slaeoae (NewaTort) . . S1.S2 $t.S
lln ' and , teme , plate
inUatmn) .-.'-.. 1.8SH , 1.2
Packing bouse product . . Missouri river rats for
, , W Pi.
- n uioow giaas ; iwew
Stare (Chicaav "west l.Ma
ura ana 1 cooavoa . oil
(Xew VAV ,.-. 2.60 '
Iron ; itore pipe (New
Trk) . ..l....v. ". i- 1.40
Pianos-(Xew-Tort .... . 4.43 8.92
H&idwood lumber (Chi-
caso) . ........... 1.08 .i sn
Leather (New Tork). 2.8SH 2.10
Turpentine (Sew Tort) 2.86 1.75
Refriceratara and ceol- !
mg materials (X T.)... 2 83 H 2.00
' . New Mum PrmwiS
Tires and tutbea 32.73
Pitch and tar (Cincinnati and IWtmit) i sa
Hog (in double dedt from Sioux City) . l!42
-newin ...'........,.... t.50
Rates t terminab only subject to fourth aee
tion relief. - . . . ,
Imsort Rata
ComnMditif. - Present Bates. Pmnauwl Rt.
Graphite . . .-. . . . ..$1.42 l.oe
Reaaa . .. ........ . 1.2SH - ' , 1.0&
Irj comb 2.6 S 2.20
Crada rubber 1.00 .73
Hardwood lumber ....i ...... .90
Ton 3 es , 3JTS
Caaert JUtaa '
Commodity. Preaeat Bates. Propoeed Rates.
Aoto parts and trac
tors . t a 2.00
Steel rails (eaat of Chi-
.SOcwt. lS.4Sar.ton.
8teel rails Chicago
and Birminshamt . . .71 ewL 13.44 mr Arm
Cast iron pipt( east of
fJBicaeo) RO .fifl
Car wheel ......... .71.
Piano 3.40 3 no
Iran and steel (east of
ctiicaro) 80 fift
All commodities (Cfai-
caca and west) .... 5.00 1.5A
Cheat and slate 80 .SB
Railroad equipment
(eaat. of Chicaso)... 87 .6?
Booth-KeUy Mill ,
At Springfield to
Reopen December !
, i
Eugene Or'., Nov. t. The Booth-Kelly
Lumber company mill at Springfield will
be reopened December 1, according to
announcement of A. C. Dixon, manager.
today. The mill will operate with a nor
mal crew and at normal capacity for
eight "hours, which means a cut of 165;
000 feet. . - ;- .-i I
This will mean daily employment for
17" men and will yeliev the unemploy
ment situation to a great extent here.
If market conditions permit, the - com
pany will resume logging operations
about January 1, and they hope to be
able to atart th Wendllng mill at that
tim or soon thereafter. 4
120,000 Eeservists i
Galled by Spain in
Tight Against Moors
: Madrid. Nor. 3. (L N. S.) One hun
dred and - twenty thooaaad : Spanish rev
seiprlsts of the 1S21 class have been called
to the color and today 20,000 vere allo
cated to aervtc against the rebellioua
Moors - in -Morocco. - This brings the
strength or the Spanish army In Morocco
to more than 150,000 men.- ; . . .-.i .
i The Spanish advance toward the Kert
river has been checked by Kebal trtbeev
men, but tho Spaniard have captured
Taxudu on another sector of th frost;
This place was taken after a- stubborn
resistance, and the Spanish ad aan in
that district continues. : -( . .
"Maze of Contradictory Evidence
Stamps Courtj Accused Lad
Given to Parents fending More
Inquiry in Juvenile Tragedy.
Chehalis, Wash, Nov. J.-(C P.)
Judge W. A Reynolds oda'y remanded
Herbert Coleman. 6-year-old slayer of
Lynn Peters, 9, to the custody' of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coleman,
pending further investigation
At the conclusion of the two days'
hearings during which 20 witnesses were
called, the judge said both sides had so
exaggerated the facts that he was un
able to get anywhere.
He j ordered Mrs. Amanda William.
Lewis county probation officer, to go 'to
Randle where the shooting occurred and
make a personal investigation of affairs.
Mrs. Williams is to obtain a written re-!
port to the court.
"It might take a week ; It might take
all winter." said Judge Reynolds. "I
shall j withhold my decision until2 Mrs.
Williams reports."
"My mind is made up." It was the
calm. deliberate voice of John Peters,
father of five stalwart eons, who came to
town out of the Big Bottom country east
of here with his youngest lad's dying
words burning in his memory: "Papa,
you must do something about this or he
will kill some other boys-",
I have made up my mind." said
Peters. 'What the judge says will he
final.: I shall bear no erudae in mv
heart against the boy that shot my little
boy ana I have drilled my other boys
to abide by what the court decides, and
keep their, heads."
If the .lad is found delinquent and the
cause of the shooting was Herbert's en- r
vtronment, the Judge must further de
cide whether he should be. removed from
that environment and. If ao. whether he
F'shouM be sent to a state institution for
boya or- paroled to some good family. ' - i
Judge Reynold brought .4o tight that
Herbert bad. in times past pointed guns
and snapped them at other., people and
once threatened anOthee boy. 5 ;
Boy. witneaaes testified iat the quar
rel .which ended rlth th Peters boy's
death started .several days- before when
Herbert accused Lynn - of stealings a
couple of tin cans from th ptayhous
of Herbert and hi S-year-old sister;
Aether.- .- : - -
K4die . McNee and t Dwain Hampton
told of Herbert's 'threat- to shoot Lynn
and of the shooting. Thelr stories dif
fered alightly, Kddie aaylngr frequefitly
"I don't think he-Intended to do lf
- Kddie said he had accompanied Lynn
and Dwain into the Coleman house to
see the gun of whjch Herbert boasted,
that they 1 were ,11 looking -at it 'and
that it went ofL Dwaln's teetimony was
that they had followed Herbert into the
house to see a squirrel gun and that
Herbert had confronted them with a
shotgun which he fired atr Lynn and
then hifL - -BOTS
, Dwain's version is said to coincide
with the dying boy's statement to his
fatherland to Joe Hatfield en route to
the hospital
.Hatfield and John P.eters both re
lated the dying boy's story to the court
I wiil show," said Attorney Thacker.
"that when Lynn and the other boys
followed Herbert Into the house to see
the gun, none of them thought it .was
loaded , and that Lynn - asked Herbert to
snap it!"
Herbert and. his mother came out of
the courtroom once yesterday afternoon.
The little boy looked whit and fright
ened and Mrs. Coleman seemed on the
verge off tears. J
. Some j of the witnesses say the Cole
man boy was showing other boys a .22
rifle and made tho remark that be had
a larger gun in the house. One of the
visitingi boys asked him to get It, they
say, and he picked up the shotgun. They
assert one of th boys said. "Snap it,"
which be did. Toung Peters was in
line with the gun, according - to these
witnesses. ' ' ' : '
Halsey .Man. Wins
Auto Licensed, 1
In Salein Drawing
' Salens. Nov. 3. James A. Stevenson
of Halsey, Linn 'county, drew . automo
bile license tag number one ' for the
year 1922 in the annual drawing con
ducted by Secretary of Stat Koser,
Wednesday night. N. A Erlckson. of
The Dalles drew '- number two and
Howard A. Weed of Beaverton number
three. Others among the first 1Q are
R. V. Davis, Union, fourth ; J. C. Gor
don. Vale, fifth; M- D. Z wight, ISWi.
dale, sixth; Louis Levinger, Baker, sev
enth ; , i Senator L L.' Patterson, Eola.
eighth ; R. S. Vancleve, Toledo, ninth,
and Paul R. Kelty, Portland, tenth. "
Number 13 goes to R a Lewis of
Echo, and John . Baker of . Hood Bivef
gets number 23. while number 100 goes
to Harley J, Curl of Corrallia. :
Approximately 1500 applications have
been .received to date. Secretary of State
Koser . estimates the 1322 applications
at 130,000. .v ,..
Portland Soldier Is '
rBuried in lington
' , J
- 'Washington, Nov. 3. (WASHING
Among soldiers who died overseas and
were buried tn Arlington National ceme
tery - today, was Arthur E. Beebe . of
Portland, machine gunner, - dead from
wounds in action, 'His nearest relativ
la Mrs. William Beebe of PorUaad-, and
Roy A. White of I:d Infantry. Centra-
; and 7Bart;;Vantti;;con-
, Victedc of murtleritiffa
paymaster at Dedhasu MasSn
and whose case Has been .taken
up by radicals j all A over the
world. VTwo attempts V have
been made to . kill American
representatives abroad, by
theirt sympathizers.-; " v -
1 ri
Sa, Paul. Minn., Nov: "i.-iV. P.) Two
bandits robbed, tho A. U Shapiro & Sons
Jewelry 'store .of .S,000 worth'" of diam
onds here' today and escaped! r .
27. Million More for
Navy, Harding's Plea
Washington, f.Noy.j 2.--U. P j--Preal-
dent Harding .today asked congress for
addiUonalt deflpienity; appropriaUon ) of
$137,92J,-877.74 ta. meet government ex
pense .during -the -present - fiscal year,
which ends June 30 next : With the arms
limitation -conference nearlng, the pres
ident asked an additional appropriation
of T27, 000.000 for" the anny department.
. Action jRiots Menace
Berlin,' Nov: 3.-LN." S. Fresh trou
bles were threatened in 'Upper-ileiia to
day. According to advice from Beuthen.
a'oiisn residents of ihe. province. -dissatisfied
with the decision of the League of
Nations, plan rlota and demonstrations
In favor of extending, the .Polish boun
dary, to the Odor river. '- .
... t
t t. .
i v - X A ,
f v 1
- s-. . ! .w'.!-r 1 i i
"I I
' '
J ; r
0' A';
ri i r .-v- mnn nnn
oltAi wulJu
CHlU3d3rac:er,a'dc-.5"ia the Far Zlz t j
-frc i other vHI ti a feature c! Tl.; C. v I
ial next Suniiy. fz-
5"- Inland JZ Zrzith cl VctiLzr.i, r.:: 13 ZJ
-Trench IcdD-Chir.a izrw-rds his i-r.rv--!: 'z cl C
Vin alcttcf fron-i IIoti'tLcr.-r. -
-Zealand ia a -chatty l:rr,
JIubert.G. ct
-writes frcr.i Ciirtcn U's irr
interior cf CI In 2,
r--Frefrri:'! ITcCcr-rick cTcscres in 1x7--- f '
-what he s-'.v In tl- jSifcri;a jrcvir-:a cl C::.-i:::r..
"Paul S- Reinsch, former United States r.L-,!i;r t
- China;- dcu::s-'the 2ttcs-::-s c! the mrzlj.-
Tfaess several artldrs,
cn ccr.!'
- -fJL
Lowest Mark in Fiv& Years -
Reached When Price for De- '
" cember Cereal i Falls to." 99
Cents a Bushel; May Ga Lower .
' . ' ' ; -. S'
Chicago.' Nov. 3. U. P.) Wheat sold
today below a dollar a bushel on the
Chicago board of trade the first time"
in five years that it has reached that
low mark. " ' - i,'
The. "price was driven to 99- cents, 4
ket. It closed at that figure. Score of
brokers made vain efforts to hold the,
price above a dollar.4 - -- ." .;
a hectic day of wUd trading ith mar- .
If wheat Isn't Worth a dollar. It isn't
worth i. dime a bushel." Or broker re
marked early In .tha, day. to .the United
Press, in; predicting would never go
that low. . j i - V ' -v "
December, wheat, opened stronger-at
$1.02, under support given by optim- .
latic brokers. -r . - - ,
Millers were credited with driving
down the price. . ' ?-
Hundred ; of ' brokers and . traders
watched the price. slowly driven down .
until it reached the low level at noon.-;
The price held at SLP03t for some timer'
and brokers predicted that would be tha "
low 'mark, but it finally broke through.
James ' A. fPatten. grain king. , who '
made millions out . of the corner-in- th .
corn market, waa among those on the
side lines who watched the wheat pries
go down. -
"l haven't got a: nickel In the 'wheat
market," Patten told the United Press
correspondent aa together they watched .
tho tape and saw tho steady decline. r ' -
"I was afraid of'it." remarked 'the V
man who by his operations on the com
market had driven hundreds of trader
to - the wall and : was once tho . moot
feared trader in-the pit.'. J
.-Wheat - wont top at . a: dollar," Tn
predicted, "lt. will go down much fur- 'j
Lther. ' ' .' 7?V ?-t '.-. !
fTher?; isn't -any consumptive demand, (
to . bolster ; up the market nothing to .
hold n th orloe. -1 , - . -
f -Eurofjeaa credit.-i ahot ao poor that -.
w eannot look ,f oTan export demand -to
bolster up the market ' -
Farmers once regarded dollar a bushel'"
wheat as an Ideal. Patten said. - . . - .
I ' Tt 'waa-itnelr battla ery. but now, it
doean't pay tne cost or growing.'7 - no
added-:,v-ff-S; '-r. " ' w. .
hi r," : .... ' . .
' Portland: wheat bids' went down to IT '
cents a bushel for. the best, varieties r
Thursday on (he Merchants Exchange.'
This "means a loss of 3 to 3 cent ra
bushel. for the day. '-- ".
The new jtices are the lowest namej. ,
in this market for approximately jrix
years and even at the' lower figure
there is little desire on the part of buy- ,
ers to take hold.
In addition to the minions of dollars,
dropped last season by Portland M
porters alone, this season's losses are
said to be staggering even though defi- r
nite figures are not . available. -
Because of the lower prices that wheat -is
available at in Canada aud i n Aus
tralia, Japaneae buyers have been try, .
lngr to resell wheat purchased here, ::-, .
Train Kills Woman;
Suicide Suspected
- .
Marshfield, Nov. ,3 Mrs. J.- B. JHlll. .
aged . 8SV who resided at. Power, was
killed when struck by ' a logging train
at that place. Persons -who witnessed
the accident think it was suicide, . Mrs. ,
Hllf stepped In front' of the train, and -put
her - hands to her eyes. Th .. en-: .
gineer blew the whistle but she did not'
tnbvs.V. The train was coming " down'
grade and efforts to stop failed before
the engine and several car ran over the -woman.
..Mrs.; Hill's husband is said to
be aa engineer In Nevada,; Se- had '
relatives at Powers . -'.' . '
. - 3
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the UrJvtrc'.ty cf Cr--zi
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:r.s cf v.
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