The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 02, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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    i ii." i i
. V-iJjU JtJ ' - Portland Bturtneea Womaa's club at IS o'clock at the Y. W. C A.
Speaker. Jdre W. Catena. -
pA T iinVTTs AT?' Currant literature department, Portland Woman's club. ;wtta
VilJUrjl 1 JLJiVn. j Mrs. A. B. aiaaley. tt WlUlame avenue, ttlm.
,,. m i i r i i m ii ,...i. i . . i V ;, r IL
OV-VJlVLl Junior members of Irrlngton dob.
Screen iborietp Clujbs
hard times party at the
CALENDAR In the TSgfX LartIham club s the clubhouse
1 Htage
Society Events
Include Teas j
For Favored
world famous pianist,
former Salem girl,
who appear in concert here
November 9.
School of Deaf
Is Formed
By Helen HateaJeee .
SEVERAL teas are. planned for the
nar future to honor brides-elect and
visitors in tha city. Amonr tbm win
baa tea Thursday, for which Mrs.
nti nalten Madden (Knoae uowiw
. Ron vrancisco. who 1 tha guest
fner sister. Mrs. Otis B. Wight Mis.
Lsure Taylor, who Is the guest- of Mrs.
iu..m w wamlnrwav. will tea honored
at etae to be liven by Mrs. Prank Branch
Riley. A , tea Beturaay eiwrnwu,
which Mm Lloyd Painter will be host
ess. Is In honor of Miss Hanlta Frieden
thai. marriage, to Mr. Erawt Ar
mor wWbe an event Yf the near future.
Another function of the same Kind, tor
which Miss Grace Gingham has Issued
cards for the afternoon of November 1Z.
la m honor of Miss Geraldtne Huffman
f Dayton, Ohio, who Is the guest of .Mr
Thomas Autsen. In Irvlngton, and a tea
the same day. fot-whlch Miss Anita Maj
win entertain at her borne In the Wlck
ershall apartments. Is for Miss Frted
enthal. s ...
" The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Richardson. 2002 East Qllaan street, was
the scene of a wedding Saturday eve
ning when Miss Bernice Abraham be
came the bride of Mr. Cecil V. Fessler.
tha Rev. Dr. J. A- Townsend officiating.
Mlu Abraham is a former Roeeburg
girf but recently became a guest at the
home of Mrs. J. Ross Richardson. Bhe
Is a; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Abra
ham of Roseburg. Mr. Abraham being
a wall known businuss man there. She
was a student of the college of- law,
Willamette university, and of the North
western College .of Law of Portland and
Is aceomplhihed In literary lines The
krineaToom Is -an oversees veteran and
li the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fess
r of Phlllpsburg, Mont The wedding
earns as the surprising- - climax at a
triple birthday party. In honor of W.
R. Richardson. Master Wesley Richard
son and Mrs. Blanche Fessler. .Guests
were the brides father. Mr. L Abra
ham, Dr. and Mrs. Townaend. Mrs.
Anna Feaeler. Mrs. Blanche Fessler, Mr.
aad Mrs. Al Dorner, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Ross Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Bv Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Fessler
have purchased a noma la Portland.
Mrs. Hugh Miller and her sister, Mrs.
W. 8. Collins, entertained at a tea Mon
day at the home of the former In Beau
' tnont In honor of Mrs. Francis L. Gunn
and Mrs. Caroline M. Collins of Oakland.
Cal. At the tea hour Mrs. J. B. Dins-
dale and Mrs. L. O. Nichols presided at
the tea table, which was centered with
autumn flowers. Guests for tha after-
aeon were Mrs. I. W. Day, Mrs. T. W.
Venus, Mrs. F.. 8. Cook, Mrs. Harold E.
Hunt Mrs. W. L. Clark. Mrs. W. J.
Twogood. Mrs. Fred Park. Mrs. A. E.
lltundtr. Mrs.- Roscue Hurst. Mra
Branson. Mrs, A. Nlelseni Mrs. H. W
gtone. Mra A. E. Larlmar. Mrs. W. H.
Stalger and Mrs. B. C. Johnson.
. a
Ur .b4 Mrs. W. A. Bartlett are re
ceiving congratulations on the arrival of
a mn. born to them October IL IDS
baby has been named Teddy Lea, . Mr
and Mrs. Bartlett make their home at
MlVt East Sixteenth street Mr. Bart
' lett Is city sales manager for tha Hyatt
Talking machine. Mrs. A. Longnecker,
mother of Mrs. Bartlett. has been here
from Arlington for some weeks, during
which aha has been ill; out is con
valeeetng rapidly.
At the guest party to be given by
women of the Kike lodge. Thursday
afternoon, at the Elks temple, the past
presidents will act as hostesses. They
are Mrs. W. Adams. Mrs. A. F. Bailey
Mrs. W. Allard. Mra. E. M., Kraut Mra.
Harry Green, Mrs. Joseph Wood, as
slated by Mra. W. F. McKenney.
Miss France O'Brien, who has boon
a visitor In Seattle for. two. weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. U.' O. Bates,
has returned to her home In Portland
Miss O'Brien has been the guest of
honor at several affairs, during her stay
In Seattle. v.
Lew 1st o. Idaho Mn' and Mra. H. D.
Powell celebrated -their golden wedding
anniversary Friday at the home of their
bob and; daughtar-tn-Uw, Dr. and Mra.
A. J. Powell.
. . .
' f ' 'V.
1 fx-"? 1- ?l
m asBBBSBSBassv-- v av us. AieseaeasaBBaiiil H BWwW U
Rivoli Feature !
Offers Much
Itw wriK wrimB '
A MEETING of parents and teachers
of the Portland school for the deaf
was held at the home of Mrs. F. C.
Metcalf, Ul East Conch street, Wed
nesday evening and an auxiliary to the
Oregon carent-Teacaer association was
organised. Tha name takes was the
Parent-Teacher Association of the Port
land Day School for tii Deaf.
A. I OdeUvwas elected president, Mra.'!
W. Scott Parka vice president and Mra.
F. W. Cupper secretary-treasurer.
Another meeting will be- held this eve
ning at the aame place. ' Ail interested
art cordially invited to attend."
La Grande. The annual meeting of
the Red Cross organization in Union
county Monday resulted in the election
of the following executive committee: C
EL Short, Rev. J. W. Gunn, T. J. Scrof
gln, J. H. Peare, T. H. Crawford, Fred
Kiddle, Mrs. Donald Pagne, Mrs. E. P.
Boasman, A. C. Hampton, Rev. Father
Loeser, Rev. A. R. Sitton, Mrs. Rosen
baum Lyman, Elmer Stoddard. Mra.
Sherwood Williams and August Stange.
an of this dty ; r Mrs. L. Den ham of
Elgin, L. A. Wright of Union, Herman
White of North Powder, Mrs. Rows of
Cove and Miss Anna Brooks of Imbler.
At the annual meeting the progress of
the food conservation committee was dis
cussed aad a committee chosen to super
vise the work. T. H. Crawford is chair
man of the committee, the other mem
bers being Mrs. flay Murphy, Mra D. X.
Stoddard, Mrs. George Hopkins, Mra.
DeLile Green, Mrs, Rosenbaura Lyman,
Mra F. K. Oxaer. Mrs. F. L. Meyers,
Mra O. E. Moran, Mrs. J. B. Smith,
Mrs David W. Beck and Mrs. A. W.
Friendly visitors among the foreign
born people of the Arleta. district in aa
effort to enroU them in the night classes
conducted Monday. Tuesday and Wed'
nesday evenings, are a great need just
now according to Mrs. May Salth,
teacher in the night schools. There la
a large population of Armenians and
Russians In the Arleta district and she
thinks that the present enrollment of 22
could easily be more than doubled if the
people .were informed concerning the
classes. Anyone who is willing to vol
unteer for this service, preferably those
with some knowledge of the Armenian
or Russian languages, is asked to com
municate with Mrs. Lee Davenport
chairman of the Americanization com
mittee. East 82SC.
Twenty-five members of the executive
board, and ' chairmen of standing oora-
green room, said Mlaa Byrd. mlttees, of the Portland Federation ox
I know or no anuaote other man tne i Women's organizations, held an lniormai
moral courage to go 'over the top' and conference Monday afternoon In the blue
take what is In store for you. The room of the Hotel Portland, upon . the
start of a Derformanae la the instant I invitation of the president Mrs. Aiex
toxin that courses through one's blood ntter ThomDson. The committee chalr-
and puts to rout the dreaded stage I men outlined Diana for the year, several
' By W. S. W.
rrtHRBE different kinds of love the
X lov that protects, that adores and
desires and the evolution of one from,
another is shown in "After the Show.
a William de MUle production, now at
the Rivoli theatre, depicting the Ufe of
a chorus girl off stage.
Lila Lee takes tha role of Eileen, a
young girl seeking fame via the
"boards," who, after a long search for
position, faints from hunger at the
feet of Pop, an old actor employed as
doorman at a Broadway girl show. Pop,
a lonely old man hankering for some
one to care for, takes the girl as a ward
and secures her a place is the chorus.
The new and sprightly face In the line
attracts the attention of Larry Taylor.
a Broadway rounder and one of the
backers of the ahew. Eileen falls In
love with Larry, who bag no such
plans at all, much to Pop's alarm. Act
ing against his wishes, Eileen goes to
a house party given a group of girls by
the promoter and to save her from dis
grace Pop goes aa the uninvited guest
and shows the worth of his1, wish to
protect by slashing his wrist with a
broken bottle in an endeavor to keep
the girl at his side and away from taint
The Spartan sacrifice has the de
sired result and also awakens in Larry
a degree of nobility long forgotten. He
gives his blood in an operation to save
the old man's life and later asks for
Eileen's hand in marriage.
"Paying Patients" rounds out the pro
gram by giving a touch of comedy.
Miss Winifred Byrd. the sensationally
gifted pianist who will tour the North
west In concert during the - month of
November and part of December and
appear in Portland November 9, says
that "stage fright is a malady common
to all artists, both of the prize ring aa
well as the concert platform.''
"Alter his lojfig period or severe tram
ng for the fight the world's champion.
Mr. Dempsey. pranced about nervously!
In his corner before his battle with Mr.
Carpentier like any Paderewskl of the
fright germ.'1
BASTBR Martina at ElnnitB. Baker Btoak
compear in "Baddiaa." Matinee Wednesday.
Saturday. Bandar, at S.30; raninan at-8 :20.
LYRIC Biaadmv at Moiriaoau Lme Musical
Coaaady eoaBpam s Tin Girl aad tk
Photo." lUtuat daily t 2 Sv
PAXTAGtS Braadwa at .Idea HuV-ctaa
aaaeariU aad pbetaptey feataraa Aftarnooa
ad eaaaiae. Pmeima charataa Monday ajtr
tDEW'S BIPPODKOVE Broadwar at Yamhill
Direction Aekermao & Hard. TaaaenO
asd picture. Afternoon and rwnio
CDLTMBIA Bixth at Stark. Pole iragri ta
"Om Arabian Night. 11 a. m. to 11 p. nu
LIRVRTT Broadway at Stark. Marshall Vm
lan'a "Bita ofaUie." 11 t. a ta 11 tn a
BTV'OU WuhinctoD at Pit. Lfla Lm aad
Jaea tua ta Aitr the BBam. li a aa.
to 11 n. m.
THS ACttrrORmM Third aad Clay. "Et
Lynn." t. 4. and 8;S0 n. m.
SLAJlMiTlo WaaUnctoa at Park. ' TW Gin
From God'i Country." 11 a. aa. ta 11 p. m.
PBOPLEa Warn Park at Alder. IX W. Grif
fith i 'way Dowa East" 11 a, a- ta
11 D. aa.
STAR Washintton at Park. Hack Bennett'
"Tha gammer Girla. 11 i. n. 11 a a.
CIS CLE Fourth near Wtahinctoa, "Mooat-
uzht ana Honeysnckla.- B a. m. to oclaek
tha foiiowixi4 Borniox-
The promotion of the 1925 exposition
tax levy will be the object of a luncheon
announced for all women's organizations
to be held Saturday, November 12 at IS
o'clock at the Hotel Multnomah. Mrs.
J. . Kelly is chairman of the commit
tee, other members being Mrs. Frank O,
Northrop, Mrs. C G. Tiptojt, Mrs. Jose
phine Othas, Mra. E. J. Steele, Mrs. A.
R. Mattingry. Reservations win be made
at the hotel. Broadway 4080, by club
presidents for representative from
their organisation.
Prouty. John SchlebeL J. B. Teon, W.
B. Barrett, W. T. J ayes, Mr. and Mrs.
XX. Norriav Mrs. WeedUn. Mrs.
Thome a. Dr. R- 8. Fisher, Mrs. F. B.
Colwell, Mrs. M. J. Reynolds, R. S.
Hughson. O. G. Hughson. ;
a a -j,
Saturday evening was the occasion of
a Halloween party, given by the Misses I street win be at home Friday afternoon
Adeline and Evelyn Blessing. The rooms to college women who live in the section
were decked in corn husks, witches and I south of Washington or on Council
black cats. The evening was spent In I Crest The affair will be one of the
games and dancing. Among the guests I series of afternoons being given by mem-
were tha Misses Evelyn Anderson, Carry
Sorenson. Elvida Bowman. Bernice Ter
rll. Rose Jones. Margaret Riley, Helen
Tobbin, Ruth Carr, Adeline Carr, Eliza
beth McCorroick, Ruth McFarlan, Nellie
Cunningham. Joseflns Tobbin, the
Mesara George Carr, Gordon Cunning- of affiliation with the A. A. U. , W. are
The Portland Progress club will meet
at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Charles EX Branin, 584
East Main street Take Hawthorne car
to East Fourteenth street
There will be a regular meeting of the
membership of the Young Women's
Christian Association at 1:20 o'clock
Monday, In the social hall In the asso
ciation building. The object will be to
adopt the revised constitution and con
sider amending articles of incorporation
so as to place the control of all prop
erty in the bands of the board of di
rectors of the Young Women's ChristlAu
a a
Mrs. E. S. Collins wOl entertain the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society of
the First M. EL church Wednesday at Z
p. m. at her home, 877 Weetover road.
Mrs. Neale Zimmerman and Mrs. W. J.
Gill will present the program. Ur. and
Mrs. J. & Hamilton will sing. Assist
in hostesses are: Mrs. T. S. Mc
Daniels, Mrs. M. A. Zollinger and Mrs.
C. W. Henderson. Take Twenty-third
street car to Johnson, go three blocks
Sandy, Nov. 2. Tha Woman's club;
gave as entertainment and box social
to start a fund to purchase a piano for
tha Kelso school. The Sandy quartet
sang, accompanied by Miss Lippold.
Miss Margaret Miller read and sang.
George Gunderson played the violin.
The State Woman's Press club will
meet Wednesday evening at 7:!0 to
room F, Cantral library. Miss Anne
Shannon Monroe will speak qn "Success
ful Authorship."
Kalama. Wash. The regular meeting
of the W. C T. U. was held with Mrs.
L. F. Jones on Friday and committees
appointed to undertake better enferce-
bers of the American Association of I ment of the prohibition law.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Fruit and Flower Mission will be held
at 10 e. m. Thursday, at the Day
nursery. Ail members are urged to be
f Bits of Life"
A Relief to
! Film Fans
MARSHAL KEXLAKS latest effort fat
motion picture portrayal is bis
"Bits f of Ufe." which is showing at
the Liberty this week, Neilaa baa hit 1
upon a new Idea aad "Bita of Life" la,
entirely different from any picture so
far produced. A aeries of abort stories
are woven into a complete picture. The
stories are adapted from magazine abort
stories except one. which was written
by Neilaa himself.
Every nlarer la the picture gtvea forth
his or her beat effort aad the creditable
work of Lort Chaney and Wesley Bar
rey Is very noticeable. The first story,
"Can the Leopard Change His Spots T
features Wesley Barry aad la a moat
surprising picture. Lon Chaney is
featured la Hugh Wiley's Saturday Eve
ning Post story. "Hop." a Chinese yarn
that is different from the average and
which not only proves Loa Chaney a
fine player, but Wiley a great story
weaver. -
Two other surprises are given in a
short melodrama and a farce. A large
cast of 1 was used in the making of
this famous picture, with wesiey Barry,
isfnah Reerv. Lon Chaney. John Bowers,
Teddy Sampson. Harriet Hammond and
Anna May Wong doing the most notable
work, The picture la a distinct relief
from the lon drawn out melodramas
that are offered to the public these days
and has the usual comeey uora aui
Ham Hamilton is featured la a new
rvn ni comedy entitled -Robinson
Crusoe, LtdV a the same bUV Haaa
romps with, the cannibal on Crusoe's
island end c&nsea much mirth. ; later
national New and Monte Austin's eoag
"If a Baby Would Never Grew Older,"
completes a good bill.
having already begun their work. Mat
ters pertaining to the work of the feder
ation were discussed. It was voted to
recommend to the federation the giving
of aa Oregon products dinner in the
near future. The Klllsoa-WUte Lyceum
course was endorsed as an educational
movement Following the conference
' coffee and cake were served.
ve a a
Mra, Fletcher Linn of 674 Laurel
University Women with the object of
getting better acquainted with college 1
women of the city and to enlist them,
should they care to belong, wtih the A.
A. U. W. All college women regardless
Nine Notable Numbers
one . iiiitiitiitiitiiam t mm
ham, Melrose ' priaum. Walter Glasco.
George McFarlan, Jesse Glasco, Lloyd
Terrli, Marion Riley, Henry Chaos.
Henry Sorenson, Am el Bert
Portland friends will be interested to
know of the arrival of a eon to Lieu
tenant Commander F. K. Elder and Mrs.
Elder, formerly of Portland, now mak
ing", their home at : Coronado, where
Lieutenant Commander Elder la sta
tioned. The baby baa been named Fred
erick Kingsley Jr.
a a
Mr. and Mra, Harry E. Hohbs were-
bosts for two Informal 'parties at their
home In Irvington last week when they
entertained with osacing, vaudeville
atonts and other diversions. Halloween
Invited to' attend Friday during the
hours of 3 aad o'clock.
The Mount Scott Mental Culture club
will meet at the . Arleta library at 2
Mies Ethel Mitchell, chairman of the o'clock Thursday. Subject, "By the Sun-
ilnni MmmlllM. aaalated bv Miss Paul- I Bel OM-
ina Alderman, chairman of the music
committee, la arranging an elaborate
proErarrwto he given at tne annual irouc
night of the American Association oi
University Women to be held Saturday
at 6 :30 o'clock In the social hall of the
T. W. C A. Stunts are being planned.
Among recent visitors at the Seaside
hotel were Mr. aad Mra. Paul a Dick.
Mr. and Mra. Folger Johnson. J. A-
OPO bare buna or biscuits with
that much desired smooth gold-en-brown
crust, brush them over
with pastry brush dipped in Car
nation Milk before pirttinf them
la the OTen,( , "-
Yob will also find that if you
brush the cover of your pies with
Carnation Milk thty will brows
more evenly and be mors flaky.
My coarse in Home Cooking; les
ons contains many hints which yon
may find useful. I will
end yon this course
and a book of 100
tested recipes free
nf, yon will writs
me cart oi tit
- ProtaeU Co, $22
Raibrtj Excbtagt,
Ptrtltad. Orexen. ,
an ill tmmmmmmmmmmmmm
decorations were used throughout their street, will entertain chapter E of the
noma xor tne occasions.
The Woman's association of the First
Presbyterian church will hold an all
day meeting Friday In room A, third
floor of the pariah heuse.
Dledenkorn. 1470 Crystal Springs boule-
vr4. Mra Dudenkorn and Mrs. Bertha
Mrs. Norman tr. coieman, president, wui or.y wm be joint hostesses, luncheon
preside ana at tne conclusion ox tne m- i wlj t,e served at iz .3Q o eiocK.
formal dinner will start tne program
and win surrender the entertainment to
the dlrecton of Mass Mitchell ana moss
Mrs, C. F. Arraoad. 1029 Schuyler
Portland Lyceum Course
November 10 Gregory Mason. Subject: "America's
December ft Tom SkeyhilL Subject: "The Baby
lonian Finger'
December 12 Will Irwin. Subject: "The Next War
January 14 The Oregon Agricultural College Glee Club
February 1 Peter Clark Macfarlane. Subject: "Ua
; Americans? j i
February 23 iieurance's Symphonic Orchestra
March 1 Dr.j S. Parkes Cadman. Subject: "The ,
Paritari in Two Continent
March 11 Carl Akeley. Subject: "Hunting Big Came
in Africa" :
April 22 Orpheum Four
: " i
' lam iiiiimewMWiS) bmi
Meier & Frank 9s: Main Floor
, NOVEMBER 3 TO 10 j
Season Ticket Prices $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00
All Seats Reserved
New Tork A' clever orchestra leader
does not need a base dram to get a mu
sical effect and neither does a clever
blouse designer. Some- of the most
charming contrasts of color ta the newer
blouses are worked eat with the utmost
simplicity. In some the sewing and the
thread with which it is done furnished
this contract For example, -a white
pussy willow silk blouse has tiny pleats
on the ahawl collar and front stitched
into a double tuck with black thread. On
black tialored blouses, white buttons are
employed and these, are 'sewn oa with
black thread.
T m n. sisterhood. Thursday, at a l
o'clock luncheon. -. Mrs. Armond will be
assisted by Mrs. R. F. Feemster. It
will be Inspection day. Mra Duf field
will have a study of the constitution.
Take Rose City car.
a a
The tea to be given ; by Mrs. Henry
Waldo Coe, at her home in Laurelhurst.
for the members of the American Asso
ciation of University Women and all
ether college women of the city, will
take place Thursday. November 10, In
stead of November 9. as previously an
a . a
The Canitol Hill Parent-Teacher
. KW TT.ttl - A-Mtmm 100X1011 WUI IHWl at a OCIOta JuurB-
ia readv for the rash Thnrsdav nlrht I oay. - ""'"
when it will give the annual masquerade P", foUow by the annual eiecuoa
Mrs. Samuel C May and her sons.
Randolph and Kenneth, are spending
some time In Portland and are domi
ciled at the Kingbury apartments.
Alumni of Alpha Gamma Delta will
meet at t o'clock Thursday evening at
the home of Marguerite Amatts 5309
Thirty-ninth avenue southeast Mount
Scott car to Fifty-fourth street v
r5yrt r1
Vv i"i i . npocdle4m. ..
dancing party at W. O. W. temple, 124
Eleventh street There will be does
prises and costume p rises. Mrs. Clara
B. Keller is in charge of the floor with
a large reception committee.
St Johns lodge of the Loyal Order f
Moose is receiving a number of appli
cations to be counted November IS aa
part of' the big class throughout the
United States of 30,000 to be "presented"
to "Our Jim Davis," head of the order
and secretary of labor In President
Harding's cabinet
Priaeville, Or. Oct Ochoco lodge
No. L O. O. F gave a big Halloween
ball' Saturday evening ta the. American
Legion bail here. Other L O. O. F.
lodges and the Crook County Irrigators,
the commercial organlaaUoo .of this sec
tion, were guests. i
s . a a a
. Women of Mooseheart Legion will
give a ball Friday eight at the-Moose
temple' at which cash prises will be
a ta trio uvea.
a. t a . -
Eureka eouncfL Security Benefit as
sociation, had a large attendance Mon
day night at its masked ball In Mult
nomah W. O. W. hall on the eaatjdde.
a a .
8uiuiyeide lodge. A F. and A ML. coe
ferred the degrees of master Mason
Tuesday night at Suneytftde Masonic
temple, with many present!, , .
s Monday evening the concert of the
bead of Portland lodge. Loyal Order ef
Moose, was largely attended.
Ivanhee lodge. Knights ef Pythias.
Tuesday sight received a large class la
Chapter C of the P. E. O. sisterhood
will meet Friday with Mrs. Dorothy
SMa Bcaiatf Prciscted
Bathe with Catfcnra Soap to deanse
and; purify the pores. . If signs of
ptniricsa redness or nwikliwiw are
presest smear cently with Ctrdcars
Ointaeat before batbins.' Finally
dost ot a few grains ef the eujia
sitely ratt-fanjed CutJcnra Talcnm
iraarwaa. aiii -naaaalrt
, iI I I I g TT ( - - f -.. "-y ; - .
Think of It!
FOR 25c
td aad Clay. Phase Mais UK
Today Tonight
t la 11 f. K.
Feelers Begias Sit. 4:10, ilt, lift
7 REEL- 7
as fXHO&lMlLmtNUl.llLLm
ALSO A '".
As! as tatemttag
Pathe Review
AST7XTS .... -
IS rfT sam SAY
Sf!y.2 T0 7 P. M. ISe
Above Prices Xaetade war Tax
niTY Oal-el-Tewa
VII lilt an (Vpd.M va.
eeivee see.
alrBl KOV. 10-11-12
F. Say Ceatatork UarHa Oast
Hew to Sersre Tickets Kew
Address letters, checks, postofftce
money 'orders 'to He til a- Thaam
Add t Per Cast War Tex. Include
seu-aaoreasea stampeu envelope.
EVE'S Floor, $1; Balcony, first
rows 8.M, next 4 rows S2. last 13
rows $1.60 ; Gallery, reserved and
admission, $L SATURDAY MAT
Floor, S2.50 ; Balcony, first S rows
12, last IT rows si.M: Gallery, re-
erro ana aanussion,
Wed. Evening, Niv. 9
Lower Floor. 1 2, last three rows
$1.50 ; Balcony, t rows $H0, 1? rows
$1 ; Gallery, seven rows reserved 71a
Address letters, checks, poetoffloe
money orders. HeUlg- Theatre. In
clude self-addressed stamped en
velope. "7 . .
to the tune of'
"Vic MejrerV Syncopaterw
Pretty Oirls Clever Dasetag
Moaic&I ' Comedy Company -
The Big Laugh Sbxxw
The Girl and the Photo"
Afteraeeae at ti Evesmtg at I aad t
Beginners class starts at
tuiion hall, 14th at
sjahington, Wednesday
evening, at 7 o'clock sharp.
Ail dances taught as danced
in the ballrooms ta eight
lessens : Ladiee fS.007 gen
tlemen . $5.00. Private lee
sons all hours, Begnuksrs
classes start at Mariark
bail. 23d St 'Wsshiagtee,
Monday eventng. Advanced
classes, Tuesday e Thurs
day evenings. to U M.
Plenty ef pravctiee. aa ese
barrassment Yea eaa never
learn daaci&g without prss
rice. Jala tha leading school. Pkeae
Broadway Zoez.
Alice Joyce tn ,
Ceatedy. Brewalee Basy DoU," aad
a. v.
So many honiewiTes bare
come to think of gr-ovae
cbxxxkkremtennsof Gea- .
a-ely, thatceal!eyfoav
tetto fpcify GiowfTs.
Hence tilt hooseholi re- v
mioo'er: wfcetW yras order
f torn yvaz tracer or the
phone or at thettre,berar . r
ta tkat yn gtt it. A Iwodred
serycati- always keep acaa
orrerohatvir in the paacry.
Portland's Xotkm Ptetere Star
end a Realart Swper4rodxctloa
- ta -oo asd aoAavrv
- i
t .itrrr
ai.L.. ifiwr't- im
c it, . ry ya--
TOoay s snows paiit tobioiit
BEcijB yoMOBBOir arrE-ncEETg ow sELLiyo
HE I t I . O miv
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the age rank degree work.