r V Silt STORES Al GARAGE TO OCCUPY BUILDING After onferenee-wUh the city com mission Wednesday afternoon it was announced thjs morning br E A. Whit ney, architect for the Meier A Prank In vestment Co that alterations ia the buildings at Broadway- and Taylor street, amounting to $80.00 would, be made to comply with the wishes, of the council. .' -' The alterations -will consist of build ing small store rooms fronting 'on Broadway and i using .the remaining thre-Btortes as a publB garage. 'A ramp for entrance of automobiles to the . second story will be built on Broadway mid one for exit into Taylor street. Whitney stated. Machines will be trans J porfM from one floor to another by , means of I a large elevator' constructed . for that purpose, - A petition, to use the building erclu- 1 slvely u a garage, discussed before the council last week, met, with, theopposi Ucn of owners of adjacent property who maintained that Broadway was strictly a retail street The question' was re ferred to tba j department ; of public 3 works, which recommended the altera tions. Commissioners Bigelow, Pier and Mann met., with George Joseph and . Whitney, representatives of the com pany, at the request of !A. Q Johnson, assistant commissioner of public works, to consider the new9 plana . . Action will bi taken by the council on the report tithe department of pub. lie works, which recommended the ap- , proval of the-altered -plans at the meet ing to be held Wednesday. . ; . TAJfCOUYEB MABRIAGE LICENSES Vancouver. Wash.. Nov. 1-The fol lowing marriage , licenses were issued Monday: Earl Weight. 21, and Alice M. Weston, 18. Portland ; William Gray, 41, Orchards. Wash., and Hose Wallace, 35, Woodland. Wash.; Russet O. Clark. Jl! - and Charlotte M. MeLeod, 25. Portland; Arthur James Blanehard, 12. and Helen T. Pachalke. JO, Portland; Charles P. Larsen, 20. andl Marguerite Poeth, is, Vancouver, Wash. ; Harry E. Chrlsteri sen. 21. and Emma D. JCaeslechker, 25, - Sherwood. Or. ; Joseph A. Irving. 28. and Emma Helaenreter, 19. Portland; WliMam C, Kealj 21. and Golds Gregory, 17, Vancouver; Wash.; William Ly slick. 21, and Doris A. Gait her. 18. Portland ; T, H. Mallary 28, and Blanche Furseth. 25, Portland. . i CHEHALIS MABEIAQE LICENSES Chehalis, Wash.. Nov. 1. The folio w : ing marriage licenses were issued here Saturday and Monday: MIlo C. Rigen berg tnd Frances 'Cunningham Port land t Hobart M. Flscu .and Genevieve Hat per. chehalis; Wlllard Smith and I.urllne Lee Barnes, Vader, upenor Record Service TV rm INVITES YOU NEW VICTOR FORIOVEMBER Delightful Records That Are j , I Rare Musical Gems Ossto. Massenet.., .;.......,.......i.ftt0 Baman-Stm Rlgoletto. Quartet. .......... i..... ..Caruso. "Abboti; Homer. Sootti--M.it Porta del Destlno Duet uw.w.aauu( xiour . . 4 Belleve.M If All Those Itodearmgouii;iarm8....McOrmack418 :::::::::::b::::::;:::::::;Ss Auldanayne""', -Shannon. Four 1 187H , " ' Peerless Quartet sie 2 L":it V ' ITE DAXCE HITS Tfc Keeorts Jast Serioasne.. A,Ws for the, Momest aad Iavlte th. World to Bases to the Xost FaselaiSsg Mmsie " ui;:::::::::::;:;::::4 lrtWa:::::::$.r.:::;:: Stolen Klssef, . , . x rAin. . w. Bring Back My Bashing RcV;;.V;?!!?.Sg? C:,, ber,?orwa7frH!hi 1 JT00 ad as your order. chock x uos desired and send this MonmsoN ct. 1- - Charlotte Fugaard vFnneral to.Be Held - Wednesday, I P. M. Charlotte Fugaard. who died Saturday. October 23. following a short illness, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas - s city . and leaves , them and : two t ' I brothers and one v i sister. : Miss Fa. I sgaard was a grad- uate of the Frank tin high school in 1919 and . for the 1 past rour years had been employed In the bend depart ment of McCargar, Bates , , & lively L sne was also a graduate of the Behnke - Walker Business col 1 e g e. Funeral eervi eei W'U be' held at the Pearson Undertaking pariors. riusseii and Union- avenue Wed nesday, at 1 p. m.. Rev. C. 1. Rjnhard of Carlton, Or., officiating.; Stockyards Come Under Control$f . U.VS. Government Washington. Nov. 1. -I. N. S.) The bulk of . the nation's stockvards tnriav came tinder the control of the federal Secretary 'of Agriculture WaHace an nounced the names Of 68 stockvards In various parts of the country that have been determined as coming- within his Jurisdiction under the recently enacted PBLKefs ana siocKTirrM apt The owner hiv. Kon fnrm.n noti fied and formal notices were posted in each of the yards today. Secretary Wallace announce that n. soon as practicable livestock market su pervisors will .be placed at some of the principal markets and stocayards as it may be considered necessary 4 to have local representatives. These positions are subject to civil serv ice laws and regulations; it was stated. "Among the 80 stockyards formally posted today were those at Chicago, Denver. El Paso. Fort Worth, Kansas City. Mo.; St Louis, North Portland, or.; North Salt Lake. Utah; Ogden, Utah ; Oklahoma City. Pasco, Wash. ; Peoria. IU. ; San Antonio. Sioux City. Seattle. South Oma ha, South St Joseph. Mo. ; Spokane and Wichita, Kan. KATJTZMAJC TO 8TABT PAPER Toledo. Or.. Nov. 1. WiHnnr( i. to have a paper, after being without one ir wsrersu years. iam JKauUsman of Sherwood, former editor of the Tuala tin Valley News, is making arrange- uiouis to puDusn mo, "Pactcc Herald' at waidport The former paper, the "Waldport Watchman," suspended dur- wo- war. TO HEAR THE You are sure to enjoy the latest music . Won't you come in t oday? Absolutely ho obligation implied by a visit. ...Caruso and Scottt 6M9t . .. . ,u. -De Gogorja 8tSS at c roadway 1 5- DEMOCRATS OPEN FIGHT OR BONUS - By Wmder K. Harris ! Caimaal Serfies, Staff Cormpcmdast. Washington, Oct L While the Amer ican Legion convention was getting under way at Kansas City today Demo crats in the senate laid the grou'ndwork for making the soldier bonus a burning issue in the approaching campaign. ' In an all; day debate on Senator Reed's amendment to the tax revision bill con tinuing the present excess profits tax to pay the bonus. Senators! Reed. Stanlev. Helfin and Watson of Georgia made tt plain the - issue win be the profiteer kgalnst the soldier The Republicans, they charged by refusing even to permit a vote on the bonus definitely align their party on the side of the profiteer Democratic leaders were ready to con cede tonjght the Republicans would have no difficulty in tabUng the Reed pnv posal by a party" vote but they made an other move designed to prove of greater emiwrrassment to toe majority party ana craw the campaign issue more sharply.":' . - . . The whole bonus measure brought out by the senate finance committee and then sent- back after an administration appeal to the senate was offered as an amendment - to the tax bill. To over come the Republican objection that the Reed amendment proposes to tax one class for another the second amendment provides that the cost of the bonus be defrayed out of.- interest payments on the foreign debt , This would be an administrative in stead of a tax provision they contend. STEW OBEJTS WAY . The Reed amendment was" not up today. It cannot be considered until the tax bill is completed in committee of the whole and brought into the senate. Senator New. Republican of Indiana, provoked the discussion by asserting the bonus amendment was unconstitu tional. Senator Penrose, in charge of the tax bill, announced the Republicans had determined to table the Reed mo tion. Instantly Senator Reed took the floor .and the political fur flew for five hours. Charging the Republicans threatened to take his amendment "Because they want to run away from the bonus issue' Senator Reed said: "Every man who votes to table my amendment casts a coward's vote be-, cause he votes o kill the soldiers' bonus while voting to take excesa profits taxes Off the corporation." ' Senator Reed characterised Secretary of the Treasury Mellon as one of the wealthiest men In the government and connected with large business enterprises. He then quoted from the secretary s let terurging against bonus legislation be cause It would depress the market for government securities. The senator added ! "Big business does not want the soldiers bonus and of course the secre tary of the treasury could not be ex pected t favor it if big business did not want it" HOSTILITY j ; Senator Watson Of Georgia asserted the administration has put itself in a position of hostility to the soldiers. "It is a sad spectacle we behold today," said Senator Heflin. "The Republican party which has always boasted that it was the tried and true friend of the American soldier Is here blocking legis lation which seeks to give a fair settle ment to the soldiers of the great World war, who saved the life of our nation4. The Republicans maintained only a! sentinel or two on the floor while the j Democratic attack was maintained, but at frequent intervals, were forced toj coma in to listen to their denunciation by "no quorum calls. The bonus amendment providing for payment out of interest collected on this government's loans to foreign govern ments was sponsored by Senators Sim mons and Walsh of Massachusetts, both Democratic members Of the finance com mittee. They aftnounced it Would not be formally moved for adoption until after action is had op the Reed proposal smbm n as bbsbs m Band Sworn in as Associate Justice Of Supreme Court Pendleton Nov. 1. John I , Rand of Baker was Monday sworn in as an asso ciate justice of the supreme court, the action taking, place prior to the opening of the fall term of the eastern district of the court Judge Rand succeeds die late Justice Henry L. Benson. 1 Major Lee Moorheuse, deputy clerk, stated that there was enough on the docket to keep the court" here tour days. Eight civil service cases were argued minnittaii MnnAiv Includinc the 1 0U.U..M. . T W : case ef Senator Robert K Stanfield. ap pellant versus Victor Arnwlne, re spondent Members of the court In attendance are George Burnett chief Justice,' and Thomas A. - McBride. Henry J. Bean, George M- Brown,' Lawrence T. Harris, John L. Rand and John McCourt. asso ciate justices. . Today's court was occupied with ap Deals on criminal cases, chief among which is the fight of George How HAZELWOOD ORCHESTRA J. F. N.- Colburn, Director - - . : I - ' Tonights Programme . to S aad ltSS to lltM L "Hugs and Kisses:............. , ...Freed and Myers Spanish Walts. "La Serenade" . - ..."................... Cv Metra "Hawaiian.Song. "Kuu Ipo",.,... Nafe 4. SelecUoni "Chocolata Soldier". . . , ....................Oscar Straus 6. Fox Trot,' "Let By-gones Be By- - Gones ..... . ...George. Meyers . Song," "Little Gray Home In the - West",.--. ...... -Lohr and Wiimot 7. Dance Orientale....G. Lubomirsky 5. Serenades Espagnole ueorge liiset A delightful programme every night : v . to 8 aad t:M to UtU WASHINGTON SI HA2ELW00D Confectionery and ' 'Restaurant v 3S3 Wsuhiaston Street ; NearTenlh " rREET : THE OREGON DAILY '-. JOU ard, convicted of the murder In Mal heur county, for a reversal of the ver- ,dict . . . ' , .. . ; Siny tie's Liquor Car Is Owned by Others Permission to .Intervene in a libel ac tion brought fay -the government against the liquor laden automobile of W. IL Smythe was granted T Monday morning fcv Judcr at v. Motor company and. the Seaboard Securi ties company, both of Seattle. The mo- iur cumpimj aueges mat re sold the car cumract to bmyute ana tnea, to nave Sold the contract tn fha uunrifis Mn. pany. Smythe was fined S500 recently j jeoenu jaage uean lor smuggling 20 cases of whiskey into Oregon to an oHwnoouv tie was arrested by cus toms officials ha Arn .U lln. laden car off the ferry at Goble. The . u . wuwvi- government has confiscated the machine nu proposes u sell it Potash deposits obtained by France with Alsace cover nearly 70 square miles and are unusually rich In the salts. : I November On Sale Today SM rittle Tows la the Oaid Cosa . try Down.. ..By John MeCemaek 4M8 Meflstofele Glanto sal passe estremo By, Beaiamiao GIgll 84888 Mother of My Heart J. .- By Frances Alda 45254 f Ship o' Dreams. . .By Merle AJeock 1 The Old Boad .... By Merle Aleock DANCE Sooth Sea Isles. Fox Trot..... . ..By Paul Whiteman aad Orch. Rosy Cheeks Fox Trot , ..By Baal Whitemaa and Oreh. Sangeroas Blues Fox Trot By Dixieland Jazs Band Boyal Garden Blaes Fox Trot. ...By Dixieland Jazz Band 1S8S1 18798 , f When the Son Goes Down Fox J Trot By Shllklnr Oreh. I It Mast Be Someone Like Yen I Fox Trot, Benson Oreh. Chicago MAIL ORDERS GItFX PROMPT ATTENTION G-FJOHHSOHPlAHftCo. 141 8TH, BET M0BB1S0IT and ALDER. Victor Records standard for over mvrbp years RNAL, PORTLAND," OREGON Ol'NERSNIP CLAUSE WILL MAKE AUTO F Salem. Or, Nor. 1. Only a certificate of ownership clause Is required to make the Oregon automobile registration laws LAWS THEFT Should' a bank pay 4 on savings Accounts? ... i Why not? In the "good old days before the war," many Portland banks were paying this rate, when1 loaning rates were.. mudr lower than now. ' i Today ;banks in California and Washington art paying 4 on savings accounts. Arid con sistent with its policy yof service i The Broadway Bank pays 4 interest on savings accounts j All deposits niade this week will draw interest from tbday. Buy your bonds here BROACrWojr' XtsiD , STARk7" practically theft proof, according to B. W. McCay. manager or the theft bu reau ef the Pacific Coast Auto Cinder writers conference, tn Salem in confer' ence-with Secretary, of State Kexer and other stata department officials. - Ut Cay was aoc-ompanied by Roy W. Net- nan in charge of the Seattle orfice of the. bureau, and Joe Keller, in charge or ue Portland office, 'Thanks to the numerical engine record in use in the' automobile registration de partment In. the secretary of state's of fice here. McCay declared, the tracing and recovery of atoie&t: can has been made ' comparatively easy : in Oregon. This record, he explained, in spite of its value, has been adopted by but few of the states in the Union, aa yet. -i-i- TUESDAY Oregon, he declared, leads th naUon i the reduction, of automobile thefts. Ia Portland alone, he explains, automo bile, theta have been reduced from a total of 'isJg In 111$ to 450 in 192ft. v .Ali automobile insurance companies have been operating at a loss, duo to the great hazards surrounding automobiles, 'tracts suspicion. '.. , " THE IliSTltUIIXNT Of QUALITY mmm CLEAR AS J . Three New Models 1. JUST RECEIVED " 1 Imperial $140 Laureate, $200 THE VERY LAST WORD All rounded-fronts, highly -finished icabinets. Silent mo All,. .. tors. u-wooai tone cnamoers, noises.. Sonora won the highest score j for tone at the Panama-Pacific Exposition 0 Very Convenient Term of Payment Seventh Floor-r M'n&m&m r The drinking of one cup of Hills Bros. Red Can Coffee Avill convince you of its superiority over all other coffees." Its appetising aroma, fine flavor and sat isfying strength is certain to please those who are particular about the coffee they drink. . - - K NOVEMBER 1. . I accordinr to UcCay. who declares that. I adequate laws aad strict enforcement; Z of their provisions bj the only hope of 1 uicw corapanica ror a correction of this condition, which "speDs disaster to them. A OCLU . ' - I. -' ' j - Intermesao, $175 PHONOGRAPHS IN no .scratch. No foreign cMi Obi ill ' It Li iaprssT04BSaTKO; ; " - " f"? 1 sic