The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1821.
i --v
' -- - "COMIHO EVENTS :::-;t
HaUaeal Grange neetlng. Portland. ' Ksesai
br to It. --V- - t
- Padflo lnterOonal Urwtock ExpodtkM,
' rcrtland. November a to 12. - v
Orrgos Sunday School esseeiattoa snsnsl eosv
: veotioo. Salem. November 1 to IT.
. American Historical asvodaUrmi Fadfle Owl
Sranen. Port land. Korato 25 end 2.
OrcaoB Bar eaaociatjoo, Portland. Dscembsr.
Annua ! eossTrmtoa Oregoa Chrbtiaa endeavor
Ceioav Satemj rtraary IS t 1. ,
'.' J' TTKiTHFB '. vncrriar ?" i.'
I snd Vicinity -Sanday. hir; easterly
..-Oregon Sunday, fair; gentle easterly winds.
- Washington Sunday, rain aial. (air east
, portion; fresh southerly winds.
A moderate low innus um b arrtnl
morning orf r Missouri, scram psaied by rains In
the middle Mississippi valley and atone the west
Colt coast. A treat high pmnra area over
spread the western portion oi the country.
in geSeralty fair weather exoept est the aorta
Pacific Coast, where beary rains oerarred. The
greatest precipitation reported was 8.4 inches
at Tatoosh Island, Wash.; 1.83 inches at New
Orleans. La. : 1.79 Inches at Vanemrver. B. C.
and 1.14 inches at Victoria. R. C. The weather
m vncB wanner in we apper stnso-xn vajtey
and anrraaponding-ly cooler, in the middle aliaua
stpni valley and west Gulf states. -
RelatlTS hunidite at Portland: - Noon nmtmr.
day. 58 per cent; 6 p. m. yesterday, 41 per
cem. a. m. toaay, ys per cent, .
, Precipitation since J senary 1: - Total. SO. 18
Inches; normal. 81.02 . incbea; deficiency. 0.84
incnes. . a sums, to.
Temp. jpg
i r if
52 a
53 8 ' O
B8 88
62 60 0
so 'is 'Hi
64 48 0
68 SO .S3
; 88
T4 48 0
80 0 .88
88 52 0
83 0
68 33 0
40 48
8 48 .08
00 88 ' 0
TO 88 .20
88 40 0
72 68' 0
80 68 1.83
84 48 O
20 .... 0
68 62 .18
68 84 0
83 48 0
80 48 0
70 0 0
63 88 0
68 40 0
48 84 .14
72 44 0
83 88 0
73 48 0
70 62 .72
68 60 0
63 88 0
80 68 0 .
74 88 0
62 68 .1?
84 40 0-
48 18
82 60 .04
IS .... 0
.... SO 3.48
68 44 0
84 01
68 64 1.78
70 60 .04
68 44 0
1 86 1 88 0
Raker, Or. ,
oue, Idafi. ....i.....
Boston, Mass. .........
Buffalo, N. T. . . i . . . . .
Calgary. Albert
Chicago, m. .
uenver, Joio. .............
Dee Moines. Iowa .........
Rdmonton, Alberta ........
Fresno, Cel. .............
tlalveston, Tezaa ..........
Helena, Mont . . .w
Honolulu. T. H. .i..
Huron. S. D. J. ........... .
ejunaan. Alaska ..........
.. Kansas City. Mo. .
Ijo Angeles, CaL .
Manhfiekt, On . . ,
Medford, Or. ....
Memphis, Tenn.
- New Orleans. XA. ..........
New Tort, N. X. I
Nome. Alaska .
. North Head, Wash. .......
North Platte, Neb. ......v.
Oklahoma City, OUa.
Phoenix, Aria. ............
Ptctsbnrg, Pa. .............
Pocatdlo, Idaho
Portland, Or.
Prince Kupert, B. 0. .......
'. Roaeburc, Or. ............
Hoswell. N. iff .
Kaoraniento. CaL. ...........
Ht. Louis, Mo. ............
St. Paul, Minn.
' Halt Lake City, Ltah .......
Han Iieo, Cal.
Han Franciaro, CaL
Seattle. Wash.
Hheridan, Wyo,
Sitka, Alaska ...........
Hpoaane, Wash.
Tanana. Alaska '
Tatooab Island. Wash. . ....
Tonopah, Ner. ...........
Valdes. Alaska
VancottTer, B. O. .........
Walla Walla. Wash. .......
Washinatcrn, D. Ci
Yakima. Wash, .t . . .
P. H. report of prsoedini day.
Commercial Clsb Heads to Meet Sec
retaries of commercial organiaatione in
the state will hold their annual meeting
in the green room "of tha Chamber of
Commerce November 7, according to an
nouncement made by the State Chamber
of Commerce today. W. A. Reld of Cor
vallls is president and L. Antles of Bend
is secretary of the stats org-anisatloa of
Shepsrd't Asto Bsa Xlses Portland-Astoria-Seaside
division Leave Port
land 7:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m.,
4 :15 p. m. Leaving Astoria ? :15 s, m
2:19 a. m.. 10:00 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. 2:45
p. m, and 1:15 p. m. Direct connections
at Astoria to and from Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Busses leave St.
. ', Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street. Tele--.'-.
phone MsrshaU 381.Adv.
Mayor Baker to Speak Mayor George
C Baker is scheduled as the principal
r. speaker at a meeting of the Pacific
' Coast Shippers association m the Ty-
' ' rolean room of the Benson hotel next
' r ' Tuesday noon. .'-Among the entertain
ment features of the program is a epe
' cialty entitled "Five Minutes Across the
Border," by Roy Dailey of Seattle.
Shepard's Asto Bis Lints Portlsnd-
Jst, Helens-Astoria division : Leave Port
V land 12 p. m., 7 :30 a. m., 10 si m, 1 p. m-
I 4 :15- p. m. Leave Astoria, 7 :15 a. m., 10
) , , a. m., 1 :30 p. rn., 8 :30 p. m., 6 :15 p.. m.
i Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Bin see
. leave St Charles hotel, 204 Morrison
street Telephone Marshall 4381, Adv.
r Asaistant Forester Hetnras A. O.
.,- "Waha, assistant district forester, and
chief of operation, has returned from
Kastern Oregon, where he has been since
June, conducting an intensive inspection
. of the trail, road, telephone and lookout
systems on the national forests east of
ths Cascades.
Shepard's Asto frii Lines Multnomah
' Falls division... Leave Portland 9:30 a,
f , m, U sv nru 2:45 p. m.; 4:20 p. rh. dally.
Leave Multnomah Falls 7:15 a. m., 11:15
a. m., 12 :55 p. 4 p. m. and 6 :10 p. m.
daily. Busses leave St. Charles hotel,
204 Morrison street Telephone Marshall
. " 438L Adv. , ,
Men's Besort MeetUg Dr. Harold L.
' Bowman, pastor, of the First Presbyte
rian , church, will speak Sunday at 4
p. m. at ths Men's Resort Mrs. Eumara,
Japanese soprano, will sing. At 7:30 p.
rn.. Rev. Levi Johnson will continue his
. . illustrated Bible lectures. Thomas Laird
will les4 the singing.
Shepard's Asto Bsa Llses Portland
Hood River division. Leave Portland
9:30 a. m.. 11 a, mu. 2:45 p. m. and 4:30
p. m. dally. Leave Hood, River 2:30 a,
. m., 11 a. 2:20 p. m. and 4:30 p. m.
. daily. Busses leave St Charles hotel. 204
. - Morrison at Telephone Mar. 438L Adv.
Coyotes Fae. Destrsetlos Stanley G.
Jewett In charge of predatory- animal
work of ths U. S. biological survey, has
left for Harney county to Inaugurated
- THE NEW h .
Dance Pavilion '
.'M:r3,i OPENS ' ' . .
Newest and birxest dance haQ in Portland. WiU accommodate 2000
Eeople. Lixce and commodious ladies and cents' parlors. The,
jfest and finest maple dance floor In the West ' Equipped with'
automatic forced fresh air " veQtilstkn and temperature control,
; (TEN-PIECE) . "
' ; .;DEUJXE ' A .
Thm Big Dcatcn Orchestra That Play the Right Time
OH BOY! : ; ';
, Good Floor Management Guaranteed Popular Price
coyote "' polaonlnr campalra alone the
Kevsda; and Calilornia botuwartea. s. ;
rortlssi-Kewewrf Bss-Lsave FourtJi
nd Alder daily, , :S0 Uf.BL.udl.
ZM, ' 4 :15, i 40. 40 p. m. : Saturday
and Sunday 11 :1& p. m. . Ptaon Main
14-Adr. j-v f . f y
J. '.H. TssI Wvlr; Taylor street dock
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. a.
m. ; learinar-ChUlea Wednewday. FridSy.
Sunday, 1 a. m. Far, fi. Mala S0
Adv. . .:.;-',; -.v
' Bs ; Kst Forret f the ' Labor ; tempi
dance at Fourth and Jefferson;. Satur
day nisht. The largreet and beat hall in
city Fleming's 10 piece orchestxa.-Ady.
Portias Tinamook CidOlae Star,
Hoyt hotel, daily at :1S a. m. and 2 p.
nv Special arrftng-ements made for fisb
Ingr parties.- Adv. J-Z .'ii
-, Fset Hartt See our foot epeciallst.
X-ray services free. Knight Shoe com
pany, Morrison near Broadway. Adv.
' Str. Amerlfs St Helens via Columbia
river, 2 :30 p. m. daily ; 1JL30 a-.m. Bun
day. Alder st. dock.. Main 232. Adv.
- FerUasS-SsJeaB Stage Leaves Seward
liotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare. 21.a(J. Adv. :
Salem.XDla City Stag-e Connects O.
E. trains Noa. i and for Mill - City.
Joseph. Hamman, Salem; Frppj Adv.
Sr. Hlrm-a, eye. ear. nose and throat.
Office, Sellins; buUdlnj; residence, Nor
tonia hoteL Adv.- : - L
Dr. Marl EasJ has resumed practice.
Lafayette Wdr 213 Waahlnjton st. Ad,
Hr. Sherssas X. Wrifht has returned,
Adv. '. .' ..v.-. -V:- : .
Bates on Tin Plate
Will Be Beduced
. Eastern rail lines . have concurred
with transcontinental - lines " In - es
tablishing: a new rate on tin plate mov
ing from eastern points- to Pacific coast
domestic territory of 31.20 her . hundred
pounds, according: to advice received to- J
day by the local offices of the Union Pa
cific railway. - New tariffs are to be Is
sued immediately. The present rate on
tin plate is 1.83 front New York,
$1.66 from Pittsburg", and 21.68 from
Detroit -
Basketball Teams
Start Enrollment
TWe Inter-Church Athletic association
which has been formed under the ass
plces of the boys' division of the T. M.
C. A.,' has started the enrollment of
teams ror tne basketball season or 1931
1922. The following Sunday schools
have entered basketball teams: Central
Presbyterian, Forbes Presbyterian,
Mount Tabor Presbyterian, -Woodlawn
Methodist - Sunnyslds Congregational,
Highland Baptist, Centenary Wilbur
Methodist Lents Evangelical and Grace
Baptist. Other Sunday- schools are in
vited to Join the' association. Full in
formation may be obtained from Wil
lard F. Rouse, room 203 B'T M. C. A.
At a meeting of the organisation the
following officers were elected t Presi
dent, Robert R. Barnes, xsoor 6238 ;
secretary-treasurer, George Porter, Au
tomatic 239-98; advisor, Wlllard F.
Rouse, Main 8700, ;
Oregon Agricultural College, CorvaUis,
Oct. 29 Members of the Women's league
at the college expressed themselves In
favor of the honor system on the
campus. The league includes all women
registered at the college. From all Indi
cations the girls will .adopt the system.
(Continued Prom faca FoortaeB) .
ish -and mission all over the countr.
Prayer and gifts will be given in grate
ful remembrance. ...
As s thank offering for their jubilee the
women of the Episcopal church undertook to
raise 50,000. According to a telegram re
ceived ber from tha Mission House, $66,000
has alreadi been raised. -
Scan B. T. T. Hicka wtD hare chars of the
Sandar serf ices at St. Btepbans praathedral
and also the services oa An Saints' day, Tnesdaj,
On Tueaday the first celebration of holy com
munion will be at- 7:30 a. nv, aftd tha second'
celebration at 9:80 a. nv. An iQnstrited lectore
en Hawaii will be aivea to the yona gpeople at
S:SO p. m., Sunday, by Stephen 1. Chulnrn
and Donald Lamont Jr.
All Saints' day there win be services st Trinity
Episcopal church at 10 a, m. Dr. A. A. Mor
rison will oecopy his pulpit Sunday: The
Women's Guild will meet Wednesday at 2 r- TO.
in the parish house. The monthly meeting of
the Women's Auxiliary will be beM-Friday at
2:30. The Young People's society elected the
foUowins officers last Sunday: . James Beard,
president: Hiss G. Hunt, vie president: Walter
Ramberc. secretary Uunsuim. Arrangements
hsTe been made tort a. victory party Thursday
renins, of which the Tounf Peoole's society
sad the choir will be hosts. last 8aturday eve
nine the Sunday school officers and teachers
were entertained at dinner . ia the rectory by
The club house s St. David's parish, which
had ks fall openin); aat Monday, has adopted
the following schedule for the year: Monday,
members' night: Taesdsy Sad Thursday, open
night -to men and older boys: Wednesday, Girls
Friendly society night; Friday, high school
boys' night, An Saints' day service will be held
in the church Tuesday at 7 a. n. and All Souls'
day service oa Wednesday at 8 a. m. ' The rector
wtil preach Sunday.
The church school teachers' institute win meet
as s normal school this year. The first session
iP. be November 1 it I n m.. is St David's
parish house. , Tha instructors have been selected
from variona parishes.
Bishop W. T. Sumner win visit tha Xkdsgopaf
church at Hilvaukus, Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, and preach the sermon.
. . , .... jgi
The revival meetings at the Swedish
Tabernacle have been well attended and
several conversions have been recorded.
Ths Ellm chapel, seating about 200, was
too small for the afternoon meetings,
which, since last Tuesday, have been
held at the tabernacle. -
Rev. G. F. Johnson ass spoken on prophetic
subjects. His lectures in the afternoon hare
been instructive. Sunday "will "be the last day
Bav. Jar. Johnson ta here. He win speak at 11
a. av. S P. aa. and 7 :3 T. as. The afternoon
lectins win be. am KnsHsa. Arrancenenta are
made for eerflow nwetins hi the ereBinf , If
Beeesaiiy. at the Swedish Baptart cbarch, ,
.Thaw Mrival asetias will be followed with
a Bible con ft rw. berinnins at Siim chapel.
Skidaaore and Mirhisan acnne. oa Taeaday
afteraooa at 2:80 clock. The leaainwa wiU be
heU at :0 a. m. and 3:30 fx. m. at Elim chapel
and reriral aerrtcea aeery eveminB at the taber
nacW, T.4J o'clock. . Be. Rodolph Petenoa of
EeentU. Wash.. Bee. O. T. LsOoa of PoweU
Valley and ether, ministers wiU partaripata in
isa beea made -y tha ' Bee; 1
Iseo Stacker, pastor of the Ctay Street Evan
gelical church, that the eongregation voted last
Wednesday to haral all Sunday seiikiea ks the
English . language. ' fb- Clay . Street cbureh.
which ts the oldest Esanaenenl eawrch ia Port
land, has used the Genaaa language ia its serv
Vcea since the church was started. B. 3. Keiler
is Sunday school saperinteodent: 3. C. Laekei.
CL K Stobet, K. C Guntner. A. Krupae and
J. K. Elmer an trustees, and Edward Gaigar
is president of the Young People's si lis nee.
. , . j : ft . -
'' The Rev. L. C Hinshaw of Newberg,
yearly meeting and evangelistic superin
tendent of the Friends church, will
preach Sunday morning and evening at
the First Friends church...
The Luther league of Our Savior's Lu
theran church will give a special pro
gram - commemorating the Lutheran
reformation on Sunday at 7 :30 p. m. The
discussion wilt be led by Mrs. Theodore
Gulhaugen of Kennewick. Wash. The
morning sermon; by the - Rev. M. A.
Ohristensen will be in Norwegian. Olaf
Kyllo, chairman of the benevolence com
mittee, will report On the progress of ths
Near 'Bast relief campaign.
The festjral of 'the reformation win be cele
brated at Trinity Lotheran church on Sunday.
Appropriate eerviees eill be conducted by the
Bev. J. A. Bimbacb, pastor. All are inriied.
The reformation festival with confession and
holy communion win be observed in St. Paul's
Lutheran church Sanday,- The pastor, tha Bev.
A Knsuse, will preach the confessional sermon
at 10 a. m., and the festivsl sermon at 10:30.
Ths morninc services will be in German. Ths
Bnglish service with eoafesston and holy com
munion win be at 7 :30 p. at. . Special music
has ben prepared for : both - ssrrieas by the
choir. . A special lectars sad derotional servioe
will be held at 9 p. m.. the topic of which win
be "Tha Reformation and the Diet of Worms."
The reformation festival will be celebrated and
special services Sunday at Graea Lattheraa
church. The Her. C H. Bemhard wOl preaeh
in the morning and a sacred concert wiU be
giten at night
The Ladies' Aid society of Bethany Danish
LutheraB church win gire S bazaar on No
vember 18.
.-- .
The annual banquet of the Methodist
Deaconess association will be held at the
First Methodist church next Friday at
6:30 p. . m. , Dr. Charles MacCaughey,
new pastor at Centenary yWilbur church,
will give the address. Miss Kathleen
Mount, soprano, and a quartet will fur
nish special music Plates will be laid
for 400. , . -
Good Literature Sunday win be observed to
morrow by many of the Methodist churches in
- Bev. William Wallace Youngson win occupy
the pulpit of the First Methodist church Sunday
morning at 10:30. At 7:80 there will be a
concert by the Whitney Boys' Chorus. The gen
eral public is invited to both sen hies.
Centenary-Wilbur Hethornst church is empha
sising two things inspirational Sunday services
with exceptional musie, and a strong week-day
program of social service, announces Dr. Charles
MacCaughey, the new pastor. The Wesley Ep
worth League is siring a special study course
on "The Teachings of Jesus" at the Sunday
night meetings.
Sunnyside Methodist church is alire with activ
ities. Three bis "drives" are now under way.
The men of the church are endcarortng to reach
every unchurched boy in the community. As a
part of the program a great banquet will be
served for "lads and dads." The young people
of the Epworta League hare a striking program
mapped pot for "Win My Chum" week. A
drive is now- on In the Sunday school with the
result that this is the largest Sunday school in
the Oregon conference. This week a pubfic re
ception was held in honor of Dr. and Mrs. T. H.
Calktgher. Large audiences are crowding tha
cuarcn every Sunday. -
The men and boys of Lincoln Methodist
cbureh and community are looking forward to
o aw next rmay nignt wnea to nnt annual
"Father and Son" banquet wfll be held. L. V.
Jenkins, chief of police, win be one of the
principal speakers. The Sunday school officers
and teachers will also hold their second workers'
conference Tuesday night at the church. Sun
day morning the Bev. W. N. Byars, pastor, will
preach a sermon on "Father and Son." and at
ugnt wui give tne nrat sermon in a senes on
"Christian, Fundamentals.'
Central Methodist church has secured Ia T.
Mahone as the sneaker for its Sunday mbmina
service. Mr. Mahone has Just returned from the,
mm wucrs 119 iuuuh wc mwuni ot to say
men's association. E. K. Steele wiU conduct
the evening service. The pastor snd his wife are
attending a missionary convention in Kansas
The new pastor st the Linnton Methodist
rl.urch is the Rev. Robert Moulton Oetke, A. M.;
iv. u., wno nas. seen for tne last four years
stor ox too saetooojst canxca at Lyons, 'ur.
llis efforts while there were directed toward
building a community church. This past year
the new social and library rooms were completed
snd the equipment secured to reader a wider
social service to the community than the church
bad ever bees able to render before. His work
has bad a special appeal for'tht young people.
He recently considered' an offer made by one
of tha larger Portland churches to become di
rector of their- boys' work, bat was prevented
from accepting because of his previous sgreement
to remain upon the teaching force of Willam
ette university.' Professor Gatke has riven his
serriees to churches not in a position to support
a resident pastor and continues to' hold the posi
tion of instructor of history St the nnirersity.
In his new field at Linnton there are large pos
sibilities ter working est a community program
and the Kadera of the church are expecting that
such a program will prove a fruitful one.
Good Literature Sunday win be observed at
both morning and evening services at the Van
couver Arenue Norwegian-Danish Methodist
Episcopal church. The text for Sunday morn
ing devotion wiU be, "The Word of God." Ths
evening service at 8 win be ia English. The
Bev. Gustav A. Storaker win speak at both
services. The Central Ladies' Aid of the church
win have a sale Saturday evening, November 5.
The Bev. E. Button Mace, pastor of Clinton
Kelly H. K. church, announces that he wfll have
something- to say Sunday morning "about the
foes menacing ear civU Ufe." The evening
service is combined with ' the Epworth - League
meeting at 7 o'clock Under the leadership of Mii
Clara Jasper. The pastor wOl preach at ths
Westmoreland chapel at night.
Next Sunday win be Scout night at the Ep
worth Methodist chnrch. Promotions wiU take
place in troop 25, and' Jsmes Brockway, Scout
executive, wiU give the address. -'
The camp meeting iof the Oregon conference'
met Wednesday -and selected Cottage Grove as
the permanent site for the conference camp meet,
inf. x , . ,
' " - U 48
The revival which opened last Sunday
with deep interest at the First Nasarene
church. Twelfth . and ' Main streets, will
continue every night during next week.
Rev. U. E. Harding preaching with his usual
fascinating manner. He expressed H as
anacapaiins a areas meeting, in nis first
Plumbing Fixtures That Satisfy
Pa ' ' ' - r . .
No feature' ; of your liome contributes
more to year tronnd sttisf action than mod
ern sanitary plambine. You .cannot afford
' to. neglect this vital, ' permanent,', comfort
" bringing part of everyday life in " building
or remodeiins. " ' z ' ' -
-. Many years o experience have enabled
us through careful selection to offer fix
tures of such superior quality
and artistic design as to meet
the demands of , the most ex
acting. You are assured per
manent satisfaction when. you
buy our ' ,
For Sale by Leading
T Plumbers. '
sJrrOwrecaBs axsd let s
t ;The M. Le
U , WBoIc$aler " - '
jj . 80-82-84-86 Front Street . .' T
sag - the entire congregation shook bis hand. 1
with a promise to stand with him for a greet
revival Bev. -A. E. Banner is to preach also
during next week. - The singing is to so any a
leading learare of the meetings. FToteesor ana
Mrs. C Meils are tha leaders. There Witt be
three' Sunday. . r. '
At ths First Presbyterian church Son
day, the oratorio by GauL Ths- Holy
City," will be given at the evening serv
ice, wit Otto Wedemeyer aa director
and ES. B. Coursen organist, v
Tee regular uartet. Mrs. Blanehe WIIbsbm
Seeemtea. sonrsne: Miss Mary WySe. enwtralto:
Ralfred- Towns, tenor, and Otto Wedemeyer.
two, will be assisted by the following voices:
Sopranos. Miss' Evelyn Drewery. - Mn Agnes
Torek-,' Maw -Olga Johnma. Miss MartuerHa
RnsseU and Mrs. T. W. Ximmerman; contraltos.
Miss Glenda Buiet flin. Mrs. Marie Comtanteio
sad Miss Mildred Fsnimon: tenors, 43. H. Char
ters. B. C. JseksoB and fieorre & Cochrane:
basses, C H. Savage. F. T. Richards, W. A.
Stebbtne and T. W. Zimmerman. :
At morning worship Tar. Bowman wffl preach
snd Mrs: "Segenten wfll sins; "O Divine Re
oeemer (Gouaod), and the anthem, "Thaw Wilt
Keep Him in Perfect Peace"- Buek).. wfi) ba
girea by the choir. -
- A sakeiioa study class ass been ,orgarrised by
the vexring auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary
sneiety and will meet for the first time en
Wednesday this week in Room H rf the ehareh
house at 7:45 o'clock. The book to ba studied
b "The Kingdom snd the Nations by Erie M.
North. Bev. Kormsn K. Tally wiS ba the
leader. . All women interested in the study .of
missions sre invited.
A eUen's clnb has been organised st the First
Presbyterian ehareh and will have the initial
meeting Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the Sunday
school aoditorinm. Dr. Waiter H. Nugent win
deliver a popular lectors entitled. ' "If I "Were
Ton." Refreshments will be served.: All the
tea of ths congregation and their. friends are
invited. .
( Westminster Prcsbjtsilan ehareh win hear ha
pastor both morning' and evening. Frofemor
Hutchison: has chosen the follosring music:
Homing Anthem. "The Wilderness Isaiah
XXXV), S- S. Wesley; offertorr. ''Allegretto in
B flat minor." Sergius Rachnuuuhovf ; tenor aria,
"Then f hall the Righteous. Shine Forth" (from
"Elijah"). Fsttz Mendelssohn. Erening AnLUem,
"Songs of Praise the Angels Rang."'. H. R.
Shelley: offertory,-"Andante in F." 8, 8. Wes
ley; xquartet and , duet tenor sad baritone),
"Be Glad, O Te Rignteous.',. Henry Smart
There will be no young people s meeting Sun
day evening at the church. The society has
charge of the vesper services st the T. W. C. A.,
at which Dr. Pence ia to, apeak on "A
Woman'a Wit and Divine Compassion. Miss
Mario Bowman, president, will preside.
The Girls' chorus which meets each Wednes
day from T to 8 p. m. is growing ia Bumbers.
About 75 are aow in the dub. All girls of
Irvington district who sre 11 years or elder
are eligible and are urged to Join. There sre
no dues, but regular attendance ' wiU be
required. '. "
' The Bible school has been : keeping above
the 600 mark. The -attendance last Sunday
was S3S. -One thing 'diitinetive about the
school ia that it has preetiealy no adult divi
sion, because the entire building is being used
for the hoys and Ciris. The beginners depart
ment, under the leadership ef Mrs. - Ralph H,
MibrKeil, numbered SS; the primary under Mr.
I C Phi llips numbered 126; juniors, 856;
intermediates, 160; seniors. 68; adults, 60.
" ht connection with the morning service to
morrow in the Central Presbyterian ehareh Dr.
W. H. Nugent wiU conduct an installation serv
ice for the officers and teachers of the Sunday
school. ...
Rev. Donald W. M- MacCluer. pastor of the
Rose City Park Presbyterian church, will preach
Sunday morning and evening. ' Wednesday at
2 p. m. the Women's Missionary .society will
give a playlet, "Tired of Missions.'' Those par
ticipating in the playet are the girls of the
Hazel Hanns guild, under leadership of Mrs.
Donald MacCluer. The Sew Men's club Bible
class will hare its first meeting Sunday morn
inc. -rne class nss secured, as its leader Kev.
Floyd E. Dorria, On November 8, church night,
the Westminster guild and ' Mrs. MeMkhsel's
Bible class wfll sire a Turkish play entitled
"Broken Chains." This is a play of four seta,
in which 25 characters participate. Appropriate
costumes from Xew York city will be used.
Next week will be a memorable week for
Piedmont ' Presbyterian church in that it will
hare the privilege of entertaining the conference
of denominational Christian education. . The
evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday will be 'devoted to this conference, which
wOl ba ia charge -of Bev. William Ralph HaU
of the young people's board and Bev. J, , W.
Howell of the International Sunday School asso
dation. Sunday morning's service will be pre
sided over by. Rev. F. B. Lewis of Forbes Pres
byterian church. In the evening Bar. J. Francis
Morgan will preach. Monday evening the young
people will give a Halloween socisl in ths
church. v . -Rev.
James Aiken Smith - has accepted the
call to Hops Presbyterian church and will occupy
tha pulpit for his first service November 20.
Rev. ilr. Smith comes from La Grande. Or.,
where ho has bees pastor of the First Presby
terian bnrch two years. Prior to that he was
pastor-ef the First Presbyterian church of Fort
Scott, Kan., six years. Bev. Mr. Smith is sa
able preacher and a fine pastor and Hope ehareh
feels tortnnata in securing him. His family
consists of his wife m and four children. Three
of the children are in Whitman college. The
oldest son is preparing for the ministry.
The Men s club of Mizpah prestrvtenon church
will give a Halloween frolic in the parlors of
tha church Tuesday evening to all members of
the church and consegatiosu Th epastor. Rev.
D. A. Thompson, will occupy his pulpit Sunday
and also will deliver a sermca to the Sunday
school children at the. beginning of the chnrch
World Temperance Sunday will be observed
tomorrow by Dc Henry White at Millard Ave
nue Presbyterian church. Friday evening at 8
o'clock the firs tof a series' of entertainments by
the Welfare club will be given in the church.
Dr. Ema Enna. pianist, 'lecturer and composer.
will. give s program, satiated by Mrs. Herbert
Garr Seed, dramatic reader. Mrs. beorge Jol-
vey fa chairman of tha committee on arrange
ments. Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock and again- at
7:30 the Picture, "Behold the Man,' will be
shown in the Fourth Presbyterian church. Mr.
and lira. GeoKe Hotchkiss Street and other
singers win render appropriate music at the
evening- service. - A community entertainment
of moving pictures is given at tha. church every
Wednesday afternoon and evening. Next 'week
the picture will be Charles Bay in "Alarm Clock
At the -Kenilworth Presbyterian church as
Intanatina' eamnaisn of visitation has been or-
ranized. Miss J. H. Geijsbeek is cJiatenan of
tha committee and Mr. BendroCh and Mrs.
Merchant are colonels ef the two- divisions. The
plan is to interest all in the neighbborhood in
tha church 'activities. Dr. U K. Grimes, the
pastor, is preaching a senes - of sermons on
"Vital Christian Living and Hope."
t Speclsl missionary services - will be
neld Sunday by the women's organiza
tions In three of the United Brethren,
churches. They will have charge of th
evening services at Second and Fourth
churches and the morning service at
Third church. The Bible school will
give a Bally day program Sunday morn
ing at Fourth church..
- (- iff
A new Pentecostal mission has been
opened at Eighty-fourth street and Six
tieth avenue southeast by Mr. and Mrs,
- ' ' i ;. V .
gtsjo i avaldnsr tout sslsctioa
aisplay of 6xtsrs Hm Utet deaigyi. .
iCline Gb.
: lUA-Utw PfltTC..
" - For Early
An tmusuallv in teres tine-" version ot
WAlpomsrl ftr esrlv Mrint&r wear .is t riif.
and Canton crepe very effectively. A simulation of the redingote type is conceived
ny inserting a curved front aKirt panel
With the nanel develoned in a matching
slmcle sruimne. For afternoon wear is
at the raight, which extends the becoming opening of the blouse to the lapped
SKirx, tne line oi wnicn is auo repeateo,
jkow upon row or vari-coiorea worstea sutcmng mases a novel ana miereexing
trimming for the oval neck-line, the deeo. mandarin cuffs and the surplice lines
of the blouse nd skirt The uneven
' (Copyright. 1021. by The
W. S. Lovejoy. Regular services will be
neia on sunaay at 11 em. and 8 p. m..
and on Tuesday and Thursday at 8 p. m.
The children's meetine will be at 2 n.
m. Sunday.. . .
At 8 o'clock Sunday night In the Mod.
ern Conservatory of Music, 148 Thir
teenth street. Robert H. Reed will speak
on "The Mind" in a series of Sunday
A Conservative Custodian
Your Savjngjs
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Your savings account is properly a
reserve fund, money immediately avail
able, for emergencies. The Hibernia
solicits your account, not ort a basis of
prizes or of high interest returns, but
on its record of 29 years a a conserva
tive custodian.
A savings account is the foundation
of success. In it you accumulate small
amounts till they are large enough for
investment; The Hibernia specializes
in savings service. Opening an ac
count is but a matter of signing a sig
nature card and making your first
deposit. Insure for success and make
die Hibernia your bank. -
I "
ri - '
lSTI 4th &
id X
(Rebuilt, good as aav
at $2w75
Regular Price $3.75
Gas Co. :
Winter Wear
- tha' Sleeveless frock which has been
nn. At Omi lfr which pnmhina stersre
or -crepe, to maicn tne separate diqubo.
fabric, ths frock may be worn with, any
tha Interesting surnlice frock of velvet.
in a eroaiter Degree, ax mo ngni srae.
hem-line is also, noteworthy fashion
Vogue Co., New Tork)
evening addresses he ts giving for the
Realisation league. H. Edward Mills
speaks at 11 o ciock.
The next convention of the Oregon
Sunday School association will be . at
Salem, November 15 -to 17, announces
Miss Georgia Parker, acting stats sec
retary. The convention church has not
been announcea.- -
. ' !! 1
Gas Lights
Near Fffth.
P n'fHAT."
V '. LT Ss
. ROAD SHOT ' ' 1
HEI1JG Braadiray st Taylor. 'Ralph Ttushar
company ia "Kooia Mooa." s.l. I Ms tines,
8Busds,.i,.. , .
BAOIRMorrawe at Eleventh. Baker Stock
ecmnsny ia "Tare to the Right.' Mattne
v Wednesday, Paturday, Suadsy. st x:SUi sve
. nines it :!(L
LT RIO Breed way at Morrison. Lyrfe Musical
t-omeay' company tm "Tne awaaeung w
Cal la." Mattne daily at S sv, evenings
Ttsil . - .v..
PANTAGES-Broadwsy at Aides. " Hb-eaia
vauoevui ana peotopiay leanuaa smrsms
and evening. ; Prograaa chances Monday Sft-
LOKWS HfIPOlBOVK Broadway at Tamhill
fLMreotion Ackermaa at Mama. - vasnevuie
aad ptcturea. Aftemoea and evening ,
''-;:-U' PHOTOPlATS V-
COTJTMBU Sixth at Stark, r PoJa . Negri ks
"One ArabiaB Night.' 1 1 a. m. t 11 p. as.
UBERTT Broadway at 8 tars. Marshall Net.
lsa's "Bits of Lile." 11 a. sa. to 11 Sv at.
R1VOU Washington at Park. Las tise and
- Jack Holt hi "After the Show. 11 a. m.
THB AdlOaaCM JThtrd sad CMy. t rBsst
Lynn. I, 4, l.lM :! P. as.
MAJESTIC Wsahington at Park.- "The Girt
PKOPUia wast Park at Alder. - D. W. Urif-
. ftth's " "Way Sows SssL a., sa. r u
STAR Washington at Park.' Mack Bennett's
"The Bummer Girls.-. 11 a. m. to 11 P.
CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. - Wallace
ReMt la "The Heu Diggers. S. a. as. to
o'clock tha following morning. ;..-: -
New Tork.--Th6 world's- series . has
gone to ths heads of New Yorkers. At
ths least ball Influence Is 'seen' In some
of the bandeau worn In the last few
days. A I most attractive - head dress
worn In one of ths local theatres Is
designed along the IfJCles of ths straps
of a catcher's mask. The band across
the brow, of blue satin studded with
small pink rosebuds, is worn very low
on the brow. From the center of the
front a band passes over the top of the
head : to meet the continuation of 'the
band at th. back. .
London. Ths ; blouses most favored
hers for . daytime ' wear:' are' cut along
simple - line similar to these of , the
-American shirtwaist and ths adjustable
collar which may be worn either high
or low. For evening .wear Jet trimmings
are popular. An example of this mode
Is shown in a black georgette blouse of
the. Jumper, type with the round neck
outlined in Jet beads. A deep Inset in
front ia composed entirely, of jet while
; Fennings' Bakery
HeaBs-Xads Bread aad Pistry
Frslts and Caadtee Leeehes Served
rhese Wewdlawa ess.
Cerser Ximarrworth sad Bertswlek
Brssch Baasryt Ul XissisBlffl Ave.
Cuticura Talcum
With Bstterfleld Is the Latest Soar
Hits . . . ;r.-"
Bet IloOaPBest TefttllmtloA
Cotillion Hall
Monday, Oct. 31 , 1921
Prises for ths Best Dressed, ths Best
Sastalaed aad ths Most
, Comical
Our Regular Dances Tuesday and
t ' Thursday.
! Friday Artisans sight. '- V ;
..Better. Than Ever'-'.- .:.-;r
- - j
y. ,i to the tune of x
Vit5 Meyers Syncopatera"
beatjtittjTj "-r '.'v;'-
etebx sight except bttsdIj
Pretty Clils - - . Clsvsr Daaetsg
UltaU. Dally :80 Eves I ana ffJ
trrrut cakuso a oou y, j
.-.. :- ttesrets ftem rsswit Ommrrlv, v
V- MKStBESrr D-sirTfi5?l
s , , ..
jl VcTI tell the price
Alyays HealtMql
sssple frssaf oTsiaia T il iritsrlii.P sjl T SIillis
sKMbV S vVVwaSBn tamlt
t deep fringe of Jet borders the Jumper.
A vanel hanging - down the back seven
or elrht inehes - below the rest of the
garmenl also Is bordered with jet-; ,
Gu) Reases Grotto. Veiled ProDhets of
the lSnchanied realm, had its quarterly ;
informal dance at the f'ythta.n building,
Thursday evening, in the grand lodge,
hall, with a largo attends nee and many
on the floor. , ' , .
rtMsMkn mmhfv ITsltiJ' ArtlnanK.
Thursday evening, had a most enjoyable
open session with cards, dancing and re
freshments at ' w. u. w. tempts. . . Ar
rangements are being maae xor a mass
dancing luurty next Thursday. , -
Weil Say: .
i The Public Knows
; a-Good Thing
. and Clay. Phoae Mala TtS-. x,
; Today Tonight
Tomorrow (Sun.) '
S -All Next Week
-' Continuous 2 to .
: ii p. m. ,
Featsrre Begla ttts, tls, till
First Run 7 Reel
Modernised Version of Worlds
. ! ' " v: Famous Classlo
Togelher "With a
Screaming Lloyd
- Comedy
BEEBE battiels -h
Pathe Review
':. . - ' ' ' note : ... '
Fr6m z to 7' P.. hL, I
children under 1.., 1 0w
i,IncIlding War Tax
HEILIG BraphoM Mil1710
1 Mat. Today, 2.15,1
m8S T0S!BHT, 8:!5 .
t CAST, ; I. j CHOBU8 I
TODAY'S MATFloor. $1.60; Bsloony,
81.- 77c; tiallery, reserved and srlnilsslisi
' SO. .
TOUIOSsT Floor. 2; Balcony, 81.50. Sll
Gallery. 77c, 60c.
- Add 10 ve Cent Wa Tar
.Beginners' class starts at
tjouuion nail, 14th at
Washington. Wedn e s d a v '
evening, Oct. S8, at 7 Sharp.
All dances taught as danced '.
in, . the ballrooms In eight
lessons : Ladies 12.00, gen
tlemen 5.00. ; Private lea ' -sons
all hours. Beginners
classes start "at Murlarlt ;
nau, &ta ai wssnmgton,
Monday evening. Advanced
classes, Tuesday and Thurs- -day
evenings, 8 to 110.
- PJenty of practice, no em -barrassment.
You can nevec
learn dancing without Ttrma. ' ;
tlce. Join the leading school. Phone
Broadway 8002. Call this week. -
1 ajaWWl
33 tinIRi! .n.i
ssk .jj-aj dsiaW-;i" r9?jSevg&??cHWr' .a, .
1st"; '
swrr s much run
. J KOW PfuaTDiO. e.
orr DtLioHTvuu rt-sv that eve a
. v . ... CAME TO TOW8
"ktsiidii" COMEDY C0SFAJ 1 .
4itke awakb::::3 of cAiiiV1
. . .' . .
dW, - H
lisa-r STOCK COI-
' -f--' v " eVt. "
- '" n' ,'" : ft - C- . .1 -.