12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON SATURDAY, OCTOBER I'M FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 . THE JACKSON v t - . '- -. ' Bl Cdnln K. .rooms apca. $S to 40; private bath, tma kMb ivot and cold water, phon tw 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder, Bom City ear. Ernst 2846. - -., THE EDENHOLM 834 BOt tt Cor. Msrket 3 mad S room furnished apta., -modem conven iences; private bsths; t25 to 835 per month. Kins: Albert Apartments - -' S" and 3 room famished, strictly modern, tile bsths. elevator, lltb and Montgomery. Main 859. BKAt'iDlL newly furnished 2 -room lower floor ' apartoDt 140; 2 front rooms $25; single HJ K. room $20; most be sees to be appre ciated. 629 Everett. Merlin Apartments "Broadway at Grant. Nice 2-room furalihsd sosrtment $3$.' Msr.hall 426. . - J( KKST fornfcbed, lower pan of private residence, 4 room, kitchen and bath. $85. 'Adults only.' 1120 E. Harrison t Hawthorne see, car to 88th tit. - Mabelle Apartments - ' 414 Jefferson si 11th St.; one and two room furnuhrd apartment, modern, rent reasonable. Jl'ST OPENED New 2 and 8 rooms, light -hoUMkeeping. steam, neat: adulU only: u conTeuienoss: reaaonable rates; n diock u I-M ear. 890 Sarier t. Phone Main 7061. Albret Apt. Furnished apartments, stesi . - Veth. MnvMlotli STe. heat, private I 1 ANi 4-ruoia apartments ui tluwex bums, banl- wood floor, disanneanng beds lumace. 111 place, enameled kitchen, prirate bath, (ante, near jfferon mgn scnnoi. wain. sj. . CARLOS APTS. 2-room furnished modern apartment, leason-aMe.-Mth and Market. , , - ' JLLUNA Al'ARTMK.vfs 45 TKINITY PLACB -WRNWHED 2. 3 AND 4-KOOM APTS. ;OOD HKAT AND JANITOH KERV4CE J .THE QR0VER ' 181 Grorer st. nicely furnished 1 and2-rm. . hnekeepng apartments; low rstw. Main 9058, 3-BOOM furniAhed and uniurnlaued apartments; light, heat, hot and cold water furniiihed; no ngaU children. Call at 1092 H Hawthorne are., apt. A. . ., BelSingham Apartments ; 4 1 H E. MORRISON 8T. l'"and 2 room suites. H. K. rooms; reasonable. GLEN COCRT. cor. Park and Taylor, 3 rooms, furnished. Main 1961. and , . l.EKDM AfARTMENTS Fireproof building, modern 3 and 4 parunems; eierator serrice; close in. room Call -Mar. 8597. I'CKMSHED room $15 sjid up; heat, light. Phone and batb free; hot and cold water In - arl rooms: lawn. Apts. Bdwy. 2664. LARGE, clean completely furnished 2 room aptf Jlglit and water, $23: 680 H Lombard. Col. 617; Ht. Johns car SUNNYMONT ' rnmi"hed apartment. Tabor 1889. PORTNOilAH. 3 rooms, glassed in sleeping rnorrh, hardwocd floors, walking dl-tance; clean, wrll fiirnkhed: adults. J00 E. 18th. HAWTHOKNE APTS.. 2 and 3 room furnished spts-, steam- beat, hot and cold water. 566 1 St.. et s'de. . 2-itOOM apt. and single housekeeping rooms. east side, walking distance. 71 Grand are. nfrrth. East 2939. , IRVLNGTOM " : ; " S end 3 room furuiihed spts. and garage. Ea-t 4 852. . 2- KOOMS. desirable H. K. apt, to appreciatiTe , - adults; furnace heat, electric lights, gas, bath and phone free; west side. 415 Broadway. $14. 2-ROOM apaitment taicng street 480 H Bflnv-nt. comer K. 9th. , 3 ROOM apt., furnished. $15 month; 2 stores. - 703 Hood st.1 near Weed st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 -Ionian1 Court 18TH AND COUOH . 8 and 4 room modern apartments, all 'outside -tunny rooms; adults. Bdwy. 2761. 8. ROOM modem house. Urge grounds, near Jefferson high and Thompson schools. Leav ing city; must rent immediately. Call 781 Commercial, corner of Beach. iThe American Apts. ' .4 and 5 room modern apartments, 2 1st and Johnsott.' Broadway 8860. GARFIELD apartments,' 4 rooms; just like a bungalow; hardwood floors. 861 Failing. 1 Work south Union ave. Phone Wdln. 4662. 1 F0R KENT 3 room partly furnished apt : rent reaaonable; close to carl me. Phone Wdln. 1126. FOR BENT 2 room unfurnished apartment; (34 H Thurman st N. Phone 'very nice. Bttwy. 2628. LARGE. 5 room unfurojlied and 8 room fum - -Ivhed.' 228 Alberta, nesr Jefferson high. FLATS FURNISHED 309 MODERN, clean cneertui rooms, sleeping -porch bath, front balcony, private furnace, basement; high class residential section, west side, walking distance. For appointment phone MjurOiall 420. MODERN. S mom flat, furnished, light and airy, on corner; private bath and entrance. walking distance. Call Sunday and evening" after 7:15. SM Bth st. NEWLY furnished, clean and nice, tteam heat - ...4 or 5 room flat: adulu only: rate res astable; H block to 1-M car. 890 Savier i at., i cor, 26th. .Phone Main 7061. LOVELY HOME. RENT $35 ..Clean, modern flat for rent; beautiful new furniture for sale cash or terms. 848 Columbia street NEW 3 or 4 .room flat with furnace heat pri - vet bath ' and -phone. 1608 Huron st. "S bmrka from olumma part ' EW a-raam flat private bath, clean and atr tiaeuve; gss range, mouera; empioyea cou ple .SeUwood 2412. ? 4(.RtMM furnished lower flat clean, gaA, eleo . trfe-ity ; vacant Nov. 1 ; water, garbage paid. . Adi't jonlv.' - Tall Wdln. 4739. ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM FLAT, FINE PLACE, 4 "BATHS, LAUNDRY, ON CARLINE, 10 MIX FROM MEIER A- FRANK. EAST 878. FttK-N UiHED fist to rent, live rooms. - 567 "Prescott st Telephone Wdln. 1588. Call A'trrnooiiii. , ATTRACTIVE 8 mora flat in modern home, well fnmfchefi. lieht, telephone ana water. r Anulty. HIS K. 15th X. Phone Wdln.. 8a.' lf)R KENT 3-room fUt lumbhed, lower floor, $12.50 with basement UU tt 748 Water st PRACTICALLY new S room flat private bath and phone. 3 blocks f roni ' Columbia, car. Columbia 7W4. 16QH Huron at ' ROOM flat, clean and coey; nicely funfished. Light, beat, telephone and water included. Close in. N children, rnre Sell. 1068. VROOM lower flat well furnished, clean; 1 blk. . to Hawthorn ave. CaU 1046 Hawthorn av. Tabor 4290 UOUKK-X J-ruom lower flat, (ufnubed. 831 K. ',87th st Woodstock car. ! . JtKXKBlil) tiat or H. K. rooms (sarase), srmaMe. jlellwood $ ROOM flat, eemiiletely turnisiied, walking dis . ranee, 2T9 Parkf Mar. 1504. FLA FURNISHED 310 b 'kl MADISwei st, 6 room modern fat $40 vper m-ntU, $461)4 Sixth st, 5 room flat $33 00 i month. Donald Woodward. Main 1486. 10 Second rt CORNER of 6th and Jackson sts.; fine 5 room - flat: in niea condition. This is walking dis tance, $32.50. Donald Woodward, agent 104 2d f Main 1486. UfPER nntucnished .3 and 6 rooms with bath, . elsetricrty and gas; walking data nee; rent rea eohabl. Adults only. 835 E. Stark. $18 MONTH & room modern flat bath, light. -gas. stationary trays. ' Call tt 1571 Ma.m st Phone Main '4431. . 7 ROOM flat -west aid. $42.50 per month. Herman Moeller,. realtor. 426 Lumbermen-) bMg. Bdwy. 421. 4-RIXIM flat with garage. 762 Vancouver ave.. $25. East 2195 A l'l l.T . couple for two flats, unfurnished, at . 367 Cable street, near west end of Mill st '"ROOMS, modern, reasonable. Wosdlawa 195 , 7U Vaooouver av. lFl RNISHED -ruosa flat. 256E. 43dst; price $33. - Inquire upstairs. , 5 KOOMfla for rent 1146 V Albina av. Inquire st 851 Beech. 4 MODERN $ or 4 -room, ft 'blocks from Meier A. -Franks. Phone Main 8744. 8 to 8 o'clock. tf-ROOM uniuroiaaed flat, newly papered. . 305 1 4th at Main 5996. . ; ' HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 10-ROOM house for rent. Corbett and Vermont . Call Marshall 4694. - -. - VEST SIDE house. T 312 20th. CSaas in. Reasonable rent Walking distance. $15 WEST SIDE COTTAGE, rooms. 812 'ntn; wanting dmaqcc ; cios to town. MODERN -4V-rOom bouse, good condition, fur- 'Viace. electricity, traya, Key 87 K. 17th st AA E move furniture of 3-4-3 booaa boas for $lv ... Fcr further m fa raws ties. Mass ,620. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 31 1 sfRUIatmi) WARKHOCBst eva tracks Iter yamr goods with tav : Let as, da Storing sad packing. , .. ...r-i ."3. L .j,.. -; ?V v"'-' T CLAY g. MORSE. CfCL . Broadway 47. ' 464 CUaaa PIANOS moved. $8, stain extra 1 each fhtht; ,30 days' free storage oa all household goods; furnilnrs moving. 1 ton truck, $2 per' hour; large track, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and bar good packing. . Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer . Storage Co., 10 . N- 5U at. Open Bandars and evenings. j ' WANTED To khare i roam apartment with two busine girij; private bedroom: with references. Call evenings, 295 12th, at., apt 5. Brantre. . -' ' ' , 6-ROOM modern bom Lombard and Wabash - sU., full basement electric lights, nice yard, fruit trees, etc.. $33 to responsible party. H. E. Plummer, 496 B." 88d at SeUwood 3068. 4-ROOM cottage, newly painted inaide and wired, on Oregon Electrics and 3. P. lines, in city limits;' a place lor garden and chickens; Urge barn; only I IB. Marshall 2810. ' tYlQ DCVT a .4 Mu diniiM' mitttKl f - fu-m--. close to car and school: $35 month. Owner, Lloyd J ankin. Ill SL btaf lord street. UNFURNISHED bouM for rent, $30; 3 room modern honse, 788 Williams are; no children under 8 jests of age. Open til day Sunday; week days phone Ant. 318-14. - LEAVINO eitr. most rest soy modern 9 home st once. If you are looking for a com fortable home at reaaonable price, see this. Call 781 Commercial st., comer Beech. H)CK ROOMS. MHue furniture, garage, trees, garden; eloe to !tbool; 20. N. JS.' cor. PrescoU and E. . 22d N'. Three blocks south Alberta car. ' MT home,- 8 rooms with built-ins and bath, fireptace. basement, wash trays, gas, electricity, large grounds, garage; adults; $35 per month. 2100 HoUaday are. ; ROOM house, electric light and gas. close to school; also 3 or 4 upstairs rooms, partly furnished. Phone East 4089. DOUBLE constructed 8 room bouse, gas, elec tricity, bath, full basement, newly calcimined; rent' 323 2100 HoUaday are. MODERN - bungalow, furnace, fireplace, refer ences. 954 Vancourer are. $43.' Wood- lawn 196, EFTfSS nt on bsth. Call 2S5 Stark st Main 2363 FOR LEASE 9 room huu-e: all refinished like new, 50 per mo. raont. East 2188. 166 E. 16th near Bel- 273 N. 2 1ST ST. 7 rooms, all modern con veniences but furnece; newly papered and painted. MirahsD 4440. 5-ROOM houe, 887 Thurrua n st, near 27th st, rent $15. Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 85 4th st. . 7 ROOM residence, partly furnished, modern conveniences, garage; 335. 310 E. 76th. corner Market KENT OK SALE Modern 8 -room bungalow, like new, big nice yard; beautiful view. 609 E. 31st St.. nesr. Kelly. lse. FOR RENT New bungalow with garage in Irvington to responsible parties. Call st 256 11th. Main 5331. ELK TRANBrEtt gt STORAGE CO. . 15 Days' Storage Free. fnmltme moved for less. Brosdwsy 2443. WHEN moving, city or country et tha best at lowest price. urecD 1261. 202 Alder it Trsna. Co.. Main Modern 8 room house, -cor. E. 11th and- K Htark ste. Phone East 2704. A NICE, neat, 7 -room house, water, light and gas. 770 Tibbets st. -HOUSES FURNISHED 312 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 'i - Sew 5 rooms, strictly modern, breaktast nook. I French doors, mrt. hardwood floors; references re- quired. Call 10 to 5 Sunday at.25 E. 53d st 1 1., or pnone ruiwy. 000a lor imcsnnatipn. FOR KENT Kenton district. New bungalow, fumb'hed, 5 room's, bath, garage, every mod ern convenience. Clo?e to school. 20 min. tc town, long lease. Mfcedssippl-Kenton car to Min nesota eve., 4 blocks north. 72 E. Perry st FIVE rooms and sleeping porch, Portland Heights. Upper drive. Corner Fern. Modem. Like new. Open afternoon today. Main 3116. lsse includes fuel. SCENIC LODGE cottages. 2 and 3 rooms, fin est view, 20 minutes' walk to heart of city. Hall st car. to 13th, 2 blacks went Reasonable. B24 Heights Terrace. - FURNISHED 4 room cottage. Everything new and modem. Walking distance. Free heat light and water. Adults only. $65. No. 16 E. I6O1." . MODERN 8 rooms, with sleeping porch, Dutch rT0tchen, garage, new furnace, fireplace, dose- n replace, dose 529 East Ash -nachool. car 'some furnitnre. Owner, Main 4831. 5 ROOM furnished bungalow and winter fuel for ssle. Will consider to give lease to small family, $50 per month. 5824 40th are. 8.' E. Tabor 550S. . LAR4..E, practically furnished, home; hardwood floors, - fireplaces, fine furnace; garage; sleeping porch.j. 130 E. 29ih. Cell Tabor 3879 or East 2342. 5-KOOM furnished house. 165 Wood st, 2 ( blocks from school, nesr library, reasonable rent i pRXLY furnished 6 room ana garage, walking j stance, rent $45. Inquire 746 Water st. comer Porter i LADY will share bungalow with congenial cou ple. 1112 Woodward ave. FLATS, housekeeping rooms, cottages, tur-ni-hed. unf urnihed : cbesp rent 252 0ibb. FOR RENT, furnished, modern 5 room house and-sleeping porch; piano. Bdwy. 2325. COZY 3-room cottage, good location; adults. V351 Sacramento. Auto. 311-60. NEV 4-rooin bungalow, furnished, $45. Tl abor I 2159. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FURNITURE for salt with or without piano; house can be rented; 5 rooms and garage, only , 335. If desired will 'sell furniture in part or whole. 409 Beech st 6-UOO.M bungalow for rent $40; fireplace and hardwood floors ; new oak furniture for sale cheap. East 8683. 8 ROOM house, 3 apartments; sell furniture or leas furnished. East 3881. 6 ROOM ' furnished .boose. 265 Marshall 2432 or Sell. 8652. Wheeler st 5 ROOMS and bath, $30.50; turaiture for sale, $300. 224 H' East lit N upstairs. STORES AND HALLS . 314 S20 STORKS, 0i20. west side, lth and Washing-ton, suitable shoe; repair, locbanith, Iny small bmdneM. '' FOB desirable space tn phone Broadway 371 8. tirepraol warehooss SlNlitE furnished housekeeping rooms' for rent reasonable rate. 8K9 Front st OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 SFACE. including .desk and typewriter, phon, etc., in excellent ground, floor location. 81 4 th street. PKSK space (or tent, with or without ,dk ; wu MM ht llU of Phone. 212 Railw.y Ex. bldg. I 'l!1? J?1...!'1!:.' DESK room, wltfe . telephone aad atenaaraphie service- Phone Broadway S715. HALF of my office in centrally located building, including telephone. Marshall 3422. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 ' RENTAL BUREAU List your bouses, (lata and spartments vita us; quirk tesults arid good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS EECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO $$ Fourth st. epp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 VERY REASONABLE BY OWNER. FINE CORNER ltMJilOO. SUITABLK FOR APARTMENT OR BUSINSS BLOCK. .EAST 2279 OR EAST 2012. - - -HALF snd acre tracts, close to car and paved street; adjoins Rose dt Park: water and sniv eled streets; essy tonus. CaU Woodlawn 2397. and 1 will show them to you. GOOD building lots on paved st, $200 $59 down, small payment monthly; -imp. paid. 47Q4 65th st. S. E. Auto. 632-01. i IN E shad trees, hard surface street, near H. A. ear at 62nd st. 50x132. $550. easy terms, discount for cash. Owner 2982 62nd St.. S. E. FOR SALS Good business Jot E. Sth and Bum aide, reasonable terma. Call East.' 2704. Owner. . , . LOTS $600 and $800. K. 30th and Weid 8280' toPto'ementa . paid. .. Owner., East 1 OR 2 LOTS oa S8th av. between 80th and 82nd tt. easy terms. 1268 Trvisiori. ALAMEDA PARK, S. K. corner 2 th Prescott. improvements paid. $900.; Tabor 8441. : ALAMEDA PARK. 60 ft west of 26th X.. facing on Saidmore. -$850. Tabor $441.- -' ; FOR SALE 2 lota. 3 bias. Woodmen) ata 8. E. Phone 614-10. LOT Comer E. 17th and E. Davis sts. For pnee end terms, address 793 Oregon st. ALAMEDA PARK. 100x100. S. E. Tola , and Mason, $2300, .Tabor 644L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 1HVLNGTON DISTRICT COMB OUT SL'NDAT wow.- Then are only a few- choice lots left at these remarkably low prices and term. 60x100. J. $756 to 8873 ' ' 60x150 .., ,.11250 Ceraer - . . . i .$1000 ' Pinna, sewer and " sidewalks . In and paid 50x100 sidewalks and euros is and paid. '' , 60x13. sidewalks and euros in and paidL 3100 eaah. $10 a, month on all the shore. Several other- good bays for sli eaah. Salesman will meet you at East 1 8 th and Fremont, from tl a. m. until 5 p. ra. Bnnday. ( . JohnsonDodson Co. (153 S. W. BANK BLTX5 MAW 8787 1' LOTS' If you hsre an fmprored lot with paring and want to sell, see us at once. We bare a big de mand, if priced right. We are leading m lot t isles, uei yours listed wuere It nv aw sold.. . J. l. HARTMA.H company ' $ Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 808. . EIGHTY -NINE DOLLARS EACH Buys four. 25 ft lots on macadam st, gas. city water, very sightly. 5 ulks. from car. origi nal price $660. Terms. $3 down gad .. $5 seoothly. , 733 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' LOTS $150 LOTS $150 $1 WEEKLf WEST 8IDB -Capitol Hill. 50x100 Iocs: Bull Bun water. (as, schools, good car service: fine soil; pay $13 a wees, only a oaten lota to sell 00 these terms. Cell Mr. Kohlman. Main 6550; evenings. Main 3872. 1 $30o . Lot 60x100, E. 40th N.. sidewalks in; $10 down. $1 week. HENRY W. GODDABD ',243 Stark St T HOUSES 404 $4750 AND TERMS ' 5 room new modern bungaJorr, just being I comptetea ana reeay to occupy; nss all tne new conveniences; located on corner, streets all paved, near car. You'll lore its general arrangement Call tonight after 7 o'clock. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR " "BETTER TYPES OF HOMES" In all the best residential districts of the CITY. OK PORTLAND BEE J. W. Crossley, Realtor 81 FOUR1TI ST., COR. OAK Broadway 504.4. Buy From Builder Beautiful houses, splendid location, lots of ground, 146 ft, garage, furnace, cement floor in basement all st imps, in and paid; has all the latest built-ins, hardwood floors, fixtures snd shsdes. Property is - close in near 2 carlines. 875, 877 Woodwsrd ave. Owner on the prop erty. SellwosH 2859- SNAP CHEAP BUILT SIX MONTHS 5 room bungalow, bath, extra light fixtures, 2 bedrooms, built-in kitchen and breakfast nook; mirror door, French doors, screened porch, part cement basement garage and drive. 50x100 lot, double constructed bouse. Come and look it over for yourtielf. Price S2900. Small Dar- , ment down and baL like rent At 1100 Francis iVe. LAURELHURST Big sacrifice necessary on my new 6 room strictly modern bungalow. Hardwood floors, large- living room. 3 bedrooms, tile bath, break fast nook, garage, screens, hot water heater, lawn, etc Small down payment; going East Must sell at once, V226 East Pine. 1 block from Park. Tabor 2691. ' ; BUILD TO SATISFY Before, letting contract to build your home see us; we will save you money and show yous real construction; deal with an ex-service man; soldiers given every con sideration. ROBNETT & M'CLURE. REALTORS Mar-hall 3292. 802 Couch Bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. sacrifice, right on car line, near 38th; must be sold within few days at this price; 6-room house with extra fine iosv exia 1 j wi tsa smouh. V cash: worth much more at any time: fine site for apart ment; act quickly. H. H. Staubw 1027 Bel mont Tabor 219. Go and see jt. - BY OWNER Sunnysiiie district, modem 8 room bouse, A-l condition, full cement base ment laundry trays, new pipeless furnace. Urge garage, 4 blocks to Lsurelhnrst park, on best carline in city. SS and MT; price for quick sale. T,7r.0: term". ll?7 Relrnmt st. near Sth. PIEDMONT By owner, a real home, east front. on pared tt; 6 rooms and bath; 2 toilets; pipelesa furnace: cement basement with trays pnnd fruit cooler and dark room Wood and coal in for winter; first-class garage and sewer in alley; fruit trees snd berries; $4000. 1325 Clevelsnd ave. Wdln. 2352. BOSK .CITY 6 ROOMS S4200 S750 CASH $25 MONTHLY Bungalow type, very best construction, fur nsce. fireplace, near 4 2d st, close in: 2 blocks csr; owner leaving dty. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1022. Msr. 2103 evenings. $2000 Cash or large first payment for the neatest, cleanest 5 -room modem bungalow on the II Wl 1 I, t L , 1 . .1 ...,! KlW.ne 1 . ' ... ... ..." ... ui(ipi ave. ear. 574 Berth wick. cor. of Graham ave. t iwner. . SACRIFICE FORCED SALE . COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $2750 4 rooms, close in, near car; garage, well fur nished, including player piano. 3850 cash, give warrant v deed; must be sold quick. T. O. Bird. Msr. 1022. Sell. 2706 evenings. NEAR WESTMORELAND $3100 7 ROOMS $1000 CASH Paved street Ifc block car, excellent buy: good condition; 6 per cent interest like rent no mortgage. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1022 or Sell. 2706 ere. FOR SALE- or lease, beautiful suburban home, 6 large rooms, new' modem house and ga rage; fine lawn and shrubs: H acre in Park rose district; on fared roads, 2 -blocks off Sandy blvd. on Craig road. . 0. 8. O00DALE, Tabor 7715 or B. 3614, ? BID WELL AVE SELL WOOD- SIOOO 4 rooms, gas, electricity, dirt basement paved tt. sewer in, astta. all paid, 60x100 lot Quick action nerrtsary. SeUwood 1159. EXINGTON AVE. SELLWOOD ; S2800, S800 cuh. S2S per month: 6 room. 50x100 lot Improved street, modem conveu iences. 1 blocks from carline- and the para. If you want a home in a good section of Sell wood 'do not overlook this. SeUwood 1159 WESTMORELAND Just completed, new 4 room bungalow, hdwd. floon tapestry paper, white enameled throughout breakfast nook; beet of construction ; room up stairs for two or three nice rooms pl dandy borne. LEGAL BLANKS 60e PER DOZEN STEVENS VAX METER CO.. Law Publishers and Legal Stationers. Lumbermena bids tbaaoment), 5til and Stark. Bdwy. 5084. $2400 Clean 6-room boose, 8601 corner of Foster road and 86th st S. .. X blocks to Mt Scott ear; lawn, cherry trees, berries, gas. electricity, phone, sheds for wood, chicken house or garage. Ant 618-40. a S ROOM house, double garage, kitchen, bath room and bsseement, all furnished with good furniture; lota 150x72; garden, fruits, trees. Price $5000. or without iuraiture, zuu; terms. 34 E. 82d st N.. cor, of Conch. ONE two-room boose $70. on three-room $850, fuxnished wr unfurnished, small pay ment down, payments like renti cement sidewalk i paid. MontanlU ear. Inquire-. 1958 East Gu- aan. - " . - NO HOMESEEKEB shonld overlook these two beautiful - ittu Homes, iuiv tiousnay; an modern eonvenieneee and kugfaest -quality finish; garage; 1257 E. J! 1st. 8.; Is honor built home for small family. Ant 614-39. ' MUST SELL- aaoderw.5 room bungalow, in best of condition. This property is worth 84500; no reasonable offer refused, i Owner, 990 E. 17th at N. -" ' . ' ' A- BARGAIN Double constructed 0 raoam bun galow, hail. Kving and dining rooea, kitchen, t bedrooma. fuH- basement: Alberta district By owner. Woodlawn 5306. ; 5 BOOM bungalow on improved street, 82500; $200 down, balance easy. A. nice place, most aeU. -. Ant 632-01. v - , BACRDKED BY OWN'KR , 4 -room hone, 50x100 lot, ear. 50th and 63d in, 8. E. Call Sell. 3464. MUST sell snodera 5 room bungalow in best of conditioa. This is worth $4500; no reaaon able offer refused. Owen; 990 R. 17th st N. S-ROOM house,, Albina. $3300; $300 down, hsi. $30 mo.: take lats model car, R. 3, Bex 7. Salem. Or. ' FOR SALE A nice, neat, new and novel 4 rooaa cottager $1000. 770 Tibbets at SMAIJj hoosa lor sale with 4 W- AuU 625-63. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow and garage, $600 - eaah; terms.' 094 Cleveland ave. SMALL HOUSE AND LUX TABOR . 4808. - , . TONIGH OR ANY TIME TOMORROW .'. ,2, Any of These Journal Want Ad Depots will take your little want ad for The Journal at these low rates. ONE LINE 1 TIME A a lbc ONE LINE 3 TIMES. :25c : ONE UNE 7 TIMES.. ..f...,. 50c All Ads Let Tkaa t Lines wni Be Coasted as i LUes . - - (Coast six words to the Una.)' ; JOURNAL WANT ADV DEPOTS A. W. Allen. 16 th and Lovejoy Arbor Lodge Phaxmacj. 1374 Greely St ' Bearer -Pharmacy, 560 Urns rills Ave. SeUwood Brooklyn Phamucy. PoweU at Mttwaokie 8t . . The Bush pharmacy. Cor. Hth and Montgomery fits. -W. C. Church. Druggist. Union. Are at Broadway: -I. C. Clark Co.. 28th and Burnside Coleman Drug Co., E. Bumside and Grand sCoUei Drug Co., First and Sherman Coach Pharmacy, 81.7 Miasavnppi Arm. Currin's for Drugs. St Johns Dickson Drug' Co.. E. 80th and Stark Eagle Drug Co., 1378 Hawthorne . H. L, Fairly, 724 and Bandy Foster Road PharmacT, 8146 Foster Road Frederick C Forbes Drug Co.. East Mor rison and Grand Gelman & Bader Drug Co.. Front and Gibbs 8t& Hawthorne Pharmtcy, 35th and Hawthorne Highland Pharmacy;.! 000 Union Are. N. Henry K Rosenoff. Druggist, Corner 20th and Hawthorne Kell Drug Oo.. E. 45th and Belmont Kstxy's Pharmacy. 5908 72d sit S. B. Kelty Drug Co.. 1021 Belmont St. Sunny side Kenton Pharmacy. Kenton Killingsworth Drug Co., Mississippi and Killinasworth Ave. THE JOURNAL Telephones: Main 7173 or Auto. 560-51 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $500 REDUCTION $500 $500 DOWN $50 PER MONTH This distinctly modern 8 room. 2 story home hss been very moderately priced at $6000 and now the owner says cut it for quick sale. Here is a genuine bargain. Has reception hall. Bring room, dining, room, den, kitchen and toilet down stairs. L'pstsirs are 3 large airy bedrooms, bath and toilet Full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace. Fine garage with cement driveway. Oround is 65x100 and is on paved street, only block from Sunnyside car. New price is $5500. J. L. Main 208 8 Chamber of Commerce. $25507 room house in Alberta, lot 80x100. A wonderful buy. $2800 Huys a 6 room modern house, 50 ft from paved street, lot 50x100. Tou can t beat this. ' $4750 Buys a 6 room modern house and ga rage en Walnut Pars. Full baaunent fireplace, paved streets and paid. An other good buy. $4250 Buys a 5 room modern famished house on paved street including piano, pho nograph, linen and everything. $25 per month and interest This must be sold this week. McGEE DENNIS. 969 Union sve. N. Woodlswn 5684. $2150 $350 CASH HCRRT! HURRY! NEW! NEW! 4 ROOM BRAND NEW BUNGALOW GO LOOK 4408 52D ST. Full plumbing-, Dutch kitchen, choice electric fixtures, built-ins, French doors, phsde tree. " 50-ft lot. bard-surf see street, 4 blocks south of AnabeL OWNER. TABOR 8104 "BUILT TO ENDURE $100 to $8000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better. Houses tor l.e8 saoner. BEDIM ADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND OB, K. 11th and Market Phone East 5114. Downtown sales office. Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Anken Phone Broadway 4335, jfKW NEW YES. IT'S ALL NEW 4 rooms" and sleeping porch, a new design a new kind of a bungalow, different from anything in town, neat and handy N Just what you have been looking for something different from the other fellow. Don't say you don't want it for seeing it is wanting it Costs ' nothing to see it onlv $3000 to buy it: $500 cash, balance easy. 202 E. 60th st N or Tabor 30. BCTLD THAT HOME NOW " Lots are cheap. Building costs are lower Because of personal supervision of work and elimination of overhead expenses, I am pre pared to quote very low prices. Best of mate rials and workmangfaip. Satisfaction guaran teed, ample reference. EARL E. FOGEL Designer and Builder 7056 80h ave. Pbone 625-70. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, hk acre, in 67th at Division; $6000. Owner, Tabor 5087. ACREAGE 405 50 DOWN. S10 MONTHLY Buys a tract of 3.21 acres of land, some heavy timber, elwe to electric tine, 3 H miles cast of city limits. Price $400. Do yon realise that this is t-nly $125 per acre! - 732 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE a S2500 equity to 40 acre Oregon - mint land a few miles from Kiasnath Falls land now selling for $100 an acre; owner will tell or trade at coniuderable discount; might consider -late model ear in trade. XX-728. Journal. rOS smaU farms and acre tracts, also lor good buys in small homes. Parry Agency, Milwau kee. Or. Pbone 19. FOR SALE 20- acres, creek, 3 miles south of Gresham. Owner. Tabor 8648 or Tabor 8925. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 SEE THIS NICE PLACE " Better than- 4 big rooms' and bath, nicely furnished., on 2 hi acres just outside city lim its;' lota of fruit, .lou of chickens; is near school; for ask or rent Can be occupied Nov. 1. Inquire of Cable Realty, Co., 6829 72d st S. E. Phone 613-33. FOR farms, acreages ana eeauaful suburban i -. homes, between Portlsnd and Oregon city, as Parry Agency. Mftwankic, Or. Phone 19. FARMS 407 YAMHILL COUNTY FARM - 24 ACRES 4 miles of town; 19 acres is cultivation, S rea timber. 2 acres orchard, small f raits and - fi ronva house., bam and outbui kii ne. spring water piped to house; including 15 tons bay, team, wagon, harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 1 sow, chickens, newer, rake. - buggy, "-small farm tools; pric only- 335O0. S20O0 cash, balance terms at 6. W, E. Kidder, Cad ton. Or. $1500 XASH takes 170-acra mtH aite, 6-uxii - flume to Columbia . river, perpetual water right 1 7 buildings, private station on 8. P. ., 40.000.000 feet timber eontignons. balance $1000; terms to suit, or will trade. C. A. Jones, WTiite Salmon. Wash. - FOR quick sale owner otfers 160 acres timber and farming land in Yonn valley, Klamath country, near Strahorn railroad, at $12 an acre. , Will. -go with prospective buyer and as sume expense -ex tnp u xwrcnasca: uwner, 858 E. 47th,st N. Txboi-4211. 55 ACRES near Crabttee, good 6 roots houe. ' 1 team and cMckesn. Tabor bzzs. k. P. 1. Box 8 St. Portland. Or ' 60 ACRES, oeep atil. 15 ready to plow, joins fine ranch west of McMinnrille; uuick cash sale sooo. -sol wnrntw ... FOR anything in the ranch lust writ M. Flta- xoannce, Condoti. or. - a f 10 ACRES improved, buildings, close in. j. r. jaagexs, viacaaxoaa, as Xaplewood Pharaaey, E. 4 1st and Holgata Mannardt Bros.. Union and Killingsworth Matthiea Drug Store. Rnssnl St and Williams Ave. .... ... Mt Soott Deng Co.. Lenta " , " -Man's Drug Store, 6th and Harrison Nob Hill Pharmaey, Cor. 21st and Glisaa OrianJo Pharmacy. Cot. 20th and 'Wash ington Pioneer Drag Ca, Cor. Sd and Burnside Portsmouth) Drag Co., 820 Lombard St Post of flee Pharmaey, Dr. 8. Miller. Prop., Broadway and Glissn fits. Rich's Cigar Store. 6th and Washinirton RichnM4 Pbarmsey, 37th and Ihvuloa Rose City Park Pharmacy, 57th and Sandy Simmons & Hoppner., Cor. Buasell St and Albina Ave, Stout-Lyons Drug Co., Cot. 3d and Morrison The Drug- Shop, E. 80th and Gusan Cnfvenity Drag Co., 684 Lombard Vernon Drug Co , 17th and Alberta Sts. Westmoreland Drue Ca, 1381 Milwaukee WQson Drue Co.. Cor. Corhttt and Hamilton F L. A. Wilson. Druggist, Cor. 13th ana Jefferson The Journal baa ample telephone facilities and all Ions; waits or de lays are avoided. you receive prompt and courteous attention when you phone your want ad to REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 120 ACBES- fine black . loam soil, all nice bottom-land, 110 acres in cultivation, 10 acres of ash timber, good set of buildings, lo cated 18 miles from state capital, 3 miles from a good school town and in rich fanning community; good roads, running water, 2 good wells, family orchard, completely equipped, hay and grain in- bams, 2 wagons and manure Epreader, mower, rake binder. 3 plows, bar row, grain drill, com planter, ensilage cutter and blower, tractor and tractor equipment, cream separator, 30 bogs and pigs, 8 hones, 8 cows, 1 bull; place will handle 30 cows. A splendid place si bargain price. Owper 65 years old and no nerp; mait sell, therefore this f plendid place and equipment for $20,000, $6000 cash, terms. Edward Jacobson, 346 E. 40th N. Tabor 7853. BEST DAIRY IN STATE OLD AGE TORCES ME TO SELL Fully equipped, 1 80 acres, fine sandy loam soil, on paved highway. 10 miles from town, fine crop in the barn, another in the ground; great plenty of pasture; milk, cream, mail, laundry and daily paper routes psss door; very choice herd, some poultry, pigs, good buildings. Will consider clear city property, little cash, balance like rent COME SEE IT. MR. COLT, with T. O. BIRD, Realtors. 526 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN CHICKEN RANCH -BUY THIS fully equipped poultry plant Tar nished home, five cultivated acres fruits sd berries, near paved highway, 1000 S. C. W. L.'s; some cash, some trade, balance terms. Soldiers' loan considered. MR. COLT, with T. O. BIRD; 526 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS 408 TO RENT 80-acre farm, 1 miles from Es tacada, 40 acres in cultivation; 2 creeks run ning through the place; 200 apple trees in bearing second year; 70 walnpt trees commenced bearing this year. Can be rented for $250 a yearr half down and half in 10 months. House and bilh barn 46x80; grade and high school at tstacsaai William Htubbe. Estacada. Or. 100 ACRE farm of Clackamas river bottom land. 25 acres in cultivation; also have for sale stumpage for first class cordwood, estimated at 10,000 cords, 5-room house, 2 barns and other out buildings. See owner. J. 8. GilL Oregon City, route 2. box 112. HOG RANCH for rent; an exclusive bog ranch with modem fattening pens to accommodate 820 hogs; Sots of water and pasture for bogs; good house snd garden land; stock and equip ment valued at $1300; 4 blocks from Sycsmore sta. B. E. Brandon, R. 1. Box 661. Portland. ELDERLY man. owner cnoice, rich, all tillable 160 acres, will rent five years for $800 and making owner a home, the nonie greatest consid eration and a very rare opportunity. -, Address D. naiey. rsuon, Nevsds. FOR RENTr 60 seres. 45 under cultivation, 4 miles from Oregon City. Owner, phone 3158. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt, maps showing Western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges' are- rea sonable and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. FOR a homestead location or reUDqui&hment see E. W. HELM, 428 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS 411 WANTED CHRISTMAS TREES I want several can of Christmas trees, either f. a. b. can or piled along hard surfaced road; Western Oregon or Wsshington; shipments to commence about November 23; also wish for immediate shipment Oregon traps snd English holly what have you to offer! Address Box 4, Oarden Home, Or. ' TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WILL TRADE We are prepared to arrant a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchan dise. K. R. ST, 618 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE OmCB Onr services are ready for every ex change proposition of merit ROBSBTT tc. McCLTJRE 802 Conch bldg. r- ManhaR 8292. S-R00M bungalow, fart re, nice yard, good prop erly to rent, will take lot in Overlook addition as part payment some cash, some terms. U-687, Journal. A BARGAIN, 1 block of lots in Hahey st, be tween 68th and 69th sts.; or will take dia monds, good rooming house or ranch in ex change: no dealer. 2T5 14th st Main 4519. 6-KOOM modem house, street improvements in and. paid; will trade for suburban property. Inquire 620 Linn ave.. SeUwood car. EXCHANGE my $2500 equity in a $3500 Mt Scott bungalow and other property for a pay ing apartment house. A-846, Journal. 5 ACRES near Gervais, value 8700. will trade equity. $350, for used Ford In good running order.- C-675. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FARM FOB INCOME - We want an apartment or flats to $30. 000 or $40,000 tn exchange for a good river bottom ' farm near Lebanon; good buildings. Owner or broker reply to . : GIBSON sk ALVIN Lebanon ' "Th Land Men" , Oregon 5 ACRES highly improved, strawberries, grapes. " alfalfa, 70 bearing trees different kinds. 4 room house plastered, concrete basement con crete well. 60 chickens, including none, wagon, harness; price $3200; wiB trad for house un to $2250, balance $100 every 6 months at 6 per cent H interested see A. K. George, R. 1, Box 111 R, Surer Springs station, MUwaukje. Or. ' , 16 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM Berry, potato or walnut'laod. close to depot and high school at Lebanon. Value " $8000; clear. Will trade for sncoens- prop erty. - . v GIBSON V ALVIN, Lebanon - "The Land Men" Oregon" EQUITY m new i 5 room bouse. Will sell o trad for a good auto or piano. Phon Wdln. 898. between 7 a. nt. sad p. m. or address R Barecb, 1404 Delaware awe. YAKIMA VALLEY diversified SO -acre farm, close to school and countr aaai. Owner. Automatic 638-78 , - .. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ' . ALBERTA FOB OREGON - ? . 4 80 acre wheat farm, proven - district ,. good bwildtngs. Want vaOey farm or city property. - - Also 1120 'acres wheat faon. with or -without stock and equipment, $35,000. fori valley farm or income property. - -- . GIBSON AI.VIN. - .; Lebanon , :: "The Land Men" Oregon FOR BALK OR TRADE Two good stock M dairy ranchea: One 400 acres. 1 ' mile from good small town on Yaouint bay. value $8000: one 340-aere place for $4v0O; part; csvth. long time at ' for either, or will take rasideace Jroperty in good town prefer Corral lis. NeliM larenport Elk City, Or. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE - CITY PROPERTY 450 .HOUSES WANTED -Have buyer w . medium priced ' with small payawnr dowa and straw anoath- Jy 'payments. Also have parties with tea. proved and unimproved acreage, dose tn - Portland, that will exenaace for Portland boose that is priced right Ask for Mr. Newman, with John k srgnsoa, Gnitingar J. A.' WICKMAN CO. v . "Shortest Way Home" . 15 yean' experience selling Portland property and an undisputed reputation for SERVICE is natural in touch with the majority of the UOMEBCYERS. We wll inspect appraise and photograph - your property within 24 hours after listing. If lifted at our appraisal ynnr property is a good as sold, for quick sale list 'with , J. A. WICKMA CO. 264 Stark t Msin 1094 and B83. MEDIUM PRICE HOMES WANTED that can be Dttrchased for 3500 to 81000 down and $23 to $40 monthly payments. Phone and we will call. ' , REVERUAN INVESTMENT CO. .210 Lewis bMg. Broadway 2954. ' ' Evenings Ant 324-10. IF YOUR hour-e is for sale see us. Our sya- tern is different - Fred W. Rima 501 Snalding Bldg. Main 8708. WE want lou in any part of city, system lor quick action. Try our FRED W. RIMA 501 Spalding bldg. Main 3708. WANT 6 or 7 room house bet 10th and 16th U will pay oash. T-41. sts. north of Hall Journal. WANT 3 or i room hou-e with bsth, toilet, Mt Scott or Woodstock di-trict Cp to $1500. f.Q4 Buchanan bldg. Call Main 4659. TO JBUY Modern 5-rooui bungalow in Walnut Park, LeureUiurct or Hawthorne addition. Phone Tabor 5255. HAVE client for -i- to G-room house. $2000 to $3000; Albina or Alberta preferred. R. J. McGnire, 345 N. Union are. WE HAVE liv buyers for moderate priced houses if you want quick action. Phone Main 2906, Qnick Sales Realty Co., 525 Railway Exch. bldg. IK you have "a tiou-e tor saie in Wootilawn or Alberta that $50(1 will handle. Call Wood Irwn 1S71. WILL pay ca-h for lot in Swinton or Fairpprt Wdln. 8878. 1919 5-paas. 6-cyl. car to trade for lot Haathorae- district. X-717, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 My Health Compels me to sell my grocery and meat market also residence adjoining store building, lot lOOx 100; have been in bn-dness at this 'place for 7 years and have a good trade. Wilt take resi dence property to $3000 as part taxmenL For particulars see W. E. Rofobims 406 Hawthorne ave. East 1933. Diigr Store I am going to sell my store before the first snd whoever buys will get the best wtore of its six in Portland; this store is doing a fine business and I have a good, clean stock: my records will show just what I have to offer. Call Ma3in2Sl cr come right out to 21st and Northrup. D. & M. car. and look it over. BY OWNER Garage and repair business on. The Dalles-California highway; one of the best towns in Central Oregon; 5 gallon Wayne pump and tank, oils, greases, etc., all necessary tools and office equipment 3-year lease on bldg., 920 per mo. rent $850 takes it Box 235, Redmond. Or., Phone No. 1317. GARAGE, lot 100x100, floor space 60x100, $800 accessories; doing a good business ; over $35,000 last year; bldg. is leased and owner wants to sell, $3000; good terms. Box. 22, Scio, Or. MANUFACTURERS and Others: Have you an article of merit to market or do yon wish to increase your sales? See us we handle any meritorious specialtiea that will sell, or appoint sgents and organize crews. 501 Globe bldg. CASH AND CARRY SNAP Have' 9 furnished rooms- and grocery store, doing $33. daily; cheap rent The best buy in the city. Call Wilson. Bdwy. 3383. FOR SALE Garage, located in business dis trict on East Side; tools, air pump, acces sories, gas, oil snd cresses: owner leaving city; a sacrifice. Call Tabor 9118. COMBINATION restaurant and ice cream parlor with fine fixtures, for sale at a sacrifice. V, T-arsen. 653& Foster road. Automatic 638-30. Sunday. 636-Q1. IF YOU want a grocory, with or without liv ing rooms, $850 up. call SQUARE DEAL CO. 154 E. 6th Ht East 7389. SHOE REPAIRING SHOP Good location, cheap rent good business, half down, balance easy terms. Owner 68 Broad way. . - ErfMn BUSINESS CAJRDS SWill ROSE CITY PRINTERY $11.50 249 Wsshington Street, Bet Second snd Third. STEAM laundry, modern eqnrpment; sawmill town, close to Portland; doing about 3200 per week. The price fa Tight MX-806, Journal Printing for Less Ryder printing Co. Main B536. , 192 3d rt CLEANING and pressing shop in small town 20 miles f rem Portland;, no competition; rent $10. Address XX-719, Journal. - IF T0TJ are looking to step into a paying busi ness,' investigate this; will . invoice; takes small capital. 431 Stark st A-l PATENT fot tale, targe profits; requires ho Ursa outlay or machinery or eiperieneo. Route Box 200. Holbmok, Or. PLACB for butcher shop, rood location. 734 Thurman irt. N. Phono Bdwy. g628. WANTED At once, man to take over gas and - ofl station, wntrtlly located. 432 Hawthorne, WELL equipped hand shoe repairing shop, lo cated good lumber town. Price $350. ln- qnrre The George Lawrence Co. VULCANIZING shop for sale at invoice! 34th and Division. WILL trade my Saxon touring for a Ford de livery. 1674 E. 17th st Sell. 3655. PARTY LKAVINO city wishes to sell at invoice paying business- 431 Stark st INTEREST in gasoline woods w; working arery 'day. Tabor 695,. WILL bujrfr ell i interest in good tire, gas and oil wis, centrally located. 433 Hawthorne. ALAMEDA lot, well located; exchange for groc ery or confectionery. Marshall 2348. PHOTO studio for sale, ground floor, for particu lars address C-265. Journal. 2 -CHAIR barber shop for sale. 320 M Davis. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 $ 800ft APARTMENT HOUSE $8000 West side apt house; gives good income; very reasonable rent; lease until 1928. Wilson, Broad way 3383 A SNAP BY OWNER Apt and transient of 28 t located, west side. 148 1st rooms, . centrally ! HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 " ! ROOMING HOUSB . Close in. 40 rooms, rent $75. good lease. new -bnilding. everything neat and dean, aS rented, nets S223 per ntontn. SQUARE PEAL CO. 154 K. ' 6th St. Bat 7889 Evenings. NOR HILL . . 8 rooms; furnished for housekeeping,, nice and dean, always full, good furniture-, $050 K sold before first fA month. Sen this. 776 Hoyt rt ' F BUYING or selling, and want quick results, -try the Cohatnbia Realty- Co.. 201 McKay bldg., corner 3d and Stark, or phone , Broadway 1201. - ; . 40 BOOk apt house, 10 private baths, 13 aptaT All outside rooms, heat furnished, good loca tion. Call East 7803 and get bargain from ewner. No agents. , r - 15 ROOM apt bona, well furnished, newly papered; reasonable rent; all rented; good it come; for sale by owner. Main 8118. FOR SALE 18 rooms; Walking distance, cheap. 75 I'nvon are. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 l HAVE $1000 to Divest in grocery; casb - aad-carry preferred: want Jo get located as anon . possible; m enburb, T-40, Journal. DO YOU want ta sell yonr muumsi: want a partner. . Sea ns. 604 Buchanan, bids- - EUSJNES5 "OPPORTTTES ; WANTED SSO W ANT tn lw . S -chair barber shoo: will nay - tSOO down: parwMStta. Phone Main '46M; o4 Bwehanan blda. - " FINANCIAL" MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 crrr loans no commission ' - On improved property or tor iraprenssnt purposes. Tha host and easiest method -of paying a loti it oar monthly payment plan. - t s $32.26 per month for 36 month.' er . 821.34 ner month for 30 months. - $15.17 ner month for 06 months, pays a loan of .gioou and mterest. . irfssaa of other amounts in aame proportsoav Repayment PTivilerev EQTJITABLB SAVINGS gt LOAN AS3N 243 Stark St, Portland, Ot. r , , aw. eowu. a aw. .iwv a.o'-lniil p; lowest rates, ansea aetmn: pay iww wr. mora any interest date. Gerdoa Mortgage 631 Cham, of Commerce bldg. Main 18T0. I BUILD IN loans on city ana suburban prop erty;, money advanced aa work progresses. W. C. Beck. 2 18-218 Failing bldg Msin 8407. $300. $400, $500. $700, $1000 AND CP. Low rates, ejoiefc actios, t red W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6443 $40O, $300. $1000. $1800, ami 11 expense. -Seven. Dwellings only. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. ' . MONEY TO LOAN $ low to $1000. tw, 11 ainixey piog. -sism ea;ir. BEE OREGON 1NV. gt MORTGAGE CO.. 210 I amber Eichsn Sklg. $500, $100O, $1500. 32000. $2500 and up. F. H. PESHOS'. 615 Cham, ot Com bMg. $2000' TO $3000 ON C1TT PROPERTT. FRED S- WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDQ. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY . LOANS MADE ON Automobi!es FTJRNrTTJRE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY U8PALLT . LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT 8ECCRIIT. IF Y0CR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM , UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY lr", NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN FAX US IN 1 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE, LEGAL KATES NO DELAY PORTLAND. LOAN CO. H-ICENSEDl 806-307 DEKCM BLDG.; 3D AND WASH. SALARY I OANS. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on abort notice to salaries to workingmen oa their own notes. Weekly, t ami-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. - NO MORTGAGE NO IN'PORSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVEST1GATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. ' (LICENSED) 518 FAILING BLDQ. MONEY TO LOAN On Goods in Storage. Bank Rata. 8ECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Bdwy. 3715. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 UK BUY first and second mortgages snd sellc era' contracts. . F. E. Bowman Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Msin 3026. MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED A loan of $8000 on farm in Clarke eouuty. Wash., valued at $30,000. Bartlett Cole. 1023 Oseo bldg. SEE OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange piag. $4500 ON improved west side property. Brosdwsy 5190. " Call HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 I CROWN STABLES, Inc. . . . - i . . , . ror saie. Dire or exenauge, iuu xmu ui hones. Many of these have just returned from grading work and must be sold. We have made our profit on these horses in hire, and they will be sold very cheap. Will exchange for horses, cattle, mules or Liberty bonds. Every thing guaranteed as represented. Have all kinds of new and second-hand harness, waicons and grading tools. Phil Snetter, president. 285 Front FOR Kir.K 3(1 head or work horses r- they just came in from work on grade; some of the best J horses you can find in Oregon. We have a lew cheap ones as low as $10 that will do farm work; also a few good wagons and harness; some grad ing outfits. We guarantee every bone just as we represent it and give a few days' free trial. Clay St Htshles. 427 E. Clay st. MOST any kind of a wagon for sale, cheap, or exchange for horses; 4 sets of good double work harness ; good top buggy: 2 good work tesnn. 234 Front, foot of Main st . SMALL team of mules, 5 and 6 yearn old; fine farm or oscbard team; all kinds of harness and wagons. 240 K. 8th, cor. East Main TEAM, 30OU lbs.; mule team, age 6, 2300 lbs.; msre, 1100 lbs.; colt 1300 lbs.; reasonable. 630 Jefferson st , nesr 2 1 at HORSES for sale, hire or exchange, sold on commission. Keystone Stables, 861 Water st, foot Montgomery. Marshall 3515. BARGAIN 360 takes 1 horse, 1000 lbs., gentle, with-wagon and barn ess. 1967 E. Stark st, comer of E. 78th st. POUBLE team $3 day, smgw team $1.60 day. 646 Front st Msin 2208 s WANTED 2 draft animals: give description and price. Wegesin, Mossy Koc-a, Wash STALLS for rent, horses lor hire." Clay st stsbhn, 427 E. Clay. East 8290. -JfL LIVESTOCK 701 DAIRY FOR SALE 22 cows, 1 bull, 50-qnart roots, complete milk house outfit, consisting of 1 boiler, set wash trays, steriliser,' separator, cooler, bottler, cans, bottles and crates. Ford track, etc PHONE SELLWOOD 8788 BARGAIN $80 takes 2 young Jersey cows, riv ing 4 gallons of milk now; both bred. 1967 E. Stark st, cor. E. 78th. Also 1 fresh 4-gal-lon cow. LET'S KEEP things moving. If you want the money, call Wilson 4b Shone, auctioneers. Phone Main 1926, or write 715, Everett, Porb- l land. HAVE s carload of cows for tale, fresh snd coming fresh, 4 to 6 gallons. - 94th and E. Glisau st. Depot-Moots Til la ear to end of Hne. WAXT to buy 20 fresh cows on 1 year's time ; - wlll;Tgjv mortgage on 640-acre general farm, XX-720,-ianrnti. FOR KALE g big fat mutton sheep lambsk Urebe Fruit Farm, 40th and King Sts.. Mil waukee. Or. ALFALFA hsy, cariots from grower. Write T. O. Yates, Stanfield, Or. FLN'E Toggenberg does snd buck for sale. E. 69th st N. 295 FOR sal or trade for farm toacAM. X-VkotAii-old goat. 1476 Westanna st Culuinma 505. SOW and 10 pigs; also otliers. One mils ' vrmth of Onreeoi L. M. Weidman. " ' MUST sacrifice 630-73. fin male goat, cheap. Aut CALVES WANTED. PHONE MAR. 2178. WANTED Beet, real and nogv Tabor 7882. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 THR Pnitnt f . nu r.tt Will.. .... . . . li.. nn hand today '800 pnllets, hens, cockerels of macs Minorca, u. A. u. wnit Legnoms, Brown Leghorns. Silver Snansled Hamburaa. White Wr- 4indottes, frem 95c to $fi. Ome or write, s-.. 200 YOUNG White Leghorn bens; good lay ers, Hosaniaed stock, $1 each; 100 White Leghorn pullet, $1.25 up; also Barred Rock and R. I. Red pullets. J. R. Maguir. 787 Oregon near E. . 24th snd Sandy. CHOICE White Leghorns and Mammoth Black Minorca s, aacrifice for quick tale; no- reason able offer refused; flock runs heavy to pnllets; about 800 in flock. . 1245 Hilar st Phon 150 O. A. C. White Leghorn pullets, 31 to $1.60 each, full grown. 125 White Leghorn yearling: bens, laying, $1 each. . L. V. Hullt 205 E. 23d st N. FOR SALE Portable poultry house and ran; ' suitable tor city lot good condition, price $50. Call at 1250 Height ave; take Mississippi ear to Ainsworth and wslk 4 blocks east. WHITE LEGHORN bene $1 each. D. K. - Wackuura. 6348 S4th st 8. E. Aut 621-54. 11 PULLETS, & months old, 75e each; 15 bens, $1 each; 5 gala, brown paint, $10. 433872d st. SE. THOROUGHBRED rsrige-rsised Mirer faced Wy andotte cockerels. $2.80, $4; pullets $2.25 rf taken aw. E. E. Bowman. .CrawfoiX Wash. FOR SALE 27 White Leghorn year-old laying all Hoganised: choice- 81 each. -Fnsd Bpoeri. 54 6 E. 44th at N.. corner Brasee. - - WANTED to buy 200 laying 8-a.W. Leghorn pallets; state -which hatchet and - where- to see them. Blsncbo Castell. Oak Grove. Or. O. A- C WHITE LEGHORN beas and pui leta $1 1 to $1.60 each. - 7021 87th . st SS E. Aut, 641-52. WHITE LEGHORN pnUeta, comer S. Madison and 76th tt Mt Tabor ear. - O. A. C. TANCKED strain White Leghorn hens snd pnllets for sate. Tabor 4808. WHITE UQGHOrRN bens for aaisv 4813 60th St 8. E., Aut - ' ' POULTRY AND RASSITS 702 . 1'CLkKTS HKXS. COCKERELS ' " w can supply. O. A. C- or Tanered While Lecfcora saUsta,- I and 2-ycar-oW hens far breeder; also K. I. Ked and Barred Mocks. Hvleet your - eockerets new tor next year's . breeding. PorthiBd Seed 1W ISO Front - - PETS. DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 70 '- DOGS AN1 FERRETS " .navw on. hand a young pair' of farrets renay tor training; also dog and pet stock ef an sen kimK Portlsnd Seed Co.. 1 80 Front 'OR SALE tirrmaa pclica dug puppies; al- Igli h buiWna a - g.fcd watch doe. Call Tabor 125. 8d and ft Btark. ' FOR BALK Pointers and Betters, also dogs for rent Heals-Kennels Rose City ear to 79th, v . 5 Blocks joatb Box 282. R. 4. 1ty. ' FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale fcmsle put? ' -pies. 160 F, 47th t N. Tabor 4391. '--i ON K thonnighbred Ctiesaieake Bay male dog. 4 s.Llijs,,,, a.. k. . , n tx-l aii ... h i- i.t. .' 48-H gl are.-8. E. Ant 680-38 FOR SALE 2 SpiU dogs, 3 months old, $5 and $10. 4328 61st are, S. E. Ant 630-58,. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 E HAVE THE ONLY COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY THOROUGHLY O W ERH AC LED, REPAINTED. NEW TOPS AND TIRES. Guarantee and Serrkit Same at Ma Buich PRICE $750 CP lOWard . AaltOIalObllG COe " . ALDER AT 12TH ST. Phones: Ant. 562-41; Bdwy. 1130. RARUALVBASEMENTS The Covey Motor Csr Company baa estab lished a bargain basement where will be found a large assortment of used can that bare not been rebuilt - These cars have been purchased at such low figures that many buyers Kill . appreeaito this opportunity of obtaining them at onr cost BARGAIN BASEMENT CARS 1918 Overland -0- Touring $ 275 1917 Oldamobile '8' Taurine......:... 300 1913 Chandler Towing BOO 1913 Btudebaker '4' Touring 123 1917 Studebaker '4' Touring. 2 On 1917 Maxwell Touring 225 1916-fMaxwel! Touring 150 1918Jexington Touring 600 1914 Oakland Touring... 550 191-8 Chevrolet Touring 225 1917 'Podge Brothers Touring 875 1919 Chevrolet Touring 275 1916 Willys-Knight Touring 500 1915 Cadillac Touring 11 On 1920 Chevrolet Touring . . . .' 823 1917 Hupmotrile Touring 500 1911 Cadillac. 4 pa8. very good buy... 150 1918 Studebaker 6. 7 passenger. 300 1918 Chevrolet 8-cylinder touring 450 in addition to the cam listed above, and for an indefinite period, any used car owned by this establishment which has not bten rebuilt, . will be offered at absolute 'trade in' prices. An examination only will establish the remarkable values being offered. Bargain Basement COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 21st at Washington sts. Main 6244 8TEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY Oakland 3 pessV. Oakland 6 pass. Scripps roadster . Buick. 1918, & pass Chevrolet 495, S pass , . Dodge roadster Overland 5 pass Packard 4 cyL '18" Oldsmobile 6. 5 pass AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 475 Morrison at 14 th, i---' - -.V ,,te, - -. - '" "' Broadway 3606.. CADILLAC ROADSTER Oood as new; must be sold at any price. . Make me an offer. Call Tabor 7382 or Broadway 4078. Ford Sedan WIRE WHEELS, MANY EXTRAS OLDSMOBILE CO. , Brosdwsy and Couch Open evenings and- Sunday. MJ B. FISCH ... Radiators, fenders; bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired and ' remodeled; asto aneet-metal work a specialty. 106-107 N. litis St Fbon BROADWAY 229$. THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, Uket the kinks out white yon watt; repairs rs die tori snd bodies. Liberty radi ator cores for U types of esrs la stock. Bdwy. 8214. 80 N. llthwt. near BnrrjeM. ' REAL BARGAIN ! " Late 1920 Maxwell touring car. Most be sold. Perfect mechanical condjtion; tires til good in cluding spars. Will sacrifice this ear-to first buyers. A snap for someone. Call Broad- ' way S809. WXATER TBI COKFIXT rXBETJAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING Ota, TIBB HKPAIR1KO 8SS-8SS Bumsid at Broadwav- . 3300 CASH, $450 on time with double terms, will bay 6-cyL Buiclr roadster in perfect shape, with i good cord tires and other extras, finished and upholstered. looks like new. A snap: must e11. Call Wtlln. 1543. DODGE SEDAN , . , 1920 four-door sedan, with wire wheels and cord tires, only run very little. Will take lighter ear or good phonograph in trade; terms. Mr. Borre, East 7430. 1916 CHANDLER SIX touring car, in best of condition, for only $775. This car is s gift st that price; will be glad to demonstrata, Call Main 4162, Mr. Dal ton. evenings. MASTER FOUR CHALMERS, m fine condi tion; a .dandy car for some one; must sefl this week, take 9400 or late model Ford. CaU Mr. iYonng, Msrsliall 1 950. evenings. FOR SALE Buy my equity in Ford touring ear. , 1917, good running condition, $225, $45 down. $20 mo. See it 5254 63th tt 8. E. Wdlh. 1768. 1919 BUICK. 5 pa- This car has ju t been eompietety orerbanled, new top, new paint, 5 sood tires. Excellent buy for $1000, terms if derred. Eat 6259. ' BUICK TOURING 1930 Buick, 5-past. Five cord tires, driven but very Uttss; will take lighter car in trade. Call Mr. i Boyce. East 7439. ' '. 1920 BUICK, 6-cyL. rebuilt; new tires, rw . panted, $350 down, balance ef $650 in 10 months, W. C. Gatbe, Inc.. Broadway at Bure sid st ' - -- 1920, PEERLESS EIGHT tounnr ear,, same as , new; a wonderful ear; hardly used. Will sacrifice for $2350. too aider tight car as part payment Main 6720 after 6 p. m. ' . BUICK SEDAN .. This sedan is in perfect condition; -Newly painted, all good tires. Will consider lighter. car In trade. Pbone Mr. "Boyce, East T439. 1918 DODGE, 5-paas., new tires, retimouizad, A-l mechanically, $650 terms. W. C Garb. Inc. Broadway, tt Bn mskie st- ' LATE Dudg. touring in wonderful condition, cord tires, factory - finish, new top. Only 855Q. term. See tt Call Main 6754. CASH paid for cars, nana tor cars and tracks at half pric. Auto Wrecking Co.,, 623 A der at , . 1 1920 FORci. ttarter and demountable riras; fins ' shaoe: reasonable-. - .Tabor 5002. i18 FORD touring $225. 1134 Michigan Phone Woe awn 964, ave. HUDSON - ROADSTER, good rubber; r 3100 terms. Auto Sale C..' 9th and Couch. . " 1918 UAXWELLTin good I condjUon; trd,foi lot Woodlswn 4H06. FORD roadster, $250. terma.. 5904. - ' Call Woodiaa (Oontlnuad wn Fsllowlna FaoV i $400 i 850 W 375 ' ,1 67J ; ! 4011 200 650 :4 a