10 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER: 23. 1821. TWR ORTGON DAILY - JOURNAL, POETLAND. OREGON LOST AND FOUND 1 OS K following articles were found cm the cut of Uw P. B. I fc PV Co, Oct 24. 19x1:, 19 wmbrallas, 3 loach boxea. 4 pono, 1 Tings. 2 tingle keys, band keys, 1 foot music. , 6 pair gloves, 1 book, 4 packages, lineman's belt, 2 cost, bather puttees. Owners may obtain n wo,e proper identification, si First and Alder st Stat'oB. "'. ' . '-J s STRAYED OJi STOLEN From- n; farm near - Ddlss. A light bay mare, 4 years old, man aod tail bUck; weight about. 1200 lbs, (50 . ' reward wiii be paid lor recovery. : Henry Fern. .. Hellas. Or. WILL tha Jedy seen picking tip small leather pane in Roberta Brae. Oct 2 kindly return 1 same to Ma. F. Lymsal . 805 E. 0th ,st , 54. '-' ' - ' W ILL lady who picked u money in Bennett's market ea Yamhill at -6 p. -a. Tuesday jave-, kindly return nam to market a aha is know . and avoid trouble! - - - LOST Sunday, IrUh setter Hunting doc, dark red. 1 yean Kent are old. Answer to Jack.. He- ward. ; Call LOST Between Cltisen bank and Union e. and. Mcsrooo, 3300. . Reward.- N-737, i Jonmal LOST Gold wrist watch. Tueada mover! 11. ' - - either on Snnnyaide ear of 3d st. to 4th and Alder. Keepsake. Reward Esst 7179 LOST 6n East Yamhill at., black ailk ombrel la, atreicht handle, green cold, tied inside. Fhdr" cU Esst 6596. Reward. ET PUBLIC market. Saturday. October 22, la dian bead bat containing money and ' Baker theatre tickets. Broadway 1844. opoaaam' neckpiece, Sunday eve- vm, near 2 lit snd' Irving st.; . may be . in v. OWr, Reward. Kaat 8494. . ' FJRTY who took gooee, 62 E. 14th X.. fiua- day eve., please retora and avoid trouble. LOST On highway betwe H ontarilla aod i Hood River, brown velonr hat Tabor 8783. COIN purse, lost Uon., Oct., 24. -f 9.v nam 4T. atewara. - . LOST 22 ailver elaaa yin. near S2d and Bea ,;r Hwont. Fmder pleaao call Tabor 85. - LaDT'8 heavy gold ring with Jade letting. Lib- era! reward. Phone Bdwy. 8611. 1'ront enrtaina of aid car between Alder I and Wood lawn eta. Finder call Wdln. 60L 4Lo8T Small looeeTSotitaJre and ring wrapped is paper; go reward. Broadway 82. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 HEX 'WANTED "' 85 and "4)19 per day being paid to oor grad uate by oar practical ayatem and on-to-data i equipment; we can train you to fill one. of theae big paying poeitiona in a abort time. A few facta to remember about tW HEMPHILL Auto echooli: 18 large Khooll in the United Sute and Canada; eatabliahed ever 18 yeara; largeat enrollment of any . auto training institution in tha world; oar phenomenal crowtr nod ,iucceai ia entirely du to tha wonderful la. ai 'of our thousand of graduatee who are ; Mng big . money and in buaiaea for themaalvea, - o pra- . viona axperieaee neceeaary. We have a plan whereby you can - earn while yoa learn. 1AX and EVESLNQ claaaea. Writ or call for inlur- , mation. ' HElfPHILL'8 A0TO 4t TBACTOB SCHOOLS ; 707 Hawthorne are. 881, Oak at, Portland. WHT-BE OCT OK A JOB OR. WORK AT A L.tEBPAU ltfolXIOSI . We have helped hundred of our graduates to positions paying from 8200 to 8500 per month, if yoa will call at union are. a Wasco at. : anv day (excel. Batnniay) at 10 a. m. or 2:80 p. m. er lend for our big ISS-nagr FREE eatalCL-ue. yon will readily underataad why we graduate mora etudent who actually max good tnan any aiu acnooi in the LI. S. . Be convinced, tfaae - a personal investigation or write . for , our FREE book No. 4 . ADCOX -ATJTO ASD AVIATION SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. AUTOMOBILls and tractor expert trained by FAMOUS NATIONAL 8T8TEAI secure good aalarlea immediately oa finishing - training. Beat leeulia anaranteed. Mo atmanr train inc in Amer ica. Practical work. Personal instruction. Low tuition. Earn "room gad board tutder oar rBEii employment rlin service. Fully illtutr ted and in. tensalv interestinc T2-oaca book teat FREE. - Present day - antsmebile opportunities rnfly x pasinea. A cbanee for you to get valuable in- , formarjea concerning good yobe far National Trained Hea. Write J. A. Roaeagrans, president. A. o., 43 rMuera, lm nngeiea. - - YVeat'a Treaiie KRainaa illeew. Airam EVERT GRADLATE A POSITION. All Bncloeu Coursei, iaduditif comptometer training. Knroll any - time oay acnooi. aigos wcawoi. wnto for rree catalogue.' u ac. a fforrison. Phoije Main 600. POSITION VOU. EACH rCRADUATB AL1SKT BLPQ.. 8T ASP MORRIBOW ' IsOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach yoa the trade in 8 weeks; receive torn pay while learning t positions secured. Oregon ex-asrvioa men receive gtata aid. Write or call for eaU logne. 284 Bnmside at LEARN TELEUHAPUT Railway Telegraph In- stituta. 434 Railway Exchange blag. Night . cla BOCKT MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AQENCY Knmil rraa. Trank K. Wallsa. farmer aaat. gtate wpt,. Mgr.. N-W. Bang iildg. Ant 512-18. MEN learn barber trade: wage while learning, jea at, Oregon Barber College. 238 Msdi- HELP WANTED MALE 201 Men For Railroad Work iAII branches,' Writs in letter marked "Per- aonal" to any of the officers named below, er aay other Southern Pacific Co. officer, statins age, experience, present work, kind of railroad worb: yoa will do. giving address where yea can bo reached by letter, telegraph or telephone. Application will be considered as atrictly on " fidentiaL E. Irf King, " superintendent. Union Terminal. Portland. Or.; J. W. Fitxgerald. ea-perintendeat.-Dnnsmair. Call -T.- Ahern. saper intertdent, Sacramento. CaL; W. Lv -Hack, eo perintendent. Ogden, TJUh r Q. E JQaylord su perintendent, Stockton. Cat: T. P. Rowlands, superintendeot. Oakland rfcr, ''Cat r IV M. WorUiington. niperintendent. Thtrd gnd Town sand sta.. 8sa Framr-co, Cal. : ft P. Jpnns tm. superintendent Bakersfieki, Cat : Vf. ' H. Wbalen. superintendent. Ia Angela, CaL; William Wilson, sunartn ten dent, Tucson. Arts.; J. - H. Dyer, general manager, 65 Market at, Baa. rra-cisco, Call B.wkhaltor. as sistant general mans gar. 68 Market at. 'Baa r.l r-.L T. H Williams, amistant ea- eral manager, 824 Paclfm Etectris bldg. .Lc Angeles. Cat . Jr.'.' .' v ThU advertisement - made becaaa . three tea ed strike by certsin empteye. .-. Southern Pacific Co. By J. H. Dyei . " General Manager r ViSTElWHighTSdo experienced bookkeeper ' and aeetmntaat theewaghry competent, capable bandlins detaim office work. - Mast, be capable ln.i.n.T ii.ri.s itaalrlnn '. Good, appearance mitiaove energy and indwatrioaa. Salary to start. 3123. - Excellent , opportunity tor capable U-93. anmi. - " ROLLER akatea, boxing, glovev basket bails (or n km. - I'Il aftmr school todav aad leara how anv bow eon act them -by Working 1a his ' rparg tJma. Bring this ad With yoa. Prod M, Bay. 270 4th rt- ' y ' ' ' . - asWNER hooeshoid necessity, wants live Partner to nut aeeats cart and help mfg. eetf ovary abamo. 3200 , bagdlat foe halt interest 804 I-.;-. Awchanaa bldg.' v -. -. -swULIClTOKS wan lad. 4 Live wire, fer a, high, clam legitimsta wpas1ticsi.f Prefeg thoee with er experience.'- T-wSO. jowrwas. -. SKkTS'kR wua' aell' naif "intemat woodsaW. ' Plenty work. , $390 handle. 804 Buchanan . - adg. ! - - -.-1. f - - - " 'yi-CMBKR wanted; state wages wanted. T-6o4. af P3TTwl L . . PLUMBER 8 helper wanted. 8-726. Jearaaa. 202 (7 MILLS gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporiser. -. write lor ParVgalara. Btransky TsporixCT CoPukwsna.' 8. SALESMAN wanted to handle real estate. Mast bar ear. Will nae yot right . F. W. Buna. 801 Bneiding bldg. ' Main 3708. - : REAL salesmen making MOO monthly; we want city and county men. : Old Miarion Grape Products.-' Call Main 967 for appointment. ! TRUCK salesman vented at 64 S. 8th at. HELP WAf4TEP-FEw!ALE 204 WANTED Competent and experienced girl to cook ana no general nooaewara mr coopie with boy of : a food, permanent noma and liberal wage . aaeurad right party. Apply 821 Kth.it.. cor, of Laurel, or phono Mar. H65. WAN TE1 Hoaekeper, neat and clean, anin- enmbered. middle aged, by widower with 3 children; good home; wages 125. Call fore noon. 87S Madiaoa at., between Chapman and Kartifla . . - - . .- HIGH or trade echool girl to aaaiat.with houaa wotkkind. comtortahle home for girt who la capable, neat, cheerful end fond of .children. Hlrane afternoon or evening. Marahall 794. WANTEI A girl to aa-oat with hooeework and - care nf 2 cUldzcB, 4 and 7. Call Tabor S49. ' - - - - - ; PEPENDABLE. neat woman willing t to keep hooM and help tn (tore; most like children. 707 Commercial at. ANt UIUU in need m a triend apply to the . Salvation Aimv RaHwe Home, alayfair and Alexander . Pbpne Main 84 50. U-u nr. WANT middleagrd Phone East 5090. aa - houaekeeper. WOMAN for any - kind of day won. Bd wy;- 4 2 1 1 . Call eveninga. ' Phone 8 TOUNO, lady piano teachers wanted. 202 Tilford bldg. ' - . . HELP WANTED-MALE AND ' FEMALE 20S WANTED Lady or gentleman who ia popular employe of firm employing 100 people or more for soma clean-cut work that will not, lower yoa in the eyeg of your fellow employe. This your ehanee to make tome extra money, and not interfere wttn your regular won. -appuca-tiona treated with the strictest confidence J- A PARTY with auto; must have experience tn real esUte. Apply 828 Henry bldaV twwy. 1904. ' -. - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 25t PAINTING, papernangtag. turnitun repaired and retiniatiea. rnce reasonaoie; wdi awnn- teed. Shop 1905 Hawthorne are. Tabor 120 or 1722 . - - " v ' EX-SERVICE man. -married, netda work: Mt- - . -1 ti .w Hvte Mtifi floorman; honorable discharge., excellent, char acter, reference.. N-728. Journal. WAVTVIV Rv an eioarienced woman in a pri vate' home, tile care Ol I or a cnuuren wooer 10 yeara of age. Mrs. H. Howard, 881 alsl- lory ave. - PAINTER -and paperhanger needs work; am resident, have family; $30 per week or leas. N-729. Jonrnal. 1'OL'Nti married man wiabea position in garage or driving: can drive any oar; famish -bast of' reference. T-B'77, Journal. WE DO in ana outaide painong, papernanging aoi tinting; estimates given prompt attention, rw work uaranteed. Call Marshall 8603. YuL'SU man with some experience wanta work at shoe, repair, shop. . Write Glenn Andrews, riarsames, ir.t K. 1 CARPENTER Estimates given oa repair work, roofs repaired and garage built. Shop, 1SCT Hawthorne. Tsbor 1260. FRANK BAER wilt do your painting at a reason able cost, Wooaiawn z7. ROOFS reshingled. tipaired vr waterproofed, work guaranteed. Jan evening, mkimw wiu-ga UUTTER3 cleaned; now is the time to have jour gutters cleaned. Wood lawn sobs. CARPENTER want work by -day or contract, first class work. Wdln. 3683. PAINTINtJ. kalmminine end interior degfating; fine work; prices rlgnt. vYooaiawa ai. HARDWOOD floor, by day or contract. Refer ence. East 8710. . ROOFS REPAIRED and painted, reasonable; flat roots a epedalty. xaDor l!. PAINTING, papering and anting; also repair work. Sell. zano. PAINTING, papernanging and ' tinting. Auto. 220-18. L. O'NeU. PAPERHANGLNG and tinuni. first da work. 'Price reasonable. Tenor BOgo. BASEMENTS, GRAUINu. uKN'L nKAMINO; contract or day work. Ant. 822-88. after 8. PLASiKBlNG done, plain and ornamental. Es timate fnmi'ried. Eait gixp or hit, zon CEMENT work. all kind, : Firat . elaaa only. Kellwooa viv. CONCRETE pouring by auentne; general ce ment wore, csu cteiL iou, atter o p. CARPENTER ami -eentraetor. lobbing, anything In tne puiimng line, mono rst neon. BLACKSMITH and acetylene welder want sit uation. Bog 88, Otvmpia notei. AUTO mecuanio with machine shop experience. Win wora ont ot city, ihbii, journal. PAPERHAiGlia."25c per ' single roU." ' mate on painting. Main 1082. ALL kinds of hauling and deUvenng for 3-ton track. Ant. 628-44. PLUMBING dona very lesson Dls by the hour or by the job,. Ante 285-61. CEMENT work, aatistacUon guaranteed. Wood lawn 8241. EXPERT (tov reairing. Phone East 6042. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LACE. SCRIM AND MAHQUISETTB CUK TACiS, DRAPERIES. DONE UP. LIKE KFW. WTLL CAIX. EA8T 8818. ; WOMAN wants work by hoar or day: reliable references; house cleaning or other work, Bdwy. 1228, evening. " L TRUSTWORTHY Sd7 wanto housecleaning. washing; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. - - UXPERHCNCED stenographer wishes position at once. Call East 4841. RELIABLE woman want work by tha day. or hour. Wdln. 3685. ' COLORED girl typist wishes piecework; work at any time. Wdln. 8480. will LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6194. DRESSMAKING 256 DYKING, cleaning, pleasing, dreiinissing. re nndeiing. relifSg alterations, pleating, raa sonable prices. Cabinet Dressmaking Par lors, 424 Morrlaen. tieir 11th. Main .1823. ' ! DRESSMAKING 670 Harney Phone SeU- wood zses. HEMSTITCHING, any color, ee yard; buttons covered, pleating. 209. Aliafcy bldg. SEW I.VG- Good - work guaranteed; 1 piece dresee reasonable. Main 284. HEMSTITCHING while you wait. Luncheon sets Be yard. 1006 Broadway bldg. SEWING, reliable, your homo or mine. Main Z04. f OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 BENTON HOTEL Comer Broadway and Alder. North wast luet suite or single rooms at reasonable rate. Phoas Mam 2227. - - - - HOTEL HARRISON Rooms 82 week: SBe to 50c per night Clean rurnwhed rooms, 40a rront, corner namsoa. HOTEL FRANKLIN Waihsneton at 18th. Rates by the week 13 and up; hot aad cold running water, hot water heating system. Tan ana nowr natn. TV. -II U.ll 207 ,14th St. t iVUsAVYCll IA 11 Tarter and Salmon. Furnished sleeping rooms, bath, steam heat. hot and cold watrr: 4 week and an. EUCUD HOTEL . . 87 Washington, at 18th. Traw. cleaa. airy room, private bath. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2682. RECfrta HQfKL 1 ' 9 N. Broadway, new. and modern. Taw locks on goon. 31 day u:i. 30 per wg, op. private bato. THE ST. PAUL 130 4th. ear. Alder. A BE- SPECTABLS downtown notek JUteg IM is. Privste bath 33. Special rate by week or month. COZY, ciema single room, cheery: furnace heat, bath '. phono etc ; walking distance. 847 Tswihil!. - -" ;.; NICELY farnished .aleeniag rooms, also single fcooseAeepiag - rooms; ; modern, convenieace; walking dtaUnce. 568 12th t ... ONE mom hooaa.- faraished far hoasekoenina welkin attstanea, 43all 462 Flint at-, namr RomeU and WUuama ave. rJasg B4I1. NICELY furnished sleep ing rooms, steam beat. hot and cold water, reasonaoie, 209 8th street - - -, ; OOZY, cieaa loeme for real ia private family, suitable for convalescents: 814V a month and no. Be1teted sows tn enjarge. Mstn T8 NEW PKRKIN4 HOTEL - , - " Washington and Fifth Streets, J: ; prterfal Permanent Rites FVoth$6 Per Week. THE BARTON. 453 ALDER ST. " Clean lujnlshed room $3.50 per woek and op. Ami r.gnt pouwaeeping. . WELL thrnished outaide rooms. ui table for 2 excellent cooking. , 388 Montgomery st or ned west Pr. - - - : - - ' DBSIRABLB nom ia high class apt, tor ' Cathode preferred. Bdwy. 3410. FURNISHED loos, hot sad aoid water ia room furnace heat 248 Tillamook at., cor. Flint cult. -week. 179 19th st , 'SALESMEN WANTED FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 gordos eotki. 174 Waat Park at. ,' ' Maa 201. Clean, gandera room at reawoabie prices; telephone eerrieo included, transient and per manent gaesta derfreiL,- -" - - " ' - - : ' CALL at T. M- C. A. to see im net of moderate priced room for young men la all part of tag city including room at tha Central T. VL C A., vita telephone in each room, shower bath and crab fsciuues. HOTEL ROYAL v Corner' klonison and E. Third; modern sleep ins and housekeeping rooma, $3 week and. op; 81 per day. - ' - - -- - IF TOC appreciate nice clean - rooms, newly famished, where- 700 get beat, yoa will find them at S55 North 2 1st, cor. Nortbno, near hospital, on D. H. carline. Just opened under new management. Ant. 888-28. - - , p: Alexander Hotel 181 10th St.. oenter of fbnpptnff ttiaUict; clean room. 75e wr; weekry 88.80 pp. HOTEL ARTHUR ' ITS J 1th at. Bear Morrison.; dean, modern rooma py gay, wees or montn; reasonapie rate. - . Albina Hotel fe! 24' ALB IN A AVE. . EA8T 8150. - Bleeping and housekeeping rooma. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 128 13th SC. at ' Waehinston. rinca etrueture. center ac Pore- naad'a buaineaa and social activities, respectable. spotless rooms; wees, gx a oay sp; priTaie oain, 3 aay. Hotel Medford Two blocks from Depot. T3e And no. 84 a week: up. Hot and cold water in each room. SARQENT HOTEL Hawthorne and Grand H. C -and ale ng rooms, hot and "cold water, ateam heat, E. at. 88 Grand ave. Steam beat, bet and cold water in noma, dean' and tespec labia place; ga.oo ana up. HOTEL ARTHUR 178 11th at. sear Morriaoo. Clean, modern room by day, week or' month; reasonable rates. LARGE, dean. . light, steam-heated room; hot water at aa houra: 810 montn: mean if desired, a SO Bavter at.' near 28th. - Main 7001. VPASHtNT-TOV xrrvrET. 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. Attractive rooma and suites at reasonabl rata by week or month. HOTEL HARRISON Rooms 82 week; 33c to 80s per sight. Cleaa fnrniahed " 408 Front, corner Harrison, SOc Day, $20 Week Up Clean,- baths' free, hot water, at all near. HOTEL CADILLAC. 8d St.. near Jefferson. HOTEL 0CKLEY Mormon at Tenth 1 11 ft ds. ekly f 5 mnd wp; free phone nq wtitj; ngnt nq tiry- FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 848 E. STARK, in private family. Urge front room, modern, with laundry aad kitchen privileges: near SS car cr walking distance. Call mornings or evening. 318. Phone East 7742, 1 VERT nicely furnished" room ; I want lor 2 ladies employed during day who are true stu dents and practitioner of psychology; wil) ar range for light housekeeping I very close in, west side. T-088, Journal. ' IRVINGTON Well furnished front room tn lovely refined home; gentleman preferred; 3 carline. . Near 18th" and Knott East 2583. FOR GENTLEMEN - Nicely famished front bedroom, heat. - bath. telephone; In a email family cf adult; able. 200 E. 24th N. East 0379, LARGE front room, suitable for two young business girls; breakfast if desired; beautiful residence district; ..dose to 3 car Unas. Er578. Journal. - ' - SEE THIS: Comfortable sleeping room, walking distance, newly furnished, beat, light, phone, bath, everything famished. Better than ordi nary, $4 per week 548 Yamhill. GOOD horn cooking. 3 meals a day. lovely rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. Price $30 to $38 per month, .phone Kaat 2560. or 373 Rons at - - FURNISHED sitting room and bedroom, hard wood floori ; nag of kitchen if wanted; also 7 single rooma upstairs; walking aistance. - aoo HiU district. 657 Flanders. Broadway 1868. . FURNISHED room for-' rent to lady, west aide, walking . distance. 490 Harrison at. near 14th. Marshall 1137. LADT to room, with young baby taKe cars of while mother worke; can cook for herself if she withes. 772 William are., near Beech. NICE bedroom, living room and use of kitchen. including heat, lights and water: young people only; gza per montn. tau ng west pnmnersx. VERT clean furnished room. Could get light meal in room; hot water every day, 33.76 weekly. ' 294 14th, cor, of Columbia. NICELY furnished front room, in Christian home, use of piano. 815 per month. 292 16th, between Co mm bis and Jefferson. Main 653 NICE clean room, good location, good home. electric lights, phono and bath. 254 North zetn ex.. eor. aorrnnrp. r COMFORTABLE room beat. in modern private home: furnace bath and tatepbona. Tabor 2417. 8UITABLK for venna lad. East side. Walk ing distance; ana on carline: sreaalast privi lege. Phono East 498. EA8T BIDE, young man or woman; cheerful front -rooaa with good breaaiaah rnone Tabor 2329. NICELY furnie&hed room in choice neighbor hood, smalt family, no other roomers. 238 E. 6 nt ft. NICELY famished rooms in refined family; homo privileges snd breakfast U desired. Be lonable. Call Tsbor 6660. IARGE front room, hesutiful view, modem walking distance. 450 pane sc. 1761. . THREE rooma and bath, partly furnished. Phopa Broadway 4211, 810.80 per month. can evenings. NICE front room, single bed, hear Hawthorne, on E. 33d st Tabor 98aS. FRONT room funiahed. in nrivate fssailr will give preaxiasx. 009 sveroy or vrntn. ow. NEW room, ivory farnished. Piedmont district tody employed preferred. P-7P8, journal. 2 SLEEPING ROOMS tor rent 1007. - 809 Mom- son. Bdwy. LARGE tarniahed room. 413 Ladd ave. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel pit-icvrNTH orw Washington PorUaDda higb-elaae down-town residential hotel. Wo - wive tow the comforts of American gad Knropean pis.' Rates reajocabla, ATTENTION. Laborer of Portland We hare eenverted our property late a borne for av tnrin aaaai and women: eood rooms and bath. first-class hoard, noma eoosung; so minutes nae to-Second and Morrison. 682 Botss st Sell wood 3748 LARGE, light, steam-heated room, home cooked meals, 88 week; 3 la with good n mom. AT. 890 Sevier st near 2Sth. Maia 7061. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for business girls at moderate rates, , 880 loth st . Mar- Shall 1381, - -..-'! . . BOOM, and board, two occopyinc am room, 330 per mo. 121 E. 11th. - Phone lit sszz. LAKE float room euitaola foe two gnUemea Breakfast and dinner. 483 Vi Montgamery. ROOMS AND BOARD ; PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WMT filUK. 20th and LoVejoy. newly fur- niahed room, uglit and pleasant, plenty hot water, fnrnsoe, best ot mesja, reasonaoie 10 men, -654 Lbvejoy. ' --Bdwy. 4889.- NIUELY furnished larsa doable room, also sinala room with board; furnace heat, home privi leges, 1 block, from car, walking distance. East 6803. -y -' .- - - -"- NICELY fnmialMd front sooana with or wtih- - out board: home coureaieawa.. 741 ' Hoyt It. - Mara 04. 1 WOULD like to urnish rooaa aad board to as ST sww liayiwaj shoiscw pia.i am m iurc aeighborhood; ak homo privUeges. Tsbor 4888. LADY would like to board school girt, more for company; no ether children; $Zw . month school same block. Weodlswn 4434 ROOM and beard, home' privileges, -piano, $28 and fao a montn. wain. bz. ROOM for two genUemea. with meak, 338 per month each; everything . the best, la C. 414 Jaarhet at-, cor. utn. I0CNG rooss..; week. SrnaQ congenial family ol roomr peo ple. Pisno, medern. Msin 6 9 S. FURNISHED rooaa wiih or withoot! board walking dlmaar; lav MsrshalL Bdwy. 3333. , 817 IN private borne, tor 1 or more, ctose in. gcod" lneaben. X car lines: also congenial fellow wishes roommate, t bed. East 889 young GOOD snuwt aui tax chiidrea iouib end bogrd. Tahor 9117. WILL room and oard .saavij cniid rtsstgablf eloee tn. East 7296.- - ' - - - r -LARGE room, board, tog two. aiaada awdsy is:,'. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN 3 AND T. TEARS. . WOOjULAWN lt. PRIVATE family. Room and beard for young girl or woman. 8oJ per wees. , Z z. 71th corner Ash. CHILDREN will' be well cared for ia suburban home of responsible party. Ant 830-28. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 TWO cleaa. light H. K room, ground floor; free nbone, water aad garbage: 10 mma. from Washington; beat car service in city; car stop at step. See these room beiore looting. Wdln; 880. V . NICELV Airnished hottsaaeepmg rooms. 84 and an. clean, airvand attractive ooa oa groond floor, ether on second floor; furnace heat, elecr ne ughf. Broadway Baft. JilCELY furnished single. 2 or 3-room H. K. rooms at 409 ft. 1 9th at., corner Upshur. Satea by the month (8 and up; free telephone. atn and pool table.- Broadway 104B. COMPLETELY f ranis bed 2 loom and kitchen. ette: nrrrata entrance: bath and laonauy tray. Small bat comfortable and convenient. Adsita. tlH. Fnlton car. 180 5 Virginia. - $8 TO 84 WEEK. h. k. rooma and suites, suit- atue lor ancle men : every convenience. not water all hoar, hatha free. Hotel Cadillac 3d, near Jefferson. SECOND floor crivata residence. 4 rooms, oath and sleeping porch: clean, attractive: white enamel kitchen, gas range, electric light, 87 ts. ZTtn . Kast 2978. TWO '2-room euitea, 33.75 and 34 per week; one single h. k. room, 82.50; water, rights. bath, -phone included ; in deiirable neiguboruood. 8fOH- W. 21t' Bdwy. 1226. NICE famished housekeeping rooma. 721 Mississippi ave.. corner Fremont: gag. bath, as of phone; elderly, people preferred. Wood- lawn 1051. 318 PER MONTH 2 clean furnished H. K. - room; ateam beat, electric lighta, laundry, hot aad cold water, free phone, 408 Yancou- ver ave. near Broadway. - 1WO largo, front housekeeping roonu, 34 adulta ona.. Free phone. 810 a month. small front room for working girl, 830 Taylor at. Marshall 1875. TWO v houwkeepinr rooms, 227 Washington t 825 per month. RETURNING wockera. alean. sinsle housekeeD- ing rooms; ouiet, homelike; .bath and lobby privilege; 38 to $12 per month; also apartments. i- lvtn st. ri. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN Light H. K. and sleeping room, clean and nomeuse, waixing aistance, a.ou weea ana up. 293 hi Union ave., 1 bfock south of Hawthorne. 2 AND 8 room furnished H. K. apt.. 33 and 84 week; bath, gas, light and' phone. 893 Johnson at. ' ' CLEAN, newly papered h. k. apts.; 1 and 3 rooms; quiet home-like; infanta welcome; low rates; near IT. P. Shops. 152 H Ruell tt FURNISHED apt of 2 rooms; phone, electric light, bath and heat; also single h. k. room. 693 Davis. 22d st csr to 21st. 1 blk. N. FREE RENT 8 weevi lor price of 4; 2 large famished hoasekeeping rooms, 32.50 to S4.SU .1 i . - , . k. . . . ' WEEK, completely furnished h. k. suite. every convenience, hot water all hours., Save carfare. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. 2 AND 3 nicely furnubed h, k. suites, cloie in. west aide, very reasonabla. SelL 8051, CLEAN housekeeping rooms, tree cooking gaa. fnraac heat batn. electric light, phone. 521 Johnson, corner 15th st Walking distance. TWO .furnished housekeeping rooms with sleep ing porca. come pnvuege; aauit only. 715 Burnside. PARTLY FURNISHED housekeeping room and sleeping porch. Marshall 8694. 148 Hamilton ave. - TWO large, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, on firat floor, including ateam beat ilgnta and water. Main 7444 or 748 Irving St. SICKLY furnished 2 room tuite, also single n. a. rooms: wita not water and plume Iree. 228 Vt Washington at.. Abbott hotel. TWO furnished rooms tor light hoasekeeping at 1171 Minnesota ave.; gas, electricity and phone famished: Wdln. 1488. NICE warm room for one or two, hat water always for -baths and laundry. 812 to 818 monthly; sleeping porch 310. 655 Flanders st a-LARGE, clean, airy H. H rooma on Sunny- side carline: rent zs. fnona Tabor 8384. 843 Belmont FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric lights. hot and cold water. Data, tree, poena. 82 per week end op. 663 Hood at. Main 726. - FURBISHED h. k. rooms, light and clean; also front sleeping room, tor 1 or 2- 427 N. 81st at C Vaughn, Bdwy. 8561. . s LARGS front rooms oath, kitchenette on -first floor. 427 Montgoreerv, bet. 1 1th and j 2 th. TWO clean, small rooms -basement, $12.ibw50 Hoyt. v, , . 8 BOOM apt . Arcadia. -2 2d aad EvereUaU outside rooms. Maln7094. HOUSEKEEPING rocans, single snd double, hot snd cold wster, best 841 Harrison. FOR RENT, furnished, housekeeping rooms or sleeping rooms. 10 East loth st a. - ' . NICELY FURNISHED hoasekeeping rooms, free phone, gas, heat 146 ltn st. W. TWO H. K. rooms for rent Everything fur nished: heat, light gss. 1199 E. Salmon. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, cook ing gas, bath. 21 H E. 15th st comer of Ash. FOR RENT H. K. or sleeping room, board optional, reasons Pie rates, close tn. Mam 0370 H. k. ROOMS. 328 N. 17th st, 82.80 per w. and ap; no ooiecuon tn cnuaren. SINGLE h. k. or suite of rooms; close in; rea sonable. KSt 7 51)3. NEWLY and nicely furnished deeping and bgbt housekeeping; walking distance. Bdwy. 4714 SINGLE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, 33.00 wees. 8S front st- O.V FIRST floor. 415 4th st, near school, sic snq ciesn ; no opjecuons to cnuaren. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 OR 3 . LARGS unfurnished outside room. clean and airy, gas range, lighta aad water. rent reasonxble. 275 21rt st N. ' UNVUBN ISHED Two large rooms, 810 pal month. At - 84th - St. ABC ML Scott car nne, southeast. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with light, water and phone. East 4720, UNFURNISHED large bouoekeeping room at 505 iffm ave.. cheep. 154 Raaeen st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 1 PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FOR SENT Sunnyside, 9 furnished U H. room, lights, wster. phone, clean, mat. airy: adults; '8 women or man snd wife. Phone Tabor 249, morning 9 to 12.. NICELY furnished front 2-room suite, also 1 Urge , housekeeping basement apartment 33 per week; walking distance. 414 Colombia. Phone Marshall 8298. - - 2 ;H. K. - ROOMS, second story, furnished: suit able for 4 persona. Room with kitchenette. also front sleeping room, newly tinted; waixing distance. 49 Union ave. n. VOBV RENT Oho housekeeping room, hot apd - cold water; also sleeping rooms, rnrnaeo neai. free I phone and bath; reasonable rent . 605 Sixth at Phone Main 8589. 8 BEST famished hoasekeeping rooma with bath for the money, including water, ligbt gnd gas for cooking; references exchanged. 808 Willis mi ave. - NEATLY farnished huoseaeesinc aesrtnsent. in- eluding puuw, on first tutor near uentai ana FoiytecBnte scnoot ana wssnington nign. wsis- ing distance. East 2185. - - 2 LARGE, light dean 'front rtxims. first floor . heat -phone, bath; near school sad csr. walk' mf aistance. a jc. im ana wesn. - 8 UNFURNISHED H. K. room, private family.- light, phone and best tarnished. ; Sell- wood 3831. 978 Clinton tt v TWO larrre outside housekeeping rooms, well furnished ; heat light, gss and telephone ; rlesaj sno cozy, me 40; cioav in. oeuwooo ivno, TWO nice H. K, rooms, on second noori far aisbed; bghts. wster and phone included ia rent 689 Vancowver ave. ' -,.'- . '' :. FOR RENT Front . romisned, West Bide.' piano. housekeepiDg privilegea, 6413. PLEASANT farnished room tor hoasekeeping or deeping, nesr bath. 2 windows, for gentle men that wHh a oniet heme. 451 10th st S. TWO NICELY FURNISHED H. K ROOMS, ' WITH BATH.- - 848 BELMONT. AUT. 231-40. . . 2 FURNISHED ligbt FURNISHD" heuseaeenna rooms: also t wppeg flat, . CTacksmas. rooms; doss . ia. ,311 n"a,tj. H. K. and sloepins roam. $6 aad 610 per month, -walking diet ace; electnc lighta and telephone. 833 FUnders. " TWO extra Urge IT. K. rooms, electric hght. bath. 303H 3d st - ' LIVING room, deeping porch, kitchen, refined privste family, as 2 Povia. near iBtn. LIGHT airy rooms, light, beat, peons; achooi 081 .Hawthorne ave. - ; close to NICELY furnisbed boasekeepiBg rooms, wsik ing distanee, privete family. 441 Rodney ave. LARGE front h. k. room, with reemable. 294 Jefrerscn. - ' hitrhsm'tt! 2 MCE houses eeping rooms, bath, paooa, ia private boms. - Call Sellwocd T259. - HOUSEKEEPING - rooms $16. Court. 16th and Mitt sta, . iHephei FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ? FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 TWO new funuahed hoaackeering rocn3, west nide. That ia no bunch of Junk. -but a real little borne: re tinted and painted; exerythrng dean and oiea; near tfontgoatery da Ward. 421 N. 23d sr. - : ' - - -;:r:.----'... ' APARTMENTS--4VRNISHED' SOT - : .The Groverv.- 181 Graver at, : aieelr furnished 1 aad 2-rm. housekeeping apartments; tow rate. Mam 9068. THD nnEMHAI IM 834 Sth at 8 tllU maJUillVUH Cor. Market 2 and 3 room famished apta modera eoaaea- lences; private batha; gza to gsa per montn. King Albert Apartments 2 aad 3 room' furnished, otrictrr , modern, tile t)sln elevator, 1 1th and Montgomery Main a. BalAL'i IFL'L newly tarnished -rocis lower floor apartment 840; S- front rooma 823; sinal H. K. room 820; most be aecn to be appre- riated. sf 829 Kverett. Merlin Apartments Broadway at Grant Kic' 2-room fumLhed apartment. 825. MarshaH 428. " . HADDON HALL APTS.. 11IH AND HALL 4 -room corner , ant. bath., nhone. hardwood floor, outside French door aad balcony.. $57.50; w-room apt. 4a. - - - - - B Mabelle Apartments . 414 JeffroiLt 11th St.: on and two room farnLhed apartmenta, modern, rent reasonable. Albret Apts. - Furnl'hed apartmonta, ateam beat,' private oacu. sv4a missueippi ave. 3 AND 4-ruouuapartmenta in duplex borne, iiard wood Soon, diaappearijig bed. furnace, fire place, enameled kitchen, private bath. - garage. near jerieraen nign ecnooi. wain. 4489. JULIANA APARTMENTS - . - 48 TBTNITT PLACE 1 FTRNTSHED 2, 8 AND 4-ROOM APTS. COOP HEAT AND JANITOR 8ERVICB 3-ROOM furnished and snfiiraUixi ansvtaaamta! light, heat, hot and cold water famished; no email children. Call at 1092 Hawthorne ave.. apt A. - - - - - -r : Bellingham Apartments 1 421 Vi E. MORRISON ST. 1 -and 2 mom snites. H. K. rooms; reasonable. GLEN COURT, eor. Park . and Taylor, 2 aad 8 room, (umiaoed. Mala 1981 Stanfield Apartments Modern 2 room apartment, tight, beat, phone. jauoixry iiciuura. s.ou. mam levz. IHVINGTON 2 and 3 Et 4852. room furnished apt, and garage. 2 ROOMS, desirable H. K. apt, to appreciativ adults: furnace heat, electric lights, gas, bath ana pnone tree; west side. lo Broadway. NICELY furnished clean S-roem apartment running water, electric lighta, reasonable; rarayg. aag inarguii, VERT desirable 2 rocm furnished apartment. team, uatcn Kucnea. garage u aestrcd; adult. nil oamenDeia iw. MODERN, furnuhed 8 room apt 53 East 6th and lis tip. VERY large front parlor and kitchenette, well heated, nicely famished, including piano, easy walking ditanee, 335 month. 893 W. Park. TWO room apartmeat for rent; nicely furnished; on streetcar line. Your children are welcome. 372 Montgomery. Main 8528. FOR light, clean, comfortable apt, best loca tion. . walking distance: reasonable- Can uia 8533. HAWTHORNE APTS.. 2 and room furnished apts.. steam heat, hot and cold water. 566 st st. west side. LARGE room with a kitchenette. Suitable for working couple. Clean, chean and ehua in. 344 Benton, near Brotdwar. 3 BOOM famished apartment, first floor; also one and two-room hoasekeeping suites. 481 un Asn. near 7tn. apartment furnished; gas heater and domestic use: Woodlawn ear. Phnna Wnwl. lawn 1150. 653 Dekum ave. DEN'NISON APTS.. outside suites, privste bath, phone and steam heat; Sunnyside or Mount Tabor car. Phone Tabw 546. $30 AND $20 4 and 3 room furnishebd house- ampins apartmenta. 642 K 27th: Riek. mond car to 27 th, 1 block south. BERKELEY APTS 89 Trituty Place 2 and S . room apts.; walking distance. i. ..,, 1950. Catl apt 6. ' FINISHED bsaement spartment tireplace, tele- Dhone and earaoe. Tabor 8830. 1441 E. Morrison. " $14. 2-ROOM apartment lacing street 48 comer Belmont nd E.; 9th. 3 ROOM apt., furnished. 81$ month; 2 stoves. 703 Hood at nesr Mead st FURNISHED apartment No children. Csll 821 Thunnan. Marshall 8866. FURNISHED apartment, modem; also room luitT able for lady. 890 Russell, nesr Union. AND 3 h. k. spt. for rent Burnaide snd Grand sve. S92ri Esat APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 GARFIELD apartments, 3 and 4 r joint, sleeping porches, hardwood noors. cleaa and reasonable. 361 E. Failing, one block west Union are. Phone Woodlawn 4662. ' Ionian Court 18TH AND COUCH - " 3 and 4 room modem apartments, all outsids gunny rooms; sdults. Bdwy. 2781. 8 , ROOM modem bouse, Urge grounds, near Jefferson tush and Thompson schools. Leav ing city; mast rent immediately. Call 781 Commercial, comer ol Beaen. The American Apts. 4 and S room modern apartmenta, 21st and Johnson. Broadway 8360. FOR RENT 3 room partly furnished apt; rent reasonable: dose to carlme. Phone Wdln. 1126. CHOICE modern 6 rooms and deeping porch, also 8 rooms snd sleeping porch. 440 Ross, corner of Pupont East 6898. FOR RENT 2 room unfurnished spartment; very nice. 734 H Tnurman st n. Phone Bdwy. 2628. - - B-KOOM apartment, rent $50; 2 disappearing beds: modem, close In. turnitor tor sale. Phone Marshall 675. - 3-ROOM apt for rent furniture for rant Phone Main 1S8S, evenings. THREE rooms ia buildmg st 5th aad Stark. Apply Dr. 8. Loeb. Stevens Bldg. - FLATS FURNISHED 309 R0OM3,bath and Sleeping porch, 2d floor; dean and attractive; gaa range, enamel kitch en, electric lights; desirable location, 01 as. 27th N. East ,2978. MODERN 8 room flat furnished, light and aire, on corner: nrivate hath ana entrance. walking distance.. Call 8aodj and eeuinp after 7:16. 881 Sth at - -" - '- - LOVKLY HOME. RENT $35 - dean, modem flat for rent: beautiful aew furnitnre for sale cash or terms, $48 Columbia NEW S-room Oat, prirate bsth,clean aad at- tractive; gas range, modern; employed oou- ole. fcUUwood 2142. - ATTRACTlvli 6 ROOM FLAT. FINE PLACE, 2 BATHS. LAUNDRY. ON CARLINE, 10 MIN. FROM MEIER A PRANK. EAST 873. FURNISHED flat to rent, five-rooms. 667 Preseott st - Telephone Wdla. 1888. Call afternoons.'1 ' FIVE cleaa well farnished iconts, with or with out garage. Tinor 84BB. 6-ROOM famished upper fist light water and - ass for cookmg. tue ot teiepnons; aa. am V, 7th B WILL share wen fumlsbed flat with two ladies) "oss separate sleeping room; wee, ana 661 Taylor. Call wvenings. FURNISHED ligbt boosekeeping rooms, electric lights, gaa, furnace, heat bath, privste bean. BPS I. wnwMs. i-none rsbv - PRACTICALLY new 8 room flat prirate bath - ana pnone, a ntocss irom iUssbh Cohnnhis 784. 1609 Huron st S ROOM lax, .completely tamiahsd. walking dis- tanee. 272 Park. Msr. 1604. FURNISHED 6-room fist for gale, west sde price 3300. Msin 4694. kODERN 5-room lower nL -furnished, 831 E. 87th sti Woodstock ear. 4 ROOM modern flst tor rest furniture for ale. new and clean, close tn. Call Msr. 2187 FURNISHED lower Ost, private Shaver. $35. - Tsbor 8879. 248 4-ROOM famished fist reasonable rent Hookev. -Main ; 6839. - 26$ FLATS-JNslJRWSHED 310 UNFURNISHED room flat 260 K. 43dst price $85. faaairs upstair 4-ROOM Sat with garage. 762 Vsncoaver aee $28. Est 2198. ADULT oottpst for two fists, onfamished, st - 887 Cable street, near wess enq ov aaaj wi. 8154 BOOM Oat- 510 E. Clay. Adult. Eart 8S15. 8-RQOM axniurniahed fiat. 14th St. - Mam 6996, aswly papered. : $0$ MODERN Ursa 5-room flat, aear Jerfersow high smssoL 28 Aibertav at FOR RENT FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 TJJtFt'RNlSKED rPPER FLAT AT $25. 4 ROUMS AND BATH : l.NUl.l II3 WATEM AND" GARBAGE. 727 ' E. STARK. EAST 3310. ' '- - ; MOUEKX 3 or 4 locsa, fir block from Meser Frank . Pson Alain 3744. 3 10 a UPPER ufsrakhed and rooms with hath. electricity ana gss; waiting afetaaee; rent rea sonable. Adttlts tmly. 883 E. Stark. - HOUSES-UJNrjRNISKKD 311 8PRINKLERED WAREHOUSE ' ea treckaas, Store your good with as. . Let OS a CLAT t, M0RSB, ISa Brosdwiy 8478. : 484 GUssa at PIANOS moved, 33. stairs extra $1 each flight.; 39- days free storage ea aB household goods; furniture moving. 1 ton truck, 82 per hoar; large track. $2.75 per boar; we are experiencea and have good, packing. Can Broadway 1287. Atlas Transfer Bursa Co.. 194 91. Btn st. Open Sundays and evening. - - ' ' . - b-OR RENT - - Rood 7 room haose. birgs basement, garage. garden. 2 blocks frsm.jf. 8. ear. 798 Hood at, corner Ribbs. Tsbor 692. FOR RENT 3-rocta bongsmw, 323 per month; run piammng and nasement. naa ss.; comer lot 56x108. Call-at Panama Grocery. sooth of Grays Crossing, for key. 1 FOR RENT 7-room Baooern bouse. 827 E. -,-15tb st. -.- -..v -. -:i - v--. For rent,- 6-room boos. &2 E.' 17th st Csll st 824 Front st. PhoneMsin 7806. WANTED To share S room apsrtmeot with two- bumnees girls; nrivste -bidnsom: with references. Call evenings, . 295 12Qt. apt 2. Brantree. O-ROOM modem house. Lcmbard and Wabash st., fall basement, electric lights, nice yard, trait trees, etc., $35 to responsibl party. - H. B. Pmmmer. 494 E. 83d st Sellwood 8068. 4-ROOM cottage, newhr painted inside and wired. on Oregon Electric and 8. P. Unea, in city Emits; a piece fog garden -and ehiekena; large bsra; only. 318. Marshall 2816. FOR RENT 8 roomed modern hooss, suitable fer 2 families: doss to ear and school; $33 month. Owner, Lloyd Jankin. Ill E. Stafford street - LEAVING city, most rent my modem 9-room homo at once. If yoa are eooking for a com fortable homo at reasonable price, see this. Call 781 Commercial st, corner Beech. - :, ' -FOR KENW Nc.r Standard 6u Co. ' pUnt oa Linnton road. 2 4 -room cottages .with both. Call 286 Stark st Msin 2368. - v FOR LEASE 8 room houe; all re finished like , new. 550 per mo. moot East 2188. 168 E. 1,8th near Ber- 7 ROOM residence, partly furnished, modem convenience, garage; 835. 81w K. 76th, comer Market FOR - RENT New bungalow with garage in - Irvingtett to responsihl parties, 11th. Main 5881. Call at 256 7 ROOMS, one block from 8t Johns ear line, rent $25. Call tram to 6 p. m. 1289 Barrage t - ' ROOM cottage, with 100x100 yard, . 865 Amherst St. $17 a month. Bee Fred S. Williams, 606 Panama bldg. FOR RENT Half acre. 3 room bouse, bam; near Vancouver, Wash. 334 East 40th st, Portlsnd. Ot. Tsbor 1798. -NICE 6 room cottage, dean, suitable for small family. 1 V blocks, from Alberts, car. Call Wdln. 4681. - BENT 6 room house. 830 month. WU1 aelL 8100. down. $30 a month. Close in. South Portlsnd. Owner, 4614 E. 41st 8. E. ELK TRANSFER St STORAGE CO. 16 Days' Storage Free. , Fwmltwte moved for less. Brosdwsy 2443. vYHEN moving, city or eoastry. set the best st lowest price. Green Trans. Co.. Maia 1S61 202 rk Aider st 10-ROOM hooss for rent, Corbett and Vermont tail Msrshan 4694. i'tyriiT nrrngi,.. T I W , 8T SIDE house. 7 813 20th. Oos Reasonable rent Walking distance. WE move furniture of S-s-6 bswst hooss tor 310. Fcr farther informs tien. Msin " 6299 MODERN . 6-room bouse, good condition, fur- nace, electricitT. trays. Key 87 E. 17th t . HOUSES FIJRNISHED 312 SIX room, famished house ; - laundry trays, fur nace, hot- aad cold water, gss aad electric: $45, including water snd garage; adults; east side, near Jefferson, hifb, 1075 Kirby, comer Webster st ' .' luR liKNT Kenton, district- New bunoalow.' fumirhed, 6 gocms, bath, garage, every mod em convenience, fjtom to tcnoot. su min. to town, long leaae. Miaaissinpi-Kenton car to Min nesota are., 4 blocks north. 73 K. Perry St. LOWER 6 roJi with bath, fireplace. Urge basement, 1 block - to W-8 car. cor. Fran cis and 29th, within walking distance of -8. P, railway yard.- reasonable rent t4.fc.VxtM1 room modem house, completely fur- nisaed; ptsno, su conveniences, with or with oot garage; dees in; reasonable rent 787 K. Ankeny it., or East 6801. -.- FIVE rooms and sleeping porch. - Portlsnd Heights. Upper drive. Comer kern. Modern. Like new. Open afternoon today. Msin 3116. 1 jease includes fuel. v SCENIC LODGE rottages, 2 and $ rooms, fin est view, 29 minute walk to heart ot city. Hall at car. to 18th, -2 blocks wsct. Reasonable. 824 Height Terrace. FURNISHED '4 room cottage. Everything new and modentr. Walking distance. . Free heat tight aad water. Adult only. $65. No. 16 . intn. MODERN 6 room tarnished boose, sleeping porch, garage; will be vacant Nov. 1. 734 E. 73d st N. Owner at 848 12th st, W. 8. Phone Marshall 8583. MODERN 8 rooms, with sleeping porch, Dutofi kitchen, garage, aew laraace, fireplace, doss to school, ear: some furniture. 629 East Ash st Owner, Mim 4831. , .7-- TWO room farnished house to- couple er adults only: dectricity. gaa. 6111 48th sve. 8. S, eor. 64th. opp. Baptist church. Mt Scott Car. A net sta." - 6 ROOMS and garsge. modern, up to date, fur nished, $ao per montn. 141 cor pett, aui. 387-27. $35 5-ROOli fuxnkhed oUage near Jefferson high and grade school; no oe lection to wen behaved children. CeM Woodlawn 1901. 6-ROOM famished house, 165 Wood st. 2 blocks f rata school, near library, reasonable rent " . . - . . "' " - PARTLY furnuhed 8 room and garage, walking distance, rent 84b. , lnaouw 748 water at, corner Porter. . IB TING TON 8 100m, hardwood floors, steep ing porch, ureplse ana ail latest convenience garage; $90 per me. Kast Boon FOR RENT 6-room famished house, modern. on paved street close to car. , 6 VIS 724 St. or phone Ant 688-88. ' 6-ROOM house, newly painted, partly famished. close in, ; sauits; reterenoe. m. 8499. MODERN 5 room furnished house tot ;, teat. 1588 MlsaisBppi ave. -- 4-ROOM furnished house for rent 87 .Bryant st Phone Woodlawn 2461. NEW 4-room bungalow, furnished, $45. Tabor 2109. - LADT will share bungalow with .congenial cou ple. 1113 Woodward ave. ROOM furnished cottage, 268 Wheeler. Har shall 2482 or Rellwood 8652. - - HOUSES FOR REOT FURNTTURE FOR SALE 313 Tx'rSiTL'BE of a 6-room boose for 8150 casE. and noose- for rent reasonable, stb c ajuy. STORES AND HALLS 314 STORE aad window specs ia dressmaking shop ea WashA sc. xround iieor snd reasoasbia. Bdwy.-- 429.-. -.', - - $20 STORES. 10x20, west side, -19th snd Wsshington, suitable shoe repair, Icdurnith, any small bostness. - FOR BENT Space in building suitable for - shoe repair snop or ease tires, oeuwooa sex, 980 Divwaon et ' " - ' .' ' ' FOR desirable space Is phone Broadway 3718. nieproof wsrtboas FOR BENT Store. Call -. 321 Xhurmsa. Mirsnall 8666. - - : - - '" ' 1 STORE aad flat st- Whitwood Court; good lorsUon. Tel Wdln. 6183. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 SPACE, including desk and typewriter, paooa. ettw in excellent ground floor. locatiOB. 81 4th street. '-- - PART of ground floor etfiee with window apace. - excellent bosinem location. - ttqwy. eo4t. DESK room, with telephone sad swaegnphig pnon Broadway nils, DESK space for rent, with or withoot desk; was of phone. 213 Railway Ex. bldg. iy otlice telepboe iBciading e. Msrsbsll $422. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 11 """" -WiXTKD'Td RENlT ' ' " 3 anfwmished iuisbi fee housekeeping tn pri vate family, or small Hat Rose City Pr pre- ferred. Can Tsbor B468.- -- - : - . --i, i WANTED TO RENT . 2 er 8 unfurnished or partly famished rooms for huasekesping; doss to em west, ssas. staia 1609. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU . tJet soar boosee, flats aad apartmenta with as; owirt results end -good tenants, - - -PACKING, MOVING. 8T0RAGS. I.OAXS EKCURTTT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 6 Fourth at., enp. Multnomah UoteL , .-. - Phone Broadway 8716 ' TO LEASE WAREHOUSES TO ' LEASE JiOOO RoTFT FIjOOR SPAdE. FIREPROOF BIJK1' SPTR TRACK. FOR PfWIMaTlOX CALL WI. , fi an 1 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 400-603 WILLIAMS 480-4C3 Cnios sve. N. East 3195. LOTS 403 ROSE CUT PARK LOTS ' ; t 800 50x100. E. 48th st, cast front, 58 ft $ 600 Southwest corner E. 49th aad Klickitat I MBIB 01 Hvncauas ax. - - ata.- - - - '- - $ J80 50x100. E. 48th st. west froat, 160 ft anniit or Kuatvoa sx. su imo. m ana pan. I 700 50x100, E. 4Tth st, oast front. 100 ft. north of Halscy St,.. aR imp., la and tatid. . . - - - $ 900 SOxlOfy. B. 38th st. eat front, 60 ft I - north of. Thorn peon st; all imp. ia snd I : pjd; easy terms, ' 1 31000 Southeast comer, K 58th aad Blskiyoa .- ass. both streets saved end all imo paid, i $ (50 60x100. on ALAMEDA DRIVE, sooth . front, 50 ft. east of 4lth St. all imp. paid; easy term. ..-:..'..-. See as for Roe City Park lot bargains HKVDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 826 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4784. LOTS! JjOTSir . LOTS!!! o $10 DOWN 315-80 PER M0. - . ISTS TO $830 - " '. ' .J.'.-" - - - - - Wo havw lota in both 'restricted and unre-1 strict ad districts -that can be handled on these I exceptional terms. - AU are within easy walking diitaaoe of csrUno., Ws can re yoa your I choice ot almost any six from 80x190 to 110 ziee ft - -. - - J. I HARTMAN COMPANY ' k 8 Chamber of Com.- Bldg. . . 808. ' -' ' s ' FRONT ST. LOT. $200 No nso to go wsy cat oa the east side when yoa can bay this lot at such a bsrgsjn, just a few blocks of maay factories. Perfectly level, nice trees, - block ear. 2 block Terwilligee school. Between Iowa and Pendleton sta. Sewer, snd water in. Buyer to assume liens of 875. J. it. Ralney. 617 Ablngton bldg. Mam IZ69, I BKACnPUl. CAPITOL HILL! ; ' Sacrifice on Homo Sites! ' NEVER AGAIN win yoa have socb an op- Dortunite! Red need one half for a BIG CLEANUP! Prices bow 8S0 to 32501 10 perl rent down . 3 ner cent month. Btnr NOW BE- ! FORE THE VALUES INCREASE. Ask for G. w. Homer, witn - raaSK L. lleGUULE Abtngtan bldg. --.. Main 1068. U1TS 85 DOWN 50x100 "i Buy in Mentone. . Bull Ran wster. gas, big school. 8c car fare, good neighbors. Nice, level 50x100 lots.-4226. $250. Pay $8 or more down, . Buy $50 or $75 worth of lumber snd put til) s shack. Stop paring rent see Mr. Murray today. - Phone evening Wdln. 3099. lAJUlE A SUtUOlA.1 Main 6550. 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. . LOTS 83 DOWN 80x100 Buy: fn Mentone. Bull Bun water, gss, big 1 school. 8c fsr fare, good neighbors, Nice, level 50x100 lots. 8223. 3280. Pay $3 or mere down. Buy $50 er $79 worth of lumber and pat up a aback. Stop paying rent sea air. Jlorray today, i-none evening wain. sons. (X1MTK St wrMi.w Main 65SO. ' 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CTTT PARK LOTS $750 80x100, E. 48th St., north of AUmeda drive: all imnrovementa in and Palo. $900 50x100. BELOW THE HILL: all imp. in and said: eaav terms. $950 50x100, on ALAMEDA DRIVE, : south - . front: all imp. is aod paid. HENDERSOX-BANKUS CO, 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4764. IRVTSGTON DISTRICT Comer.'' 8812: S160 cash. 810 a month, pav ing in front of lot sewer and sidewalks all pud; 3 DKK-xa to ecnooi, on irvxngroa car. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. - Mdn 3787. LOTS 8178 36 A MONTH - I can sell yoa a lot for 35 down and $5 a month; U sers for $10 down snd $7.80 a month. I charge yoa no interest for. 2 rears; rich garden soil. Ball Ran wster, gas. 8-oent carfare; beanUfal district. Woodstock, can Jtr. Underdsht, Msin 6350, eves. Ant 682-68. LOTS 3175 ti A MONTH I esa sell you a lot for 83 down end $J a I month; . acre, for- $10 down and $7.30 a month. 1 charge yoa bo inters it for 2 yean; rich cardan soil. Bull Ran water, gss, 8 -cent I carl a re; beeotirul district, wooastocs. cui Mi. Underdihl. Mam 6550, eves. Aut 682-66. IRVTNGTOlf DISTRICT Choice 50x100 lot with hard surface st. sewer, etc., all in and paid for. .Only $750, oa easy payments, glow caan, a in per montn. JonnsonDadson wo. 838 Northwesterii Bank Bldf- Main 8787, BEFORE BUILDING let ns figure your cost . We work ourselves ' and can .buy malarial cheaper. L-3 3 5, Journal. -- . NEAR MT. TABOR PARK , a UKB, TWil WW1III MW, U U V . 1 1 1,. M. car and school; dtr convenisnoea, $1260; 10 a I 1 1 ...ci,a. i t n.onn , per cent cash, 2 per cent per month. Owner. Tsbor 6087. . .. WHY not boy the best when prices are right? Walnut Park otters - extra inducements tor a few more bomea. - W. M. KiDingsworth, office hours 10 to 13 or by appointment Phone Woodlawn J304 er 951. 8300 Lot 60x100. E. 40th" H.. sidewalks ia; all down. SI wees. - s HENRY W. GODDARD - 243 Stark Bt VERT REASONABLE BT OWNER. FINE CORNER 100x100, SUITABLE . FOB APARTMENT OR BUSINESS BLOCK. EAST 2279 OR EAST 2012. BUY' IT FROM CART; ssve money; $2 down. $2 week: 100x100 tracts. Alberta car; onty $560,. including assessments. Can yoa best ill 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Mstn 1643. HALF and sere tracts, close to csr and paved - street; sdjoins Boss City Park; water and grav eled streets; easy terms. Call Woodlawn 2897, snq 1 will snow tnem to you. GOOD building lots on psved st, $200; $50 ' down..' small payment monthly; imp. . paid. 4704 65th St 8. K. AUtO, 683-01. WALNUT PARK lots are going rapidly. If yoa expect to secure the best now is the time to get busy. Call Woodlawn hi er BB04 LOTS $600 and $800 E. 3 0th aad Weld- lev. Alt lmprovemente - paid, Owner, Esat I 8280. FULL used let. Roes Citv district for 6225 : 8 blocks to esc Royal. Tzd and Bandy Brra mono xaoor is. ' v - 8700 ROSE CITY PARK Fine 60x190 sot:, pavement paid. 1 - blk. Sandy Mvd.; easy terms. Tabor 2831. $300 R08E CITX PARK -DISTRICT Kiee 60x100: assta. paid. Tsbor 6559 S17S LOT 60x100 Wooaiawn oar 2 blocks; -smewslks. 81 8d St. ROSE CITT, ' 8. K. corner ilst-ThcgapMm, ' 31100: next to corner 6900. Tabor 6441 HOUSES 404 NO HOMESEEKER should overlook t note two beaatifnl little hemes. 1010 Holladsf! U ssodem conveniences aad highest guality finlah; smnsw: 1267 K. 314. .; hoaor for email fswrily.- Aut, 814-e A BEAUTIFUL home of 12 rooms, corner lot, 60x100, with garage, .completely furnished ta every detail. In heart of Nob HiU district.' A "wonderful bay. Good terms. Wdln. 6684. &YKUI house, double csraxe. kite ben. balb- room aad baaseBsent, ail famished with good fnrnitare: lotg,150i72: garden, fruit, trees.) Price $5000, er without furwttare. $4200; S4 is. sza et. ? cor, or vouch. ONE two roem boose $769, 'one three-room $880. fsmshed er .unfurnished, small pay saent down, payments like rent; osmeat sidewalk paid, MeaUvilla car, Inooire 1968 East GU- WILL TRADE fer modern 6 room bungalow eur - -eosy 4 room boase, 1 well tnsprovwd acre, all kinds of fruit snd ba tries, garage, henhouse, beautiful has; ideal fog country home. 4837 6th st Ant 616-64. - - "OR SALE New boose (modern) 4 rooms gad bath, electricity, baa sunt 3 blocks from ear line. B. 68th end Everett, Price 32600. terms. Phone Ante. 214-86. - . l-OUR roeia bouse. I kU,"i206 uo.n. ll :. month. Price 11300; good rn vestment - 864 BUCHANAN BUKl. - " 8-BOOM residence to Ladd soaiuon; hardwood floors, - den. reception halL sleepiag porch, gtrsee. Msin 8064. ' "' ' - -' - XlANDX 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplsc. hardwood Doers; also garsge; go only 84000; terms. Ant 223-7 L 1 REAL ESTATE FOTl SALE HOUSES 404 NEW LISTINGS FOR SPECIAL OFFER- . INGl Mora thaa 3208 Pnotagmpbg of Home . ffff Sale ' -1 IABGEST 'HOME SELLER ON THE -- PACIFIC COAST. Personally taspected aad appraised! - s If neesesar we 11 hem von make . your down payment! 28 salenaea at your semes. 13 it irpsn evenings onui a too o ejocx. ,- (First tima advertiaad. $6890 75x112, west side, income bests - ing come ot 11 rooms, ea lit st close ial $8250 Beautiful 9 room HAWTHORNS ' home on .89x146 comer, witn - wealth of fruit, etc HOMB XR ; BIG FAMILY. E. 61st t - 11 $7980 "A whale ot a house. 10 rooms; . 00 the peninsula t 8 fireplaces; H . sere of ground with fruit Caa - be eon retted into flats. Port. ' . .n iiv virivTi -ft J. $88 SO Sunnyside home oa Belmont t 8 rooms; very substantial snd prae. tical: alaetMne noren: earaae. $3500 CLOSE IN t WALKING DI3-. on Gantenbeln ave. 6 room sub , stantiaj, neat, modem bungalow " cottage on - fine comer, full lot; "..n attic,. fruit shrubbery, big duck- , , ' en nark. ' ;anaee: terms. ' $$890 EASY-TERMS 1 Wavcrty Rich . mocd. beautiful cleaa mingalow ' of 6 rooms and garage: every convenience; best ot conditio. E. auu aa. $4400 Arttotm praettcal bungsnw type heme in Weodlswn district 4 hra- room, bath and kitchen in white: .- built-ins; garage, bemea, 22d - - atrwet s - . - $1900 Vmt terms 1 Neat coxy 5 mom Woodstock cotUge. oa Enrol rlta.; 1 .-- built-ins; sleeping porch; garage; fmit: Meken narkl Rorhestor at $$480 EASY TERMS! Mount Scott, 68x 166. corner with A wilderness o( fruit berries j herdsurfseed at, dose to car; S rooms, all extra . fortable, substantid boms; - look ; A R up. 45th ave. , $28008618 down I Comfortable 9 room ' bungalow with every modern con- - - venienea, -66th st , . . , $1790 Cosy cettsge-bongaloar to Mount ,, Scott, ea 67th st, 4 Toomi with ' .. '- builtina; - white -enamel- bath; , electricity; gaa; - chicken .house ; - : fruit; walnuts; two lots; paved st - OPEN UN TTJU $ :Ool -"i ' . See ' - - t ; ' FRANK L. McOUIRE i -vt -To Bay Tdor Home t. Realtor, ..- ' ' Ablnrton Blda , -F Mato 1068 -3d BU Between Washington end Stark. ROSE CITY PARR 84900 BONUS LOAN CAN BE APPLIED.! . An exceptionally well built trangaidwj with hardwood .floors throughout, fire-J place,, turaece, etc , An ideal , ea your own term. See this, - . LACRELHURST ' $6000 We are offering one of those reel nifty a . punxaiowa wiui sua 01 ciasa and aie-s : ' tinctioa with hardwood floors in everygj . room, expensive tapestry paper, garage, 2 etc Terms. ' . . ' TP TOO RE GOING TO BUT OR BUILD INS ROSE CUT PARK OR LACRELHURST. seeg AC.-TEEPEvGQ OCAtTOOS J iiSueAfCC ' 8 M-TB 5091. fdjAST - VTABOB.WM S , , ....... . Jbi : $2550- -T roefa btmm law 46Ubert, lot 80xl00.rt- . A wottdtsrfui buy.; fl . Jj-srSOO Hliy s 9 -TOO 1st modem hoote. $0 ft-2 - M-e w,.. iki. ' - 1 .ft $4T50 Ituy 0 roem modem liooje and ti-H rage in walnut Pars, Full . bawmenLJ : -fiseplsae, paved stasets end paid. An- . .-other e-ood boy. ' ..- 34280 Boys a 6 room modem furnished houe nograph,. linen and gverythlnr $25 per; ' .-.,i. ..J 1 .., a-l.L k, M 1 wuitui auu ,ua viun w avfis . , this- week.1' ' r v : , i -. H . MaGEK A DENNIS. 969 Tnlon ave. N. - tVoodlawn - 6684. RnfilC I'lTY, PSBK $4500 NIFTY bnngslow, - exeeptionsny wall Built, including lurasce, ri replace and garage on a 60xt90 lot We can ar . range for the eonstnictioB of such a borne tor row and furnish the lot One practically completed now. Com out ; and inspect v , s,; : , A.C;tTEEPE.CQ . PtALTOOS K rarSOOANCC . ' M.1II3092. j-'lwVT.- .TA.cV0B.9Sbm BRAND NEW ROSE CITT BUNGALOW f y $4650 Terms - 78f K.-06TH ST. N. - ROSE CITT CAR. Just completed, strictly modern 6-room and . Urge sleeping, porch, bard wood floors, ' furnace. . , firepUoe, chins closet, Dutch kitchen, breaafsst . -nook with portable tables,-etc. ; full baaemeut (cemented), fine plumbing and electric fixture,?:. -lr. pes try decors tioos, paved street, east front kitaj. Its blocks to carline. Tine locsMUf. See this today, owner on premises X to A. daily, or phoue tsooaiawn leau.- -..,.,, ! PosifrvB Bargaij 1 1 .- SUNNYSIDE- BUNGALOW ' 38800 ONLY $8800 ' - BEET JTHlS EXCELLENT R ROOM BTTWnA. LOW IN IMMACULATE CONDITION, INSIDE AND OCT. HAS FIREPLACE, HUTCH KITCHEN. ATTIC. FULL CEMENT BASK- , MENT AND DANDT FURNACE. OWNER IS FORCED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY. IV T0U HAVE $1180 CASH YOU CAN BUY THIS COZY- BUNGALOW $500 UNDER VALCE.' CALL NOW. ix. i. Mcgkew. i f 1080 HAWTHORNE-AVE. - TABOR 8802. BUILT TO ENDUBB" w"1 - . 8100 to $8000 , ; - - INVP.STIGATB- . Bigger, Better. Hoaase tot - Lass Money. BEDQfADX BLDO, CO., PORTLAND. OS. B. 11th and Market Fbons-East 6ll4. Downtown aalaa elfioa. Commonwealth bldg. 6th gnd Ankeny. - Phone Brosdwsy 4333. " BUILD THAT HOMB NOW Lets are cheap. Building costs -an lower Because -at . personal supervision of work and elimination of overbesd expenses, 1 am pre. pared to Quote very low price. Beat of ma ta na is gaa worgnunibip. Mtuiacnos guann- teed, avnplg rvfrrvnees. . 0 EARL E. FOGEL Desigaer and Builder 7088 80h sve. Phone 62B-76.' - PORTLAND BOULEVARD Modem 6 room bungalow, fall basement r 100x110 comer lit: psved st. fruit trees; garage; 2 blocks to car. Price $4500, easy terms. . - - - - . - Mall Von Borstel ' 10 SECOKP T.V ; MAIN 143M. FOR BALE BY OWNER ' One of the B8T knilt snsnlMn in Km I CRy perk. 6 room and breakfast nook. Attic, inraace, urepiaee. garsge. it a new ana eom Pkfte gnd richt mp to the minute in every de tail; fan SO foot lot east front, pared street sverything paid. Owner est premises 10 to 6, this week. only. . 481 - Kv 41t st N near LA U RELHU EST - Big gactiflee neeesssry on my new 8 room strictly-' modem bungalow. Hardwood floors. Urge living room, 8 bedrooms,, tile bstb, break, fast Book, garage,- ecreeaa, bet' water beater, lawn, etc Small down payment; going East. Moss sell at once. 1226 East Pin. 1 block ; from Park. Taber 2891. - "bIHlIT-tTTaTiSfT ' : ' " Before letting contract to build home see mi we will save yew money gnd show yog real two-traction: deal with an . ex-service man; snklierg , givea every, eoo ' dderathm. - , ' - - - ; ' - . ROBNETT M'CLURE, REALTORS ' Marshall 3292. 302 Conch Bldg. BY OWNER Sunnyside district, modam a- room howae, A-l condition, toll cement base -meat, nrasdry trays, new pipelem furnace. Urge garage, 4 blocks to 'Leurelhuist park, oa best csriine tn dry. SS and MT; price for cuick sale. 657): term. ll7 Bahnmit at near 8 StK. PIEDMONT By owner,. a real borne, east front, on paved st; $ room gad bath; -2 toilets; pipe less foresee; cement basement, with trays snd frait cooler and dark room. Wood and coal ia for winter t first-class garage snd sewer in alley; frait trees, and berries; $4000. 1326 Cleveland ave, Wdm. 2362. -. - ... , ROSE CITT DISTRICT. ,, little bungalow, 4 rooms; good sited living room, built-in kitehsn, nice bath, fall sized lot; close to ear; sv dever little home: $2378; easy term. - See Boyd. T2 and Sandy. Tabor 155. 4 ROOM house, 30th st. Bear Bdmuot. $2760. ; Tabor $879. '. -:' --'..'.' '' , ' - (Continue) ew Ferlewang Page! t.