The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1921, Page 50, Image 50

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Portland Movie
Houses; -Highly
MOTION :' Picture . News basse the
bouquets freely to Portland's mo
tion picture theatre this week. -'No paid
fn-esa agent could ba -more hearty In
what ho Mtys of his house's' shows than
bis writers for the .M-P News. llere
I a what . Paul Noble gets r
I The "Liberty theatre. Portland, Or., a
Jensen and Von Herberg house, managed
by Paul Noble, has recently, put over a
tnusical event. that boosted the attend
v fries' at the Sunday concerts held weekly
at 12 :30 noon - to capacity business,
telped tbe Liberty dally attendance, in
ert ted the whole city anew in music
and brought lintold publicity for a
period of five months. .. .
J "The Liberty, offered a $500 prize to
the Portland civic organization which
ihould present the, best musical program
if four numbers at a Sunday concert.
- Any civic organization , was eligible to
the competition, which - required abso-
' )ete.y no financial outlay on the part of
the competitors. Attendance formed the
basis of the award, the ticket machine
being checked 'ahalf how before' the
Concert commenced 'ami r again 'at the
elo of the musical. - ,;Sr M. -Twenty
' organizations "entered pro-,
fcramij so that the -contest extended over
a period of five, months. The number of
persona who were affected by the com
petition approximates at least 15.000. as
(he memberships were informed to a
tnan by each group when it came time
for Its respective program to be played.
"Soma of the largest and most cultured
groups .. in Portland v participated under
the name of charity. Some of the wor
thiest and smaller groups entered the
contest because they frankly seeded the
; prise of S500. -" -
Typical of the clubs which entered were
the American Legion, Press club, Musi-
" Clans' club. Society of Oregon Cora
: posers. Drama league, ' Civic - league.
Newsboys' , union. Elks, B'nai B'rith
Community Service,' Portland Symphony
orchestra. Women's Ad club and others.
."The locaJ( Order of B. P. O. E. won
pie prise and the presentation of the
check to the leader of the Elks band on
the Liberty stage was made an event
ff public interest." And a half a page
mora. ". i ,
? Our friend fBuT Ely or the. Hlppo-
i drome, - undeir the caption, i "Oregon
. rheatre Has Fine Lobby Display.! drew
this prise: ' j . . ;.' -., . -t
"Loew's Hippodrome of Portland, Or.,
made The Rider of the King Log"', the
headliner of its combined vaudeville and
(notion picture program, and exploited
It accordingly.! The lobby of the Hippo
Brome ras lined with trees and shrub
bery to afford the outdoor atmosphere
bf The Rider of the King Log." and by
clever adaptation of the 24-sheet, made
the basic idea of a huge wall panel, the
big thrill of the picture was brought out
with business building clearness. Huge
cutouts of the; posters and. a epeclal art
banner with the name of the 'attraction
I I rChrysis'' in Comstock
V and Gest's 4Aphrodite,w
the largest . spectacle : in the
history of .world" theatricals.
- : J
lib i 4-.t?r-.
i 'iZ'f S&r ft ,
featured, over five acts of vaudeville
were placed directly over the .doors of
the theatre, affording a splendid appeal
to the lobby shoppers.
(Continued From Fu One) ('
Rlvoll orchestra ae bound to attract a
large number. , One, "Grand Fantasia,"
from "Lohengrin,", by R. Wagner, is
given on request of a number of Rivoli
patrons. Tbe .other is "From the High
lands,'?, a carefully, chosen' number of
Scotch" melodies by Otto Langey. Tdr
the weelt-day concert number played by
the . orchestra afternoons and evenings'
throughout the week in connection with
the regular picture program and as a
part of the daily bilL Salvatore San
taella, the conductor, has chosen the
overture, "Pique Dame," ; by F.V.
Suppe, The ' orchestra has , been aug
mooted for the Sunday concert program,
which, is ,aa follows : Grand fantasia,
"Lohengrin" . request). R.r Wagner);
prelude 8..'Raehmanhioff) "Krota the
Highlands' (a selection of Scotch melo
dies), (Otto Langey) ; "Valse Poudree"
(Francis Popy) ; overture. "Pique .Pame"
F, ;v, Suppe.
Old time friends in reminiscing some
times stir up memories more enjoyed
by present business friends tban by the
host. Such was the conclusion reached
by A C Raleigh, manage of the Co
lumbia' theatre, last week Rafter listen
ing in. company with other prominent
persons on the local rial to, to the Inci
dent which put an end to his adventures
as a newspaper jreporter . One morning
Raleigh had not reported for work and
was lying in bed with a splitting head
ache When' the telephone rang. It seems
that one of the large city bridges h
fallen carrying with it a street car in
which were a number .of passengers.
,rWby aren't you down, heref' the irate
editor' asked. "There's been a big ac
cident.' Get right out to Division street
-the bridge has fallen down fi . v"Ah.
gwan,", answered Raleigh's thick., slow
voice, "Don't believe you. "That's what
they always used to' say about London
brldge-r-and v nothing ever f1appened
Bang; went ihe receiver tfi 'the , ear f
the angry city editor. And the heat
day Raleigh got his first job . with a
theatre. " -
Henri A. Keatea, Liberty master or,
ganist, unexpectedly -has found an ad
ditional source of Income which he de
clares will help to keep the wolf from
the Keates suite in , the Multnomah
hotel. Mr, Keates . had just concluded
playing an intermission number on the
giant Liberty organ and . was about to
start playing the feature photoplay,
when 'he heard a voice and looking up
saw an elderly gentleman: "I certainly
enjoyed the selection you have just
played," the man said, placing a 50
cnt piece ovi the organ bench. The
man had gone ' before Mr. Keates could
explain that taking tips was not1 his
custom. An 'usher was sent after Ithe
M-ntleman. but after - a fruitless ' search
she brought back the coin to the or
ganist. "Any money I make thta way
you can. have," he laughingly-told her.
adding, "but I've been playing some; 10
years nowf and this is my first Up."
Manager William .W. Ely is in receipt
of the following message from Marcus
Loew, dated at Buffalo, N. T., Tuesday :
t "The new Loew State theatre opened
this evening with one of the greatest
collections of movie and stage stars ever,
assembled in attendance. A delegation
of some 20 screen favorites arrived, in
two private cars. Mayor Buck, city of
ficials, . the Rotary, Kiwanis, Buffalo
Women's Press and Film clubs were in
the reception party. Among the stars
at opening of house were : Doraldlna,
Mae Murray, Eugene - O'Brien, Edytbe
Baker, Lee .Carillo, Winifred Westove,
Zeena Keefe01ana Allen, Helen Smiles
Davis, June Caprice. - Hope Hampton.
Marguerite Marsh, Maude Marsh, Ken
neth Harlan, Audrey Maple, Betty
Browne. Lillian Walker, - and others.
New Loew State theatre is one .of the
biggest bouses in Buffalo. , '
' A. B. Marcus, the owner of the Marcus
Shows of 1921, carries his own automo
bile with : him. According 1 to his ad
vance agent. Who wu in Portland last
week, the automobile is checkered Just
like the old fashioned gingham dresses
we boys and girls used to wear .when
we were kids. Irrespective of this, the
ear was purloined while the troupe was
in Denver ; and was missing : for two
days. The advance man, in telling Billy
Pangle of the Helllg about it said be
couldn't understand how anybody would
be foolish', enough to take a car - with
such checkered career, inasmuch as it
has been -proved time and again that
there ia no honor among thieves. .-
;; Worn ? carpets may -attest- the popu
larity of a theatre, but they don't look
as pleasing to the- eyeJ as they might.
Manager -Johnson of the Pantages de
cided recently; Last week several thou
sand dollars worth of new and luxuri
ously appearing carpet was laid in the
Broadway and Alder1 house., Kor is this
all in the way of improvements for the
Pantages this season. Al Leach, scenic
artist :for the Pantages circuit will ar
rive in Portland with an assistant soon
to redecorate the theatre. - He , is now
at. Kansas City, on his rounds making
the Alexander Pantages ! houses spick
and span. " . . ,
Friday, November 4. is the date chosen
by Gus A. Metsger, directing the Rivoli
theatre,' for the first showing of Mary
Pickford'e latest picture, "Little Lord
Fauntleroy.'T : Classed aa a"mlllion dol-
. 'r' Tenor . '
Heilig Theatre
November 2
8 oZCloek
' Prices 9U'$lMt
; Ticket on sale at
Sherman Clay Co,
fl W(D)
t Avi
i v x c TEAGUE
I 1 Ta At the WuHRar and Is Oen.
i 1 1 f I , i Ta at 1:80 sw m. 1
1 I . -ti,., I WIHhmTW .Itasrini f
1 WHM WfiiSlSz
lar pioductiao, the 'picture. Is .showing
at the present time, at the Apollo theatre
in New York city at $2-ganera'F adqils-'
aion.'with a charge of $3 being obtained
for box' seats. There will be no rise In
prices at the RivoIiMr. Jetxger prom
ises, giving an opportunity to-all to see
Miss Pickford ia her big 10-reel f 11m.
Two pages of the current., issue of
Popular , Mechanics are demoted to " an
Illustrated description of the novel
method of projecting stereopticon views
athe Orpheum. The photographs show
how. a gradual change In the picture on
the. screen can be made by use of a
small "drop curtain" attached to the
machine in the ' operating "room. - The
author of the article is Horace Thomas,
city editor Of the Oregonian.
t Three ;Realart motion pictures and
two other features have been booked by
the Hippodrome for early showing. The
Realart productions bring in A Wanda
Hawiey in Her Sturdy ; Oalcf,, with
Frederick Stanton in the cast : Con
stance Binney in "Such a Little Queen,
and Justine Johrfstone Jn "A Heart to
Let': r The - other two pictures feature
Gladys' Walton in "High Heels" and
Tom Moore In "Made, in Heaven,"
Calvin Heilig, who is in California on
a motor trip with -a party of friends, is
expected rto return to Portland the lat
ter part of this week, according to Billy
Pangle, manager of the Helllg. .
Boast Pttns
"Th leopud W
.Ulia VWUCIIND ........
kiadaate The leopard Warns, .Louua Claom
. " " . - '" "gTA.v-.'i , t ,
"The Golden Sbatc -
Serceaat PhQip Bio ........ Lrwto 8, Stoiw
Biu Johnmon i. Wallace Beery
"Dout," iotmtom ii,..V Melbourne XUcDeereU
Celi . ... . ............. ... - Ruth -Beaiok
Black Otvaoa .. Wellinctoa Piartcr
Pierre Taoreaa . . ... Franca MacDonaU
Baby ...... Lials Sstact Seett
-.. ., .. s90pls - - T : ;
. " TV Stoma &.
iau Maor '., .i .... r. i ...... IMUttn Glsh
Her Mother'. ...... .Y...Mta. Dans Laodaa
Vrs. Tr-moot ........... . JeaephiD . Bernard
Diana Trnnont . . . . . . . t Mrv Morcaa Belmont
Her Siiter. . . i . .... . .. ... . . .Pmtricm Frnea
The Eceentrte Aunt iV. j i-Ftoreiie Short
LeuaoK Sindenon . ....... Lowell Sherman
Saaim Bartlett .. ....... Burr Uclncosb
Mri. Bartle .................. Slate Brae
DaTid BarUett i . ...... tUchard BaPlhelemea-
Virtiia Perkini ............... Vtria Oedea
...-.-. Porter Stroiut
, . .i,-Oeorca Nrille
0ar Aeloa
. . . Mary Hav
Creichten Rale
SmOt Fttsrar
.......... .i.
seta Hoieomb
Reuben - Whipple
Hi -Holler ....
ajua nraimer ......
Profasaor StexGnc . . .
liana Poole , . , . ........
- "At the Kod of taa World"
Cherry O'Dar a . . , . . . . . . . . . Betty Oempeaa
Gordon Dean ................ Milton Bills
Donald Uieirear ........... Mitchell lew
Harver Allen . . . ... . . ... . Ca$aoaPemioa
Terenoe O'Day . . . .-. . - . . 8potti.woode AiUen
William Biaine ; . . . 'i' Joaeph Kilroar
Tans .................;... tioro aviae
. ' MAJESTIC . .
- "Baatiac -. the. Uamme" "iJ
"Faaey Charhe" Tnai afoora
Nclhe Browa - Haaei Dalr
O. B. Lawaoa DWitt C. Jenmnas
w f uenexie .,SJK iroaaoa
'"ohpper Jotie" . . Nick Cocley
Jules fanchetU Tom Rtekett
Madame Fknchetto ............. Ldta Knou
Bank Preddent . ........ William Orlamoad
Angel icq, his wit ...... Lda leamona Tita
Aria laatler ................ Ethel Claetoa
Oeoffrer SontherBa i.. Caartee Mandith
Alee Lanaley .... . .. - . ... Earl Sehenck
Wrv Lansley Foatains I Rae
Tira Newman-h ...i...... Winifred Kint-toa
Bewa Aokroird ....... . . ,'... . LiUian Bice
Kernel Aekroyd ............ Chailea Freoek
Rnfna Routhenie) ........ Saottiswoed Aitken
Dr. Xewmarch . . . ilerbert Fortier
? ,'. y "-" ; CUtCLB 4' .
- "The Great MooMOt" ' t
Sada Pelham . . . i niaria Swanaoa
Nadine Pelhaaa i .... i. .1 Gloria Bwanaon
Sir Bdvard PeUiasi Aie B. Franeia
Bawd lalael ............. Milton SOla
foKaea ,.....,.,..... . .. P. R. Bntler
Hepper Arthur Hull
.Lord Oronibie .......... Raymond Brathwait
Idjr Crombis . . . . . . . . . . . . - Hslea Dnnoar
BromoB-. . . CUrcDee' Getdart
Sadi Broaaoa ... t ...... . . . . . . . v Julia Pay
Bleakenjoo ......... Ana Unci
It Is now assured that 'Charles Ray
will pay his first and long-deferred visit
to New York, accompanied by Mrs. Ray
and several members of bis studio staff.
I-While .there he- will Wot jonly .vacation
and : recreate in earnest but" is also -to
make various scenes f orchis new story,
"Smudge." " i ' -
Peggy Joyc6346r
-Make Future
Home in1 Paris
, . ' (By ralreml Sarrice) Nt '
TARIS. Oct, H2. Night restaurant pro-.
JZ prietora, hdtel managers and Jewelers
breathed a sigh of thanks, todaywhen
the announcement of Peggy Hopkins' -
plans made U apparent that a part of
the Joyce millions will make their per
manent home in Paris, v, - , ; -. - ; 1
Peggy applied for a membership la
the overflowing alimony club of Paris
when, she asserted that her departure -for
America is only for a "viett" for the
purpose of obtaining her divorce. And
after she has her divorce, says Peggy.
'.New York won't be able to see me for
smoke r as I :nwh through . from tbe .
West for Paris
There is - some speculation . as - to
whether her anxiety to return is due to
young Charles MerUlon. ' society man
of Kew York and Paris.' at whose
chauteau she was entertained in Sep
tember. -He traveled on the same boat
with her when she left New York in
August. She is mute Sbn the subject at
this time, and alerillon's name was ah
sent from the passenger list of .the Ad
riatic, on which Peggy sailed today.
1!!, j NEW SHOm TODAY?
X eV T
The World's Champion v
Comedian! 5
in the first of a new series of
three teal three-reel record
breaking comedies.
Put shock absorbers on your ribs.
Put. India rubber on your funny
bone. Oil up your laugh tank.
N Sit pretty for the
sky-high, laughter
thriller; the fun
niest, dizziest, jaz
ziest comedy Lloyd
ever made.
I I --nA here is Tom Moore's master
l piece to complete what is undoubt
l edly the best double bill we have
ever, offered.
"i V
It s a remarkable comedy 2rama
'of politics, perfectly suited to the
star. For . instance : Imagine
Tom 'M bore as the people's
choice for mayor saying to a
'howling app 1 au d ing mob,
j "Friends, I'm a burglar."
' ''-"'''":-'-'.'.' :'."'"'! .v''.
r--and Always the PATHE WEEKLY
I - t-
MP' S? SFs
a , - ........ . - . ...
illlrection o -ImftGnrfl in
- up i .i i. ii I' ! mmi m
i t st a :
it I f.
V l
'11 It
A Story of Love, Hate and Passion1
Truly, she wai
With all the sensuous beauty of the tropics, with all the cunning
of the jungles, she planned to defeat and to kill her; enemy.
Here is a picture of spectacular plmdor tremendously dra
matic, and with an all-star cast that recreates Stewart White's
famous story as unsurpassed screen entertainment. "
; A Comedy Feature
I ..-.
1 ' with the inimitable;
Prizma Color Feature "FEATHERS"
1 U
' g 7.
By the big Rivola Orchestra, acknowl
edged the finest on the Pacific
Coast j under the direction of
l. Grand Fantasia, "Lohengtiq" : (request)
. ... . . .. . '. ........... ... .R.- Wagner
. 2. Prelude ... ........ ...... ..S. Rachmaninoff
3. From the Highlands (a selection of Scotch
Melodies) ........... '. ', . . . Otto Langey
. 4. Valse Poudree . . . ... ....... ...Francis Popy
5. Overture,, "Pique Dame'.. ....... .F. V. Suppe
OvertuVe, "Pique- Dame" '. ...... ,. . .F. V. Suppe
i i V
v.-nif1m in
rafl ly. j' fjl!! ,'M
- ft
- V