L3 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2; 1S21. THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, OREGON lt- g AUTOMOSILES -FOR SALE 800 '-".-. AT THE COVEY MOTOR - CAB COMPANY . -,. . '. PLANT -;-v t?., jt take two ala to auk on profit now 6dy in tbt automobile industry ind because V of thi th utd cats taken la exchange noxt ,,vB dixpoeed of with the least possible iwukianee. th buyer the attractive feature f the used .' ear ia pnet, eonditioa aad respoasibinty - el - seller. ': Without, sscrifieiac on btti wit of Witimat. new. eu- profit we insist that th nd car taken in trad mast be offend at a - wary tow ricc. The nap who traded it la to a . stand tor that. Alia the ear not be rebuilt ' aad refinisbed to as to present tba highest t poaibla vain. Again th "man wha traded it in U ua baa to Und lor that - s : , ; Our reputatioa (or renponsibiHty, tba third point ia tba attractive foatorra ol a rood seed . -but, baa bean made tartar to obtain because . t ft ear determination to rebuild, refinish and , guarantee each aaotor ear wa sell. Tbaae batter .1 quabty need ears, priced at (nob low figure, sea be sold with aaaa and war profit and war proMna salve itself. . Beeaus of thi you wm find war tain' to ;-. be mutual, if wo Beet, but wa both lose if wa tDODOB BROTHERS MOTOB CARS'" f ,,1016 Dodge Brother "touring ,.,..,.$ 578 ,11T Oorire Brother touring v....... 859 kit, 1916 Dodge BroUiera touring ........ 725 191 Dode Brother roadster ........ 700 1J Dodge Brother sedaa .......... 110 1913 Iia Brother touring 800 ltl Dodge Brother roadster ........ 773 1890 Dodge Brother touring ........ 900 . . ; 1920 Dodge Brother roadster ........ , 875 -1821 lvdse Brother eamn car ....... 1000 - 1819 Liberty, aport model ...1150 101 Twin Six Packard landaulett. . . t 2750 .--: 1919 Hudson Hmovjsine." a wonderful . toxica - -. 1119 4 pea. Roamer .............. 1918 Seripp Booth coop .......... 1920 Oklflmobilo "8," touring , i ... . 1919 OMamobila '. tonrinc 1918 Oldsmobile "8." tourira , 1920 Oldnmobile "6." . touring ...... ',', 1919 Oldsmobile '8.' temring "t.ij.. 1 920 Chandler, a very fine car ....... VISIT Chandler coupe , . ........... ,- 1918 Chandler touring, new Urn .... . 1919 liaynea touring, only ......... 1920 Hsynee soaring 191? Studtbaker touring ............ 1500 1850 1250 90 930 930 850 1X00 ?50 50 180 1750 T8 1918 Stndebaker eonpr. a real bay at . . 600 181 Stodebekrr Big Six. 1 Dart. . ... 1475 -a 1919 Stndebaker "4"' . i t . . 7S0 : v 1920 Maxwell aedaawaa exeelleat car for 1100 1920 Kina "8" . 1 ........ 1500 - 1920 Chevrolet '490 aedan 700 1920 CbeTtoiet ToaoViter In fin ahaoa'.. 42S 1920 Cherolet toaring .. i ........ . 450 1919 ('berrolet touring 878 i. 1930 Ford touring 400 1918 Ferd bug. an amuual car 400 1918 Franklin 4 pa., aerie, "9-A." nndarorfbad and an excellent car far .. . .. to. V 1190 , 1920 Franklin touriag )..... 1700 ,1950 Bnick 7 paa. . ,-i 12S0 1920 Buick B Baaa. ' 1188 "1818- Chummy Stat. wondFTfnl ear . 1950 1819 20 model Uudnoa Speedster ..... 1500 - 1919 Peerlea 8 touring, only .......1388 .Model "N" Hnpmobile toarirg 740 VI DEUVBBT CABS " 1918 Podgo Brothara panel delivery ... " 1918 Dodae Brothara acreen i 1 tjadn Brathrn acreen. an excel. 750 700 . ' lent oar tor .............. . . 839 1818: Boic deliver ,808 ' exrallaBt car '. 450 "Abo a bis dmiiaT at oar Broadwar aiav , ' Mom downtowa. Call at the laletruum meet eon- .- enint for roa. Our auUmobila innavortaUoa ". raakea it quickly poaibb for you to look over .Avar entire awa. V BROADWAY USED CAB BRANCH ri- : 6244 " Again In the bew type 81 Cadniae the ebnge : ..are ao aucbt that the larmer model atui retain , ' their great popularity. No better "vahM or fawer --ware can be found than on' of thi "rebuilt Cadillac. All ear guaranteed and cold on eaay temuk ' W ar open Kuedwy. ' w COTBT MOTOB CAR OOMPAfcTV "5l!t it -Wanblnrtin b. ' -- Main 8244 STHUHEK 3 AND OAKLAND - AGENCT Buiek 5-paas-. Uka new ....... Oakland 5-paaa. . Oakland S pam. Seripp raacbter ...... i ..... . , Dodge roedater ........... i . Overland 5-paaa. Prrd 4-OJrl. "IS Oklamobile tis. . 5-aaaa. ..... .8600 . 400 . 50 . 850 . 875 . 400 . 800 . . 650 ;-T- AtJTOMOTIVB SALES CO. 1 475 alorriaca 14th. " . Broadway 8008. FflEIl HPF.V.nSTKR YC. V h . Knnjt n.r VnrA MmAiiKT: cbaflaia kn umrthaHcd to a 1184nch wheel base: model. Cr fa -finished in a beautiful yellow, I , Wqnipped with diss wheel, electric lights na f ,r ana snocx aoenroen. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East S770. ' Grand and Hawthorne Ave. 2Vt B. FISCH Radiaton, fender, bodtae, honsa, tanks, repaired and renradeled; auto iheet-meta work a reeialty. 188-107 . 15U St. num. KRmnWiT 9299.' Used Cars ' THE TRCTH IS TOLD ABOUT KVEBT CAB, BOLD A. C. Stevens nAYnTKS " DISTRIBUTOR . ' 681 Wash. gi. Bdwy. 1814. ' THIS foUowinf Fords were bought right and wiU be ald right, on your swn term, 1918 Ford touring. ; 85 T1920 Ford touring, dem. rims, with spars. 850 '71921 Ford touring, nearly new, extra... 625 1920 Ford coupe, many extra. , . ., . . . .608 idku rtu.u mlu vai. Cor, 8 th and Davis, Bdwy. 8808. ? ' . TORT ROADSTER la ectra good condiUon. Most V sold at once to close a contract. , . j.30 ALDER 8T. BPWY. 1853. mash W1HT KODIU Mn't ba told from new: if " 8 new tires, wire wheela, run teas than 8000 toils. Call and look dt over. 80 Aider sb f J. Bdwy, 1R.S2 1 tit.i -I U..L. - - t- -t imlitina In svery way? haa S wire wheela and good . robber; a real mapt smell payment down. Call v :air. Stewart, pqwy. onvq. t - WB WRECK. THEM align esab prme paid for old ears, eondiuon no ooieet. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third nd Uhun. i J I ' FOR TRADE : 1818 Oakland toaring car, fine (liap. new 1 tire and paint. lor a asauasi oaiuuBg m. 5 "Call Wdln. 109T. ,c luia 1 s.PASSENUER Buick. comDletely I N hauled; new paint and top. 5 good tiro. This ' . edr haa had the best of care; aa- axeeUent boy: i V Vrms If desired, rjtrt C359. - klllT G rend Chevrolet, mecbanieany first class. ; (, 1918 model. 8130, no reaanoabl offer re- fused. Coma take away. 'Wdln. 948. wtUAl'UKL'R want position, year of expert- anea at driver and mechanic: caa go any. -where. X-78S, Journal. . CASH paid for old cars, eondiuon no object; ZZ parte for all makes of cam. Thompson 4k j Kelly. 448 Flanders, near 11th. Bdwy. . 8508, i "MED1LM WEIGHT roadster, nearly sew tires. with one extra, good condition; 8100, 9381 17th eve. S. E. - 1 Wl 'ILL trad Woodaer lot. 2 blocks from. sta tion for rood - sedan or coupe: Baick Bra es, lerrea. 1-1. K'-WB ,PCT Steel testa m your em 't.x. amnkahaft tartunav H. B. Black. em flywheel; abon. 384 Alder t- Broadway 9881. . 1818 FORD touring r. nna mechanioal oiUatr aaof dovm. 12 , Call l"Wdjar TZl 4"5l'lli' SKLL i 1821 Ford deUrery, ia perfect , c. ihape. Pric 508 ea easy tetma. Call J. a- i-Wdlo. 154. ' 5820 , FORD coups 11 aasxshanicaUy. , witk - aaany extras: 5628. yoa owa : terms. ; CaU e Tabor I860. cXVERLAND COL'KTtlt CLt'B. sricinal tinW, ' good tires; fine mecbaiiiral condition; mtut '-'-sen st ones. 5875. 680 Alder. Bdwy. 1852. V FORD toaring car, with starter -sad lighting It will pay roa to look this ear over hfore yea bay elsewhere. Wdln. 4110. ijGHT DELIVERY, top, wind shield end good tires. 8 speed trassmisrlna. 8800. ew Aeuet St- Bdwy. 1852. WE TEAR em ap and mil toe pteess. Portland , Auto Wrecking Co., 581 Alder. BSU llth; ' ' Prodwy 6254 Mail order fined. J1',' . Bi'ICE 48230 - - y All ee4 Brea. good shape. -'- t ACTO BALES CO.. th and Coocb.." ' ' -XW OAKLAND &EUAN;. will sell at bis aa. rtnee. Caa be seen at .80 Alder. rAft TAfie Be-OTnis sad. repairing ' .a vjj at tt see news prsces. 2 : Sainton St.. between 8th snd Broadway. BLICK ToURrXO. 4 M tires, starter, etc- Cv vzaw. Auto tsaiea tx.. wtn sua .oncn. 1. 1400 UGHT s SIX, 6-pa., at 4 . acrifjc; tr! tern, can Mr. Stewart, gqwy. aqua, I' 10S1 PftRh TOrR. CHEAP . .. - AUTO 81LE3 CO.. 9tll and Couch. .90 VKkLAND Oeuitry Cinb. gawd . soadition. I oo. call Automati 3i -78. tal'SED delivery boowa, cheap. Ill ,(.. ve. Eat 11M. -..-,: WUliamt 10JT 1XJKD roadaser. tail ovu. goad - aaotorc toG 8, 1920 model; wiU trade for phsaograpk "-of furniture, Eaat 738. CU iey Mr. Burtoa. AUTOM02IlS-i4tR SALE 800 HTDSOH ASD ESSEX - ' AatoBksbfle that have been rebnflt or , ' renewed, are ta the beat ot mechanic! . eonflttina hey aro. alas warranted tba f' - mm as faetoriea warrant new can. Ia 7 ; t addition, we giro 88 day' fme mectHBi " eal eerace. T ' ' ' '" " -Thai' la Mot Bw on Hndioa automa-' bOea, - We bav rebuilt and sold them - r' with 9 warranty sine 1918. Tea bay-, a fine quality ear with the aams aafety sa when you purchase a new aatomobUa. Buy a ear yoa caa depend upon sad at , " a bargaia pnee. , ....,. . Other -maaaa of aasd antomobflea tbop- - - - eogniy overhauled, pat fo flrrt claa eon- . dmoa and oM with 10 days' fma trial, ' enbject ta being returned and fall sredit . given ea any other, ear at 'equal pries,. , ' that eostcnaer amy seleet. : ' - ' Thia gives ample time for every "pur- chamr to try sat the ear be bays, gives . - kum tims t Lava it iaaparted. a .wo - went only mtiafied eustomer. - Watch tba Changs la thia list of cart: . . TBrefhrar8iyHdMs 91959 tall 169 1917 Uudeoa apeedstar 1058 . .'.1918-1919 eri Uadum Super.' -T 4 Sly ........ J... 1850 ll830 Hudsoa Super Sit , 1850 ; .1880 Hudson apaadttsr ....... 1888 N l18.Pord . ............... 1919 Eawg 1999 Essex 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell . . n . u. 1980 Maxwell c ....... . KEVT MAXWELLS - 8784 ....... rrs, ,....... 960 1190 ........ 400 " 878 888 ; 809 839 700 878 T78 850 900 900 loss 1108 1200 1800 1899 100 1819 Grant Six , 1918 Chalmers t. . . . 1817 Buick 1918 Dodge 1918 Dodg 1919 Olda tx . i 1818 Olds eight 1919 Liberty, aport model ,1820 Chandler 1820 Chandler DUpsfch ....... . Cadillac ... . ..... ...... 1991 Olda six 1918 Cola sight, aport-model.. . . 1919 Olds sedsa. .......... .. Largest used ear branch store in the city at 40-49 Broadway. Branch Store Open' Sunday and Evenings - . Phone at Branch Stored Broadway 5789. ' " ' Also a PispUv at Our Balearooau, 815-817 WathingtoB - tre.t open week day pnly. . , a U BOSS ACTOMOBILE COMPACT. USED CARS $100 UP WB BATE A GOOD ASSOBTMENT OF FORDS CHKVK0LKT8 MAXWELLS 0TEK LANDS OASLaSDB STTTDEBAKEBS BC1CES ESSEX FBA2TKUKS ALSO 4," 6. 8 CTL15DEB OLDSMOBILES It wiH nay you to see them can before baying. - ss we hsv reduced oar prices for quick sties, ' isit oar open tot bear stare, cor. and Couch rt. Broadway OPEN SUNDAYS ASD EVENTNG8 CASH, TERMS OR TRADE Oldsmobile Company BKOAfiWAt AND COUCH . CoED CARS -at the . FRAKC1S MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Beins Sold at Oar Take-In Price.' 1888 Ford roadster, (tarter type. .... 5875:00 1919 Ford roadster 295.00 1920' Ford sedan. ... 1919 Ford touring .-. 1918 Ford touring .. 675.99 296.00 250.00 140.00 876.00 285.00 850.00 406.00 875.00 rasbets t a iio r-ord enssna ..... 1918 "herolet tooring- . 1918 !hevrolet tooriag 1918 Dodge Toaring ... 1916 Dodge roadster . ., 1820 Oakland touring .. 1919 Old roadster .... 1917 Overland touring 1918 Maxwell touring ... 485.00 275.01 T30 ..." -..,ti iwibm;, ............. c . FBANCIS, MOTOR CAB ?COMPAMX V5.0 urand and Hawthorns Ave. East 8770. BOTLT TO ENDURE" U rertsbia aad Fermsaesa ' . 346 te 8809 Best Sectional 6areg BaUt : ea Pacific Coast BEDIM ADE BLDO. CO., PORTLAND. OB E. llth and Market. Phone East 6114. 'Downtown salsa allies Commonwealth bids. 6th and Ankeny. . . . Phone Broadway 4886, Used Cars, THE TRUTH 18 TOLD ABOUT EVERY CAB BOLD A. C. Stevens HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR 531 With. St, Bdwy, 1614. BRING TOCB WD7B AUTOMOBILES AT AUCTION Yen largo eonsignsaent selling every Thurs day erasing at 7:80 o'clock and every Saturday at 1 p. m. TeTma.. Demoaatration before sale. Broadway 2328. Jake Auto Clearing House, sor. 8th snd Everett FORD BUG , New Body Good Tire. 8250 680 At.DER ST. . BDWY. 1S52, WEAVES TTRB COMPAJII FERCDAL TIRES OBEGON VULCANIZING CO. TTRB REPAIRING 813-885 Burnaide at Broadway. THE FENDER JvlAN J. B. , DURHAM, takes the kinks eat while ywa wait: repairs rsdsitor aad boom. - uwnj rao gtor core for aU type of ear ia stock. Bdwy. 3214. 60 N. llth st., Bear Pnnmmo. ESSEX TOURING 8850 THINK TT OVm 380 ALDEB ST. BDWY. 1852. DODGE ROAD8TEB Dodr roadster. This ear looks Ilk new and to ia first class mecbiil condition. Tire ar r pnee 648 o. FRANCIS MOTOR CAB COMPANY. Feet 8770. Grand and Hawthorne Area. HUDSON SUPER SIX DEMON8TBATOB i : SPORT MODEL Baa only a few thonmnd milea; carrlea fac tory guarantee. This car is 8500 under th price. - On easy terms. - Phone Eaat 1962. BKOAUWAI TIMS WUr BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS ATM, . ' TTSK8. AfJfMSOBrtt. OrLSj. 6AS. CBANK CASE FLUSHINGS. TIRE SERVICE. 1920 SIX cylinder Red Seal cont. motor. 7 r.; B cood card tires. anotBght. sids wind gliwws. other extras, ear Bk new, run only 6800. WiU consider smaller ear a trad or sell at sacrifice. 1258 rtrirm ve. N..- . . . .. .. . 88 PI EAT 14 ARROW 36 Thoroughly overhauled, meehsnieslly per fect: new top snd new paint: Rghts in fen ders; electric starter. , For ml or trade for snutfleT car. Ask tor Monchet 888 llth st. 8-A CUUMaIY FRANKLIN', pew paint and top: tire like new. This ear has never beea eft the pavement A bargain Cor 91909; terms. East 6259. ' 9 WHITES and Cadillacs, good condition, 12 and 16 psaienger basses at big' sacrifice, account getting new, I passim,' sauiumsat , Tyrrell Tria Co.. 125 6th at.. Portland. . ' . DODGE Bun 4900 miles, looks sad run like t new urn with, good spare and, other ettna; will take Ford la trade, U B. Mack. Tabor 6608 or Eat 1744. FOKIi-touring. 1820 model, with starter, all new ores, it s a g,ainae naxaam atiti. Pboa Tabor. It 1918 Bl 840. BUICK six roadster. Bsrfect euaditioB and looks like new; Snerisl Vicioris vne, mil nrs. tains; a sacrifice. Private owner. East 1636, 60x8 to MICHEL Hy tus..gia.O. Nea - aetvea we aw bow s repair street Var l Tti tbop. f?rand ava. st Pine., at 4896, bo.N T fsil to see this 1917 MaXweil. in perfect shape; price right. WU1 seQ on easy terms t wacareisibto party. - CaB Tabor 86. klLST sell 1920 Chevrolet,,. ba perfect shlpT: vnu sea ea easy una u iit ni. Barter Can Wdln. 154 BUICK ooope, , good running order. Snitahto ior poyncian. weaAotiaftie. Maratun 1595. rUR . SaLt121 , Chevrolet Baby Urand" cheap; A-l shape. . Tabor 2688. 11 liLi uper .. new ward tires, re- fijpo. vraggton. iLal 4 T a. 8 PASS. . Buick, new pi int. rebuilt good far: 1 11 . VM SM.. VVJ. . "AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 pes AS these ear are ia th very best . aUtism that HQ-NJCaT marhanm ana a tbees. We sell m cam that eaa m any . way. injure our high standard with the -pnbHe. HONEST! Qnt. last sad always. , '- . .... v ... . ." . Oar prices are aot aareasonable and we ge tarma if desired. -, Closed Cars - Bayaaa Coape, like Bew ..... . . . , .82850 Dodg Sedan. Ilk Bew, 4r wheel. 1330 Buick Sedan. 1208 v . ; Open Cars-- Wlntoa 6-48 f-pass.. 11500 Buick S-psss. , 1100 Buick -paa. 850 Hemes S-paaa. ' 989 Hsynes Taiav. aord tires,' war wheel, 850 Harass Chummy '869 Chandler 7-paas. s! ............ 4 800 Hup Roadster, eeeraiae sard tire. . 778 Stadebake Roadster, wire wheela... 800 Stadebakef T-peav f. ...4 . 500 Chevrolet i . 850 Ford Touring ......... .. .. 150 THE TRUTH IS TOLD ABOUT EVERY ' CAB BOLD. Can roc Dwmoastratioa. . . . . .. . AX' Stevens - Haynes Distributor 581 Washington St. Bdwy. 1814. WE HATE THE ONLY COMPLETE ' STOCK IN THE CITY THOROUGHLY OVTER HAULED, REPAINTED. KEW . TOPS AND TIRES. Goarsnts aad Berviea Bams Bnirka. , . PRICE $199 TJP a Kew I J A A a I 11UWU1 U sravUUyialtyL'llC Wl I ALDER AT 1ITH ST. Phaam: Aat, 662-41; Bdwy. 1189. PORTABLE GARAGE - - STRST QUALTTT 10 ft. by 1 6 ft. e54600 tory ASK ABOUT OCR HOUSES 8160 AND p BULLMADK CONST. CO. WOODLAWW FACTORY GUARANTEE The following ears have been completely over hauled, repainted'; all carry our standard factory guarantee sou seaa on umw verses. 1821 Maxwell soaring, demoaatrator.-. . ..8 750 1920 Maxwell touring 600 1819 Maxwell' toaring ....... 60O 918 Maxwell toaring 400 1921 Chalmers touring, demonstrator. . . . 1500 1921 Chalmers, . 7-pass., demonstttor. . . . 1550 1917 Chalmers. 7-paaa., sedan. . '. 1250' MXEWBLL-CHALMERS FACTORY BRANCH, E. Sd sod Oregon, Bast 6i. - Used Cars THE TRUTH IS TOLD J ABOUT EVERT CAR SOLD A. C. Stevens HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR 881 Wash, St. Bdwy. 1614. FORD TOURING. 1921. My demonstrator, in . Derfaet mechanical .condition, good tires, all thai extras includinr demountable rims, shock. spot aad dash lights, large born, top button, peddle pads, rolled curtains, etc. 1 Phone Persona, Rrivr 421 r rati S-tnirtsv or Hmdit. en North Broadway at Davia street AUT0M0BILE ACCESSORIES SOI AUTO BEDS Hsve yrfnr seat cat to make a bed: posltlveiy wm not weaken the ear. too wiuiaa FOR 8 ALE Specially built portable garage, 12x 16; or will trade for a trailer. VTdin. ous. FORD BODY and windshield, t!5. 645 4th. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 EACH WEEK WE ARE GOING TO SELL ONE USED TRUCE OF A WELL KNOWN MAKE AT A PRICE FOR CASH THAT " WILL BE FROM 80 TO 75 . PER CENT LESS THAN OUB REGULAR PRICE. THERE WIU. BE ONLY ONE TRUCK EACH WEEK AND WHEN IT IS SOLD THERE WILL BE NO MORE UNTIL THE FOLLOWING WEEK. - ( OUB USED TRUCK PRICES ARK LOWES THAN ANT IN THE NORTH WEST. WE ARB NOW PBEPARHD TO CUT TRf PRICE TO A FIGURE THAT WILL. BB MM GIVING A TRUCK AWAY EACH WEEK. IMS WEEK 8H-TON G.M.C. 1918; TDtES 50 PER CENT j MECHANICAL CONDI- ; TION FAIR. OUR REGULAR PRICK 31800. THIS. WEEK ONLX 3750. , COME AND GET TT. IT -WONT4 LAST LONG AT THIS PRICK. ' Mack Internationa! Motor Truck Corp. Tenth and Davis Streets Bdwy. 691. . Evening Mat, U.83. REBUILT U ROBERTS MOTOR CARC& r PARK &. EVERETT 5rS ONE 3 to -ton 1 t'-i'T.' duty hydraulic 1 - 8 to -yard ' damp mm II.KA mA fc.. . HOWARD-COOPER CORPORATION ; 250 E Wster St. . city. ATTEEBCRX 2-ton, with ae aaotor and rear edKedtita 6500. Can bo bad en very twnm. r ciwev svawa, sw. ill, wvesuBsa GAKPOKD 2-Son, 1919 aapdea, - Ooaaptetely everbaaled 'and tooks Eke new. Tires 75 to food. Will trade and giro term, Phone Jetteto, nuwy. est; evenings, Marsnau lag. MACK 8 to -ton aad 5 tea. just hie' new- 'snd ! tne Beet crocas aatt. Wit ,11 trade and give terms, rbwne Jnim, Bdwy.w6 it: eve. atar. . DENBY. 1-ton and a 1 to -toe. BotETiadajidy food npe. ; Will trade and tfn term. Phob Bdwy. 69 L .Evenings aiab,183. - . J S II . ' f t I . ' A Xff TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 02 , DEN BY 2-TON FOR 6230 Xte To, mat thia track f: Com and wet tt ! Saturday. It's a real buy and I mast sell It qmrUy. Phona JBeB, Bdwy, 881; ovtninga. I Manhall 183, - . w i ITONm aivs-awsy for 8150. - Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; aveniaa. Max. 188. lOTORCYCLESANDBICTCLES 603 BATE EAfENoEii: Ton . eaa afford to emrate a - BARLEY' DAVIDSON mctorcyeJ. . 1 Sea ear aud ; ma. ehioeav Easy bmas.- 8cond-hnd parts for alTauUte. ; .' HARIY-DA TIDSON BKBVICK CENTER I 200 8d St. Ccr, Taylcr. t ; ' Main 7889. FOR SALE '17 model Harley-Davidaon. tint rlaaa anape. . will mas ncycte a, part pay- L Uau evenouEs. Broadway oauo er six I Thurman at. " t. WAS'f Light, TaCcK Have Mitchell car. also tractor, er tot or 2-ton new Denby. track to 'trade. 425 E. Mor- rjsoa st. WE PAY as rant and sen tar teas. Rebuilt aaotorcyclea and bicycles, tall makes guaranteed 8 month. Apex Bicycle Co.. 457 William . eve. East 1480. (OTOKCYCLE9 AND PARTs. ALL KAEX8 EAST SIDB MOTORCYCLE COi. - Umnal a. I PARTS for d motorcyesea. eaeap. - Scbacb Cycle Co.. 1922 Westlak are. BeatUe. Wash. BICYCLE Double frame. 20 inch, cheap; also 22 automatic. Auto. 827.81. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS ' 804 FORD OWNERS T Ford everbaaled ....... I . 820.00 Bear axis overhauled . r. . 6.00 Valve ground., carboa removed ....,,.3.00 Transmission relined - tbcaadinsvian) . . . 4.76 Magseto recharged ' . 6.00 We haBd-bB ntstoas. scram bearings, etc. which, injures a 'perfect running motor. Gmt la Ford parts only uaaO. All work guamatsea. (iDAKAiMTiitU AVTU BKfAlK Ot. - - .280 Front St. Ccr. Jefferson. - FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ..... J . ............ 820 Rear axle "overhauled - . . . ............ .5 8 Valvea ground, carbon removed ......... 8 augneta recnaigea ......... .,..;.... s - We Band-las Distona. scrape bearings, etc whKb nsures a perfect running motor. Genuine 'g parte tnuy useo. iu wora gusranteeo. ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED - ITJJtVRRfiAl. ACTO , REPAIR CO... 219 Jefferson st. , Main 7844. Auto & Truck Repairing dohe . at your owa er nqT garage by expert mechanic Matsliall 755. GUARANTEED ACTO REPAIRING ' DAY AND NIGHT STORAGE ALWAYS OPEN GODBY GARAGE. 6th and Hoyt Bdwy. 1588 Ct'RLY'8 Ford shop' make a' apfecialty of Ford won. ta equippsa to save yoa money and give satisfaction. 227 Palmon. Main 8154. AUTOp FOR HIRE 806 AtJTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS.' Latest model a ana ? passenger cars. - tsmcaa, v ev cots, Ctpw Elkharte; -xsaaonabl rates, days, niguiAi weesiy. - l , : CITY GARAGE: 132 12th st., between Waahingtoa and Aider. ' - tWWJ. 111). i CARS for , hire without drivers Fords, Bap. mobiles snd Oldsmobile. very low rates. Cll Broadway 2329. Corner 8th and Everett ita.. west -'side. 823 Everett rtreet OREtKJN LSKD CAR EXCHANGE Hew ears for" rent without driven. Reason able ratea. Open day and aught. 826 Gliesa st. bet. Broadway and 6th St. Bdwy. SS93. H S. BENNETT. CABS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY 1 tJABAGE, THIxul A KIT TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1887. - HUDSON AND ESSEX With or without drivers: dy or. night. St. Garage. 2d and Main st. Main 3055, GARAGES AND PARKING " 807 FOR BENT Private garage. East Tain hill near 23d. 65 month. Main 931. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 SPOT cash for your tora Chevrolet. Dodae. Bmck or other light cars. 183 K. eta sc. corner Taylor. CARS wanted to wrecx; parts for all car for less, s, s. Auto vy reeling vo.. iwta ana I AWer. ' BrosdWay 636. FORD ROADSTER, will bade good Uender- motorm-cii and sidecar: might pay fittle difference, Tbor 8793. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOMOBILES GRANNkNG efc FBEEOE. 649 AWer. Bdwy. 1723. CASH for tote model Fords, podge or other light can. Oregon Used Oar Exchange, 825 GKsen. bet. Broadway and 6th, Bdwy. 5593. CARS WANTED 323 Everett, west side, cor. - Btn ana jsverea. llay pooca uawy. zoza, Night pbooe Wdln 5164, WANTED Used Ford toaring for cash. Tabor 8888. - WANTED For cash, good buy ia light ear. Eaat 4218. FOR - SALE MISCELLANEOUSr 900 FOR -BALE Simmons ivory bed, mattress. Da - Iau aprmgs, Preset r ana anatr, ux. new. iau Sunday morning 9 to 12 a. m ar evening 6 to 9 p. m. 62 E. 28th it south, ' . ALASKA WRECKING CO AO kinds of lumber and building material for sal at yard at Second and Columbia, Phone MsiA 0182. Dentistry XSiu Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. LITTLE boy wool coat, 5-year aise, 35: lady' ruby ring, 35; tody' new red bat, 83. 1038 East Webster. ' . " ELECTRIC fixtnres for 5 rooms 615; big selec tion other fixture. 207 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Broadway 4258. BUU9 .wasnso on your uoorwim cuunuwu. oemcn eiecuic csrpvs wsjMicr, .aiao iwuva rleanine done. , Eaat 4045. GENUINE Alaska red fox fur. silk lined, cost 3100, sell for 940; good as-new. uau aisa 85th St., southesst. ' Mt. Hcott osr. HOOD RIVER SPITA APPLES 81.60 box. Burbank poUteea 82.50 asek. 831 E. Everett St. B.6703 i FURNACES cleaned and repaired. chimneys repaired. cleaned, range connected i - and East 8077. ; DON JOHN - mild Havana cigars, . 32.25 box of Re). Post free. Hmtkemoer Cigar tae- tory. 151. Porter Bt., Portland, . or. FINE t3oncord . grape 5o lb. at vineyard, or. TSth aad E- Taylor ,t. tt Tabor and both st. ear. . ' . I -. -.- ; CONCORD GRAPES 4c lb. Apples very cheap. 82d to Clacks mas Station, ; then four miles east. - G ranee, ' "";;. ; : f" FOB. SALE Windfall secies. 81 sack. PoU- ' toes -delivered -withr gnarenta, kly stand st Eaat 97th and Stark st. i FOR SALE Malleable range. 0-hole. wood and coal, with water coils, , for 3oO. 731 E. 75th. st. N. ? - " - -"."- APPLES 50c. 75c and 81 box. Call Sunday, Barker roed, cor. liarr, 4 muss east sza ana viacgamas sts. ...... i FOR SALE laundered lOiir-lb. flosx 81.10 per dosen. 480 Belmont HEATING stove, wood or eeaL SteWart not blast; a bargaia at 610. Aat, 628- APPLES for sale, south: end of Buckley v. "lspor aOL - FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS WOVEN I OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. TABOR 7314. I CAST IRON Mission heater, with or without emu; z-tiole gas plate. East 8604. TRICYCLE for sale 310; very food eondiuon. o jam. . i . FOR SALE Concord grapes, 8c , delivered. .Mam C358. ' DKY country slab Delivered in city. 66.60; worth 88. Automatic 638-87. rfsA - BUSINESS CARDS .-, ; 4 . 1 LIBERTY rrmtary. 165 to 4th St. I ALMOST new dress form, adjustable, 312. 1030 Arnold. Tabor 8993. MAN and Ford car. 84 per day. - Pbooe Eaat 1183. I GRAPES Concord grape So pooitaV . Grebe I Fruit Farrn, MilwanJrie, Of. ONE Badiolight cssk beater, ia good eider. Call VfOsoawB, saga. CONCOSD GRAPES. 6c lb. ; ordem for 28 Rw. delivered. Marshall 8978. SEBUBS, fruit tree And berry plant dell vr red ano pianien. Anaeraon nursery. -Tsbor 4213. FOR SALE Laauiered "10041b. Coax. 61.1Q per doe. . 480 Belmont CABINET Victrola and vtolet ray. . East 648.' : 802 BnweB st i j AXMINSTER rug, 9x12, .29. , Wdln, 1560. FOR SAIX MISCELLANEOUS 900 1 SHOWCA.SK I. - J ' I MADE ' V .fZjt-f TO ORDER BTTY. BELL nd EXCHANGE CASHBEO I8TEBS, SCALES and a general line of atom and office fixture. Get our prieea flmt. v BiiXKR TRADING CCv 240 Wasbiagtoa St. Mar. 2438, Sewing. Machine Emporium v. 'Mawfcizsas sold tor Jee. agsat empiorcd. tiuarantesd vcmd ma. chine cheap. - Part and repair for all make. - Machines rtn&d. af. ai,i ... , iM'f. .. . . 1503d Near Taylor St, 1 20,W SECOND-HAND BRICK 810 per thousand, while 'they tost - DOLAN WRECKING 4s CONSTBL'C- , TION CO. 40Belmant"st, ' . Eaat 6110. , Electric Fixtures "Buy direct from factory show room; finest selection, all styles: Bare owe-third. Cam and see samples; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ- . ' 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Third and Stark St. ; . Bdwy. 4258; . ; CEDAR CHESTS " Direct from factory to your horns. Tennessee snd Port Orford cedar; aqhd copper trimmings; latest designs Write for catalogue. v J. vY. HIGGINS b SON 1812-16-18 E. OLI8AN. J TABOR 808 WE SAVE YOU MONET House wiring, hrhttng rix tures. esvetneal repairing sup plies. - Third - Steeet Electric Store,: 224 tt Third t. BalmoB. Main' 6055. WHY A Sljnalil'wIE EOOFERt . -Xhv not a - genuine snd nermanent rooferf We repair rubbar-boad sad - rejaveaate all d of warned. cracked, weather beaten. deteriorated and sQaiBcegrated Old. leaky roofs. Phone Bdwy. 79." ' -- ' Sewing Machines W. have the toraest' stock of m Sewing Machines ia the city. Cora- par, price. We rent and repair, 173 8d, ner Yamhill; . - FOR BALE On 20-rBon iron sucar kstile. ana 40 rsl- toa -not-water tank. 00 new-Goodrich non-skid fire, size 31x3.75. one 4 gallon compressed air sprayer. Inquire 3d house on Barr road east of Craig road. DAVENPORTS Mfgr; to you direct. 80 styles; targe assortment or neaunrui coverings from Which te select. . MichaeBon-Mayson, - 5433 Foster Bead. . Pbene 636-27. Evenings. Ta bor 5797. ' - : SAFES k"ire aad burglar proof cafe, new and second nana, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms, If desSred. - - ..NORRIS SAFE -LOCK CO. IPS Second St. - - Mam 2045. 10 PROPHEAD ewma macamea with sttacb- menta, 820 each; portable electrie for rent; sewing msebinm cJeaned sad repaired, B. B. Steen, 162 Grand are. East 2369. DOORS, windows, glass, lumper, molding and mill work. See our odd t ock -of aash, doors, etc., for our prices, u. B. Scally Co., down tows lumber sterg, 171 Front St., bet. Morri soB and Ytmhill. Phone "Wain 4213. " GRAPES Improved Concord, Niagara, Delaware. Camp bell, 4 ceaa oa vine, 8 H centx 24M1 pound lota. M. N. Millard, Lake road, Milwaakie, Phone 5IX. LADIES Let The Vogue sell your misfit or slightly used' garments at 10 per cent. Hsve a trior line of suits, costs, dresses "hoe aad tl.ta FnM - f .1. 1 M I. t.... V. 1 403 Alisky Bldg., 3d Bear Morriaon at. Lumber Let tu figure with you en your reauirs tnenbj. Bdwy. 1371. ' . Independent Printers - Best work, prompt deBveriee st lees cost. Let us escbnata your next, job. Smith Printers, 11 N. th St. - " ":- Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrie Work,- 413 Bam--side. - corner 40th. Broadway 6074. Sunset Wood Co. Wood snd coal delivered any part nf the city, reasonable prices. Order, given prompt atten tion. fhone Wdln. 4818. 868 Union eve. Ny FOR SALE Wreckage wood 33 per load. Wreckage lumber for sale. Tabor 1844. GHssn Fuel A Wrecking Co., East 60th and Glisan. SELECT green slsb, ptenty of inside wood, 85.75 per cord. Special price! on carload. Fine block wood, 37.25 per load. Apartment J h,AlA trsri mIMM T'.n IT... TA4A . V FOR BALE Stndebaker . spring wagon. Da Laval cream separator, pure-bred male Jersey calf. Prices reasonable, Sunnyfields Farm, R. t. D. No. 1, Clackamas, Ore. flOT WATER TANK tested sad gnareateedi stove ead furnace coils; gas neater Installed; expert pluasMag repairing isasv. cape wewing nnop. a9 AqSm st. m. 8616. PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTENTION ' Let m call- on you and demonstrate mineral surfaced red or green roofing in roll pat over old shingles. All roofing materials. Wdln. 6084. 100 PROUDFTT looVdeaf binders, ja goad con . diuoa, east new 813 per binder, for sale or trade. WHU have yon gott F. .ltn. 806 atonans avo., irortiapa. trr. . AUTOMOBILE, MOTUltCTUtJES. LACNCHSS or bosta sr. sepsrats eiaasilieationa, A torg bating will ba found aodtr these difimnt ctoaaV ficatioaa. ELECTRIC FIXTURE?" wttolesale; 1-light chain, 90e; 8-ligbt fixtnres, 83.75; electric heaters, 39.60. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electrie, Union at Russell. E. 8686? G1VK us your order for strictly iieab laid table - eggs; can furnish hotels, restsursnts and pri vate families. 600 E. Davis st SECOND growth fir wood 83 oer cord on rtace. American Wonder potatoes 2c per lb. Phone 049-01. -v DIEBOLD safes price. Paeifie fecal, ek anumls Cd 49 Front t Bdwy. 1968. - - - , - . LlCENSKu tndsxenaent etectncian, wire 8 rooms for 812. 6 rooms 320, snd gnarsntsad to -pam tnpectiop Woodlawn 8791. GOOD APPLES from 75c to 31 per box at 1U4U bcniuer st. , nxe ' Woodstock car to 34th, 4 block ooth to red barn. BeU. 1124. FOR- BALE 100 feet garden hose, 1 gsrden euitivswr, l aota lignt generator and Z lawn mowers. Apply 84Z0 OCth ave. 8. K LARGE 8IZB cabinet phonograph. 8 record. cost gits, used 2 monthA 680 if taken at once, : ast 19Z8. Bdwy. 2052. Ew) ROSE CTPYPBINtIrT $120 Mention tnts ad. 249 Washington Bt, FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, Monday to Monday, 91; delivered anywhere. Guar- srtteed good condition. Wdln. 1259. ' GOLDENBERG, locksmith, burglars' enemy, can put lock on your door at small cost. Key ii i tea, mam ia. i) TAXuja nr. FOR HfiST Vacuum cieanera. en. wek. Moa- . aay to sxaaoay. us, meinaes Ueiivery. si ia. nnignt uo txiwy. 143, OH I CQ caa b. permsaeauT cured without a 'LiiLev operation. CaU ot write Dr. Dean. necona ana momma ets. FURS bides.-, bought or .tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., SO 2 Tenino. SeilWood 2898. FOR SALE -Hood River apples, Spttseaberg. et.aa per box, aenverea. rnnne wain, 801 EVERYTHING electrical repaired; guick service. ow coarges, t-Hooe dqwt. eat'a. WOOD $3.50 per load, delivered. Pony tivttHi. main znz. - MAKE roar own noma drinka, Far suppliea. roruaca neverage auppiy as a gtara. OVERSTUFFED bod davenport, the best made, t Weber', 379 E. Morrioni Cor. nlon gve. FOB SALE SAFE; second-hand : office safe, , vuci, conii. vi i i, oaraiL GET" your furnace prcnevls t cleaned and hauled; don't wait. : Cell Leo: nsrq. Ant. 818-51 LAillKS' USED APPARL secured iron wel gowned women; attractive prices. Tsbor 2825. ONE large and . one small heating stove fur sale. Veil at 1B2T BraoUyn st INFANT layette est, hand werked, all for S23. star. siaz. T" CALL Eaet 8299 tor nay kind of tease Work. , day or joev - - - . . " PLOWING AXD EXCAVATlSfi ' Phone Ant, 620-88 evenings. " FOR BALE Begisrew. Cash or credit. 242 Bataaoa. BOTTLES, -barrels, stonewan. etc Port- had Beverage 8trpply Co. tart 8L MALT, gyrop. bop and supplies, Portland Bev- erase aunpry t-o.,- 431 aura t WOOD8AW 38-67. trsuk; terms if deaised. Aat 40 LBS. 4899. of goone - f alii era. jr-houe VVdia. SAWED cedar posts for aaia. . Bdwy. 131.' 1 IE-! FOR SALE Rr.SCELLANIIOUS 900 UKfKE FL'KNITUBS, NEW AND USED The foUovnng weed eauipment haa beea are. tuDy overhauled and is in perfect condition: 9 bank ta model Barrongna, 8180. 'u. ,.'. - rVaunrtoB and Monarch Bern., 330 ap. - Wonderful Burglar proof bank mfe, 8850. .- 6-Foot Paeifla Coat safe chrome eheat, 840O. " Dictaphone, tnumsrlbiac, . djcutlag, shaving nine, ail lor 811a. Buady Time Clock, east over 8300. with tack installed, guaranteed. 8100. v.- - - - . ". WE REXT OFFICE FURNITTJBB D. C. WAX OFFICE. EQUIPMENT HOUSE 24 and 20 N. Ath. - Broadway 2739. IIIMDDCI 8 if ftUAiRsD THE SURETY SHOPi 860 Aider St , Save Your Wife - SEND TOUR WET WASH TO SNOWFtAKB LAUNDRY. CLOTHES WASHED 8V0WY WHITE IN SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS. . Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday, 15 pound ..70 Thursdsy. Friday, Sstardar. 13 pounds ,..60c - 4e Esch Additions! Pound. , . . VALUABLE PREMIUMS GIVEN , - , .. tn n.is. t . - " v -.. liLS tt CRAMER. -.,,1 .- ..i.-712-A SeUing Blag. . - f . -Portiaad. Or. v . 'stain 6026. - " If vcm am intersateA in the tmn bam of a dtomood. call oa me iJt boasst representation and low price. .-. . Diamond setting, jewelry and watch repair ing, maaufactanng, eptiraieing 20 yean', axpe- rience. . ' f . ' " v. W . ' ' . Halloween Cider i 40e Der eaL Made sweet every day. : King apples. 61 and 81.85 per box and other vaneH Urn of apple also. 1108 Hawthorn, near 37 in. Tbor 8108. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 6AUC CAkLOAD FACT0HJ EENSwF" PIANOS "SOME SWEETER TONED THAN MANX . NEW PIANOS" .. A Sterling anrlght fee aa little a. ,.,,.8286 A WeUman uonaht niano. mail. . ... .6193 A Russell upright, la walnut. ....... .i. 8283 A Beaning upright in ebony ..,.... .-.210 Another Sterling' upright piano ....... ,8293 A Smith and Barnes: in mahogany ....8363 A Splendid Everett, in ask ...8395 A Baeoa A Kerr aprighb tor only ....... S216 A-New Eos land renewed upright ...8265 A KimbalL again like new, ......... .3&6 A Werner upright, in Flemisb. oak. , i , .i 8303 a rina vinaae, in mnngany . .,, . . Another Chaae in tDlendid walnut. .... .6393 A Washburn upright mahswaar .......3146 Another Kimbafl, lana mahogany.. 8393 And a Dixon, in mahoaaoy. at. ..... .8299 Yon eaa nay aa -little a 615 cash for all cash m may suu yon beau, balance JO. or tu PbonoaraBB rienerfjnent. Oorambia, cabinet, oalt. lata Bew.. .....3 73 Vietnam, style 9, mahogsny, aaed. . . . 5I2 Victroi. style 9. mahogany, used. .... .8140 Victrols. style 14. like new. .......... .$216 Blue Bird, style 800, 60ft off..'. 6125 Brunswick, style 7. ssshegaay ..........8 90 eenora Melodies, .mahogany and k....6 60 Stnora lnterneazA m .t.U. .91 TS Cash, ar 810 ar mere down and 85 and anore montn. . SEVENTH FLOOR L1PMAN, WOLF A CO. , PIANO BARGAINS Compare our values. Yoa win convinced we esa save yoa money on a piano. Guaran teed Reasonable ' terms. GAYLOR. mahewanr , ease 6275 RIIC, mshogany ease 260 KINGSBURY, oak ease .....t 275 FRANKLIN, walnut case 275 BUSH A LANE PLAYER, rolls aad beach 600 i.(,Lnu. Dlam manoeanv ease ......... BIB KIMBALL, new .. 300 RICHMOND, almost new, oak case . . . . . 285 HAMILTON, mahogany case 275 and others. 'SED3ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 128 4th St, Bet, Washington and AM-r. SECURITY STORAGM Cv. 1CLOSINU JCT 8560 F.. P. Chaae, Urge oak, cash ..8345 ... 883 .. 146 850 Coaevetv magnificent style ooo nimnaii, Dest style, caaa ....... . 600 Krell, in fin mahogany, cash. , . , 473 Emerson, small, cash .......... 750 pianists player piano, cash. ...... 250 Collard A Cotlard. small no-: 245 165 893 05 Some pit lor organs 2Q, 328 sad 888 .cash. 1(13 lOUr st- at 8tara. - - - - 1HI9. WEEK'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE PIANOS 8 000 Gen. B. Ben-Concord. ......... .3315 ,650 Emerson, good a new. . ..... 833 550 C, A. Smith, large . upright. .... . 265 476 Hallett As Davis, small. ......... 19S v 800 Steger 4b Sons, mission oak ...... 431 760 Adam Behalf player plan. ....... . 443 10W Singer, oak. player piano . . . .'. . . 695 810 or more cash, 36 or snore monthly. ' SCHWAN PIANO CO.v, 101 10th t at Waeh. WE HAVE two'ejjod baa-irauar in -electTte'Tto.1 trolas, -style XVI, original price 8B3T.0O, one is in oak, 3225; the ether in mahogany at 8250. Don't miss this.. Terms. r G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. ' - MELODY "C" saxaphone, made by the famous Martin; in silver, with gold bell and pearl keys the most beautiful saxaphona in America, 8161.75: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. , - 148 Sixth St. voire . ' : : ' UarerjaJred Ptoao, Cased .Organ and Pianola Peloubet ergan 8 6.00 KimbaU organ 10.00 A. B. Chase, cost 8125 15.00 HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 884 Tamhill St ONE of the food old Sterling piano, an excel lent value at 3275: lust like new. modern case; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIASO CO., 149 Birth Bt VIOLIN outfits fog students, with bow. rosin, extra string and mute, especially se lected (or tone and workmanship; onlyT19.50. tt. r. 40MJMSON PIANO CO., v 140 Silth St JAZZ OUTFIT Thi to new bass drum, auar arum and ail necessary traps. . su ready to play, only 375; terms. 149 Sixth Bt- A BALDWIN At CO piano, ia oak ease, all re- nnuned; a food buy at Vita. Term. -G. r. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St REMOVAL BALB Piano, talking machines, mayer Pianos, nlayer rolls. Harold a Gilbert 884 Yamhill tt No new location yet BRADFORD PIANO, man. case; a splendid bar gain at auo. rerma. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., - 149 Sixth St WILL, PAY 8100 cash money for good Plana. must be free crom ancamoranosa. Mention make. L-S43. Journal. CONN cornet, in silver, with cms, only -850. ,G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. V 149 Sixth Bt FOB 8ALB McPhail npright piano, maHogany esse. spieTKiia toae, ivt. sisin aaaa.." PHONOGRAPH repatnag, springs gve ap; pert wholesale aad retat 948 Wh-Bdwy. 2044. FOR RENT Upright piano, 83 month, Main 207O. Call Boom 11. -201 13th. 8225 FOR mahogany phonograph; also piano. very cnesp. Tancr Baz. - ORGAN for sale cheap. 6212 82d st 8. E. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 You Can Do Better at Furniture Co. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOJl NEW We will make yon a liberal allowance for your old furniture-in trad for aew. and if dam red saake. tern to rait your eoavenienoss. Somebody can not want. tba. piece you do MIshFiiniitiirc Ctf. ' . 188-190 FIBflT ST. .. - - SAVE- MONEY . Try our sales dept If yoa want to bay or set household goods; reduced freight ratea te most as -point la our through pool car. . ,. Expert packing, repairing and ft finishing.- Money loaned oa goods -ia storage. Fireproof storage, low msnrane. rates; SECURITY BTOBACrs A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fonrth st, opp. Multnomah Hotel. Pbene Broadway 8715. DAVENPORTS Mfgr. to yon direct; 80 style irom wniea ta select, tjnase year cover from Jarre assortment of -denim, mamma, tapestry. vetoar- and mobalr. Mtcaaeuam-Maysoa, 64 83 Foster Read. Phone 6S5-2T. Kwauags, Ta bor 7T: - ONE davenport, evemtuifea eruur, tspestry. covered, ' practically bew, $110. 805 Colo nial ave. Woodlawn 6032. KITCHEN cabinet saad. to fit yoar bom. for lea moBes- tbaa iaetnry ballt, . Phoaa " Dm Groote. East 765, rUttXITl'HE for gaJe, very resAouabl. Htrrrvw t " NEW 6-piec ivory bedroom set. 365.- -1028 Front -st. Ant, HH.- COMiXiRT beater, in good coodiUoa, for $13. Cdumbai 1847. - " - VULCAN ..gas ranga, good . exauinsm. 2916. -, - .lbor I . L FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S typEWtuara, all - nuaea. rentela, ; r linog. enpplie. Distributor COKUAA pop- TVMe. SUNDSTRANu adding maebi: ti3. E. W. Pea Co.. 110 Sixth a. askea snaraateed .one sear. Bast re-coo- ' strncted typewmas ea cos.t. Kew pnea bat, Wbowaaia TypewrUee Co. 821 Washington ab. rortlnd. Or. . - - . - ECPAtRINO g specialty!, ires' asumaias;' rcniaaT; swppla, bnj. sed. exchangs: add. Bsseh. repaitwA Typewriter logpacUoa Co., 318 stark. Mam 5849. ALL MAKES of typewriter, rensut, : retAtrel And sold oa meaihly payment plan. : Oregaa XTpewn a. etb st. Main seea. FOR SALE--MACH1NERY 903 WILL axciiange a caterpillar traciot and A bo. torn 14-iBcb sane alow and a 4-bottrsa dim plow and a birr due, aU in fim-claa condition. even lor a good auto: must be a good macuiae. 1. D. Gordon. Newberg. Or. IX C to Ho P. 122 16th St. MOXOa tog A. U. motor. OFFfCE FURNTTURE 0C - . FOR KALE Offle desk? 840: Underwood tvr writer ISO? oniee- chair. 52 UP to 6: lues of ail aorta. Everything gamv-. .v .. ... ..... ;,: . - CALL AT 487 STARK ST. FLAT. TOP desks, roll too desks. diOBbead tybs- ' wntec desks, bookkeepers .desks, chsirs. 9 vumweae, teuer rues, mrea ana vault noors. OUomiKU CO.. 91 1"srk Bt, - em : SWAPS ' " 92S 7 -PASSENGER Stndebaker automoblle,1817 .atedel, in awed rnnakne Order tm trsd. fne IuUt-m work ra bouse. Call 76S Ks Buraatd oi pnone bAar 604o. , w VMLL rJKLL or trade my- water power wash' ' lna machine, in arond nnndiilo. - Is lor xiTcnen eaoine. Auto. 921-68. WILL TRADE light six for live or seven foot concrete - mixer with tmwer loader or law cftrging. - Wdln. 608. . -. - 1813 INDIAN motorryele. sideeay and tandem eat. for good Ford o Chevrolet; : Weod Uwn 2761. 86 West Sumner st. eUNGER sewing machine to exchange for ,8x19 rug. v. isoo. BEO Speedwgon to trade for.. Ford .witk sttrter. conunnla Contract Co. East 926. WANTEDiiMlSCELlNEOUS 950 DIAMONDS and old gold bomjot at fuU value, . - GUS H. CBAMEB 712-A Selling bldg. Main 8028. MRS. SHAW buys and eeUs' slightly' used gari ment to privstn-boua. : 837 Eaat Hoyt gt, Phone East 6029, WANTED Potato digging; ana or two men . . wonfd. like to dig potatoes for poUtoa. Write or eaJl t A.Neely, 187 to Chester st. WAN TED SAFE eVeond-bana. Git sis and lowest .cash price and r pnone. aomben r-ooo, eoumai. -: ; s i - HEMSTITCklNG.' -machine, must b. -la good eonaioon. casn. uau r.aot b&bz. . j WANTED One alternating electric fanT Vjan East 8433; WANTED 8t Ford aid curtains Ford seat roverv Sellwood 1658. and set WiX TBI Tfsiler. 3 - eacity. Wdln. 808. w ., or 4 wheel, .to, ton ear WANT shotgun;-, rifle nd teat. Auto. 627-46 or 625-62. ' Main 4496, CCOUKTIrJQ BUTTEKFIKLD, auditor and incom tax ana JynL ' 90 Artieawa bldg. - Bdwy. 6094. ALTEWATIOHS AND TAIt-OWIIIO 1 . REGAL cleaners, tailor, batters, dyers. Mail or den solicited A pmmptly attended to. 127 N. 6t ART GLASS AND. 0L888 WORKS ULASH WORK ot all kinds. Portland Art Gl C. 64.1 Msdison. cor. 17th, Main' 8392. ATTORHtTS E. W. lie EASTMAN, Iswyer snd notary pub- 52S Chamber of Commerce bldg. AUTO" TOPS A WD fAIWTIna GET your auto-top repaired before th , ram amrts. Quality Auto Top A Painting Co., E. -38. E. -8d and K Braadwar. BLAWK BOOK WAKRBt 1AVI8 HOLMAN. WC 188'Jd aW biaa - book manuiacturers, ' A-3183. Mic 188. CAT SWO DOa HOSPITAL LOf-B CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, In E. 7th and Grant Both pbeasv Day asm Bight "service. Three veterinarians. CHIROPOPJ8T CHIROPODIST IvtW .Mct. 4W Bueaanaa - bldg., Washington between 4tb and 5th tu Main 5078. -- '' CMIBOPWAOTORS: ji a,iilHiM iMcManl hia taking adjUBtmerits while smflmg 12tb year, COAL HHP W000 'SAVED BTIEL 8 Block and slab mixed. Special pnoa Per load In 2 load kite. Nice grade a . .imv iUb. 5 26 er cord.- Bpectol -pnoes to apart, ment noose, v ah kind cut dry tael. lU-inch lieSnen;- Utah coal 814 per ton. bamment dehvery. Oregoa Fuel Co.. Woodlawa 4102. CRESTON. FEED ?TOE1, CO.-: - Big. knotty, old growth tir, aniUbto fot ew.-S osk . wood: have 8 car In thsl -Abo special week. Special pnees out ot ear. " " r-k.V thai prices on mm run Kitiro . week. J Cot. f 60th and Powell Tller road. . . . nn DCS T I IA PI RPEC1AL 16-inhood wuid firrblock andslab mixjd: in doubUSdl lot. 610. deHTeredv "f "'2 .t. aa na -r- eardi WaahmstoR. tamp .coal 89.60 ton, curb delivery, 310.60 1 la tn. ; Utah coal a cauw. ; NATIONAL FUEL CO.4 EAST 8041. j Henry Dixon . . 1 is i.smfVl arVlTvavTsnlll. 88 old erovrtTr.t'and -tapA. eutfwood." dry. 9. Woodalwn 1127.u sn-.t,, s . c ns WOOD Flrtt gridTfir eod. .U frtod, ggf ayowth, Ud tMCft CUl 111 1 wnvV. n9Baan. 7- " T" dvered. Call Mail St37. ot 147, 2i at. Mahar. wood deaiex. Delivered Immedistely by ,5tlton. 1481 Mac aim. rnon i as... NICE country sla W3ru, "r j- - ' , dlb (f BO load, nice 16-ta. slsb 83.75 load. jarVo rtgl Fuel Co.1 BeUwood 1709. 1 r ' w-.nv nnDrktA-Ann tu rxHD : . . e J a a maul 8 a I rrk. A. V3v II saw -w ' Delivered anywhere. 16-inch eordwood, load lots, 68. Weodiawn gen IF YOU' wan th best eld arewtA fir oordwoo. dry, csn neuwooa i WEST SIDE FUEL CU . . .-7. V,,r, UltUV FIRS'r-GROWl'i ""Xi . Jrri- WOOdiSWB. AIOSTTS, ' - S1HST-GKOWTH FIR WOOD, 88 PER CORD, nK,t. rVlskR MARSHALL 4313. 1 , rt.l . K. . - fcovK- Arm 0d arowUk eordwood,- 88 cord. " . . - - .1I.SI Boatneast sioe-- x-oro fir, oak ead ash wood; we d liKX oar price. , . 'Z7f liver from tunoer. amnw ' DRY 10-in. old trowto. ( IT In 10. s.li sawn -"""- - .. - 'ntiVY 7-Mntr atxbwooo, 3.x , P. eoro. Call East 9551. Acme rue vo. bK LOAD l-inca weou, o.w if" . vu uiii.wn 8849. ' ' bRY planer ' trisaBting, 38. toad, CaU , Wood- iataWeV wVvK "iTSSTroE FIRST. GROWTH- Flit WOOD MAIN 7257. BEFORE ordering your winter's, wood call Auto, OAWPOTCWS AMD BUILDCB8 CONTRACTOR, and builder; any kind of build- ine or repsir wora, wi o nrviTisTa . drTb.wriqht A none. Raleigh bldu ear. 6tb - :, :. .' T tDd WaahJsgton tt ' Mtra 21 1 ' A -ttl r Dentistry . DR. A. W. KEENS, .as sa .-. T,- iii. .i ,. Wrtbowt Pln. - DHW Nerve- B smg Method CDUOATieilAE -naNCima MISS IREIJtKD ' rm? navrie arrntn 609 Ttokam bids.. Wash, at 8 it Class If or, day spd Thursday eve. Children Bat 10:80 a. an. 81)810 SCHOOLS AND TY4CHER8 . . ' ACADEMIA DS MtSICA -- 171 W. PARK. MAIN 1378. Salvador p. Baas, sms. - , . s- . . , - spsim F. M Joy. Flute. Saxophone. VOICE production, ' EuropesB an! Amcrieaa study. H. Bourtit. Marthan 8553. VIOLIN, piano, gunar,, mandolin, banjo, bar-ami.- class SOc Kol kvenbeek. 40 Tsmbill L. CARBOLJ. DAY, teecbet- ot Voac and piana, 148 lata tt nroowy 7869 , . . -. T. E. LAW SON, 20 years' experience, piano W . ,,. i-.nru-r, )iai noma 31. Aata. 643-14, 4 year WANTTJtISCIlLA.NT0U3 f" WANTavD IVopi. ml Pwuaaol a mna lust . Bay the biglws cash nnce for eeaa-naBe Bcusebold toed. .No amount too torn at to ; uba Prompt attrition - ' ' K. U. aXATEB pBcew East 220V i - HI nHl . 111.50 TO 82&.SMS METES, "THE TAILOR. wy raor tee 8 1 Band salt, 'hoes, overcoat. We salt day eveaina, k!,rbU 1229.' at 18 kidv street.' aaf Third. 1 , 1 ; WANTEDTJRNITURE 952. Owl Furniture Co. MOstRlaO!" We Hit soar wawA raraltera. etwvea. carnam and pes bos; we pay th higher rash pnees, iee sea teg iikst ir. u nam e:i. am; r. seater Bay the ban aa well as cheaper grsdv ' vT 'mm knd tumitare, 188- Grand Ante 18l-3. : WANT twa ' eerkwd ot eeeondiund . furnt hn tm shin ont nf town. - W ill Dav bichet : cash price foe one prae of , aoaaeiat Call Ea-t 4912. - ltrit.a) Farnitara Co.; 208-208 d. Mem . ' PERSONALS -y 075 NOTICE TO PUBLIC : ftavaral men are aoncftina work la and by tetepbooe,. repreaenung thewwelvea to be from die Bishop Chimney Sweep, and com- -pUmts of their work come to my off ice, I am not responsible for - their work. I do Bet . solicit. Office .Tabor 8888. -.8, - VY... Vri. manager. HAVE your aye properly at- f ytJr tended to at Oowdmens, Right glsaamat right of Wtrona. 209 Morrison st. Main 2134 i wl JKETS both feet lued np at Dr. Eaton , tiie ; CHIR0P0DI8T and ARCH 8PECUI.IST who doesn't hurt yoa. 8 yra here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. llth at Wsahtngtoo. B'wet 98e toSATHERLlFE Wortb taoa " vaJaa. hainy -.ony let yoa know that yoa need Leather, life. Auto tops, tboet, harness, anyUung that, leather. ' 810 Oak st. Main 409. ' " XU RHEUMATISM, sor. throat; soreness of the cheat, as On Scotch liniment." For sale by Huntley-Drapwr Drag Ce,, Otwgoa City. C4 tor a samrne, tncy are ire. EE WARD wiHbe peid for tnformatiea a t whereabouts of Nidi Burton aad Dora Stone. C. N. Johnston, district jkUoraey, Eugeue. . la p'fnttt or wire ppiioru SUPERFLUOUb HAIR, moiea. waru. removed J0.T5dl etbod. Trial free. J as "inl. 614 Bush eV Lne bldg. Mala 8369, ' GRADUATE ' eluropodU,'" manicurist, - nussste, under medical; aupsrfluau heir permsaenUy removed. 216 Alwky bWg-t 8d ndMorH4on.' rlAIO Coaibuigs aude BP. B. F Pierce, 3lrvl3. 24 KllUngsworth. Weodkwa' 4880. EDRIO THOMAa. masvear: steam batbj, 4lf .SwetlaTid bldg. Hours llto T, brrj-f-ir y,.. pk, rj 11lr, bmlthfuT method. Main 1384. WANTED For adrfption, baby girl while ' not i over 1 year. A-654. Journal. " MAKE your own bom drinka. rwwHM perrrao PUPpiy VJO., 4, Bart. ; MASSAGE, bath, kidneys, gnenmatismt both exes. Dr. Etna Sorenwn. 608 .Ptnama bid. I ffle.xrvAr Consultation tree. Bdwy. .4983.; s-CkVV YCI so SeeuriHe bids.. 84 6th at.V MALT, yrupa, 'bop aad supplies, PorUand Bav erige Supply 'Co., 431 Stark. T - BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, cor a. etc Port i land Beverage nupply uo., 461 aVtsrk EDUCATIONAL , Bjiuato hcsaai , san vneutsi fexCKLLENT nm,lc tesrher' -i,e luice and Piane reasonable. Tabor 6722. - - FURBjiTVRK Baby's, Boudoir; , w.fnEE? wardrobes T?!?b',-fon,1H,r- tonumrtrer; . , union jav. East Bxov PORTLAND. OS. - FUSteiiTURK BJIPAIRIMO 7 i?l.LupK ixym tou. money urving--rinBisBinupbmstecina. CALL EAST 8574T Sfata Sl?' bla. y OxpertA GEO.' ! 881 Wehgto- ner Third.: llATSeaned. blockej. dy.d reasonable sn4 rat; jgfactery.oyal. Hat Works. 228 SiriT stl owToaigTwigTn OUT OF THE HIiIB tvTliio,n,i SAVE. MONEY.- Cll ' ifL71 experience with the most ;ja- J"'. and Mnplto equipment ia PortisnJ at your service. Try n. SATISFACTION ASSURED T' PirnWV trtrw ... . .. . . i THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED PATRONS V Pn. SAWJth GOODJtAM, A-odaU 0rdmetrla Unas. W. Uoodma ti - , 809 MORRISON ST.. BET, YTB8T and FROVf erill(fi? SSn' ? Tet" WiU bt your gyes better and cheaper thia else! Jrert .cpUeUaj brtcea psiWTiwtL Tiw-nwa. ptwaw,iW, " N irrifl.0NBi jobn. PspsriBg, tinBg. 15I N. 17th at Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2120 PATgfIT sTTOHWtTI JLSffl P"" Uaomnar.. eossC' -namoey of Com m roe bldg - ' PlfK WKPAIStlWei aab. PMY9ICIAR9 air. H, A. pmLJpaT Broadway Bldg, Office Practise only. "0 H-Ussaiflel AMBj ansa .... ' HZ feTycnrAp, Co.. 617 PBio. ave. N.. neat aJFl "Kji fHK M L KU.N1, W b4-86-6T.i?; PtllWTIW. tHwstgb-iaia. Bmniair Printing .THE laWLN-HODSON COMPANY '887 Washington. Brosdwsy 8144. .A-12S, WOOF BEPSIRtajaj . RELIABLE B00FTNO CO " '.' . Main 188 Main 989- dowpouSd! eryVa, Tr'nVi imi ' ' ' 1 ' 9"" " -- iii 1 v. , fvru a repauvo .and painted, ltoof H.,fJ Inc.. mfg. Webfeot Pamt 226 Trade. Main 671. kits M 0,rd Tabor efsif ?? EOOJ An iAAMPAlfT. " Tt a YlTV'-vv w.TT wawawaavavaB A-WT I at BT saL MS2rrraV "tiring. All kind, 1 i roof work. Woodlawn 6214V -A'o of; SHtKT WBTAL WQw MULTNOMAH SHEiff mmAL, WORKS sw'M. - snnxernai.. sonatina. , inbMi,. . . tcrcr.1 repetring Phone BrosdwTs " . TRANiFIR awn f TBAW6FSB AWP 6TORAQg SHTPLEY TB AlffiFEB,' 4k " -i iv -TORAGB. COMPANY - V , ' SHIPPINQ-HPACBirNOlC)VW0--ST0llAGB FUBNTTUSE MOVING 108 FOURTEENTH St. OUR SPECtlf TY ' t ttfJCBlTt iTORAaB V TRANSFER fca ; Psekmg-Moving-Stotsg. " 1 MONEY LOANED ON COO OS l.w iTORAna ; AS Fourth st, opp. MaltiKmiaa K2l " . Phone Breedway Slla. - ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSEHOLD"-' r- GOODS SPECIALIST teJd afaipping and aawving-, boas aad aato vaasi mnm sal rata to aU points. " " C, O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO ' 3 and Pin ita. Broadway 696. A-lt, Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Onsaa St- - 1 "' Breedway 1291 DRAYAGB ' STORAGB Fear Wsrehaussewa Terminal Tracks Seduced freight rates to an points a house hold goods. Pacifle Coast rorwardiiit Co,, 8th and Hoyt Brotdwty 70S. " vutcanizieja mho rctrcadin TANbAltb TlkS A " ERVICE COMPANY v - .'OBTLASD'sl BEST tCJjbAXIIEES AftANTKE WE CALL AND DEf-lVCR ! lOOb Belmont at - Tabor 820. ZONK THERAPY ZON'ERT Club lecture and clinic-every Friday, 7 :30 p. m. . "Mow to uet au." Boom Portland Hotel. Main 4-75.