.'THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 5 r V tic " s n j 5 V..- Chocolate Nut Fudge, Saturday Only at . -''-V:v i V Saturday .Onlyr Mince Bes-:;rH?r:-; "? f i: Big, soft rich blocks of the most delectable acpetite compelling . . . a a . j ! 1 X J . . Brown and ' flaky crusts filled with rich, spicy," fruity, mince-meat tudge tor your week-ena enjoyment, maae in our own ;iuyugai.inuy . our own making. : - : ' - Street Floor, Lipman Wolfe & Co. , x Tip Top Ina Bftkoryj, ElghtK floor '1 - - to I NEWS for Men . Women ndC'Eaniilies. vWho '- WanK the mdWcmttoSAEr I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21,1821. 24c lb. r,f . J m , 'cTM&clii'ercMeiOnVri'- Mew ir i f 2 I i If II: if ! 5Xr 1 li si V a I I'' if-- You in this Hats of choice plain 'and panne - ' -velvet No- two' hats J aie in this sale of sales If. Sale of Toilet and Bath Soaps " Continues Saturday Street Floor, " Lipman. Wolfe A Co. New AU-Wool Plaited Plaid . x f Skirts $5.95 ; A choice little .lot of smartly plaited, skirts for Immediate wear, in an assortment of beautiful plaids in. such a combination of colors that you will not only find ' ihem delightful for', fall'but for winter, also:' ; Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Your Neckwear , WUl Bethe . 1' Newest ; : ' and tfill add charm" to ' yoSir Winter suit if it is of Lace and .Organdy. We have some beau ' tifully made. Collar and Cufrsets, . Vestee and Collar Sets and Sepa rate Collars of good styles and -4 very dainty, which we are selling very rapidly at the special price of .oo. . Street Floor ' 'Lipman, Wolfe A Co. The New Veilings in all the latest color combina tions, with small, medium and ' large Chenille Dots, Plain and Fancy Meshes, in the popular French and Russian modes, are wonderful- values ; at the special ?- price of 9Sc jara.;'.:v,'':n- . ', - .' The NetO Mono Lisa Veil 75c to $15 Each Neckwear Department ' Street Floor X ' 1 X f X Lipman, Wolfo St Co, . ten's Sports - X Hnnr Handkerchiefs .. Underpriced at 16c . Novelty colored handkerchiefs to match your every sport cos tume. Of extra, fine mercerized cotton at.Mcvi - . , , : .--vu mvK near Lipman, . Wolfe A Co. , a - v,-i.- i p-;- --t s Can Buv a Smart Hat Wonderful Sale ACTUAI REPRODUCTIONS Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. y An Amaz- ( . ' .- Lo IVIdt? -' .jl Saturday Youths 'Sh opping Day In our Girls' Own Smart Shop we are presenting New Clothes in Fashiori that ap peal to particular younger jjirls and Values that claim the attention of their parents. New Silk . , . -. Dresses, $25 si combination black, navy and 1 - Sweaters for School Wear , School girts like these splendid wool sweat- ers for: wear- under rain capes. ( ,Tbeyre lii -Tuxedo style, fancy weave, with two pockets and full belt finish. In buff, brown and cardi-' naL Sizes 8 to 1 4 years. i New Sateen Bloomers, X Special,; $1.95 - ..' '" ''.", tr -- j '"'"' , r' s.'.-'-i-'i'. ""'-7 Suitable for both gymnasium and school of extra heavy quality black sateen, fall pleated on band. ' In sizes 24 to ,36 waist measure. . . ..--.f. . : Waists of Mercerized . . Shantung, $2.50 Another. Peter Pan style with hemstitched collar and cuffs. Sizes 14 to 16. ; vf; Fourth Floor. Lipman, Wolfe A Cot I for $8.50 Glycerine ostrich -orttainentsribbon and novelty r trimmings Black md colors Come early for widest choice " 1 New Bolivia, Polo and Velour Coats, $20 Many Specialty Priced - The' dashiug . tailored Polo Coats are self trimmed Velour Coats are finished with beaver ette collar, fancy panel back and button trim ming, side pockets an" stitched cuffs-full lined; 'some interlined, and other Polo Coats with , beaverette collar that button close to. the neck. In shades of Deer, Brown and Sorrento Sizes to to V14 years. j NeW Coats at $25 r Many Specially Priced , New. Coats of Polo and Normandy cloth. One very attractive model of Normandy cloth, has fancy DacK, large collar, new reu sleeves and fancvv stitchinr. ,J?elt and pockets, i The Polo Coats have collars of self-material tor fur, full belted and lined. Sizes 10 to 16 years. . Many other Coats for girls 8 to 16 years, priced at 9.95, 112.50, $i 6.50 to 85.00. Charming Frocks that show Fashion's new features1. Of "fine crepe de chine some in the long waist flare effect with! contrasting stitching and new sleeves; others, with embroidered waist and deep tucked skirt and sash that ties at the sfde. Others with large collars dresses that are especially attractive and youthful brown. Sizes t4 to i$.years.f Middy Blouses; . ".. Special, $1.95 -rCo-Ed and regulation style Middles of serv iceable Lounsdale Jean; made with or-without -"yokes. Slit and patch pockets, collars and cuffs braid-trimmed. All white ior colored collars. Sizes 6, years to 42 bust, j ; .New Pongee Blouses $4.95, $5.50 ; With long, or short sleeve V Peter Pan col lars front and cuffs finished with fine plait-. ing or Ucks. Sizes 14 to 16.. - ! . - - '- . , I . ' New Waists for Girls ; . : Smart .. little waists of white harred voile , with Petet Pan collars. The collar, front and . TO lO. , ' THS STORE USES tfO COMPARATIVE PRICES Hall oween ravors Halloween . festivities .can be their merriest with a good, sup- . . ply. of our favors and decora tions. -Gomerand let us help you make your plans for -Halloween parties. . Among the dozens Of items are. - -Jack ' O'Lantern Candy, Pump , kins . . . . .... . . .5c to 20c Black Cats . - Sc o 7c Pestoons'of crepe paper for dec orating. . . . ;. . . . . 10c to 15b . v Other decorations for table or; room . . i , . . . . .' 10c to Oc Crepe paper,, orange or. ,-black, . the. roll ; ......10c " Halloween i. Caps, many shapes and desifns . ,.,10c-15c-20c Table Cloths decorated "w i t h orange and black figures, on - J sale at .i. .50c - Napkins, to match, dozen. . .lOc m Luncheon Sets .l.OO Snapping Motttes, each.. . .10c ' Dozen .. . . . . .. . . .$1.00 Masks 15c - Fortune-Telling; Cards . . : 75c Invitations to 1 ghost .or v. Witch - parties," dozen . ; . .50c Place Cards, doz...20c to 50c Sticker? .'. . . ; . . . . .. .15c Seals ................ ...15c Bats, witches owls., 5c antt 7 Xewpies, in all sorts -of cos tumes 25c If there is anything you wish that is not in, our tine of these novelties, we shall be very glad . to have Ihem made up specially for you. . . Stationery Department, 1 Street Floor, i Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Decorated Halloween - J Candles In. orange and black, specially priced, 50c pair.: v Street Sixth Floors, ' Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Read This, -'If Heavy , Wool-Mixed ' ... Union Suits, S3.65 Thia'rtce makes it-decidedly worth, while to buy now. -WrlRht'a wool-and-cotton union suits,- perfect fitting in all regular sixes. . . - t Men's Fine v Handkerchiefs,, ' Special, 19c - i Fine mercerized , white hand kerchiefs with tape border, full size and more than full .value at 19c . - Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Ferris Waists ... For Girls and Misses '"Wise mothers realize that, for 'the sake of the figures their - - daughters wilt possess when they t are womerr, -the Corset Waist : must be "just right" i For the school girl who must te comfortable' while she romps ' and plays, here is-a good style, , . in dainty white or pink coutil, ,. ' - with shoulder straps" and buttons or fastened with clasps. ',-:. r t For "big sister," t who has be l gun to develop so rapidly j that t Tshe requires an entirely different - model," there Is a style that will cause .her to- exclaim 'It's -Just like mothefs. With short stays ' and elastic at waistline, she will - , always be at her ease while her v. -tigure' is gently guided tn the' ' v way it should grow, j Two pairs of garters.. . Pink v coutil, All sizes. . " Another adorable model , In ; pink or brocade is a shorter j - girdle style, with short stays and ,V " elastic at back to correct hef Car . riage and give her-grace. Two ; pairs of -.garters, no faces. . to: $1.00 to $4.00, f ' -LFoorth Floor r- ' i " lipman, Wolfe & Co, . TUEY. ARE MISLEADING AND -a-v i . .jl v fc : ..... T-s. .-av.v.v- '-.v "X. i .:!- . . :v.v,.-.v- , t v ' .-..... 1 5 i ' K V -X -v .-V. - CrAntext r Siiits i - ' :EJsevhere at Our buyer- personally" selected the woolens 'on his recent trip to England, Scotland and Ireland and had them made up in America according to our standards of tailoring, the .."highest known, . ' - Sieiri-Bloctiand angliam Suits " dndOvercoaislA , Portland, As That is where this Men's Clothing store excels In'offering you a service that is without parallel, yet this exclusiveness and assurance of .correctness . costs '.you absolutely nothing the dollar-and-cen,ts value is there in every garment , we selj and - ' " ' Prices Are Moderate; $ 30 to . $75 Right now yofwill find the greatest selection we have ever offered you in suits and over- note C,a than. Citnriliw RfU. I Imim nrjf''jt, -; You Men With an 600 Silk-Endure-and Java Crepe bhirts '". r rSpecially Purchased to Sell for $3.85 - Shirts of fine silk and. fiber mixtures, The aualitv . and patterns that meri like (as if they cost you twice the Friday buy them here and now. Sizes 14 to ,600 New TIES At today wholesale coat ; s New ties -were never more -varied - special assortment at one dollar. You a penny more than this to securefine this event- ' Just Inaide the Washington " For We Have Sizes 9 to f ' 1? ;i!This Special Price Smartlv stvled , ; i. dbuble-Breasted, j pockets, i.'.m.- Boy.' All BoyV $5.95 Boyd 'AU-Wool Caps. Extra Special ,- -oi howa. real boy's suit ought ta look and wear. -All-wool mate-v-. . - vB - -3i rials, tjf -course, in smart weaves', tailored from' top to bottom . Saturday Onlx and from inside our-to stand the hardest sort of knocks -and to. v -"'l i, . . i k v i hold their, shape tn spite, of, everything. -Both pairs of 'trousers 1 1 '-'jL " lined throughout with every seanf Well taped and every but- - -. ' ' f. ; .. ;';-V-tl. Floor. Lipaaan, Wolfe de Co J,' "j ,f . ' OFTEN UNTRUE sVOBsiwfinaas04Bn Cannot Be ; Duplicated Price; ; Eiye for Business About - Half the Regular Prices woven for wearing qualities as well as for beauty. to Jbuy at regular prices, and made lust as well price. Any man needing fine new shirts should 17. 1 - 'Specially Satin Pal Garters . Guaranteed under ' our own label, single or "double grip, 35c $1 than in-this needn't pay silk ties in 3 pairs for $1.00 Street Entrance, Lipman, Wolfe Sc. Co. ''"nnmw " ajsjnejnjni ihe Boys The Best Seen in Many Winters at $185 18 at :. in the new townulster model, a sport; effect. with convertible collar, full belt and two muff piam snaaes.'ana overpiaias, as . warm as xney : are - Wool Mackinaw., $7.50 and $12.50 . Raincoats' to $12.50 Boys' Rubber Capes , $4.65 SBeginning.at; ' $16.50 7 .; The Standard of America Boys Super-Suits With ;2 Paifs!of Knickers:; OVERCOATS v " - Designed for Style and Built to Wear -Sam reck knows bovs 'and makes these suits to meet their Ideas1 i M V! .1 4 5 i