u l ? 1 3xua ATE Lfc-jOfc ALL h. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 21, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON I BgSBBBBBBgSgBSgr'l 11)11 FOUND WORKING IK PRIVATE HOME T Through a picture .pubns'hed in The Journal Thursday afternoon Mr. Grace IcClure. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lang, 161 J Stockton street. found by ber mother4 In an east aide borne, where she Is- working' as a . do - meatic The toother refuses to disclose the name of the family where-she is cm- ployed. a the girl has voluntarily hid den herself away in an effort to break loose from ber former associates and free herself from the drug habit "It waa through tne picture published In The Journal that we found her." said Mrs. Lang;. ."Those people take The Journal only; and so do we.' Mrs. Lang at first fought against hav ing the case made public, - but today she is grateful for the Interest The Jour Maxim Gorky Is 111 : II A USA JUUUUUUVVU London, Oct. tl.O. N. 8.) Maxln. Gorkv. famous -Russian! novelist -and supporter of Bolshevism. Is seriously Hll with appendicitis, said aa Exchange I telegraph dispatch from Helslngfors to day. :::;;r:-r xs?,".; '-i'vH"; ..:".. y I SPACE TO BE LEFT HINEKS VISIT E BAR SAW POLITICAL COOP Oregon City. Oct." tL More parking space for the downtown district will be provided in the . remodeled plans for the new bridge across the Willamette river Roy W. Ritner. president of the staU senate, was a Portland visitor for a few hours today. He drove from his home in Pendleton a little while ago to Vancouver. B. C where he tarried a while and reached Portland on the first leg of his Journey home. He planned to drive to' the Ooumbia Gorge hotel this evening, stay there overnight and get into Pendleton Saturday. - : . He la not talklne- nolitlcs. contending that there is no such animal just at this time. He admits, however, tna ne nas dar from the state highway commission by O. D. Eby, city attorney. ; " Some time ago; agitation was .started in Oregon City for the changing of the plans for the approach on the-east end of the structure. The 1 original plans I called for the building of a solid cement sal took in the case and for the efforts! wall from the east side of Water street to the end of the bridge. - ' - narcotic I As this eliminated a valuable parking agents thought at . first that Sam Lee, space in the congested district, the com-: It put forth to locate her, The parents and - federal to do "with the impending strike, ac cording' to W. Bollons. superintendent of the second division. (Already 150 men have been laid off and several hundred more ara-.being . laid off. The. tremen dous increase, in freight business! neces sitates the use of ail-imotive power to mova the freight, he said. .The- men laid off were working on the, ballasting of the road' between here -and Baker and the It remaining miles of the worlt win not be completed, until' next spring. The business of the road is, greater than ever in its history.- -1 - v a suey stng tongman, had made away 1 with their daughter, and upon their rep reservations 'Lee Was arrested on charge of violating the narcotic act and held under 13000 bond pending a hearing set Monday before United States Com missioner Fraxer. kidnaping charge," said Mrs. Lang this i morning, "but of, course be is guilty of r giving- my girl drugs." Koseway Dedication Plan Is Announced -- . . i Ibeen told the rumor that some federal nere. accoraing to worn receivea inure- - . m.i, . i. m th offlne- for Governor Olcott, end he naively adds that he ."hopes Ben takes it.- .. Ritner.' by virtue of ' the recent con stltutiona! amendment, would - become governor in the event of Olcotfs resignation.- he being the president of the state' senate - Some politicans. contend that Louis ' E. .Bean, -speaker of the house," would like to be governor but does not want to go up against the Ol cott. defense. Accordingly, so gossip has it, a scheme has been , mapped out by him. or his friends by which President Ritner would retire : to private Ule in the event . Olcott should - resign, which would move Bean up into the governor's chair by reason of his poistlon as speak er of tint, house. . If that should come to pass he -would gather his official fam ilv hontbjm and hoo right into a cam- naien -. to - continue his place in the gubernatorial chair." There are those, however, who grin a little at the story and offer to bet that if Ritner ; once got his feet under the biar desk in the state capital he would forget to resign, and might even take a whirl at the governorship himself. Truck Hits Train; , Driver, Is Injured - A truck driven-by IE. Crewes. in the employ of the Nerth west Electric com pany, collided- with an Oregon-Electric train in the fog shortly after 7 o'clock this : morning. ' between Columbia ' and Clay streets. . The front of the truck was badfy damaged. - It hit the electric car at an angle, hut the driver escaped with minor cuts on his face. Oregon Irrigation Exhibit May Be Put ; In Senate Building .Washington.. Oct. 21. WASHING TON BUREAU OP THE JOURNAL) Senator McXary, today discussed with Director Pa vis of jthe reclamation serv ice, plans for bringing an Irrigation ex.. hlbit from Oregon, to" be placed in the senate office building. :- Davis will see Secretary Fall. He expressed the be lief that the government will accept title to the exhibit and assist in transporting it te Washington.. Davis said , the department probably win 'make favorable report on the Mc Nary bill for an emergency appropria tion of SS0.o00.000 for existing reclama tion projects to fit In with the unem ployment program. rv- ; ; " . WrNCH HAKDLE KILLS Aberdeen, Wash., Oct: Si. With; both jaws broken and his face and bead ter ribly injured when the handle of a winch slipped and struck him. R. E. Calvin, 28, who met wtth an accident in the Ander son A Middleton mlU Thursday, died this morning. lv. . ,-k r , t . . Second Eaid Yields; ' j.0 Gallons Liquor Stanley ' Simlch, Sholla Ferry"" and Johnson roads, wasn't 'satisfied when his bouse was raided a month ago" and he had to pay ; an . aggregate of J650 In fines. Four grain sacks full of bottled moonshine and a slUI-were found at the time. , This aiorning S deputy sheriffs again raided the place and this time a 40 gallon 'still with 10 gallons of corn whiskey . were , located. ' Simich was lodged in the county Jail to await trial in district court. ' .-, -vrV-?-!? ?. -':,-;-X ,i. . , ,..,. , When a'woman marries she loses her good name. - ' , Scout i Movement -J : Teaches Doctrine - - Of Do' as Slogan Dr., George J, Fisher of New York, deputy chief Boy Scout executive of the United States, and James B. Wilder of Hawaii, chief Sea, Scout executive, told i- the' members of the. City club of the work i -and the purposes of the- Scout movement in the - United States in ad dresses delivered before that . organlsaV tien at its noon Ixmcheon at the Benson today. " , - i Mr; Wilder- 4welt;pon the - developr ment of seamanhood - among t the boys -ho, were members ct the.. Sea Scouts. Tha work taught them love of the sea and of boats, and It taught them obedi ence, he MM.7- -c i--:--- ?K':-ii..-r, - Dr.; Fisher insisted'- that this -was ar age la WhicbT the wise and directing care of tha boy was being neglected.1 He said that the Boy-Scout movement was one which taught the doctrine of "do" and not the doctrine pf "donX: V ' -C STREET TO BE IMPROVED " , I - Oregon" City.. -Oct. 21. The grading and macadamising' of Sixth street': in Willamette was authorised by , the West Linn council. Wednesday nlghU when a contract waa let for hte work to Harry Berdaltie. "The cosCcftthe 'improvement v tu- ba 1060. vtowers to appraise prop erty for the Improvement of Buck and Barlow streets In the Boiton .district, apc pointed ? were :;. M. E. Clancy, ' John Backus 'and P. J. Winkle. The recorder was ordered .to begin the . collection of all overdue street .. assessments, levied under the jirovteiona. of the Bancroft aci. - - ? - -" ,. ' , - SIVIl AVAR VETERAK IES . o. Wash , Oct. Jl Daniel Peer, a"' veteran i of . the Ctvil - war. ' ' aTed - here -Thursday "following a brief lltneas. He nti 77 years of age and came here from Carrolls. He leaves bis wire, four-sons and a daughter. - .... mission was tasked to provide archways under the eastern approach, -, The en gineers examined the schems and foundl that the cost was no greater, and the change was ordered. -.. - ' " The county court Thursday refused to sanction the project of J. W,: .Moffatt "The Chinaman is innocent of thrf I ot the Oregon Engineering: A Construc- . so mat xne public may more con veniently participate in the Roseway dedication exercises to' be held Sunday on Sandy boulevard, it has been decided to defer the opening, time of the cere mony one-half hour, according to an- tion company tor building a light tem porary bridge across the -Jver one block north of the present structure. The re fusal was based . on the belief that, . a bridge so closer to tne site- of construc tion for the new bridge; would Interfere with work on the latter.- Other plans call for the construction of a light bridge south of the old . bridge, and - these plans are yet to be considered by the court and general bridge committee. .i " ESGLAlfB 8EXDS CRUISER London, Oct.21. (U. P. The British cruiser Calypso was dispatched .to Lis- Kr.n lata truia-v tA ntvirrt RritlsK Int.. Z Tk ' u' I ests. following reports ot widespread :ooting. - Ad club. The affair will begin at 2 p. m. The procession to the N Rose City club house will be headed by -Governor and- Mrs. Olcott and Mayor and Mrs. Baker. Vic tor. Vernon will strew rose petals along the Itpseway from an airplane. Men Are Laid Off as Business Increases La Grande. Oct. 21. The laying off of large- numbers of men on O-W. con struction trains has nothing whatever r, Gridiron Pans tdDo Serpentine Tonight - Portland! graduates and former'1 stu dents of 'the University' of Washington will Mke .part In a football demonstra tion tonight-.""', through ' the downtown streets. Ld Qy Harold Mann, yell king ; Raba Lewis and Clayton Rudberg, yell fluxes, anq.Dlng";Foran, stunt duke, a serpentine -will be started at 8:15 o'clock from In front of the Imperial hotel.. More man rsu sruaents or -tne Seattle institu ' tlon arrived in Portland early this After noon, on their way to Corvallia to take in the. annual Oregon Aggie-University of . waamngton iootbaii game Saturday aft ernoon, r ..- cows fouitb healths Clackamaa county are, la. healthy oendte uonr accoramg-to tne report of C,'M. uaraner; state veterinarian; who exam- lne(J and tested all the cattle for tuber cular reactions. ' Of 607 cows tested, only 3Z were condemned, 25 being in one herd. Reactors , to the test are slaughtered, under- the- Order of . the examiner, and compensation is allowed by the state and the government.. - "'-. RETIRED SOLDIER DIES Vancouver, Wash., Oct 21. John Hubers, retired soldier,-aged 68 years, died at his home at Yacolt Thursday. He was' A member of Troop E, Fourth cavalry, and retired in 1902. He has no 'known relatives. -The funeral will be held at Limber's parlors Saturday morn ing at 10 :30 o'clock, Rev. Luther B. Deck officiating. Men's Saturday Specials Worsted Union Suits v ' P Regularly $4 J $2.95 i Oregon Qty Wool Shirts Regularly $4 and $4.50 Gray, tan, blue.. $2195 ri ' a. awsv : . i .. - -Heaw Woollen Jiose . - ZEZf K.eguiariy -ouc ,l 3 Pairs $1 ' ' . ' Furnishings Llept., ( Main Floor . BEN SELLING Leading Qothier s Morrison Street at Fourth f-rrTio .SOB.' . : . A few f suggestions for latest dance hits .... LMiniii onas: Sweet Lady. Mefley Fox Trot. Thex .3467 V Columbians . WO-inch South Sea Isles. Medley Fox( 05. , Trot The Happy Six . , . . . : . In a Boat. Medley Fox Trot. The a34eg Happy Six . 1- ( 10-inch Emaline. Medley Fox Trot. Yerkesf 85Cx . Jazarimba Orchestra ..-.....' ' Sally, Won't ton Come BackT Medjey Fox Tlrot. Ted Lewis and -53 His Band t. j Second Hand Rose. Medley FoxV 5c Trot. Ted Lewis and His Band WaW Wang Blues. Fox Trot. Tedv X-ZAQA Lewis and His Band. . U 0-inch Heme Again Blue. Fox Trot, feat g5c Lewis ana his eana Molly O. Fox) Trot. Art Hick- .3458 man s urcneaira . . . ... .lin;,k 'ewat ; x iroi. A-34 t.. VlO-ix xTrot. Tedf gg I a- .e e ' . Art Hick-xA.34 man s urencaua . . 1 Good-bye, Pretiy Bntterflies. Art?11 Hickman's Orchestra ..J ooc I Ain't Nobody's Darling. Song foxC 4.3459 Trot. Biese iTrio nd Crumit . . jq. Franlde and Johnny. Sonjf Fox? sec Trot. BieseiTrio and Crumit.. i Remember. Waltz. Prince's Dance - Orchestra . i .............. . la My.Tippy Canoe. Medley Waltz. , Prince's Dance Orchestra....; I'll Keen on Lovina You. GuidoA-3451 Deiro . . . . L . 10-inch , . - V.. .fj . ' "-I . MSB tJl crooning, uuiiio- ueiro. OOC UsfaVng. " Meotey Fox Tjtfe PuK a-., 4 I Trot ; Paul ;BleseJ5gj 6194 !-inch 1.25 v Biese Orchestra Crooning. Fox Orchestra . All By Myself. Lewis and His Band One Kiss. Happy Six Learn te Smile, a worth-while i ... this - store rarelv fios n ?ite hu t when it does the public knows that it is a sale worth while! At this time it IS : : : - An Unusual Offering Boys' Belted Suits - --a special purchase of nearly 300 : suitsjust received, by express-all wool s rments, splendidly made in ages 8 to 18 years: '.'"Vf--;.- .'-- ..-.' . . ' . Two Pairs "Knickers" With '. : -v' Every Suit . ' ' 9 S15 w .00 sale! isBr:-Ti'-.-LT- i-&!n sAOii.i-:. Suits m flft : ; at the unusual price of. .. . . . .. . . t v 1 J. & at the unusual price of ....... . . ... . . Qjp JL d O VV. '" V r. 'V. - K j 1 " : : . ' V ' ' ' 1fMy Advice I&Call Early UYou Vant Som of These Suits!; A'K'Vf:i-:? LEADING CLOTHIERMORRISON AT FOURTH Fox Trot. Tedx ' ' ......... I - tf . t Medjey Fox Trot. The( Medley Fox Trot.x o rti M-ii. -r- TV. . lu-incn Hapy uo. -rox i rot. j raui ciese i no. A-3446 You're The Sweetest Girl in AOUo.inch ine vYono, ana stolen Fusses. oe Tk. f f ftL. I B" Honey Lou. Fok Trot. Art Hick- ;man's Orchestra ..IA-3440 Honeymoon Home. Intro. Little Front Parlor." Medley Trot Art Hicktaan's Orchestra.. Drowsy Head. Intro. '..'Everybody jt-1 "i."M."-".l 12-inch in Mv Dreams'.' Medlev Waltz.1 e Happy six lini- Doll. Medley Fox Trot. Thef1'?' py Six ...i...... ) 85 -4 Art HickA jA-344( v "In 10-meh edley FoxV 85c -chestra.. ltz. Prince's oV "Always ?H edley Waltz.llu Mimi (Mee-Mee).T' Song Fox TroL . I Paul Biese Trio tod Frank Crumit - 3? On Mel OhMytt Paul Biese Trio l1? "and Frank Crumit... .' 000 Ain't We Got Fun. Medley Fox Trot) A-3429 Yerkes, Jazarimba Orchestra.. 10-inch Hot So Long Ago. . fox Trot. TheJ 85c Happy Six ....j........ ' Happiness ' (I ' Find My Happiness . Dear, With You), Fox Trot. Artf A-3428 Hickman's Orcheitra ........ 10-incfc -I Call You Sunahin. , Fox Trot.X 85c Art: Hickman's Orchestra. . -Down Yonder. Mefliey One-Step. a mV The Happy Six . L ........ . . . ( foTfaS Ruby. Medley Fox Trot. Vincent ( Lopez Orchestra ' ooc , Where Is My DadaV Now Blues.V Medley .Fox Troty Ted Lewis A-3421 and His Band '. .i....... 10-inch Queen of Sheba. FOx Trot Ted I 85c ' Lewis and His Band. . . . i . . .) Petty O'NeU. ; Medley ' Waltz. ' fnnce's Dance ; Orchestra . The Last' V Orchestra ) A-6188 t Waltx. Prince's Dancef tra ' 1.25 ii ens : Go. .. '. -. -.--.. .v - . with any 1 2 Columbia Records i or perhaps you prefer: popular songs : v 1H1 a Put I - in your it home , Formerly $liS Kow$S5 . . i ; for 5 days' free ' trial You paqtMng now Well put in your home for five days trial this $85 Columbia Grafonola and any , 12 Columbia Records. Twelve records will give oii twenty four different selections and you can make a real test of the joy and happi ness Columbia ; mtlsic' brings to your home. ' ..-"-,,"' Then, jf you are satisfied, you can pay for the Graf- onola and records onr very easy monthly terms. . , ' No charge will be made for the five days' trial. If you are not satisfied, we r ; will take, back the Grafonola and records without any r charge to you or any obliga tion on your part. . ,. - Could any offer be fairer? . .,j -You need not pay one cent until you - satisfy yourself beyond all doubt by a five days trial that the Columbia Graf onola is the phonograph you want. This handsome Grafonola is of modern streamline design. It may be had in a variety of mahogany, oak and -walnut finishes. It has all die latest Columbia improvements. ' i The tone .of the Columbia Graf onola is famous for its richness and purity, and-this particular model can ', be depended . upon to sing its own praises in your home. ' 1 J. It stands 42i inches high .and has room for 75 records; " , This model at $85 is the biggest -phonograph value ever offered a,t the price. It is the only standard upright phonograph on the market for-less than $100. ; '; -;. ,-. - It is literally true that you can get : today .an up-to-date Columbia Graf onola with its many modern improve ments for less money than you would pay for an old-fashioned unimproved phonograph. When you pay your goodmoney for a-phonograph, get a modern ' instrument the Columbia .' Grafonola. My Sunny Tennessee. QUartet m v-eav-wie t rncky Home. Dale and ReardonV, a a 1L - Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old Ken-( 'o' WW Yta r Looking; for; a Bluebird (t tOy Chase My Blues Away). Marion I 85c na Be Next Van & j1 ir. ! Sweet Cookie. . . . .Marlon Harris' schenck . .. ..... ... :.....) ?lr - What'a-a Gonna Schenck Who'U Be the Neat One (to Cry)A.343 Over You). - Charles Harrison 10-inch U You paly Knew.. Edwin Dalef 85c ! 1 Sleepy Head. Dale & Reardon . . . ) A-3460 V Fare Thee Well,' Love, Fare TheeS 10-lnch WelL. Columbia Stellar Quartet) . S5c 1 Ain't Glvia Nothin' Away. South- ,Jft' em Ouartet ......,.) f, ,r ' r Sweef Mamma (Papa's Cutting lj?ch Mad). Southern Quartet.....)' v;.1 Oh! Tbey're Such Nice "People Jy. . 1 Furman and Nash, Tenor- and I A-3445 Baritone Duet . ........... . ; MO-fawh v Ma. Furman and Nashv Tenor sndl' 85e ; Baritone Duet . ; . . . ... s ; . . r . t : Anticipatin Blues. Southern NerroV'V i..' Tm WUd About Moonshb..' Souther -?c" , em NeffTn rinsrtt. Mala Onrtt OOC t -'i..';' 10-inch era Nejrro Quartet, Mala. Quartet , Dear Old HrL r Peerless Quartet, V , M.fm -k..-.4.i. . 1A-343B My Gal Sa.Cb!jimblaStenir Outr-roe - tet, Male Quartet-. . i ....... - When You're In, You're In, In) A443 -.: Indiana. Nora Bayes,' Comedienne? 10-inch Cherie. Nora Bayes, Comedienne) 85c' ' ''. Howard Marsh,- ) A-3435 Ould PlaU ShawL 'Howard? ,-jfefc rsh. Tenor Solo . 5 f Molly ' Brannigan. Tenor Solo The Marsh Pesgy O'NeiL .... Charles Harrison A4438 -; v If Shamrocks "Grew 'Along The) 10-mch V"?': Swanee Shore. Broadway Quartet ' 85c When The Honeymoon 'Was Over.) A-3442 Charles' Harrison , . . . '. . . . . . 10-mch 1? Birds of a Feather. , .Fred Hughes 85c " 7 . Three O'Ctock In The Morning A 'a-3431'' I Frank Crumit MO-inch ' ' Moonlight . . . . . .Frank Crumit SSc V - Vm Nobody's Baby...... Paul Biese '' : '-'' ; , Orchestra accompaniment. . V "' :: Marion Harris . .'. ....... . f A-3433 t I Wonder Where My Sweet, Sweetl-ncht Daddy's -Gone. Paul Biesg Or-V OOCK i chestra accomp'animenL Marion- : i?4 i 0 HeUis -: ' y-. ' WangWangBIoes. Van and Schenck) A-3427 f Ain't Yoa Coming. Out, Malinda.) 10-inch, Tan and Schenck. ..... . . . . 4 85c i- !' unrrnaa w , y - , S -S v-Vt 1 & aaa You Made Charles ' : - J A-34Z9 .- agnes ......... . . . . i s-.,r i Me Forget How to Cry(llJS!-; v Harrison . . . J . f?r 4-4: vSwanee Rhrer Moon. Columbia field : Fast InT a Baby's Hands.? Reardon and Mellor ......... Wild Weeping Blues. Mary Staf-' ford and her rTOtost Myieart ": Girl in Town. and her Jazz ? Madeb'ne (Wait VntU You See My t Madeline from The Greenwich Village Follies. Frank Crumit All By Myself. . . : ; Frank Crumit ) A-3432 10-inch 85c. 1 . mmf . " I- - Jazz Band. ..r v-' to the Meanest) ; Mary Stafford ooc p fBand. r ,' V.-V. vr . .1 ; ': V-'', it) A-341S; 1 10-Inch 85c,, ; . 1. This offer, limited to nresent suddIv. is crood on anv Graf onola nriced $30, $45, $50, $.100, $125, $140, $150, $175 ,1 Rcmick, Sons & Gift Shop, 324 Washington St. 2- TMcCormick Music Co.; Inc. 429 Washington St:, v 3 j-Meier & Frank Company, 6th and Alder Sts. -4Hyatt Talldng Machine Co., 350 Alder St. . - 5i-NfcIougall Music Company, 129 10th St.x . " " 6 William GacUby Son, 2d and Morrison Sts. : A I n PitnA rnmtwnv Rmilurav mrtA A 11 y . 8 Henry Jenning & Sons, 5lh and Washington Sis. V V - ' . -T lUooiwan riano Company, lUth and otark sts. 11-H. Goldstein & Son, 601 1st St. V . J - , laVj-Vem L. Wengcr, 142 2d St 13Laurelhurst Pharmacy, Belmont at 39th. 1 14- Enul Gehring; 720 MUwaukie St r - 15- i-E. R Botteniiller, 751 Thurman St ' 'Bring or mail this n to;ahy of po 1 V Dealett Suit...,....,. Street ; ... .'- CHJ ei ate oe eea no 0 stores state .........,;.,.V.:;:..... 1 s - ' v - , I Tee way eellvrr tee- t l Celaeifela (! ti It Colamkla I Rfrti t at tfes adarsts rlvsa " below for a ay free, trial as a4Tr-1 Usee. - Kaaie Street ... ....... ......................... I ....... ! I t . i i 1 ,1; .5 1 City. ....4.. ...... ........ I State e a f- Vie e trie ew.-e .