THE -'OliEGOH DAILY ' JOURNAL. POSTLAinV OREGON FRIDAY, CCTOZi:?. 1, 1C21. C M ISTS illll I! I PARIS THREAT London. Oct ill (U. P.)TIiten ing letters jjurportln ? q come from communists, demanding the release of Sacco and Van'settt.- conrlcUd of . the murder W ' paymaster In Massachu setts, were received today fey Ambas sador, jtiarrey. , - - Brussels, Oct n.(UP.)-PoHce to day dispersed a communist fathering In front of the America embassy here- and made several arrests after the cem nttMtnn had become fiolty. ' : The disturbance part of the fa- ternatfenal communist effort to secure the release of Sacco and Vansetti, con victed of -murder la-Massachusetts.' let l-OUCEHEjr TO ' GVkXU-f HEft&ICK JHOME Xir;AI8 ' Br "Weoe Miner , Paris. "Oct 11. CU. P.)-Ons thouiand policemen will guard the American -embassy and the residence of Ambassador Herrlck -tonight to prerent a threatened march ot ommunlsts and a demonstra- tlon afainst the United in, favor cotnmunlsts. convicted: of riurder.v in Massachusetts. " y -' ' i '- ' Eteel Winds will fed drawn at'the em bassy and Herrlck'e home and armad guards' will prevent communists who are .to noia a monster nue mwni mk -" Sana Wagram from -approaching either - : bonding. x V v -- hundreds ot threatening letters of pro test against the sentence passed upon the convicted communists continue to pour In through, the embassy mails, to day. - K;i-.-:--- '- "3v -t Blowing op of the building where the 'passport: office r and. the - reparation commission are housed, was threatened in one letter and extraordinary precau-J uons were taaen. v Berate Prosnects ; At 0. A. 0. Held Good Us. Oct JL The prospect for two win ning debate teams are considered prom !atr by C. . Mitchell. O. R. Vamey Trri w. Wells ot the public speak-' higT department. Judgee of the try-outs. Eight men, onosea or wony for the triangular qidim wim mw-"'- Ure and the University of Oregon, are c.nt. CaL s' Merrill Good, n w n. Whitul. Ashland i Paul Knoll. Cervalliaj C. P. MerkUn. Walla Walla s J C Klmmel. Estacada, and Ru dolph Hathoway, Corvallis,. Abbott and Gray are experienced. .. , -- Deportation Eesult . . Of -Eight Charges Astorla. Oct tl.--Thoma Anthony Koi lonskt alias Tbomas hobs, guuiy mi ivht eharcrae. including white Slav ery, will be deported fa Canada by -the Astoria unnugrauon oiucvtb. mxvm to order received Thursday, fronvWash Ington. He waa the 'principal for the defense In clearing .Mrs.-Eula ' liigea ef a charge of murder. In the, cir cuit courf here recently. ; ' . Leeibn's Go ; House Is Jndorsed Brownsville. .-Oct r t At a meeting of the Brownsvlue Chamber ot Com merce Tuesday, Indorsement was given to the plan ot the American .Legion to build a - community house" In- the city. The neseneary amount has not as yet '' been raised for the first cost of the building, but about two-thirds of It has been pledged and soliciting for funds - still goes on. .- The merits of the build ing plan were dlscueeed by the citlsens at a mass meeting Wednesday night In , the city. ' ROAD WORK ABOVT OTEIt Oregon City. Oot. tl. Road work In the vicinity of Molalla Is about com pleted for tae year, with a rtrgeh'ioi invuui w about half oompeted. 'The concrete pavement between the. twos towns has Mn open for some time, and the ma cadam stretch adjoins the pavement.; both being nine feet In width, furnishing an is-foot roadbed. , COSTICTED ME3T 60 TO f Elt f " Klamath. Falls. Oct 81. Ed Jones. Jack Morrtaon and Qleen Reynolds. cOn victed In the circuit court ot Intent to commit robbery and sentenced for terms la the state penitentiary Thursday, started tor Balem under the guard of Sheriff Uoyd Low and Deputy W, T, Lee. v - . . , ' ' Many Jurors Oppose. Capital Punishni6iitj Henderson Case Slow Attorneys In . the ease of Joseph J. Henderson,' charged with stabbing to death his. e'x-wlfe, Gertrude . Henderson, are having hard time securing- a Jury. Three venire had been exhausted when court adjourned at 11 o'clock and Cir cuit" Judge Tucker "announced - that the trial would have to stop until one of the jury cases Jtn the other courts had end ed freeing another venire. . The defense has used five peremptory challenges and the state two. . '.- An onusuelly large number of pros pective ; Jurors waa found with objec tions to capital punishment Deputy Dis trict Attorneys Mowry and Crum packer, for the, state, announced that the death penalty would, be demanded. Others were found-who objected to a plea ot Insanity as an explanation of.a bloody crime of this kind.- 'jt 'A --'7- "''": Barnett Goldstein, attorney for Hen derson, said he would base the defense on the contention '.that his client tempo rarily Jest; hi mind after .years, f-do mestie troubles.- . ASPHYXIATED MAN BonoM oral Albany. Or Oct II. At the risk . of his own lite, Don McOlashan of North Albany rescued Jesse Jackson, Thurs day from, the deadly; fumes-of blasting powder in the Attorn of a well on the J. A. UcGlashan poultry farm. - Jack son's condition Is . reported serious and young McGlashsh v waa - compelled . to come to Albany for treatment' A . Jaokson had essayed to resume work In the. well several days after the last Charge of powder had : been .exploded.' Shortly after descending, he became af fected by the fumes and called tor help, meantime attempting to climb, out of the welt When 25 feet Above the bot tom he became overcome and fell back, suffering what It Is feared may be In ternal injuries. .- . ' -s-v;;, McGlaahan braved the powder fumes ahd drop)ed .to Jackson's rescued The unconscious man was extricated by means of a windlass after McOlashan had tied a rope around him. - MoOiashan was able o make a "rope fast to his body. before himself losing consciousness. : f , 'C In 11 ' n ' i"'' i ii it .iLum'ter Rate From ':: WillapaWiUqual Schedule to Sound Rates - on lumber vmoving from the South Bend district to Portland for. ex port or domestic use will be reduced one halt a . cent to be equal with the rate to jPuget Sound. The porta on Puget Sound enjoy a differential of one half a eent The new rate to Portland wiu. be II cents and will be effective November 20, according to announce ment made today by the Northern .Pa cific railroad. ! ' , I J" I - ;: Since a large volume of lumber traJP rlc originates in the South Bend dis trict it Is aatiotpated that Jjhe half cent reduction placing; Portland on a parity with other Northwest ports will bring more' of the lumber produced there to this city than In the past k . Suit, Delayed While Raising Family, Filed Albany. Or., 'Oct 11. For the sake of her nine children Mrs. Maris Vcikm&h endured gross cruelty front her Husband for 11 years, ehealleges In a divorce complaint against Relmef Volkman. She alleges i she surted.' a divorce suit 10 years ago but had 'the case jOiaaUesed that her family , might not be broken, up. She is 60 years old now. she says, and all of he children have: homes of their own. She, names a co-respondent Heavy Safe Falls x w And ; Injufes;-Man Aberdeen. Wash Oct ll. -With the breaking ot a cable used in pulling a heavy safetnto the second storv of a 'business block'- Thursday.- .Leonard woodland of the 6. W. Johnston Trans fer company, who was back ot the sate when tEhs p of F ft long-stairway had been reached, was. precipitated to the floor below arid his legs Jammed against a door casing by. the ponderous piece of steel, r Both legs wero broken, his knees crushed and ho suffered internal Injuries. AmpuUtion ot his legs may be necessary.,, wooaiana - waa married: short time ago.- H.:.- .."..v. r v Beginning Tomorrow ) 1v ; '( ULSTER i A1ST0 HC PEACE PARLEYS Bjr Caartes Wrajr London. Oct Ll (L -N 8.) The threatened breakup of- the Irish peace conference today over the obstacle recalcitrant Ulster tailed to take place." After a session of nearly two hours the parley adjourned this afternoon until Monday afternoon." , The Sinn-Fein del egates; left" the premier's official resi dence shortly after J o'clock and hur ried back to their headquarters tor a consultation among themselves. '" : l The stkndpat attitude of the Ulster Unionists and Eainonn de Valera's mes sage'; to. "the pope saying Ireland would Insist .upon independence had cast dark clouds upon the peace borlaen when ti cohferenoe was renewed. The London Times charge Irreconcil able forces In England are deliberately working to wreck the Irish conference and that , they gained strength from Do Valera's telegram to Rome. ' : ? aTfcav message will fill his holiness with dismay and will -certainly arouse the indignation of, the people of "Eng land and the dominions," said - the Times "Towards the pope It Is an act of im pertinence; towards . King George it is unmannerly to the point of churlishness. If .It really speaks for the majority of the Irish the chances for, peaos In. Xre- land are smau." . : ;'j v CoL Hofer Speaks : To Normal Students; i Model Library Open " ' 1 ' - Oregon Kormal School, Monmouth, Oct tt Colonel E. Hofer of Salem spoke at the State normal one day , last week. Touching upon the recent legislation re quiring all Oregon - teachers to devote from IS to 80 minutes each week to teaching kindness to - animals, he em phasised Jthe commercial ' yalue of Its results to- the stte. - - ' The- annex to the Normal library, Just completed. Is .known as the Model li brary and contains every book in "the state list School law requires all books purchased - out of the school library money for. school libraries over , the tats to be selected from this list, put out by the Stats library in Salens ; . Miss I Lulu' Rosamond Walton of - the Salem school of expression gave several interesting readings before the student body Wednesday morning, ' Another pop ular feature ot the chapel program was a vocal number by Mrs. it & Landers. Mrs. Mary Steers:-ll ; IsSeriousllDl Mrs. Mary H.J steers, 713 H Kearney! street Is seriounly til. She has not been in good health f of sevetat monthal: Mrs- Steers IS mother Of Miss Lola Sleen ofJ Steers A Coman, concert managers, i She-1 la well known, having lived in Portland BOT SCOUT ilOTTB AIDlb " - 1 . Vancouver, Wuh.v Oct. 21. Members of the VancouveR Rotary dub attended a club luncheon in-the Portland Cham ber ot Commerce room Thursday night In the Interest of ths-Boy" Scouts. Or ganisation of a Boy Scout "council for Clarke county Is In 'lrogrss -and the tourney to Portland waw made -tor the purpose of obtaining datsato aid In the local movement ; . ' Baby Smothered to-.. Death inDavenport . Spokane, Waah4 ' '.Oct, It Tbree-months-old Helen Swanson was smothered to death at Pasadena Para, near here, Thursday, when painters, fu log to notice the baby, closed up a fold ing davenport on which ehe was sleeping. With her mother. Mrs. Sign Swanaoa. of Burke, Idaho, the baby was visiting; at the home ot H. Bergtiuist.. ' ' " FITS BASIS OF SCIT 5 - Vancouver "Waah Oct 11. That her husband is subject) to epileptic fits, after Which b Is cruel-Is tha allegation of Mrs. Ada Lindley In a suit for divorce from Wlttiam E. Lindley filed Thursday, r eleven Am .. .-' J tv - f. f. mm A cdKilKG?T g Betly at th - K n OMORROW (! Betly at thy . Columbia mearia mighty good picture. 'A j ; GO Ta j if 1 a FOR ITS GO I N G TONIGHT sBSsa'W'flsBir DMCKjGTAUGnT MX IM ITOi tti 6fULAft BANCtl sasrtntted Is debt ft4ttT lianeaa tadtes Is SO. linUMM li. If Macr bMStUW aaednaf! sse u4 wathfnctaH, - xfiuua' eta nua Uoedr and. Taanxny - adiaactd im tt!y ., t to ll;f P!ty of UfdMhi partner eed pmctiee. - N J.p.iirrsait. toe en nvrer ieara dtnefnt la PrtiU Itmov ttk inlenor tettdivTv yon rans-t hsv prsptjee in je-rc -ftool. fhr-ne Vua ibjL Ffil. TEU.;;iULK.,.fi , : Ike' t .VlRCtNlA ft&idfy ; DUIU-EV 'GentloBea 1TOKISH Th pefct llead cf tL tWt Mtrct dgrctta tcbtccot . toOz perfect ci;iretto . one-pleVen cigarettes aOlSorlS G I 111 DEATH CM continue the inquest today. ' 1 A seasaUonal about faca In the $tory Sold by Miss Irene Scott marked the In vestigation. Wednesday she freely told the district, attorney, the sheriff, other Officers and reporters that members ot the party were Intoxicated, had. been drinking through ths night and were driving at reckless rate. The other two who were rescued refused, to tell their story at alL . Thursday Miss Scott denledV having any. memory t telUng Iter story ot Wednesday, claiming those In the party had oot been drinking and that they were- driving at av moderate rate of speed. , 'Wednesday sh laid the entire blame for the accident upon the chauffeur. Thursday she inferred that ALTERS HER STORY Astoria, Oct 2L Aftej' two. hours and more ot grilling the "Various witnesses Id connection with the fatal plunge-of an automobile driven by George H. Hlckle and containing four other passengers, through the open draw of the Lewis ahd CTlflrlr Kridra WarinMitav. tha tvumner'a Jury-Was dismissed Thursday evening to the open draw waa not adequately pro J r r S 1 . i Now in our- daylight; , . location, . occupying-?" " ;v the entire J econd floor at , . Park and - " Morrison , -Streets." . Entrance -349 Morrbv Street, either by .stairway or elevator. - yen fal the nA of a ' New Frock -. r , " and haven't - ths. retdy i money," why not but"" " - it dn : i CREDIT? ' Our - dresses t represent the newest style motifs , In the season's favored - r,IU.44 an4 1UAIS1 . 4iVf V &4JM .: dress-up . frocks in i Poiret Twill, Serf ,gnd Canton Crepe, til at ! . the remarkable prices of 3 ,xl f r. a SSSBBBaCSagl'SMl 1 1 n nil.. ii.iii.i 'rii n.fc--w!llBeat ; smmmamammmaiSSSSm ; i j, L..r3SsBjnsjiCitl' ' -Ji--'j - ; ' ' LAST TIMES TONIGHT. - : ';. 29 and Up Suits and Wraps, Too 1 4T), 1 mmt 1 w 1 - J tected. Miss Pearl Hutchinson ahd Henry Rod sera, or Ewing, as he first gave his name, corroborated Xlles Scott's story. Mias Scott saldher home Is In Oregon City- She left there some years ago. . aire. a. Schaffer or HiUsboro com municated with the sheriff . Thursday, stating that George H. Ulckla. driver of the death car -"and himself killed, was her, eon. his 'body had not bn "re covered Thursday- night, despite con slant grappling. ' - xtegimentai raraae ;y Afternoon Feature ; Vancouver.. Wash, Oct 21. A regi mental . parade la scheduled ., tor, 1:1$' : o'clock on -the parado grounds; af the - e barracks. Jn which all. mounted rifle companies aha the band will lake pari. SAMM PMIGE ! for more than 30 POWDER -;r1 -5 Nv!1 - a." " Ounces for YOU save: .when you use KC you usa e than of higher priced ) brands; Satisfaction guar anteed or your money ; v refunded ' . HIGHEST QVAUTT' MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT 1- I 'I-, IT . t. ; Positively Last Times Today! LAST TIMES TONIGHT BUSTER KEATON You Bet He' a Riot of Fain in "THE PLY HOUSE" 1 HU InitUl Comedy for . First National Liberty International 'I " New CONSTANCE TALMADGE WEDDING BELLS" A Playof Kektet "l Wffl" v "IWonV Humming ) "I CanW' - f - STARTING TOMORROW THE COMEDY EVERYBODY .HAS . BEEN WAITING FOR OMMLIS IN A TWO ACT SCREAM ; 'lis mm 1 1-1 LIBERTY- ; ; . INTERNATIONAL ' b"' news'- SCENIC HIS LATEST FIRST NATIONAL - AND 100 PER CENT LAUGHS ETHEL CIAYTON . ; : J r : v - In William D. Taylor's Production " Z- ! " From the Story by Henry Arthur Jones TOBESHOWNAm : KEATES r : Sunday Concert at 12i$0 P. f.L - 1. KISMET . . . .....I..., r,HrsehaI HeaW 2. NAUGHTY WALTZ J. "NOLA .......,w..FelLs Arndt 4. MAKE Cnj'VE ; . , . Jack Shukret & EVERYBODY SING . J . . . .Arr. by Henri A. Kaatsa 1 lit . e .4, ... V '4 u ) ' 4' V ' 1 " .- 'J ,5 ' " - Painting Paris red waa JulioVpet artutic diyersion -and the piet ture he 1 painted were matter piece.. , v- ; i . Today, u your lait chance to tee him in thit world masterpiece.'. 4iH if Ji 1 ' 1 ,w ' . - J ' f-i V J Wfflli l shows dailv. t ji.a. , .-, r and e e. m, i i r; I Umt floef Tte, tss ase!.te ll si Joe I I I I - total 11.10. tn t Pt Mt sdsialot 7 Be, Wx ifti sse i Lol tl, tot loe, uni.U, ins t., tat IS toter I I . SlTes. llOTf H Mm SAKibty c, 4T.U W stkra4tM I f Sitting, wbeft MU mUif Cad IMS Uafcls ki t. I - J , -