.MONDAY.' OCTOBER 17, "1S21.' TIID OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL, .PORTLAND OXlSGOIf 11 t:. I- -a GOVERNMENT VIA1IG ATTITUDE M O ST AT JB AIB Y TB ABE ; ? Batter, Err Onh ' 1.5 CtNExtr Select Flats Portlaed ;,.,.r 8o 7e -', tM , Sea Francise V. . 58 - 66e -. tie f, Chicago ......., V4 V 31 Vie New Tort .,.,., j-,. tie , .? tie L Aagelee lie J. e 88 Seattle 46 8V V . - ' steak for putter showed change either ' m too or pHe Iter tor CM) wee v opening, Thee appears to" tat , nor of a waiting tu A tede among th trade than tny iwal tendency one wvy or the other, v.: -v:-'v: .-". f . -failure of-PugH Bound markets to fallow tn lu-sdvtsed sdvsace at Portland lu Ml V- im irao Der in a position ttm preetieelly th entire future der-nd upon what the Cali- . , lernia ntrMa an within th pviasnt w ; .- ' If Ban maciaeo ' continues to- quoUl - pre- j. , veiling values. . it will aktly tallow that Putvt . Bonnd will advisee its anotstietta, bet If tha , South, weakens in tha slightest degree tha - North will ..Bkery fetal . preetat values, while I . romano wui Mart aitdtna " Tha aottarfat tttnitin 1a- ftwt -aa eemnH- -; ; eUd aa last week, with acerr-ly two oreaaierie uoting 14a (tears for similar deHvary. Review of the Ban Tranche butter market vsr me wi mami Friday; There w nrectioallr no -hane tnea - ::;-wee -ithT in price or cotxlvtior of tho Ban t ; TTmntlm batter markeC Trading eontfntiad .. aew wttn aooa local and - arather demand. .' . , "d etcbt ein bare tone to Lea Anrelaa atnee 5 October 1. Ninety-two teord butter opraed at - 4 Ha and aoht at the an price at the end : ef tha week. Rrport (ron cnoatrr point in- ' diaate Bond f ersdnstaoa. and tha tow cost et : teed eompareVt with the prtca of butterfkt m"' aitkei dtirrtaf- imrfltabla.. Tha early tain . ' alw will aid production, add aen dealer think tharw will be a raAhM of reeeiiMa br the mid- ,' die Norarabet. Tha loratcn batter ntnetieei , at Mill an iapoftaat taeter, put po relUiile m- , : . fonnaunn la aeailable, Raraora of lane ahlD- . . anantu of ArmtraJian batter and auotationa at V . M 84a,' doty paid, are afloat." Cold (tofnfe- .jiomiiici wow -nwi paoTier wiirarawauk ana clonal boidlnm are 2A.7t0 pnuiMte lew than : 'iaat year. Oreaoat and waahlncton have no - ivmnu to ihip, bat ouuiao cr arriTea iron ' ' ' totho (! North Dakota. 1 ' ' - Reriew of tha butter markets at New Toek ; - . BaatoB.- Chlcaio" and Philadelphia. for Um waek endiriz Kridair: - ' ' J l '-, - .Althoogh quality ibew , improvement. the auppv oi una Bauer pu vno lanrm nwiru Ww bom dq plentiful. Chi otto was the only Mrket Mrrytna one top endae toward elate wf uifl week. Tma eonanion unnaa op a on JSeat- nurkota and eaiuted adranaaa and bold Chic to (toad throughout the -week. Trade in been (tor oemuraptir naerb, with only to ereaidontl apaaulfttor on -tht Kuterp nurkrta. Vedium and under-trade butter dootinuni in lair deaaandr eunnt UcM and ton firm, en 1 alt marketa. i Chioaco'a aupply of aeeonda wea ery limited, 'with tood jimvM and jnce ahow advanaa dnrina tha week. Hna .."centralised" can. are atill aoaree on the Chieatw market and ftntl ready nutlet Vnder-grada ear are quite plentiful and dracfT, and no rpeeutatlre inter eet ta to evident on ear marku. Coaaidemble tntareM haa bean ahown in itoiaaw batter, and ouilo few tales of larte blocks h keen na- nemev uenarai pncea a rev . cxiraa, wo, 60-aoor Veentwlaed." 19 e: 89-icpra "aen tnllied." 7H- Hsra beard ptUa nr neth trw on TJaneah fcntter. but loaae in expected In : ilia latter nart af thia wek , or (J rat of next week. Hear rumor of . New . Zealand butter mains thoweek, bat (htpmrnts will Be UfOt from tharp unUl name time-1 Deeanbar. Thoee deairinc pecial information Terardir any market atieuM write, ts atarcai naut, Oregon rounul, lneloalnf tuma lor reply. FRESB E0G8 H0I4IlO ' STEAD T SUrkat .for fresh tm thowed no ehapae hern dqrint the day, although amaU opriator . are demoraUsing the eoM storage marhat -Ca-i . padiana eonttnue to purchaae the latter in ea- ;,. joad jots.. '., CHICKEX TBICES HOLUIJTO SAME " k Jriees ' eontinued pntetlcariy unchanged for Aiekena at the opening of the- week's eetMttea ct Front street Small (prings or broUert and ; pasry nans caa two m best mnest SQ5f,E ABE OFFEWITO CHEESE LOW ' While T'iiUmook continue to report a retry strong tone in the cheese market, some of tha section tn freely offering at tow prices ; for fresh make. On Cow lit plant was of. i ferine to Jobber at Sle t. a. h. Wlnloea. ; .CBAKBEBBT TBADE" IS EBBATIC Imhm anna of the indeoandenta ara of fering ta aU their atosk at any eld price, and : dwe to the eompetition qf poor berries, the -aMflciation is hartng a dlltieult. time locally to 11 its stock at-8 f. o. b. PorUand. Be " paMa-indieat that tha lata SaMara stock wiU - eat around tl s barrel at ceviptrad with 113 for the- local. ; L TRADE tS SICK OP HEAYT CA1.TE8 - Local trade ia sick of haary-wigh aalrea and few would weep if the BAoeement of that ' elaa aubnrded. Trade is (till poacested. Both veal and "bog were anebaaged at the eeeaing. '' BBIEF ITOTES OP.PBOIHTCK TBAJE Haeklcberriee alumping at 10q gtaetally. Potato market practieslly somiotl to far aa ' shipping fat concerned. Limited eartoad buaeaa eon tin ne in onJoB at sa.10 f. . b, WUUmrtt ralley peinto. neii.ak uo. yenon in una snrenor grapee. In reaiilar roe. Two ear of Florida grepefruia. reported, la. Price i howinf frsetional reduotiea lo- "'jancjf ertataa are firmer as eeeaajr high ethere..;. . . ," r , . v" ;: WEATHEB KOTICE FOB SHIPPERS Weather bureau adid Monday! lrtot hipmanU daring the nest 86 hours agsiiut the following nuximua tomeprature! Going north to HeatU, 6S defreea- nortbesrt to , . Rpokta. 00 degree: east to Baker, 60 de ; trees; aouth to AaWand., as degree, itaxl; mum temperttara at Portland tomorrow about dasreea. v rfBOLESAlB PaUCES tK rOBTJ-A3TP v i The r priee retailer pay wheleatlert, aseept , eU)nru potd; "." i ' I Otlrf fraluas : - . " i ' STJTTEB ikWnt prto. has lota Creamery Tprices: Print extra. aOe for plain wrappers; ' cube, sxtraa. 47 4s la.; stiry bajiag pnea, ,-" S4S3e IS- ."- ,, 1 sm-mtRira. Portland etir bada. N y '1 trade,. S0c lb.: No. 8, 4Tf4fe country ta- : ' Uena. 4Te for N. 1 grde.- . ' v "V CHrKSE Scllicg price: . TilUmoek, tresh j,." ": "- Oreeoa taney . tr&t,. ila" per Ibj Tqaat ' Americas, 2 o per lb. Pnet to 1bbera t o. . . " e. Tuioehi Jrtotora SH: Toung Amerka. ... t Selling priee: Week kwtojTTancy. 2 ' 1 " 4i Umburger, 8f 0e -lb. emoat bnea. . 20 2S lb. .. - ; T ECHiS Maying price; Current Mestrda, 44e ". doe.; eandled. aeUwi price, .Mi: doe, i laet, V- .v, per deeenj storage. tl40c r , fJVI POULTBI SelHni price! Hesry hens. n2Te Per Bght-wena. lla per lb.; ' spring. 224e; brpUe.w0c: okl roostert, ." 0e is- turkey. I); ducks. ls0Se. , j . i Vawstaklaa and Srwlt fUKSH rErna Omeeea. T 004)T 78 per tonaaas. n w w,m.i " esse; ersaexriuft. uwieiif.vvi.vi Arbma, SS.S0; aanuif w xn vaite. -w (1 tii neaehe. (1.31 i WKWRltS Crsebem. 14.10 .B0 pax; hackleberrie, 120 ib. Pt . woa. tt.se 4. tier, per kwx. -omb. ranor. 80f.. pox lUtiPUt fsney extra 100a- ll.t2 83; ehoioe SawlOOa, Per .bos, tl SO; hoi, llts-aatfissa. pax. a-i.ewi rsoser. 4-tier, aex tt.TSi Joaatban. extra raner, ,'-uer. SS.SO i tra fancy. 4tt-tMr. prr box, ,X.0; tra rancy, . per mm, K fl; eamh. axtra, hwyi fsnry 4-ti'ar. has, SS an! ,Vm facr far. 4I4-Ur. baa. S2 40: ln; 4-rier. per box. S3.5 Uney 2tt-&, box, S3.S81 owble eeckard ran. 4-4 1 JS 5er, hoi, 3.0; Nartaera Spy, fancy. e-12-i (. . tili- fancy. laSs-liOfcltSa -"7 r'jr.s : . ' ; . . . ' w. e'e. aennera sor. t2.ee : Winter no, ai.o. DKIETj FRL'IT Latee. SC.t0: tarda. S4.SI pee ax. a.iB( snmce, -vi", pr lUialaW ' ne beJC. tLSOl or. run. iumble. 4-4 -tier. boa. mm L-tfo.tnc OXrOHB petung pno to reesiierst ' Sl.tea4.e0; buyuia nrice." 82.60 S.0 try; S1'C e V. sreea atiMM, 4&-) ' .'tVuea hanehe. - - . - , - ' t ?v POTATOBV--Bnint riea to retoOer; , Or. sow, taacf. 2 008 0 pet tests. bM priee, - i . aeoe'ry. tl.te p rental - s n..v. VsaIETaBUKS m Peaaa. Qi leua. green, per lb., tSc, beats," ckd.. per ewt,. S2.se z kuexhad. sap esav, SOei esbBag. sacaL era tad. ii- .-, ' aa ne. lb. : ..earroU. Se. bunched, per do-, toe sacked, per lb., 9ttt;'enierr. per ae-, aee)Tee: ,' -Oelden ao(am. e - ' and doa. sscka. per rack. tx.Bt; green, a- doa. mek. 32.23: eucomber fteid. 34 to 28a box. Tie: puenmbm for piekl until tite, ho. 1. pet la.. 7e; medium size, No. S, 'per lb., Se: It'l aise, Ne, J prr lb. Be; ear plant per lb. fcj JoTb. hex, 81. tO; a.r bc Oregon, in stnnwv -per h.; H20e; greew nioas. ner -. 40ci iettee. lueai. iced. ta. r-.r euU t2,7j n-4 Wd St per erate I3.B0; raniey per dne, 50; rTr" t1, Pf lb.. 1 "t. ivrintra. C!!!"!!!- 0W '1, "i. Per CUti OFFICIALS t4i AOfffTTV I tinittta. m -,j DA5I.ET wmkli. eecc Harketa r full of upplea t this time nd the coruumer ihould vaU herself ot the, opportunity to pvn&M t vwry wr pricea. Mucn orainnrr paucea Hock,-tome of wtilch I ot wery ft4 qnaltty, la befnverOld direct to contnim erg aaWfUO a box. Tb Bpltxenberf U now th IcadlnsT Tnriety althouffh herd and their' norne Northern " Spies, and Klnra ire avaflabla a& well as A lew ol tho Snow 'Variety. There J UkewUe a food supply t Jonathans mod theaa are vary popular with eonsuroera Moat of the tatter variety are ot-amaO !. are the Hut cau lor tooa quainy Concord arapea tor Julep raaktof. The stock is unuauaUy twoet, ZMoes.are the lowest for many; rears. , ---a.. Hams and bacon are Quoted lower at wholesale araJn. Consumers should nol .rorwst to remind retailers that they are entitled to the -.latest cut or cents a pound, -eorapouiid Is op one half cent pound. - , . . Retail price Jn prreaie stores: " . Faa Fraah. ees. Bntler fmh nwanierr. ' S3 S Bgo. " -. Balsa on 10 St Zttct haiibuL S0; perch. 10o; efairaeoe ; SAe IK. . Klour -Rest local attest, $2.1l)3.'0 par ac as am. ; - rnUlnaw Bqrtiaams. Sf OO per aacs.- . J Onion "5 S) So lb. ' YanhiM aim 1 rjrleea; ' - VUM Cabbage. JIH IKs u- newer, SSe head; rarrnta, Bp bsneh; lettoet, 5 0 le head: dry onions, 4 lb. ; tamipa, 4e ?h. ; potatoaa, 4 He lb.;' dry beans, 10 In.; string, bean. lOe lb. i apples, So -f tevmatnaa, be lb,; eorn. ZrS5 Oas. M - t II.. ST.. navewS Bak Poultrf UT7 hen. 2c; tbt hen. 25c; Buuer Beet, o.lb.; cwtUge ah us 1S ib. ... .. ;-.. y-., ,.,-.-7rj? DA1BT PRODUCE OF THE C0A8T rraneisco. Oct. IT. Butter Extra. 0; prim first. 48e- , , - Tmwh Extras. SSa: axtia ftnta. oOo firsts. 86e: extra pall. 4Sa: extia fifrt pallet. dies undersised null. S4e, ' Cheeee Oiiforai flai. fanes, 34- - ' Uee Awaele eaaefest lm Anttlt. Oil 0f. lT.(t.K. 8.) nutter Sift. ' . i ' Em Estrta lOo, cue count 8e; puDrto 44.. Peal try Hen 37 2e J broiler. 0e; fW rt euc - :. . . ' . ' ' SemUla. slariiat .- Seattle, Oct 17. I N-S-)E Se lect ranch. I8e; pullets, 409420.. Butter -Gitr eraamerr. 4te: brick. 4 To. UUvm lrexon tripieU, 24 2Se i Young America, 0a . POTATOES ALOSO THE COAST San Pranalaoe SLarket Saa FVanetaco, Oct. "17. U. P.) Fwta toa Rirer. 2.03.TB: B alius, 8.80; Ore- ron Burpank. a.eju.T Opions ICtUow, S.3S; Brown, ,,.. (.00. Ut Ansnlea Market Zjm Angelas, Oalt Oct it. (I N, .) Potatoes, lug meetly S1.101.2S; gtocktea Burbtnk, beat S3.TSffS.ee: poorer. fa.OO f 2.80; special brod, 3.3B; Idaho Kuuets ; rurais. sa. oo. , SecMle Market BeatUe, Qot. IT. (L N. 8.) OpJons Oregon, 4)4He lb. - r-otatoo Takima, t8S.00 40.00; local. 133.00 too; sweets. 4J4tte lb. . irw. rut Baiter. LBd Eats Kw Tork, Oct T. (L If. S.) Butte usraet steady. fJireaaarp extras (salted and awaited). 4THe)4tc creamery firsts (salted and uosaltad), St ar 4Te; creamery higher than xtraa (salted and neattted). 4SW 80V4ei tU oairr tuo. 1 W So toOle Iraan. I2gsa Cheese Market Mead State Whole milk peeiajs, tin wasc; whole mill locy, atMi iiii wbol mUk lower trades, 18 (s 19c Wis- eonstn Wbole" muk. fancy xoung Americas. 81)efS?e. Btate Skims, tpeciaia, 14 ft 15c; akim. elioice, 11) 13c; skims, fair .to good, 10c: sWmriowr grade. 7c "" Eggs kfarket steady to firm. 'Nearby whit. tancy, soe; nearer Drown, iancj, oy ascj x trrn. KSaHTe: tint. -48 as 48. Milk The whole prfc-e ta SS ST per 100 lb, et s mun, wunia jeou-siw sua son. , Xew Tork,Alttal Slarket : New Terk, Oct, 17. (LN. S.) Ooppar Dull, -spot, Octobtt and Norember, offered. tziao. Lead Dan. ' Bpoi, Qqtober tad Norember, offeMd. li an. . . . . - Spelter Steady. Spot and October, S4.S2H 4.T0; Norember and Ieoambr f.e3kse 4.t0. . v MlaaespoUs-SsInth Flax TJuluth. Oct. IT. (I -N. B-) Tx Octo r and Daeember. 81.78; Norember, track and arrire, 1.T . - . altnneapolla, Uct. IT. (I. Pi. B. 1 t lax Ootober, 11.74 14 ; Norember tod December, tl.TS; trauk, bi.tzoi.tt. Sew Vork.Lpndoa Silver New Tork. Oct 17. (L N. B. eial bar aUrer Domestic, unchanged t SBtic fonden. eae miser at Trk. London, Oct IT. (L N. 8.) Bar silrer TJaofaanged at 48 HA SrJd fruit aBf lieaat New Tork.- Oct. 17. ft N. 8.) Bcana market unsettled, sfarrow ehoiee, 85.79 98.00; peachoice; 15.00 3.23;' W kidney, ehoioe, Dried fruit Uartet firm, Aprfoot. choice to ax-taaey, 318Te; SPuaaa, S0 to S0. Tit eyioo; prunes, ova . 10 iow, iobiihi peach, ehoioe to em-raner. 1 2 ay 1 a Vi c sahnna, choice to lancy, loejisike. r sew Tork mUry Market New Tork, Oet IT. (V N. 8.) Lire pool try Market steady. Chicken. 23 28 fowls, 20 33c:- turkeys, 38 ft 40c; rooster. 18c; duck. SO 4 82c; gnwsn, 230. . 'Sew Tork Saaar sad Coffee Nbw Tork, Oct 17. W. ft) - Sugar Quiet; raw. I. 18 4.1 Jtt; refiaed. quiet; grgnnhi ted, tt.80. - , v - Coffee -Ne. 7 Bio. spot 54 8 e; No, 4 oastos. HtSUIlt.,. ?.."" 8Sei tosMtoa. . Ojegop. tww-tier pes 40 COTJNTRT If HATS Balling prioa: - Country hags, 14 14 He per Ib. for top blocker asesit 138 to 130 lbs., heary staff leas; real, top about 80 to 10 lb.. -ltmlSb, Q-. heary sunt teaa; asnn -moa, li ay toe in. BMOatD vATa baa. 381 per lb. breakfast bacon. 3304Be per lb. LARD kettle rrnosradV 180 1.; tfaree otsn), eompoiina. 14c v, PACKISti-UOCSK mCATS Steer beef. 18W 11 he; heifm, 10 10 He; eows, 8)c; Umb. , xxey 4e. ' - . v p-aM ana snaunan PBKSB PISH Chinook ll13t Tb.; pan bat, 20c lb.; stargeoD, J.T4H8 lb,; bktck end. 10 lie lb.: 10-lh. basket kippered pod, 33T2S: ling cod. 8c Ib. " OTSTtHS Esstem, gal. 84.08 OlyaxpU. B,vw. ' !' ' '' ""' II apt. Wool end Nrprn ' HOPS 1831 eropi Cluster. 38 SSe IK HIDES Calfskins, 10c: kip. c; greet Ban, 0 9G, Kicu. ae is. . . MOHAIR Nominal, ISc lb. TAIXOW AMD CBaUSJEVreAIa. 1 tallow Sje NO. 2. 2& '. . CA9CABA BARK-.Nw. B; eld. He Jb U'UOL WlHamtta eallar. araiw ttr: medium 15c; tine, toe ib.: Euuns Orgn- leacev lxtjxve jo.- a fjrrtaeraM s.' BEANS (nail wait, Se fa..4 tirgo white. Sat pin, etact liw. fit; ha you, the; sad. TTONsTT Per ease. SA88AT.OQ. piCWspsa ttsvt. So. I, fei Bae Sett, it i.; ww vrieaa . COFTki Boaived. 171 gj 3se ia diwms. - - SALT Coarta. 100. 815.80 ten 60. 817.88; table dairy. 30. 827.25: bale:! 88.80 4 00: haej tobl tadeaimv 43401 BI?QAR Cbe. 87.80;rrqn and berry. 88 88; pebew D. 8a.78 beet twanalatad. 8tt,5; aira ea.n; sojurn v a.ao. CANNED aftUC Okmation. Ubby. 8S.60 Aster, Mount veroon. sa.ee; Alpuw. (4.80 atgie. . i ease. SODA CRACKE&S In balk. Ite tV KTJTB Wslnqt. 28t)80q Ib,j almond. 38 wae; xunarta, at ia ca ma; peaaBla, B y acfc perins, c: snna, toe. . ? , Rspe. Paint Oila i B.OPE Sbai. dark, lag, white 14 Bl aCBBdant manila llaa ... :1lU . OIL Kw.. bbm., 8e; kattl eofiedv bblv 8e; tew, f( Ska at I - 11.04; Valed, COAL OlxVe-Petri w wtjt vlUte. la or IroB rrcls, 1?)4 ist. jtOe laL GASQUNE Irott tanclf, m. aal f-- ', . FT-PT OHv BrJa 81.88 bbt ' mil TS , UCAD toe tot, e;'800 lbs., 12 r. .Ti npCXTIXE Tink, 11. tll I (1 en -.- WRECKING ROHIBIIiilllTS i t-V- v. f Myewsi H. Oabanj ... ThU prohibitiew intetwAs are keenly is tent span degtrayisf the ' hap indsstn ( Oregon while tliowtec Ctliforaia ts oarry ss its has trap industry, -ta the omplaiPt sow being mad by aom f tke laaains grewer and wperatsrs. Preaewt atagwatiea in the hap taade is be Ueeed to b due nMstly to tha tweeat order of prohibition otfldste to Untinai entirely the e of aroeiet toterms utte toe-nwoimexure home brew, ;v gnpns, ft for ne eerrparpes than the asafc. ms of wine, era tUewed".. to be placed on ttaiw, the gorerament to trying.- throw, to affleiala, to wrack what is kft of tte on nroprou Craron tnduatjrv. ' . Uaiuornla wine"' trap grower nsre peevnn wealthy a result of the prohibition amend smat. which bootud the price ef thew product ta firnre wniea were sot S . oreanjeq annmg tn das wneo asoat wwe : awes ttused fey aomnjefialna asatrnv RaU Situation ForcesVaDecline ; In Glxicago Wheat (ThJwr Oet-C IT. (L n' B.1 Ttefaswrable forpuaeti of the goeermaeat crop report, which ii was expeetrd would he bearish tad the de rehmmentt 4n the railrotd situarjofv. took tH the buying power out ot the market today tad wheat Brieea asjned skamlr. ' Tb tea of the market was haaep thrawg'oout Osra asid oU eased oTf is sympathy. Net wecoaaa tor wneai were ee u oe, Mn.orappea Tte w tee Mtt a it t to ic CMeasov Oct. IT. L W. S.J Trader' ao- Karcd today to eaaatrue . the rail ; atttjatfon aa arish and priee a the Board of Trade de clined. . Wheat epenrd 1H lower far Deeeaber ana Je to 2 po dows far May. There wet scattered aalling and lack ef burina (apport. . - j Cera .trade was, were Haht and fsateedean. with opening prices H 9 to - Mi 4 lower for De cember ana a n tt arwer iot stay. - Oete tttrted He to He tower, refleetin weaknaac in other araina PreTiatona ataxted Slow, wtw uaue demand end eaty oatterd of- farm. . Uucate sang ej umua rrem; . nuv a n . . ?! a ; Open. High.' lew. 10 118 '48 ' 1 32 8SH note. 11 114 48 Bee. 8141 Hili- Pop. .4!t 4TH Ktr II - SI OATS 1H Dae. 8414 8414 -.! stay ? ruas 1S00 08 882 ess 760 UafAAlJ Oct V..... 812 813 ff5 Jas. ...... 880 882 8 TO sins Oet ess 3aa.. . 788 ' 8S0 ; 737 87 ll 5IH ta 88 BABLKT.. Uee. ot as IT tesa wneat jo. 1 hard lW; No. 3 bard. I10H : No. S. 108K. No. 2 mixed core, 4 14 e45r No, , . a; ne,. y ellow. 45 k 4ttH : N. ten ; 45 4P4B. e. .2. 45 H estSHi n No. 1 ihtea. 4S14 1431 1 Re. Oats. Mo, lo. t whit. MH: No. 8. 88" MHi No. .;fOH8.T . Cotton Is Active Atva Lower Range w Tortr. Oet T. (I. I. A) The oot- ton ' market Wa aetira and at the oewn- in . thia mamma. wiu fjrtoe aown zu u 83 points. influcTnced by wetknast in fabare at Urerpool and fa eeewrftlea and grain, lucre seemed to be quite- general eHing at the ont- , paruy naaea j - inw pew wia toe iw road pnjone bad ewthaetoed a.ptrik . rmaknea ennrinnad -aeti altar, the start. With ?hi tondine downward, and t the end of the first IS annate the hat wee about 40 4,WRL.. 'I -.wJlu .. -1.W 4V. -liare wa a nuj mm ww swvw tm we 1st uwrsooa en aunn sewing. The market turned weak Mtis new the elwt on seneral long liqoidaUaB. The close ww weak at a net deeBne of 83 ta 89 point. ' Spot eottoa-utb sw poioat lqwtr t e,ie; ne ttfgh 7878 V S888 1838 1775 1193 "titm. Cleea. ISie , 1818 1800 ,1803 176A fl768 Jannxry ;. . , 187 5 Maroh"t . t..'. 18,3 My , .., 113 July 1775 1720 1720 UOtoPeP ....... 1823 1828 December ; - .w t y 4 890 1881 1834 AXEBICA WTESTOCK PBICES mil on line ss aa A- T? it M a 1 Wnn Tta- eoipts; 81.000; IBo to SSe algae. -Jtsir, aT.a 8.TB; top. 88,85: beaerweigbt. 88.18 9 I TU, Jt,!w -mZ.Ut. 8.408.83: UrttweiaUt. uiiata.ui bu lata ss.isaa.isi near1 naakine . bows, imootbv (.0T.e0; , parking anw. rqugb, 84 t0t pi, 88-00 8. (. Cattii Itoestptav. 98,000; grasaara aad fat an etot alow, atner euuae eoavy wasy ater Choir end Prim. MllAt: me dium and toed. SS.tBaVie.ie; go anq enme. 89,38 ( ll.7(; temmaa na ntwaa, nil . , . . .. . . a Mi BA . . as. II IISLTI: bulla. (3.36.S0. Can- eaiflDez ai iiiii ilia ev.vveav.vvi nera andauttoie." Bow aad heifers. 83.88 8.76; eauan steer. 88.09 8.79: peal ealret (light tnd handy wetfhti, tt.eowii.: leeaer steers, (4.8381T.00; (tocker fteers, 84 00 p,8S stocSer oows sna -Beuer. ss.saeie-Pe. 80o lower: fat sheep. SSe tower. Lamb (84 lb, down). 8T.50trl.SBi Iamb (cuil and eom mon), 38.00417.28: yasrUng wethers, tMi.9 breeding awes, (3.50 f .60; feeder tembv e.76 W I.I. : - i - ' Maeai SataA ... ftooth Oinaha. Oct if. (L W. i Si OaMJe Recaapte leenO. Beat ctoer stow. steady; she rtook Steady to weak; bulla aad al. toekar and feedem tady to weak. Hos Reeeipta 4000. Actire, 103le hifher. Bulk. 8n.80SJ8.8S; top. 33,50, Sheep Beeip1 1M0. psmbe 36B0e tower; pop westerns se.se; natir . s on sheep, ; Steany; - tqada lamp. STja, i - Sw Prarmbm Maep ft 0.00 Ran Praneisea. Oet- 17. (U. P.i- 3n-fed toeta, Ne. 1, 8 H 0 fteteMBad tnstity. 4H JBHe;, eowt ami- seaera, ttettt eel. -UtMweisbt. . 7 a S;. ealre. hetTyi F H S S tte. . ... : - Bhewp Tmhe, A8) f He; weuera, H4t) awe. 2SK, Hog Hard train ted. weighing 100-17 Iba 10c; erar 800 lbs.. 8c . . Denrer Hoe BAAS i Denver. Oet 17. Cattle Receipt 8000 15a knrer. Bteen, 85.00 618.00: eewe em beifers. 84.25 5.00; stocken nd feeder. 84.28 Wt.00: calre, ST.OO 1P.OO. Hoc KeoehiM 1000: 13y20e hither. Top, 88.88: bulk. 86.78 8.50. Sheen Recetpta 47.000. SSe lower. Lamb. 87.2808.00; ewetf s r J3.2S 41 4-OOi feedem. . Kansas Cite Moos BAAS ' ' Kapsa City, Mo.. Oct IT. (L" N. S.) Cattle Receipts 8500: steady. . Steer. A 7-60 8.9S; cows, 32.7393.76: heifer, 37.000) 8.00; stoetera and reeaers. ft.aoeiT.OU ealTe. 88.739 1.0. . Hag Receipt 6000: -tebVre.' Bulk af Mies. S7.SS0S.2S; top. SS.SO : neartes, 3T.B0C s.ztr PgpVhi ST.seese.se; mediuma.. 6T.76 WH.ta. Sheep BeeelpU , 18,000; dniv 68.50; wa,r4.0. - ' - . ms lauti sitrket Seattle. Oct, J?. (L N. S-J Ke srestoek rareiiaa ioeay. . ... "". i,;'- Saa Traaalaeo Poeltrr Varkat ." Sas FTMcim. Oat IT. (U. P.) Poeltaw areuert, stsjvse; jstr net; , zsvsso; nncka, 21 ftcT - f - - ' ' , Xtrerpeol Cotton sfsxket TJrrpol. Oct ' 17. (t N. A) There was a fair demand tor ape anttoa aa toe apenwn today. Sale 8000 bale. Ameriean mid. fair. 315.4S; good- mid,. 31l: full mid. 813.19: mid.. 812.79: lew mid.. 811.64 good erd. 610.49; ard -69.74, Cutoraa epeaed nnchangeq. . - . Wow Tork Wool and Hides New Terk. Oct: 17. T. N. A) War marxec aaceangwa. iiiwmui xieeo jua, twiev 23138; dasnestsr petton. acourea smut, 187 STe; -euavrasue Texaa, aeurea sum, tstrae denMstie Ten, staple, second. Si tee. . Hide Vtarkto firm. Natire stacm, 14 branded steers, 18 He. ' v yew Tdrk PeUU Market fNew Tork. Oct 17. .It- N. 8.1 11a talk, barret or nag) sasrket steaqy. hearkr wane, as.se a. wo. .....,-: MlsaeapoUsiWkrat OpUobs : ORG OP I , tw. 1 T Taibr Vh-st el-wed Simula ; .y. 31.20 1. f ORKGON MOP INDUSTRY 7HEAT PRICES IN A SERIOUS SLIP f ; . -:S-;--- tBenweejm "A 'r WHEAT ET BtVXT 'r x j Wheat dreiped so fast la- Ckleare HoauAy tut t Wm at s& were nada v the rorUaad Bterekaats Exehasi. Few total tsterests were to tha market for eatk staff and the Halted efttrUrt were dews t fl.U aid dres lest for NOBTHWXST CBJkN BJCCIUlP'fS - 41 'Wheat Barley. Hour. Oata Bay. PorUtad, Moo.. 822 Tear ago .... 163 Season to date, 18418 fear ago ..... 1083 a. ri 18 18 a 74 306 18 It -S?' S8 TSS , 8 105 6 1 SIT 'I 409 308 et S 73 0 Its 49 467 , t Tea at . ' 27 Seeaeo to date. 4711 Tear ago .... 3199 BeOJe, Eat ... 19 Tear tfo 112 sVjesea to date. 1160 I 34 680 739 ear ae . . . 1818 .101 11 108 Veeawta frmmi PartSxnd. rt mT Terrier. m eagle a. roc Mirope za.iee annneal wneas. Wheat prices were to a sramp la the early option trade tt leaning world eentert ead to oaUoca far the weet' openlos M toward nttev demorallaatinii of nines. - - Reports teoSoatod that a nig -packer waa ne ar ta ths market and that be had sold short millions of boahela which ia reality waa whet broke tM market reeentlr. -. " - : Locally there it vtttt etantoo in tne say hur end f the wheat market aad teen prerail- las tow raoord ptSor fail to. brine eat Xaropeaa tuareea . riour market to dull bpasose of the lower beat jrhich hat siren the trade reason to t nee a nmnirr eua in tne pnae or tu grsoes. btilUtnffa are just about (toads, witBv utile aetlrtte aotedl Int aoaraa arains. - - WHEAT Clow, 81. et; Mumlaw an pan. 11.18; red Bnrniaa, 61.018 Turkey red. 31.05. rivQTJH BaUisg prfeea, mill dear: Patent 87.40: WOlamette raBey brand. 88.20; leeal aaw atrslsht, t5.t: baken hard wheat, 67.25; baker' bhiestem, SS.T.- baker1 valley,. te.OOj graham. 80.00; whole wheat. 80.80; sfowaana tprins wheat, patent, t7.2097.36 per barret Pries fee eits dthTerr lee txvt; taatmM, uc axBa. , .-- - - HAT Buyina- priaw for old erop: Wtllam mm atomtli (ane. til. 00 A 15.00 Oaf ton Kaevarv. iiran umu..iii.uo ner um . cioar 810.00 1100; straw. 16.00 1.00: . tlltUa, ilS:lJP : ,1:. - e,-. Te: domestic To in oscioad lota, leas amoants pigner. .- UllJBTVFTf, Mill ran et mUL iaokad, ton lots. 333.00; earlrkadi 321A0. OATS Per tea. haytas ertoej renx t.o.uu 428.80. - BARLET Baring orto: Peed. 63300 0) 34.00; brawias. A2S,60.. SEED Buying price; Bed clover, 113 ia.. .1.IVA ll.i eetch. t Ih. . rEEDHTUFKS F, O. .B mills: Honed btriey. t4 00J 88.00; whole barley. 111 00; alfalfa meal. 339.00: eoooanut meal, 128.00; racked cem, 830.00: whole cora, 836,00 per ton: wooie oaia, eaa.uui nu wfc ehiekea wheat 643.00; teratoh feed. 648 00 Unseed meal, Bto.eo. Merehtsto' exchsPie hide: tr miga r Oct. Nov. Dee- No bida PEED OATS No. 2 white 2500 260O No, 3 trap ....... 240O 2450 2800 3460 BARLKT , Brewing ......... 2500 2500 Vead , He bid CORN Ne, 3 Egtre..v... 2500 2600 :soo 3500 Local Growers of Potatoes Hold Back Trade ts the potato market for etrload lots eesUnftea ea a - nominal bast her. - Grower oontinu to refuse to sell at prtoep beiat' efferod elthough these are "the highest oa lb eoast for primary points, v-. - . ; rnmary parom rerwriee,; Burltr. Idaho Hauling moderate; demand moderate: toarset alow. Wsgon loads, eash to growers, TX S. trade 1, meaed rurais, 61-10 91.15. Idaha Vails. Idaho Hsultug ' deersasing: ffltny shtpmests from storage) demand tad move ment moderate; market Weak. V- 8. grade 1, eariots. t, e, b-, l eash, track, ae eala reported. Wagon loads, easn to grower, eecsea nuaa, 81.15: rwssetta. Sl.SOV, , Greeley, OeJo. Hauling Sght tornaen bay with other werfct practically no wir inquiry; practically to oqtsid demtadi local namand moderate; tsartet aucnny wetter. - vans, . o. b. usual torme; so sales of ttrtight care ra- W4nloaila, etsp to grow ere, eacxeq. rarala, pearl 0. 8. 8de 1. 61 8-140. mostly 61.40. . . .. m - - Alpaace. wea uniam qamanei iow. w ew atlea to etUklith market, WUs .leads, cash to growem, hsulUt Petvy, eemana moaersia, market slightly weak. Bulk earrf Ohio. No. 1. tl.174tl.S3. mostly tl.lTl 25. Waupaca, Was. Demand and movement now. earlots, to., utnal terms, light Wire, trmairy. market quu, stcxea, rouuo wma, u. a awe (1.35A 1.9 1; warehouse, cash to growers, haul iog pght market steady, bulk jronnd whites. V. u araito 1 at Waoeaea. 81.60. At ether Wiaounaia poinU wide fans in pitoee. 8LA6 8) LT5. mostlp fl.se .. Sanse'cifcr S Idaho. 88 Minnesota, 3 Ne braska, IT ' North Dakota, d Wyoming arrived, 68 earn, diverted. 150 en track I demand tad movement mdrtt. stark wetk. Track sales. car iota, eutweitw, siumewte. eeea River Ohie. par V. . frad .1. A00: ear partly graded 61.85; ear JBeM run. si.ts; ear nMU ato fteid ran, ordinary twenty aad eanrtlwon, 61.50. . ' '."., v Surt Weruv vortoo.e. wan. . v trdvetl, 8 ear diverted. Clcwlne Pridty, de mand and movement fifht market wetk, etrlet mlm delivered Pert Worth. .Oolerado. toa. c. s. tT 48q rouna .woh, e.w stoui Calorado, A Idaho. llBBnoi. 8 stoeeaota, a Montana, 6 Nebraska. 3 North Deketo, 3 South Dakota arrtved. 88 eut. en track; demand and movement light starket snu. eery law sales to joooer. vrrw ww kMM beauties No. 1, 63.1 S.fO, meetly Red River Ohios, urvaded, 61.68 bulk. No. Red Xmr puoa, sngraeaa .ei.ee; puis. rm. I. 63 00. Trtok attot, atjota, loveice welfht Nebraska tacked Sings, field run, 31. TO. . World' Wheat BhipmtsU t mnAat ami flAn. htnmants from North Ames. iea last week wore 7,041.000 pushekj. World' ahtomeata last weak.- 18.861.000 bashalt, f ehieh India took 620,000 basnela. - . ,;.:.: . a i . V - . Chlcaa-e Dalrr Prodae-' " CWcasov Oct 17. (t N. 8.) Butter ReeaiutV 8215 tabs. Creamery, extra, 44 Ht nt, llA44e: nackina stock. 28 24c Exes Receipts. 8323 eaeea. aUseellaneons, 41 4 42e; erdinsry firsts, 89 w 40e j firsts, 42 0 44c: checks, W 2ic; oirao, "Bile. ae rwto. 19Hv20c; daisiea, 71 421 Hot Taunt Amwrie, e90e tons- iwni apinw"t H 20et -brick.' 80 H 21e. lUr Poultry Turkeyi 28c; chlcrVn. . 20 e; ermnga, BOef roaster, 14c; geese. 81; ducks. , 19 r -- Chieatw PoUto Market Chicsgo, . Oct IT. ( L N. 8.) Potoe Beeeipla, 100 can.- Northern White, 88.OO0) 5?lT;Tto3 Rfrar Qhios, 81.751.95; South yak eta triy oaios, as w tvv. riTerpeel Wheat Xiowsr UTerpoot, Oct 1T Wheat opened d lower and closed. 2 HI Vtow Saturday. Cora t IkS wwvr eyM Cttos Sed oa f.18,,- ,tyv 68 8 A3U 1 fltl'ti JOT'CON PEBEWCE : i ' HtDnner. . Oct . 17, EUnhty f boy at tended the two-day session of tha Older Boy' vMmfetactc .here, which closed Sun day. Of these 33 came trora Herrniston. Don Case, Heppner high-school student praelded. T-ia:3 fisiori wUl b held at " The PaJlee, V The Heppner Brother hood (Ae a hanqust -for. tha poyp Sat-; urday ev-nln. . .. ,-'fi ' sboce jryocEs bot otjt Centralis, Was), Oct 17. Bob Whit ney, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitney, narrowly escaped electrocution Saturday when he took- hold of an elea trie wire which had dropped . aerpss Tower avenue.' H fell "to the ground unconscious hut was revived speedily by Ktv Terk, Ot- IT, Cettotpeed w-WWo. bar. 88.86 e-SOOt Neetmbee. 88.80 638.901 pwatbe. " 68,89 6 S.B ;- f tmr. SP.00 AO;- fclarch. tt.14era.18: April. '19.16 a physician. - STRIKE THREAT; IS AIO TO LIVESTOCK HEIPEKS BBISO A PxtEatlTJJf Sem spared half ere sold at 18.7 at Hertt PertiaAd Mesday wklle ptaalar Sellers west at KM for tope. EBtfre she stiff market was brisk. ' Tops rated tot' ue say sBeraayt -Hurt, PortlSAd,:.... 116.28 CkJcaso .. ' eUSt Omaha 8A0 Steers. Xasshs. i f Ml : um Denver S.8B Xaatas City ..... MS Saa Francisco... MAN sJS . SeatU ......... XT Market PORTLAND UVtaTOCK BTsf Bra. Cattle. fVleaa. Sheen. Dara. Monday ..... 854 1361 202 2109 108 Week agnX .. 483 1268 841 ST88 76 week -a. . 778 '- 1990 14 J s . sezs se 4 week tgq.. 801 f 89 88 , J34S li. 104 87 St 1 ear ato its. ?i aim :S81 674 3 year ago.. 809 S year age. .1086 4 ream ago. -2383 100 SOS 2890 1888 i.2t 1769s 1870 8S ,.1661 Ncrth Pwrtland twit m total ran e 10S ever Bandar, bat 18 earn of thie total wee di- reet tS -entkl klllem and did not eton aero. Hogt wcr firm trid ; fally 23e higher, cattle were- antlve. writ la & afiawee ateamneta, " -Only 884 ' hex arrive at North PorUand To too leonday ennply. and aswks hall ef these west direct, to killers and wor for tba anew market, -.-rs --.i - i.---- r Swine opened the week 'with active hldflnf at Nona Portland for tne nmitea puppiy. Pint seneral nricea wer faDy 25o hixher. vith top bitting 610.28. bat en toad aoht earl at a, nreminm of 80a above aba ex treme regular quotation. . This clearly shewed tn ettrved eondiuoe ef in . Wtae. Geoertl has msAet res Prima licbt ;nt htem .110.00 $10.28 . P-StS .7B i .2S4 .SS ."-6.064 8.25 Smooth, hesry, 280-300 lbs.. nmootn, neavy, . ayw we, aa. . ftoaxh. beary ............ Fat pisa Peader piS ........ Stag , , 10.00 10.23 S.OOf M0 ,4 00 7.60 to With a ran ef 2801 head, compered with 1363 a week see, I860- the pwlous week and 3816 a rear ago, the market for cattle was ac ta" r. Perhap the threat ef a railread trik pad ranch ta do with the keen desiro of Were to take ea additional stank, bat the top i no nita aa liharal aa it haa baaa end thm toe kadi naiaa that valuta here have not seen favorable enough to induce abjpmentt until the reeest price aavaace. General cattle market raasat r Chote steer t ..... 8 too 0.80 weojote te Eooa steers Pair to medium steer 6. 0 60 6.00 ( 6. SO 4.00 6.00 4.78 0 6.60 : 4.85 ? 4. 75 8.78 4.26 8.000 8.78 -l.T6 8 00 3.00 -4.00 Cheie cows and heafara. , . --. . v Ueriium to good oowt aad heifer Pair to medium eowe aad heifar Oemmen to fair tows and htilem Caenam . .a .............. . Bulla . ...........,.... Cboice TeedeT ...........4. 4.80 S.OfhJ Psir to rood feeders n.Teep e.ew 10.06 410.5 Cboio dairy oatvae Prim light ealv ........... Medium light calves v.. ...... Heavy etlvet .-. . . . .......... P.BtSS 10.00 f.O0 9.80 8.00 .6 . Shetp. Supeflee Per rem Compared with recent Monday total.' arrivals ht th ahoep and lamb division tt North Port land continue te decrees. ' At the Monday morning opening the tone . waa steady and former nricea were well sustained. - Of the total arrivals of 210 head. 804 head Want omot sn ewnoa awer. General aheoa aad tomb market ran: East ot mountain lamb 8 6.50 ( T.00 isest valley . iambs. 6.00 0 6,5 Pair to coed 1W B.eoap a, oo 8.06 0 4.00 4.600 1.00 va eavatw ........ .1 . w- r. eevovy jwra l.ieot esrlinx ...... .... . 4.500 6.00 8.06 0 4. B0 8.60 0 4.00 Hesry yasrliags ........... light wethers .............. 2.B9 0 3 60 1.000 8.00 Ewes - ...,;. kWtS4mf RrfySlfedB ssjaltl Blt-EtlJS Se. dpt. tb. Priee. A. SO No. Ate. Tha, Price. 6.76 ; t.a.'e O0 a.... oie j 8. ...1180 1.... 910 1....1080v 1.... 760 31,. ..1034, 8....13T3 13..,. 883; 16.... 8 26..., 1096 82..:. S14 " 3..-.. 915 8.... 693 23.... 913 29.... eat 1.... 700 8.... 603 1....11S0 1.... 980 1.... 890 3... .1048 7,... P07 l.,..106e 2,.., S30 - l... 7B0 1....1068 fO,... 007-. 28.,.. 949 6.75 ft. 2 5 6.35 8.00 S.SS 6.60 4.60 6.60 6 28 8.85 I 4 75 A SO 6.60 S.Z6 6.00 8.0 6. SB f.OO A10 4.21 8. 6.00 !I!io50 8.00 4.35 4.78 4.2 B 4.50 S.00 4.28 4.78 4.25 400 4.60 4.5r l.,,.ll 1....10TO I.... 830 I.... 970 18. a. .1065 4.T6 4.25 t.OO 6.00 5.25 6.23 3.... 7T9 HUGS 3.... 270 8 9.75 1 1. 810 218 180 358 168 8 8.38 JA88 10.25 P.T5 10.25 8.36 1.... 850 8.28 l 3. .9.... 158 10.28 16... l.,.. 2U1 10.28 I T. 1.... 3IO S. 2 5 I 1. 41.,.. BIT B.ZB a.,.. 360 S.76 103.,,. 1T1 110.35 378 8.75 8.... 80S 12.... 850 8 8.25 88.... 176 10.2B 6.... 246 .8.60 68.. i. 185 10.75 388.... 82 9 T.OO 11.... 70 6.28 33.. M 483 18.50 he: 22.... SB7 B B.tO CAV 1.... 150 1.1168 1....1650 ,9bVU1'-;- 8.76 Tvl,... 929 : .... . 600 8 T OO 1078 8 4.00 New Eecipes to Be Offered Housewif AtAniiual food Show Many novel -dishes and recipes for pew and tasty ways to prepare food, tha re sults of th crtaUv mtndt of th best caterers and chefs in the United States, will b offered for the approval of the Portland housewife when th biff food show opens at the Portland . Armory Tiext .Wednesday, .v:v; ... . , This is tha twelfth annual food show to be staged by the Grocers' and Mer chants' association ef Portland under the direction of Edward A. Matam. food show- secretary and Is heralded by its sponsors as being bigger and better than any - of their - previous achieve ments. Beginning Wednesday, October 19. it will oontinu until Saturday, Oc tober 29. . , - ' - Special arrangements have been made to entertain the - visitors, which will includ public dances ia th ball room, in addition to roue teal features and -the; big demonstration ; attractions that ar always of interest to the entire family. ' Near East Fund to ; Be Obtained. From 3oiiiiiiTinity Source . . : - " ; ii i in, - v. - - . Slued tie aitqoTinceineBt Saturday at th Near East, relief .state enferenoe that.-Oregron ajuota ef tha-(933 national budget Of 113,000.000 would be 9179,009, many requests have been received by J. J. - llandsslter. state director, asking if th Kesgr aat driv ht PorUand .would be held in addition ta th Community Chest drtve."' : --' '," -r ' , Handssker announced this momlng that the. Near, East would obtain Its funds in "Portland jdnrlng 182J the sam aa it haa the past year by participatiorf hi 'the Community. Chest lAst year th chest anotted th Near" liast 359,000; all et which- has not yet beea paid. The allotment for 1922,-has not been, ao-i nouneed. The balane of the 192Z stite quota, net . giwen- by- the chest will bet raised by popular- subscription ia outside counties, through the statewide Sunday school Christmas offering campaign, and through a " clothing -campaign . next siteg, 'Handsaker exx' lined. ' LMBS I tPEKS I res U S. BOATS STILL B 4 CAI1IISCALE WasroB on Americas rrteamahip ar SOU higher Jthaa ; wases oa Canadian mrjrchant martae veasela, tn spite of s pay eut oa Americaui boats sod a pay ris oq Canadian boats. nw schedul announcod by th Canadian' aWTurioot merchant marlns raised th ,. wsres 19 per " onnt - On American wessels pay was lowered from 638 to 310 a man. The voluntary cut ef approximately 120 and lf per man on American steam shlps has neen surpassed by th British government Th Canadian merchant marine with headquarters at Vaneou- ver, B. C-, has announced a 10 per cent cut for all vessels plying- to th coast wja trade, j ;r-vao S"-' A ratneral- eut .was started ea we stAamshlp Abercos, loadinf bulk wheat for the United Kintfn. Adjustment of the waa seals was made. .Inland water men next took tip the wage seal and -a voluntary - reduction xouowea on thopart of th masters, mate and pUota DAWISH Jf OTOBSBTP FBIlftSfl "" :. OT IS 6 TONS Or r-atSHwmx In tha senrlco of th East AsiaUc SteamBhin. eornnany th DsUh'rnotor- shlb Boliva entered at the" eustems bemaa Mondaw rnorvilna WrlOi 1200 tons rtf tam from Antwerp. - 3H principal item was EoO tons of sIsaa Over 900 tons of coke, 110 tons of trenerai plunder and 78 eases of toya completed tha man? If eet for Portland. ; :- : - - . Outbound the Bolivia will laden a small Quantity ai terat cargo and pro ceed to Seattle to tmisn. sn u oeins; bandied by Balfour. Guthrie ds Co. and wiU take ail parcel lota, principally of flour. -Tha Creek rtesmshin Fotls. Northern Grain A Warehouse company, entered In ballast and berthed at the Peninsula mills for Hntoa Ths rotfa will move) to the North Bank dock late Monday to tak on sacked grain. - From the Orient tha steamship West Klvaria, North China iwf tha Columbia-Pacific Shipping company, entered Monday morning with general cargo from Chinese porta. The .West Ntvarta berthed at Terminal No. 1. Th crew will be paid off Monday afternoon. v ST.HELEKS X.TJXBEK CABOO - TOT AX IS SA6A940 TEET St Helena. Or. Oct 17. Lumber ship ment from this port for the week end ing October 15 were 3,500,000 feet by water' and a number; of carloads for Eastern points. The steamer Will polo took 700,000 feet for New Tork. The steamer Belgium Maru loaded 1.700.000 feet for the Orient and -the McCormick steamer Willamette teok J25JJOO feet for deUrwry at San Pedro and San Diego. The Japanese eteamer Yen I Mam ar rtved today and ia taking on 600,000 feet for Australia and, the coastwise steamer Wahkeena Is due this week for a cargo of 950,000 feet for California ports. EDIT A HAS BIO CABOO 0 Z.UJKBEB AND gHuTGLES South Bend. Wash,- Oct 17. The steamship Ejca. a tramp freighter oper ated by itadtan ss Christensen, dropped down th Wlllspa river this week bound for Baa Pedro with 3,500.000 feet of lumber and ehinrlea. .-.t --v Tb Edna obtained notoriety during the war when- tb was; seised by; th British while , ah was mrrying nitrate from South America-to the Atlantic coast, whert it was reshipped to Ger many, She remained , in the hands of the Brlte.v during tha war and waa re frained by .her -owners only after av big fight in the British courts. Th steamship Clairemont is due to ar rive - here Tuesday and . will - take on 1,000,000 feet of box spruce and 250,000 feet of hemlock for California. . BABE GAME BIBBS BOTJGBT ' IS SIBEKIAX EXPEDITION Seattle, Wash, Oct 17. Wlfh the ex pectation cf devoting the next six months to hunting and trapping rare game birds in 8ibria and Manchuria, J. A. rarK or jnia dty, left recantiy on tne AHmirai uner wenatcnee- with pair dosen highly-trained pointer and setter dogs. His purpose 4s ta supply a num ber of American museum and soologlcal gardens. Mr. Park . said he had arranged with parties of native hunters to set traps. At th same time he will hunt with dogs and gun, and hopes to bring back with th living buras supplied by th trappers a number of interesting mounted specimens. GRAIN BATES STEADY New Tork, Oct 17. (L N. S.) Grain rates hold steady for tha United King dom and the continent . General cargo offerings are dull, and rates ar low. Quotations: , Ocean (steam) grain. steady ; United Kingdom, 8 shillings Germany, 18 marks; France, 16 francs ; Holland lt kronen, ' : Goner! earge dull. All, ALOXO THE WATEBFBOTT Th British steamship Northumberland is due to arrive at Portland Tuesday morn in sr. tme la in to tne Isthmian line with a small amount of trenerai and will take- apples in storage for th United KinsTdom. The Americas' steamship West Nlvaria is diacduuging general .cargo from the Orient at Tej-minai No. J, The steamship Edward Luckenbaeh cleared for the Atlantic sids Monday morning with 3485 cases of canned fruit 345 bales of wool and 200 lone of paper. - The steamship Res City is due to arrive- from San Francisco Monday i night wiu passengers ana rreignt IpositioxsV op Vessels , Xsdle report from North Head give the position of the n f oUowlog vassel at 8 p. Aetnhtir IS.... -: West Keats, Portland for Tokohatta, 73 miles snUiwest Eolumoia river, .i " ? - Hartwoad. Grays Harbor, for Ssa Trsaekwe, 44 mile tenth Grayg Uarbor. Tosemito, Ss Pmnejaco fee . Seattle, 865 mile from 'Seattle. . . ITed Baxter, sta -Teore tor staiaa. set aulas Blaine. . . - Horse X. Bsxter. .Saa Prandso for tla 40 miles annth.af Columbia ri van Avaloa, Gnya iirpo Jot Saa Frasetsee, SI miles sonth Grana Hsrbet.. Saa Dtege, Tseoma tor Sai Pedw,' 48 mQ V a. -;11a. l.rraaAaB.m - - astTtl taa usaauuti vtt-as wwi in - , tM Cttp. Baa -aaeiae for ywrtUaa. 163, milaa south Columbia si: Oleum, Oleum.- fee 8sttltH8 mHt from Setttla - -.." "-- Atlaats City. -PorUaad. tor faa Prtaehee, ft mOes aoath Cdinto nn. -" - -West Uferka, Saa - rsaneisaw foe Cray Har bor, barbound off Gmy atorbor. Nurogtin etoamer Paeifieo, Taeems -for Saa rrsncuoe, 25 miles' south Columbia lightship.-, . Everett 8aa rrasca for Seattle, 600 stOet fyea 8n pmndexW. Ouiaault Saa Padre for Tseoma, 885 mSa aenh Saa Praaaoa,- t " s -,rr Arrlytti Oetoker 1T t Bolivia, tksaith atoasaes. from ASrwertv Val- tost, . .- a- . Bate dtp. Americsa etoamer. - frem Sta Prsacisee, passenger and general. t - .. Daisy Putssm, American ttotmee. from Baa, Praauece. general. - PAYVAGESA ME News of the Port wtTi. -..-,., -, m sra..igr ef Seattle and Thomas Q. Green f I'toriuiaa. American steamer, -from New Terk tad way ports, gaeraL V T""tueHl Potie 78 X airier. Kmabua mtvw.T. far lUtrnpa. mheat, - Tides at Attorla Tweed ay High Water Low Water' A ' ; I 8 av. at T.i tt, T :4 a. m, 3A ft 1:21 p. ta, 9.1 ft u 9H9 p. tn. AI ft Seaside High water nln minutes earlier. - v , -,.,.-). . Seaside Issw water II ' minutes earlier. .-. - 1 IflMta nta. -fee New fork aad way parts, gtearai. - HABILE AXHAITAC ; , " Weetaap at Blvtrt sSeeUl ",".' North BmI Oct. IT. Condition at the mouth of th givar tt noon Sea, moderate; Wtod. northwest 16 miles; wither, etoudy. HnmJditv. soon, tt PorUaad, 8s. A1XT B1TEB RBASniQ S - B a pa, - Paeine time, ' -ran. &i.. . BITEB FOBECAST . Tha wniaaMfto river , at Salem Wffl remain nearly staaonary dnrine the aext twe tare ears, eaoepa et siTextaa ny tae soa - " . aVeea fjen Btmaaser ........... sa Fran. .... .Oct. is Ryder Hsnify .aa Pdr....i.Oot, IS Oueee aiartssa..,,,aarr...,t.,.0 19 bteridea -. . ...Saa fita..,...Oet 19 laMa lalnk . JUjl Praa. .... .Oct. 19 Dap stomaia ....... naromoro .....to T ilna riMikes Pi tra "1 IS Corose ...... ...... Taeoma .... ...Oct 2 Hepaa kUrS.. ...... Job ..,... Oca 29 aenaeeeui .,,,,,, . new iorx..,...wv Ooant ........ .Orient .... ...Oot 1 ' aiSata asaea . . K nOA .... .4 tea, ro a . A U . A A Port Said afar..... Norfolk .......Oct RAfaraa ......... ..West Ceaat.. 4 .'.Oct ! rarrhrsaekire ..,, Uopdea .. . .Oet 33 Rortrramberiasei . ....nsrry .........oet. s Prorriah- Me arc ... .Hull ........ .Oot. 2 TJralsaa Hara ... ve'..Brryx J. ......Oct. 28 waateena ..aa rvea ,.c. xe rttao aXara......,...Unroraa ......Oot 84 Heneee ........ . .Iandoe ........ Oet Mexican ...... .....New Text. , . . . .Oet 34 WeM Jaleto ....... Boetea .bet, f a ..s........iAWarwaa ......anil rtowmrv At. ...oca. XT Nhtaids ... oet zs Roaeiuhl ......Oot 29 .Haw GaAtto. A Oat. S Pallae . . Traawna Airam . .Oa. SO Ohioan .... ...... ..New Tork.. ... .Nee. 8 NebraaU ........... Uverpool .....Nov. 35 T peptrl Pvera pwtusnd 1 . y. VWa Kstem Pilnua. .-. . . .Pimwua .......Oet. 17 vennywucta. ..... .Bureeie i..... ..Or, .in RoasuluB 81s rrui.,..,,Oet 18 rejwrt Sulphpr No. 5 . Nw Tork.,.., .Oct 19 Plodea . a ...Europe .....OcA 19 I,hhne Utr A...ApatreJto.......Oot 20 Kirnkn Maru ...... ."Europe ...... .Oct. 26 Koae Ctto ....... ...flew. Ve. rV. v Verldet .Aberdeen ...... Oct, 2A Holier ........... Plnran ... Oet 81 aosreq ..... Wast . Coast, . . .Oot. 21 Cciee ....Watt Coast . ...Oct. 22 Jeeto .. ,..A IMego-Wxy.. .Oct 23 Kakuyp ktara ...... .Orieat Oet, 23 Po6.... .......... Eorepe .......Oct 28 Annetto rtotph . .....Rn Praa..... .Oct, 23 Metwa Maru ....... Eur-pe ...... .Oct 26 ferae ,.i,.S. P. ead way. .Oet 9 Jferiean ,....,... New Terk..... Oct 36 MoUer ...... Karopa ....... Oot 26 Queen sfargaiwt ;. . I.,Earop . , .. ...Oct 27 Beeonie No. 1. ..Europe ..Oot 28 went HI vans Wert nirna. Oet II teoova ...... Honoluia ...... Nov. Wtwslona .............. . St. Johna BwifUigbt ..................... .Bt. Johns Anwoa A Bwokt... ........... Kc&w bfsrra tadawsmd PavOeputo liw. Oimma Pis ............ . .If. Pa- ia. s?y? I'::::::::::::::::a-. Jllliia '. . ........... Teaeataal a Wa Taylor ..................... In-rdoek vearpor ..................... .Dt. Jotins Pennywurtk ................. j. Oommbia Klfuku ltsra ............... Penmsuls Lor. iwiniuiw ...,...,......,....., inmimuj Tehhno slara ... .... . . . . . .St Helena Rent ...,.,..,.,,., .jrerta Pee, , Ma. Clyde Mara ........... m.,,.,., Sa Pea InSra.!:::::;;:::: Raikyw Maru Kastern Prince) . ........... ranoDswr ............ Elevator FOBS West Nivarie ....... Nerth Back Terminal No, Stanwood -.A...., Albert r nnaa ............ .iwrmnau ro. 1 ....... .. . .Terminal No, 4 Bolivia AT WQBL1V9 POSTS V .Astoria, Oot IT. Arrived at :18 a Steamer . Rene City, from Baa PraaoiARoi Ar rived at 9:80 , . Steamer rainy autbewa. rrem Ban rtaro. bsuos at s;20 a Noswegiaa atoamer ' Terrierr for- Itarepw. Ar rived at 8:16 . av Jjaaah.aleamef BoBvia. tram aatwerp. t:-: . Balboa. Or. Tt luliad fll a. Wfn- fero, from PertlanS,-, for New Tork; steamer rswiera trwn, irosn x'pruaaa tor mruanq, afaine; Dsniah etoamer Ema, from PorUaad for Hambunr: Cksteb steamer tV-naneim. from PorUaad fee ,TTnitad Kinedemt Beitaeh steamer woroa, rrom rortiana tor unuea auncuom. CMetobsl, Oet 15. Arrived Stotmer Steel Inventor, from New Terk. ' ?; Seattle. Oot 18. ailed ti - mtdinjrht British atatmer Noethumberlsad, - for yortisaA Balboa, Oct 14. Sailed BriUsh atoamar Katheriae FaJk, for- Portland; etoamer Penn ylvcniaa. from New Tork- for Paoifio Ooaat porta; ataameri Plafcsda from New Teek for Portland i steamer amis Xiacaaabeeh, from New; Terk for PorUand, ! - OriHoeei. Oct 14. Sailed Steejnaf Ohtrl- tne HaU. from PerUsnd toy Boston) etoamer Wfflfare, from Portland. for New Teek; Brit-' irh atoxmet Werea, fronv Partial! foe United Kingdom. . . Astoria. Oct, 16. Arrived at and left up at 8 a. - pv Stoemer Stanwood, from San FrtnctPtev Arrived' at 9:66 aad Wt UP et 9:50 a av Stotmer Floridian. Jrrxt New Terk aad way ports. Sailed at 10169 6. m. Steamer West AUats, for North China porta. Sailed t 11 a.J m. Jape none steamer Wssh- tngtoci llara. foe Iavopv Hailed at 1 p. m. r Basis Barbara, for Baa retro; wuiaaietto. for Saa Fmn jar. Ar rived at 4:80 aad left1 bp et 6 p. sv Steamer Plavel, freet San Pedro. ' - - Saa Pedro, Oct 16. Arrived Steamer rjaisy Mttbaws, from CcJumtna riveri etoamer Santa Iaea, frora PwrtlaaA ". Honolulu. . Oct. 1 Arrived Scheorw-r WD uaat Bewden. from Mumbia rivar. - Arrived at 4 a. m Stoamee Cordova, from Ait oris. Fort Towneeoa Wet, IB. Amveo Britain steamer M oiler, trcm Barry for Portland. Baa Franciacov Oot. IT. (L N. B.) Ar rived today: T mm, ersv. Harbor 3 a, m.; D.. Wmm 1aJm!,. V'OO .. a . KTa iMllik Taeama, 9:40 a. m. : Eastern Bahor. Glasgow, p:to a- av; stanna aueaner, taw ai .ngalas Pugei 10:10 a. m. o Seoad, 12:10 a. Sailed Jodajr; Kanaicett, Saa Pranctsoo, Oet -16. Arrived- Stoektoa, Graye Harbor, attie - rbor. 13:16 a, as.; NerUuaad, Se- Jturvaro. ioa angi. 10:1 . m. ; Coquine, - afontorey. . 19:83 a nv: Phoenix, " Wwtport-' 10:65a. m.: Motttabello, Port Sen Lnia, 12:98 j.; m.; Will polo, A- torla, 1:5 p. av; Cardicamhire, London, 1:43 p, . pv; .neonav Pigeon Point, 6:26 p. nv: Senator, San Diego. 7;15 m m.; Toba Mara. New Tork. 7:85 p. m; South Coast. Redondo. 9:4 p. " m. Sailed C A. Smith. Cose Bay 13.80 p. av: Annette Bolpa, PerUsnd. 8:15 a. nv: La ptaneia. Pert Sea Leia, 9:3 a. nv; Bimoler. Batavla, 11:15 a. svt Admiral Dewey, Tjem Antrelot. 11:18 a m.; Nome City, Seattle, 1:15 p. pv Mexico, Saline Orns, 5:25 p. av; Asdree P. Incknbca. New Tork. 86 p. av ' Deschutes Water Division Koblein Up .Before .Board . Salem. Oct ,17. IUprsnlaUvs I of tha various Irrlgatlott ' districts depen dent upon th Deechntes river. for water supply, are appearing before th state water board hpre-today,: te preeent their claims ta connection with th flaal dis tribution of th waters of that stream. The waters under consideration. at to day's pcesien ; sjw those . withdrawn In connection with the cooperative inves tigation of the Beach ute protect ; . Among ? those ? apearing before-- .the board are Oswald West and John-Dubois, representing the North .Canal corpr pany j N. G.f Wallace and John KJ JCo! lock. representing th north unit cf the Deschutes project i -Judg R. A.' Ballin- roruam, reprpsermns tnw voiwnoia Valley Power company, and John Lewis representing the -Tumalo irrigation dis trict - - ' - PmatiUt .! 25 I 3.41 8.010.00 66 I 64 Albany .... 20 1.0 i0.82 64 48 Balem 30 . -t.O 03 0.18 63 49. Oracoa City.. 13 4.2 '1.4 0.42 .... ... Portland ...I 16 I 8.8 418. 20 88 68 reryxtor , '. Tentn uw Cojve. . . . ... Vaat Bntaa. . . . . . Alatoeda Is Seeking 1 Incineration Point; 0i Portland Tlant ; Portland's method Cf disposing ef gar bage Is being made th subject ct an tavetl-atior by Clifton KT Hlckok. city iraaager ef th city of Alameda, Cat "How to get rid -of pur garbage is now a serious question with' us," he said, i "For years wa have been dumping it at Bay. Farm Island oa the shore of the bax. but the growth ot the city is rendering this method , unsatisfactory. We are now figuring on Installing an incinerator and I am in Portland 10 get pointers on the working ot your eye-. tern, ex wnicn w nava naa most zavor abl r ports." Alameda has been, under the city manager form of government, for five years and, according to Hlckok, there is a general satiaracuoa with it Church Dedicated; i Debt Is Wiped Out Colfax. Wash,' Oct It, ' Th new. Methodist Episcopal church, Just com pleted her at a coat of nearly ftO.Oon,1 waa dedicated Sunday with Bishop W. O. Shepard of Portland, Rev.. Charles" MacCaughey of Moaeow. Idaho, retiring' dMtrtot superintendent er tnis . district, whs has accepted a call to the Can ten- ary-WUbur church ef Portland; and Err. Ftwayth, hi nuooannor as district aupP tntendrvit takana; part. Eleven ministers wcr seated on th platform - and a vested choir ot 20 voices rendered rauf'.c Rev. SC. & Anderson, first pastor ot the church hare. Who in 1880 bought th lot, on which th present structure trtancia,- gav th Invocation. Other former pas. tors present wer Rev. M.' A. Covington ef Spokane aad Dr. K. H. Todd of Ta eoma. :.;r .-,".'-" .' Bishop. Shepard laTinched a money-t raising campaign to secure I577S to com plete th payments on the building, whiclt- ws all subscribeo. .-. Pasco Dedicates a Methodist Ohurola Paeco. Waah Oct IT. Sunday was a. red letter day In, the history ef Method ism in Pasco, the occasion being th I edl cation cf th new Pasco Methodist Institutional church. A recent attend anoe was at tb Sunday avehoot ; At 11 o'clock ' th dedication services proper were held, the sermon being delivered by Rev. U. F. Hawk, the district super- intendent Mrs. J. C Tuller of Kenne wick presided at the pipe organ; Mrs. Frank Jones, violin, and-Mrs. Ledford," saxlphone, and selections were sung by 1 Mr. and Mn. C W. Hemsworth. The evening services also wr in keeping with th spiriO'Of th day. Iaarg een gTegations war present at both services. FBEE WATEB APPLES SOIiB - Freewater, Or Oct .17. Henry Tork " baa purchased tea ear loada cf apples, composed ct Wliteaapa, 6tayma. Wine saps, Rome Beauties, Grimes Golden and Jonathans. On car has been-shipped east and In a few days Tork will start en an Eastern trip with: the; rest - . Naval Stores Market -Wow Tork. Oet. 17 ft V. S.) Tuypea- . tine Harannah. 7ic; New Terk. TBo. ' Besia Savannah. . 64.20; New Tork 85.85. T as TRANSPORTATION "T SAN ITaA.".CISCO & TOOKO FarSaarranclsea ftcm Portland Ainsworth Peck ; Steamer "Rosa tCityV " thorsdsr 10 A. Ma, Oct 20 Saturday, 10 A, it. Oct. 29 -. .- . -. . . - - and every alnth day thereafter fkagegs; rjUttS ISOaf IVkTUrTD " Promenade Deck 32189 Outside Saloon Decav. 36.40 Inside Saloon Deck.. 14.09 Third Class (Msles Ciilyi 1800 Round Trip (First Osst) 60.00 Theeetfares de not include 8 war fax, which must be added. All farea include berth and meals while at sea. ' CnyTir2Mer1l - Phone Main 3630 Prtl4t Office Aingworth Dock Pbojm Broadway 2S 1 r Arm Your Going to Europe? ' Or tho Orient? Qr Around ! World? - , 8Pby "Bdt "gt ;xperlAc4 aad ace. . rat lrjCormatloa troca au wha pas trawetod atataaiTiy tar IS beaaat of aia peurensr Saamr StsamBki BetervsUa9 aad , liskels Prsss t. DORSEY-D. SlilTIl ' ' XABAQEB " iOURNAL TRAVEL ISf BBOAOWAT, POBTLABO. OB. r': ' -'-bhUM XanluUl IMS- .,' k ; L. & Stages Portland Astoria - LBTOFP AJTO WEISEE- " t Twle S.lx reeberde, Cadillaa Eight t Three Trips Dnily -' LeAvingr Rainier Hotel U8 JTortk Sixth St Daily at v7i30 A M., , 12 :30 P. 1VL, 3.30 P. M. iTtgk-Orad Tearlsg Cars Phono Bdwy. 3413 u Astoria Phone 213 : iiSTORIAfO W PCLaTS STf 8SI8M SCKVICt tEATE DAtLX EXCEPT SCNDAT, T'A6 P. H. S4f.SM1D StBBPIMa aeOOMMOBATIOKS . Cneaeetloa Sfsd for AB Nerth and ! ';':K;;vv:.;,i.,aoe4h..eah. potota w -MSI 82 f ACM WAY 68.40 HOUR a TK:r KLPT ST. PCI. reii It? 60. - ThS KAKAIA TCAhsfuRTAllO.t t. jirfmgmtmmfmmmmmimnmrmmmmmmmnmmmlmMf;AliWi V XL LjeLTXS U