The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1921, Page 39, Image 39

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Week of Great
Gaiety J Enjoyed
By Society Folk
Prominent People ' Attend Golf
Tournamentr Three Weddings
of Note Take Place Saturday;
TVORT1JLND has entertained numerous
X Interesting visitors -during the past
wmIt hi wia (n -th Htv.tA nartlcinate
in the Oregon State Championship Jour- i
. nament piayea at we twuino wu emu.
Wnman nf thu Hub arrnjieed for Vafi-
Ana hnsnltallH tn h extended to Club
members and visiting women during the
weekv and an acternoon tea -wun promi
nent women presiding at the urns as
a feature or each day.
Catiivrfiv mvmnlnv wltrtAf.fMrt three wed
ding Of social interest, two of them at ,
the homes of the ernes' parents ana me
third it St., Stephens Pro-cathedral,
when Miss Laura Blossom became the
. bride of Mr. Gerald C. Bishop. Miss j
Dorothy Kerns- and Mr. William Hoover i
airm l mmiA at thA bride's
horn in Irvington; and the marriage oq
Miss Jean Keuy ana Mr. nooert w ar- j
rens was solemnized , at the Kelly resi
dence .in Westover road. i
i First functions .opening club seasons ,
nrhr th rami week wre, numerous.
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club held
nn liniiu TVtrtlanrl WftlsrhtK club K"aV
its first informal dance of the season
, a nit Trvlno-tnn HtlK nnened its Winter
program with a formal dance Friday
evening. -,
. , .
A delightful reception was given by
Mrs. C. C. Newcastle, assisted by her
daughter-in-law. Mrs. O. C. Newcastle
Jn, In honor of Mrs. Alice M. Weiater
and her psychology class Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. Wetster and Mrs. New.
castle were assisted in receiving by Mrs.
. O. M. Clark. Mrs. William Reid-and
Mrs, E. J. Steele. .Those assisting about
the rooms were Mrs. A. D. Charlton,
Mrs J. H. Burnesa and Mrs. Helen
Pierce. An enjoyable "musical program
took up the greater part of the after
noon; Mra.0. "XL Clark and Mrs. E. F.
Hitchcock presided a the ta table.
The .marriage, of Miss Ethel Clark and
Mr. Hasen Stewart Dean' of Minneapolis
i v will take place -Saturday at uie r irsi
' Presbyterian churchy The ; service will
' be read by Dr.-'.Hatt-ld Leonard Bow
man at 8 o'clock..- Mrs. Robert P. Mer
cer will be matron of. honor, Miss ,Ana-,s
bel Clark. 'sIsteio briV wiU .be
. bridesmaid, and "ItUfe:. Janet' Scott 'will
be flower girl, BJny.i&Jt WiU carry the
ring. The wid,ling, reception will be
held at the home of-Mr,aad Mrs.;W.R.
Scott in the Alameda. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fttsgerald (May
Louise Eastman) i whose marriage - was
a recent event, were guests or nonor
Friday evening et an Informal dance
tor which Miss Elsie Walker was hos
tess. Mr. and Mrs. Fltsserald are domi
ciled in the home of Colonel and Mrs.
Frank F. Kastmaa In Council Crest
drive during their absence in California.
Mr. "W. K. Warren had as his guests
on a trip over Columbia river highway
early in the week, Mr. William G.
Kdens. vice president of the Central
Trust company of Illinois. Mr. Murray
MacLeod, president of the Irving Park
and Albany Park National banks of
Chicago, and Mrs. MacLeod, Mr. R. H.
Walters, secretary of the Union Trust
company of Indianapolis, Jnd.
Mrs. C D. Broun entertained infor
mally at a luncheon 'of eight covers at
Waverley Country club Tuesday, the
affair being one of a series of similar
luncheons given by Mrs. Bruun who has
been making her home at the cTub this
summer. -
Mies Myrtle Smith enlertainedTues
. day afternoon at an . informal tea in
honor of Miss Laura Blossom, whose
marriage' to Mr. Glrald C. Bishop took
place. Saturday night at St. Stephens
The women of Laurelhurst club will
meet' Tuesday - afternoon for cards at
3 :15 o'clock. The men's club- meets at
the clubhouse at 8 o'clock. Thursday
avenlng the regular dance for members
only will be held. .
Mrs. Edward Ferrlne Keller was
hostess tor a bridge tea last Tuesday
honoring Miss Genevieve Keller, whose
engagement to Mr. Leonard Shaver was
recently announced, . - ?
Miss Josephine Slater, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Slater -of Portland
Heights, waat hostess last Saturday eve
ning for a dancing party for a group of
her young friends.. "About; 3& young
people enjoyed the. affair, r v
Mrs. C. C Newcastle and daughter-in-law.
Mrs. C. C Newcastle Jr., were
hostesses for a small luncheon Saturday,
the affair being the first of a series of
luncheons - which they have planned.
They will entertain again Wednesday at
their home in Irvington.
Mr. and Mrs. . Percy W. Lewis enter
tained informally at their home near
Multnomah station Saturday evening.
Cards and : dancing furnished diversion
for the occasion, their gaests number
' tag about IS young folk. .
Mrs. Margaret -Burrell-Biddl and Miss
- Sally Hart returned to the city Monday
following a visit to SeatUe at the cot
tage of Mrs. J. F. Griawold. '
Mrs.' Fred A. Jacobs, who has been
rraklnr her home-for some time at the
Mallory hotel, left J Thursday ' far Cali
fornia where she will spend the winter.
Mrs Fred P. Morey. entertained 'in
formally ; at three tables ' of - bridge
Thursday 'afternoon at , her home at
Mist June Smith will become the bride
of Mr... Claude Fryer Wednesday. Their
engagement was announced recently at
- a luncheon for :whtch the Misses Gladys
and Edith Duvall wertf'hostesfiea. .
, : Mrs. H. Ehubert of Everett. Wash., has
-, been the shiest of Mr.; and iMra.-James
A. Lindsay of 626 Last Couch street for
til rit ,week. , . t , -
- .-v:. vSva' . 1 11 "- i-' r'-r-f V A,v W
ti t , - , . - - - - 1 ; 4 -4-k r- - - -4-- 4 - , -4-' - v f . 1
Dorothy Kerns
Beautiful Bride.
Of Past Week
Wedding With William Hoover
Steiwer Celebrated Saturday
Before .Large Company.
ONE of the interesting weddings of
of the week was that of Miss Doro
thy Kerns and Mr. William Hoover
Etelwer, which took place Saturday eve
ning at the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerns, in Irving
ton. Jhe service was read before an lm
provlsed altar of -palms and fall blos
soms, by Dr. .Harold Leonard Bowman.
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
in the presence of. about 200 guests.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
ivory toned macrlme and Brussels net
fashioned with an unusual' trimming of
strings of pearls .which carried the
sleeve line- to the wrist and made an
ornamentation for the bodice and skirt
The veil was attached to a head dress
of tulle built upon a bandeau of orange
blossoms. The bridal bouquet was of
white orchids and Ulies-of-the-valley.
Little Jean - Latourette. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Latourette. led
the bridal procession, carrying a basket
of flowers. Miss Leslie Kerns, sister
of the bride, was bridesmaid, aaid wore
a dainty , frock of palest orchid fcueri
chiffon and carried 'rosea. Mr. Aaron
Whitmer attended the bridegroom as
best man. -...-- -.-,.. .
At the reception which followed the
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kerns, parents
of the bride, and Mrs. W. W. Steiwer.
mother of the bridegroom, received with
the bridal party. Mrs. Kerns wore,
lovely model of silver grray velvet- aad
Mrs. Steiwer was smartly , gowned in
black. - , A .
Mrs. 5. C Teris presided at tha coffee
urns and Mr. Paul C. Bates cut the ices.
Mrs. Edward 'A. O'Neill served at the
punch table and assisting about ' the
rooms were Mra. ya---ra Burgard, Mrs.
Edward , Allen Thompson. Mrs. Alfred
F. Sullivan. Mrs. Arthur Trumbull
Brown. Miss Virginia Thatcher. Miss
Dorothy Shea and Miss Evelyn Thatcher
presented the guests with dainty- boxes
01 wedding cake.
Mr. Steiwer and his bride have been
extensively entertained since the an
nouncement cf .their engagement. Fol-
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rjniHREE attractive bride? erf the fcast week whose weddings took place on Saturday evening were Miss Jean Kelly, who became
I the bride of Mr. Robert Warrens at her, home, -891 Westover road; Miss Dorothy Kerns, whose marriage , to Mr. W.. H.
Steiwer took place at her home in Irvineton, and Miss Laura Blossom, bride of Mr. Girald, C Bishop. Her attendants
were Miss Marjorie McGuire and Miss'Mary Blossom. The welding was at St. Stephens IPrcKathedral. j -
lowing their wedding trip . they . will
make their home In The. Alameda. '
' Miss Phoebe TMemarah. who wasa visit
or In the city from SeatUe, and a partici
pant in the Oregon suu championship
tournament at the Portland Golf club,
was the house guest of Mr and -'Mrs.
Hamilton F. . Corbels during .th week.
Tuesday Sins' Corbett entertained Infor
mally at bridge and tea for Miss Tid-
lafiifb- - - - -i. '
Mrs. Samuel Thompson Halsted of
Hiverside, CaX. -who has been the guest
of. her parents. , Mr. and Mrs. Wifliarn
MacMaster at Ardgour for several weeks
returned to her home la Uu South Moo-
day after having been extensively enter
tained -by Portland friends. Mrs. Hal
ted spent two days with Mr. -and Mnt
walker Wlllia Kamm at. -San Mateo on
hfifVajf souQfc -. 4--" .-'"--.
, 4 -4.. T--.
Wedding One of
Unusual Beauty
Ceremony Is Celebrated" Saturday
. Evening at Pro-cathedral .
By Dean Hicks.
rrvHE pro-cathedral Of St. Stephen the
X Martyr was" made attractive Satur
day 'evening for the wedding ot Miss
Laura Blossom and Mr. Girald Cyrus
Bishop. Pink cosmos, bright hued sen
las. combined with other flowers and
nalma. with tall cathedral tapers burn
ing at the altar, formed the, setting of
unusual Beauty ior in wicuiuhj,
was performed by Very Kev. Reginald
f T Vlir-kit. f '
The bride was. gowned In white Can
ton crepe combined with duchess -lace
which was fashioned Into a dainty bodice
imm!nir. the wedding - veil, which de
pended from a coronet of the lace fell
to the edge -of the. train. Her flowers
.fi an unshowered bouquet -of roses
and Ulles-of-tne-vauey .: ano oouvaraia.
Miss 1 Mary . Blossom, sister of the
bride, was maid .of honor, and. was at
tractively gowned in blue georgette crepe
a silver and wore a large tulle hat of
black. Her flowers were Ophelia rosea.
Miss Marjorie McGuire as bridesmaid
wore Tose-ptnk georgette . heavily . emr
broldered and a hat pf black lace. She
carried . pink roses. - - - s , '
Ushers at the church were Ir. Allen
P. Noyes and Messrs. tieorge w. tieri
ron. Hugh. Burdetta McGuire and .Ray
mond Wes-tervelt. -
A reception followed at the bome'of
the bride's parents, Mr. ana ant wwT
K. Blossom, 4. in . Irving t street. Mrs.
Blossom wore a gown of black char
meuse and a corsage bouquet of roses.
Following a brief -wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Bishop will make their home
at US ' East Seventeenth street north.
Altar Clpths; of
Rare Brocade
Wedding of Miss Isan Kelly and
Mr. Robert Warrens Has0'
Unique Feature.
rpWO lovely "old : altar cloths of rare
A Chinese brocade, . fashioned into
kneeling . pillows, which had, been used
hvthe American consulate in China and
Japan for years when the Hon. 11 B.
Miller was in the consular service In
the Orient, ; were employed at the wed
ding ceremony of his niece, Mies Jean
Kelly, who - became the bride 'of Mr. -Robert
Warrens, Saturday evening.- The
wedding was one -of the .largest .home
ceremonies of the season and took place
at the residence of the bride's parents, -
Colonel and Mrs. George K. Kelly, in
Westover road, at :30 o'clock, .Dr. 'A. -A.
Morrison., rector of Trinity Episco
pal church,' officiating. . . -
The bride was attractive in a gown
mented on the bodice with crystal beads.
Tne neaaaress was or a Kussian;. coro-.
net pattern of Satin and pearl trimmings
of white satin and princess lace - orna
and the lace was used as a border for
the wedding veil. Her flowers . were
Bride roses. , . - . "V" . -
Mrs.- Kate Kelly and Mrs. Dorothy
Sharp Kelly were, matrons of honor -and.
were gowned in silver toned American
beauty satin and Jade green, lacei and
sliver respectively. All the bride's at
tendants .carried - dainty little French
bouquets of vari-hued flowers.
: Miss . Eva Kelly, sister of the bride, -wore
a gown of French blue brocade
shot with green , and .: Miss . Florence
Holmes - in a gown of changeable blue
with - double toned ' ribbon girdle oma-
mented with, forget-me-nots, were brides .
maids. Master George Kelly Jr as-rlng '
bearer, wore a .smart page's Suit, -of
black velvet and lltUe Patricia -Kelly
was-a dainty Jtlower girl In a ruffled
frock of pink net.'
, The. aisle, for the bridal party was ,
formed by a' group of sorority college
glrU, classmates' of the bride at Oregon
Agricultural.: college, , their number in
eluding Mtss MUdred Catton of Winlockv
Wash. ; -Miss Mary Holmes, Miss .Naomi
Fitch. Miss Martha Kiger, Miss Bess
Walch.; Miss . Helen Cole of CorvallU.
Miss Lucile Resing, Mrs. Edwin Wright
Miss Naomi Beckwlth and Miss . Helen
Dahlgren of Portland. V "
Mr.-;" William Warrens Jr. ' Was v the
bridegroom's attendant. . T," -
- At the .reception which followed the
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. William War-1
rens of Sherwood, parents of the bride
groom, and Colonel ' and Mrs. Kelly,
parents of the bride, received with the
bridal couple. . : .
At the supper table and during the
reception those who presided at tne
coffee urns, cut the ices and assisted
with the serving were Mrs. A- W. Whit
mer, Mrs. George C. Reiter. Mrs. Dick
Kiger of Corvallis, Mrs. John Porter of
CorvalllB, Mrs. R. R. Giltner, Mrs. Jo
seph A. Hill and Mrs. Ernest F.. Tucker.
At the punchbowl : were . Miss Sybil
Brown, Miss Nellie ' Hemenway. Miss
Constance Sharp and Miss Naomi Fitch.
Following a brief wedding trip Mr.
Warrens and his bride will make their
home on a farm about five miles from
Forest Grove. , '
Mrs. Adrian McCalman, who Is leav
ing the city Monday for California, has
been a guest of honor at several affairs
during the past week. Monday? Mrs.
James D.- Honeyman entertained mfor-
mally at a tea for her. - Mrs. O. E.
Fletcher ' was hostess for duneheou and
line party at the Orpheura -Tuesday:
and Mrs. W. - B. Peacock entertained at
bridge for her Wednesday afternoon. y
Mrs. Sidney Van Wyck Peters Marie
Louise Winslow) expects to go to San
Francisco, her former home, early in
November to .be an attendant at the ;
wedding of Miss Betty Falger and Rob
ert Miller. . Miss Josephine Grant of
Burllngame, . who was a recent guest at.
the home of her aunt. Mrs. . Thomas
Kerr, will also be in the wedding party.
Mrs. C. Ed ward Grelle was hostess
Friday for a luncheon of. eight covers
at.- her home In Overton, street, . her
guests Including Mrs. David T. Honey-
man. Mrs. w. B. Ayer, Mrs. William
C. Alvord, Miss Hislch, Mrs. C Harry
Davis,. Mrs. George A. Marshall and
Mrs. Polly T. Lombard. , -
Mrs. Hairy T."N!'Cblal will entertain a
few friends Informally at bridge Wed
nesday afternoon in honor of- ;Mr.
Nicolai's sister, Mrs. Ernest Duncan of
San Francisco, who is the guest of her
mother. Mrs. Theodore NicolaL . - -The
visitor has . been ' in the -city ' aeveral
weeks and will . remain here , until No
vember L " .". "-'
Mrs, Alma Raleigh has issued Invita
tions for" the reception - to be given at
the new bachelor home at 245 North
Twenty-fifth street, of which she Is
In charge. - The reception, which will be
In the nature of a house warming; win
take place Saturday evening from
U o'clock. - "
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. wessinger,
Mr. and- Mrs. Gilbert H. Durham and
Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice EL Crura packer
made up a party for dinner at -CDiumots
Gorge hotel last Saturday, evening on the
occasion of the. wedding anniversary, ,of
Mr. and Mrs. Crumpacker. . . . ,
Mrs. Paul M. French was hostess for
a luncheon Tuesday, honoring Miss
Gladys Porter, whose marriage to Mr.
Leroy- Armond took place Wednesday;
morning '. at Westminster Presbyterian
church. 4 ' , "
if Mr." and Mrs. Ca JD. Bruun.' who have
been making their home at Waverley
Country club during the. summer months,
have removed to the Multnomah hotel,
where they will spe ndJthe winter. - --i
-Mr.-and Mrs. Herbert Stchel (Elise
Feldman) ha ye returned to the city fol
lowing a motor -trip to Southern . Cali
fornia. They will make their home for
the present at the Benson hotel.
Mra. Harry W. Shat-. ho has. been
spending a few days at Hood River in
company' with Mrs. John Sbulaa, kaa
returned to the city.,' ' - " 6