it 12, ,1S21. THE OREGON DAILY JOU IUIAL, . PORTLAND, OREGOIf WEDNESDAY, OCT! , TOWN TOPICS , coMixa xvzxm asm! Comtmtint, Oram W. CL oCiV October 13. October IS; FutlaaO. October 14. Oo- u UobI Own, asaeUBt. Pdfle -lirtanattoasl ti- "ruaoa, i,mber S to 11. Aaariran Hirtorieal nrif raneA. Portland. November as Portland sad vicinity Oieeon and tVaahingtoa: fair cut portion; moderate fob: nee. OOMt en f rain l south aj raia wast. itenj wmaa, WEATHER C05J I05S v A low pressure ana is i tba praamr la relatively I Bsaersie siorm ja r aucna coast; eisewuere I vmuo. Aaimau eccurrec ! and in the muMie Atlantic, i ia somewnat cooler in tb : "7 ana in to west states; in other section were (mail and nnimport BalatiT humidity at . su par cent; o I cent; 9 a. nr. today. 8: Precipitation tinea Ja, incnee; normal, 29.0 , aocnea. over Arixena, Alberta, and oft the New Dish ui nanus t'ortbera Illinois L T&e weather Ifiaeiaslppt ,al- anddle AtlaBtie peratura changes f eon Tester. yesterdajv 82 par an, 1: Total. 27.4S : deficiency. "1.61 CASK GILLAH. OBSE1 riojrs ITATIOMf Tesap. I ! Bakac, Or. .... . Boise, ldiho . . . ; Boston. Haas. ; Buffalo, S. Y. Calcary, Alberta 1 i nicmao, m. I Dearer. Colo. i Dea Mota, IoS ; reano, ui. j Galveston Te Helena, demUL ; Monoium T. j Huron. I. D.i Jnneaa, AluN Swansea Hty, i uanhfiea. Medford i Memohfi New Yrt.l x- .. North 3aWssh. Nnrtli Pl7. Nab. OklahOa fitf. Okla. Pboent. ft. PitUtreJ Pnrflxi : l PrinoBrort, B. C. I RnaalnrOr. . . KoeepUNew Mexico 8actfefo. Cal .... Bt (rot Mo , . 6t knf Minn Salfsw City, Utah. . BnHo. Cal Baf rtwiaco. Cal. .. fibdaj. Wyo. BH,-llaska Bpaoi Wash, . . . . . IfMtf bland. Wash. Tfpan, Ner. f ...... Vfoiper, B. C. . . . . W Walla, Wash. . , WhiJtton. D. C. . -Sin. Waab. 72 80 64 58 74 SO 60 82 84 82 83 82 66 54 S4 74 60 82 60 82 74 62 62 60 94 64 69 64 68 64 82 64 46 74 68 64 50 68 64 76 54 72 62 74 78 80 IF 44 54 88 82 38 88 82 88 26 40 58 44 44 40 60 48 50 82 88 60 88 53 48, 50 40 54 40 88 52 60 56 60 26 40 50 62 48 50 48 40 IB It S3 a 0 0 0 .60 0 .03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 .06 0 0 0 6 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 0 M. report of preceding day. b "PiMraament, tb Wr topic of th hoar. Fire Marshal GrenfeU will speak on 'T1r PwvenUoa" and John c Hen- deraon will lead, tha club tinging. John a. iMcawiui ww preside. Fctfaratei Caarea XMttiwTh aeo ond annual . meeting: of tha Portland Federation of Churche will be held next Tuesday at 7 :4S p. ra. In th Firet Frea byterlan church House, Thirteenth and Alder streets. The executive secretary, Rev. Ralph McAfee, will present the an nual report, officers Witt be elected and plana made for the new year. An amendment to the constitution win be presented proposing; to chanxa tha name to jroruana council or Cburehea, a"-t M. smith, president, wtu preside.' : Skepard'i Acte Bis 7Jesuitnomah Falls' division. Leave Portland :X0 a, m,Ua. nu 2:45 p. 4 :80 p: m. daily. Leave Multnomah Falls 7:15 a. nt ii;is a. m, li :55 p. m.v 4 p. m. and U0 p. m, daily. Busses leave St. Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street. Telephone M-rnhsU 438L Adv. . - WoBiea's A axillary to Meet -Tha Quar terly meeting- of tho. women's auxiliary of the Episcopal church will be held at St Stephens pro-Cathedral at 10 o'clock Friday morning'. At noon there will be a box luncheon. Miss Tlllotaorj, - na tional secretary, will address the meet ing- at 8 o'clock. T. X. C. A. Founder's Dinner In honor of the late Geo raps H.i Williams, founder of the Y. M, C A., a dinner was held in the auditorium of the Portland association Tuesday night. Speakers re viewed the activities of the association during- the hundred years of Its life. Parish Society to Entertain The Krrirhta of Columbus and Dauchters loz lsaneua or sr. Koses pariah will rive City clubhouse. East Fifty-seventh and Sandy boulevard, on Friday evening-. beginning- at s:ae o clock. Portland Tillamook Cadlllae Stare, Hoyt hotel, dally at 8:15 a. ra. and 2 p. m. Special arrangements made for fish ing: partiea-o Adv. Tf omen Realty Dealers to Meet worn ntealty dealers will hold a meet trie at tha office of Fred O. Brockman. aecretar yof the ln.tersUte Realty asso ciation in the Artisans building, at 7:30 p. m. today for the purpose of organue ing a realty board. There are about ?S women la the city engaged in the real estate business and rules of the Port land Realty board prevent their mem bership in that organisation. I Sfcepert'S At Bat tUes Portland Hood River diviaion. ' Leave Portland S :30 a. m.. 11 a. m, 2 :e p. m. and 4 M p. m. daily. Leave Hood River 9:3 a. m, U a, m 230 ft nv and -M p. l. daily. Busses leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison Telephone Mar. 43SL Adv. "WIU DUeaas SeaMag-."To tta TJnflt Practice Mental Healing T Is one of tha fliieriea Dr. William T. JIcElveen will answer at his Thursday night lecture on Th Psvcholoay . of Healing. at the First Congregational church. Exelatlve If arsery Opeajlnr Wednes day, Oct 12. supervision graduate nurses Ethel Gunderson, isine xosb au motners Invited, 644 EL 15th N. E. 154. , rTheaever Tea Are la Seed of better teeth, you will do well to consult the plate specialist, I& E. ., d Rosaman, 311 Journal bldg. Adv. .' Portlaad-galein Stage Leaves Seward hotel. Tenth and Alder, every boor from 7, a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare, $1.75 Adv. ' Feet Hart! See our' foot specialist X-ray services free. Knight- Shoe com pany, Morr'eon near Broadway, Adv. " Salem-MBls City Stage Connects O. H. trains Nog. 6 and 0 for Mill City. Joseph, Hamman. Salem. Prop. Adv. 'r ' Str. America St Helens via Columbia river, 2:80 p. m. dally; 11:30 aw m. Sun day. Alder at dock. Mala 8331 Adv. Dr. Marie Baal has resumed practice, S13H Washington street Telephone Main 3928-Adv. i ' Safety Boxes le Dally, 284 Oak Adv. DIES AT AGE OF 83 . La Grande, Oct . 12. After a long 111 ness C. L. Kayler, formerly - proprietor of a local nursery, died here Friday, aged 82. In early life he followed the sea. 'AfekMn'a PmumH Hiffhwnv Onnta Ta is 00 Oregon has been assigned $2500 a its quota for initial work on the pro- osad Theodore Roosevelt highway. This um is to be pro rated between Portland, fcaoA River, The Dalles, Arlington, Her talston, Stanfleld, Umatilla, Echo, Pen flieton. Arams, Freewater, Milton and Athena. This was announced at a meeting- of the western section commlttee imen for the highway in the Chamber of 'Commerce Tuesday. . A committee to pro irate this sum was appointed and consists jot J. P. Jaeger, Sydney B. Vincent and i John E. Gratke. Fred W. Vogler was ' elected president of he Oregon division, r replacing John B..Teon. ? v ; t j, Sliepard'i Auto '.Bas Xiatts Portland i Astoria-Seaside division Leave Portland T:30 a. m.. 10:00 a. ,m., 1:00 p. m., 4:15 (p. .m. Leaving Astoria 7:15 a. m., 8:15 a. m., 10 :00 a. m., 1 -.30 p. m., 2 :45 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. ' Direct connections at Astoria to and from Seaside and Clatsop Beach points. Busses leave St Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street. Telephone Marshall 438L Adv. Dr. Storey's Work Praised Dr. George B. Story, formerly of Portland, ; is paid high tribute by the Bushman Boomer ang, housff publication, for his success in changing the Cushman Indian school at Tacoma Into an efficient hospital for the care of disabled World war veter ans. Dr. Story, who holds the rank of major, took charge of the hospital a year ago. Shepard'a Aat Sas Xataee Portland Bt. Helens-Astoria division : Leave Port land '12 p. m., 7 :30 a. to, 10 a. nt, 1 p. m, 4:15 p. m. -Leave Astoria 7 US a. m., 10 a. m.. 1 :30' p. nv. S :30 p. to., 6 :15 p. m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Busses leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Telephone Marshall 438L Adv. Site Boosters to Meet Supporters of the suggested Ross island-Council Crest site for the 192.5 exposition will meet . Thursday night In Central: library halt Aa organisation will be effected to cam paign for th proposed combined sites. Tk Oily Presey jraatsr to! Call la East 3088 whea you require the Salvation Army truck to call for your waste mate rial. Help us to help others by your tkatp. Address 24 TJnion avenue. Major Jena Bree, aistrict orxicer. Adv. ' ForOaadirewberg Bus Leave Fourth and Alder daily. 8. 2 :30. 11 a. nv, and 1, . 2:30. 4:15, 6:30, 8:30 p. m. : Saturday and Sunday 11 :15 p. m. Phone Mala 8314. Adv. Admiral Mayo to Talk Admiral Mayo of the United States navy, retired, will be the chief speaker before the Progres sive Business Men's club -at the Benson hotel Thursday- noon. His subject will EAT PUM . . PIES ASK YOUR GROCER 3AYNES-F0STER BAKINO CO, Inc REST SXVICE-LAn COST VcTl tell the price. fbrawrlu known as tennonH Because this store has been closed today we're offering you these specials tomorrow w Smart plaid skirts of wool velour $3.95 The picture tells you how smart -they are and when your stop to realize that, they are wool ve lout in clever blockrplaids you will; appreciate how unusual they are at the price. Blue and black or brown and black block plaids. 26 to 31 waists. Pure -silk jersey vests bodice tops $1.65 "Substtndards" of t famous brtnd that would be sold .for very much more if there were not small irreg ularities of weave. Both flesh and white in all sizes pure silk. Hp' Broken assortments of fabric gloves 69c They're all greatly reduced two clasp chamoisettes and 8-button filosettes in beaver, white and fray. Not all sizes in every stylebut all sizes in the group. 309 MORRISON Postofficet Opposite I Formerly Known as sZ ...... t . - , . " ' , . -. Ji f " .. inn ,, ,,,,,, , , n, ,,,,'- T "TTi 1 G Ths Greatest Sacrifice - ( iS TT ; ) " 0 Ladie' and Muses High . of Dependable Apparel C - y XX O R Sv$ ..P w!I -v u , AVusts, Furs, Millinery ) Witnessed in Tears fcjjj. () X J A J A Q At Big Sacrifice ( ; Hundreds of; Suits of the, finest materials to choose from at prices that will surprise you. M Ji. IN THE SQUEEZE Hundreds of Dresses, the season's choicest models and materials, wifl be priced ridiculously low. MUST RMSE a?10,000 AT' ONCE REGARDLESS OF LOSS, COST OR CONSEQUENCE Owing to the 'backward! season we did not do the business we anticipated and are now confronted with a task that requires drastic action in order to dispose of the immense stock of Ladies' and Misses' High Grade Cloaks, Suite, , Dresses, Waists and Millinery. 1 Si I It would take many months through regular business channels, but w kav obligations to meet and necessity demands we raise $10,000 in m limited number f days, therefore, we are going to throw discretion to the winds and set quick action, so oe preparea tor th greatest sacntice of the year, starting Ihursday, October 13th, 10 A. HI. SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT US TO ADVERTISE EVERYTHING ON SALE, SO WE QUOTE YOU A FEW PRICES AT RANDOM We have grouped together a won. dertal -assortment of gaits, some ' haadseaiely trlatned with far, ethers with beads and sons strict ly tailored models la all the wasted hades aad materials. Maay of these are worth SM. Xte.aldatloa Sale Price Is this grasp of Coats yea will find Boilvlas, Tetoars, Flashes and maay other materials, some nicely trimmed with far, seme plain, aad la all the desired shades. Maay ef these Costs sold for IteV Uaiida tloa Sale Price We have assembled one grand ar ray of Dresses that are the classiest seea this season. The materials onsist of TrleeUae, Point Twills, Canton Crepes an S Taffetas, la the desired colors. Maay of these sold for Liqaidatlo Sale Prie $291 Choice of ISO Skirts in all the best plaids soma plain. Values o S18.00. Liquidation Sale Price J $7A 75 la this group ef Waists we have prepared for yoa there are some woaderfal styles la Crepes de Chios and Georg ette Crepes, sold regularly as high as lit. Liquidation Sale rnce nm This is a seasational offer of Coats that has ao eqsaL Plash Coats with far trim med collars, euffs aad bot tom, raises to Llqal datloa Sale' Price............ $C95 $Q5 nm In this group of Hats selected for your ckeeeingf you will find Hats for every use, sold regularly as high as $1-0.00. Liquidation. Sale Price. ..... We bave la this group son splendid S2k Velvet and Dw tyu Hats and other materi als, sold regularly as high as $12.50. IJquldatiou Sale Price In this aasortsaont of Hats yov will find some handsome . Pattern Hats, Tailored Hate "and, in, fact, a Hat for those -that ar particular. Vahsoo to $15.00. Liquidation Sale Price $2 95 $70 THE ENTIRE STOCK WILL BE RE-MARKED AT THE SAME PROPORTION x Hundreds of Coats, Fur Trimme d or Plain All the Wanted Weaves To Be Sold At a Big Reduction DON'T BE MISLED LOOK FOR THE 360 MORRISON STREET AT PARK Hundreds of Hats of the Choicest Types Also Many Pattern Hate To Be Slaughtered 1 3 " vs. Mais SATURDAY,' OCT. 152:30 P.'.M. MULTNOMAH FIELD . Reserved Seat on Sale at Spalding's . 7 Broadway and Alder $2.50, $2.00 : General admission $1.00. No tax . - , Fresh, Wild Huckleberry Eie ABreath From the Mountain-Tops 'TfHIS wild, flavorsome berry brings to you Jn its mellow J; sweetness a breath of the high . places " where it ; grows. And when crowded into short, crisp crust -Oh' what a pie! 1 , 1 . We're proud of all our pies, for thev are made in our own bakeshop, where only the purest ingredients are used 7 but our huckleberry pie takes the prize. - ' Trje filling is all ' huckleberry no thickening, and the crust is made crisp and delicious with pure leaf lardJ- It'S 'gOOd. '; ' . f;--' . , Recall the huckleberry pie that mother used to make and you'll know what to expect. - . - - , Order a Ct( With Your Lunch V u MfPI MM, Three Convenient Locations . ittttTHwmtf wti wtm w it iiHti irn nwtn wt mmttrnttpm w wwi i w WUtt4sMtlUae laWH For Your Convenience We Never Close . sm ear" u qawT- a, -.. . ar auksssa. . . j esv qa 1 m m sisskrq.g . iiw sis ri isiiv - sw- . I1UII14441U.....J