.'4- y . 'THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, FORTLAND, OREGON. !EV MINISTERS ADD MATERIALLY TO LOCAL PULPITS V The pulpit f Centenary-Wilbur Meth odist church - will be supplied for thf oxt twe Sundays oatil the new pastor, Dr. Charle "W. MacCauner, can close ;up his work In the Moscow, Idaho. 4)!. 4 trtcV, wbere he was presiding eWer. The new ' pastor comes to Fortland highly recommended by those who kuow him and W credited wits hetog, mJnli- ter capable of directing tf,e procr im of social ' service which ' the Centenary. ' -"Wilbur people want carried out! Dr iMacCaughey Is declared to bo an ag gressive pastor, one who fights tinceas Iniriy for. the rights of the church. ' t He has been popular both as a pastor 'and district superintendent wherever It -has served. Dr. MacCaughey , is ce scribed as - the type of preacher who tcan "talk anywhere, and is said to -' make himself at home in business men's ' ! organizations. The Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps, new paa--tor of Eellwood Methodist church, is an i evangelist, lecturer and writer. He has . written several novels, among which 'are "Ethel Vale" and "Mountains of the Morning." He has also written several serial " stories for magazines. During Hhe war he was a ,"Y' worker in Fjrance. National Progress L Club Branch Forms NEW METHODIST PASTORS lid AWWCiWMWIW' To Boost Portland With the slogan "True America niam .and Civic Development" -as representa tive of 1U Ideals, a ortland branch of the- National Progress club was formed 'at the Multnomah hotel Tuesday noon. Executives or active stockholders of The Rev. Charles W.s MacCaaglie'jr (left), who resigned the samrlatend ency of tbev Moscow, Idaho, district to become pastor of Centenary Wilbur M. E. church, and the Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps, who was trans- " f erred to Sellwood M. E. church from RosebargU; v ; 7 0;i" Oampf ire ; Girls' ; .Grand Ceremonial :H To Be Heia Oot. 15 The grand ceremonial of , the Qarap- Cre Girls win be held afXincoln high school the afternoon and evening of Saturday, October IS, at wntcn time a great deal of th work of th erganiaa- tion will be demonstrated, ana several awards of honors and degrees will be made. "The crafts In which the members may' win honors are . homecraft, handi craft, aatare lore, businesscralt. . camp craft and patriotism. The Campflre Girls organ Ixation in Portland has been to existence since March, and with headquarters only since July, but already . 45ft girls are enrolled. The movement Is similar to that of the Boy Scouts, bat is not united, with any other organisation and is under', the luriadlction of the national headquarters In' New Tack. jCampfira Girls organisa tions are numerous in the East and in It foreign countries, as well as on all continents. The aim of the orgaalxation Is to bring out the greatest possibilities la character building and home loving. Tickets for the grand ceremonial Fri day evening may be ''obtained from the headquarters, at the hotels and. shops, : or mt the door, previous to the perform ances, which commence at X iit in. the afternoon and S .o'clock In the evening. . Bon ay Totldt ' Preparations Co$t Leu for J Cash ,i ,J tPHaxJst)its ef C Merit Q Everything - : i for ' ' business enterprises are!, eligible for membership.' .". ' V W.'P. Merry 'spoke at the initial meet ing. . He urged cooperation for upbuild ing Portland. ; f The officers are : C. S Kelty. presi dent; Dr. M. G. , McCorkle, first vice president; Barge E. Leoneri, second vice president : AVebster X Kincaid, third vice president; A. P. Dobeon. treasurer ; Dallas J. Sid wen, secretary ; directors. F. A. Martin, J. J. CeUlns, Dr. M. K. Hall, William - G. Holford. SL, F. Durk hetmer. John H. Burghard. Dr. E. C. McFarland. ;: C0BTALLI8 WATIVE DIES CbrvalllB, Oct. 13. Charles Eugene Robinson, 45. 'died Monday of Bright's disease. Mr. Robinson was born In this city and had resided here ail his life. He was in charge of the college barns for many years. Surviving are his wife, two children, s brother, Frank Robin son and two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Price and Miss ' Mabel Robinson. - all of Cor vaUis , New " anti-skid chains for automobiles are clamped directly to wheel spokes without the use of side chains. Here is the ..purest, ricettisilkyottiByer.. saw, brought to you absolutely clean : and in all its - rich good ness . But in 8 form that will keep without ice until you re ready to use it. The Milk of the West ii the Milk that is Bestt Aak year OREGON MI t ' I l I, 1; i, i. I. . .. ( t i ! '. i- ! Eree JUl This Week This 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent. Simply present the coupon. This test Will prove a delightful revela tion. : it will show you the way which millions have found to 'whiter, cleaner, safer teeth. This offer 'is for one week only. It means mich to you and yours. Act now. WO i ms l ommgj Watch the quick effects see the change in a week Present this coupon to your dealer. He will ive you a delightful ten-day test of a new teeth-cleaning method which millions are employing Watch the effects, quick, pleasant and con spicuous. Watch the new luster that comes. In ten days let your mirror tell yon the way to pretty teeth. Leading dentists' everywhere advise this method now. You win see1 and feel the rea sons when yoa make this test - : '- t" - ' "... .7' ' End the dingy fHm , The chief purpose is to fight film. This viscous coat,- which yon can feel, causes dingy teeth and also most tooth troubles. Film clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays, The old ways' of brushing did hot end it. So film-coats night and day threaten seri ous damage.: . - - -. ; Film is what discolors, not the teeth. FQm is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid; It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. -All these troubles hare been constantly, increas ing. - Despite the daily brushing with old methods, very few escaped them. Now you can fight it Dental science, after long research, has found ways to fight that film. Able authori ties have proved .them effective. Now lead- -ang dentists everywhere advise their daily use. 7 , The methods are embodied in Pepsodent, the new-day, scientific tooth paste. Millions of people now use it, and the use is fast spreading the, world over. That is the dentifrice we urge yoa to try. Your druggist has a free tube for yon. En joy its effects for ten days, then judge them for yourself. Also starch and acids Modern diet makes other things essential And those essentials are embodied in this scientific tooth pssts. - x f -, - Each use of Pepsodent multiplies the saK vary flow. That is Nature's great tooth-pro- , tecting agent It multiplies the starch dl- ' gestant in the salrv. IThatl is there to digest starch deposits jrhich may otherwise form -acids. :.- ' It multiplies ths slkalinity . of the' ssBva. That is Natures agent for neutralising acids which attack the teeth, PAT.OFfv ft SB 1 " ni awasssw -BSBBSBBSB SBBBBBBBBBBBV wssbbss . Bm bBuB V i REG. U.S. The New-Day Dentifrice Endorsed by authorities, advised by leading dentists every where, and supplied by all druggists in the large tubes. A Ten-Day Test Free TTiis Week Simply present the Coupon to MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. FRANK NAU, 6th at Alder. " . OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, Morrison, Park, 10th and Alder , . Sts. . - ' OWL DRUG CO; Broadway and Washington.- "' ' " WOODARD, CLARKE A CO Alder St at West Park. Watch teeth.whiten v The results of Pepsodent are quickly seen sad felt No user can long doubt them. A book we send explains the reasons for them. A very short test wQ convince yon that this hew way is essential, . - i Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note bow clean the teeth feeJter using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See - how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Watch the other good effects. Then you will see and feel and know that Pepsodent is necessary. Yen will tealixe that old methods were not right And this dis covery may bring life-long benefits both to .yon and yours.. Present this coupon to any dealer named this week. Cut it out how. rSt: if. 70S 10-DAY TUBE FREE Present this coupon,' with yoSn name and address filled in, to any, store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of .Pepsodent. - ' Your Name.......'..................................... 'Address' . Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to -The' Pepsodent Company, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue,' Chicago, and the tube will be sent y jnalL - - 'jimt, Oaly eae tabs e a family t ' " . -. "T qrUaa, Or. , ' " 1 " - '"' ms ;f7v 2000 Yards of Heavy, Lustrous Black SILKS'7at:;$i.69 DUCHESS SATIN Yes, black silks; fashion's favQritc, in four splendid' weaves that give ,you excellent choice for every costume . 1 OUR FINEST MESS ALINE HEAVY TAFFETA '3&-36Ir$cK Only ECONOMY BASEMENT, Uptnan. Wolfe i Co. - ' s An ideal, diet would do these same things, but few people get it So dental science now needs the tooth paste to bring these desired effects. Pepsodent will daily bring yon five jgreat benefits which the old ways did not bring. Together they mean a new era in teeth cleaning. ' Men's tobacco stains : Men who smoke stain these film-coats with tobacco. The use 9t Pepsodent brings them conspicuous effects. 7 Food stains with women make these film coats dingy. The glistening teeth seen every where now show how Pepsodent removes -them. But children need Pepsodent most Their teeth are most subject to film and starch kt-v tacks." Very few escape them." Demists ad- vise that they use Pepsodent from the time the first tooth appears. Women of Fashion j p T n nr Are A ski ng for v V Fast-pile, non-crushable costume velvet, choice quality $2 45 Here It Is at a Low Cash Price In black, navy and : brown, 48 inches wide ECONOMY BASEMENT, Upmaa, Wolf Co. : -This Is the Store for SERGES Compare These. Prices Compare Our Quality At $195 564ncheMVbo! Costume Serge 7 ln navy and midnight blue, the .famous Ambskeag im perial serge, sponged and shrunk, esjieciany fine for dresses arid skirts. 54Ihch'Men9i Ww Serge, $2.49 :K Strictly first quality tailors' serge, within especially fine finish that will not easify shine, due io soft nap. --ECONOMY BASEMENT, Upmext, Wolf & Co. At 98c 36-Inch Ail-Wool . ' Storm-Sergei . For children's dresses bloomers, middies, gym suits and hoys' suits, this is just the serge you require. In navy and midnight blue. V . , , - " ' r40.InthAll.Wool :; Fren -Green, navy '"and midnight blue dress serge that is easy to work with, pleats well and is adaptable to any. pattern. This Storm Uses No Comparative Price They Are Misleading and Often Untrue T iDlffillP:l3 . --. - U 4 V. ' ; -'. ' ' ' ' N ..-4. ' '"'' Tfte tietv susar-coaved cheivinssumi cycryfcedy U to you will, too-; J A dcllclcis FCPPcrmlnf- fl:vorcd suitar Jacket around peppermint flavored chewing cum that will; eld year cppctltci end: dlncstlonei polish your teeth end moisten your throat. vJ : : By ih2 meSers of... i-7& :)