THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY' MORNING. OCTOBER 9, 1821. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FIVE ROOM modern bungalow, nicely furnished, nrnw rant.- 814 Missouri mwr. 4 ROOMS well furnished, huuoi beet, fireplace, striatiy modem. attractive surroundings: 648. Including tint. 40T ML 64th at Teh Hawthorn av, nr. tn etn ana uneor. CLEAN, cosy 6-room iurnished cottage; food hoaae; for 2 w I nurses; prefer adults: tent 889 per Mtk. 471 Hoy SC. OH iIWmmi PAUTLX furnished 8 room bouse, in whit enamel Dutch kitchen, new furnace, fireplace, nun, sleeping porch, aloe to schools and eer; walking distance. 329 E. Anh. Owner. MmiB 4881 , E0C8E, tor rent 7 room, gas; will fife lease, walking distance. - 247 Failing, comer WiU- hma, - Inquirs between 4 end 8, p. m. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 6-room bang- iIov. Koh City Perk. 45: 1 blocks to w 486 E. 47th N. Tsbor 8524. JOB RENT 4 rooiD. tarnished, fit; or n fumtiihed. 812; adult. 735 Insley eve. Betlwoed eer. ... 4-KOOJi furnished bungalow, with fence, on river at Jennings Lodge. Phone Oak Grove I2x; -. - $43 8. BOOK furofebed house, gunnjeide. snitetle for two parties; gas for light. U. H. Stanto, 1027 Belmont. Office. Tebor 314. WILL share bungalow wiia reliable coopi. 105 Belmont at., lib. Tabor sad buanysxl earn. 1 ' - ' NEAR Laurelhnrit 7 room furnished hone. good garage, near ear. Will rent or lease. Call Sunday. 939 East Everett at. MODERN, good locality. 9 blocks south, 1 block west, atoant Scott car. Fremont 4880 71st ft 8. K,, 430 per month. , MODERN furnished 1803. i'OR KENT 4 room modern bouse, furnished, 430. Bee owner, 6804 69th. st 8. S. M. 8. car to 8Bth are. ' ' ' A35 6 room furnished house, west aide. Alar. 4481. 1080 Macadam. . FOR BEST A room furnished bungalow: ail modern conveniences. Phone Tabor 8781. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 TO PARTY buying complete furniture of 8 - ma. will rent 4 rra. bona for 47 mo., close to O-W. K. e K. shoes. Inquire 687 Pstton ave.. after a a. m. 4 ROOMS, well furnished, very clean, close to Morrison, car, luitablo lor home or' could dear rent Kt 4S04. ' 124 E. lth st t'iVkrkOOM apt for rentt. furniture for ssie. Can at Belmont apt. Apt 8. East 28th and Belmont 4-BOOlt house for rent, $15, some furniture fol sale, uin after s p. m. zo ruiinc tt ' STORES AND HALLS 314 NEW STORES 10x20. 44 19th and Washing tow; tnitable shoe repair, plumbing, dress--.. maker, light bnsinees. CHEAP. BENT, center of the west eide district baasBMnt about 8000 sq. ft. fine for apple storage and cider. Phone East 8438. . FOR deaireble . apace in u rep roof warebotue phoTe Broedwiiy 8718. LtRGS storeroom with basement Steam heat STORE for rent 470 Williams ave. 1 OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESIRABLE- room, 15x20, in new building. suitable for hemstitching, needlework or light manufacturing in women's wear. Hartnees, Main iouw. euo xamniu. DESK' room, with telephone and stenographic vgrrice. rnpBi rnnqwiy Olio 4'BIVATB room for desk and phone, 410 per i W M e u k. w m 3S a. WANTEIr-Deak room, with telephone, for real fre. 1VJ1. 0 A a TTSLSB l. TV Ullk, WS-V O, FOR RKNT. office end t tow room, 147 Front" SUMMER RESORTS 316 SPKND the Indian summer at Seaane. Tira - Wied bungalow. 318 month. Tabor 1351. WANTED TO RENT ' ROOMS 3S0 mall hall, suitable far teach ive location and rent M-S24, ing dancing; give jonrnaa ROOMS AND BOARD 352 BOT of 1 wants work tor board and room . and so to school; nan milk; preftr place in country. Write Portland, Route 8, Box 874, WAN TED Room with private family, with bfsrd prefened. H-944, Jonrnai. HOUSES 361 r RENTAL BUREAU -Ue yowr heoaes, fletn and apartments whh ,W: owVk Tesnlte and good tensnta, PACKINO. MOVING. STORAGE. T.OANS tSCCRITT STOBAOB-' TRAN9FEB CO 49 Fourth st, opp. Maltnotnab HeteL rnone Broadway 8718 BKI.UBUB married, couple wnhrhg desirable Quarters when in city would like to share noaoe with another leeponsible couple: have own furniture, but do not care to do home- keeping; will exchange references. Phone East OT'V .LIST yonr honeea and fists with u for rent . We have many daily calls for them in all parte of the city. 'PAH RUSH, W ATKINS 4 CO.. TSt Btark Main 1844. ADULT family, responsible, want boose, near . car, central, moderate rent Ma boy later. el - . AAA w rent an 8 -room, modern himu i or near Brooklyn diet Call evenings. Bast WANTED Care of home for people leaving city for winter; re foresees furnished. K-600. JonrneL ' HOI i SB or lower flat in Albina diitrict fur ,. nuhed nr nnfnrblahad, or will boy furniture. . . rat aim, 9Ct er 1-room house, family 4 adults. Lease. v-zt. journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 40O-802 WILLIAMS AVE.. 440-4S9 Union ave. NT. East 2194. ' APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 ';. 31-Room Apartment 9 and 4 m. anta.. enrner. i-W la vm: mUi ' nicely- furnished, all outside rooms, neat and clean, hot and cold water, nets 9228 and up, 9 ft. lease, 98500 to handle. Price 43800. Dte .eount tor aU cash. This k a good offer and wont last 14 8-rm. apartment brick, private baths, steam neat splendid fumkhinga, 4 V4 year lease, clean and neat, west aide. 42000 Undies. Price . ' ' O. B. RrpTET. Realtor, . 810 11 McKay Bide, 3rd and Stark. , ' APARTMENT BUILDINGS . , . 4-etory. 9 data, 8 store rooms, nets ever 4400 month, 430,000, easy terms; , will tele tome city property. ' " U nave several good apartment honaea add apartment oitea. See ua ( f . Marsh McCabe Co. , 839-4-4 FaiUni-bMs. MmOiall 9993. - Residential Apartment , 12 rma. splendid fnrnfahinga,. rlean. hot and . emld water, large wash room, ample closet room, good hvsse. tow rent 91000 handles. Prme tsvv. oneonns tor su eun. . ..' O. B. RIPPKT. Realtor. 410-11 McKay Bldg. 3rd and- Stark. - WEST SIDE ROrTH A real- anas:' stent anariemita 8-vna.n. mS bath each, furnished, food income. Price includes grouna, ouuaing ena . lunuture. only 38500. 43500 cash, balance easy. Cell for C. Johnson. - -Johnson-Dodson Co. 88 K. W, Bank Bldg. Main 4787 ' Willi eeli swilding. with aU apte. furnished fa fnod fumiUre: 23 apts. of 4-roama eenb. ' (0x144 feet; 8-etery brick In the Nob Hill Die . trict -Income 81009 per month.' Priee 470.-V- taflt 4A Conch Bldg. ' '': 140x140 NORTHEABs corner )4th and Tay 1 lor. west side. East S194. - l'rH-':rr: lots. '403 t JeffsrsoB hiah " VfaOldB tot 80x100. se tool: all Imorovemeata in: lots of fruit: .reaaoTieinie; terms at eeuc wain, nexH. . SR'IU located lot between East 80th ene 91st.. m Irving; no inenmbrsnea, 91000, M-rme. Sell 1158. - LOT 9. block- 7. Leurelhurt. The beat eah - offer takes thie A-l evilding let few. nan tw n-vw, jonrnai. -LOT 0xl20: worth 4404, will e& for $274 eash, or will give tot as security en 4144 rwan. p.48. Jonrnai. . 487S X. E. corner 48th and Stanton;, ire pTOtemeata ail paid. Inquire ' 919 B 92d W'i tot east facing. 4sth st. bet 43d end 43th ave: street graded cement sidewalk and enrbing tn and paid. $300. -Taber 2281. in,V'l.uL good baiiding lots near Portland bird, and Interstate, 850 eaxh. baL 410 yr mv tVOtmr F. i'mrxn. Henry bide k-ij. soii qiuca eair. corner lot 4uilu0, paved axreet WoudUwa biS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 'bm crn rus Iots ' ' 11040 . S. CORNER X. 86 sad Siskiyou .eta., an amp, is on both Ma. and nasi, 4 459 80x109- on ALAMEDA DRIVE, facte, samth. 40 ft. east of 4 6U st, 41 bap. ' -(- in and-paid, easy terms, 4 40O-r6OxlOO on E. flat sr.. facing went. 189 ft. north of BTlnaitat, ail Imp. 780 Ox0PeuLK. 40th stj uorts ef Ala- - aieda drive, all imp. bs and paid. 8 5S0 iOxlOO on B. 8Tth at., faoing went. 109 ft. north of Klickitat 4 474 80x109 on K. S8th tat., sxctik of ' Sandy, aS iasp. (a and pail '- , lAT&EVBCta? LOTS v 1106030x100. located close t park, all lap. in and paid, easy terms. 4 450 80x100, only 2 blocks: to Boat Oty car. aS. imn. in and paid. , . "S COLONIAL HEIGHTS DBTBICT 4 90044x100 on S. 17th, facing aast. 44 ft, oonth of Mill st. i Tw-me 4180 ' down and easy monthly paynanta, 41144 44x100 on southwest comer B. JTth ' and Mill sta.. easy terms, 81400 K. 24th at. facing west, between Haw thorne and Harrison at., all in and paid. Wf&THOBBULKri 4 780 50x100 on E. 18 tk at. facing west. 200 ft- south of Bybee ave.; ail imp. in and paid. GE0TEL4ND PABX 41000 80x100 en . 494 St.. racing west. 95 ft. aouth of Sherman at.. aU imp. in and paid. WEST 8LOFB Or ITT. TAB0B 41800 78x100 on K. B8th it. facing mat, 100 ft eemth of Tamhiil at. all imo. in sn HENDKKSOS-BANKFS CO. 428 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4744. coya of "T6ftAt mviNGXOJ rxisTEKrr Only a few choice tots left at these remark ably low prices and " easy terms, snrrotmded by otw homes, near sebooL Irvingion car and new city park. Only a few minutes ride from the center, of the busmees section of the West Side. Pavement, aidewalka and aewer in and said. 00x138 s2 80x100 ..$750 to 4873 43x205 .............41000 Corner 31000 4100 cash. 410 a month 40x154 sidewalks and enrba in and paid. 4368 80x100 sidewalks and curbs in sad paid. 4500 4100 cash. 410 a month. Com oat today to East 18th and Fremont at the bl (tea and make your aeleetkm. Sales man wui meet yea from 10 l a until a p. m. JohnonDodson Co. 433 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 103x180 FEET; $874 I WCLSmRS ADDITION East of Alameda Park, north of Beaumont all cleared, beautifnl building' cite, view of valley and mountains, terms 487.50 down, 819 month. Off ioe open every day. I Take Broadway ear to Bryee avenue, go 4 bleaks east J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 209. Look at This Bargain Corner lot ONLT 4280. clear of all incumbrance. BEE IT on the southeast corner of E. 16th and Holman its., then bring yonr deposit to Dekum & Jordan 823-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark sta. Main 2233. 208X400 FT. 31325 414 DOWN 414 MONTH Great tor garden ana berries, good home site. tow county tax; no building restrictions. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. 4 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. 81380 Irrington lot imp. paid. 41150 Lsurelhurst lot imp. paid. II 000 Learelhurst each 100x100 41000 41 and Taylors 81200 4 2d and Diviaum. $1600 Irrington. 88x88. 8350 Rose City. 4200 Boss City. Chas. Ringier & Co. 228 Henry Bid. WTLSHniX ADJOINS ALAMEDA 4474100x124 Ft Builder's 24 Mortgage Privilege trees, 2 blajL-fros schooi. and lota for the price of one. 7. la HARTMAN COMPANY Main 208 4 Chamber of Com. Bldf. VIEW lot Alameda Park. This la an exceptional lot; rrem a nome built on it you nave a pano ramic view of the city and surrounding country. Hiss about 60X140, Price only 91800. terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 483 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 8787 95x100 ft lot 9 blocks north of Peninsula an paid sxoept 844 which Just ttondad. Price eo. aiaay terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 883 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 ROSE CITT Owner most sacrifice thU fine east front 44 foot lot on E. 44th. dose to Sandy, beautiful fir and maple trees and good houses aB around, price lor fire days only 81000, Let us show yon. BITTER. I OWE CO., BealtofS, 201-2-9-9-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 41 DOWN, 41 WEEK " Alberta ear. Close to sehoaL 43ement walks. Gas. Water. 8173 to 4350, including au asseavmsBta, Wby 9 sis re to the landlord I R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Ben, stain 1B7T. BKAUTli'LLLT' 'wooaVd W iibb. ' iBO 410 monthly alas 40x158. 4700. Easy te near Jefferson high and Penrwenla Park. Johnson-Dodson Co. 8SS H. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 8 LOTS, northeast earner 80th et and 48th avni. 40x100 each, IB bearing and water, 4330 each: any terms. 4 lsrge lota. 80x110 each, in south eaat eoroer am ana wooaara ave.. 3380 each; any sernuv Owner, 1268 Division st.l ,1 evei 88x100 CORN Kit 88th street dose to Hoifate, nigh and sightly, fine view. 9800, take diamond as nr payment, bat. 310 per month. .. 228 t.namner of oonunerce bug. nKAl HK9T BROS. LLt'REUinT Sands near ' fc. "aTT" nriae 91240. streeta on both endst afe fine south rront on Haasalo near K. 88th for 91100. Bee BS lor tot ptekuna ia tide cheese home district RITTKB. U)WH A no.. 901-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50x100 ft loi ia Lovelaish Add. for 9404. Sidewalks in and included in price. Easy terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 438 N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 100x100. ALBERTA CAR, 38 DOWN j wk. eeew, tnetnmag aasnweeewta, beaatiful bonmftos. Why rentf B. W. Car. ie r.. tt. dim PHIS;. ALAMEDA PARK Ramblet are., near S Slh HQft- m nU Overaisa view tot double street biRside, facing aaaaw,- near sstn. gtevv; tmn peid. ' J. C. CORBIN CO.. 803-4-7 Lcww. BMht. ALAMEDA Park tot 4740: all atreeta. "aW i Johnson-Dodson Co. 339 N. W. Bsnk BMg. Main 8787 ALAMEDA 30x100 comer. 31000 clears m upT ui nnprovemena an; ine etwiimt neme rttlBBd. : Better act quick en this one. f i STT?!1-. "w CO . Realtors. ; ' 201-8-3-4-7 Board of Trade Bldg. x' - 8IGHTL.T mtlXCR kavina J. Q. CORBIJI CO., KeeJtors. terb xTidg. 4430 ROSS CTtf 'piftt fliltAif , M" W14 o Sandy hlvd.. IT, Boee Oty school. - Srwt in Street, Tabor 4809. fciLii:hiU i i... 'iAiJ 4 iii . ' TWW av pwra. way orU take Ur bonda er good REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 41 HOMES : HOW BELNO BTJILT ,KXW Aiortio ACKEA6K .. TEBT EAST TEBMS BCI TOC& TBACT - MTMBEB 0!f EAST TEB3TS , . ; rOB TOCB BOMS- 20tf 404 IT. 41824 $18 D0WH 418 MONTH TBIES Einnrwo WATER 41484 820 DOWJi $S0 MOJTTH HEABXT 4 ACBZS ' 83838 838 DOWN 488 MONTH 200X400 FT. . KICB SILT LAND 41884 419 MONTH . 81TS0' 924 DOWN 820 MONTH NATURAL PABS HOUB 8ITK STJNNINO WATEB NO BCrLDpfO RESTRICTIONS LOW COTJNTT TJtl RICH 8H.T .GARDEN LAND SEIXING FAST COMB OCT TODAY BIO TALCB EAST TEBM3 J. U HAB.TMAN COMPANY. 9 Cbnaber of Com. Bide BRANCH OFFICE . OPEN EVERT DAT END OF PARXBOSX CARLTNS BOSB C1IX PABK CAB REGARDING NORTH PARKROSE If yon hare a drop of speculative Mood in your veins, yon will buy one of these tracts.. 418 DOWN 418 PER MO. t STRAIGHT CONTRACT ONLY 81284 PER TRACT each and all cleared. Think what these tracts will be worth in 2 or 4 years if they were set out to a variety of berries and fruit trees (they grow here ss tt is rieh.silt land and never cul tivated before, but the tracts bought this spring and now in cultivation will show yon what may be done. The beginning of Park rose Is Just e muea irom toe jfnrnaMe snags. lon t wait; some out today and see the tract and the new homes already built Open every day. branch office st end of Psrkrose carllne. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 209 ' B08E CTTT PARK DISTRICT 9700. 150 ft south of Klickitat at. en-east sine oi Sim st, a.; iuu down, sta per mo. Paved, etc. 119KA w txr h, . iui, wH... m . pavwa, ews. ; oeiew ue niu. csin. 9730. 100x123 ft N- W. eer. 41aS and anA r aiung sta. terms and 2d mtg. privuega. 8480. 100 ft of Randr hlvd.. aw, east , . 1 a ... . . ' sue. ui low su a. sarms. 982S. 100 ft north KRckftat am B. 47th st: 9200 down. 912.50 ser mo.: 2d muaj poTusae. siuoo. zoo it. nam or Broadway, east side of E. 98th st N.; 1 block north of Sandy Dim., oetow tne nui. tBKA V TJD- S th mt ..a e.-. oivu., iiz iu en saaay. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Cnaabef of Commerce Bldg. Commi 209. stain Lx)tsLotsLots Some Big Bargains 200x200, West Portland Heights; 8140. 88 in, 88 monthly. KA.1AA 19A . ftllA SB .V mwt U.X1 " ", awv, , "T .wii , w Mm,,,. 100x100. 72d st; 9300. 414 cash. 88 monthly. 8Zd st. 40X104: 4Z73. 44 eash. 94 monthly. St Johns ear and Gilbert at. earner tot: S2S, 310 cash, go a month. ooxioo. Freaeott and Gay aba: 9800. 910 eash. 97.84 monthly. 80x100, Irrington park, 8349. 419 eash, 44 month Ly. 40x100. Jefferson bis school district, raved ttnet aU paid; price 8478. 820 cash, 810 month. X snap. We have hundreds of tot bargains tn aO parts os ue ouy. nee tn today (Btmaay. COVTE tt K0HLMAN, 208 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 4890. Pay Down Buy in Mentone See Mentone today (Sunday) . These lota are selling lite notcakee, 91 sou Met 8 weeks, nice level 40x100 tots 4214. 4824. 4280; Bull ..Ban water, gaa. bis school near. 8-oant carfare, good neighbors; atop paying rent put up n soscjt er email nones and own yonr own home. . Ge out today. Take Mt fkU ear to end, of fine and walk north on 1084 street 4 bloats, Mr. Murray, our selssmin. will be were to snow yon. COMTK m KOHLMAX, Main 4544. 204 Chamber of Commerce bHg. 41827 ACRE AND HALF PARKROSE 311 dovra. 419 month. , This includes inter est at 6 , aU cleared, ready for plowing, rich silt land; running stream .north boundary Una: jun a short waiK irom Bandy Diva and catlina. 3. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Oom. Bldg. . - Main 904. iBVLNGTOfc PICK CP. 40x100 between two new houses on E. 9lst, an 80 ft street, one Mock to Broadway ear. price rat to 81240 bat tt mast be recti. This bargain wont keep. KTTTsnt J OWh! g uu., KeenoTS, 901-2-S-4-T Board of Trade Bkig. fiOfia cm 80x100, 3700; on East 5 8th. near Siakyeo. AU present improvemenm pern. Johnson-Dodson Co. 433 N. W. Bank bids. Main 8787 UUMUitRST Comer lor iiSo. ail hone paid. 1 block te Sandy: also a rare pickup In a big corner en Mirlmsr and Flandea for loo. - Ri'rTEB. LOWE 4t CO., 201-9-8-9-7 Beard of Trade fcldg, . LACRBLHCBST BPKdAL Seleot tot, only 430 rt from pack. 4 surrounaea ny traeet Bomas, Cast $2200. Ton may nam for 31800 u tone tmavediateu. Make yonr J. F, Cwmpton, 100 Abtngton bldg. Special near Peninsula park. 46x100 let; 4404, 489 eaaa. 419 anesbto. Johnson-Dodson Co. 838 N. W. Bank bldg. - Main 8787. CORNEA OX THE ALAMEDA, for 81249. as Bene paid: wetter tovastinate; r. one an anrtna. RTTTEB, f.OWB CO.. BenRota. 201-2-9-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 810 CASH. 4e per month Full use loin near 1T.mTtlioTKa Mt Mna- Ft-enkHa tTi.H aad mH. scbeet laws in rarage till you can- afford bowse and nit ugh rent 4230 per lot mow i spot i. owners. . tlFJA.WOOTJwBiaTit n SpakBBO esew 100x109 with atvsok for 43909: asigna oivifle ana emu. en tortne. . -RTTTEB. LOWB At CO.. 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade VOs. xVKALTIFTJL, sw. 80x199 snrner tot, W BMrelsad addition; aewer and aidswalka to: H bloc front pavetnent near 93d are. S3. B wond.t4a.k esc. 11S4-TI rebwan eve. . for 4409.- Bee ;'hs m Ca. Besltor. exa r-iymoiica gjenenge piqb. FOB SALE Bargain by. owner, torn h i stnetea ejaxrictt mess mean offer. Mara 841 WHILE the nice weather iasia locate your baud- mt site re wsivrat pera. ttqci;w .wet. eTOB. A LOT in Wslnut peak priced right With eey twrvas eH oeixv, wendiswa 9il 9UGHT now is the tune to secure-woe of those lets te Waimrt rark. Weed-swn 981. FOR AK(Ai.j in h -'t class leauicace kits. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE1 LOTS 403 IioCTedaleHomedale THE LAST PIECE OF CLOBEE ACREAGB : AVAILABLE FOB BCILDEN'Q PCBPOBliS Adjcenimi Irving ton and Ajsmeda Park Building open Bona to start at once. Every lot will bo improved within a eery short tana, ran point of ear service, surruundinga. toon, tion and the nuy ether teataxea that go to snake wp a desirshla beildins gtto Honreflala without oona,- - . - ' Lots n Freraont'and 24th ata. nava aO bn proTsmeats in and paid. Application has already been need few the improvement of the ether streets. Work will commence at once. . Prices SiMM) Up Take Broadway ear to 24th and Fremont ata, Ex-Servlce Men Se yon realise the fell advantage to neeroe to yon by reason of the bonne tosnf Ton pay bat 9199 yearly, which in tees than 29 years' repays, miereet ana principal. Let's suppose that I borrow the seme amount of money. I most bare about twice the amount at security required of yon and I nay 9210 snarly, which apphea en Interest only. At the end of 24 years I have paid 4840 more than yon and atffl owe the 43000. while year 43000 a fully iwi. ioidk weu oe:pre yon let any one taut yon into taking the cash and MMmarnTCtt that to get the full mine at mat loan wm nee Inst 414-monthly. Therefore be sure, that yon are buying in a district where prions are certain to aarance wnere your property can readily find a desirable tenant should it becoUe necessary for yon to. lease it With 14 years experience in haodHcg Port land real estate we are competent to tdriM yon, Bee Homedale today Sore B. 24th 'and Fremont sta.. Take Jiroedway ear. J. A. Wickman Co. KEAT.TOPft 284 Stark st Main 489 end 1094 WTLSHTRB ADDITION ADJOINS ALAMEDA PARK 2D MTG. PRIVILEGE 60x100 to 110x109 Ft io rxwN-818 peb iia " 8580 3375 8870 3878 VEBT CHOICE LOCATIONS All cleared, others in fruit, anma wiU, Kn. tiful fir trees, one of the extra choice districts in town, city water, electricity, grade and grav eled street; carries same restrictiona as Boat City; is served by both the Broadway and Beau mont carUnes; school adjoins tract so is ii nasi ble from any part of tract ia a few minutes wais. 3. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Clumber of Oom. Bldg. Main 208 Branch Office. 83d St and Bryce Ave. Take Broadway Car to Bryce Ave. Walk 4 Blka East NEW WIL6HIRE ADDITION 3780. C0R-, 147X110 FT. 75 .DOWN 815 PER MO. 4 lots, right on the corner, with a south and east facing. aU cleared, and ready to put in garden. This land wss formerly in strawberries; ideal for garden and chickens, , 3. I HARTMAN -COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Oom. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 83d and, Bryee Ave. Take Broadway ear to Bryee are.. wain pica, LOTS, $175 NO INTEREST Why nay intaraetf , I chanra no lnlmt for 2 years; pay $8 or more down; I can sell yon a 50x100 tot for 8178: n half acre. 4 bis- eit lots, for 8500; fine garden soil. Bull Run water, gas, 8 -cent carfare, beautiful district near Woodstock. Call mo today. Sunday, or any evening. Mr. TJnderttahl. Antomatio 632-38. IRVfNGTON proper, real bargain, 60x100, on B. 21st eaxt (rant only 81400. 8400 eaah. baL easy. This pickup , won't keep, gee ua without delay. HITTER, LOWB CO., Realtors. 201-J-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 8360 CORNER 40x100. east faea. 2 blocks to ear. near school, eemsnt sidewalks and curb in and paid. Johnson-Dodson Co. 488 Tf. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 3260 40x160 . 24th near Jarrett oamsnt waias. araouw. enrns. water in ann eain: sen couldn't put the iinprevemants in for this money. Easy term a. BITTER, LOWE At CO.. Real tors. 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t t Kl r l ' i.-L . A . ".I 1 .. eiww rmunj m a. trui, uear, most be cash. Also Terr choice east front on At ou near Brasses for 31000. RITTEB, LOWiS Ac CO., 901-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 60x100 lot Kenton ' district Price ent in order to ata Quickly; 6300; almost an; terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 483 W. W. Bank bide. Main 8787. TWO choice cleared lots on 47th St. east rront jaese uti - Fark, improvements paid. 9860 each. Owner. 868 E. 47th N Tahor 4211. FINE LOT, ready for building, near Mock r air bus ana luiungswortn Ave., with street ifflprovements paid," reduced to 9950. Easy terms, rnone wain siva. WEST slope Mt Tabor, beautiful view. 200 ft north of Stark on 4lst et. west front 81x148. improvements paid, $1200. any term. Tabor 142. "LOT1 ROSE 'Ctft PARK" 4774 for cmiek sale: tows, all in and nald. en 84th et level, east front one block west of nose city aoneoi. owner, Tenor 8833. . HAWTHORNE AVE. KEAJR 413T ' 4Z A , i an at gasefa a 4a. .1 VA1W -AVVVs BSfPk )4UUs 3. O. OORBIN CO.. 906-4-7 Lewis BMg. WHY pay rent? Build rough hosse en tot; 490 down, 814 inentb, Bon SUF. 404 Buchanan bldg. MUST sell at onaa. lot SOxlaO: inmuauata in: 4204 monaaaa and. 864 tn Uena. Mmka me an oner lor my equity. 85 East 68th at N. JEST a few mare lota In Walnut park; choice roeaiuy; ibvdtbdw terms; eeu owner, rv. at KBlingswortb, Woodlawn 851 or 8304. 4840 ROSS CITT PARK PICKUP Cnoios netner, 04th at, close to Sandy Nvd. Assta, pam; trees; easy terms. Tabor 8358 BARGAIN Beautiful, lot near Hawthorne ate ' close in: unprorwmenm u; pain, 91000; arrma. unworn, wtn Bpaiaing bldg. BARGAIN LOTS, Ev 80th" near" Breadwa: Terms. 9860, 3400. 3800. Owner. B. 3280, LOT. comer 81st Tibbeta, $oi0. half caahT am a si a. HOUSES 404 88800- 3500 WILL handle modern 4 room bungalow, baa hdw. floors tn living and dining rooms, fireplace, light fixtures and window shades, walls papered and tinted, all nuilt-ins, good location. CaR Sunday at 1224 Sandy, or pnone Tabor nai, ; NEW east front bungalow, close in, with every modern convenience) finished in ivory, with garage, cement runways, furnace, , eta. Trade equity for anto to 31-500, A-560. Jonrnai. HOME for ambitions rounc neonle. A nlace yon have been looking for. 4 room cottage with 2 big lota, wita ail ktnas of rruit and sr- riea. cntcken noose. es 4btn ave, B. ni. FOB SALE Mr 9 room home at 944 Gantenheta are. Fine eondrtinn. AS improvements paid. Tale- iOB9 819-SO. . . ' ORIFICE sale, new 8 mean house, wired. water in house, berries, lot 100x100. 42d and Jackson, mtrwansje. owner. SPECIAL Nice Broom house, fruii, lawn, near Union see. ana Aicerta car. 82400. good terms. Dubois, noa Bpaldtng bldg. BARGAIN 4-room home. a mi-modern. SeiT WOOO, vary aasy llll IBS, oam U. Rttratn, bus ppatcang oiog. MUST SELL, leaving city; cottar with attic, fine mat; on eer 317V9. Dubois, 804 gpalding bldg.. BARGAIN 8-tnom modern hone, let 40x130: fnut oernea; near union are ear. gaaoo. jorm o.- nnrain. awe prajqtng wag. LOVELY 6-room oottece, by. owner; 1 1-9 btocks from Alberta car: 41850. Cafl. Woln. 4881. TTTJLS n abatrart is required. Titln 4k Tnat NEW A soosa bonanloW. everr modern eooran- iencs: aardwood. floors. 1378 East Graat Bear BOtfi, FIVH bopgatow, choice tocation. liaiuoea- tne 2704. luvv, terms. . owner. Bell. HOUSE for sale by owner. 1 rooms with fur nace. block to ear ana, close to school. call were, in, - prww aaeeo. 14 BOOMS, .with double gsraaw, 789 Vaay ev-r ave-r f 39t. East 2138, WomCs 102. MUST sell to 10 days, modern 8 room housa, in rt part of taptrs eodmow. m zwT SACRIFICE 4 anoan -auictly modem R. C bunralcw. Terue, Owner, 01 Bis If 6 KOC-aI burigalow, eatwr Biartdrna and Con . trsp Ca4 evetima 15S lmzoa at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 , BOSS CTTT FAME Wn am in 4 pesmoa to ofler aornefUnt. nusuel We have taken over n email ubdi vision f 40 lute at 45th and Fre mont streets, which we nan oaH yon for 8500 en any reasonable terms. There are no restriction, on these tote and they are Just outside tbe aity Hauls; no eity taxes to pay. and no building inspectors to bother with, and we are la : - position to finance yonr building, ao If yon want to beat the MncQord drive nnt to ear bra rich offtos en Sunday, er te (a 45th and Fre mont: we will be glad to show yon. that property. . .. . - - BILLS R BROS., Realtors 211 By. Ex. bide. Mais 88. Branca Office. 60th and Sandy. ' Tabor 9488. ' i lTJBELHTJBST BARGAIN PEERLESS AND' HABSALO 1 block south 83rd and Sandy PRICED AT 89500 TODAY !' Bangalow of six large rooms, all on the one floor, 15x28 living room, tils bath, hardwood throng hot, furnace, garage, a home ideal and, eosapjete. The beat buy tn Taoralhnrak today. Double corner tot Come and ese this home Sunday. Open aU day Sunday for inspection. The white stucco bungalow at -PEEBLESS AND HASSALO A- C JEWELL) lupg Agent. Tabor 2491. Tabor 4729 See This One Now Better than 8 his room modern bnnsnlow on 1st 80x100, bard surface- at This is a hand some ana excellent nome ana must be seen to be appreciated. Look! Booms big and well lighted; fixtures exmllngll has fireplace, wash trays, big basement with inside and outside en trance and other good tbinga too numaroua to mention. 33500, terms. Ton can't duplicate Urn. Cable Realty Co. S829 T2nd at 8, E. Aut 418-83 $4500 A wonderful home on E. Broadway. A sew moaern n room noose, aounie ooor strncted throuchout hardwood floors, Dutch kitehwt- fireplace and fnrnaee, full cement basement annge. 60x100 lot, aU improvement! in and paid. Easy terms. Call Main 1628 Sunday and evenings. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 284 Oak at Bdwy. 948. IftVlSGTON BUNGALOW 8 room bungalow, full attie, oak Soon, fireplace, bonkrssea, enamel woorwork, com plete kitchen, breakfast nook, conorete basement furnace make an attraetive price or will consider leasing furnished. Furniture and bungalow like new. 770 H 25th st N. DERB ft POWNDEB 1215 N W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2243. IBVINGTON Yatuable elcee-in 50x100 comer. 18th and TQlamook. modem home on inside part seven rooms, double p lurching, hardwood ftoors, paperad, enamelled, garage. Radiant fire fnrnaee; win aU inside 40x40 for 45500. Boom on vacant corner tor nice 2 "family residence or cottage. Whole comer for 87500. Good for a borne or investment Robert B. Beat, East 1875. 423004 BOOM bouse on paved at, modem exoepl furnace. This is a bargain. $55008 room hones and sleeping porch, white , oak noon, ruu nasement, rurnaos. nre place, garage, modem in every way; MeGEE ek DENNIS ' 989 TJlon ave. N. Wdln. 0884. A Good Home . 4 rooms on 2 lota, a splendid buy at 41900: very res son able terms. See us at once if yon want a snap. Cable Realty Co. 6829 72nd st 8. E, Ant 818-83 BOSS CITY PARK New 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, finished floors, laundry trays In basement tot 50x100, electricity, gas, up to date and a fine buy. Prion 83500, vary easy terma, 6 rooms. Dutch kitchen, eemeut walks. 150 feet off pa Tins; 32800, 41000 eash. pee u. Im JiSNnn, etn anq Banoy bito. BOSB CITT DISTRICT Cow 4 room bunsstow. finished in old ivory. Pretty living end dining room, built-in book eases, Dutch kitchen, whits enamel plumbing. full sued lot auruboery, . fruit ana tiowers. 82850. 8500 down, easy terms on halsnre See Royal, 726 and Sandy bird. Tabor 166: era Tabor T1T4. BEAD GAREFULLT Par 8700 on this beautiful home of 7 rooms. Price reduced to $5500. . Grounds 100x800, with creek 40x100 running through center of property, trout pond and three beautiful arthrtie7 flowerbeds In creek; fruit bcaries, eta. Must bo seen to be appreciated. Easy terms. Beilwcod 888. ROSS CiTx' biMfaiM Outat S room Disc. French doors and win dows, good stsed living room, dandy kitoben, lorn oi Dniit-ins, dec trio ngsts, gas ana water, full steed let fruit berries, shade trees. Only 31375. See Royal, 7 2d and Sandy bird. Ta bor 156: eve., Tabor 7174. ROOM HOUSE Beeutifal 79x100 corner lot east and north view, fine large rooms, nicely finished, hot water besting plant near car. A real bargsia at 64000. gaoo cash. W. W. 8ASXN, Realtor, 1082 Union ave. N. Wdln. 589. 35300 4-ROOM modem house, corner tot on Sandy bird.: every room is pleasant; yon wui lflce it: shown by appointment: easy terms. Msin 1628 Sunday end eveninsa. UNION SAFE D&rOoiT a TRUST CO.. 284 Oak tt Broadway 948. LOOK) 8350 CASH Easv terms. Alberta district: 8-room hones. full dirt basement fine lot 11 fruit trees, ber ries, grapes, flowers; ell for 81761; Its blocks to school and j car; will sell partly furnished. For quick sale call Woodlawa 1288 weekdays after 6 p. m. WHT NOf BUILD And get a home acoordina to your ktoaeT t build and finance better class of homsa. N. O. Kainmt,. 411 & Slat at N., corner at But) Bird, Tenor nuo TOUR long search ends here on a Is marts, Park, new bungalow, 4 rooms, bkf . nook -and attto, fireplace, furnace and garage: 1 block to Broad way ear: price lust reduced: it eaa't be beat Open all day Sunday; nome and see. 884 Skid more, near 28th. - PIEDMONT 4-room bnnaalow. attic, oak floors, bnfltln fea tures, firenlace. furnace, full bssemeat nook. garage,' alley; 46600, terms, some eash; must be sold before October 1 1 : no agents wan tea. Owner,- 1212 Garfield eve. , FOB SALE Artiatio California type bnngatow. S rooms, sleeping porch and bath ; hardwood floors. Ivory woodwork, large fireplace, lovely lawn, chicken yard: ideally located,' in the midst of wonderful trees. By owner. 8-707. Journal. 6-ROOM modem bungalow, sleeping porch, one room finished above; furnace, combination fixtures: garage: fine district paved. By owner, 48850, terms; lees for eash. Sail wood 2446. A REAL home, close in, 8 rooms, bath, elec tricity, gas; 2-story, fine condition; garage: 80x1 60-foot tot; tote of fruit flowers; paved street; 43400. terms. 449 Eugene st East 7943. ONLT 3100 DOWN Brand new 4 oom plastered hooee. Fries 32100. D. J.-O'CONNOR, 4008 02d it. cor. M S. carifrw. Auto. 426-73. 41000 DOWN and balance on time, will buy an ideal niece for small poultry farm: cor ner tot 13x230: modem 7 -room hones; cher ries, pears, peaches and apple trees and ber- ne. 34500.- Apple at 89 East Bid Et, w, hi ICE 4-room house and 4 beautiful acres of ground, near Powell valley road: modem, san itary plumbing, water tystem, several yeanr fuel on placet a bargain at 44000, part eaaa. Tabor 4803. . ; . . -. FOR SALE 6-room house with gaa and bghta; .twe tote, fruit trees ana berries. lor 82309. 9600 down, balance monthly. Payments to suit borer. . 33 E. 62d et N oujet. . 00 r- pea ex. rt. $2150 REAL nifty new apartment towaelew, . i avAa v TTT1 - VOttT., vwy IJWW CTWS. - , . G. C GOLDEN BERG, Owner Abington bd. Mala 4808. FOR RALE Close in, west side, 9 rooms, wen tarnished; good neighborhood, saodern. fur naoa heat rent 840: income. 4 room, 970. Broadway 015. P-8HI. Journal. FURNISHED 3 rooms and pantry, electricity, gaa, water, SOxlOO, berries, some fruit.; 91600, 8600 down. Lenta district Ante. 033-O8, JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT 9-rocBa eottage-btmgatow, - mrnperte aet of pram brae near ear; lor quica: aaiev only sziw, eany BBymeas ena termn on 98,2 er East 2871. , KENTON BUNGALOW ' Best enable eunetrncted taoxne, new and enre pretty, with bfst nook. eta. Accept 9399 as let paynteuti easy moniaiy pajmsjiin. . QUTNN. 204 Morgan bldg. - REALTOR BT OWN 31 Modern 9 cm, honsa. . ia A-l condiaon. - fna oamsnt kasamsnt avendry xraya. fnmaca, garage, 4 btocks from Lasrelnerst park; cash er terms.- 1167 Belmont, near 88th. 6750840 down. 420 . Per month burs 2 incan : fnrriuhed house. 40x100 tot ' Cafl 2049 Mnttoeenah t, steer 924 st K. 9 blacks tr Mcntsniia ear. - -1 : - Strictly modern. Rose City Park, hdw. floors. X OWN EM Id good location, 3-room house and sleeping porch; ae agents, Phone Tabor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Boone-Clearwater BEALTORS, " - 606, Conch Bldg. Main 8201 8180 DOWN, nalanen 828 per tooath. ' oriee 82854. bus Tea tide Bear a seem rirepesce -asm nnufrsns, tacmg Bawtlssrne. - 8280 DOWN, balance 330 per month. price 88150, buys this modern 6 mean bungalow on paved at 199 ft to ear as, Bear snrabard at, , $880 DOWN, walenee 340 per month, priee 88800. New 4-nom bnngatow. hot water heat, fireplace and bwilttoa, elosa to ear. Near i'nton are. North.. . . . 4440 DOWN. 9stmnca 999 a 94760. 6-room bungalow, hard ween floors, fireplace and built-ma. . Bean City Park, ' :. . 8740 DOWN, balance 880 per naoath, prion 44760. New 4-room bungalow, strictly modem, pared street does to 6andy Blvd. Open Sundays, Boone-CJearwater BEALTORS, Main 8201. , 404 Coach Bldg. 1 R. Somervilie a S. Nat Bank Bldg. Bdwy. 2478. 'BOSB CITY BE1TJTY 88800. terms Terr aniatie new 4 bttnealow, easement windowa, pergolas, asaaae, fireplaoe In tors nring room, eak floors, 2 fine bedrooms, eefraectiog bath, bandy Dutch kitchen, with large artiatio breakfast nook, Freso doom, oatnent baaeaacd, fumaan, lanndrj trays, gaa, water better ' BOSB CTTT 83000457 B. 49tK gt N. Vary attraotrre 6 room bnngalow. loraj Br ing room with fireplaoe. all plate glass win down, Dutch kitoben, with breasrfest nook, fine furnaoa. This is a . bargain. See tt EX-8ERVICB MEN Wa have some fine hooiea that yon can make, a email deposit en and move right in and apply your bonus later. B. BOMXRVILLB 920 TJ. a. Bat Bank Bldg. Bdwy. 2476. Mt. Scott Snap $2150 8S00 flown: churning ' Httla 5-room pUstered home; bath, electric ttghta, hot and cold waaer, basement; 100x100 groan da, frejs, berriea. grapes. Everything ia in perfect order end dean as n pin, I am . sure you will be surprised to find such a lovely home with such beantifal grounds for 82150 and besides on yonr own terma. Drive out Powell VaJhry to 79th street (paved), south to 46th av., 1 block west. 1 block xesrth. 4994 Tfttfc st Owner. Mirvhsll T4. f $80608 room kangalow In Albertn district, block to ca, nice home in a feed district: modem except fnrnaee and fireplace; easy terms. 8S000 Here is an investment: Two 4 -room flats, fireplaces and furnaoea; income 460 per month; owner lives in the Bast 440004 room bouse en turner lot, xaodera except furnace: lmnruveiaanva tn and paid for: easy terms, Sunday and eve nings. Main 1428. tTNION SAFE DEPOSIT 4t TRUST COL. Bdwy. 944. 284 Oak at 8830 DOWN PARXBOSB 4-room cottage and 4 lots (100x200 ft, eottaga all plastered and modem plumbing: only 1 block from the earline, ground all cleared, some fruit and berries. J. L. SABTMAN OfyMPATtT " 8 Chi m her of Commeroa Bldg. 208. A Handsome Home AH us te you. and rou had better new o room moaern oangniow en mg has Me- Baraga, ntoa lawn. Wen locate built te sell, pot owner's business now oom pels bis morific. This beautifnl .home is sailing far below its value now. - - Take it from ua. If yon don't sea it yon bare last yonr oppor tunity. Cable Realty Co. 8829 72D ST. 8- B. ATJT. 418-88. LOTS -OF FRUIT $2600 Tory neat' 4-room plastered bnnaatow. with built-in kitchen, full basement rood a 2 btooks from ear, in Woodlawn ; nhloken house ana run: uo oasn, txu 9 arnAi.Tts9 792 Chamber of Coin ine roe. WALNUT PARK 4-room bungvjow, strldly modern, ineiudinx hot water heat cnotoe eeraer 40x100; built two years ago. Cost 88209. WUI SeU for 8800. 82009 Balance terms. Owner, 1126 Maltory Are. BY Otv.NEa S-rnarn. nesrlr reflnlnhed, xnodem twirnaVrw. dose in, nesr 2 ear lines. Price 49709; not torn than 9600 down, reasonable terms an bal ance, low rate ef interest Would consider light automobile as part Payment and also soldier bonus. Phone Woodlawn 8991 or eaU at 290 PrcBcott st. near Williams see. HDlMtTi SC&&T 1 1 kuRRTlll A 4 room double constructed bnnaatow. bard- wood floors, all imaginable built-ins, disappear, ing bed, etc full -cemented basement with bun dry trays and furnace, large attic, on paved street near Jefferson high, and priced at M 49000, with 91499 down. bal. 4 per sent G F. Crew, with Albert Havam, 801 MmTjasrppl 1 ana pneen at eauy cent use. ev. BOSB CITT PARK ftawavawsn wawBHateBlawan li sjitamn 11 1 . 11 ill 1 181 14wwwkA9 f-ivvw irnT'K Bi8nri aawix vi srnnn gam 11 asms oar mesas, and dming room, Creplaae and fnrnaee. Btiilt- me, uutca satahen, ruu cement nnesmeas; nun 100 tot: street imntovementa to. and paid tor. at prion of $4230. Terms. WAKEFIELD, FBXES CO., 84 Fonrth Btreet LAUHXLHURST 4 toons bungalow, brand newt eak Oners throagbout tile bath, elegant phimhing, rrery fimsn. beantifnl neearauona, oouhss garage: lot 40x148. near Dark. Come out today to 1174 East Ankaray t. near 89th. M. O. EKAAlIfD, Owner and Builder. Tabor 480. IBVINGTON Inst ectttuetfnc beantifnl modern Colonial home. Hard wood floors throushout Abundant bnUt-tns, tfto bath, latest fixture. 2 fireplaces, splendid loeattoa, 449 K. 26th at North, be tween Thoeapaon and Tillamook. Price 89099, terms. Owner, Robert B Beat Bast 187. i RoAWfl U'lTa' WjBLVIck Well baQt 0 rooms, near Overtook addttton. Urg Uring room, fireplace, good basement with rurnaee, Deorooma ana sleeping percn; tot 80x100; would constder good tot in Kenton gist ss part of first payment 229 Henry eiog. nowy. eaei. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, Just Crushed. $3700. 8490 down. 829 month. 4 interest: eeraer tot, paring and aewer paid: fireptose, barawooa Qoors, nuiiet, ate., eompiete wna eosoes ana tight fixtures. See owner on premises. 2 to 9 p. ' m. today, 2404 E. 43rd at, two btocks Uichmond ear. 3-Room Bungalow Modem, only 81950. 9800 down, bats, gaa, electric lights, 60x100 ft lot, good district efee to ear. Ota bs twugfct fUroisbsd tar $2248. 9769 down. Tabor 7647. " JTJgT COMPLETED IRVING TON As a home er spsenhttton took 1 eiwui, .tH. , aaa mtHMtm This bnngatow will rent for 976 or ,B VS llth 'Mlk.. tlSSA p roadway 8093. owner, 7-BOOM HOUSE tn Alberta district aasda re- pairinr : handy man can nsake money am tm Would caasnder agw ear ana sosse eaaa as part of first payment 228 Atonry Balg. Bdwy. 4B8T. AXTB6CT wtoktog n fine couaUy 'ltoe"lnT rit?l Mfstaal wFranlft aid do wen to oafl .Breadwy modem bungalow wrU 3 2 sawn, nasi gajage; bouae tost 9170, 6-room acres, beautiful fmarnett NEW 4-room modem bungalow and grounds 92x100. on earner. Powell Valley toad; price 63600; exchange for tons, sher fa, to about 34000. J. R. WelfT, 419 Henry bldg. ' k2aaa Bsmla 4-rorjm aouse, near Columbia aazt, 104 feet t ear line, nice location; fail tot Term, - F. W. TQRGLER. 109 Sherlock Bidg. MAKE us an offer tor 4709 equity in new bangalow for which we paid 69: 1 bar. to Mias, ave. oar. See er sgsnt Oea, F. Crow. st not atuniwsppt ev. s ov ail n.'ipy. tw. LACRiLHURKT BUNGALOW - Jy owuec, sew, bhxbtbi vast insnv, va piusaoinc. ararage. sjei sviiti. aae sauw w . . , ana. twrraaw r& - jnvsovir eft. . - VCilt RAlJi BV ' New, wradern 5-rones bungalow, OvrrIdc9; adV iqob. rnone Treoaiawn e j 1 BARGAIN BY OWNEB - 4-room house, 90x144 lot oe ecrner 44th and 83rd ave. 8. E. Garden and flowers,. FOR BALE, 7 rouia houite, aleeping porch, gar- age. cmckCtt aowse, ait moaern , esnveniencea, i-Ji. 2763. .. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 . TBS HOME OF " OYKB 1200 HOMJB BARGAINS sragw nan peraonslly hapeetod, appraJnd .' . and phrrwraphed, ;. LABGE8T HOMESELLER OK TUB FAUUTU COAST 7m sl M you aaakg your down pay men w - - 28 galsamen at Tour Serrtee, . OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Open Evenings Ujjtil 9. . ROy CITY FOR 8800 DOWN $4780 THIS IS WONDERFUL VALUE to a large, roomy 9 room BOSK CITT PABK maaai'v trongatow. with every wanted, xenderu ooBTeaienoa. hardwood floor, firepiaca, . maasirB buffet ia extra karra dininw moaa with bnsmi ii ' sailings: great big Duteh kitchen: big wmte enamel bathroom; rurnaoe; 100x100. with lota of fruit flowers, shrubbery, etc East 44th st ONLT 3609 down. NBW KENTON $800 TX)WN 88490 WON r ERITT . wirar mriexTOM . BUNGALOW. BEAUTT. Cotabinatton Bvine and ainlne mea ' Willi larva plate-gisas windows, beantifal fireplace ana ioaneu art glass cuiiet, airy ruu white Dutch kttehen, bedroom and - Bleeping poroh done in white enamel, eta . ThU . exquisite bungalow to im maculate throughout You'll enjoy araaang" tt up, . at wtnohea at $2890B1?yHiX Here 9 re. asarkabln vulne tn n gray homelike bungaJow in Brooklyn. Large, sunny Bvinaj and dining rooms; very con venient kitchen; bath; $ light airy bed rooms, one of wem dcrwnst&irt; lust aU kinds of (rait, berrtea. chicken park. A BBGULAB LITTLB FARM. Man st, 1 block to ear. COMB iuAKLT rTK THIS. HAWTHORNE BIG VALUE 81890 Oomfortehto. neat' 4 room bunrar low eottoga, Diaeta-red: - room are tarre and wen arraagna; full lot with trait and ntoe garden; pared cee. K. 44th et Terma, PrlTDM ON1V-J ES'FERSON 821838500 down. Oucvecient to Jetfar--son high school, park and library: $ room attractive, comfortable home, with aU modem ennventonoes; lots of fruit flowers, eta. Terma like rant N. Maryland are. ALBERTA 32480 ONB OF THE MOST ABTTSTI0 bungalow in all of Alberta. Beauti ful little 4 room Jewel that baa to be ns4d at osase. New. tosvnseulate in wbita aeaunet tkieamoBt. t ratty din ing room with beamed eeilings, puiltrin aisappaannr ben, cunning uutoo kitchen, French dwara, iuQ nement to sere, iint etc., beantifnl - lawn and shrubbery. YOU'LL LOVE THIS BIT OF HOMINES &. E, 24th at Will sen furnished U desired. $ 9808200 down. This fa a snap in a eomfortebte 8 room ALBERTA oot tage on a ntoe tot .close to -oat EL 23d rt MONTA VILLA'S BIGGEST $8430 ON A BEAUTIFUL OOKNEB, with a wealth of Dowers, fruit eta., ana aIosb ta ear. weetll find Una de lightful soft gray bungalow. Five rooasa, cheery tiring room wttn nre aimng room witn ouuv-ins ana I esilings: greet big Dutch kitchen, shining in white enamel; white enamel bath; 2 airy bedrooms and an extra large floored attto where several mere rooms could bo finished. B.884st EAST TEBMS. THRIFTY HOMESEEKERS WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE- OF THIS. 31450 8800 down. Comfortable 4 room Mt Scott cottage on diet are., com bination Bring and dining room. bandy Dutch kttehen; 2 bedrooms, aanh wita hie etoseta. eta. VACANT. We'B help you with your down pay ment if neoasaary. We're open today. SEE FRANK L. MoGUTBH To Buy Tour Home. Abington Bldg, Main 1048. Third St. Bet, Wash, and Stark. GOOD HOUSE BCTS ZtATJBELHUBST 0 room strictly mod ern bungalow, sleeping porch, tn first-elsss condition, near the ' lake, the cream of lausmUuirat: tot 60x150 tt 68760. Good WOODSTOCK 8 room modern bunga low, sleeping' porch, breakfast nook, fire--plscej. wash trays, full bear m at; lot 40x 109 ft $4500. 81000 down, baL easy. ST. JOHNS 4 room modern bungalow, Slssiiiiig perch, sawer ta: Burrage and A ins worth ate, 82700. 3300 down, balance 0NT AVTLLA 4 room -modern bunga low, sleeping porch. Urge bathroom, good fixtures, 31910. $400 dawn, 680 month. HAWTHORNE 7 room modern bunga low, furnace, fireplaoe, large atticg, base . ment paved street; in CraVclam condition. : 83250. Good terms. , ALBERTA 4 room modern bona, la firat-class ronditjon: newly painted: 2 blocks oar. $4200. $1000 down, balance easy. WOODSTOCK 4 room bungalow, nice bath, garage, neat and clean $2000. 4600 down. $28 month. MELLWOOD 9 room bouse. 4 lota : 40x100 ft each, lots of fruit and berries, pared at, Mar school. 34500. Any reaa ' onable terms nr would take soldier's bonus and little money. ' HAWTHORNE 6 room modem bun galow, floored, attto, cement basement Dutch kitchen flnrjtstwj tot 40x128 ft; fruit, grape, berries. This is nice. 80250. $1200 down. $40 month. B. M. GATEWOOP at CO., 14.1 H 4th 8t See These Exceptional Values THESE ARB fust a few of our GOOD BUYS. We have many others and wifl be glad to show them to you at anr time, EX-SERVICE MEN; WB HAVB A NUMB tit OF BUX9 THAT H!S QTJTBB VERY SMALL CASH PAYMENTS. BED US before buying. 88990 Brand new 9 room bungalow; flreplae. oak floors, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment caved street and good location. EASY TERMS. Se this and end your bouse bunting. 98500 BRAND NEW 8 room bungalow with eak floors, buffet breakfast nook, ce ment basement furnace, 60x100 lot garage. Well finished and large rooms throughout Call TOOAI. R. L McQrew 1089 HAWTHORNE ATE. TABOR 8892. WE NEED MONEY Wa have eonralated twn Bandera four room bemgalows on the corner of BaUeck and Bur race atreeta ana they mast n sola tnat wres ts 3 30 On ' the corner, Irving and dining vena eomntnad. hardwood floor, buffet book- esses, finen closet 2 . sleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen with ereaklast skwve nanng aiMppeartng table and ironing board, atandard set of plumb ing. taMnding wssh tray. Cement bssnment and pore a. v 63200 On the inside lot, practically a duptt nation of the above. Any reasonable terma ae- eepteaee they must pe eeut - Laurelhurst Home BRAND NEW: COLONIAL BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL STONE TONE BTUCCO GRANITE 10M MULTNOMAH ST. KEAB 85tA 8 BLKS. SOUTH SANDY BLVD. Terr dlatinoiiva fa desira: farre. STjaciout rooms, 9 large plate glass windows, eweB beveled plate buftet wullt-m mtntnn. ancwer, peaestai wash Win. tile bath floor, toe sanitary drain boards, finest 19-19 oak floors, red cement perch. Colonial columns. French doors, open stairway. Irrteg room, old ivory woodwork, tapestry paper. Phone owner, A stoma no lt. Mt. Tabor District $4500 - Owner tearing city, must asS 91709 equity in atUnetive 9 rosea bemgatow. Do not fail to ere thto eoay home, besntiful location. Tabor 2 23 0. ' BOSS CITY PARK Sara 3300. : Buy ef owner, new 9-room Vangalow. large reossa, nan aaaks 2 more up stairs: all nsodarn; large garage; everything best of material; oak floor ; te pastry paper; ftr. ptaoa, rurnaee; rout tor noma, tarsaa. ?-eT. - 32750 KNAP ' 4-room nice house. 762 E. RahBon. Hewlr liBjrrfBd, nien eondiuon; urnaeei vacant ready to move In; part caao, baianoe monthly pay- F. W. TORCLrTrtl 104 gberiork Bldg. lavns, UTT BUNGALOW .45400 - -S Barttna. Modem, fiaraee. Cenfarr of the dj-trirt ,m. 9481. FOR. &ALK- -room bou.-,' " wataibg duitanc, 6. iv. i'oruana. Main alia. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 KEAB FTtAVKLCf HKTH . SCHOOL . 1 8 room residence, furnished. 1 tonlndtog 81000 - plsye piano. -All in fie eoaditiou. Ntoe lawn :i. and Shrubs. 9 b looks to ear. V Prico 44604. WiU take good auto as part payasnt - Woodstock',. v T K, rsnldeiiea, 100x100 ear-' ner, 8 abort blocks tn oar. Fruit ' nine lawn. . 8Udwalka v and paid. Priee 83500. . tin take aut at pan payment 4 B. boose eu earitoa. Fine eonrbrintv Tme to an ex aapttonal buy. . WUI take amsU anta or acreage and some cash . for equity of 81250, Fries 83160. - 4 B. plastered bouse, Cnd eondltion. Water, gas( eta. Only tliOO.. Small payment dowa. 16 meu, including interest Good 5 zoom: Mwn, fruit tun basement - Good plumbing, S0g 100 tot 9 blocks to eaxv A bar gain at 43160. 4 room farnrihed wunsAlow, right at csrllnn, on Woodstock are.. 40x120 lot Berries, gsr dea and chicken hnoeea. 41223 equity. Consider good acreage part payment Price 89190. Peterson & York 487 N. W. Bank Bldg. LOOK HERB. MB. BUYER If you're going to buy a good home In n rood district you owe tt to yourself to inspect ear Iteang, Gotaf tn tafldf Get ia touch with 9uT building department We maintain a west side and an east side office. Our fores of efficient courteous islee men with automobile win be glad to assist yen in making a selection. Always glad to abvw you and youH be under ao obligations .positively. Over in Bote City -Park and Laurelhurst w have any number of especially attractive homsa , tor sale at very moderate price. Ex-aervic men who are entitled to the loan . will do wall to set la touch with mt without delay. Later on year aaleetions will not be so good. If you're going to buOd. want a hwsne buflt to rr own design, our building department will of downright torrice to Too, Either buDd en your ewn lot or ours. Drive out today to ear east aide office, and go over this matter of home buying or wirild ing. Prices are probably lower now than they : wiR be later on. Our reputation for fair dealing should mean something to you, , A.C...TEEPE .CO. v A 1- eCAttop iNSueANcr 270 tnSX CT 40J3 AN0Cltrf TA-BOB-OSSS IBVINGTON New, modern T room house. Bring 14.6x23, diningr 14x16. Dutch kitchen, entrance hall. 4 French doors between living and dining room; eak stain with mahogany rail, 4 bedrooms on 2d floor; tiled "bath, best ef plumbing, paper and -' hardwood floors throughout; expensive light fix tures, window shades, fireplace, lull cement bsaa 8 mant. garage. This .bouse Is first clam and reaay to etep mu; open today, x to o. o?a E. 18th at N. A bargain for cash.. . 84600 $4500 . f BOSB CITY- PABK DISTRICT" New, modem 4 r. bungalow, Duteh kttehen, hardwood floors,' fireplaoe, artistic paper, ce ment basement r407 E.75th at N. Wood lawn 4841. HOME paring for itself. Reed coDegw students sre asking for rooms and this large home la vary close to the esmpus. There are eight liplng rooms, en quits ' an tncoev is pos sible. - House is comparatively new, weU buitt and beautifully finished, has large lot and garage. Owner leav ing eity. Can be bought with small eash payment and monthly insteU monta, " LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Btoltofs. 244 . Stork st Marshall 6454. "BUILT TO BNDC1 310O to 3S009 1NVE8T1GATB Bigger, Better. Hrmsea far Lass Honey. BXDTMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND. OB. B. 11th and Market Phons East 5114. TJoirntnwn salam nffica. Commonwealth bldg. 4th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4883,. BEAUTIFUL homes direct from the builder, low prices, reasonable terms, splendid locality and dose in: street Imp, all paid; lovely high property. 144 feet deep. These bouses are real hemes; double constructed, hardwood floors. French doors, furnaces, .garages, cement runs. breakfast nooks, everything built in. Open aU the time. 871, 475, 877 Woodward a.; Richmond-er Woodstock ears. Corns and see them and bis yourself 4500. Builder, 1014 Brooklyn tt Auto, 218-83. . $500 CASH BALANCE TO SUITTOTJ 7 -mom modern house, cor. East 9th tid Mm street in first class eenditien. Prion 837(0. See Mr. Richanbach. ' Metzger-Parker Co. 269 Oak, near Fourth t Bdwy. 6368. . LAKE GROVB ACRE AND HOME to,.,f.,l a, ulmA .nr. a. hiahwatf Taka Grove, four blocks from lake. Grounds won derfully parked and planned for splendid home, . Cottsge 14x80 feet Fries only 51400. -uoea terms. ''. Ralph Harris Co. . 816 Chamber of Oommerrw, Main 4424. HAVB STX RICHMOND HOMES TAKE YOUR CHOICE. 43300 to 83800 6700 eash. no- marts sas. balance Eke rent: haiigwaod floors. '- farnaea: class to: real bar gains. SEE THEM. T. Ot-Bird, Realtor, 424 Cham, of Oom. Marshall 1023. - . $1500 Cash Balance monthly, burs new 9' room double constructed bungalow, an Imp. paid, food dis trict, good earline: hat all bullfc-ina, hardwood floor, fireplace, garage. Total price 84800. Tabor 7547. . ' ; . $1200- BEST BUY TN PORTTJLND' Good noma Four room plastered house. etat at.. r.nta: 1U fa4ocka to ear. rood cement garage. 40x100 lot, good cbickta house. 454 Belmont east 73BV.. Your Home . Danrrr' 9 mom modem house, bnilt-ina. sewer. gtdewsik in, 2 blocks to ear, corner tot 60x100. . Price 82750; 8500 down, balance 823 par" month, including Interest Aut 413-29. - - 6-room bunaslow on oared street tot 50x160. garage, garden apace and ntoe yard, near school; price 68600. ' r L. A, MATHISEN COM ' 801 Alias bidg. - Mate 7421. a A Pair Proioosition , - . w 1 . n PIT inWB BHHMlia UWI.W. , au v. WB vwaleneea. Ferd ear and furniture, one sera, en pavement, near eity bout, 43760. Will, take small payment flown, owner Tabor 0010. BRAND new 4-room house. th, Dutch kitch- - en, basement eleotrto li Itreet and aewer imp, paid. lot SOxlOO: aU to move in: ; 8900 aaaro, ttai. as mns, ret off on Snoksas av.. ake SeUwood ear. Inquire at 492. Phone Sell. 1548. r WEeiT SIDE DANDY HOUSE ' Corner tot 60x100. paring' Corbett street: house baa 6 large rooms, nioely decorated; a very nice home; must be soio. Price 84800. - . Jacob Haas. 403 Stock Exchange bhlgv ' KEN ION BUNGALOW . 88800 Fire rooms, ' modern and praotJoally new; 60x100 tot; Xeuton-Mlsstonpol ' ' - ear, 8600 eash, balance 625 and to-Ik '" Hawthorne o boom 1.500 FITBNACEr" cloae to. 40th str real enan; 4100O eash. baianoe like rent T. O. Bird, v T ,. - an '1 W. J snsu 1U2J. PKM.NSCLA DISTRICT BT 0WNs,ft -- - 4 twota modern buagstow, mnt keawwieut, Duteh kitchen, fruit and berries; price 42449. ' 4660 Own. Seliweod 4404. -"r ' ' BARGAIN 42600 will handle a 9 room beau--. Ufnl modem home, A-l toeation, for making a Bring aad paying eat o home with roomer - end boarders, Wdln, 4089. s WHEN - you get a THm Insannce Foik-y, yen do not need en sbstraet tiUe. One pre- , tofnm psysj for sH time. ' Title aV Truet errninany. 8 BOOMS 4800041009 CASH - One block ef Union ave. on pared street 40x -126 lot R...J. .McQqJre. 64V N. pnioo av. ' " '. ioMTLAND iiElGUTS" EXCLLijlV ELt" Bet buys in nice modern borne. -BBOOKE, Msr. 4827. Phene" lott. fcALE 4 room bense. Peninsula dutneu . Call owner. ,,Wdin. 834. ... . ,. it,