The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 08, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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"justice to Armenia
I Sunday will be known In the Bible
chooJa ana churches of Portland as
"Justic-to-Armenia Sunday In keep.
Ins wlih the adopted programs of the
- Multncenan County .Sunday School M
socUUcn and the Portland Ministerial
Ry. J. J. .Handaaker stats director,
haa arranged for special speakers to ap
, pear in a large number of churches,
who will make references to the contin
ued massacres of the Armenians by the
- Turks, and who will make an appeal for
signatures 'to a monster ' petition lm-
ploring- Freaideot Harding and This cab
Inet to extend protection to these peo-
', pie.' ; f i - : , J -GAXrAIGK
'. The Sunday schools also will be asked
to start their Christmas campaign for
'- funda. being urged to duplicate the gifts
' made last year. Enough money waa giv
en by Multnomah county Sunday school
. ; children last Christmas to feed and
' Clothe, or virtually save the Uvea of
' ' 225 destitute Armenian children, accord-
tng to Handaaker.
' Handaaker announces that motion pic
tures ofscenes he recently witnessed in
-' the Near East will be shown for the
first time next Friday at the First Pres-
v byterlan church j at 7, 7:30 and 8:45
p. m. The general public Is invited.
Handaaker also will tell his story four
times Sunday. ' He will speak at 10
o'clock before the junior department of
the First Christian Sunday school, at
10:40 befora the adult department, at
11 a. m. to the congregation of the
Marshall Street Presbyterian church,
and at 13 :10 to the First Presbyterian
. church Bible school.
. The. committee from the church. fed
yeration endeavoring to get signatures
to the petitions is composed of Doctors
... W. T. McElveen, E. H. Pence, Joshua
StansCeld. H. H. Grlffis and B. J. Clark.
The committee recently, baa been erf-
Urged ., to include H. W,, -Stono .- ot the
T, M. C. ;A.; Father George Thompson
; .of the Catholic' church. Dr.' W. B..Hlnson
' , of the-Baptist church, B.- Josselyn of
; the Christian church, Rev. James Brink
man of the Lutheran church, H. G. Col
ton of the Klwanls club. W. J. Hoffman
of the Masonic order, Otto Hartwig of
" the Federation of Labor, and Mrs. E. C.
Christie of the Y. W. C. A. Other or
. ganlzatlona, including the Jewish con
. gregationa, have been invited to electf
- representatives ; to serve on the com
, mittee. 1
. . - The psychology lessons of Mrs. Luella
. McCoIuim will be interpreted and ex
plained in a series of four Sunday lec
tures by Robert H. Reed at the assembly
room of the Realisation league. 148
Thirteenth street beginning Sunday eve
ning at 8 o'clock, with an addresB on
The Persistent Law." At 11 a. m. Rev.
H. Edward Mills will preach.
At Twelfth 'sad Alder.
10:SO A. St,
' DR. BOWMAN begins at the
nomine service a series ol
sermons en the Coramsnd
asents. 1 "The Kounrla
,oo of the Moral Law: The
First Commandment. " .
With Special Made
-At.XrealBg Service MR. ZAW and
... . ALBERT Slag Solos
Y. F. SOCIETY -13:10
Suicides in Hell?
Thieves in Heaven?
Where Are the Dead?
Doea it appeal to your sense of ream
son that anyone who commits an lr
PK.b? act In a fit of weak
minded despair Is forever condemned,
while another who has opportunity
to reflect and mend hia ways is re
warded T
la aa- all-wise and loving Got less
reasonable than a human being?
Vti&L lnter
; n: m. lewton
International Bible Students Assn.
vl Sunday, 7:30 P. Af.
i r DRi W. T. MclO-VEENPreaches
1 ShaQ V ArWtcf. lAlliane. Be CoattaaedT
) - (4) Uw Caa On lira Sow a Jans Tanc&tT -
Monday -",0" W mat-W
OCTOBER 8, 1821.
orces to
JUt Cugene jflonday
The Congregational forces of the state
will meet with the First Congregational
church of Eugene for the annual state
conference meeting next Monday. Great
preparations are being made by the Eu
gene church and the. workers throughout
the state. .
.National Congregational leaders from
New York city will be present, including
Dr. Frank L. Moore, national secretary
of home missions, and Dr. F. L. Farley,
head of the national commission on evan
gelism. Pacific coast leaders will also
be present, including Dr. H. H. Kelsey
and Dr. George W. Hinmari of San
Considerable time will be given for the
discussion of national and world prob
lems, that the full strength of the Con
gregational churches may be put behind
the government's programs for world
peace, a -comprehensive national educa
tion program. efforts to improve the
disturbed . industrial situation, etc.
Great interest is being manifested in
the approaching - meeting by the Con
gregationalists of the state. Several
auto parties are planned from Portland
for the four day's session.
Edna Whipple-Gish's
Husband Passes On
Word has just been received at Chrl
tian Endeavor headquarters here of the
death of Eiris P. Gish, a missionary
in China, the husband of Edna Whipple
Gish, who as Edna Whipple was known
and loved, by Oregon Endeavorers as
their state president. A party of -missionaries
was out on a camping trip and
on September 2. in trying to rescue one
of the young women from drowning. Gish
lost tia own lire, it was heart ranure
rather than drowning, for he was known
to have a weak heart, which could not
stand the shock of plunging into the
cold water on an intensely hot day, the
letter states. It was reported that Mrs.
Gish was most brave in trying to help
save him, and in Sustaining the loss.
Mrs. Gish sailed for China a year ago
and was married last December, since
which time she and Gish had been serv
ing under the board of the Christian
church in South Gate, Nanking. China.
Mrs. Gish will remain in Nanking, con
tinuing her study of Chinese in the
language school there.
Bible Conference
To Be Held in Nov.
Many Bible students will be pleasea
to learn that the second annual Blbte
conference conducted by the Moody Bible
Institute is to be held by the Moody Bible
class at the first Baptist church. A
group of teachers will be present
so that meetings are to be held in
the Sunnyslde Congregational church
to accommodate the East Side of
the city. Among the teachers who
have consented to be here is Dr.
A. B. Winchester of Knox Presbyterian
church, Canada. Dr. Winchester is rated
as one of the most scholarly teachers
of the Bible on this continent. Wherever
he appears he attracts large audiences.
Dr. Lewis S perry Chafer, who is well
known on the 'Pacific coast and Dr. W.
P. White will also appear on the pro
gram. J
Workers of Baptist i
Church Will- Meei
The Willamette Baptist Young Peoi
pies' association will hold its fall rally
at the White Temple next Friday at 8
p. m. Willis E. Pettybone of Oregon
City will deliver the address of the eve
ning. His subject will be, "Prayer and
Work." Mrs. Milton E. Runyan will
render special music. A special feature
of the eveening will be given to senior
societies for attendance, distance trav
eled, standard of excellence and to the
intermediate society having the largest
attendance. All young people are wel
The evangelistic campaign at the Gos
pel tabernacle. East Ninth and Clay
streets, will continue part of next week.
The Rev. Herbert Dyke, evangelist, will
preach Sunday at II a. 'm., 2 :30 and 7 :30
p. m., and Monday to Thursday at 2 ;30
and 7 :45 p. m. f
SUNDAY 10:8 a. M. AND 7:30 P. M.
Dr. STAXFIKLD in Ckaing His FsstonUa
Will Pre
Farewell Sermons
Of Switsarland Wul Speak a Eurapeta
Afftin. ,
AunMar ,
11:00 A. 1L MORxrvr; trmtxTirp
" . wv wiu enjoy xivm mmm
auea and tb -ray bot arasta by ttM tore
ehora, dineicd by MB. WM. BELCUK.
Viotta aoto Soadsr Bonuns by Boeert UoGm
Barron. .
. oomi . : '
A i
important cws
October 1 wUI be observed. as 3o-To-Church
Sunday In the churches or
Portland in keeping with the action of
the Portland Ministerial association at
the conference on evangelism held Sep
tember 12. Each church is making plans
in its community to stress the day.
There - are- over l&O.OOO people -in the
city who are in some manner related to
the religious bodies of the city. An ef
fort will be made to have at least this
many people attend, one service during
the day.
The department of publicity of the
Portland federation Of churches, under
the leadership of David M. Botaford. is
putting forth efforts to secure special
proclamation from the mayor and special
advertising features through the press,
street icars and motion Dicture houses.
All Christian people are being urged to
attend the church of their choice on
"Oo-To-Church Sunday."
'. i3&
Every church in the Northern Bantist
convention is being urged to take part
in the adult Bible class campaign from
October S to December 4, the objeet of
which is to increase the enrollment. The
campaign in Oregon. Baptist churches
is being directed by Dr. George It
Young, director of . religious education
In the state.
Dt.i A. T. BobtaMo e( Lenainc. fcTiea., win
mpply th pulpit ei tb Flnt Baptist chnch
Sunday nwrainc aad . evening. -. AU tha regular
errtcea of the church are beins held.
The Third Baptist church will hold the an
nual dinner, roll call and instillation of off icon
Tuesday efening. Tha dinner will ba aerred at
6 :S0 in the dining room of the chnrch and tha
program will b giren in tha church auditorium
at 7:80. Members of thf charch and eongrasa.
tion 'as well a friends are cordially iarited to
Ronndop aad homecoming week at tha Arleta
Baptist charch dosed last Sunday. Th cTent
waa icrowBed with suoeeas and all naetings during
tha week wen attend d by large crowds. As
result the church membership was enlarged and
many old members who had not attended reg
ularly daring the summer returned to charch.
Tomorrow the Bct. Owen T. Day, pastor, will
Mora than 200 persona attended the ini
business meeting and banquet of Highland Bap
tist; charch September 28. The clerk' report
showed 87 members received during the year
and the treasurer's report that more than 18000
bad been raised and ST778.6S upended. A. D.
Basserman was unanimously reelected Sunday
school superiitteadent. Daring October an edu
cational work in missions will ba carried on.
Cisssea will meet each Sunday at 6:80. Gordon
Glfford will hate charge of tha intermediate
class, Mies Etcbel of tb B. T. P. I', and Bct.
W. L. Riley of tha adult class. Tuesday eve
ning a teacher training class will bo organized
by Mr. Boasennan. The clasa will study "Toe
Teacher," by Weigle, and will continue 10
weeks. Daring the past week Dr. A. T. Bob
inson of I arising. Mich., has been apeaking each
retting in the charch on "Prosperity, it Source
Twentieth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School Ijessoii
"Paul at Epheros." Acta 19:8-11, 17-20.
Golden Text "Thou shalt worship the Lord
thy God and Him only ahalt thou serve," Matt.
Yomg People's Topic
Christian Endeavor "How to Improve the
Meetings of Our Society." Matt. 18:19,20; John
Epworth League "How to Improve the Meet
ings of Our Chapter," Matt 18:19, 20; Bomans
First White Temple, 12th and Taylor.
Preaching by Dr. A. T. Bobinaoa of Lansing.
Mich. 11, "A Single Command and a Social
Triumph"; 7:45, "Marketing Our Goodness."
East Side E. 20th aad Salmon. Dr. W. B.
Hinson. 11, "The Man who Walked With God";
7:80, "Can We Do Without Christ?"
Third Vancouver and Knott. Bay. B. K.
Close. 11, "The 'Even So' of the King of
Kings"; 7:80. "The Unseen World Within."
Arista 1 8th are and 4th St. S. K. Kev.
Owen T. Dsy. 11. "The Christ of Lille"; 7:80.
"Easy Money."'
Calvary K. 8th sad Grant. Ttev. J. E.
Thomas. . 11. "Satanic Activity"; 7:45. "Joy in
Gkmcoa -E. 45th and Main. Bee. W. B.
Stewart 11, pageant, "The Coming of Truth";
SeOwnod Bethany Her. C. 8. TannaL 11,
"The Executive of the Cbarrh"; 7:80, "Life's
Burdens end What to Do With Them." '
Grace B. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:80.
8wednb 15th and Hoyt Bev. T. ii. Sjolaa
der. 10:45, 7:80. '
St Johns Chicago aad Leonard. 11, 7:80.
Highland E. th and Alberta. Bev. Walter
U Riley. II. "Scriptural Giving"; 7:80. "The
Message of the Cross."
Tabernacle E. 45th and Woadstoek. 11.
University Park - Drew and Fiata, Bar.
G. R. Schlaoch (supply). 11, 8.
Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett
Bev. 3. W. Anderson. 11. 8.
Lents -88th st. and 60ta are. Bar. E. A.
Smith. 11,8.
Second (Gernuui) Rodney and Monia Bar.
F. Hoffman. 11. 7.80.
Italian Miwinn K. 44th and Sherman. ' Bev.
Eugene Fantetti. 3:30. school; 8.
Dim Swedish E. 6th at Alberta. 3:30.
. Pro-Cathedra 1 8th and Davis. Bev. George
J. Campbell. 0. 7:18, 8:30. 9:45, 11.
, St Peters Lenta, Eer. J. p. OTTynn. 8.
10:80. 7:80.
St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman. Bev. 1. C
Hughes. S. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Francis B. 12th snd Pine. Kev. L K.
McNamea. 8, 8. 9, 10. 11
Immacalate Heart of Mary William snd
Stentoa. Bev. W. A. Daly- . S. 9. 11. 7:80.
Holy Boaary K. Sd at Clackamaa. Very Bev.
K. S. Olsen. O. P. . t. S. . 11. 7 JO.
St Boss E. 581 at Alameda. Bev. J. M.
OTarreU. 8. 10:30. 4.
8t - Andrews E.-9th snd Alberta, Sarr.
Thomas Kiernaa. 8.10:80. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24rb and Riafciyaa. Bev.
Gears P. Tnompeoa. . 1 -iO. . 11.
Ascension E. 76th and XaaihCL yrandscsn
Fathers. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
Blsased Saerament Maryland sod Bltadsoa,
Bev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10:80. 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Hev. CL Bay
mond. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St.. Ignatius 3220 48d st & B. Jesuit
rathera 6:80. 8. 10:80, 7.
St. Stephens IE. 4 2d and Taylor. Bar.
Warren A. Wait. . 8. 9:15, 11. 7:30.
. Holy Redeemer Portland bird and Van
couver ave. Bar.. F. Bregenaer, C. S. S. B.
6, 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Philip Kerl (PaoHst rathers) E. lth
st Hickory. Est. M. U Ferry. C S. P. 6,
8 JO. 10:80. -
Charch of the AasnuwUuu B. 8mtth are. at
Newton. Berrite Patbera. 6. 8, I J0, T:SO.
Sacred Heart K. 11th and .Center, -ate.
Gregory BobL. X S. B. 8, 10:80. 7:30.
St Agatha E. 16 th and Nehalrm. Bev. John
Comma.. 8, 10:30, 70.
St. Stan Mans (PoUsb) Maryland and Fall
ing. Bev. F. MatnsewakL 8. 10:80. 7:80.
8C Joseph (GennanJ 15 th and Coach.
Bev. rrowia Zipper. 8. 16:80. f JO.
St Michael (UaHaa) th and USL Be,
at Balestra, S. J, 8:80. 100.7:80.
St. Clare's Capitol HilL Father Akystas
O. P. M T:l, 9:15,
St, Charles E. 88d and AJbarta. Bar. H.
Wallaea. 8. 10:80.
All Sainte t 89th and GUata. Bav. Wfl
Sam Cronia. 8. 10:80.
St. Patrick's 19th and 8avier. Bev. Caarlaa
1L Smith. Masses, 8. JI0 11, 7:45.
St.- BrbrKta'a Chanel mntnn-Glea Harhoc
taunded from Bt. Patricks)
9 a. aa.
OwrV Lady of Bom
. 82d aad Wood-
stock. Hev. G. C. ralta. 8. 10:48. 4:80.
&U Anthony ChapeJ 7022 45th ass, Bev.
G. a Fella. Ita
Holy Family Chapel K. 87lh sad Baa. Be.
G. C. FaSo. 9:4S, 7:4i.
' First Park and ColumbU. ' Rev.' Harold H.
Griffia. 11. "Tha Glory of the Couonnlaoi";
T.-45. "The Crime of Neglect.'' . . v
East Side K. 13th and Taylor. ' Kb. Nersaaa
P. Johnson. 11. 'Prayer"; 1 :80. Tbe HeaveeOy
Vaeoa.''. - . . ....... ,
Cbmrch of Christ Bodney and Knot. ' Be.
Joseph Boyd. 11. -The Fist Key Word In the
Gcpel"; 7 JO, "The Test of IMnefpleship."
, Montevilla E. 70th and Glisaa. 11. 7:80.
. Kara Park Bee. P. H. Gbormley. 11. 7:80.
St. Johns Central and Oawagis. - Bev. Her
bert Joeea. 11. 8, - -
Tabernacle 28th aad AJbarta. Bev. B.
TThba Maxey. it, 7:80.
- Saflweoa 689 Tenino. , Brr. 1. B. ehnaon,
11. 7:80. ' ......
Advent Chriatlaa Second ki.assu BaB aad
Uaeola. 11. ,..
Lesson sabjact: "in Sis, Xiaeaa aad Death
Bealt" t i. ...
Firet ltth and Zventt. 11. 8.
Beeoad K. 6th and Holladay. IV.
Third & IX tb and Balances.- 11.
Fowrth Vancouver aad Emeraoa. ' It. -'
' Fifth 62d and 42d ava. S. E. IU
; Birth Uasoaie templa. 1(8 Tamhin. 31. 8.
Seventh Smith ave. and New leak. 11. -
All cbarehes Wednesday. 8 a..BS '.'
to p5
of Portland Churches and oung
and' Obligation." ' Mia. Bobinaoa an flhwv
trsted lertam after each address. The fait work
ia tha Sunday aeboot began with Baily day,
SesHnaber . . Aa arigiaas prograas waa giren.
portxayinc toe work of - the aeboot daring the
pert IS months, and euUuunc the prognua for
the coming season. Last year the cnroilment
wak 40. .Thai year tha school hopes to reach
Um see mark. , .
Ba. Caeete 8. Tsaaen - win preach Saaday
morninc aad eremite at SaDwoed Baptist charch.
Muse will v furnished b; a double qoirtet
M both-serricea Thursday rrenlnt the women
of the ehwreb will feene a free sapper to mess
bees aad trtoada. after whiea a social and ta
aass saaaioa will be held.
Sunday will be Bally day t Gleaeoe Baptist
cliurch, beginning with the Bible school leanoo.
A musical aad literary pageant, "The Coming of
Troth." . wia bo rendered daring the morning
worship hoar. The erening worship boar ha
been changed to 7 JO o'clock for the winter.
Baptism will be administered at the close of
the Sundsy morning aerriee at the East Side
BspUst charch. At the annual busineaa meeting
which waa held but Tuesday eening. tha re
ports showed the church in excellent condition
with a membership of 825, baring doubled its
former membership every year since Dr. Hinsoa
became the pastor.- Poor mlssioaariea are en
tirely, supperted by this church and the pros
pect of two more to ba added soon, besides
missionary activity along an other . lines, were
reported. The three properties owned by this
charch are clear of debt aad there is a bal
ance in the treasury.
The Rev. Harold H. Griff is will speak
at the First Christian church tomorrow
at both services. In the morning the
sermon will be based on John'B vision of
heaven without' a temple. ,
At 7:& p. m. the charch quartette win rea
der a special program of moac, including the
anthem, "Betuna. O Wanderer" (BerwsJdl. also
the solo numbers by Mrs. Kloise BaU Cook, so
prano, and by Gay Man nan, baritone. Tuesday
at 2 o'clock the Women' Missionary auxiliary
will hold its October meeting. Mrs. Helen Lamar
will lead the serrios in a discussion of James'
definition of pore reHgtan, the general theme
being, "The Church's Fall Duty to the Orphans
and the Helpless Aged."
Beginning Sunday morning Rev. Joseph Boyd
will preach s aeries or four sermons at the morn
ing services at Charch of Christ on "The Key
Words, in the GospeL" A Bible school workers'
conference will be held in the charch on Tues
day evening.
The Ministerial association of the Christian
charch will meet in the office of the Oregon
Christian Missionary convention Monday at 10
On Sunday evening at the question
forum at the First Congregational church
Dr. W. T. McElveen will answer the four
following questions: (1) "Shall the
Anglo-Japan alliance ' be continued?"
(2) "Are newly acquired good traits of
fathers transmitted to their children V
3) "Is there a monopoly dyeing for
America!" (4) "How can one now live
as Jesus taught V Mrs. J. R. Mansfield,
Ooimi euaUonal
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. Mc
Elveen. 11 "Jesus, the Conversationist"; 7:30.
question and answer service.
Sannyside B. 32d and Taylor. Dr. J. J.
Staub. 11, "The Eternal Purpose of God's
Word": 7:45, "The Real Dynamic of the Chris
tian life."
Atkinson' Memorial E. 29th and Everett.
Bev. E. E. Flint 11, "The Man Who Made
Good for God": 7:45. "The Life of Worry aad
a Religion of Peace."
Highland E. 6th and Prescott. Bev. Edward
Constant 11, "Divine Thoughts Concerning
Man"; 7:80, "Protection of the Home."
Waverly Heights E. 82d and Woodward.
Bev. Oliver P. Avery. 9:45, Sunday school rally;
11, sermon, 7:80, "For Others."
Laurelwood 15th aval and 65th it & L
Mrs. Alice If. Handsaker. 10:30, 7:30.
Pilgrim Missouri snd Shaver. 11, 6:30.
I'niTersfty Part Haven aad Lombard. Kev.
a H. Johnston. 10:30, 8.
Fimjisb Mason aad AJbina Bar. A. A.
Harju. 6 and I p. a,
St Johns 8. Ivsnhoe and Kichmond, Bev.
D. Khner Nourse. 11, 8.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner.
Bev. Ol Torgessen. 11. 7:30.
First German Ebenaxer E. 7th and Btaaton.
Bev. George Zocher. 10:30, 7:80.
Saeond German E. 8th and SUdasora Bet.
Henry Hagelgana 10:80, 7:80.
Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Bar. J.
H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Charch of the Brethren Borthwfck and Braia-ri-
Bev J. v. G. SUre raon. 11. "Faith";
7 :80, "Life."'
EpaeopaJ . .
Fro-Cathedral of St. Stephena 18th and Clay.
R Rev. . Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Vary
Bev. B T. T. .Hicks, dean. 7:45. communion;
9:45, school; 11. sermon; 7:45, evesinc
prayer. .
. Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor
rlsoifT rector. 8, 11, "Go Te Also Into the
Vineyard"; 8.
St. Davids East 12th and Belmont. Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:80, 11, "The
Man Without Sin"; 7 JO, "Some Notable Men
and Women I have Known in Alaska."
St, Marks 21st and KanhaiL- Bar. J. 0.
Hatton, rector. 7:80, 11.
St. Philips 242 RaaarU. 10. 11. , .
St. Andrews' . Hereford St., Portsmouth. Bar.
John D. Rice. 8. 11, 7:30.
Grass Memorial East . 17th and ' Wddlee.
Bev. O. W. Taylor. 11, 8.
St. Micbaete .and All Angela E. 43d sad
Broadway. Be. ,F. T. Bowen. vlctr 8, 11.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. - and 41st
at 8. E. Bev. John B. MeCca-mirk- 10.
school; 11 and 7:80. sermon.
Bishop Morris Memorial - Good Samaritan
hospital. Bar. F. K. Howard. 7, 9:30 a. ol
St Paula Woodmers. Bar. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4 p. m.
St. Johns Memorial 15th and Harney. Sen
wod. Rev. John B. MeCocmick. 10. school;
11 and 6, sermon.
St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bar.
E. H. dark, vicar. 10 and 11 a. n.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham.
Bev. John Daweoa. rector. 7:30. S:45. 11,
Miasioa of St. Johns Bickmer's halL Bet.
John D. Bice, vicar. 2 and 3 p. m.
81. Peters Chapel . 82d and Burnsida.
II I, n.
St. James Chapel E. 72d st and 37th ave.
10, 7:80.
Church of the Trans fign ration E. 60th and
Dsrision. 8 p. am.
East Market Street E. 6th -and Market
Bev. Kara M sorer. 9:45, rally program and
sddrees by Miaa Margaret He id; 7:30, address
by Superintendent Hemic of the Anti-Salooa
Clay Street 10th sad City. Be. Jacob
Stacker, a 10:45. "The Seven Unities"; 7:30.
"What Dtd Jesus Consider Valuable?"
Swedish Tabernacle- N. 17th aad GUsaa.
a U Ledin. 11. 7:80.
Lento F. B. Culver. 11, 7J10.
West Portland Moltnegeah statkav. Bar. H.
B. Brssaartasa 11.7:30.
Pros SJathiiflit
FIrr-K. 9th aad Mill. Kev. W. J. Johnsoa.
Jl. T-JO.
Cantrsi E. 55th and Flanders. Bev. 8. G.
Boper. 11, 8. t
Alberta B. , 30th aad -Wygant, Bev. 8. Ia
Burns. 11. 7:45.
St. Johns E. TUernaond aad Hudson. Bev.
F. B. Dawsen. 11, 7:3a
Lenta Bar a H. Blair. 11, Tft. -
First E. 36th and Mala Preaching by Bev
L, C. Hinshaw at 11 aad 7:45. ,
Seeoml K. 9 2d at 61st ave. II, T.80.
-West Ptednsont Borthwick aad Jersey. Bev.
Carey Jeasap. 11. 8. -'
Ctntragatiosi Beth Israel meformd 12th
aad Main. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. - Office 718
Chaasber of CoaBmeree Mds. Sabbatb ssi lb us
Friday at 8 P. as. aad Saturday at 10:SO a. as.
Coagragabua Ahavai Sholwaa Park and Cku
sla - Rabbi R. Ahrahaaucn. Priday, 8 a, bl.
Satarday. 8 .30 a. aa.
Congregatioa Kovah Zedak Talmud Tersh'
6th aad HalL Bee. Abraham L Basencraawa.
Friday. 8 p. an. Satardaj, S a. as. Sunday. 1
Chnrch of Jesus Christ of tatter Day Saiats
n . . . : . .
aoia sw awa xiaroert V. Irsrsoa. Ph.. n .iA . . . .
Elder C. . Jeaea. a:8. ,:45.
Bti James .Park gad jjj,
wuaam k. annkmaa. ii. Tr4i.
Bt. Paul i. 12th aad Chassa. Ba. A.
Kraoaa lSrSO. 70. , .
Trinity (Missouri Synod) Bodney and Ire-.
Brr. M. JR. Kimbach. . 10J5. (Gemaa) ; 7 J0
Charch tor Deaf Bodney and Ivy Bar. X
A. C. Beyeev 2 -0. -
Oar Savior's K. lOtb aad Orsnt. Be. It.
A. drristemea. 11, sermon by Be. H- J.
Thorpe; 7 0, Lather league.
sWthlsheai BorwetTtn 14U and Tjaim, Be.
H. J. Thorpa. 11. - "V-vf,s, f
Bethany Evangeiieal KorwegSaa fFree) Wy.
gant aad Rodney. Bev. . A. Borrsrik. 11. 7:45.
' - ' 1 -K ' . - ' - ' 1
seryed (ilomorrow m
the organist, baa prepared an organ re
cital 'to prelude the service. .' '
At the asea'a banquet aa Monday night Rinc
bfi orchestra will play. Congreesmaa MacAr
tbar and the Rev.. J. J. Haodsekar will apeak
and Ernest- Crosby will sing. Wednesday the
Women's aaaociatioa wiQ meet from 10 until 3
o'clock. Beginning at 2 e'elock the Wesnen'a
Miauon&rr society will hold its sseetiiig wbje
win be addressed by Mrs. Helen Street Banaey
of Baa Krsociaeo, and Miss Bertha Allen of loo
Chow, China. - Mrs. Ttlmert tales aiU be the
aoloikt. . . .
' - Dr. 3. t. - gtaub, paster of Sannyside Coet
gresatiooal chairh. will aompr ' the puioit betb
morning aad evening., Sunday afternoon, a
special coat service will be conducted by the
Christina Endeavor society at the Carolina old
people's home. Elliott Benjamin will be tha
violin soloist Tuesday evening, the Men'a
league invites aD its friends to the regular
meeting, at which Frank Gratke, assistant chair
man of the 1925 -expositioei. will be the speaker.
Other features on the program will be a aoto
by Gordon- Ousted,' and a reading by Miss
Gladys Young. Dr. B. B. Sutehffe'a Bible darn
meets every Wednesday evening at 7:45 for
the study of the Gaiatiaa epistle. At the regu
lar prayer meting hoar, Thursday evening, the
study of the Epistle to the Romans will be be
gun. Dr. Staeb leading.
1 Paal O. Brown, Pacific coast secretary of
Christian Endeavor, will be the speaker at a
banauet at 6 -&0 Friday evening, ia Sannyside
Cong relational church, for all intenaediates in
tha county. A sis weeks' contest is on m the
Sunday school to attain a membership of 500
in honor of the thirtieth year of Dr. Btanb'a
pastoral. At the rally day services, three
pupils were giresented with Bibles by J. H.
Bankin. superintendent, for havinc attended
reguariy since children's day.
Hie his ad Congregational chnrch is carrying
oat a plan of popular Sunday evening services
tat which the Good Fellowship club is interest
ing itself. Tomorrow evening there will be
special music and the pastor gives aa address
on "Protection of the Home." The Sunday
school it gettang well under way with its . new
program of work, seeking to make the work
of real educational value. Mrs. M. B. Stuart
is superintendent.
Services for the twentieth Sunday
after Trinity at the pro-cathedral will
commence with holy communion at 7 :45
a. m. All services will be in - charge
of the Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean.
The Brotherhood of St- Andrew will hold a
meeting tt the close of the morning service in
the parish hanse. The young people's society
will hold its regular weekly meeting at 6:80 p.
m. in the pan&h bouse. Stephen D. CUghorn
will lead. The committee on the second anni
versary make their report at this meeing.
The Woman's Guild of Trinity Episcopal
church haa undertaken to defray the cost of
organ repairs and redecoration of the church.
The Altar Guild has under consideration ex
tensive improvements for -furnishing the chan
cel. Last Sunday the Sunday school attend
ance was larger than oa any occasion since the
charch , was established at its present location.
The young people will serve refreshments in
connection with their meeting Sunday night.
The rector of St. David's Episcopal church
Grace (Engbsh) E. 24 tb and Broadway.
Bev. C H. Bernard. 11. 7:30.
Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ris. Bev. R. Basmossen. 10, 11. .
St Johns Peninsula and Kupatrick Bev. L.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. -
Swedish Augnstana Stanton aad Bodney.
Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45.
Immanuel 18th and Irving. Bar. A. V. An
derson. 11, 8.
Portemcntb Lovely snd Fortune. Bar. 8. C
B Knutsen. 11, 70.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chsp
msn and Salmon. Bev. H. H. Boppalaann.
9:15. 10:15, 7:45.
Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th snd
Lee. Rev. H. C. Sbeling. 10. "Christ, the
Bridegroom of Our smii"- in -an iRormui).
"The One Indispensable Wedding Garment":
7:30 (English), "Lather's Small Catechism as
a Guide Through the Green Pastures of Our
Chareh of tha Redeemer (English) E. lStn
north and Wygant. School 10, aervice 11.
Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Salsunea. 10.
Sunday school 7.
-St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) MaOory and
Saldino re. Kot. P. Hindeiwr. 9:30. 10:80;
except oa fourth Sundays, 9:30, 2:30.
fethodlrt Kpiseopti
Carton Heights Eighth and Bom. Bev. G.
S. Brownj 10. achool; 11-15. sermon.
Centenary-Wilbur E. Sth and Pine. 11,
sacred concert; 7:80, sermon by Bishop John
L. Neben of Zurich, Switzerland.
Central Vancouver and Fargo. Bev. A. B.
Maclean. 11. "The Aooomplixhments of the
Veer" laymen's service) ; 7:30, illustrated lec
ture, "Hawaii, the Paradise of the Pacific"
Clinton-Ken? E. ,40th and ISrwan. Bav. E.
S. Mace. 11, "The Lord Jesus in the Night lie
ZpworUi 28th aad Ssvier. Bar. Frank L.
Moore. 11. 7:30. "The Gospel of Neighbor
aneaa.' Errol Heights DarUhgton hall. 8onday
achool, 11:18 a. ra.
First 12th and Taylor. Bar. Joshua Starts
field. Farewell sermons by pastor. 10:30,
sermon and baptism; 7:30.
First Norwegasn-Danish 18 th aad Hoyt. Bev.
F. A. Soarvie. 11. 8, farewell ..sermons by
Bev. C- A. Peterson. -
GennaD Rodney and Stanton, Bev. p. A.
Schumann. 10:45, '8.
Hon St 15th and Hoyt Bev. E. E.
Hertxier. 11, 7:30.
I-aarelwood E. 63d and Foster. Bev. F. E.
Fin ley. . 11, 7:30.
Lenta 86th st and 68th ava . Rev. F. R.
Sibley. 11. 7:45.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Be?. V7. N.
Byara 11, Ma Salvation by Nature of God
or by Works of Maat" by Klraer lvey: 7:S0i
sermon by Harley K. ' Hallgren. topio "God
Does Care."
Montevilla E. 80th and Pin Bev. P. A.
Glnn. 11, 7:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bar. D. L.
Fields. 11. 8.
Patton Alberta and Michigan. Brr. George
H. Bennett. 11. 7:30.
Boa City Park E. 58th sad Alameda, Bar.
a Vf. Hnett. 11. 7:30. ,
Sell wood E. 18th and Taeoma. Bev. W. S.
Gordon. , U. 7 JIO.
Snnnyaide -15. 35th and Yamhill. Rcr. T.
H. iiiagher. 11. sermon by Biabop Jbbn S.
Nnelsen; 7;45.
St Johns W. LearUt aad Syracuse, Bar.
W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:30.
Swedish Beech aad Borthwick. Bar. 8.
Moody, 11, 7:30.
University Park Fiske and Lombard. Bar.
B. T. Atkinson. 11,7:30.
Vancouver Ave. 4 NorweciaB-Danish SkMawra
and Vancouver. Bev. Gostave A. Storaker. 11, 8.
Westmoreland Muwaokst and Midway. Bar.
E. 8. Mace. 7 :80. sermon by pastor.
Woodstock: 14th and Woodstock S. E. Bar.
L. C Poor. 11, 8. -
Woodlawa E. 10th near Durham ave. Bar.
J. H. Irvine. 11, 7:30. - '
African Zlon 417 Williams are. Bee. L A.
Moore. 11. 7 :80.
Japanese 87 ' N. 16th. Bar. S. TTenrora.
10. 11. 2.
District Snpariateadent Bev. William Wallace
Toungaent 691 B, M. Tabor 2790.
at. E. 800th .
First 1 Union and Multnomah. - Bev. J. B,
Hams. 11. 7:45.
First 12th snd Main. Bev. JL If. Bowes.
11. 7 -JO.
Sellwood E, 9th and Spokane. Bav. J. O.
Bringdale. 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. m.
Biwncwoad 65th . and 67th ate. Bev.
S. Ludlow. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Bev.
W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 740.
BrandiDsvian 948 Garfield. Bav. J. Tt
aCttby. 11. 70.
Firs 12th and Alder. Dr. H. U
man and Bev. N. K. ToDy. 10 :80, "The
Foundation of the Moral Law The First
Commandment ' and baptism: 7:30, "When
Jesas Pot the Truth Aoove Rhetoric"
Westminiter Fssi 17tb and Solrayter. Dr.
Edward H. Pence. 10:30, "The Bsample ef
a Greek Christian,", and communion; 7:80,
"atorais and Piety A Study of Misunderstood
Words.' .- v.
Central K. 18th and Ptoa." Dr. W. R
Nngent, 11, "The Grace of Ferae latanee":
7:4 ft, "A, Man Who Stood Alone.".
Calvary 1 ltll and Clay. Bev. L B. Quick.
11. address by Bev. Ia B. t. Houensted; 70.
"Heredity and Individual Responsibility."
Mt Tabor B, 55th and BaimoaL Bav. Ward
MaeUenry. 11. 7:30. '
Vermoo 19 th and Wyaaat. V Bev. J. tt
M erglee. - 1 1. 7 -A 0.
PiecUaunt Cleveland and Jarrett. .' Bev. J.
Franeia Morgan. 11. Crises in the Lira of the
Apostle Paul"; 7:30, "la Big Stead.
Fourth First and Gibba - Bav. Monroe G.
Everett 18:80. 7:30. -
Kenilwnrtli K. 84th aad Gladstone. Bev.
Ia -K. Grimes... ; II. "The Bnota of tha Happy
Life": 7:80. "The Maa Whe Hid h the
Staff.;-.;'- ;.- T."-; -,-v'S;;- ,, -.-
Hup fgth sad : Everett Preaching' iy
Bee. W. L. Van Nnya. 11. "What JJo We
Mean by an Ediscatioal"; 8. "Tne Man With
a Withered Heart."
Base City Kev. Donald W M. MeClmrm. 11.
The Priesthood of Christians"; v "James,
the Saeond Son of Mary." ,
Forbes Graham and Gaateaheia. Bev.' Genrge
B. Lewis. 11. eosnmaaioa sernee; 7:30. "The
Secaad Creatioa," - - -.",
people's Societies
as that the arnneJe th Mifcdt v
largest mwUment ' they have ever had at
this time erf the year. The-parish echoes meets
J1-? O. m. This school fc aniqve ia that it
egms with a charch service, with choir, ajhera,
alter ban, era and flag bami.-tte. Tos
Khool has the standard system of adoration
tBe "stioeU esmreh baa pewrided. known
a"Tbo Christaaa Kartara Snfaa" - Oa Saaaty
ta rector will preach ia the morning aad at
ht give a talk an "Some Notable Mao and
Women I Hire Known h Alaska." .
Rallv daw ia tn tu nKu.mua
East Market Street Evangelical church
punaay at a. m. The program will
begin with a song service and the princi-
Sil feature will by an address by Miss
argaret Re id, formerly field worker
for the Near East ,rut - Sunrltin.
dent Herwig of the Anti-Saloon league
wui ayeagv at t nv p. m. .
The Rev. L. C Hinshaw of Newberg.
yearly meeting' evangelistic superinten
dent of Friends churches In Oregon and
Idaho, will occupy the pulpit of the First
Friends church Sunday morning, and
evening. .......
Beginning Sunday all regular morning
services - of the Evangelical Lutheran
Immanuel church -will be conducted In
the German language. During next Sun
day moraine- Service. Which is to bes-in
at 10 o'clock, the ordinance of the Lord's
supper is to be observed. The subject
ox the confessional address will be
"Christ the Bridge room of Our Soul"
srtd that of the sermon "The One Indis
penslble Wedding Garment." '
. In the Sunday evening services which will be
eerdncted in the English language, the pastor
wnn tmcuas tne run aa mental doctnnea or tne
Christian religion. The pastor wishes it under
stood that none should expect him to play the
rele or part of a social entertainer. "That is
not the purpose for which oar Christians have
built and dedicated their churches and pulpits.
nor is it the purpose for which the Lord ba."
rent his messengers," said the Rev. H. C.
Kbeung. pastor.
In connection with the church a Christian
day school is being conducted by O. P. nauscu.
AU grades as required by the school laws of
the stats are being taught.
' Two Portland Methodist congregations
will be ravqrea Sunday by having a
visiting Methodist, bishop in their pul
pits. Many churches will not have
pastors Sunday as all the ministers are
at Forest Grove attending the annual
' Bishop John L. Koelsea of Zurich. Switser-
lacd. will preach Sunday morning at Sunny-
side Methodist church and Sunday night at
Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. Bishop
Trinity Virginia and Ncbrsaaa.
Bar. Joha
u Mcinnon. 11. 7:SO.
Anabel 86th and 87th ave. Bar. John M.
Paxton (supp). 11, 7:30.
Millard Avenue 63th a' a and 73d at Dr.
Henry White. 11. "The Influence of the Chris
tian in the World and the Influence of the
World on the Christian"; 7:30, stereppticoa
lecture. "Industrial Activities in the Foreign
1 Marshall street 17th and Marshall.
A. J. Hanna. 11. -
kfizpah E. 19th and Division. Bev. D. A.
Thompson. 11, "A Satisfactory life"; 7:45,
Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Bey. 8. W. See
men. 11. 7:30.
Arbor Lodge Bryant aad Curtis Bev. Alex
ander it. jsvana 11, communion semce
n Holt Chineee 152 2d. Bet. Gee Sing
007. i p. m.. acBooi; a. preacning.
Reformed Kvanpallcal
First 12th' and Clay. Bev. G. Hafner.
10:45. 7:30.
Second E. 83d and CMumbie bird. Bar.
Hi Heusser. 11.
Third Lenta Hev. , F. Llenkaemper. 11.
(German); 8, (English).
Reformed ftesbrtarlan
Iint--Mianasota sad Ainiworth. Bev. P. D.
Fisrer. 11. 7:30.
Ssvseith Day Adventiato
Note Regular services of this denomination
an held on Saturday.
i Central E. 1 1th and Everett. L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 9:45. 11:15.
' Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. E. J.
Hibbard, minister. 9:50, 11.
Monte villa E. 80th and Ever- J. A. Gar
hart. 10, 11.
Lenta 94th st and 68th ave. . D. 3. Chit
wood.' 10. 11.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston. J.
M- Melkleiohn. 10. 11.
. Albina Skid more and Mallory. Elder Joha
Isaac 10. 11.
Salvation Artny
Corps No. 1. 248 Ash st Commandant A.
t; Pitt. 11 a. mr. 8:15 and 8 p. m.
Corps No. 4 128 1st. Ensign Jessie Millar
and Captain Mrs. L. Upton. 3 and 8 p. m.
First SpirituaHst E. 7th and Eassalo. 3, 8.
- Scientific Christian Spiritttali-it & 1 Union
are. N. Rev. H M. Singleton. 3. 8.
Independent Spiritualistic Society 441 East
12th. Bev. Ida M. Schori. 3, "Righteoas
Beea and Messages From the So-Called Dead."
First Spiritual Science church AUsky bldg.
Rev. Max HoUmaa. 8, 8 p. m., "Truth Makes
One Free." Lectures by L. E. Phiiipa aad
Emma Lister.'
Hew Christian Church Portland Hotel As
sembly room. Bev. Wm. B. Recce. 11, "The
Ideal Parent"
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn
hill. Bev.' Was. C. Eliot J-i. 10:30, address by
Norman F. Coleman.
United Brathrwn
Conference Superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donald. -Pint E. 15th and Morrison. Bev. Byrne
J. Clark. 11. "Humanity's Mcdera Tragedy";
8, "Finding and Losing."
Second C 27th, and Sumner. Bar. Ira
Hawley. 11. "His Name Waa Bar-Jeans";
7:45. "His Spirit Waa Stirred." -
Third 67th st. and 3 2d ave. 8. E. Bev.
E. f. Saephard. 11, "Christ the Way";
7:45, "Aa Uttermost Salrstioo."
Fourth Trenton t. Bev. Leila Lackey. 11,
Cloverdale (Old Constttntion) (46 Jaasup.
Bev. Walter Rrynoida. 10. school; 7. 8.
United Kvaoeellcai
First E. 18th and Poplar. Bar. H. H.
Farnham. 11, 7:30.
OckJey Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Bev. A- p. Schmale. 11. com amnion aervioa.
ia charge of Rev. G. L. Loreli : 7:80, sermon
by Rev. O. P. Gates.
St Johns iTsnhoe and John,' Bar. C P.
Gates. 11. 7:80.
United Prwabrtertaet
First V. 87th and Hawthorne. Bar. H. T.
Given. 11, 70.
Church of the Strangers Grand aad Wasco.
Bev. 8. Earl DaBoia. 10:30, 7 JO.
Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Bev. Carl Scott
Dona. 11. 740,
Multnomab Multnomah Station. Rev. David
Steele Sharp. 10. 11, 6.4S, 7 JO.
vtristtan and Msraoaary AJUanea E. 9th aad
Clay. Bev. Joha K. - Fee. 11, 2 JO. "Tha
Secret of Victory"; 7:80, "The Old Man.
Peniel Mission 205 H Jefferson. 8. -8.
Daily except Monday, at 8 p. m.
, Portland Caaamoea Front and Burnside. 8, 8.
Pentecostal Hret and L Washington. Bev.
Will C Trotter. 11, 3. 8; daily. 8.
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal) 246 Pint
t. A.
ApoatoUe Faith Front aad Barnside. Bev.
Florence Crawford aad B. B. Crawford. 3 :30.
IJO, daily 7:46.
. Chrksuaa Assembly E. 20th and Ajokeny.
Pastor A. W. Smith. 11, 2:45. 7:45.
- Tohtnteen of America 224 Burnsida Xre
aings except Monday. 8: Sunday, 8, 8.
Gospat HaO XL 23th and Stark. . 10 JO.
7:80. ,
BiMe Standard Miasioa 2d and Morrison.
Bav. Fred Horaahah, 10 JO. 2:30, 8.
Charch of God 363 . Faffing. ' Bar. Barry
Baal. 11. 7:45.
BeaBaaHoai league - 148 13th. Re. H. Ed
Ward .Mills. 11. "Thinking: for Results"; ,
'The Persistent Law." by Robert H. Reed.
- Unity Sneiety Central library. Mra If.
Carey Clark. 7:30, study class: 8. leetnre.
' Church mt Xavia TntW-205 Central Mdc.
Drvine Science 816 BV CUy. Bev. -T. M.
Mmard. - 11. -LKa-
' The Society for Spraadinr the Knowledge ef
True Prayer 333 Chamber : ef Commerce.
Monday. 8 P- "Demstaosiisatjen." -
noepel Faith Assembly MS H Tbird. " 11
2! JO. 7:45. Tuesday and Tlraraday 7:4 5 p. as.
Primitive eharch East Tenth and Weidler.
Be. M. EL Perdiasnd. 11. 8. 8. -
The atystie Chuch of Bethwda- 409 AMder.
Dr. W. W. Ann. 8.,
Greek Cethodoa E. 17th and CHntea. Bev.
B. A. Karahlea 9. achool; 10. aermoa.
(Endeavorers dJill
5)old Joiir gSquare
eet ext i23eek
The Christian i Endeavor aocietiea of
Multnomah county wU meet in their fail
"four square" convention on Thursday
and Friday, of next week. Paul Brown.
Pacific coast secretary of Christian En
deavor, will t the chief irpeaker. , s -;
The meetings of Thursday will be held
at the East Side Christian church. East
Twelfth and Taylor streets. They will
open with banquet for the alumni at
S :S0 p. rm, followed by a general business
session and an address by Rev.., Ralph
McAfee on the "four square Endeavorer."
Friday evening; the intermediates will
hold a banquet at the Sunnyslde Cortgre
ratlona! church. East Thirty-second and
Taylor streets, followed by a mammoth
rally for all young peopple. - The dele
gates to the recent world Christian En
deavor convention at New York will give
their reports, the "four square cam
paign will be presented by LeRoy Rob
inson, state president, and Paul Brown
will deliver the dosing address. Mr.
Brown is an old favorite with Oregon
Endeavorers. A large attendance is ex
pected at all meetings.
Xeulseo landed fa America recently from
Europe.; where he haa bees administerine aid
to the children of Central Enrooe and where
he presided at the first session of tha Ecumuni-,
cai conference m Ldadon. Ilnnst tne war he
was ra cNMe touca witn (ierman Metnooxm.
At the nieht service V, W. Miller wtil nreiade
Bishop Nnelsen will also address the confer
ence Monday morning, the Chamber Com
merce forum here Monday noon, and will be the
speaker at a gity-wide Methodist mass meeting
st klrst M. E- church Tueeday at 8 p. m. The
Rev. F. A. Schumann of the Rodney Avenue
M. B. church is chairman of the committee on
arrangement. ;
Outstanding event gt the First Methodist
cnurcn tor toe coming week will be the fare
well reception for the pastor and bis wife on
Monday it I p. a At the moraine service
ur- stansneld win baptize children. 'The offi
cial board of Pint church haa arranaad .tne re
ception to which city-wide Methodism and the
punne in general haa been invited.
The Sunday morning service att Centeoary-
nuour cuarca wui oe in tne lona of a-aaci
concert u charge of J. MacMOian Muir. The
1 ouo wmg nomoers wui be given.
(a) March -
(b) Gloria Haydn
' arasim now long u lord 7 . .
(b) Arte '"Consider and Hear".....,
MacMOian Muir
u urve ear to My Cry. o lord"
. MacMOian Mui
iai necuauve "Behold My Servant .
b) Aria "He Shall Not Strive", i.-.
- - - - MacinPaa Muir
v iofin (Jbligatos Mias Uladya Johnson
String - Quartet "Romance" . .- Beyer
i-iara station, ratty Neuaa,
Masher, M. A. Howard
Chorus (a) "O for the Wings ef a Dove"
1 .. Mendelssohn
W "Bun of My Soul"...... Turner
Orchestra "Ave Maria" Moret
Chores "Hark. Hark My Soul". . . , . . Shelly
Orchestra "March Militaire" ...... Schubert
nexuiar services wui be bald at the lincohi
Metaodiat eharch Sunday, even though the
paiaor ia at conference. Tha morning aermoa
will be preached by Elmer lvey, a layman from
Oak Grove Methodist charch, and the evening
sermon will be given by Hsriey S HaUgrea of
the Swedish Baptist church and nntil reeentir
state president of- the Baptist Young People's
A scheme to increase the efficiency of Er
wiu uovm wui a in roruana naa seen out
lined by the district leaene cabinet : TViim .rill
be sb Epworth League luncheon aad conference
every x may noon in tne X. at. C A. cafeteria.
The conferences will-begin at 11:45 and con
clude at 1:30. It is anticipated that young
people will spend part of their noon hour at
meae meetings- ana discuss local problems. The
slogan will be: "Come in when you caa; go oat
when you must."
Announcement has been made by Miss Nellie
t-nrus, supenntenaent ot the Methodist Deacon
ess home, 815 East Flanders street, that an
other harreat home featiTal will he tilH thi.
fall for the benefit of the poor people under
tne care. 01 tne cnurcn. rue borne has a large
number of fruit Jar left from Mat year's festi
val, which are emntar. Miss Rnrtia haa aakael
the Epworth Leagues of the city to call at the
deaconess borne for she empty Jars and have
uiem iiueu sa ume to - return tor to nest fes
tival. Members of Lincoln Methodist eharch are
proua 01 tne report their pastor, the Bev, W.
N. Brars, took to the annual conference at For-
v-i- -j 1 1 o a ,w icq uie cuiuca dn ou
membersr today it haa 101. The pastor added
51, new members during the year and took 10
Barnes from the roll, making a net increase of
II or about 65 per cent. At the beginning of
the conference year in October, 1920, the
church agreed to increase . the pastor's salary
from $800 to 81200. cash and penonaga which,
under tbe laws of the church automatically in
creased their dues to conference claimants 150
per cent. ' This left the church with about 1500
additional . to raise. The pastor went to con
ference with sll bills paid in faB and a small
balance in- the treasury. The members have
pledged themselves to a 88000 budget daring
the coming year. The Epworth League chapter
gave an entertainment September 80 and raised
enough money to purchase gymnasium auiu for
the btsketball team.
The Sunday morning service at Central Method
ist -church will be a laymen's wmnt in which
the accomphsnaMeita of tbe last year WUI . be
reviewed. At 7:80 p. as.- atereoptscoa views
on Hawaii will be shown. The pictures are
part of the centenary group, tin Thursday aft
ernoon the week day achool for juniors wUI re
open, with Miss Martha Buck, director of reli
gious education, in charge. On tbe earn ven
ing, church training night, will be inaugurated
a Bible and teacher training class.
Epworth Methodist church will nuke 8undsjf
evening "guest evening." Mr. Herse will give a
solo and the Klebenow orchestra will play. A
social half boar wUI follow tbe service. Tbe
Kev. Frank L. Moore, castor, will return from
conference to occupy hia pulpit Soaday.
At toe rust Aorvegiaa iianisa uetnoaut
Episcopal church Sunday the Be?. C. August
Peterson will precah hie farewell sermons. After
88 years of work in the ministry tbe pastor waa
given a year's leave of absence by the conference.
He will visit Norway, where be waa bora 85
years ago. Tha Bev. V. A. Scarvie has been ap
pointed his successor by Bishop Shenard. He
win begin his ministry Sunday. A farewell re
ception will be given tha Bev. Mr. Peterson .to
night at the eharch.
Tbe following remarks were made by xtiabep
Sheoard Tuesday night - at the reception given
Oregon Methodiat ministers at Forest Grove:
'He have not coma to win members from
other churches, but to cooperate in tha work
of building up the community - life aad cirilisa-
taoa witn a Mart of Jove tor evaryoody. (Jburcnea
an not this ting so much now ol denomination.
East Side Baptist Church
A. M.
. 7:30 Mt ' '
' :: '. T. f. U 4:88 P.'M.'
- MINISTER ..'-"
PASTOB, - ' "
Alt ASD S F. M. :
'ETentng' address br Mr. Tarior, and
Hessaajes by MBS. ANSA 83TTDEB
SCKDAT, OCT. , 8 F. 3L ; '
BL ILDli -
i -
Specific . training . in t the 2 Various
branches of church work Till ba offered
the church people of Portland at the
training; achool which will open Monday
night sjrider the auspices of the Portland
Federation j of Churches. Multnomah
County Sunday School association, tha
T. M. C A. and the T. W. C A. Tha
school will be held each Monday evening;
from October J8 to December .12. at the
T. M. . and W. C A. Some of the
classes begin during4 the evening dinner
in the cafeteria annex, while others last
until rx m.
The faculty ia made up of experts
from various fields of religious activities,
so it is anticipated that the courses will
prove of benefit to church workers seek
ing tbe solution of a certain church prob
lem. The courses are primarily intended
for persons engaged in Sunday school or
mission clasa work. 1
Two special courses are -.being offered
thia semester In boy and girl leadership,
which were not given last year. A. F.
Blttner. . dean. Is urging Sunday schools,
young people's societies, missionary or
ganizations and other religious groups
to appoint certain members to take the
courses and pay the registration fee
of $1.
Classes wilt be conducted as follows V
Administration and organisation of tha
Sunday school. 7 to 8 p. m.. sixth floor
Y. W. C A. ; express ional work for pri
mary and junior workers, 7 to 8 p. m
sixth floor T. WC. A. ; principles of
character building (the child under teen
age), S to p. m, social hall. T. W. C
A. : boy leadership ' problems, 8 :15 to
7 :5 p. m.. tn Y. M. C. A. cafeteria an
nex; girl leadership problems 6:15 to
p. m., Jn T. W. C. A. social hall.
Seven classes in mission study leader
ship will meet between 8 :0S and p. m.
in various rooms of the two institutions,
when instruction will be given in mission
work from the primary division through
the adult division.
wot of kingdoms. The old contention of the
churches it paasing. The contention now ia to
jee which can do the most good, which caa
first cross the sea for aervice.
"Adult evangelism W good, bat adult evaa
gellam will never save the world. Thia baa been
a wonderful age of discovery. The eharch has
discovered that ita hope abides in the children
The world moat be as red before it haa gone into
a far country because miny of the children
never return. The sacredness of parenthood -must
be stressed, and in coming years this'
teaching will help wipe out the cars of di
vorce. The church is sending more missionaries
to foreign fields than ever before, - grsdustjng
more ministers than ever before, haa. larger and
richer congregations than ever before, but crises
are now on, and it ia to help inmeeUng these
crises that the conletence will deal."
Tha Methodist Episcopal charch sponsors 7s
hospitals and 88 homes for children and the
aged la the tfnited States.
A national conference of the Methodiat church
to consider its world wide missionary and bene
volent interests baa been -called to meet at
Detroit, alien.. Nor amber 15 a IT. The con
vention will assemble representatives of the
charch for three daya ' of thanksgiving; prayer
and counsel on the general theme. "Tbe World s
Need and Oar Reply." The conference to to
be held for information, inspiration and the
deepening of the apiritna life of the whole
church. Tha conference lias been authorised
and is being held under the direction of the
committee on conservation and advance. Thoaa
being invited are the bishops, the district sup
erintendents, tbe council of boards of benevol
ences, the members and staffs of the constitu
ent boards, the editors, five pastors and five
laymen from each Episcopal area in addition
to those holding membership in any of the
benevolent boards. Methodists ot Detroit will
entertain on the Harvard plan.
'.- . tg
At the morning service of the First
Presbyterian church. Dr. Harold Leonard
Bowman will preach the first of a series
of sermons on the commandments. The
rite of infant baptism will also be per
formed. . Tb musical aombera In the morning wfll ba
-Until the !, Breaks" (Gounod) and "Uy
Faith Looks Dp to Thee" 8ehneckr). Mrs.
Segertoen will sing "Abide With Me," (Mddle)
In the evening. A nursery for babies and small
children is maintained during the morning serv
ice in Boom A of the eharch bouse, under the
supervision of trained nurse.
Westminster Presbyterian charch will have its
first communion service of the fall Sunday
morning. As is the custom there will be ap
propriate music by tbe choir snd aermoa by the
pastor. There Will also be a reception of new
members. fiu to tne mennniMi i-... win i
no children's sermon. The music for the day
wui- oa. a. m Antnem; "Holy Spirit
Come. (1 Omii " C. o u.i. . -ti-Z. .
dante in C. Henry Smart; communion anthem:
"Jesus. Word of God Incarnate." Kdward Klgar.
7:80 p. 'at. Quartet and soto baritone: "Who-
wvwrwvjr uoawia 01 wis water, x. fields
offertory: Berceuse, C. Saint-Saeng; soprano
(Concluded oo Page Five, Column Three)
White Temple
OF LAtteiejO, MIOH.
11:00 A. tC '
Tz46 P. m. .. .
8:48 A. Me 8UrlDar SCHOOL. .
ss p. nyooNa peo-i.k'8 Mgrrnria
Jerusalem Nearing
Her Final Fall
A Bthla Tllamlnatlon Written TTearly
SN Tears Age CoaeeralBE . .
FaisUaf World Problem. . ; ,
-'".'' 8EBMOS BT f'
Special Congregational Sing
led by Prof. C. Colcord
Frederic Flahaut ,::
' 'TloUaUt
tl - -'