10 THE : OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1821. 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WB SELL TP TOCB HOME IS FOR SALE, LIST IT "WITH tS FOR RESULTS! Uadiapoted national record for borne selli-cl . We arte-d tho-aand of rHIIare advertising. WK ARE IN TOUCH WITH ' HE MAJORITY OP REAL HOME BUYERS I V import. apprais and photograph your boat withia 24 boon after listing! No charge except tna standard anniaka of 5 in the evout of a aaueiectory sale. Be. " FRANK U VcGUXRE -' Abinfton bid. Main 1068 Third at. be. Washington and Stark. x, - WANTED , , ' About 5 room house oa terms; hav good Vacant lot pit on first payment. J. A. HE.1KLE. 512 Gerimger BMg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 '.. ' V V ANTED DAIRY8 . - Wa are having auf call on dairy aad . . have clients waiting; we want ail sices, both -. wholesale and retail propositions. , Let na hear Irom yon. - T. L. EDDT. Baaltor, " -.: V BITTER, LOWE CO., 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trada Bids. V WANTED To rent, irom 2 to 10 acre with 2 bouse or 8 places clone together, with place) i y to keep a cow; not more than 40 td inn tea to - Portland. O. W. Doddridge. Auto. 819-81. YOUNG man. with StOOO cash and services. wishes to form partnership with party oa good reach; etngle. healthy and not afraid of work. blr. C. V. H.. 7828 59th are B E. - WOULD like to bear front a party that baa a . dairy farm to rent oa the shares or for null cash rent. Not leu than 60 acrea. W-797, Journal. WANT to rent 10 to 40 acrea- (matt hare - berries and frait) within 20 miles of Pori fand: mast be reasonable. J-874. Journal. Vt YOU hare a tana to rent, leas to transfer. personal property to eeU, send description to Wilhnr F. Jouno. H-ory bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNiTTES STORES, ETC 500 Grocery Bargains $850 for on on East Stark atreet, or Will in rota and set price oa fixtorea. 82000 . for one of tha best locations, doing about 870 per day; bring room ia connection. - 83500 for a fia store on Washington street, taking in over 870 per day; rent 895. A B.N AP. . , 85000, on Hawthorne, confectionery ia connection. This is a fine proposition. Tha tWn store are worth investigation. F. L. Blanchard i' 401 2 8 wetland bldg. PARTNER WANTED , . v ' AUTO REPAIRING BUSINESS fast good, honest, bard-working man to come in with ma and learn the bnaineas. I tare a f me shop,, west side, with a good, ataady trade worked nix Place baa never banged bands. Shop fully equipped to do I any gina of repair work, stent tig, gooa lease, fireproof building. This is a fine open ing. . You will be en re of success, because you will be in with a good mechanic who is a good, honest, steady man. Price 84000 for ball interest: misbt consider terms. Very close Investigation (invited. Get in touch with ma : and I will prove to you there is no better in vestment ' In ' Portland. - Bond . and securities enneidered U-202, Journal. . GROCERY STORES YOU WANT TO OWN Suburban1 chance to build up a bis busineas. 8800.. .' I Neat cash and carry store,- busy location; ' 8825 for futures, invoice stock, about 1 . 81200. - Apartment house crocery, high elaaa --stock; 82750. -.. Grocery with 28 apartment .house aarottnd it. 81750. Country store, wtn aeTl at Invoice. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bids. i.HE UNDERSIGNED will receivA sealed bids ... tot a stock of merchandise, princiielly groceries of tha inventory valuation of 880409 and fix tures pertaining to the same of the inventoried value of 8658.20, total 81457.20. located at Prrrherlia, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon Saturday, Oct. 8, 1921. -The inventory may be seen at my office and tba stock will be shown on Thurs day. Oct. 8. 1021. The right ia reserved to TOiect any and, all bids. O. A. Cot. 641 Pit- tvlt b orav ' . -$3500 Ono-haK kitrrest in Una work Ingman'g hotel. 150 rooms, completely - rfdrnished. 7-year - lease. Cheap rent W tWbat will this lease be worth ia 2 years r .from nowt Have 82000 cash up to se- Owner, 401 - .Thon 8592. Front at, cor. liaxrisom. , 1- - AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS - Want good man with 82250 cash to buy ' half interest in bet shop ' on west side. Will teach i you the business if yon are tha right man. .- Will take bonds aa payment Answer atncav' Close investigation invited.' N-72S. Journal. "-V PATtlSOJ AND tfl6R0UGtAlAN ' ' Small restaurant west side, rent 815, Just Sight for a man and wife. - Half iatemt in small cafe. SSOO. Small -cigar 'store near: Auditorium. Make n an. . oiler. '- - - 814 STOCK EXCHANGE. -'500 LARGE dining room ia working men's hotel; dishes, cooking utensils, ' Tnacsv tables, chain. aSrerware; cheap , rent. Just tha place for man and wife. . pernor, 401 Front at ' ioBV SALE Tire vulcanising shop; only shop in . on of best town in Willamette valley. 2000 MDulatiOB. Doing a fin business. 82200. terms on part of same. Owner cannot stand . tndoer work. , For particulars, writ t X-W46. journal. : r LADT baibcr wanted to rent apace in lobby of large workin groan's hotel Cheap rent Owner. 401 Front at Phone Ca,.NKBAL country (tor lor sale, doing a nic - busicass. ia a thickly settled country: will in voice around 8S500; store building and reel-1 deuce rents for 825 per month; long tease; close to good school and church, ia Ysmnin I aoonty. BX-8B1, Journal. ' WEST SIDE UAKAGU Beat small Saras a nroDceition in the city: ideal I location, fully equipped tor repairs, wsshing and storage; less than 85000 to buy estabushed Dual- i Bess; over 818.WOO yearly. T-pa9. Journal. : OWNER will sell half interest 45 load wreck-1 age wood) in yard; 5 years' wreckage can be 1 bad; 2-ton truck, team and wagon; 8300 will handle; making 835 to 55U per week. 601 Buchanan bldg. Call Sunday, " '' PARTNER WANTED -8H80 sets you ia one of the best paying I Wood yard in this city; baa its own tracks, wood I raw-and other ' equipment Investigate this. t7 Coach bldg. T ClxiiE. fl6CfH AMERICA" -ftelJmu, settlement ODDortnnity. Free booklet XT. Fshreskrog. Los Angeles, Cel. 2033 East 4thyt JOB SALE, well established new and second - i hand furniture store, in good location '. good. elaaa stock. Will sell at a sacrifice. Have good reasons for selling. l-69. Journal. L - . GENERAL STORE 9 Poms rood business, valley town,, eloa to I Portland. Will. Invoice. Good terms. Box 22, Frio. Ore. ' , ' ' ' PATT1SON AND THOROUGHMA"n" ' -Com try garaga, good town, larse eumuat build ing. Jobs lees, low rent, will Invoice. - . 814 STOCK EXCUANGaV Ag50 BUYS on of the best located auto repair aboo in town, new pauuing. long teaae. oo Crxieh bug. ' , ANTED A man to handle automobile ac-1 memories ta a good tii aad filling station. 432 ; bjcALL hv auto repair shop, good location; best boy in -city; son t miss this, owner. ' Smsitwij 851. . ' . VK have several acooery stores and rebtaurants I at nasonabia price. . on atauway avxonang r-uikllng. - Main XH9. S .".iVsaLE tmbrells "repair outfit, Jaet hand Trvtia end etocc. a tin. sas .Auvnts. aats. .n. ai.a (v. mil v " . , r . S'Slsiasi, vi .u, uujivir. wut ntru mil mu 1 1,1 cattle and auto, guarantee 375 week. 31700 f ndiea. 0O4 asucbsinaa bldg. . i i ' .1 j..1 i v 'yf puutna iwin, iw eabai. or iiM.iii- uwiriD nxtn ani. una etac. t ANTED, et, once, maa to take char ia gas and oil tilling atatioa oentrally located. . 432 yr,wtb0Tti,- ; V ANTEli Sxparieaced tire man to purehaa half interest, in an I established , r-bor ago, eventtige g OARAGE bad. Floor epic 60x100 ia good vaiW town, doinc sood bimtnui Tsok 22. T V. Om. ' "- ' - - " - api)0 OPENING fpr steady maa handy with -tools ta aoto business; . pay 3200 : T- 401 Dekum bldg. Printing for Less r--r Printing Co. Main 6s3. - 192 84 vt CONFECTIONERY. ciax. looatioB, clean stock, 1 fruit hi orb, ea rnaineeii. 04 T .r ha nan bldg. ...r." HtllL moai locauon- 11160: U ak.' 252 Foster road. - A &ALE Soft drink and card rasa, eheao, 848 G!isaast. OL). COAL man want peruser; gaaxaaie 3250 montn, : 004 xsncrjenaa bwg. . ti-NiiiCTIONESI. coin piete, lor beat : iocaaoB in Astoria. Ui . Conuneroai at BUSINESS r OITOR TTJNITTES ' STORES, ETC. 500 SURETY COHPARY 310-11 Panama Bldg. "Portland,- Or. 15 YEARS SUCCESSFUL SELLtNO . , EXPERIENCE - . ... . , . . , ' t .:. v ... . THE W0 ST BELIABLE BR0EEE- " - AGS COMPANY 1 THE . . NORTHWEST . -.,.'. Besi of Bank and Commercial Reference SURETY PARTNERSHIP OFFERED to eon- genial man la one of the largest and - most frilly equipped vulcanising and tire shops in Portland: service sta tion in connection, doing excellent business: employing 2 mechanics, established for 10 years; experience - not necessary if willing to Eire gen eral assistance and help ran tha front end; can easily clear 1250 month each: investigate this. $1700. SURETY HOTEL CIGAB STAND, in lobby of west-aide prominent downtown commercial hotel ; beautifully equipped large fresh ' staple stock: doing big business in magazines, daily papers, ; cigsrs,' cannifa, eic, gooa class oi trade, low rent. A"he fixtorea alone yon could not - replace for 82500. This is an absolutely sound business investment and .any man or woman can easily dear 8200 month above all expenses. On account of family trouble the owner will sacrifice for 81750 cash. . .. ' STJBETT OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE , mechanic to cray one of tha best eqnipped aoto repair shops ia Port land; fin location, in connection with on of the largest garages in town; clearing 8400 month net, A splendid proposition for one or two men desiring an old estatbhshed sound paying business. Only) 8750. Pay to investigate this. " SURETY PARTNER WANTED, one of our client ass a splendid equipped well located good paying auto repair shop; on account, of trouble with' hired helps he desires to meet congenial mas willing t work and learn the business; ha ia an expert mechanic and baa good steady patronage; each can make 8175 month aad share equally monthly profits. Price 8500. SURETY GROCERY STORE. ' on of the largest and best money making stores in the city: carrying only the best of merchandise, beautifully equipped with every 1 modern convenience. Books will show that I am doing 8125 day business; old established, catering to good elaaa of trade. Lo cated on the best downtown business street A real proposition, full vain for your money, wul M sola Mon day morning a invoice. Don't miss this opportunity. SURETY HATE YOU GOT SSOOT IT So. you can bny aa equal hall interest in a fully equipped old established auto repair shop; service station in con nection; plenty of work, located on best traveled street in town; this ia a real bargain and cannot be beat for the money, experience not nec essary; you can earn 8125 month while learning. - vuiy asuv. SURETY GARAGE MEN. here is an oppor tunity to buy one oi the largest and most complete garages in ice city of Portland; filled with steady ttor- aa-e. fnllv eouiDDed reoair shop: terlna to ffood class of trade, oils. gss, auto accessorise, etc. Valuable lease; beat of location; there is no bettor value in tha state. Books will show an! actual Drofit of 8500 month above all expenses; established 10 years. 83250 handles. SURETY-i-PARTNEBSHIP OFFERED to man willing to work ana learn ue auio painting business. I hare a well established good paying business and cannot handle alone; am expert and will teach incoming partner the busi ness:' wa can each clear 8200 month on tie start. Look thi up. 8800. BUYERS, if you don't see wKat you want in eur ADS. call at office -and look over our large list ct invest ments. Surety Investment Co. 810-11 Panama bldg.. Portland, ur. Cor. Srd and Alder sta. LEARN of the Tale of Paradise,- where dreams come true. Thie wonder city is baring a made crowth. and a million dollars in muni cipal improvement are authorized for this year. Every kind oi business opening here. We have 17 miles of protected waterfront; with gorgeously beautiful home, sites. Won derful homes. Wonderful velvety lawns. Wonderful flowers in semi-troDical profusion. Fiahine suDreme. Every day you can catch the big fellows until yonr back aches and your bands buster. Paradise tor motorooata, with hnndreda of miles of protected water ways with wonder spot to visit Finest motoring roads in the south. Bathing in bay and cull wonderful. Healthiest city in Amer ica, with no business for doctors. Greatest coif course in America under construction. Coolest place in America in summer, delight ful la winter. You may own a beautiful borne here, with a perpetual income, at prac tically no investment Grasp the opportunity of a lifetime. Address THE MAYOR, Val paraiso, rla. . RESTAURANTS $3780 for fully equipped downtown cafe teria, dairy business about 8100; reasonable rent; 5 years' lease. $2200 for up-to-date, fully equipped down town restaurant; 4 yean leas. Bargain.' $1000 Dandy little restaurant; year' lease. Doing good business. $8200 Market location, lunch, coffee aaop, candies; 3 years' lease. Rummell & Rummell 274 STARK ST. Garage Bargains $8500 for a 50x120 on story brick, on one of the main streets on east aide; good reason for selling. ' 84000 for a good paying propeeition. good location: look this up. 812,000 for a fine 100x100 two story bldg. with lease at 3350; aubrent amount to 8295. leering very cheap rent P. L. Blanchard (REALTOR) " 401-2 SweUand bldg. AUTO REPAIRMAN'S CHANCE . Oa account of sickness will sell fin equipped auto repair shop very desirable location, for but 8850. This shop has been clearing close to 8400 a month aad ia aa opportunity that will not last BUSINESS SERVICE. y -w 718 Iekmm . Bids. SMALL grocery and1 hmelf room, finest location oa the east side, now doing a good business, fine proposition for man and wife. Price only $1000. It's a boy. tint parry will take it $750 down,' Be BRUCB BOLMAN. Realtor, 209 Failing Bids. : Main 8327. BIG OPPORTUNITY RIhmI anA riaat-aflnttioed trinmbina SboO in "U. Or. : werkj latere; price right stock i , v . .. . - . --. - 1 com and bring your tools. C A. Evans Plamh- 1 , V K.n. ftr A 40-CAR CONCRETE GARAGE : Chair locatiari: lease: sail as. oils. Urea, ate.; I uoing a Big biiiiiiiibb; iot - wi . i sell ; price very - reasonable ana easy 14 ROOMS, mahogany and oak . furniture, best west aid loca Quo; nie looking nous, moaern ta 3125. 33200. 31000 handle. REALTY SALES COY S22 Railway Exchange bldg. A nRnrE&T axon for aalat at In invoice, - la T thrivms: tow of 8000. half cash and would I except some Portland property ia trad. Lloyd I Jnnkin 111 R. Stafford at Portland. 1 PitTURivii Ktuoaees for sal, doinc Portland renair work- larre amennt buainesa insured: eaa be acquired with small investment and aud pay for itself bx snort time. B-360. Journal. CAPITAL desire substantial investments outside Europe. Aaares riURXxt cunvra isusi CO., 116 Victoria street Kmdon, EaGIASU, hinch, derwtiFOR SALE A complete vulcanising outfit, er win trade for woodeaw or anything that ia I woeful. Call after 6 p. m., 41 aaa et, I RESTAURANT for eeie. .74 Call any afternoon or evening. I STOCK et luxxritnre. new. small stock; will sell I r trade. Address 71 K. 7 Ota aorta. I GOING out of town, will sell eosy little caf- I , tm at a berrain. van at r-c rapiy oiva. I WELL established aroccry oa busy corner. 2 living axwtna, 31500, OaH owner.. " !iin. Koan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 These Grocery Stores Can't Be Beat JAH Good Ones ; ' Groceteria for 11050 or invoice; Teat M0; tiling rooaia. If you want a. good cash bnaV naas. this fa it Grocery with two nice Bring rooma, ' Mt Scott district doing $35 day business and can be) greatly increased. Brica r$ 1600; splendid place of merit 11 500 - boys -dandy sttborbaa crocery with Bring rooms, together with poetoffiee; iac rested. Ford. ear. Sent S2I. This ia a very we ana abac . . Grocery ia Hawthorne diet., 82000. rent 820. with linns rooms. - Tbia ia aa exceptional buy. Horry.- . i - Grocery. 12500. rent ISO, lirlnf rooms, sear laree school; good trada and money maker: You'll like this. Grocery with S Bring rooms, (8000. or win invoice; doe big business. Tha shore stores ara picked from a large list of store wo hare tasted for sale aad wa oan recommend them aa bargains. Get is my automobile and I win show yon. : Mr. J. H. Langden, ta ebarg. Other business chance also J. Bruce Goddard ' ) 501-2 Conch bldg. GROCERY AND MARKET EAST SIDE Doing 8178 ! daily. Long established location; , rent 8845. with long lease; equipped with modern refrigerating plant aad best of fixtazsa. Stock will invoice 85000. . ; RESTAURANT SON WASHINGTON ST. Income 880 daily: 2 year leaae. NAP AT $3400, half eaah, . BAST 8IDE GROCERY ONLT 3850 tor fixtures, including Ford delivery; will invoice stock and reduce to suit buyer. IN VESTIGATE THIS. Marsh & McCafoe Co. 822-8-4 Failing bids. Marshall 3993. BUTCHER SHOP FOR 8 ALB In a 'suburb to Oregon City, doing a right good little business taking In . about 823 to- 840 a day, can be worked up to a much larger business. With the shop goea all fixtures, one city lot BOxlOO ft-, shop building and living rooms in tha rear, with bath, city .water, toilet and lights, all for 81400. Want part cash, balance time. E. P. Elliott eV Son. 7th and Main Sta., Oregon OUy, One. GROCERIES ' $500 down will buy-cash and carry gro cery clearing 8125 a month, living room. 81100 buys well located store owner is clearing 3160 a month. 31500 buys store doing 840 a day with 4 clean Bring rooms. 84000 or invoice buys grocery doing $100 a day and better. BUSINESS SERVICE 718 Dekum Bldg. . BAKERY-RESTAURANT SODA FOUNTAIN -An establhhed business, making large profit. Other bnaineas forces owner to sell. Located in best apartment district Very best fixtures. Receipt $135 per day. Priced foe immediate sale, 35500. DERR ft POWDER 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. NEW OREGON INDUSTRY Aa Oregon com out will soon encase in the manufacture of specialty wooden prod acta for which wa have a present big demand with ever increasing possibilities. - The first unit of our factory building. 40x100 brick and tile con struction, is Dearly completed; splendid ship pins facilities. We submit our proposition as an unusually good investment to those who wish to make a permanent future connection. For information call or address 404 Oregon bids. AUTO REPAIR SHOP " One of the busiest places in town, good ' equipment, fine location. This shop has been running consistently and is a money' maker. Only 3850. GARAGE One of the best on the East Side,. can be bought for $3750.' BUSINESS SERVICE, T18 Dekma Bids. i GROCERY STORE 81600. east side location. 350 business, eheao rent; Bring rooms with bath. Grocery with is living rooms, good furniture. rooms rent for mors than store; $110 business. 37000, 35000 cash. LIN TOW av ROYER Main 2995. 418 Railway Exchange. BAKER'S MACHINERY, OVENS AND MIXERS CHEAP. ONE GAS ROTARY, AND ON id GAS SHELF. ONE ELECTRIC ROTARY. 2 MIXERS. ALL PRACTICALLY NEW. ADDRESS P. a BOX 3524, PORTLAND. OR SAXJi. THRIVING TRANSFER BUSINESS 2-ton truck. 1-ton truck, team draft horses. small team, 2 lumber wagons, 4 dray wagons, all equipment. 6-room modem house, 1 acre land. 1 barn for S teams. 1 carace for 2 trucks. 4000 yards concrete gravel; am obliged to sell on account of poor health. Address Henry stark. pcagit county. Mount vemon, wash. FINE gafage, carrying a sub-dealership for Chevrolet automobiles with rights to sell any where in dty or. Portland; old and established business; my only reason for selling is to take a much large dealership elsewhere. Address own- ner, 48 z Marguerite avenue, Portland. Or., or oau Tabor SB32 after 7 o docsr evenings. Restaurant On best street in Portland: rest $13: 2 living rooms.! Automatic water beater, dandy fixtures. ATI for .8585, oa your own terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th t LAR&E manufacturing corporation want capable men to open branch office and manage sales men; 3300 upward necessary; handle yonr own money; exclusive rights, patented article, money making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Baltimore II you. quality. - Address (secretary, 848 St Psul PL, Baltimore, Md. ON ACCOUNT OF MY HEALTH WILL SELL AT . INVOICE. HEMSTITCHINO. BUTTWI HOLE, EMBROIDERY AND BERGINQ MA CHINES. ALSO COMPLETE BUTTON OUT FIT. CALL 1006 BROADWAY BLDG. WTLi. NOT SELL SEPARATE. INVEST safely in ouick money-makinc DToooai- - Hon, . Could you invest 3100 if satisfied of lane nrofitsl writ for inside Information free. Let me guide you to financial iDdependence, Cun ningham Investment umde. 41s uraat blag., Los Angeles, California. A PARTNER WANTED Want interested help and will tell equal fatter it in busy auto painting business to industrious man for only $423. Will teach buyer the busi ness; profits are good. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good carina business. general merchandise store building, modern nx turns, aa complete, also a-room moaern nungs low, sleeping poach, bath, etc, 33000 -cash, bal ance terms. uewis uixrcn, Jacksonville, vr. county seat of Jackson county. HERE'S your chance to make 350 to 3100 a week. 310001 electrie Urn comb at nose pop corn and peanut machine for (475 cash. Hurry. First ernne. first served. Phone Mam 44Z4. FOR SALE Transfer bmrtnav and- on ton track: win sell cheap: have other business. Call at 133 Front at Monday morning. Aldoo Transfer. - J SMALL - rooming house for rent furniture for Booms all run. 3o easn, er av terms. Must be sold by first Ara tearing dty. 516 Albina ave. WANT rjartner foe lunch and doughnut business have dona-hast machine, .root beer barrel. coffee ra and other onrunmcait; 3200 required. MJIO Janrnal - WOULD yon loan a Record Exchange Library If you war aesvrred yea could exchange year old records lor otrrers you wouu ratner nave. at a minimum cost 7 - N-756, Journal. PLACER mine. - ia Southern . Ores on. well eqnxppea, plenty water, wm eu interest to right maa very reasonable -See Garland. 201 Third at - ' -i FOR SALE-Shoe shop, good business, Ad- drsss Box 0111. Milton. Or. Good for selliog. - v viau. boarding honse. rest $30: furniture the east; nous lau; etna ta. inquir uroaawaj S3B4. - AUTO repair shop aad servio sta. Must goto California for health, lavcso 52500. J-504. Journal. REPAIR ahop, snap, 50x56. oila, acock and atruxpsaenU 31200 dewa. balano terms. Call Monday. 101 N. 11th at, oor. Ftenders. LEAVING city, must sell concrete aiaadfactar ing busiBess at a aacrific; rood busuieas, larg pronta. Call -. -i - r v. PARTNER wanted, wood and coal business; ased help of steady man; good pay; 31150 rs- qmred. -401 necum pwg. " , WANT partner to deveiop svnd mining prop- .rty: need some capital. - M-e-ti, journal. MY STOCK aad 3100. 646 - - sirypt -ave. ; - ----- - - CLASSY - meat market for sale. If yoa has 3300O to invest eall 1884 IS. Ctark at 3b00 BUYS iwstaaraaH doing good bn inses. at yonr own versa. aaaga zyyg. GOOD restaurant doing. 540 a day be unsie, 3ir0r 3700 cash. Mara zga. - GROCERY. 33000. turnover 52500 month. Apt houaa dsstv 804 Buchanan hhig, - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I STORES, ETC 500 ELECTRIC light aad power plant, located ia a railroad payroll town in eastern Wsahngroa: tha is a Tme water-power plant with tho oldest water cighta on a mountain stream; it is a revearo producer -year ia and year out: Just the proposition fog the practical electrical maa to run and maaag for himself and ha IndAieadent Address owner, 212 8. Jersey atreet, t Johns, ruruauau.; ec xunk aasv-- atryao, uiramim Bif,, ' .'.'-.. ! .. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES ' FOR SALE 602 The Best Money Can Buy 600 down gad monthly payment. Price $900 buy very Beat little residential aoartment tinruu. UMM.bM.fi. mmh 3 1.100 down and easy payments; 14 nie room caose to rortand Hotel. race V 82200. Clears 890 month. 2.000 down. Price 83100 buys strictly mod ern apartment boose, with ail private baths; best ever. 9 2.600 down, price 83500. Regular room ing house of the classy order. , FiinaV ture alone is worth the money. ' $ 1.200 down. Price 82000. New furrdbtre. Strictly- modern house, with 3-year lease; winter's- wood In. She's a i beauty. - First time offered. ' $ 1.800 eaah buys lovely place, newly fur-' nished in modern house; - close to Seventeenth and Washington streets; always used for nie home until now. $ 800 down, whole price $1000; close to - Liaoola high - yftjrw - .';--- $ '8,000. is whole price for 48 room in brick buflding, in business district; clearing - 8350 month above expenses. Terms. $.0,000 will put yon in possession of the beat modern traniartrt hotel in Portland of 40 room. $10,000 down. Price $17,000 buys ISO-room hotel, with street "lobby; lease over the fair. Clears 31000 month: on of the newest buildings ta city. Present owner has run uus nlao for five years and wants to retire. $10,000 down will make you the title owner of we oew apartment noose in Portland at the price of 818,000. Clean 3750 month; 127 rooms. I Any kind you want, any part of dty; on terms in proportion to size of place; courteous and fair dealing guaranteed to both pari tea alike. We also have grocery stores and all other kinds oc business enanees. Trades of every kind. J. Bruce Goddard 501-2 Couch Bldg. 22 ROOM apartment, steam heat, dec., gas ana lease, o years rent lew; pnee 400U, 82500 down. Nets 8175. 13 rooms, H. K., net $115, price $2000. lease two years; terms. i 10 rooms. Nob Hill, clean, good turn., rent aau. nets o; only siiao down. 1 1 rfknmi rmnt IRS X'nH Trill vaw Km Sim furnace, well arranged; clean a can be; pari H. K.. part transient; $1500 handle; a nice home and income. ' 11 rooms. White Temple, stove heat, nets 390; beat corner, always full; 81000, only $1000 down for quick sale. 15 rooms, west side, $1300 each; leas 2 years; see this; nice appearing bids. 11 rooms, business location, W. S., rent $45; $1000 handle. This wont last 8 room res., fair turn., stove heat, near Lin coln and Shattuck schools; 3450. I have others, large and small. V J. EUGENE HEDGE'S, REALTOR' 201 W. Park. Auto waiting; call. WHITE TEMPLE SNAP 18 rooms, extra good furniture, large, clean rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat all rooms; will net better than 8160 month; -rent 875; long lease. Bargain at 32100 SOME TERMS. 22 H. K. rooms with hot and cold water all- rooms; clean and airy; furniture better than average. ONLY 33000 TERMS. MANY OTHERS CALL ON US f Marsh & McCabe Co. 822-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall 399S. ROOMING HOUSES 50 rooms, nets 8400 month: good location. cheap rent; lease. 80U0, uou cash. Good buy. 20 rooms netting $110; .$2500. 51500 cash; good lease. Housekeeping apartment 21 rooms, nets siou; good lurmtore. xosuo. 10 rooms, furniture rood, piano Included; ga rage; 310U0. LINTON & BOTES Main 2995. 418 Railway Exch. 8 ROOMS and large sleeping porefci close in on east side,; fine location for boarders, bat good income a romoing bouse; spot lessly dean; good new furniture, mattresses and bedding; also garage; rent only 840 with lease; 8900 including one month's rent. Will give some terms or discount for all cash. This place m well worth 81200. You'll like it better when you see it Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Geritnger bldg. R. H.No Cash I have mtg. on a 11-room house for 8595. and it must be moved. You find a house. I will pay for moving. You fin it up: can keep what you tell it for above mts. or keep it and run it and pay me off at you tee fit Must be moved Monday, Peters, 15 N. 5th st 16 ROOMS, right dew a town, good lease; good net income; part housekeeping and part transient; a good place for the money; 31500 cash, small balance. 10 rooms, good location in White Temple district; always full; good income; rent 345: 31220 cash handles. Priced below the everage. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids. Hotel 84 room. There's nothing nicer in the town. Seeing is believing. Good lease. $10,500. Some terms to responsible party. F. L. Bl&nchard 401-2 S wetland bids, 56800 WILL buy 30 room furnished apartment house, 50x100 foot lot, centrally located, to me 8200 per month. This house has one of the best automatic ga hot-water heating systems in the city; any woman can run this house; 32000 cash, balance aame as rent J. i-inp. 406 Vancouver ave., near - Broadway. PATTISON AND Til0R0tGH-AN 12 rooms on Burnaide .31800 11 rooms on Taylor at 10 rooms 24th st, west side . . . We can arrange terms on 1500 1800 814 BTOCK EXCHANGE. 815.000 CASH WILL HANDLE Apartment building with 88 abartmenta all nicely furnished; West side. Why not own your building I It will soon pay for itself. Price. 350.000. No trades, R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. 8800- ILTLF -CASH 11 rooms. IL K.. west side. 8800 half cash. Grab this and doU it up; only $400 cash needed. ho-. -i J. EUGENE HEDGES, Realtor 201 W. Park. Yea, auto ready. - 27 Rooms; $1450 Oa your own terms: depot location. Just the place to fix up and sell again. Peters, 15 N, oth st Oav your own terms. LEASE and furniture of 46 two and three room apta., 8 year rease, west aids, 8 blocks from Meier A Franks, always full, netting good profit Will take in suburban borne up to 34500 or 58000 cash will hsodle. U-Z56. Journal. 1 3Roo ms 1 3 dose to Wash, st-; dandy boy: cannot be beat all for 81145. Yew own terms. Peters, 15 n. ata at. 13 Rooms-- Rent $20 Sand location, neat and clean. aJhrava full, on one noor. , zou wiu naaaie. . meters, 13 N. 5th st -'" FURNITURE of B room flat, all mahogany and oak; new rugs, fireplace, furnace; rent 345; right downtown; $700 down; xnU price $1450. Marshall 2618. ' " - 1ft ROOMS. Nob Hill. 755 Johnson; fin fur ' niture with piano; sood ineo-ae; $175.0, terms. RandaU. Mara 4210. $1100 FOR furniture ef 2 cor. date. AS raated. paying expenses of heaw and email tncoma. See owner Sunday or Monday at 6 8 Hat 5th st 9-ROOM flat extra good furnituns. Wilton rugs: best west side location; a splendid buy at 8110O. ternrs. J. Wei. Hc-rard fo 210 Park. NINE be hi h. s zooms for light and gas: -esionsble. if takes at from owner. 393 East Davia. - - 8 BOOM house for rent to party buying tn niture; sood iocotae, best af Incatios. Phon Karshan 2683. NEW turnitur of 7 -room bouse, stove he -naomie $85: garage $650; price $1100. Marshall 2618. BOOMING house, 10 roosaa. Astoria, Or-, con Mr th and Aster st Marshall 8483. : BUSINESS OIVOimiNlTIES WANTED SSO V -' !' A CASH BUYER - U yew wish to sell your basiaeaB and .wast nick action and no pnbl-city see. - , , PIONKER BUSINESS AGENCY. INOe S' - .. - , 401-492 Deknm Bldg.. WE HATE several rliena wantons to buy roosa ins and arartraent bouwe. list with us. L M. GATEWOOI' es CO, 16a tt 4th at. BUSINESS OPPORTWOTCS ' ' WANTED 550 - IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR TAKE A PARTNER PHONE MAIN 1TT5 ! , - Fur - Quick Action. - WS HANDLE tales, ttadea. rental. ! vacant lot and trail roved pronertr. W have several calls for rooming houses and homes. See ns early. . . - QUICK. , SALJ2S atKAXjXx CO.. 825 Railway Exchange. kfain 2090. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 Cmr TjrAWM m mualtsiov - Oa improved property . ox for . laueuweaasrt Tha best and easiest method "of Daring a loan is our monthly payment pan. , sz.za per month lor SO moo tin, er 621.84 ner month for 40 months. r 316.17 oer snonth for 06 months, pay a loan or. SiOtru ana interest, Loans of ether amounts in same piupurUoo. Repayment Privileges. -EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSTf - 242 Stark St, , Portland. Or. i $300, 8400. 3500, 8750, flOOOT AND UP. up: lowest rates, ouick action:- nay 3100 er more any interest date. - Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 uoara. or commerce biag. sum isru. BUILDING mans on city and suburban, prop erty: monev advanced as work prosresaea- W. G. Beck. 215-216 FafUng bldg. Main 8407. 3300, 3400. $500. 3700. 81000 AND UP. Low rate,, quick action. Fred JW- German Co.. T33 Chamber of Commerce. Msin 6445. MONEY TO LOAN 8100 to 31000. Bell. II Mnlkey bWg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumper Exchange bldg. - - $1000 TO LOAN, 8 per cent bo rommmion. AUtO. UZB-oV. 8500. 81000. 31500. $200O. 82500' and up. F. II- PESHON. 618 Cham, of Com, bldg. 32000 TO 33000 ON CITY PROPERTY. fKEU b. wibuaas, otm tr an am a bliiu. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON , -: Automobiles i rURNTTTJRE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN- YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans - TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN ; CO. (LICENSED) 80S-807 DEKUM BLDG., 8D AND WASH, SALARY LOANS CHATTEL WE LOAN MONET on short notice to salaries to workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, aeuu-mouthly or monthly payments. Each tm reaction strictly confidential, NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO .SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND.- INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA - DISCOUNT CO, (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN On Goods in Storage. Bank Bate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St, Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Bdwy. 8715. MONEY o loan on diamonds ana jewelry; confidential service: government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co., 283 Wash. st. between 4th and 6th; Mar shall 727. .' MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 HOSNER A HOSNER INVESTMENT DEALERS OFFER 8 nra. 3 ear Stradivaria Phonograph Co. 7 per cent with accumulated dividend since January, fully paid, for 8425. 2 pre. 1 com. American Securities Corporation, fully paid, $200 cash. ' 4 pre. 2 com. Western Finance Corporation, fully paid. 3410. 80 shares Arthur L. Smith Motors at -a snap price. WANTED Idaho Gold and Ruby Stock, oner. Psedfie States Fire Ins., stock, offer. .Beaver States Motor stock, offer. See us to buy or sell stocks of merit Main 4823. 608 McKay bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sell en contracts. F. E. Bowman tt Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3026. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in wssnmgton or Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 810 Mimoermens iDiag. LOCAL industrial stocks and bonds. Jv E. 1 mnans, onp.Br, tvu utu,. -mm. MONEY WANTED i 651 WANTED to borrow from private party, $3000 for 8 years, 7 on new, modern residence in restricted district; improvements all in and paid. McChtre A Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Ex change bldg. " WANT $350, 8 per cent, on house and two lot worth $2500; and $1000, 8 per cent on new home, cost $3000. 932 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Seller's contract $1040 at 7 ft Paying $20 and interest Take SSUO. r- 789. Journal. OR SALE Sellers' contract drawing 7 per cent: will discount: no other incumbrance on plsee. East 2075. 3600 ON NEW bungalow, 60x100 lot on paved st. 8 interest Wilbur r. jouna, neniy Bldg. - SEE OREGON INV. it MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. $1260 FIRST mortcage on furniture of .1- room bouse. $3000. Marshall 2618. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 Keystone' Stables Team Percheron mares, 5 and 7 years old, weight 2900 lha. Price, 6275. Span 6-year-old horses, weight about 2600- lbs. Pride; 8250. Team young brown maxee. weight about 2500 lb Price $200. Ten head horses and mares, weigbios 1200 to 1700 lbs. Prices. $75 to $225. Wagons and harness. Trial allowed. 881 Water street comer of Montgomery street CROWN STABLES, Inc. We have more horses, more new and second hand harness than any stable in town to pick from. We aim to aell 25 per eent cheaper as we handle lot of them at. small profit Phil Suetter. pres.. 288 Front st 3190 BUYS team 7-8 years old, perfect work ers; nearly new harness. $95 buys young team, weight 2300, and harness, sound and true. Team weight 2800 and nearly new harness, Al workers, $215. NaHonal Ste-Oea, Cor. 9th and Hawthorne- ave. - - ' r - ' MUST sell my team of mares, weight 2800 lbs., sound and true anywhere, $185 for both, including new set of harness; also farm wagon, plow, harrow, potato digger, cheap- if wanted. One 1300-lb. 4 -year-old mare, well broke, 385. Call 555 8th st, cor. Lincoln. $250 -BUYS team bay horses, weight about ,3300 lbs., with sood bsrness. The horses are right out of hard work and in good shape. Inquire Peanebaker team. Keystone Stables, 381 Water at-, cor. Montgomery- 1 TEAM weighing 3100 lha. and hamas. beat of-workers; will seR cheap, aa I am rerAacrng them with auto truck. 4503 07th st. Mt Scott ear. . - - ' -' 2800 LB. TEAM, barnes and farm wagon. 8145. Also team of larg mules, harness and wagon cheap. Woodyard, cor. 50th aad Haw thorne. -- '. - - CROWN STABLES. INC. ' For sale for feed bill, pair mules with barne-s, good workers, $189. Phil Suetter, pres., 285 Front st : FOR SALE at a bargain. 8 head af weighing from 1S50 t 1600 lb., 4 to 7 years old; no reasonable offer refused. ; CaU at E. 8th and Flanders. -' : HORSES for sale, his or exchange, sold im eommisaion. . Keystsa Stables. 381 Water st. foot Moatgomery. Mar. 851$. ' - TEAM, 1150 lbs. each; harness and farm 8115. - Take Hawthorn, ave. ear to 49th, 1 block T th to 1387 tlay gr. rOR Sill 1 eood ho weisht 1640. er win trade- for team of colts and pay differ ence. K. A. Hackett 311 17th st. Ore ws City. - TEAM young chunky built maree, well broken and gentle: weight about 2600 lbs,. $180. Inquire feed barn, 881 Water st, west side. '- ONE 1500 lb. mole tor sal or trade; , orae chunky team for sal; 3 aaddla -tone far sale, chest, Arnaud JStatlea; Estaeada line. . FOR" Si-LB OR TRADE Team of mules, har? seee and apriag wagon. J. C Nelson, Cte ck- a as. Bt 1. - - -. ' ' - J - --- - - FOR SALE 3-year-eid filly, .cheap, or trade for eew. Main 2505. - FOR Ax1.t. On. . boras- llo. buggy- aad t tarkamas. or. H. Ger-ardns. DOUBLE teas 33 day, mmvm low 5L50 day, ; M4 ftw a. Mala S20- ;-j ' y WANTED A p-tr lor aa-. ponyT 1531 ' WeodlaWB T. - ' ''-"--.;'' -;" -" - -- $35 UOKSE, harness aad hack. - Outer horses . -. for aala, . 353 Ttiiwwiil at . - HORSES AND VDHCLES 700 i hPAN oi fat mules, weight iSoii aad 2bu0 lbs. each, with heavy -breeching liaxaeas, $150 per tees, - ' . Bay xnare, blocky buSt, . ia good condition, weight 1500 aba $40. : Small team with hamies 875, Spaa of young, dappiecrsy artdrngs .with stiver manea and, tails, weighing 8000 4ha The above stock Is all right out of hard work. I ate have 10 acts of need harness; will sell cheep. O. K. Howitt, Columbia stblee,-Frnt aad Co, ram Ma sta. . CROWN STABLES, Inc. -Tor sale, hire or exchange, 150 head af bcrssa, , Wa . take in - wagons, harness, - cattle, liberty Bonds, farm aarptement ta exchange, Have some of the beat orchard chunks ever been supped te PerUaad; also have goad, aaaortmeat of horaaa taken an trade that will ato a few years' work, as well as a $230 aocse, for $30 and $80 a head, . Wo sell oa time aad raaraa tee everything as we represent it Foil Bustler, pres.. 285 - Front st - MUST sell mule team, age 6. 8000. Belgian colt 1350. a 2300 lbs. re 1100: ana wagons. 630 Jefferson at near list LIVESTOCK 701 FOR SALE A large black Nubian Billy goat 2 years eld. and in fine condition. It is worth 6150, but I want to sell and will take 350 cash, or will trade for Shetland pony, small diamond or cow, or on a Ford car. BJBK HOOVER, Sherwood. Or. FOR SALE On 2-year-old black Jersey bull. , best bred grade bull in the country; Bard strain; pries 830. Also ana 8 month old mustang Jersey buQ, out of the Laurence herd, eligible to registry, price 330. Write or phone. D. E. MendenhaU, Estacada. Or. WANT LIVESTOCK AND FARM : WH giv house in payment or as part, terms oa balance. T. L Robinson, 520' East 12xh sr. a. rnone r-ast 0Yb. FOR SALE! On registered Guernsey bull call. a months 'Old; 2 trotting bred eoita, s and 4 years old. gooO. prospects; would trad for 3-year-old work boras. W. F. Young. . Sher- wooa. vr. : ; CROWN STABLES, -Inc. .W are la the market for 50 head fresh cows at once. Phil Stutter, pres.,- 286 Front st FOR SALE 2 gentle family cows cheap, 1 Durham. 1 Jersey. 5116 66th st S. K. Phone 641-73. Mt- Scott ear to Axleta station. 4 blocks south. ' FRESH Guernsey cow bargain. $&5; also one springer. One block south S. P. depot. Mil, wausie. Henry Bmitn. FOR SALE Fresh good family cow. rich milk. ' guaranteed perfect 10338 63th ave.. H mile east Lents school. SIX good dairy and family cows, all fresh. 1564 E. Gbaan. Tabor 4655. Evenings Tabor 40UD. . FOR HALE Cheap, Chester White - pigsT"- week old; - Puroc-Jersey brood sow. Base Line road and Jefferiea ave. Tabor 6STS. FOR SALE 8 head of cows, 4 fresh, price 843 to 305.- Two miles east or, ureenam. B. r. Lind. FOR Quick sale, Jersey and Holstein cows. fresh and coming Ueah. 94th and E. Gliaaa sta. Tabor 3004. 6 FRESH cows. 865 and up; beef eows or cows soon to freshen taken ia exchange. 420 82d st . FOR SALE 2 Al milk cows and sow and 8 young pigs. National Stable-, Cor. 9th end Hawthorne ave. 2 YOUNG 6 -gallon fresh oows , very ge e, and neb milk. 71-743 K. Asn, FINE big gentle family Jersey, very rich milk. 968 Powell Valley rd. GENTLE family cow. Wood lawn car. i860. 129 Liberty st 2 SMALL farm teams for sale cheap. E. Stark -st Tsbor 9033. -v 1984 ft FOR SALE 5 gaL cow. 385. 5411 97th st 8. E. MILK "GOATS Toggenburg does and buck for sale. 7 E. 4th st N., Portland. Or. TWO good fresh cows, heavy milkers; also family cow. 2025 E. Washington, cor. 81st GOOD family Jersey cow for sale, $53 Woodlswn 1084, 725 Famont st CaU 5-YEAR-OLD Jersey family cow; also 2-weeka- old heifer calf. 963 Yale st TOGGENBERK nannies and a buck for sale or trad. 3621 60th ave., end of W. 8. car. COWS for sale .cheap. East of Lents and Foster road to Lennox Sta. Box 821. FOR SALE 10 fresh cows, 8 to 6 gala., and 2 heavy springers. 23d and Fremont sta. WANTED Beet, veal and nogs. Tabor 7832, FOR SALE Family cow, fresh. 844 E. 24th. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 SEND 25 cents for four months' trial subscrip tion to the quality poultry paper of the west Every page alive with value and interest Has helped thousenda raise better poultry. Year's subscriptmn 75 cents. Tb Pacific Poultry man, Seattle, Wash. POULTRY OUTFIT . Poultry outfit for sale including portable house and run, feed hoppers. White Oregon hens; everything complete for, city lot 330. Wood lawn 4975. . 290 PULLETS, March and April hatch, Tancred O. A. O. and Ferris strain, delivered in large lota at 31.75 each. C. J. Loogren, Hillaboro, R. 5, Box 93. Farmington road near radio tower. i WHITE LEGHORN baby emexs iron Petalumas " heaviest producins stock. W guarantee safe arrival. Literature on request. PIONEER HATCHERY. 442 Sixth St Petalnma, Cal YOUNG White Leghorn hens, good layers, Ho-sani-ed stock, $1 each.; White Leghorn and R. L Red pullets, $1 to $1.75 each. J. R. MAGUIRE. .787 Oregon, near East 24th and Sandy. $1 to $1.50 EACH White Leehora m-UoU. from heavy laying hens, from April and March r-also Black Minorca pullets, some ready totay; iota or young eocaere-- ens ucnoco ave.. e 11 wood Garden, PorUand, or. FOR SALE Two thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn cockerels, from stock of 200 eggs and better. Tancred strain. April 1 hatch. Fine. well developed bird-. Take one or both, $2.60 each. w. C. Graddy, 107 E. 87th st N. BUFF MINORCA pullets and cockerels, rose como --Boons, uonea seaorignt xtabtuu -Tans lor enickena or what have your Evans Poultry Yards, $65 E. Lombard. Wood lawn 1656, 42 WHITE LEGHORN hens (pulleta last year) bred by Portland Seed Co.. 81.25 each. 1461 Cleveland av. Woodlawn car to Dekum, 1 block north,' blocks west EXTRA fin Pekin white mammoth drakes for breeding. They're beauties. 53.50 eaoh. 6 E. tS8a N. Tabor 7409. L85 FIVE maa. eld Whit Leghorn pullets at $1.50 apiece. They are from the very best trapnestea J. A. u.stock. ilea East 33d N TOM BARON March cockerels from Hocanised took; sell or trad for p-Uets, 991 E. 37th south. Sell. 1657. 150 4 MO. TANCRED pulleta, range raised. Bell rum or all. it. X. box 88, Vancouver, Wash, mt north Hatfield sta. FOR SALE Leshoma, Barred Rocks and pulleta. Equity in unfurnished house, for Ford truck. 4giz cam st. a. is. PEKIN. Indian Runner and Mallard ducks: Fan tail and Cameaux pigeons; China rooster. 2 FOR SALE 7 Barred Rock bens, 1 Phone Auto. 683-23. FLKMISH GIANT rabbit for sale or. trade for chickens. 9628 45th ave. 8. E. Anto. 616-86. FURS, hides bought er tanned: West Coast Tanning Co., B92 Tenino. Betlwood 2398, THOROUGHBRED Black Minorcaa one year old. S3. Flume Kast 4913 Monday. FOR SALE Rhode Island. - Black Minorca by. Automatic 228-89. ' - tog pullete. 7003 86th st B. E. LATE model 490 Chevrotet fine finish, mechan- FOR SALE 10 thoroughbred Rhode- Island ically perfect, ovenuxe tire, airnoet new; Bed pulleta, Aut, 024-23. private owner. - 8350; term. Phone East 2738. tA8T year s White Leghorn bena, $1 each. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING This car ia like a Snare drum, 35. Auto. 639-23. new one, excellent condition. $575. 630 AI- FOR SALE S B. L Bed rooster. 8804 65ih der rt Bdwy. 1852. - ' ' '"" st 8. E. FOR SALE cheap, or trade for chickens, fetude- 11 R. L RED hena axul rooaters tor aai. cW- . Tk SeUwood car. 608 Aut 623-69. Clatsop ave. j , WHITI. Leghorn and R. I Reda, pullet. ' srl-S "P V? 3 l"ildeTe-r ?7 ,-yA.t-m4i?4irW- $50 CASHy. 9Hup bug. .ood tire, and run. 40 JfCMBsUaa Whit 'Iorn PuRete for TIjdeBAKER chummy register; an excep- ,UrJri- ' Ta- "- haT $450. Main 1476. RABBITS F0B-1ALB, cheap. 667 E. gTg ypBD tourirut $250 cah. or trade for nOT Rnri-S- PPTL VTC -Tot Selt 2208. 628 Kemlw-rth ave. WWK.W-' tlU-7W MODEL 44 Olds 8. very sood conditio, $526. FOR SALB Pedigreed Bostoa pops, $35.. Call -- Wdm. 2520. after 6:30 p. - m. I - Tabor 3087. . ; "... .. RI ROADSTER FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rat taiV Call $95, with tail delivery; -terms. Phone 688-46. Mr. Hswea. Main 8026, 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR BODXl FINE 81 Aodreaab-rg trainer and female, ins- CHEAP. EAST 1198. " Ported stock, also yo-mg rotlev. Tabor IT08. CHEVROLET touring. 3 250 i terms. Call Mar HIGHLY bred Great Dane dogs aad paps ofafl shall 8971. - . ! -. eotot-. X-747. Journal. , . WUb- sacrifice ray 1921 model Chevrolet for FEDIUKEED Persisn kittens for tale; Silver and 8475. Ceil Marshall 1820. evenings. Orange. Main 6450. Baisdale. Or., Box 22. (1819 FORD touring, good shape, .ood tires. JAPANESE span-el for sal at sacxifio pric. ' $120. 899 VsneonveT ave. - - F-521. JonraaL -r -: i ' --'- t ASS- Resal. model 80. in excelieni oondiUoa. HEALTHY bird ia, good ong. Sces-e Studio - cheap for cash. - 315 Hottsdsy sv. Aviary,-634 Front 1 Main -468. LATE atyte ear; will sell Cheap or trad for lvOSTON feres I. 4 mo.: peoigreed; dandy. roadster. 853 OberBn st.' . East 660. '..-;"--' txR SALE Dodge touring car, cheap for eaah, PAPA, buy m a little bow-wow. Toy Kennels. or terrag. Bast T065. - ; one Brile E. Oregon City. Abernethy road. . WILL erifte - my Oktsmobilo fa uuick. sale, St. ANDREASBERG rollers: guaranteed stock., five cord trre. MarshsU 8432. 1774 Sandy bird. Tabor 2078. V LATE 1919 Ford touriu. extras, good shape; FOR SALE Pointer papa, hunting strain. t 846 tooam finet22 eaah. CaB Waodlsv-a 721. Mi-sissTprrl ve. Wdln. 1249. - DODGE Used car, ia good condition, for sal FOR SALE BrimK bull pup, 4 months old. cheap. 1013 & Irving st Tabor 2903. - 7003 rflth ft. 8. E- SOUR initials on yonr ear for 25c per letter. FOXHOUND pupa for sale. Wdm. 520. J . William Myaeng, Tabor 8083. - - . DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC 703 Roae city CATTERY C SUNBURST ; ' ' Kitten for sale. 4 REG. STUDS AT SERVICE 33 and up . 1248 K. Morrison . Tabor 7274 PET BTOCK and suppnea, W are Beadquarteri ia the if w. for birds and cage, dog eats, rabbits, ea vie, etc. Food, reaaediea. ete. Call vnta Wet stock eatalone ea nuiii-S Soat- kdee Seed A Floral Co.. 14S Sd et.. Portland. SERVICES tine Easuta Persian rata, 33 andfl until Jan. 1; Knver, from N. Y.; 8mk. from Michigan: Red Ohio, Black, 13. They cost m over $500. Kittens thaan. Portland Cattery. Phone Auts. 614-64. . WILL sell very chea er trade for rabbits. S thorouctibn-l , Oranow Pera-ua kitbraa and t grown female. 338 Portland boulevard west St John car. Beautiful Persian Kits ' Rose City Catter haa 4A Panriaw kite trm e, reasonable; ail colors,, 33 and up. Tabor , DOGSl BIRDS 1 RABBITS! We have en hand some choice colli, once ai reasonabie prices; also birds, rabbita and any- thmg in the pet stock line. Portland Seed Co. FOR SALE Setters, first-class ahootinc do-: Pointer papa, Beala Kennels. Rose City car to 78th, 5 blocks south. Bex 282. Bout 4. T-urtiano. or. - - - - - . CHESAPEAKE BAY rtri.ver pupa. 4 tea months oia; x-nguaa setter pups. OVi montbs old; reinsured and rwditrreed 1. S. Uuiiim. Ill ymgnm, near - xtn ana rjanoy,- - THOROUGHBRED Orange Persian kittens for sale. $5 each. 080 K. 69th st N.. Tabor otov punoay everrmg or weec gays.. . BIRD DOGS for sate, English setter,; prices tiva .ov so io. xx. u. Or.. Route 4. YOUNG English setter, ready to hunt: also hv Mallard decoys. Foster, rear ef 2021 Miller ave.; oui ii. Vancouver, wash. THE Cymbelia Cattery, Woodstock, haa soma fin Persian kittens for sale. Kittens two dollars up. Ant 630-83. YOUNG female shepber and Lleweellyn setter, good playmate for children; also good ranch not: reasons pie wain. 03S, FOR SALE French bull puppy: bin ribbon stock; sired - by champion Bonni Boy. East iav. 880 xtoss st. PIT BULL, 1 year old; female hound, 18 month old. with 2 puppies 4 weeks old; sood nunter; cues p. mz3 Foster road. FOR SALE Airedale puppies. 4 months old. registered. 801 East 10th street Vancou ver. v asn. M. li. Burrows. Kast of Garrison. 0 BOSTON TERRIER puppies. See them. Make a reasonable oner. Auto. 225-46. 1143 h. Mam. . LIVER and white pointer, trained for pb and duck hunting. Cell Aut 624-23. FOR SALE Cheap, beautiful Persian kitten. N Wood lawn 3226. BEAUTIFUL St Andxeaaburg roller singers, and 4 lemales. best stock. Main 5471. 827 MilL WANTED Shepherd pup. ace. M-291, Journal. State price and FOR SALE Smart fox terrier puppies. Tabor 7835. Pbona THOROUGHBRED Airedale pups for sale. W. Watts st 198 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 NEW. DELIVERY . BODIES MOUNTED $115 Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 Second St Cor. Taylor. Main 2892. WHITE, -ton Just overhauled by US. just what you- want at a price you can pay. THE WHITE COMPANY Flint and Hannock Sta, 1920 FORD SEDAN, now $585. Looks and runs like new. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE West Side Branch, Broadway and Hoyt Grand ave. and E. Yamhill Open Sundays and Evenings STANDARD EIGHT. 7-Da.. a - powerful car, brand new, never run a mile. Don't fail to sea it arwi drive it You can ret this at a 40 saving under the regular price. Drive a STANDARD EIGHT and know what motoring really is. Standard Eight Motors Co., Park and Couch sta. Bdwy. 788. 4Uft IS the nrirn rj this Dort car that haa been completely overhauled and placed in excellent rnnnine condition: tires, uohoteterinc and Dai-t are in good shape; some extras; the right person can get terms on this car. Fnon tL. J. wre- nsm. Main 83X1. . FRANKLIN SEDAN MODEL 9-B Car in perfect mechanical condition. Just newly painted, looks and runs like new. Will sacnXice for quick sale, MR, M0LTZNER $01 Burnside St Broadway 901. 1920 FORD COUPE. Tha best of conditioD" only $500; terms, UNIVERSAL. CAB xqCCHANGE Grand ave. and E. Yamhill ' West Side Branch, Broadway and Hoyt Open Sundays and Evenings ' 1919 OLDSMOBILE 6 ROADSTER 1919 Oldsmobile 6 roadster, extra folding seat in rear for two passengers; newly painted a beauty. Here s your chance. S4VO. FRANCIS MOTOR GAxt WSfASI, East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne awe. SEDAN- One of the classiest light ones in town: has wire wheels, good rubber, looks sad runs like new: very cheap, email payment down, balance easy , terms. CaU Boaell, Bdwy. 3605. . $$ THREE FOB TWO 342 $$ HERE'S your chance for a good used car; em all nnwnt down: 1917 Block tourine. . $575: 1919 Kuick touring, Ho; ivis xtaoy urana Chevrolet $550: 1917 Ford touring, $276; 1918 Chandler Chummy roadster, 8850; Chevro let bug. SBZ.t. S3. Bumsiae. .tsawy. ziv HTjPMOBILE SACRIFICE Not vsrsrkitur: must sell my model "N Hun looks and runs like new; has many extras; first mas with $675 cash, sets it; gladly demoasrate. East 7065. 1917 DODGE touring, easy terms: new top. tires good, fine mechanically: looks well. BDlingsley Motor Co,, Hawthorn ave. at 8th. East 7. - CASH paid for eld cars, condition no object narts for all make of ears. Thompson 4 Kelly, 448 .Flanders, near 11 tb. Bdwy. 8603. 1921 MAXWELL, in excellent condition; two unit 6-volt system, spiral gears. Owner 289 10th apt 17. Main 2805. DODGE touring, cheap for quick aali "Hast be sold by the. 10th. ' A-l shape, 1076 B. Washington st, at 8otb. HAVE light touring car; will take motorcycle and sidecar a part' payment Call Boaell, Bdwy. 3606. LATE model 6 pass, auto, extra spare and OreT son license: oast 31650; for quick sale 8500, V-746, Journal. 1920 5 PASSENGER Baby Grand Chevrolet nx. I '.I., AUTOMOSn-ESFOR SALE- 800 Willys-Overland Pacific Company, : V COME IN ; ' ' W.hT? 'tba Urteaf Mocks of good Rbuilt and .reconditioned used car In Port- land, at prices and on term that will attract tha oareful pcrcbaser., :' -)- .'.!.' ' ',' . '.' .' " ; King 8 m-dd. like new; 6 ' paaeenger, equipped Firestone cords, new spar and ; f,r Tktorlsa-rtaia. wind dflsetor.. spotlight eioclt motonncter, bump-r- ...,.,....,. .31950.00 ' ' Oldsmobile' 1920 Oldsmobile. 4 psasenrer trort model, oVersix cord tires,, with spare, WesUngheuse shock absorbers, bumper, spot light motormeter. mirror, A-l mechanic! condition . . . ,...$1$75.00 - ; 1922 Oldsmobile 8, 4 passenger sport model. Mke aew, eversis cord tire with ' new spare; perfect mechanical condition wjU take amaU car ia trad. Price $1600.00 , .101$ Oldsmobile 8, 7, passenger tour ins, A-l condition, newly . painted. ; Pric ..,$825.00 1918 Buick marlsfrr.. fint-e-ua ma. ebanical condition, newly painted, good cord tires, with spare. , . .5830.00 - Overlands 1916 Model 88 touring,,... 1918 Model 90 touring..,.. 1918 Model 90 touring.,.., 1918 Model 90 touring...., 1918 Model" 85-4 touring.., 1913 Model 85-4 roadster., 1918 Model $3-6 touring... 1920 Model 4 sedan 1920 Model 4 sedan ...... Model 83 delivery .8275.00 . 375.00 . 475.00 . 525.00 . 425.00 . 525.00 . 550.00 . 850.00 . 875.00 . 450.00 Fords 1914 Ford touring, good condition. 8 11 5.00 1916 Ford touring, good conditio.. 175.00 1918 Ford touring, good condition. 225.00 1921 bug 325.00 1920 touring, starter 425.00 Chevralets '1918 touring 1918 touring .......... 1920 touring. Uke new. , 1918 Dort 1917 Saxon 6 roadster. . . . Hupmobile bus - .$225.00 . 250.00 . 485.00 . 275.00 . 400 00 . 100.00 SPECIAL EASY TERMS OfEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Willys-Overland Pacific Broadwav 8535 BROADWAY AND DAVIS. BIG SALE! BIO SALE! NEW AND USED AUTOMOBILES Today we start the blnest out-nrios sal of new and used cars ever held in Portland. W. are an old firm. dog business in the same lo cation for ui past five years. However, we are in the aame boat that many other old re liable houses are sailing. W need ready ' motley and have decided to take our Ices now hence every oar in the- house wilt be sold at far leas than pre-war prices. - 2 BRAND-NEW SKELTONS 3 v BALE PRICE 3850 The regular. Driee of this car was $1493. Think of it a brand-new car for $8501 Com posed of hlgh-rad standard unit. Maybe you never heard of the name. However, the name of a car does not always count It'e the mak . . up, tne materials ana pert, that are used that cut the real figure. This csr is composed of the follosving well-known parts: Lycoming 4-cyL well-balanord motor, Borg A Beck clutch, Weeringhouse electrical starting equipment Muneie traxwmission, 112-in. wheel b, 82x3 tt tire, bast grade top and trimming material, streamline finish. - In fact through- , out the ear represents in sppearaaio a car of the S2000 class. Don't oversotdl this oppor tunity to get- a brand-new ear for 8850, and see them Sunday OIK USED CARS ' ' ' consist of the following: 1918 liberty Six, 1918 Mitchell. 1918 Chevrolet (F. B. model), 1919 Essex. 1918 Oakland sedan. 1913 Ford sedan. 1920 Chevrolet sedan. 1920 8 tuts - - litlA " I.il . . k W UA-. 11 luiuavci , iviy xi laAriii'.-iyiigy, m tr x I amwrn, 1918 -Boa me r. 1918 Cole Eight 1918 Olds Eight 1917 Oakland. 1918 8s ion. 1917 Kis- , seLnj-r. 1919- Ford, Chevrolet bug. Ford bug. 1920 Case. 1918 Stute touring. 1919 Frank lin. 1917 Dodge, and many others. Come in and look them over. The price will be made right oo any car in the house. Terms and trade-ins will be talked ofer and agreed upon to our mutual saUsfactiox- Today's the day " OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY A-l AUTO WORKS WAREHOUSE CO- 522 ALDER T. PAY $50 AND DRIVE AWAY Your' choioa of V doseat Chevrolet, i Maxwells and other standard-make popular cars; prices cnt to the bone, to clean up stock quickly; this is without question the greatest opportunity ever offered la Portland for you to get a lieht ear of popular and standard make at a give away price, sad on easy terms; most of these cars have been newly painted, some have new tops and upholstering; com early and tak your choice; see them today. RUSSELL II. LAWSON AUTO CO., 864 . Broadway, at E, 8L DODGE 5-pnisenger touring, good condition. ' 5450. Ford touring. Just overbanled. Franklin 5-pasaenger, new rubber, big bargain. . Buick 6, a good deal. Baby Overland, 1921; must sell. , Maxwell 6 passenger; a bargain, ' Will eschaag touring car for light track or delivery. . STMOSTON ft CO. -415-GUsaa, Broadway 4892 - ' OWNERS' FORCED CAR SALE TODAY ONLY, FROM 8 AM. TO 4 P. M. 1920 Ford touring, starter .8375 1916 Ford touring 25 1918 Ford sedan $75 1920 Ford aedan ; 500 Classy Ford bus 233 . " Terms to Suit 1 OTH ST. PARKING PLACE. 10TH ST.. BET. WASHINGTON AND STARK. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES ar twins : offered in Ford. Chevrolet Overland. Tiwl.a. Dort, Oakland, Buick. Paige, Hupmobile, Frank- m, Btuta, tjaaiuac, racaaro, pierce and other. $150 to $6000. Easy terms. I Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.' Hawthorn ave. at 8th. East T. SAVE $1400 oa a new STANDARD KiGHT, a powerful ear, built by one of tha greatest ma-mfactaring institations in America. Regu lar servio aad factory guarantee go with this ear. See ad ' in -Tint section, Never again will such aa oprortunity present itself. Stand ard Eight Motor -Co.. Park and Couch. -Phone Bdwy. 788.- 1920 FORD roadster, looks like. new; wonderful mechanical condition. $360, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave.. and E. Yamhill West 8ide Branch, Broadway and Hoyt Open Sundays and Eventnsa $$ THREE FOR TWO $42 $$ 'J - 1921 DODGE TOURING - ..' - . ". 1921 Dodre touring, practically new,' extra tire: price $850. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 8770. ; Grand at Hawthorn Ave. $150 DOWN, balance on easy terms, wUl bay . a late model Oakland six touring ear: has been overhauled throughout Call BoaeU. Bdwy., 860Q.. ' '"'--'' -'' 8 PASS- BOADSTER ; new top and just re- ' " painted; completely overhauled; $250 worth of work; mast bsve money; saenfic at' $30v. Adams, East 8248 evenings. - - WANT Piano, worth about $350. ia trad for Light 6 auto to good shape. Phone Ante matic 810-18. Mr. Mnir. J ; . FORD BUG New body, good tires, loU -of-- power, shock absorbers, rrfinished, $275. 630 Alder st Bdwy, 1852. ' 1921 FORD coupe, excellent conditio-. Fuller, Beed college. Sett. 8251. ... 1920 BUICK 6, 6-pass., in good shape, snap,'' 3950. - Tabor 6603. 1388 Division. LATE 1919 Naeh, $050. . 6513 Foster-. rottt- Autmnatle 638-60. 1920 HUPP 6-pssenger will . sacxiiice, . Tabor 1542. - - - 3125 CASH bur 1916 Ford tounag. rua gooo. isnor isii. 191$ MAXWELL, excellent ooadiLion. for aai--by owner. East 662. ' -----:--' -. UOTOKCTCLCS to trad (or automobUe-, ;50 Voice, ave.-- - D01a;E tuunag for sal. CaU labor 12 &, . i'