21 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON BIRTHS aa.I'oIU 1 -r. and kn. T. Ma iua, 307 i Vrtt. Kent. SO.aeoB. HA HO RE To Mr. end Mrs. H. U Baaare 1213 Ttn. (wr Jity. !" Tie. e . r I DEATHS : - LABKY-Geuia L Carey. Good Samaritan has I pttaL Sept 20, 2S yean; duodenal ulcers. BOHANNAN Un Effie Bohemian, St Vin cents Baaptmt. Bcpb Zi, BA yean; knianntnSL f C LOOM Mr; flattie Bloom. Multnomah hospital- Sept. 34, 43 Tan; mum dilation of ft. UK'S Awllt Prieet 1205 She sen, ' sept. 21. 80 )wt; eh Trie nephritis. NEW TODAY 50 FLUFF RUGS NEW RUGS BVwovea (yeas eM esrpstBjmvs east ef ordinary . carpet. O na ere vlet, durable Bad NORTHWEST RUG CO. , Trie' eldest earn seat equipped factory. I Flati end rag sngs woven ail gtaeai a ' pete rwfitt.4; iit ruge itaa cUeaeS 41.44X We east ley Bad Aett . FUNERAL NOTICES 104 1 BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 20O a, Mara barber treae; wages while Or Berber Cttilega. 248 Ma. RYAN In tliia citr. Bent, 27. Joseph B. Ryan. I MEN, aged 63 Jean, husband of Anna Rtm of 297 I karate K. Bryant st, brother of Mr. Mary Itopkina and I tow at. John Rvm of IndiiBenrrii. Ind.. uad M rm. Tim 1 ' " Buihven of Decaans. Ill The homl eorteg. win j HELP WANTEDMALE 201 leav. tba above mdenee Saturday. Oct. 1. at I i.. "ty - "T"1, --! 8 u a. nt and proceed to Hory Redeemer Church. I ioograpa bmbm, am mibkij Portland boui ard and Williams a., where! commualoa 15 j car furnished. Edison aad man will b celebrated at 9 a. m. Friends in- l Colombia mschines -putting oa Edtaoa toso teat ; rite. Concluding eervice. Mt Scott cemetery. I od eety. Mt Scott Drug Co.. 5932 The deceased wa. a member of the Kniahte f I at Colnicbua. J. P. Finley A Son, directors. PLASTERERS AS winter's work. 1 10.20 per 8 -boor day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS IPS $Zt.ea,R $ " employed to Fabey-Brockmao, 6 th THIRD ain 8ALK0M I CIAJTHLSG aalesmen work em fiatardan. and Waahistton. ' WANT a cuud. boaaca, reliahia bub witn ax- peneoea to buuue biK route; no otae aeea apply. A-89S, JoanaL " East Side Funeral Directors v 414 B. t. 8, DTONDfO. VtC -The Fimlly aU tba Prfa-a" Aidei at Hkkm IM 111 , WANT man with truck or team to haol dirt. 1119 E. IAneoIn. Ant. 224-70. - &riit year's trip. itilA Mmnana Jiinw WOOD SAW man wan partaat. fmranUa to day. O04 Buchanan bldg. Nortbweat Dunning & McEntee Memaoa BL at IZtn. - Uraadway 0. Apt 445-4S. ' Lerch, Undertaker EAST EUCVKNTB AND BAWTB0BJTI PHONB EAST 781. FINLEY'S MORTUARY! MONTGOMERY AT FTFTH. MAIM gHINOLa WA.NTEI. 8 th and Weidier. WASTED First-clau Hardwood Phone Anto. 438-24. floor Jayer. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS - 300 Try Enon Hotel Hex KectrlB depot. 4th andNUark; aaodera. beat (l. :0ay boose. a.au pa Transient trade toucrlefl. - CALL, at X. M. C A. to eaa tree Hat of moderate anoed mu for nana M a au nana of tba aity, tnrludint room at the Caatral T. at. C a., with tatephoaa ia each room, ahowat bath and crab faeinaea. BENTON HOTEL 44 H Alder, comer Broadway; ealte or tta rle roosu at reasonable rates; hot and eoid wa ter at all Boaa; Merthweat heat; tranaieat ao- ixntea. " HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 128 Uti St. at Wasbinctoa. Brick atmetara. center of ParU laniLa bmooees and social actirltiea. rsspectabla. spotless rooms, $3 week, $1 day tip; private batn. 3 day. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 1 large sUepiaa room. lor z, ana one lor a; seaueaMB eauy; anaa fast, phone, aatb, piaaa and hone priTiieaas: It nun. ride from heart ot dry, "88" district; ISO. Tanor tb, after a p. m. LARGE, siaataat fnxu eorae room, either for one or two; warm and eoaafortable: erafy eoo- rentence; near carona; rent reasonaMa. jtbobs East 4510 aaorntnts. PLEASANT OUTDOOR SLEEPING PORCH. REISONIBLX KEN'T. CKB OF BlTn- ROOM; WALK1NO DISTANCE; Q0OD LOCA TION. 11 N. XSU. MALI !. NICELY fnralshed room ia rooders aosva. slaetK tn or hoaaekeeDina: eloae in and cloaa to ear serriee: eaeoaabla reaU 100 Hsarora. Aato- mauc BZ2-ZO. HOTEL ROYAL Cor. Morrison and E. 3d; modern steeping and H. K. rooms, 83 week and rrp; tl per day. Alexander Hotel 131H 10th St. center of sboopiiic district; clean rooms, 75e op; weekly 43.60 nn. WANTED--Phonoerspb aslMrnan, experience bb- Beeessary. Apply 43 T Stark at &LA.N for farm, mast be able to handle 4-borss rant; 3U per raontn. w-bs, Jcmrcai. WANTED Carpenter work and painting in ex- change for dentistry, D-357, joojnal. WANTED At one.. 2 men to learn rolcaniaing LARGE front corner room, very light, doable windows, olean, erery conreaienoe; first class apt. boose; liking distance. 647 Yamhill. Main 3534. aia-vaaawa v Corner Glisan Two blocks from Depot. 73c and no. 34 s week op. Hot and cold wster tn each room. and retreading. 482 Hswthorae. IN t. light V Phene East 8330 I. FLUFF RUGS from old taraeta, woolaa clothing, rag rags, all sise, Mail orders. Bend for booklet. CARPET CLEANING Ltrree. finest equipped carpet cleaning, refitting works ia state at Oregon. sl3 Hags steam Cleaned Hit Si4 Reg Bnn, 41.30 wNDIR MIW MANAaeMENT W4trn Fluff Rujr Co. Mala Off leg 14-44 Vnlom At. K. East 4414 . CARPET CLEANING t18 RU04 4TEAM CLEANED , 31.28 Uattrtewea made oeer. Feathers Renoated New 40-I.b. Cotton Msttreeees 44.TS PIONgfN CARPET CLEANINO WORK8 1073 E. Lincoln 4V Auto. 237-07 FLUFF RUGS Made from' Al Kinds ef Old Carpets. - for Qnattty, lerrlee and Economy. . OREaON PLUFf RU0) CO. 4 aterk at. Tabor 7814 DOWNING at McNElsAB a oomeiika plaee. ModeraU m prlcea lmagtoa district. Paoae East S4 SALESMEN WANTED 202 BASEMENT room, can be fixed UP for H. K.. 8b per jnoeui. to man who will ore furnace morning and eTenings; garage or parking apace. 3s west psra. UcENfee I KfLaifeS. tanerai parlors wltk aB EXCELLENT opportunity lor lire, energetic the nrivscy of a borne, lStb and Rremtt sta. miesmsB work with ns (not for mi) one Fnone rtrosoway ziaa. ant. eai-aa. 1 wucut cuuiwueiuu buu. e m" ua w i mmi Fnaeials 373 and no. at Ella rt. Mska 2441. Aot. 67S-86. i.iiiwi a sim. I ' . j Li'ii I proepects. If you are a SALESMAN and can JtiU.a.it alllicni, .uuxui l?". Ih. imh: .n ineeetraent reonired. bat wasnirtgTos) I ,h,rf v.... . r.n t tin wont hida. for K. T. BYRNES ElfiBUSHMEM IWANT t.Uk iisamirABi- oa good 4.Tyl.rcome in and see J. 3. Bate Tsb. 1364. B-2344. I u.1r EUht Mnton Co.. Park and good aatomobile wlmmen, those acoaainted in Portland preferred, u yoB Breeze&Snook gtZT&n, - rz tz Cii j,. CTDEBTAEgaOraUiB 4lBt 1 Conch sta. A. R- Zelier Co, Comer Third snd Clay. 62 Williams m Phone East 10SS. WANTED at once, 3 fintrclam stock salesmen. Splendid opportunity. Call at factory. John son Ante Signal Co., Vancouver; Wash. See Mr. Johhon. -1 MONUMENTS 10. SAIXaMEN WANTED Salesmen to carry ing line of working men's clothing. Refer ence required. City, Mo. Honrhins Salea Co., sr- Jefferaon ' WANTED Experienced snto equipment sales man. See Mr. Scott. 411 Osk t- HELP WANTED-FEMALE 204 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE VOBKS CICAZJTT MTPKSIAXS E.TVWaD t-PlNt ST& PHOWE CT43 FLORISTS 107 LADLES, remember others are earning money ot takirur orders for the Allen aato washer t and brush. Why not youf Erery ear owner wants one. Alien saies Agency, xo -o- e Commerce. I WOMAN wanted, interested in chnrch and edu cational work; good salary. 400. Journal. Giro phone. A- SPECUL NOTICES . 101 .TATK 0V OKEiiON. Depsrtraent of State, SalfaBi Notice U hereof etren thef tmrenf tn the prevision of Sections 2728-3729, Oregon Lews, the followlag state warrants issued for a rtriod of more than 7 years prior io July 1, B21, will be declared told and ptrment thereon refuied by the State Treasurer Of Oregon, unless Presented for psyment at the office of tbe Bute resmrer, Balem, Oregon, within 40 days from the 23rd day of September. 1921. the date of we urn puauestion or uus notice: GENERAL FUND W'srrant Date Member. Issued, 1b Whose Faror. Amcmnt 0784 Jtfly 7, 1913. Geer II Cumculus. 121.30 12348 -Aug. 2 V 191J)urk. C ... 1.00 12347 Aug. 25, 1313, Gsrrigues. W 1.00 12851 Aug. 25. 1018, Thomas. H...... 8.00 18871 Sept. 23, 1913, West. Bay 4.00 15708 Ot. 28.1918, Deris. J. B 10.25 15883 Oct 23, 1918. Beed, Edwin P. . . 1.40 14107 Oct 31, 1918. Minn Academy of Social Science. . . 2.00 14224 Nor. 8. 1913, Parmer and Mer- clanu' Tel. Co.. 12.05 17434 Kor. 98, 1918 Ootberg. Oscar... S.05 25194 Apr. 80, 1914, Portland Seed Co. 7.43 24474 alsy 29. 191 1, Po.ul Telegraph Cable Co. 8.40 ' HATCHERY FUND,. DISTRICT. NO. 1 P9737 Ket. SO, 1912, Newmsn, John A. 4 4.00 GAME! PROTECTION FUND 9988 July 25. 19 IS. Thomas. C. F.... 813 98 10881 Sept 22, 1913. Baldwin. Geo. T. 8.60 14837 Msy 20, 1914, Fowler. J. W.... 14913 Msy 84, 1914, Lows, W. A". 14974 May 24, 1944, Merry-John T. . . 15089-May 38, 1914. Blaytoo. O. A.... 1603 May 28, 1914, BteTeas, R. L. . . 15084 Mtf 28, 1914. Tipton. Hueh.... 15183 Msy 28, 1914, CUrk. J. E,....K 1543 May 88. 1914. Johnson. John. . 15400 June 2. 1914. Omlth. Ceo. Nf 18718 June 2, 1914, Workman, James.. 14014 June 19, 1914, Brown, Chts. C.. 142A8 June 28. 1914, Starr. M. R. : . . 143A4 June 80, 1914, KromUng, A. L, . 18347 June 30. 1914. Lsmmert Gennti. VN1TEIU1TI OF OREGON CURRENT EX i " PKNK U SD r! . . 19984 Aug. 24. 1911. Springfield Huh ' - Bsnooi .onpariei . x xo (8EAL) In testimony whereof, 1 here hereunto set my hand and eaused the seal of the state of Oregon w be hereto affixed this 19th day of September, 1931. , SAU A. KOZEK. " Secretary of State. 4.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 p m m m ml m rmm mdhsW K J mswr tARCItTRITAIL FUlllUKmiJi9 CJU02GE JCCCCirtSSOUCnET) 2 3TOQ.ES r PCETLXKD lOnL mkL. 7 53 1' GIRL for work In small apartment., good home good wages, 476 Schuyler, apt 1. Take Bnwdwsy oar. AN ELDERLY lsoy to assi&t with light house work for an elderly couple, retired, on a farm. Wages $3 per week, good home to right party. Address E-0. Journal, WOMEN WANTED TO WORK ON PEARS. STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS CO.. 821 EAST YAMHILL 8T. ANY GIRL in need or a friend, apply to the B&lTitioa Army Rescue" Home, Msyfsir snd and F)"' n,iU 33 Alesmder sta pnone main nuo n-aa car. Large Hothouaea. Me I WANTED AatMant coc. Call Wdln. 2768 BrsocB Btorea. xa V,ar am Mailiaoa St. between 4th snd 4tk Tei Mala 7704. CLEVENGEB HOTEL 418 H Washington st. corner 1th. 81 a day $4 a week and up; fine downtown location; hot ana com water, steam neat IN L-Tingtoo, 2 sleeping rooms, conTeDient for students; accommodate 6 students; within walking distance of dental college, 441 E. 13th N. EUCLID HOTEL 673 Washington at 18th Large, clean, airy .rooms, prirate baths: rates to pennsnent gneata. uroadway Z6az. NEWHALL HOTEL 402 E. Wash. st. cor. Grand are. Modem: outside sleeping rooms. HOTEL HARDING BEAUTIFULLY fumUhed parlor, dressing room. aieemng Borca. soluble lor - two. gentlemen preferred; garage If desired; good eocatioa, walk ing aistance. west SMe. reierenc. rxrwy. BOOMS ia private family, in one of the pretty hornet ia East Portland. They are moaera throughout References required. 349 Hemlock, Ledd addition. Auto. 214-02 after Bunoay. DESDXABLE room with home pnrileges ia ex change for teaching a chad to sing, Protestant: references exchanged. East 4931. FDR RENT Room in pntate family, home priTiiecas or breaklaat if desirea; eMse la call before 9 a. m. or after 6 p. m. Autematle 617-02. , ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPLNQ ROOMS FURNISHED 304 CiiEAPEaT HOOMS IN TOWN IAgtit Booeakswping and ttleepmg, eseaa aad uaw. walking dataaoe. sa.a aad -wp per week. 293 m Uaiam erswl alack aeaxta ax Hawtrwrne. FOR working people, da In, 2 cleia toae eewpiag roowia, eav per moata. vr A wee nil Butiseasspiag room, sa.ew Mill at Auto. 311-47. K ' IfeVLVliToi! S .UU, rsoaaa.'Hrit noer; a aoqaaaeeswaig rooaas. aaeowa usw; deaa, well 'faraMhed; withla walkiag diatsnre of deatal eotleee. 441 K. lath M. FOR RENT roa rent i APARTMENTSTlflWISHED 307 1 HOUSES UNFURN ISHEP 311 f IAN04 amis. 43. Maun eava, 41 ee Mi; SO ease free evseaaw ea ail 44 W EavavUouaekeepinc auiiea. abaohaiely aa. eeery esmeeeJence. hot water et all Boon; ssngle hewaakeeping rooaa, 68 week, Hotai Cadillae. Third. Bear jwlieraoa. A NEAT, cosy iittie front 2 room famished housekeeping twite: pbone, Hgbi, hath end water free: reasonable; edulta aoly. 621 Kelly at Mrsll 8254. sllCE COUBT APT a. S rooaa apartmea Dafcth brtcawm sal M- Uteiy reaoTsasd. Seat 4344. X, tk and Bara-1 krre trwea, 42.13 per hear; we are earWd ade. I and aave aaed parVtae. Caa aVra4y !. FOUa' atOOaU. -aa Uw-Ud." aaooeew exr TLaZZZJ lea . 8l at steam heat, larga. Bgbt iniimi; bwiltaa: eaey I fpew e-eaoayv aea eretuwga wauaing eVMtanea. ea narnao. Be Cfuaaree; es-1 es. erwa sen am, gaa. rietma neat. CbU at 844 hk Mcatgomery. aftaC 4J4 aa 1 B srfborBeM Mar.hsB 4446 - - penoay. rnone rimaqwiy aeea. TKa DKAJCN DOaur' APT A 208 14th at., aau TarlorlanawJl 124l WVe farniahed eg aafmraiihiil a-eooas nartasin lac rat ileum eg tranatent aad taaxmt; as eejectxna aa eniMrrn; wslkiag dietarwe. LARGE aunay traat retsm aad eicose, alao 2 eeoaecting roams, sS medera Inrlnding steam heat reasonable; 2 blocks from 14th as4 Moot- gomery. 601 Harrison. COMFORTABLY rumlabed room in apt, near 23d and Washington; heat and hot water in abundance. 1 blk. Campbell Hal hotel. Gen Uemea preferred. Mar. 1450. H LAEGE, light sleeping rooms, beautifully furnished,' 1 has laather-eeated chairs,' fireplace, 2 double beds: 1 has mahogsay furniture; good location, walking distance. Main 7949. NICELY furnished room ior lady or couple em ployed, near KOlingsworth and Union ere. j fine location and handy to r4 eaxllaes. Call Wdln. 2701. TWO nicely furnished roonu, 1 has sleeping porch with 2 beds, or will rent single; fur nace heat; walking distance; board within 3 blocks, if desired. 711 E. Yamhill. Ean 5912. DON'T pay yoor saasoa'a wages tor neat Sleep ing and housekeeping rooms and apartment, la, 5, aad 3a. Urge lobby. 34 to 123. 411 1 Pta N. 37 PEA MONTH, basement furnished lLfT room; steam heat laundry: hot and sold water, eleetxla lights, free paoae. 404 Tsa eourer to., near Broadway. ''.' HOUSES IVRNISHEP 313 m tXKi LODUB CUTTAOE4 34 Beatata terra-, a rooaa aww glea44a ae re a. fiaeat atrw avwaiaJaa aa nti. 3w THE EDENHOLMc- -J. rf iene-s; priests bathe; 323 to 136 per month. SAN MARCO I - rr'"- ' . " EAST tTH AND COUCH. 3 BOOM MODERN " Tr A V.CM . . V. . . . AN IXXiXT -ly aul re 4 -roam farnTS 3 1 coeiteatal at-t cat. adak erwpiei 44.64 ' car. 11 E. 1 tut at K, CARLOIS APTS. S room. faraihd. aaodera apart meats, ' able. 14th and Market Rosanna Apartments Fun BANT te two er tares parttea, pan af brmas. farniahed: 4 reeawa. krse kitahea. era. tabs. gaa. eleetrat bghta. til K. 4 Us at X. Call QT-wi-e; er aewday. FUkNlHa- 6-raMa cuiaet, aaniwewd ttman. ' bailitna, firepiaee. akoaly farwiikia, laelwdiac 441 E. 44IA at piaae; wUl laaaa. Ce-et hiasMt, 441 Nl!y FwrBisbed 3 184 North 23d Apartaaent Manuel 3948 Boer- City Para. MCE warm room aad kiteheaette; alas single rooms from 813 te 818 aaoathly; hot water alwsya for baths aad laundry. See these, 466 Flande . CLEAN furnished houseaeeping ruriiae for men; quiet and hoav ilike, eiectne liable, gas, free pboate. hot and ooid water; 83 per week aad up. e3 Hood st Ms in 724. NEWLY tinted, well furnished rooms, one wMh a prirate bath and fireplace, phone, eiectrioaty, furnace; in a refined home. 84 N. 2 1st st. cor. Eeerett close in. FURNISHED sieepiug room for rent close in, walking distance, 10 minutes walk from town, bath, modem eonTeniences, reasons bis price. 15 E. 9th. cor. Ann. 88 H Grand are. Steam heat hot and cold I CLEAN furnished room, walking distance, close $3 "tO 44 WEES. a. k, rooms aad atutaa, suit able for single men ' erery eoneenieace, hot water all hours, fraths free. Hotel Cadillae, 3d, near Jeffewon. King Albert Apartments S and S nera famished, strictly modera. rile bath, ele iter. 11th aad Morilgiwiery. Main 338. Bellingham Apartments ST, 7-kUOM koaa, farBMh4 ee wmwranaed. saeeV a era tiaiesaiaacwa. esaaaad aad paai4 taswwsa- , eat; edula pramrred; rafaraaaaa, Mag 44v4, Apt 414. 1X1 at-NT ParUT farred 4aa biia.aa white lasmsL DsnVh kaushea. aewy earn . . flreplaea, a raee. akeptag perrB. ekwe te arhw- , 421 U E. aforrWoa 4t 1 aad z room -Qitaa, H- K. tan Mam 481 furaubed. ; ret eaeagea. 4-BOOM furnished apartmeat sissptng perch, ewmtde rooms, wtth beat and bet water; wait ing distance; adults. 42T Rodney are., before 10 a. m. or after 4 a. aa. TWO room front h. k. suite, tine for 2 work ing mea; bed made and Enea changed for men batchers. Very reasonable price. 424 Bum side. bet 10th and 11th. NICELY fumkhed single. 2 or 3 room H. K. rooms at 40B N 19th at. corner Unahur. Bates by the month. 48 and ap; free telephone; bath and pool table. Broadway 1544 water in rooms, clean and respectable place; ss.ou ana up. to two street carlkiea, outside entrance. 43 per week. East 250S. 821 E. 1st N. NICE front room next to bath, modem, prirate nouse, no enuaren; pleasant walking aistance from Glenene. Richmond or Franklin schools: board If desired. Tabor 7868. ONE 2 room suite, 44 per week, lights, bath. water and phone included. In desirable neighborhood. 290 N. 21t st Bdwy. 1228. LUCRETIA COURT Basement Furnished bath and toilet I stnt. LARGE front room, furnace he-t breakfast af assured; walking distance. 690 East Salmon Eat 8363. Light heat Without housekeeping appurtenances. 312 per mo. Worth tl 5. References. Mar. 2962. HOTEL FUA.NKLIN Washington at 18th. Rates by the week. 85 snd up, hot and cold running water, hot water heating system. Tub and shower bath. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, partly furnished. 82230: hear 3 carlinsa. 707 Barier. Auto- matic 522-47. A VERY daairabie room for buuneae girl; home priTilegea; walking ditance. Aut 214-80. $4-45 -PLEASANT, well ventilated rooms for gentlemen, rutmmf water, shower, beautiful home walking distance. 69 Trinity place. Broad- WSJ BB(1. ROOM AND BOARD 302 NICELY furaubed boaaekeeptng apartment, front room on ground iioor; ngnta, gas ana pnoae; splendid htcaoon. easy walking distance. Bread way 4685. 2 NICE' rooms on second floor, furnished for bouse keeping, 420 per month. Phone, lights and wster Included. Walking dirts noo, Adults only. 684 VsneonTer are. THREE furnished housekeeping' rooms for rent; free lights and beat, no children. 1004 E 18th N. Alberta car. ' ONE and two room furnished housekeeping, alec trio light, bath Included ; low rent place foe laundry, walking distance, wxtaide. 54 5 4 1 HOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th st, near Morrison. Clean, modera rooms by day, week or month ; reasonable rates. THOROUGHLY experienced young lady book keeper. United Apparel Shop, 361 Morison. Smith's Flower Shop afsTfi 721 B "Portland's ProtressiTe Florist Flowers for AU Occ Occasions. T C Lnk. Mrr 4th end AM, uiotv a. vnnttRB f -r i rtnriMt. A&a Wash ington. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for aS occsslona artistiratty amnged. 1 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED Experienced apple paokera, long sea son; wire or write Oregon Growers' Packing Corpn., Rosebom. Or. - LOST AND FOUND 108 THE following artiol were found on the cars of the Portland Rsilway, Llgnt rower co. Sept 28? 1921: 6 umbrellas, 8 lunch boxes, 2 plni, 1 suites, 1 handbag. 1 pair gloves, 2 books, school tickets, 2 coat belts, hat basket 9 packages, watch, key, 2 boxes, 2 axes. Owners may obtain asms upon proper laenoiicaaon at lt and Alder sta. station. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 CONCRETE WOltK T hare eouereta mixer. Will fill Tour forms by yard or job. All kinds of oonercte work. Mar. no, erenmgs oniy, pieaee. SITUATION wanted by men of 34 years aa ma chinist, tooimaker ot auto repair man; eaa furnish A-l reference, having 4 yean' experience as machine shop foreman. Tenor a ins STRAYED or stolen, team sorrel mares, weighs about 1300 lbs. etcb; wuta mane ana iu. Finder pbone Mio 2553 or write Wm Kioh- terich. HillsdATe. Or. - wj T.OaT Timina sear shaft with gears on each end; finder please leave at Long A Silvar's I Tabor 7313. WE DO in and outside painting, paper hanging and tinting; estunates gven prompt atteauen. Onr work guaranteed Call Main 9164. , CARPENTER Ea time tea given oa repair work, roofa repaired and gsragae built Shop. 1367 Hswthorne. Tsoor lguu. WANTED Hauling anywhere, by day or con tract 5-ton truck and 2-ton, oat beds. HECTOR HOTEL 9 North Broadway, new and modern, Yale locks on doors. 41 a day up. f 3 per week up. Private baths. EMPRESS HOTEL Suite or single rooms, nicely furnished, at st- ractive rates to permanent guesbt Bight in the center of the city. 6th and Stark. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland 'l hixh-elam dknrn-towa resides rl bote! We give you tbe com torts of noma American and European plan. Bates reasonable, CLUB of" 4 to 4 men desiring board, room and comfortable home. 1 short block from ear, at very reasonable rates communicate wu P-786. Journal. ON a, us finest homee m city converted int-ei elusive family hotel, catering to fsmllleatmusi- neae men and women; home cooking; transient me&ia; rates reaonaoie. Kart 75M4. HOTEL ELDERLY lady wishes two child a to care for. Good home and food, 809 Osrfen are.. Sellwood car. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL tor business girls st moderste rates. 880 10th st Mar- Iforrlson at 10th; 81 a day. weekly 33 and up; free phone and bath; light and airy. aDc Day. S2. Week nnUn mi Clean, bsths free, hot water .t ,n wr BOOM acd board, widowa home, gentlemen pre- HOTaL CADILLAC, 3d ST., Near Jefferson. ferred. 432 H Becond st FURNISHED hoaseaeeping rooms, light and bath Included, low rent, walking distance, west side, quiet plare. 215 Mi!L on wr pint FURNISHED H. K. rooms, all are outside rooms. eleetnc lights, 81.73 per week and up. 324 H 1st. bet Clay and Market FURNISHED downtown 1L K.. rooms, cheap rates, xaa waan., cr. Tnira. 2-ROOM housekeeping apartmant east aid, eloae in. clean; mt reasonable. 799 H eidler. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . UNFURNISHED r 2 o' 4 unf 305 FOB BENT 2 ot 4 unfamiahed houaeAeevlng rooms, prirate family, lights furnished, close tn on east side; employed people preferred, 418 Cherry st LOOKING for a cheap pi ace to het A Mrge room, lower part of bnuee at 999 Kelly. Only 310 a mnritn. Tarmr ".T2I. 4 UNFURNIaHED rooms aear City Hail. 307 Jefferson at. comer 5th. Maxwell Hail Furnished sleeping rooms, bath, hot aad cold water; a 4. UP week and op. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 wicmviiTAS uaTfi . I J LtAUUc. ruml.ed front rooms in modera home iW ivn i? a flTrrvnTAM an I with refilled ftmilr: furnace heat hot and cold Attractive rooms and suites at reasonable rate TJ- home ein4. near. Franklin high. Tabor by week or month. 48S9. ...... .An . . , . . ti t- i sxJKjjm. wiia or wtuiou. muu Terr aesirmoia WECTABLE downtown LoteL Haw" 75c u" totXT&&hjrJF2?" wv..t. K..w a a:.. -uv-nr,.h f?r a pusin-e or profeaMonal woman. Cail Mar- . , i . .. . , . . snail tis Sunday or evenings. garage. E. 8th and Hawthorne are., or eau k i bbN'T be in- trouble with your rain drain and 6S30; reward. I the eaves troughs, wail clean them out tor LOST Engliah bull, female, all white, medium $5 and 310. Call Auto 614-98. after 8 p. m. height: 2 dark spofr back of each ear; atrayed WANTED Work of any kind for 2 Vs-ton truck! ia neighborhood of Gervais, Or. Finder notify CaU 7848. J. Krawaky. Gervaia, Or. Liberal rewsrd. SHINGLING done, old and new roofs; work Y- boy woo tooa eeuiei wagou . guaranteed. Phone Wdln. 3764 TO whom It may concern: I will not be respon sible fmtu this data an for any bills contracted y -f wire. MR. J. F. linj MEETING NOTICES 102 AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A O. N. M. S. Saturder will be Stumers' day at the State Fslr at Salem. Your poten tat 'hop that a large number will be In attendance, ae this will be the last time tbst Noble A. H. Lea wUl bars crura of the fair. Mo train. HUOIT J. B0TT, Ttsoe rder. and Concora sxa, - vveaneeqxy piesse reon .j..p-a hu, .K7-Q Bn. -, mm. to 107 E. Sumner stt No questioti. M Gp,8inl)81?.27J, lAKSi small goia pin wiugs auou u' aria tors wear; gut from one wno gave nis dOOCB life for his country. Reward. East 862-. TINTING, paperhsnging, painting, general repair work snd remodeling. Sellwood 8063. PARTY who took plush cost from Hibernia hall Thursday night is known. .Return same to Journal, No questions asked. . TINTEN'G, paperhanging, painting, general repair work snd remodeling, uenwooa .boo. LOST- On Sept 28. one driving gauntlet black. foT right hsnd. BX-358, Journal. PA 1.. TING AND WDLN. 8328. -STUNG. REASON ABLB. FOR RENT bedroom, for gentlemsn, business LARGE, airy front room in modera home, sult- maa preferred, excellent home, Eaat Taylor st Pbone Auto. 222-68. garage ean be secured also. THE BARTON, 453 ALDER ST. -dean -lumiaaed rooms 42.60 per week and np Also light honsekeeptng. MY LARGE room, Sheffield Apartment walk ing distance, to responsible party; rent 425. Gustaff. Bdwy. 4975. able for two: good home-cooked meals: Nob Hill district Main 2661. 169 N. 22d St. near Irving. ROOMS with board lor 2: cultured family: Monta villa ear: 335. Call ereninea. 4 5 E 62d N. ; permanent people desired. Vho appre- ciaie nome pnmeg witn young people. WELL FURNISHED sleeping rooms, (team heat, hot and cold water, from 13.60 up. 269 5th st . NICELY furnished room, also alee Dins notch. good home for 4 young ladies or young men employed; excellent table, all home privileges. Lsnai Aaainoa. feast IBS. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 DATENPOBT APTS. One three room farairbed aoanmeat fee read: private bath aad pboae, 606 jafleraoa at; phone Main 84 3 5. 4-BooM ro'.tte 446 3943 ' o-itOoM fanuaad eaisaga, a-eit eieieia, 433 per mo. ; leaae 4 as. er Suae it. 44 Ita -at. bet Oak sad Ptae ,. FOR BANT 6 taea awaeaw . fs-etaa. lUwe CTty Park, aa ear Baa. 414 te ngat party. M cwildrea. Tsaor 4417. ' 4 BOOM farm-bed bea . medera, yard. aT rne ivUwm . 6t4 Market at 1 , - - . dean, modera. completely furnished 1 aad I FOR KENT Madera, w3 rarasd 6 room . aeaae, eieae m. tea 1.1 tw e 11 w x. 1052 MACADAM 4T foet Uamiitoa a-a. 4 ream e rtaae. arme furnlte . ttm save th. ) HiAiU saodera baoeaiow, sueaty (erwui rtane d a r ;-an. 843 ran yra-ia FOB, KANT Mseuy trB4 toar roam arv-. Mt 468 H aan!y Med. THE 2 BUSHMARK. Wm. et. eat. 17th: entatoV IDU leeping jocmn; 33 80 per week op KATHERINE APTS. 4) - - , msWI III lift 1 . THE GROVER 181 Graver et Kami famished 1 and 3 t boo keeping apm.1 1-w ratse, M. 4088. THE JEklERoONlAN 16th eaa Jeffersoe, II and 9 room cuitea. mree, asry eatava. reams. aioaiy faraiahed. Fall sum ktiehea aad peatry. tawndrv and etovage Magsra ratsa. HOUSES FOR RENT IXNITURE FOR SALE 313 IXa-MTtst-s I exdiu i . ia 7-eweoa bun. for mas eery Miseaskls steal eery lew. be peruoa ef ak HUl escttea, west asde: a lo- from 23d at earaae. raoae Maraha laaa. No tal-rs n i er y. Marshall Aoartments Attractive 3 roo aeanmeat. -ease a. ml base I 4-BOM Beat Irn rv-a iiaw te .eat apartment 414 Msr isU ft JMwy . 1131 3 BOOM apt. taouaCMd, paatryi aeth, gaa. water Beater, walking dka. 151 W. ath St. Birare far sale: aid Ivor f sua. sn-4i Fval BAL. Tbe rwuamaga ef a 3 s lar- Owaet, A at a Baayam. fiat far wet 1 ru " 264 H Br-edway APARTMENTS UWURNISHED SOS NOw 823 TENTH ST.. NLA CLAY 8-rooes apt. front eetmada aad alseplng sMeea, STORES AND HALLS 314 Bt iLDINGbT hardwood noon, water, bast, eaa nan, refrig erator, Uneieum ia k lichee and path; rrarythmg is lt ela Viodltion. atnetty amdsie . VARY PLEASANTLY 6ITUA7ED sandara 8 FOB aw a mre a r ana ri 1 warns m wr " ' . I WWW I ISO. Latham bldg-. corner Misalasippt ava. and 5 a Id more st 6 failQMS aad bath, tore aad si heat. Wt sad cola water raraubeo. steteeea ea ehanged. Ne chLdrea, 1444 faloa Ave, X. Wdla, 6506. OmCES AND DESK ROOM 31 S FOB fcXNT DwaaraWie m epaee lee I ae I wmaa, wtth er wvt daak : mat ef Bawaa, 21 Railway Earhabc kid. M 47 D I WOULD like to care for 1 or 2 children, age 4 Xa 10. Private home: Al reference: 1 w blocks from Eunnyaide aohouL Mrs. atovar. 180 E. S5th at 2 NICE, pleasant house keeping recma In private family, neatly furnished; bath light aad ass of pbone: t adults, only 32 j. 875 Hawthorne ere. corner 28th. . LOVELY H. K suite, heat, llnt gaa, pboae free; nlee, modera home with lady alarm. Sellwood 8. ISU fUIBiSlMd house aee epuig rooia lor i or 4 en, 810 month. Apply FOUR nieely furinshed rooms, close in. fins location, reasonable rent to adult only. Call I home; opposite school and tree movie Z4 rargo n. rnone Ante. niB-45. 1 rj. 35tn. PUT YOUR CHILD IN A CERTIFIED 173 people without children. sis retrygroTe st IViu large single hoa pu.g Mom, each with kitchenette, light and beat fumahed. 804 14th et U.Na at K. room and 1 a eptng iumi, a t lights, phone, walkiag dansnes, East 446a. 167 K. 8d N. 6 MCELT. lunuahed. roomy rooms with bath: apartment oompnsea entire upstairs tn prirate gas snd electricity. 7 03 v.. ziet dean, comfortabis H- K. rooms: light phone and water free; culubat far three: 44.50 uiaiuXl) APA.TMIb.NT8 4 and 4 room modern apartaa im. porr hea. reaaoaabla 441 Fast Faillr. 1 block west 1 ni I avvrme, Weadlswa 4661. UN FT'RN LoIiED 3 roo .t'. lame eutde rooaaa: alvo S-room fwraiaaed apaj-ea it Guild apta. 894 Guild at. Bear 33d aad Taar- man. msib siaa. 4 BOOM aau heated aiansaaia. ssaaira. 435. Main 7t. 3 koOM aoiunuahed apartmeat' eiiA private beta. 493 E Madtena. 4 RuoMH, 3 Mocks Iruaa aeaora, 1 1 iT St. v. nr. mi iV a pior Breagway 9114 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS ls prieata raf.anl smma. 3 SO et ream end gars , ry a ss-Oawd Betel af 40. A etadrot af aataual pbQnsipka. Weaid USw te eaa St ef ia ill that m aeeeuwg tor saese pap 1 tor lorn Una. C-384. Jearaai TTE FLATS It tMStlBLE sw 6ol. 4 15 FLATS FURNISHED 309 ea sad a fi 43 awwS dasuvs. has t H-414. Jewraal 4 BOOM farwsbed flat farnitare for aaie at I a bargain. 400. awnt a. B4 Ma III HOUSES 341 f.minr. 83U NICELY faralahed 4 rao tal, gaa. trtcity. water aad paoae taataded; Imasnee dlaarict 475 TUlameoh, sera ICUk. lrriasf torn or Bdwy. eat. FLAT for rut laraiiura tar aae. plete, ready te month. 41. ere an: rewt paid te acxt 17tB rt IVHry. 614. BEMTAL BtfcAAD Last yea h use, fasts aad apar Mi .M, . ..d - PACKrNO. MOVING. tTORAGB. lrA KECt'BITT 6TOBACX A TBAKSFXB CO. 63 Feanb et. r p. Mags t Mas at. P -e T.rs y 3713 . 1 WANTLD IO BENT Howe aa la eaeagh lor 8 or 4 ea' shopi Eke ea mem praperty. a-atutlM. aaadern. meata, iatcL water aad garwaea tarn a are. feu, 3X3 per aa7444 WiA- Sbap! ITli FVkV i a 1 as re hi. famiilii4 er parwy lim & I., a. !.-! 4-R.OOM. 3d roor, 313: 200 MrM,,tsB at. atar. nsx. jo aero Broadway pnagc, rURNLKHED net 4-ro . motwre. elaae m, eaat side; adults only. voodiawa 3143. per week. 472 Mstn t FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 EW PERKINS HOTEL A LADY at her own home wouid lik. to take tt aamnxiou ana ein sis. : special permanent can of an elderlr inralid- ladw or eatJ .n rates. Main 3436 4 LARGE, light furnished gaa, electricity, poone. 410 Grand ave. Eaj SLEEPING room in private family, home priv- BOOM and baenf suitable for one or two young . i isoiea. aa ior ana. aau ior na za umished hou ken ang roome, GOOD modera 6 aad 4 room Ha t full cement ne-. f,7 walking dtnce. bm.Dt. waah trays, etc.; newly painted and 1'7- decorated, lot 47x100; lawn, fruit rosea. 244- TWO U. E rooms, light and airy, tint floor. I 244 E. 43th St, 100 ft N. ef Hawthnrae. U 337 ivy st Phone E. Rtatnmrtg. 404 Ueruaget bug. Mala aval NICE, clean sleeping rooms. Main 8322. 11th at, near Aah at Hgbt gaa. 122 per mo. Eat 142H. or Tahoi 8224. LOST Turquoise matrix ring inlaid with Egyp tian gold. Msin 720 or F.srt 6898. Reward. CEMENT work, ail, kind Sellwood 819. First only. LOCKET and chain, initials "M. V. W.-": moth er's keepsake. Woodlswn 8848. Reward. Biaok dog, white stnpea on feet: an L03T- twers to nsme of Blucher. CAREFUL competent driver wants work after school Saturdays snd Sundays. Tabor 9038. CALL Tabor 460 to have your old roof made new. Shingling is my business. East 1676. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18, H. A. M. Called ermvocatlon Sat urday arUmocm and evening. M. E. kl. dgre at 8:80, B. A. detrree at 4:30. and T:30 oolork. Visiton wl( i. By cmler K If. P. HOT QCACEENBUSH, Sec'y. A FEW more men eaa be taaea in our prao- Ucal training tnope to warn every praam nt aha antomnhila bnsmeae. One tuition fee coven every part of training. We get yon EPEBIENCED work to cam ooara ana room waui warning, i vt uin. ouu, No ether school hag tna aecemiry equipment or ly liASSALO B E o TJ L A B meeting tonight i c nuaj i as a. v. u. t temple. 224 Alder at Own sewaa and see eur new second degree I one t ra eonier the 'sec ond degree, ' tJ.O. aU fyiA rii. T..7i W. t RCOTT. Bert Reo'y. 5? M MILI ' Blnrle Tax eiing. eREGON LtrDCE No, 101. A. F. A A. M. Stated communicaUoa Sat- arday at 8 p. ra. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order of tat LE5MF. S. PArtKER, Be 4ary. M OF JOUd FOB THE JOBLESS ON8," lecture by Alfred D. Crtdaw. League, Central library, Saturday EMBLEM JEWELRY a spec uuty. buttoas. pias, ,, w nraa., iipui am ct DEATH NOTICES 103 i lAlMBABD la Una city, feiept 29." RocUro iesmnara. aeea 28 ran, lata et 607 "lay at. aoa of Mrs. L. Lombard of this city. m "w i' vmim w aa x uuey s mortuary atoat- a pin. none ot inneni nrrealsrr. g eie 1 MAl.HO.i aAl.HON In thai city. rVntember 29. 1621 John B. Maiaon, Remains are at the chapel ef Edward Holm an 4 Son, Third and Balmun r '". r. ou ce 01 ninerai later. 9AK EU Sept 29. al the aea - inap an st. Aula lisiij reoideuce, BakM. K r saaine a at flnley'e mortuary. Moogotnery ,.'wr . iu"n. 1 neresr r. - FUT4ERAL NOTICES 104 FAI.MEHN I. thia city. Sept. 28. i93l'"john ' Palmetin. aged 41 years. Deceased 1 sur vived by one. erother and thraa u.tm 11 vv ralaaeha f Grtaaiey. Or.. Mrs. Jennie Warmiee, JJraagenlla, Idaho, Mrs. C, J. Bandle, Pullman. Wah aad Mrs. A. L Bobiaena of Walla Walla, anuw lorwaiwrsi oaturusy momiog Ot 1. by the Pearson Undertaking Co.. Bu aeuatreet aad Untoe ava,, to Deliae. Or- for e 3 ra ana m term it 1 MORBOW Killed ia aeUoa. Bent 28. 1618 at Moarfaaeoa, in Argnnn Po I Fnnoa, Harold Morrow, sea ef Mr. and Mm. Wm. Mor and kmther of Locile and Brntrica ef this city. " The funeral aerrice win be held Betwnla?, CVt 1, at 8:80 p. nv. at Ftaavy's . aionvomery a out arteade tn- vu-. ivweinninc service Mt Scott n netei IX-rlD Sept Z6. aa Urn family naxkmce, 23J Ivy at. (has. D. Brfamid. aged 79 years, fathwy ef Mr, Ror,hia E. EVerath. Mrs. U11IB Ha maa - .. a -s - ' j- av a a )tjitA M laaiiat ktvamxju. a avu m r'ty. Th fVMnd ervio wUl h held ftAtur d-y. Oct. L, 1 p. m-.t fUkf -.oruiry. gBwiaWwry U OlO. TadNaWlt. - lnTsiaO , V' r 7ii - Up fTT rMrw-;fy, 1 I aept 27. at Hamper. Wh. Wwl. Ear, aged 4Svja r The funenl ' aerrice wui r-j,ia ij, 1, j, at a:iu p, m. at kTiu s ' aoortiaa . Manure are aa kih. riewda tavited. Concluding eerrioe Alt fiuolt e)smeicT7, HEMPHILL'S AtJTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS -Are now enrolling students for tbe fsll and winter term. Complete practical courses in suto, tractor, ignition, battery, tire repairing and vulcanizing and oxy- ace.teb.na w aiding. Thorough, practical shop instruction on sil makes of atttos and auto motlv. equipment Big demand for trained men. DAY and EVENING classes. For lnforrostion and literature apply HEMPHILL'S AUTO and TRACTOR SCHOOLS Hawthorne at E. 20th aad 831 Oak at EXPERIENCED Filipino willing, to work as bousa boy; Aut 831-32 between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m: BY HOUR, DAY OR MONTH, 1-TON EXPRESS TRUCK AT YOUR BKKVIfBi AUT. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Call Ant. 617-43. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing, anything in the building one. Poone gas noon. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. DOT 2658. 109 E. 40U1 St Tar BASEMENTS, GRADING. GEN L TEAMING: contnet or dsy wort. Ant ezz-oo. alter o. BOARD, private lamily, lor to men: reason- ablj walkinc distance: room msy be obtained next door. East 7620. LADY will take care of elderly gentleman invalid. beat accommodations. 832 Kaleixb. J 5th. For information call Main 3436. PLEASANT room for 1 or 2. noma privileges. use of piano. 855 E. 3 Oth st, near Haw- tnorne. photic tsdot 332S. WANTED Children to care for in my home by unni'KM l n r A,-Ht. H""r- "1 -, ui S" wouier a care. ir n ;r-n . "M am. o0i. WELL furnished, large front room, suitable for two gentleman or couples: also other rooms. all modem converaencea. 553 Hoyt at, our. N. 17th. PLEASANT room ia nice, clean home; quiet family; use of bath, phone, home privileges; reasonable rent. 266 N. 19th. Bdwy. 1560. in prirate Marsh. 3746 family. . 788 Irving st Phone FOB sewers, raindrsin, aeptis tank., eta., call Bdwy 5680. . . CARPENTER and painter wants work, room and board; part pay. in. journal. HOUSE rasing, lawn grading, cement work of all kinds, reasonable. East 2191. 1'APE RH AN G ING and tinting: inaida finishing. NICELY fumkhed room suitable for one or .ia,. wtiucii ana luuuiera; ooa noma 899 K. BIst St N., Hose City Part. Ts. 8111. 873 Ross st Phone East 2560. BOOM and board, chiia or individual who needs g.vt- . . aJ ri' "a and environment of a (1 8. hams. Mi. room, on now. Keajonable. Phone Ant 432-10. flaSrTlfM Roe? 2 bkTBroadwarbrid PRACTICAL nufse will car. for children., elderly j tz a.'e.vV o i. -i t .1 ,i I " ' ' " nier- yw ' - " aawi af a hsusdudu aawaaa. tvvuie, Vev I mragak41 'I PWa O & M fri- li-htA rth nhnn- hnrtA rliatfrHt r.ll -mm 1- V-li 1 A I PI. K A MA VP fvvrv-rt in --iam .m;i. n. H 017, I . j m ay Hat saoaww ibsuuj. 1WI f VIAAI4B, VERY mfrt-h mom mt- ; - iauy sio, or roraim orsaxiaat oa DM TWO completely furnuhed 2-room apartments. nice clean rooms, tree ugnts ana oatn, atce loraUotl; adults oply. Wood la wo 1S71. 2 OB 9 BOOMS, furnished or unfurnished, for Sleeping er light housekeeping; gae and elec tricity fnrntahad. 1932 Borthwick at FURNISHED single H. K. room, also basement H. a room: furnace beat lights and bath. S3 and 12.50 per week. 186 14th st 8. LARGE third iioor H. aL rooms with kjtehen- eue and alcove. 1S4 N. 18th st MODERN, furnished sparuiumt ornate family, for rent Tabor 1463. near Wood BEAUTIFUL new fiat 4 r children; 443 per month. 0Uan, near 224. , isms and bath; no Mala 7321. T44 CHOICE 6 ronsne, upper net 8o4 k. l'ta Hawthorne are.. 84 5 month: leeee for 1 sdnlt. only; refs no requited. A at 88 eo.ee 6 room apper fiat. LatVLNGToN ing porch, furnace aad gas 840 East 801A AdailA, car line. Msin 7632. A RESPONSIBLE elderly woman will take in BRIGHT, corr room, close tn on eaat U acme I .u""' iP..,7e!?- at uer Bm; lorm kith nf,riu.H Ti.f.r.. V;.; I motneny care, tjaii vroooiawn D54. light and airy, walking distance, west side residence district Main 9483. First class work. Tsbor 8080. kitchen privileges. References required. 6174. Sunday or evenings. maetcutter want. work. other school has the necessary equipment qo painted and repaired; gutters cleaned; expert Instructors to teach you as thorough- I rea oftle. Tabor 92 9? . as we uo. duhuu - iworwiuww m CLEAN, COZY FRONT BOOM, heat light bath. a?u; A gentlemen or ooupla; block suunyude car. 175 H E. 3.1th it DE8IRABLK front room ior young woman in finiabed. speaiaiiy tor it BCHOOL, 8 Bpl ele FREE around Los Angeles for good posltons When POSITION by expieooi man as janitor, waam- ulustrtted book 72-page man or caretaker. Tabor 8779. private apt; 10 minutes' walk from Olds A 1 WILL give a lady room and board m exehanea Bangs, au privileges rncinocq. atarentil liaz. I lor piano. Wdln. 6683. ily prepared for your information. Write EXCAVAfiNG and grading dona! Marshall 428. it NOW. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE .,.,pr... f . phn" ,,,'., H1L. 842 ft Figueroa, Los Angelev Cat CARPENTER work wanted. Phone 614-97. STARTING OCT. I 1 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LACE, SCRIM AND MARQTT1SETTB CUR TAINS, DRAPERIES. DONE CP LO NEW WILL CALL EAST 8819. In all branches of automotive, work. Hemp bill's Auto A Tractor School. ttawtaorne are. ana &. zutn. Purtland. Ogoa. RELIABLE elderlv woman wantt housework 4 or 4 hour a day: no objection to etuwren, at IGowan, 1400 Kerb? iw, Wdln. 8141. YOUNG girl desires a position helping shout office: willing to start with small salary. Aut 627-47. WHY BB OUT OF A JOB OK WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION 1 Call at TJaiea ava. aad Wea 1 st ana day except Saturday, it 11 a. m, or write for tree catalog Me. 4. It will not cost oi 1 anything te find out bow we have nerpea eve SOU graduates te good poaiUoaa, We ean help yea, too. ADVUJk. AbXU S71SIIUS Bt:Utb Special Indo rnepta to Ex-Be rice Mea. COLORED woman wanu . wasning or ironing at home or out er work by day or hour, rnone Broadway 8111. LACE CURTAINS HANDONDEHED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. TRUSTWORTHY lady wants housecleaning, 13. washing, good work cuannteed. WANTED Any kind of Wdln. 6305 or day. Tsbor 824. horn work by hour Ask for Mrs. M. RIGHT CLASS GOOD, reliable colored woman wan a work as chamber aid. Phone Bdwy. B257. ADCOX ATJTO SCHOOL Starting Mondae, October 8. School mm for Irnpeotioa Monday, Wednesday and Thursday DRESSMAKING 256 SMnings from 7 to 4 p. ftrsC clam must be made Call sohool. Union ave. and Waace st. er paoae saw iii. DYEING, cieanint, pre ing, draasmsking, re . - Bb . . .hi .1. ,a.MnL .'1. w . l eimiiearEiovia ffne I - - in., r..i a. I lr-r . 424 Mo t u. near 11th. Mstn 1SZ8, DRESSMAKING, ready-to-wear house dress ea : sale: alas self-fitted breasierea for stoat women. Mrs, B. A. Smith, 104a Grand are, N. Phone warn. insT. MRS. ORB. SOS Panama bUg.; hemstitching. West' Largest Bosmcm CnOeee. As EVEBY GRADUATE A POSITION. AO Bmnnssa coarsea. iaclodma eomptometet intne. all colore, 8a a plaiting, all kinds. yard, h you wait; HEMSTITCHING, an color. 8e Td : buttons. pleating. 309 Aliak bldg.. cos. 3d and Mor- Enrou an Unas lis acboot sught I rison. . echoes. Wn. for free atoToe. 4th at. Bear I BSaDLG designs on blouses aad baaT Monieiei rhone Msin, f 690. POSITION FOB EACH GRADCATB r3i? AIJSKT BLDO.. 3D AND MORRISON itOLEB BABBxtU CotLaAia, will teach you "CaU East 2475 after 5 P. GINGHAMS and voiles, 52 up, esb 4$ up; coa aad suits. Woodlawa 2669. MILLINEBxT and 619 Mama bldg. Order work make-over a epeeialty. - HEMSTITCHING 8e per yd. 819 Morgan bldg. the trade in 6 weeks: reeas ansae aa while baraing; peeiUoae secared. Ores-a tx sariica mea laeaJve state aid. . Wrtta eg call fog cata fr-gu. 2?;4 Bnrrwide a. NURSES PRIVATE maternity heme, 713 E, East 1748. 257 Burnside, WANTED By tea Cher of long expatrnca; a tew . aeoBs. adal ta or children. ta tutor la dbmeatary study. lessons private er IA small BOCKT MOUNTAIN TEACHER' AGENCY ' EnroB free , .: Frank K. Welle, farmer east Stat. snnt. Mgr., N-W. Bank hide. Ant 613-1 A LEARN TELEGK-HT hallway Telegraph la- GOOD practical anna wishes patieWa in hex ' nome: ooeteum eases pteieiiau. ns ' loze, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CHEERFUL front bedroom for 1 or 2. oa 16th at raj tine: Inrnaoe heat Bdwy. 5561. ' stituta, 494 Railway Farbango aids. . Kight I ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, with er ithont ooara. us donusmi st stain iivs, PIANO Teach ur ehiid te may: thorough I LIGHT, clean room: Liking distance'; referenoea 1 JCB JVIir I IIUU Haw AlaVJ a tnstrueUoa 233 Wash, . Kaia 8197, .... , 4 wanted. 23 Bentoa st Flat C, East 2400 GOOD board and room reasonable; privilege, of me nome ior 3 gents; widow s home, 195 , is. 7 4th st N. M. V. car. WILL share my 6-room house with couple and ooara mem, (13. i aoor OUT. a-RUOkl suiUa for houses. ping. st. .ok csrline: edulta. 587 E. 20th st 3 ROOM unfumiahed apartment, close ia. East B3T. 173 E. 7th Ft . 8 NICE H. K. apta; everythmg funushed, rea- sonable rent Sea K. Ash St.. 1 piocl to car. 3-HOOM furniahed aparunent 394 Giuid SU near 23d and-Thnrman. 1 LARGE room, very reasonable not te eon- genial woman; close in, east aide. Eaat 8217. THREE furniahed housekeeping rooms, gas, elec- tricity. 56 K. 23d st Phone East 857Q. UOUSEKEEI'LNG suite with sleeving porch. sna otner roo. in w istn. FOB BENT Furnished H. E, rooms tn private residnce, 2 and 8 rooras. Tsbor 426., 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms tor rant 943 Bl- mont Tsbor B34. TWO and 8 furniahed. light H. K. rooms. 831 larksmas. " 2 FURNISHED housrkeepuig rooms in prirate UNFURNISHED FLATS AND HOUAiA. MAJt 4313. FOUR rooros. 3d fkr. 312. 203 McMillsa st lut serosa Bmadway ndge. ' Cat walking dutanoe, west aide. 815 rno rer Cat wsik Msin 8412. 445 STRICTLY modem flat 60 K. 12th at N .. cor. Davu, Mat 4 sua. iraldrabeft, 424 AMnftn 1 bldg. MODERN LARGE LIGHT BOOM. EAST 4266. FOUB PHONE rooms, modem upper Oat elea.. waaar. garbage ean fomtobed. Tsbftr 1464. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY lo4 4wi U ILLUUa AV sea N. Be 3!S 401 4tv-4s2 XTa APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 1O0S14 fcORTHK a awrae vide. Eaat 3145. lata aad lay LOTS 403 An 8660 ka and sBrreded la 30th aear KLiinxxwortA: eaat ee 30x104 with 19 ft alley. Johnson-Dodson Co. ' 434. N. W. Bank mdg. Mala 4737. 100x109. PATVEXT8 ) WKriLT Let me shew yew these big beautiful mm at 4340. awladlng 1-sseaur.Ui 13 aowa. Alberia Rr W. CABY, 1119 W. W. BANK BLDG. MAC! 1441. BESUiKNCX MACI HIT. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 1 1 BPHrXBXETtED WAREHOUEX em tnraraaa . Burn, your goods with vav Let fat 4a roar LOTS JITi Nu L TLB EST Wh nil arthera lall leal f I eharM tmU n (or 3 yean, I ran sej yog 1 Bare leeei 60x194 tot tor 4173. Pay 43 or more a moat. Or a H acre. 4 big caty lott. for 4600: pay 916 a month. This as a beautiful district Bear Weed stoeg; ae ranare. sou stna water, gaa. today er that evening Mr. Uaderdabl. CLAY B. MORSE, YNa Broadway 3474. 4(4 Ql i at WALKDiG distance; living room, bedroom. I LARGE front room, suiteble for 2: modera I family, close in. 315. Sell. 1907 breakfast lor 2 emnloved. 440 East 8765. references, I home. 770, Irving. Mar. 4410. SPLENDID home for small child; will give motners love and care. Phone Tsoor 9137. BACHELORS' rooms with meals if desired. Main inn ava arm m BrrDVTCnTTi tin r irr-T.sr loapn I . Large pleasant outside rooms, houaekeeplng. BOARDncl room in Private family; gentlemen trie. eas. bath, teleohone. Manhall TUA I . Preferred. Ant 810-36. 1 LARGE room for rent in private family, 310 per month: no other roomers in house: new rnrnjture. uu commercial tt, woocuawn 4588 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 JWja S5ISHJ FOR BENT Good 7 room boose, large base wit, hath, toilet gaa. gangs in basement, on Othes at, 1 blocks from car. Phone Tsbor 692. AO.E4 ACBX4 at" ACBXB 810 payments; Alberta car. city water, est? Srbool. BO aaaeesments er traveL Let me ebew , you. . W. Cary, 1219 M. W Beak Bade Mala 1643. Bmwtenre aa 3317. Merlin Apartments Broad war and Grant Nice 2 room fur-1 MODERN Irrma-too 4-reom bouse, rent law. nisbed apt. 32 S m-nth. Marshall 426. able. 8433. Baa Kaliaher. 480 Belmont at East electm.gs. baui, , telephone. Marshall 796. I ....."V!r:. " . T , ... ... . rnn tirvf ' r ' ,,. ii' . i,. e LIGHT, airy, fumUhea room, in first class t1 2.50 pet week. Phone rurnlsh XT96L7'OT b" nVboadrase ast it desired. ' I Ings. Tsbor 4S?8. modern home. Will eive breakfast No. 8 East 0th St. N. East 8473. FURNISHED rooms, lu minutes to business center, gentlemen preferred. Call Bdwv . 1294. before 5:30 Sunday or after 4:30 week days. WILL CARE for children ia my home; Chriatiaa Science children preferred. Call Wdm. 1185. ROSE CITY PARK LARGE FRONT BOOM AND DRESSING BOOM. NEAR CARLINE. TABOR 2424. HOUSEKEEPING, ROOMS FURNISHED 304 NICELY funushed front room ia beautiful home, I ljth st 2 axRNlatlluo noiuekeping rooms, running water, clean, outside rooms, reasonable, 214 LEEDS APTS. Modern 8 and 4 room apts. with prirate bath; also good outside sleeping -room. Call Mar. 8397. 8 ROOMS end bath, nicely furnished, walking I distance: outside apertaneata, 335 Mall, ear. of Psrk. Main 78 7 8. FOB LEASE 4 room, east aide, dees ia, gar age, furnace, Reasonable te fatpossdbkf pee pie 114 K, lth. 1 te 6 TLBs. at 26th and Fhoae Mala 1044. 1. 2 AND 8 -BOOM clean, furnished apartments: n n : . , iw . I) l . .... uj. I . 4. 0 milium wum w d . tmi . r. imihh- i room nouseaeeping rooms. I ton. 71 Grand a. N. East ZVI. T-KOOM modem hoaaa. E. Tsylor sta.; 440, ask for Mr. MsnbaB. 7 BOoMa and dea for rent bailt-tna. haute an t noora, it place, lumace, mandry trara aad ' 298 E. 86th. Automatic 228-71. running - water; free phone. 47 otn st FINE front bedroom, newiy furnished, in apart- I Walking distance. present addree, 288 10th st. Apartment 21. k . JI,"?i,. . 'f. " Jin5 Tsbor 7025 . i i I v-, , u . . iu, . . K xaAtttrB, weu-iurmaoea rooms, mean, iignt nome I nasement tor laonqry. wain. 4S4 5. FURNISHED 2 and 3 -room apartment, running water; lights and Eaa. 1578 ft K. Gliaan st. privaegea. west aide, walkine- distance. 7681. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms close in. electric lichta and norma. 1 ta bloeka annth DI(;iRARt mMn wilH m r.rivil 1m .. In nh, 1919 11ft A.W change for teaching a chad to sing: Pretest-1 nnv i . tr r ... ..j ant; reference, exchanged. East 6931. I M.'nnui- inf.n t.v.v ir , iao TWO and three room apU.. hot and cold water. and 1 room basement apt, very reasonable Mar. 1792. ONE AND 2 room apta., modem, clean, goad furniture, walkinc "distance. 410 2d st Main 825S. FIRST clam home, beet sysigbherheod, perfect condition, very desirable. CaU moraines. Tabor 4828. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, ddse lit adults, reference. 854 Vancouver are.: WeodlawB 194, 446. LARGE comfortable room la a select home. I Russell st r.V'S-'V0;! 1I?ln5.'td7,sa- FURNISHED-2 larga, sunny H. K, rooms,, 84 , r-- per week; raeaium auea rooms. 33: 480 2 Aica,i.x ranusnea rooms, reasonaoi. rent; I Belmont cor. 9th. Pbone aat 7432. ISO AND 820 Lower floor and 4 room aparV ment farniahed. 413 Earn 2 Tib. K etr to 37th, 1 block soath. 1 TRANSFER at 4TORAG CO. 14 Dan ' 4 tone. Free. Itme moved for leea. Bread tt 4446. WHEN at 21!L mntmg. rUy er eeaauy. 102 pctr. e H Alder rt et the beet . gentlemen preferred: 857 E. 43d st 8. Breakfast if red. 44 TO kiA ncr month 1. X inl m It k nr steam heat, electric ttghta, bath, Irse poooe, I e tee, t - tun, MODERN 4 room furnished, heated apartment newly decorated, walking distance, good cfr. 4404 StOOM tioa. full tsismsat cots closet wood bft tinted walla, gin ye, B40 w, a. Fa 1891 SLEEPING room, ruitabi. tor two ia private neat carlinea 203 8tanton stnet l,n. K Wo t li .tat.. I ' . ' . I I . , TL"'i...r."" I SINLE housekeeping rooms, gas, walking du- giris. oou oar wamce. n aamngswortn are. I tanc. free lie-hta. hath and chnae: reaaAnable LARGE front room for one; phone and bath. I rent 64H Morrison. Phone Uroadway 1644 cooainc ana munary nnvueces. r nes zuu Graham ave. ATT RACTIVK suite rooms, lunushed and VERY desuable finely furnished front rooms, i hot and COM water, very close ta business center. 821 13th. cor. Clay. COMF1) iiTARLE room, double bed. 1 or 2 mea or women; use of kitchen if desireo..- Ksat Alder between 16th and 16th. East 1939. FAMILY of 4 adults often plea nt room in . modera home to lady wishing all home con venience. . Tsbor 4341. PLEASANT front room, in private family, walk- n distance 44 N. 17th st Phone Broad 835. v- - rCBNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men, n qemrea. m private lamiry. B7U lata. 1. ROOMS, tarnished. . Cail 774 WiUiama are. Wo in 4055, MIGS- arm eieepmg room ia modera home; aB home comforts. 489 12th at, Manhall 2024. IRVLNGTON Two fine rooma, one wtth fire- Phone East 344T. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooma; gaa, . electric, lights, phone, bath, furnace Beat, gi e ia. 02i jonnson. corner lain. 320 4 BOOM h sac, electric Bguu, Bice kaea ooa. Bitua ran auatrass. sa modera. garage if desired, mbef 4830. 1441 Csll Ant 636-46. g. Morriw-. , I IMAI deaa paaea, first floor.; a Use ligam. MABELLE APTS.. -414 Jefferson at 11th at. I water, gas, cat canine; iraaoaabaa, W 1 and 2-room farniahed acts., auden: rent I siwa axiv. r vonable. I U 420 FOB 4 well furniahed ouuide noma, 2nd Door; tat light. ; good sacataaa; edulta. 1S4 R 88d t 1 AND 3 ROOM CLEAN FUBNI8HED HIICSEKEEPLNO APAKTMENTS. HiIA ING DISTANCE. PHONE MAIN 7296. 4 AND 4-room farniahed apm.. strartly aaodera. tail Bdwy . lwl Z39 M. I HOUfcK FOB BENT BOOMS, atodam, Dutch kavohaa; as ruraaee; 3 lorn: ehickeiilineiss; trait, 4648 89th et B. E. Awt 6SO-61. IT 7 BOOMS, aaa, eMctneat, Aefgtirnrhond. Mar 4444. 271 J. 30th S-BOOM bou keeping suite, aiody furnished. third floor, thoroughly deaa: electricity, stow. heat 326 per month. Call at 198 14th. I ' CAR1X3L8 APTS. LAKGE houseaaepiBg rooms, suitable for 2; free j 2 room, furniahed, modera apt, raaeonabU. pboae, bath; gas range; waning u taace, ae 1 14tn ana M.rxet earfare. 151 Lowa sdale, 15th and Morrieoa. cViirhew eor Call ReDwwad 435-420 4-BOOM luraisbed low r sasCt-rm ruraianeo aparraent. eaz at X I us. guca- H. C BOOMS, dose in. two rooma downstain also rooms upstairs. 434 E. Morriaoa at. CaU I ond ear to 27th, 1 block sc-th. Eaat ii. .1 NICE, eieaa fumisbed 2 room apt and sleeps lag room; Ira ltcnb water aaa pnooe.. aaa m aanrncr i. 6-ROoM furbed apart meat 31 Vk av. 16th st eetweea K e t ity am I Mornsmia ear. LARGE H. K. room with kiteheaetta furnished; also a sangic al ptnc nrm. aua 4tn st A MCE. large- mods K. 4th. eor. THeia. modera, turn ad apt. Ste.2 plaee .Jsdies only. s'liliED ItRN room. 615: geauemen preferred. WiB rve breakfast 681 K. Aah. Fast 8162. LARGE front mom, prints eat, use ef bath; auuabla for taw: 43.50 wk. 652 Morrison. TWO 2 mom suKa for rerrt 888 94 sL FOR BENT Apta, aad a. a. 16 after 4 p. m 4 AND 4 room apartments, famished. 469 4ih rooms st Take children. Msin 9329. I BOOM aad large kitchenette: stove heat, baU and phone: very pleasant e3 !. 7tn at. FOUR farriiiihas houaekeepiac rooma wise, bath; Bewlx tinteO. Phone laOofl .. . CLEAN, light en ipietely v funihed. 2 apt. 423. 480 H Lorn herd. Cos. 41 1. ALL COMPLETE. : 42L6U: eoaereu . ; nonssr Unioa are. aad EiTliat ona. 38. 5 4 KOOM hntm Bear Higaway bmue aad P2d t. M lunutiiii tar e et 411 per Alberta dWVet 1494 FOUB HOOat K. 13th et K FOB RENT 4 Bare hvtsw newly pi -rued 4744 45th et Awt 4II-I 1 BOOM4 at 464 aw Broadway, 30. lei. Mam aa4 wwekdaL EW 41-47 F I Aat 6iX ta. CaU me 411 64. . T4X106, sMewalka ia. alee gn Aad. e 8 Till - - - eetweea Oetag aad Preseett: aw) sell at oace ior Una aacrifice prteai ISOO. JOHN BEOWN A CO. 312 By. Ex. bids- Bealtor. MarshaO 83 3L TO VACANT LOT OWN ERA Why let year lot stand Idle wbea I wfTJ awt a snappy aangakaw throwgb urat eoewuucnaa tar ST.SO Csll WCn SH78 lOUR OPPORTUNITY Lanrenrunt lots, while they last, at sxtnaxty r nricea. Bee J. A. McCertr. 374 - Stark.-: Main 1700; ereninrv Tabor 6037 - TWO BEAUTIFUL li)T8. 100x114 FEET Twe bucks Hawtho m ear. Twe Blocks Divtstoa etreet TABOB 144 URaXHIbaT LOT BARGA1X4 ' ' Bee J. A. McCartr. 279 Btark St. 'Mate 1700: eventngs. Tab 6037. - COBNER LOT. BOSK CITY DUTitlCt 8560. easts. Bald: saaa. year ewa tt ne. . Bea Bayai. 7 2d and fwrnlT bled. Tabor 1 as 38.0 BOeX CITY PARE BARGAIN . CboVe earner. 68th St. eloae to ftaadv 414.1 . set's paid; y te tie. Tsbor 03. only saa stoa tin paba. w sne owaivw. i w i wvnd vim , i te et; 3 blorks B. A, a-noel Ta-r 4334. COBV&& kA. Btcely ka-ated. toil 14. A La? gaia. Ter te right party. Tab ' 4. BOSE CITY. 3. E. corw 4 1st sad Til maekl iwipre aieriU paad. glioe. Tar r 444 1. HOUSES 404 IXS4 CASH New 4 B. Vang., -afl terete, fell svt Meet be said Bow. Prioe ' 42404. M 1484. ALB Lit T A BASW.A1N 4 room boom, te rmd trtet; amly 11404. W W. BTK. BEALTOB. Iw9t rntesi See ft. e lis 46. 164 OWN LB aaanfiag esty suae te ana- lOOala ast. with 4 Bear M V car, at 434 et AB kte4s af Vaanag frwrl berrt sad raeaea. erwer ead issaaig te n t 916x; saa eaa. Taswe yyss Hit CASH New t ft. a ag. cat attllteg wertb ee. A real goad bay at 633.4. Mate T444. FOB SALE 41w0 awn A-r, era .!, partly iaraask b4 Sanaa; 6 a rn te ear; Faster f 14, ewfi r aS-b 4 BOOM trait a parue. y It 4 earns aaa fruit 1634 4 tea.. wtth Tl 413 20th. W at B-. Cast Foal BENT Beautiful 4 roam hoaas, 109 feet ta t9 B lH MlfV fswfaPfte, Bell' 4181 W E rao. furnlte i af 4-4-4 boom aewse tee 310 Frr Vwrt he rn'orwjs tVra. Mah, f Kooki bmua fT real. Imiaue 244 E. 414. fail Pnra 46w4: SS44 Bke ml at 4 per aaaL P. lima. 446 Fi me id. , aat 634-34. ; .at. m at m i liara 1 linr 3 Wi te ear. ea fwwd et; 8li66. CaA 4414 124 . rM 4a as. 114 aa. "3 iiiaJt, - . Mocae te car. irn-x 644 Baeaafiaa Wia. aa Faia i was Paan