WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOUR NAL, PORTLAND. OREGON 21 I 1 1 . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Ixikfl IT PAT TO BE HON EST ? ' Oar tlmmUciM lead j to believe that ' honesty an b Warily capitalised and made to par nnnsnal profit. As aa example, tact aappoM that there are (H hundred men who an all in tha (nariert fo nsed can.- ten of then whs nerer kept poitad en enrsent event and local conditions, aba IMtar read tha newvpn per dverttaenvent or take the ad rice oi friends, wltl wander aimlessly around and pick p omthlng from aa individual owner or eeeond . hand ear dealer. Tba other ninety will come directly to aa organization earn as tha Coeef Motor Car Company Plant and leet from their Immense stork of rebuilt, re- flnlahed and roarantosd motor can. an toesobtl carrying the hictteet poasibl value bemuse of ru highest pouibie quality and it fOWVut possible prioa. Although wa claim that the rebuilding and re'inishmc of aeed motor can as produced by the company baa now become an art and ceased ta be a trade, it ia auito erident that the dop ing of need can by irresponsible indiridnale h developed ita artistic side as well. tea. we feci that It par to be honet Thee ninety satisfied buyen will eaeh produce at least two more purchasers per year and as a result two hundred and seventy cars will have been sold through the honesty of purpose that origin ally rnavtrwed the first ninety. The irre sponsible fellow makes a seemingly larger profit on each sale, bat a dassatiafied purchaser will keen ten good prospects away from hie door. I has lrf action travels with the speed and fury nf tha hurricane; complete satisfaction is por trayed in quiet cumulative happiness; It pro duce tb smile that make those coming in contact with yoa ask questions. 1916 Dodge Brothers touring f 575 117 Dodge Brothers t miring . . .v. . . 650 . 1918 Dnda Bros, road-tor and touring - 725 11 Dodge Brothers sedan, .. 1150 19I9 rtratga Bros, touring and madster HOo 120 pndge Bros, touring and roadster 900 1919 Liberty, sport model 1150 1916 Twin 8 Packard Landanlet 2750 1919 Hudson limousine, in fine condi tion, a wonderful taxicsb. 120 Overland 4 sedan TOO 1918 Overland 90. tonring . . 423 1 91 Peerless 8 trmrlnf, only . 1475 1918 Hrrirns Booth coupe 18Sn 120 Olnmohil It touring 12RO 11 Oldsmobile touring f0 1916 Oldsmobile ft touring A:0 lilt Oldsmobile H tonring 4 5n 1120 Olnroobil 6 touring 050 la! a Oldsmnbila 0 touring 000 J920 Chandler, good condition, snap.. 1400 117 Chandler coupe 930 1918 Chandler touring, new tires. ... . 750 1916 Chandler 7-psasrnger. very good 500 111 Haynea tonring, only 1500 1920 Haynea touring 1900 1916 Htndebaker touring, to be sold ss is ' 150 ItlT Btudehaker 4 touring '.'05 . 1918 ftudrbaker ooupe. a real buy at 600 1918 fUodebakar Big 8U. 7 pas 14 75 ll mqdeoakee 4 760 ItlT Maiwell touring 300 ltl ft Maxwell roadster 460 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car 1100 1920 King "' 1500 120 Chevrolet 490 sedan 700 120 Chevrolet rnedster. 'in fine shape. 4T5 1920 Chevrolet touring 600 1019 Chevrolet touring 875 1918 Chevrolet touring 850 1 9'J 1 Ford cmpa BOO 1920 Ford touring ' 400 1920 Ford roadsUr with ds livery body. 375i 1918 Ford bug ....... BC". 1917 Ford coup 325, 191 A Trington tonring TOn 1914 Oakland touring, a dandy car. . . 400 ' 1916 Franklin 4 pass., aeries "O A.'' underprioed and an axcellent car for 1 1 50 1920 Franklin touring 1700 1919 Buirk madster 1100 1920 Baiok 7 passenger 12'.0 1920 Hirick 5 paasenger 115 1918 Chummy StuU. a wonderful car. 1050 Model "N" Hoptrjobtye touring. 75 1912 Marion roadster ion 1920 Hudson Speedster 1500 IIKUVKRT CARS ltl 9 Dndga Bros, Screen, an excellent ear .;, 191 Dodge Bma. Panel, good shspe. . 773 19l Buk-k delivery 300 1919 Ford delivery 800 CADILLACS For winter driving, for safety, romfort, ease of operation and the mutual aatisf artlon ' that you . have found the greatest possible value ta a high grade motor car, make your selection (mea on of our nsed, rebuilt, re finished and guaranteed Cadillacs. All carl guaranteed and sold on easy terms. We are open Sunday. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY 21tt at Washington 8ta. Msin 0244 Alan a lag display at tha new Broadway salesroom down town. Call at the salesroom Brnst onnvenient for you. Our automobile transportation makes it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stork. Broadway Used Car Branch ?-0 N BrosdwsT Msin 244 SALE USED CARS AT M UNSIHE AT BROADWAY WATl'H KOIl THE SIGNS VV. C. 0ARBE. INC.. PHONE BROADWAY 61 "BCILT TO ENDURE' Portable and Permanent 348 to 8300 Best Sectional Carats Built en Pscifie Coast l.r.DIMADK BLDO. CO., PORTLAND. OR. L. Uth and Market. Than East 5114. Downtown sales office Commonwealth bldg. tth and Ankeny I'linno Broedway 4885 1018 FORD TOURING Excellent condition. Only , $150, ea Terms. UNIVKRSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand are. and E. Yamliill. West Side Branch, Broadway and Hoyt. - Open Sundays snd Erenings. WEAVER TIRB COMPANY FEKKDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIRE REPAIRING 338-333 Burnsid st Broadway. 1920 fXRD madster, looks like new; wonderful mechanical condition. 8360, essy terras. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and K. Yamhill West Hide Branch, Broadway and Hoyt Open Snndaya snd Evenings Cha!mersMaxwell THE ORIGINAL HPKriALIST E. H. CHAMBERS Divi'lcn at 23L 8e 8735. NEW CHEVROlTS BUT ROM P. TL DUNN. DEALER Cor. Miwaukie and Bybee are. Phone S.llwoed 1808 MAXWEIJ touring, good mechanical condi tion, good tires and paint, ready to drive ewey. You will buy this car if you see it. Price 8233; terms. See it at Talbot at Casey's. Grand are. and E. Ankeny. FORD MAGNETOS RECHARGED. 31.60. Ford motor overhauled. 320. Ford rear axle over hauled. $0.60. Ford valve ground and carbon re mo red, $3. H reman Motor Co., 380 Union ave, N. One block north of Broadway. East 4491. UI'PMYiRiLE 'TO- tRlCri Model N, 8 paa., new paint, cord Urea, lota nf xtraa; ennaider trade diamond, piano or rletwd car. East TOelS. 1922 MUCK &-PASSENGKR Bun leas than 1000 miles, motometer, bump er front and rear, extra tire and tube, tpotlight and ether eitraa; price only $1630, tenua. Bmdwv 2845. LATK mt-d.1 Grant. -pes. touring car, in ex cellent condition ; car repainted ; very good time, well worth your consideration. Call Tthnr 1542. ' CAR WANTKli 82$ Kr.rstt, went side. eor. tU snd Ererett. Day phone Bdwy. 2329. evening Wdln. 514. WE Hit Steel teem ra vour .i) flywheel; crankshaft turning. . H. B. Black, machine ebip, 684 Alder at, Broadway 8681. CASH paid for old ear, eonaiuen ne obiect; part for all makes nf car. Thampeen h Kelly, 44a. Fwnderi, ner 11th. Bdwy. 8303. LATE 1917 m'PMOBlLK tonring. tn excellent mechanical condition with reed Urea. Phone Sell wood, 3071. I!:) ImjDGK ileUrery. screen side, in perfect addition and looks like bargain for some- body. Sellwood 3071. MODEL 90 oVKKUMU Nv top, new tire. perfect condition in every way; must tell; t93, H rash, owner. 128 N: Bwdy.. oppp, o. CARS WANTED 828 Krereu. west side, cor. th and Everett. Day pnette Bdwy. 2829. evening Wdln. 8164. WE TEAK m up and tell Use piece. Portland Ante Wrecking Co., 691 A WW. near 17th; ftmdwy 8234. Mail orders filled. CARS WANTED 888 Svevwtt, weet side. eor. 6th and Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 2829, ' phone 1 UTS 91 ewentng wgin. ft 14. 9x3 le Ml HELIN 8-prv ureai 918.90, !. awttea. We knot now repair tire, Tu rae Tire eTho. Grand ave. tt Pine. K. 489C IZtii T6P8 RECOVERED Curtain repaired. B. R. Body and Tea) weA. 346 WlUiaaas ave. East 1198. AUTOS cut to a lpr; our ay aura doe not weaken er disfigure the body. R. B. Body W.rki, 346 Willaima ave. East 1198. DADTC OREGON CTl VVBECKLNG rnlltJ Co. dig Belmont, near Sixth. -CHEVROLET touring ebearx 8163.- O nenrs money. 823 Kvevett at., went side. AICTIO.N , sale of automoeslea. Sat, Oct 1. 1 sv m.. cor, 6th nd Everett, wet side... 1914 PoRI touring, motor aa good aa new Ford, $130. Cag gt 130 Union ave. , M3L AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Hudson and Essex ATJTOMOBILE8 that have rebuilt or renewed. Are in the best f mechanical condition that are also warranted the same as factories war . rant new cars. In addition, we give ' 90 dan' tree mechanical service. Thu is not new an Hudson autoatn hilea. We have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty since 191a. Tea bay fine quality car with the asms safety aa when yoa purchase a sew ante mobtla. Boy a ear yoa can tUpssst epoo and at a banaia price. Other makes of osrd automobiles thoroughly overhauled, pat ia first dais coriition and sold with a 10 days' ftee trial, subject to being re turned and full credit glvea en any etbei car of equal price that customer may ss.ect. This grees ample time for every par ebeser to try out the car be buys, gives turn time to have it inspected, as we want only satisfied customers. Witch of cars. the chance in tola list Fire Super Six Hudson 1050 to 91150 1917 Hudson Speedster 1050 1918-1V19 seriea Hudson Super feix 1020 Hudson Super Six.. 1920 Hudson Speedster. . 1919 Eeex 1920 Essex 1918 Maxwell 1919 Msxwell 1920 liaiwell 1300 1850 1550 975 1150 450 75 650 NEW MAXWELLS 8785 1919 Grant Six 600 1918 Dodge 75 1019 Chalmers Hot Spot 9S5 1919 Olds Six 860 Olds Kight. . 000 1919 Olds Eight, sport model 1028 1921 Olds Sis 1800 1919 Liberty, sport model.... 900 1918 Cole Kight. sport model 1350 The car that never wean out that ta the automobile that is known aa the Hudson; it do:j not vibrate, there fore does not damage the material. For a long time the Hudson naa bad the reputation as the car that never wears out. Used Hudson are better than new can at tne same price. Ask the Hudson owner. Used Hud sons are known for being the beat rued car valuea on the market Largest Used Car Branch Store la lb City ai 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday . and veninga. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5739. Also a Display at Our Bales room, 618-617 Waahlnftoa treat open weekdays only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. CADILLAC ROADSTER. JfST BEEN OVER HAULED BT COVEY MOTOR CO. THE CLASSIEST ROADSTER LN OREGON. WILL SA-KIFU'K KOIt 82500. CAR IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION THROUGHOUT. TWO SPARE-CORD TIRES. NEVER BEEN USED. TERMS. CALL BROADWAY 4078. IUjO . .....i touring lots ot extras, mechani- cally perfect; 3400. essy terms. CNTVER8AL CAR EXCHANGE ' Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill West Side Branch, Bmadway and Hoyt Open Sundays snd Evenings OAKLAND SIX TOURING 1920 Oakland 8 touring, practically new. Price 9673. Here is a car that is well worth 3850. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne avea. 1917 7 PASS. FOKI BUS, Just the thing for a small town hotel. 82 1 5, terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill West SMs Branch. Broadway and Hoyt Open Sundays and KTenings 1019 FORD roadster, new top, new upholster- tne, dandy condition. 3215, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. snd E. Ysrohill West Side Branch, Broadway end Hoyt Open Sundays and Evenings THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, takes the kinks out while yoa watt ; repairs radiators and bodies. Liberty radi ator cores for al types of can in stock. - Bdwy. 8214. 30 N. 11th St.. near Pnrnslde. 1920 KORD SEDAN, iteneci in erery detail. extras. $,0S. terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grind are. and E. Yamhill. Wert Side Rrsnch, Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sundays and -Evening. WK WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no obiect. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Glisan. EOR SALE 17 Dodge tourtng car, $500; in ex cellent condition, spot and 5 good tires. Call Marshall 4025, alter 5 p. m. 425 W. Park ft. Apt 30V 1IH8 STCDEBAKEU. 6-cyl., 7-pass.. newl painted, good tires, first-class mechanical coa dition: price $300. terms. Broadway 2845. 1917 FORD touring, let me demonstrate, ils" term. Phone Moore, Main 1100. Evening Vmrt R7H. CARS WANTED 823 Ererett, west" side, cor 6th and 'Everett- Day phone Bdwy. 2329, evening Wdln SI 64. CA8H paid for cars, parts for car and tracks at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., 523 Al der sr. 1910 KORfjef touring, starter type, fine tires, $275. Terms. Phone Moore, Main- 1100. Eveninrs Ea?l S678. CARS WANTED 328 Everett, west side. cor. 6th snd Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 2329, evening Wdln, M64. 191 ; CHEVROLET If yoa want a good light touring car, see thip one. Would consider ferms. Phone Sell. 3071. 1920 MAXWELL touring, extras, excellent con ditions, run only 2000 mile. Am go;ng away, must sell:-$850 takes it 231 E. 82d st. N. $2h0 1918 Maxwell touring, best condition. 5 new tires. 2 cords. Come and look. 673 Jefferson st. Private owner. MODEL 44 Olds 8, very good condition, $525. Wdln. 2520. after 6:30 p. m. AUCTION ssle of automobiles. Sat., Oct 1 p. m . cor, fith snd Everett, west side. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR BODY. EAST 119X. DODGK screened delivery, late model, fine con dition. Owner Tsbor 7994. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 USED FENDERS Thousands to pick from. B. B. Bo 345 Williams ave. East 1198. ? fy Works. WINDSHIELDS ' We stock used ones : aH tnske them to order. B. B. Body Worts, 845 Williams ave. East 1198. LIGHT 2 wheeled trailer, naif price. 435 Will iams gve. FORD touring body at a bargain price, at Casey. Grand are. and E. Ankeny. Talbot TWO Kelly-Springfield cord tires, 35x4 Call at 886 Union ave. N. COMMERCIAL gsrage. tw 11th and Burnside, repairing, painting. Chevrolet and Feed part?. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 SACRIFICE 1 V -ton Republic truck, in fine shape and using erery day. Will eeil at your own figure. Automatic 646-57. MACK S ton, jrast like new and guaranteed. Wilt trade and give terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Evenings Mr. 183. DEN BY 1 ton, new tires and overhauled. Can be had -cheap and on easy term. Phone Jensen. Bdwy, 691. Evenings Msr. 183. FOR KALE By owner, 1921 Ford truck, pneu matic tire, run only 2 month; will tU -for 9200 less than mat. Call Sellwood 24. 2 V -TON truck with eteady hauling contract, for sale. Owner leaving city. Terms. 430 W. Burnside. All this week. Consider terms. PACKARD S ton worm drive. Din eheanTad easy terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 891. Eve nlngsMar. 18$. - STEADY hauling contract; require parch) ot truck. Moat be filled at once. 430 W. Burnside. GMC 1 ton. overhauled and new tire. Small caan paymenta ami easy terms. Fhene J Bdwy. 691. Evenings Mr. 183. LATK '20 Ferd truck, demon n table rims; new coca, urea, feza casn. Bdwy. zss. 419 Glisan. 1921 REO speed wagon; will sell at big aacri- ica; can ee seen at oaw Ataer sr. xtawy. 1832. FEDERAL 2 tan. late model worm 4 rite; an excellent bey. and can give liberal terms. rnone Jensen, BCTwy. Evenings Mar. 183 i-OKli worm-dnve tnuk, with cab and wind - atunta; Dargtin. 530 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 34 and UTon Trucks at Reduced Prices We are makiag a special effort to asove a number of nsed trucks of 4 to 1 ton. caijecity to snake room for more trades. We have carefully overhauled each of these tracks, installed bodies on some of them acd are pricing them at figure that can not help bat impress anyone familiar with prices today- Republic 34Ton This I truck is equipped' with standard express body, top. windshield and aide ctjr tains. Equipped with solid tires and in every way a very serviceable unit 8430. Republic I -Ton Pneumatic front and solid rear tires, standard expresa body, top and windshield. Waa used by a Jap berry-grower and is in excellent condition. This truck haa , sera very little actual use and ia an ex- . ceptionai bargain at 3550. . " ' OMC.-Ton We have carefully over hauled every unit in this machine. It carries oar strongest recommendation and guarantee. All pneumatic tins and in good shape. Standard open express body. 8450. QMC 1-Ton This truck la equipped with a new body, top and windshield which retails regulaily at 3275. The truck is in ex cellent condition. The tires are good. 31050. Ford lTon Equipped with platform stake body and cab. starter block. Stroniberg carburetor. 3450. CHETKOLET LIGHT DELIVERY This track has a capacity of about H ton. Jnat the thing for a small berry ranch or chicken-raiser. 3373. Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND 8T COR. TAYL0E Olds Light Truck' Thoroughly Overhauled Cord Tires and priced real low. 8750. EAST TERMS SEE MR. MOUNTAIN MANLET Al'TO CO. 11TH AND BURNSIDE STS PHONE B. 217 Used Truck Buyers It will pay you to ook over trucks in the largest used trurk house in town. We stand back of every truck we overhaul. You have no better assortment-to pick from, no better trucks, and you can't ask for bet ter terms. No brokerage charges. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP. 10th snd Dsvis Sta. Bdwy, 691. REBUILT ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO PARK &. EVERETT STS BIG SACRIFICE ON NEW TRUCKS Commerce 1 H -ton. waa $2315, our price $1495 Commerce 2-toa, we 82S50, our price. . . tlo'JS i'hi.-jrn 2U-ton. was S4500. our price.. $2250 2-ton. 4-wheel trailer $ 350 2-vsrd dump body and hoist $ 350 1920 1-ton Ford, used $ 390 WE HAVE COMMERCE PARTS LAFFAW MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 47 NORTH 9TH STREET. Cheap Trucks Maxwell. 1920. m ton, $50; Denny, 1920. I ton. $800; CMC 1 ton, $800; Behtlehem. 1920. 1 ton. $350: Bermb he 4 ton. $475; Republic 2 ton, $600. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evenings Mar. 183. 1920 FORD COUPS DELIVERY Back inclosed, ti ttnk in back, extra tire and rim. The bast ssleemsa's ear in town. $460, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. West Side Branch. Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evening. 1920 FORD PANEL DELIVERY, $275 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ve. and E. Yamhill. West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evening. 1919 FORD TON TRUCK. $275 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and.E. YsmhiU. West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evenings. CONTRACT I have a good contract which will earn yon $30 per day with 2 Si -ton truck. Party must be able to iut up $600 for a truck. Work all year round on paved highway. Phone Yensen, Bdwy. 691; evenings. Mar. 183. 1920 FORD TON TRUCK. $445 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and E. Yamhill West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Bnnday nd Evenings. ONE 3 tt-ton Indiana truck with Wood' heavy duty hydraulic hoist and 3 H -yard' dump body. $1250. with terms. HOWARD-COOPER CORPORATION 250 E Water St.. city. 18 FORD PANEL DELIVERY, $160; TERMS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand are. and E. Yamhill. West Bide Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt, Open Sundays and Evening. FOR SALE, by owner. 1921 Ford truck, pra tically new, run 4 month in city; Firestone pneumatic tires. Universal covered body. Will sell for 8250 rea than cost Call Sellwood 324. 4 TON U0RELAND with lumber rolls, over hauled and worm drive. Special uric and very liberal terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evening Mar. 183. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 WE PAY no rent and sell for less. RebBilt motorcycles and bicycles, al makes guaranteed 3 months. Apex Bicycle Co., 457 Williams ave. East 1480. 1920 ELECTRIC equipped Indian, with aide car. windshield, too and curtains, in good con dition. Will sell at a bargain and give terms, or trade tor light anto. f hone wain, sag, evenings. MOTORCYCLE. Hsr ley-Davidson, in extra fin condition, i nave no uae lot it, a - - A. 63t Aider at. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS, ALL MAXES EAST SIDH MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-48 Grand avw FOR SALE, Al Columbia ba cycle, nearly new. new tires. $33. CAR Booth 808 Yamhill nub- Be market, Friday. CLEVELAND motorcycle, new tire, runs per- lecuy, aa nay uu snap, call isoaell. s way 8606. 1921 INDIAN SCOUT, $50 down, balance on easy terms. Call BosclL B'way. 3806. WILL trade my S-eyL moterboat for a 1921 Hartcr, rally equipped. 307 Savier st N. PARTS tog td metorr.cia) esteept Setae Cycle Cev. 1921 Weatiake aee.. Seattle. Wash. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 Albina Garage & Auto Co. AB week reasenable and aaranteed. Phone Wdln. 1114. Cor. Shaver and Gaffield. EXPERT motor repairing at heme er ah op by Mike De Ctoce; valve grtndins and earbon removed:. Ford, $3; Dodge $4; Buick $3. etc. Marshall 1963. COMMERCIAL, garage. E. 1 1th and Burnside. repairing, painting. Chevrolet and Ford parts. FENDER welding and repairiag. B. B, Body Werks. 34 WlUiaaas are, Ksgt 1198. -, . , s. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD PWNERS . VORD evwrhsuied ,;..'........t Bear Axle overhauled 3 Taivee groand. carboa teaxoved. .......... 8 8 Magneto recharged 8 We baad-lap rrartona. aerapw lies ri ngs, etc-, which tnsarss a perfect running asotor. UeaalM ford parts enly used. AH work guaranteed. bUlUA.VTtJ, ACTO BJ&PAltf CUl. 2b0 Croat SV. Coraer Jetfexaoa. DAX A-D NltiUT SXUKAUU REPAIRING E. Corner 5th and Hoyt Sta. Rdwy. 1886. FREE 33 FREE This add if presented aa part payment en paint job on your car is worth 85. We are now open for business. Call and see as about your paint. VETERAN8' AUTO PAINT SHOP. 402 1st st 1' DO TOCR OWN WORK At the P. A O. garage under supervision of master mechanic 380 Union ave. 1 block north of Broadway. Eat 4461. Auto & Truck Repairing done at your own or my carsse by exeit mechanic. Marshall 755. FREE 'ed. dJasu&elu ail brakes THE BRAKE SHOP 327 Fifth St. Msin 896. ALTOS repaired at your home or mine. Work guaranteed. Auto. 512-52. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS KENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 5 and 7 paasenger ear. B nicks. West cot, Crow Elkharca; reasonable rates, days, night, weekly. CITY GARAGE 132 12th st.. berw. Washington lad Alder Bdwy. 840 JAKE S USED CAR EXCHANGE New cars for rent without drivers. Kee.son able rates. Open day and night. 325 Gliaan st, bet. Broadway and 6th st. Bdwy. 5593. CARS for hire without driver. Jake's Auto Clearing House, 323 Everett, cor. 6th and Ererett, west side. Bdwy. 2329. H. 8. BENNETT: CARS FOR HIKE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN IBS7. AUT03 WITHOUT DKIVEHS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE. MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 TAKE late model light ur and $1500 atih lot $2300 equity in 5 room strictly modern Rose City bungalow. Bal. very easy terms. Owner. 661 East 51st N.. evenings. CARS WANTED 323 ErereU, tt side, cor. tth and Eterett. Day phone Bdwy. 2329, evenincs Wdln. 5164. CARS wsnted to wreck; parts ior nil cars for less. S. & s. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th snd Alder. Brosdwsy 3t. 8P0T CASH for your ton, Chevrolet, Dodge. Buick ot other light cars. 193 E. 6th at, corner Taylor. WILL TRADE 1020 Indian motorrjcJe. with side car, to?, windshield and curtains, tor light car. Phone Wdln. 85K, evenings. CARS bought for wrecking; parts sold for all cats. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 428 Bel mont, near 6th. East 4o69. CASH for iato model Fords. Dodges or other liffht ears. Jske'a Used Car Exchange, 325 Gliiian. pet. Broadwsy and tith. Bdy. 5593. IF YOU find it difficult to Keep up tlie piy merits on your cr see Feeheiy, 12S N. Broadway. WANTED 1921 Kord coupe, A-l shape. Have caah for real buy. Phone Broadway 4 848 bet. C and 7 p. m. TWO diamonds, value $400, to trade on late model automobile. East 4216. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 A FINE $175 model Sirauivara. jut like brand new one, with nice records that alonev cost $17; total value $ll2; owner leaving town willing for us to slaughter exactly one half for immediate sale. See this and also numerous other brand new instruments in "GREAT SALE EXTRAORDINARY" at Orcion Eilers Music House. 287 H W ash, st- TRADE in your old stove tur a new one. Heaters repaired and relined. Brooklyn Fur niture and Store Hospital, 5oS Powell. Sell wood S051. AUTOUOH11.ES. MOTUHCTUlJES, LAUNCHES or boats are separata ciassificationa. A large listing will be found under these different classi fications. KLKCTR1C. FIXTURES. wholesale; 1-light chain. $1.15; 3-lisht fixtures, 83.75; elec tric stoves, $3. We do electric winng. Re liable Electric, Uniqn at Rnell. K. 3HH6. PROPERTY OWNERS. A 1 TENT ION It me call on you and demonstrate mineral surfaced red or ereen roofing in roles put over o:d shincles. Wdln. 5084. HOT WATER laNKb AO-gal. $7: 40-gaL $9; tested and guaranteed; stove end furnace coils; gas beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams ft- E. B51B PHONE us your ordtr tor strictly freaii laid table egg-; can furnish hctls, restaurants and pri- Tate families. Phone East 404. ORDERS taken for beaded designs on blouses. bags . and dres&ea. Call East 2475. after 5 p. m. RANGE with water coil and gas plate, kitchen table and chain, library table, lawn mower and gas plate. Ea--t 6101. 11LES can bs permanently cured without opera tion. Call or write Dr. Dean, second anil Morrison. HI I 1 nAI A Mir Switches $7.50 up. Switches 1 1 Liislu nudt to order from your own combings. S. F. Pierce, 24 Killingsw'tli. Win. 4380 COMPUTING SCALED, casb registers, coffee mills, meet choppers and general store fix- tnrej at 220 Stars it.. Per- 1st ana ZQ- HEMSriTCHlNG WHILE YOU WAIT Bring your work to 1008 Broadwij nd sve 2 cents a yrd- . bldg. FOUND A man wno wilt repair, upholster your furniture at your home; prices very rea- enable; all work guaranteed. Broedway 4755. POTATOES FOR THE WLNTEU Burbank and Rural New Yorks by the sack. price right 600 E. Davis. DIEBOLD safes . new ana second band; special prices. Pacific" Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front rt- Bdwy. 1966 ElECTKlO fixture tor b room $16; big selee tion other fixture. 207 Chamber oi Com- mere bl.lg. Brodwy 4253. LICENSKu moepenaen. electrician, wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 rooms 820, and guaranteed to pass inspection Woodlawn 3791. BUSINESS CARDS Ctl 1g Linen cards 82.25 " LIBERTY PRINTERT, 165 H 4th St. RUGS washed on your tioor with Hamilton Beech electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4046. $1.10 DOZEN. 100-lh. flour sacks, laundered. , Mail order add postage. S. Hodes, 428 Bel mont st near 6th. East 4569. . MgR your own home drinks. For supplies, Portland Beverage Supply Co., 431 Sta rk LADIES' USED APPAREL secured from well gowned women; attractive prices. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE Outsize plush cloak, good condition. Phone Main 6195. GRAPES, butter pears, apples for sale, right prices. East fifth and Stark st $1 SUITS and overcoats cleaned and pressed. We call and deliver. Phone East 1183. USED 3 H 81. chemical fire extinguishers, good as new; also some pyrenes. Tabor 8240. CONCORD grapes for sale 6c per lb on vine. Phone Oak Grove 156W. iOK SALE Good as new ice box. a Ho a Hoosier cabinet, both reasonable, Wdln. 2723 GOOD wicker buggy, St John car. $15 1710 Dwight at, ONE gal. ggsoline pump, 1 air stand. Ant 825-08. 1485 Siskiyou. 244 EAST Broadway, near bridge, stylish used ladies' clothes, cheap. East 1826. FALL butter pear. 75c per box. 8560 after 6 p. m. Phone Tabor GET your furnace property cleaned and over- hinjed. Den t wait- Call Leonard. Ant- FURS, hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tsnning Co., 892 Tenino. Sellwood 2398. FOB SALE Registers, showcase, wail esses Casta or credit 24 Z Salmon. VACUUM cleaners ior tent. See a day; delivered anywbere. Woodlawn 8495. BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, land Beverage Supply Co.. corks, etc Port- 431 Stark st MALT, ay nap. hope and supplies. Portland Bev. erage Supply Co.. 431 Stark at. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick lee, low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4293. serv- WALNUT and fruit trees, nerriesl rose and shrubbery. Woodstock Nursery. Ant 610-96. FDR SALE Man' $2T raincoat, never worn. $12. Main 1041. CHEAP, for cash, one studio earner ; also ene 6x7 new view camera. 342 1st- Room 27. FOR SALE, Detroit Jewel gasoline range, cheap. Call, after 2 p. m.. 1109 E. Market st COLUMBIA river salmon to can, direct from ffrherman. 10c B., delivered. Wdln. 4397. WOOD $3.50 per load, delivered. Main 4262. Pony Expreaa. NEW wood and coal range $50 below market price. No. dealer. Wdln. 8469. CONDUCTOR'S .money changer. Tabor 9033. I COOP WOOD F1B SALE. . MAR. 4313. J G HAULS for sale, i Phone Aut 618 67. for sale Miscellaneous boo SHOWCASE. : MADE TO ORDER SETS' AVT ITSED BTJT. SELL and EXCHANGE CASH REG ISTERS, SCALES and a general line of store ana ouice fixtures. (Jet oar prion XirsL. BOXER TRADING CO. 546 Washington St. Mar. 3439. LOWEST PRICES OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2 oak counters. 2 Burroughs adding machines, latest models. S and 9 bank. Remington No. TO.. , .....3 60 Monarch Remington 30 Mimeograph 10 Edison dictaphones... 73 Check writers, all makes. 1 mtmeoecooe 2.1 Safe cabinet, full of filing equipment 230 2 addressographs. New and used desks, files, chair?, tables, etc. Prices lowest in city. D. C. Wax Office Equip ment House. S4-26 X. 3th. Broadwsy 27S9. Sewing Machine Emporium Machines sold for lea. No agents employed. Guaranteed u-ed ma chines cheap. Part and repairs for all makes. Machines rented. Msin 9431. 1190 3d Near Taylor St. f IIIMRDEI I AC I viunLLLftJ RECQVXREDl THE SURETY SHOP 300 Alder St. WE 1ATI TOO MOJCEY House wiring. Ugbting fbx torea, electrical repairing snp pHea. Third Street Klectrie 8toea, . 224 H Third sU. near Salreo. Main 8058. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to vnne hnauL Ti and Port Orford cedar; tolid copper trimmings, tt design. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGG1NS k SON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOR 808 SlbSico Pipeless Furnace $79.6 $1135 152 Superior to sny, regardless of price, late im proved fire pot add 25 per cent to efficiency heat; 11 room house, o-year guarantee. I. T. Wocdmff. 121 Mallory are. Wriin 21 03 A WONDERFUL flayer pisno. just exactly as good S3 new: the kind thst coats tST.t nowadays; will take less thsn one hslf if sll csh, or $390 terms, cash $.10. balance your own termt.; fine music roll and bench included. See 2d floor Eilers Mujie bldg., or telephone Mam 1 1 J.t. WHY A SUbsTi'iijfi. UOOKEH! "Thy not a genuine and permanent roofer? We repair rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old. leaky roots. Phone Bdwy. 70. Sewing Machines We bsve the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3J. near YsmhiU. 10 DROPHEAD sewinw macnine with attach ment. 820 escb; portsbl. electric xaacuue for rent; searing machines cleaned and repaired. K. U. Btoen. 182 Grand are. East 2359. Independent Printers Best work, prompt deliveries st less cost. Let n estimate your next job. Smith Printers, 11 N. th rt. SINGERS, W&ites, new Homes, like new. $25 to $46. Other guaranteed drop heads $15 to $18. Latest Singers, cah or terms. Rentals. 83 per month. Singer store. 193 4th. Main 8S83. SAFES Fire and burglar proof eatee. new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORR1S SAFE V LOCK CO. 105 Second Bt Main 2046. . Electric Motors Bought, sold. ret. ted end repaired. Walker Electric Worka, 413 Bnra iide. corner 10th Broedway 6674. AUTO BEPS Hare your teat cut to make 8, Bed: positively will not weaken the car 706 V William. A REAL BARGAIN Win sacrifice my lato $120 I. C. 8. epurse in drafting or any course ymi wish for 370 cssh, or what hare you Tabor 04. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of lumber and building material far sale s: jard st 2d snd Columbia. Plicna Main (.13 2. 5DQ BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTERY $1.20 Mention this ad. 120 5th St. After Oct. 1 at 249 Washington St GRAPES OREGON CONCORDS Grape orders welcome now. Grebe I nil. Farm. Write, phone, 40th snd King sta.. Mil wankie. FA-4-?4-ewr A. vV KEEN LPemiisiry 35m w,h.0txm Without Pain. Ltrt Xerv. Blocking M KEENB St Method. ELECTBIt; WIRING AND FIXTURES Big ebipment just arrived. Now is the time to hare that old house wired. Estimates free. 124 1st st. Aut. 04 7-03. Marshall 3917. LAW BOOKS Complete set of law bonks from Tsall Ex tension university, $63. See Mr. Kingsley, 28 K. 1 1th st. at Pine EVERGREEN blackberries $2 per crate; ei press or parcel post iwki. Loui Nielstn, Corbett, Or., Route 1. Box 59. MIRROR 20x36 for tale, 624-99. $3. Phone Aut. FOR SALE CWca closet, avenue. 34 9 Holladay FOR SALE cheap, wicker baby buggy. K. 15th 8. 1795 OVERSTUFFED bed davenport, the best msde. at webers, 37W E. Mornon, lor. Union ave. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day, 85c delivered. Wdln. 1269. FOR SALE Good rug 9x9. $18. 5472, or KIM Kerhy. Call Wdln. HUDSON seal coat for sale. length, etjuirrel collar. Main 5627. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 KIMBALL PIANO. NEW Regular $650 new Kimball piano, oak or mahogany case, at the special price nf $390. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LDCAS MUSIC CO.' 123 4th St., Bet Washington snd Aider. SACRUTCE sale of fine piano. If you have cash or part, see mine before yoa buy; must leave the city. Aut 634-85. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Expert wotkmxnship. guaranteed work Main 8588. 8ETBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC OO.. 125 4th St. Bet Washington and Alder. KNABE grand piano, nothing better ever come to Portland; sell less than upright: term. Sll Worcester blda , 8d and Oak ft. COLUMBIA GRAPHONOLA- Best of condition. $73. See this bargain. SEIBERLlMi-LUCAR MUSIC CO.. 12 5 4th St.. Bet Washington and Alder. . $1000 CHICKERING, almost like new. only $350 on term. Brokerage Co., 311 Wor cester bldg., 3d and Oak sta. WE DELIVER pianos; we ship pianos; no man, no fuss; lowest rates; 2 month' storage free. Phone delivery department Oregeon Ellen Music House. Min 1123. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING Any make, guaranteed workmanship. SELBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St, Bet Washington and Alder, -Main 8586. CHICKERING, fin tone Steinwgy, apartment tint $209 1ST Pnonogrsphs slaughtered. RAROCD 8. GILBERT. 884 TamhfC. $800 KRANICH A BACH, mahogany; $300 on term. 811 Worcester bldg. only WANTED Piano for cask; Main 4424 before 5 p. m. can be old. Ca3 $550 HOWARD piano almost terms. 311 Worcester bidg. new. only $216; PIANO for sale. Bargain for cash. 876 S. Wash, street BRUNSWICK phonograph ior sale cheap, gell- wood 2143. $400 BUYS $675 player ptano. nsed 3 Terns. 311 Weecester bklg. WANTED Used piano for eaeh. Ceil Marshall 5709. PIANO WANTED from private party. Pay cask for bargain. Mars hail 1332. $700 STORY A CLARK, enly $260: all brand new. Terms. 811 Worcester bldg 3233 BUYS beautiful ptano. Hardmse make; used 4 months. Terms, 311 Wercester bldg. PHONOGRAPH sepetnng. spring aOe am; parte whejeaale and twtat 648 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. 1400 WEBER, only 1350; sat sty.' Sll Worcester bldg. PLVNO WANTED Pay cash.; KF.PAiksDa,l . Main 8689.1E. Bread way,. MUSICAL ltSTKUMEXTS 'Ml BAXOPHOXC BARGAINS " " COX C Bsetody. aeed tximsaed, Uka BWW.81X5 hsitp u mekxTr. aflver. Use new .... I e CONN alto, cold triassed. Bae Beer...... 118 BCTTET TENOR, silver, good ssadirinq.. 118 CONN TENOR, aflver. like new Ill BUFFET kauitane, asckel. goad ceodiOea. M CONN kaxitooe, ailrsr. lata new 19 CORNET BARGAINS HOLTOX. sflver. aew 89 HOLTON. aUvar. good eessditioa 83 BUESCHER, gold. exceUeat munition .... 80 RING, gold, hke new 88 VEGA STANDARD, aflver, good rondUtioa 89 A number of CONNS at from 838 to 369. alany other at extremely low prices. Write fee our baUetia. iiast fesned. al PtllOl , l EM.MEK SAXOPHONE AND. BAND IN BTKfMENTS. 8EIBEBUNG LCCAS afCSIO CO. 13 4th St.. Bet. WASHINGTON AND ALDER. You Can Do Better At Mish Furniture Co. . THIS OFFER PROVES IT 25 new double-disc 10-Inch records given absorutoly free with aew Colum bia Grafoaolaa or Vlctrotaa. Easy Term No Interest Msh Finiitoe Co- 188 190 1st at. UtiED PIANO DEPARTMRNT This Week's Offeringa: Helnxe. upright piano 1193 Hallet Da via piano 263 Kimball, large mahogany 343 Arson, walnut 293 Ca-h or 83. S to 819 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT 2 Nee Brunswick discontinued model 7. mshogsny. each 8 99 2 New Stradivara Harmony, each 123 I New Stradivara Chofiia: each 150 1 Used Victor, nearly new 149 1 New Sonora Uclodie 80 Prices cash, but you can pay aa UtU aa 95 or 810 cash and $4. f i or 3d a aaooLh U de sired, 7th floor. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. PIANO 5 A Us, Positively every piano in stock reduced wheth er it be a new tnr used piano. See them and be convinced. Terms given. Fully guaranteed. FISHER Upright, a snai 8173 $750 IUNZB PLAYER, new. now 573 35(l HINZE Upright, new, now 323 HARD MAN Plain mahogany case 313 King bury, oak Cie 273 FRANKLIN, walnut case 273 RUSH A LANE PLATER, slightly wed. . 500 MARSHALL WENDELL, slmost new . . 300 RICCA. mshogany cafe 250 MEtiKYFIELU, walnut case 28 J And many others. See them. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St. Bet Wa-hington and Alder. USED CORNE1 SPECIALS $ 94.50 York Silver 8 68 $140 Holton Gold 1100 $ 90.00 Conn Silver $ 68 8101.50 York Silirr 8 83 8 87.50 Conn Silver 8 40 $ 94 50 Buescher $ 86 $ 95 00 King $ 60 All guaranteed, overliauled and sterilised. A good case for each. Cash or terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN CSBV TALKING MACHINES WITH RECORDS BRUNSWICK VICTOR COLUMBIA PATHE with 10 records. .3120 00 srith 20 record, with 1 5 records . 120.00 100.00 80 OO 76 00 70. 0 80 00 with 10 records, wl'h 10 records. COLUMBIA STRADAVARA with 10 records. VICTOR with 15 records. VICTOR with & record! . 20.00 $5 or more cash. $4 or mor. monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th it., cor. Stark. PIANO HIGH GRADE SPECIALS If you want a really high grade piano at a medium price, don't fail to see the Instruments h-ted below: $1100 Knabe. msh. ease, a beautiful tone $859 $ 950 Chickering. man. case, all reftnished. like new $350 $1200 Chickering grand, man. case (prac tically new! $800 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. A WONDERFULLY fine Chickering Baby Grand ! to oe sacnttred lor immediate disposal price, only 8870. This is about half present day vatoe. It is as good aa new sad fit to grace mast peisttal musical home. Also superb Weber parlor grand and an Ivera A Pond parlor grand, both In very finest condition. Price 8900 each. Will arrana reasonable easy term of payment. See plane de partment. Oregon Kilers Music House, -d flor hilers Music building. 287 S Wash. sL. nekiw ,1th street just Win. Knabe Grand Piano Better than new one, look like new and not a mark or scratch on it; can't tell it was ever used. Will sell cheap; make aa offer; lake another piano as part payment. terms, 311 Wnrre-trr bMg USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS $337 50 Victor XVI Electric, mahogany. . $250 I $337.50 Vlcttr XVI Electric, oak $228 8115.00 Brunswick, mahogany 8 90 8113.00 Brunswick, oak 8 63 $ 75.00 Columbia, mahogany $ 36 Other box Columbia at 887.50 and $40. Call at our store and see our full line. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street RCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNBTAIHS STOltE $675 Singer upright, mahogany $393 650 Kimbstl upright, mshogsny 86s 90 Sieger, upright, oak 488 750 Adam Schaaf plsyer piano 49 900 Stetnway A Son upright 393 475 Hallett A Dvi upright 195 $10 or $23 cash, $6 to $13 monthly 101 10'h tt.. st Washington snd Stark USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS $160 Buescber "C." Silver $140 $150 Conn Alto. Silver $125 $215 Conn "C." Gold $1K0 $ 95 Conn Alto. Bras. $ 06 AH guaranteed completely overhauled and ster ilised. A good case for es'h. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. A GOLDEN oak Brunswick, just like new, low. est eeah value today. $150. Abo $38 worth of latest records for quick tare: we now offer this 81H8 combination for $125; yon actually save $63. Terms $20 cash, balance easy monthly payments. See phonograph headquarters, third floor Eilers Music bldg.. 287 Washington st, just below .1th st. CLOSING OUT SECURITY STORAGE CO. $450 Emerson upright piano $16$ 750 Pianists player piano $96 275 Cellard A CoUard upright 65 Parlor organ $18 and $25 cask Pianos bought and sold for cash eoly 10$ 10th st. corner Stark. USED PIANO SPECIALS Bradbury piano, man. in good plain case, $236. A. Schnihoff In walnut case at $246. J. A C Ffeheer in msh. case at $275. A real bargain in a Hallett A Davis piano, man. ease, plain, $300. Terms an thee piano. Many others at our store. g. jr. jomtsoH piano co.. 149 Sixth Street A WONDERFUL player ptano. rust exactly as good as new; the kind that coats $875 newadxy ; will take less than one half if all cash, or $890 term, cash $30. balance your own terms : fine masse rolls end bencn included. Re 2d floor Eilers Music bidg.. er telephone sssin lizs. A DANDY ebo nixed ease Emerson piano, only $186: all cash not necessary if yoa will pay a little simple interest: worth almost three timee thi price. Former owners gone to Alaska. See piano exchange dept. 2d floor Eilers Music bldg., or phone Main 1128. A NEARLY brand new Thompson piano aai li fieed for $200 leas thsn passant day price. See Oregon Eilers Music House, lie Driw ce ment, 2d floor, Eilers Mute bidz.. or ptsong Msin 1128. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO. KKW Regwlar $850 new Kimball player piano an oak. walnut or mahogany, at the special price of $325. Term given. SEIBERLCiG-LUCAS MUSIC CO . 125 4th St. Bet Washington and Alder. WE DixiVEB pianos; we ship pianoa; ne mars, no fuss; lew eat rates; 2 men tha' storage free. Prion delivery deTwtrnant, Orageoo EUtrs Mask Hon. Main 1123. .tirvNrunn r"rvrNNi met iwji i4f swaj aw ELEGANT mahogany, just like new bo out a. taw 190 styW. with 327 worth Of Red Seal and ether records;- total valae 3187; to aell quick wner will sacrifice. 875 tt taken at once. Ore (on Eilers Music Hews. Pbaaoe-rspti Hradanay tor. 3d fmer. Prtewe Main 1126. FURKITURE Good caseditian, in T room bow, for sale very reasmvnabss; rent eery lew; beet portion ef Nob Hill eacuon. west aide: H black free 2 3d st ear haw. Pbooe Marshall 1686. No dealers need apply. BIG BARGAIN, new walnsA unag act daven port. leather tweker, ttrtwsera. Simxana brass bed. Harry. Sheffield epsrtsaeats, Broadway and JeffeTsow. t9 weA seiawei tuosy -wniua S 'tem wept,; 'savm cere j; 'assru ee suewty 'ptm pea njaoaj Inwu) ' nwoj iatia j -.! wxmwi m bm vwisrovu" aim vt I DLMNG I Dieter HOUSEHOLD C0O0S ' 02 You Can Do Better at ' iHish Furniture Co. TRADE 15 TOUR OLD IXaUnTCU FOB KtW. We will auhe yoa a Kbaral eQeweara far your eM fauairare ta trade for new. end eeaireq atake ssrass as aai Sossebody can ae tba piece ya V aot want, Ilisli Funilttirc to. 18199 FIRST T. BAVat atunak Try aarr aalsa aesA 97 a sssssesBea goaras, sworecass in all sosnta ta ear thrwwa-b ta sk Cxawrt peckine. iwpaiiiaa aad safmiehiaa aseersnce rataa. eRCtifTT STORAGE A TRAN8TKR CO. 88 Feurth sC, ecas. Mohaoeaak betas, Ptssae Braedway 8718. A GOLDEN oak Brwnswick. yust like new. kw- est casn valae today, glfto. Also IIS seortai of latest records for quirk sale; wa new offer thu 1188 eombiaettoa for 3123; yoa actually save 989. Term 32w cash, balance easy monthly paymenta. See pboaocrapb eedejuarters. thud floor Ellen Music bklg . 287 Washiagtoa St.. rasa oetow eta st. A FINE 8175 model Stradivara. fust like brand new one, with nice records that elecse coat 317: total value 3192; owner leaving toes wlltina for as to slaughter eeactiy one half foe imasediate sale. See this and also nuaeroa other brand new instrument In "GREAT SALE EXTRAORDINARY" at Oregon Euers Musk House. 287 Wssh. st. BRIDGE BEACH range, like new, $30; eossbin. tkon beweer. 818: mahogany W. A M. table, 827. SO, chair to match; cak buffet, 830; leath er seated rorker, 39; new cotton mattresses. 98.30; Urafoaola and 40 record. 330; raga and carpet rhee:i. t"t 8137. 113 Grand se FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR tsA I V uiosiiising ouUit. Barton. Or. W. M. Lady. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S 1-iBl'ILT typewriter, all. nwae recula. re pairing, aappnea. IHrtrilotor CORONA p tble. SiTNLM TBAND adding auchiaete. sis is SieS. K. W. Peeve Co.. II Sirib .(. asssaw guaranteed eae sear. B atrortrd tyvewnteie oc eoeet. New nnee ht Wuoleaele TypewnUr Cex. Ill Waal testae at.. ro-tUrtd. Or. REPAIRING a specially, rre. swnsasies; rentals; t applies, buy. sell, exchange ; add. mach. repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co.. 31 2 Stark. Msin $549 UNDERWOOD and Bern! ngton typeeriters tot rent. 83 a month. Empire Transfer, 234 Broadway ALL MAKES of typewriters njud. ivrej and sold on monthly payment nhii Oreewe TrocwntT Csx. 04 5th et. Main SWAPS 925 6 HOLE wood and coal range, large oven, ex change for gas range with upper oven. Aut- 884-83. ILL TRADE high grade new phoeugraph for a lot; prefer north of Alberta street, Broedway 4 92 after 1 p m. WILL TAKE g ud a (m payment on standard make ihomgTph. enrd 30 da, wh k-n-r-wt $113: will sell for $125 Bdwy 4M2 Light Si Louring, fine r,n!-.rioa: trade for vacant city prut'cny. East 8003. WHAT have you to trade for A pi.rcger car. value 8200. East 4988. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED Pvcpi. of Peruana u, uai last pay the klgbest cask price lor eeccAd uand Ltd hold goo4a. Be s mount toe ksige ae to sassX Prompt start-tie K. M. BEATER Tisewe Pa 4 2208 14 BawaeB 1I r.O TO 82i. OO METER. THK TAILOR, par asoraf fee tV red Hand smtta. shoe, everreals. We call da or evTBing. MarsbsU 1)29. ee Z58 Madsswe Mrvt. near Thtrd HIGHEST prices paid tar genu' east-faff 5S. lag. beta and abose. 283 Baymude at. P&ots Bdwy. 2383. W' AN TED Dwrk Uae. switabie for P. W. atissco. 28 E. 2tk N. ft banters. 87 JLNK Good prvevs lor ed riulhing, rsa. metals, tuoli, lumiturv. Bdsy 163. a3t A LTV R A TlOaiS AND TAILORIM UEGAL cnrr. tailor, hatter, dyevs. Mall ordrrs mnctted usd prompUy suendrd ta. 1J7 N lh St. IISKK BOOK ) OAT 18 A hOLMAN. INC.. !) 21 at.. Ian book aaarm aetursrs, A-3!8 Mate 13. CAT AND OOO H09PITAL 1.08E CITY VKTERINAKY HuSPlTAb. Inc. E. 7th and Graac. Both newswa. U.y aad Bight wmW Three vet.rlnarsieav CMIROPRACTOMt LK McMAMON iMcMjiii taking t?Tstroent whtl? In. .3 tlrra fwie railing. 12th var. COAL AMD WOOD crLsTon rtf-rmfflTTf) 200 cords nek word that was cut for al bandies, extra fine wood, 160 cords of fir. old growth, large knotty wood snitakia for fiiwplaoea. Hpecstl prices to apartment hosases Itock bpnngs coal, hay, grain and chicken feesL 600 l-owall Vallev Koad. Auto. 613 84. rjlJ-l. and slab auat 2 toad sot, $10: DltrWat fieM nmth ewedsroed. $8 iwr cord (oantrv slsb. $5.50 per cord Washington lump coal. $9.60 per ton. curb delivery. ORE410N FUEL CO.. WDLN 4192. snriu B a t II i'jmi hann sorted bkmt We speejause tn 11 -tn. atngtn. We deliver anywbere on wee akae or Pattact and our toads are guaranteed swrda. i'nets tu fee pncea. Col 1878, . SrECJfcL SALE OF WOOD First grade fir wood, well dried, finst growth; had been rat ia the last winter. . S,,p",nTTl delivered. Call Mala 287, or 147 m 2d at. liana ra. wood dealer. BOXWOOD DeBvered warned lately by FnJton Weed Ctv. 1261 Macadam. Phone Mare 4176. STA SHARD BRICK A TILE t O. First xrosrOi fir: Hock Bvring. Royal. Owl Creek coal. 8$ 8th st bet. fiurk sod Oak Bdwy. 18 NO. 1 old growth fir eordwwoa. Cwuverwu eow i. west aide. 87 73; (pecial rat en 60 cords or more. limn Bdwy. Ml K country slae $6.50 crrd. a tn slab 37.89 load, nice 16-tn. do - sad 16- alab 33.7$ Voao. Belrwood 1769. boxwood $4 50. Paul reel t.. UFART DCS ON Extra good d growth fir encd weod, old growth Cr. 6T. Wood" sen 1127. LOOK Old growth fir cord wood. 8T.76. IS; de deHvery. Phone BeU. n EXTRA 8064 heavy eorowood $ cord, deiivered Irriaftoa. Piedmont Albert. Wd.n- 4107. WEST SIDE fX EL Co WOOD AND OOAU BDWT. 23 No. 1 FlKSf-GKuWia curdeoJU. $8 per Coed. Theme East 1QO0. CUT ear nesce en fir. oak snd asn : vt detiver frm tmsber. Bobwrtanei Fwel K 1 LENTS FUEL CO. Wood and coal drbverrd in B. K. pert et city nut. BEST old growth fir cordeeod. $8 per cord. Sellwood 31 FIRST-GROWTH cwdeugd 66 eod. debvrred. WeodUsrn. Aibena, reimcrt. worn, tin BEST old frowth fir cordeeod, $8 per eerd. Sellwood 314. BEFORE entering ywer wie'-er wood eail isla, 626-66. Bertn stawe rwat ca, eae tawnejr. FIRST growth cwrawoed 68 carol 621 Tksgt CoL 722. FIRST-GROWTH oordwood. I net curd, tto- bvered eeywbere. Wdm, 2363. BIm$T9 DR. B. El WRIGHT 3d Osw. RsWrigh s4dw ear. lft sad Wahrnraan as Warn 1119 A-1U9 nnntlotPV US. A, W. KXENK. ft.lliU J 811 H Waatsbarto. BR WVthamt Fein. Lata; Nerv.-Bsw.ksse; Metbwd. orr tenet Aotaicv STANLEY DETRCTIVK AGENCY Confide tial Inv. tics Use. CosasuRation Free.- Railway ExcK Bmg. P1s-ne Main 6243 wtrMTvOslAl. 'biBeiwa' iC,i IkuLiV 1 THE DANCB STUDIO 669 TVtwm bsdsV. Wash, at $A Claaaaa If; day and Thnradey rve. Children bst. 19 .39 a, 98U8IO SOMOOCS AB) TtkOMCM T.' K. LAWSON, 20 yeanf exwneee. pass 1. . Anto. 648-13, EMS WAVTTD nSCTLLA-NTOUS tSO 1HI PIBL1C VkLLTAkS 8TOA& rabiss Welfsve INDCBTaUavS. 7 Bdwy. 28L. rksaae wAt amr aseare al SIX Third at aamseas. aad see Waal Is WANTH) sTJllMTURT SS2 Owl Furniture Co. ; we pay the bsrk lag FIRST ST. 188 ties Mam TT. 7.1. R. S EATER Barra the kssr aa s1 a easaper avf3e af bewd Tii !. Arwwd eve Its ;. WANT t eartaada of ssnifUail farautauw to sarHs oat of Iowa WIS. pay klgheat raaA new tor esse pteca or a boaawrtiL Cast aUat 4ll WE BUT aB am4s as erewad Hand teraitasa. stowe and range. Call Few, S,TT. UK BIT aeed IsnHsw. esevsa, .. ttn FWrwtvwr. Cm . yes ;a t Te PERSONALS 07S cet nni ' FBEK FUEfc FRXR Every day. from 10 g. as. to 6 p. asw. nod evenings to 8. and Sunday trees; 19 to 12 THOUSANDS Or irVERKHS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief tn any other way are tevitrd a. lav vestuate Chiropreetir aaethods. whtrk ere ne tsanenlly curing hnncrnsds every day. , THE BErTT OP CHlROPsLACTIC DIAGNOCTK'LANS will thnrwwghiy esaawtna yew. saake a eemiaets) diagftosi of your case aad direct yemg treat WITHOUT ANT COKT TO TOC . WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC at the safe. eaaw. asjfw eat saocWe s seTow ot curing and swsxwtwaa) d-.sea i tHlROPH ACTIO vU perssaxwsMl cauw 8V-. per cent of all dues, CHIROPRACTIC re reeve the csnae bse2tk return. The above aervire m aB fere to yve at lbs enlteee bvukting and may be bad to priest a at dseiiil PRIVATE TREATMENTS mT ale be rswt In eollrge bo'.ldjng by member of tha lacaiiy, by either lady r meei peecirtioner PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC tXiLLBGK, Ceraer of Psrk as-4 Tamhiil Tel Mam 14)14 tti seer eyaa treswrii as tended t at l da e Blgnt glass a et ttgvit mess Prowint nits. T ill ef satisfied netrseia. i9 sJarrsw et Msia tltt. $1 GETS bo b feet fia ee at Dr. fceteer, t&e CUIBOPUD1ST and AU'Ji SPECIALIST w-fc ctoaam't nart yon. 9 yes. bere. Exam. free. One Theatre bittg . Ilto et Wsatv. atreedwey IH4. GEORUX RClENSTKnt. Lke eetoran asstarTelC will fit yewr eyee bettor end ekupat saw yTseriswe . SUPEKFLLulb BAIH, mows, warts, 'reeseewi by 10 needV netod. Trssl rre. Jaase taJs. $14 Bs-li at Ijm bkdg. Msra t paiiSkr beginnrr or advanced. Parser Psaaw tw-tiawi, 314 f .-r- blrtg Lawyer ;.T ossasutatsew PR Ell f 1 bids, n th at Bnedwsr Do YOUR few; get tired aad echel Ca aad talk it er See the Pea therwigM ab eww pev. Mea to witev ft Mfw. 4 83 TaashiH. "' s j ir- t-y a r-srt era awsl't'ssl metrKsl Main 1894. wTSTeT bam. eoiua swiiA 4ne Teed I" rii Psaa. ;e Takv MAKE your own boss drtntv fee P-nsn4 Byvevage Ketyb lie. 411 Btara PHON'M.RAPH lainat. rftwgs JOr ti; wni . .i-e rwetl A48 X tab rvtwy 2t44. MASSAGE. bb. -tdawy. rhesiraj'wm; exe Dr Una Myiws. oa Pseises VWt MALT, siraiw. b.-w - -r ' i$ I r crac tsapply e.. 431 r-'ra BOTTLES, hsrrvl etaneeav. ewraa, etc FaeV land Bcverag. Sarfly t . 41 6 leak a. ei8IO CHOOtt tD TgaCStS W EXTniXX.Nf twmass tassea, wos ptane reewsble Tiber 3722. U CAR BOLL DAT. 146 131 et, Bmeewey tft66 VIOLIN, rnaew. guiur. mandatm, lu Kar. mw.: y Kb) tjyeihs 4e Ttmhm. rvstdiTvwt Baby's Boudoir Wardrobes TEES' Be.ktet labia, rernlture. inawwfaAsreass. WKWTEUN FLBMTtKK kirsi. Il. 28 UXIOW AVP. POstTTJtNri. OH "UM la smasassse sa Mp ta a iy aiw ear tHetlasaL snd seewtsa emk tkeaka as staff esstaukg. essana east any eeker arranie ys i Ae asw. aiiks ess est - Oesr trssak wan easst aiamiii'y em aseifWarA tea IOTLA.D8 wftairs rurrw. The far laesl . J,1 riven !.. keMkf. TwaU, iSt -4th nd th Msin 64? PJRTLAND CUTLERY CO.. aa Z ' . fuhh, soieee TWTTTVJy. HAT CtlAl6 n OTtww HATH rJaeemd. biorkMLeT hrfaetery Sryal Hat Works. 22$ ring oe-TomgTuirra A A trr-nu rv TrTJm""- s Tv-amrvt fZft la SM .uiijuij, tinuns! rnrnd raaraetee. tatfactory. palatini-; wwrfc 1114 Powwa. SM). MM N l,saM.. IM rTTTTT'T voru.w.yl,s- 3Tr t moderate rwtee.- work resiainng gwrentaweL Kawt 448 Mulct. lamttng papering, tinting. HTgxT t eoat, Tsbor T 'ty service. In. ATtaTT AT-roanrews eVteOU.Bk.RG. peventa. tmd--. PTftlClASf tA- k. a, UT ILLliAT Broadway kvkdsj. OTrVw Practaee t.. Ptrsg)isis) a,,, art-gam Prmrj LOW aa ail kuad VtEIHW-XG etla "P. Pv- Broedsra T t farkw Printing W. aULTAVA A. iv, I , "d Oak. Mam 1 ea. $7 THK 887 W wwewey 4. a-ll W ?2 wk-wt. Mare est! woosv wtPsteums ROOFS mewed and tainted. aVsresnu Award ei . eaigv. wrnieal ratal, tX6 Trade M.-n 8T1. Mar. lii." RXAiiLXUUNG end trrminnm roof wcrk. WeosLeww e 1 1 1 SMrsT wmi wom MULTNOAlAri SHEBx iVlL. i Ai, WORKS sjwttervsst. tvevl VeewtrHag e-Wowe nen ) 27 As Tw-Antust ma tronane Tebea- 4811 iMrt' A-'JAtPAirT. iswae T7I n Ait kmA, est SECCRITT STORAGE A TaUKKTCR CO. fissMsrmg Storage MOxrr loasii on osods l rroeiea 88 Fasjetn , seat. Maicawwaft k iliL Paesaw Rnwdway 811A, , ALWATS PK'ksyTlir BEST HjC8tOLD I.OOD8 6PaXUU8T StawsCiesJs. towai end viae; ssstw And aeae trass, sxaa ami rataa tw ail xwiaea. C PICA TRAJtBrtTR A eTTAfLiCE C 8 nd Ptaw 9ita4ty 3P6 A-1996, Oregon Translcr Co. 474 Gksse t Bre4w ijij DBAIAOB STORAGB as. aer Wiiiioaiii ess Tiieiaal T tPDCCtD IKkK.til KATES as X Factor Co FerwaerLssl Ce. 9th aad Hwrt Bdwy. 76$. ''V ( .i ;i . --isswaJaV r4adtetr e-l eoi tiHr. J5a eV itUMiC' -tf4w,lriU,-w. 1 1- - '.a