The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1921, Page 22, Image 22

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Tuesday; September 27, mi.
All Clmrge
Tomorrow tnd Balance of Month
Go On the October Bills
Dated November 1
The Quality store
of Portland
Some Lots Limited See Our Ads in Other Papers Many Unadvertised Values
T 4
French Serge $2.49
46-inch fine quality all-wool French Serge
with silk-embroidered designs. Navy, taupe,
plum, copen nd tan. Regularly $4 yard.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Damask, Yard 50c
Rciiiar 7 ? trrA inn vsrds mercerized dam
ask that is 63 inches wide.
Meier A Frank's: Second Floor.
Plisse Crepe 19c
Regular 35c yard grade. tlooo yards white
plisse crepe 30 inches wide, '
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Sheets, Each $1.25
Glazed , Filberts 34c
Regularly 1.50. 500 good quality seamless
muslin sheets in size 81x90 inches.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Regularly 65c pound box. New shipment
Barcelona filberts, pound box 34c. No deliveries.
Main and Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony
Handkerchiefs 21c
Bar Pins 39c
150 bar pins set with brilliants and fitted with
good safety catches.
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Keguiariy 35c eacn. An assortment 01 men s
hand-block printed lawn handkerchiefs dots,
stripes, checks, squares, etc., in tan, blue, gray,
green and lavender shades.
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
12 Cakes Soap $1
7 cakes 60c, cake 10c. Large cakes toilet
soaps, Including Violet and Rose Transparent
Soaps, Coco Hard Water Castile and Floating
Castile,' also Lucerne Bath Tablets.
' Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
13 Rolls Paper $1
100 rolls $7. Eight-ounce rolls crepe toilet
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Excellent Fiber Silk
Tricolettes $1.89
1000 yards of 36-inch standard quality trico
lettes in black, white, navy, brown, beaver,
rose, jade, copen and oriental blue.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Olive Oil, Gallon $4.29 3 Yards Outing 50c
Best grade pure Spanish olive oil
Meier ft Frank's : Main Fli
Embroideries, Yard 69c
27-inch lawn and cambric embroideries in solid
and eyelet patterns. For children's dresses and
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Hankerchiefs 16c
Regularly 25c each. Women's fine sheer ba
tiste handkerchiefs in a variety of one-corner
hand-made open drawn-work patterns. Finished
with quarter-inch hemstitched hems.
r-Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Regularly 25c yard. Medium weight striped
outing flannel. 36 inches wide.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
"Daisy" Outing, yd. 17c
1V1 to 72-yapd remnants of white "Daisy"
outing that is 2?iinches wide.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Collar and Cuff Sets 50c
New patterns in cream and ecru venise lace
collar and cuff sets. English eyelet and lace
trimmed organdy sets. For -wear with suits and
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
at Our Regularly Lower
Than Elsewhere Prices
The jumper dress has captured the feminine world. We are kept busy providing these wanted
garments.' Women and misses will welcomethe opportunity to select from these new assort
ments. Prices, although not specially established for this selling, are exceedingly moderate.
Tweeds . Jerseys
Serges Tricotines
Plain, fancy braid trimmed and wool embroidered models.. Note these prices, which are decid
edly low for the qualities :
Tweed dresses $7.50. Jersey dresses, $11.75-$12.50. Serge and tricotine dresses $12.50-$15.
Velveteen dresses $15-$17.50.
Meier ft Frank's : Fashion Salons. Fourth Floor.
3000 Bamboo Baskets
13c, 19c, 28c
nil te
36c, 45c
Sale will be held simultaneously on the Center
Aisle, Main Floor, and on the Fifth Floor.
3000 .natural finish bamboo baskets in Ave sizes.
All have covers.
Meier ft Frank's : Main, and Fifth Floors."
800 Pairs of All-Silk
Stockings $1.95
Slightly imperfect hose from two of the coun
try's best makers of high-grade silk hose for
women. Some have "POINTEX" heels.
Black, white and cordovan.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Cretonnes, Yard 19c
Regularly 30c to 40c yard. 500 yards of good
quality cretonnes in a diversity of pleasing
Meier ft Frank's : Seventh Floor.
Stamped Gowns 98c
An , assortment of ready-made night gowns
stamped for embroidery in simple attractive de
signs on good nainsook.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Curtains V2
Half price for 100 pairs ol white, cream and
ecru curtains suitable for any room in the home.
Made of marquisettes, scrims and nets.
Meier ft Frank's : Seventh Floor.
Window Shades 89c
36x72-inch good quality oil opaque window
shades mounted on guaranteed rollers. Colors
are cream and green.
Meier & Frank's : Seventh Floor.
Famous "Vanity Fair
Pettiskirts $4.45
$6.50 regular sizes $4.45. The $7.50 extra
sizes $5.45
Limited number of women's, jersey silk pettiskirts
with 20-inch shadow-proof hems. Assorted colors
and sizes.
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Wall Paper 12
Regularly 30c to 1, now l5c to 50c roll. One
and two-room lots of wall papers suitable for
bedrooms and living rooms.
Meier ft bank's : Seventh Floor. "
Framed Mottoes 69c
Regularly priced at 98c each. A large assort
ment of colored framed mottoes in size 7j4xl04
Meier ft Frank's : Filth Floor.
Pro Lino Rugs $1.38
3x4li feet Pro Lino rugs for use in kitchens
and bathrooms, etc. Can be scrubbed like lino
leum. Meier & Frank's : Seventh Floor.
Women's Long Fabric
and Silk Gloves 79c
1789 pairs of women's long silk and fabric
gloves in broken lines of styles, colors and
sizes. Silk gloves in white, pongee, platinum.
Fabric gloves in white, platinum, brown.
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Blankets, Pair $3.98
Regularly $5. Good heavy warm double-bed
blankets in attractive colored plaid patterns.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Night Shirts $1.29
Regularly priced at 1.50. Boys' good weight
outing flannel night shirts in striped patterns.
Sizes 8 to 18 years.
Meier ft Frank's : Third Floor.
Knicker Suits $7.65
Boys' Crompton all-weather dark brown cor
duroy knickerbocker suits. The coats have yokes,
1 inverted pleats and belts. Fully lined knickers.
Sizes 7 to 17 years.
, Meier ft Frank's : Third Floor.
Veiling, Yard 49c
Regularly 85c to St. Yard lengths of veilings
including plain and novelty meshes and chenille
dotted effects navy, brown, taupe, gray and
Meier ft Frank's: Main Floor.
Stamped Aprons 49c
Unbleached muslin aprons stamped for em
broidery in new designs.
Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Felt Slippers $1.19
r 300 pairs women's felt house slippers with
heavy padded chrome leather soles. Ribbon and
embroidery trimmed. Colors include Alice Mue,
dark wine and gray. All sizes in the lot, but not
all sizes in each style.
Meier ft Frank's : Third Floor.
Second Day:
Sale of Dinnerware
and Glassware
Open Stock Patterns of Dinnerware
Discontinued Lines of Dinnerware
Discontinued $ets cf Dinnerware
Silver Deposit Glass Ware
Sparkling Cut Glass Ware
Savings Range From
20 to 50
Meier ft Frank's : Basement.
Grinnell Sample Gloves $2.95
Regularly $4, $4.50, $5, $6 and $6.50
Opportunity knocks strongly in this sale. It couldn't
be timelier. Savings in some cases as much as half.
Fine dress and driving gloves of the quality associ
ated with Grinnell. Kid, buckskin and mocha, lined
and unhncd. Practically all sizes, but the quantity
is limited.
Union Suits $3.95
Theykwere a special value at our regular price ot J5 and
now there's a good saving as well. Pure wool union
suits. Elastic form-fitting garments that will provide. splen
did insurance against winter's colds. Steam shrunken.
Every suit guaranteed perfect Sizes 36 to 4 6.
Outing Pajamas $1.50
Because of the limited quantity and the extremely low price.
flinncl pajamas, well made and In sizes 15 to 13 inclusive.
aT - t a A. . A -1
nunc 501a iu ucaicr.
Night Shirts $1
The man who considers a night shirt indispensable to his
comfort on cold nights will find these outing flannel gir
ments just the thing. Sizes 15 to 20 inclusive, limited
quantity. None sold to dealers.
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Young Men's Fall Overcoats j
19 Only All Sales Final x
These are Society Brand and Adler-Rochester coats which, due to the fact of some being
slightly faded on the shoulders, we offer tomorrow while the quantity lasts at about half price.
Fall overcoats, mind you, of ALL-WOOL cheviots, tweeds, a few coverts. Form fitting and
box styles. One or two of a kind. All sizes 34 to 42 to start the sale. .
In view of the quantity:
No approvals or exchanges.
Meier ft Frank's : Third Floor.
A Clean-Cut Opportunity!
1000 High-Grade Razors
Regularly $3.50
to $5.00 Each
Going at
This is the Downstairs Men's Store's contribution to oppor
tunity-seizing men. There are no better razors than these
with genuine Swedish steel blades and all handsomelv fin
ished a variety of colored handles and black hard-rubber
handles. Extra hollow, half hollow and three-quarters hol
low ground.
An even thousand at an even dollar each while the quantitv
lasts. Downstairs Store in front of "down,"' elevators for
greater convenience.
Meier ft Frank's : .Basement Balcony.
Waists, Overblouses, $2.65
Women's georgette crepe and fiber trioolette
waists and overblouses in embroidered, lace
trimmed, tucked and hemstitched styles. Sizes
3 6 to 44 but not all sizes in each style.
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor
Painted Waste Baskets
Limited number of substantial
tin waste paper baskets painted
in many attractive patterns and
colors to harmonize with room
Meier ft Frank's : 8econd Floor.
Naiad Dress Linings, Jap silk, lace edge finish around
neck, each $1.25, white net dress linings 60c white
muslin dress linings 50c. white muslin dress linings,
without lace edge around neck 40c
Paristyl Hair Net, fine mesh, with elastic, 3 for 25c
each 10c
Fagosan Sanitary Pads, made of sphagnum moss, 12 in
box 39c
Trouser end Skirt Hangars, with felt pads, 3 for 25c
each 10c.
Children's Pin -On Hoe Supporters, white, black and col
ors, 2 pairs 25c pair 15c
Wire Hair Pins, assorted sizes, cabinet 4c
Darling Safety Pins, nlckeL guarded loop, sizes l, 2 and 3,
also assorted, card 5c
Washington Stl Pins, 400 count, 3 pkgs 10c P"kg 5c
Rick Rack Braid, mercerized, assorted colors 2 bolts
25c'. bolt 15c
Tap, 5 and 6-yard pieces, i bolts 25c. bolt 15c
Meier ft Frank's: Mala FtoorT .
" Grocery Specials
Tomatoes, California pack. Puree label No. 2S 9CTrt
cans, dozen $1.45. two cans 0C
FucWs FUr, Pride of Waldo Hills, 49-lb. Ajg
Federal Milk, case of 48 tall cans $4.95, Q1 OJT
dozen cans . . .-. fjL.uO
Juno Peas, Red Ribbon, case $4.75. dozen QO QQ
cans ij.0J
Chinook Salmon, Oregon pack, tall cans, dozen OETs
$2.75. can 0C
Soda Crackers, Perfection, fresh and crisp. No. nn
3 cartons oSIU
Challenge Coffee, freshly roasted and blended, OP.
4 lbs. 95c. Ib e-iDC
Rolled Oats, Kerr's, freshly milled. No. 9 KKn
sacks wC
Jewell Shortening, Swift's, No. 8 cans $1.39. Hf n
No. 4 cans lUC
Soap Ckips, 20 Mule Team Borax, large OQn
cartons - e-iaC
Bakery Bulletin
Vienna Breed, hearth baked, 2 varieties, loaf 15c "I fln
long French style, loaf JLUL
Not Rolls, whole wheat combination, 0(f
dozen. e-UU
Jelly Rolls, Oregon Jam centers, 20C
Ginger Cookie, correctly spiced, tKn
dozen JLUU
Meter ft Frank's: Met Floor.
Chairs and Rockers
Children's sturdy imported
grass chairs and rockers
specially rriced as follows-.
Chairs, special $2.98
Rocker?, special $3.43
lHr ft Frank's:
Kirtn Floor.