, f i TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1921. THE LOREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON 21 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 twirl ITfTT TO BS HONEST f Our btamtlm lead m to belter tint liTity ran be heavily eapitaliifd and mad to pay anuftua profit. At example, lust snpinww thst there era on hundred men who ar n la til msrket for used cum, ten of them who never kept pouted on current event end ml eoodition. wb. never read the newspa pe advartJaemenui a take the advww el friend. wf!l wander si.ilisely around end pick 9 aoroetbme Iran aa Individual owner or eeermd hand car dealer. The otbe ninety will ejotn directly to an : ersanixation ueh aa the Cssaay Motor Car Company Plant and e K4 from their immense stock of rabuiit, te AnsehM and guaranteed moton ears, aa sa- teasoblla carryine the highest pemible value because of It hichsw poaaibi. Quality ana in Lswi MMiible rjriee. . Althoneh we claim that the rebuilding and raflnlshtRC of used motor eara aa prodaed by the company haa new beoame aa art and ceaaed tt, h a trade. It la ouite evident that the Arm- rnc of axed ear by Irresrjorhtibl Irtdividnals haa cVrvetnped IU artistic aide aa well. Tea. we ! thx ta k hnutf. TheM ninety satisfied buyer a-fll each produce at leut two aaore porcriae per year and a nwtui two hundred and vnty eara will have been told Uiroue-h the bonety of purooee that origin ally marine the first ninety. The irre tavnsibla fellow make a seemingly larger profit aa each tale, bat a dissatisfied purchaser will kep tea good prospect, away from hia door. Ihasatiafaetinei travela with the epeed and fury of the harrirane; complete eatufaction b por trayed m a nit cumulative happiness: it pro- dueee the arailee that make tboae eoming in nwtaet with yoa uk cnestioos. Porte. Brother tnurtnc T 191T Podge Rmthen tourinc . . . 650 725 twin rmrfce roadster and touring 11918 Podge Brotberk sedan.. 1150 80(1 900 1150 191 Pods. Brae, tourinc and roadster 1 920 I axis Bra. tourinc and roadster 1919 liberty, sport model 19l Twin Packard Landaiilet. . . 1(19 Hudson limousine, in fine condi tion, a wonderful tazicah. 1920 Overland 4 aedan 1919 Overland 90. .touring 2790 700 425 1475 150 1250 950 650 450 . 950 900 1400 950 760 500 1500 1909 150 25 eoo 1475 760 300 1919 Peerless 9 tourinc, only 1919 rtrrtpp Booth eonpe .. 1 920 m 4 mobile 9 tonrina . t!9 rndsmobile 8 tonrtnf 1919 Oldsmuhile a twrim 191 OUamoMla 8 tnorinf ......... 1920 Olrwroobile .9 tonrina 1919 Oldnobile 6 tourinc 1920 Chandler, rood condition, snap.. 1917 fhandlsT eoupe 1919 Chandler tourinc. new tire.... 1919 Chandler 7-pne;i'r, aery food 1919 Kayne tonrina. only 1920 llamra tnnrlna 1919 Btadebeker tnarinc. to be (old a a 1 91 7 rttodehaker tearinf .... 1919 Mtadebake eonpe. a real bay at 1919 ntndeheker Pl Sir. 7 pee, .... 1919 atadiiaa '4' 1917 Maxwell torlB 1919 Maxwell roadster 490, ) 1 20 Maxwail sedan, as excellent car 1100 lfit Km ra,- 1500 IWJU l nsfroiea " aenen ivu 1930 Chevmlet rnadstnr, la flue shape. 475 1 9'iO Chermlxt tonrina 500 1919 Ohermlet Umrln 875 1919 Cherrolrt tourinc 850 1921 Ford eonpe 800 1 920 Ford tourinc . 400 19 JO Pord madstar with dalirery body. 979 1918 Pord buc R29 1917 Kord eoupe 92 5 191. bexincton tourinc 700 1914 Oakland tonrinz. a dandy car. . . 400 1919 Franklin 4 pes,, series "0-A." underprlced and an excellent car for 1920 Franklin tnnrinc 1919 Btiirk roadaur 920 Bitlrk 7 passenter 120 Bnlrk 5 rassenger 1919 Chummy Htuta, a wonderful ear. Model "N" 11uimobila touring. 1912 Nirtm medater 1930 Hud-on Spex1-t-r .- 1150 1700 1100 12.10 11R5 11.10 75t 100 1500 IEIJVKRT CAHS 1919 Dod Broa. Screen, ab excellent eat 1918 Pnrin Br Panel, food shape. . 1918 Bai k dellrery 1919 Vard deUtery CADtlXACB 775 800 BOO Tor winter dririnc, for safety, comfort, eeae of operation and the mutual satisfaction that too hare found the rreatest possible value In a higra trade motor rar, make your ejentloa mm one of our used, rebuilt, re flniehed and cuaraoteed ( adiliaca. Ail car ciarantwd and sold on eary terms. Wi are oien Sunday. COTKY MOTOR C'AK COMPANT 2 1st at Washlnftnn Sta. Main 9244 Also a bic dialay at the new Broadway alesroom down town. Call at the salesroom mast convenient for you. Our automobile transportation makes it quickly possible for you to fcxk orer onr entire atock. II mad war Vaed Car Branch 59 r Jf. Brnndwsr Mtn 5244 SALE rSED CABS AT BTONSIPE AT BROADWAY. WATCH KOR THE SIGNS W. C. OAF-BE. DfC.. PHOXB BROADWAY 619. M. B. FISCH Badlatora, fendera. bodies, bonds. tanks, repaired and remodeled; auto ebeet-mrtal work a ireeialty. 105-107 N. 15th Bt Pbone BBOAOWAT 9299. BUlCK ROADSTER This is a 1919 model. The engine haa been rebuilt, the car has been repainted end uphuUtering arid top are in fine raradition. Two new tiree and the other two are la first rlasa condition. ll.'0 is the price. $325 cash and the remainder in monthly payments over a period of 1 year. Se this car by ap pointment only. Call L. 8. Edwards, Auto mtt) 913-8".. 1920 1 tsu tourinc. lots ot extras, mechani cally perfect; $400, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill West Bide Branch, Broadway and Hoyt Open Hundars and Evenings OAKLAND SIX TOURING 1920 Oakland 8 tourinc. practically new. Prtce $675. Here ia a car that is well worth $$90. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Fast 8770. (irand and Hawthorne eves. 1817 7 PAM. FORD BUS Just the thine for a smsll town hotel. J75, terms. L'NtVKKSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand A vs. and E. Yamhill 'Wast Hid Branch. Broadway and Hoyt Open undars and Evenlng Evwnli BTER DODGE ROADS' 1117 Cods roadster in elegant condition, looks like a aw on; rear tire brand new. PrVc $495 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Fast 97TO. Grand and Hawthorn aves. 1911 FORD roadi'ter.' new ton. new npholater- inc. dandy Conditio. $218. easy terms. L.NIVEHSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and F.. Ysmbill Xfest Hid Branch, Broadway and Hott Ope Rundsys and F.venings THE FENDER MAN J. K. DURHAM, take the kink pur while yoa wait repairs radiators and bodies. Liberty radi ator eore. for all types of rsrs in atock. Bdwt, 3114, 30 ft llih St., near Burnside BFxT BUY IN POTtTT.AND 1920 model Rules, first class eoaditinn. 9910; will rivs ternvt to responsible partor. Mwy. IS8I. 1K0 roRI RKKAN. penect in every detail, extras. $595. terms. I N IV KRAAL CAR EYOllANGR Grand ave. end K. Tsmhill. West Sid. Rrsnrh. Brnadwsr snd Hoyt. - tpen Muntars and Kvening.. 1920 hcTtvtrl bly grand "isn, Ilk new, only driven 130O mil w on pavrmcnt ; rar ha been broken la right and runs Ifk a watch. A snap hwr aiHl ssust he sold quick. Pice $1850. Pheoe T"QT 44 59 1918 la il.a, tourinc $695 terms; new t"f. kwlka cad ran lit. new, 5 cood tire. Fil 1lncby Motor Co., llaethorne ave at 8th. Haet 7. Vk'URKCK T h K M - 1 1 iulirst rsUi price paid foC e4d ears. nnndttim 'it ohiect. .. AUTO BKCONS 'tl CTION CO.. Third ai.il Glisan. kiiu SALE 17 I .! touring car. $500: in ex eellent enedition. not aod 3 gvid tires. Call Marshall 4025. alter 5 p. m. 425 W. Park St. Apt. 805. llf FthU wnanns kt as OenuH Uute. SIX&. eenrv Phono Mnore. Main 11 Oh. Evening Fast C7 CAHri WANT hi) til Everett,' west aid, mr. 8th and Kreeett Day phobs Bdwy. 2329. eeerthT VX flln, a 1 64. CAKH paid lcv caia, parte for car- and trucks st half pnee. Auto. Wreck ink Co., 528 Al an rt 1919 FlBI rsHtrinc. starter type. fine tiree. SITS.- T.rnts! I -base Mooiw, Fesntnew F- 67. 1100. CAHR UATK1 323 Kvvrett, west side. cor. 8th and p Everett, Day phone Bdwy. -2829. m vtern Bin.' 1919 CHEVROLET If yoa want a cood light tnartny ear. ae. this ooe. Would coBsider teems Hev. W.II, $071. Alt TIIlN sale o autoanobiliw. Sat. Oct, 1. 1 r. -m . cv 6th and Fverert, we t side. 11 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR BODY. i LmiIx.R scm-wed delivery, lata modeL fin. eoa - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Hudson and Essex AUTOMOBILES that bare been rebuilt or renewed. Are in the beat of mechanical condition that are also warranted- the aama aa factories war rant new eara. In addition, we civ 90 days' free -mechanical service. Tbj is not srw on Hudson sutotBo. hflee. W hare rebuilt and told them with a warranty since 1916. Xoa boy a fine quality car with the aama safety aa when yoa purchase a new auto mobile. Buy a ear yon eaa depend upon and at a bargain price. Other make of naed automobile thoroocnly overhauled, pnt la first elase eordition and aold with a 10 daya' free trial, subject to being re tnraed aad lull credit given on any' other car of equal price that customer Thai crre ample tba far every ptn chaser to try oat the ear he boys, ate him time to have it inspected, aa we want only aatiafied cnatomera. Watch the chance tn thla Bat of cars. Fire Super Six Hodsons 91050 to $1190 1917 Hudson Speedster 1050 1918-1919 series Hudson Super Six 1S09 1920 Hudson Bnper Six 1550 1920 Bndaoa Speedster 1550 1919 Essex 1920 Essex 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1920 Maxwell 979 1150 4(0 575 S0 NEW MAXWEIXa 8785 1919 Grant Six 600 1918 Dodge 75 1919 Chalmers Hot Spot 985 1919 Olda Six 850 1919 Olda Eight 900 1919 Olds Eight, sport model 1025 1921 Olds Six 1800 1919 Liberty, sport model.... 900 1918 Cole Eight, sport modal 1850 The ear that never wears uu that I the automobile that is known aa the Hudson ; it does not vibrate, there fore doea . not damage the material. Tor a Ion time the Hudson haa bad the reputation aa the car that never wean out. Used Hndsons are better than new cam at the aam price. Ask the Hudson owner. ' Used Hud sons are known for being the best vaed car value on the market. Largest Csed Car Branch Store la the City at 40-40 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evening, Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5789. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 915-017 Washington trtet open weekdays only. & L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. WE HAVE THE ONLY COMPLETE STOCK IN THJi CITY THOROUGHLY OVVERHAULED, REPAINTED. NEW TOPS AND TIRES. .. Guarantee and Service Same as New Buicks. PRICE $750 UP Howard Automobile Co. ALDER AT 12TH ST. Phones: Aut. 562-41; Bdwy. 1130. "BUILT TO ENDURE" Portable and Permanent $45 to $300 Best Sectional Garag BuOt bn Paeitle Ceest REDIMADE BLDO. CO., PORTLAND, OR. C nth and Market. Phone Kaat 6114. n.mtnvn i. of fie. Cnmmonwealth bide. 4tk and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 43$8. COLE SPORTSTER 1920. 4 passenger car. Tainted in the standard Cole grey with black gear. New rubber with one extra cord tire. This 1 car has been thorouzMv overhauled and is very economical, averaging 14 H mile ta a gallon of j gasoline. You may have this car ror sauo caan and the balance in convenient monthly pay r'" J. Chianunonte. Residence phone Mar- 103. - 1916 FORD TOURING Excellent condition. Only $150, easy Terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. West Side Branch. Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evenings. SEDAN, 7-pass., on of the classiest in the eity; has been run lese than 500 miles: hast extra cord tire, Dumper ana many otner extras. This car must he sold at onoe. If you are Interested in a olcoed car, call Mr. Propst for a demonstration. Will take car in trade and give terms. Bdvry. 8605. WEAVER TIE COMPANY FEBEDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIRE REPAIRING 838-335 Bumside at Broadway. HKi a -cylinder, 7 passenger tourinc" car. Trans mission ana rear axie nave neeu overoauiea. Tires are first ektas. New paint Price $700. Convenient terms to the right party- Call F. A. Mitchell. Broadway 1460. SEDAN, one of the classiest light ones in (own; has wire wheels, cood rubber, looks and run like new. Very cheap. Small pay ment down, balance easy terms. CaU xtoaeu. Bdwy. 3605. . . . . IfYKKLANU Country Club: must sell at once. Thia car ha been thoroughly overhauled, re- finished, new top in fact, it can hardly be told from a new car; joU. 04U Aiaer st. crosa- wv n-. LAiK miWl '"si to-pass car your i.. turln4 car. in ex repainted ; very cood consideration. Call client condition; tires, well worth Tabor 1541. OWNER must sacrifice 1921 Overland tourinc, run 60O0 miles; 5 wire wheels, spot light, mirror. Mop signal. Cost $1070; will U for $423 rsh. Broadwsy 293. 414 C,li.san. $150 DOWN, balance on easy terms, will buy a late model Oakland six taurine car; has b.-en overhauled throosbout. Call BoeeU, Bdwy, 3600. CARS WANTED 32S Everett." west aide. cor. tith and Everett Day phone Bdwy. 2329. evenire Wdln. 514. . UK PUT Steel "teem ro your out flywlMei: crankshaft turnina. H. a. Black, machine- shen. 894 Alder st, Broadway 2681. . fsAx TOURING, lota of power, 5 tires. This rar mast be sold at once. Tha. accounts for ttte rww peice. tfi(. 5S0 Alder st. Bdwy. 1952. tAKS WANTKle 3-3 EvereU. west side, cor. 6th and Everett Day phone Bdwy. 2329. ev.ninr Vrlln. 5184. TJJTrW WANTED 323 Everett, west side. cor. th and Everett. Day phone Bdwy, 2329, evening Wdln 5164. $0x3 V. MICUELIN 9 pry urea, 916.90. None better. W know new to repair tirva V Hi es n Tic- wfrrrp Orsvl iw. sr Pine K. 48S FORD Bi t; New body, good1 bre. Vols of power, shock chenrhers. refintahed; $275. 510 AVier st Bmsdwav 1952. AtTTO TOPS RECOVERED Curtains repaired. B. B. Body and Top worVa, 843 William eve. East 1198. CHEVhol.ET 118 for sale by owner: goo3 mechanical eondition. north. " Apply S61 C S3t at. AUTOS cut to a sleeper; our system docs not w cakes or disfigure the body. H. B. Body Works. 345 Willaima ave. East 1198. D A DT6 OREGON aTJTO WRECKING " a-acx J CO. 429 Belmont near Sixth. 1914 FORD touring. A-l shape, $140. Union ave. K. 4J7S. Ho CHALMERS Light Six tourinc fine conditioa; - trade for vacant eity property. East 6068. LIGHT PAIGE eat, fin eoodluva, $309; take monfl r pan atehawre. Mirshtll B20. 11914 FORD tonrins. vr-od shave . $150. 150 1914 tni 'IBS. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Big Price Slaughter Continues On New Standard Eight Automobiles W have 28 of theaa high-porwered cart and every on must be sold dnrinc this sale. Never before in automobile history and doubtful ever again will such prices be quoted on a hish- grade standard make of automobile. Too will marvel at the spectacular perforxa aaca of tba Standard eight oar. Jto doubt yoa have ridden fax eara with lots of sower, but there is a big surprise in store lor you wnen you taae yoar um raw xn a Standard EiaV Regular price. Portland $3900 Our price, white they last 2500 Diaoount on every car. 1400 For the benefit of those who do not take the Sunday paper we will asain give the Standard Eight BPeciIicarjons in brief i 'Coma m and get a complete speciiicauon. SPECIFICATION S : MOTOR 8-cj Under, V type. Bore and stroke. 3 14 x5 inches. Compression, 75 pounds. Piston displacement, 831.8 en. inches. Horsepower. 8. A. E.. 33.8. Horsepower developed, 83.6. OILING SYSTEM Pressure feed by gear pump. Carburetor Zenith duplex. Ignition DusJL Magneto Dixie aero type. Distributor Atwater-Kent ayitem. - -t Generator Westinghouse. Starting motor WesUnchouae. Storage battery Willard 6-volt, capacity 162 ampere hours. , Frame material Carbon tteel Axle, front Timken-Detroit, I-beam. Axle, rear Tixnken-Detroit, semi-floating. BRAKES y Service, 15Hx2H inches. Emergency. 1 5x2 M inches. Lining, multibestos. Differential Timken bevel gear type. Lm versa! joints Arvac. Springs, front Semi-elliptic 8 leaves, length 88 inches, width inches. Springs, hear- -rSemi-ehpUc 9 leave: lencth. 04 inches; width, 2 ft inches. Tim 34x4 hi cords. Transmission- Grant Lees. No. 515. Clutch Bore at Beck. Dry plates 12 -inches diameter. Radiator1 Mays, capacity 74. csiuxaa. GASOLINE LINE Stewart vacuum system. HolUer-Cabot gaaolina strainer. Tire pump Kellogg. CONTROL BOARD EQUIPMENT Speedometer- Stewart-Warner. Oil gauge National. Ammeter Westinghouse. Carburetor control button. Dash and trouble lamp. Switch Westinghouse combination ignition and pgnting with Yale type lock. Clock Eight-day. run wind and set. Ventilator control button. REMEMBER,- WHILE THEY LAST, $2500 WB UIVK LIBERAL TERMS CHARGE NO BROKERAGE TAKE IN YOUR OLD CAR GIVE 30 DAYS' FREE SERVICE GIVE 90 DAY GUARANTEE ON PARTS Standard Eight Motors Park and Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon. Phone Broadway 788. Open Evening and Sundays. ATTENTION The Shan of the season. A Chalmers Eztat six in tint class condition, iint overhauled. spare tire, bumper, etc, for $500. Call at cor. Lenox ave. and Foster road, east of Lents, for demonstration. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder, near 17th; Broadway 8254 Mail orders filled AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 USED FENDERS Thousands to nick from " R P. TKrdw Wrii $45 Williams ave. Eat 1198. WINDSHIELDS We stock used ones: also snake them to order. B. B. Body Works. 34 5 Williams ave. East 1198. COMMERCIAL garage. E 1 1th and Bumside. repairing, painting. Chevrolet and Ford parts. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 and 11 -Ton Trucks at Reduced Prices We are matin? a special effort to move a number of used trucks of to 1 ton capacity to make room for more trades. We have carefully . overhauled each of these trucks, installed bodies on soma of them and are pricing them, at figures that can not help but impress anyone familiar with prices today. Republic Ton This truck is equipped with standard express body, top, windshield and side cur tains. Equipped with solid tires snd ia every way a very serviceable unit $450. lTon Pneumatic front and solid rear tires, standard express body, top and windshield. Was ued by a Jap berry-grower and ia in excellent condition. This truck has een very little actual use and is an ex ceptional bargain at $550. QMC Ton W bar carefully Overhauled every unit in this machine. It earns, our strongest recommendation and guarantee All pneumatic tires and in good shape. Standard open express body. $850. OMC 11 -Ton Th track is erjuipped with a new body, top and windshield which retails regularly at $275. The truck is in ex cellent condition. The tires are good. $1050. Ford fiTon Equipped with platform stake body and cab, starter block, Stromberg carburetor., $450. CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY This truck has a capacity of about ton. Just the thing for a small berry ranch ot chicken-raiser. $375. Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR 1920 FORD TON TRUCK, $445 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and E. Yamhill West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt Open Sunday and Evenincs, ONE $ H-toa Indiana truck with Woods' heavy duty hydraulic hoist aad 3 "A -yard dump body. $1250. with terms. HOWABD-noOPER CORPORATION 250 E. Water St. city. '1$ FORD PANEL DELIVERY. $150; TERitS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Graad va. aad E. Yamhill. West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evenings. FOR SALE By owner. 7921 Ford truck matte tires, run only 2 months; wtu CSOO less than e-sst. Carl Sellwood 324. STEADY hauling contract; requires purchase of track. Mutt be ruled at one. 430 W Burnside. . 1921 REO speed wason; wiU sell at bag sacri fve; oaa oo seen at 930 Alder at. Bdwy. 1852. LATH '20 i'trd track, demountable vims: new eord tire. $825 cash. Bdwy. 293. 414 Glisan. FORD, worm-drive track, with cab and wind shield: bargain. 580 A Her st 1920 FORD truck chassis; solid tire;- looks - aad runs like new. - Tabor 47X3 BY OWNER. 8 14 -too Packard truck, drive. East 2022 and East 553$. - 1920 BETHIEHEM. Bier, iicbk and S81000. -rhofce WIttner. Bdwy. S3T8. 5-TON deiirAy foe $1000. 0L TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 1920 FORD OOCPE DKUVEKY Back incdwsed. gas tank in back, extra tire and rims. The best salesman's ear is town. $460, easy terms. UNITEhVSAIa CAB EXCHANGE Grand ave. and K. YamhKL West Side Branch, Broadway and Hoyt. -Open Bundays and Evenings. 1920 FORD PANEL DELIVERY, 8275 CSrVER&AI. CAR EXCHJUvGB Grand ave. and B. TamtuIL VTeat Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evening. 1919 FORD TON TRICK. $275 . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Grand ave. and B. Yamhill. West Side Branch. Bdwy. and Hoyt. Open Sundays and Evenings. ' SACRIFICE '1 -ton Republic truck, in fine shape and nxdnc every day. Will sal at your own figure. Automatic ots-oi. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 WS PAX no rent and sell for leas. Rebuilt motorcycles and bicycles, all makes guaranteed months. Apex Bicycle Co.. 457 Williams ave. ast 14SU. MUST sell 1919 Henderson motorcycle, in per fect shape; sidecar and tindem. This ear cost over $600.- WiU sacrifice for las than ha.il, on easy terms. Call East 490. MOTORCYCLES AD PAKTij, ALL -MAsTE-a AJaST &LUXS MOTvnCTCLK IXX. 44 48 Grand ave. CLEVELAND mouircycle, new tires, runs per fect; $75 buys this snap. Call Bosell, avy. snuo. MOTORCYCLE, Harley-Dafideon, in extra fine condition; 1 have no us lor it; $225. 630 Alder st. 1821 INDIAN SCOUT, $50 down, balance on easy terms. tail ttouelL Henry, stsve. WILL trade my 6-cyL motorboat for a 192 Hariey, folly equipped. Can 807 Savler at. N. FARTS tor ail motorcycle-, ciieep. Scbucs Cycle Co.. 1922 Westlake ave.. Seattle. Wash. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $29 near Axle overnaulea .................9 Valves ground, carbon removed. $ Magneto recharged ..a We band-lap pistons, scraoe bearinas. ate.. which insures a perfect runninc motor. Genaine Sura pans only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO iou trront Bt.. corner Jell DAY AND NIGHT STORAGE REPAIRING" S. R Corner 5th and Hoyt St. Bdwy. 1588. DO YOUR OWN WORK At the P. Ic O. garage under tipenlslon oi masier mecnamc 3 bo union are. N.. block north of Broadway. East 4461. Auto & Truck Repairing aon at your own or my garage by mechanic Marshall 755. expert ED IP IP eU-day adMustmenia on ell brakes a iimm relined. THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth St. Main 698. Albina Garaged Auto Co. All work reasonable and guaranteed. Phone Wdln. 1114. Cor. Shaver and Garfield. EXPERT motor repairing at home or shop by Mike De Cicco; valve grinding and carbon removed; Fprd $3; Dodge $4; Baick $5, etc Marshall 1962. COMMERCIAL garage. E. 11th and Burnside. repairing, painting. Chevrolet and t ora parts. FENDER welding and repairing. B. B. Body Works, 345 Williams ave. East 11N AUTOS repaired at your heme or mine. Work guaranteed. Auto. 4X2-52. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 5 and 7. passenger cars. Buicks. West cota. Crow Elkharu; reasonable rates, days. night, weekly. CITY OARAGE 182 12th sU. betw. Wasidnatea and Alder Bdwy. 840 Jake s used car exchange New ears for rent without drivers. Reason able rates. Open day and night. 323 Glisan st bet. Broadway and 6th st. Bdwy. 5593. CARS for hire without drivers. Jake's Auto Clearing House, 323 Everett, cor. 6th and Everett, west side. Bdwy. 2329. H. 8. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. Army garage, third AND TAYLOR, PHONE MAIN 168T. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE. MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A. 1236. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 TAKE late model light cr and $1500 ca&h for $2500 equity in 5 room strictly modern Rose City bungalow. BaL very easy terms. Owner, 681 rJast Slrt N., evenings. FORD sedan wanted: will trade s bran new piano, our player pisno, on a cord Call East 170 or D04 Weidler st CARS WANTED 323 Everett, west side, cor. 6th and Everett Day pbone Bdwy. 2329, evenings Wdln. 5164. CARS wanted to wreck; parte for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. SPOT CAH tor your fora, Chevrolet, Dodge, BuicJt ot other light cars. 193 E. 6th st. corner Taylor. CARS bought for wrecking; parts sold for all cars. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 428 Bel mont, near 6th. East 4 569. CASH for late model Fords, Dodges or other light ears. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 323 Glisan, bet Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 5593. WILL TRADE in stock in going concern for Ford touring car in good condition. Sell. 484. Is1 YOU find it diiticult to keep up the pay merits on your car see Feehely, 128 N. Broadway. WANTED 1921 Ford coupe, A-l shape. Have cash for real buy. Phone Broadway 4848 bet 6 snd 7 p. tn. WANT '17 or '18 Ford in good condition; must be a bargain for ca&h. 15u4 Willow st TWO diamonds, value $400, to trade on late model automobile. East 4216. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 L. C. SMITH 12-gauge gun. nearly new, with suit and case, $35. Woodlavm 4365. 891 Colonial ave. PHONE us your order for strictly fresh laid table eggs; can furnish hotels, restaurants and pri vate families. Phone East 404. CHILD'S white enameled cot (Simmons) and brand new mattress, $11.50. Green valour portieres, $12. Tabor C786. ORDERS taken for beaded designs on bloiues, bags snd dresses. Cell East 2475, after 6 p. m. RANGE with water coil and ras Dlate. kitchen table and chairs, library table, lawn mower l lLKij can be permanently cured without opera tion. Call or write Dr. Dean, leoond and Morrison. H D IHAN Hail Switches $7.50 up. Switches a a HJiVlLfii made to order from your own combings. 8. F. Pierce, 24 Killingsw'th. Win. 4380 $1.10 DOZEN, 100-ib. Uouf sacks, Uundered. Mail orders add postage. S. Hodea. 428 Bel mont st near 6th. East 4369. FOR SALE Heater, wood or coal, combination, sliehtlr used: reasonable, 0 E. 76th st N. J WAKE your own borne drinks. For supplies. Portland Beverage Surrly Co.. 431 Stark. LADIES' USED APPAREL secured from well gowned women; attractive prices. Tabor 2825. GOOD set of carpenter tools cheap. Inquire 103 Z Lmoa ve. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day, 65c delivered. Wdln. 1259. ONE nearly new 24-icch heater, four length of pipe, one elbow. 3o8 Larrabee, Last 4433. GRAPES, butter pears, apples for sale, right prices. Kaat Mm and is: art st, $1 SUITS and overcoats cleaned and pressed. Wt call and deliver. Phone East 1183. L8ED 2 H gal chemical firs extinguishers, good a. new; also some pyrene. Tabor 8240. CONCORD crape for sale 6c per lb on vin. Ptwn Okk GroTB 156W. FOR SALE -Good as new ice box, al-o i Wdln. 2723 Hoeeier cabinet both reasonable. GOOD wicker bugsy, ft Johns far. $15. 1710 Dwitbt (t. 4 OOR1S oak wood on team track, Thursday. 9 cord. Ptiooe Eat 4444 CHEVROLET touring cheap. $165. Owner needs money. 323 Everett at.t west inde ONE gal. gasoline pump, t sir stand. - Aut. 825-08. 1485 Siskiyou. 844 EAST Broadway, near brioce, atyh&b used ladies cfothes, cheap, iast lb28. FALL butter pears, 75c per bos. 8560 after 6 p. m. Phone Tabor COLUMBIA river salmon ta can, direct from fisherman, lue ., delivered. Wdln. 4397 WOOD 33.50 per mad. delivered. Pony Express, Main 4262. GOOD CORDW60eL.3.6fl 5PER CORD. MAh 7691.- KW wood and coal ranee $09 belov susxfcet price. No deaierg., Wdln,, B469. . CONDUCTOR'S money changer. Tabor 9088 GOOD round wood heater, $10. Aut 634-85. FOR S ALE-MlSCFiXANEOUS r 900 Sale of Mazda Lamps At Cut Prices 25-40 watt, 85e each. ' 60 watt size, 40c each. 75 watt size, 70o each. ' 100. watt size, $1 each. . - UPSTAIRS ELECTRIC FIXTURE STORE j Stanley Luis, Proprietor. 203-5-7 Chamber of Commerce Bide. SHOWCASES MADE TO ORDER NEW ANT) USED vrr-w bpt t vvpn a xdRT CiKT? REG ISTER 5, SCALES and a general line of (tor Sod office fixtures. Get onr prices first. BOXER TRADING CO, 248 Washington St. Mar. 2438. a. Le Plumbing aad Heating Supplies WholesaJe and ReUil Pipe Fittings MUELLER PIPELBSS HOT AIR FURNACES Estimates Given Free 2S0 Third rt. Main 1808. WM BATK ron Hown Bouse wtrtne. Uchttec t tares, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Eisetno Stoat, 224 Va Third t Balaaoa. Main 5039. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factor to tout basse. and Fort Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest desicna. Writs for catalocua. i. VT. HIGG1NS at SON 1912-19-18 K. GH8AN. TABOR 808 CLRCCM STANCES lORCE JEE TO SELL HEM8TITCHING. BUTTON HOLE. EM BROIDERY, ZIG-ZAG STITCH MACHINES; ALSO COMPLETE BUTTON MACHINE. MOLDS AND DYES; EQUIPMENT SET UP FOR OPERATING. CALL 1006 BROAD WAY BLDG. WHY A SUBSTITUTE ROOFEUt Thy not a cenuine and permanent roofer? Ws repair rubber-bond and rejuvenate sU kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old. leaky roots. Phone Bdwy. 79. Sewing Machines - We have the largest stock of used Sewing Machines ia the city. Com pare price. W rent and repair. 172 3d. near YaashiU. 10 DROPHEAD sew in. mat-nines with attach menta, $20 each; portable electric machine for rent; aevrlnC t-cleaned and lensired. . IL Steen. 182 Grand ave. East 2859. MANNING coal oil burner complete, $15, one safe, Yale lock, 26x17x10 outiMe, saw; two 32x3 K clincher tires and tubes, $15, lirTi chainleas bicycle, $10; roller skates, $ 1 ; Splitdorf switch coil. $12. 7303. 92d st. S. E. independent Printers Best work, prompt deliveries at less cost. Let us estimate your next job. Smith Printers. 11 N. 6th st SAFES Fire, and burglar proof setae, new aad secondhand, at right prices, bought, add aad exchanged. Easy terms if desired. MORRIS SAFS A LOCK CO. 103 Second St Main 1049. Electric Motors Bonfbt. sold, rented and repaired, Walker Electric Works, 418 Bura side, comer 10th. Broadway 6674. AUTO BEDS Have your seat cut to make s bed; positively will not weaken tbe car. 706 H Williams. ALASKA WRECKING CO. ' All kinds of lumber snd building material for isle at yard at 2d and Columbia. Phone Main 6182. 5 BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PR1NTERY SB .20 Mention thia ad. 120 6th St. After Oct 1 at 249 Washington St TRADE in your old stove for a new one. Heaters repaired and relined. Brooklyn Fur niture and Stove Hospital. 553 Powell. Sell wood 8051. AUTOMOBILES. MOWBCIUJE8, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classification. A larc listing will o found under these diuereat claaat- ficationa. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, wholesale ; 1-light chain, $1.15; 3-light fixtures, $3.75; elec tric stoves, $3. - We do electric wiring. Re liable Electric. Union at Russell. E. 3686. GRAPES OREGON CONCORDS Grape orders welcome now. Grebe Fruit Farm. Wrifce, phone. 40th and King st., Mii waukie. FOR SALE Pop com machine. National regis ter, stools, floor cases, fountain, number other fixtures, sold st hail price, cash or credit, 240 Salmon st Dentistry LJSS. Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES Big shipment Just arrived. Now is the time to hare that old house wired. Estimates free. 124 1st at Aut 647-63, Marshall 3917. a LAW BOOKS Complete set of law books from LasaDe Ex tension university. $65. Se Mr. Kingsley, 26 E. llth st at Pine. IX) R SALE Diamond engagement ring, 14k, white gold mounting. Must, sell immediately at bargain. Call after 7 p. m.. Room 304, Blackstone hotel. A REAL BARGAIN WiU sacrifice my late $120 L C. 8. course in drafting or any course you wish for $70 cash, or what have your I a nor 4. PROPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION Let me oall on you and demonstrate mineral surfaced red or green roofing in roiee put over od shingles, Wdln. 5084. HOT WATER TANEa ao-cai. $7: 40-caL $9( tested and ctntaateed; stove and furnace coils; I BBje Weidinc Shop. 203 Adams st beaters installed; expert piummnc reparrtns. BftlO. COMPUTING SCALED, cash recistera, coffee mills, meat cnoppera ami cenerai surre up ttrrea it 226 Stark st, bet, lit snd 2d. HEMSTITCHING WHILE YOU WAIT Brine vour wurk to 1006 Broadway bids. and save 2 cents a yard. FOCND A maa wno win repair, upholster rear furniture st your home: prices very rea sonable: sU wott, tnaranteed- Broadway 475V POTATOES FOR THE WINTER Burbank and Rural New York by the sect. price right 600 E. Dav. ONE $375 Eastern mad. Bcxaaoivara phonograph ; 1 new 9iiO pnonocrapn. a csuuo. a soua gold vrris watch. East !997. DIEBOLD safes; hew and second hand; special pricea. Pacific Scale A Bupply Go 48 treat t. Bdwy. I960. ELECTRIC fixtures tor b rooms 15; big Iwlstt- tioA ether fixtures 207 C Hamper oi Coas- Saerce blflg. Broadway 4263. LlCENSkvll moeiieodetw eieciocian. wires 8 rooms for $12. 9 rooms 920. and cuaxaataea to pass inspection Woodlawn $791. Bm BUSINESS CARD, Jg LIBERTY PRINTER x. 165 H 4th St BUtiS washed oa yoor tioor waa Hamiltosv Beach electne carpet w desnine done. East 4048. also vacuum EVERGREEN blackberries $2 per crate; express or parcel post paid. Louie Nielsen, Corbett, Or., Route 1, Box 69. . , GET your furnsre pro perry rveaoed. ind over hauled. Don't wait Ckll keofiird. Ant 826-61. FUR8. bides boue'il 01 Weal Coast Tannine Co.. 892 Tentno. gellweod 2398. FOR SALE Registers showcases, wail Cash or credit 248 Salmon. Vacuum cleaners tor rent, bae a day; delivered .nj.tiele- Woodlawn 9499. BOTTLES, barreh. stoneware, forks, etc. Port land Bfera;s fcunly Co., 431 ptark st. tH k.KxH. KVr.lt bed davenport, the best mad., at Weber's. 379 E. Morrison cor. Ubvob ave, MAI.T, as rup, hop and supplies. Portlaad Bev- erag Supply Co.. 431 Stark t A)R SALE At a bargain, 1 Lawson odorless eaa heater. Eat 9591. 93 E. 12th N. KVERTTHENO electrreal repaired: quick aerv lee. low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4293. WALNUT and fruit trees, bemea, rose and ahrabbery. Woodstock Nursery. AuLv 610-96. GOOD WOOD FOR BALK. J 4313. GKAPES for axie. rhon Act. S1S-437. FOR SAUrlvtlSCmJUrtU3 - 00 BUTXRS Of OITia FURNlTCRa -We have a Vux stock of both sww and meed fuiusluim. Hers are aoaaa bargain la aaeal sjaipaaenti Kemiactow tpewiiaar. $80. Monarch Kenunaton. 930. Bmiusstha 8 bank. 0 - aaodet. almoat aww. $110. Mineca-rapba. $21 and $50. $300 Bandy tsm eioeka, $1A. ' laxtbea amehrnea. each. 878. These are ia pertect orsartilioa lea as kefon you Bmy. IX C WAX OFXICX ZQCTP. TIOUSM 24 North Fifth. Broadway 2799. Sewing r.lachine Emporium, Machine sold for leav No aceat employed. Guaranteed weed saa chines cheap. Parta aad racaU for all nukes. Msrhine reated. Main 941L 190 3d Near Taylor SU MUSICAL INSTIOJMENTS 901 SAXOPHONE BARGAINS OONN C melody. old trimmed, like sew $15$ MARTIN O melody. silveT. Jii new .... 110 CONN alto, cold trimmed, like new...... MI BUFFET TENOR, silver, good condition.. .115 CONN TENOR, silver, like new 125 BUFFET ban tone, nickel, good condition. 90 CONN baritone, silver, late new 150 CORNET BARGAINS HOLTON. silver, new 80 HOLTON. silver, coed condition 65 BUESCHER, fold, excellent conditio .... 80 KING, cold, like new 85 VEGA STANDARD, silver, good condition 50 A number of CONNS at from 885 to 880. Many others at extremely low prkoaa. Write for oar bulletin, just issued, of FAMOUS BUESCHER SAXOPHONE AND BAND IN STRUMENTS. 6EIBKRUNG-LUCAS MUBIO CO. 123 4th St.. Bet. WAS H1N GTON AND ALDER. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT This Weeks Offerings: Herns, upright piano ......8198 Hallet at Daria piano 265 Kimball, large mahogany . i. 848 Arioo. walnut 293 Cash or $3, '$6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7. mahogany, each $ 99 2 New Stradlvara" Harmony, each 125 2 New 8tradirsra Chopin; each 150 1 Used Victor, nearly sew 140 1 New Sonora Melodie wO Prices cash, but vast can oav aa little sa 95 or $10 cash and (4, f i at $ a aysooth if de- iraa. 7th floor. LTPMAN. WOLFB A- CO. USED CORNET SPEClALa $ 94.50 York Saver ..8 8$ $140 Hoi ton Cold . $ P.00 Conn Silver ..$100 ..$ 55 9101.50 York Silver .$ 85 $ 87.50 Conn Silver .......$ 40 $ 94.50 Bneseher $ 65 $ 95.00 King ..). 60 All guaranteed, overhauled and rUrOiaed. cood case for each. Cash or terms. G. f. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street, A UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN CSED TALKING MACHINES WITH RECORDS BRUNSWICK VICTOR COLUMBIA PATHE with 10 records. ,.$110.00 with 20 reoorda. . with 1 5 records . . with 10 records. . 120.00 , 100.00 80 00 75.00 COLUMBIA with 10 records., 8TRADAVARA with 10 VICTOR With 15 70 00 60.00 records. . VICTOR with 5 records. . 20.00 $5 or more rash $4 or more monthly SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th st-, cot. Bmrh. I PIANO HIGH GRADE SPECIALS If you want a really high grade piano at medium price, don't fail to se the instruxBent lited below : $1100 Knabe, amah, ease, a beautiful tone $630 $ 950 Chickerinc, mah case, ail refinished. like new $550 $1300 Chirkerinc grand, mah. case (prac- tioally new) ...8800 G. F. JOHNBON PIANO CO.. 14 9 Sixth Street, Wm. Knabe Grand Piano Better than a new one, lonke like new and not a mark or scratch on it: can't tell it waa ever naed. Will sell cheap; make an offer; Uk cnotheT piano si part payment all Worcester Wcur USED PHONOGRAPH 8PECIAL8 $937.60 Victor XVI Electric, mahogany. .$350 $337.50 Victor XVI Electric, oak $225 $115.00 Brunswick, m.hnr.nv ..$ 90 $115.00 Brnnawick. oak .....$65 $ 75.00 Columbia, mahocany .......... $ 35 Other box Columbia st $37.80 and $40. Call at ourtor snd see our full line. G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Birth Street BCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORK $875 Kirurer upright mahogany ..,$293 830 E lra ball upright, mahocany....... $6b 600 Stecer. upncht oak $$ 750 Adam Scbaaf player piano........ 493 900 Bteinway A Son upright 99$ 475 Hellett A Deris upright 195 $10 or $23 cash. $6 to $1 monthly 101 lOti st, at Washington and Stark USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS $160 Buescber "C," Silver 9149 (150 Coon Alto. 8Dver $125 8215 Conn C," Gold $180 $ 63 Conn Alto, Brass $ $5 AH tuaranteed completely overhauled and str nixed. A good rasa for each. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PL$N0 CO.. 149 Sixth Street SEE our wonderful bargains sin new and used ptanoa. we ar. overstocked and must ten re gardless of price such 'standard make as Che.. Kroeger, Be lining, Kimball. Schumann and many others. Player piano included. The price and tertna will surprise you. Our guarant with each instrument SOCLE BROS. 168 10th St., near Morrison CLOSING OCT SECURITY STORAGE CO. $460 Emerson upright piano $165 750 Pianists player pisno 295 275 Collard A Collard upright 85 Parlor organs $18 snd $29 cash Pianos bought and sold for cash only 103 10th st. corner Stark. USED PIANO SPECIALS Bradbury piano, mah. in cood plain ease. $233. A Schulhoff in walnut case at $245. J. A C Fishcer in man. case at $275. A real bargain m a Hailett A Davis piano, mah. ease, plain, $300. Terms on these pianos. Many othta st our store. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street WE ARE overstocked with used phonographs and must dispose of them rezardlesa of price. Nearly all makes including genuine diamond disc Edison. Brunswicks, Psthe. Burnhama. Victor, Columbia and others. Guaranteed perfect condi tion. Terms. SOCLE BROS. 166 lOtb, near Morrison ' KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, NEW Secular $850 aew Kimball player piano ta oak, walnut or mahogany, at the special price of $323. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO . '125 4th St. Bet Washington and Alder. CHICKERING. fine tone $200 Bteinway, apartment aise .9387 Phonograph slsochtered. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 TimbfE. KIMBALL PIANO, NEW Recnlar $650 new Kimball piano, oak oi mahogany caae, at the apecatl pnaw of $$$0. Terms r'veo. SEIBERLEVG-LCCAB MCSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bet Washington and Alder. SACRIFICE aale of fane piano. If yoa he, cash or part see mine before yoa buy; must leave the city. Aut 634-85. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIBLVG Expert workmanship, aroaraxueed Main 9380. RErBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. Bet Washington snd Alder. KNABE grand ptano, aothing better ever oovae to Portlaad; aeu less tbaa upright 311 Worcester bide-. 9d aM Oek si COLUMBIA ORAPHONOLA. besa-of . is. rw inr oarcain. SEIBERLINir-LAJCAS MrSIC CO.. -125 4rh St.. Bet Washington and Alder. $1000 CHICKERING. almost baa new. only 11)0 on term, umaerage Co., 311 Wor (WstrT bW , Id end Mt MX $80O KRAN1CH at BACH, mahocany; aoly 93QO OB trTTOA C1J. Worceeter bklg WANTED Pisno for cash: eaa be old. Main $484 before S p. m. $550 HOWARD paaao almost. Bow. terms. S 1 1 Worcester bide. $213 BRUNSWICK pboBocraph fur sale champ, vraed $148. SeU- $400 BCYS $675 player piano, used 3 monUav. Terms, 311 v eeeeeter bdc- W ANTED Used Marshall $709. piano tor cash. Cad FU.VO WANTED from pnvat. party. Fa? for barrain. xtseenau 1 a J. k iaa arolif A f'l iPI a'lx.n - brand new. Terms. 311 Woeee-ter vMc FOR SALS B y Ml, tab pbeetctrapn. at half price, phone Broadway 9029 8235 BUYS beaaufad psaskm, Hsdaaaa snake se-ed 4 montha. Trnrts. 811 Wurn wee bsig. PHONOGRAPH repsinnt, epnaca 20c up; parts wnolesale and retat 94 Wash. Bdwy. 2044 $1400 WKBKR, oaiy i isU atyik All awovrseaer owe - ' PIANO WANTED Pay Ataia b58. MUSICAL sTOTRUMETiTS tX)l P1AX0 JUL roattivwty esserv or U be a new Teraaa i' FISHER 1'prlcnC, a $769 HINZB PLAYKK, NINES IWirM. HAJLDMA3I rksu BY as aa ataek I In I vrVsta sad aeaaav Be tJaasa aad a rally cwaraeil. 9 Ilii ew.'araw I!" 828 IKsaaabwry. aak aeaa 878 eaa. 27$ FRAXKLXN. walastt BiBH as iajs s. niajs. angnuy assa.. 89 194) MtKSBiU. aTMiOl, RIOCA. mahrcany ansa M:rkIF1ELI. walamt a 293 K IU KJiXA J-LTCA., MLaTO CO.. 129 4th St.. lVst. Wasalrartea aa4 Aider. PHONOGRAPH &EPAI&1NO Any snake, caaraaieed werkaieeshke. 8KIBKRLXNG-UCAS MCBIO CTX. lift la St.. Bet. Wamhtnctom east AJdea. Msra . HOUSEHOLD COOOS 02 You Can Do Better at Mish Furniture Co. We are bow teiertloa of Caor eoeerlac at prices thsa has been asked lor y CONSIDER Tlisl VOLsLOVTlXU: Very heavy Inlaid nnoleoas. far aaerty pvseed at $2.75 the yard, aow only t 1.8$ $1.85 inlaid Bnoleeua at 8 L.I9 9x12 Pa boons racs, ' ivarularly $19.50. for $14.9$ 9x18 Gold Seal cvaacoarnm art tarnets .4-111.91 95 Fntex. tor thai sale pr. yard .75 Beculax SSecent IHboaUB. yd... .54 illsh Fiirnltiire Co. 188-190 1-IRST ST. You Can Do Better at Mish Furniture Co. TRADE IN TOUR OLD rUBNTTOJB FOB NEW. We wtO make yoa a Eberal aJtrwaae for your old furniture in trad, for Beer. ana u ovsurea saaae asraas to aaa Soanesody earn us tho pieo yoa da aot want. fflisli Furniture Co. 188-190 ITRST ST. CaVa Won ax Try avxr sale dept. tf roa waat t bsry a Sat awusebald goods: redwed fresxht taata 9 aaew) all poaata ta oar throocb poel ears. Kxpsrt pactlnc. repairing saa twimaabiaa. at Sirepeoaf BECCaiTY STORAGE TRANSITS OCX 58 Fourth St., opp. Muhaoteea beta. Pboae Broadwsy 8713. FURNITURE Good eonditioa. ia 7 room for sale very reasonable: rent very sow; beet portion of Nob Hill section, west ode: tfc blnek from 23d st- carlina. Phone Marshall 1883 so dealers need apply. ONE Powers I! K. com bine (ws heating stove, dining table, 9 ehaira, 8 small tables. Iron bed. apnnca aad saatuvae. orwsw asnitarr couch and Estey parlor organ, for cheap. 227 H Haks-y. Eat lol FOR SALE Farnitww, 1 duunc twova labia and chairs, Umvarsal rook toe vita eaa plate, bedroom set. 1 wicker ensure, warker table, sanitary eoocn. wrst1rv laaia. X bxxcsmb chairs. Call Bed 8159. WHITE aaamcted bed end ana Ureas. smH. hall tree, imnine board aa r. Acorn eaa ranee. 2 oven and bnsUer. kitrhea table. 1 chain. Acorn beater. Tabor 6942. FOR firat-eias. nDbosvterinjt aad price co to Weber's, at 179 E M cor Union ave. UiVV .mr 1 srrtinnrt. and I cbana bolstered at WcbsWa and aav. aecasey. $ Morrison, cor Union ave. FURNITURE lor 9 room roovainc enable. 307 Sk W nhinfUss. st ver. Wash. 2 ARM CUAIKS. snail taoir. imw sod baby bed; also Garland ran with ce Pxa gas better. Auto. 229-71 FOB BALE MiasioB B hser. 9x13 rue 3 rocaera. bookcase. Tabor 12. HOUSEHOLD furniture price. Aut 612 52. tor aaia, rassenshW BLANK BOOK wHC9 USV1S HOLMAJC. 1AO-. 199 Id SU bates book caserafaetama. A-l 19$. Vaki !$$ CAT AWP tH WOSPITSt L.OC K CTTI VBTKR1NAKY HUB P IT A L. lasv. E. Tth aad Gvaaa, Both psoas Hay aad labt aerrtre. Tbre. vetertnariana CMiwopttAcrreM DR McMAHoN IMcManl hi. W": taking adjustment, while emlHng; ' ;t" P '- OOAL A WO VwOOtV Block and Slab in 2Load loU. f 10.50. Fir cord, Wsalunctoa lamp coal. $9.89 SWT to. OREGON FUEL CO., WDLN. 4103 cunTnv run A FUEL CO. 200 eord oall wood that was cut for ax handle., extra One wood., 1 ,?. clAff.ttid growth, lam kawttc wood ssutabl. tor Oiw4aa. Special pncea to apartment howe. um Springs coal. hay. grain snd chicken teed. 5009 Powell allay Koao. mmw. ww-q-.. trjTB ill hand Mined bsaokwood. A. "tTThs. in 12 -in. Umctha. W dailvwr snywhsrvTwa west ad or Fkedssont and our ?7. "-,.e.td eorda. Phone as for pncea. vol. is I .. anWtsv llIC HV WOOD neat rrade fir wood, well dried, first growth; had been cut tn tie nw winter. p- delivered, Ceil Mala $7 or 147 tA m. Mabart, wooc oeaiex. - BOXWOOD rwitvr.s1 b mediately by Fultoa Wood Caw 161 Mssdssa. Pbon Mra 41 is. r.viiiKl, bun K A TILK CO. , f,r- stark' Sorlnc. BoyaU Owl rvw eo.L 83 8th st bet Btarc ano ws Bdwy. 18 NICK country slab $9.50 ore, or J as- r aw-t- dab $7.50 teed. Bie 18 an. lb $8.78 load. twrrf sa CO. Paul Fuel Co.. Beuwooa nil. HENRY DiXON w. ..- . J AAA arrawth fir I $8; M emwth fir. $7. Woodlawn 1127 LENTS FUEL CO Vsood snd coal oeuverwa In 9. E. Dart ot erar. w S1XT&A cood bswvy ctsrawooa ford. Win IninrlMi PlMXasneiL. auovnav " - FIRST-GRADK Mannrt crowtb 19-lB. $7 pT Vd l'rKTT u.ve-r kitk n: m. 1 xi. wrann AaiD OOAL. BDWY. 29$ 1 1 No. 1 FUUiC-t.kwWiU cordwood. $9 par tori. PrHm. East 1900 OFT our pne ra fir.isk and jeb wood; w. ww .rove timber. inm r ' s ' - - riRST-STROWTH cordwood $8 eord, delivered. Woodhiwn. Alberta, m rneomnrjs. v. am. ii. BEMT old growth tu oorowooa. $9 pee cord. Bellwooa SU. BEFORE ordennc rur winter wood call Aata. 62 86. North Bank Fuel Co.. 689 Upshar. FlRit enrwii. ioud $a $21 Tiog St. Cos. TZZ f5TTf wood, also first and crowtb or coemtry slab. Tator s4S FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $ bvered anrwhera. Wdln. 13 x per Cord, if 6$. Binm DR. B. E. WRIGHT Id Door. Bakrieh bide, eoC b mod Wahsngtoa aav MlH 111? A tll Dentistry DR. A. W. SJtENsV 981 Vs WsAMsarkea sva. vsrttbowt Pet. LwVssa vaervsv svrt as OUCATIOHAL OAMCIBO MISS IRELAND' THU DANCB 6TCPIO 80S XVVai bids-. Wsavh. at Sd. Oasws day and Tknradsy eve. Children Sat. 19:39 X 1 - afoa. a sa. ssuaio ccwootc aod tc sew care MRS. ANNA LHOMMF.DLY.C fcOOaX" Tsseksrr of piasa. Lsiiri at Stadto or Paptl H-sasa. M.rshaO $103. $91 sTiB TTE. LAWSON. 2 yswss- 91. VIOUN. piaauv Bvouyisrlass 5 guiur. Bvandoiia. baa;, ker ne, IK Keekers, 4 99 YmhUL EXCaXLBM roea. is. sen. bin. T.bsw 8722. L CAE&0IX 1Al. Uschcr af o 149 13th st. . atrme.sy 255a. C2 IXa 8I K Weed WuaaT 1$ Immk." FOR SALE MACHINERY 03 fBT W. at. Lady, Farusn. Or. CM Dwaks alO. Ska. last 3032. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPaWRnTRS tCS B A BUILT OOaUAJwA Ovbka, arNDrTTaLAND astdsasy m$ K. W, Pews. Csv. 119 aVrtb at, T: Cav. 8-11 wJ fVesilarst. Or. REPAIRING . swv. asui. rirhasr- add. i Typewriter laapewttoa Cow 111 fcsai. Mala $$49v tXDE&vTOGD aad aWaatnctm trrsrwnksea few-' SWAPS WILL, T-RAI sa sssek aa Fora tssariasa ear tat aa 484. lor a ' frfti faauly C M. sVsaita. 98-A. G Or. HOLS rrwisee tor ens Aa. 934-95. WTIaT have yoa ta trad, tec valaa 3200. Ease 446, KABH4T9 tar Eavt 9126. BEDROOM furaitara for aaal a at aaa ac keavry Uhle. 414 ts-Msaeew t a a ir.akA sasae t. WavA. ill fcsT send ptavea Bdwy. t- US ispb - WANTTZ-nSCI2IJUEOlS WANTED Pi iaa 1 Vwrtaasa a. aa tba sngtsssC caafs Brtca tat rroaapt aKaekm Hsnt TSaet 18. . 141 . lit 39 TO $1, MXTn. THM TaXLOR. Bays see 0 Haas casta, eboaa, I i rants. M u usuna. ktanbaa 1228. 25S- Madsssa HOUStHOLO coons Broadway. Ai-L MAKES wf tjnniasu s ovaaeJi , Tli-.'1y 949tb at".. 9049. ' i r CTsasajse 4 Mini, stir T wirq. , . EJGHlA prirw. pead lee awaar' assSsWf eieaS.- I kac. bam asm swavas. 1U Bsraaii aV Faasaa , r V street. mar-Third. rVvrv. 1893 WATOTD njRfITURE 9Z2 Owl Furniture Co. 49 FtRJT 4T. riall Mais 43f. M. R. S EATER wvad. af b.f.4 furetcersv 19 Geeasl v. Awtsv 191-48. s'B 8H sU kiada a seicad head tarailsvras suiies and ranswe. Can East 90T7. WB BUY ased IWrastsrra. aureus, eaa, Beisva Fwreitwv. Cm. 199-909 94. Wafa T899 MsasassasBaaKaasMsasBSBsasKawsiMsaasBssBasaasaaasSBaswsa PERSONALS 07 Bat a rw avw C i t f mtlefW tktroas. 199Mamiiaal Mam 1114, 91 CETS both ! tcm an at Dv. Katsa . tas) CHIROPODIST aad ARCH CPstClALAaT M Oewan t bnrt ywa, 8 yr. bare, baas, tvaw, Cw-h TtM.tr bate-. 1 ltb M Waata, Brawdway 193, lVKawsa'i ctokcB ktstaCsstra; : wtu lit nwr ej ekw.hera. Expert 229 Morttaoa at slpTrFlLoFb Bin, br 19 Baa as. mukaA Tnat $14 Bash m La baac Maia Stta. Jill ii bavtaawc ar 814 K-ler. lrlc FOOL ear a famrtar. ewasWjrjOaua Oeea. APPtT Bi RasaeO. Cass 798 MA EE ywar awa aavas drank, Far Ssxfnabss. Ponhna tVvvwar 9rpv , 431 fmnk. PHoNtWaRAPM vsjssiiwis. vrtaa 9Q. wa; Tsveas srvieliml. aad rvaU. 94 9 Was, tsawy. 104. MASSAGE, betaa, na tr. f3ns kiln.ya. $69 Pi MALT, syrapa, bop. aed a.r. I n AS sVjTTLSA. tsMais, saismaara. awraa, eea. Bupvair ua, l l Blars aa. rwtarrws!B Baby's Boudoir 5S5f Wardrobes cX3,, aVwaktasC Saktaa, fwnitrava. avauiwxatfnwssaBs, WrTEal FCRAITCM arm r awtavaa 4sia0l as awnar ss lapsr as a a. waraa, awaseA 1 i iW 1 1 V r7i I l H M imjajm 18 T-NION AVE. . POBTLAa'D. . - rwsra PORTLAND 1 smsu. ferner. TL. IVe lLsZ 914-18-1$ y?.r Mosks bade.. TsTaak- haw. th td 31a. Ma-'p 8414. PORTLAD GLTLERt CO, 86 th at, sttai bide. ranV .beera. kaivw. prTftyt,'' mtum MAT CttiMBS iss si.... CUTS ai.aa.ai afaekwA. Area 1 I ' r t rfaetawy. suss H8 erxa. $29 FW A OvnkTTwIaTw ssssBsa EISA scsearuiicauy tsaaj wyj, mj. AjMTIMcj TtT1JL MMS...."1 PAPERHANtaLNG. taauac aad kxwnOae, 1Z, o5"ir.Tl 2Zl 1 U . T , , . . .' as. saia iu.1. swJBt&ast, wvi TT1W" swdaw.' 1 lit' sowing aad tool rapBTrvsi; : vsort cwaranteed. aaat 441. ' 1 m inm. gtrvasg' PALtLsG aad kaiatn- t avdesils i1 HOUSE tsiaunc papering, tin ting- Kih J2. Tsaor T919. wraiciACia Broadway atiaat Qfrara VTsctsre eahv. n.USSaillB aa asrwasa 61 I'Ubius r tttss sv, awl 0Vw LOW mil kinds as firai. oa yessr lasts Ms iTTm itTi rT"- Co,. 817 Case .vaTltT. fHE M L kUk ... aa.aa.TlT. ? 4tb w-w. er S svasa. at Msib CT tOOr 9tIIKa BOOFS sepaiiwd aad BaassWst -. SwfBV. Webtaot Pxltt IS 1 TtA Ms. Ill M.. . J. . ) PSTfarr rrrmw9 C S teOUiREBG. tasUBta, tradavaX- S richta. 019 CrVssb !r'. e-eriwrireai. . va-a-vvcf Tllmaeial 1 a, i-Btiis.il ' Tab- fcwor- VJUIAL -i ItEABUt&LINU- ava kxa4aa wca' wt Wsla 9114 SMUT WtTSL IrMl MULTN OAlAH SHEllf PViiiw V4en.wy S f;iB Tn CToasac ttCCsUlT ITOIiCI 4 TRAwcmrw fXk -. 98 rwaeth aaav Maktassasah kanaL ' raasM stroadws, m:lkm ' ALWAYS ru n THF BAAY DOCIUOU)' SVSUtLSB STBS.UUI1 et cial rate 0 taw C O. PICE T RAJ afTTI 4 aTTrvltAGal Cr. 14 4 fh ea ywsesiv 99C. A-l tt . Oregon Transler. Co. ' $71 ClkaB St BeaaeVea, Htl ' uitcLtttTi Titij w i !l i- buiiikall rswAv raettst Ceaat FarveariLa- O. 9Xb aad Bsry. Bdwa, 798. t dinon. owner Tabor, T9V4. . tmoa ave. Kaat 43T9. , 1 , . . - . - .... e.... -. .. . e . ... , !.... ....