fc'-t W . -1 1 THE OREGON. . SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18. 1921. 8'- I-- QUIRES HO LITTLE TACT Hunters Have Little Idea of Val- ues, but They Are Slow, and to Attempt Haste. Is Disastrous. r - ' BUYING SIBERIA'S FURS i iwii 1 ' ' ' I . I rv K : " , - vjL-. H - - s . - -V - ' s s . - - t - , 11 - r'TT.:C: h 41 -a. X J . B Frederick VeCormtrk (Copyricbt. l2l. by rdrtck McCormick) Scissors, socks or mapw syrnp in a I can, buys an Imperial ermine skin In East I Siberia. Thera are wearers of the im perial ermine who today would trade back their furs for the socks and syrup, but all the rest of tAe worfcl seems en gaged In a race for the furs. A few decades ago when more kings were in their glory than now, an Ameri can to Eaat Siberia found he could buy 10 ermine skins for $5. lie was told that the ermine brought 6 cents per skin and that the-Siberian hunters only! trapped thera to pay their light church taxes and only the priest was poot enough and humble enough to accept I them. When the same imperial ermine -always in his recollection associated with thrones was pointed out he found I . It a miserable-looking creature hiding 1 among old logs and In deserted huts. The disillusionment was enough to make king superstitious. Russia had what were called crown aablea which were almost exclusively re tained for home consumption. They were the finest in quality and price, were com peted for by only the richest families. ' and were supposed to be so much more prized in Russia than elsewhere that ' they never left that country. They were . the aristocrats of the fur world. Those irBdon said as7 er sCnk, Above, fur trader's cabin in Siberia. Below, American craft which crosses ' that It would take years to collect the Pacific to purchase priceless cargo of ermine and other costly furs. number of first quality required for a laoya coat, one oi tne last sucn coi- are on tne coagt; and thfe Caaco out with lections Known to aeaiers came out oi thft trdwna Rn romnanv'ii ninneer Si- Russia as a gift from the soviet govern- berian party is in the Okhotsk eea. iBui fltent at that time. Its nominal value oithoueh th new rant is on there is SUN D AL LIE LIFE'S EBB OR 0 y 'A MARCH 0 DOOM Device Has Ever Been One of the Greatest Fascinations to Look Upon, Says Serviss. By Garrett P. Serrlis Eminent Astmoomer ud Writer on Problem of SdenufiQ Interest. The sun-dial has given to literature Cut the IBg 6st of Cooldng With the Sterling mauon ivange tomo Waste of fuel adds substantially to the high cost of cooking, and jeareful housewives are turning to the economical three-fuel STERLING COMBI NATION Range to solve the problem of better, quicker, easier cooking at less fael cost. The 8TERLINQ COMBINATION la two-rangea-la-one. It Is a remark able fuel saver because it burns gas and coal er wood, singly or together, and can be Instantly changed from one to the other. This mean tru fuel economy. "Waste la - aaaeeesaary with the perfect heat control of th STERLING COMBINATION. You use exactly the amoaat and Ma of fuel needed;, no more no-less! And the substantial saving shows in reduced gas and coal bills. the year "round with piacea ny experts at au,uuv, dui it ftmpthinlr nhi- h fur trad that is was considered priceless. rot new ls in the way the lurs YAIXE WAS FABULOUS j are bought At the other extreme of the trade are I Buying Siberia's oldest and most; ex it bat may be called the "lizzie" orlalted commercial staple consists of a "flivver" furs those whose social posl- happy translation of the fur-bearer's best tlon comes from their association with I company suit, into the everyday cora- the automobile. Extension of the mo- modules of any small North American torlng habit In America caused Increased town. Working along the Kamchatkan demand for furs. The valfie of the furs coast In 1921 in a trading ship, the latest required to satisfy the fashion for fur up-to-the-minute method of winning the motor coats', is many millions of dollars 1 hunter from the product of - his manly annually. chase, and bringing it home, is entirety Eight years ago I came out of the I comprised In measuring the value of the North Pacific with an officer of the old (fox or sable skin in terms of phono- Runs! an coast patrol ship Yakut. He rraphs, rifles, and other articles of extra had been to the mouth of the Kollma I value ; and of other skis in terms of river in tne Arctic, wnere ne iouna tne i r.unting knives, tents, boots, razors, arm. little American - schooner Eagle from I thread, enameled ware, teacups and Nome doing a fur. ivory and blubber saucers, underwear, cube sugar, candies, trade which he thought would net the dried fruit, cakes, brick tea, pocket- ownors 110.000 to $16,000. It was the knives, needles, , cartridges, etc. It is tegtnnlng of the present fur trade le- the early and primitive method. iThe vl vat here. In fact the expedition did skins come from not less than twenty make about six thousand dollars for the species of fur-bearing animals. Sable, trip. Lat year an American trader fox, squirrel, bear, sea otter, seal and brought about 3500 sable skins away polar bear are the leading ones. The from the Chukotsk peninsula; at sum- Inhabitants generally turn their catch mers-end from a village there a ship- over to local fur collectors who know ment of furs valued at more than one something of the values, and In this million dollars was taken to the United I way trading ls somewhat simplified, fetates. It was a more valuable cargo But the barter for the furs goes on than ever was taken away in the hey- according to the ancient custom of the .day of the trading ship era. JAZZ 119 FATOBITE v The world's fur trade, transferred to 8L Louts during the World war, has been liquidated and there, is a fresh new race by fur traders to East Siberia com- wllds. Before I started to Kamchatka, the governor of Alaska a office sent, me word that the ' most friendly relations existed between the two peoples on either side of Bering Sea and that the East Siberians came from the Interior peting for the winter's catch. In this hundr.d9 of mlle. to trade with our race the sable ls the prize fur. Its last -phooners. or which about half a don regular and dependable supply comes from Kamchatka. Its birthplace there is the objective annually of at least 3000 hunters, fur collectors and fur traders. annually cross to the Siberian shore. Indiscriminate trading was forbidden by the former Russian "government, but on the plea of running into rivers for This Is the season of the collectors and "water" the traders got Into touch with traders. -Jt is well on. Pur trading ships the local authorities and opened barter are working In and out along the coast by private arrangement The whole of Siberia from the Amur mouth to coast is open at present and a small Bering straits and Into the Arctic. The schooner cargo of furs obtained here Nome schooners are out ; the Seattle might run from $30,000 to $50,000 in men have come up from Hakodate ana value.' And they have footed up into the hundreds of thousands. ' - One of the irrefutable evidences of East Siberian appreciation of American civilization is the permanent demand for jazz phonograph records with other mu sical articles, and candy. This makes It a simple matter to Interest the na tive. The trader can start'a phonograph playing, open a box of confectionery, hand a string of bright colored beads to the housewife, and have everybody in the household interested and involved at once. But he must speak the patois of the country-:-omethlng made up of words from half a dozen languages. And along this particular coast the foreign words are mostly English that is, whale-ehlp American. It is more and more important for the trader to bring new and original goods along 'with the staple necessities for which the native looks. The hu manness of social intercourse In Siberia Is impressive. A visitor who assumes any degree of superiority in manners will be detected Instantly and his goose will be cooked from that moment. Siberia has few tanners and no skill ful ones. And all of them feel the lack of good chemicals. Siberian furs, there fore, almost wholly seek an outside mar ket. Hunting has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining powder and lead. Nevertheless the fur trade has increased In East Siberia. Dress fashions exercise the greatest influence over the fur trade. The cus tom of the Chinese,, the most ancient of all in dress, of trimming jackets, skirts, maittles, footwear and headwear with bands of fur has been adopted by Western countries. Kublai Khan, the fur dressed emperor at one time of al most the whole of Asia, exists today as a revitalized king of fashion in all the capitals of civilization. Fur has con quered the world's dress fashions, and Its use now ls more varied and exten sive than at any time in the history of the hunt. Russia and America are . the caterers to this fashion which has brought back the days when American merchant venturers first raced-'their ships to the Siberian coast. Petropav lovsk is like it was In the 50's and "50'e, but larger. And along the Bast Siberian coast new trading posts have grown up to take the place of the old whale depots. Sale! The Best Phonograph Is Always the One Where You Can Buy the Best Phonograph for the Least Money V a IK The Steger $85 $5 Cash, $4 Monthly I - -; , The Steger VIS $10 Cash, $5 Monthly You know everybody knows that the prices for New Phono graphs are standard and cannot be changed; but the $75 Grafonola was reduced to $60 and the $120 one to $85 the $275 to $150 and the $275 types which repre sent the finest of all models for $175 an actual Saving of $100 And. then you may buy on easy monthly payments of but $3, $5, $8 and $10 monthly. New Records October Releases All by Myself Fox Trot Ted Lewis Band One Kiss Fox Trot ' The Happy Six So. 84S4 le-lseh 8ie Ain't We Got Fun Fox Trot The Happy Six Not So Long Ago Fox Trot Yerkes Orchestra No, m lt-isea Sic f Wang Wang Blues Fox Trot Van & Schenk Orchestra Ain't You Comtn Out, Malinda? . Fox Trot Van A Schenk Orchestra Jto. 4!7 lt-lseh 8ie Happiness One Step . ' Art Hickman's Orchestra Sunshine Fox Trot i Art Hickman's Orchestra ' Xo. 3158 lS-lneh Sie Wyoming Walts Metropolitan Dance Players Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows Waltz Metropolitan Dance Flayers So. ei8-U-iBeh UJ Peggy O'Neil Walts Prince's Dance Orchestra The Last Waltz Waltz Prince's Dance 'Orchestra So. 1S8 13-lsch Ui Columbia $60 $5 Cash $3.75 Monthly 'if1 ' iti one of its finest allegorical phrases, "The shadow on the dial." What metaphor or rhetorical figures excels that in con templative power? The slow on-creeping of the dark gray, delicate-edged shade of the gnomon, gradually reaching and covering the successive figures of the hours is a curiously fascinating sight. It ls like the march of doom. With a magnifying glass you can see the movement of time's shadowy finger. To the imagination it is an uncanny sight; it is mere motion made visible. for what seems to move is nothing, be cause a shadow has no substance. PICTTJKES LIFE'S FIEETKESS There is no invention that man has ever made which puts under his eyes so startling an image of the fleetingness of life as is furnished by the sun-dial. The movement of clock hands has no such effect, for that is manifestly a purely mechanical phenomenon. Here, perhaps, lies the occult reason why these instruments have never been popular, why they were often attached to churches and cemeteries, why moral maxima appeared in the mottoes that they bore, and why, in these days. whenever you find a man who has taken pains to furnish his garden with a sun dial you are sure to discover that he is of a meditative or contemplative dis position. DIAL TELLS TBTJTH The sun-dial tells the true sun time at the place or on the meridian whereat is situated. Clocks are prevaricators and compromisers. If you want to know the moment when It is truly-noon, you must go to the sun-dial for that Infor mation. Tour clock will, ordinarily, give you what is actually somebody else's noon. situated a considerable distance east or west of you, while somebody else's clock wUl give him your noon, and neither will have the real noon. mis is an rignt ler general, prac tical purposes in this ? all-grasping age, when we have -made the world our oys ter, and are concerned with an sides of it at once, but it is not right for certain innumerous persons who, for one reason or anbther, want to know the exact time shown by the real sun at the point on the earth where they happen to live, and not the conventional time shown by what astronomers call the "fictitious sun," which they have created to make easy work for clocks nobody being able to make a clock that could accurately through the sky varies in accord 'withJ p around it. Four times in a year, about April is, June 14, September 1 and De cember 24, the clock and the sun agree. GNOMON POINTS FLSGEB There you have the whole philosophy of the sun-dial; it holds up its motion less finger (the gnomon), exacUy In the meridian on sunny days, and the sun, traveling from east to west through the sky, throws the shadow of the gnomon onto a graduated dial, and causes that shadow to move eastward across the dial, keeping perfect step with Its own I progress In the opposite direction. It shows the true local sun-time at all sea sons. The simplest of all forma of sun-dial. and the easiest to make, is a flat plane of metal or stone, placed horizontally, and having the line of the true meridian of the piece, or the true north and south line, at right angles to this, is the 6 o clock, or east and west line. Upon the meridian line is set up the gnomon, a thin triangular. piece of metal, one of whose angles is a rieht angle. while one of its two other angles is equal to the latitude of the place where the instrument is to be used. The gnpmon is iixea upngnt on tne dial in such a way that its right angled corner Is at the northern end of the base, or side on which it stands, while the side opposite to the right angle points directly toward the pole of the heavens, whose elevation above the horizon always equals the lat itude of the place where the observer stands. SHADOW MOVES ACKOSS The shadow of the gnomon will move across the plate on the side opposite to that on which lie sun shines, and'wiU reach, in succession, a series of hour lines, which must be drawn at such dis tances apart as to correspond with the relaUve positions of the principal merid lans pf the globe. The edge of the shadow approaches the gnomon before noon and recedes from it after noon. At noon the sun will shine direcUy down upon the top of the upright triangle, or exactly in Its plane, and there will be no shadow, the moon line on the dial corresponding, as we have already seen, with the direction of the gnomon itself. Standing on the south side of the dial, the forenoon hours will be on the left, and the afternoon Lours on the right. "She proper position for the hour lines on the dial can be ascertained by a sim ple geometrical method, which is too leng to be described here. It is very important to have the nte ridian on the dial placed in exact accord ance with the real meridian, and the as certainment of the latter is a problem in elementary pracUcal astronomy. Many complicated and extremely beautiful forms of sun-dial were made in the days before clocks and watches became com mon. They are precious curios for those who can appreciate them. Tou can cook in comfort and take things easy the year 'round with a STERLING COMBINATION. Tour kitchen will be as comfortable as any room In the house. In summer, to keep cool, cook with gas. In winter, for warmth, use coal or wood. Also heats water for bath and kitchen while cooking. Blse or Gray Poreelala Cemblaatiosi The STERLING has our NEW patented BUILT-IN oven burner. No baffle plate to remove. No hole In oven bottom to interfere with good baking with coal. Fully guaranteed. 2 s z ST f We will take yosr old cook stove er range la exekaage ea iNOtlCei one of these Sterling CombinaUoa Basget and allow yos all it is worth. Wood and Coal Combination ' Heater This is the best style combination wood and coal neater you can buy. Larga fire door for big pieces of wood ; also grates that can be turned for coal ; cheerful fireplace door in front. We also have this same heater for wood only for less money. All heaters sola on easy terms, $1 a week.' So charge for iSja setting ap. Trade vour old stove for one of our Up-to-Date Heaters. We will al low you all It ls worth In exchange. Ask to see our slightly used heaters in our Exchange Department. They are cheap and all guaranteed. IT ' . . :.: ) Three Big Rocker Values Your Choice $19.85 ... .1-.. ttrm larM ki.k ki nui.r.. All itn. mrm Miiniu mini. T larrs mromm ubi aad seats are the comfertable spring-padded kind yom are looking for. TSens large orertffe rockers are covered, la geamlae krewa Spanish leatherette. The irames and conttrseUoa are guaranteed. Come early as a get first choice. 5 1 id 0 " ft Sale of Manu Parlor Suites Two Di 0 ft 8 5 9 3 Tou Should buy one of these Davenports, or chair and rocker. We bought them cheap and can sell them for less than other dealers. Good Davenports with loose auto cushions, spring seats, genuine tapestry covering, all colors. Priced as low as $74.50. Chair and Rockers as cheap as $36.75. These sample suites are only one each. Come early and pick the best ones. Gadsbys' Bed Davenports Are Different m These fts consist of an Extension Table with 45-Inch top extending to six feet, and six half-box Diners, very similar to picture above. SET 0. 1 la of solid oak. in max or fumed ftnlah. and sells regM- JIQ Cfl larly for $60. This week s price wtWtWU SET SO. S has Solid Oak Table and Hardwood Chairs. In golden or JfJf 7C fumed finish, sells regularly at $45.75. This week s price wUUil l Pretty BEDROOM SUITE Reduced to $64 4 Columbia $85 $10 Cash $5 Monthly .MM Tenth ftl at Washlagtta aad stark Sts, , Scliwan Piano Co. , Portland's Largest Plane : JDlstrfbstort Mountain Slipping; Villagers Fleeing (By Uni venal Service) Geneva, Sept. 17. Valmaggia mountain is breaking up. Villagers in the Campo Cimalmotto district have fled in panic Great landslides are taking place and huge crevasses have swallowed forests. Cattle, stables and farms have been swept into gorges. Diamonds Decline in Cast, Says Importer San Francisco, Sept. 17. Since the war the karat pri6e of diamonds has dropped from $550 to $400, It was announced today by Dr. Albert Selden. diamond importer of Detroit. ' The platinum prices are down, also, - said Dr. Selden, present prices being 25 to 4a, per cent below war We have the largest rnd most complete line of fine Davenports in the city, long or short sizes. Upholstered in genuine leather or best grade imitation leather. These Bed Davenports are becoming more popular every day and there are hundreds being used by night and day. Why be without one when they're so reasonably priced? Imitation Spanish Leather, $55. OO Genuine Spanish Leather, S75.0O HAST TERMS AT GADSBYS Steel Bed, Steel Spring and Felt Mattress s 0 I . b n -a WMttrm i Two-Inch Poet Steel Bed, high riser link This special outfit consists of fabric Steel Spring and a 40-r pretty art tick, worth a lot more than Gadsbys special price of fabric Steel Spring and a 40-pound Cotton Felt Mattress in a OT 7C f.. Ot I I J Bedroom Suite, similar to the one above. l oorne. value, we promlao yoa. This suite is finished a pretty Ivory. Ask to see it. On ssJe GCi f( this week at Gadsbys .vOteVlU 500 Rugs to Select From We are showing a larger line of room-ais ruira in Axmlnater Velvet !" Tapestry Brussels than at any time this year, and at prices that will afford a marked saving. It wjll pay you to look them over. 9x12 Axmlnsters. excellent quality, at xlt Axmineters, good quality at 9$-2$ SxlJ Axmineters. good quality at 37-50 xl2 Velvets, best quality, at 6.7f; 9x12 Velvets, good quality, at ; (2.50 9x12 Tapestry, best quality, at P 35.50 9x12 Tapestry, good quality, at 29.h5 rE OrB EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT If yes have fsrallsr that daren't sit want something more p-tedate and better paoee and well send a competent man to see It aad arraase te take U at sart payment en the kind yos want the Gadsby kind. VTe'll make yea a liberal allvwaaee for year goods aad well ell yoa new fa rait are at low prlre. The new fsraltare will be promptly delivered. Exekaage goods eaa he neagkt at oar First aad Washington Store. anninw There's No Interest Charged Here and every article in our entire building is Guaranteed as to quality. that's the First. Rule of this long-established house. : We buy Only the Best- GADS IB Y OM Corner 'Second and Morrison -Streets prices. . . ' , s I