The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 18, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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Ci-' . . ;
" ' six pages
editorial; sports
j Monday's
Special Lunch
Service from 11:30 to 2:30
Clsm Chowder Chicken Soup
Baked Salmon Steak ;
- with Lemon Butter
'Scalloped Halibut in Shell
Corned Fancy Brisket of Beef
and Spinach
Fried Breaded Breast of Veal
and Tomato Sauce
OWK Special Baked Beans
and Brown Bread
Assorted Cold Meats and Potato
Salad with Creamed Cauliflower
Cake Ice Cream Pudding
Tea Corfee Milk
Tea Room, 4th Floor
We Give S. & H. Green
Trading! Stamps
with purchases amounting to 10c of more..
Save them and thus add to your income!
Olds, WoAsiian Khm
Telephone Your Orders
CaU MarshaU 4800
Experienced telephone clerks at your,
service beginning 8 a.m. Prompt deliveries.
Presenting the New in Fall Wearables
The Very
in Skirts
The Fall wardrobe
minus a few Skirts
Is by no means com
plete. This Is espe
cially true this sea
son, for Dame Fash
ion has decreed the
separate Skirt as an
important item of
apparel. No more ef
fective arguments in
t favor of the separate Skirt can
be produced than that you
- see the wonderful array of styles in
this notable showing, examine the
splendid quality of the materials and
note their, moderate pricings. Of
special interest are the smart new
models in plaids and stripes. The
prices range $8.50 up to $25.00
Garment Store
2nd Floor
Selection of Fall Apparel here is ait assurance that your appearance will be
see this wonderful showing of the new fashions at your earliest opportunity.
Choose Your New Suit
at This Store
and, have the satisfaction of selecting from the most com
plete stock in Portland. The showing later in the: season
will not surpass the present one for diversity of styles, and
by choosing now you will Ret infinitely more service, Every
new and desirable mode of the moment is represented and
there is a wide range of the very best materials including
Tn'cotine Duvet de Lain Moussyne
Velour Evora Serge
Smart tailored models with the popular straightline ef
fects, also many beautiful novelty styles, some of which are
trimmed with fur. Prices range from $27.50 to $250.00
Fashion's Latest Modes
in Dresses
No matter what your idea of a stylish Dress may be, rest
assured there is a model here that will please you in every8
particular. Our showing of Dresses this season is the most
comprehensive in rhany years and the woman who seeks
variety in selection cannot help but admire this splendid
display. And -all the new materials are 'well represented
Serge Canton Crepe Charmeute
Tricotine Velvet Brocade Taffeta
Poiret Twill Onvet de Laine Velour
and many other popular fabrics. Dresses for street, after
noon, business and school wear. All the new colors are
"included. Prices range from $17.50 "J? to $110.00
New Modes for Juniors
A STROLL through the Ju
nior shop on the Second
Floor will reveal to mother
how splendidly we are pre
pared to meet the demands of
youth for fall and winter ap
parel. Here are New Coats in a
multitude of charming models
New Dresses, Middies. Mid
dy Dresses. SUpsPctticpats,
Sweaters, in the best styles
at very moderate prices.
Junior Shop
2d Floor
Charming New
With the purchase of a new
suit comes the need for Blouses.
Realizing the many tastes that
must be suited in a season where
variety is the keynote we have
assembled a remarkably fine col
lection of Blouses in fashion's
most favored materials. Prices
range from' $5.75 up to $49.50
New Blouses for
Georgette Crepe, Crepe de
Chine, Voile and Batiste Blouses
.in attractive models for stout
women at $5.75 to $20.00
all that the heart of a woman can desire. We specially urge you to
And should you wish to purchase you will find our prices moderate.
r ' t
Smart New Fall Coats
for All Occasions
The new styles in Coats are many and varied. There are
models 'way down to the ankle, others not so long. Some
have bell sleeves, others tight sleeves. Furs are used pro
fusely on some, while a great number depend upon their
buttons, high collars and embroidery for their individuality.
Every popular fabric is represented in this notable showing,
are a few of the materials most favored for fall wear. And
these fabrics are shown in a wide diversity of new shades
in plain colors, plaids and mixtures. With fall stocks now
at their best, immediate choosing is to your advantage. Ex
ceptionally good values at prices ranging $25 up to $295
New Raincoats
Looking ahead to wet weather, the forehanded woman
will be prepared with a waterproof Coat. Here are the new
models in Cravenette Coats, Tweed Coats and Oilskin Coats.
The latter are to be had in various colors. $21 to $57.50
Bath Robes
Second Floor Warm, comfy Bathrobes
for the chilly mornings of early fall.
Made up in heavy quality robe mate
rial in many attractive styles, with roll
or square collars. Large selection of
new patterns and colors. $5 to $13.50
Second Floor Petticoats of Silk Jer
sey, Taffeta, Satin ;and Pussy Willow
Taffeta, in shades to go with the new
fall suits and dresses. Any number of
smart styles with ruffled, tucked, cord
ed and plaited flounces. These range
in price from $3.98 up to $16.50
Second Floor No need to- look further
for your new Sweater, for every. smart
style of the season is to be found in
this splendid stock. Wool sweaters at
a price range of $5.00 to $25.00
Pure Silk and 'Fiber Sweaters at
prices ranging from $6.98 to $45.00
New Trimmings
For Fall
Main Floor Trimmings play an important part in the fash
ions of new fall wearables. Here'are the favorite novelties
in Braids. Fringes, Beadings, Laces, Allovers, Flouncings, Furs.
Net Flouncings
18 and 36 inch Radium and Net Flouncings for dinner and
party frocks. Black, American Beauty, black and gray, black
and, antique, copper, copen, charmeuse. $2.50 to $4.95
Corsage Flowers
Wondrously beautiful in their exquisite colorings. Flow
ers for the corsage, for boutonniers, for trimmings in every
wanted kind and size at prices ranging from 35c to $3.95
Fur Trimmings
In Great Variety
Imitation Ermine. Atole, Squirrel, Beaver, Civet, Opos
sum, Nutria, Gray Wolf. Krimmer, Coney, Hudson Seal,
French Seal, Raccoon. Ringtail, Bear and other desirable
kinds in the popular widths at moderate prices.
Hair Switches
V Price
Second Floor First qaallty mixed
gray Switches, made op in three sep-'
arate stems, for 3 days at H PRICE
510.00 Switches $5.00
$11.50 Switches $550
Special attention given to making,
up combings and. to match orders,
included is an exceptional showing
of Switches in red and drab shades.
Hair Bobbing
and Cutting
Man expert to do the work!
Children's Hair Bobbing and Hearts
rv..l.. t " B t i r r .
ting aOc- uept. on second floor.
Home Needs at Big Savings sde rf sooo Great September Sale of Furniture 1
ie wv v initS
Dept. Main Floor
The September Sale of Household Suprlies presents
a splendid opportunity to buy home needfuls for the
fall arid winter season at specially reduced prices.
Linen Table Cloths
All-linen Tablecloths in attractive
-' new patterns on Sale Monday. Only a
limited number in this lot. No napkins
In match I inen TaM Ctothsdr flPT
size 70x70 inches. Sale DUe0 CJS,
. Linen - Table Cloths j
size 70x88 inches. On sale
Special Prices on Sheets
and Pillow Cases
Main Floor Heavy quality bleached Sheets of a well
known brand on sale this week at special prices. Buy
now at these special savings fqr your future needs.
72x0 Bleached Sheets specially priced at $1.48
8tx90 Bleached Sheets specially priced at $1.58
81x99 Bleached Sheets specially priced at $1.68
Pillow Gases
Bleached Pillow Cases made of good grade sheeting.
42x36-inch Pillow Cases specially priced at 36c
4 5x3 6-inch Pillow Cases specially priced at 38c
Sheeting 38c Yd.
Heavy quality bleached Sheeting, St inches wide,
for single beds. No telephone orders accepted. Limit
10 yards to a customer.. Specially priced, yard 38c
Black and Colored Silks
Monday $1.89 Yd.
Center Circle, Main Floor A special purchase from a leading manufacturer
makes possible this Sale of high-class Silks, right at a time when women are
planning their new Fall wearables. Over 5000 yards in the" season's best weaves
Closing Out Samples and Odd Pieces
Peau de Cygne
and other desirable silks for dresses, blouses, petticoats, linings and various
other uses. Large selection of the wanted colors also black. QQ
36 inches wide. Silks of standard 2.25 to 2.50 grades. Yard tDJ-aOI
Outing Flannel
18c Yard
Main Flooi" Pansy white Outing
Flannel of excellent quality for pa
jamas, gowns, etc. Specially -J O
priced Monday at, the yard -LOU
Hemmed for diapers, 25c doz. extra.
36-inch fancy Outing Flan- " O.
nel, specially priced, the yard IOC
Comforter Batts
Cotton Batts for Comforters, full
size, 85c $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
Wool Mixed Batts priced at $1.75
Comfort Covering, 36-in. yd., 25c
New Nippon Crepes. 39c and $1
P' '
Self-Wringing Mop
An Entirely
New Invention
Come to the Housewares Store on the Third Floor and let
the factory expert show you how this new Mop will save
a vast amount of time and labor. Uses hot suds and any
kind of chemical. And besides, it is absolutely sanitary,
No More Back Aches
No More Sore Hands
j No More Stooping
i i
Makes mopping a pleasure instead of a task. Will not wet
the hands. Worth many times price. Should be in all homes!
4th Floor
Experienced telephone clerks
to serve you, 8 a. m. to 5:4 5 p. m.
We Give S. & H. Stamps.
Monday Specials
Sliced Pineapple, 2-lb.
cans at two for only
Preferred Stock Sal
mon priced special only
85c Kingsford's Gloss
Starch, 6-Jb. box, price
Phez Strawberry Jam,
1-lb. jars priced at pnly
Minnepaul Peas spe
cially priced 3 cans for
Solid Pack Tomatoes'
priced at 3 cans for only
Shelled Almonds 60c
Sale of
Outing Flannel
An extraordinary opportunity
for home makers to buy Furni
ture of dependable quality at
savinjs ranging up to 50.
Hundreds of
in the salei Furniture for any
room in the house. An especially
good assortment of Chairs, Rock
ers, Dining Tables, Library Ta
bles, Buffets and Upholstered
Pieces. Read over the following
lists and take advantage of the
great savings.
Nightwear Chairs and
f j
- Wi Ml 'n" ,
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Women's
Outing Flannel Night Gowns offered
at surprisingly low prices.
Women's Night Gowns in pink and
blue stripes with fancy stitching. Slip
over styles with short sleeves. QQ
On sale tomorrow priced pnly JOC
Women's Night Gowns of excellent
quality outing flannel trimmed with
fancy stitching. Slipover C" Off
styles. Extra good values at D1.&D
Women's Night Gowns of extra
good grade outing flannel. Long
sleeves, round neck. Scalloped. Two
special lots onsa!e tomor- 0 Of
row at. only $1.75 and &6dD
-$32.50 Reed Rocker $24.75
-3 4.50 Reed Chair $26.75
-135.25 Reed Rocker $26.75
-136.00 Reed Chair $25.00
-139.25 Reed Chair $29.85
-$14.00 Reed Chair $11.25
-$36 Cane Back Chair $24.00
-$43 Cane Back Chair $28.50
-$53.50 Cane Back Chair $35
-65 Cane Back Chair $43.35
-$73.50 Cane Back Chair $49
-$70.00 Reed Settee $35.00
-$132 Reed Davenport $66
-$23.00 Reed Tables $17.50
-$45.00 Reed Tables $30.00
-$42.50 Reed Tables $28.50
-$35.00 Reed Tables $26.25
Dining Room Tables
50.00 Golden Oak ?9 Hf
Dining Table at only 30U.(0
$54.po Golden Oak QQQ Kfi
Dining Table at only DOtlU
55.50 Golden Oak 041 fTfl
Dining Table' priced OtlsUU
60.00 Golden Oak M P AA
Dining Table priced OfKJsUU
65.00 Golden Oak QACk flfl
Dining Table price4 Irts7UU
$72 JO Golden Oak Of? A Art
Dining Table .priced Oai.UU
Golden Oak Buffets
39.50 Golden Oak CQQ Eft
Buffets special only DOOuU
5 2. 50 Golden Oak Q A A OP
Buffets priced special rfdO
54.25 Golden Oak CIC ftft
Buffets priced special
67.50 Golden Oak
Buffets priced special
67.50 Golden Oak ffFP Or
September Sale of Paints
"Save the Surface and You Save Alin
Right now is the time to do your painting and put the house in shape for
Fall and Winter. Our Superior Paints are ready for the brush and cover well.
Hons Paint White, for inside"
and outside use. 3.75 PO QQ
vahie. Special, the gallon DaW.0
-House Paint, in several desir
able colors. For outside J0 QQ
se. 3.75 value. Gallon &fVO
Floor Paint in six rood colors.
Reeular 11.15 value. Sne
cially priced at, the quart
Floor Varnish priced. ! quart 98c
Whit Enamel special, a pint 69c
Woard Floor Polish, a quart 98c
Floor Wax special, the quart 65c
Wall Paper Cleaner priced at 19c
Furniture Polish special, only 19c
Liquid Veneer Floor Mops in the
regular 1.75 size. , To- OQ
morrow' specially priced D
Upholstered Furniture
; Big Savings!
60.50 Chairs covered with CQfl OK
black sateen, priced special at tlHJWaArftJ
80.00 'chairs covered with Qfft ftft
black sateen, priced special at OftlaUl
103.00 Chairs covered with Kft
black sateen, priced special at wtlJLeUU
$200.0(1 Mahogany Day Bed 01 K7 Kft
reduced for this sale to OiOleOU
$167.50 Tapestry Covered 1 - f7 OP
Davenport priced special t tDJLJ. I eaStl
$82.50 Tapestry Covered CC'7
Rocker, priced special now it I iO
$95.00 ! Tapestry covered Cl5'7 Cft
Chair, priced special now attDOleUU
69.00 Golden Oak EQ ET
Buffets priced special OUO.UD
100 Golden Oak Off ftft
Buffets priced special OOtJsUU
$110 Buffet
54-inch Walnut Buffet with
mirror back.-. Beautiful, high
grade pieces. Only a few of these.
Regular 110 values rft
specially priced only OOU.OU
Library Tables
30.00 Golden O. Table
34.50 Fumed O. Table
38.00 Golden O. Table
' 27.50 Fumed O. Table
47.50 Jacobean Table
48.50 Jacobean Table
68.25 Mahogany Table
76.00 Mahogany Table
5 S.oo Walnut Table
66.50 Walnut Table
130.00 ' Mahorany Davenport
Table priced special at SI 04.00
Dept, Foartfe; fleer.