h iff- m.Hipmwrfn THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1921. 1WK UKEUON DAILY JUUKIMAU JOKTLANJJ, : UKKUUN r0 REAL ESTATE fOR SALE HOUSES 404 i OPEN THIS KTEMMi I'SlTUa f Owt 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. UtGUT HOME SKI.LER ON TOE PACIFIC COAST. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 ferric Mm. lnvatlgata Our Horn Selling- Plan! Your Every Interest Will Be Protected! CENTRAL EA8T PORTLAND $$7a-WALKlNG DISTANCE I Save rent and earfar.! KKAL HUME BARGAIN in a , 4 room very subntantially built modern . attractive bofoa on E. Darts at. near 10th.' Every convenience. Good full ee . ' .' ment basement with furnace, with flow ers, etc.: garage. IHIN'T FAIL TO BEE THIS! ALBERTA HOME D13 TKICT. 14310 $300 down! 6 room are in this well built, liveable, artirtie ALBERTA bung . alow type borne. Bleeping porch, solid ' paneled dintnf room with built-in buf- i let; furnace, etc' Emerson it "HANDY HOME" . 4.2250 On. of the biggest of ferings in Alberta ; 'district; cheery 4 room mod. bungalow apartment, rlean. airy, comfortable, cor- , ner Int. with all liens paid;, shall ws , . rail for yon and take yoa ngnt onii ' Sharer it. a 4J690 $00 down I THIS IS YOUR OPPOR TUNITY! A homelike home with every comfort necessary for right living! Hardwood floors. built4ns. fireplace fnmace, close to car and school. A -', DANDY BUY FOR THE MONEY I See " it today. E. 81t HUNDREDS OF OTHERS See FRANK L. aCcGCIRB To Boy Your Home. . Abingtoo Bldf. Vain 10S, 4d St., Bet Washington md Stark. . Open Tonicbt J. A. WICKMAN CO.- 100 Specials 1100 down: 4 rooms and bath. Never ried, cement basement, laundry trays. 0x100 lot. $2250. 1100 down: total erics 12100. We hay two of these doable constructed bungalows at this price. $100 down. Price $3500. This has three large unfinished rooms in attio and four room and bath down. Don t ovenooa these buys. T.AfTBCI.TITTy!T-rjlITB15TJrrJRST We have in Lsnrelhurst three wondeful BUN GAI.OW BtTTB. The nrirss are $7200. $7850 and $N500. AD- of these are MODERN TO THE LAST DETAIL, and it will be a pleasant to how you. pnvpnt i.svHOarEDALE lit n In rH to anr new RESTRICTED PLAT HOMEDALE. Let us show you this BEAUTY SPOT before you select s sight for your home. You will like the location. Our BUILDING COMPANY can arrange to build for you snd a competent ARCHITECT is in our office ior your convenience. r . . ; rt J. A. Wicknian Co., Realtors "Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark t. Main 583 und 1094. $500 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK ' One half block from Sandy bird., beautiful smnlnw. fine large rooms; best oak floors throughout: full cement basement, furnace, fire place, near 43th it Price IrtOOO snd terms eaa be arranged as low as $300 down and $b0 ' oar month. 3. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 43th and Sandy Bird. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PARKROSE $500 DOWN ; Stop Ikying Rent $1600 Dandy t room euttsge, white en. AT amel finish, toilet, gas, electricity, beautiful tot, 3 blocks to car and school, i-' . - i - $1700 room: house. fuR lot with ber ' lies and fruit, 1 block off pared street, 3 blocks to ear. 9 blocks, to school. , $2400 4 room bungalow, ivory finish, full lot, plenty flower, shrubbery, ber ries, built-in kitchen, cement porch, laundry trays, cement base ment, $2600 8 room home, on payed street. close in on Alberta: good business property, 50x100 lot Star Real Estate & inv. Co. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 REALTORS . 331 Stark St Bdwy. 635S. Ere. 319 97. 3 places in PARKROSE, priced from $1350 to J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $5100 ROSE CITY PARK district Forced sale. Six room FURNISHED bungalovr and garage. You will hare to go some, folks, to beat this buy. An exceptional, ly well constructed bungalow, with fur naee. flrmlaca snd. saraee. Located be low the hill, leas than 2 blocks from Sandy. Included in the furnishings are several Oriental rugs. Requires 4200U cash payment. $4000 GROVELAND PARK bargain. Fire room bungalow and garage, olk, nere truly is a remarkable bargain. For lor cation, construction and finish there is nothing like, it for the money. Near Franklin high and grade school. 2 car lines. Splendid furnace and fireplace; French doors between firing and dining rooms. Inspect tins. A.C. TEEPE CO. WETX STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 100 acres. 5 k miles from good town. Columbia county, Oregon, 1 mile to school, good road. 25 acres under cultivation, 85 acres can be farmed when cleared, spring, fount bearing orchard; good buildings, in eluding barn 60x30. Included -with place 5 cows, 1 team, wagon, hack, double har ness, plow, harrow. cultiTstoT, cream separ ator, tools, hay, potatoes, etc Pries for everything $4200, large cash payment Consider late model light ear for part WANT BUILDING IN PORTLAND 20 acres, 1 sails from Canby, 7 acres un der cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; family orchard. S room bouse, fireplace, barn. 3 chicken Bouses, Incinded with place team of horses, 2 cows, har ness, machinery, T tons hay, etc Price $4500, $2400 incumbrance, which is in cluded in "price. Want building In Port land up to $6000 or $7000, and assume difference. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on ths Pacific Coast Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 BEH US FOR EXCHANGES 11 acne, $16,000. for large ranch, as- BEAUTTFUL BUNGALOW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Thi buna-slow is new. neat and clean and w.11 fnmlshed. ready for housekeeping. i. k. ft -uitti, tnndm tilth, liehts snd eas. beautiful . buffet, library, bookcases, fine. Dutch kitchen, good cement basement, ma nary tTays, fall sine, esst front lot: handy to schosl, stores. .Knrph. n Fnnklin hiffh achooL Only $4800 far complete outfit For inspection and terms ' E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. , t $260$6i0 CASH 3 ROOM ARTISTIC BUNGALOW Well constructed, neat appearing, hard sur face street near ear, hss fine floored attic, dandy basement, enamel plumbing, laundry trays, 3 fins light airy bedrooms, bnffet. electric light ffvtures, kb. garden. It csn't be best 52d street, nest Foster read. Hurry, and be the lucky ne. Mam 4H03. Tabor 8104. ' ; Q.. C. Ooldenberg REALTOR. ARINGTON BLDG.. 106H 3d. "US YEARS IN PORTLAND" PORTLAND HEIGHTS $8750 6 roooms and sleeping porch. The most comfortable arrangement one would desire. Large living room with beautiful tone fireplace; large dining room with fine buffet; full basement Gaaco fur nace; finest appointments throughout 50 xlOO level lot; cement garage. Marsh & McCabe Co. - Realtors 322--4 Failing bldg. Marshal 3093. MR. NEWCOMER WE WANT TO SHOW YOU THE FINEST COLONIAL HOME IN I.Al'REMlt'RST. PRICED AT LEAST $100 BELOW VAU'E This beautiful home is practically new; colo nist, .design ; unusually large living mom; colo nial stairway; ivory finish with mahogany trim ming; tpetry Paper; tile fireplsce; breakfast nook; til. bath, recess tub; 3 lovely bedrooms: hot sir heat; gsrsge; in our Judgment it's sn urtheatshle buy for $700. on very god terms. You'll make a mittake if you buy without seeing It. Cell Mr. Kvenwin for srrointment. t'OMTE KOHLMAN ' Jolt Chsrrw.-r of Commerce hldg, Msin BSSO. For Large Family This home is one of ths best bargains that we hava hsd listed with us for some time. It is located in Mount Scott on s hard surface street. 2 blocks' from the ear. It has 8 large rooms, sll in the best of shape. 2 lavatories, garage, 100x100 lot. all fenced in: a very well built house. Think of it. olny $3800, and no assessments against the property; $1000 snd terms. Otto & Harkson 418 Chsmber of Commerce. Msin 6398. OCAtTOOS nO STARV. ST Ukl 3092- A 40TI AN0SVWUJ" TA.flOV.95S6 5 ROOM bungalow, fruit, berries, sidewalk. sewer, clone -to car and Franklin nlga scnoot Price $3200. on easy terms. i. iiTi;iiJiiyrii.rj. Phone Auto. 620-88. Anabel Station. ACREAGE 405 $4330 6 ROOM HOUSE t ,. All modern, worth $3230, close in. east side, I J Tj. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Cmnmerce Bldg. Main 208. Extra Special Bargain B room donble constructed bnngalow in the Peninsula district only a block from Willamette blvd. and 2 blocks from the csr. Fully modem and up to daw, even to having a furnace: 50x 100 lot and no assessments against the property. $3730. $1000 cash and terms: Otto & Harkson 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6393 HOME FOR THE NEWt.Y WEDS Very nest well built little 3 room bungalow en paved street, among the firs in beautiful Irvlngtoa Park. Price $2050; terms $300 cash, $23 monthly. 7522) SEKlAia ? 732 rhn,bT of Commerreu BETTER HOMK8 FOR LF-S3 If you bars s clear lot and $500 ws will cuua you a modem tiungaJow. anr AESKJlCaf BLB6. 12 YEK OKNT ON YOUR MONEY TALK about A bargain, Mr. Homeseeker Just look at this. One of those modern 7 room bungalows, in the choic est part of Hose City Park, with garage, choice flowers and fruit Hard surface; only $5500, $1000 cash. I hSTe many others from $2500 to $6000 each, on w'uch I can quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. JJ. B. Holbrooke Realtor 214 215 Panama bldg. WANT FARM AT GRAND VIEW, WASH. 10 acres. Iocs ted on paved highway, 15. miles from center of Portland; 1 anile to electric station and school; good fences; 8 acres under cultivation. 2 acres in timber, all can be farmed when cleared; 30 bear ing fruit trees; 1000 raspberries, 'A acre strawberries. Attractive 6 -room house with fireplace, barn ; 30x40, garage, chicken house for over ; 100 chickens, woodshed, milk, house with cement floor, etc In cluded with place 4 cows, 1 horse, cresm separator, cultivator, wagon, implements, potatoes, 14 tons hay cut, etc. Price for everything $5000, $1000 cash. Consider larger farm near. Grand View, Wash. CHEAP ACREAGE CLOSE IN 10 acres, on good road close to Columbia river highway, 6 miles east of Portland limits; all under cultivation and good, pro ductive river bottom land. Price $250 per acre, $30 cash, balance in 10 equal semi annual payments. : 6 interest This is diked land and the diking charge is about $50 per acre in addition with 18. years in which to pay. Close to electric and steam transpor tation, and high and grade schools. 8 H acres, 1 8: miles south of the center of Portland, on good road, neir Capital highway, 3 blocks from electric station; 3 acres bearing orchard, 2-room shingled house with water piped in, electric lights; exceptionally -good soil, no waste land; creek through place. Price $3000; large cash payment JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Over 500 small places near Portland. - Get our extensive classified litsts. NICE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BEAUTI FUL LAWN 5 rooms with modem plumbing on the first floor, large attic with 1 finished room, kitchen has built-in features, nice front and back porcn. full cement basement laundry trays, gas range and' linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom, lot is 75x100 feet, with good garage: 11 fruit trees and a fine grape arbor, poultry house and yard. 8 cords of wood in bssement Price lor a abort time $3000, half .cash. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. , i Diversified Farming In SUNDERLAND ACRES at E. 29th st snd Columbia blvd., where you can grow the ! best qualities of fruits and vegetables. This is that NEW CLOSE-IN ADDITION. Outside city limits, low taxes. Surroundings ideal for a little country home right next to the city that can be made to pro duce big returns. Some very fine 5, 10, 15 and 20-acre tracts to choose from; $400 to $600 per acre. 10 per cent down, balance annual payments. F.LROD II DBTER, OWNERS, 283 Stark st Bdwy. 1188. 13 Aches, between Portland and CENTRAL1A. nearly aH cleared: small house, faces nice streams $50 down and $12 per month; also 10 acres, same location; small log house and chicken bouse, $70 per acre, $20 down and $10 per month. 5 ACRES. NORTH OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON; half acre cleared, small house; price $600, $20 down and $10 per month; also 10 acres, same location. 2 acres cleared, small shack and well. Price $975, $20 down and $10 per month, 10 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM LAND, in side of dike, close to Woodland, Wash., all cleared. Price $125 per acre. $20 down and $10 per month. Other land partly cleared in same location for $100 per acre, . AR above land is free from rock or gravel, lays good and no waste. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Ry. Ex. bldg. 50 acres. $6000. for city, win 160 acres, $3500. for city, will assume. 14 acre suburban, . $12,000, for city home. 13 acres, $5000. for city uiupetty. 52 H acres, $12,300, for city pioyeily. 1 a. highly improved, suburban, $6500. WHAT HAVE Y0U Large ranch. $70,000. for smaller ranch. 640 a. Eastern Oregon, good land, for city property. $6000. SEVERAL OTHERS CAN MATCH ANYTHING. Marsh & McCabe Co. Realtors 322 3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. FOR SALE 20 acres of ideal land. 13 miles from center of Portland; no better soil anywhere, being free from gravel or hard pan; 15 acrea lie on gentle slope and 5 acres creek bottom; both creek and springs on property. No better combina tion of cow. hog. poultry and fruit propo sition. Graded school less than 10 rods away; on daily mail route, telephone line and cream route; 14 acres cleared; reason-' ably good farm buildings snd small or chard. Good terms to right part, 6 per cent on deferred payments. Price $4000. See Owner at 810 Washington st, Van couver, Wash. TILLAMOOK DAIRY STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 105 acres, between Cloverdale and Pa cific City, fronting on the big Nestucca river; 93 acres of diked land; good ranch buildings; 32 head of stock, including 22 milch cows; team of horses and. all farm machinery, including milking machine. Owes $16,000 at 6 per cent oa long, easy term. Equity $8000. Wants to trade for ranch near Ashland or equal or higher attitude, and will assume. This ranch is well worth the price asked and investiga ticn will prove this statement E. Murray 909 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. ETC 500 HERB IS - A BARGAIN Grocery, delicatessen and tends room, good location, rent $30, long leas, wuly $1600; will stand tnremtigatmei. SUBURBAN GROCERY Famished bring rooms; mast sea. Wi lli city; rent $25. lease. Sacrifice $1330. WEST SIDE GROCERY Good location: sickness forces quick ami at $900 or invoice, SOFT DRINKS, edgan. candiea, ' with restaurant and card room, Fma location. $2250. Several good vahsea In restaurants. $600 and up. No dead ones Marsh & McCabe Co. Realtors 232 3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. Grocery Store Bargain $1800 for a fine store on east aide, doing about $50 per day, rant $40, with two living rooms. $650 for a fin little store, fine -fixtures but small stock, very good location, rent $20. $2000 for a grocery in a fine dutrtet. doing about $60 per day. rent, including fixtures, $35 per month. Investigate. F. L. Blanchard. Realtor 401-2 S wetland Bldg. Marshall 829 1920 BABY GRAND Chevrolet for sale; tHde for Ford. 148 E. 88th st Auto, 223-39. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 THIS offer good for lew days ooty. Mast sea Owner going eaat Established fuel busineaa. yard. otQoa, of flee equipment 3 trucks. 1917 seven passenger Chandler, gas woodaaw and some stock. Call East 7020 mornings for appoituv ment WOULD EXCHANGE ' 42 ACRES CLOSE IN 8 miles from Portland, all smooth, productive land, tt cultivated, balance timber, suitable to subdivide or make good dairy ranch; will take city property; value $300 per acre. Owner, r. o. box 24t city. MUST sacrifice $1300 equity m 10 room mod ern. 2 family house: rent $35 per montn. balance payable $23 per month. Total price szauo. consider car or make oner. Aut 634-85. WHY WORRY I can Sell or Trade Anything, anywhere. B. H. Stewart. 165 tt 4th st Msin 5275 1 ACRES st electric station, near Portland, to exchange for a house up to $2500; will pay balance in cash. Bdwy. 4837 $2000 EQUITY in 9 room house; hardwood floors, sale or trade. For what? Owner. V-727. Journal. 12 ACRES. 5 room bungalow, just 4 mile off highway; will sell or trade for good city property Ant 223-71. REAL FARM BARGAINS 80 acres. 4 miles of town. Washington coun ty, near highway and school; 20 cultivated ; building, orchard, creek, spring, fine timber and cedars, $2500; good terms. 74 acres. 20 cultivated, near town, Washing ton county; good house, bam, gutbuildings; good orchard; living water; team, 6 cows, pigs, chick ens, crop; 20 tons of hay in bam; tools i and machinery, all goes for $40UU; terms. DUBOIS, 804 Spalding Bldg. 2080 ACRE WHEAT RANCH $7500 CASH BALANCE TRADE All plow land, 1500 acres cultivated. New set of buildings well and gas engine; on main highway. 2 miles to town and ware house. This is a snap. Main 6201 or call at 506 Couch bldg. IF you wish to sell your house, flat or vacant lot see us ana get results. Bee A mcnan- bach, in charge of house sales department MetzgerParker Co. 269 Oak St Broadway 5855 WANT at once from owner, 4-room bungalow or cottage: must be cheap: responsible prop erty owner wants easy terms first year. Prefer Sunnyside but would go out Hswthome or SI. V carlines. Apply 426 Lumbermens bldg. 600-ACRE stock farm, located in fCentral Ore gon; best range; 250 acres in cultivation; grows alfalfa and gTains: no failures. Horses, machinery, milk cows and about 125 tons of hay goes for $12,000: would s crept city or im proved farm property up to $5000. You can assume bal. ; 640 acre homesteads adjoining. Must act quickly if this sppeals to you. H. H. Davis, care Piedmont car bams, Portland, Or. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., KEALTORS Specialize in Clackamas county FARMS ACREAGE SUBURBAN HOMES 32 years in Clackamas county. Expert agricultural sdvice free. GLADSTONE, OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE BUNGALOW DELUXE Five room, brand new, never been oc cupied bungalow, every imaginable con venience for the up-to-date woman: hard wood floors, $800 heating system, in good district, in Alberta: $4500, $500 cash, $40 monthly. Photo st office. FIVE ACRE TRACT, - Located 1 mile of Oswego depot ATI cleared; with dandy spring. Two acres fenced; finest of sou. Just the place for a close in suburban home, and cheap at 31-80O. with $400 cash. Harris Co. FREE) HIS1LAJ33 3" ' v 732 Chamber of Commerce. 816 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Main 562. NEAT LITTLE HOME IN WOODSTOCK CHEAP It has 5 rooms, bath, lights and ess, fine full size lot with fnrit berries and garden, fine shade trees, only one block V car line, handy to school, stores ana enurcnes, ana a real nami sble little home for $1500; $500 required as first payment, balance easily arranged. See E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. . Main 2858. FORTY ACRES 35 miles from Portland, 5 miles from MolaRa; 10 acres slashed and easy to clear, close to gravel road: 8000 cords of wood; will deed 20 for wood cutting on other 20, or will sell for $1000. See the owner, 727 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 10 acres, all cultivated, fine soil. 8 miles from center Portland, on paved roed; $3o0O $1500 down, balance 3 years at 6 per cent Inquire owner, 562 Commercial st SNAP IN acreage, . 5 acres near Cherry Grove, 12 miles from i Vancouver: 3 seres beans: house, bam and garage: price $1500; $400 down. Rarrand Realty Co.. 349 Salmon. - This home will pay for Uself in rents: close tn oa Aunnyside carline; 6 large rooms and bath; full concrete baA-ment; stmet and sewer liens all paid. Tbe price is $3550. with $600 cash down. Buy tlds and we'll agree to rent U for $40 a month. This amounts to about 12 per rest oa your money. See us at once. COMTE KOHLMAN. Vain 63.10. 2i Chamber of Commerce; bldg. . Best Part Hawthorne An vinnsslly attractive 6 room bungalow with splendid fumaue. All assessments paid. . No mortgage on proiwrty. Close to grade and higb school. On a beautiful street, H block to Haw thorns ear. Price $4200. with $900 cash. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. "BUILT TO ENDCRB" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better, Houses for Less Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND OR, R. 11th and Market Phone East 5114. linmtnvn nln office Commonwealth bldg. 6tS and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4335. FOR SALE CHEAP 10 acTes, 17, miles from Portland, 1 Mi miles from Sherwood, 6 acres clear. Inquire Room 201. Hotel Ohio, Front and Madison sts. POWELL VALLEY ROAD 2 acres, level. Cultivated, beautiful location. city conveniences: a dandy buy; $1250; easy terms. 403 Stock Exch. bldg. Mar. 3324. ONE ACRE ehesp; close to car and pavement $45 down. bal. 39 uer ma Water and gas. Cell Main 5201. $300 CASH $300 rrrjisv. in EAST KIITF. Six room house, full plumbing; all large,! 1 ACRE shack at Metsger. $400 $25 down, bal light rooms: walking distance; save rent and carfare; located on E. 12th st near Wash ington ; $2suu, $3uu casn. taa per montn. See REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. lO Twis Bide. Bdwy. 2954. sncC $10 per month, interest 6 per cent write IT. r. Keniston. route J, Sherwood FOR small farms and acre tracts, also for good burs in small homes. Psrrv Aa-encv. Milwau- kle. or. PBone 19. , . HOME HAKGALNS ' ' 7 room hotue. 1 block to car, north of Irv ingtna. $26(0; easy terms. 7 room bungalow. 1 block St Johns ear, west of Albina car bum, $3250: terms. 6 room home. Sunnyside, $3600: terms DI'IUIIA, X04 Scalding Bldg. 'MODERN 4 room home on E. Harrison at. ; hnu U new and has hardwood . floors, firvtsce and furnace, cement base- ment. stmt )aved and paid for; a great bargain at $3000, terms. Main 7036. REAL PU'KI P FRANKLIN HIGH Only $1730; easy terms: neat 4 room bunga low 'With attic ;.fuil comer lot: only 2 blocks from Franklin high school: frufct flowers and garden. At least S(0 under value. ' See A. K. -IIUI. 426 Istmbermenv bldg. " ' MONTANA STREET A dandy 4 mora bungalow with garage: st paved: a nifty flare for $2450; $650 cash.- Be aura to see ttiis. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 5624. ROOM buuttakiw ; finished attic; full base asMit; garage runway; hardwood floors, fire , place, white enameled, complete Ihitch kitchen; bwrie: tmirovvmnt paid: linoleum on kitchen and bathrwm : K. 43th t. near Hawthorne; $4300 $10O0 raJv Call Esit 7900. rshier. FOR SALE 120 acres good land. For particu lar? write J. Mcvey. Friend. Or. CENTRAL OREGON SNAP 320 acres, 290 acres cultivated; 4 room house, bam, good well, windmill; 1 mile of new experimental state well, which has de veloped abundant flow of water, on state highway; Vx miles to school and church; $8 per acre; cash, bal. terms to suit E. R. 8.. 513 Couch bWs. Main 5694. 25 ACHES, 20 in cuibvsuon, good 5 room bungalow, good bam. 12 miles from Portland about 200 yards from Pacific highway; price reduced from $e00U to $6700 lor quick sale. Ant 223-71. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FARM FOR RENT AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 60 acres, 40 under high state cul tivation, balance slashed and seeded to pasture; large new dairy bam, new 5 room house, 3 acres in assorted orch ard, rent $300 per year. Personal prop erty, 16 milk cows, 1 Jersey bull, -1 bull calf. 3 head extra good work horses, harnesses, 25 turkeys, 50 chickens. 12 milk cans, feed grinder, ensilsge cutter, cultivator, wagon, buggy, new gasoline engine, milk cool er, cream separator, 35 tons oat hay, straw, 130 bushels grain, acre and half com, acres potatoes, rent paid till January 1, 1922. This is located 2 miles from Battleground, price $2650, $1400 cash, balance LVi years, 6 per cent THOMVSON, SWAN.' A LEE. REALTORS, 3D AND MAIN STS. VANCOUVER, WASH. 160 ACRES 7 miles southeast of MolaHs, 30 acres in cultivation. 4 room house, fair outbuildings. . JOHN BROWN CO., REALTORS. 322 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Marshall 331. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 FINANCIAL MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 601 VI BUY Am ead eaouam F E. Borau A ra. tit) CAaas- Ver of Commerce bMg Mala $0t. FOR SALS seller's contract $2200. drawing. T per eeat neraam 823 a aaoaaa aa Intneat W-730. Journal CASH paid foe insm as swUerC c at real ream m VVasoiawVm aw Oteanav K Noble. (16 UioibermeiM bldg MONEY WAJfTED 651 $630 SECOND aoortgage. wen awuiwd. payaMe $33 pet month. 7 per rent urterest; will dw- 1-687, count 10 per oast to private party Journal. HAVE $2100 sale contract S-rm. boncaWw. rku of inrnmbraace; diereuat $19w. 426 1mm- bermens bldg. Phone Broadway 421. AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE S00 C. G. Bleasdale.v W. have tk car y-a' was. Will acnc4 aay is.nai.tls esier. 1 Ham a the Uma. Term to mW NO BROKERAGE ' flawy Feed Bum . Feed Ttsnai Muvrf Tontaf ataswwa aVeavwy CbwvTuart Twartng tmVbaker 4 Stmseoakrr aoa Twine Uitckel Tssnai 6 EE OREGON INt. at MORTGAGE CO 216 l.ouifrer Ex chance kmOdmg. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 TEAM of T. 8 year-old. round, gratia, tra work borsea and new haraeaa, for east or trad, for late Ford of Chevrolet; anil take or pay eUffer- ice. head cf borsea for aale cheap; everything old with a gusraatee. NATIONAL STABLES. -Oar. 9th and Hawthorne Ave, EXTRA wU matched pair of 3-year 4 biark .Jr. W nM. Mfkt 1 3 7 & 1st. each; they are chunky built and It's bard to tell one frosa tbe other: taev are wnvreae oat gentle a kittras: also 1 4-yvar-otd black mam and 1 a-ear-oid daDOle rrav retain. Bom wraae; have you brought them la antn me ana wm to sell them at a reasonable pnr. tag asm i them at 73 Id rt S P. car WILL SELL tailor ahop in good residential dkv tnct Main 1974. 733 H Washington st APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 FOR SALE 12 .room apartment bouse, all mDUern improve men ta, easy walking oistance. Mde. 42 Market Main 6849. MEAD good big borsea and mares and har ness: also good stem tire top buggy-and stork saddle (or sale cheap, at 370 East 7th, one block norm of ttawuiorne, panow oiaoie. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 CLOttE IN EAST SIDE' 22 rooms, one floor, all housekeeoinc: stove brat: lease. $2300. NetA $225: only $1500 dowa. tan you equal thirt Auto waiting. $1000 DOWN take this, place of 11 rooms, 2 kitchenettes. fura. heat, 2 baths, 2 toilets: in first class order. $1000 cash, net $90; easy urnuv Going. going, going. FOCB OR FIVE YEAR LEASE 30 room apartment close In, west side: good furniture. Price $5500; terms. .For further particulars see me, don't phone. J. EUGENE HEDGES. RlftLTOE 201 W. Park. Have many others. Money Makers 36 apts,, 3 transient splendid furnishings, brick bldg. : very heart of business center on Morrison; owner's health compela bim to get out If you are looking for a money making proposition be sure to see this quick. Price $5500; terms. HI1 Rooms Neat and clean, splendid furniture, close in, nets $73. Fays your rent and living besides 1 1800. with terms on part O. rt. nlrrsi REALTOR, 610-11 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. 33 rooms, right down town, half housekeep- WANT for Quick deal, real bargain in bnngalow or well located vacant lota See A h Hill. 26 Lumbermens bids. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE WANT to hear from owners who want to sell their homes, from $1500 to $3500. with small payment down. Wdln. 5684. WANTED 5 or 6 room house up to $2200; in good district near car. at $400 cash, balance monthly. W-743, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 ins. balance sleeping, garage, steam heat lota of fuel; nets better than $300. No bettor location in town. Cash. 1 1 rooms, well furnished, tenants fur nish own heat Kent $40. nets $125. very close to Washington st $1,800 cash han dles, balance easy. MBS. ALBAUGH, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. PORTLAND'S greatest industry today is home building and will be for some time to come. The soldiers' bonus just enacted bringj millfons of dollars to Multnomah county, the greater part of which will be spent in homebuikLng. I have one" of the best planing mills in Portland, doing about $10,000 per month, property value 1S. 000. Aahout $14,000 lumber stock on hand. Will sell 1-3 interest to reliable party for $7000. SOME TKKMS. L-7 71, Journal $3000 for a fine place in an outside town. with long distance telephone station. Rent $25. A guaranteed salary of $125 per month. This is a bargain and a good position goes with the place. F. L. Blancfiiard 401-2 SweUand Bldg. Marshall 8297. CAT 'N FIDDLE Full and complete confec tionery and restanrant eeauipment higceset grade furniture and fixtures, all in excellent condition: estimated value $21,000. Will sell (complete outfit only) lor (bouu. wrucn in eludes everything except U. 8. copyright trade name, available for delivery alter Saturday, Sept 24, 1921. If interested call for an 'in spection. Cat 'N Fiddle, 145 Broadway, Port lsnd. FIRST TIME ON MARKET Apartment house, 30 2-room apts. Brick building. Modem in every respect Net income $410 month. Long lease, $6500 will handle. SEE THIS BY APPOINT MENT. Marsh & McCabe Co. Realtors HORSE FOR DALE Good -rear-oid horse, ta fine tion. used to bard work. $9$ if take at one. Langgata'a Trapper Creek reach, 3 V miles from Unites ott highway. OK SALE at a bargain. 12 head of bonea, weirhinr from 1330 ta 1$0 lbs. 4 to T yean old: no reasonable offer refused, Call at East 9 th and Flendera. CLAY ST. STABLE. 427 S. Clay, has fi head of big borsea for sale or aura and ex change. r-at 2K 1EAM fur sale, weurht 3200 lbs., with $9 per day lob. steady work: reasonable. Pnoa r 27H2 or call 5109 6Tth st S T.. Dot HI K learn $ day. rwgw teal 1.9 day $44 Front st Miia 2206 2400 LB. TEAM, harness and - 1SS4 luwuwnw are., err. BOtn. $100 FOR RALE at a bargain, a pure-bred ' Belgian stallion. Call st E. 9th and Flanders. LIVESTOCK 701 BROOD SOWS Am closing out all of my brood owi and pigs i them on the ranch at Sycamore station. B: F. Brandon. Automatic 646-57. 3 MILCH costs. 1 fresh: bargain: must go today Service best pur. Saanen bocks in Oregon sisters and dams 7 and 8 quart dose. Bee their daughters. Wdln. 4061. 1100 Henry eve. GENTIJi Jersey family cow: also heavy truck woodraek; for sale or trada for furniture or chickens. Bell station. Estacada hue. 1394. H. A. Stokdale. (tailntim RoaAAar -Iiwaa4 CVmnsry CSat) Mt.a4 T i.riaa Ownaad 63-4B . Bate Bend or Bale Yearta Fas am Yaawtng Nsoa, Bpwrt Model 1-siaw tn rang in prirw tram lio to $:to. C. Q. Bleasdale $$ ALDER. BROADWAY USX. PORTABLE GARAGE rtRST qcality Aft. 10 ft. by 16 ft. S46.00 tVy AST ABOUT OUR BOUCTS lift AND CP MILLMADK CONST. CO. mnODLAWN 11 a. '19 Olds 6 Touring This fins nearly rw car wCl da all the fam aay of the heavy sties will do and this earn a bgbt oa tiraa. gas and srpaeev; tonka hka aww oar: baa some eitra and we wui eerna B. Low pnoa of $$25. with soma dowa. bat aaay. Coma and try it 514 Aktrr at . MURPHY MOTOR CAB CXJL BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1914 This ear baa been repainted and the top rs- condruoned. UpboUuring is in fin. shape. Bob ber excellent Starting appanto baa been re moved. New fear cat flywheel. New pianos Bendiz drive. Valvws ground aad motor over hauled. $190 dowa and tfce balance ta was yac Sea McOny at Northwest Aato Co.. 1 Sta and Al der. Phone Broadway 1460. KL B. FISCH Radiators, favdara. koAaa, tanks, repaired and remodeled; ante enet-meeal work a areeatlts. i at 106-17 K. lLh Pnone BROADWAY $299 MILCH goeta. TocgenDurg doea and bucks for sale. Bucks for service. 293 E. 69th t N., Portland. Or. FOR SALE Cow 3 years old. fresh two weeks and heifer caif. Durham and Jersey. 1304 Midway snd corner of Aur. East St Johns. 1 RESH dairy and family cows, heavy milkers: also some heavy springer. 741 aad 733 F. Ah. FOR SALE Young Duroc pigs, 4 weeks oid. Inquire st Stsll 825. TsmhiU market THREE large fresh dairy cows, heavy milker. 2025 E. Washington, comer glut 1921 Essex Touring This ear has ben lea than $600 miles and has cord urea and on extra: apoUlght aad aur rer and factory finish, and Wfll do any trial ywa ask- We wul give settxw oa subs Low pnea of $1023. with $356 down. bal. easy. Open ban dars. 514 Alder st MURPHY MOTOR CAR fO. automobti.es at ArcnoN RAT.. KEPT 17. 1 P M JAKF.S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 323 GLISAN. BDWY. 3393. FOR SALE 2 young cows. freh Wdin. 4219. WANTED Beet, vesl nd nos. Tsbor 7833. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Mar. 3993. IF YOU want to buy or sell apartments, room ing houses or hotels, see us before you locate. 415-16 REALTORS 2 WEST SIDE COTTAGES. $250 CASH 4 room cottase and 3 room cottar on Kelly near Porter, both In good condition. Price $2250 for both: $250 cash and $30 per mo. Buy these and have a home and an incjme. Ask for Mr, Currie. J. W. GRUSSI. 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452 Pool Hall, Soft Drinks $3000 for a good stand on main business street in a town ot 15,000 population, near Portland, reasonable rent This is a bargain. F. L. Blanchard, Realtor 401-2 SweUand Bldg. Marshall 829. GROCERY, caterins U. hinh-clasa trade, doing $100 per day business and can easily be built up to twice tals smount. wvovea suxrs about $2200, not many fixtures to buy, rent S22.50. comer location, no close competition must sell at once on account of other busi ness. Tabor 3919. 100 ACRES. 48 in cultivation, on paved road. 8 miles Portland courthouse; stock, crop and equipment $3250; terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 93 ACRE farm for rent; stock; for sale. Tabor 6308. 453 E. 38th N. Phone READ THIS AD The beat buy in Eastern Oregon and m the big wheat center of the state a restaurant and 10 rooms in connection; all in good condition and doing a nice business. For particulars write to bos 296, Condon. Or, IF YOH are looking for ctour, buys, call me on these 15 rooms, housekeeping, all full, rent $55. net income $100; price $2500; ex clusive. 11 rooms, housekeeping, gas, elec tricity, rent $5 5; price $1500; exclusive. 16 rooms, a little money-maker, bca-arkeeping rooms, never any vacancies; pnee $2500; ex clusive. Call Mrs. Gibson. Marshall 2618. SPECIAL OFFER 130 O AC. Whits Leghorn puUeta. 63 per cent laying: 150 R. I. Red pull eta ready to lay. Meade strain. roruana seed io.. ibu irom. Msin 4040. DECOY ducks, "the big-moutbed" Englwh call; come get them Bun aay. 8cpt IB, or 5 p. m. weekdays. Fourth Plain road. R. 2, Box 4 5-A. Vancouver. YOL'NG Wlute leghorns, laying hena, Hogan ized stock. $1 each. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon near 24th and Sandy FOR SAI.K Ohidsrna. ducks and hula pics. Base Line road. Jeffery ave., first house norLh. Tsbor 6873. Buick Four Touring ids is me mouei, ui oviv inn p the Buick on the map. It looks snd rows good and has good tires snd on. estra. fosse and try tt Low pnre of $163. with $123 dowa, bal. easy. Take hoods full vstar 514 Alder st MCBPHT MOTOR CAR v COLE 6. 1917 model Thu car w r.ewlj pamird ' maroon and Is upholstered tn Ktnb leather Motor has been thoroughly overhauled and M mechanically perfect. Tires sr. in esnrllent roa dman. Price $H30. Pay $23 cash aad the balance ia monthly payments. Ark for Mr Strain. Broadway 1460. NuTLhwest Auto t .. . 18th aad Alder. Dodge WHITE LEGHORN puileta, hatched March 37. $2 each. Eat 2Q(. 611 MMtiwpr ave. 16 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens. $1 6348 84th t Automatic 421-54. Scratch $2.23. Oau. cpCf) Mash $2 00. Mm Run. Wheat ' Wdln. 4344. WHITE Leghorn laying hens, 12 for $13. 1000 E. Stark. FOR RALE 38 rooms, steam beat rent $55. good lease. Owner too old to handle. Price $2000, terms. See owner 313 H Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. FOR BEST buys in hotels, rooming houses, apartment houses oY leases see E. S. KERR, REALTOR 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. FOR SALE 8 room bouse! Nob 1IUL good furniture, good home and income, reasonable rent near hrapital. 770 Hoyt wt. near 23d. FOR SALE Repair shop snd gsrsge outfit including good Wayne pump and zsu-gauon tank; some accessories and oils and good out fit of tools; rent $25 per month, on the mad to the beaches. Beaver garage. Beaver. Or. Will invoice to sell. IF YOU are looking to get in buainee on a small amount of capital I have it $350 will put you in business where you ran make from $10 to $20 per day. Let me show you. Address K-1H1, JoumsL HOMESTEADS 410 SUBURBAN HOMES 406 IDEAL HOME OREflON CITY 8osy 5 room house, elec. lighU, bath, city corner. 2 lots, beautiful view; close to schools I POR SALE 1 S i story, new. double construc .a .... lVino rfrn Am lesvine citv: I on. 6-room bungslow. modem; with 1 ToinT 'Z 'iT resale people. Pho 3-10 mile from Capitol highway ; 5 minute waft i i.' . --JT." i " at J gimu t,t e&i n wi t icc . iuw ixiiriik,iii J iait., j- I'JtliKi"1 ride from Jefferson st station: some n tui . . 7: """"" terms or Fmsll payment uown and soldier s Donus. ('lifnmia bunaalow. hardwood floors, fire- I i.. j , i t i. place, buffet: about T years old: east front House nearing completion; will make changes to giooo casn. oaiance use ran- ' i oto Ior further particulars write owner or call ate possession. u- I W. West Greenburg station, route 1. Heaver- evenings, i ton. Or. FOR SALE By owner, in Hswthome district vqx, SALE Fine orooertv at Oak Grove, nine FOR SALE Homestead reunuuiehment, 160 acres, 40 acres river bottom land, 30 acres fenced, 6 acres cleared; log house. Plenty of water year around. Price $1500. Will con sider csr part payment For further par ticulars write E. Hoyd, Waldo, Or. COPY govt mapa ahowiu "Aestera Oregon homestead lands, $1. Our charges are rea sonsbl. snd our services the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON, 631 Ry. Kxch. bldg.. Portland FOR A homestead or relinquishment location see E. W. Helm. 816 Board of Trade bldg. fv room bunsalow and finished attic; hard- wnrwl floor, bookcase, buffet and Dutch kitchen full cement basement and wash trays; fireplace snd furnace; cement garage. Price $4650. $1000 cash, balance terms. Phone Tabor 5583. HOI SE AT MULTNOMAH $2,300. PRETTY BUNGALOW, fireplace, garage, modem, near school and station. $300 down balance easy. GOSeDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chsra of Com. Bldg Main 1370 4 ROOMS full basement electricity and gas. fruit and flowers, best car service, fine loca tion in Sunnyside; 2 blocks from populsr Laurel hurst park. $2500; cash or terms; must sell; 1000 E. Stark. miles south, highway all paved. Four acres. 72 fruit and nut trees, matured; fine lawn, shrubbery, lily pool, electric fountain, peristyle, roses. Large eight ' room modern house, hard wood floors. Rector heating system, two baths. Servants' cottage, double garage, automatic water system, laundry house, chicken house, barn. One acre in matured : grapes. Will consider city property in part payment Call Oak Grove 160J or Broadway 962. WANT 20 or 40 acres timber land for cord wood. 15 or 20 miles out; reasonable: close to a good road; address W-731. Journal. AN ABSTRACT at utie is not a guarantee of ynnr title; it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Pohcy ia a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yoa buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. ' Tle Truer company OWNER of a modem well constructed T-noia bouse In center of Irvington must dispose 'of his equity quickly; aa excellent buy very htt'e aaah required. Full particulars, phone Automatic j : .'. evening. , ALAMEDA VIEW BL'NGALOW . 8-rooa, hardwood floors, maple floor ,ta - BiBCJteB, isnwce, idipikt, nuaiim in ouz ivory; gia rang aad gaa water beater goes with place. Worallawa 446ft. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN $300 down; ML 39th near Clinton; rooms. 1 lota, berries, larae entraen booms: paved sta. rW A. Hill. Z l-mtwmrn ptdg. liud ,DOWN SOLDIER BOST! T mora bunas low. rnwinlete la every detail on H S. st. close to Hawthorne ave. cariine. M.v In at once, e-s-t az. $1000 2-HOoM house, lot Nx225. 3403 97th npr B.iiii ave. p. r... ji. f car. (-RtMiH atodera bungalow; best boy in Haw thorn. 44 m. ta . ev Modern Bungalow Just completed.; 5 rooms, bath, breakfast room, fireplace, bookcases, all bnilt-ina. full con crete basement, walks, garage t acre of ground, priced reasonable, fine location: 1 block west of $1300 TAKES a da nay little 4 room bou-e, Meklrum ststiton, on Oregon CHty car. or paved nrtlv fnrauhed. with choice lot covered with fruit and flowers, close to Ryan station. A wonderful tittle ouy. mu particulars , at 404 -Piatt bldg , 127 Park st C1JWE IN NEAR SANDY BLVD. 1oav. convenient 4-room house near RC and MV cars, exceptional value $2650; $400 cash, balanc monthly. 122 E. 27th st N. East 6012. , 7 -ROOM, bath, strictly modem nome. corner. beautiful shrubbery, paved st. sewer, dose in. owner leaving, a positive bargain at $6500; some rah. See Chas. E. Brand, 420 Henry bldg.. Broadway 5549. ' BY owner. $ room modern bungalow and garage. All built m.. fireplace, furnace, lawn and flower. 50x100 lot near I-aurlhur?t $4300. Hose iTuy car 10 aiss sv; z oiocas soma, .evv Pacific st Phone East 2763. BY OWNER I room house, lot: electric lights. gas. wster; woodshed, chicken house; 1 block to Mt Scott car. $800. $100 cash, balance easy. 9916 65th st. S. E. Phone SsUwood 3153. 5 Rms. and bath $2250 Beautiful 100x100 corner; fine lawn and garden, hard surface: st, sewer, sidewalk paid, 2 blocks to rait Tabor 1347. FOR SALE Hawthorne district $4700, nine nesr 4-room bungalow; lire place; hardwood floors: built-in. and strictly modem: eaah $90O. balance $30 aad interest per month. Apply 136S K. Grant st 6-ROOM bungalow oa corner lot. Alberta dis trict. 1 block from carline. Owner East 4919. T-ROOM modem in SeQwood. sear car and 141 UmatiUa. SeUwood 3233. street and Vi block from Pacific highway. Com and see this. lour time will not be wasted. A. V Meyers, owner. SEE THIS BARGAIN A drive out besutiful paved Powell Valley highway brings you to this delightful little sub urban place; Z acres, small bouse, trait garden, chickens, etc. Only short distance outside city limits, convenient school and carline; best class of neighbors. Owner sacrificing for $1600: easy terms. See A K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bWt J 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, fire place, cement base ment garage, lam poultry house, barn, bear- lug fruit; ground 77x322 feet; more can be ar ranged: no city taxes: close in. hard surface. $5500, half cah. Abo 22 acres, near Estacada; smajl house, $1600. Owner. 6657 82d street roone qi i-so. c WHO WANTS a bargain in 40 acres of land 20 minutes from the heart of the 'city in one of the best suburban communities; ha gas and elec tricity, and is just the th ng for a country rx-gae or lor subdivistonT ' pnone owner. Marshall 232S, FOR farms, acreages ans eeauoful suburban homes, between Portland and Oregon city, am Parry Agency. Milwaukee, trr. Pnone 14. TIMBER LANDS 411 FOR SALE Cedar posts, cedar or fir piling. Phone 360-J. ancouver. 1 5O0 .Kaufman ave. TRADE 3-ton truck for t.mberUind. 1500 Kaufman. Vancouver, Wash., phone 3bO-J. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE 412 -9 ACRES Glad' tone and 36th st. sell very cheap or trade for small place. 476 Van couver ave., upstairs bscX. AUTO PA UK IN i i LOCATION FOR RENT 6th and Buroide sts., also 125x100 on 4th snd Flsnders. HITTER, LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Msin 6K86. 192 3d st SACRIFICE 7 roomv pantry. 2 kitchenettes, dose in. wrst side: full price. $800. J. Wm. Toward Co.. 2l6 Park st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 556 DOCS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 703 rrvF. ihnmiilLbml Irish seller main fa aalel Come and ere the dam and sir. E. F. Ling. 1224 E. 15th si N. PIT bull terrier, male. 7 montbs old, cheap. 9123 Foster road. BEAUTIFCL thoroughbred French poodle pup pies. 1702 Mrnenna ave i'. Now is vour chance to get on own price. 630 ALDEB ST. at your ST. ANDRKASBl'KG roilers, young and old stock. 60O E. Davia. RED Cocker Spaniel. 14 months oii. good for hunting. 646 Misslmippl ave. v am- iv SEVEN thoroughbred St Andreasburg f at 30c and 75c each Taoor io- FOR BALE Brindle pit bull pup. 4 $20. Phone Sellwood 187K AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE &00 RADIATOR BTRTICB CO. TT WILL PAT- ywe to e a repstrtng rhat RATHATOft raT(IEm a BODY, stapes 'work guars wu.4 and st Mtelta praraa, Cac. l ata aaal Hawthorne avesroae, Eaat 6493 Late Model Touring This is pcmlar make aad this one at 26 model, and will shew yoa sean barcam. U has factory fuush and good tires and on. ntra. Com. and try K Low price, with $14 down, rial. rf. $1 Alder w. DORT tuurihg car cumjleiely overhaaaed aad ia excrllrat running condition. Ttras. paint and UTholt-nng ar nl V will aril tfii car for $475. Ak for Mr. Warrham. Broadway 1460., Uerd Car Dept. Nonhwe.t Auto .' . 1 Sta and Alder. FoKD col'I'k IATK MODEL. WITH INK H1J' H.UtU.t anfM"Ks. fovr new coitn tdiia am TtBKH. ONE EXTRA 8POTTJGHT. rvT THROTTlJv AND OTHER EXTRAS: kwTiiK IN A-l CNDITI' WlfJ. aAf"HIFl"S FH $30 Af I AM I.KJIVING THK TT V. 1471 DO YOU want to sell your business; wsnt a partner. Bee us. 604 Buchanan bldg. PHOTOGRAPHIC studio with privilege of buy- ing euuipment Address K-800, Joamal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 GOOD GROCERY ItgOO, ea.it sale location. 1 living room, rent $25; some terms. 718 Dekum bldg. CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Oa ' improved property or tor improvement purposes. The best aad easiest method of paying loan la our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21 84 per month, for 60 months, or $16.17 per month tor 96 " pay a loan of $1000 and interest Loans oc other amounts ia mm pfupofUoav Repayment Privileges. EQTJTTABLK SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St. Portland. Ox, WOODSAW. working every day, harder you work the more money you make; half interest $300. $175 earn. $50 per month. 434 Bel mont st East 73S9 evenings. GARAGE The best garage in the city; always full of storage: 10-year lease: paint shop in connection. STiOno.wiir nanoie. si stnea Kxenange THREE dandy boarding houses. Big money makers. eay terms. If you want one of these see me. J. Eugene Hedges. Realtor, 201 Park st Main 251MV WILL GIVE 5 or 10-year lease on blliard room, also restaurant in New Central Stage Terminal and hotel now being erected at Salem, Or. P. O. box 97. Salem, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 FOR SALE A well-equipped vulcanising shop, doing a good business, in one of the best towns in Southwestern Oregon. FX-5 16, ( Journal. TRADES! TRADES! TRADES ! We have built up a trading business that we are proud of. We can give you a trade on almost anything you want We have beautiful farms in Oregon, Wash ington. California, Idaho and Canada to trade you for city property- We have . some very fine acreage tracts close to Portland to trade. We also have some nice homes in the city to trade for land. Come in and let us get together. We are sure we can get you what you want Quick Sales Co. 406 COUCH BLDG, WANT PORTLAND PROPERTY TN EXCHANGE FOR 42 acres. 8 miles out from Portland P. O.. 25 minutes by auto; all smooth, especially productive land H cultivated, balance tim ber ; will cut hundreds of cords of wood: also heavy undergrowth of hazelbrush, $300 per acre. Don't fail to investigate. GEO. E ENGLEHAHT CO.. 624 Henry Bldg- Bdwy. 5173. GROCERY $400. and invoice stock will run about $1500; rent $23; can sub-rent enough rooms to pay all the rent 718 Dekum bldg. GARAGE, property and business, good location, steady income. Call E. Burke, Automatic 620-30. No agents. CORDWOOD hauliiig contract with purchase of truck; steady work. Apply at once. 430 W. Burnside. 2 Vi -TON track, reasonable terms ; can make $ per cord hauling wood ire the city. Pilchard Motor' Co.. 12th and Stark. Bdwy. 1 372. GROCERY $750. wesi side location, doing a good business, 1 large living room; rent $35 718 Dekum bldg. 1 HAVE 4 good business to sell. 11 you care to investigate, takes enly a little cash. 414 Raleigh bldg. $300. $400. $600. 380O. $740. $1000 AND up. Iowest rstam, quick action, p. aioo or more any interest (Lte. Gordon Mnrtgac. Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1876 1917 FORD touring car. in line mechanical condition, all goi uw; has kots of ex tras spotlight thftck absorber.. Ktromherg car bunjtor. storage battery. This car a bargain; $100 down, balance ea-y )" -Ka-t 196T LATE 1920 D"'DGE Delivery, rrreen side. 2 estra tires, in first class eoodition In .very re-pect Rome bod ! nil get an unu-ual bargain in thi. oar. Pbow Sell. 8071. BI K E 4. 4-paenger louring car. in 11 me chanical condition, for ml. by owner: can b seen after 5 P m. any evening at 164 E. 29th st. N. East 704 1920 Buick Roadster RefleiabH and new tin and will pass for new. Cora aad try It All first rlaas aad knw prve ef 1 02. with acme 4cwa. aat aaay. Take Buck tearing tn trade 314 Alder at Ml RPHT MOTOR CAR rsi lil'PMOBU-E Tlu i faaarnger tnanng ear at la fine mechaaval ronditiou. New magneto. 3 brand new caiattgs. Two extra tire with sr. Inner tabes. Just paiatod. wrfenkilrntig tn A 1 ahap. and battery m bnt oonditsoat. Prsc $346, terms. gee' Joe Iwm. NonbwwA Aauva C.. lata and Alder Broadwar 14. AUTO BEDS Have your seat cut to make s bed: positively will not we. ken the csr 7 V Williams. MUST sell st once. 1920 Co b: 1 pas. . cord tires; 2 ex: rms, full coverage insurance for 4 months': $1250: $700 down. E. Z- terms Main 554 1U20 STEPHENS lour.. nai b oerbauted lrom utem to stem: new cord tires ana pain:, looks and runs un like s new car: s real buy XermsT ye. fall B"S1I. Bdwy 3606 , BUILDU'G loan oa city' and saDurnea property. meney advanced as work progresses. W U Beck, 214 and 214 Failing blda. Mam 3407. BARGAIN $iOO t'AHH 1917 Hotx Chalraerm. looks and ran. fro.. good t-res and a good all arouna ear. iiu Jefferson st $800. $400. 50V. 410. $1000 AND CP Low rates, quick scoon. rred w. Germaa Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerca. Mala 4444 MONEY to loan. $100 to $500 J A H. BeC 11 Mnlksy blfA Main 4876 SEE OREGON INV A MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange Building $500. $1000, $1600. $2000. $2300 AND UP r. H. DESBON. 414 Chamber of Com bldg $2000 TO $30O0 ON CITY PROPERTY. FRED & WILLIAMS. "08 PANAMA BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 FINE place for grocery. 2-story brick building. upstairs rented $25 per month; $3250. ti-rm Dubois, HO 4 Spalding. FARMS' 407 40 ACRES, near; station, on railroad; lome cleared: bouse, barn, spring; work near by; price $750; $250- down. , DRAPER. 408 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 1 FARM near Grants, Paas. Or.; bought for $8000 . cash: i offered) for $6000; terms. W E. Dean, owner. 719 D at. Grants Pass. Or. i FOR SALE 120 acre good land. Fur parUeu lam wnt J. McVey, Fnejad. Qs. - i t 1 i - " ' ' - - - t WILL TRADE We are prepared to arranre a trada for yoa. Brine in your proposition and wa will ms ten yoa on anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. R- S-, 613 Conch bldg. EXCHANGE dear lot oa 77th St. Mootaffila, and 1920 Dodga car for house equity. Pay balance cash. State price and boom number. L- 17. Journal ROSS CITY lot to trad, for car. 148 . 38th. Auto. 223- GROVERY $1250, east side, on busy street. has a fine busmess: rent 422. SO. .718 Dekum bldg. DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. tIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOOD REAL ESTATE BO fl8 OB ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY CSCAL1 T LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY IT YOCR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBTLH CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WK WILL PAY 1HKM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND TOO CAN REPAY m IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT . YOCR CONTEMJUICX LEGAL RATE8 NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. LICENSED! 806-867 DCTTTM BI.DG . S snd WASH HAT shop, including fixtures, stock and tools, for sale: good location and investment; leav ing the town; or sell location only. 442 Waah. FOR SALE Cash-and-carry grocery. 4 lividg rooms, good income, cheap rant BeJL 71$. Owner. No agents. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, Koycicn. Lafayette, or. Sea owner. M. PARTY leaving city. 'Jiasoa'e lobbing buaineea. well e-tbbbed. with equipment Auto. 3 1 17 4. $200 GETS you work wish interest and large profits. Phone 634-85. FOR SALE A rxaafectioaary tan. 446 U: ave. N. SMALL restaurant f or sale, pan, auiaa east; 210 Columbia at, , SALARY LOANS CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY oa short notice to salaried or worttagmea their an nota. . Weakly, semi-monthly monthly paymenla. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOR8KR ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Wa also loan en household gooda. eiaao, eta. CALL AND EtTESTMiATK COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 816 FAILING BriLDTNQ HONEY TO L0A On Good, m fttrmau. Bank Rata. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO tt 4tk st. SDH MaJtaomah BotoL Fboaw Broadway 3715. , ' - , v '., THE FENDER MAN J. K DURHAM Ukas Us. kmks out wtule pna wait; repairs radiators and bodMa. Liberty radi ator car, lor aD typa of rr stars. Bdwy. 3214 30 V 1 1 tb rt . Mwr BarncM. 1920 lll li k rrdt, like new. u.rbaud and ruamnted: nrwly naiated. fenders riimss eied. g-Ksd ti. A like a an car as K at (n 4ble to rvbsuid. This I aa exptiosal ear; 41 ion. terms to rwapooaUHe lny. Tsb-w 4 4 5 1920 FORD rosjdster. starter. rims sreeloroeter. slKw-a. c- . Ri!linaley Motor Co.. lUwthorne F.st T. demountable 41i. termv sn. at Sth. 191 CHALMERS, nrst claa. mechaniral eon ditto fl. new paint, rew rnDoer; wiu sfc csr in trade Phone I20-8J 40x3 Vs Ml HEI-1N 4-t'iy tires. !. oo. betvr know now io rvir ur" en Tire Sbor Grand sve st Pine r. 1920 Hl"IS4)N Huper. ia-. v ui mu wsmnty and will laae sons vmnv " "- Uwn 397. "i. llAVB . liaht six Iranac that I will be aiad ia lUmnntfral to CTIOraj Dajrr. ' .it... for making immediate sale Jones. Bdwy 7i4 1919 LIBERTY SIX. just as go as nt-w : wld acrifsce for $900 and give long nnn " 5073. FORD Louring. 191. mecenraiiT penen. small payment down and Balance asonuuy. 6$H-4fl FORD touring, m very best of condition; wui sell on very hbiII psrmens oowu aw naiaar. monthly. Itione n-- LATK 1919 Ford, etsnrr bint. uuM-t tinmtii n; looks and runs f'ae; eaa b paivb..ed st a bantam. cmb or terma. t 'an be a at Aina wirtli Carsge. UniuB ate. sod Amarta, or rm 1 Wlln Ml ChaImerstaxwelL THE ORIGINAL aPlX-lALlST E H. CHAMBERS, Hrwloe tt 28rd - Sefi t'ii HI I' K 3 intrt. late 191". Iism wru.. cal ootditiot. 3 tatm. rH on rear, tare rec. eitra mb. ajjotl-'ait bamiwv. etr. : tha lne-t 11 Buick In Pan.-). 1730. caiA ar terras Mr PMilir. Brrd 1483 A LIGHT an faring that I will guarantee to be as gor) a bergairLA can be had ia tl.e rtty. Everything mow. tirea. ew , in first clam etan dtOoei Jone.. Brosdwsy 7a FRANKI4N 4 1t-fl r i.umn.t rusdMr. hooks like r-w evrrhanlfd.' riw p.lntl. up . hnlvterT like ww: e.r ha, tmd kvt f care: a' asp tray for- 41230: trrm. Pfcawe Flank Hmuh. Tttt-r 4 4 49 FOR HAIJO F"-d 1nrirg car. exreUevit cotwB ttoa. just owrtlnled. ied isaetv; aboK-fe an- aorbera. gond tiros, ar-at cat dowa for bed; bar- gain for 4ZSO; trrms. 4 1 traM are. 44. vt,uit mMi, late 1921. rua 70O Bi: forced in sell: will tax roru wunog misi 313 92. FOR SALE Franklin trisB. good as new. tali 772 Hoyt st or OB oroaaway. nea. poome Msrhall 200 ' BIG BODIES built to order. B. B Body Works, 84 5 William ave. Eaat 1141. FORD touring, mm as new; owner leaving city. Kay terms. rjt , 1920 GRANT SIX. will sell for $600 aad girt long terms. Wdln. 3973. DODGE eVreen delivery, laic sstxtel. likUe aaed. bargain. Qwrer. 811 Woreewter bldg. CADILLAO 8 in A-l condition; only $130. Call Junaers. Broadway mi. 1918 FORD touring, Ju overhaaled. all goud 1 ' LEXINGTON light si i,- 1st m 1H l-wk. Ike new; aarrifire for 4v23; give some tmaa Tabor 1449 tntulip, or Bdwy. 7M. Call Mr Ghtnx V- VEI.IE. 5 ctfrtarw; good tinat etc. raiy $430,.$7$ ca-h and $25 tr month, ar will take rood piano or player puno aJ at 434 w a'h:ng'm. or r""" tv?vy i 1419 FORI ra.d'4 equipped: $294. Co.. Hawthme v irr Work. Billinairy t ath fjtt. 7 1919 Bl l hi 4. 3 pss-nsT. Thia ear la ta wnndwrful eondTtsoo. r"d tirea and extra: rarrle. a Imrurrr ruarawtev. 'ail Ttbor 14 SACBIFK'E Ovrrlaad 74. rd Aaj. 424M4, raafc or terms No trade ill Phoan RtwaaV way 7 Ask f"v Mr Bilcr a ..a. Ueeonng and rapairw flUtU 4 VUJ t Muniw prim. Sahwcu . netwvTi 4-h tad Broadway. $23 14 nti -7 ' "TV tire. Prine 42Q. $123 down. Eaat $48j $230 LIGHT Sutdeaaker; good Urm; able terma Owner. Tsbor 7147. CHEVROLET touring, aril for $300; June era. Broadway 1473. 1918 DIXIE FLYER, good cwMiuoa. $435. Mr. Howard. 14 N. 14th. Bdwy. $974. CADILLAC S. in A-l eowiXMa; only $354). Call Jongera. Bdwy. 1872. OL7 8. 1918. aew paint good Urea; mU tat $423. Jungev. Broadway 1473. KKW.Fard J amor $304). Eaat 1198. lAtfe l20 Ford, fin aa asany ettmi. 4478 rah XiaLiCai aai4e. "-3 f.U Hall tn 1917 HI P BIG 4 w. 1419 Ft'BliT Fet 4474 ell Solas. $243. enatdipV Fa 473T. re. ParUot FORi I -tost Feed ebaaasa. easua aXTva, a , aia 1 1 TJ,,uf 4 cw! PawaM tWalwwad 141 etoT 4. p. m. Ur.D Ford aVhvery a-i'.eT. rtaevp. Fayll4