The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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North Mt esafnvor Matbodiat chnrch, tauih.
PorUand. Itaptaabtr 1.
Lena Cooal a'ai. Xaawaa, September 1 to
Annual eDSWBtieo Unltnomah coonty W. C
T. V.. roalaad, September 14 and 1.
ClackaaMa Oouau tan. Cub, September 14
to 14.
Oncra TJnrUd Brathraa ebvrcb ural aoe
brcoM, Philomath, sapwaiber It to IS.
Nortaweat till aad Urals Uoi, Ptndlatoe,
September 19 to 24.
atnrtaomab Count Fair, Greahem. Septa
bet It to 25.
CoianK Count Fair, 8t HaUoe. September
SI to 23
RoUBd-l'p. PtndMoa. Sajrfiiejber 22 to 24.
Unwi state Ifau, satem. septembet to
October 1.
Una Coaniv Fair, Albany. October te S.
Vucs CuuAtjr ralr, Tbe Dalles. October 4
to T.
Orecoa Method lit eonlerence. rant Grot,.
Oetnbtr 5 to 10.
Polk County fair. Dellae, Oetobwr to 8.
Annua Coimi'iin Orefoa W. C T. U.. Ore
aon Clt. October 12. IS. 14.
Hovel Arcanum, aread council. Portland. Oo
Libir II
Kalahta- Templar, (rand eonnnaoderv. La
Grand. October IS.
Kattooal Oraaae meetln. Portland, N
bar to 18.
Pacific International Li restock Kxpoeittoo.
Portia nd. November ft to 12.
Americas Historical amociatiofi. Padfle Coaat
ranch. Portland, Novembor 29 and 2.
Oreaos Bar aeeodaUoa. Portland. Doccmbet.
Portland and Vicinitv Bundav fair: 'winds
maitlt Borthterlv.
Oregon and Washington Sander 'air; liaht
to near front cant portion eunoav morning.
Knode rata Borthaaaterly wincU.
The nnt atrikinf featnra of todav'a map Is a
mrmm hivh nrnMUra ere overlvina the North'
vrat, the bilhest readings being In the interior
of W eaters Canada. The pressure ia moderetelv
hi(h in the Attantto Btates, Tennessee and the
loner Mississippi Taller, and low in the Central.
middleweeUirn and Hoathwestern State. Pre-
r.niLauoti ha occurred over a broad ana reach
in from Montana and Saskatchewan to the
Ohio and middle Mississippi valleys, and locally
In. Florida. The following, nesvy rainiau la re
ported: Huron. 8 I)., 1.70; Dee Moines, Iowa,
l.fa; WUIiaton. N. D.. 1.16. Snow ia filling
in Northern Montana. The weather is much
cooler over moat of the Northwest and f reeling
temperature prevails in Montana, Saskatchewan,
Alberta and Northeastern British Columbia.
Over the eastern halt of the country the tempera
tore remains shove normal.
Relative humidity at PorUand: Noon yester
day. .60 per cent; 5 p. m. yesterday, 44 per
eent 1 l a. toriev 7 6 ner cent.
I'rertfiltation since January 1: Total, 24.39
inches; normal, 6.21 inches; deficiency, 1.82
inches. KDYVaHD L. WELLS.
Kaker, Or
Hoise. Idaho
Hoeton. Mas.
Jtnffaln. N. Y
Hull Harbor, B. C. ...
Chicago, III
lieuvrr. Colo.
Iea Moines, Iowa ....
Fresno, Cal
(ialveston, Teiag
tO-lena. Mont.
Honolulu, T. H. ...
Huron. 8. D
Juneau, Alaska
Kansas City. Mo. . . .
ne Angeles, Cal . . .
Manhfieid. Or.
Medford. Or
Memphis. Trnn
New Orleans. Ia
New York. N. x
Nrane. Alaska
Vorth Head, Wash. . .
North Platte, Neb.
Oklahoma City, Okla. .
Phoenix. Aria.
rtttsbarf, Pa
PorUand. Or.
Prince Rupert, B. C. .
Hosebnrg. Or.
Hoswell. N. M
hacramento, Cal . . . .
Hi. Ixoa, Mo.
Hi. Paul, Minn.
Malt lake City, Utah .
Han rMeejo. Cal
Kan ""Francisco, Cat . .
Seattle, Wash.
pttorldan. Wio. . ....
Hitka. Alaska
Spokane, Wash
Tanana. Alaska . . . .
Tatnoaii Island. Wash.
Tnnnpah, Nevada
Valdea, Alaska
ancoaver. B. '
-Walla Walla, Wsh. . ,
Waahlnftnn. I. C. . ,
Tskima. Wash
Temp. J J
"(3 rf io
SS is f
zi rj s
& r- gf
" 3
62 34 0
, 68 8S 0
. 76 68 0
NO 68 0
. 62 4 0
. 84 68 .24
. 8 48 0
. 2 62 1.68
. 94 60 0
. 86
. 38 ) 32 .14
. 84 ....
. 72 1 48 1.70
.62 0
. R6 72 0
. 74 62 0
. 70 42 .0
84 40 0
. 86 76 .04
.82 76 0
. 80 66 0
. 62 .... .04
. 60 52 0
. 86 60 0
.88 70 0
. 08 68 0
. 86 68 .78
. 74 54 0
. 64 44 0
80 44 0'
. 06 62 0
. 88 54 0
. . 84 70 .72
84 64 .06
70 48 0
.70 S4 '0
. 66 0
. 66 60 0
. 62 84 .01
64 0
. 60 38 0
. 64 04
. 68 50 0
. 74 68 0
. 62 08
. 44 0
. 70 40 0
. 86 70 0
. 78 I
this morning in the Ideal theatre, owned
sKd operated' at 801 Thurman street by
E. H. .Morton. ; The fire started In the
corner near the stage about 8:15. Cap
tain Roberta of the fire marshals office
estimates the loss at 500, which he says
is covered by insurance.
Sbepard's Aata be. Line Portland-
Hood River division Leave Portland
:30 a. m.. IX a. m 2:45 p. m. and" 4:3 1
p. m. dally. Leave Hood River 9:30 a
mw .11 a. nv 2 :20 p. m. ana 0 p. m.
daily. Buses leave St. Charles hotel, 204
Morrison st, Telephone Mar. 438L Adv.
Library Attesdast Arrlre As head
of the school department of the Portland
library. Miss Ruth M. Paxton. formerly
registrar of the Carnegie Library school
at Pittsburg, Pa, arrived in PorUand to
take up her duties; Miss Paxton is a
graduate of Wellesley college. She was
for a time school librarian at Salem.
Skepbard't Alto Baa tinea Pbrtland
SL, Helens-Astoria division: Leave Port
land 2 a. in.,. 7 .30 a. n... 10 a. m.. 1 p. m..
4 :15 p. m. Leave Astoria 7 :15 a. m, 10
a. m, 1 :J0 p. m.. 3 :30 p. m., 6:15 p. m.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays; Busses
leave St. Charles hojel, 204 Morrison
street. Telephone Marshall 4381. Adv.
Salem Has Klwanls Clnb Salem now
has the fourth Jiiwanis club to be or
ganised In Oregon. Presided over by
Walter C. Humpson. field representative
of International Kiwanis, the meeting
was held in the capital city Friday. Roy
F. Shields was elected president, Sam
Koier . vice president and Henry A.
Mooris secretary.
Alleged Masher Held James Porter,
arrested Friday night by - Patrolman
Cameron. Is held under $50 bail for a
hearing today for violating the mash
er's ordinance. He is charged ny Mrt.
Hazel Morehouse with accosting her on
the street
The only proper number to call is East
3088 when you require the Salvation
Army truck, to call for your waste ma
terial. Help us to help others by your
helo. Address 24 Union avenue. Major
John Bree. district officer. Adv.
Fortlasd-Xewberr Bus Leave Fourth
and Alder dally. 8, 9 -.30, 11:00 a. m., and
L 2 :30, 4 :15. S :30, 6 :30 p. m. : Saturday
and. Sunday 11:15 p. m. Phone Main
8314. Adv.
Portland TmamooK Cadillac stage.
Hovt hotel, dally at 1:15 a. m. and 2. p.
m. special arrangements mug aur usu-
triE parties. Adv.
Crystal Lake Park Dancing Sunday
afternoon and evening. Especially en
gaged music. Bob Gordon's Jazz Band.
Str. America St Helens via Columbia
river. 2 :30 p. m. dally ; 11 :30 a. m. Sun
day. Alder st dock. Main 8323. Adv.
Fortland-Salem Stage Leaves Seward
hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
7 a. m. to 7 p. m. rare. L7o. Adv.
Balem-MIU City Stage Connects O. E.
trains No. 5 and 9 for Mill City. Joseph
Hamman, Salem. Prop. Adv.
Hill Military Academy, Portland. Or.,
has primary, preparatory and academic
departments. Adv.
The Moore Sanltarlnm and Office,
Hawthorne and Twenty-seventh, phone
East 37. Adv.
Dr. H. E. Shoot, Selling building, re
turned. Adv.
Dr. Lawrence Selling, Selling bldg., re-turned.--Adv.
Dr. James W. Rosenfeld returned. Ad.
Dr. Robert B. Karkeet returned. Adv.
'Dr. Eaton, chiropodist, returned. Adv,
"Sit Here," Judge
Tells Prisoner; He
Sits 'Em All Out
(Continued From Pace fourteen)
an will be dedicated. Professor Charles
wenson will be at the organ, and the
dedicatory sermon will be preached by
f roiessor v. J. uraai. nresiaeni. or me
Pacific Lutheran collece- at Parkland,
Wash. Rev. M. A. Christensen. the local
pastor, and several musicians in tne con
gregation will assist in the services. A
jubilee of ferine: will be laid on the altar.
The new organ, is of excellent tone and
quality and appreciated by the music
loving congregation. The Sunday school
convenes at the usual hour.
Beginning Sunday the regular serrieea. at tne
regular time, will be resumed at St. Pauls Lu
theran church. 1 The pastor, Ber. A. Krause,
will preach in German at 10:30 a. m. The
English serrice is held at 1.Z0 p. m. Special
music (or these, serrices has been prepared by
the choir, which ia directed by G. Harhlen.
Miss Gertrude Krause will agam be at the organ.
Misa Xell C. Johnson, who has been
the successful and much-loved deaconess
worker in charge of the Friendly Center
Mission in Albina, has found it necessary
because of poor health to aWt for "a
year's leave of absence. She left the
city Thursday for Eureka, Nev., where
sne wiu visit ior a snort time wun ner
brother. Health permitting. Miss John
son will journey east a little later and
resume echool work. Miss Martha War
rington, parish deaconess at Centenary
Wilbur M. Ei church, has been secured
to fill the vacancy. The work at Friend
ly Center is supported by the Epworth
leagues of the city. Before coming to
Portland, Miss Warrington did similar
work in Chicago, where she was also
siinnnrtpri hv the voune DeoDle.
Communion will be observed Sunday morning
at the Kirst M.i E. church. Dr. Joshua Stans-
field will preach; in the morning and Dr. W. W.
rnnnmnn t tiipht. Wslter Jenkins will lead
the evening community sing. The newly elected
Sunday school officers will take charge of their
work Sunday at 12:15 p. m.
Dr. Frank L. Wemett will occupy the pulpit
at Centenary-Wilbur Methocbst churcn on &un
Aa-m mroinr and in the evening Dr. W. B. Hoi-
lingshead wiU deliver the address. Dr. HoEings
v,..,i im former nsjttnr of Centenary church
and later was the district superintendent of the
Portland district. He has held prominent and
responsible positions in connection with the Cen
. mAmMt havine snent six months in
.v.- tr'iant trowim? minonsrv work there. At
present he ia the field representative for the
committee on conservation and advance, wttn
headquarters in -Chicago. The newly organized
.hnm rbmf will sinii at bo th services, and in
m i
k A AX
Mo. 6228 EMB 5II
Perth, Scotland The home of the
heather and the birthplace of tweed Is
turning out some beautiful fabrics, ex
amples of which are now being worn by
visitors here for the grouse shooting.
The cooler weather has brought out suits
in all shades of brown, ranging from
deep tele de negre to warm autumn leaf
colors. These are popular not only for
tweed suits designed for sports or coun
try wear, but for more formal attire.
A favored material is a tete de negre
eiuur uc mine wiui a taint lemon pin
stripe. The favorite black and white
combinations usually are worked out In
tweed checks. Most of the suits are cut
on long straight lines, made very plain
and showing -few belted models.
Berkeley, Cat, A marked preference
for flannel and jersey coats in place of
the sweater is being shown by college
women at the University of California.
which open its fan semester earlier
than Eastern colleges. These are used
for general wear on the cam pas and
streets as well as for sports. These
coats are worn with a wide variety of
skirts both of silk or wool and oc
casionally Are seen withe blue serge
street frocks and other tailored dresses.
Jade and cherry are the colors most
favored for all day. all occasion, wear.
New York The reds, the yellows, the
purples and vlollne and dahlia shades so
prevalent in the autumn costumes have
combined to make this what Is ordinarily
called a "brunette season, but these
shades are being sought no less widely
by blondes. With complexions coming
so universally from a box. the color trend
makes less difference to tb modern
girls who complacently tone the complex
ion to suit the gown rather than choose
the gown to suit the complexion. One
charming evening frock shown this week
issfred hlffon beaded in the same
tone and hang over a flesh colored slip
which has bandings of cream colored
lac. Doll tones of French ribbon maXs
the flowers which trim ths girdle. An
other evening frock Is of purple velvet
with the blouse In surpUos effect and a
straight Une skirt with . long paaeis
caught up under the hem.
CbehaJU. Wash-. Sept "li. Schools of
Toledo opened Tuesday with
A Laundry That Pleases
Particular People
A Laundry whose work dispels grouches and brings
"smiles. Once you use our system you are a friend of
this laundry. The only way we lose a patron is for him
to die or move away.
Phone East 883
All Heat
1Mb Ash
Order st the Cm OfTrce
Or Call Main CO0
Monthly IzietallmemU if DoaireeJ
the morning Mrs. J. M. Muir wi!l sing imrfe
n.f. of the TemDle." During the eveniftffl
service, "It Was For Me" (by Blount)- will be
sung by Mrs. Pemn.
At the rrrst Norwegian
Danish Methodist
For the Daytime
Frock dedicated to the services of shopping or business, the trimness of fine
French Beree. tricotine. Diauetine. or the new kasha cloth, lends Itself with par-
. . . . V. - .. 1 a-. .nil.. 11a4 nsrta tvnifiwl Kir trtAOA 1 1 1 1 1 .t m t H
Episcopal church Sunday night the sermon wiu below Tne f rock at tne left js a simple, slip-Oil, chemise frock with an ovai neck
be preached by District bupenntenaeni . .. . rather Inn? hell sleeve, which may wear or discard the sleeveless.
t . Ti.- r will Tjreacn 111 ine moxviuB- 1 . . . . . . . . - . . . A? i, . 1
xv , ' - : .v.- 'ii. nanei overti ouse tnat anas so mucn aisuncxion. as wen us uic iuku busiiuiuk
The services on snriw moram? - collar. In th frrtk at th rieht the severity of the unbroken front and back
i" n?end be eSSiy hSSuT and inter- panels and the mannish trimming of the braid binding. Is relieved by a tucker
nSZ willriie an expository aer- and frilled , collar of batiste or handkerchief linen, which also makes the frills
mon on
ihrark Hobsrt Kel5 ? wiu' lead the Epworth
league service at 7 p. m. .,- f
7. i.- ...... vc.- will nreach in the West
moreland chapel, MUwaukle street at South ave
nue, at 7:30 p. m.
The pastor will give an expository ser- j and frilled , collar of batis'
the ninth chapter of St. John's gospel. outlining the wide bell slee
rill be three solos by the Clinton-Kelly (Copyrii
Copyright, 1921, by The Vague Co., New Tork)
Rnndkv will be a eala dav in the calendar of
Piedmont Presbyterian church, for it baa been
chosen as "Promotion day," and many children
will be made happy with their diplomas. Twenty
eight will be graduated from the cradle roll.
" " j rll,-v, the wiu pass irom tne oeginners ana uie prmiri
At the First Presbyterian churcn tne mote 30 30 wiU also be
.iai aervirs will be neia iomuii"
Rev. J. C. Temple ton, D. D. of the Pres
Dresented with Bibles bv the school. The exer
cises win be at the regular Sunday school hour,
i.... Vo-ri r Tniniste.rial relief and 9:45. and will be held in the main schoolroom.
. Ti-T iit nraah at the morning At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. Rev. J. Francis
sustentation. will preach at we m o s Mo prelich. At 8:30.p. m. the Chris-
service, and Rev. Norman Kendall IW t)an EndeiTor will reme eir work after the
will Dreach in the evening. H-. tu. tour- stJmmer Ticati6n. Monday evening the session
-n will eive an organ recital preceding I hold its regular meeting in the church
, , in wla.p Trio 1
the evening senice, and will play tne
fiioo;ir.o- miimcal numxers:
inniinnti "Xocturne" (Miller), "Sec-
j t-.j-.ntir.r. in n lriat" (Lemare)
U11U mmtuiwiiv . ; . , t-:.-
..iv 'n Tkf . jtif.n a t-v snrietv ol tne eiTSt
1 L1C KVUiCu o ... . ... .-
Presbyterian church will meet on Tuesday at
STnX; n th. chaoeL Topic. "Missions
tf7: ii.." Mrs. Sanford Smita
leader. Mrs. Norman K. Tully wiU conduct the
devotional serrices. Circle H will act as Hostess
s-i . ;f . . fnr miainnanes SnOUla -Oe
Lflnaimu km ii" . -
hrmiEht. to this meeting. The express rate for
all merchandise to foreign countries is so men
that it is advisable to maae io iuu iu
t. u t nw m.n ia in San Francisco to de-
liver "the charge to Dr. E. F. Hollenbeck, who
parlors. On Thursday at 8 p. m. prayer meeting
will be held to discuss the topic, "The Need of
spiritual enterprise. Thursday afternoon at
3 the Julianna circle will hae an outdoor meet
ing at the home of Mrs. K. U. Mort, 311 East
Lombard street.
Sunday services m the Millard avenue Presby
terian church will be held as usual. The morn
ing service anticipates "Constitutional day" and
tne evening has in mind a full and loyal partici
pation in the service of Christ during the coming
P. VI. report of preceding dy.
"Sit here,'
I Tim Twomey in municipal court Friday
And Tim sat there, forgotten by the
judge and the prosecuting witness. Two
hours later, after the court had ad-
journed and officials were gone for the
day, he was found by a detective who
happened to drop Into the court room.
Tim had waited patlenUy, as he had been
Utterly broken by his experiences In
Home coming services will be held Snndav
is being installed on lniiraoaj . I 'ii...v . V v r
horailetiea at the San Anseimo seminar?, i it. ojron j. v larn. pmwc, win preaca
Thi. cl was endowed by William 8. Ladi 1 in the mortrmg. and at night Mrs. W. H. Hayea.
Cblaeae Oot t'nder Bond Louis Wah,
merchant, and Lee Gin. both members
of the Hon Sing tong recently Indicted
by the Multnomah county grand Jury on tne world war, Tim will undergo a men- bM
charges of murder in the first degree tal examination at the hands of county
and assault with intent to kiii in con- authorities today. After being nearly
nertlon with the murder of a Suey King buried alive in France and lying in a
tungman during the recent outbreaK in I hospital cot deaf and dumb for nine
Chinatown, were arrested in The Danes months, a nervous wreck, Tim seems un
.oiH Ti.rtro . PAimin tr. I r.r win he haA in the city and preach I returned missionary from Japan, will speak.
... . at both services on September 18. . . I At 11 a. m Sunday at the8econd United
a 1,.- ennmreeatinn ereeter irr. i nu n i m ru uiu. -1, is. . ii. rmyes. Japanese
tnndsv rooming at Vestminster x-reaDyLenan i muKtiwmiy, nui dltcmk. ruum uie cnorus
church in spiU of the fact that many were still choir, under the direction of Professor O. Arthur
away on their vacations. V -ri,- p j V. u '"-V - . . .
under Professor Hutchison leadership was en- The Re VV. H. Hayes, returned missionary
n ; .. 1 1 u ncot.ft i l ne soeciai xnu&io iui 1 1 iju. . m sit ouuuti momiof at me
Snndiv will be: Xhird Un.it1 Brethren church, and at night at
l ) -Tn Antxiem ' ive joyiui m vi- i ' ... . - . . . ... . t iuujlu. imujn
Pulm i- (I O. Martin : offertory, -tanuiene i wm iui ineir puipits at tne otner services.
Pastorale," Alex Guilmant: tenor solo, ' The Pro
cession." (C. Franck), by J. r. .Mtuoer.
7-A?i- Aiithum 1 ixira. 1 1W1 aii, aiy v.v"i
t.. ; v, y w l.ilin rirts&r offertorv. e,iegie.
8. Touferoff'; alto solo and 'quartet. "I sought Perm
the Iord and He Heara M.ei jr. oieveiuuu.
rs. Palmer L- r ales.
4 fHO
The Rev. J. W. Tbbnipson of Lockhaven.
will preach Sundav at 7:30 r. m t
the First United Evangelical church. The
Rev. H. H. Fain ham. will preach at 11 a. m
- v- . i .11 i 1 e"- rl- "n. wiu preacn at 11 a. m.
? ."JMt tad' -J" t Monday at
n.-tn.-n. nf the Rihle -hnnL The beginners
rienartment will hereafter meet in the chapel
room and will be under the leadership of Mrs.
u.inh Mitchell who will be assisted by Mrs. O.
li. Price and Mrs. e. J. Kasmussen. imi. jei
Thursday afternoon and brought to Port- abo to control his actions, and was Westminster ranked sixth among . ?yteirin
They hope to keep up the standard. It is hoped
tr. enlist the entire church in this work. There
land. They were released on 12000 bonds I arrested Thursday on a charge of dls-
each. Other Chinese arrested on tne or(jeriy conduct. On account of his con
7:30 p. m. for a business session.
The local chapter of the Unitarian T .a mien'
league will entertain President Richard F. Scholx
of Reed college at supper at 6:30 p. m.. Mon
day, in the chapel at Broadway and Yamhill
HETLIG Broadway at Taylor. Pltcnre. The
Woman He Chose. Daily 1 to U p. m.
BAKXR Morrison at Eleventh. Baker Stock
company in "The Wonderful Thing. Mat
inee Wednesday. Saturday. Sunday at 2:30
Evenings at 8:20.
LYRIC Broadway at Morrison. Lyric Musical
Travesty in "Mademoiselle Chicken. Matr
inee daily except Wednesday, at 2. Evenings
at 7 and 8.
ORFHEUkt Dark. Season opens Sunday after
PANTAGES Broadway at Aldec High-claas
vaudeville and photoplay features. Afternoon
and evening. Program, changes Monday aft
LOEW'g HIPPODROME Broadway at TamhlU.
Direction Ackennan dt Hams. VaadeviUe.
Afternoon and evening.
COLUMBIA Sixth at Stark. Mary Aides in
"The Old Nest." . 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. Norma Tal
madge in "The Sign on the Door." 11am.
to 1 1 d. m.
BIVOLI Washington at Park. Ince't "Mother
o' Mine. 11a. m. to 11 D. m
MAJESTIC Washington at ParkN Betty Comp-
son in "For Those Wa Love. 11 a. m. to
11 p. m.
PEOPLES West Part at Alder. Dorothy Dal
ton in "Behind Maska." p. m.
STAR Washington at Park. Mr. and Mrs.
Carter DeHaven in "The Girl in the Taxi.'
11 a n to 11 s. m.
CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. Douglas
McLean in "One a Minute." 9 a. m. to
o'clock the following morning.
COLUMBIA BEACH Vancouver cars. Swim
ming, dancing, concessions. Daily.
" - , i ri vi - I enlist tne enure cnumi in una A I i,-...f . rl ... .,..i . , " . . charse have also secured their hl8 case was dismissed by Judge Uu be clas, for men and
freedom on bail.
Rablet Among Cftjoten Following a
report that rabies has broken out among
the coyotes In Central Washington, htan
leir Jewett. head of the predatory ani
mal division of the United States bio
logical survey, today dispatched three
trappers to the district. Eleven positive
cases of rabies have been reported al
ready from Corfu and Wheeler, Wash.
tio far. the epidemic has not spread to
Oregon, and Jewett stated every effort
would be made to confine the trouble to
the region where It originatod.
w . ft f I A T-n . 1 n .
UBStrrs Jr na.o-iuroi giaino ,. j,n..., t.Htifld that Thh a ronnta.
violators contributed t!5 in fines in . ,
and those of "teen" age. This study will begin
with October.
tne unnsuan MqtiTot inu tinii ,u ii.nii ..,
ill he resumed at the Central Presbyterian . ".XtZi
church tomorrow. Dr. W. H. Nugent will occupy
hi nnlnit rtnth mnrnirtff and evening. J. Wil
liam tselcner. cnonster, nas rexumeti ifvni u
vacation and will resume his services. Robert
Louis Barron, violinist, who has been engaged
to lead the singing and direct the orchestra in
h Rnnrl&v u'hnrl will render a solo in connec
tion with the morning worsnip. ine iirsi u
meeting of the woman's society will be held on
.TnunVi T.r.r. Tulive in fiehtintr for Wednesday afternoon, at 2:1S o'clock. The
national lecturer of the W. C. T. V.. tn tne
division of social nioralitv. Mrs. B. A. Thaxter
will also speak. Mh Bessie I. Kirk wood, the
pastor's assistant, will conduct the devotions.
The officers of the society will serve refresh
Fights for Honor
.When Witness Says
Reputation Is Bad
Jones, to attend the national convention of the
Unitarian Ujmtn'j league, meeting next week
on toe Atlantic coast. The regular session of
the church school will he rttsiimeri nnn
High Elks' Office Is
Given Clement Scott
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 10. Clement
Scott received a telegram this morning
from grand exalted ruler of the Elks,
llJLTr.u. Trhri.n William Mountain, notifying him of his
his- church, who, with Mrs. and Miss Quick, has appointment as a member of th Brand
um iw uajro I" ' -.VI testimony and before Judge Kavanaugh been on a motoring tour to Southern California, ,
turned In at the headquarters of the "! has just returned and win resume his usual lodge state association committee for
State game commission. W illiam J. ' " , Z. , V- . ' . 1 I chuarh services on Sunday morning and evening.
his honor. He proved it in the circuit
Kcourt Friday when George Curtis, a wit
ness in a replevin action in which Lebb
' various sections of the state during the
last three days according to reports
tlon is not good.
As soon as Curtis had finished
. TV ... i rn lui 1 Lebb leaped from his seat and mixed
. ...77r - 7 ' with the man who imDUtmed him. win be occupied on Sunday by the pastor. Rev
ing a one. a. ciean ""V R.niffi Bnri iaWvr. -narater1 th Thompson. The Sabbath school meets at
150 for having venison in his possession Bailiffs and lawyers separated the 0 ' tt chriatian Endeavor society
during cloned season and S. H. Walker men before more damage than crumpled mts at. 6:45. The meeting win he led by
of Pilot Rock, paid a fine of 2i for kill- collars could result., juage itavanaugn
inir China pheasants out of season. thereupon fined Lebb 25 for contempt of
nm..l. Titvllail Xtannsl I COUrt.
y ia., r rhiiinni.. n- Frank Miller Is suing Lebb for the re-
sterhas been invited to visit Portland " ' " automobile which is in dis
next week, by the foreign commerce de- I pute,
partment of the Chamber of Commerce,
the entire United States. The three
The pulpit of the Miapah Presbyterian church members of this committee are selected
from different parts of the country.
Queion has been at the national capital
conferring on official' matters and is
scheduled to leave Vancouver, B. C, next
Thursday for his home in the Pacific
Sbepard't Aato Bas trses -Portland-Astoria-Seaside
division Leave Portland
st :5 a. m., 8 :J0 a. m.. 10 a. m, 1 p. m.
4:15 p. m. and 7 p. m. Leaving Astoria
7 :1S a. m-, :15 a m., 10 a. m 1 :30 p. nt.
1 :4 p. m. and 6 :1S p. ra Direct connec
tions st Astoria to and from Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St
Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street. Tele
phone Marshall 43 SL Adv.
Xes'S aVetort Program Rev. D. A.
Thompson, pastor- of Mizpah Presbyter-
Ian church, will be the speaker at the
Men's Resort meeting Sunday at 4 p. m.
Miss Helen Harper will give violin selec
tions. The usual song service will open
ths meeting, led by R. Desmond, with
Alice Johnson as pianist, A special in
vitation Is extended to all sailors in
the city.
Skrpard'i Aato Bat Lines Multnomah
Falls division. Leave Portland iJI L
m 11 a. nx. t :45 p. m.. 4 :30 p. m. and (
Pw m. dally. Leave Multnotnaa Falls
T :1S a. 11J5 a. irx, 11:U p tn 4 p. m.
and IJO p. m daily. Buses leave St.
Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street. Tele
phone) Marshall 438L Adv.
Cigar Stab Start Fire A carelessly
discarded cigar stub started a fire early
Man Arrested on
Auto Theft Charge
Held to Grand Jury
F. H. Morris, arrested Tuesday on a
charge of larceny of an automobile.
waived a hearing in municipal court t ri-
day and was bound over to the grand
Jury on ball of $3000. It is charged that
he stole a car from William Burns,
salesman with the Fields Motor Car
company, and with a woman motored
to Seaside. He was' taken with the sto
len car in his possession after he had
attempted ot sell it. officers say. A sec
ond charge of assault and battery
against Morris was brought up Friday
iut was postponed until Tuesday. Mor
ris, it is alleged, struck and injured
Helen Philips after she had found him
taking money at her residence.
the president. Miss Violet Zinser. During the
vacation period a new roof has been put on the
church and various other improvements made
about the building. The high school pupils
chorus, under the leadership of Miss ina WaiKer,
is aaain singing at the evening service. New
clashes, composed exchunvely of high school stu
dents, are being formed in tne rJihie class.
Rev. William S. Holt. I. D.. of Philadelphia.
for miBT years a well known church leader in
Oregon, will speak in Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church tomorrow morning. The Christian in-
deavor will resume their prayer meetings with
a special meeting it 7 p. is., featuring reports
from the delegates to Christian rndeavor sum
mer conference. The pastor, W'ard W. Mac
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 10. The fol
lowing marriage licenses were issued Fri
day : Eugene L. Upper, 21. and Marjorie
E. Rhods, 18, Portland : Marion John
son, ,76, Portland, and Mrs. Julia Green,
Clackamas, Or. ; Z. M. Young, legal, and
Minnie. L. Gillette, legal. Portland.
Hot Lake, Sept. 10. Arrivals at Hot
Henry, will preach at 8 p. m. and will conduct I Lake sanatorium Wednesday were: Dr.
service in tne Mann noroe at a p. m. I and Mrs. M. A. Desmond. Ravmnnn.
wash. ; m. c Hinshaw. Wilder, Idaho
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Semon and R. Tay
lor, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Nora Major,
tjaiaweu, idano.
104 FOURTH ST. "
Bet. Tsvtov aa4 SaUaes. Re4 Treat.
Representative, Will Be With
lili Selling Bldg, Portia nM, Or,
This is the next best thing to a suc-
cessrui operauon.
Readjustment Made Free
Children's School
Are you interested ip the estab
lishment of a children's school
conducted by Christian Scientists?
If so. write to 1003 Northwestern
Bank Bunding.
Comfort Baby's Skin
With Cnticura Soap
And Framnt Talcum
Infantile Paralysis
Not Spreading, Belief
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 10. Only two
well defined cases of infantile paralysis
have been reported so far, according to
Dr. J. M. P. Chalmers, health physician,
but he would not express an opinion on
the danger of its spreading". These two
cases will not affect the opening of
the city schools next Monday. The
Olson and Burdick children who died
are from the same neighborhood.
Witness to Killing
Of Phillips Jailed
Nap Goden, wanted as a material wit
ness in the case of Dan Casey and John
L. Burns, alleged slayers of Special
Officer Phillips ot the O-W. R. & N.
railway, June 14, in the Albina yards,
was taken into custody Friday at Sec
ond and Oak streets, after it was
leameLy the authorities that he was
planning to leave, the city. He is being
held on $500 bail.
Vancouver, Wash-, Sept. 10. General
R. M. Blatchford arrived at Vancouver
barracks Friday afternoon. The Fifty-
ninth will arrive Monday at 10 a. iru.
according to Major Delaplane. The
troops camped at Carrots Friday night,
and will camp at Woodland Saturday
night, Salmon creek Sunday night, and
will complete the march Monday morn
Next Week
Special Sale of Automatic Waterheaters
"Hot water at your command, any hour, day or night."
Watch Monday's ad.
Fennings Bakery
Heae-K sea Brest ss Tea try
Fraits sC Csstlea Lssekat Serve
rsese wsscisws tu.
CarBar Ktlllsgawerth aa Bertswlea
B rases Baaerjl all HWaJaalssI At.
. iqk fa-.
Two minutes in the tparkling,
driving spray of , a shower
sends you off invigorated,
cleansed, refreshed.
, Install a shower now. You will
soon get the habit and enjoy the won
derful tonic effect of a shower bath.
See that your shower is rifhtly de-
slrned and made to stand up lor year
without repairs. Our showers wil
do this.
The one shown Is a Mixometer
Shower. The Mixometer regulates
the shower's temperature instantly.
We maintain disolay for your
convenience in making your selection
of showers and other
"Faultle." Plumbing and
Heating Fixtures
Sheet Metal Workers
Furnsce Work a Specialty
Let Us Remodel Your Kurasos
Roofing and Ueneral Repair Worn
414 E. Xerrtses, Cer. U
East SIM
0 HawUiaras
Aata TVs Wiatrtni r Seen
Tiluaini taat SSO.
WiMM uarsnlaa) TIRES saw TVSKs.
For Sale by Leading Plumbers
80-82-84-86 Front Street
35 Years Wholesaling Reliable Plumbing and Heating Snp plies
in Portland
Spokane, Portland and
Seattle Railway .
Astoria-Clatsop Beach line
Monday, September 12th
On and after the date named above trie schedule of passenger trains
between Portland. Astoria, Kt Stevens and Seaside will be in effect as
outlined below:
New and Upto-date-
r.nox MCH1C
JESS L. SORGA5, A tat. Mgr.
Broadwsy at Tarter
Pkose Msls L
coTirors. i to u r. .
From the 5svrl
Bj balsia Lagcrlef
Ck04ra te
Train No. 25,
heretofore lea vine Portland 12 :1S P. M.
for Ralnrer,
will be run through to Astoria, Ueamart ana neastae, wim aireca con
nection for Ft. Stevens, malting local viops, leaving ruruauu a.av tr. mi-,
arriving Astoria S :05 and Seaside 6 :00 o'clock.
Train No. a. heretofore running from Rainier to Portland, wilt
operate from Seastde and Astoria to PorUand. leaving beaslde 12
r. M., Astoria 1 :15, arri-ing Portland a :10, maaipx local stops.
These trains provide new and convenient afternoon service over the
entire Une. No. 25 on Saturdays and No. 28 on Sunders will carry an
Observation parlor car in addition to coaches, and on other days
coaches only.
The following named summer trains between rorUand. Astoria and
Seaside will be withdrawn:
No. 29. heretofore leaving PorUand S :30 A. M. daily, and No. IL
leaving PorUand 1:45 P. M. Saturday, and No. J2. arriving Portland
10:S0 P. M. daily, and No. 30, arriving PorUand 10:00 P. hi. Sundays.
Train No. 21 leave PorUand 1:15 A. 3d. Instead of 7 :05 for Astoria, Ft.
Stevens and Clatsop Beach points.
Train No. 2J. leave PorUand C r20 P. JI. as heretofore, arrive, Astoria
10 :10 Instead of 10 :20, Seaside 11 :10 instead of 11 30.
Train No. 27 win leave PorUand 430 P. IL Instead ot Ok for.
Train No. 26, from Rainier, win arrive Portland IM A.M. Instead
of 9 :00. - .
Train No. 22. arriving PorUand from Clatsop Beach points sad As
toria st 12:15 noon, is unchanged. t
Train No. 24 will arrive PorUand IMP.M. instead of I
Trains Nos. 2L 22. 23 and 24 will carry Oboervatlon parlor cars wlUi
buffet service, and coaches. Other trains, coaches only.
Train No. 1 win leave Linn ton 12:10 P. VL lor WUkesboro; bo ewo
nectton from PorUand. Train No. 1 will leave Lirmtoo 4 A P. ML for
WiikMbnro. rvcerrinr connection from 8. P. 8. No. 27. leavtnr Port
land a :15 P. M. Train No. 3 win leave Wllfcesboro lt A. AC, arm '
Linnton 11:35 A. M- connecting with 8. P. 8. No. Z2. arriving Port- '
land 12:15 P. M. Train No. 4 wui leave wiiaesDoro iai r. K, oorw
necting at Linnton with S. P. A S. No. 23, arriving PorUand 5 :! P. M.
ixrw iarra ara ui ciioti u w.u wu v, uumi. aumi.
Keaside and Intermediate points. One-way faros, Poniand-Astorta, 1
31.00: Portland-Seaside, 1 1.60 ; these fares apply at Intermediats points
where regular fares axe higher. Round trip fare between PorUand.
Gear hart-Se aside $3.00, return limit 30 days. Fares Quoted include war j
tax. !.
Mta.WaTU irfw)1s
Tark saw Klaw : Baa. Watts aawl
awawf : aan aaat Mawrs : Carfare
waves Trie : wetla : Taaaaa a tm
Aw y a faaaaa ; Pafwa Www a wiak
Better Thas Ever
Wonderful New Orchestra
Kvery Week Night
Rist Wri Daarlag fteboel Opens Text
Xeaasy Rve.
Waw Hall Htm Leeatles
ILuaL Dally 2 JO Eves. 7 and 3 BaaJr ,
Alexander PanLages presents -
4A ftUSIMI 4 srU.1 01AM I.
Sweden's Vioiua irlaky Frenck .
Virtuoso. Chaatsvjas
Rxlra The Comedy SesaatWn
la "The Sew Blacks mils."
Ws Pseft am Tbarws a Rsaaes Co
Now Playing
TdaomoWIU Cklclosm '
AFTxsaooa ax 2 rrrsrsc t axd t
I latiawa Pawn T amiiin.Oi