THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, OREGON 21 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1S2L FOR RENT . . FURNISHED ROOMS ' PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LiRGE, new bedrones Id refined Jewish home near dental touege, raiutx 10 two BUtSU private lavatory; breakfast J oimil. FUR.M.HHED umpui roots, wit see o( phone tad bath; west aids, walking (ounn, res enable not. Call daytime. Mala $452. Bv. sings and Bnndsy Main 7740, V UX lurnnbed tuiU, km and ughled; Iuiim boat; Mar Washington blab; suitable for teach ers or students; alto eoe simps, torg. housekeep ing room, . Ml ELY furnished room walking diatance. eloae U Benson Poly. school V. block to Eon City oar; eould arrases (or light H. S-, reason able. Ewt 8409. ouUida room IB good apartc ant bouse; plant? beat and hot water; all esmvenienees: cioee to. Mar. ipso. CLEAN ma, walking distance. Broadway 1993 629 Everett M. CLEAN" well furnished room, walking dittanco. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - ' ' 1 FURNISHED 1 " ' 304 KICK, large furnished H. K. room with Utcfcen- atte. suitable lor mu and wile or seats: efeotrte larhta. hot and cold watar, bedding and bad linen furnished; tlS month for 2. and 330 I or s persona lxt Monte, 16T Bteut st W block south of 20th and Washington. CI41AN furnished housekeeping room for awn. eniet and homelike, ebtexraa bants, ex. in phone, hot and cold water, 13 pa wse end BP. 663 Hood at. Main 726. ' LARGE trout room and kitchenette, pica sinajo rooms, very reasonable. Hot water always for baths and laundry. WaDta dlatsjjoi. aUeepiiig porrh. 663 Flanders. P roe rfw it 1998. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Norton. a Hotel ' ELEVENTH OFT WASHlNQTOf Portlaiwt's bitb-claaa daw a-town residential betel. We give yoa the comforts of borne. American and European eplaa. Rates reesorsbla hTrEFARD H6TELT7S5 fiort at. two lane. beautiful roooia. connecting bath, for four people, mm preferred. ISO each. Also single rooms. Main a .via. CNDfcB XICW MANAGEMENT Nicely furnished rooma. ataam Brat, hot ana cold wsur, wttn good table rmera. aii iota at. comer of Market Main 6381. WANTED Men to room and board at 373 Boas at. Kent 2360 BOOM and board for married couple or 2 young Tabor 555. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 BEAUTIFUL auite of rooma. very desirable also sleeping rooms; 2 Works Jefferson high 1 block Woodlawn ear. 2 blorka Union are. car tarts', noma prlrlleges; board if desired. Wood- lawn 34 1. HAVE mom and board In private family of for teacher; 1 block from car line; within Walking distance of Jefferson, Highland, Thomp son, Wood lawn and Albina homestead schools. Wdrn. 1808. FOR KENT FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE JACKSON 1 51 Uaioa A. North. . . . Threawroom apU. 39 and C0. priwatabath. ateana basts, hot and cold water, pboaw eaawioM lb minBtea' Walk to Stb and Alder. Koae CSty ear. East 2846. THEi IiEZENDORi APTaV - J08 Sixteeotli near Taylor. Marshall 138. - Kiee furnished or acforni&bed o-rooes aoart- tneota for resident or trmaawnt bad tourist; no ep'edton to cmklrm ; waiting aatanoe. FTJrnTsHED bouswplnc lamtly: eioaa n bb eas tee; rent reaaoubl. 55 to Cnion stc- 'Et 840. priamte ear aarr at 1 Mock KICE 2 room fumiihed. front booaekeepinc. new ly aalaonuned; cleotrio Ugbta, baut mcioaeo. rent reduced; good place for laundry; walking dia ts nee west ride. 546 First. BINGLE ' furntahed hooaeheeptiic room; niee place; gentlemea preferred; bz.oo no: lWita and bath included; walking distance. 21 S still, eor. First. Ttffe allpLEriA N." llTH fcf. . a u water m 17 TO 20 per month. 1. 2 and 8 clean h. k. rooms; steam beat, eusctne ugnta, laanory. free phone, bear to canine. 208 Stanton it. TWO cicelr furnished H. S. rooma and aleep- ing porch, suitable for three, (8.80 per week; slao one large room and kitchenette. SI. 60 per. wees. 7Z Main at- ONE large well lurmahed aingle a. ky room. with eonnerting bath, 83 weekly; neat, clean 2 apt- Prefer 2 girls or boys employed. 826 montrlly. 1T0 10th st. IN IRVINGTON 3 H. K. rooma, 1st floor, clean, well furnished, eery eonrenient; near school. No objection to children. 412 K. 9th N. - THE BTJ&HJMABK. Wash, au, eor. 17tb. Clean, modern, completely fursoabeol 1 and 2 room outside apt., reaaouahla. Also aleepirig rooms. sa.ow per weeg up. furnished ant., steam block front 2 car Knee. 27th and Bandy bird.: aouiu only. bceX free phone, 843 Nelson at., raonabla rent; FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 FOB KENT 5-rooot modern eottaga, large lard, school aloe. 881 Front at.: 820. Apply 8&4 Coflece U, befotw I p. as. Sunday oraity thne weekdays. -St-- ..- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES Burgett Beet Bargaina in tha City 404 17 KZCXS&AUT W I LL HSLT Tew hUka Tewr Down Paymesit IXK. TRASSFEB at STOBAGS CO. IS Days StoraaW Free. -Fuf nUaie wtowed for leea. - - - Broadway 8448. S BOOM boos, for gjot cheap Apply rargo sr.' - ;- - - - ' - HOUSES FURNISHED THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished aBartmenta.' SIS. Comer Basaeq and aterby eta. East 1594. 312 6 BOOMS and stoecsng porch, modern, fur nuhed, 2 blocks from Woodmere ata.; rant 4 ; rafaraneea erchangaei; aa einlaretvf 831-94. KXTW 4-room bungalow, partly tornjahed. Call Sunday. North 1 block, west H Mock of 82a ad Gliaan ata., 183 tkaJdon at, between Oregon and Hoyt. - THE EDENHOLM 2 and S room famished asta.; modern con."en eneea; prlrate baths; 828 to 38 per month. KEATLiiT s4 rooms witb bath, neat and clean. WTuanea lor nowsexeeptng; wwirat diatance; lawns, ate. 7 adjorning t.tty put.; 80S Jefremem st Tarr. MarsbaU 2H41. 812.50 4-BO0M house, partly furniabed. water and lights. Inquire 2V Tioga St.. Etst 8t Johns. Carlois Apartments z-room runasned moorrn aparunent, able. 14th arid Market ata. THE STANF1ELD Clean, outside 2-room apts. ; light, heat, phone; (20 and 822.80. Main 7392. THE LILLIAN APTS. 2 and 8 rooms, large and airy, doee tn. we aide, modern. 881 6th at Marshall 137. Katherine Apartments 149 N. 23d 8 room anartaaenta. man. Bice krtcben. MarehaU 2996. with TWO nice, large, furnished front rooma and garage 820, or rented separately; Bgtrt, water, phone, etc.. roe. 1332 ielly at. Fulton car. Marshall 1204. 8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma, prv rata family; absolutely .. alean. bath and phone; close in, east side, pleaaant neighbor hood ; adult. T30 Eaat Salmon. EaM 849B. S3 WEEK, single housekeeping room, suitable for man; completely furnished, gas plate, etc; bath free, hot watar all hours. Hotel Cadillac. Sd near Jefferson. THE ALBRET Furnished apartment., steaa heat. priYaie bath. ee-v n auaaassippi ae. ; 3-BOOM apt., r neat famished, light and dean, lowely heme; buainess women or employed people are espeeuuy ranted to sea roomv Eaat 2548. 711 E. Ankeny. iTfae Alta Nice 8 -room apartments with bath, light asd wuer, 3U. 882 K. Asb. IARGE front room In modern Dome, west side, wslkiaa diatance '. good home-cooked meals errttahla tot two; conreoieat for nurses. Main 2r.l. 'LARGE cosy front, suitable tor man and wife or two men; convenient for school teachers; close to two achoola. with or without board, in C. ft home. 414 Market, corner 11th. LARGE front room, newiy papered, with ktteb enette; 2 back rooma. newly papered; 'light, phone and water. 848 Clay, bet Broadway and Park. MINGLE lsdy. llfing near Wooinawn acbool, will from and board two Udir, prefer teachers or tmatneas glrta; all conreniences, prirate borne. , WeofHawn 1T01. - BIO. fumac beat. laundry; walking distance. 387 near W. Park. Main 3184. sunny front room for light housekeeping; oath. VDOtie. light, gas,- nice uzniere st. TOUNU man wanted tor room and board In pri vate family; large front room witb steam heat: 810 pet week. Call BeUwood 1397, 803 .K. 10lh st GOOb home for man aad child, mothers care, mora, boaad. sewing snd laundry, 870 montL 2A6H- E. 24th au, Vs block from Hawthorne rar. Reference. . WILL gtre good home ana motner a rare to small giH np to 8 years old; reason able charges; elnee to school. Mrs. Fatterwui. Go north from end of Beanmont car to K. 4Jd snd Skid more st CHILDREN BOARDED BK3T OF CARE. rilONE BROADWAY 4211. BOOM snd board Tor one or two genUemen BASEMENT apt., ready Sep-. 7; suitable for 3 persons; employed preferred; easy walk ing distance to business center. Del Monte, 1 67 Htont. 1 hik. 3. of 20th and Wash. CHEAPEST BOOM8 IN TOWN Nice 'housekeeping and sleeping, clean and homelike, walking distanoe; 32. SO and up. 293 H I'nion ate., 1 block south of Hawthorne. THE 181 Grower at, nicely furnished 1 and 2-room noueekeeptng apartments, low rates. Main 9008, DUNDEE APTS. Houaekeepintg rooms, 12 snd $5 BSOH Hawtfrome are, Eaat 828. week. FOR lease, 1 year or more; steam heat, hot and cold water furnished; 7 rooms, nicely furnished, 873; easy walking distance. East P472. Can 24 B. 8th St. N. UKtrP THEM OVER. TO0 WIU. BE SUR PRISED AT OUR PRICE. LARGE. COM FORTABLE FRONT BOOMS. 544 PETTI GROT E. i SUNNY 2 room IL E. suites, 33 and 84 per week. Single room 32- 480 V4 Belmont, ear ner 9th. Beliingham Apartments 421 E. Morrison St. 1 and 2 -room suites, H. " K. rooms,- reasonable GRANDEST A APARTMENTS Attractive 3-room apt in brick building; prt Tats bath, telephone, Automacin eleTator. 68 Grand are. E. 208. King Albert Apartments 2 and 3 -room furnished, strictly modern, tile oath, elerator. 11th and Montgomery. Main 388 ia refined home: r-ome cooklnsT; cln borne pririlezee and good in. East 20rt7T. SPLENDID rooma and excellent board. 337.50; 2 In room 133 each; near Couch school. 617 Vsnhalk Broadway 3355. BOOM arid 4ord in refined home (or young HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO furnished h. k. rooms with bath, elec tric waaber and Iron, prirsta . entrance; teachers or married couple; close to Ockley Green school and high school. 1174 Missis sippi are. apartment ' phone, bath REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' x- HOUSES 1. A. WICIMAN CO.. 404 BOOM furniabed house, not and cold watar. gas. 330 a month; adulta only. 104 Stan ton st. Take Miariasippt car. 345 NICELY furnished house, walking dia tance, modern eotrremences, s nontia nut tn sdTanee. 42 B. 27th at 8. Montatilla car. WElAVFLTtNISHEO priTaie home, good loca tion: adulta only; rent reaaonaM to) caretui tenants. East 4734. FOR RENT 5-raom furnished cottage, ga hehta. piano. Dig yard; aauita only. - xain Beknont. COMFORTABLY furnished 3 room old house. nice yard; hot and gold water. Data; locaiea 1012 HaigM are. Kent S3". 1052 MACADAM ST.. foot Hamilton are., 7 room partly funuabed eottaga. 820 montn. Benorated. FTJRNISHED. 5 rooms, 343 par month. Tabor 7368. $35- MODERN 4 room houae, furnished, near ear ; pared street. Sell. 1717 6-ROOM furnished house; no ebjeetton to chil dren; rent cheap. Inquire 527 Market st 6-ROOM furnished house, rent reasonable. Harrison near Third st 249 5 ROOM house for rent furnished. .Call Sun day morning, 17a E. 33d street; 6-ROOM furnished house, $35. and Stark. f751 -E. 22d -S. bouse, modern, 825 month furnished. 12S Kelly at. Aut 637-27. 28 Salesmen at Tour Benfaa Open LnBtl 8 Erry Eresung 30 Men! KKUttT IOCE MOMS MOVE Est Apply Yewx Bonus Laterl WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS . $4750 A sacrifice sale: owner tearing city; must -aell this deUgbtzul noma at once. Commanding a baautiiul Tirw of river and amyw-capped mounts ins, and ideally located oa Willamette Heights . a dia- tmctire 3 room bungalow with hard wood floors SAd eTery modem featsre: excellent ramiitiow; close to car and school Wilson at THIS I0UB OPPORTUNITT. $448080x100. aaay taraw: 5 lauga mock bungalow, imst room with Tireptaea; pretty diniac room. 2 airy bedrooms. cement basement, garage, fruit and bee- nee, i block to Bom City car. Bat- ton at 34290 8-room bungalow with raceptaoa nail. convenient kitchen, full rement ba ment, . largo finished attic, abondanra of fruit aad barrios. Thia is a lovely Dans with every modem conraauaeioe. Atnsworta are. ALBERTA. $2350 A ertoausj trpe that a very. attrectiTt in uua 5-roeea modarn Alberta bunga low, fireplace, ate. ; ia the ebade of giant trees; smooth, greea lawm. flowers, garage. TEBY EASY TERMS. K. 50th at $1990 $850 dnwril gee this pretty' rocrn Bangaiowi until ana amine ro combined, eacentionally large wait Xnttch kitchen, white enamel plumbinc, full basement, 8 airy bedrooms. Thai ia a SNAP. Maldea at , Bee To Buy Your Home Abington bide- Main 1068. 3d st. bet Washington and Bart. bee vroRTH vunj bttts. 82000 'Albena eottaaa st X rootna ia porch, cm E. 17th at U la f in fected ia aararal atain, ia is fine- cowdi tioa aad euly 6 -yean aid. . Ornty 8 sa ' blocks to the oar. Terms. t eTAA m - - t n.u.. 9m w- iwi;. m ruw nun, " nwn , r only- 3 50d down and $33 per month. ' tnctoding Interest: fruit aad shrubbery; old ivory and natural finish. $2180 Oa HumbokH. near Haignt lOOtlM. - 8 room eottaaw with bath, fumaro. Only $809 rash. House at not in first ' daaa eoachtiaa. Vnt loca aaw naabe. $3880 ilsmsris Park, 5 roosns and breakfoat nooht Qpical California typo bnngtipw. garaca. Very daatrabkt location. $7100 !t-rta-to. B tnoma and breekfaat Boek. I ItTaBBoaera bungalow garaga. i wa before buying ia Irrlngtoa. k J. A. Wickman CoM Realtors - 'Shorteat Way Home" 264 Stark St Main 68$ aad 1094 trpen r.Teninga until HOUSr-IOniNiTURE POR SALE 313 $20 LOVELY new 4-room bungalow absolutely clean, white enamel wood work, 4 blocks from Woodlawn oarline. to party buying furniture complete for 8100; bargain; tome terms. Bu&hue, 518 Chamber of Commerce. LACRET JTTJR8T I ' 36800 ! New I room bungalow. Urge attic, hard- , wood floors through out bath rub. pirVottl bowL built-in dneser in bath. papered tNrongtmut beautifully deorjrated, lmteh sTttshoa, breakfeat room, full iwrnent base meat Located at 1131 Waano St. bot 87th aad 39th. Terms. 81808 cash aad J$0 saav, tncttKiing mtoreat. Star Real Estate & Inv. Co., ReaJtora. $31 Stark at Bdwy. 6338. Era. 319 97. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 404 HOUSES 44 - .. : ' - $$ sown $$ to. - uc orwBrT)65 nr EAAT SIDE Ah eJaso sjairtboehorf. roil trays, Sttwets all ta and paid, fned garagn, aaowa o-na. aaaoa ia jtesw uu rura. T. t HAThIA C0MTA5T, a vaam- eg txea. Maia 2 WM. A. UrGHEft CO . Z16 Batlway Exabaai aaaoa oivs. Oroa Ewaaaaaa aad Baradaya. Jf ham avaas; bergatnt ta ovary part at the $l$se $800 down, ceot $ room benso ia Boao Crty; tail taao la. 3 batch to am run, Sea I if r want a rael boat at the right arise. TOO BmsB dowa paymsat. dories taragse i. A! UlrtMiM M. ATTENTKW EX-FEKTlCrt MR Ve Una new Inia hoane ta KaoUwraa. Tt aa awvnr oora sa aiaid atm hi thai una hnr mod ern and WI roaawrai tad livtnc gooaa, d.rwng resrh h retina a. hraaktM niisS soatet. bath aad 1 bwdroosa oa the runt fWw; iofiet and lavatory and 2 baenmaat oa earoad Ooec. Aivo Baa tab and tied floor in hath: tded draia hoard and baet: $. and to ee- a-neo taew only, down and 8B a anenth ata snan tiai a Then annl the kaan. sen Ask 1 as today about that as tt wia an. - ax- I ' tsOTHEa 84 SCO that oaa v WadW by on tne mm twepasaraoa. .IHOTIIII I t-fnran bauialow with brmk'aat nnrk fne $4S that naa tw bwaarbt by oa amino anen tar 82 W Then aaKrv iieo larraMrgata Owr BadeaT f" soellijsk, tapew vwotnta tmtd i 3sA00 Roto City, oa Wistaria modem eroept fumaee; 1 ta ear. $4 J. A. Wickman Co. Realtors -hortas Way Bog' 284 rfrarh et Maw 88 M !. - a cxax. Birr T boom rr?GALrrw $4:m low of 6 reoaos, 2 tarepaaoae, fuS tineas -4. $ block to ear. Tula ia a food buy. Has a boot 3-ROOM flat for rant $15; waiaing distance; furniture for sale, complete $250; 1 block from Irrington car. 867 ni "Cable st Adults, Marshsn 2082. V 6 ROOMS and bath, gaa, electricity, .west side. walking distance; rent $26 to party buying fnrnitare) at low price, all Montgomery tt FURNITURE of 5 room rumished at for sale; lovely home; by owner; rent $28.50. 600 Market st HOUSE for Automatic lor sale. Call ALICE COURT APTS. S room apartment. Dutch kitchen and bed room in ivory i. nrepiace: imitation oaa iioora lately renovated. Eaat 3566. THE BUSHMARH Wash. .'at. oor. 17th; x clean, modem, completely furnished 1 and 2 room outside apta.. reasonable. Also sleeping rooms; 33.50 per week up. married couple or 2 ladies, minutes nut- Tabor 1933. $8 a week. 20 NICE front 2 room hot and cold water: location ; walking Main oj.'a. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WANTED To board on or two small children la country home. Mrs. E. T. Haines, Salem, Or, Bouts 2, bog 148. , FRONT room, with board, larse clothes closet modern borne, S blocks f ram Franklin high School 2915 58th at. S. K LADY would like care HOrSE KEEPING room, everything furnished. $5 week. 52 N. 23d. Main 3880. parunentr Phone, oath, 1 w . EIGHTEENTH AND ell furnished: excellent lOHian WOUft TOUCH 60 N. i 1st Calll Four room front cornor ant. nanlv renontad. Adulta: close in. Bdwy. 2761. THREE neatly furniabed housekeeping noma. private nome for couple; adults. Rest $15 to permanent parties. . 441 Eaat 12th at, cor. t.1 l . .w, a onerman. 10; good, modern bom. near Highland I NICELY furnisiied 2 room apartment bath, tel- 4 room apt.. 21st and Irving. light modern; Main 9239. outside rooms. FURNISHED and unfumiabed apta.; no ob- iection to children if under good control; near Couch school. Lawn Apta., lata and Davis. Broartwiy 2664. school. Address 607 B. 11th at. N.. city. MICELf furniabed room, mooera home, auitanta tor too: good home cooked, aaeala; Nob Hill dlatrWt Main 2561. ' ' LA KG It double room, salubl. for four men; modern, bom. privilege; $83 mo. each; close in. Phone East 2B2i. JtOoM with or witnout ooaru m monern home. 996 BaTie at near Montgomery- Ward. Main 441T. K'tLt fifrnHhsd room, witn good board, for 83d U Nl visa and wife or 2 men, wa.kurr dtstanoa. A lroiny. Main 4I21! enhone and hot air: splendid location: walk ing distance: also one tingle sleeping room. 715 Everett Main man. $17 3 furnished 'rooms, Vi cottage, newly pa pered and painted. . separate entrance: gas. bath. yard, walking distance, west aide. Tabor 1114. 610 First THREE housekeeping rooms, unfurnished or partly furnished, private bath, newly reuo- Tsted, close ta schooL 1034 E. Main. TWO nice, light front rooms with kitchenette. unfurnished, modern, waiidrig rlisUnoo 173 E. 7 til st and Yamhill. ROOMS, steam heated apartment $35. Cottet Drue Co.. Main 793. Toodcrn, rent furniture 640-96. GOOD grade furniture; first reasonable offer will be accepted. 710 K. Bnrnside. cle in ; iurni- evenmsrs. HOUSE for rent, reasonable, tnre for sale. East 8487. RaALPH HARRIS CO. ' REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE WILLAMETEE BOULEVARD An unusually pretty brown bungalow on the boulevard : 4 extra large rooms with full finished attic and base ment Nice btultrtna and lovely floor. Dandy garage to match buugaftow. Price 83500 with 5UO cash. SELLWOOD Thia 5 -room bungalow ia lo cated on beautiful earner, both streets paved. Fireplace, furnace, good garage. A darling home I for 34500, and only 3750 required to handle. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW Nice 60x100 lot A real good home with bath: all rooms large and comfortable. Good basement Thia is worth I looking up. Price 82750; $500 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8624. GOING TO BUY IN ROSE C1TT PABX OB LAUBELHUBSTt By all meant get in touch with wa. Wa spo eialiae ia these district. Bight at thai bmo w have some splendid buys. EX-SERVICE MEN ATTENTION t Before yoq buy or build tea at Our east side office. 40th and gindy opea ewe- "VCTEEPE CQ PCAtTOOS A IWOANCC nO STKV.X, ffT IN-, 40T1 ABO JtaTTf UA1N 30"i cLiK TXBOnVw5im $2450 BUYS a cute little 4 room bungalow 1 block fmm car. on East 41st st: buUt-tna, modern plumbing, gas and elec.. $400 bal. to suit. 83650 buys a new 6 moan double structed bungalow near ear; fir .laoe, breakfast nook, buut-ins, hdw. floors. Only $750 bal easy. Bsry Tear Hom. From WM A. BTGHES CO.. 21$ naOray Each. Bldg. Maia $12. A gaaaint eahte. laeatod oa t4h and bast frmn Alberta eor and B Works t Kose ciiy Dungaiow 1 Story and half, 6 founts downs tarrm, an stairs, eneeael finish, atrlrtly modern, garage; owner leannc city or would ant eeil: thia place waa bauK last year aad ta etoeptaanaiiy wr8 enaatnaeted aad wane; I do not' want to make a profit oa that patea: I want to aatl it; Sdoow takes it taci sating 3100 worth of .faa. aaaoan. empoa, awntnga, gaa rangn. gas boater, etc; tt weald eiaat tnasidnrtbry than ones asked to build tana twopei Call aftamnoaa or laniiga oafoni $ 49!l t. 624 at M. lias rarasMieoi haS. hviag oew, aitrooa aad nuarry. and lam esmata apataira, Fufl tea miat st ae. I tnrat fVww and feed farnant and huandry treya; own wut naaaj task wwu tnun aaw a s ' I. U RAKTMAV COMPAWT. AT amuse of to 2t6. . Home Bargains 14 tf) stMity Stmrtsd bnngaaew. 4 lor 2 tRTTNCTON CHARMING BUNGALOW Bent waa hart a 6 room bungalow that baa aoary f eatnre ywu could dears hi a horns. Larwa, eheerfal raiitti, French doofa leadang into dining; also rrench doors laadiaas ante dee, sauna or bedroom. Two yast Wrae tnoet pleao ant bedrnoaia. A aent wonderful Katrb krtokm, breakfast nook aad a lovely buffet that at differ ent in dining room. Hardwood flooaa. toarf and tapestry paper, floored attic, firatnaoa. twr nace, gantan. Yra cannot dasnncate that teanv low in Portland for the . mopay. Only $7600, Sea this. Auto. 829-19. VASK'PARfC IBLT5INE5SJ Y rai8fS2 SUITE 4IJ PLATT BLDC STORES AND HALLS FOR RENT 314 A large room for lease in fireproof building in the best business portion 01 Ashland, Or. Apply owner. 344 E. Main st FOR desirable apace in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 371. STOREROOM for rent, 211 Oak st Inquire 40 N. 9th st. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Broadway 3715. SUMMER RESORTS 316 NK room, auitable for two young men ; twin bens, running wster, with or without board; walking distance; aplendld location. Bdwy. 4683, W ILL give good board and room to children of acbool age. very reasonable; close to school. 'Antmatic 8J9 99, FIKST-C'lAHH board and room in private, modern borne; all home conveniences, wsiaing distance. Phone Main 805. KICK largs room with board, luitable tor 2 girl al'idente or girls employed. Phone Sell. 121 or 770 E. th at NEAT furnished room and good board in pri- . vat family for two ladies or man and wife employed. East 4Zil4, BOARD and room for school girl 10 to 14 years of age; near good school; private home of 7 9 E. lomnaen at. 1 LARGE furniabacl Tnouaekeeping room, lights, water, phone and gaa for cooking; furnished, $20 per month. 343 10th st corner Market UNFURNISHED 4 room apt. large outside rooms: also a room rurntsnea apt. ouua Apta.. 894 Guild at, near 28d and Thunaaa. Maln 3705. . CARMELITA APTS. 5 room unfurnished apt beautifully arranged: white enamel, tua bath: everything high class. Main 2086. ; BBUCS apartments, 25th and Northrop sts. 6 rm. mod. trout sleeping porch., bdwd. I Irs.. steam heat, jan. set-rice ; fine view. Mar. 1423. CHERRY CITY furnished cottaaea for rent Rate 38 per week, including light wood and water. Free bus from boat Geo. D. Smith. New- port. Or. GEARHABT Small 3 room eottaga, near beach; I aeptemper. 3o montn. warn. 497 s. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Board and room ia private family, for woman and girl 10 years old. Must be no children aad close to school. Reasonable. Writs Mrs. Roy Davenport, Ash land. Or.- NEAT single H. K. rooms. 88 uo. st Comfortable large rooms 315 up. Morrison. GARFIELD 3 and 4-room modern apartments. sleeping porcBes, reasonable. 861 East rail ing. 1 block west Cnion ave. Woodlawn 4662. 20 1 A A I tftiREE room' apt' on Powell, near Milwaukie I HOUSES 361 st; 322.50. ONE lame. airy, furnished housekeeping room. closet, fine for girl employed or student SeU- wood 121. 770 E. 8th. 312 8UITE of 4 partly furnished H. K. rooms, large fir trees plainly seen ; 1 H blocks I neyond end of Hawthorne ave. car. NICELY furnished outside housekeeping and sleeping rooma, 1 block. to car; light, heat phone snd use of laundry. 33 H E. 16th N. ROOM with kitchenette; 2-ROOM unfurnished at Tabor 5760. BeO. 8113. partmentT" 103 E. 82d FLATS FURNISHED 309 RENTAL BUREAU list your houses, flats and apartments with us; quick resulta and good tenants, PACKING. MOVING STORAGE, LOANS SECURITY STORAGE ! A TRANSFER OO. 63 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway' 3715 WANT to rent your bouse lurnished? $2400r A dandy 4 room bungalow, with path, laundry trays, cement found . datum and basement Plenty of ber ries, shrubbery and Dowers. Terms. THIS IS A DANDY BUT $3750 OWNER MUST SELL. For ontuo one who wants a 5 room modem bungalow witb garage, furnace, laun dry trays, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, abadet, screen, etc. See it Only 2 blocks to Alberta cur. Star Real Estate & Inv, Co. TTtwll iiiw 331 Stark St Bdwy. 585a. Era. $19-97. VERY CLOSE IN, $2650 2 story 6 room house, on small corner lot pavement sewers, sidewalks all in and paid for. The house could not be built for lesa than $8500. $500 cash, $35 monthly. A real bargain, yr 1 . 782 OllanlanVlMr OaT CofxAAntCTOt "NtCg ft BO0VF Bt7rGALbW PoR OnH $8000. S rooms and modern bath on Uie first floor, large attic with 1 room finished, large living and dining room, kitchen witb built in features, full cement base mailt laundry tubs, (as range, linoleum, 8 cords of wood in baerment, dandy garage, lot ia 75x100 feet; nice poultry house and yard. 8 fruit trees, aotne berriee, beautiful lawn and lota of flowers, only H Mock to streetcar line, good light fixtures. Only $3000. Half cash. STEWART eV JOHNSON, 316 Northwestern Jtank bldg. $3500 FOR $2760 ALBERTA D1ST. BUNGALOW SNAP huwa rooms, eaam nhimhiiu. elecL lirhm. full bea t ; 60x100. Eire, bomea. 8 blks oar. Just sold same plan with iirepL sad bdw. floors for 84250. Make these additiona on thia one and Hi sou for 340O0. Only 3669 cash. Go I look! 1288 Eaat 7th N.. of Dboava our anto. I N on -Tea. owner. O. C. G0LDENBERG Sd. runtta with all cat? eivesaaieeaos; 104) sent to ear; beautiful grrwe native treat; easy trraaa, $:'; . rau iota, a roont oar, gs low, caackea yard, freu, aewer and wajaa ta; ttaar Gaaaa at. Montane. Owner ttvoa east of the l aad Is saftrnas; a barn la. - - $3808 ruB let ta J ta si run, near Vhtea I have ta Vp,, txnets wuh efty eanvrw- t rsnawisblo. trraaa aaey. 4. I. faabara. die McKay htag., asd tv. An Excellent Home gnod 6 twem You Want a Good Home We have it in that one; dewrriadaon of at woa't do It iwariee: eonva and ana it: son wul ha aanv pnaed at the roaavaaabst figures; $ beautiful and sleeping porch; modern, new house. BO fo sell, bat built by the owner (or his ova hotne; busmeas affairs now eompet hie soenfioe: thia is beautafany located oat 10 aaot aotr. bat yea may have H with 4 hrts if yesg wiah; erory thmg here your hrertand aood JodgmetU . go quire. Cable Realty Co. 6829 7 2d Bt S. R Antoentu 818 38. only B Terr pretty 4 eottago oa one bw. eeaneat tadoanUka, anaeaa to ear: aee tnro 8 built-ta hookrnae and chana cjoiaa, full I'aiul baeimnt Thn is a ewod bwy tWr 83400. IOOQ (or ONLY $30 CAKH LITTLE MONEY BUYS HOME Hera, talks. Is an ideal home for yea, 6 aoay, cheery rooms, modern pin Me.g seat, elect lights, gaa, fruit trees, 3 large lata, aire oat bldga. Beta dose to Peweli Valley pared road, on 66th st A lew minuted spent ia looking ewer that borne win tardy prove profitable, only $2100. Phone for appomtmeut Maih 4 80$. Tabor 8104. G. C. GOLDKXBKRG (Baa! tor). Abtngtcw bldg.. 106 w 84. " Tears ta Portland- Cable Realty Co.'-''- 629 T2d H , t Awt 19 t. 85000 ON EAcsT B ROAD mAT A wonderful hoaae oa Broadaray. B sooatt end a kvrge tliswiag porch, furnaon, Cfwpiaoo, aataae ins, aamsnt sairat wash tears. A3 fimabad ta ivory and enesnei. Beantirul Upaauy paper newly renovated Ihrongbowt; Jews and rotes. City baptoeosaonis all paaa. A nal bay as $3000 oa easy I Iran, Tarauat latatediate poa Abinrtoa Bldg. Main 4S03. 106H Tahor 4. $5300 $1500 CA&H BAL. MONTHLY 9 room bungalow wKi tleopinc porch and sewing room, upetairs, breakfast nook, book- a, bullet . nrepiaee. hardwood floors and furnace. All etreet liena included. Thia beau tiful home now under eooatnictioa. Will be completed Oct 1. JOHNSONDODBOIf CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. LAURELHURST LOVELY BUNGALOW Large and most cheerful living and dining room acmes front, very large piate-glaaa 'Win dows, 2 cheerful bedrooms, wonderful Tnitch kitchen, bath ad toilet down, all oak polished floors, 1 finished room up: fireplace, furnaoa. garage, ivory aad tapestry paper; 8075O. Auto. sz-l- . calls every day. 604 Buchanan bldg. -Tv H. K. k. room. lfth, suitable for also small bachelor. 154 school. 33 a week. 134 3 E. Hoyt at 6 yean : reasonable. Tabor 940. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 2 AND 3 modern fiats, 63 V, 80th st. In bu&ineea section. 315 and ZfJ month with water, light garbage; Montavilla, Stark tt car. ELLA ST., nr. Washington fine flat $100; gas neat, wtute enamel ; nardwooa lira., mauogany furniture; odurta. Mar. 6070. ' FOB RENT -5' room modern upper flat,, $20. m is. Kverext sr. air ear. CLEAN 4-room upper flat good location, $45, including phone, water and -garbage; adulta. East 4797. 288 Fargo St. ntVlNGTON -4 beautiful rooms, alee pi ii I porch. just completed, garage, to permanent people. i Jnamoer ol wnmierce.. 4 ROOMS nicely furnished, dean and pleasant: 3 clothes rooms, bath, heat ohone. on car- desired; dose to I TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms, fight 1 line; no cnudren; sa. wain. dgtt. 5 ROOM modern flat for rent, furniture fori sale. 331 H Mills st. bet Bdwy. and 6th. $ ROOM upper and lower flats, sleeping porch. garage. 854 1st at p. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 IN CLEAN neat home, 2 rooms, with or without I BIG front room for 2 giris ol women employed! board, good bome cooking. 865 Beech t 1 Will care for child during day. 450 5th st S. LITTLE girl, ever 6 years, for company. HERB is what you get tor 314.000 down: 12 room completely furniabed, built-in ice box, full basement corner lot 66x100. new garage, lc cated on the west tide. Woodlawn 6684. IRVINGTON - New, modem, 7 room bouse, living r. 1 4 6x 25, dining r. 14x16, Dutch kitchen, entrance hall, 4 French doors between lirsng and din ing r.. oak stairs, mahogany rail, 4 bed ra. on 2d floor, tiled bath; best of plumbing, pa and hardwood floors throiffchout; expensive light fixtures, window shades, firepUoa. full cement basement garage: thia home is firat-ckua and ready to step into. See it today; open, from 2-6. 628 E. 18th st N. A bargain for cash. Wood lawn 441. Tiear FURNISIIED. unfurnished H. . taxes, reasonable. 252 Gibbs. rooms, cot- 62 LOTS 403 FURNISHED room tor 1 or 2 genUemen; rea- I FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent aonable. Sell. 298. IN. 21st st hll'K wkluw a bome, with mother's care, for small I TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, rhiid. t an r.asr ino. I sis montn.- sea . tirana ave. CLEAN room, witb board, if Washington high. Call Eaat 168. I and bath, 316 per month. 586 Patty grove st WILL give mother t care to bahy or child under I THREE muumialied H. E. rooma in; pnrate home. Woodlawn 6388. 304 TWO BOOM HOUSEK.EEPINO SUITE. NICE LY FURNISHED: GOOD LOCATION: WALatCtO DISTANCE; ALSO ONE BASE MENT ROOM- REASONABLE RENT. 414 COLUMBIA MARSHALL 6 1198. THREU room furmahed housekeeping apt, with lighta. water and pbone; also a 2 room apt lor 320; good location; adults only. 639 Taa- - opueer ave. jrt'KNISHED h. k' rooms, close in. electric lighta, 1 Urge front room. 81.60 per week and up. 336 Vt 1st, between Clay, snd Market sts. $ 2-ROOM saltee and 8 single rooms for bouae keeping. resaonabla rent 600 Front It Phone Main 4867. LAKUAH front housekeeping noma, 34.60 week; 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, tint floor. $14 month. 694 rront at APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FINE apta., furnished, beat, tight water. phone, r piano; fireptaao, eta. 564 bet 17th and 18th; easy watting 1 H blocks from 5 eejiinea. THE JEFFERSON IAN 16th and TefTi 310 FOR BENT -Choice 3 room flat; basemenT, furnace, laundry, all private; modern; no car-1 FLATS UNFURNISHED GUaaa, faro. Two people only. 441 7th. Tel. East 1316. East Couch tt I nice aad dean, Johnson cor. 15th. gaa, electricity, bath. 621 GOOD front houteueernrig rooma; beds made and cared lor; lor men batchers; reasnnanle prices, did Born side, bet. 10th and 11th. ' - TUREB tuoa houaekeeping ruotua in front on first floor, reasonable rent 427 Montgomery, bet 11th and 12th. ON BJ eg two furnished houaeketrang rooms I reasonable. Bear Baoaoa school. Phone Eaat 2838 Tl K. 11th st. N ' in. 2 N and 3 room suites, large, airy outside rooms. nicely furnished. Full sue kitchen and pantry. Laundry snd storage. Moderate rates. SAN - MARCO THREE ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. EAST 1990. CLEAN 2 AND 3 ROOM FURNISHED. fCR- NISHED OR UNFURNISHED; CHEAP; CLOSE IN. 344 BENTON ST. VERY pleaaant room, fireplace, electric lights. gas stove and garaga Tabor 8850. 1441 Z. Morrison. FOR RENT- Furnished a IX.. all outaias roams. Bleeping porch, steam heat hot water, walking diatance; adults; 849. 427 Rodney ave. MABELLE APTS. 114 Jefferson at 11th at 1 and 2 loom tumiahao apta., modern; rent! DANDY flat 7 rooms and large sleeping porch. Una wtow of taty. SV3 lata at vast aoutni Rent $eu. strong Co.. of McxrtdofncrT. Ren 606 Oham. of Qom. 200x487 FEET PARK ROSE $22 DOWN $22 month. Price $2126. data to Bandy blvd. and carlina. On Richardson road, 2 hi acres in this tract; tilt land suitable for garden, berries or chicken ranch, no building restric tions, low county tax. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 208. Branch Office end of Parkrose Carlina. Open every day. Kenton S274KDaS500 . Cash- CORNER LOT. BEAUTIFUL 8HRCBBEBT, ROOMS. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. TRAYS, ATTIC. THIS 18 A GOOD BU t AL.V IN JOHNSON, KKA11VJ1S, 204 BOARD Of TRADE. PHONE BDWY. 87. EVE. -E. 2961. FOR BENT 6-room flat, 794 1st and Gibbet tt; adulta. Inquire. 708 Chsanber Com-1 there. . VERY attractive 5-room flat; must be seen to appreciate: dean: walking . diatance: adults. East 8525. MY 3 room furnished flat $28 per month fori TRVTNGTON glass window, large r. with buffet Dutch kitchen with breakfast aoofc. two large bedrooms, nan- wood floor, papered and decorated throughout window shades, light fixtarrea, furnaoe aad ga rage. Be sure to see this bet ore you buy. tzv 17th st N.. near Fremont Wdin. 441. 6 months or lonter: close in. between Oak and Pine. 61 S. 7th 6 ROOM $16.50. flat with bath and electric 707 H Commercial st light, FOR BENT Downstair flat at 614 Powell at eor. 15th. on Brooklyn ear line. Ant 6Za-4. 2 ROOM upper flat; adults- 919ft WUliami are. QUI at 6 p m. NICE 5 month. $25 2 ROOMS. waannabli Jefferson. y lurnihed. walking distaneo, bone MarabaU 1299. 264 ' 2 FURNIoUED H. K. rooms, light clean and t am; 1st floor. 427 N. 21st, oor. Vaughn. Bdwy. 386 1. iOR BENT Furnished, L, h. or alrepinf r itawa. eloaa and comfortable, near hoapitaia. 770 Hort et near 28d. . CLEAN, ploaaaut housekeeving room, easy walk Inr distance, close to cava, rent reasonable. 329 Rosa at Fast g76. . LAH'iE front, furuiahed houeekeefnng rosma, 315 month. 34 week. 205 n Morriaoa tt bet. Front and First . " aSlCELX furniahed houaekeeping and sleeping rooms, all aewlp papered, nice and clean; heat ess and electric. 473 Main at : ONE FURNISHED bouaekeeping room, suitable for two people; front room oa the maia floor. ' w- aBth at -2 LARGE UgUt rootu. lal floor, also 1 large single rur-m. Alt convuiacaa for Wmatiaey tfff 408 West Park at 8 FRONT ROOMS furniabed for housekeeping; a a week. mono nasa ag. . .ONE. two and three room apartment 312, 820 and 910- 870 iztn LABGE bright sunny 2 room apt, large enough for 4, 330 monthly. Or 8 rooms for $35. 170 10th st Elms Apartments 3 mom furniabed apt, walking dist. 191 14th. I 2-ROOM apartment, walking distance, close "to I Polytechnic and Washington high, bath, light gas and phone. East 1101. LUXOR APARTMENTS THIRTEENTH AT CLAT 2. 8 snd 4-room apartments; strictly modern. 2 AND 8 -mora furaiahed apartments, nice and bright good furauture, eleetrie Hghta. gas range. KBO Thnrman at 25th. Marshall 224,1 THE ALTAM0NT APTS.. 304 COLLEGE Coot coty, modera S aad 4 room apart- menta, reasonable rent 8 ROOMS aad pantry, rent 835; 1 block tel ear. 033 Commercial tt Bear rvmminnrl I hospital. . flat walking distance. Apply 448 Belmont at FOR RENT Six room fiat 805 14th st 5 ROOM lower flat 420 Stanton st UNFURNISHED flats, gas, electric. Mar. 4818. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 ALMOST S ACRES $2086 $21 DOWN PARKROSE, north of Sandy blvd. and ear! Inn. corner tract 200x606 ft, ready for plowing, good building site, best of garden soil, no rocks. sil total monthly payment; low county tax; uu gwiHiaig natxicuona. J". L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , Main 208. Branch Office end of Parkroee eaxHae. Tabor 2904, 70 12th at LXTBA large H. t- rouma. nice and clean; close In. 508 Davis st Bdwy. 1192. 2 ROOM H, K. apt, nicely furnished. 969 Chapman. Main 8898. ' 1 ROOM apartment and pnrate garaga. fa good location, tsnns reasonable, close to Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 1184. 142 Shaver at HAY K one 8 room, one 4 room and one 2 room . apt, all furniabed; 4 room lurmahed apt OS nnsv, ijeor. ajtta az. ass eth at NIOELY METES rHANX-3 ISTOBMATION AST RENTAL BUREAU Sellable, us to date Bats of desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats, witb definite tufar Butioo pertaining ta each, v wewcomera to fortiaod wru nsg tms Dureaa of great value in belying them get properl aad quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR . BPRrNKLERED ' WAREHOUSE on trackage. 8 tore your goods with us. . Let us do your storing: and parting CLAY 8. MORSE. INC. fcoadway 1470. 454 Glijea tt HtVINGTON blSffllCT CALL TODAY We nave a few choice lots left in this racirllv growing uistnct tnst we can sell at the remark ably low price of 8750 and 3873: 8100 down $10 a month. With all imomvemanta raid. Let us snow you. . See the new homes under construction now. Near school, car and new pars. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. i Main 8787. " QUARTER ACES $10 'DOWN NO INTEREST PRICE $350 Here's a snap, acre; Bun Bun water. o cent can are, outsiae city limits 01st tt; no city text to pay; no interest tor 2 yean. Build a shack and forget the rent man; only a few lecv Hurry before they're an told. COMTE d: KQHT.MAS, Maia 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone tTeninga Anto. 682-66. 3 LOTS in. Laureihnrst. 45x90. all improeeX in. block from, nartine. $556; aasy ROOM flats, $3; aingle rooms. week. 842 rront. near Market FURNISHED aiprle honaeaeepuig roeaa, bath, pbone, lighta, $$ per week. - 18$ 14th at 8. HAVE hrniua saping teotn, eatra, good. 42$ tut B7tB st. tilt ELT- furnished nouaekeeptng tng room; runmng water. .2 LARGE bousckeei turnianed Jc-room aoartmenta. i,mf , can tn tin MiMth lhuiiM ii,i,t. BMi $1.76 per I private phone. The Lincoln, 4th and Lincoln. IN lKVlNGloK $ and 4 HL hj suites." very oonvenienr, clean, well lunuaiied, near acbool. i 141 K, IStS N. ia. 1 sllin 214 18th et close 473. in. 240 16tk , at KwL.iiis iww see mibi near j 1107 Ogdea tve and 66th tt wits water;, eloee Bead eollece. TWO farnianed'H. K. in. 333 6th at TWO funiasUed, H, K. rooms fog lent Tshot 37. ' TT S-ROOM apt, Phone East UJtJ(, completely furnished 2 snota apart- menta. tza. pgosa Lombard n. pot 61T. ON E 2 room, aim 4 room apt, prirate bath. 189 H RuaeeU. mmm ties, see nouanay ave. wm rurnaaned apt with oath, light, water anq Teiepnone inrnianeo, 333. 882 E. BCENA VISTA 434 Harnaoo. room apt Maia I052. WHEN Btoriag. city or country, get the beat at lowest once. Green Taat Co 1261. 202 H Alder at 6-ROOM modern, cottage near Jefferson high and I ThornDtou sehooL Can at T81 Commercial at Take Rnseeu-SnavcT car to Beech t FOB BENT-r-Three room partly furnished I nouae. un WiUow at. M-Y car ta 60th. Tarjor riOCS. - tents terms. Corner lot 50x90. in LanreThnrot- an fm- pravsmsnaa an, oaaca uusn ear. 4U. Corner lot est Willamette benlerard; bargahx. u. n. as ii.ilk.h h 1 f 165H 4tb ot Vain 6275 I 100x109 2 lots for price of oaa. Near Aiasworta ave., east of Piedmont Price only 870O. Might divide. Ask tor Mr. Powadet, owner. e. T ROOM wen T6th Ash. RESIDENCE, send. naruy mrntaAert. 84 01. 31 at t S. f BOOMS, newly tinted and enameled. Dutch kitchen. BMdern. eloae in. - K. 12th fneina IAdd addition, s 383. Call BeUwood 8068. Oarage-Site ' Let 96x106 82d and Woodstock svav. for aaie at ngnt poce. Ant .17-45. - 7BOoM.r$J a wee a; 1 roots. $3; $8. 30$ Washington. Mala 6237. TVo Bios lumunad nouaeaeepin .roosas, .3001 GLEN COURT, corner Park and Taylor, 2 aad I FOR RENT 6-roosn honse, bath, water, hahca. : Firat-eiaati A. MODERN Ioa house with garage, retuiev ; ea arstrrcT. ns uvwnoot: otvu. - o. Cbapmao. Main 3898. FTT. v"N nrTJ 'K.' St' ozns. 1 OTk". 8-SoOM SUITE $3 rf wet 2947 ALL COMPLETE. T $21. 60: concrete eaiiiag I UB at 2181. BaUlAiflT 13.8. J cornet Unioa ata.: aad jmngawtrth. .7T J $ 8 rooma furnished, Maia 1961. Phono Maloi 6-BOOM apt, 2-routn apt falrnistsad. ave. n. 1462 Portsmouth are. $604 TAKES toajiheast corner 9th and Wy gant evuw. . near , Union and Alberta. Xtoor 844 L . - ---: 4 wr laiial Fine lot near Hatrthorne ave., elrsat tn. aUwrt imp- in and paid; only $90, wu vtwwj. ww pjwi mg 171UK. Plain For kent cm re 174 Porter st and garaga. t $33. lo- aaota .fnTnitaro of 8-4-6 hoeas hoaae for 310. Foe further r-ir. Aiaim 6290, 100x100 LOTS. 2 dowa. 82 week, Alberts car. Better tent than' rent Lot me shew yon. K W. Cary, 1319 . W. Bask Meg. BOSiS C1TT. "on ilil, t ft rasas taeing, 4VUU. south T Xshog 644JL S "BUILT TO ENDURE" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better, Housei for Money. BEDIM ADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND, OB, E. 11th and Market Pbone Eaat 5U4. Downtown sslas office. Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4333. JUST LISTED . 15 apartments all furnished. 2 and 2 Netting about 8200 per mo. in summer rates long lease, only $6000. Terms to responsible people. J. B. BOCK, 408 Couch Bldg. Mar. 2352 $3500 KENTON DISTRICT $750 CASH Cozy 5 room bungalow with aleeotnr norch. flraplaco, complete kitohon, good rieneiiiitnt, fur naoe, gange. 75x100 ft lot Borne fruit Beautiful rate. J0HN80N-D0D3ON CO.. 631 I S. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 3787 1RVLNGTON Charming t ng roocs. 18x22: tua fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, tapestry paper, ivory finish. urge on tea kitchen; z large corner bedrooms, big lot, eaat front; abundance of flowers and thruba. Price reduced. Soma bargain, 6325. 7 ROOM modem bungalow with 4 bedrooms. Dutch ribobea. buffet, consent bailment; ga rage, ehioken boua Snd run; lot lOOilOO ft largs porches; beautiful lawn with ttu-ubborr paved street; block to oar. Owner. 1281 K. uth at N. Main 7z7. PIEDMONT Home for sale. 6 rooms and den. hardwood floors dowa stain. ' fireplace, full cement basement furnace, fruit closet short walk to Jefferson bigb aad throe carlines, fine iruit ana meet, sevuu: terms 81000 yiooaiawUj 4973 PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6 room new colonial bungalow, nearly ready for ees-opeacr: select your own furnace,' ngbt fixtures and decora none; inspection of workmanship, design I floor plan invited. The price is consistent Price 7 BOO. Main 6327. A TITLE Intnranro Policy a a guarantee bv responsible eoatpaey that yon win not Buffet loss oa aeeouat of the title to poor real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insaranca Policy. Bo abstract required. Title dt Trust sTiTAiPanary. VERT ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 50x100 lot near oar. pared street school. 4 rooms when completed. Owner leaving city. J g600 int p&7IacBt fcTtssA im f tlVV, vvrr J ns; aastivae tswa JOHNSON -DOIKSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. WESTMORELAND. $5700 5-roem bungalow with music room and break fast nook; ivory finish; fireplace, furnace, large attic Phone owner. Sell wood 2776 or ceil at 1848 E. 18th tt S. BOSS CITY 3 room bungalow, hdw. floors, pipeleas furnace, bun breakfast nook , iron and white woodwork. Faces east, 83600: aa low OaS 615 K. 46th N.. e renins. large Rose City Park $204 DOWN Hwd. floors throat hosit na and dining room est bedroom and bath, eeatent fireolace. all modern - built-ina. only $86 per ano. Cafl Main 629U Boone-Clearwater 64)6 Couch hide. Rummell & Rummell 274 rar St BEAB CAS SHOPS BROOKLYN This ia a baaartiul bnarakrw: txanJdtaktirak Hrlng and din keg rosea. Tntteh kitrhaa; 2 bed rooms, sssepiag porch and bath, heswweed Oowrs. fireplaea, garaca; pevod stent If roa asa saotv- tng for a neane wtthia waJtaraf dtalBaee of the sTicspe. doat atlas sating thai lull, Tne poce It 64200. with 19r0 gj easy terms. COMTE KOHXMAW 208 Cnamber of Ontam.rua. Mara 65 Sd. livina dandy ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW VIEW LOT 5 dandy rooms and full attic, oak faoora. ivory woodwork, tapestry walla, fixapieea. bookcases, buffet IX kttrben. brk. nook, furnace; yon are sure to like it Price $6500. C M. OESJL. 121S S. W. Bank ludtt ' Mar. 221$. WHT PAY $80 RENT! When yoa oaa bur a atrietlr mwlara $ re ism bungalow with beasUfal grnvsnds. flrisj It 1 s. fur nace. Bsairet antra ea aad. Dutch Utraoa for $4200. Cemtat enawsaant kvandrv traje: naeed ad no boaatVad bens. Tula is a Tiew bsincalow on the slope of Mt Tabos. U two have 8 506 eaah to pay down you oaa ami la thai aitemonei. Mortiry paraaaiiU leaa las rent KKXDERBpN-BAN Ata CO.. h6! Wewry Mdgl w Bdwy dTB-4. TB CAhrl Bits lASI Teh Mt hawthJbne K pen - - ' . ' ilm fjwliiie ,Jt built-ina, large attic, 66x190 ft tot 2 blks. from car; west of 45th tt Price only $2764): 3V caan, mu. MAIN 7027 W VASrUPARX aoay. SUITE 4.S N5KTTBLDli BETTER HOMEB FOB LESS V yon hare a clear lot and $300 wa wfrj build you, a snodern bungalow. K&5fS4 4 Tones tvurixalow-eattag., gas, Va3 water; Bear school and not tat bis Scott car: Bag lot Beady it acre: frutt bearing: bit chicken Bouse aad sptondid plasa for gardea and ersV-kena. The tn la $1100, Bs saembor. eoly $1$ 4m, the balanee Bke tent: tnp paring rest Hurry and sat that snunta it - COMTB a KOtTLMAN, Mass 6$4 208 Chamber of Commeree Hdg. $8250 ALAMEDA PASS BUNGALOW (Hear) ' A 6 roeaa bwtaralow. wrth flonred extta, 00- neat baiamewt waam trayt. Patch k-hnbea. won " dertul breakfast nook, every aaaaerinnba. built in feature. Fnrnaoa, flrepsace, aak fleean tbrangb 1 out; fl Bribed ka rvory and oasmel Tapeauy . paper, atrxiod Vst; gaaagw; otty lei 11 1 imis le paid. Oa boat nart AM modi pork- Price enaiy 842 50. Trraaa eney. RUMMELL, at BUMMTTsTa 274 Stark fat ' A REAL nVOuB CITY MOMft axrsctiy aiigora 6 rose wood nones, large Svtsar and tight airy bedroosas; mpaieao rttraooe. tBsaaanful sawn, cement dnvoway. Frane 6485s, 4rV only $10r9 Oreron badg. an 17 a.. 4$$$. Co.. 261 Mar- IXCBXlBVtST BARGAIN 6-rocgn -bungalow, all an one floor; S bedrooms, floored sttie. oak floors. &ro plaoe. bocAeaaes, buffet, Dutch Utcnea. br. nook, full bin C furnace; It s a pickup at $6600. C. M. ICSS 121$ N. W. Bank bW. Msg. 274$. OWNER WILL SACnlFttaT UobtM NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW AT IXBS THAN COST TO BUILO Hdw. floors ta hv. and din. mnma, fireplsm. all buUt-ina; 2 meats cava be flatatatd mpatairs: 76x106 ft lot, garaew. aU ttap, ia: Va btk. at ear. 3 blks. to sUsaaody school: beautiful tor race and surroundings. TERMS. Boo it vat 1293 K. 30th et N. Main 7027. kOfiB riTY PART- BFL. RiCilrH'E nCBT ItOOtf M Olio. AN rOM7I Price S4CO0. Easy Terms FUR AOS PATED dTREET Cttr lions all rnid, 2 bawotaful sees. 1 V-hsca: ta ear. double canaga. 19 K, 79lh at raaane Tabor 9I6 CUAE-lS BUNaeALOtf 33409 S room miaira buasakrar. nraaiasaa. fiatio, Dutch kMebea. amffse, fall rsmsat bnmiit ea , (leer aad aaaanary tnasn; Based euwwti A3 levrte paad. -HEX 1 1ERSOX -BAJTKU1 CO. 618 HWrv badg. - ftdwo. 4734. with This wooderfal hardwood floors and an --- with lw4Vslt ear. on oU aa farasos firepiaca, garage. This boon f ants east aad Yea wraat ; 36vvl7. oaly 1 black from the oarttao. tee this hntne to epproaste tt Slow eaah. . ROBXKTT ak MofXUSK. Marshall 8292. 802 Coocn rlMf. This BeaT pasTn(J lEXt 34300 ROSE Cm. charmsog room bungs low. 1 floor, artistic disHnctiva- hniu. fireplace. buUt-ma: 50x100 lot; paved st; 1 block to ear. Nothing like tt in Rose City fox the price. Main 6327. BEACTIUFL modera bungalow. rooms and sewing room, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room.- street " snd sewer in and paid ; full lot $4500. Good terras. Owner. Wdla. $114. 1020 Vernon are. $1200 NEAT 4 room plastered house, gaZ eleetrie lichts. city water, sink: 50x100 lot; chicken bouse, shed. Only .$125 down, balance sib month. 4830 84tn tt ana iu ave. a. av. $206 DOWN ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Hardwood . floors, -fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement with laundry trays. Balance like rent Eaat 6962. 4 BOOM bungalow, lot 60x168; uat outside city Umlta. All kinds of small fruits, bearing fruit trees. All city cosveniencea. $1300: $600 down. Selrwood 2937. A TITLE Inauraoco fobry at a guarantee of the title to your home. When yon buy yonr noma have the title insured. .'Better bo safe than sorry. Title A Trust company. HOME BROKEN, must sell strictly modern. brand new ounralow, 5' rooms and breakfast nook; pared etreet and caritns. Make offer. P-776, Journal. - SELL EAST TERMS Beautiful modera new buntsSswr pared 1 near car. Only 82750. 3. A. HENKLE, 612 Gernnger Bldg. EVERY purchaser of real ctsata should hare hit title Insured. Better be tat than sorry. Title cV Trut ccmpaey. - - - 3-ROOM modern bungalow, full cement ment ' furnace, furniture- lot 40x129, K block to car; owner. 5721 Woodstock ave. GET title tnaaraneo instead of aa abstract It ia emiekeT and cheaper and you are abantaMa? firrjeectrd agamat error, nut at Trust company. 3- ROOM COTTAGE, with bath, large attic. -sewer connection, pavea suuat ctnetiy saod- ern. Call at 855 E. 22d N. and Alameda. WHEN you purchase year nents have the trtls - insured. Get a Title Inou ranee Policy. Title at Trust company. 4 BOOMS, sleeping porch snd bath, full beae- aaeat; lot 50x100; furnished. $2590. Sei wood 2836. - WE HAVE already examined the title to piopeity aad. eaa kerne yoa a Title Policy wtthoart delay. Title dt Trust company. CITT PARK : By ovmesr, 5 room bungalow, $ Uk. W, Sandy, e as. ui sr. a. no pnonea anewersn. S.ROOM house. 100x1-04 ft. some -fruit and . enrden. rice $1M6; equitw $567. For sale or trade. 103 Mignisnd st 4g6o PENINSULA PARK Easy 'terras? room bungalow. Pbone oarner, Wdm. 410. BEAUTIFUL 7 -room bsassiow; tanntea road; aB eetiTeniences : gasage. Foa Main 8173 ereninga. A ALE StrvKlr . modera 6 Tabor 3989. BEHIND every policy ot True Insure nee aepom with the state of Oregon to you agamst toes, yet K is cheaper thaa spwcracv, aserjioa. Tnfe at Trust coorpany. at a BARGAIN Lot 60x100. new 2 tow, newiy furniabed, within city lun! 'a. 8975. Wul aril without furniture, rur orurauon can ytsrsnau inv. fc-r $3250 SNAPPY 6 . room bungalow, larva li. ing room, fireplace, built-ina; Dutch kitchen. Beat pantry, largs. swany rooma. furnace, 'trays. Boauofni lawn, 60x100 lot; frutt Main 6327. $1500 BUYS lira, oottace on a0xlv of ground oa Qrecory Helgnta; 6259 dowa. balance eney payments. Pur riartaculaJB call at 404 Piatt bids., 127 Park at Modern Cv-roosn block from Willamette boulevard, with fall lot garage, es ait lit bast mint end wood man: H boss (or 83469. with $339 eaah. balance use rent; Immediate Biaatuslua. WUrua D. keaitn. 696 Wilhesne areants, Eaat 129B or Woodiswn 6861. ARE TOD GOING TO BClLATt LET C8 KELP TOO We draw Beans and help fi our orraos and art your home. FUBTLAND IIOMK wtttt .nni u 3 1 tV-tbingtoa bldg. f-UBNUHED OOTTAGf ' B reeasu all nieoly fwenaahed: snatatffal 50sT2 ft. psenty fruit grapes. ben-Ma; a tive priee for a few stays only; 92390 wh 6409 esSb tsrvsa ea beltao. aW 1 1 s V 1 ereaiagt. Tabor 8999. ? 1 J. U. KOCX. ' .INK PLACE FOR GROCERY Two star bnek buikiine snit it per anoaiiB: aszaw. -larma. xmixsia.. bas FOR BALE Five room bungalow, district aB irawrosssanenta tn and naid eeu wvta or wiu 1689 E. Carwtbers et will TItI insurance the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Csaicarr. costs less aad no abstract requtred. Title A Treat com Deny. now : racant walkine loquus at T BOOM modera distance, $2700, 626 6th tt WHEN yoa get a Title Insert ore Polnrv. two do not need an abnlisit of title. - One mat. mrnm pert tot an time, line at Trust cempetry BT OWrfER 6-room cottage. Alberta disnrt 32600; are. ft. hard surface suvart . 1014 Grand CLOeSE yesar real estate deal vnthottt avsnoyvng twuttis ay ttonsj a True laawirsna i -troiary.i : abstract requrrad. Title A Trurt compasry KEW and BOderu 4 room boose. aVsehU . structed; near I'sniramls school: SoxlOO; eor ner of Drrrmraond aad Wune blvd. Esst 4642. BOSK CITT, seen, Btx two tsrCrsawPTst aasf 2 Wonka ..e 4 IQllA 1 L.lf dsvunto rrailt all bubt-irav run mt' Tvtxw i at. HAWTHORN IS bungjOow. 63600, $934) all built-ina, - cloae to eraooas and oar, stricted district. Tabor P368. MUST aacruico nay beantifal hoaae on Mt Tsho7 calked out of city imtaoditttly, st S. Auto. 226-68. $1550 EQUITY of $689 ia 6 224 E-; 63d 1512 Mnadssrppi av. 6-ROOM new modern bungalow r pesvsa street; peren. lino e a. rare. UiALL UOVmS AX t-OX. TABOS 4sA8 4 BOOM lot: ganvre, basement, traye; . 834. only $2609 now. $609 a pas and a Bargeta. Elmer F. Bennett Co. $19-921 ttoard of Tredo. sVdwr, 4t. 6 BOOM CLAA8Y BOCALOW " EXTRA WELL BUILT AT COST ' seas ere land, corner lot. hardwood Cooes, ta Ivory, lovely Isaac kltobsa. fast eo- I t ftaraaee, f isaila r t. esse set Mil a aad CUytMurao aeo. Far awpMtattneat I phone SeDarocd 3796 or MarahaB 1412. - $17sWCOMPXeVTlCL.Y 1L AJt icOiEi Two awoat ecerv IrnUe autlaga. tAaatWedL' a trio hesun, wnit kit. school end it ewe $1060. BTDKR BKAt.TT fX . Ant 6?(9C, HAKE 18 A GOttD BUY 7 room kseis. 1 block oar. 6xl9 K. fufl basrsaent tnre karea in 1 am, wea-tai 66049 any , day. tor $1H00. Yeull have to harry. U ant kast; 6404) Been. 836 a naoata and ant dm. 664. FUBN16HEP FOB HoCftTE LEJING ' Modem 4 tnoat banrtti w. neat aa a sua and beat of f ami tnre; 2 tall kola, trait twrriea. faj basemiat wash trays, ssraca. Otrnsa rity aad tU snenfaos st 63004 for ayakk VI 000 ana nsnam swuseooe 1 1 . AN ABSTRACT of But st net a gwaraatee of your turn; it it aarrely a hnaory of tour tMlat A True lis 1 a nee Pones ka a tusnnatee of rtoe. Thrretare. whoa ywu nary uuaueity Tiue inenrsnco roue. so aastiaig Twle sV Trvaat towiyBf. STOP. LOO ttneCry ssodera UsTEJI bdw. fWrs. sear I ffrsedsoe. funtati, Fronch elonra, tlttping pear a, et a I "all k sni etac week traya. fall lot, gardea aa4 4mA I Oeavera, aaVkeaaeT 6I6O0, 636 per snoot, he ll T. OWN pnrca, hot water a earing a: anca. Call bot 19 and 6 wo: will aarrifVo 666 RO ear. Sear rRA.Vgm Hula E. 35th stoS. tsodern semi-bur ga tow by fir aad fruit trees; block from picturesque bams at . a sncriOee: aaay terras. M-277. Journal. cv.a r 1 a a oaocss rrom ear tans; otuy tztt sovs and so per aaonta, aaarindtric tateraat; seen to be enprectated; tor east by earner for $2660. 246 E. 78th et N. corner Hounday. three booses; oats 1 ressas. with Call at 1336 S. 224 or phone weodatwn 3B2T. 4oewe fveJereiet etdln. 66t4, rORCED TO 6 ELL SEE IT T rosea bancs low. $364r9: SlOw estah. Bke swat: 47th at nanr tselasae; fnrwaoa. rieaV lent eaandrtioe: real hoaae at hosk atsat 1922, Billeuud 2706. evee. BEAUTIFUL LITTLB 6ELLW0OD Bust 2 'Modern d loom, ksrse bath, la test beult-kat ka kitchen; beoartlul bmffst: raswns fnrktaed tn ry and tspaatry. Imp. all paid; 1 bsnrsa to ear and nark. Only 33209. rVeQwood 1266. BOSK CITY IIGALiO'W FOR SALE S BOOM bouse. 2 tots, wstec, laghts tner 39 Basse, out, Basil statlea, only $1200; terrna. Chsrles K. Henry bldg. Broadway 6649. ' no ptusab- seot; 429 ! mint liasiiwial. strictly etstn ' Vstpect; $16w9 eaah. belenco to eutt S. B 613 Coatct) blrug. MasB 6894. BEST BUY IN WOODLAWN lees of frutt ant aOxIow. rum bar beater, windows all Busiest, Just think of it only $2269. $499 aVxra. wain. ses. BCNSTSHJl HOME sis suae. ' 814 STOCK ITCH A WOK. BY OWNER 6 roosts, steeping porch, tots aaantane, ttataaant garage, chicken bnati; 123&0: sve, 824 st $49 ansa, . $033 Woodstock I TITLB Invurenoe saves tunw aad atoaary no abstract oaquireq Tiue s Trntt ensa- peny - - - FURNIaHEU modera 4 . mem tiuaitlna. in baidsarfare ot 1664 K. KvwreU et ' M Y car tarns. Wffl take Ford car and $469 cash. SALE New jeo4 Highland anhool: win Weodlswa 6427. KEW S E. 30th aeax bandy bird. Pbone E. 6062.1 HAWTHORNE 4 BOOMS $4rft 594) cash. $29 motrthiyr per swats 124 tt. 2 blocks HswOssnie ear; axneUewt soeitinim; lot 69x119. kaarlrg frant; sszvge. Baa at Man, LPT2. Mrassod 2796 eroa, Jt'EW '$ rwosB atodrra nttncaiow, ia rvsurvaeai diaprtrt; terms. , Inquire ewnac, 121 JL Im rarwt; Maavaaaiprd ear. $1730 NEW 4 room buaaaiow. futt la, "near M. T. car; aa, eVtrjnrity. otstxpeate Bafb tng; eney terms. Tabor 3934. 2 LAiUsf lota, cairnet, o-tosaa satase, iilAi terms, tot 646-77. ACREAGE 405 2 1-8 ACRES an Gladstone aad 3tth at. for IXwtVa. CeJI ear eAdroas Mas. E. tt Vlssny, 476 Vastosereor see-, wpetaiis ha bock ACLXA. Wul aeraa. 310 paanaaart.; Aleana east Kennedy aohooi. no aasssssmenaa. ouy weeeat S W. ary. 1219 S. W. Hawk wVn. -