21 WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 7. 19217 THE " OREGON 5 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 V TBS XUTomobilr and tTLACTOX , BraivKM '.-- io or portl mil W eaa tH yow for food paring poritioa hi a abort tlsaa, - We tnra oat upnt auto mc sariioa. Ignition xaen, battery expert, tin vul uutfi aad miilm weal. -. You take the tool la ysar heads gad get th real practical aba ssxwrla-ne under expert iaaUwrtan oh U aro-ta-date automotive aquipmant. EaroU today. Dca' k patting it off and let tha other fol low bail yew to it Inforxeatioa M ntarratiire orm nut. Day and evening eiaam. HamiU- S AUTOMOBH.E AND TRACTOR . CliOOUs, . - .TOT Rawtbbru a?., eor. 20th. Portland. viwwii im a nil w s--aag w Ia tM world. DRESSMAKING 256 DYKING, cleaning, prMin, diaasiaskixtg, re modeling, reiiningr alisratiB, Bleating, -rea sonable price. Tba Cabinet IVressmaking Par ky. 424 ov-riso. near llthv Main 1828. BKWINUt aaajly And raawaiaMj don. . Ha. ROOM AND BOARD 302 ItSES-ORD, HOTEL. T3S Hon at Two bur. "earn. East 7691. beautiful ! rooms, connecting bath. aaapta, pita! prefenao. . 0 . ecb- noma, t Main 1 3 ok. NURSES 2ST EXPERIENCED anna would haw permanent 303 poutvea. or will taka ansa at Pugb, Eaet 238. bom. Mia. NURteE take maternity vsta; beat eare; reew sble. I ner soma, pri East 868. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY - BEAUtTfXL suite of rooms, very desirable; bo Mee-oing rooms: 2 block Jefferson high. slock Woodiawa ear. 2 block Union ate. ear: garage, horn pnvilexea; beard if desired, Wood- l 581. - A fSW am am ou ba takea n war prao ttoaj tnuaina shop, to toara ovary breach wf tUa autoawbila business. On tuition, la aorcti avwry part of tmlnitig. i Wa get - you work to earn board and reorn while miuu. Ha ether seboot baa tba necessary eauipm-nt ar expert Instructor to taacb yon aa uproncbr If u la anUBdid opportunitiaa in and roand Lo Inrrln for food paaition vbaa flntelwl A rEE T2-paa IllurtraUd book apiwlally arararwl for your latoraation. Writ 1ar ft VOW. NATIONAL. AUTOMOTIVE BE OCT OF A JOB OR WORK AX TJKDEBPAID POBITiOK f Call at Vnioa a, and Waaeo "it. any day arnwet Saturday, at 11a. m.. or writ far Im aataioc No. 4. It will sot coo Von anything to iibo. am bow wa aara oaiped errr boo graduatai ia gooq pnaiwtnai wo can a!P yon. too. AUCOX AUTO A AVUTIOM SCHOOL flparial Indaeammta to Bx-Bcrrica Uea. Bodiwad Ba Jnn 1 to Brptrmbar 1. FOR RENT t FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at J, L C A. to aaa traa IM d aaodar a' priced rooms (or yousa an tn an paru v taa any. toeiaoma rooma ar uia uaatrai L C. A. -with taiepboaa la aaca batta and clnb (acuiUea. HAVE room and board ia priiate family of 2 for - taaaaaai i block Irom cirlina: within walking distaaca of Jefferson, Highland. Thomp asa, Waodlawa aad Aibica hotaaataad aahnoii, warn. 1BU8, TAl thlCT HATCl ISO lat Bt SU2.l4? I, I1U 1 AwA. ataforriaon. Modem, free bath. I educed tataa. 7e par day and up; S4 a week and no. transient trade ao belied. Un. M. 1. Walker, proprietor. THE ST7 PAUL, 130 4tl. cor." AJder.' A E2 6PECTABLK downtova HOTEU Batea T5a bp. Prlrete bath 92. Soceiai tataa by weak or monta. AVIATION offer young aea today the graatcat oppor tiraluea fur getting ahead. H i furniah the high aet tyM of inatrnetion through the beat koovo iaatroctota aod with the fineat equipment. Wa ewo and operate more plane than are privately need ta the whole Northwett. Write for lnforma tiea to Victor Vernon. Manager. O-W. At L Air. Bias Co., 214 BruWJDg bulg., ForUacd, Or, n nm nmauwey on. HOTEL ROYAL Cor. kforrbon and E. td. ; modera ilecptng and rt. K. room. (3 week and op. 1 per day. HOTEL OCKLEY UorriioB at 10th. 1 day; weakly $3 aad np; ire pnone ana Data; ngnt ana airy. 50c Day, 32.50 Week Up Clean. bth free, hot water at all honra. HOTEL CADILLAC. Sd ST.. Near Jefferaoa. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WABHUfiiTON STS. Attraetira rooms and auitea at reasonable rata by wee ar month. HOTEL f-HAXlXDf Waahinrtoa at 18th. Katea br the week. IS and np; hot and cold Tanning water; hot water eaung tyrtem; tub and abower bath. .plane yhorx iHH TELEGRAPHY hallwer Telearanh 1w- atitnta. 484 Bailway Eachanaa bide Nishi glawiea. SECTOR HOTEL 8 North Broadway, new and modem. Tale loeke on doora. (la day up. 83 per week up. i-nrau nauia, HELP WANTED MALE 201 OLD eatabuened firm waste good aoiicltor to oaS oe) trad aad tolicit fuel ordera. Prefer maa who hag anm knowlnlg of wood aad eoai. Weatfvrn fuel Co.. 2ST E. Monvin. WANXKD To hire loacing truck and drirer at oBoa witn a tpeeda abeaO. Bee 907 K. Buro- QKia. after p. m. TtS-KtU wanuxi 8UU emertf ace. Blleerton, Or. V1XTER At once, maa Steady ub for ncht party. Silrertoo Blow Pipe Co.. learn ruleanixine ana rCTreaoing. 192 Mawtnoroa. SALESMEN WANTED ' 202 SECURITY SALMiMEN Winterl two clean -nit men wbo are 1n thg habit ( atribtl inreatlaatine a rtmnmdtina be. fore anbatitting the tame to their elienta and wbo hare the intereat of the ineeator at heart; only Been with oleaa rmorda and producer need ' Main lim. BLCEMOrNTAlV OIL A OAS CO Lady'a god writ watch at Colombia - of the oldest line wiotor care with well aatab Uahed firm. Mnrk have large acquaintanceship , and famish yd reference. Also prefer mar- Tieri - man. All answers treated confidentially. r i. Jonraai. BIO money foe you If yoa want to hustle; bet propoaltioa 10th at on market Ba managar, 8T ft ASV money for 2 good mm selling auto acces sory. weeks' were Ceil 44J E. l&th sL N HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTED UidilWaed widow as honaekeeijei for widower with one grown son; woman that vooid appreciate good permanent hpm of he own ta western Oregon: no objection to 1 or ehildren. Write or call on Edgar K. Melria, R. K. 2, Canhy, nr. WANT to .hear from girl between the age of 18 aad . SI who wiahea to enter the buainma world.-on who ia willing to upend ir few week preparing 'Q pcetUnti. H 827, Journal. ANT tslkL in need oi a irientl. atiolv ta thi Balrattna Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and jneraanee. ara. phone Mstn W4o. 1-M cs CH0OOI.ATE dippera, wrarera and packer waateo, Lawg lo. candy aactory, Keetb Piret. E.NkHOKTIO airl wanted for aeneral housework experieaea J'eurnal. HOTEL ARTHUR 1T0 11th at., near Morrison. Clean, modera rooms DT day, week or montn; reasonable rates. EVCL1D HOTEL STS Washington, at 18th. Latge. clean, airy tsoma. prirate bath: rata 10 permanent gnesm. pqwy. risg. ONE Bleeping oorch, 1 bedroom, (8 also use of the front room and kitchen. Call Saturday or Sunday, 4 blocks from Aft. Scott canine. rj33 DU sv outa. TAIT Ud TEL All ouUiae rooma. oast 81 -day bath 88 to 810 per week; pleasant lobby; auu mauo elevator. itn ana atari. TRY EN ON HOTEL lor rncuced ratea; lie and np; hot and cold water in rooms: ratea permanent guesta; transient trade aoUcited. 107 4tn st.. Main 1 ion. FOR RENT for four FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED 304 CLEAN fiwuthad boasekoaptng room tog men. ouiet and hosaelike, tlectrig tghta. gas, free pbono, hot and eoid water. J pet week aad up. doo zxoou s aaain 120. LAEGE front room and kitchenette, nice sincla rooma, awry reasonable. Hot water always for hatha gad eeundry. Walking rlntance. Bleeping porch. 656 glaaders. - NICELY furnished aiBgl7 or 8-room H, K. rooma. at 400 V. 18th at., coat TJpahur, Katea by the month IS gad up; free telephone, bath and pool table. Call Broadway 1848. 2 Ft RNISHED housekeeping rooms, primu family; eloea in on east, aid; good- cay sere- ice; rent reasonable. 855 Haaosok St. 1 block to Union are. an 840. LARGE front room in modera no me, west aide, - walking distance: good homo cooked saaaJa. writable tori two; copracignt log SaUsea. Uaia ZS1 LAEGE eoay front, suitable for maa and wife or fwo atea; convenient for scoooi tascnara; dose to two schools, with, or without board, is 0. 8. borne.! 414 Market, comer 11th. SINGLE lady, living near Woooiawn school, will room and' board two ladies, prefer teachers or bnsinees girts; all convenience, private home. Wood lawn 1701. GOOD bom for man and child, mother's care. room, board, sewing and laundry. 870 month 286 E. 24th at.. V block from Hawthorne Hefereneea. WILL give good home and momer's eare ta email girl np to a years old; reasonable nngrgea; close to school. Airs. Patterson. Go north from end of Beaumont, car to E. 42d and Sladmor at MICE 2 room famished front housekeeping, aew ly kalsomined: elsccria Uahta. balls included. rent reduced; good place for laundry; walking dis tance west guta. oa lnrst SINGLE " furnished houaekeeping'rooeaa; " "nice quiet place; genuemea preierrea; az.au week and ap; lpHu and bath included; walking ouuBce. :ia anil, cor. tun. ONE 3-EOOM SUITE" N. SS per week. 290 V4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 CHILDREN BOARDED BEST OP CARE. PHONK BROADWAY 4311. J &0OM and; board for ode or two gentlemen in refined home; borne privileges and goad home cooking: eloae m. East 2065. SPLENDID ; rooma aod excellent board, I ST. 60: g in room 83S each; near Couch school. 817 Marshall. Broadway 3385. BoOM and board ia refined "home for young TWO furnished h. k. room with -bath. etee. inc vuuer ana iron, private - entrance teacher or married ecuple; close to Ockley Green school and high school. 11 T4 Mi- sipps ave. EeEPtfbVALLT good two-sooia housekeepins' suilc. vain, .wcuiuu. iuhscs seal: waiKiixe distance. West Side; 822. Broadway 2128. g tlanders at., near 19th. . NICE front 2 room apartment: phone, bath. hot and odd water; well furnished: excellent location; walking distsnor, 0 N. Zlst. Call Alain married eouula or 3 minutes ont Tabor 1935 ladies. 88 a week. 20 WANTED To board en ot two small ehildren in country home. Mrs. E. T. Hamea. Sales, Or. Route 2, box 148. FBON'T room, with board, large clothes cioset, modern home, S blocks from Eranklin high school. Z9I QJitb st. S. K LADY would like care "of 1 or 2 boys, aaea 6 to 10; good, modera : borne near Highland school. Address 007 K. 1 1th at. N.t eity. NICELY hinushed room, mouera home, suitable for two; good heme cooksd meals; Nob Hill district. Main 2861. LA110E double room, suitable for' four men modern, home privileges; $35 mo. each; eloae la. Phone East 25-22. ROOM with or witnout ooara ra modern home 938 Savior at. neat Montgomery-Ward, 4417. NICELY furnished room, witn good board, for maa and wife or 2 men, walking distance. 23d and Lovejoy: Main 4121. - ONE room. suitable for two. young men; twin beds, running water, with or without board; walking distance; plcndja location. Bdwy. 4633, Maxwell Hall 1". "Lt Furnished si orpins rooms, bath, hot and cold ter; 4 oo -week and up. NEWHALL HOTEL 403 E. Wash.- SL, cor. Grand av. Modern: outside sleeping rooms. EMPRESS HOTEL Suite or single rooms, nicely furnished, at attractive ratea to permanent gunta. Right la the center of the city. 6th and Stark. WILL give good board aad room to children of school see. very reasonable; close v scoooi. Antmsuc 8 30-98. FIRST-CLASS board and room in private, modern home: all. home conveniences; walking distance. Phone Main 805. NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for ' sncrt, walking distance, B4 Washington St.. 2nd floor. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, also rooma wiut tu oatna. zstt 5th st. ; THE BARTON. 45b ALDER ST. Clean furnished rooms $2.50 per week gad up. Also light housekeeping. Ill .SIN ESS college, hign school boys, get clean, airy rooms, walking distance. reasonable. 403 Broadway; VERY cheery, clean room, suitable for two em ployed persons; modem, walking distance. 647 Yamhill st. Main 8.r3tL CLEAN, pleasant furnished rorea. walking dl lance, 1 block 2 carlines, outside entrance, $3 wee. 8211 B. 1st St. N. E. ZOOB. FRONT room, newly papered, free phone and bath. 33 per week. 603 8th; walking die. tance. 16th st car to Sherman. oa car unnecessary; sUle age. K 333, Pl'HNISHED rooms, near Bead college, line. 5S30 41st st GOOD front sleeping rooms tor men, 82.50 to 35 per week. 428 Burnside bet 10th and 11th NICELY furnished room to young lady. " 29. Lnrretia st Marshall 2340. Ttpt WANTED By man oook, lady or couple as rartnar tn-ew of town bote!; $300 needed. l. AwWTWsL tsIHL living on Sk Johns carUn for light lae- gnry work. HIGH-CLASS furnished sleeping rooms for one o courjle: reawnsble. 7 07 rlanders st" NICELY furnished, clean rooms in beautiful Phone Woodlawn 20R5. TJKLpEk'ln" home. $18 up. 215 14th st 193 Phone small boaraina " . houseT MuiTTwmin st. LadY latumae wanted tor school work. 218 36. GIRL wanted to make paper boxs;must hat asperienre en table work. Apply 293 Weidler. EXPERIENCED help. Portland Laundry Co., Union are, at Ean Mill. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 203 tlOPPlCKKRS. attention I Come now, or come later; we can always taka ear of a few more w mraisn tenia, straw, pur water, constantly f ir-d ensaraunity stove, pretty camp ground and BOO acres ot fine old-crop hops and little foluure long season. Phone Para 4002. Horst Ranch, iimepenaentw, ir. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LAKtlK. new bedroom in refined Jewish horn near dental college, am table for two abluents; rrivate lavatory; breakfast U desired. N-3!B .fmimal. NICK laree room with board, suitable for Kirl students or girls employed. Phone Sell. 121 or 770 E. 8th st NEAT furnished room and good board in pri Tat family tor two laaiea or man ana wu employea. tMt 4234. BOARD and room for school girl 10 to 14 years of ten; near good scbool; prjvate home ot two. 79 S. Lombard st - LITTLE girl, over 6 years, for company. school. s a wee. ios e. rtoyt st. Near FURNISHED room lor 1 or 2 gentlemen; rea- sonable. Sell. 2898. NICE widow's home, with mother's care, for child. Call East 166. CLEAN room, with board, if desired; close to Washington high, rail Kast ie WILL give another's care to baby or child under e years; reasonscie. laoor wu. WANT to eare for ehildren, two or three, school age or younger. Call evening. Ant 625-77 ROOM and Wrd for children from 6 to 8, $2 month. 861 E. 12th N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING- room, everything furnished. a wee, as K. ;u aiaia S8a. $17 3 furnished "rooms, hi eouagt, newly pa perea ana parntea. eeriarata oatraace: s sa bs th, yard, walking distance, west aid. Tabor ill, bio rirst FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 BEAUTIFUL room famished bsnglow apt. all TiattsnartT lan,: achtv airy twoaas. lav isnlaaa enndrrlssi stood fnnutav. - masse net with diss pi we ring bed. larso fc viaf poosa. oimwa awosw, wausw . iwca sviimwesj vnisw bedroota. bath: gtaaai beat. , xelepboa. janitor service included: dos la; ioxt arrax - the Broadway bride, half . Mock north of Broad- way,- Tba Mda Apertsnenta. 8TT Taacoaver vs., adults, ealy, , Vacant. Isgmarilia po- asssion. - - THE JACEAON -KISS. i:nlM 4 m HnrtS. Three-rooa sots.. 830 aad 840. artvat bath. (team beat, hot aad cokl water, pbono acrw 15 aurtutas' walk to ta aaa juaer. st Citj ear. East 2846. THK DZKXDORV APTS. OAR RivtMntK usr rrneioc - MavsasB 128. Klest 1 ninisheel esr aatl amiabed 8-rooa apatV mem for resident a transient aad totvxsg; aa objection to children: walkinf distance. nr-BO CrtCMUAl M 884 8th 111L Cii4-U"H,tk-A Co. Market 3 and S room furnished apt.; atoaaia oea.n ences; privat bath; 1S to $$3'per asoath. Cartois Apartments 2-room furnrbed mwdera apart meat, iwa able.' 14th and Market ws. THE STANFIELD Claan. ontaid 2 -room apt, r light, boat, phoa izo ana iza.ao. gsasn list. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 Ionian Court SIGHTiSuA-VB it apt, aewly rssssvstad. . ST81. Four rooaa front Adults; close in. Bdwy - FOR RENT HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 3 ROOM flat for rent. $13; waisnng distaaoe; rum tare for aa. ewssparta 8358 1 1 htacg frees lrviagtana cast 8T k Cbi (. Adults. Msrhsn 28 J. 4 ROOMS aad bath, "gsa. eetxicuy. west agls fnrTiitrrre at Vow Tr4ce. at 826 ta party vuytag 8Ii-Motrtgomeiy St. FUR.VI1XRB of 8 roata tsuasshed flat for eaie: kvly bceae; by owner; not $$-0-80 Market st HOCBB foe rent, fursutar to aaa. - Call Automata tltf-l. GOOD grade funuiare; first reasonable !( wia be accepted. Tlo FS. Burnside HOrBB lor rent tore fa sale, gas bVs 846T. ivsanSnffi. fstrat- BXGA.M taraitosw for iwnsns. esUd eek and smsspsTi ao dealer. Mrs. AUanaa. mar. ar. STORES AND HALLS TOR RENT 314 mri room for teas ia O reproof BnOdrng ta tn boat business portion at avsniaao. og. Apply owner, 844 t- Main st. $20 1124 E. 3ih X. Nice iarge store, snlk being roosae, for dry aoods aad aotvass aauy- Flne locarjoa. WOla. IZ1. ToR desirable apace ia fireproof wawwasja phone Bruadwjv 8718. SToTaEROOU lor rant. 2ll 6ak 40 N. 9th st. lisguini DBK OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31 S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 404 HOUSES JWrerrrirKTSnTS 7 ' t ROOMS $308 --- -Owe of taw bees bsua abaa -wsa aewr ofTered ia this ahsasw district; esse ta en Ma gad sr hoot; easwpcioasDy laiwe being res a with a nregaeea; Bit bum m xsainHaa; uwtea fit full oeseeos basswaa sntk eve raise tw Ths saast ba w sgght; $1000 drwra. 0v-ERLOO BTTJAL0W 8 JiOOJaS 8SO4 PVb-apa w4th a sasaU xwyvaesit rww are tew d if m bare about 11 004 let aa shew yew ia. rintla. e blast kisrbea. kmmisrl with Uandry gray and fumare ; jaji giasd lot aad oely a lew atersv mna tne r. - 8ICHMONP atnfOALOW " 8 BOOMS 848 fihwd lssBtssdiVby ksse. tsrle xu active bsswats' mm a rwveat agree, elaa ta rkwsL ta aste of beat bargaia tsaaglaaal; k floors, ftrwgAaoa. turaar. gavaga, - ssrg una. Mlf bvilt-tBt aM euy 81000 down. CUE A. McsvKNNA CXJw. IXALTOgg, 82 Fourth St Si saw 4 322. afsraa $841 Hera h a dandy boy and a goad Bttl I black outside city, aa dtp taxe. Has SS-tt row of berries gad 8 or 8 yssitt fraJt a yard a4 bsrildlsma. fan Dv roam with telopbooo and aaisgiBl'lisii Phono Broadway 8718. x Irving Apartments 4 roota apts., Bgfat, modera; autsido rooma. 2 1st and Irving Main 9239. FURNISHED and unfurnUhed spta.; ao ab jection to children if under good ewotrol; near Couch school. Lawa Apts., 18th and Davis- Broadway 2664. ' The American Apts. apartment S room modera m. Brosdwsy 836 31st and Joha- iiitiiMs. neuaekeeouig rooms, uaiurnished or partly fumiahed. private bath, newly reno vated, close to school. 1034 E. Main. 4 ROOMS, steam boated apartment, modern. $35. Cottel Drug Co.. Main 792. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, sights, water, phone and aaa for cooking: fnmished. $20 per month. 343 10th st corner Market ONE large, airy, furnished housekeeping room. closet fine for rrrl emuloTed or student Sea- wood 121. 770 E. 8th. UNFURNISHED 4 room apt. large outside rooms; also 8 rooxa rnrnisooa apt. ouuu Apt., 394 GuM at. Btar SSd gad Tbarman. Main ' 10S, " ' -V SUMMER RESORTS 316 CBERBT CnT furnished eottaaea for reat baa Usisut rooaa. faR Datch kitebsa room. 4aa, water (hot aad casd) ss4 essw- trsotf. Foe owick aaie ini, boiaa, meauJy paysbeaUv. J. L. HARTMAJ COMPANY Cbamber of Cost hUhg SOS. Rata SS week, including light, wood aad Per water. Free bag from boat Geo. IX Smith. New port. Or. j i i COTTASS la meadow at Gearhart; September I room. $28 par ia best month of all : 7 month. -Call SeOwood 8088. WANTED TO RENT 352 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED Board and room ia private taaaihr. for woman and girl 10 year old. Must be a I ehildren and los to school. Beaermghi. Writ Mrs. Roy Davenport Ashland. Or $500 $398 CASH 5-T. neat S seta, sand., trait. 41st. ar. PowalL Grand boaao for ehirkea bartasa S1408H CA8U 8-r. bang . loby beaaw. 4th aa. $270 800 ooah T-r.. 10x112. eaodera, attractiva, 82700 3850 CASH S-r.. aifey bsnut. saodera; asuap. Oa 12SS B. 7th at M. 81600 8408 CASH 4-r., aioa lot 2d ave. Good buy. 13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 384 S-r CARMEUTA APTS. 5 room unfurnished apt - beautifully arranged! white enamel, til bath; $12 SUITE of 4 partly furnished H. K. everything high class. slain oaa. rooms, large fir trees plainly seen : IK block I BRUCE aoartnienta. 25th and North rup sts. oeyona ena or riswtnnrne ave. car. I rra. moo. front aieeping porcn, mreo. lira. NICELY furnished outside housekeeping .nd steam beat, jan. service: fin view. Mar. 1428. fleeomx rooms. 1 block to car: lizfct. beat poone and rise of laundry. 33 E. 16th N. ICE housekeeping rooms, on M- Scott car- line, i block to car. Phone Tabor 7396 m mornings. Also 100 hens, 31.50 apieee. IE K. ROOM with kitchenette; also small h. k. room, suitable for bachelor. 154 N. 18th. Phone Broadway 1218. GARFIELD 3 and 4 room modern apartment. sleeping porchea, reasonable. 861 Kast raii tni, 1 block wevt Tnioa ave. Woodlswn 682. 2-UOOM unfurnished apartment 103 K. 82d st- Tabor 67-60. FLATS FURNI SHED 309 3 NICE clean rooms, furnished for bouse- keemnsr: cloe in. 75Z arums ave. Call Woodlawn 3S83. 2 AND a modera lists. 63 W 80th St. business section. 315 snd 820 month with water, light garbage; Montavilla, Stark st car. BIG front room for 2 giris oi women employed. ELLA ST.. nr. Washington fin; flit, $100; gas Will care for child during day. 450 Bth st S. whit enamel; hardwood firs., mahogany FURNISHED, unfurnished H. S. tages. reasonable. 252 Oibbs. rooms, cot- fnrnitare; adnlts. Msr. 6070., FURNISHED housekeaping room for rent .". 21St St 62 FOR RENT room modern 'upper flat, $20. 919 F. Rverwrl sr. MY ear. CLEAN 4 room upper flat, good location, $4, including phone, water ana gSTDSge; lauita. TVVO furnished housekeeping rooms, ground loor. Ert 4707 28S Fargo st $15 month. 393 S. Grand ave, ,., ' : ; ; . . a nnnvf s ninelv fnrnishad. elaaa and pleasant: 3 clothes rooms, bath, heat pbone, oa car- APAKTMKJsTS FURNISHED 307 D"; no ehildren; 335. Wdm. THE LILLIAN APTS. 2. and 3 rooms. large and airy, close In, v side, modern. 881 6th st Marshall 1376 5 BOOM modern flat for rent, furniture for sale. 831 H Mills at. bet Bdvry. and ntn. 3 ROOM upper and lower flats, sleeping porch. garage. 854 1st st 3. THE JEFFERY 3 room furnished apartments, $16. Russell and Kerby stsr East 1594. FOR RENT 5 room furnished flat; adults Mar. 3451. Corner I FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 ONE OR 2 furaiahad H. K. rooma for mother tad daughter', near Franklin high. Ante. 617-57. 4209 34th st S. E. $490 CASH ss . T Q. C. Qoldenbcrg $38 Vancouver avs . very Main 4808. Tabor 8104. AMngtoa bide. 10$ Sd. '88 Xsarg ta Portia-"' - HOUSES 381 RENTAL BUREAU Last your house. Oa aad apartments wath us; qmck results end good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. BTORAGE. LOANS 8ECUTUTY STORAGE sk TRANSFER CO. 68 raorth at. ooa. Multnnsnah Hotel. Phone Broadway S715 WANTED RENf 'HOTSErl " -" U iSTEb BEND IN TOCR VACANT HOC6E8 SEE THR YELLOW SIGN SMrPH-WAtrONER CO. STOCK EXCH. MODERN bouse. 0 rootas. by S adolu; would liSVS lease. 1-557, JoomaL WANT to rent your house furnished 1 call every day. ' 804 Buchanan bldg. - BCNOALOW T1A RGATTf $ ROOMS. STRICT I-T MODER Deal direct with OWNER; BATE COMMlSSIOif. Hardwood tW ia living rooaa, dining roosa. bultsssa. library, balls aad ctoeetg; faraaee. fireplace, teaaeot baaemiat aorth fao ing sleeping, porch. Roeea to fiauta large awetal rooaa 24 floor. I meat eel) at oace, gad can show yoa the birrrt btrisln is Portlsnd. Phone Woodlawn 733 for appointase-r. aad ww eaa talk baatasaa; street peved sod it over. Faces easa; atreev, waved aad id. High elaa ra aiiae distract 271. Journal REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 40? GOOD value with speculative pojubilkjes, 37000, 83x100, eorner Williams ave. and Wesdler; 1 stores down, 4 ,4-room flats up, $2300 cash, $500 yearly, 6. T. B. Grant 1215 Haight Wdln. 5535. LOTS 403 t7so rssn i-ArRyruirrisT TuOok at tba price of thia LsvBPsIhan bungalow, only $5330 aad the down psy temt only S750: "Hlf-aaes. of coarse. wiih ksnriosnrf flonm iti all raosas. IVOTV sab, firepteo. all built -trie, famaos bsat r sax; 2 bloeka to ear. Kasncmber. ooJy 8789 cash, esr owner wUl take small ear ta traaV. 149 N. 23d 3 room apartmeata, roomy. nice kitchen. Marshall 2996. with Leeds. Apartment Fireproof building, modern 2. 3. 4 room apartments, also sleeping rooms. Mar. 3597. LOWER 5 room flat basement wash tray. large lawn, fruit, hemes, roses, eic -xoo e--45th st Only 100 ft north of Hawthorne car. t L. E- Btcinroeta. Main 6091 or Tabor 32Z4. FOR RISNT Choice 3 room flat; basement furnace, laundry, all private; moaern; no ear- fare. Two peopl only. 44 1 East Couch at cor. 7th. Tel. East 1316, 304 THE MAPLE. 80 N. H. K. aad sleeping rooms; rooms. 17TH ST, H. A C water in $7 TO $20 per month, 1, 2 snd 3 clean h. k. rooms; steam beat, electric lights, laundry, free phone, near to cariine. 203 Stanton st TUO nicely, furnished -H. K. rooms and sleep. . ID poreni aunaose tor ume. ao.ov per weea; also one large room and kitchenette, $4.50 pet week. 472 Main t ONE large 'well furnished single H. E- room, with connecting bath. 83 weekly: neat, clean 3 room apt Prefer 2 girla or boys employed. 323. monthly, 170 lOth st Fnmished apartment, steam heat, privat bath, 840 Mississippi ave. 3-ROOM apt, neat furnished, light and clean, lovely home; business women or employed people are - especially invited to see thee room. East 2548. '711 E. Ankeoy. FOUR ROOM unfurnished apt, with kitchenette and bath. 865. including light, beat ana water. Christensen's haU. Main 6017. VERY attractive 5 -room flat; must be seen to appreciate; clean; walking distaaoe; adults. East 8525. I ALMOST 3 ACRES $2086 $31 DOWN PARXROSE, north of Sandy blvd, and eartlne, oorner tract 200x606 ft, ready for plowing, good building site, best of garden soil, no rorka. 821 total monthly payment; low ooaxuy tax; no bnilriwig restriction. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commorca Bid. 208. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES tJiTl(,a at i itay HT saosme t er. 4 4 era tfcaa 1 16 pras4aarrash wf Hmbm tse mUJ 0sk has to wait wavtJa peewa. aUCHT-Cft avsvwaAna ta saw Cxtr aT OtmmaDl Sssmfw" sssaia W'h help aw A( ywV trwa wajrasewt sMkia CtTTf arTTFW-si,t a 1 1 w ,;, ft"' , llsasysvae: sHahsg ross sjrttj) bnt; fal wsawsst bussaset ; farasee. S airy bea rooeae a4 aarsgpsrig "- Com to ' oar aad srWl Last Ibih at h. V $4788 818 4aawal rrasasaaJry saa trwksar T oaasa baagalew aa ssseny-sueasaasM dsstnet Uvosg rwosa with brepssre; ssth 4on ktad ta aswtty .srm roosa 1 breakfast assok; every Vsiilna rswvswlswce; bows t braad awwl 8, a a. - ' IS 419 Beauura sataWiag baalcrw, yost W- sng a mat esd; seswty rarepssee aa sv an. bsckraess; auiweuve suasrg ban, . brailhstatookl Ijaarh kitcatew, aaa. Ths aaa-ssal baraaut; 41st at $39 84) 8380 dowal S -jorah; iss. :s JLAST Sib aaa. aiad 48th Ot TERMS) Oa S4th t yyt of Powwtt Vaaary 4. that. T room ndsrw sssu, ew waswa St., ax IN rot Evwrytaiag aeialiat aad koasUka S bearlaf frwa Uwe. Sea thUI $2190 MT. SCOTT! S rwosa - chwery rtrs.laew; tba bsaao I st hare. 44th awa. $4490 JaA actus Broadway bridge Bear TV ma at roosa- modern boas: 10; 188 set wrath aarage; lnsrWDa esui; a airy wsdrweeas: fall Paved saxswtt paid, a - - sail bault l w Davss sc. twaMsptaoa hafl; S air SS7I tTsycwsa, nsrteeJ bsdiaemi: sUady basesaeat; fsgraaoet avail, flowswalnd .hrabbery: W bioU to oar. Her as aa aivacttv baaa ywg wwuld want. owa. There are 1508 rsaana whj jm ahoald sw ! FRANK U McGrtR To Buy Tear Mt Aaingtoa biAg Mara llftt- $4 t bet Wash'ngtwi gad S-ark PARXROSE HOME ss:s down $: MOjrni 1 arts 1 00 ft tat aad atrweaa b n i. nry 1 kok (roea ftaady wrd. d ear brx. 1 1- feast tree aad S ItagUeh was Bat: pm oaly $1909 Isaciudsa a atav). Ooa t overlook good bay. COMTE sk.KOHLMAX 308 Chamber, of Coeaxaerea bide FOR RENT OR RAM $4200 $500 CASH Modera 8 room bunrakrw. fireplace, farnaea. eemeat boaesaeat. laaadr traga, bafft- book- cabinet kitchen ; I100 sot all tap. ia and paid; fruit aad shrubbery: located aloe t ItelBiaat st car: wxll reat lor is saoaia or sea 3300 cash and 943 month. Inchtdirtg tnlaisst - 628 Henry Bid. B me dway 4754. Usatl j. u HARTMAN OO-. of t Maa 208. MCE SUX1M EUNOALOW FOR ONLY lievv. S rooaa gad modem bath the first nsasr. lara stuc wtth 1 roosa nsasbad. largw sinwg aad dm tag roosa, ktbrhea with banlw ta lea tn res, full erasrwt tWJrmV kaaiawry taba, gsa rang. Lnoiruss. S ord wv-d ta baaeaaeart Oaaoy nrssa, so m ium Ban Baa Mt Branch Office and of Park rose carfiaa. Tabor 2904. OR 6. room flat Col. 6i0. 414 Va East Uarriaoa at FOR RKNT DowruUir flat at 614 Posreil st cor. lh. on Brooklyn car-line. Ant 622-64. 2 ROOM upper flat; adults. 919 Wiloamt gve. Call at 6 p. m. NICE 5 room flat walking distance, $26 $ month. Apply 44 8 Belmont st 5 R KM lower flat. 420 rjpuiton at UNFURNISHED flats, gss, electric. Mar. 4318. TWO nicely iurnisned desirable rooma for rent to young women: . includes ue of sitUng mom; teachtrs preferred; ' walking distance. Main 54 4 CLEAN. 'WEIJj FURNISHED ROOM IN RE- KINED HOME. 84 N. 218T. CORNER OF EVERETT. 1 BLOCS NORTH OF WASH- iNvrto, FURNISHED aieeping room, witn use of phone and batii: west side, w slams distsnce. rea sonable rent Call daytime. Main S44 Eve- nina and Bunday Main 7740. WELL furnished suite, large and lighted; furnace neat: near w asiiinaton nurb; uitam tor te sen- era or students: slso on singl. iarge housekeep ing room.; Kast o34. V II VI , Y -f lipniuhnH room w it Ik i n c riihtatlM cIoka HOP I'M KtKS wanted. Apply at St I to Benson Pole, school. s block to Rose neieiui notei. ltoom o. b. t itnmiaion i n. ... fnr i:,k u r voamn. s.e-W ta siroru , I Stile. KSSt H400 HOP PICKERS wanted. 02 McKay bldg., IN IKV1NGT0N 3 H. K, rooms, lat floor, 1 clean, well furnished, very convenient; near school. No objection to children. 412 E. 9th N. TWO nice,.' large, fumUbed front rooms and garage $20, or rented separately; light water. phone, etc.: free. 1352 Kelly at. Fulton car. Marshall 1204. $3 WEEK,' single housekeeping room, suitable I lor man: completely iurnisned. gas plate, etc.: baths free, hot water all hour. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. LARGE front room, newiy papered, with kitch enette: 2 back rooms, newly papered: ligbt pbone and water. 348 Clay, bet Broadway and fark. Nice 3 -room apartments with bath, light aod water, 30. 83 is. Aan. THE GROVER 181 G roTer st, nietly furnish?! 1 and 2-room hmiitefc?ciinc ftrrtment, low rsten. Main 9058. DUNDEE APTS. Hornet eepingg rooms, $2 and $5 a week. 350 hi Hswthome ave. East 2V FOR lease, i year or mar: steaaa heat hot and cold, water f unriWierl ; ". 7 rooms, nicely gPRTNKXERED " WAREHOTJSB ' an trackage. furnished, 373; easy walking distance. Itast store year goods with us. Let wa do your o-vi. s. ji -- r- pm a, j.. . mAtiai and war, in HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 421 V. K. Morrison St 1 and 2-room suites, H. K. rooou, reasoriable.' I Broadway 8470. " GRANDEST A APARTMENTS Attractive 3 -room ant in brick building; pri vate bath, telephone, (utnmabe elevator. 68 Grand ave. E. 208. Cl-AY Sv MORSE. IN a 454 GHaaa rsnberry pickers: nickine verv rood , this year: house rent free to stead nickers! pica crenoemra ana tase your vacation st tb neac.n. . ror particulars siiureas r-an, Journal. modern cottage, larg an. . ... . , , ine-s aan . x a a i vara, scnooi close, eoi rroat sv . ev. BIG. sunny; front room for light housekeeping: ITb-ISlg OCT 4. iip8.a a.IlillCal.3 I Api'ly ss College st. oeior 4 p. m. eunoay FOR RENT 5-roora yard, school close. - 873 CASH a vmso feanaaJow savttaee. sralev- Mr vebnai and aM far ta S Scott car; big sot, fruit trees tn bearing; chickea hawse and snteadd Place for tardea cbkkrtu The pne ks tzlfwl. . Remember oolv 878 down, the basaaea bk rent; a oaring rat Harry aad get thia before K sal COMTE KOHUfAN. Mala 6530 209 Chamber of Co rasrs bldg. BittEl BOaifiS FOll Ltfsa S ACRES 82010 PARK-ROSE 121 DOWN, 3t MONTH. Interest included at 6 ; running stream, oa the south boundary line, ash aod oak tree, partly cleared, rich ailt land; ao building restrictions; low county tax. t. U HARTM. COMPANY S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208 Branch office, end of Parkra earllnav Tabor 2904 If yoa nave a clear tot L build yoa a asodern buagsiew. aad $890 we wd "y KEALTCCL3 4T-S isfA3ICBQJa Yx 100x100 3 lota for priaa of one. Near, Ahuworth ave., east of Piedmont Price only $700. Might dlrida. Ask for Mr. Powsder. owner. Mar. 2243. Beautiful Murraymead Residence Two lots en corner; very wall latpraved; 7 rows ortem reeideBoe, garage. rne git. now. Henry W. Goddard REALTOR, 24$ STARK BT MAIN 611 84100 SNAP 34106 HAWTHORNE BOOM HOCo fort; aire wwaltmy um aad ward. 8 rra trwav aosaa hetTssa, bwaatstal he and ml " - - Ml. la, bieek k sajwrknar asrs. (eod light fixtures. Oaly $1000. Half oash. ITteAsT 4k JUAj-. 813 Korthwwateea Bank bldg. - " A LOVn.Y UrNOAJVW VI ROHK CITY PARX Thi I eaa of the flaeet kssss meVe eeoa ta la neoatilsd atiainet: 6 renma. tsatading a wwswvfmi gssased-la alawptng awrcsk, bwh-a wardrobss. bardwasd isaors, firwpWe, owrry ra- . agiaaba boilt-ut fnraae beat gar-. Thg lot It aapossauy aatuai; a regusu coe P-' srW sl tut boas ha Vea rwt frog )34ta. OO0. aad wwaer wUl taka SlOtrO sWwa. Cast a today. . . .... U'STB ak atutu.sian. asaas vn, 206 Cbember of fVmmore Bldg- ' 1 '., ,. DA NOT norSTCBOAT. S37S Owry go ft free V saw wane sax set , ear. S rooaa awd sBnsw tinsa. Terr -suit aWty pern ted. bwtU tw trskebaa, sank gad baosesiav Tb whose thin fasr $818. 1173 aaah. SIS msothly. Why pay rassU T13 Cbaaawer wf Ci n. - , Jefferson High, 7 Rms.- lJTPirj BOOM. DTUMi ROOM. K rTOfFf. - Br.I'ROOM AJSP Tt'll-ttT 1smiim; THISWZIUOkllJ MK-ATKD W TrlE mjflM. THSEX P" and Stark ata. 34 NICELY furnished outside room in good apart- ment house : plenty heat and not water; all conveniences; close in. Mar. savo. DESlKABLii room with aicov fireplace, fur- cmimowt MAj-rTn n at r- ei sm s a awt-" vv ri v s s-s -iviraa,b all I . . .. . -...v.i- VS DO in and outside painting, paper hanging ployed couple. Nob Hill; walking itiavsnos 788 I GOOD front housekeeping rooms: beds made and furnace heat, bath, - phone, light tu. nice laundry ; walking distance. 387 College st i near.. W. Park. Main 8154. BASEMENT tft ready Sep'. 7; suitable for 3 persons; employed preferred; easy walk ing diatancj to business center. Del Monte, ipi aioni. i i pis, p. or a ou wish. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN Nic housekeeping and sleeping, clean and homelike, walking distance; $2.50. and up. 293 Union ave.. 1 block south of Hawthorne, aad tinuna: estimates aiven nromnt attentkin- I ii,., ooa suv wors imranwva. s ml I Slain ami. carpe.steu" eaumalea given on buildins and repair worai creen mane to order; shop, 1$67 Hwthom. Tshor 1280. PAINTING, paiwring and gataomihing. For first visas work and good material, call Tabor i a atWNiTx n s-.i,kn..i.. - : . roofs repaired and garage built Shop, n Hawthorn. Tabor 1260. kALSOMI.N I.NG and painting, estimatos free, by an experienced man who needs work. Phoug your cans to cast 1207. t. m 1. in. 1. .1 1 ' 1 . 1 .1 auuiucu suan un 1 cluld; will do janitor . worn or any uung lor use 01 living room; cap. aoie 01 reanaaiwg rooming nwivi. Hroarlway 2649. EXPEltlENCED chauffeur m-sire position; pri- vaie Tsmuy preTerreq. li a.n, Journal. BRICK. Cement wore, l'lssrrnnc. Repairing nsauy aow. nwmstie SI 1-7 4. CLEAN. :W ELL FCRNISHED ROOM IN RE- r'l.Nt,D HUME. 84 . 21ST COH. fcVKJi- ETT. . WALKING DISTANCE. NOB HILL. LARGE nicely furnished upstairs sleeping room with bath, ia Walnut Park; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wile. Woodlawn 0084. LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2; steam ht modera conveniences. - 06S Coach at. Apt 6. Proadway 1429. " Large cared fort for men batchers; reasonable price. 426 Bnrrwide, bet. 10th and 11th. THREE nic housekeeping rooms in front on tirst I loot. retAQruLhie rant 427 Montgomery. bet 11th and 12th. THREE clean, comfortanie housekeeping rooms. kitcaeBette and bath, neat and telephone; la minute to town; $35 per month. Wdln. 1070, LARGE front housekeeping rooms, $4.50 week; nicely furnished. Full size kitchen and pantry, nice and clean, eaa. electricity, hath, 821 I l-sunary ana storage, aiooerate rate. 2 and 3 -room furnished, strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359; THE JEFFERSON IAN 18U and Jefferson. 2 and 3 room suite. large, airy outside rooms, nicely furnished. Full size kitchen and pastry. Laundry snd storaae. mod, rates. ALICE COURT APTS. 3 room apartment Dutch kitchen and bed room in ivory; fireplace; imitation oak floors; lately renovated. East 3566. THE BUrSHMARK. Wash, at, cor, 17th: dean, modern, completely furnished 1 and 3 room outssde apts., rvawmabt. Also sleeping rooms; $3.50 per week up. FINE apt., furnished, heart, light water. phone, piano: fireplan. eta. 564 Glisan. bet 17th and 18th; easy walking distance; 1 H WooKs trom 5 canines. THE JEFFERSON-IAN 16th and Jefferson. 2 ' ana 8 room luites, largo, airy outsld rooms. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 Days' 8 to rag Fre. Fnrnltm moved for W. Broadway 2443. city or 'country, get the beat price. Green xran. to., Vi Alder it WHEN moving st lowest 1261. 202 FOR RENT S room nous in Tairriew. acre ground. 30 minutes dnv on pavement to eity. References, $17.80 mo. Bell. 8133. 4 ROOMS, electric lights, gaa, water, school; at Garden Home station: 1 $1250. Cail Main 1038 or Mar. 8599. 5-ROOM modern cottage near Jefferson high and Thompson school. Call at 781 Commercial at Take Rtuawll-Shaver car to Beech rt Varnished FOR RENT Three room partly houae. 1592 Willow at M-V oa Tabor 6568. to 80th, TV. -.. , ,.v .,l,W l.t. I breakfsist if desired; ladies only. 1194 Mix- I 6 UN NY 2 room H. K. suites, $3 nd $4 per PAINTING, pprhnging ahd unling; refereneea furnWheil. Aut 617 43. beat of CKMK.NT work ot all kind, reasonable prices. ' bwi wore. Ant. n-vj. Ur tt, near E. 39th and Lincoln. LKiHT. -airy aieeping rooms,- close in, side. Quiet. Discs., 208 17th. Phou Maia 7628. FRONT suite and -eingle rooms, nicely furnisbed; phone, hot and cold water; 6 minutes to Meier V FrankV 821 12th, eorner Clay. Main 4831. TWO well furnished. tem-heated rooms, walk ing distance: vry convenience: vn rtaaon- nl. l'lmne Marshall 3233. ROOM with runninc water .for centleman lovely ; borne; modem conveniences ; shower bath. 59 Trinity Place, Broadway 3879. week. Sincla room 42. 480 44 Belmont Cor- 1 ntr 9th. : FURNISHED b. GARAGES built $87.50 a 00 np: garaa door I NICELY furuubed rooms, all modem conveni- 'giz.oo ana no. Ant 817-27. I ences. near Keed college. 145V . gist East- 433. BASEMENTS. GRADINu, GEN t TEAMING; nioreland.- Call Sellwood 43! eon tract or day work, auu 222-33, after 6, I ONE lighf H. K. room- and 1 CARPENTER and ooutrartor, iuiibtng, anything in tne rmiinmg pne I'none East 8056. PAPERHiNQLNG and UnUng. inside finishing; tlr-t-clas wor. Tsnor HHKO. KlMira re:ared aad painted. reasonable. Tsoor - SHINGLING - old and new to 23d st and car barn. Qniraby t. sleeping Boom, close Auto. 529-19. 772 . , gnararrtesd. roofs: aoad Phone Wocdlswn 8764. "Job LARGE ROOM Well fumkhed. guiUbl for one or two; retsonsbl. Meal if desired. $67 Glisan. Bdwy. 2948. . BEAUTIFUL front room, 2 closets, "bath, phone; all bom eo retorts; meaie m uearea. psg B. 47th st N. - k. rooms, close in, electric lishts. 1 larae front room. 81.50 per week and up. 326 H 1st between Clay and Market sts. 3 2-ROOM suite and S single rooms for house- keepmi. reasonable rent aOO CTont at Phone Msin 4857. 2 ROOMS,: nicely furnished, walking distance. reasonable. Phone tsh.n 1299, 264 Jefferson.- ; 2 FURNISHED ii. K. rooms, light clean and airy; 1st floor. 427 N. 21st cor. vtnghn. Bdwy. 6561. FOR RENT Furnished, L. K. or aieeping rooms, lean and comfortable, near hospital. 770 Hoyt st near 23d- CLEAN, pleasant housekeeping room, easy walk- ing distance, close to ear, rent reasonable. S59 Rosa st East 2876. fireplace, electric lirhts. Tabor BB50. 1441 LARGE frunt furnished 1 315 month. 34 week. bet. Frvwit and First- housekeeping room) 203 hi Morrison at WANIi.Ii Aar kind of work tot 2 h and 3 Ana trueh. Bdwy. 486. Elt eoBuertione aad re pairing and plumb-' in. usi sst. tuia passenger car and want work of any sino. ask ror nr. t qq, MaVn 0511. CARPENTER and builder; jobbing, built-Iras; new worm-, a am eju-wi. . CALL Mala 7223 if you want your boras wired. PAPER beniing, Imtins. painiin. Bell, 8063. NICELT famished housekeeping and si se ping rooma, all newfp papered, nice and clean; Beat gas and electric. 47a Main st eef "s "W. I cViH prVttxtrcTiS, 1 v ; 1 .U.vi, 3 windows, six per montn; tor one quiet I "Ti """BCia ,ujra'm CLEAN 2 AND f3 ROOM FURNISHKD. FUR NISHED OR UNFURNISHED; CHEAP; CliOISrJ IN. 44 rir."slU. 81'. TERY Pleasant room gaa stove and garage. K. Morrison. FOR RENT Furnished apt, all outside rooms, aieeping porch, steam heat hot water, . walking distance; adults; $40. 427 Rodney are. LARGE brirht sunny 2 room apt. large enough for 4. 330 monthly, ur 3 room for S35. 170 10th st Elms Apartments " furnished apt, walking dist 191 14th. IN IRVING ION 3 and 4 H. K. suites, vary convenient clean, well turniabed, near school. 441 F, 18thsX. 2-ROOM apartment, walking distance, close to Polytechnic and Washington high, bath, light. gaa and phono. Kast 1767. ' LUXOR APARTMENTS THIRTEENTH AT CLAY 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; strictly modern. .2 AND 3 -room (urnisiied apartments, nic aad bright good furniture, electric lights, ra range. 850 Thurntan at 25th, Marshall 224. " THE ALTAMONT APTS.. 304 COLLEGE 7 ROOM RESIDENCE, garage, modem con venience, partly numsneo, u. aiu a. 7flth St. 7 ROOMS, newly tinted and enameled. Dutch IF LOOKING for a building kH well located and at a pnoe that la nrht I enre have soma good one and will be pleased to give yoa prarsv. CaH SelL 2252. $600 TAKES southeast corner 9th and Wy gant 50x100. near Unsoa and Alberta. iaoor oi J5T BEST OF THIS CHOICE DISTRICT AND IS ELBGANTLY FINlSHtD I TArgsrai fa UR. HAH BirrkT. WTUl KITCHEN VERY ATTRACTIVE 1AGHT lUTl'KM, TRNACE AND EXCELLXNT GARAGE. LET US SHOW TOU. k. l, kanuvr. 1089 HAWTHORN K AVE. TAP S89S. KVENlNsi TABOR BT ROSE ClfT PikiT hiRi.aiN 80x100 lot, pavement past block. Bandy blvd.; easy terms. Tabor 6339. LOTS, 82 dowa. 32 week. Alberta 1 ma r.. aak stair, mabawaay taO, 4 Bed ra. aa 2d Door. tUed Beta: Beat of ptaatmac. paper 100x100 ear. Better tent than reat IX as show you. K w. cary, 1X19 M. w. Bank bldg. 8325 ONE BLOCK ESS CltY CArt'" Nice 80x100, asFta. pakl Tabor 4803. IRY1NGTON New. modorn. 7 room boa, living r. 24 4x 23. dicing r, 14x18, Dutch tttohea, rrsae hall. 4 1 ranch door betwoea Uvasg aasl dia- BATHROOM; FUIX CEMT-NT BAbi. is t T. FCRNACK. Till", osssus, rvsi . u STREET. THIS HOfSK 1 IN r TWa. BHAPaV AI.VlSl JOgssus sr.SLTV, , 214 BOARD OF TRADE. PHONE BDWT 37. rTFOfx. X 2fgl. $738 vjrTLL ltANT4B ' Ooed r.,,, Worn wtth 42x186 foot set, ' AB kinds wf bwariag trott trwsa aad timia Caraa aad swaaent rasa way. 1 bbarfc to -aar. rtes Ww. frso oaly $4908. Ask fa Mr, Pswadvf- C, M. DERR. 1214 X. W. aVaak bldg. Max. 324S. . RO&E CITT, oa 41st, 60 ft south Thosapaoo. iscina. mvv. saoor nasi. aad hardwood floor thiwughoat; sauaoassv Ugbt fix tares, window thadsa, fireplac. full aexaeat basement gsxsg; that hn t fsratciasa and ready to trn trsto. Sat It today: opea froaa 2-6. 623 X 18th at X A bargaia lor oash. Wood- save 441. HOUSES 404 CHOICB BVTBCRBAJf HOME 88300 SH aerea fin rich toast soil, with S tSAAO BTTS a thorooxVr Vow with 2 larg Iota oa Brnbat Bgbta: ay term, rer Mfttrwjar aaa t . 404 Pl-ATT BlJn 127 Park C or at r OS Malts salt crfTtoa. BenRiesland Malt: kitchen, modern, eltea ta. E. 12th facing i modern bungalow, hreplar. Dutch kitchen, buf ladd ddition. $35. Call Sellwood 8066. A MODERN 7 -rooaa bouse with gang, restrict ed district 834 Overlook blvd. $50. FOR RENT 6-roora house, bath, water, light. 1462 PorVmooth ave. FOR RENT 6-room aad Quire 174 Porter rt garage. 335. In- WE move furniture of 8-4 -S boon heuso tor 10. For further information. Main 6290 5 ROOM house, Moltoaanaa station, oa block from school. Main $439. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 $50 FOUR rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, mahogany and mission furniture; very rea sonable; hast, light pbone and water furnished; adults, 412 Marguerit av. corner Grant MsJn $89. NEW 4-room bungalow, partly furnished. Cad Sunday. North 1 block, west H block of 624 i snd Glisan sts.. at 103 Sheldon -st, between I Orwron and Hovtr - 't, bookcasea. gaa. eeaaeot basosnent. woodshed. rnsaphooa. water tank, gaa eagine. aarag. bara, chicken bouaa. lota of herrisa, 1 ton of rrsprs now on tba Tmaa. Thi i a model little term. Will ten oa very ay Una. Might consider modera baagalow la town up to $5000. au-ur,tBOv-aiajsVLS w.. 628 Benry Bldg. Broadway 4714. New. cosBpieta and at- tractlve: 4 rooma. well tmilt: near ear aad Industrial district Price $2830: 3300 cash. 6 BOOM HOME WITH 1THN11:K elo i I Jeffersoa high; ling place for. family or to roota laacaer; nous in excellent eoadluoa. Nica lawn. Only 53000: terms. W has several choice buy eloat bo aity high schools, a low aa 32000. , RALPH HARRIS CO., SH Chamber of Commerce, Maia 8634. $12.50 4-ROOM bouse. partly furnished. water and light. Inaulr 629 Tioga at, East St Johns. . gentleauBw 451 10th at S. for two rwoDie; front roam oa the main floor. ant.i,aise - " "J, .. I' - I asio s. iuw si. ejLAtiuts. visw, near roruana faA' rU t,o..-o. 1 An.. .l,,1.' A teacuer nss rooms lor two leacoers. us,'-:- r TJ ir Cool, coxy, modern S and 4 meats, reasonable rent rooxa apart- et kitchen; new, $12.50 month. 1400 E. 13th. ROOMS' IX PfttT ATfi FAMltt WtTtl BREAK- FAST UT DESIRED: ATTRACTIVELY FUR NISHED. PHONE EAST 8069. ROOM. tUathoraa av,, geaUemea ' only, aS kng porch, in privat family. sine. 715 E. Bon S ROOMS and pantry, reat $35; 1 block to car 585 Commercial at near ltmTnannei bospitsl. 7 ROOM furnished house, not and cold- water. gat, 330 a montn: adults oxtiy. awa nss ten st Take MiisnssUTipi ear. : 8 ROOM tarnished cottage for reat 1280 Kast Yamhill. . 2 LARGE light rooms, 1st floor. al 1 large 2 iPl2M..H" l,1."' sincle room. All con re ni ences far honaekeen- rng. west Parx st 260 MABELLE APTS- 414 Jefferson at 11th St., 2 845 NICELY furnished bouse, walkingy dia tarree. modern convesiiencca. 3 months' rent I tn advance. 42 E. 27th st S. M on ta villa oar. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 pleasastT nicely furnished sleeping room, i I r hT i. a u i ii " .. ,t. Ud a 1 wlking distance. 2H E1U st Bdwy.. 8811. pood ar asjuung tor room or ww ts.lt chant I t.UI psrasant tront moat modera cosvertigiace. ROOM. lUwthorua av.. geBUemea only, all FRONT ROOMS furnished for houseeoinsT- nd 3 -room furnished tpta., modem; rent rea-1 FOR RENT S-room furnished cottage, ga con..ruencea. hot water any Vja. $20. Ttbor J pboo East 2941 V - w9epm' aoonsble. J lights, piano, big yard; adult only. 1326 ef apartment cir rooming bouse; capable and trwvtwtwThy Msr-ihsll 172. room S. Lace, scrim and1 marouisettk ci'R- Taln's. draperies, done ??;W. wn.L CALL. EAST 8518 WANTED Fancy needlework in ovsoi rmDnaasryi rtellsvooa, (410 LP UKX white or eoi- ttafaetioa guaranteed. wast aide; walking distance. Maia 94 85V SINGLE leping room Bear Benson and ;Waab tngton nign, 11 K. lata k. NICELX iurnisned room, clean and airy; beaur ttfu grounds: reference recurred. 243 11th. sxtra large front H. " K. rooma, electric llW. t OW 1 . . , . -r isiii, iitia. ou 7 OQ u I A SINGLE aewlji-papered, spoiirn clean, aloso - in at at. room. Maia T088. FOR ENT Two hou--s, on fanashed, nirt. go; nmurni-nea one, g2. lapor tarn. ONE, two and three room apartment. $12. $20 m avwa av.uowo, mm. es'saw, au uwi i Inearjrsa erma vnaannanlM loa So l.ff.nm t n iuuiu fiivru,lkMl etmlso saree vara reas rem' toagrsia. uw uuntoo, eor, av geus sw awe xaoad car. 5 ROOMS aad floored attic; 100x100 ground. and 870 12th xT EXTRA sarge H. X, rooms, nice and moan. close tn. ; apit pan gt : Bdwy. 1192. FURNISHED sins la hosaiekeepiBg room, bath. pnone, ngsts, s per week. 18 14U1 st- S. high tcbooi Woodlawg 1184. 142 Shaver t HATE on S room, on 4 room and one 2 room apt, all furnished ; 4 room furnished apt oa nrst noor. Main aaa. aaa am at -NICELX tunuahed 2-rjom apanauenta, ateau neat Sow to 849 ntoaui UrciiMUnc lirhta and private phowe. The Lincoln. 4th and Lincoln, CLEAN, completely furnished 2 room ' apart ments, $23. 680 Lombard at Col 617. on Greeley st near Killinaswortft 142. Call Main 1038 or Mar. 55. FIVE room hoas. furnished; $30.60 month. Wilbur 9. 4837. Jostno. 223 Hnry bsdg. Bdwy. Trustworthy1 Uy w.u Vua. 'Wnii 7fut f'm -"aimai s iwi imiuiaw, ya-orsiiawa I l. . ,. .... ' ' ' i eu. lumisoea rooss, walking dtstaaea. . W. k ' V' J-'-i21 ONE 2 room, slso 4 room apt. private bath. as eooape SS0S kLUERt.Y lady des ros oosiiTrsa fog lady gad light houaakeerAiig. D-333. Jour- aal. . . ' Lace curtains hand laundered, a a sasa a.rn.nis.si sk rs aivtl. s Broadway 15 DRESS MAJClNft f bRXiSMAKING, iadyo-wer Boaao ' !! alas) self fiUed braaaierw for sti 258 ! ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel i'. EXJEYXNTH OFF WASHINGTON NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 aleep-1 ma room; running water. an xatn ot. 3 LARGE housekrering rooma fog rent; near .ateea eouege 1107 ogden ave. gad 36th at TWO furnished 1L K. rooana.7 wiih watan; cius f in. esai oin w. - i . TWO fagniijhid H. X. ruoeaa foi teat Tabor 828. 139 RuaseU. COMFORTABLY furnished S room old nic yard; bet and cold -watar, bath; located 1013 Height ave- Bent 3u. PORTNOMAH Four room ' furnisbed apartment I 89 MODERN 4 rjga boose. fnrnished. Bear with sleeping porch; adults. 200 E. 13th. I car: paved street Belt I 'll THREE 2 room apartnients for rent, reasoaahK East 7741. 183 Holladay ava. S ROOM furnished apt with bath, hght water I S-ROOM funiahed houae, rant ressiwsihle and teiepnone turnisnea. S35. 882 K. Ash. I nunmi near Tiara ax. BUENA VISTA 43- 8 room apt Main 1053. I 6-ROOM fornirhed house; bo obiartioa to chil dren; rant cheap, lnqvnra B2T Market t 249 Himaoa Firscsj I bangalowi.gs childrea. oa Mrs. X A. Baalth. 1043 Grand v. K. pboa - U Ifl. Ivtfll, XSrTSSxX w. 1 FURNISHED S-rqoxa -- - ... - ; .. i . i a voom apt, u msi. i iiti k. Tsmruu. sti wimm" wuivvns twask avios leawaiBUia I i .. - - , o ivyixva istujtiptr sain i.vi, uay '""e, a so aa. SJtt vicw ooat suits Wdw. 1663. Lba.i1.lahl.NU., reasoaabl. , Aata. $14-$3. eat I 331 teth at tali I corner of Market Main 6331 $3. 208 Washington. Mara $237. 3-ROOM. housekeeping apartments, lixht, poena, - OM- elnso in. iMmsihl. - ooa 14. Wl., TWO " nie furTujhed housekcciHng rooaas. ' 260 vnapsnan. aiain ss. Wlcer. tarnished room, ateasa heat bat I . reaaoaable, 29H Weidler at. I COM! WANTLD Men u loots gad board At S7S Rosa 1 NICELT futnished room god it. X. goitat $20. s. o- oww j,-: - " T. - ffss. . Its iniug.'- T ' ' I . , . I - '''",.' MPEETE. 821. SO: concrete fcuiltiina corner tnioa are, ana tvunngwortli. S-ROOM. pt. close in. 240 K, - 16th ' at mon ruasr si i x. - 2-ROOM Iwnahed apt. Wiadaot Apt 181 . 4-ROOM furnished bant. 335. and stark. - 75k S., 224 S-ROOM house, saodarn, $25 month laraished. 1295 TCetty t Aut 587-27. & ROOM, xoodern. artiy turnished, wast a( -f Lairramarat.' 840. avast 7 ia. r- HAWTHORNE BUNGAliOW 6480081000 CASH THIS WELL-BCILT 4 ROM BUNGALOW HAS FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITV-HEN. BKKAK rssr .-ssosk. vaas.s i " - -r- - - I , , N ACE AND GARAtvK. DOUBLE CONSTRUlt- IRTINGTOS Cos rwnag C Kl THROUGHOUT AND CLOSE TO HAW THORNE CAR; LET I'S BHOW TOU THIS US MBK AKiav. BARGAIN. R. U MoGRKW, 1881 HAWTHORXX TABOR $111. EVENINGS TABOR S06T. banww. b isi rasa. 18x23: til fireplae. Bar wood floor thi iiagbsat. tmpostry paw, twarw fxansh, karg Dtrteh kttebea; 3 karwe stseastr Ilium, teg tot. oast treat; abXBdanea of tVawrg ad -shrub, Prsoa tadarwd. Sota bargalna jXaaa stzg. srTf-rvrTwaasB T a 5 Rms. and Bath, Oa bwaatiral 100x198 eTTsa. m eTT sTT It TrTsTT "atUILT TO ENDlista. Ilt to II ooa lNVf28TGAT Biggar. Beuev, H fa Less Mosarv BEDIM ADR BLDO. CO., PORTLAND OR, K lltk .mA U.AsL rWs. Los 811. Dwwatowa sales aallo. Cosaaaon wealth bad. 1 flass Jaa snvUsd. Tb pric ta t-BOWe Dlissuoey vsas. I tiavv. oats wm a I . la Moatorill, scboai. hbvary, otav. Tabes- 7541 PTjfiTLAS'b HtlGHtS tawsB tw o Btrngaaow. nearly mdy lor ocsanasry( ywar raraac. txn rtataie aaa or THIS MAY aottnd too good to ba true, bat come aad lowaeugat; Iu0xl00:1 block (ram r. cleat in. all imiimvwaaeata in. fist In of fruit rose aad flowers; 7 room boose; full baaemasU, 7 piece plumbing, good hght . fix tures good rent fit nee district and rloaa to boot and stores. Price 34500. Mast, have siUBB - easa. rot tnpetatmeat call Bali- wooa ii oz. Btk sfaA IiAmi ' ' ' " ' m TING TON' I $4100 R08R tJTT. charm M 6 roota ar a - ,., w l Uoioo flvtgr wlsfaa I tos t- floor atsuotae. cUattnf-tla ; fa gUaa window. Urge r. with bwffet Daark kHebeti flrep-svc. bsult-lns: SOxlOS tot; Twved et; 1 with Btwakfaat aook. two large bastroosa. bard- Week ta aar. KsOrta Me st la Rosa Cstg m 84250 ROSE CITY PARK' BARaN Btrictlr BaaoWrB tesa bauakre. lam s rtntali l"Z lre-"" B '"t I EEALTICFL modera boagasow, bdw. floors, f-arnac,- fireplace, good plumbin all built-lna, breakfast nook, fall cement base ment laundry tray, lawn, -shrubbery, good garaga, nn loeaoon. 1 block Sandy Blvd.; ixa- msqiate posseai-Kin. Tsoor go. wood floor. psersd aad assoratad taroaghasst window bada, Ught lixtaraa, tarwae aad ga rsae. Be aar to sw thi below yoa bur. 128 E. 17th st N.. near tVemoot Wdla. 4841 WfcsTM Ok ELAND. 83700 l-mta buna-slow with arade -roota and break fast aook; Ivan finish: firoplaoe. famac. larrs aula. Pboa owaar. SeUwaad 377$ ar caul st 1KII E. 1S!S St B. ad tn pe-ie. Male 2J. - bwa btuM. tms-savee. fimpiacs-. paBetcd diaxag rr ia ara paaa : ran sm. Owwt-r, Wdla. 811. 1828 SS330 LACRELUURST. S assst Hub ft trars. gsraaa, i cosa wul baadla. dam. BeaUaer. Sath aad Itoltaol I Aow. 318-89. - . "ROOM baxstsasw. lot $9138: iwst so ttaalta Ail fciad ef ss-asH Irsnta, wearing trait trees. AO citr rrvssMrsrs. M0, $Ow Beirweod 2B37. 84560 ROhX CITY PARK BUNGALOW S air roota and larae floored attic extra well bailt, very convenient with recaption hails, xoirtrr door, fireplace, all builUns. fall eeaaent Basatrt wash tray, targe lot, lawn, shrubbery, trees, aplsndid lctaiion. 100 ft off Beady bird.: pavement paid: terms. Tabor 6889. 5-MOOM furnished bungalow, aa paved good locatioa, 33630. Ant 32 2 LARGS lot, corner, l-rseka bouat, $671; term. Aut 646-77. $2885 8465 DOWN Here a tins ia t-art-aia: verv aaaa 8 bsyaaa. ao-raer tot Ev4 uwm all said: bet Lruoa ana vmixam a.: 14k cash. bai. Uk I w t -ear rent Be A. a. rim. 420 lumbermen bldg. $4800. Good Vet aoa ava. Hi 1 tin BROKEN, mast sail Mrkajy taadera. brand svrw bangalow. S twoaat aad btaakfast aook : paved atroot aad carlata. Make asUet. P-776. JoaraaL ' BEST BUT IN' PORTLAND Near Rose City aar. voadera B rooxa bangalow, fireplace, furnac. garaga. co-mer lot, only 32300. soej terms. Misbt tak Ford aar aa part par sweat Do boss, 604 irpalaUrat bhtg. MY canity ia tuvlisi tvaWra S-roea hoaZ dote ta, BaMweoa naora e-swasvaiv, twuu, den and Tsareptioa ban, garage, gas t7. 8-BOOM anocVtras b-aagalow, fall oeaaeDt bst t fartsaca, fwrajtwr l- set aotizg. 7Z1 vtmrwncM ava. . $50-8 CASH and monthly pay-aaoa' anngsiow . ail xnedern, at. W. floors, nr- , tuvv, S ROOM COTTAGE, with beta, larg ewer coussc-uoa, paved street, strictly em. CH at 858 K. 324 N. and Alameda. . ataia 703. v ALAMEDA, S roc as baaa-ato. by lw) appveUtaHJ: Vrsreted t 901 X 36fh IT. FOR KALE New rooass Price 8204 dowa. Doaw-ss. 0113 Foster road. i " ' i - i " . ," j I SNAP Ksswr cU-y haJ. 1 row New bong i saw. i. $ and'rl I aaa. Sot touts to a-oetb. asetw bargain Lot so too. set 2 tow, arwry farvauJssd, wrttma cfty Ur $978. Will eeU wlUaoat twrBatsirsv for t rmatloe call Mir-ha II TU $3280 BNAPPI i sweat waagaow, am stZ . tag roosa. fir-apbvos. bs-ult-tas; Dwteb knr-kta. pas aaatry. karga. ranny itoaa, raraaea. traj, BeaaUfwl sawa, goxio sot; I run. ataia J1. tiioo RlTll tv si rat oowaa aa SOiUS 1 - -a gre-uad an Cragry Heights; $234) -j Seen, balnea easy pa rears ta. For ry-rarwaisg ' eaA at 44 Fsttt tods.. 127 Park at, liuft ItOoU aurauahed botast, alW. Tsss 80x114 : fruit rra Pa. ehsrkaa biatt. Ctesa, Realtor. 3th aad lUlsas-ert Aata. il- 3210 ROOM boas. 8 804) oash,. aar.. 42d as. Baal tasra-ara. CtoaL 3tb ad sWhaawt Aata. 333 38. 1 fOR SALE Five saw net. gal rl arlth . so 1018. K. Carwtkere st - ! IISS CAB3 4 r. baag.. near ear ta WawV atwa tut Prlc $2408. Jdaut T834. . NEW a ... -aaauoa - 4 Walnut Park' 7. fooos buagalew.. asod ta every dotsil; aroct bo seen to aa sp lat: earas-av F-rieaa 365M. 3I0OO as-ob. Phors Woodiawa $585, - . NW PiaslmntUi bsmuiyj ' T rorsm hosae; bw-fj eciiutxuctaot-, - latest natsA; Bnrec gVoeg ehotce of fams-ce; - gaiag. "Trio $7250, $1800 cash. Phone Woodiawa 6585. SMALL UOt&X sVND A4T,. CABOX 46uA 1 658$. 4BOoMi. asoevang porch aad bath, fail ksss toent: tot 80X100; fawaiahod, 230. wood 2838. - ' ' - FUR SALE Good 7 xsawas touaas gaa. aiectrict. bath, hard artaos t, Mas, 820. . 47 X. 26th st - - ' FOR SALE New, , Arberta st a, hoasv Apply $56 BEAUTIFUL 7- bungaaw; tunata-a aoad; U ataia tl. t vsrainga. X BOOM anoaWva bosa.o. wast moo." aiajsag distawco. - $2100.' aww vara at late-ana at S20 6 lb t . XI OWNER S tswsa aottaga. Aiberu sUstr-o. -4 S3-; hard asM-la-ce sstitt 114 tsiaaat RKW 4 taodra 4 twos ao-a-a. aoabso 000 aarsactedi Bear Pswbvwx school: Sxl0j eor- BQT wf I-TstmreoeHl tad WC! trtd . East 44 2. S-ROoM aea medera bwsaic-w: aawa si test J evT-x-ot bsoyateet; poerb 129 B Aidor. 40iBt aw g all tug Paaal I 4 . t ' I "