Jtt a, . SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3,11921. THE CKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, OREGON BUSINESS GETTING BACK TO NORMAL DECLARES M'NIY , . .. , - . . . v ' , . ,. i , . ' DEATHS LTCES L.-- Tan. 85 N. fi-h. Aug. msii ehneie Bright A daeas. 1. 49 Six Couples Tempt; fortune by Taking Licenses on Friday Vancove?r, Wash, Sept. I a.--The fee- ord for tha put three rears was broken I Friday , for the number of marriage Hi . iitb mkiimI mi t H 1 rti lucky day, according to Auditor Garrett. - NEW TUPAT 60 SlxAcouples tercpeted fortune by" obtain- i . --. .. ... 1., " Ji " lp 1toerrtea They weras Delores F. I $&QXiXXX!XXX2X Bioota, zi. uincoin. xeo., ana jayruei Koe. 19. f San Francisco. Cat; Kmll J. I Llndwlf, 21, San 1 Francisco, and Rose JVI FUNERAL DIRECTORS - 105 SUlTH Ida M. Smith Portland Surgical so .. ;.l ISm .41 ' m-.m.- mum, ... . . T GORDON Carolyn J". Gordon, Portland Medical hosmu-. 6vtt l, 54 year; nemorrnac-. i GEXM-T-Florenee T. Groee, 1021 E. 9th. Sept 1, BO rears: valvular heart di-emae. ' I ATWOOD Phosbe Atwood. 868 Calon. Sept - l, sz reave: netwrirm WOODWoaTH Byrsa U, 'Woedwerth. 'T0 Heneork, Sept.' 1. S3 Teats mm eoma. . Halem. Or., Sept. H Business through. out the country, generally Is rapidly getting back to normalcy, according- to I KJUunen,m. Portland; Royal La Barre. I THTRT AT 8-LMOJt - . - MAW SOT T BistSide t -Funeral Directors 5 ., - - W. 8. DUNNING. INC -"Tha Famil Sate thai Price." 414 t, Akier fit Phone laat 63. Dunning & McEntee Horrtam St at 12th. Broadway 430. Ant. 645-58. SALESMEN WANTED 102 FOR RENT WE WISH TO EM: AUK A FEW REALLY H1GH-GRADK MES TO 8KU. HEOCRJ TTEHOP A SUBSTANTIAL WKW PORTLAND ! INDUSTRY OF -GREAT - MERIT: 33.000.000 CORPORATION ; PERMANENT CONNECTION IP YOU MEASURE UP. CiUi 1481 H. W. BANK BUM. OB PHONE MA IX 2i. : FURNISHED ROOMS - 300 CALL at fTSt A. to aea IrM lut oi mod?- at priced miaii tor ssjubs see, to aU nana I a the ear. foeludins rooma at the Central - X. U. C 1 wftb tofctoheae is each room, above I Mtti end club faeiMiea. - FOR RENT FOR RENT WE DESIRE to interview xpenenecd stock and bend sateamen. ! insurance or kindred lines; need aoma good asiesmea and win offer oroor- tumty for good money; not nock. Nonawett Mortxte t., 4 t-hamtxT of t .ounnerra. - TOURIST HOTEI-, Madara, twa Uth. reduced 1 lat St, at ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 BEAUTIFUL -aita noa. wr deaitmbta; aiao almitas room: 1 felorka lerfaran aicn.1 1 Week Vioodiawa car. 2 tlorks Caioa see. car; saras-a. Beau pn,iieaaa; beant u deatrad.-4 Un S84 1. ' . . HATB room aad .Noard ia private fanilr f 2 1 HOUSEXELPLNG ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISIZZ PRIVATE FAMILY 333 FURNtSHED esAaVa as. aaV Car rvwn HB al for Wcor; Ptoch FLUF? RUGS lirXUndeVScer 8enator McNary, who arrived In Salem Friday night to spend the congressional recession on his farm north of here. We are on the upgrade crerywhere,1 the senator declared. "There Is some unemployment In the lancer cities, hut , this is gradually but surely being; rome died. - . McNary predicts much benefit to Eastern and Central Oregon through government cooperation In the reclarna Uon of arid areas throughout the West 25, and. Mildred P. Powell. 20, Portland; Phillip Piasza. 25. and Hasei Starr. tL Portland I Frank V. Zollraer. 61. Canby, Or., and Ida K. Armstrong;, SS, Portland ; William C Sutherland, legal, and Doro thea . Wetmore, tejal, Portland. NEW eaat i a( raaa an velaatt. Cnanstaatl ta vraax RUGS Om ffatf east Euenarra akd hawthokxr . PnO.VE EAST 781. IboWlftN 1-kcKekAW aeoeUka'aSea: Mooante as sncea . imosws euatncb rsoaa a. ka. inAET SEES RELIEF IJJ RESCUING OERMAX TRADE La Grande, ' Sept. . Senater Charles L. McNary. who parsed through here yesterday on his waV to Portland, da e la red that the openirtir of commerce be tween this country and Germany and the ever-increasing commerce with other European countries is serving to over- come many Ain favorable economic con ditlona The Smlth-McKary reclamatron bill has a bright future, he said. It Is as sured of passage In the senate and the outlook In the house Is very bright Fur thermore, President Harding has prom TAKE AGR1CULTUR Salem, I NORTHWEST RUG CO. UcUittU k EU, maeral per ion aids .S urn pnTicy os a onw,, iou ana rrtnn eta nanw siaa. ant. oi-sa. naaepaaaeat fnnenu 3i- Bi UlIXEB The aadaat aad aaat asalssed faeterjL rutf aad ns fosa vovaa ait etaaa: eaa u eafiitad: kxll raaa staaat aaaaaad ill kxll We sail fat aad OeMies. rllM C Ctehth St ' PHena East 3BS0 ft TRACE" carton. Foactala 75 aad ap. Wasbiagtoa at Ella Uaia 26L Aut oTS-Si. t T RVDMR6 sew resiiSekcs i -V I . O I iVi ESTABLISHMENT iter WUhama Are. 1 Woodlawa FINLEY'S MORTUARY Or., Sept 3. Aspirants for teaching positions In the public schools of Oregon must brush up on their knowl edge of agriculture. Ia the meantime while the brushing up process s in ' progress eighth grade pupils are to be given a respite from any examination or the subject of agri culture, j J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction, in a letter to 1 DANS NEAR HAL F eountv sunerintendenta throughout tha Ised to Include It In bis next message to ,uu. calls attention to the fact that ag-1 congress. ricultura its Still in the course of study and will remain there, but that because heretofore would-be teachers have not been required to pursue this subject, a great majority of the teachers especi ally ia the rural ; schools ars not quali fied to Impart any knowledge on the particular subject to Uvose under their Instruction. WORK INTERESTING "We are very much interested In , the teaching j of agriculture, so much so that we would hot like- to have It so taught that the work ia simply a farce,' Carpet Cleaning HCFITTINQ, SIZINS), SINDIKa, (TO. 9X12 RUGS $1.25 Rosa DRY CLEANED aad SHAMPOOED OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW Near Matt nan tar Sate 40-La. OeUan. ss.oo fiat tier, Beneeatedi Ware auarantaad. Sema-Dar ailua Wait Order Dept. PIONEER CARPET CLEAN IRQ ANA MATTRESS WORKS. Heat. Modern Eqadeeed Plaot ia Orctoa Phone SS7-07. 107t C. Lincoln Su MOHTGOMERT AT FIFTH. itAci a. MONUMENTS 106 mm E OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE W0QKS OQAUTT MEMQBMIS CTHiRP A PINE STS PWOHg t.143 FLORISTS 107 Mil DOLLARS Vancouver, Wash., 8ept. 3. Loans ag gregating nearly half a million dollars I he Writes. have been made to Clarke county farm-I "I am sure that out of your ex per i- ers-bv tha Clarke County Farm Loan I ence you know that If any kind of a searcnins examination Dasea en tne text FLUFF RUGS rreai aid oaroata. woolen elethtea, fas rasa, iDeisea aUfl orden. Send tor Booklet CARPET CLEANING I argent, naeat ojulwed carpet ' rfBSi tatittias week ia state of Oragesv III 2 Ka Staasa Oaaaod SIM ,U Bm IBaaa. S1JM Western Fluff Rug Co. state Office 44-of Caioa Are, ST. East 661 I I I B MJlK. a TicatsTurc-UW CttAQfiS sCCQDiTS SCOOTED 2 STOtiBS 32SMOBEISOSL 3 MOEMSOf St F0ETIAND HOTEL Kt-BCt t TAkX And Floral DeaUma. 23 Large Bothouaaa. No Branch Stone. 24 Yean ea Mornaoa tL betwaca 4 th and StS TcL Mala TTOSv. association, according to EL J. O'Connell, secretary. In: addition to the S4O3,o60 actually loaned, applications for 175,000 are passing through the regular routine. The new 6V4 per cent farm loan bonds are attracting Investors, as the rate of interest is considered good and the safe ty of the Investment is unquestioned. Every bond Is guarded by a $3 guar antes for every dollar advanced.. Farm loans are made to bona fide farmers only and will not be considered If any element of speculation Is seen in book In agriculture were given, to eighth gTade uupils it would mean a slaughter of tne innocent "The large majority of teachers in I rural schools are high school girls who have never had a course In agriculture. It Is manifestly: absurd to require pupil to pass an examination in a sub ject when the teacher who teaches that subject has not been requlrsd by law to make a preparation to teach the- sub ject: therefore we will not require an 19S4 FLUFF RUGS la froaa AO Eiodg of Old Canata. for Onantr. Serriee and Econoaay. ofiswow) river nva ex. Tenor Smith's Flower Shop "Portlasd's Piorraatna Florist" Fknren for All Oceaniona. Main T215. T. C Lake. Mcr stb and Alder. florists. 34 WuE incton. Main 268. A-1Z69- owasiorn irtiatioeHy arranged. Eloweri for all LOST AND FOUND 108 SPECIAL lYOTICES NOTICE OP MEETtNtJ Ofr ' 101 CO C NTT BOARD OF EQUALIZATION I eighth grade examination next January, I tanber 12, .1921. tbe board of aquaUzatioa of nuiiamaa county wui attend at tbe office of tne iranaacuou. te county organiza- i , : , i,.i.,, ti m.v. . nr.llmln.rv ...mln.lln nf May 0F ,UW ,n rlculture. the security offered for loans and then I COURSES ARE REQUIRED the farm loan bank at Spokane sends! "We shall, however, require that a government appraiser to examine the everyone I who contemplates an elemen property. I tary teachers', training course this year Clarke county farmers are meeting I in Oregon be required to have a course their Interest payments promptly, O'Con- I In agriculture. - In this way we hope to nelt said. Conference to Be Held to Consider P.R.L.&P.Program ' Salem, Sept 3. Engineers of the pub )to service commission, who have been at werk checking up maintenance and re' construction- work of the. Portland Rail way. Light A Power company, will com plete their task about September 10. As soon as the data thus gathered can be compiled a conference will be called for consideration of the company's rehab Ul ' tatton nrorram. past and future. SucVi, 4n brief. Is the reply of Fred O. ' Buchtel of the publio service commis sion to the demand sounded by Frank 8. Grant, Portland city attorney, that the ' street railway company be compelled to carry out Its Improvsment program, as contemplated In the S-cent rate order, or reduce its fares to the former status. With a view to supplementing tne work of the commission's engineers, Buchtel has also requested Franklin T. Griffith.' president of the street railway company, to file with the commission a complete statement Of the reconstruction and maintenance work completed, con templated and In progress since June 18, . 1)20, together with the number of men so employed, the number of Jobs at pres ent actually under way and "such other data as is pertinent or determinating in . relation to the matter at hand." the comity aavaaor at the eonrtaooae in Port land, and public r examine the aaataament roll tor roe , rear 1821. and correct all errant hi Tarnation, description or quantise of landa, lota or other property, aaaeased by the county as eaaor. Aad it shall be tha duty of person ia tereated , to appear at i the tine and place s- Dointcd. If tt ehan etmear ta anob hn-ffl n equalization -that there are any land or lota or owr property laiaid twin, or Incor rectly aarcaead aa to deeenption or quantity, and m the name of a pereoa or petaona sot tha ewaer thereof, or aaaeaaed vndar or beyond tha actual eaeh vataa thereof, aaid board may make proper correction of the earn. If it shall ap pear to each board that any land, lota or other petent to, teach the. subject of agricul- i'-aSTboa iT Zl. S tri ture win leacn it., n in jcl in tne course I lua caaa vaJoa thereof; of study and will remain there. Its im- ' flIRAM U. WELCH. County portance, however, demands that it be Portland. Or- Aucnat is, 18L thoroughly taught by teachers who! HATE bought the Leonua atore. 805 Main at;. know its subject matter and are able . ouia nox oe praaentea uera witaia s THE foUowing artwira wrra found on the cam of the Portland Rail way. Ustit Power vo Ben. 1. 1921: 7 umbrella. 1 lunch box, pair glasMM, 1 scythe, 2 suitcases, 3 handbag 2 pairs elores, 2 books, pictures, Tur, suit Box, nackaera. coat, aewins box. hair ribbon, nne. Ownera may obtain aarae upon proper laenou- ration at ratt and Alder street station. , LOST A puna containing railroad ticket money and jewelry; name lua Jaqua. Re ward. Phone LUxnan, Wolfe at Co. picture de partment : ' . -rate. 75s m day and np: a week and no. . Traneat trade I walkma dwtanca of iaffeteoa. Hicalaad, aoiaeued. Mrs. M. J. Walker, propri-tor. I ton. Woodlawa mad Aibina hoaaaatead THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th, cor. Alder. : A RE- 1 Wdln. lses HELP WAtmitFEMALE 204 mJ"1 I 3 IK4IRA RLE hcareTia (or 9 ataeol to.f- era. S Blka. Stem aenaol. or aaarun? i a eoatwe; eboaaa locatloa; ceaa-atal boa priefl-rea; rest MjMMkU II W . 9-.W m MMt.n li T . TT .w?loT,n "TCI I LAJir.E frost roora ta aaodani aeaae. aaat aid.. I XSI' 2 LIVE models or style, anew to be add in tbe evenings; aisea IS or 18. Ap-. ply in eeiBoa to Mr. Abraham. 40S ; Wanb. at. bet 9 a., a. aad S p. St., .Sat. or Man. ; ,- up. Pnrats bath 12. atonta. Special nttcs by week or WANTED Woman. eirt or soy to spend winter with me on aoiseoteaa. Mrs,- rcari vaeatei, ysrroiw. w asn. - . 75c Day. $2,50 AVeek Up Clean, baths free, hot water -& hnwra. HOTEL CADILLAC 3d ST., Near Jefferees. HOTEL ROYAL , Cor. Morrkoa and K. 3d. - modern alerninc and a. a. rooms, as waia ana p, si ier tay. wsJkiBf ' diaUace: coed boineeooked meals. I suitable for two; convenient for . aaiaaa. Mais I -OBI. 1 AL 2 rooaa aoiaekeaptas aiartmenav, r J farsiahad; taoludas pbeae. bath and avrrrthini bat oaokini tea; near Cevcb acaaol; waUuns d-- tanre. - SS T. ?lat. Stan ::s. w . A . I EXCEPTION ALLl awad tworeosaa haweisenp - V5fJ?" "P 1 - 1J?T .??' I aaita; bath.. aieeMcity, rumaoe beat; wiikmf r a lit uik iiih i dtetanra. - Wast Sate; 42X. Uroadway jt.a. C. B. home, 414 Market, corner 11th. I -a KVn6-T at., mr Ita. SINGLE lady, linns near Woomawm eraoot will room and board two aadlaa. wrefar teachers ee ooauieaa aim : au coaaeininiies, priTaaa ANT GIRL in need of a fnend. apply to tne RalTetion Army Beerae Home, Mayfalr ana Alexander stv Phone Mam 34S0. I M cut HOTEL OCKLEY Uorriaoa at 10th, 1 a day weekly t aad Woodlawti 1701. JL up; free rhone and batn; ncht and airy. 'WjtfkEtitiN floTEL GOOD borne for man aad child, mother's, can, mom. boardr aewuic and laundry, 370 aaonth 2S bk B. 24th at. block from Hawthorne Cr. Kft !K4 WOULD you tike to ears S2& per month while I Jasmins inortnana. . 1'Qoua Liaeuia iMrry, Broadway 2193. 1ITH.AND WASHINGTON 8TS. AttractiTe rooms and suitaa st reasonable rata by week or month. ' HOTEL rB-ANSXlX EXPERIENCED machine operator to work on shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2. 20'- I ui. .k a .uZ. w..w. GIRLS to operate power aewins machine; tno expedenea needed. Etandara jractory K 2, zuz v.ranq are. WILL ctra rood home an momer a cars to -girl up to 8 years old; reason ablt chanras; ckwe to aehoot Mrs. Patterson. . G north from aad of Beanmeet car to K. 43d end Skid more ac BOARD aad raoaa, suitable tor atadeata, ia pnrsts faauiT N aaar Washinrtoa hiak sad Polytechnic achoola. Call at Is S. let at t. MTnL M. -B. PilflpaOfl. - - 9 Nor Thoadwa,: asnodem. , T.l. WILL sir. ood room apfWd to. Bui. .tot HOrSEKEEPTNO ' toran.' aawytMwt faraakhed, J week. S3 K. 2d Mala Ss. . t m .... , NH KIJT inrBMhed h k. raoaa. kitciwaru. anth sink and ranarios water, free pneeai, batk and nans, . aeo. waiama eoecanre : arwft mpioyed. B 1014. SS Iflisea et. Waahinstea at 18th. Bates by the week, ti and hp; hot and cold running water; hot water B ECTOR HOTEL WOVAN to heh with Heht bouseworh 3 or 4 aoura dallT, it-inc withm waikins dutanca pre- I rerrca. 4433 oau sr. a. ri. am. dio-hz. locks oa doom. 31 s day up, 33 per week up. rnrate oftuis. HOTEL ARTHUR 4 to 19 rears of sehoot Mother a ear. Price bor 8260. ' FINE Urn room. 3 beds, nice noma. Gaol table niM-lv mum At 1 inrl rari, - Unit. 1T0 11th st. near Morriaoa. Oean. maders aomah clnb. GentlrmeB. Pbona Mais 2219. LADY solicitor for Portland ; rood propoaitioa. K-110, Journal. WANTED Woman for all . round tailor work. .1854 E. Ism, cor. Tenmoy Starr rooms by day, week or month; reasonabla rates. EUCLID HOTEL 878 Waabinctoa, at IS US) LARGE front raeaa. also roeea with shapina porch adieinias. Suitabls far two rsntlimea Hnmmm UnltfinM.fc Mink. &flA ' - 1 -. uaira, cum, bit ran, prrrac- ewa, xaaw l Msm 3733. 20 WQHM - wanted on peaia Producta Co.. 821 E. TamhiD. Trail HEU WANTED MALE AND FEMALE , 20S BOOM and board in prisato faau)y. or witaeut board, a an lailiss tnTrt, wiuua wsinns aistaaee. oa east Phone Ant. 222-03. room wits i dntnet. SUa pra- HOP PICKEBS WANTED Picking ttarta Tues.. Sent 8.: 31 per hun dred snd 2e a hundred bonus if. yoa stay till the Job is finished; good hops: bring your own teat and camp outfit. Wa pay rent on tent. Train leases for Dayton at 1 o'clock Sua, and Moa., and we will meH you. KUX1 HaKOCU, Dayton. Or. to permanent meats. Bdwy. 2882. 88 EUGENE - ST. Nice, Beat, airy front room, suitable for 2: ceatlemea uetfLi tod. 10 minute walk to North Pacific Dental collece. PLEASANT front roora tor rwii, mrxwo, walk. tnf ttntance. SSI 6tn st. t?URNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 itb irwif U j.I. i .. . . . I, V I . , IWIn M.v vmw M. - ,1 mivTri. , I , new furniture: breakfast or uao of kitchen V 1 v""" 1!' deal red; ouier pnriiecaa; scenic iocaoon ; l - miautaa ride ; business women preferred. 1013 - 1WO aauaaksisans rwems. Sit menthj seat atoss sad ess. 494 Mae-nna sa Wdiav siza. TWO conoacted room. ssinrnMhed. suiiab 1 hcht hiuaasaersac. fjrrnu haioocy and pri aasa satraaca: aaodara. iust boms. Maia till. lias Ttiurman. ONE large, airy, fnmiabed boaaekreptas room, ctoaa, ns tor ftrt aBpaaya sr aiaasni au- III. its a. atn. 812 SUITE of 4-parUy fnmiabed H K. rooou. aut fir tree plainly ansa; I blocks Iwyand and of Hswthome a. ear. 15 -TLEAeAXT room ir rahaai eonpe; im - of kite, fcgpny gas, eta.: all the eamXon al S real home; eioae in. Maia 254. I LARGE. Iifht dtM hoauexeaiHag luucas t - S ad Hit; tiae local tna; walkias oiataaoa. ST 3 E. Manx sad aJtcaMaetta, 1st ft CHILDREN BOARDED BEST OF CARE. BBOAPWAT 4211. ROOM and board for .on or two ganUomea ia refined homo; noma piliHegea aad soed home cooking: cloe in. Boot 71S7. 3 FRONT ptaoa. al-t-toe, gma. laundry. 688 Gnaan. l,re-bath. NICELY furatshed rooms tor awaaarkam.iag, AU oakt rooms; also one tWeping room; warn kn eVtaoea 308 Alder. Bdwy. 2113. - TWO hgat h. a. raoaaa ai-ir, to ei MiX phone, laundry tmya. 2 adalts; SIS: 13 mu ataa to bunaeas center. Woodlaw-n 1 672. Or. HOP P1CKKK8 WANTBD- BeU hop yard. Urea- ley station near Salcni, Or., nneat hops in the ralley : ererythiiig customary furnished. BecUw ter at 31 E. 13th at.. Portland. Or. Phone East 8873. NICE. furnace Sarier, Bdwy. 14T3. snitam for cooked WANTED Cranberry pieken; picking aery good this year: house rent (res to steady pickers : pick cranberries aad take your raaation at tha beech. For particulars address K-SS, Journal. 1UO HOP PIC&EKS wanted to replace reeia tered pickers who failed to report to Hont company ranen, inaepenaenee, or. tau air. Van Dyke. Clyde hotel. HOP PICKERS wanted. 602 McKay bide. 3d 3d t-, Mrhair88. WHY PAY CARFARE f HERB 13 A SEAL HOME FOR A BUSINESS WOMAN: WALK ING DISTANCE TO TOWN. I CALL MAR- BHALL 212. LARGB, new bedroom in refined Jewish borne near dental college, suitable tor two gtndeata; private lavatory: braakfaat if desired. N-398. Journal. TWO nicely fumianed -desirabhi rooms for rent to young womea ; lncluoes oa of sitting room; teachers preferred; walking casta nee. Main 844. CLEAN, WELL njRXlSHElV BOOat W 5.E- ONE tingle and one double front tocm FINED HOME. 84 N. 218T. CORNER I rom jsuii nomas cian. OP EVERETT. 1 BLOCK NORTH OP WASH-I arti lie. INGTON. . . In romvt hne MrT K I sZ front room for 2 giru of Stomas milo,ed. . S., w Via T- HMM B,ea-1 WQI care for child during day. 450 8th W. K. rLu.tuatu, amiorannee n. aw awoaas. eos tages. reaeonaMe. itl Orob. TWO elaaa, fAtrniaaad bnakspiag rooma: rery ' thms coe-enieM. 430 B. Morriaoa. ear. IStH. I: LADY would Hke ears of 1 or 2 soya, area 8 to 10; good, awdara beaae near lUghlaad acoaoi. Addree VOT E. 11th St. N.. city. IF YOU want a Place to reat and recuperet in deaa hoeae with good board, checrfal at apnera. call -Tabor 8188. BOOM sad beet board. daeimWa fur 3 men. hofss -' prlrflasBs. waikins darts are. Broadway 1746. 1 AND S rMdtlDcc Tabnr 428. .1; Brieata a block 389i 233 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 GENERAL REPAIR MAN . BEAUTIFUL room In pneat boma; twin bad, parlor, piano, home cocreniences; closa In; eoa- genial yoans man wishea room atata. 81 A. 18th st. Broadway 2721. . J,STr,-"22,',??wT?;i FiTPKiMiigo Ml-,r'. ...', . 1. Cimrch .. Balem. Or. JS TfVB BUI IXLl Ll W rihsl I L. Wl n Ut wrrirwa aam aaiaae rIi 1 a ia. ivwas w ------ - - f 8 - reoair man for sawmffl. roller min or arsin I hath and phone; eaat side; 2 ear Unas and I BOARD AND BOOM for 2 elevator. Will take steady work very reasonable. I walking distance. Eaat 2102 or 310 Houadajl man and wife, or win rent rooou to ratt a-zsu. Journal. I are. ; i pieaee pnone auto, ess-ee WHJL, GIVE ROOM AND GOOD BOARD TO CHILD UNDER SCHOOL AGS IN FRITATE HOME. TABOR T478. HI L board and room lady or b-yaar-eld gin ror 310 a month. . aula rtnaay, xsws ft. TWO lorely furniihad hmisiis saiilsi raoaaa. hath. nght, 388 PrUygro-a WL SUITES aad single Kmsekeapins rooma; -- ta; aamha only. 22T Broadway Mam 4044. S OR S furnished aad anfornisead rooma. mod arm, wear Broadway. 383 Eaat Ftrst at. N1CELT furnished h. kv rooma, near Broadway bridr-, 434 Lam he. Eaat 8914.' EXCEPTIONALLY elaaa room, aojtobie fog lignt aaiamkiauaus- . 224 14th. TWO f nnuh)A aouaekaexang room, ground fioor. 818 ssoriw. 398 S. -Great s. WELL fujutsbed h. k. rooma. 38 P1t-. THREB paaaat unfnrnwsed h. a. -st acme. wemieww ssss 73. ARCHITECT Middle aged, capable of handling- FURNISHED room in modern borne, heat, light J ROOM with board. 668 K. Own. Eaat 8099. ' .11 I .1.. . 1.. . I ,.H Ka.k Malkil,. j44tttaMM mmm hlM,k f nun I m i .m mi mi. ii i m i i raise up i a body of teacners wttnm a year or two who will have had some training for teaching- agriculture. 'The position of, this department is this : We hope that every teacher teach Ling in the rural schools who feels com- 315 REWARD for return of orange Persian mala cat answere to name of "Solomon"; dis appeared around corner of Market and Vista are., Tuesday. 845 Market. Main 7733. WILL the baggageman who was given a roll of bedding in a bright colored bag on Aug. z4 and has been unable to deliver it, please call Mar. 3930. LOST String of pearl beads, between Mult- nomah hotel. 4 th st. to atn, or council Crest car; child's birthday present. Reward, phone East 66.8. :- -Pin. initiate "S. A., il.," star attached. aU kinds of work in tha building Use, desires steady work with reliable firm in locality of Portland by Oct. 1. Beat references. Address W. K. Adam. Benkieman, Neb, CARPENTER mtimatae given on building and repair work: screens made to order; shop 1807 uawthome. Tabor ie. WE DO in ans outside painting, paper hanging and tinting ; estimate given prompt attantioa. Our work guaranteed. CaU Maia 9164. "THE little Jobs that Dad won't do." hold repairs and jobbing; roofs repaired. S-B9. Tabor 48. PAINTING, uapariug and kaiaomlning. Fi and bath : walking distance : on block from I double car service. 300 Hancock or Auto. 822-20. FURNISHED sleeping room, wita use of phone I aad bath: west aide, walking cutanea, res-1 aonabls reat Call daytime. Maia 8432. Ere- I ningg and Sunday Main 7740. WELL furnished suite, large and lighted: furnace beat: near Waatnnxton nigh; suitable tor teach ers or students; also one single, large housekeep- ; in; room.. East 6S84. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED FRONT h.h. vntti kriehewetto, aewl psperad. ato-s naa. ISO I7ta at. aor. Xaaahin S ROOK enfuraiahed housekeeping gparowecV, walking daftaaea 173 E. 7 La. ear. Tambi t lFlbtl8HLb houaeaeaptag1' 304 IT ROOMS Cf TOWN Mice honaeke teg and aleeoina: el sen homelike, walking distance: 32.90 end ten 298 Lnlon are., l block aauta of Hawthorne. FURNISHED hoaaekeeutus very agreeable placa for eoapla and eall Aut I NICELY furnished outaida room in good apart- j family; just two blocks froaa cariia; nsat vary class work 2225. and good tint material, call Tabor BRICK, Cemast work. Plastering, Repairing neatly Sona. 1 Automatic Sll-78. lost: Keepsake. Eaat 2959. LOST Large cameo pin, our mother's. Son died ia war. Reward. Phone shaH 869. Reward. FOUND Strayed brows Jersey cow at 6904 92d st S- E. to present it skillfully and understand- Ingly." ; M M,V p. UM.HUMUU., , , , C, k U. MOW. ana estner iMgermark, 20, 431 E, Soth st. oouia &. r-sppino, iu, no s. sta st and oreta MrFaroa. 19. 68 K. 78th at. N. Tycko p; Thor, legal, 283 Hall at., and Emily Olson, legal, city. Walter T. McCarty. 24. CorvaUia. Or., and Va worms rv. aoaa, t, loan jonuson tt legal. 483 E. snd Sadie City Officials Get Notice to Clean Up Weed-Scared Lots And now the scythe and the rake for the horny hands of Dr. George Parrish. esty health officer ; Oeorgw R. Funk, city auditor, and L. K. Latourette, deputy city attorney. They must cut their weeds on vacant lots or a fine or jail sentence stares them In the face. These three prominent factors In the municipal government were In the list of property owners whose lots were posted for clean ing by the bureau of maintenance this ' week. ' Armored Safe Door Keeps Amateurs Out Astoria. Sept 3 Amateur yeggs Fri day- night attempted to crack the safs of the West End soft drink saloon here. but failed to rip open the armored door after wrecking the lock and combina tion with ctowhars and a pipe wrench. They secured 315 from, the cash register, The cracksmen gained entrance to. the building by boring the lock from a rear door. st, and Dorothy C. Fee naughty. jin su Leslie Dickey, ircal Hal II. Or. Lay. legal. Portland.. Or. Ernest F. Bhombenr. leaaL 283 Wast Russell St.. and Mane v. Prue. legaL 1013 E. 16th at. Bat cook, 32, ins N. 22d at, and Sona Vines, ;, saa tyrant s. Gilbert 0. Brown. 20. 63 MoCallv are. S. H. and Mildred E. Boas, 13. 7403 64th are. Henry ft. Hilbers. 24. 343 E. 45th st. N and Rue Mary Kelly, 20, 8 N. GaoUmbaia st uaorga v. agiuna, legal. 4904 4 2d are. K.. and, Sidney Parritt legal. 4611 4U t E. ; Gust J. Konralis. 27. Travia hotl. ni A uisen, so, oruan. Or. Lorin L.i PaOeraoa. lecaL Turlnnk. CaL. and oana Wood, legal. Portland. Or. Samuel Sarabia leaaL 2803 Kin mt Rm.M1. vfaeu., ana seuy aaroL legal, a Buchtel are. Theedora! A. Kandv. SS. Ia Innla CL. m i.BnH jt. anvs iv, ouf atonLaomarv at. AND VISITbfd CARD ENGRAVERS 311 Morgaa Bids. CHASCft MADE AT COLLEGE Oregon Agricultural College, CorveDia, Sept J. Helen Sandon. 191 graduate, has been appointed secretary of the school of home economics to suoAed Zelta Felke, a classmate, who has ac cepted the alumni secretaryshlD. Mia Sandon said many home economics teach ing positions 4n Artsona, where she had charge of home economics in the Flag stsff Normal school, are being filled by u a u woman, i . - EiTRADITIO IS REfCSED Salem. Sept I Governor Olcott Fri day refused to honor a requlsiUon from in governor of California asking tne return of M.'I Jones, wanted In Contra Costa county on a chargs ot failure to support his minor children. Jones was under arrest In Portland. , --, - . a V -SrOIASE WH1TET-. TAKE Salem, Sept 3. James A HukllL id-n. tlfled as "Spokane WhlUy " was arreat ed here PTldsy nlj t oa a bootlegging rnargf. wioers who raided HuklU room state that they found 1C pints vi viui leas moonsntne. WM Statistics',, ON and after this date I. Alfred Davidson. will sot be resDonsiblA fnr is dVht AnM oy my wile, Kcnui Davidson. . " ' Sr LOST -Boston terrier, answers to nam of Polly, Liberal reward, wdln. 754. LOST Fraternity emblem pin, Sunday, Aug. 28 Reward, P. O. box 253. MEETING NOTICES 102 LOST -Creecent-rhaped pa Finder call East 8539. FOUND A ehild'sTricyele. with 7 pearls. WANTED Any kind of work for 2 and 3 tt ten truck. Broadway 486. PAPERHANUING and tinting; best of ences furnished. Auto. 617-43. refer- ment house : nkmty neat and not conveniences; close in. Mar. lava. ( LARGE room, auiteble for 1 or 2; steam heat modern conveniences. 568 Couch at. ApLwU. I' roadway 1429. LARGE well furnished totta ; furnace heat; breakfast if desired: ladies only, lis Mut ter st., near E. 89ab and Lincoln. NICK loniabed room, central and star; aU j reasonable. 871 East 7th at. fl. FURNITURE- moving and general hauhng; cot- ered ooaics. Broadway 486. venient for a gentleman. Ant. 1. Broadway 1719 864 very eon Coach st. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooma for men. quiet and homelike, electric light, gaa, free j phone, hot and cold water. $2 per week sad up. 0 3 Hood st Main 720. LARGE front room and kitchenette, nice aingTa very reaeonabte. Hot water alwava for hatha and laundry, Waikiag data ace. Slawptas porch, oft a Flanders, , - 321 '' 6th. ' APARTTENTSflTRNISHTP 307 Katherine Apartments. 149 N. 23d . S-rwa spestjgeats, sseamy. with nice kitchen. MerahaU 2996, THE ALBRET Furaiabed aaavtaaaat sens heaf nrivate bath. 340 H Miaafcwippi a v. . THE LILLIAN APTS. 3 aad S raosaa, large sad airy, cle 4a, west aVde. mad-rn. 881 6Cl ft- Marshall 13TS. Leeds Apartment Fireproof Building, ma ara S. S, 4 room apaiUnnita, ales sseepiag saa-aa. Mar. 3597.- ' S-ROOAt apC seat furnished, hght sad dean. Ineelr homai liaalaam eraraoa a ompir d A LARGE, pleasant room.; closa in, tor a gan- I Rates by tha month 88 and up: free telephone. I paowle aa espeosaUy tavited ta see these NICELY furnished aingte, or 8-roeaa H. K. rooma, at 409 N. 19th sc., . cor. tpfJor.i SHINGLES, frbm Tabor 876. 32 to 33 delivered. Call CEMENT . fougdation; houses razed; cement work of al kinds; reasonable. East 2191. CEMENT work, Seilwood 919. aU kind. First elaaa only. PAPERHAJiGINO and anting, inside finishing; first class work. Tabor O80. tleman; all conveniences; rent reasonable; gar age. Phone East 196Z. WELL furnished, desirable sleeping rooma. walk- iag distance, Geo Ue man prel erred, ai lioyt st, t filial N. 17th at. EURNIbHED sleerans room tor one or two; modern conveniences, bath, closa in. walking distance. L5. E. 8th. cen Ash. O East 49S9. MARRIAGE LICENSES Well, Well!! Here It Is! BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 Big picnic st Crystal' Lake park, Sunday. September. 4, Eureka council 204. Secnrltv Benefit association. Bring your; lunch and spend s pleas- an, Amm MtM, . ,, M J " J,,SV A General good time tor alt. Races of aU kinds for young snd old; swimming, bosung, bowling, dancin afternoon .nt .H L ,S'b!Dent V on the ground: doll George A. Richardoo, legal 860 Eaat Hoyt I P4 wiU be special : feature: priaea for belt 7e cat aieueu, largest and most etmim Hnii lara Milwsukie car. First and Alrf.r mtw wi lie, including war tax. is v. . vnuvai-,v . . - .ii.,qu.,t occreury. AL KADER temple, A. A. 0. N. M. 8. A special train for the Willamette valley Shriner' reunion st Albany Or., will leave North Bank sta tion, Oregon Electric nne, at 8 o'clock' a. m- on Monday. Sep tember 5. Return train win leave Albany at 8 p. m. Round trip fare 34.53. All Shrmers and their families invited. Tain your mnch and dinner. ; Wear aour f- R, . der of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Ree. WEDDlNd" W. o: SMITH A CO. BIRTHS BLOOUUR To ill. and Vim. J. F. Bloom 756 E. 7th, Ana 27. a dnhtr ELLIS To Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ellia. 124? a. aiain,Aua. 22. a nanrhtnr HIN DM ARSH To Mr. and Mrs. V. G. ssiininarsn iiui nonncv at, - i. n , danghter. i - - FBJKSEN-4-Te Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fri mm.. potentate. AL KADEB temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. A ceremonial ses sion wW be bald in the Muni cipal auditorium on Saturday, September 10, commencing at , 8 o'clock p. m. Busneaa eee siou at 10 a m. in Pythias building. West Park and Yam hill stxrrV. Petitions should bo ia mot later than 5 p. m., September 9. By order of the HUGH ; J. BOYD. Recorder. DANC1NO at Meeee hall every Tneaday, Tbarsday snd Sat urday nighta Plenty of fans Coal ,aall. Butterticld. aongs: Praap srehestxa. VifiteGO! SHBIxE Ko. i. 0:"w. 8 J. Stated communication this (Sat urday) evening, September 8. 8 P. m., Pythias temple, sy oroer m we . H. p. Cad B. Graham. Worthy Scribe. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, pins. charms. Jaeger Bros., ui-iaa stn st. MEN WANTED IN THE AUTOMOBILE AMD TRACTOR BUSINESS BIO OFPOBTUSITIES Wi eaa tit yon for a good paying position is a short tune. We tarn out expert auto chanfca, ia-nition men. battery axperta, the rul earriaera and aeetyhme welders. Yoa take the tool ia your hands and set the real practical shop experience under expert instructors on aU up-to-date automotive equipment Enroll today. Dont keen putting it off aud let tha other fel low beat you to it Information and uteratnra wpoa request. Day and evening eUasea. tlEMPHILL'B ACTOMOBILK AAD TBACTUB SCHOOLS. TOT Hawthorn are., eor. 20th, Portlaud, Opera ting tha largest aad best ehaia at pras tlcal motor schools in tha world. WHY BE OUT OP A JOB OR WORK AT A2f UNDERPAID . POSITION f Call at Union are. and Wasco st any day except Saturday, at 11 a m, or write for free est log No. 4. It will not eost Ton anything to find out how we have helped over 300 graduates to good posumna Wa can help you; too. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL , Special Inducements to Ex-Servica Men. Reduced Bates June 1 to September 1. AVIATION ortera young men today tha greatest oppor tunities i or gsuiBg aneao. ; ve lurnoa the high est type of instruction through the best known instructors and with the finest eauinment We own and operate more planes than, are privately used in the whole Northwest. Write for informa tion to Victor Vernon, Manajrer, O-W. A L Air plane Co.. 214 gpa aiding bldg., Portland, Or., rnwi. nnanwiy oa. CEMENT work of all kind, reasonable price. good wort Aut 632-92. GARAGES built. 887.8U ana up; gang door Siz.so ana op. ant. siT-ZT. WANTED Odd jobs of any kind by married man. East 74V3. FOR PAINTING and kalHomining aU work rur- anteed. charge reasonable call Ant. 332-29. CARPENTER and builder, new work. Aut 620-81. Jobbing, built-ins. PAINTING, paperhangias, kslsomining reason able. Bast 8848. boy wante position. JAPANESE school Phone Aut. 529-10. BASEMENTS. GRADlNu. GE.Nt TEAMING; contract or day work, ant. S22-33, after 6. CARPENTER and contractor, Jobbing, anything in the bunding Bne. Phone East 8656. ROOFS repaired Tabor 929. r and painted, reasonable SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 EXPERIENCED, honest, conscientious, neat - young woman,, refined, plain cook, would ap preciate position aa housekeeper for refined, re spectable widower and email family in city. Phone East 89 at once; $35 to 340 per month. EXPERIENCED young woman of good char acter desires position in refined, respectable widower's mooters home In city; small family; 335 mo. Phone East 89. or p-764, Joumsl. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES. DONE UP LIKE NEW. WILL CALL. EAST 8518. i v.-i.1 I 3d near 'Jefferson. phone, hot and cold water: a minutes to Meier I iMiRGai front room, newly paperes, wiia erron- A Frank's. 821 12th, corner Clay. Main 4831. I eaette; 2 back rooms, newly nam Uay. oat. bath and pool table. Call Broadway 1546. TU7f, nw. Um, fii,;,hjMt fmat runi and garage 320, or ranted separately; light, water. phone, etc.. free,' 13BZ a-ftUj ac. tUiion car. Marshall 1204. 3 WEES, finale, housekeeping room, sultecTe for man; completely furnished, fas plate, etc; I skuis ttwe. hot water au aoura. . ktotet waoiascj rooms. Eart 2548. Til E. Awkwey. NICELY fumiabed clean outaida .laiing room. Bath and phon. wauoas ttiatanca, 88. set 14th st Auto 521-64. pered; Hght, at roaa way i water. 848 and Park. til A MONTH, large frost furaisoad houae-l The Alta apartniwatB with bath, light sad 882 E- Ash. THE QROVER 181 Gro-arst. ahsely faraSha J sad 2-mova iiaTihi a ht dhaatasento, lew iwtaa. Maia OAa. -DljNDEE APTS. :: Hoaaekaeotagg ncaaa, 32 850 tt Hawthorn avea, East 828. snd 15 a weak. ROOM with running water tor gentleman ia lovely home; modern conveniences ; bath. 09 Trinity Place, Broadway 8879 hesL . In Vancouver are, near Broadway. keening room. shower I laundry, hot sad cold water, electric P hght. 4v6 Bellingham. Apartments NICELY furnished room, all modern conveni ences, near Reed coDece. 1439 E. 31st East- morelsnd. Call Seilwood 438. fewda mad aad I 1 GOOD front cared for; for men batchers; reason his priewj. 428 Bnrnskle. net, lutn and urn. 421 tt X. aferriaoa St and 2-raom suitea, B. K. rooeaa, ' GKAXDESTA APARTMENTS le. ONE light H. K. room and 1 sleeping room, close to 23d st and car barns.- Auto. 529-89. 772 Quimby st. Attractive 3 roust apt in. brick buikirtrr; pri vate hato,- telephone, autoanatas asavator. . es Grand ave. E. 208. LARGE ROOM Well furnished. Suitable tot one or two; reasonable. Meab if desired. 667 GHsaa, Bdwy. 294 8. LIGHT, airy sleeping rooms, close in, west side, quiet place. 206 17th. . Phone Maia 7628. PLEASANT front sleeping room, furnished nicely. S windows, 812 per month; for one quiet gentleman. 451 10th at S. . BEAUTIFUL view, near Portland crematorium. A teacher has room -for two teachers. Ua of kitchen; new, $150 month. 1400 E. 18th. ROOMS IS" PRIVATE FAMILY WlTlI BREAR"- FA8T IF DESIRED: ATTRACTIVELY FUR- NISHED. PHONE EA8T 8069. ROOM, Hawthorne ave., geaUemea only, aO conveniences, hot water any time, (20. Tabor 8418. TALENTED, young lady wishes position at assiat , ing commercial artist. Phone Seilwood 1049 between 4 and 7 p. m. ' LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE, EAST 6196. IiU. 1 11 Sr Vm MM 214 Alberta. And 25. a ituwhw DURKHEU1ER To Mr. and Mrs. SQva Dork heimer. 850 Northrup, Aug. 21. a eon. aJULN EBr--To Ma aad Mrs. E. W. Eelaer. 4827 73d. Aue. 23. a A.r,,htr RUN AN Te Mr. aad Mrs, C. F. Ruaas, 288 1 ft V. A msm. 0 1 s. " awuss, au. , gj UAUfUaCr. RUTHERFOHD To Mr. aad Mrs. A P. Ruth- enoru, si inmty place, Aug. 14. a on, SPKIGHT-To Mr arMrsT.. O. Soht 1724 EJ 8th, Aug. 28. a eoa. HAACKE t-Te Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Haacka. 1Att J 1 a, EBICKSONv To Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rrtekson. WK to tluwik our many fmnoa for their 1 t t ri aumamem- An at 20 s raiiaHi a-" i miwuxom ti iwgt vtiw .14 tjw,i.h McEERS--To Mr, god Mrs. William West's Largest Busineas CoDeea. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. All Bn iii ewa cotrnns, inemdins exaptometer training Enroll any time day school, night scboot Write for free catalogue. 4th at. Bear sram-on pnone Main B90. CARDS. OF THANKS mother. Mary E. Willis, snd also for the beauti ful floral offerings. Mrs. Frsd Y. Forbes sod Family. i -- DEATH NOTICES 103 Um. ever, us urant. Aur zs. a danrbt-r JOHNSON--Ts Mr. and Mu. Gaorga F. Joha- aoa, 1X9B m lamsill. Sept. l, a daughter. S.LTIK To Mr. and Mxa. M. Knper. 292 Portland Imiknri In, 21 . rf.,,.K,.. BRIN8MA--To Mr. and Mrs. St. Brinama. 1659 STONBEItO September 2. 1921. at the tarn vumnia, aug. mi, a aauaater.. i TIMMERMAN Te Mr. and Mxa. L Tuamer- man, ia wuiia, Aug. 34. a aoa. SLOCUMrTo Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Slocum nvmougsi. visan., Aug. Za, a oaaghtor. riUK.ur-.To Mr. aad Mrs. A. D. Wright 1819 Otaaon. in v g - dmnvntM, ERICKSON Ts Mr. and Mrs. a. Ericksoo. coi viaruer. aui. .zi. a oii&t'- MANSON-tTo Mr. snd Mrs. L. J. Maaaoa xass a. 4Tta. Ana. si. PAUANO Te Mr. aad Mm. F. Pagaao, 366 w SPECIAL RATES UNTIL SEPTEMBER ALISKT BLDG., 3D AND MORRISON "MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wiU teach you tha trade in 8 weeks; receive soma pay while learn tng; positions secured. Oregon ex-service men receive state Sid. Write or call for csta logoe. 234 Bnrnside at By reside nc. 146 Morris at. Solonua S. Stonberg.! aged 70 years, beloved husband of Lille Stonberg. -The deceased was a member of Portland ledge No. I S3, A. F. and A M. Remains at Pearsons uodrrtaking panors, Rus sell at. and Union ave. Funeral notice later. Bt'SH At U residence. 8028 62d at. S. K. September 1. Mrs. Marr Ellen ' Bush, aaed 89 years. 'The remains are st the funeral parlors of A. D. Seaworthy A Co.. 1802-04 93d st 8. E., in Lertte. I LAPK Ia this city. Scpteniber 2. Frank Laps, eg 4 83 yeara Remains are st the funeral parion of A. D. Kaaworthy A Co., 6803 04 92d at 8. B.j ia Lena. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 K. llthl Aug. 28. a aoa MORROW-t-Te Mr. sad Mm. Wuliaat Marrow. tvotuge riaee, Aas. 28. a daughter. NICHOLS To Mr. and Mrs. SL F. Nichola. 220 Buffalo, Aar. irU. m daarhter. , ' " FRANK Te-Mr. and Mrs. WVliam Frank. 1064 K. 6th, Aug. 34. a daughter. JOHNSTON To Mr. and Mrs. WSliaat C. Johnston, FaUbrktga. Wash.. AM. 19. a aoa TBSHIMA-4-Te Mr. aad Mrs, A. Tashima, Port land. Aug. 20, a daughter. . - , ox,, Tsar, aad Mrs. "T, E. Sea, 423 E. 4th. ,Aug. 1 8i a son. JONESTh Mr. sad Its, 3. JoaM. 4 JS E. atARNOCKw To Mr. snd Adrs. H. D, UaruocA; 1 BCH The iuserri fsrrkevet. the lata "kti 1021 Tibbote. Aug. 11. a son "waocs, i hmA iSablriM9i M i-flt -ad Mm. Charles at Millar. w.m. m. a. a oaagBur. RNECHT la action in France, October 10. 1918. Corporal William Kaaeht, The faneral moea will be eondneted Sanxnl. Man- km. 8. at t p. at. ta tbe mortuary caapsl of A. St. Kenworthy A Co. 5802-04 9 2d at. S. R.. ia Srianda invuad. . Interaseait XL Smtl 1 r waieim j. . ? ' DEATH. ' - ' NOVE John Chaaninii Siosaa.. 2 BL RmmaT wit, 1. 60 years; er6rJ . bemorrhax. Q ODFREi-t 0 t Myroa d.Jocdi? I,.U tei. Sept I. IS eem; aptmtexy. vi. f u Samaritea r.'5,iUf8Bii V2S ; Pt; tebareulcaia DART Job a H. Dart. st. Viawaata heMs,iii Mass at 1 atal eaaw..i ak t . . . -"-'-: I ATwsm-T,' kUMUIAJenX flW llllil al UV ebapeiof I'uuey'a, Moaucoasery at Fifth at. Fuaeral ntfvatav - Tha irmiin, ill be forwarded Sunday avoTning to Appieton Qty. jMa where toterement will be made. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 ns A t?i 7allA tra "1 WftW Sri mm,, Pnone I IfPUTPS UNDERTAKING CO. Maia 12 43fiCWe A,232Li Coraer Third aad Oasy. LETTDS 8 MILLINERY SCHOOL D Union Ave. N. Complete eour3 in millinery ; personal in atruction by new aad up-to-date method; full eourwa toe 82a. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph In stitute. 434 Railway lSxchaas bids. Night da w -e. MEN. women, learn barber trade; wages while tearame. Oregon Barber College, 283 Madi son at ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY isntou free. Frank K. Welles, former aast state npt. Mgr.. N-W. Bank bids. Aut 612-13. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mis Kecina Bockel'a prive school; individual instruction. 122 H Grsnd sva. East 42T VfANTED, at once, two men to learn vulcazua- io ana eetreaamg B3 ttawtnorne HELP WANTED MALE 201 SALKSMANAGEB wanted We- have most ax- . "."cm vpwnmg lor man ' expeneaoeu in or ganizing ' snd handling tales crew; not s stock selling proponoou, - but a , buraees of exeep- uonal merit. Opportunity to become part owner. cu Tn peraoa. MarUlwast Mortcsge ta.. eaa .namoeT or tveamerce. tOXH hHr meiit room, rent free, for man to fire furnar morning and e-ening, gas, electric light and running water. Ceil awraing or se- ning. una, iiw n - ' ' WANTED- Toung man who eaa drive a Dodge delivery, must be eaat. deaa aad weU ap- peenng; prater ex -service sua; muat know eay. -4, journat - UayT card WAXTED-Expenenced window ' trimmer, . ai raady-to-wear writer. 361 HAN. wxte awake to sell a? Ford vara. ---SlS-es. --. - itvAit to haul eoid wood rut of Umber. Phone Tabor 1743. Call " , -u -1 oace. man to teara mirannnng "- wwaisa aad nawuwma. , DRESSMAKING 256 DYEING, clesnvig. pressing, dressmaking, re modeling, reliaing, alterationa, pleating, rea sonable prices. Tha Cabinet Dressmaking Psr- k-r. 424 Morrtwn. near 11th. Main 1825. DRESS MAING ready-to-wear bouse dresses oa sals: also self-fStted brassieres for stout women. Mrs. 8. A. Smith. 1042 Grand are. N. Pnone Wdln. 1687. DRESSES, suite and coats rei VERY pleasant front room, modern conveniences, west side; walking distance. Main 9485. SINGLE sleeping room near Bensoa sad Wash- ington high. HE. 14th N. NICELY furnished room, clean and airy: beau-. tifui grounds; references required. 243 llthJ IS LARGE room In nice home',- for rent Mar. 6066. rooms, electric I TWO extra large front H. K, light bath. 805 tt 8d at CLEAN room, walking dietance. Broadway 195. 529 Ererett st. Wdln. '2865. aonabk. Tali LARGE front-room, does In. cheap; phone and bath. 290 Graham a. STEAM heated i rooms, Clean, modem eonvea- iences. 549 Wash. st,. ream B, 2d floor. Jl1n wU furnished room, walking diateace. ! NURSES 257 takes maternity cases m her" home, pri vate: bert care; reasonable. Eaat 868. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 TAIT HOTEL AU outesoe rooma. heat 31 day hotel in the citv: rooma-34vto 87. and with bath $8 to 310 per week; pleaaant lobby; auto matic elevator. ' 12 to and Stark. TRY EN ON HOTEL ior reduced rate; 75c and up; hot and eold water in rooms; rates to permanent guests; transient trade solicited, 197 tt 4tn st. Main 7158. HAVE a beautiful large trout room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, in a lovely restricted dis trict, walking distance, saw fine car aervice East 6518. Maxwell Hall!?,7 14th at, bet Taylor and Balaton. Furnished ileeptns rooins. bath, hot sad cold water; 84. VO week and up NEWH ALL HOTEL 402 E. Wash. St. eor. Grand sva Mode il outside sleeping rooms. . . . EMPRESS HOTEL Suite or stogie rooms, nicely furobhed. st sttrscuve .tea to permanent guests. Right m the center of the ctty. 6th and Stark. NICELY furnished sleeping rooma, hot and cold .water, alas rooma with the oauia ett 5th at, '-" -' - 655 1 SEPARATE SLEEPING PORCH 1 sleeping room. 1 and 2'-room apt. Wa-'hington st. No efiildren. THR BARTON. 45b ALDER ST.' Ca furnished room $2,30 per week aad up. Also nght boasekeepuTS. FROST ROOM, large clothes etoeet, modern hoes. S blocks from Franklin high school. 2915 5BU st 8. E. : ., BUSINESS college, high acsool boys, get elaaa. airy rooms, walking nwtaBre : 403 roadway reasonable.- r " YERY cheery, eieaa room, suitable for two em ployed pen one; modern. waUUAg distaace, 347 Yamhill at -- Mam 3538, CLEAN, pleasant furnished rorrn. waikins dun tanee, 1 block 2 carltnes, outsude eatraace. 88 week. 3ga K. 1st at. y, s. 23a. GOOD front sleeping rooms for men, 33.50 to $3 per week. 426 Bar-side bet 10th and llth HIGH-CLASS tttrnished sleeping rooms for oae or couple: rea-vnsbl. TOT Flanders MOLLY, famished, eieaa rooms in beautiful home, 815 up. 21& 14th at . . THREE dean, comlortehia bouseaeeping rooms. lutcheaatte aad oath, seat ana taiepneeuii i mhrntea to to; 686 per mnUv -ahs,' tua, I aTTRACTITE suite ef room, ra-plaee, ejactne TWO rooms and on room turniahod for light j hghta sad gas pUte: skn treat reesu with housekeeping at 1171 Miraisaots ara.; car I XTteoaa privuoa a. aasoa- eeaw. ; aast a. aao and electricity furnished. Wdln. 148. CLEAN. Weil funuahed 3 room apt..- lat floor: I 669 FLANDERS, aaar 20th 8 room f-r. mod- also 1 room bxiuaekeeping apt 2d fteor; eloael era ,.-"r "." in. Roy Crest Ana.. 175 12th at, eer. Yamhill. J sad ligb iatee werk expastod, - Broadway 2 AND 3 IL K. APTS. for rant very raaaotishia. f 1- , ,., - . 892 tt E. Burwride and Grand ave. THE JEFFERSONIAH- 1 6tb sad 3eloo, 2 CLEAN iV-auaM XjSrK ,i flr-edJF per weak. Close ia, walking dbtaaea. . 32S tt lLTSr ZZ- V aa, mm in,ri , iw ium. m n. ins reeaa. closat aad pantry. Oa first floor of trvinstoe reside nee. aeparate wntrsac. , Phone East 1520. 448 E. 1SU St. . - ALICE COURT APTS. mom aae-tmaat Dutch kitobea -aad bed ia ivory: fireplace: haitaUBa aak floors; lately novated. East 3566. FOR BENT, tarnished ape, aU eetaida mat; ateyiwig parch, staasi heat, bet water, aralkiag (Bstance, sdaks. $40. 421 Rodney ave. East T817. REASONABLE Three sooas, apt! t . 148 Eaat 7 2d st- N. MeatariUa cat. Fheae Tabor 4T3, for vrrf larinn. LI XK APARTMENTS THIRTEENTH AT CLAT- - 2, S snd 4-room apartaae te atitotly wwivffl, 2 AND S-roowa faraaabad attaa, nioa said " bright rood flMraMara, e snc lighte, gas range. 830 Tbsrmaa at 2gth. MarshsO 224. THE ALT AM ON T APTS.. 304 OOLJJs Coat eoxy, sooderm 3 sad 4 room gpart Bteate, imsonable rant --. 835 ONE large front tooea with kiteben-tt fur nisbed. Bear DM ear; reat reasonabla. 273 21 tt at North. , ; . LARGE front houaakaaping raom. $4.50 nice and clean, gaa, elecUTcuy, 821 ' Johnson eor. 15th. SUNNY 2 room H. K. suite. $3 and $4 per week. Single room $2. 460 tt Belmont, esr ncr 9th. - FURNISHED h. k. rooma. close ia. eUctrie lights, 1 large front room, $1.30 par weak and up. 826 tt lt between Clay and Marfct sta. VERY good h. k. rooms. 65 wk. up : aw lingie Vooms. $3.50 wk sad up, Tbe Maaitoo, 261 18 th. 54 L-cretia. nr. 23d and Wssh. ) CTEAN" front honaekeepins and sleeping rooms. I laundry privilegea, 315 aad 3ZO. a minutes I from Meier A Frank's. 226 14th et Broadway 1995. ONE ainala h. k. room. 63 per week: alas 2 basement rooma. 35 weak; light and water ana linen furnished. 188 14tn st ONE", lane H. K. room wita ahtk aad water; . sice ana eieea; waunag ojstaaoa or ita oar i to Sherman. 33 week. 605 6ta. wmlking distan e ; 1299. 244 Jaf- ROOM AND BOARD T 2 RMS. Nidely fanUshed; reasonable. Phone Mar. ferson. ' . 3 ROOMS aad paatry. ri - ear. 535 Commsirlal hespiteL - 1 black to . Kmssinurl 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFT WASHTN GTOIf Portland's hlxh-elaaa dowa-towa xedifanti! botet We give yoa the comforts of boma American and European plan. Bates reasonabla $7 TO $20 par month, i. 2 and 3 eieaa h. k. rooms; ataam heat electrie lights, laundry. tree pnone.. sear to canine. - eianioa a TWO furnished hou-akeepmg room, with ilsep mc perch, ia private family. - 715 E, Bura- I side. ! ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT . Nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, hot ana cold water, with good table beard. 332 10th at corner of Market Main 6881. HEREFORD HOTEL. 733 Hoyt atTwo Urge beau turn rooma. connecting batn. for four I people, men preferred. $50 each. Also single -nMM,. i.;n nt . . i WANTED School teachera to board and room; 1 block from Conca-scbool. Mam 8182. FOR RENT Furnished. L. K. 'or - rooma, dean and cutofortable, near hnapitela 770 Hoyt at near 23d. TWO turnu.bed hoasekeepins rooeaa, oa aingle hwiaak-spmg room.1 Hght aad water toatafssd. 452 B. Cench. Aut 237-44. ; - . CLEAN, nleaaaat housekeeping room. eaa walk- tog distance, close to cam, rant S29 Row at Eaat 2876. LARGE front furnished, hou keeping noma. Elms Apartments 8 room furnished ant, watting- dtet 191 14th- 'Sunnymont Apts. Furnished spta the 1st of ept Tabor lt. i . CLEAN, well farniahed H- S. eniviuniv m im w rneton -hoot -441 Tt 13th at N. very Lrv- THE ALTA VISTA apartmea - . Pet tyg rove. HoaeKeping WILL give mother's care to two tri under 6 years or age, wain. 315 month. 34 week,. bet Front and First , 205 tt Morriaoa at WANTED Men to room and board st 87$ Rom st East 2560. MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 Tenth st. ha- Ll i or Business girm ay moaerste ram. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM with or without eoare tb modern bom. 933 Sevier at Bear Montgomery-Ward. 4417. - NICELY furnished housekeeping and ale-ping rooms. aU newjp papered, nice sad eieaa; heat gaa and electric. 475 Main at WELL BLTLT garage, with H, K. room above, nicely fumiabed. aui table for 2; fine kssatioa. 84 N. 21st. eor. Everett NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 1 mg room; running water, lit lam av- 2 LARGW houaekeeping Reed college. 8 ROOM apt, with t eiaeets and email porch. ink. bet and cold water, eteeuia Uchte. very tight and dean. 'Kent reasonable. Main 7652. 16tb and -ftota $2.59 85. 644 Pettygeewa. 3 BOOM ateam heated front apartmanf wita . beds, -382. saoath ; also a 2 raom apart meat tor 325. By aso-th or week. 403 tt 8t XICE. clean, 3 room furni-ied eparaaent, free phone, hght water sad bath, $25. Tabor ZS4S DAVENPORT APTS. One 3 room basement apt for rent: private bath sad pan, 608 .efferaoB St. Phone Main 34$3. Hi&LOP HALL. 410 tt -Uwiaorne see.. S room tanishad aparuaeat, ass sad aa. Phone Eaat ' - . NICELY famished room, witn good board, for bub and wile or z men, waiting matancs. 23d and Love joy. Main 4121. ONE room, unable for tw young aoss; twin beds, ruanlng water, wim or without board; walking distance; splendid locatirm. Bdwy. 4438. WILL give good board and ream to children of school age, eery reasonable;: ck to achool. Anlmatifl 329-99. FIRST-CLASS board and room ia private, modern home; an noma conveniences, walking dtataaea. Phone Maia 305. i NICE widow's borne, with BWrther'i cars, for ssuUl cMld. Call FJast 166. I "wit CLEAN room, with board, if idesired; close to Wsshmgwn nlgn. Call Bast '166. WILL give mother'! care to baby or child under 8 years; reasonable. Tabor s 40, WILL ears for children ta my home; Cbristiaa - Science children pcc-Vrrcd. 'Woodlawa 1169. WANT to care for children, twe er three, school age or younger.. Call evenings. Ant 625-TT. ROOM aad board for chQdrea from 6 to 8. $20 month. 861 E. 12th X. -f- W ANTED Two chiklrea to ear for, home. Mother's care. Wdn. 628. Good WILL board small girl: 3 .. achoat WeotUawa 2134. bweka to Yernoa far rent; HOT Qgden ave. end 86th at TWO furnished H. E. room, with water; eke in. 835 6th at , TWO fartuahad ho-sekeeping rooaaa. - 1671 S, Washinatoa st Taborl450T.' TWO furnished L K. rooma for rant Tabor S AND 4 strictly 228 N, 20th. furnished and elevator: Broadway 30T1. anfiuwished. 3 ROOM EL K. apt, aloety farais-ed. Chapman. Maia- $898. Sew 822, 2 ROOMS. $5 s week; 1 room. 88 ; traasient S3. 208 WMngto, Maia SST. NICELY furnk-tad toubh aad H- K. auitee, $20, 330. 746 Irving. , - - $5 ONE 3-ROOM SUITE, 35 per N. STST. BROADWAY 1226. week. 90 tt TWO - aaedera lurnianed . bows seeping right ta town. 330 SUh at - ' K. BOOit, furawhed. iacL eim. light aiak. bath. $18 per mo. 423 Behnont ' t ROOM fU$3,ngl3L7. per wash,. St. Faont at, near Market --- - - 8UITB of a. h. rooau for reat, 2U BaSey. - East ad-- -- - -'-' - A SINGLE, aewlj-paperad, spoiieas cleaa. clo- SAN MARCO, B- 8TH AND COCCH THRTE ( ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 1996. MABELLX APTS 414 Jefferson at llth ac, 3 and 3 -roe mi furaiabed aput, a darn; reat rsa- oonbl. - 2 BOOM apartment aad private sarags, ia send leeatioa. trrm maenabie. elo-s to Jefferson high M-bonl. Woedhiwn 1184. 142 Phavwr at. HAVE one 8 room, oae 4 raom and a 2 reca - apt, all furs-hed; 4 room fornubed Spt oa first floor. Main 9529. 389 6th at in H. SL room. Maia 7096. housekeeping rooms Unfurnished -- ' 305 25 ALL LOWER float. 6 rooma and hath, - water and brhta. - 476 Vsnwog-rr swa. THREE unfnmiahad rooms, iwiuriing gas raage. 448 HaU at reem apt. pniato arriaoe, .' , FirsVc-ue coDcreui - k--ii nd K BHngswm Hi. ONE 2 raom. also 4 18tt Rwasrll. BL'ENA VISTA -454 Hi 3 veers apt - Maia 1833 ILL" COMPLETE. HTZU OTTrHpT SwMi " Sr. 3-ROOM apt. elose.ia. 240 E. 16th at Pbone 'Eaet '472. - - -2-BOOM fsnuahsd apt, Windsor Ape. Ill Z. 14th at. w IN KENTON, furnish- heated spt. adiilu. ' Wdin. 4089. - - GLEN OCRT. comer Park and Taylor; aad tanush-d- Maia 1961. -aued ea Feuewine Pass