The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1921.
" i ;
State Chrlftiaa Kndeeror eeafrreaea.
ColaaMa Cit$. iwkt 2 W IUBbu i.
Nortaweat eoatereaee Methodist eaarca. Boat.
. Fortius. aeptNabec I.
jjV" Ceuatj aaiv Xaaeae. BerXcaea IS to
Clackamas Oooaty l"alf. Cubt, September 14
to IS.
Onm TJnked Baethrea ehareh and eos
ferenea, rhilomath. September 1 to 18.
- . Kortbweea Uy u UUI Shew, feedletoe,
V September It to 34, - - : - m A
Multnomah . County fair. Graham. Septem
ber IS to !.' . :
Cotaaefe. Coaat Islr. SL Hales. September
: 11 to 3,
Oresaa State Fiir. Salem. Mmto 2S to
October, l" ; .
Una Coanty Fair. Albany, October S to 8.
" Vfeeco Cwnte-ralr, The Dalle. October
'tot. V . ..:
Orecoa Methodist OBtaaoe. "oree Qtm.
October a to IS.
PaJk Haunt DaTlu rVtobea- to S.
Aanoai Coaeeatina Onm W. U I. U., On-
COB UU. Oetobe 11. 11. 14.
Boyel Areaatm. fraad coaaeO. Portland, Oe
fober 11-
Kalshta t Templar, axaad oeaaaadery. La
.Onait, October 1 S.
: aiarteaal Urease weotfns. Portia ad. Sore
bar to II.
raolfte IaUroatlorial .TJ restock Expeatlon,
Portland. Moveabcr to IS.
Americas Historical eeaocietloa. Pad fie Coast
tnatk, Portland, November 2 aad .
Oresoa Bu aincaUoay ForUaod. Uecessbec.
r Portland aad Vicinity Saterdiy probably
. ebowere; southwesterly winds:
. Orecoa aad Waaainaton Saturday . probably
showers; moderate southwesterly winds.
' High prsoaare eontinuee la the aaatara atatoa
aad la the Golf atataa and tower Miasteeipp wmi-
and a hi(b preaeare ana la apparently cen
tral off tha California coaat. Over the remainder
' of th cooatry tha preaeare ia low. tha krweat
raadlno Wine in Ronthoaatara Idaho. Praeiia
UOoa haa oceurrad ia tha lower Miaaourt aad
- apprr Uiaaiaatpia raUaya. aad at a atationa
in Taxaa. Naaada, Calif onua, Waahinrton. Brit
iah Columbia and Alberta. Tha weather ia much
- cooler ia Wyoaainc. North Iakota, Moalaaa and
tha adjacent Canadian territory, but orer tba
' raiar part of tha t' cited BUtea tha tempera-
tnre raataina abora aoraaL Tba craataat a
aaaa la tee&peraUire ta ia Boatheaatera Idaho,
oloiiea hamkUu at Portlaad Noon yaatcy
day, 4 per oent; S p. m. yoaterday, ii per
cant; a. an. today. Bit par eanv
Pracfpitatkra rlru-e anuary 1 Total. 24.15
'iaeaea: aoraaaL 28.84 inrtiaa: dafieienry.' 1.60
-, aiwuU'iJi nuaa
Wkaa rBS wy for tba atairl
r yaar TaeaUoa, kara Tna Jaav
mi louow roa rcfaiar raw.
r Ua foQowlas ai-tats wfll smpBly
7 at rcralar city rauai .
a tea, Or4 r. T. Tattla.
afl i. Or Katah , Siaaratt,
ay City, Or, Jar. 4t. tr. Duncan.
r- ai. c van auaa.
Oarmaa Saatb and Koeta. Or, H. L. Harrta.
Oaraaa. Waah, and Sliaabwrli 8arifa, Oart
. atithi
Ohlaaaa, Wuk, I aaaa Knutaan.
Oaiumala Baaah. Or, W. . aarroa.
Or, O. O. Elite. -
Or, UtalTta Stone.
Hetmaru. Waah, Jam Cwaaraa. .
Mot Lake, Or, Mot Lake Natal.
Laka Lrtla Julia at. Parker.
Lena aaoh. Wash, atraunai at Oa.
IWankattaa Black. Or, aVa. a. I.
atonxanlto Seaoh, Or, CntN a. KaraatU
Malteotta,- Wash, Tfandna A Brown. ,
nartalem. Or, Waiialam Drwf Oa.
Netarte, Or 4 Stra. M. P. Oraav
Newaert, Or, at. a. Mont.
Ooaao Park. Wain, aaarao M. Kramer.
Otter Reek.! Or, T. M. Marwlaa.
Paalfla Ottr. Or, K. I WaKare. ,
askaaray. Or, J. B. 4k t, Biabay.
aaalaa. Or, Jaaan atcOune.
omIo. bVaah, Oaoraa L. Putnam.
out Baask, Or, M. O. Omlld.
Tillamook. Or, Clayton Hoy.
Twin Reek a, Or, O. 4. Van Boyaa.
bValtoaa Lake. Cr, Wallowa Laka Park.
Wllbert Sptlnta, Or, B. O. Rowan.
haa just bun completed and Saturday
evening; will have Its first dance. A
large number of Portland people are I Telephone Main 8065. Adv.
expected tof partlcrpate. James' Sch wary
ia manager or tne nan ana 11 ta ex
pected thai a social entertainment will
be riven every Wednesday and Saturday
evening:. Monday evening there will be a
Labor day dance. The hall and cloak
rooms occupy a space 60 by 9Sfet. The
ball will bet known as Parkrose Highway
halt i
To Enforce Track Mirror Xaw En
fnrrwmenr . Kr the. M.tirn r tt nntir lawn Improvement association will meet
law requiring trucks to be equipped with at the Woodlawn school featuraay at 8
mirror, rmkhlins- rtrlvpre tn m tha, rnarl O'clock p. m. Matters Of the Utmost im-
behlnd the ! machine will be carried out, portance are announced.
according to Lieutenant Frank Ervin of I 8tr. America stl Helenr- via Columbia
the traffic! squad. The c&mpaiarn will I river. J :30 p. m. flatly ; 11:30 a. m. sun
be started at once and carried on until
all trucks are found to be complying
taa j-
mno. s
g l.s
Baker. Or. 78 48 0
rVeton. Mam.' 83 86 0
Buffalo, N. I. 82 74 0
ChKao, 111. 88 72 0
Dearer. Colo 8'i 48 0
Iea Moinea, Iowa 84 70 . .81
I'reano, Cai 84 60 .20
(JaJTeaten, Txa4 ... 88 83 0
Helena. Mont. 78 48 0
Heaolala, T. H 82 0
Jeaeeo, Alaafca 02 0
Kaaeaa City. Ms. 84 86 .84
Knox tU la, Tvnn. 2 70 0
IM Antra. CaL 82 60 0 1
Manhfield. Or . 72 44 0
aiedford. Or. 82 47 0
Meaphia, Taan. 88 76 0
New OrWena, La. 0 78 0
New York. N"Y 80 68 0
North Head. Waah. 60 84 .84
North Platte, Nab. 84 ' 62 0
Oklahoma City, Okla. . 80 74 0
PboenU. Aria. 88 74 0
Pittabars. Pa. 8 72 0
PoreteUo, Idaho 84 64 0
Portland, Or . 71 68 0
Prtare Rupert. B. C 62 .... 0
Hoaabnrt, Or, . . . . T8 80 ,0
' Rowwell. N. M. 92 64 0
Secraaewto, CaL 82 52 ' 0
St. lxxilm. Wo 86 72 0
8t Paul. Winn. 0 68 .04
Halt Laka City, Ctah 82 64 0
Baa rieco. CaL 78 64 0
Baa lajieiacn, CaL 66 66 t
Beattle. Waah 62 60 .13
' Hhrridaa. Wyo 82 48 yi
Bltka. Alaaka , 64 . ... 0
Bpokane. Vaaa. 68 60 0
' Toanoeh, Nar. ... BO 54 ,04
i Taidee, Alaaka 68 . ... 0
Tanroarer, B. C. 60 62 .16
Walla Walla, Waah. 76 68 0
. Waaklaston. D. C. .. 84 74 0
eTaktma. Wwh. 72 42 0
'Afternoon report of prwedinf day.
the statement made' in an opinion from
the attorney general's- office received try
Captain A. E. Borghdnff. state game
warden, today. Burghduff says that the
Impression has gained hold in the state
that there ia an open season on beaver
through legislation 1 enacted at the last
session of the legislature, r
- gaepara's AaU - Baa Llaca Portland
Hood River division Leave Portland
S-.30 avm, 11 a. m, J:45 p. rtu and 4 M
p. m.. daily. - Leava Hood River S30 av
m, IX a. in, 20 p. m. and 430 p. m.
daily. Buses leave Bt Charles hotel. 204
Morrison st Telephone Mar. 438L Adv.
Boston JPrearher to Speak-At the Ad
vent Christian church, 43S Second street,
Sunday, the Rev. Lester F. Reynolds of
Boston, Mass, will speak at 11 a. m. and
T -30 p. ra-. in the interest of a five-year
program of aggressive evangelism. Rey
holds is the general director of the
"forward movement" of the denomina
tion.. . - ' -
The only proper pan her to can is Xast
J038 when you require the Salvation
Army truck to call for. your waste ma
terial. Help us to help others by your
help. Address 24 TJnion avenue. Major
John Bree. district officer. Adv.
Portlaad-ewbert naa Leave Fourth
and Aider daily, t. t:30. 11:00 a. m, and
a, 3:30, 4 MS. 6:30, 6:30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday 11:151 p. m. Phone Mam
3314. Adv.
Portlaad-Tke Dalles, freight and pas
sengers, from Taylor street dock. Mon
days, Wednesdays Fridays. 10 p.' m.
Peterson, S6C Tibbetta street, a paper
hanger by trade, was Injured Wednesday
afternoon when the delivery wagon he
was riding in vaas struck by a streetcar
at Twenty-third- and Loveloy streets.
Peterson was riding on the rear : of the
wagon and received Injuries to his knee.
Fined' for KUUag QaaQ Darrell Per
kins of Yamhill was arrested early this
week by T, F, McFarland , and H. B.
Meads, deputy game: wardens, for hunt
ing quail out Of season and following a
trial, at McMinnville was fined $35, ac
cording to a report filed at the head
quarters of the state game commission
today. j
: Hill Military A)oaemy. Portland. Or,
gets results. Adv.
- Dr. E. C DaUon haa returned; S23
Corbett Bldg. Av.
Dr. J. C St. IioBalSe has returned. Ad.
Safety Boxes J Dany, i4 Oak. Adv.
Dr. F. H. Daaiatasck returned. Adv.
Correct Facial 'Expression or just
"false teeth 7" Secure the better kind
from the plate specialist. Dr. E. C. Ross-
man, 311 Journal bldg- Adv.
Portlaad Tillamook Cadillac stage.
Hoyt hotel, dally at 8 :15 a. m. and 2. p.
m.t Special arrangements made for fish
ing parties. Adv. -
Woodlawa ImproTemeBt Clmh Wood
Saeosd Growth Timber Fiae There is
a wonderful area of fine second growth
timber In the Blue mountain region,, ac
cording to Forest Examiner R. H. Chap
ter and Porter King, state fire examiner,
who have returned from an inspection
tour of that section. There haa been an
' Increased interest in the protection of
.the new second growth timber and for
est officials are making an effort to in
sure its protection and to superintend
the proper disposal of slashings from the
logged off areas.
with the law.
Sbepard'l Aato Bas Lines Portland-
Astoria-Seaside division Leave Portland
at :45 a, m, 1 :30 a. m, 10 a. m, 1 p. m.
4 :li p. m. and 7 p. m. . Leaving Astoria
7 :1s a. m, M :15 a m, 10 a, m, 1 :30 p. m..
3:45 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. Direct connec
tions at Astoria to and from Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St
Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Tele
phone Marshall 4381. Adv.
They're Big and JbIct Big, fine ever
green blackberries now ripe at many
places along our interurban electric lines.
Hundreds Of parties have been out and
returned with well' filled baskets. These
berries are excellent for canning and pre
serving. Ask or phone P. R L. P. Co.,
office at First and Alder streets, for full
information where to go. Phone Mar
shall SlOO.-i-Adv.
Shepherd's Aato Boa Llaea Portland'
St Helens-Astoria division : Leave Port
land 2 a. m.. 7 :30 a. m., 10 a. m., 1 p. m,
4:15 p. m. Leave Astoria 7:15 a. m, 10
a. m., 1 :3ff p. rru, 3 :30 p. m., 6 :15 p. m.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Busses
leave St. Charles hotel, 204 Morrison
street Telephone Marshall 4381. Adv.
- Shepard'a Aato Baa Lines Multnomah
Falls division. Leave Portland t :J0 a.
m,tll a. rh, 2:45 p. m, 4:30 p. m. and I
p. m. daily. Leave Multnomah Falls
7 :15 a. m., 11 :15 a. m, 12 :55 p m.. 4 p. m.
and 4:10 p. m. daily. Buses leave St
Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street Tele
phone Marshall 4331. Adv.
Jewish Services Hehedaled Services
at Congregational Aha vai Sholom, Park
and Clay j streets,, begin tonight at 8
o'clock. Samuel Gordon, a student of
Hebrew Union college, will deliver a
sermon. Saturday services begin at 9
o'clock. Rev. R. Abrahamson officiating,
All are welcome.
Services I at $ T aim ad Torah Services i
will be held at the Congregation Novah
zedeck Talmud Torah, Sixth and Hall
streets, tonight at 6:45. o'clock and Sat
urday morning at 9 o'clock. The Rev.
Abraham X Rosencrantz wil officiate.
All are welcome ; to attend.
ITo Ope Saaaoa on Beavers That
there is no open ' season on beaver in
Oregon and that it is unlawful to have
the animals in private possession was
day. Alder st dock. Main 1323. Adv.
Portland-Salera Stage Leaves Seward
hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
7 a. mto 7 p. m. Fare, Aav.
Ralem-MU1 City Ure Connects O. E.
trains No. ( and for Mill City. Joseph
Hamman. Salem. ITop Adv.
The Moore Sanitarians Office moved
from .Selling building to 828 Hawthorne
at 27th. Phone East 37. Adv.
J. Gay Strohm, M. D, returned. Adv.
Streetcar Injures Faperhaager J. P.
Lafayette Mineral Springs
Sept. 3rd and. 5th
Tillotsonjt Jazz Banel
SPECIAL Our famous Sunday Chicken
Dinnera aerred country atyle. .
Located on New Pacific Highway, one mile
wast of Lafayette Station oa Southern Pacific
Electxie E. K.
1 Army Goods
ARMY TROUSERS 0. D. and Khaki)
,RMY SHIRTS (O. O. and Khaki)
Leather Putteea and Wrapped Leggings
FULL LINE Offloar and Army SHOES
All at Greatly Eedneed Price
Three Blocks Soath of TJaioa Depot
Zxtoai Time Limit Forest service of-'
flctals announced today that the time
' limit in which stockmen must pay their
fees1 for erasing in the national forest
reserves has been extended to December
1. according to a bill recently signed by
the president The usual period of grace
ended with April 1, but due to business
conditions the limit was extended first
to September 1 and with the signing of
the recent bill, to Decejnber 1.
w Parkrose Hall Ready Saturday even
ing will mark the opening of the fine
new public hall of Joe Schwary & Son
, at Parkrose. The building is the largest
la the community and has accommoda
tion for club meetings and dances. It
awTfTn O -aa "1
aj I IP B TI fP a.
to J W i i 4T ml a
"aw 87 a awai M awe. .
WII tell the price
aCJaVmV-mf 'tt
m (Mb mxm
Store Qosed Monday, Labor Day
1 - -t
is ike name of
the m&ker of-
(The name is a 5
n) arrant, for supremacy in
style ana ajuauty. ve sell
because of their nigh standard
Sarril ROSllArT & GO
No Restrictions
on Auto
Parking in
Tjtis District
33 I
-W. H. r-A.u ay cS
. Union Ave. and East Morrison
AH the Late
Patterns at
Our Counter
New Autumn
Suits, Coais
We are showing many, practical and becoming styles in the new and
popular materials of this season at prices extremely low. -i
New Fall Dress
Goods and Silks
Much lower prices prevail.
S 6-Inch All W&ol SkirtingvIn a
variety of styles ' and fJ flfl
colors. Speciah,. yard wfraUvJ
36-inch fine. Blac Dress Satins
for $1.95
33-inch All-Silk' Pongee "for
dresses, men's shirts and OP
draperies. Special at!. .. OtlC
New Fall. Ginghams
32-inch Zephyr Ginghams in at
tractive plaids and checker-board
effects. Dainty patterns for
school dresses. Special QK-
at, yard OOC
Boys' Blouses
Fine count percale, fancy strip
inrs, as well as plain blue or
khaki, tfull cut. double-stitched
seams. Sizes 6 to
IS, special
Boys' Knicker Suits
All pure Oregon Cassimere, with
two pairs pants, suits that stand
for alt that is best in materials
and art of tailoring.
Suits with two pairs ! Q PA
pants tDiOaOU
Suits with one pair QQ
Hosiery for Boys and
Old-time values in hosiery for
boys' and firU' school wear. Fast
black, mediujm werght ribbed
cotton hose, (hree j Q
A specially fne ribbed jhose in
black, white jand browns, OPn
at, pair ...A.J
The Friiit . Canning
Season fls Now On
We can supplv your needs at the
lowest possible prices. All kinds
and sizes of! fruit jars Balls
Mason quart Sirs. ' f QCC
Special at . . J ; i VuJ
Schodl Dresses
For Girla! 6 to 16 Years
Pretty models of. fine Ginghams
in the plaids (and checks. Some
with blouses io tnatch. Q-f QfT
Special at . .j. ..... . BXaUO
The Best Wear Shoe
Boys' and Gps' Shoes for the
best wear for school.- Lace on
neat broad or dress last. Made
with soles toj withstand the rain
and hard knocks.
Pair U.t.
"U tv a sail I
. $3.50
Men's Dress Shirt $2.95
Woven Silk Stripe Madras, very attractive patteris. each skirt prop
erly proportioned and finished with double statched felled seams.
sloping: shoulders, curved armholes.
$5.00 values, special.. 1 .
' i
ik V-4 eBarOaaaaf
for house heating
within the reach of all
The new rate, after the first 300oft., is
per thousand cubic feet
or, less 5 if paid within discount
If you want to economize! and
do it propcr!yr use WHITE
It takes less and does more
ef than any laundry soap orjj the .
market : iTry it it's - won
derful' - . ,t j..
Free Puz
zle Maps
With Each
Henry J. Ditter, Mgr. .: 4
Free Puz- ;
zle Maps
With Each
Presents, Ei for
. . . ,
.. ' '. (
i . a v-
Children's Coats'
Smart dress coats of pebble cheviot,
milton cloth and f plash in navy,
brown and king's blue. Eight styles
to choose from. Sizes 3 to! 14.
Priced at $5.95. $10.95, $13.95
Sateen Bloomers 49c
Black sateen bloomers. Full cut
with elastic at waist and knee.
Sizes .6 to 16 years.
Dresses $ 1 .95
Fine quality dresses. Sizes 6 to 14.
These dresses come In very distinc
tive plaids and clever combination.
They formerly sold for 4.95. . - J,
Ferris Waists $1.65
Back -to school with a new Ferris"
waist Specially made for growing vt
girls. Designed to give freedom,
grace and comfort while bending
over desks. Full range of sizes
Muslin Waists 49c
Back to school in a new muslin
waist with, double bands. Sizes 2
to 10.
I A f Nazareth Waists 45c
(jfL. J&& V&$i- Back to school! with
fTjr JP,aaa a new Nazareth knit
$iie$$ aVftlypTi waist Sizes 2 to 12.
Boys' and Girls'
Children's Stockings 19c
Children's medium weight stockings
with double heels and toes. Black
only. Sizes- S to 9. 3 for 50t.
Girl Scout 50c
Girl Scout, double heel and toes.
Sizes 5 to 10. Stockings for, grow
ing children. Sizes 7 to 10, 504.
Girls' Fine Ribbed
Stockings 35c
Girls' fine ribbed cotton stockings,
elastia leg, double heel ; and toes.
Black, white and brown. Sixes a to
10, 3 for Sl.OO.
Boy Scout 50c
For regular fellows, we have Boy
Scout, extra heavy stockings, with"
double heel and toes, triple knee.
Elastic leg. Black only. Sizes to
10. Large sizes 605
Misses' Mercerized
Stockings 50c , .
Misses' fine mercerized lisle stock- ,
ings, elastic leg,- double heel and
toes. Sixes 6 to 10. Black,, white
ana crown. -
Boys Heavy Ribbed
Stockings 35c v '
Boys heavy ribbed stockings with "
elastic leg. double heel and toes. '
Sizes S to 11. , '
Back to School in a New Frock Made
by Mother's Own Hands
36-Inch Serge
In ' this lot are included French
serges, Imperial serges and storm
serges In .all the most desirable
colors. : ' -
42-Inch Plaids and Checks
$1.19 a Yard .
42-inch plaids and cheeks with wool
filling. large variety of colors.
t ;
Back to School
Boys Blouses 98c
Boys' blouses. Striped percales and
ginghams, also plain colors. These
blouses were originally IL60 values,
and come in sixes to 14 years.
Better Blouses $1.25
Fancy Striped madras and ringham.''
well made in Kay nee and Boy Blue
New Fall Ginghams
25c a Yard
We have a very comprehensive line
of new fall ginghams: in fancy
plaids and plain colore. '' For chil
dren s oressea.
makes. These regularly sold-
Uia ana JSixes s to 14,
32- Inch Zephyr Ginghams
35c a Yard
33- inch zephyr gingham in good
. range of patterns, including many
novelty dress platda. These are all
new patterns. 35e a. yard.
' ' ' ; " i ! J -
. Back to School
New Hair Ribbons 25c
. The little girls will all want bows of
this crisp ribbon.' "We have an ex
, tremely large line of ribbons 35?e
' Hair Bows 49c.
Mothers surprised at the
dainty crisp hair bows we are offer
, ing for 49e Saturday., . t
28-Inch Romper Cloth
25c a! Yard
We have a very large line 'of 28-
inch romper doth, a strong ma
terial which is excellent for blouses
andjplay suits. - .
36-Inch Mercerized Sateen
35c a Yard
JS-inch' mercerised sateen hv black '
and colors, suitable for - bloomers
and trimmings. , - v.
Boys' Shirts U
Boys shirts with eoTlar attached,,
well 'made, fine quality percales. -Sixes
12 Vs to 14.
t Boys' Knickers
':y;y ; r
' Boys' knickers. Blut serge and cas- ;
aim ere mixed materials. Sizes 7
tO 14. - : . ;'