AUTOMOBILES--FOR SALE 800 Hew ear merehsndtsing In the Part baa bora a I ti sustaining bu4oes. and tLe sale of Bird can I I aas Hood Ht independent and alone, but as tuna s soeo by and greater proportion of U people I v kaconiu actual ear owner, the-excbange of I ). ear become 4ae of Mir enes. TtIm n) car to Benuig and Profiti prima factor la tba pug. 1 etislnssa ia no longer self rup- - ' - ! itWUihU kul K.a IB mmI tnlA I u4n take a vital part of the promotion of eww ear Bale, w are dealer to w motor ear and ear used ear department la being opet ated only to aaaintala mw ear volume, . We have Innml that tba Ires Una of resistance te toe sale of wad can follows the elaborate Dial of I rebuilding and refinialdng esch used car so that I the greatest possible value to the purchaser mar be proaoosd (or toe least ponnoie inveetsMnt We have come to dUraaard the auxin of a eoaeibla arotlt 1b ear need car department aad will dopes on oar Bew ear volume to effect I title eaaatlia Use. ' We leal that BO better values ess possibly be I vrodnced and eur price uiti usually lead the NOTICE BKOTHtKS MOTOR CABS DoJka Brna. touring '....$ 97$ 1917 . Dodge Bro. touring 650 1811 I tods. Bros, roadster aod touring.. - 725 lla Dodge Rroa. aedao 1160 lit iHxlea Braa. toartnc and roadster.. 926 110 lndge Bros, touring and roadster. . 956 Model "H" Hupmobile tounDg. 750 120 Uberty touring 1375 1919 Twin Six Packard Undeulett 3750 1 lilt Hudson U moul oe, in fine eondilion. a wonderful taxiceb. 1990 Overland "a" sedan 959 191" Overland "90" touring 450 19.20 Overland roadster, a good one 585 1119 Fearless t touring, not rebuilt, only 1478 jlvia Bcnpve-Booth coupe OldsmobUe touring "8" 11-918 Lexington touring jl830 Oktsmootle "" touring 1919 Oldemoblie "6" roadster U 920' 4 'handler, good condition, ansp. .... 11919 ('handier touring. aw ures 1919 Heroes touring, oalir J 1920 Harnea touring J1918 titadebaker touring, to be sold as is 1 19 IT Stodebaker 4 touring . 1 9 1 S Btudrbsker coupe, a real buy at... ',1919 Btudebsker Big Six S pes........ 1918 Willvs-Knieht. onlr 1850 950 700 1025 850 1490 850 1500 2100 150 8-5 000 1475 1200 490 11919 Mai will roadster, very good. 11930 Maiwell sedan, an excellent ear for 1100 Sl90 Xing "Eight" 1500 ilftA 'hevrolet touring ' 890 I iiti rh Chevrolet touring 400 579 545 ' 795 125 1929 Chevrolet touring ' 1 HQ Chevrolet roadster, in good shape. . 1920 Chevrolet 460 aedao V 19(4 Ford roadster 1920 Fori sedan, a-ddr-. . . 700 "25 425 475 I !iviu r ora coape ,1920 ford rnedaUr with deliver body.. h920 PVrd touring iLabe 1917 Chandler coupe, excellent oon- I dition 11I1T Oakland touring, to be gold u U. ft I food buy at 1914 Oakland toartng 900 300 400 ailt rrsnkUn 4 pasev Berirs "A-l, ax I eellent car- ... 1350 1900 1850 1100 TI910 Vranklln touring' tl9 J0 Bnick 7 psaa. .. ... 11919 Bulrk roaditet .1930 Buick paaa. 1250 iijv xtuica eeaan .....f J9LS Chanuiy Bruta. a wonderful ear.. I MOVIRT CARS 2000 1850 T919 Hodge Bros, screen, an exrellent car B25 ,191 Dodte Bros, nanel. good shape. ... "-T75 ftl Chwrtolet panel delivery ........ 400 918 Buick delivery 400 - CADnXACS Cadlllae sUbtUty. luxury and ease of operation nae slwars appealed to the driver et wide experi- foce; the man who knows the best and wants it One -of our e eellent weed, rebuilt and refin- ished Cadlllara will more nearly satisfy your de nlre for a fine' oar than to Invest the same hmotint ; of money In the ' purchase of socsa All cars guaranteed and gold on easy terms. We are ooen Sunday. 1st at Waahins-ton Bts. . Main 8344. Also a big display at the new Broadway ssles- onm downtown. Call It the salesroom moat eon- anient for yon. Our automobile transportation ernee makes it quickly passible for yoa to look bveg onr entire atovk. S HHUAUWAT. USED CIS BRANCH " SO N, Broadway. Main A344. Used Automobiles At Prices That Will Please You Oreat Westehn. 5-paaa. . 100 Overland, 5 pasa. . , . , Maxwell, R-pasa. .., ,. A 200 S0O 450 400 Oaklsad. T-paa. ...... v ....... . White 90. ft-pasa. . ....v nic oe, O-pass. Mitrheir rrmditer i, 500 450 850 a&O 1000 Jdttrbell. S-paas., thoroughly", rebuilt. Oakland., 1920 model Olrtsmoetlei N., thoroughly rebuilt. . . . liberty, ehotnmy roadster . Feckara twin rix , Nash sedan, 7 peseaeoger. thoroughly 950 1650 ' rebuilt 1919 Bakt. 5 -pass 1950 11100 Msny others at prices that will Interest yoa. Come in aad look them over. Wa tit terms. Mitcliell, Lewis a .-Staver Company . Ttrnedway and Everett Phone Broadway 4075. PORTABLE GARAGE FIRST fir ALITT 10 ft. by 16ft.S46.00 Toabt t ABOUT OrR HOUBKrt 8180 AND V ILLMADE CONST. CO. WOOIHJkWM X4ta. M.B. FISCH' Radiators, fender, bodies, hnodv. tanks, repaired and remodeled; ate sheet-metal work a srecialty. 105-107 ri. isth mx. Phone BKOADW1T S999. v Dodce Delivery This one la a 1920 wHh practicaUy all new ve: yog ean't heat this price.; can give terras. aa Caed Car Exchange. 1'5 Glisan. bet. 6t hd Broadway. Broadway 3993. - We nevei NEW CHEVROI,ETS BUY FROM P. H. DUNN. DEALER Cor. Miwaukie and Bybee ave. Phone Sellwood 1898 rCRERABLER. 1915. 6. 875 down, balance (nf 9173 in -0 months, This is a fiiie-cer 1 baa 9iany mile of aerviea available. Broad y 819. - ; J v , MITCHELL SNAf 1918 tonrlng, overhauled and in good eendi n, eaerine. at 8750; terms. - Mr. Arge. 'roadway 828t. HAVE A CREDIT of 3600 to apply cm pur cfcaiie prt. of a brand new Chandler or evaland that -I will sell st bbere discount. owe Scllwood 3071. 996 E. Canithers. 19 MODEL 490 Chevrolet roadiUr ia perfect cendiUen. hard to toll from a new car. Will U at .a bargain and aecept termv 6345 82d f. K. Phone 941-29. bid ES8KX touring 8200 in extras. Sacrifice 91375; kmc ind easy payminta. edlawn 8978. 1 1 H M K. H EUN 8-piy sires. 916.90. Vine better. We knew bow to repatl Urea. Vifr n Tree (Them ;rswd ave. et Wno. 91 496. i n Mut " with atartr : has euotliarht. eumpers. aneedometer, extra tire and rim, large peeiiand ether utras; terms. Jtt oig ve. nntwir a v , i 1919'Vedge. tn eatiw fine condition. 87B0 Irma air. Arro, Rroedway 581. lrsgX e.eV Tam Be-coeering and repain IVa at toaaooable prioaa. 29 'wir el,. heeeB 6th and Broadway. 7(1 'fg Chevrolet, best mecBsnicai aoadiUow; sell Cheap. Autrmatie 624-8. 20 EHSF.X in fine condrtiasi at a bargain. Can Woodlawa 991. i6 7-paMergeT keerlcw ear with 8 - new Ursa; win give termv at 851 Pettvgrrve at IE tunur. '1 model, cheep. In line shape. I IV lV. aiSTTl IJI. ImiOM epeedttag, ptaotioaily new, cheap. Cell Woodliwn 941. WTTVTQ OBKUON1 . AL'TO WRXCKLNJ fntyleJ pp. 429 Belmont, near Sixth, k L toepa. late, saod.1. all extras neap ror cssr. . -iaeor oowz. 10 FORD SEDAN WITH EXTRAS. PkBTtci IARS CAM. TABOR 14V .11 rfx.K roe.l.ur. Musi be sold uukly. if sis. 8 paagr; must be su.4 ,al eoee. Ul Tseng 1I4J. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 W ARB SELLING HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILta tnat nave been either rebuilt or renewed that are tn the beat mechanical and running condition that at also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. Ia addition, we give 99 days' free mechan ical service. This b not new on Hudson autono. hOes. We have rebuilt and sold thena with s warrant; since 1918. Yoa buy fine quality car with the aaaae safety as when yon purchase a new auto mobile. Buy a icar yon can depend Upon And at a bargain pnea. i Other makes !of nsed gutomobflea thoruoahly ererhaaled. put in first class conditio!) and sold with a 10 6ys free trial, i subject to being re turned and full credit given on nay other ear of equal pries that euttonMt uki pn Pie tin may select. This gives ample time for every pur- chaser to try out the car be burs, aires bios time to have It inapected, aa we want only satisfied customers. 1918 Soper-Sls 1917 uper-Sig .tlOTS 1200 1919-1919 aerleel Hudson Super su . . .9 1800 T920- Hudson Snber Bis ia?e-5 135 S0 .1235 450 675 50 1920 Hudson Speedster 1919 tex . 19i!0 Essex 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1920 Ma-well . NEW MAXWELLS . 1785 - i 1918 Overland 1919 (irant Six 919 Oakland . 425 600 050 875 750 000 1083 1917 Buick J920 Dodge roadster. . . 1919 Chalnwn Hot Spot 1919 - Olda Six! 1919 Olds Eight 1919 Olds Eight, 1020 Olds Eight 1921 Olds Six i . 750 . 900 sport model 1025 1100 1300 191J lli Liberty, aport model . . . 1000 Cole Eight, sport model 1350 The car thstaever wears out that is the automobile that is known as .the Hudson ; It doe not vibrate, there fora does not damage U.t material; the worn parte can be replaced and the automobile continues to run like new. For a long time; the Hudson has bad the reputation as the ear that never wears out. Used Hudons are better then neW cara j at tba same price. Ask the Hudson; owner. There Used ' Hudsona are known Sot being the best . tued car values oa, the market. Largest TJsed Car Branch Stork ia the City as 40-4 Broadway. - Branch Store Open Sunday and jEveaiogs, Phone at1 Branch Store, Broadway 5789. Also aj Display at ' i Our Salesroom, 5 15-6 17 Washington - street opsn weekday only. C L. BOSS AUT0M0BIXB CO. Big Discount on New Cars and Demonstrators 1 91000' redaction oh just three Pan-American Beauty biles: 1 1920 model, former price $3750; now. . .91750 1919 Pan-American i demonstrators, lust two i 850 1920 ran-Americaa roadster, just one... 1000 1919 Lexington, just repainted ....... . 673 i Franklin bug .....L 175 i 1912 Cadillac ....I .... 275 We aecept your eld car aa part payment. Tour credit ia good, i Standard bight Motors Coitipany Park and Couch sts.. i Portland , Or. t " Open Sundays and Evenings. LOOK1 LO0KI LOOK.) , i STUDEBAKER IN pOOD RUNNING ORDEnV i ELECTRIC LIGHTS .AND STARTER, AIJ. IN 1. GOOD SHAPE. NEW! TIRES3I35. MUST BE 1 SOLD BT SATTRDAT NOON. PHONE JEN- SON, BROADWAY 991, EVES. MAR. 885. 1 I SED CAR BARGAINS Chalmers 6 roadster. Quick sale, only 8400. 1921 Chandler Diipatrh, only 1350;. terms. I Haynee 0, sell or (trade tor light car. Briscoe, new paint, 9325; terms, ritudebaber Speciali ft, in A-l condition. 1919 ( hamller iHspetch, terms, 81200. 1921 Maxwell, just new; terms. Oldsmobile 8. new! paint, terms, 9700. PILCHARD MOTOR CO.. J 2th shd Stark. ! Broadway 1572. I BUICK roadster, lat 1920 model, perfect me- enamcaiiy, a tires,! bumper, etc. A powerful, economical and meet annealing light 6 model; 81075, eash or tarmV; Mr. Phillips, Broadway 8433. I 81 OVsKlA2il) wiUk open delivery body, engine m perfect- condition, starter, 4 new Laanb'rt tires; a dandy car for heavy delivery, or suitable for farmer; 8260 osah. or will trade for Ford or team. Phone Eat 2782. SEDAN A chuay htlla hgat one: wire' wheels. good - rubber, good psmt and guaranteed i mechanically perfectJ For sale very cheap. fin,. 11 r. w .n , Hawm : 1,. 1 . nrm a. . . I.nn. I'.ll Pro pit, Broadway 8688. LATE 1919 FORD j touring, by privaU psrty; srarter oioea ivne. snoea aosorners. cutout. npholstering, top and' rubber in good ahape; car mechanically perfect;) can be purchased reason- aoie on long, easy terms. v oouiawn 121. AUTO BEDS Have your seat cut to make a bed: positively will not weeken the vsr. 7e n Williams. i 1918 OAKLAND SNAP This ear ia in first cUss shape and must be old at once. mee. loasn- 94uu, 84u on umt. Call Main 7881. Alk for Mr. Boon. FORD SEDAN Foreed to-selL 9450; lets of extras. If yon are at ail eonsidering a .sedan, ceu oeu. HI. 868 E. 25th st. mechajucaliy perfect, good tires.. Thia car is ready te go. Price et soo artves it away. Term if deaired. way 8606. . Call Bawkuta, Broad- WB PUT Steel reexn m your old flywheel; arankshaft turning. H. B. Black, machine- shop. 684 Alder U Broadway 2681. CASH paid for old I ears, condition no object: Part for all makes of rare. Thompson A Kelly. 448 Flanders.' near 11th. Bdwy. 8503. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the piecea. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 5S1 Alder, near 17th; Broadway 5254. Mail orders filled. Cnrtstns repaired, -i B. B. - Body and Top .u ill 1 1 jr.i uMAjf n. ri . 1 1 works. 000 w ilium kve. East 1198. 1920 OAKLAND, iwfiiuabed, 5 Ml ares; priced low fa quick aste) gjag aown, peisnoe long eay terms. ' Bdwy. 19. TOS cut to 'a sleeper; our system does not weaken or disfigure the body. B. B. i Body works. 800 William ava East 119 S. 919 PAIGE. 7 pass. , ia good mechanical eon- dittoes cord tires. (The sum of 3600 takes it. Termsf Tesl Call Propst. Broadway 8605. CHALMEtus HOT SPOT ' ' 84 f ror tnis snapi side. Bdwy. 9858. j Came Quick. - 330 Bortv CHEAP. 1 Overland; touring. 1 Oakland road- ster and 1 Ford delivery. , Be ewner. George aacsTusary, ve jnswrworwe. HLPUOB1LE Model N, f nTty equipped : cheap. Mam 9963. BUG BODIES built; to Order. B. B. Body Weeks. 845 Williams ave.- FORD i BUG 1918 Bdwy. S6.'96. 330 Burnside. " 3250. ONE of those Country Clue roadsvers, .30 Bora- sid. Bdwy." 88.1. STLDERIKEIL- 1919, a fjie ear. for 9100 down. haUtice 33i0 in 10 mowTha, Bdwy. 816. FuK SALli buick , '1 touring. 8olU. Wt 6798 AlJTOMOBILES-i-FOR SALE 800 Come to the Northwest Auto Co. xi ron WIST aco Btn a Used Car Ton are aasnred of A aonara deal and -yon win find in every jnrtanco that yoa . are getting your money s worth. Watch our adds for new barsaua daily 1 ' f i 1917 tbW touring car in good condi tion, gen this one. $250. , COLE AERO 8. late model, cYeeUent eondiUon terms if desired. $S25. " ' - i " ,v DOBT TOCBKG car completely over ltaaled, model 9. 500. j . MODEL 15 Doit, overhauled. This ear wares just use new, 7U0. : CHEVROLET Baby Grand, new paint, .overhauled, condition A-I,. 8350. MAXWELL BOADSTEB est of. eon diUon, new hatiery. good ting, 9325 real bargain. 1-. . ' TRCCKS i TWO FORD DELIVERY CABS Made with panel body and ready lor hard wort Priced at 9200 and 9375. 8TCDEBAKEH DELIYERT. 1917 mod el, panel body eui table for bakery, gro cery, laundry or truck (ana, (5(0. " X FORD, panel body . ..$300 x (UKU, panel body, overhauled end painted i 1 FORD, 1-ton expres body 1 CHEVROLET, bakery ibody 1 CHEVROLET, 1-ton panel body. 1 OVERLAND, bakery body 1 OVERLAND, panel body... 1 OVERLAND, express (body 1 BUICK, panel body, i ........ . 1 BUICK, expre-a body. I 4 STTDEBAKER. bakery body. . . . 1 MAXWELL, chassis i 1 KISS ELK AB touch, panel body. 1 ! ton . . ' i 375 323 550 525 400 550 450 ,350 300 00 700 ,500 '950 1075 . 2250 3400 I OLDSMOBILE. 1 -ton i chassis. .. . 1 REO SPEEDWAGOSTi , J 8-ton DEXBT truck. L... I ? brand new DUPLEX truck. sed Car Sale Vacant Lot Full of Them SELLING THEM OUT CHEAP. WE HAYK ALL MAXES j AND MODELS, Cars to Choose From iTerms, Cash or Trade WE CLOSE SOj EVENINGS ' OPEN ALL DAT, SCJfDATS - : i Oldsmohile Co, and Couch Streets Kew Aitos ati Half. Price New Dude Fiver tonxinc Was 91795. Drive It away for 3875. i New Comet' 'A touring lots of tvmwf 9 N. Continental. Regular price. 32675. Dave- it away tor 81780. 1014 Hudson tonrinc. rnnnfne order: 4 almost new cord tires, 2 spares; 3200. Laffaw Motor Car Co. 47 NOBTH TH ST. AUTOMOTIVE IGNITION BUILDING. Driven only 7000 miles. Positivelj the best used Hup we have ever had. Our price is 81100; 3300 cash, balance monthly payments. CALL MR. MOUNTAIN AT B. 217 OR TABOR 2552. MANLET AC TO CO.. 11TH AND BURNSIDE. STTJTZ 4 PASSENGER, GOOD CONDITION; BAKI-iAlN 1US IJABH. fttOMS COL. 16 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 GET THE Northwest Auto camp bed and lug gage earner for camping and touring; it the finest camp bed made. ' 8e it at 41 Grand are., cor. Fine.. East 4890. WINDSHIELDS We stock nsed ones; also make them to order. B. B. Body Works. 345 WiBiams are East 1198. " Thousands to pick front B. B. works. Ma wiiuams ave. ieMH it vs. IN SIDE auto bed 810. Main 3500. Call Mr. Lamb. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 NEW DENBT TRUCKS at h cry 6 Brand new Dcnby truck 1 2-Top Denby, used, 8800 1 3-Ton Denny, used, 31000 1 7-Pass. Chalmers. 8100 1 T-Pasa. 6 -eyi 1920 Patterson, 91800 Will accept used light 'cars and trucks, dia monds or real estate in exenange. Terms. K. J. MONROE, 107 N. 11 to. Phone Broadway 5378. ' " WOOD HAULING CONTRACT Want man to eut and haul ISO double cords I of hard wood near Oregon City ; also a number I of other wood jobs from 160 cords up - BEE MK. WOOD, WILLIAM L. HEjGHSON CO., 60 N. Broadway iat Davis Si. Phone Broadway 821. MACK 3 H -TON. LONG W HEEL BASE. RUN 1600 MILES. ' KlSDI TO START ON GOOD LOO HAUL NEXT WEEK. SUMMER AND WINTER WORK. 1 MILE HAUL OYER GOOD ROAD. SEE U A3 SMTTH, 1117 MAIN 8T., OREGON CITY. PHONE 484-W. TWO-TON G, Ul C TRUCK EaTritmed with cab. windshield, bed and loa ging bunk. This track in; first class mechanical condition; paint and tires, -good: only operated lour raontas; caso or terms to responsible party. nee r. J. Parker. 27 3d st- Phone Bdwy. 898. REPUBLIC 2-ton, overhauled. 81000; ought 'to go quick. Phone e risen, Bdwy. 691; eve nings. Mar. 885. 1921 FORD delivery, auner, demonwAbla I rims; ran only 60 miles: used one week: big sacrifice. Phone Tabor 1340. FEDERAL 2-ton. worm driver perfect shape, new tires: 81200 takes it: terms- Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; evening. Mt. 88S. WILL sell praotteally brand new ford track at ! aserttice price, provided purchaser gives option to way para wi nve montps. gqwy. mu. .- ULDS aneed waaoa. osmnletaly eveehanlad: -1 anap if yoa weed this sised track; essy terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; evenings. Mar. 88. 3.-T(lN WHITE. In A:l 'oonditiouj special at ouo; Hoerat urusa. Beg Mr.-Wood, at OU Broadway- - bENBt 1-ton.f "all" I will trade for Fore "tiraa and' overhanled' Ford and eive halanew em term. rnone Jensen, Dtjwy. .sir eveninen, alar, oa. rtDERAL track, ne of the moat eerriceable models in use, from : 3300 nn. See Mr. Wood. at 60 N. Broadway. f- . PACKARD 4-ton. 12-inch ! tires, overhauled; will give terms: take Ford in trade. Phone Jen sen, Bdwy. 991; evening; Mar. 885. 1 RKprnr.ic v.tmTtnict K nii'iiU WJ i at w xi. sreiaw, 1 -TON GMC truck; cut price ilod, W ! Mr. Wood, at CO N. Broadway. I REO avecd wngon, l2o ;.'- J:I: 1' a-w, , wif t;uuu.uwa. 91650. " AMer St. r B3wy, 1 881 S -TON GMC warm-dnve; 'will take light trnrX in tnuic. PTirt Agtomatia 928-99 IftS) truck bodies, (lujnp. . See Weed. 60 N. Broadway. i, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 We are aeTlxag new tracks at price newer heard of before. Look over our prices and tot will be convinced. - Xem Commerce) tracks, 1 -ton capacity, cleetrio lights, card . tires, windshield,: bumper, vacuum tank, WUlard battery and . spotHghL - All aompleve. . Begular pnea 92319. Dnve them away for 91250. : S-ton capacity, electrfe tichta. cord Urea, windshield, bumper. Kellogg tire pomp, vacuum tank, WiUard battery and spotlight. Regular price complete, 92800. Drive them away for 91500. New Chicago truck, 2 H -ton capacity, worm drive, pneumatic cord tires. Begnlar price, 94500. Drive It away ;f or 92230. Wa have a complets stock of parts. Laff aw Motor, Car Co. "47 NORTH NINTH STREET AUTOMOTIVE IGSIT10S BUILDING ' Trucks! . Trucks! We offer for your inspection the most complete stock of rebuilt trucks in the Northwest. All completely over" hauled and put in first-class condition. If you are in need of a truck of any capacity it will pay yon to look at our line." The following are typical of ear stock: 2 ton G. M. C. chassis 3 700 ton Republic, pne tuna tic - - tires, guaranteed . i BOO IK ton federal chassis 1000 1 ton Republic, complete with body . 700 1 ton Gary express body..... 750 2 ton Reo with body. -. 400 We have others to select from. LONG. EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE Granning & Treece 642 Alder St, Cor. 17th. Broadway 1728. Broadway 1723. Tracks for Less Note These; Prices: MAXWELL. 1-ton , 8 800 OLDS SPEED WAGON 750 DENBT, 2 H -ton. rebuilt 1500 WHITE, 1 -ton 750 ALL-AMERICAN, 1-ton 750 SLELLEY. 3 -ton 1200 Come and see them. MitcheH, Lewis Staver Co. Broadway and Everett St. Broadway 46T5. eSEPCBLIO 2-ton fine running order; 8600 takes it. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 091; eve nine Mar. 885. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 1920 CLEVELAND motorcycle with generator, 875 for quick sale; machine in good running condition. Inquire Mr. P. E., Walker, Hoibrook, Or. NEW 1922 Indian motorcyne, makes 70 miles on a gallon of gas and 90 miles per hour. Wait and see it or be sorry. and runs just like new, 850 down drives it away. , Call Hawkins, Broadway 3606. MOTORCYCLES AND FARTb, ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-48 Grand are. HARLEY-DAVIDSON double-bar bicycle 825 Harley Davidson road racer, new Vitalic tires, 820. 1111 Division St. 1919 CLEVELAND motorcycle, just like new. Small payment down. Call Props t, Broadway B06. ARLEY-DAVIDSON, good running order, old model, cheap for cash. 6410 93d st H. E. BICYCLE in good order for sale cheap. 329 now at. ARTS tor ail motorcyeie, tuiesp Sehnck Cyd. Co., 1922 Westhke sve.. Seattle. Wash AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 F0JRD OWNERS FORD overhauled ....929 Rear Axle overhauled ..........9 Valves ground, carbon removed. ..9 Magneto recharged 8 We hand-Up pistons, eersnw hearings, etc, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine era parts only need. AU work guaranteed. WCARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. DAY AND NIGHT STORAGE) REPAIRING 8. K. Cnmer 8th and Hoyt Sts. ' Bdwy. 1586 X REPAIR your car in your own garage; work don by factory-experienced mechanic: trouble .nootmg a specialty, rnone East 1729. DON'T throw away your auto seat cushion: ex change, it for a good rebuilt cushion at th Cushion Shop, 408 E. Clay, near Grand. DE CICCO BROTHERS' Repair Shop. Marsha? 1962.; FENDER welding ana repairing. B. B. Body works, 348 Williams ave. East 1198. ALTOS repaired, your home or mine; work gnaninteed. Auto. B12-R2. AUTO STAGE LINES 80S PACKARD stage car leaving from Portland for Astoria and Beaside. 8 .30 a. jn. and 8 20 m. Bdwy. 53S0. J. P. Block. 5 Broadway. " AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 6 and 7 passenger can. Bnicka. West- coo, vrow jugoara; reasonable rates, days. wenta, werKiy. CITY GARAGE 132 12th at., betw. Washington and Alder Bdwy. 840 JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE New car for rent without drrrers. Reason. able rstes. Open day sad night 825 Glisan st. between Broadway and 6th st. Broadway 8593 H. S. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD JMl TAILUB. ftlU.V fc. M Al.N 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED S0 CASH FOR CARS I win buy your cars for cash or loaa you money on etbem. Take your choice. Late models, only roadrters or tourings Or closed. Bring them to Murphy's, corner 16th mod Alder sts. Phone 513-67 WANTED Leto model Ford coupe, in apod , condition, run lees than 1009 miles; some ex tras; must be bargain for cash; no dealer; aire particulars. G-1 23. Journal. . . CASH FOR CABS We win pay cash for your Ford or lata cat of any other make. Jake' Used Car Exchange. 825 Glisan. bet Bdwv. and 6th. Open Snn. agd eve. Bdwy. 5593. WILL pay cash if cheap, 1920 Buick Six road ster. For appointment jail Esat 3382. 212 Knott - - WHX pay cash for late model Ford. I am a dealer, so the price must be right - Call Woodiaw T21. ; CARS wanted te! wreck; parts for ail can tor lees. 8. k S. Auto Wrecking Cwv. -..ifttk aad Alder. Broadway 636. . " ' .i SPOT CASH for your ForoV Chevrolet. Dedga, Buick or ether light cat. 193 E. 6th $.. corner Taylor. CARS BOUGHT for wreck ice: carta sold far all cars. - Oregon Auto Wrecking Co 428 -BaU mont t. near 6th, East 4569. -J ; ' : - ;. WANTED Ford touring car, .-condition no ob ject Can A at. 633-68. WANTED fog. cash. Dodge. Chevreles; or Buick; must oe a good Buy, asset !1S. - WASTED 1917 l"ord tourliig. S82 B2d" t " Aut..S3-8.i r,, for sAixiiasciaijj:ous 900 CHOICE BarUeli- pears, -peachea, prunes and armies: bnag oontainer. 73 E. 16th at East 858. FOR SAtJE-MlSClXLANEOUS ' s OAS ENGIN DRAG SAW " Must dispose of a brand near, cow man outfit at once: priced very low (or Quick sale. Room 302, 42 North Ninth, at. . ,v . r; :. -J.- GEMR'tlESTS Direct froea taetorr to worn tuna and Fort Orford cedar: solid copper trlssmngst mtaaa neaigna - vrnte- roe cataioewa. a 1. W. BIGGINS as SON i 191I-1S-1S E. GLISAN. TABOB 809 WB SATE TOO IfONXT ' Hoeae wiring, lighting. C tores, electrical recsiriro s pliea. Third Street Elactrie BtoTe, 224 4a Third at Bamtoeb sfaia WHX A &UB3TITCTS SOOFEBI Why not a genuine and nermanent ronferT We repair rubber-bond and rejuvenate aQ kinds of - warped, cracked. - weather beaten. aeceneratea and disintegrated . ead. leaky roots. rnone cowy. 19. SAVE MONEY ON OFFICE FURNITURE Big purchase used desks, file. dictauhooea. mimeogrsph, typewriters. Burroughs, Daltos and wale add. machines. Bee us before yon buy. Wax Office. Equipment. Boose, 24 N. 6th aL Bdwy. 2739. - SAFES Fire and burglar proof sates, new and seconohgna, at runt -prices, eonght. mm and azruanged. Easy terms u desired. NOBRIS HArS LOCK CO. 105 Second St. Main S04S, 10 DBOPHEAD sewlnw ssaextmee with attaeh- manta, gzv each; portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired, E. B. 6teen, 182 Cirsnd are. East 2339. NEW jobs of all deacripiions in tin copper and galvanized iron: restaurant work; soldering and repairing done; furnaces installed and re paired; gutters and roof work done. Carl's Sheet Metal Worty 550 Wsvh. Bdwy. 2489. Independent printers 1000 Hammermin letterheads, 85.00; 1000 white wove XXX envelopes, 84.50. Smith, Printers. UN. 6th Street, Commonwealth bldg. Electric Motors Bought, sold, ret.ted . and repaired, Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn side, comer 10th. Broadway 9674. Shotguns ana Rsfies BOUGBT, SOLD, RENTED, EXCHANGED NEWMAN'S GUN STORE MAIN 4495 128 FIRST. AUTO 627-48 T- Furnaces Save 930 to 340 in installation. Lees ex pensive to operate, long fire pot, wood or coal. Main 7159. Investigate. ALASKA WRECKING CO. An kinds of lumber and building material for sale at yard at 2d and Columbia. Phone Main 6182. SWEETCOBJf (Yellow Bantam) 1892 Base Line rosd, corner 73d, Tabor 9033 - ELECTRIC WIRING and fixtures: special at" tention given to old bonses; work done by experienced men only. 120 let St. Phone Automatic 847-63 or Marshall B91T.- AUTOMOBILES. MOTOUCTOuES. LAUNCHES cr boats are separate classifications. A large fisting will be found under these different elaast- fVations. HOT WATER TANKS go-gal. 87; 40-gal 89; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace cools: gas heaters installed ; expert plumbingareairing East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adims it K. 8519. CEBTAINTEED Roofing paints and paper mineral surfaced shingles or rolls; all kinds roof repair work. ' C. nos. Wood lawn B0S4. APPLES, windfalls, 75c nark; beet picked apples. voe ana si oox: red Sihensn crsbapples. oc lb. ; best Italian prunes. Damson plums, cheap. 'd to Clsrkamas, then 4 miles east. Graves. ONE northern beaver lady's fur coat, lining slightly worn; will sacrifice for 9500 cash. One red fox fur and muff, like new, sacriiica for 335. Tabor 6518 GOOD second hand buUdiirg material and air tight 8x4 ft. On Job 2d and Ubsan. Tabor 017 office, 0 p. m. , 1.10 DOZEN, 100-lb. flour sack, laundered. Mail orders add Doetage. S. Hodes. 428 Belmont St.. near 6th. East 4569. FOUND A man Wno wlu repair, nphoiste your furniture at your aomei prices very rea sonable: all work guaranteed. Broadway 4755 RUGS war bed on yovr floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; aJ el ee Ring done., East 4048. LICENSED mdepenfleey. electrician.- wins 3 -rooms for. 912. a rooms 520, and guaranteed to pass inspection Woodlawn 8791. COM PUTIN G SCALKi.. cash registers, coffee mills, meat chopper and general (tore tix- rurej at 2ao stark st.. pet, tst and ia. I(M5 ROSE CITY PRINTERY SleeSO You must bring this al 120 5th St WOOD8TOCK typewriter, in fine shape, only 350. $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Aldsr. ELECTRIC fixtures tor 9 rooms 813; big selse- tion other fixtures. 207 Chamber ot Uom- merce bldjR Broadway 42S3. A FINK woed and eosl heater, only nsed 4 662 E. months, at a very reasonable price. 78th st. N. MULTKiAAPH, automaoo printing attachment. Quantity of lob type, extra segments! alto tab- let press. 8150. 7 Board of Trade bldg. lJclLl5.aSl.ry $SIH Washington St Without Psin. Latest Nerve Blocking Methi Method. OATMEAL paper very cheap big discount if taking lot 7930 3tu ave. S. K. Auto. 622-31. $1.10 DOZEN. 100-lb, Hour aacks, laundered. Mail orders add Dostage. S. Hodes, 428 Belmont at., near 6th. Eset 4569. DIEBOLD safes: new and second band; special prices. Pacific Seals, ei Supply Co.. 48 I root it Bdwy. 1966. , HEMSTITCHING WHILE TOC WAIT Bring your work to 1006 Broadway bldg. and save z cents a yard. PLUMS, Gravenstoin apples, sweet cider, vin egar and sweet corn. S. Hess, Kiihngsworui near 57th. Woodlawn 5072.' Don t call Sunday, i FOR HUNTERS Decoy ducks for sale. Mrs. A. Breck, Ardenwald. R. 2, Box 12. Mil- wsnkie. Or. ITALIAN nrunea. chotcest. largest 4c while thev last. Annie 50c to $1.50 bog. oreDe Fruit Farm, 40th and King streets. Milwaukee. $150 MONARCH range and plate. .375. sold aesparately. one 3 -hols gas 1065 E. 14th t. N. FOR SALE Combination wood and ooal Royal range, good condition, win nacrmee, t Johns or MisfdMappi ave. car. 1180 Borthwick. ONE heavy wool overcoat Tor 16-year-old boy, almost new, only $10; also $4 gas oven, 4. Call Wdln. 2008. BARTLETT Dears. 81 to 31.23 per' box, at I orchard, end tainers."- of 52d st 8. E. Bring cott- HACRIFICE store fixtures, showcases, scales, cash registers. Dalton adding machine, aafo. Z4 vtsstiington st A BOOK on formulas and hair tonics and face ;ream, etc.; will sell reasonable. East 84- WANT cordwood in exchange for new bedroom furniture st wholesale price. - Main 3668. BLACKBERPJES 4c on bashes; petite prunes Be, packed. 500 m. 72d st Tabor 1847. ITALIAN prunes tor sale, 3 V4 o lb. sots ave. Wdln. 484. 985 Mjnne- LORRAINE kitchen range. Will sell eheap for eah. eseellent condition. D-958. Journal. GOOD WICKER sulky with top. IB good eondt- tion; Bargain, lapor puts. GET your furnace properly" cleaned and over hauled. Don't wait Call Leonard, ut 326-51. FOR SALE Fancy Italian prunes 5630 44th st. Auto. 630-45. for sale. LADIES' USED APPAREL secured from well gowned women; attractive prkws. Tshor 2825. AUTO-CAMP outfito at wholeaaia prices. H. C tcurter, zz4 a a, or woodlawn 61. PETITE prune 2e lb. Tnlrd house south of wamnngtoa st on 27 th.- t. M. Fanlder. FOR SALE Some prunes, 5e per pound. 92, Gilbert road. Lenta, Or. Box Combings inade up." S. F. Pierre, 24 KilUngeworth. Woodlawa 4880. FOR SALS Registers, hcases, '- Cash or credit 242 Salmon. wail eases. FOR RENT Eleetrkt vacuum eseanerai 24 nour oay, eac delivered. Wdln. 1259. TACUCM eveaners tor rent, ( a day; delivere. - anywnare.. woodlawa 8498. CROCHETING or needlework fog heating stun or casn. iviv uienn ave. FOB SALE BartUtt pears, at E. 97 A at and Besehne rood. MODEL 12 C. Remington rifle,' coat $3350; wm taxe gia. aeuwoog a. - FANCY Eiperta poacties 31.13 erata. 57th ave, 8. E. Automatie 625-49. 9504 BOSCH type 4 -cylinder asagneto, perfect eoadi- :: nos. 'iiincuitii alter Monoay. ' ALL KINDS -of -lumber and buildrfig matarial for sale. Phone Main 8182. 544 EAST Broadway near bride. ' atrliah rnsed bade. lames' eaotnee. eneaa. gait in. . ONE large elk'e tooth, diamond set in mounting. $60. Term to resnonsible party. Tabor 6518. tsoov lOVfl. - : - - - - ' WOOD : 93.5 per load, delivered. . Pony. Ex- fTefi, Main 4282. -- ' -;- -Xht. KARAT perfect biuo-wniio auunood at a aacrulee; $550. . Tabor ."411. - , 8 900 IFOR SAIXKOSCELLANEOUS S0O " Save Your Wife SENT YOCR WET WASH TO SNOWTTJUTB tACNDRT. CLOTHES WASHED" SNOWT WHITS IN SEP A R A T B COail A R TJfKN TS Honday. Tuesday, Wednesday. 15 tta. ...TOe Thozaday, Friday, Satnrday.i IS Bxs. . . ..e ' to wa aMianai ewaa. '- Y ALU ABLE PREMIUMS GIVEN. ' . ff En 84S9. - ' , ftXVrt.NO MaCHISA . EMPOBICM Hew arhinoo sold few Isee we agenta employed,- Bargaing tm 94 hand mac hinea. ' Parts and repair for aB. - ft etllllea eeatad i .mI . hmIsu e&u. teed. Msia 941 L 190 Sd et sMsr Tavtoc STARTING factory to manufacture Uncy line of 17 toilet articles. Will be running in short to 4 manege factory ov time. Want ehemhd salary- and traveling front 8900 to lvoo a month -m be investment reauired. NOKTHWEST MORTGAGE CO.. -439. Chamber of Commeroa. Sewing Machines Wa have the lancet stock of Bewtng Mactuaea to the city; pare prices. We rent and TS so. near lamnm. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE Some of the finest pianos in the world. In cluding demonstrating and Aad piaaoa, plajer punos and phonograph, - SAVING OF 875 TO 8800 FOB, TOQ Tver fc Pond, last year' modal.... 9898 Ivem ek Pond, last year a model. ....... . 679 Hsaelton Bros., last year- model. r. . ... . 893 Harnea Bros., last year medal. ......... 495 names Bros., last year model......... eve Franklin wpright, in mahogany. ......... 493 Foster A Co., upright, in oak. .......... 895 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 496 Stnyvesent, mahogany player piano....... 678 Kimball, large upright. ..... ii 863 New England, large uprwht. .......... . 223 uasn or aa lew aa ws to gi Seventh door, Lipman Wolfe Co. . IH0XOGRAPH8 Some 'rednoed' over 60 New and Used Cabinet Modal Readjustment Period Sale TictroU, model 10; 9110.00 Widdioomb No. 6, walnut. ........ . 100.00 75.00 112.50 125.00 116.00 93.00 40.00 raws, .o. iv, KmmjMm Stradivara Melody 1 ............... Bluebird. In mahogany- ........... Paths, fumed oak, model 12 ,. Stradivara, Chopin, mahogany Victor, style 9, entail ... 810 or more at time of purchase. 55 or more a month thereafter. ' UPMAN, 'WOLFE Jt CO., Tin floor. HYATT'S Phonograph. Bargain The fonowtnc machines have been taken on larger types. Each one la guaranteed me chanically the earn, aa new. We offer them on exceptionally easy terms; 8 45.00 Orefonola, like new 9 80.00 8175.00 8tradivara, only....... 8 95.00 8150.00 Stradivara, only.. ....... . .8 80.00 8100.00 Mnsola, cabinet type, special 8 40.00 Edison diss and records, cost 3190; price 8125.00 Edison. 8120 type, only 8 75.00 3150.00 Brunswick . .., 3110.00 $125.00 Brunswick 8 90.00 tir.0.00 Vktrola XI. fine shape 8115.00 3125.00 Patbe, special ; 8 65.00 Edison cyL born machine, 100 record. 8 15.80 5 32.50 Columbia hornless 9 19.00 8260.00 Brunswick, latest type and 100 records .azoo.ww $115.00 Edison disc, only 8 83.00 ALSO THE FOLLOWING PIANOS: $450.00 Lodwig. fine tone.;. 8275.00 $400.00 Krebling ...j. ...3225.00 8450.00 Nisley . 8220.00 $450 00 Kohlet dt CampheU. .3210.00 UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALKTN MACHINES WITH RECORDS BRUNSWICK with 10 records. 9120.00 VICTOR with 20 records. . with 13 records., with 10 records., ' with 10 records. , 120.00 100.00 80.00 COLUMBIA PATHE COLUMBIA 75,00 STRADAVARA with 10 records 70.00 VICTOR . with 19 reeorda. VICTOR with S records. 90.00 20.00 ft X rT rt nra e ah & A nr vn nr, mrvnt h I V. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 lOth st. cor. Stark DOWNSTAIRS (tmWAN PIANO CO. 9675 Singer upright, mahogany ....... .9298 650 Kimball upright, mahogany 36a 900 Stager: upright, oak '4s 730 Adam Rchaaf player piano 493 900 Strinway-ek Sons upright.; 993 473 Hallett A Davis upright 195 810 or 325 cash. 66 to 513 montniy 101 10th st. at Washington and Stark GRAND piano for sale, am leaving Portland. This was purchased 3 months ago; It cannot be told from new. The price of a new one 1 81423. You can pwrchas thia piano for . --H on uenzw tvw mil ut eov vf . , A... , , m r. t. - , . o , mrrnti. . delivered in your soma, , You. cannot nnrrnsse a new one like it lor leg taaa 11426. ADt 40. non gnena apes., corner Broadway and Jefferson.- . C8ED PIANO DEPARTMENT This Week's Offerings: Hernia, upright piano $193 Hallett Davis piano I 265 Kimball. large mahogany 845 Arion, walnut 295 tmsn cr $5. $s to 810 monthly 7th Floor. IJPMAN. WOLFE at CO. CI-OSING OCT SECURITY STORAGE eCO. $450 Emerson upright piano ....9165 750 Pianists, player piano ZHO 275 ColUrd at Collard upright.. 65 Parlor orgs as $19 god $23 cash I Pianoa bonght and gold for cash only 108 10th at. corner Stark. A BRUNSWICK cabinet phonograph. 8100: Sonora cabinet, 975; 1 art atyle table phono graph, new, 8185. and many others ranging in price from $25 tip. u. r. johnso riAo t;o., 149 Sixth St Spot Cash Paid lor phonographs and records newman's record exchanqb Main 4495 128 Firrt Auto. 827-46 A SNAP BUY Bruaaway piano, 8235. An other one in a J. U. tlsener piano at z i 3 ; modern casea. U. W. JOHNSON rtANU tiO.- 149 Sixth 8t FISHER PIANO. 8179. A real barga!- See it Terms given. REIBERLING-LT5CAS MTSIO CO.. 123 4th st SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. MELODY C Saxapbono. complete with case. $110; terms. 0- T. J0HNS05 PUK0 CO.. 144 Sixth St RUSH Z LANK PLAYER, plain mahogany b. Mm be sold this week. Mas. ouer. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th st SPECIAL SALE ON PUNOS. j gxUDENTS vioUn ootfit includes violin. bow. main and extra t rinses. $25. G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO., . 149 Bixth St UARDMAM plain mahogany case at lea than half price. Terms given. SKIBERLING-LDCAS MUSIC CO. 123 4th st SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. YORK silver comet, iif good condition. sUver nUted. with cold belL 858. O. r. J0HN8OS PIANO CO.. 149 BtlUI Ot I DECKER t SON PLAYER. 3273. with bench aad rolls. A big BARGAIN. Terms given. SKtBERLTNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO..- 125 4 th st SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. loV PLATER ROLLS SOLD, 25e VALCES CP TO 33.00 HAROLD 8, GILBERT, 384 Tmhta St KRANICH ' A BACH walnut case. Must be sold. Bee It H EIBERLIN C LUCAS MUB1C CO.. 125 4th at SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. HAINES, plain walnus- osae. 3285; good condi tion ; a snap; -terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th' tt SPECIAL BALE Q PIAXOS. 14 UPRIGHT Planus. 885 to 3328 each; Kim- ball. Lndwig, benuoert. xtardinaa aad etaer makes; terms. 811 Worcester bldg. KIMBALL GRAND and 8 bargain. Terms given. BKIBERLLNU-LLCAS MUSIC CO., 125,4th st SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOB. 2 BABY GRAND pianos, the world's beet latest style: make offer, terms. Also c tuckering Weber; make offer. 811 Worcester bldg. MAHOGANY Brasnbeeh baby grand piano, aaed . one year. Cash $509.. Borne casn and terma. 3550. Tafcor 6518. GOOD aa new. Columbia grafonoia. walnut fin- tsh, and 24 records, 9118. 298 H. ZOtk.. Aparament 89. WANTED Piano ua n4 caab; n dealer. Marsnan oiov. ' - ' 3175 BUYS genuine 3650 W. w. eTimnsH piaao. all Worcester OKtg. BCSH A LANE uprighk piaoo fog rent. 517. zopb. ib irn ex. r- S70O SCHUBERT piaao, wonderful coodiuoBu 8Z20. -term.. 911 V Worcester otdg. WANTED bargain is used piaao. cash deal, Maia sise. perore a p. m. 31000 CHICKERiNQ piano, only 9373 aa terms; almost new, an wereester bldg. USE- your brains snd save money oa that piajaoT come w Bit Worcester Biag. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20e up; wart wnoieeale and retat es wean. Bdwy. Z044 $700 LUDWIG piaao. use style, alsnost new 3Z3, terms, mix Worcester bug. 6 UPRIGHT, pianos, 85, 3113 up 'to 3200 each; terms.r 811 Worcester bldg. - JSi.Lli JJ . -I"" 'I '" 1 . . MW 0-xLA r Buecber cornet .t esse, very cheap. luo B. llta North. $123.BKL"NaWlCK. oak. nearly new. 26 rec ords. (75. 967 H Cable et Marshal 2982. I PIANO wanted, pay casn. At am aJod. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : 901 SECCRITT B TO RAGS CO. CCOSLNO OCT 9379 J. P. Bate m Co. weed npright....3110 40 ran ess, mprighs. mahogany...... 195 979 Oelkuw dk Coiiard. 'wpogn. ...... e 750 Pianists, player piano............ 299 250 Pianola player.- walnut... 49 Farior organa. 818. 925. 815. 8S8. eta.. . )OS TENTH 6T COBNaUt STARK. SCHWA!f PIANO CO. Downstairs Star 85ft Klmhaa. need, peat style. nsA....S 7g bingvr, nprgnt graaa. .......... gee 750 Adam Bcnaff player 498 904 Staeer. in rich aaahoaany ...... . 498 900 Steiaeny Sena. wpnghi...... 998 475 BaUett At Darts, upright. ....... li 818 to 828 9150 Paths. mdX 10. weed poonogmph. .390 128 Branswtok. No. 101,. phonoprap. . 99 98 Btredtvara. - tn wak .............. 99 78 Victor. In ma hogs ay ....... 45 80 Victor, te wak .... SO .Terms 95 cash, 93. 94 aad 35 montilj. 101 Tenth Bt. at Wash, aad' Stark. EN ABE PIANO, nmcucaaiy new. case re- fizdahed, If toq want koaBSthing reeCy Boog. call and see this me. . ta. if. JOHNSON FJASO CO, . . 149 Sixth St. DIAMONDS JEWELRY 07 V DEAD? No. not yet: at bast I have Bat laid eV yet. ELLIS EWINO. 18 years with 6tarles. now at 204 Geruneer bvOding. Beecwd and Aider. Marshall 4364 Depends bl. watch rapaira. Have I your watch looked over by watchmaker. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 602 Bed.Spf irigs and , Mattress Special 918 30 3 -inch post steal bed. interlink tm Luxe - aprkog sad e 916.56 eetgow felt mattreaa; the ewsnr plet outfit for $34.75. Mish Furniture Co. 19 9-10 riret 8b 9-PIXCB diedng room euitea. -8 leather apholstered rockem. 1 tapestry overstuffed davenport. 1 library tahla. - 1 drop-head sewing ' machine 1 8 -section Globe-Wernicke I Reliable 'sag range. 1 Bund heater bath, practically new. 1 toe box. - - - 1 laswnmower. " BELLING OUT CHEAP AUTOMATIC 218-90. 1206 E. PCTX. - BAVst kO.isl Try ewr sales dept. tf row want 9a nary or eel househokl gweda: iwdnced treigbt rata to gseat aO points ia oar through pool ears. Expert peering, repatnng and ref miahiee sa ea goods be storage. Fireproof kasnnnce rate. SECURITY STORAGB TRANSFER CO. a rourta eU. opca Mnttsnsaals Phone Broedway 8715. FOR' SALE Square oak extension table. 88: round oak heater with ecrni, 97. 170 Tesib. Mam 9230. - . BEDROOM FURNITURE direct from factory at factory prices. Wdln. 2828; evenings. Main gone,. wsflkcena ym-nitnre Mfg. Co. DINING room extension table, square. $8.30. ds E. rwrwy. GbOD grade furuimre first reanabia eiCar will he acnepted. 710 E. Bumside. 312 SANITARY couch condition. East 8839. nut Trees, good FOR SALE Hughes' elecirio range, practically new; cost eio.i new mase oner. eue eta. FOR SALE-MACHINERY 903 0k. .4 a. i. suuo shaper, in Iim class ren dition. Abo one 9-tn. by 19 ft Sidney huh, fully equipped. Oregon Auto Repair, 18th and ituaan- uawy. iseis.- ! LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04! 1ft VT MOTORROAT at en nriM 4tKi eon. I . yj. MOtsau. lost 01 AeDraska ac. in Futtori, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ALL makes guaranteed one yeas- best re- stmcted tyoewritem aa eeast, Kew mm Wboleeale Typewriter Cow. 921 Waakingtoa et.- r pruiTHi, ?t. REBUILT typewmera. aB makaa. recula, sw- I putwa, mywiira. LWVIDBWIV tVSUJIS nor- LeeVka. 8TJNDSTRAND dding machines. MJU zzfb. rs. v. pea Co.. 110 Birth at - REPAIRINO a specialty, tree estimates: rentals: supplies, buy, sell, exehi exchange ; add. maeb. repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., 313 Sttrk. Main 5849 ALL MAKES of tnewritem rawud. reiiead and sold oa monthly savment ni. Oaceaw Typewriter Co., 94 8th it Mala 8669. KKMY COODS c I a ARMY GOODS for sale, smkola end retail; prices tedQced. H Hirnuia.. 269 et. or 904 It . Main 7678. 3d TTOBia;T LAWTER Advice free and confidential. all 316 Board of Trade hide. BLANK BOOK M8.REM8 t'AVIS Ac HOLM AN. INC. 109 2d at-, bkaaa book tnana'actorrrn. A-9188. Main IS, CHIBOPNSOTOft DR. McMAHON (McMaal his system People taking adjustments while smfiing; 12th year. CAT AND DOQ M09PITM. LOSE CITY VBTERINARY HOSPITAL, Inc., E. 7 th and Grant Both phoaca. Day aad B'ght service Three vetertnsrisna. OOAL AND WOOD . FSS SALE CleaZ hand (ortod blockwood. We specialixo in 12 -in. length, we deuvwr anvwhera on west side or Piedmont and our are guaranteed Cords. fQoae u tor Iprtcea. OoL 1876. . BOXWOOD DelJvered knmrdUtsly by Fulton Wood C. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4179 K I IT UKI l.A I K HI UH S I 810.30 for 2 loads bKck and alab mixed; first growth cord wood 86. Mcood growth 97.89 per cord: country altb $6 per cord. wdin. 4101 NICE count!? alabwood $6.80 a cord; dry 12 nd 1 -n slab 81.69 load: alee lam. slal 39.73 load, special Paul Fuel Co.. Sell. 1769 I FIRST growth cord wood. 89 cord, delivered. Woodlawn. Alberta and Piedmont, Wood- lawn 8312. EXTRA cood first growth cordwood. 89 Per cord eeoond growth dry oo ra wood, go. i per eora Wdln. 11XT. BEFORE ordering your winter's wood call Auto. 82S-8S. North tteng uei wo., n tpsnur. A-l CORDWOOD. 98 pet aard, 'Southeast aide only. , Call Ante, SHORT slab wood tor eale. wholesale and reu4- St Johns Lumber Co. Colnmbia 131. 1ST AND 2D growth wood; get war prices first Phone Msln 6686. BIG load of boxwood 35.50 a load.. Call Wood lawn obo or im ssontsna ave. COUNTRY block and slab, aever bees ia watoc Special pnee bow, avast nvii. BEST ead-growta tlx cordwood. 38 per. eord- Selrweod 814. EXTRA good heavy cordwood $8 cord, ocavered IrviBgtou. Piedmont, Alberta. Wdln. 4807. FIRST GROWTH eerd wood, $a per oord. da wain. m Ml FIRST growth cordwood, Hheiml reducttoBj? kiatiuoal Fuel Co.. East 2041. SPECIAL oa box wood tiU the 8th. Reduced 85. OO to 64.50 a load. Seilwood 1769. F1K snd csk cordwood. Mar-nall 8040. ocimrrs DR. B. E: WRIGHT - 9d floor. Ralrigh Wd. ear. 9Ut . ; ad Washington eta Wstn 811 - A-tllf. Dentistry DR 831 W , W. KEENE. Washington ; at Without Prln. Latest y, Bkn king Method. IDVOATIOUl ' DAW0IW0 . " THE DANCE STUDIO. $u lkam bidg.. w'asir rngton at Tnlrd. Privata half leseona: dev.- areexnng. 9 AS as. vt 9 n. av Cearse 3s ssr aa specially priced. CJaaa- Moadaj, rndy. T:80 9 m- Mia. Irehnwl. I CARROLL DAT. teacher of voaco aad piaaav 18 16th et Broadway 8666. ELEOTrtOLOaiST ELECTRICITY hi healUi; eoneulUtioB free. Whrto, electrotogist 829 Fliedner fcldg. Bdwy. 2987. FLUFF BU69 ABO RAB WUQ3 i PORTLAND RUQ COw - f0ff jtugt. Made From -Old Carpet, 1972-1619 . 17IH gT. . BEULWOOD 8622. FOR SALE OR KE7CT TYPEWRITERS SOS KR iALE I & Reaii J-S4. levraal - ' OfflCE nJRNTTURE -Vet Wk9L9 gMfcd tjeyWPlV9g' tjmkMj FEW Werneicke seoee UeaJa MB, L- 16. Jonrnal. QLO BE-WERNEICKE toet mi Wlhtnnt. wiik faUaa drewea si Pracaca ly new. H-85, Jonrnal. ELLIOTT Fhew k4Um. rMi, Jewraaj, tXAT TOP etaedmg desk, wtfaoa ccarv tor . sale ebeep. 651 Oak at. SWAPS 92S OVERLAND machine for fwmrtwra. eatUr. tot r aaything of value or will aall cheap. Sag 'events, 942 Amkerst it., dty. CoL 1147. REPAIR shop 21 band marine e&gi&ea sod eun- - chea. 88000; ac can vedace La 81300. to fend. hows, acre or eut aa ftra paynunW or want nave yewT w,-98l, Jearatl . W'ANTED-kXpeneaced eoncrete market- to pad floor tn eeeement: nhenoaTassi aa Baa. Address 1V188, lonrnal. - ' TRADE .43 Colt gun. eoue ehella for .23 rw aier or rtOe of Jaaer ealihea. - Call Ruav 6884. Cosby. WANT a Ford oar for 1200-in. hurse. 1 ewexr. i -axoon oo m i-year-oid 970 ltt C ' 813 BICYCLE, new Unas, for 410; tahe pedt ia chickens, BeUwoed 249. SMALL Paige eatoenohiic 9300. Wui Use Ua- mood or piano aa part payment. Mar. 920. fRADE player pUno for Bght car. Tabor i'f. WANTED MISCXIXANEOUS .so 1 W AN Thl People wf Pertmnd pay the tuatx koorchold goods. Pwawe East SI09. 149 312 30 TO 32&-O0 METIR. THE TAILOR, pays Bore tee 8 d Hand suits, shoes, overcoats. We caB day evening, MarebeU 1229. a 258 Miian elreet. wear Third. UK-REST prices paid for geem' caat-ofT oiothe Inc. hats and ahosa. 288 Barm Bdwy. 3383. WASHING aaachiwa. want tiiwe Bird, re condition, at bargain poos; wiS trade oscrnia ranra. R-S52. joarnaL WANT show Wail Teg usX. Firvt. Main 4493. Auto. 627-48. 128 . WANTED rURNTTURE 912 SPOT CASH rOR L'gF.l) FT'bAlTU&Jt ", Main 8878 TJXl'l ED FUR NTTTTtB CT0KI 1T8 FTBST 8 TRET f Owl Furniture Co. mS&So w. vwi jii.i w mnwaia, sen is, warwev d pianos; ere pey the highest cash pnese, -16 and 148 FIRST ST. CeJ Maks 42T. M.-R. S EATER Bvye the bast aa weft aa cheaper grade of sunn hsnd funiHure. S88 Crand .v. Antn tlS-S. WE 6CT a9 kind ecood ha of lire. vtoveg and range. Call East 8077. WE BUT nsed fnmttnre. ssovea. . lc he FnTWirore Co.. I08-20S 2d. Mate TXOW PERSONALS 07S OO Oof 0 your area properly at- - tended to at Goodman a. I Right glasses at right prices ,f rf MtlrfiH j9rtrT3a. 20t Hammynit. Mtvxa 11 2. ABSOLUTELY FREE We are giving away a tmir of tuna silk atv-k- ing absolutely free; no caavaasi&g or aeilrsur: write for nsrticnlars today. Tanvy Fair 8ui IMS ua 1 sat caah praee teg mill aeon No a menu tow asia. eg ae nomiw etteitow. N. M, REATXR Baaw. s. tMK. Hov 1 V W, KroeetcT N. T. MR. L. 8, CAZADD we must have pictures held . by you and would soaks any as liaf artery arte Ueaent. r lease oail on us. wrote us or trlephooa , us at our ejtpenaa, People' Caah Store, oeJem. T Or. 81 GETS both feet fixed ap at Dr. tUtoo'a, the CHIROPODIST and Ak H UPEH AI.1HT wt doesn't hurt yow. 8 yrs. here. Ex (sa. free. G lotto l "l'v nu at aan., croaaway xara. CEORGE BCBEN STEIN, the Veteraa optiriea. wiu ru your eyee oetter and cheaper thaa eisewnere. upen OAkaaa, 226 Morrison at I annrati tsawraToa rBES. -lWI 404 Cosssobdated PWg.. 84 tk rt Broadway 4998. lea. wa by 10 needle method. Tnat free. iaOa ilaley. II aioan ex uwe Drag- ssam BSeg. I . . . . . I LAPl&S' evroer akwp baa rbJaaged handa. Give I us a .ran. .mwn ana etn. u evi WONDERFUL hair tonic; bring your rent mw. zti Morrison, room n I GOING to Eugene Sunday; room for 4 nu Meadows. Marshall 4031. I n k I 'Yl cs ut'Tiirirvuuui.. . w T I aesa. . Dr. Lois Lenta. 3241 7 2d et IE. FURS LPOBTLAXD 4 upattifB iumec The t.t klwwL 614-15 18 EeraMasmudt WW. w 4fh and Bth. Mam gfss ' n- EAT ei. ' . -factory. Royal Hrt Works. 229 First at QWTomgTwigTa acM-auficalir tested wnh" 6ws -J;.".r:m'; ' Mud at a T BgyiBg; tabsfactma gnarsnteed. E. BrBWITX. OtHometrtiTTa. m. MWTIM..TITISS .'.rf'' petntiag. papaona. tin-i.. iu ITTmT r- Woodl.w.26. InMIVvSt ' 1 N Kl t mmr. e.rH"rai? ta4 " repawn. " t moderate prices; work rnarsrteed. E 44? MTiajT aTTOwairra i. uuuiDguu. natenta. rights. 619 Chamber of Cemearvce bldg MfVUCIANg R. A. pHlLLxTST " Broadway Bldg. Office Practice onlr. t. V.. I j; n.Tie. aLrt-ajti, neadna ar1 em. umulM f,Mwj r . LOW prsces ea all kinds slm.b.. . . 1 ' tigwe oa soar -.Tr-1. Co.. 817 Union sm. RusaeU. al- 4See. LUM BIN o PRICES. BTlkE.niria r, "-;"-ol-W tHE M. L. KLIN a, CO." aa..Jv r-T- PftlllTIW, tW.WAVIWQ. BHUIN .' tti.-tiODaON COMPAVY 8 8T Washington. Broadwa 4xT a . ANSLfiV !5".p ww. 252 Wa-.h. et Mate 4gTl WOO BCPAIPIW- "OOFS rwoaired aad painted. Inc.. 't' Reof Seennty. 44,M ifrv Webfaot Trade. Hs!n 871. Main eovered wiU WUI. 878 - t.ROOrttia U-JlsfANY" Tabor 481T. -' - Tahor TI89. tMtCT W8TAL WQ8I MULTNOMAH SHEET - M VST A f wrr nirtv- tisvitrtLi vfvliO -Roofmg. gutterrug. STJOtfting. Jobbing .A fttll repsrring Fheew Broedway tl??l a.? rssmrin sg 8TOWABB ' ' CXCi'iUTT 9TOHAGE TtHXtm Ctt Pscktaa-MoriBB-Stor... " UOKXT TX1AKED ON GOODS' Lt STORAG 83 Fourth et. epp, Maltnoruh aotaf Phono Broadway 8713. ' arvjrawa svrw wvrw -nn-v ; GOODS" SPECIALIST " 8. u. anipptof aad moving; hone and auto nae: ana. del rata to Q pciwuv -- s- ul riia. TtLAsm 4k BTDRACE CO 2d snd Phve vs. Brcodwey 696. A-l 996 Oregon Transfer Co. C 474.GHaan St . . - Bnssdwar 1291 DRAYACB - - atTORAGB " - Fwwv- Wsrehnesae ow TermtmsJ Trmcsrs - RfDUCTD FREIGHT RATES to aS peint oa aonsehold goods. , Pscifie Coast Forwardant Co.. Bth and Ho-ct . rVlwy. T09 SM1P1EX BMir, KALU, TilANSrERS ANT THING ANYWHERE. RTiWT saat 'VACUUM CLIAHCP.9 FUR RENT Eiecme vacuum Cieanara, 24 awat day. 85. delivered. Wdia. 1258., :