FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER r 2, ; 1S2L THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 9 FLORISTS 10? I iiItV r B"' Ia I OX2GE HCCOqfTSSaJOTEB 4- 2 STOI2.ES rOETIJLMD ,QTEI. . . " mj&t tIAM WW.. -75S.' MAIi. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 OH-NEEAL. REPAIR MAS With 7 J Mrs' experience at carpenter-wort. year aa miliwrlant wants work aa itani repair ait' for sawmill, roller mm or pm elevator. WiQ take eteedy work very reaaonibie. g-290. Journal j ) ARCHITECT Middle aged, capable of handling all kinds of work in the building line, deaues steady work with ! reliable firm in locality of Portland by Oct. 1. Beat referencea. Address W. K. Adama. Benkl an. Neb. CARFENTEK aliaila given on tuitdin and repa worm ; screens mart to oroar; aaop 387 Hawthorne. I Tabor 1260k. 108 LOST AND FOUND THE following hrticlse vara found on the eara of tha PsrtUnd Railway, Light A Power C.. A as. si. 1C21 A umhcellaa; 1 lunch box; 2 purses; bank note;. 2 ettit caaes; 1 band baa ; a Mtr and S stack alore.: watch: eye cIm ease: 1 baby sort: 13 package: 8 coats;, basket;, fish poie. Owner nay obtain Kama upon proper Identification it 14 and Alder at. ststiotv. DO in and eritside paintm. neper hanging ana anting; tmimaH given prompt, attention, Onr work guaranteed. Call Main 8164. THE little joba that Dad won't do." AS house hold repairs and lob bine: roots repaired. Ant 23-89. Tabor 43. - PAINTIM papering and aaiaomining. For tint iflratioti at jt am VOHT A purse! contaimna railroad ticket I money and 1-w-Ht: nam lua we ar Phone Lit roan? Wait at Co. picture de partment. LOST Hiack and White ticked setter bird doc; MIDDLE aged manj wanta aitui tion .as wetchman. janitor or eucni wore;, .jmhkk, rename, rei- ere. - K-55. Journal I MARRIED mia. bandy with tools; alio good had SeTlwood 797? collar when lost Reward, Call LOHT fciimdsy aiternooo, Hellwood Dark, man'a purse, money and vawanies. Cell otuesei Wain '7173. Reward. , on Alameda dhre. ForSD Pair men Eat 4. LOST leaf cktter nugget cheteiain pin. Reward. Mil LOST -e-1 .area eftne 827. pin. our mother' a. Mar . she 0 89. HewaM. ' JOI ND Str4 irawo Jersey cow at 6904 --, LOUT Boston uirtet. trrwera V Polly. Liberal rewaTd. to ma Wdln. 754. of LOST Osacent-rbAped pin .' Kirwter nail Kt rlft3. with 7 pea.rU. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 HK!f WANTED CT TB ACTOMOB1I K. AMD TOACTOB .:- BU8INEU BIO OPPOKTCMTTXS Wa eaw fit iwa for a good payma poatdnn la abort time. Wa turn oat expert auto me- chanlaa, igaltioa men, battery azperta, tb ynl eeniaeiw and.' aeetjleoe weldera. Ion Ukw tb tool ta-your banda and get th real practical hop aiperiane andar expert tnatrnrtora an all wp-to-dau aatnmntiT equipment. Sana today. !at keep pntttug St off and let tha other fel low bear yon to Information and Uta ratal wonn reirneat. Day and eeening elaaaea. Hh'tfrimxa AUTOMOBILE AN1 IHACTOB BdlOOLa, 4707 Pawthorn an., tot. 20th. Portland. ' Operating th largaet aad beat chain of pra- Veai motor ecAooat in tha world. mCl. BE OTT Of A iOB OB WOKK . AT AN . VNDEJtPAIlT POSITION Call at Talon are. and Waseo at any day nwpt Saturday, at It a. m. or writ for free eat log Va. 4. It will not roak yon anything to find eut bow wa har helped ter 300 graduatea 1 pxw waranna w ran nen ynn, too. AUCO.X AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL Bperial ladneamenu U Ex-Barrica AlrO. ' BThwiad Bate June i to fleptemher 1. AVJATI0N Tee ymma man today tn grmteat oppnr tnaitiea for getting ahead. W furnish the high- tip wt tiutruetioo thmuglt tha beat known inatmotort.ind with the fineat eouiDment We ewo ad operat more planea than are prirately Weed In th whole porthwent. Writ for Informa tion to Viator Vernon. Manager. O-W. At L Air- piaaa vo., Zlt npeuldiug bldgt, PorUand. Or. M none ppefimy on. Waet'a Iraeat Bmlneiia CoIWa. Awarrea EVEET UHADUATE A POSITION. All Buaircaaa eoaraaa. includina oomDtometer train lag, . Earatl any time day school, night trnooL Write for free catalogue. 4th It. near fl-wrwori-phone Mam 800. PKClAL KATJtd LSiTIL SEPTEMB&B ALfSKT BI.PG . 3D awn MORRISON ilOLtH BAKBKH COLXE(iU wlU teach yon the trad m 8 waeka; recfita aom pay whil learning; ' poatttona aeciued. Oregon tx-teme anen ncetv atat aid. Writ or call for caU- lmie. Zt BarrffMe at ; LKTTIE'B MILLIXEEY SCHOOL 61 Union Are. N. ' Complete aoar In millinery: persona tn- atroeuoa ay new ana ap-to-dat method; fall eooro ror - 3. LEARN TELEUKAPHT kaUway Telegraph atituta, .434, Bailway Exahanca bldg. Night MEN, women, leant barber trade; wage while learning. Oregon Barber College. 283; liadi- ann n. ; altX'-kt MOUNTAIN TEACHEKS' ACiENCt Enroll free. Frank K. Wellea. former asst. ei wxiprj. aiar.. nang nina aox. oia-t East Aidk foMMr.nriAi. ftCHLKir Mlaa Bedna Bnckefa nrlea aehoolr iixitTidnal tnearwetlnn. ItJH Orand aee Eart 427 ' WANTED, at once, two men to 1 alaaa work !25. audi food material, call Tabor painter. Villi I exchange rooms. T-ft8, JnarnaL for honaekeeping CARFENTEH and ibuilder. 33 lean' experience nndentanda taxing cnarge or men ana plana. wni contract me day work, f hone Eaat 373. BUICK. Oiuent iwork, PUatering, Eepairing neatly done. Aotomatie 811-73. WANTED Any kind of work for 2 ud In ton track. Broadway 488. i PAPEKHANOLNG encea fnrnmhed. I RMTL'RK mot and tinting ; bat of reler- Antn. B17-43. ng and general hauling; ered bodies. Biwadray 4 an. to -(3 dehTered. Call SHINGLES, from Tabor R76. CEMENT fonndatloas; boueea raxed ; cement work of all kirtdy; reasonable. East 2191. CEMENT work. Ikellwood 919. ainda. Fin claaa only. PAPEilliANGINt first class wor FOR RENT FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED - . - 304 FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ATTRACTIVE room with bath in new homo: I new mraienra: biMUitt u naa of fcitfben hi - lukafebt jiuums la luwa desired; other prteOegea; a aoenic location; 12 1 Vice bousekeepmc and sleeping i eleaa c and mtnntaar naer mmneaa aromaa. preterrecL s iuiz I nomeiite, walkHig distanre; 32. &o ana np. Se3 EOOLS, houMAeepuig; beat, Ixiht. phoa. hot water? la unary: eeryuusc new. anadera: waa of liring room and piano; suitable for 2 gwntle- men or aatuea eaapMyea: waiting gautaaeai aaas 313.60. Phone East 232. 1 3d at., Marahag 989, Union ate., 1 block aecrth.of Hawthorne, WHY PAT CAST ARE? HERB JS A REAL 1 TWO wry nice fni-ni,hed bonxeXeeirtTix tooma. HOME FOR A BUSINESS WOMAN: WALK.-I . oe nteood floor, 320 per month, water, lights 1. uisiiai. m auno. sjm ., avan-1 ana ppaae rnraasnetti moog soeatwn; aautta eng. 6HALL 2f3i : If 1 839 Taneonw aee, n v lunuy laiiiMani uiuioie room w . rem I Kim " e. wdi. e. ataia 44 rent reduced: good place for Imndry; walking dia- ranew we sioc. B4aj rirst. rrftv- tffail,i.rilviti.!-i,"HM iKT iBi I ' . ';"' t"-" ""i: I SINGLE fwrnished . houeekeeDtnx rooms: nice. a. t m.w a m. .u mi mtm. u. 1 1 Mr lllKWl.M 1 " . . m.AaA nv rvfPlTTT KADTVVie uisiT 1 onl , I"08 acnuemen preierrea : f1" ;0r.i?Ai' " 1 Bwxat pOKTH OF WASH-jrt end up; Uchm and beta indaded; walking . . . . , lamuive 21S Mill eoe ViraC lsEACTOriX room tn pnraui home; twin beds, I fxfixisiED " hoaseieeoina rooms: clean and wn. auue mnu, w. ". --1 a Terr agreeable mice for coanie or amau a 1 I , T . . . . .. . e i lanuiy; just genial yowng man wisbee 18th at. Broadway 8781. ! mat. reasonable. two bloeka from earline: rent eery Oil asc Tta ax. n. IXRNIlSHF.n rovana to geatlemea, pmat home. I CLEAN furnished housekeeping, noma for men. batb and phoae; east aide; 2 car lines and 1 quiet and homelike, electric Bghta. gas, free walking dutaaee. East 2192 or 310 Halladay pbone, hot and ooM water. $2 per week and -' - lm RS2 HrtAil -V.ta .79K PC RN IS HE D aleepiii room, with pee of phone EIKJe ' front room and kitchenette,' nice eWte J uw'- wixI?f , 'UT.C?- Jl rooms, rery geaaonabie. Hot water alwaya for ...- J. r a 852- Et,s hatha and laundry. Walking distance. Sleeping ... - I norrh nil Flanders Ho ME Mk lSt OTft wn 1iVft reBXISHf:D basement homMkeepin. room for CIATK rr AlT?Zr$riF& WA w I bachelor. 2.50 per week: free gas. right. SJtiJ-.??-.--- and bath. Forniahed 2 rooms and kitchenette H.f!?S'ei WW XICKLi' iurnUed tWe. ' or a room H. K 18th at., cor. upsnnr. heat: aear Washington hih; anitabls for teach er or students: also on aingle, large honsekeep- ing room. r.aat &534 and anting, inside finishing; 'labor 808U. CEMENT work of all kind, reasonable price. good work. An. 632-92. GARAOE3 built, e7.60 ana up; gang doers H2.S0 and ap Ant. 317-7 WANTED Odd in he of any kind by married man. Ea.t 7403. FOR PAINTING kbd kalmnioinc all work gur- ameied. chanre reasonawe call Ant 33z--'g. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 EXPERIENCED yoang woman of good cbar aeter desirea position in refined, respectable widower's modern ihome in city; small family; 838 mo. Phone Eat 89. or P-784. Jonmal. LACE, SCRIM AND MARQCISETTK CTJB- TAINB. DRAPERIES. DONE CP LIKE NEW. WILL CALL , EAST 8518. TALENTED, younf lady wishes position at assist ing commercial artist. Phone Sellwood 104B between 4 and 7 pi m. WOMAN wixhes cleaning, washing or ironing by nay or non-r. ietwcd 1702, - LACK CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. NICELY furnished outside room an good apart-1 ment. nouae; plenty neat) ana not water; all conveniences; close ta. Mgr. iaa. LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2 ; steam heat. mooers conveniences, aoti concA at.. Apt. 8, after A p. m. t LARGE well furnished roifin; lumaoa heat; rooms, at 409 . 19th at., cor. Rate by the month 38 and up: free telephone. beta and pool tatHe. Oall Broadway 1MB THREE dean, comfortable houaexeeping rooms, kitcneneU aad bath, brat and telephone: i minutes to town; 835 per month. W flirt 1070. TWO room and one room iurniahed for ' light houaekeeDuia: at 1171 Minnesota are,: gaa and electricity furnished. Wdln. 1488. 119 Mix- breakfast if desired: ladies only. tor ft, near E. 89th and Lincoln. MCE furnished room, central and rery con- renient, for a centlemaa. Apt. 1. Broadway 1719. i S64 Couch St., CLEAN, well famished 3 room apt., let floor also 1 room house eemng apt. 2d floor; close in. Roy crest Apta.. 173 12th at, cor. Yamhill. 2 AND 3 H. K. APTS. for rent very reaaonable, A. LARUE, pleaaant room tie man ; all conreniencea; rent reaaoaahl ; gar age, Pbone East lvez, 892 H E. Burnaide and Grand are. I Mcm . ; .L - j W . A 4 a A dob inIor-a aen-1 lunuwei a. a., roouia, a sua eo.ow per week. First et Close in, walking di-ttance 323 M WELL furnished, desirable sleeping rooms, walk ing distance. Gentleman preferred, 353 Hoyt sc , corner m. irn sr. I 1, 2 and 3 rooms, well furnished for house keeping ; 1 block to car. 383 Commercial, near Emanuel hospital. 'URN 1SHED alee tuna room Tor on or two: modern 'canreaiences; bath, close in, walking distance, wa K. tn. cor. Ash. LAKUE. well fumislied single housekeeping' rooms with kitchenettes, from 33.60 to 34.2a per week. 434 Yamhill tt. FRONT suit and single rooms, nicely furnished: phone, hot and cold water: 5 minutes to Meier grant a, BZl 18th. corner Clay. Main 4831, NICELY furnished clean outside sleeping room. Bath and phone. Walking, distance, 33. 361 xui st. flaw j BOOM nith running water for gentleman in loTely home; modern ' convenience; shower bain. Trinity Place. Broadway 3879. ONE large front room with kitchenette, fur- msbed, near DM car; rent reasonable. . i a 21st at North. I LA RGB front housekeeping rooms. 34.50 week nine and clean, gaa. electricity, bath. 021 Johnson cor. 1 5th. SUNNY 2 room H. K. suites. $3 and $4 per week. Single room 32. 480 Vi Belmont, cor ner 9th. NICE room in print family for 1 or 2 gentle-1 FCRNISHED h, k. rooms, close in. electric TEAKS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 19. 12 fill DRESSMAKING 256 men. home . DriTileea. eery naaneishla i E. 44th it. N. Mra. Nennenger. NICELY furnished rooms, all modern conrenj. encea, near Reed collect ' 1469 E. 81st East- moreiano. uall Hellwood 433 ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland'a hiab-elsss denon rMtjMiH,! Mrs. B. A. Smith, 1042 Grand are. N. Phone I hotel We dye yon the i com forts td kmu Wdln. 1687. i I American and European plan. Rates reaaorabl. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Nicely furnished looms, steam beat, hot ana cold water with good table board. 332 10th at. comer. of Market Main 6381. WANTED School teachers to board and room; 1 Dioca rrom Couen school. Main 8182. WILL give mother'a oare to two girls under 8 years of ace. Wdln. 4404. lights. 1 large front room. 81.50 per week and up. 328-H 1st, between Cktyand Market its. DYEING, cleaning, pressing, dreaemaking. re modeling, relming. alterations, pleating, rea sonable price. Tha Cabinet Dressmaking Par-fcr.-424 MfwrWin. near 11th. Main 1825. T DRESSMAKING, ready-to-wear bouse dnpaes on aale: also sn-nrxed orasaierea xor axout women. I FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 . TUB JACKSON . . S1U, Unkm Ae. North. TBiaw rum acta.. 330 and 340. nrtrata bath. team beat, hot aad coed water, phon eerrioe: 13 minutes' walk to aui aad Alder.. Rone Oty ear. - Eat -gS40. ' - SEX-BOOU FURNISHED APARTMENT . 875 West aide, walking distant, all ouV aid rooms, tract soreh. atearjinc ooreh. X bed rooms, plenty . of heat and bat water; steady tenanta; adutta, , BAUTH-WAGON KK CO.. BTtW-S. KXCM. THE DKZENDORF AI-TB. 208 16th. Near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nice farn. or unfnrn. & room aota. for resi dent or transient aad tourist; bo ebiectiea to ebildren: walkinc distance. The lta Nice S room apt. with . bath, light and water. 330, 882 E. Ash. Carlois Apartments 2 -room furnished modern a n it men t xeaaoev aoie. I4ta and Mar tea sta. THD BlBrVJUints MT 3th at a 11L LaaLatllVaallk Cor. Market 2 And 3 room fnrnished apts.; modern cm .'- eneea; prteaf baths; 32a to 333 per saontn. THE 0R0VER 1 181 Cfom at.. taioelT fsraished 1 and 3 room booaeseepxnc avrmrtinnt. low ntex. Mala J5S. THE STANFIELB Clean, outside 2 -room ants.: llaht. beat. pImsb 2 ana gzz.aa. mam 1S9. Bellingham Apartments 421 1 E. Morrison at. ' 1 am 2 room suites, H. K. rooms, Teaaflnabre. King Allsert Apartments 2 and 3-room furnished, atrictle modern, tile bath, eleyator. 11th and Montgomery. Main , THE JEFFERY 2 room famished apartments. 318. Russell and Kertjy ats. East 1594. FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 309 FOB tea!. 1 year or aoar, steam beat, hot and cold water furnished, 7 room aacery tar nished, 2 could be rented walking diatanca East 647t. 24 B. 8th et, X. 1VE6E room for rent ta of flea, with waa of phone and typewriter. 212 KaCwaj Exchange I Dfdg. Maia prji. - ..... 3-room Dat. phoae, AdulU." Call Ap laeL water. Apt. A. .10 E. FURNISHED Price 328. Ninth at N. njlV hfK.A vrwmm. Kl k fin wim. -wia . ae. . weiaiagj eustance, - awr uwon aua. aduita; reference. 484 Hall, near 18th. WELL fumLbed 3 room list m beautiful modern horn. 3 blocks from ear. 1113 E. 15th N 4 ROOMS, piano; nic grounds; 330. - Portland sweat ear c aprmc at taea ro rauos ru.. corner. 0 ft I Iwyertrjort. ROOM lower fist, furxuahed. prirate home; hear, DBoae ana mm Ire. . B st. sa Phone Tabor 2457. ML' SIC teacher will aire teaaona ase' o7 and room, raa another: bom smiles; alnble 3H Par. Main 801. FURNISHED or uefaruM flat for rent. Also 1 furmtbed sleeping roosa. . reaa labia rent. 50 N. 28d. Main 3297. ELLA ST., nr. Washington, tin flat,. 3100; gas neat, wtnte eaamei: harawood urn., manngany ltnre: aduita. Mar. 6070. CLEAN 4-room amw flat, good location. 843 including pbone. water and garbage; aduita. Kast 4707. g fargo w. .- 4-ROOM Oat to rent, turn. tare tor aale; can rest rooms; will consider Ford car aa part or run payment, 4TTk Otn. Main 1151. FOR BENT- 5 room furnished Ut.-v adults Mar. 8451.. 5 UPPER flat. '4 490 Market. FURNISHED flat, 3 room and aiecptng porch. 140 Belmont at 365 6-ROOM modern furnished flat, piano. 187 lath et. 8., afternoons only &-ROOM flat, furnished; 2 room list, fumiahed. is llwon aee. w. FLATS UNFURNISHED FOR RENT Choice 8" 310 room Mat; basement. furnace, laundry, all private: modem; no car fare. Two people only. 441 at vonen st eer. 7th. TeL bast 1818. Corner LOWER S room Oat, basement, wash trays. large lawn, fruit, bemea, rosea, etc. 260 . 45th at Only 100 ft. north at Hawthorne ear, 1 js. Bteinmeta, stain sum er "lanor 2.'s Catherine Apartments 149 N. 23d S-room apartments, roomy, with nice kitchen. Marshall 2998. DUNDEE APTS. Housekeeping rooms, 82 and $3 a 850 Hawthorne aye. East 825. THE ALBRET . Furnished apartment, steam beet, private bath. 840 H Migaiaeipyi are. VERY good h. k. rooms, 35 wk. up; also single rooms, ; 83.50 wk and up. Th Manitou, ZS1 isth. CLEAX front housekeeping and sleeping rooms, laundry pnTfleges, 315 and 320. 8 minutes from Meier As Frank's. 226 14th st. ONE single h. k. room. 85 per week; also 2 tuu.mMt raAiws Xlt titrht wat.p . n linen tarnished. 188 14th St. THE LILLIAN APJSr 2 and 8 rooms. large and airjafaae in. west side, modern. 381 6ft ste'irarshall 1878. AUCK,jeoritT APTii. 3 room apartment, Dutch kitchen and bed room in ivory; fireplace: imitation oak floors; lately renovated. East 8388. HK.S1 STITCHING. ANY COLOR ft 4ITB. TD 1 yard hemstitching free with each order oyer ovc. zo AiHXy bidlg., 8d and Morrison. NURSES 257 323.50 TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms, in cluding light, phone and gaa. East 1183. 629 Belmont, between 16th and 17th. ONE large H. K. room with sink and water; nice and clean; walking distance or 16th car to Sherman. 33 week. 606 ftth. PRIVATE maternity borne. graduate nurse. Phone Eaet 1748. NURSE takes maternity cases in her home, pri- 2 RMS. Nicely furnished; walking distance: reasonable. Phone Mar. 1289. 284 Jef ferson. rate: best care;, reasonable. East 6S. 37 TO 520 per-month, l. 2 and 3 clean h. k. rooms; steam, beat, electric lights, laundry. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at Y. M. C. A. to ace tree iLt al mcxler- a4 priced rooms for young mea in all pans V the city, including rooms at the Central X. M, C A. with telephone in each room, shower pains ana eiuo tacUKies. WANTED Men to room and board at 873 Boas free phone, near to cariiae. 203 Stanton at. ex. rasv. zoou. . . . MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 Tenth st, hs- fi mr mwinesa gria ac moaerate rat. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, with sleep- 3 porcn, in private ismily. -713 E. Burn-side. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 TWO furnished H. K. rooms for rent. Tabor 83. 2 ROOMS. 35 a week; 1 room. 33: transient. 33. 208 Washington. Main 52S7. TrrfTin TDlf sir ff-BiniTricii iso it st I vv X 8 ra 8 v a a3 .t vr Modern, free bath; 'reduced rates, 75c per day I WANTED and up; 34 a week and up. Transient trade board. ouciiea. airs, ai: 1. walKer, proprietor, THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th, eor. Aider. WILL ear for children, good home. trom acnooi. Aut. 843-09. 2 blocks j NICELY furnished rooms and H. K. suites, 320, eao. o imng. Two young ladies for room and board, close to Shaver : achool : home nrivl. leges, walking distance to town; board raaaoar aoie. inn nranton at. A SINGLE, newly-papered, spotless clean, -close- in tt. n.. room. Main 7098. 429 MAIN Reasonapie housexeepmg room, SP?ST5!AWontows" HOTEL. Rates 75 SINGLE lady. Uring near Woodlawn -school, will room and board two ladies, prefer teachers or on sin ess girls; au conveniences, private home. vvooaiawn i tvi. np. Private bath 32. Special ratea by week or WASltTNGT6 H6TEt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 305 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms; and suites at reasonable rata oy weea or month. I 325 ALL LOWER floor. 5 rooms and bath. water ana ngnxs. 47 u Vancouver ave. , HOTEL OCKLEY Morrieen at lOfli 31 a day; weekly 35 and up; tree puone ana pain; ugnt and airy. tn and retreading 483 Hawthorne riilf inn HEI.P WANTED MALE 201 WANTEV 12 suUacriptioa aoUcitora for weekly farm, magaaln aad monthly poultry Journal, for 12 dent nets in Oregon, Washington and Idaho; good premium map and 1920 ' census aunplied free and excellent worktug contract for capable nad reaponaible man. Apply Circulation Maeer, Oregon Statesman. Salem. Or. ' &ALESMANAGEE wanted. We have most ex cellent opening for man experienced in or ganising and handling sales crew; not a, stork selling proposition, but a business of excep ttoaaT merit Opportunity to become part owner. Call In person. Northwest Mortgage CO., 438 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED -Young man" who can drive a Dodge 'delivery, mnat be neat, clean and well ap- wpring; prefer es-earric man; must know city. tf-QVl. tfoumaj. WANTED -Experienced lady's ready-to-wear and 'card wntar. 381 window trimmer Monieon. WANTED Tou maa" demonstrate in window: 820 week to start Apply Miller's, 3d and a mar. aag tor numven Phone MAN. wide eaake to sell new Ford cars. 813-91. TEAM to hard oord wood rut of timber. Cail Tabor 1742. tv'OOD&eWER. 73 eorua. Call Main iUaw aner a e eloea. TTiVTEb At" "i wnr tn llfnitt? and retreading. 433 Hawthorn. HOTEL FRANKKIN Washington at 1 3th. Rates by the week, 35 ana up; uol ana eoia runnrag water; hot water i"wn sywem; ruo ana anower baths. RECtOU HOTEL WILL give good home and mother's care to small I THREE nnfurnihi rntimn, in.iiiitg gt -ng i uu u o vsmn uu: reaaonaoiB enareaa: eioae I iib nail sc. to school. . Mrs. Patterson. .Go north frank cod of Beaumont car to E. 4 2d and Skidmore st BOARD and room, aukabla ror 2 atndanta. in . xj , ucir iruiiuiKtoD nign ana t-oiytecnnie scnooia. call at 15 E. 13th st N Mr. M. E. Simoson. WILL give good room and board to little sir! from 4 to 10 years of, aara. Near a eond school. Mother's car. Price reasonable. Ta. oor 0200. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FURNISHED housekeeping ' room, suitable married or single; rent reaibnabla. 693 Johnson. 9 North Broadway, new and modem. Tala I i IN E large room, 3 beds, nice heme. Good lock! on doors. 54 a day up, 83 per week up. Hotel -iWeidaOrd 4 120 N. 3th St. eor. GUsaa. Two blocks bf Depot 75e and no. a week up. Hot, cold water each room. table meaty served : 1 ainale room, near Mult- noman club. Oentlemen. Phone Main 2219. LARGE front - room, also I room with sleeping porcn aajotning. suitsoie tor two gentlemen. Opposite Multnomah elnbJ 580 Salman at stain 373Z. 2 DESIRABLE housekeeping tor 2 school teach era 2 K1V. Wra uKaaI , .,.u .1 choice location; congenial home privileges; rent rosoiiiDie. it a. xova ST Montavuia csr. Leeds Apartment Flrenrnnf bnildine. modem 2. 3. 4 room apartments, also sleeping roy-ma. Mar. 8597 3-ROOM apt., neat (uraUied, light and clean. invn v borne: nunineis women or empioveu people are especially invited to see these rooms. East Kews. til & Anxeny. 5nian Court D Four room front corner apt, newly renovated. Adults: close in. Bdwy. 2781 KRlSnESTA APARTMENTS Attractive 3-room apt in brick building; pri vate bath, telephone, automatic elevator. 68 Grand ave. E. 208. ATTRACTIVE suite of rooms, ti replace, electric Uchta and gas plate; also tront room, wun kitchen privileges, raoor osau. n. mor- rison. 660 FLANDERS, near 20th 8 room fur. mod ern basement apt, batbroom ; only txn mo. and light janitor work expected. Broadway 8134 mornings. THE JEFFEKSONIAN 16th and JeMeraon, 2 and 3 room suites. large, airy outside rooms. nicely furnished. Full size kitchen and pantry. Laundry and storage, mod, rates. HOU.A11AY addition 3 and 4-room flats: ga stove, bot-water heater: 325 aad 330. Zel E. 2d st N.. cor. Multnomah. ' ROOM lower flat, bath aad electric lights, ga rage and workshop, just cleaned. 825. 124 Knott at. Mlsslsrippi car. - i. FLAT of 7 rooms and bath over ato Milwauki at. 320 per months . aUin 3371 Mr. Miller. TO RENT u-room,,4ower floar, new building garage if wanted : waixwc distance east sioe Phone Cfltrrttibi H'oif OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 JIEAL lAiX-FOJLSALl HOUSES - 404 pESK wun takruatoa and Ptioa Bvoadwey 8Tlt ataaaaAa I C ( ( B.OOMS AXD GAJLAGB ' ROSE cm T AX ' SUMMER RESORTS 31C CHERRT CITY ramavhed eottaaw for rent, Bat 88V war week, taehsdiaa Uaxt. weed aad water, rree bos traaa Viet Geo. IX baaita. New- j port. Or. 1 04) 1ST AVE. Al'-AStllK OR Caatr nook nnttaava. t roomed furnished, hath. shower, eleetrx-ity and faal; also renaa P. O. box sij.- u. r, saoeiL SEASIDE tent honee for rent. Mar. 443 1." WANTED TO RENT " '' APARTMENTS 357 WANTED By Oct, 1. a light s4a-at, taa flarniahed 4-rom apartment. - Phone saara- vr,r Mar-Jvall 24f0. ' : HOUSES 361 V f Thia la new hamgak-w ef 3 rooms aad breasv taat amok, iardwowd roors ia hvnkg aad dminC svoe aad tapaetry paper. we kadreema. bare aleaeta. Full eAxlOv kt; aB atreea a-e red aad everything' paid. On and on half bioeaa from Roe Ct oat. ' Prx 3S0O. wnA abeiat 10 dowav , - . . i". t HARTVAN COMPANY, t Chamber ef Commcrea BkU. L . . r-; , ... .. uam 27 . s... Boa Oty Braach Offka, 48th aad Sandy BiwJ. Qoo Buys RENTAL BUkWAU IJaA yewr ha an si, flat aw iiyiaaill antb as; aoick reeulta and foxA taBanta PACKING. MOVING. BTOKAGB. UOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TKANSrSR CO. . 88 Vwartsi aC. eexa. atnltaemah UoaaL Phovw Broadway 3713 WAN TKD KENT HOt'KEfr WAN'TET" 6 END 1M TOUR VACANT HOUSES -SEE THE TKI.LOW 8K1S--SMTTH-WAtJON CT CO.. PTOTX KXCH. WANTED By tb auddia at September a atod- era. well furnished aoaee la desirabla die- trirt Will tak a Irate (or at least mo. Call Main 89. ' OB 8-enom na.umiVied bneBe. near erboei and park: state price aad diet a its frwaa car line. U-886. Jonrrial. WANTED Ta rant, am ail. raodara. nicely fur nished hotrw. by reliable couple. Phoae Tabor 942. Can aee 5:30 p. m. BT Sept. 15. 4 or & room tumiahed bururalow; KKNTOW. . H7I6- ITT eaah, 4-ronci baacl. ALBERTA . t!630 3630 cash, 5-rooa Vanralw. . 2900 3600 e-h. -too-i bwagaiow. PENINSULA 32700 (300 raa, 3 rooem. earner lot, . - MONTATILLA 110641 1 rAh, 4-Tvj-aa. 100x108. BOSK CTTT PARK .. 834(0 850 ewah. lOOllOO.- garas. " ALVLN JOBNSON. REALTOR. " . 104 Board of Trad bids. B4y. 17. . . t Evening, bast t6t. A aACBinCa! . Six foea aauiliia arou-barxal am. kat 2 ay. 158 feet, aaai miaat with lawnUry tray, gara-a, aaaeadata atrawt, wnly Mock from eartiaa, frait and barrio. Abo a 2 reeea i I lot that ewata for - 84 oee asowth. C di lunar t aaeaaw. eeicaen hrwaa and ' AB low Ui email prV of 34100; awJy 3Ia cah will baadw, baliaoa like rret. It wU pas' yow ta ooea and aaw tea. prfer vKvtiae' with garage. M'eodlawn 78.- I MAW 7027 IWASKatpARxN SUITE 413 PLATT BLDG. WANT aa rent your bona mraaAed I rails every dsy. 304 Btarhaaaa bldg. Bar 5-ROOM furnished oottage. near Washington or Jfverrrn btgti -r1ioM. ' T-94Q. JoumaL , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 TAKE Miaaiaalppi ear to Portland led. Walk 5 blocks west to tract. Just 62 of these beautiful lota left 8330 to 3350. 10 per cent down, baL 2 years, no inter est Men ow ground to show you these lota. The Johnston Realty Co. IfOUR ROOM unfurnished apt, with kitchenette and bath, 305, tncludmg light, neat, ana water. Chnsteiwen s hall. Mam 6017. Auto. 413-01 WW A T TARQ 22 Henry Building Bdwy. Ill) FOR a hi me, fad or relinquishment location see E. W. Helm. 81 Board of Trade bldg. D2VINGTON Cozy 4-room flat, sleeping porch. furnace, 340: adults. E. 8015. 3 OR 6 room flat. 414 CoL 610. East Harrison st. 4 ROOM bniumiiibed flat for rant street. 370 14th 6 ROOM modem fiat for rent. Nob Hill dis trict, reasonable rent Call Main 7255. 3 ROOMS, 4 S0H Union ave. N., 113, in cludes water: adnlta only. East 2195. 31.25 A WEEK-- LOTS 1190 Being in Mentone, ahaoiately th cheap- . est good kU Ut Portland; 60x100 fret; Bull Run water, gas, big school. 8 cent carfare, nice neighborhood. Pay 33 down and 8125 a week. Buy some lumber, and put up a shack and stop paying rent Tou'U never get ahead paying out your hard earned money for rent, Cell Mr. Murray today (Sunday I. . 00MTE A KOMLIIAN, 20H Chamber of Commerce. Main 6350. BOSK OTT BrXGALOWS ' -, Aspi Mers ef this dMrir. w a dortMedly have the saoag aalart listing available.. . AB euae. aad price, from 840OO up, with tens. Pre pective bay era sad aalir 1 thia distrirt aee as sured at satisfactory eeme by con salting wa. - 'l. L. HARTMAN COMPAXT. ". 8 Chamber ef tVmmarok Bid.. Maia 208. Roe City Park Branch OTOca. E. 43- BL aad Bandy Blvd. 35450 IRfD.GTON- PARK (3450 SET EN-BOOM BUNGALOW Has 4 bedroom. Dutch kttraen, ruflev, - ment baaeaent. garage, cbickea Imaee and ran. A modern bwnralow oa lOOxlOO-ft. la, large view porch, baaatlrol lawa wttav rwawx " and ehrubbery. pared street. H block ta ear. CaQ and tarwct at yoar eonvenieor. l2hi K. SOts st, N. Ovraer. Ante. 320-23, MAIN 7027 vv. WASHajoKJ SUITE 4IS PLATT BLDG 3-ROOM flat with bath and electric 318 50.- 707 V4 Commercial st. lights, I IRTTNGTON DISTRICT ATI improvements paid; surrounded by new homes, near school and new park. Sea' this FOR RENT New modem 4-room fist, kitchen today. 3875. $100 down. 310 a sac-nth. furnished. 101 4 E. 33d. eor. Washington. HOUSES-JJNFURNISHED 311 SPRINKLE RED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store your goods with as. Let as do your moving and packing. CLAY 8. MORSE. INC Broadway 3470, 454 Gnaan sr. WELL furnished 2 room apartment, bath, dress ing room, closet and pantry, on tint uoor 01 Irvington residence. Generate entrance. Phone Eat 1520. 443 E. 18th St. N. FOR RENT, furnished apt, all outside rooms; sleeping porch, steam heat, hot water, walking distance, aduita, 340. 427 Rodney are. East 7817. - PIANOS moved 83; stairs extra. 51 each flight t 80 days' free storage on aa household goods; liumuuv movuis suin waca. hvw , i ---' - large truck 82.75 per hour; we ere experienced I district aad have good packing. Call Broadway izoi. Atlas Transfer fe Storage Cot. 104 L 6th at, Open Sundays and evenings. 1 6-UO0U modern house South Portland, 175 REASONABLE Three room, modem apt. at 148 East 72d st- N. Monta villa car. Phone Tabor 475, for information. 2 CLEAN, well furnished h. k. suitea, very con venient, 3 and 4 rooma each, near, Irvington school. 412 E. 8th St. N. THE ALTAMONT APTS.. 804 COLLEGE Cool, oozy, modern 3 sad 4 room apart ments, reasonable rent Elms Apartments 3 room furnished apt, walking dit. 191 14th. HIGH gnats furniture lor sale, complete for 4 looms; apt. ean be rented if desired. Apt. 24 Morton apts. Must be seen to apreaata. IHTiOiTrniT ADTHITD aav !!-, rlll.HJ i within walkine distance on -at rfd. 171 lltn st.. nesr Morriaon. Clean marie, I ferred. Phone Ant 222-ftK , --j. "u"n rata. I KOOil and board for one or two gentlemen 1 AND- 2 room housekeeping apartments, well furnished: includes ohena. bath and evervthine i l vu vwmu iH, ui juuca scnooi ; waving ais- vrvf uu wm iu privsie lamuy, room wren 1 uwev. no rs. zisi. Mam ozz8 or wttnont board, in fine residence district. Men pre- EUCLID HOTEL. I in nfineri hnm.' hmu: nrivv. .rut v.o nwuuiiwu, ab low. i nome eooeing: close in. ia3t,.71o7 to wrminentguesu. ' Bdwv 28R2 I WANTED To board, one or two small children I tanj?- t Side LOVELY blue-white room, man ana wire (no objection to ehildl. nr Iva women tuwu. keeping privilege or board: piano, modem con venience. J.OZ4 Molgate. Sell. 1112. TAIT HOTEL All outside rooms, beet 81 day - hotel In the city; rooma 4 to 87. and with bath 38 to 310 per week; pleaaant lobby; auto- raswc elevator. 4tn ana starx. in country home. Mrs. E. T. Or. Route 2. box 148. i Haines, Salem, EXCEPTIONALLY good two-room housekeeping suite; nam,, electricity, lurnace heat; walking istsnce. West Side: 822. Brnadwav '2125 624 Flanders st., near 18th. ' ROOM apt. with 2 closets and email porch sink, hot and cold water, electric liahta. very light and clean. Rent reasonable. Main 7a TRY EN ON HOTEL tor reduced rates; 75c and up; not ana- oeia water in rooms; rates to NICE, pleasant room. ' siutasle for 2 furnace beat; home cooked meals Savior. Bdwy. 1473 LADY would hke care of 1 or 2 boys, ages 6 669 penosaent roost": transient trade aolicited. 107 4 I to 10; good, modern home near Highland sin St., Main rta. I scoooi. Aaqre-m wi t i 1th st N.. eity. I HAVE a beautiful large tront room, suitable I " YOU. want a place to; rest and recuperate iur genuemen, in a luveiy rest net ad dis- I ciean uome wiut gooa Doera, eneerful at- mci, wiuuni autancea, also tioa ear sarric. I mr nere. can Taper tji s. rjaat uu I n. I l xj iinir J a a . bet I . n . privliege. walking distance. Broadway aaunon. I s no. HOUSEKEEPING room, everything furnished. 53 week. 02 N. 23d. Main 8686. K1CELY luniiahed h k. room, kitchenette, with Sink snd runnina- water, fee nhnne hath nt electric light, west side, walking distance; prefer couple employed. B-2016. 535 Johnson ft. Maxwell Ham.vV". 1 Fnrnfahd sUepfet rooms, bath, hot and cold ONE aingle and one double front room? TWO housekeeping rooms, 312 month; near aunw ana car. 4ii4 Magnolia sr. Wdln, 4725. er; 34.00 week NEWH end up. SALESMEN WANTED ?fta Wfi DESlkC to interview exparienced stock and aoaa ajmn, iue insurance or Kindred lines need some good salesmen and 'will offer oppor tnnity lor good money; not stock. Northwest Mortgage to , 416 chamber of Commerce. THE oldest fruit magaaine la Northwest wanta a hve circulation aaleatnan to make Oregon Stat fair; eoly high-power', maa will do, who aaa make moaty for hlmaalt. Mr. Moody, 281 J 1D tn. ALL HOTEL 402 E. Wash. Bt., cor. Grand sve. lfoderB; ontside sleeping rooms. EMPRESS HOTEL Suite or single; rooms, nicely fnrnished. at attractive rates to; permanent guesta. Right ta the center ot the; city. 6th and Stark. NICELY furnished sleeping from MultnomaJi dull. Manilla. Main 6539. H block 235 6173 furnished rooms, hi cottage, newly pa pered and painted, separata entrance gas, bath, yard, walking rlistanre. wast aide. Taker 1114. KtO Pint WILL GIVE ROOM AND GOOD BOARD TO CHILD UNDER SCHOOL Afita TV prititp HOME. TABOR 7478. i ' i WI .L board and room lady or 5-year-old gut ior tig aaonin. r inner. iSWJ x. vttorcn sr.. Balem, Or. THREE nice, dean rooms, furnished for house keeping, close in. 752 Albion are. 'Wood town 88f3. water. 5th at. rooms, hot and cold also rooma with tha baths. 269 ii 312 SUITE of 4 partly furnished H. K rooms, large fir tree nlainlv aaen 1U blocks ETT-jrrjim cirq in nivmonw ave. car. 31 aALESMAN of guudi appeata nea 1 with parleaoa amamieaifra. to learn autom.ibila -business: straight Mr. Ante. Cooke A Gill Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 :ANIkU Woeiia, girt or boy to speed winter wiw aa ow suaauwo. air. . rear! Uaaatai. Carmlls, ffwh, ANt GIKL is need of a tnead. apply to the Salvtttoa Army Bascue Home. Mayfalr and rt exa. rrwme win B4S0 D-M ear. WOULD you. like to earn IM per month while Plione Lucille Levy, leamlee shArtbstut Bvoadway 2198. kXPKHlENCED ehocoUte dippers wanted. imhk m uo, caaoy factory. N. 1. 1tarTuute 'btidr. wmnaa for wage to capable woman; Tirmnwi eaee. HOUSEKEEPER for widoet. four children; T,. ,T. li ', . ' tn ave. o. sw at aniray-saai m t vitlarr.,lUit f.or PorU4. gowi propoaiUon: B-110, Jonmal. housekeeper, good refarences. Phon WANTED Womaa for all inns K. istb. eor. Tenii 39 WOMtS' want on lj round til peara, tailor work. Prorlueta Co., 321 E. Ykmhill. Starr Fruit GIRLS wanted, Oregon Paper Bog factory. 245 CIKL may pay tor murno eovtrae doing sewing T iTm.,ry. win JV1Q. HELP WANTED I JTJvtALE AND 205 wANTEDCranbarry pickerk; picking very good "V" " J'lL""!L.r.DA tn to te.dy ptckVrV; ptea eraabarriea and take vbnr f . . k. beach. Liffi1"" inrw bv-os. Journal. Situations w BASEMENTS, GRADlNu7 1 AVrjTTri tea a we -iiriA E 251 GEN't. TEAMING; ewnraet er day work. ah. ' r I I, i "' 'Z&Z li"- mn...nytJun. t - i r"re rav, wnaa COLOKED porter Woodlawti 2841 went, work in barber ehoa aner o p. m, or hotel .Ml RCNira repaired T.hoe as. , i LAB1NET MAALU. MnUon. sM" and painud. awaionahl. r reaairiag. East 4818. 1 SEPARATE SLEEPING PORCH 1 alee ping room, 1 and 2-room apt Washington at. No children. . LADY having large, handsomely furnished heme all modem conveniences, jWouId like two people tn room anri hAerri Wriln Snal i BEAUTIFUL steam heated, rooms, 2 meals and I 8 i"?,0,?'. rgUS clen houaexeeping rooms for name privileges, ss per wees. Boo Commer-I - wum, waiui uiiun, ,i PLEASANT room for reliable ninl. iu. oi aaicnen. liEnxs. aaa. etc. : an the comforts of a real nome ; close in. Mam 254. 653 ctal. Ant 812-96. Y t a Tfa ra, a v- T-v tiaii .- - -saM ouaau A.ij ; xttuji ror A worxingmen or man and wire, or win ; rent rooms to suit THE BARTON. 45b ALDER ST. Clean .furnishedj rooms 32.50 per! week and I Please pbone Auto. 688-54. np, Also ugnt potneaeeping. - E. Main. 2 FRONT rooms aa kitchenette 1st flntw- f.I place, electric, gas, steam heat, phone, bath. 650 Glisan. CLEAN, pleasant tance, 1 block 33 week. 828 E f urnished room, walking dis- t carimea, outside entrance; in st. n. it zaoa. 393 EUGENE lT. Nice. hght. airy . tront room, suiisoieiior s; genuemea preterred. 10 minute walk ta North Pacific Dental college. LARGE, well furnished tront room. 2 beds if desired ; modem conveniences, as N. 20th. nesr wssnington sr. PLEASANT furnished h. k. room, suitable for la ay or gentleman: everrthine furnisher! S3 5(1 per wee. BU7 Market st I - : PLEASANT room for one or two; home privi-! ?W 0 .front rooms, private entrance; use of ROOM with or without Board m modern hrm I 935 Savier st near Montgomery-Ward. Main! 441T. ierea, . Us of tiano 255 East 30th t nawtnorae. laoor aaza. i HOME for aged' people, convalescents and semT invalids. Special attention to nursing and diet Pbone Ean 2643. NICELY f urnished room, svith good board, for bath room. 1 sleeoimr roam for two 1 hnn. seeping room. oaz Morrison it., afternoons. FRONT ROOM, ilarce clothe eloaet. aundern home, 3 blocks from Franklin high school. I snd Loveinv. Main 41 SI. zwio 8"tn t a. 'ili. man aad wife or 2 men, Walking distance. 23d NICELY furnished rooms for hoosekeeping. All outside .rooms: also one sleeping room; walk tag distance. 508 Alder. Bdwy. 2315. TWO light h. k. rooma upstairs, use of bath. puone, isunary trays, z adults; gas; is mm ntes to bnineM center. Woodlswn 1672. i BUSINEScj college, high school boys, get clean, I beds, running water, with or without hoard: wmu ,iwim-w vw emuvsi, i vuKiBg uusnce spieTMi:u location, Bdwy. 43 ONE room, suitable for two young ment twiaOXB 8-ROOJt SUITE, 35 per week. 290 aa ... " . w " 1 XT as 4 are TT" A Tri' v a a K. 2 1ST. BROADWAY 1226. reasonable. EU1 cheery, clean room, suitable for two em ployed nerasne: modem, walkine 547 YambiU at Mm 3H. ' I BIG front room for 2 girls or women employed. "m care tor cniiq ounng flay. 400 Btn st S. FURNISHED, nnl urnished H., K. tagea, reagotiabie. Zoz tJibbs. HIGH-CLASS furaiahed sleeping rooms for one or eonpie; reasonable. 707 Flanders, st. i NICELY furnished, clean rooms in eatttif ul home. 315 np.j 215 14th at. WILL give good board and room to children of i aclioel age. very reasonable; close to achooL Autmanc ai-f. FIRST-CLASS board and room in private, modem I TWO clean, furnished housekeeping' hnm. - ell bom MnvuiiMrM .IWn. I .1-: . . -TV - . ri . n . ---" I lums CTiuvenienr. iiwiic aisui ,vu, NICE widow's home, with mother'a car, for small ' caua. tsu r.asv, xoo, i . rooms, cot- rooma: everv. ou ta. atornson. eor. 18th. 2 AND 3 room housekeeping, apartments; private . reenience. i a oor zn. - PLEASANT frontiroom for rent, mod era. wsik- ui nwance. sal vk otn at Washington high. Call rd. if 3 Eaa 166. FOR RENT nicelyi furnished room. X block from j WILL give mother'a ear to baby or child under ". vt iwiBOH ax. lie year; reason, di. Tabor 940. TWO lovely furnished hoaaekeepint looms, bath. ww ow jrettysrove ew sUlltii and aingl housekeeping rooms; eloso ,inj adults only. 227 Broadway Main 4044. WILL ear for children ia my ITJRNtSHFTi RfVMK rl science ehiMren prrred. Woodlawn 11 80 PPIU1TT IT A XJT1 v m I - " or .uuee, acnooi . - miu. A ju i ur or vflanm i-ji mntnM a T of?1 . J room and I sleeping room, doe ROOM and board for children (rocs. 6 to S. iH CWI AZ. x z. Ul m. - k '.. r-v la OB fnrnished and unfurnished rooms, mod home; Christian 1 ern. near Broadwav. ago v.w NICELY furaiahad h. k. rooma, near Broadway ' bridge. 434 Larrabec. Eaat 5914. to 23d sL .and ear ham. Ante. S0QK a vruimoy sr. i IT2! EXCEPTIONALLY dean room, suitable fog light LARGE ROOM. Well furnished. Suitable tor o or two; reasonaoi. . ataxia U oesirad. 667 'viman, oawy. - LIGHT, airy sleeping rooroa, cjos in. . west w, iw ;ac a. sua Attn, none Ataia DESIRABLE room for 2 girls, employed; home ' ' " - - v OA U Va a , w r i , . liLiUuli pnt ttDfnTTiiahed h. t mat, pri- MfA Knweaa . 1T gr 4 a T W ' u nm " nice home, for cant "v"- o Lneretsa, nr. Z3d and Wash. Ti?K."vUr?iJroo.H- kwoaas, aleetri eve a aa st Ci;Aruo.' walking distanoa. . Broadway 139$, aaaP rrw;Tw;A St. -. hath8 'Sftft J?0"- tiom in- cheap; phone and IT WO room H. K. apt, ... . aa-aaaataai 1TW , PAAU .A vl "o-" ' 1 w- ' 1 ' - I . . ' BOOM ad bcktviri. ftinslo or dibi hot wtvtor. . aaIlriviav a4iartaaaau . . U . At 41 0 at . ' in asAallal nftl Woodlawa 2184, BW with board. 563 E. Concn, East 8 0 997- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED - 304 888 First Sunnymont Apts. (i31trl!1!?"1 Furnished apt, the 1st of Sept Tsbor 18R9l7"y. F o-.v CLEAN, well furnisheri H. K. suite, very convenient, 3 and 4 rooms each, near Irv ington school. 441 E. 13th st N. - THE ALTA VISTA apartments, comer 16th and Pettygrove.' Housekeeping rooms from 3Z-30 to 35. 044 Pettygrove. 3 ROOM steam heated front apartment with beds. 332 month: also a Z room apartment for 525. By month or week. 402 Vi 3d. NICE, dean, 3 room furnished apartment, free phone, light water and bath. 525. Tabor 2649 DAVENPORT APTS. One 8 room basement apt for rent; private bath and phone. Jefferson at Phone Main 5435. 505 HISLOP HALL, 410 Vfc v Bawtnoma ave.. room furnished apartment 535 and as. Phone East Bsz. 3 AND 4 . room furnished and unfurnished. stnetly modem: elevator: reasonable rent 228 N. 20th. Broadway 2071. 2 ROOU H. K. apt... nicety furnished. Chapman. Main 889 8. 280 SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH THREE ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 1990. MA BELLE APTS. 414 Jefferson at 11th st, 2 and a -room furnished ants., modem: rent rea soonabie. ' 2 ROOM apartment and private garage, in good location, terms raaaenable. close to Jefferson high schooL. Woodlswn 1184. 142 Shaver st BUENA VISTA 434 Hsnuon. First s a room apt Main loaz. ALL COMPLETE. 321 50: concrete building comer union ave. . and KUUngsvrortn. - . PORTNOMAH 4 room fumfehed apartment. wiia sleeping porch ; adults. 200 E. 13th at APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 TWO large unfurnished rooms, could accommo date S people, hot water heat, modern, rent reasonable, finest location Nob mil district, waia- mc district 789 Kearney. Marshall 845S. ALTER APTS., BRICK. 675 OVERTON ST. 0 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, steam heat, shower bath; regular bang. low apt Broadway 4358. . Irving Apartments 4 room ants., light, modem; outside rooms. Slat arm Irvine. Main 9289. - FURNISHED aud unfurnished apt.; no ob- lection ta children if under eooa control near Ooneh school. Lawa Apta., 18th and Davis. Broadway - 2664. - The American Apts. 21st and John- - 5 room modem apartment on, Broadway 8860. Johnson-Dodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T : 4556 Cash' Buys 50x90 lot 1 ft above grade: paving, side walk, sewer, overruling paid; near &. zota. i close in. BIPNET G. T THBOP 411 Awnfton bldg. tm PAT RENT? Why not buy two lots outside of dry omits I 264 Stark st where you can build a home witaont a permit r Water, gaa in street alongside ef lota. Price 3275 cash or 3800 on term. Maia 3237. Owner, apt 11. Denver Ante.. 208 W'aahingtori. 325 CASH. 310 MONTHLY Buy good level 40x100 lot cement walk, sewer assessment paid; close in, aear E. 2 2d at. good complete abstract SIDNEY G. LATHBOP 411 Abimrtea bidg. ' ATTENTION - HOME BUYER AND EJL-8ERTTCK MXN Wa hav homes In all eecOona at th city. Call and as photos aa display ta ear galeeroaaa. II yea are due enraged aaa eaat two, taa ataa or a nuaea yoa are tonamc raw see as, If aeoeavary oaw waudtag eoaapa Easy aerma if yea aeasra, ' Yoa doa't need to wait anul ywa get year bonoa Voam. Let a explain how aw caa start your bom imaaediatal. Our architect wtl gladly help yoa work out yoar ideas, -- Open evantng nntfl 9 p. as i. A. WICK MAN CO. Short Was Heeae'1 Marn 10H4 and 3t. You Really Want a ' Home? bvxngalow, fireplaea. at inn Mead st, rent 328.10, including waUr. C A. WAGNER CO.. 280 Stark. , Main 8150. 8250 WDW'8 SACRIFICE Splendid lot. 1 block WS car. 82xl!0 "and alley; cost 3800, owner seeds money badly. 250 cash. Hurry! Ant ezv-va. I hav, 8-i full uiaaant base ant trait trees, tirriaa. rosea Yoa couldn't banid tb boa today for 6430. Let 50x100 la good diatrict. eompiataly fas irished with sraga. staeaa. diahsa, and every thing. 9 Sk eards of wood, ail far t100. Move right In. 969 Union sva, V. ELK TRANSFER as 8TORAGH CO. 15 Days' Storage Free.. rnmltute moved for lesa. Broadway 2448. get the best AT BIG eacnfioa, tliree ahoic viww lot la Leurelhaxst, oa Laddingtoa Conrt. oa 42d st. block and one-half north of Montavi ear- line, phone hm 81 19. WHEN moving, city or country. at lowest once. ureen 1 rang. 1261. 202 H Alder st Co.. Maid COTTAGE for rent at Woodrow atation, 6 mile from city, 325 per month; city water; neither gts nor electricity, t all Tabor a. FOR RENT 8 room house in Fairview. a, acre ground. SO minutes' drive on pavement to city. References, si 7. oa mo. pen, aiaz. ROOM modem bungalow. Woodlawa 41T9. Call Eaat4447 or -room and Porter st gxragvA, 635. -..-room bungalow with aarage. FranMm. Call after 6. THE CLASSIEST BUNGALOW IN MOaB . CITY PARK You've aarn aothmg ta thia diatrV ta- aqaal this lovely home; nig beautiful n aa aad , Urge breakfast aook; ot eoarea. It Is modem, ' ap-to-th-miauts, with gmrag aad all. Tb lot, - ntuv. i-itt cmc Kir.n la isi kmaineilw fln. and th laeerieB i '"ParemsBt paid, fine location, block Sand th beat ta this beautiful district Tha price ilvd:" easy terms. Tabor 6559. ia 18500 en reasonable terms. Call Mr. Freat 2 DOWN. 82 WEEK 3600 COMTE A KOriLMAN. Msin 6550. stntteni b. ioninn 480. 208 Chamber of Com metre Bidg. (Alberta car. R. W. Cary. 1310 N. W. Bank bid. I FOR SALE 6 room baafesew, eoraer iot Tog ONLY 84K0 aad assume street improv lenta, L rU' ''hedi taa. aiectrto LrhU. 30x100 eornor lot paved streets. S9la aad ZZZjlZZ ixlZ- a i,i7, J. kTi E. Alder, N. E. comer.. Aut 04 8.29. "'a b'irol, tTr". FOR SAL&: I with, garaaw-oa paved steaat ta ndnsias and sewer, bgrata, aw, faraaos. Prasa Waverly Heights; price very reasonable; easy 33300; 8800 caaa. Ualaace trrma. . terms. Ant 627-77. . roam bunxaiow. oa harrkasrfaaa st Prica LOT in Pemnrala district north of University 1 12500; 4I0O CMh, balaare 520 per month. park; aprpessaata in; Man U 497 after-I r-no.-MS alto. tn. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW WE move furniture of 8-4-6 boom be use for 310. For further information. Main 6290 5 ROOM house. Multnomah atation. one block Iran school. Main B489. 8 ROOM house, M4. Soott district. 316 month. Com bins farm living - and drain floors, buffet, bookcase, window seat, two airy- 3125 TAKES lot oa 3 7 ah. 50 ft south A, Z,'ZZrjrZr7 . wm f.n.a Rill I T . . ' I GOOD lot, cash value 45w, for 1920 Ford, value. East 4574. Automatic 63241. MODERN 6 -room hou-e lor rent 882 1st st Phone Manball 4 888. MODERN 6 room bungalow, furnished or nn- lunusueci. e. SSSU1. .HOUSES' s JEFFERSO.f HIGH DlaTEJCT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOR RENT Cottage furnished. 5 rooms aud bath, attic, sxment basement boilt-ina. gar age, chicken house and runs, garden, fruit, ber- 33500 7 -room -modem bungalow, large buffet Dutch kitchen, bedroom aad bath first floor, 8 bed rooms above, -cement beaement. laundry trays. 50x100 lot. east front HENDERSON-BAVlTrS CO - 628 Henry bldg, Bdwy; 4754. NIFTY BUNGALOW HOME Hem ia a 34500 bungalow for 33950; 5 r. amalad throve bout: fail cement trays, full let raved at aad car baa. AQA I eomnelled to lea eity at one; anil aaU tor 1 lees tnaa actoai east sao. Milwaukia at I3A Z 8t M. . to Lba"rd"aJ - f' Z eh.n.. at. Rene 837 Bo month- 1020 a I u improvements in and paid. axAted eentraily. ehsnan sta. Princeton. MODERN. East Side Large 7 -room house in very desirable neighborhood; furnace, flre lsre, hardwood floors, all built-ins. Marshall .596. PIEDMONT 6 -room house witn garage, for tha school year, near Jefferson high school, 360 per month; tint snd last month in advance Can after 4 p. m. st 861 Killingsworth sve. 6-ROOM modem house, Washington high dis trict : best cariiae: good neighborhood; dean and homelike: piano, furnace. 30; adults, la gnire 172 Park. Main 8998. aear ear and school, ia excellent district quires 81000 cash. ELMER r. BENNETT CO.. 819-321 Board of Trade. Bdwy' 4491. FURNISHED ALAMEDA BUNGALOW 7 rooma. almost new, modern bungalow; ' sleeping porch, garage, beautifully (ur nished; player pi, no, black walnut dining set, combination range, electric washer ; a good buy in every way. By owners leaving city; 39000; terms. E. B, S-, BIS Coach bldg. Main 5694. h. WHY pay rent whe I will serve you I " A 7 raa. house, modern, with full tot. and fruit trees, including wood rang. Cement basemeat Lo cated ia best part of St Johns. 3800 ah, balance monthly. No mortgage to eeenm. W1LGUS D. SMITH 690 Williams Ave. East 1298 or Wdln. 6861. Ailt Y6C going T6 bL'TLdJ LET CS HELP YOU We draw plana aad help finance. Come ta our office and let oar designer belp yoa plan your pome. .Portland xtoMic gun. nana 216 Abington bldg. ' S.TSfJSDecl&cd Bargain Sept 1. Call at 614 Powell st 7 ROOM bouse, furnished, not snd cold wster, raa. Uchta. 3 bedrooms. 335: aduita, 102 Stanton st ; tske Miss, ear. I MODERN 6 room house for rent furnished. 343 per month. 537-27. 1341 Corbett t Phon Auto. COMPLETELY furaiahed. clean, modem 7 room house. 8 bedrooms, furnace. Lease to adults; 360; at 966 Hawthorn ave. XV HI. furaiahed house for rent; references re quired; no children. Call after 10 a. an.. Sellwood 2710. ALBERTA SNAP 33730 GO LOOK I 1288 E. 7TH N. LARGE BOOMS TERMS - r : Q. C. Goldenberg REALTOR .-. 166 H d St. Room 424. ' Main 4 863. Tsbor 3104. LAURELHURST , " 36730 TERMS Beautiful new 6 room banaalow. Urge Brmg room with firaplaee, beantifBi dimag roosa wun buffet, exeentioaally handy Dateh kitcaea; ad hardwood floors, piste glass windows; Urge tar' Blab ed attic; tun aad aarage; extra weal aoar- R. OMERTTLLE. Bdwy. 2478. - PENLS8LLA DISTRICt 53760 Owner leaving for California otters km i rooaa madam baagak rw for sale. Has fireplace, full eeaaewt baseaaeat, lot 84x151. with fxae flewara.. aaraaeary. trail ana, targe vagaaacai awraen, Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 W. W. Bank Bldg. Main 376T. , IMMEDIATE POr-StiIOS . . 34200 50 CASH 84200 - aft Tsbar view bungalow. re ami, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, buffet b not m aaa. ment baaaaveat Uuadry trays, fOxlOo let anth ail xaaprevaaaeam paid, beauttral graaoda. , Taat ia aa absolute barsain; 8500 will biBdi. MEN UaRaON -BAN ato CO.. - - ' ' ' 626 Henry bldg. ' Bmedwey 4784. bor 5995 33iO ROSE CITI PAfca.T Good 'aabd new furniture aad attractive 4 mom bungalow, doable ouaati ucted ; good aea diuoa: risapUea, built-Ins. evrre porrbea; fine Dandy 5 menu, modern, paved at. 1 block I plambing. wash tray, large Dutrh kitehea, aptea. BiSnVf rl.t ir. mn.rr. nrtvet. heme1 Uk car, near Reed college; 32550. balance easy. I did kocauoa; 1 blh. Saady blvd; at iwet paved; morX 919 E.Mal 3 V.'- OWNKK,Auto. 620-96.' ; e-er fcmeka, ctty: term Tabbr 659. a kuum mooera oungaiow, 4 acre, aa uu. i,.uuv, ,i,v. Wili take lot ia good location aa rirat aay- Hav gawd pro poaiaoa for a bona man wba ment or sell on termt Jonas, Mail isS42. has amau amount at cash to pay dowm. laoai Intenrtato land Co., 248 Stark st bungalow knd sleeping parch with furnace, fira. 61-t Ok' WORK, lea,!,, city ; must ' seU 5 fsm- woa hceT eT 'cS T at-evM-, lilt w imaMr of t oemtwe aiag- COOL clean, healthy 3 and 4 room furnished, walking distance, private bath, porches, lawns. garage, rent reasonable. Tsrr. Mar. 2941. 0 ROOM furnished cottag for rant 1290 East YamhiO. . 84 S NICELY furnfehed hour, walkine die- tance. modem conveniences. 5 " TBovrthi' reat in advanca. 42 E. 27th rt S. Montavfla ear. 5 -ROOM famisaed bouae, rent reasonable. Harrison near Thlrd it 249 ily 10 room bona. Rent 835: price 82500. Mortgage 81200. 823 par saoath. Will aoaaida I exchange. 6228 92d st Auto. 634-65. TWO 6 roam oottage at a bargain! must a II at once; 8800 will close tha deaL Also have vacant lot and will neto party to build awn home. Owner, 986 First Mir-ha 3 4461. Irvington Bungalow T rooms, comer lot; mast be sold; $1100; 1125 Geaeo wag. 4 ROOMS 32300 - . A real warrant 80x150 tot aaat aide , waTh bf distance House ia old aad awed repairs, hot tot eloae as worth pric gated 8500 ana 4 BOOMS, steam heated apartment, modern. 335. Cartel Drag Co.. Maui 792. UNFURNISHED 4 room apt. Urge outside rooms; also 8 room furnished apt Guild Apta.. 894 Ooikt St, near 23d and Thnrmaa. Main 87t6.j z STEVENS apta.. 791. Northrop, aear 24th: 6 Urge ganny outside rooma. front back aad sleeping porch; heat, water, yard. ; Phone Main 9858. - '.- FRONT a, k with kitchenette, newly oared. ateva heat 180 17th st. nor. Yamhill 3 ROOM unfurnished housekeeping apartnientt wetting distance. 178 K. Tta. eor. Yamhill. TO KENT Newt 1112 Woodwar "" " , a-; ngni. pbone, gas: reasonal furniihed rooms. Inquire I TWO modem larmeaed I . kaoi.f m "w ww a4V U3- grW bi.jlh nested CLKAN well famished loom, walkine I - 1,-iuAf , .i1' n'u " i . Broads, 195j ... - - ' rasTrisyhwat ?$ ZT Aa, THaU01 t0a- BtK of k, k. rooms log rent Hi itaW roou 349 Wm cjeaa. - modem at. ream B. 2d floor. can veil- I FURNISHED Urge amgl. b. k.' room; hot and floer. I o.'a nter. . RH 9alo iu s -TT- East 2336. 2 LARGE, light b, k. rooma; alectxic light bath. 305 H 3d rt. . FURNISHED . housekeeprng room. 321 6th. APARTMENTSftJRNTjSHED 307 3-ROOaf apt. etoaa Phone Ex 472. in, .240 E 16th at NICE Urge S room apt, pnrat heme, cioap in. otas BlUC. MH ,22S i-KOOM fura ed apt Windsor Apt, iofTC 14th st. IN KENTON turn heated apt. adnlta, Wd,a. 4089. f - '";- - GLEN COURT, comer Park and Taylor; 2 aad 3 room furnished. Main 1961. i. " TWO room furnished or anfui bed apt, snit Sble tor couple. BoaaonihU 232 44th st Hawthorne ear. : 1 THE WiSaEL. fi. ilffl isb TaaaHjIL Unfurnished 4 roosa apt. adnlta. new manage ment walking diatanee. Phone East 9252. BRUCE anartmenta,' 25tb and Northrup sta. 6-rm. mad. front, sleeping porch, bdwd. fire., steam hv at van. service: fine view. Mar. 1423. 2-ROOM nnfamiahed apartmant -103 K. 82d st Tabrrr 6760. 6 LARGE outakia sunny rooms, hardwood, doors, porches, heat and yard.. Main 9838. -,- FIATS -FURNISHED 309 3THREE nicely taraished rooms and private bath. free water, garbage, use of phone, garaa opwMt' oy nfc ajoer. logo.. FURNXaHKI 4 room Cat, 21.30. 840 East autn st. Tenor ewws. FOUR RiXiM flat, furnished. 610 cash, in. Main 725. 823 Halk St. Oat C. FURNISHED 5 -room bungalow; no children. 1178 E. Ysmhfll ' FOR RENT Well furnished 3 room bungalow, I termt Main 5436 901 V 98th N.. near Alberta. I bt nu'NF.2 3 ROOM furnished oottage grTMuiLnotuAh sUUoaT I 2-room bouse fumisbad. 50x100 lot tasnroaa. I aarrroandinga. Before yoa dead wta aaa at Imraire at batber shop. I meat; caeap iot caan or terms; appiy awraer roi a piaca. ei arcw m. . . . 1 . a a AAit v W A SB - 1 r"SVsW"Sr'rsaWmwTr'' snq lovm . m- orov r- i 53360 A REA1, eiOMx -asaas home, sneping peraa. I Tooaa baagatew. aout-i rDNET O. LATHBOP ' - 4 1 1 Abtcgtoa Bidg. FOB bALE B owner, modem additions Mrs BTtaag room, ana parch aad muss. room. - 3 bedrooms, dea aad tliail la sleeping perch, hard weed Oaeaa. yard aad aewtxa SKA UhhTSV S kii.BUa hn rensvatsd. near Franklin hirh. Aut 612-78. I MODERN 8uanyaide 4 j it K. ROOMS, eouasea, fumiihea. unf urnished. 1 1. m-- ,-a ttooa term. T.. I mm ear lis . Beat bay ha Par ad: 51300 ree-wmsble. Imraire 282 Gibe. 1 bcr J nr eves.. Tibor SR5. I rash, terms on rest Comer 37th aad Gavxttca. 4-H00M bunxaiow, partly furnuned. aa 84th P.-...i . i, . I Bo. 1128. Beilwood 34i. arwner. a w sn nee.ia baatuiw imuw, - 1m i miii aaa. knilTlna garaga, Oeasxa- Hniic;rei vo nrpr. mn ai v i 1007. ..w , ,. Uv. o.t V , A I .-1 f -' 8-KOOM flat tor rent 813; walking dUtanee; 1 VrTori to sTsofl S 1 00 t- T?on aVOSE CITY PARK aw J reoaa bvum iAad furnftare lor sale, complete 3250; 1 Week v.,Frt" i1l'Lt0 1 k . 91x82: - taraga aad S room trraagaarw. aa AJbarta aaa. Mtnluu . , - - . ' . . . i '. . i.i. u,,i.L-uv a a imit t. . A 44 k . dS I 14356 SEW lW-tfOftt tax, cau,., I smT East I lama, bath, waab traya, best tmtaraa . fir. piaca, tnpulees luraaea, atiaoea. renraw aav irrt, srbool. at fine, trwrver. ataran. aiaia mi. - , , , .'. I UIU.. fnrniibad i room emeealow UmI a-runjM mooeru nou... te jwrty prcuasmt ,ur-. TS asd oavsd tumti 1 Itei i ,.- aire; woico i.wsa m nwa vm uaitj. I Ttb a. E. mevia aievi. tni Hiien. t Iruit 6-ROOM flat for rent, furnitare for aala. Nob 1 GOOD 7room aoaaa, vwa t aeavseiiiiami, lta HTl drrtriet. 2 blocks ta achool. Maia 4747. I near innm. pevsu aren, vwnrr, vow. u. ELEGANT furniture tor 6 rooma." aolid oak aad MgCroayr 4" tuwtlmrne. aAVE 8800. wta ae -bane ta ; bwaaulul - modam avern witn ria yarn; inn tea mahogany: aa dealer. Mrs, A II man. Mar. 847. 8 ROOM house far tent, fumitorc for sal. Eaat 1942. , STORES AND HALLS 314 820 1124 E. 30'Jt y. Nice Urge tora, with 0 ROOM house, close in. easily aeaverted Into Cats or apta. RW iv antra bl. Eaat 8669. Bdwy. 846. . . MAKE me aa affer aa good 6 room aoaee, gome cash, balance easy teres loaa A. 11 LA at. near Mirrbell. Seltwood 30. - v wnrnmisbed - Tabor 8442. ROSS CITY banc tw. 8 ro a, taraiibed at ktak me aa aflat Ownar. la ttviaa iwoamv tor dry good aad aovjorts eauy. Vrne loeauoa. wain. i iw. tnmwhed. bor 9184. m SEE taw 5-roote kwiwe. fmit sasm, tiio; 3504 rash. 403 Railway gch- Msta 8149. kXiR BALE 4-RuoM hauaa. gaodarn. Set bvg 123. 32450. Act 610-46. Nit K PLACE. turaishMl, fa iaauly of 2 er a. Cbeap. Pbeoe 684-44. S.ROOM-audera bwncaiow. fall aee meat faraaaa, farairore, lot 40x120. ks block to ear: owner. TZ1 v oodj toes ave. 8 GOOD BlZgO yoem.or rent goo. for mfg. Jl?tt?'- -f '. , " VKl hl "vA lT" - pureoas. 128 2d at Inquire Mr. GUbart at t. 88500 below eeet E-291. JoumaL . remert beaemetrt. p h. v. 1V Stmone store, let and Alder. a - A SNAP Beautiful X room saedara bungaiew. I BalALTUUL 7-twom bangai; L""a road: all KITS 111. l FOR desnabie apae- in - phone Bread wni 3718. fireproof aarahoos 88750; 8-106 eaah. Wdln. 8064. I aieALL UOL'SE AND LOT. TABOR 4568 , garage. 1 Can wad aa exaewta. Page) r