FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER i 2, 1921. .THE i-OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON Germany ; takes option on 30,000 gases of salmon , here ORDINARY EGGS mow nrnnroorn IIU11 UliivlOolU , ..... FRIDAY DAIRY TRADE '. Baiter Jgg Cheese eabe extra, select, flat. Fortlaad 4Se ' I7e Baa Franeiseo " , tt Chicago A 8He tfte 19e tvw York;.. ..AtVxt "lite lie jvertle .... 42c 44c tie Lo A a tele ......... 17e le Extrem stagnation U shown in th market for mixed eggs here and there is practically no ..lift tn th bidding t country point to far a can b confirmed, although reports In some Quart r Indicate better values. Leading rcc buyer, of previous day r scarcely Interested In the market at tha moment. Th decrees ton her appears ta b i tba wont of tha eoUre country, although weskness appears to have- developed at moat leading, crater of late. . If oat af the depression here appear diw to th lank of law enforcement on the part of tha office of tha dairy nod food eomrotarioner. Cold atone ten ar being told by wholesaler - aa such, but practically none of tba retail trade as d-aplaylng caxda aMifvina the public that tba stock W from tha lea bouses. Thia hurt tba free eve taeda. WMle waaJmmta It thown for general supplies f ata. ah market la la trod hp for select - that eaa to East Only chalk whits atock brine vm mm price 10 uia Miwrn inw oeiwi hciq aea fractionally advanced to 89 for th day dear-he to 'weakness in mixed eolora.- One Carload waa being prepared for shipment ta "new York by a packer ber maay. The deeirtnr ipeciel information regarding any . market should write The Manet tailor, ' Oregon .Journal, inclosing itimp for reply. BCTTER, MTU ATI OX ACTIVE HERE ' Market for butter ia active bare, bat both (tub and print price are unchanged. All talk of an advance in th price bora ha dia- apoeaml on account of recent ' depraarion la CHEESE STOCKS CLEAW TJP WELL Wail there oontfnne a surplus of off ml. cheeae. both Tillamook and tba Dairy mam a laaru report a general cleanup of ita euppliaa of bent quality. Th lee rue is amid to b selling moat o( iu atock in California, Labor Day Will Be Celebrated; . : Yards Exception Front street conmlasIOB hoises at tit gaaeral wholesale trade will b aha tight Monday ok account of Labor day. Ta banks aad other financial lastltutloas wlU be closed ,aa will the 1 Eastern market. The Portland livestock market will be the only trade open Monday. f DEALERS TIRED OF LOSS IN PEACHES CANNED AH MOVING FREELY By Hyman H. Cohen Perhana the greatest market . movement f Pacific coast canned' salmon knowa for aeveral years ia now ta; progre and thia ia haTing a eery ttrmalating effect upon th trade. Germany baa taken an . ootion on 80.600 caeca of chum aalmon from a Portland firm and indication ar that- the right of tha option will be exerciaed during Uie next few days. aecorajng to Frank U. Barnes, a prominent can nwg aotaonty. 1 Then hae been steady adimnces in the price of canned aalmon throughout the Pacific North west primary markets during the last 90 day, a nutria. Belgium and Fran re. as well aa Eng land aad Germany, are inquiring for salmon, but tha fact remains that, aside from a ten instances, practically all the inquiries from abroad s well as from domestic sources are for individually small lota. The aggregate salsa and demand ia unusually Beavs Cham salmon prices have advanced within the last 90 days from 89 9 65c a dozen to $1 OS. pinks have moved frees 75e to (1.10 91.15, medium reds bar gone from II to 11.50 for pounds, while Alaska reda have held steady at 13.25, although limited business was done at the start of the! season around $2. The big fichj in the peach trade as over. Both wholesalers i and retailers are tired of tak ing losses and I while ealea win remain low during the next lew day because of the closing I Hediam .ionc are slow, but Una ia due to of the markets Monaay Labor day it ia ex pected that higher values will be forced next week. i Sales in the local whrriessle trade were made durusg th day! around 1 1.15 generally for tb better class i Elbertaa from Yakima. Some business ia small sixes waa- done around 91 and even a fraction lene but there waa no con siderable volume , of such offering. Few Crawford are coming forward and tneee are bringing a better price than the Elbertaa because of then scarcity. Tbi applies only to th larger sixes, of which tie market haa few offerings. Crswfords are running to smaller size .than normal thia season, due to the ex tremely dry weather. , A few of tbi early varieties are still being offered and these an -a- drug on the market around 75c a box. anvthins: to clean un. The big run. af peaches is over aad quality Is expected to deteriorate. - t P0CI.TRV PRICES BETSTG SHADED I Blight shading of poultry market prices .is shown as a result of the accumulating sup plies along the whnhnale way. Heavy hen ar alow at 3.1 ?-. with littl buxtness above 25a. while lisbt-weisht stuck is quiet at 16c generally, and eccaaionsl buoineea 1 o more. CALIPOR5IA CANTALOUPES DRAG - t'alifeenia eantaUmiies are a '. drug on the kieml market and aalra ar being suds to ee-rnra.-th freight oharsm. Burrell iems from Th Dalles and -from Yakima ar in good de mand around 12.00 42.5 per crate generally. APPLE PRICES ARE LOWER AGAIN - Accumulating - stock of local Orevenstein annU are ihnen. Home really extra fancy Hood River atock, but unwrapped, sold down to 1 1.75 Tour-day for large aixea. Wrapped etnnk a dragging at S2 generally, but aome nounu to aak $2.25 2.50. BRIEF K0TE8 OF PRODUCE TRADE Tomatoes ar weaker at 50e to 65c generate wrt potatoes ia good supply, at 5 5 c fTlack figa ar again offering from Otlifbr-.1. Cahnac oontinaea soara and firm at 4 V c generally. l'Annir killed hogs weak at 15c Teal 17e nrni atff. Dairy butter la fair demand at 24 25c a pound. ft RATHER JfOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather, bnreau advbes rriday: Protsct . thlpmenia during tha next 94 hours against 4Jm feiknring maximum temperatures: Going north to Seattle, Hi degree; northeast to aiu 75 deamea: aakt to Baker. IS de nse I4 Aalliana, 10 aesrve. ieu- i'oruana tomorrow, aoout Milk Price Will Be Advanced 15 Cents by Ganners fThehali. 'Wish.: Sept 2. The price of milk for the first kc of September will be tl.8 per 100 pounds, according to aa an nouncement made byVQie Carnation Milk Prod- acta oompanv of tb city. Tbi to a 16 cent rue over th but part oc August. th arrealer nrice aoread. The Pacific coast salmon pack was within sight of being: failure thia season. The Co lumbia river alone made some showing, but even that pack was about 40 per cent abort. cr the smallest aeereaate cutout sines uie in dustry was established. Sales of Columbia river spring pack Chinook are above the output, there- lore thiDmenta will be pro-rata. Th season in Southeastern Alaska was prac tically a failure': that in Western Alaska was a failure-with the exception of a small output at a few points. The British Columbia pack waa an entire failure and -Puget Scund is not a consideration at all this season. Therefore at the best, with the huge carry over from other seasons, the most acute short age ef canned salmon ia likely in the trade dur ing th present selling period. Chicago Wheat Market Erratic In Early Trade SKarkeiii FRIDAY WHEAT. TRADE September Hard white Soft whjte ..v. White elan Hard winter ...... Northern spring ... Ke WaUa Bid Loss .... tut .... 1.11 .... 1.11 .... 1.11 .... U I le le le le 4e NORTHWEST GRACf RECEIPTS -Cara- Portlaad. Fri. . .. . 20S Tear ago 48 Heasoa to date, .osno Tear ago ?S57 Tacoma, Thar..; - 80 Tew ago 10 Season to date. . 1DBU Tear ago . . . . . . 510 Seattle. Thurs,... 2T Tear ago 35 to data. . 87 Tear ago 444 Wheat. Barley. Floor. Oats. Hay. 1 7 24 SI 14 97 1 4 a '417 134 2 1 200 -179 10 330 69 S 4 217 107 1 1 28 14 1 4 61 8 AT N. PORTLAND FRIDAY LITE STOCK TRADE Hoars Steers La as be Portland ......... tlLiw . t 9 tw Chicago 14U9 8.7J Omaha 9.14 v US 7J9 Dearer ....... 8.85 4UJ 7.99 Kansas City 94 . 79 SeatUe -. No Market fi 1 235 211 2 78 132 S S 250 384 PORTLAND UTE8TOCK BTJN Hogs. Cattle. Carres.' Sheep. Friday Week ago.. 2 weeks ago. 4 weeks ago Year ago. . . 2 year ago. 3 Tears aco . 4 yean ago. Cars. Canadian' Fruit Crops Are Liberal 'Wenatcbee, lept. 2. Returning from a trip to British Ohiinbia frnit di trtet, S. W. Csher of the district horticulturist's office; said they have a fine crop of most, of the orchards. In fact, the crop Is much too heavy, with the result that sixes will i run smaller than they should. They ar Just warning the value of cover crops to maintain soil! fertility, and thinning to produce tare aleMl anrf ' htf. aharaiMf a nA ..Alnaeul fmlt The mutual visit being exchanged between fruit growers of the jtwo neighboring fruit district are proving of great benefit to all concerned. Many of thai grower and official of the Oka nogan district bare been in toe Wenatchee val ley thia aaBmer Securing idea and information on fruit growing methods. greee; acuta te Ashlar mum Mnpeaatora at i'i 9 dcgroJaJ WHOtESAESLRIC RICES IN PORTLAND Tb ar, prices Mailer pay wholesalers. except aa otherwise -noted: Dairy PeoirocU BnTTEK Sailing price, box lota: Creamery nrieee: - Print, extras, 40e tor plain wrapper, t-ube. artra. 42a lb.: dair. buying price. 17e lb! dairy butter. 24 4250 lb. Rl'TTIR'lT lNrtland delivery basU: No. 1 grade 4 Jo, Ne. 2. 44c; country staUons, 45e per lb. CHEESE Selling price: - I..M HnUfa 27e a . o a. TH nrtee to iobbers. f . O. b. Tillamook) Tripteti. 24c: Tounf America, 25e; Dairymen's league tHplets, 24e, Selling pric: Block Swiss, fancy. 82 34c: rtmbnrger. 28 C 0r lb.; ereem brirka; 20ti?28e per lb. jXi Buying price-. Current receipt. 27 a 2e dessen: candled, selltog pric. 3384e: aslect. 878e per dosen. LITB POULTRY SeUing price: Heavy bens, aneviac per lb ; liaht bene ia17o lb.; broil er. 25w87e lb.; old roaster. 1012c )b. : tur keys, ( ): ducks. 20 9): lb. ' rresh Vevswasess and rrult . FRESH rRITrTOrange. -5- bananaa. 8 c per lb.: lemon, 7 007 5 ' Tier ewe-' srapefrait, Cellforni. 86 00; eanU-iouT-s?Dallea. 32.00; Tskima standards, $2.00 Sf J 2 a. watermeioii!!. ai9aisw i , peschee. OflcSJ 1.25. vw , BKKJUICa Strawberries. $2 50; black berrte. 11.85. t APPLES -Oregon GravensaeTns, In lug boxes, ' 8a oat lb.; wrapped and .packed In standard fcte7eiea 138a and larger. J.O02.5O; 150. and 183a. 81-75 2.00: 175a and emsller. 81.75; cooking varieties, per. box. 31.2501.50. DRIEI ruVtT Kates. 37. 00; tarda, 84 25 par box; tigs. 12.00 8.50 per box; prunes. 70 to 80s, 50-lb. box. lc per lb. , ONtONS Selling price to retailers: Local, also- nrlie 10tl5c Tb.'. green onions: 30 St 40c doen bunches; reds. 81.754 2.00; Walla Wslls.32 50. POTATOES Selling price to reUUer-. Ore gon fancy. 1 2e per lb. VEGETABLES Beans, green, full aack. 8e per lb.; beets, new. ucked. $2.25 per cwt; rah base, local, crated. 4 04 He; carrota. new. bunched. 60c per dosen; carrots, sacked. 2Vke Ik.) ralery. small six. 75e$l.Z dosen; cn rnmbers.. field. 8550e per box; corn, fancy. 32.23 per sack; garlic, new. 20 per lb.; green onions. 40 50a per dosen: lettuce. ed. Si. 13.30 0 2.73 per crate; do. not iced, 8a. 32.50 aer erat; parsley. 50c per dos,; pea, local, 15 Jb.; peppers, green. Re par lb.; pepper. Califor nia dry chill. 23e per lb.; pepper. Mexican dry ehill (mild). 80e per lb,; to ma too, Oregon. 80 5c. a tier box; turnips, purpl top, 32.75 . per . ewt Hop Pickfers Are Short" in Valley mrruaxus. vr. , nvt, ihb sree.. ace.rci&y ofc of picker It 'tis using tthe leading hop ranchers f f2c cm alarm here. TbersTa chance that unless the crop Is picked Very soon some part of ft will be so spoiled as to be useless. Call foe picker are ta be sent to all prominent cities in the val ley, wherever then ar unemployed. Tha first boxes of peaches grown in this vi' dnity ar on axle In the city stores. The Aop ia rather poorj but tha quality of the fruit is good. Chicago. Sept 2. (L N. 8 ) Closing of spreads between Winnipeg . and Chicago, with the selling done here i and fsarly general liquidation by Northwestern interests, caused a reaction in grain futures on the board of trade today. ; . Mnal prices showed net Josses for the day 1 Vs 0 1 4 e in wheat, 0 He in corn, and u a lie in nets. Pork; waa nominally un changed, lard 5 8 7 He hicher, aod ribs 2 0 5c better. Strength in cotton and th wg de crease in lard stocks aided provisions. n,vurr. Rent 1. 1. N. S.) A wave of selling, led by houses with connections at Omaha and in the Northwest, developed after the open ing today and prices broke to a discount under the previous close. Trade: was nervous and ac tion rapid. Opening prices were to He lower for Septemreb, steady to 14 c lower for December and unchanged to "4 c higher for May. Corn trade was limited ; and, prices hi c lower tn hieher. Oata started to c higher with offerings small Hedging sales in September developed after the start. Provisions started higher for lard with scat tered buying and limited offerings. Chicago range of prices lunmhed by united Pros: j - WHEAT Open. High. 1254 12T 1274 128 H 131 1321a CORN S5 .55 54 35 5fi 59 OATS 35 85 384. 33 42 42 RTB 105 106 107 108 BARLEY .64 PORK Nominal LARO 1175" 1190 1185 1200 RIBS 902 902 920 920 While several of the big exporting firms were reported ss merely looking on, there wis re new! ef activity in the wheat trad at Pacific Northwest primary pomta lata Ttuuaday and early Friday morning- There was further improvement ia the foreign situation. Liverpool came forward with aa ad vance of Hd or le a bushel agam for tha day, thi ris being shown both at th opening and at the clogirut. Reports received from the foreign trade -were omewhat mixed. . The present unwiaingnes of England to make purchase of wheat in thi country is probably due to th desire of the mother country to take care of its Canadian; crop first. Since the enactment of a duty on Cana dian atock. the movement into thi country be practically ceased, making it necessary to market the entire crop abroad. Nevertheless, there is merit in the bull side of the market, so far aa the foreign situation is concerned. Latest reports indicate that both Argentina and India are praotically removed as competitive factor ia the world's trade, and it is more than likely that Russia wjll b a bayer in stead of a seller of wheat. Bids here for dub were around $1.13 gener ally, but 81.14 sales were reported. Bluestem is quoted at Us usual premium of So a bushel over club. WHEAT Club. 81.18; bluestem. xi.10 red Randan. 31.1101.12: Turkey red. 31.16. FLOUK selling prices, mm uoor: ratens, 17 80- Willamette valley brands. 85.30: loraai new straight. $5.90: bakers' hard wheat, ST.Z3 hakem' Mueatem. SS.7 5: bakers' valley. 36.00 graham, 86.00; whole wheat, 36.20; Montana serine wheat, patent, si.zuei.zs per oarrei price for city delivery, 15c; extra; suburban 20c .Ttrm HAT Rnvine nrlce foe oH crop: Willamette ' TTV vaiiey Mno- - - ei nofiiK r.A , t- Kaat- I " gooa lamos. . uiavuij, iwvf, r-- -'-'" . fHiTl ram he . ... . , . r., . . i ia flu lur inn: rin.rr. i 310.00011.00; straw. l6.UU91.uu; auaua. H.UUlo,iro per ion. Heaw veerlinea GRAIN BAt;KS SomlnaL JXO. i lairaua, i VJL " ' .i-T- 5 0 6c; domestic. 6c in car lots; less amounts .7v,V MILTTTTFS Mill run at arUl. sacked." ton lots. 825.00; carloads, 822.00. OATS Per ton, buying price: reea, o.. BARLET Buying price: Feed, $22,50 0 23.00; brewing, $25.00 0 25.50. SEED Buying price: -Bed Clover. io & 154c; alsike, 14e; vetch, 8e lb. - FEEDSTUFTS P. O. B. mills: Tolled bar ley, $34.00 0 36.00; whole barley. 331.00: al falfa meal. 325.00; eocoasut meai. 3-.wu; e racked corn. 839.00; whole corn, 330.00 per ton; whole oata, J52.WO; rolled oata,; chicken wheat, 343.00; scratch teed. 847.00 per toB; linseed oil meal. $40.50. Merchants jsxeaange dkis. Ma, Sept. Iiec May Sept. Iec May Dee. Sept. Sept. Sent Oct. IxrW. 123 125 129 53 53 57 84 37 41 105 1172 1180 Close. 124 125 129 63 53 57 35 88 42 108 105 84 1750 1190 1200 Sept Oct. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST -Butter San Francisco Market San Francisco, Sept. 2. (U. P.) extras, 4 5c. Eeirs extras 4 Ae: ' extras tints. 48e: extras Tillamook, fresh , pullet. 37 4; extras firsts pullets, 36 e; per lb.; Toung . undersized pullets No. 2, 24c Chees California flats fancy 21c I Seattle Market Seattle. Waah.. Sept. 2. (I. N. S.) EgirsSelect ranch, 38 040c; pulleta. 32c. Butter nty creamery, 46e; bricks. 47c. Cheese Oregon Triplet. 24 025c;. Xoung Americas, 29c. bee Anoeles Market Lo Angeles,-OsL, Sept, 2. (L N. S.) But ter, 4Tc ! Eggs Extns, -41c; case count, 40c; pullets. 85c i Poultry Hans, 22 033c; broiler. 63c; fry ers, 29o. . i Early Advance in New York Cotton Assign Fmlt Car POTATOESj ALON"G THE COAST Seattle, Sept. 2 (L N. S.) Onktnar nim walla, ac lt. , - Potatoes iXsJbma,' 845 ton; local. 22c ID. I . . Ban Franolsoo Market San Francisco. Sept. 2. (U..P. ) Potatoes Street prices: 1 White. $2.15 0 2.25. Onion Yellow, $2.00 02.10; brown. $2.25 15 2. SO. I to angel as Market Los Angeles, Cel., Sept 8. (L N. &.) Potatoes, new- atock, mostly 85e0$l.OO per tug: rate uese -a. i. aacked, beet, S2.0U ee 2 25; Stockton Burbenks, fancy, mostly $2,50 0 i.oo; cnoice. iz.20 0 a.4. New Tork. Sept. 2. fL N. S.) The cotton market had another big opening today and showed an advance of from 26 to 40 points on first sales. This was followed by further sham upturns after the; call on heavy conti nental and Liverpool buying, to which was added commission house buying on a big scale. . All months but October were above the IB cent level this morning. Trade buying was also in evidence at the start, while Liverpool ca bles showed pronounced strength. Trie selling was .mostly from th south and from tonga tax ing plbfits over the holiday. At ine end of tne iim is minucna tne t Mansfield branch ana we market was active and i still strong, at about Leavenworth to Wilsod Creek. to i poults net mener on l.'ecemoer .con tracts. A strong buying movement developed late in the afternoon, on which prices broke into new high grounds for the season. The close was strong at a net advance of 52 to 68 points. Spot cotton steady. 83 points higher at 18.15. 9fo sales. COCNTRT MEATS--SeUIng price: Country bogs; 15c; for top blockers, about 125 to 150 v lha.; heavy atuff leas; vesU top, sbout 80 to 100 -lbs., 17e per' pound: heavy stuff less; spring temba 13 14e per m. -a. SMOKED MEATS Ham 5 037e per lb.; break fan bacen, 25 0 50c. LARD Kettle rendered, 13 e lb.; tierce -basis, r-wn pound. UHc. PACKING HOC8K MEATS Steer beat. ' 11012c: heifer. 10 011c; eow 8010c; ' lamb. 18 017c. Flab and heftflsh FRESH FISH Chinook. 12 0140 per lb.; -halibut. 130I4C per lb.; itargeao, 18 0 20c; black ond, 10 Mile per lb.; 10-lb. basket kis pered od, $2.23; ting cod, 8e pet lb. 0T9TERS Easurb, per ralloni $5.00; Olys pis, $8.80. Meae. Wool and HMs HOP! 1930 crop., nouint.1. 25c lb. . HIDES Calfskins. 10c: kips. 5 0 6o; green hide.. ; eaiuro. i.n in, wriHaiR Nosalnal. 13e lb. V TALIXJW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. $e; PASrARA BARK New. p; eld, 5e To. WOOl WilUmette yalley. coaar. J0c; ai- diata. le; fin. 20e la; Eastern Oi-iia-Idaho, 13020a lb. New Tork Batter aad Egfs New Tork. f Sept. 2. (L N. S.) Bntter-- Mamet unsettled. Ureamery, extras, salted and un Halted) , 40 ( 42 c; do firsts (salted 'and un salted), 86 040 He; do higher than extras (ssited and umalted). 410 43e: state dairy tubs, 310 39c; ladies, fresh firsts, extras. 83 0 34e. ! Cheeee Market dnn and aay. State Whole milk, special, :31 0 22c; do average run. 20 0 21 e; do lower grades, 15019c Wisconsin Whole milk, .-fancy Toung Americas. 21 0 12 He State Skim, special, 14 015c; do choice, 11013c; do fair to good, 8 010c; do tower graoes, ts le. Eggs-X-MarMt ' barely steady. ' Nearby white, raney. etc; d brown tancy. 4f 4c; ex tra. 42 0 4 7ei first. 84 t 87c. Milk The .wholesale pric is 32.90 per 100 pounds of SSai milk, within, 200-2 10 mOsaones. Dried Fralt aad Beans New Tork. Sept 2. (L N. 8.) Betas Dull. Marrow, choice. $8 50 06.75: pea. eaotce. sa.oo; red kidney, coetce. 12.00. lined traits Firm. Apricots, cnoice to ex tra- fancy. 210 27c; prunes, , 90s and 60s. 10 018e; 60s to 1Q0. 809 e; peaches, choice to extra fancy. 12016e: seeded raisins choice to fancy, IB is e. BEANS Small white, $e; large whiu. 3e: Mnk. 9e; oma 7e; eeyoe, iie, red. 10v HON KT Pr . $8.18 9tU. tICE Japan atyl. No. 1. 5c; Btaa Rosa, t a lb. : New Orleans bead. 8a. . - COFrEE Roasted, 19 0$le. vk- Backs or 'ALT Case, g.. lOoe, 818 50 tea; 90s, 81T.88S talil dairy, 00a. 82T.28; .bales. ,- Are - You lxKklng . for a De- pecdable Produce Dealer? r -..e-Teal , BatUr - Park . rkeeaa .' --r Aay Prodsct (",v.;C--,- -JOtH our prices . t - BfjBY CO. 189 FroaSU v.- ... ,. PertUaleOr. - -sixteen y aara ttenaoiuur. . - -, ... ,.- -i , . ... i. 900 917 000 915 Cash wheat: No. 2 fed, 127; No. 3 Ted-, 1 27; No. 2 hard, ;126"!4127; Ha spring. 134 0135. 3 58 "87 28 837 700 46 27 -. . 2 2 2 . . 1 26 1 1231 10 250 21 .. 10 224 57 2139 19 2 783 S 745 43 307 31 360 7 40 20 BEACH RUSH WILL FINISH FOR RIVER STEAMERS MONDAY .Tide at Astoria Satarday . High Water. ' . Low vatec . 1 :11 a. m. 8 8 ft. - . t -At a. m. ,T tV 1 :42 a. m. $.8 ft , 8:11 p. ra. .2 ft. Seaside IOfh water t mln, earlier. Seaaede Low water 21 inhv aarlieiv ku freas Kw-lwak. Sailed at sv. as.: twasser Camel foe Saa Fianeseota. Arrived a T aa left p it I p. at: Steamer Cehio front Saa Pnciaca, for Waana. - - s , .: w t ; Norfolk. Sept. 1 RailedU. 3 Thames Man tor rorttand. :m. i e v i.i a uiu rati from PorUarxTT . Stockholm. Aug. 25. Sailed: Swediah i tonhip Banes Aire for Po-rUaj-d. rhiladelphia. Sept 1. Sejlad: Btsaawr WTO- polo for Pertlaad. Saturday. Surkjay aod- Labor day- wtU mark tha end, of tb btiach season for tha river boats. On each Cl Uibse day a full crowd, ar. looked tor- oq the Geortiana 1 x; PorV forT lorkl a" and the iralda. The nfetit. boat SatUT-1 rived : Steamer Eastern Merchant troaa rwrb- day to also booked for large crowd. JrTT!tl What bothers steamboat operators now! Arrived: Datch steeater Tlikembanh troca Orient ia how to handle, pa&senrers homeward I lar .?",' JTBcmr. mmt. roruanei. mumj etna- mcrw win, oe av rusn til summer real-1 tsarg sad way porta. dents to ret home oa' time. Week end-1 ttntt j a.n . era will also desire to return by the same i West HavpJfrs-a Portland for New Tork aad route dui wnen ine. limit is reacneci tnat I way pons. ends It and the government generally has I Caviota. Sept 1. Sailed last night: Si .$10.58011.00 . 9.00 0 9.50 8.00 0 9.00 . 5.00 0 7.50 . 10.50 011.00 9.60 0 10.00 4.00 0 7.00 Two loads of livestock came to North Port land Friday ana both of them went direct to Killers. As -carloads were offered oa the open market and price were considered nominally nncnangea. A few hogs came forward from local ebee and these were the only fresh offerings on the market.' Prices and demand were considered steady. General hog market run: Prime hzht Smoth heavy, 250-300 lb. . . smooth heavy, sou lbs. up.i. Rough heavy Fat piga Feeder pigs Stag . Cattle Come Direct Two loads of cattle arrived, but they were for killers and none came forward for the open market Value considered steady and unchanged. General cattle market ranee: Choice steeTs Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers , Common to fair steer Choke cow and heifers Medium to good cows-heifers. . r Fair to medium eows and heifers Common eows and heifers. . . . . Cannec Bull Choice feederi ..... Fair to good feeders . . t bote dairy calves W.. F. Uerria for Portland. Seeitl, Week.. Sept. S. Arrived &tvr 8tate. from Manila, noon; Queen, fran' Baa Fwdro. 12:80 a. w. : bark en tine Gaty C. Gea, iroea -nana. i:v a. as. Bauea kaa. tor ' Southeastern Alaska, 12:80 Its -way. Light travel is looked (or during next week on the down-stream run but heavy passenger lists will be carried coming in. Many of the beach residenta are Iralders of round-trip tickets and for that I Arrived 8ex- 1 Sums Mara, troaa Manila, reason the low rail rate will not be at- p at; Myr-aidoa, from uiaegew. p. CORDOVAOHLAST HOIIOLULURUNFOR PORT OF ASTORIA $ e.tba e.50 C 5t 6.00 5.00 0 5.59 4.00 0 5.00 4 75 0 5.23 4.25 0 4.75 3.25 0 4.25 2.50 0 3.50 1.50 0 2.50 2.50 0 $.50 4.50 0 5.00 3.60 0 4.75 10.50 0 11.00 Prime light dairy calves 10.00 0 10.5 Medium light dairy calve 7.00 10.00 Heavy calves 8.50 0 7.09 Sheep Market Nominal No arrivals were reported in the sheep and lamb division of the North Portland market Friday. Trade conditions indicate steady prices. General sheep and lamb market range East of the mountain iambs. ... $n.uu 0 6.50 Heat valley lambs 5.50 0 S OO 5.00 0 5.50 1.50 0 1.00 Feeder lambs 4.60 0 5.09 Light yearlings 4.00 iM 4.60 2.50 0 3.00 2.50 0 3.00 ethers 2.00 0 9.60 Ewes 1.00 0 2.00 Thursday afternoon Sales STEERS Ave. lbs. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. Price. .. 950 $ 4.60 f 26 1130 $ 5.75 COWS . . 950 $ 2.00 1 1100 $ 3.50 CALVES e 330 $ 6.00 BULLS . . 690 $ 4.00 J HOGS 14 STEAMERS SCHEDULED TO ' LOAD WHEAT IS SEPTEMBER September opens with 24 steamships on the board at the Merchants Exchange tor wheat loading. Of this number the American flag numbers one. There is also one Dutchman and one Spanish. "The balance are divided. 12 British. seven Japanese and two Danish. L The Japala. the only American, u'en-or Iort Lud)ow- 6:15 - route from Seattle and -will be due Sere Saturday. She comes in- to A. C. Callan and will be loaded by Max Houser. The only American for August' was the West ward Ho, also handled by rHn tractive. rr-l. . r. , , , . . ... a tie Kaaun a. l oeajaiaa waat sate in open. p. . ing this year and travel waa slow until I Rainier, after the Fourth of July, Oa the last voyage out for the Port. of Aatcria oa th Moaotaa run. the steamship Cordova will Bail trots the. mouth of the river Sunday -night. Eh, sailed from SeatUe Thureday and is due tn tho river late tonight At the Aatcria port terminal she will take on 2000 tons of general aad a large number of paa ' sens; era ....;-.-" Oa the next voyage in. the Cor-deva will . establsBh the PorUaod-HonotTjla service. A. C Callan of the Williams Una will act aa Portland agent, taking over the reeponaibilltiee of R. D. Plnnee, general traf flo goanager of the. Port ef Astoria, and also agent for the Alaska Steamship comrany. . - . - Astoria failed to hold up on aTippJylng full carsroea for the Cordova. Or each voyaaje arte waa forced to go to Puget Sound for part cargo. She made Fort land wffh a lam ahfnmant ef Inbound SaEptf .cHLt Vrojp'nepple. en the laat trip andAaCt to- for San Pedro, s for San Francic. 8:18 D. av: Visstaaia. for . British Coiaatbla porta, J;l P m- Kaymond. Sept 1. Arrived Solano, " frees San Krancieoo. flaihid I'hiiW C"aristnra. tor Saa I-edro, le , sa Aberdwsa, - Sept 1. Arrived WillaanUa. rrora -an FraacUco, 1 p. MoatanaJ from Seattle). 8 SO Pl-ovideotaa. for Saa Pedro. Eterett, Sept. 1. Sailed Artigaa,- for Philadelphia, midfiignt ; West Jeasap. for Bct ii ogham. Port Gamble. Sept 2. Sailed Tnemut. mediately- for Puget Sound. She will not take cargo at the port ror in cur rent sailing. - Efforts are being made by Harry Lv Hudson , and Callan to have sufficient cargo booked here for the retnra trip of the Cordova, about October- L If this av: Wheatiand 1 cannot, be done she will be sent to Be attle to complete for the Alaska btaaro- suiip company, owners. , - CHABTER MABKET DULL Tacoma. att . Arrived Pacific fr San Pedro, 1 a. m.i motorship Charlie Wat son, from Saa Pedro, eaa. Ban Fnneiseo. Sep. V Arrived: Traveler. crms. 2:09 P. ta.t PbyUis. Saa Die. 19:88 p. m. ; Cab. Cristobal. 1 :40 9. av : lis vs. kfara. Takobams, 1:40 P. m.; kcoef. Blmvt , Keaf. 1:4$ p. av: BaadoB. Band on. 7 :20 u. a. Sailed: Phoenix. Lo Angeles, 11:28 a av; F. S. I STANDIER SHIP PLAN 1 New York. Sept 2. (I. N. &) No K jnflaT Tr?0 Buford. H ohaxige in grain rates with offerings nor-I tula, 12:15 p. av: Bsorat. Gray Harbor, mal and the market steady. There haa 1 12:30 p. m.; Son beam. Loa Angeiea. lttO k witrthekho ijrri& rit' v$! cargo with the market showing duU and 4 ViaaB tinding. 2:48 p. m.: Broawwick, Fort weak. Ocean (steam grain, steady ; I Bragg. 2:65 p. m. ; Horace X- Baxter. Seattle. unneo. ituigaom, b sniiungs; Uermany, 2425 marks; France. 22 francs: Hol land, 22 Vi kronen; general cargo, dull. weaK. Vancouver, Wash Aug. 2 The G. M. Standifer shipyard at . Yanoonver will notrbe dismantled, la the assurance given Mayor Klggins by R. V. Jonee, manarer of the plant Three or four p. m. ; Admiral Bchiey. seatue. s :oe i corporations are negotiating for its pur- Los Angeles. Port San Loa. 4:05 p. -: I chiL Jonea aald. No, 1. WHEAT Hard - white Soft wait Whit club . . . Hard winter . . . Northern Spring Bed Walla FEED OATS BARLET No. 2, white feed No. 2 gray . . . Brewing Standard feed , . . . . CORN Vo. 2 EV T. shipment ...... No. 3 E. T. shipment Soot Bid . 1.12 lit . 1.11 . 1.11 . 1.12 . 1.07 . 24.00 No bids. . 25.00 . 22.00 Oct Bid 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.07 24.00 25.00 22.00 9. 1. 14. 22. 2. 18. 8. 5. 17. 4. 12. 6. No 184 810.50 810 fi 50 8. . . 18. . . Ii".".! 30 660 280 310 152 2UU 28J50 23.50 No bids. 1... , .. 268 9.50 . .. 202 11.00 . . . 520 6.B0 , . . 160 11.00 . .. 201 11.00 . .. 166 11.00 . .. 256 8.85 LAMBS . 47 $ 4.00 I 27 . .. 79 5.50 EWES . . . 128 $ 2.00 Friday Morning Sale HOGS Ave. lbs. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. 248 $10.00 182 10.50 AIT0THEH SHIP FOR WHEAT -Surukt & Co., announce another steam ship for October loading of wheat at Portland for the United Kingdom. She is the Thames Maru and sailed from Norfolk for the Columbia river Septem ber 1. It is not announced who will sup ply the cargo and what is the charter party. p. Harvard Lab Anaele 4:15 n. . aa. : Mavfair. Eureka, 4:40 P. a.: Wilmington. Ladysmtth. The Standifer plant is the only OO B c. p. at: Daisy. Columbia river. :1B in the Portland district that nas not -f1,iJhI,L!rTt 7AsnsWVT',J M-: been scrapped and that fact is oonaid- Westport, Creseeat City. 7.15 p. m. ii..i . -.u.. San Franciseo, Sept. 3. (L N. 8.) Arrived today-. Johanna Smith. Ooo Bay. 6:10 a D. 8, 8. Pyro, C. S. S. Nitro, Saa Diego, 6:50 a. m. ; Persia Uai-u. Hongkong, 8 :20 a av: Red Wing. Astona, 8:40 a. m. : Tale, Los Angelea, 9am.: President Loa AngMes. 8:80 Sailed today: Golden State. Hongkong. 6:18 a. m. ALL ALONG THE . WATERFRONT 8.00 8.50 0.00 8.00 11.00 11.00 57 t 4.55 270 $10.00 14. Price. 202 $10 50 PRICES CUeaa-o Dairy Produce Chicaao? Sept 2. -(L N. S.) Butter- Re ceipts 7 ooo tub. ureamery extra, aoic; firsts. 3387c: packing stock. 23 24c Eggs Receipts 9230 cases. Miscellaneous. 27028c; ordinsry firsts. 24026c; firt.i,29 81c: checks. 17918c: dirties, 15920c. ChHi Tri-inti. new. 1801Bc: daisies. 18 019c; Toung America, 19c; longhcrna, I8c20e: brick. 19 19 Vic. Live poultry Turkeys, 85c; chickens, 20e: springs, 2325c; roosters, 16c; geese, 20c; ducks, 20 021c The British steamship Cape Ortegal la working wheat for Europe at the ele vator. The steamshiD Rose Citv is due to ar rive this afternoon- from San Francisco with rjasaengeTs and freight The steamship Admiral Evans will sail for San Francisco. San Pedro and San Diego Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from terminal No. 2. She will take a full paseeneer list and capacity freieht The Mitsui line steamship Heiiin Maru I Caaadlaa Is linine at terminar No. 4. She will load Charlton Han wheat, owners' account, and the cargo will be supplied by Kerr, Oifford A Co., and Albers. 1. Arrive at Feetland Daisy Santa Alicia. . . West Kader . . . Delay Freemen. Keats Montr ..... E. H. Meyer.. Ordono .Mars . vTUlpolo Lake Hector Harry Laekenbach Meatagw Prat Maru..... Tjikrmbang Tiawi, . .Sept . .Sept ..Spt . .Sept . .Sept ..Shield Bert . .Saa Fran Sept ..Japan Sept New Tork. ... ..wept . . New Orleans. . .i. Sept .Kept , . .Saa Free. . . . San Pedro. . . . North China . .Saa Fran . . Newport, E. 4 4 5 3 6 6 7 s 19 ered a sure indication that opera tiooa of some character will be resumed la the not distant future. , ; -. There are five shipbuilding ways, with enough machinery in the shops to carry on construction on ail of them at one time, a lighting plant and a plant for the manufacture of acetylene gaa. . AH of the machinery can be used In any kind of steel construction work, Ltbwi Brush ..... Vaacowver Rotariaa . . . Meriden . . . Weordevcafk Wast Togo. AMERICAS LIVESTOCK Chicaeo Hoe $9.65 Chicago. Sept 2. 1 1. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts. 17.000; steady to 16c higher. Bulk. S7.10 0 8.50; top, .; heavyweight 88.13 0 9.20; medium weight $9.00 0 9.55; lishtweigbt. 9.00 09.55; light lights, $8.60 0 9.33; heavy packing aowa. smooth. 89.60 a 7.75: packing sows, rough. $6.65 0 7. OO; pigs. $8.00 0 9.00. tattle Keceipts. 4000: steady. Beef steers Choice and prime, $9.50010.50; medium and good. $0.50 0 9.50; good and choice. $8.25 010.65: common and medium S5.00 0 8.25. Butcher cattle Heifers. $4.25 08.73; cows, $3.6507.15: bulls. $3.2306.50. Tanners and cutters VesI calves (light and handy weirht). ail nil ufr l it -rs fuH.. .1.. en o o 7 stacker steers, $4.00 0 6.75; stocker cows and heifers. 88.00 at 5.00. Sheep Receipts. 1000: steady to strong. Lmbs (84 lbs. down), $6.75 0 8.75; Umbi (culls snd common). '$4.00 0 6.75; yesriing wethers. $4.50 0 6.75: ewes. $2.50 04.50; ewes (culls and common, $1.50 0 2.50; breed ing ewes, fs.00 0 0.00; feeder lambs, $3.50 n no Omaha Hog $9.10 South Omaha. Sect 2. (L N. S.I Cattle Receipts 1000. fed steers steady to 15c lower; all other classes about steady. Top handy- r. W Mievel former I weight steer. 88.85. loint xent for the Great Northern and Csna- I . Hog? Receipt 4000. strong to 15c higher 41 D in. Mne-tr.,! Tt f haa heen aa. I bulk. 56.00 c 8.60: ton. 89.10. signed to th Wenatchee district aa aaaistant Sheep Recetpta. 6 OOO, lambs fuDy 2 Be high- acent in. charge of fruit and shipping. Part er; top. i.o; sheep and feeders tcaity. of his work will be distributing cars along titer I it antas city Hoj J8.50 Ta Oepart Fray Pui tiaiwl Cordova . . Admiral Evans. . . Liverpool Cotton Firm Liverpool, Sept 2. (L N. S.) There was a fair demand for spot cotton at the beginning of businese today. Prices were -firm; sales, 10, 000 bales. American mids.. fair. 13.85; good mids., 12.15; fully mids., 11.70; mids., 11.30; low mids., 10.50; good ordinary, 9.50; ordinary, 8.75. Futures opened strong. main line from Month. Open. High. Low. Close. January 1800 1827 1765 1822 February 1834 Mareh 1820 1880 " 1787 1845 April i 1848 May 1825 1855 1791 1850 Jane 1855 July 1825 1860 1873 1858 September ; 1765 October 173$ 1800 1740 1788 November , 1804 December 179$ 1830 1788 1820 Minneapolis Cash Grain Minneapolis. Sept 2. Cash wheat No. 1 dark northern. $1.47 0 1.50 :- No. 2 $1.3401.S8; No.' 8, $1.22 01.80; No. l northern. $1.39; No. 2. $1.32 0 1.87: No. 3, $1.22 01.30 ; No. 1 dark bard Montana. $1.35 0 1.87 ; No. 1 hard Montana, $1.83. Con- No. 2 yellow, :49 0 50c; No. 8, 48 49c; No. 2 mixed, 48 0 49c. U Inneapolls-Daluth Flax Duluth, Sept. 2. (1. N. S.) Flax: Sep tember, 3198; October. $2.00; November, $2.02: track and arrive, $1.99. Minneapolis, Sept 2 I. N; S.) Flax: September, $1.93; October, $1.94; November, $1.96; track and arrive, 9L93 01.96. Kew; York Poaltry Market New Tork, Sept 2 (L N. S.l Live pool try l" rise t tied. Fowls, 19 0 28c; turkeys, 30 032c: roosters 16e: dncka. 21024c: geese. 18 018c; broilers. 2S0$lc ! 1 Fralt ShlpueaU Gala Wenaicheej Sept 2. Thursday 44 ears of apples aad I soft frnit were , shipped from Wenatchee. Thia is th largest single day ship ment mad this season, making th total num ber of ears of fruit shipped to date 868. Kew York-London Silver- New Tork, Sept 2.i (1. N. S- Commer cial bar silver- Domestic unchanged at 99 c foreign, 3s c lower at 63c e - ' i Tondon. Sept 2. (L S. .) Bar silver. e Higher at JBQ. $3 5004 00 fancy tabl and dairy. $34.50 lump. $26.69 tea. 81GAR Cabas. $8.19; fruit and berry. $6.93; ye Ureal 1. $8 $5; beet granulated. $8.93; are C. 6.86; golden C. $ 44. CANNED iMILK Caruatioa. Lfbby. $8.80; Aster. Mount Vernon. $5.49;. Alpine. $5.18; Eagle. $.7ieae. SODA CRaCKERS Tn bulk. 17e Tb. - NUTS Walnut. 28 0 SOe lb. ; almoods. 28 0 30e; filberts, 21c la sack lota; peaauta, 8 012c; pecan. 23; Brasils. 20a I Ila, Paints, -Oils . RP?F;5L iae; white. 14 aV; Maauara nauua, l-. wJJi,SfKl,i OTL Saw. abat. $103; ketti MJ, 1 1.94 j raw. caaaa. UI; boalad. mi, $1.19' aailoa. COAL OIL Pvart ar water wkita, ta drams ee troa barrel. 17e gal; eases, 80e gal GASOLINE Iron barrels, 26c; eaaea, 33 e . FTKTi OTX Basis, $1.83 bbL i j(WHiTB LEAH Ton lata, 12e 809 Sat. TtBJ'ENTtNE Tatika, I3e -J- . Winnipeg Cash Grain Winnipeg, Sept 2. i Cash wheat No. 2 northern, $1.60; Na 2. II 43; So. 2. $1.40 No. 4, $1.29; No. 5. $1.02. Oats Ma 2 white, 47 c; Sa t. 48 Se. San Francisco Poaltrv Market Saa Franciseo, Septl 2. fC. P.) Broilers, 31032c; hens. 25 0 27c-; best ducks. 20 023c San Francisco! Barley Market S.m Vmuu. i a- i tt -e v & i. Stepping, 81.SG& 1.42 ; spot feed, per cental, $1.2001.27. Sfw Tork Potato Market New Tork. Sept 2. i(I. N. 8.) Potatoes (to ouia. Dsrrei or nag J : i Max wsaa. Nearby wane. i.ooej.(i. . . Xavat stores Market J New Tork. Sept 2; (I X. S.) Tirpen- une navsnnan. aie; New lore, etc Hosin Savaaaaa, $3 70; New Tork. $3.25. -. Jfew York Begwr nag Coffee New Tork. Sept i 2. (0. P.) Sugar Dull, raw, $4.6L - Refined duU; graiittlatecl. Liverpool Wkeat Higher UwTnoL Sept 2.-Close Wheat, :44 up corn, a lower ttuui openea- . , Kew York Metal Market Kansas CHtv. Mo.. Sent 2. (L N R.l Cattle Beceinta 600: do I. 8teers. 87.25 1 7.60; cows and heifers. 34.25 to 37.75; calves. 88.00 0 9.00. Hogs Keceipts 1500; active; bulk or salea. New Tork, Sept 2 tH-(L N. S.) Copper $8.50 0 9.25 ; top; $9.50 ; heavies, $8.50 0 9.10 ; Steady. Spot, SSeptember, October and Novem-1 iignts, ss.73 w .S0. w 11 Sell Vie. Lead Firm, spot, August anu Beptemoer, 84.50 (8 4.85. . Spelter Quiet spot sovemper, Septem ber and October. $4.15 0 4.28- 200; .mediums. $8,75 0 N. S.) No l?ew Tork Wool and Hides New York. Sept 2. L N. S.) Wool Market quiet. Doaestic XX Ohio. 23 0 38e; domestic pulled, scoured basis. 18 0 67c: do mestic Texas, scoured basis, 40 0 85c; domestic Ter atanle' -scoured. 55 0 85c. macs aaaraev iiuici. .maid, . v wm . i se.UO 4J Dranuea steers, law. Sheen Receipt 8.90. He Sawttl Market ' Saattl, Wash., Sept 2. (L livestock receipts today. Denver Hon 88.85 Denver, Colo.. Sept 2. (U. P. Cattle: Receipt, 300; strong. riteer. $3.00 0 0.55: cows and heifers. $4.50 0 5.75; stocker and ieeaers. 4 so H.OO; calves, 6.00 m 8.00. Hogs Receipts. 100: stronger: ton. $8.83. Sheep Receipts. 2100; strong. Lambs, so.outai t.oo; ewes, $2.00 0 2.30 POSITIOIfS OF VESSELS Radio reports from ,North Head give the po sitions of the foUowing veescis at 8 p- id.. September 1 : Admiral Dewey. Seattle for Saa Francisco. 295 mile from Kealtla. . - Saa I hero, Taeocca for atn Diego. 64 miles 1 F mi dad north of Cape Blanc. . . i Gaorciaa Bslnh 8. C. T. Dodd. Portland for Saa Fran-1 Teikoku Mara Cisco, 404 mOea north of Saa Fraaeisco. Lyman Stewart..., J. A- Moffett Point Wells for Uichmond. Toko Mara. 492 miles from Richmond. I Fred Iocksnbach. . . Everett San Dieso fox Everett 810 miles 1 Rove City from San Diego. I Coaxet X Kl Segundo. San .Pedro for Point Wells. 1 Iwatesan Mara.'..., 420 mile from Point Wells. I Tone Maru Landing, Seattle for Wilmington. 1080 mile I Hankow Mara..... .New- Tork... Orient Kobe i Sept 10 San Fran Sept 1 8 lyopdnn Sept 10 ....Seattle ... New Tork. Mass Tare. .....Norfolk ...... .ftapt 16 ......Wast Coast Sept 20 Saa Fraa. . . .Ber. 20 Rotterdam Sana. 11 New Tork. Sept, 3 Sleep Disturbed by Wife's Love-Making Los Angelea, Sept 2. (TJ. P.) Roger - EL Niumen. electrician employed by a motion picture company here, wants a divorce because his wife. Grace Nau- Seot it I can. -"kent him awake nirhts with too .Sept 121 mnch InwewtnaklnK. anmrdlna- to a mm. ' 1$ i" .... : arr -"-in" . uuuti i. ne as on iu . Hoaoh-ht Saa Diego-way Saa Pedro, rmo Renator . Koshun Uant.... Vinlts Heijin Hare Cape Ortegal Jalapa Baja Calif oraia. . . atastarn Wawalona ewlftight Anaoa a Tad sua ted Oresoa Pin Orar-w Fir. ufingham . f mm Wilmincton. Cordova. Seattle for Astoria, off West Point West Haven. Bellingham for Saa Fraaciaco. 15 miles from Bellingham. Westward Ha. Tseoma for Enrooeaa porta 78 mil south af Columbia river. Steel Manner. AU-ria for San Fxanciaoo. 90 mile south of North Head. Stockton. Seattle for Los Angeles, 842 miles ' from Seattle. Santa Rita. Everett for Saa Pedro. 220 miles- from Everett Sierra, Los Angeles for Bellingham, 928 mile, from Los Angelea, Frederick Laekenbach, 750 mile north of San Francisco, bound for Portland. - Storm King. Ban Francisco for Aatcria. 820 miles from San Francisco. Tenpaiaan Maru. Portland for Norfolk via Cotxst Panama, latitude 43:41 north, longitude Toko Mara .. 124:59 west of Port Angelea. noon. Septem- Teikoku Mara ber 1. Yone Maru . . . Mukilten, for-Saa Pedro, 290 miles north Iwatesan Mara of San Francisco, noon, September 1. Vtnita . ' , Santa Crux, Bellingham for Saa Francisco, Heijin Mara . , 290 miles north of San Franciseo, Boon, Sep- Cane Ortecal . tern ber 1. Admiral Evans A. F. Lneaa. Dutch Harbor for San Pedro, Ceiilo 1257 miles west of San Pedro. August 31. Lyman Stewart Costa Rica. Bristol Bay. Alaska, for - Saa Jalapa Franeisco. 1050 miles from Sao Francisco. I Koabun Mars August 81. Wolverine State. Orient for San Franciseo via Honolulu. 1427 mile fleas San Fnaciaco. August 31. Ia Placenria. Honolulu for Wiltnincton. 795 mile from Wilmington. Aosrast 81. Enterprise, San Fra-scisco for . HUo. 1092 miles from San Francisco, August 1. China, Yokohama for San Frenebeo, 800 mi lei west of San FVancaaco, inraS 81. Griffdu. San Franciseo for Hawaii, 1220 miles from San FrancLico. August 81. . Orient ..Ren Fraa.. .Orient . . . ..New Tork.. . .Saa Fran. . . Oi lent . Europe ..... . . Enrops . .Rump . .8. F.-L. A. . . . . S. Dwtto-way . .Orient ...... ..North China. . ..Orient ..... . . . Enron ...... . Europe ...... ..West Coast.. le Sept t . Kept 3 .Ber. 8 ...Sept .4 . . .Sept 4 ...rtent 41 ...Sept 3 ...Sent 8 . . .Sept 6 . . .rVept 8 .. .Sept, a a lwfwa S .Sept 8 .Sent' 8 .Sep. 9 .Sept 10 .sent 191 .Sept 10 .San. 10 .Sept It I 18 .Dak .DolrAuaa I Rose aty ..PaetfW kUrlasI .Paataaala Lav. .Peal nasi Lav . Paaiaanla lm. .Terminal He. 4 .. Viast Oregon I . .aoulhern Pac Maraey , AiMna I Columbia I .Termtnal No. 1 . Terminal No. 4 Elevater I .Terminal No. 2 Wanna WUIb ridge . . . Mntgamery Astoria i Inaworth Death Is HeTd Due To Bee Sting Shock .--V-STEmitl? COXPWT - Fee-Saw Fran ale es - - -' rtoaFoctlaadAj . Steutmer 'Rose Gtf Monday, 10 A. KL, Sept, 5 WeBaaoay, 10 A. Sept, 14 aad - every a lath gay thereafter HSSMGt TUTX ftOM rXBTTLKXO Fronaenade Deck JtMM O-atasde Saloon Deck 36.40 Inside Saloon Deck. 24 09 Third Class (Males C-nM ) 00 Re-ond Trip (First Clasa) MM Tbewe fares do not ttidtsde 9 waa tax. which tnoat be stodee. All farws inciudc berta and meals wbiki at aea. pty Tkaet tffico. Srd awn Waawksgtan Phone Main 330 Freigrit OfSce, Ainaworfn Dock . rla-auroa4wny2eB .. E8TJSTJ Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Sept .2. (L N. S.) Potatoes Receipts 69 oar.. Idaho whites. $; Missouri early Ohio. 8l.T3 0Z.uu. Standard Oil Stock Anglo Borne Scrysmer ... Buckeye ......... Cheesebrough ..... do pfd. Continental ....... Crescent . . . Cumberland ...... Eureka " . . - Galena, com moa . .. do old pfd-. . , do new pfd.,.. Illinois Pipe . . . A . Indiana Pipe National Transit . . N. T. Transit Northern Prpe . . . . Ohio Oil ... Intl Pete. Prairie OH Prairie Pipe ...... Solar Refg. . . . ... Southern Pip ..... South Penn Oil.... g. W. Penn Oil . . . S. O. Calif. 9. a Ind. ....... S. O. Kansas S, O. Kentucky . v 8. O. N. Y. .. S. O. Ohio .i, do pfd. . . Swan A Finch Taewum . . Washington ....... 8. O. Nebraska ... . lmparial Oil - - . . Bid. Asked. 14 15 345 360 81 83 145 165 95 98 105 108 24 26 115 125 74 75 82 34 86 91 83 86 150 153 76 78 24 25 142 147 63 87 2"2 225 10 11 415 425 180 186 335 350 75 7S 187 ' 173 54 58 70 ... 87 : 68 528 540 373 385 320 323 860 370 107 110 30 35 240 345 23 28" 146 159 84 86 LOGGER'S rSJ CHEES FAT AT, aatariau. Sent t. PhiHp Kruft a log ger, whose skull was crushed Thursday at the California Barrel company's camp, near here, when $v tree feljl on him, died ia the hospital iiere early this morning. Kruft was terribly Injured by the blow of the! crashing timber. He waa 4t yearn eld and, single.- -- ' - ' - Cherry Clothing Co. to Move to Larger Quarters The Cherry Clothing company will move from its present location at 591 Washington street to larger- quarters On the second floor of the building at 349 Morrison, on September 15. The Cherry company holds a lease expiring in Sep tember, on its present quarters in the Pittock block. A drastic increase in the rental rate is understood to have influenced the Cherry company in mak ing the move. 'In its new location the Cherry com pany; will occupy 3500 square Teet of floor space, acquired for a five year period from the Columbia Hat company. which has a long term lease on the building at thenorthea corner of Mor- riauu sua jrara axreets. Auto Eegistrations -112,484 on Aug. 31 Salem, Seert. 2. Automobile registra tions for 1921 had reached a' total of 112.484 up to closing time August 31, ao- enrolne tA attwtmaw nr-.nm rA rctarv of State Koxer. Rea-lstrationa for August numbered 3185. as compared with 3045 for the' same month in 1920 and 32S4 in': August, 1919. Receipts for the auto mobile registration department for. the month aggregated 141.075.75, bringing the total for the year up to 12,2 1 9,143.2a, - TREE BREAKS FOWBRTriM . Cove, Or Sept. .--Ureleemess of men felling a tree cwt Cove off from the power plant Thursday when the tree broke the power wire a It fey. .,' HOT LAJEE ARKJ.YAL8 Hot Lake, Sept 2. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanatorium Tuesday . were : J". D. Stewart Walla Walla; Louise Taylor. Thomas A, Taylor, and Mrs. Padgett, Everett, Wash. ; Tom Apostolos, Pendle ton; S, P. Dorris, Eugene.. . , 1966 ess I 108 Vancouver, Wash., Sept 2. The sud- Riehmond, San Pedrd for PorUantt leaving den death of Ernest F. Cooley at his home, 1316 Watson avenue, was brought on by the sting of a bee. Arrivmg home from work Wednesday evening, he went to the room of his son, who is ill, and. while sitting by the bedside, a bee rtung him on the neck. The shock caused an acute attack . of heart trouble, from which Ccoley had suffered for a year,, and in 20 minutes be waa dead. He connected with the Earth Products com pany. Sixth and Broadway, "and had lived here for three years - Ban Pedro. Auaust 31 Manna. Honolulu tor Baa Ftaaeiseo. miles from Saa Francisco, Auga 81. lowan, Kan Fnncfcco- tor Hanotula, mils southwest of San Francisco. , - Santa A net. Man Pedro far Astoria, mile northwest of Ban r rsneoaoo. Wilbelmina. Saa Franc-wco fog ' Honolulu. 415 miles from Ban Franciseo. News of the Porl arrivals Ssptamkar Lyman Stewart American steamer,' from Saa Francisco, il. Jalapa. American steamer. Troca Seattle, gen eral. Dpsrturt aafXarnber 1 1 HATE REDICTIOH OJt GRAIf New Orleans, Sept 2. Ffhr that the grain" business for foreign shipment Georgia Rolh, American ateajoer, for Saa 4 would be diverted from thia port by re duction or freight rates ever eastern . lines has passed as the western lines have met the freight reduction a A large part of the business of this port is in grain shipment for export .and this Is being aided at present by low rates quoted for export shipments by tramp steamers. Astoria Seaside North Beach ; Str. Ceorrana, 5 H krs. to Astoria Daily, sacept Friday. $ A. M. Night Srrvic . Daily except Boaday. . ... .7:80 8.aB. FARE TO ASTORIA Si. 00 '- rniwet fenarUoeia ssad tot Baaada snd North Beach Point. W saak aireeg Boa Caaneerioa t Awenrla both ta aad freaa 9inM with all boata. Tafca lb acaaiartaaia. PARK TO seaSIDC 81 .ae ONg WAT. pioumo Ttti $aae. Akwr St I lock Main 1413 84-122 . rttg MARKIM8 TRAB81oilTATIOa .OO. Franciaca. general. MARI5E ALXAKAC Weather at River's Slouth North Head. Wash.. Sept 2. Conditions st t!' mouth of tne nver at noon: Bea smooth wind south, 16 miles; weatlier part cloudy. . Homidity at noon, PorUand, 64. DAILY 8 :00 BITER READINGS a m. , Pacific Time. AUSTRALIA CW ZEALAND ABO 4OirTf4 ttAS Tla TahrU swef RarsUeaa gtafl and Psaaa vVVVt frwTwei vktSR wPSMCawatefk G9&1 st8 $Vrwa)r1 WBHOel S. K CO. OF IW ZtAtABBw - KM Canferiiat tt. gaa Or Stvar. ISe"5 Teeaatar J j "S 5 ?. Umatilla I 25 1 t.8-0.10.00 T9 I 55' Albany 20 0.9 0 10.00 75 48 Salem ..... 29 -1.7 0 (0.00 78 60 Oreroa City . . 12 2.2 . 210.001 . . Portland 15 5,3 0 0.90 71 -65 RIYER FORECAST Tb .wniasnetts) river at Portland wifl remain nearly stationary during tb next two ee three days except a affected by the ode. AT.. WORLD'S PORTA Asteria. Sept 2. Arrived at 1 and lft up at 2:80 a. xo. Steamer Lyman Stewart from Saa FranclsnBv Bailed at $-80 a av: JP nese staamet Choyo Mara for Calav vis Bsa FTancisco snd Paget Sound. Sailed at t JO a. m.: Japanese steamer Ctiifaka Man far Catted mednos. Sailed tiljt t a: Steamer Daisy Mathews for Baa Padre. Sailed at 8:39 a at: Steamer Shasta for Saa Pedro. Arrived at 8 and left up at 7 a. av: Steamer Jalapa from SeatUe, Arrived at 7 a. mu Japan sees aw Koab-n Mans frem Murnraa. - - Astoria, Sept 1. Sailed at 3 p. bv: Steamer Florence Olson for Saa Pedro. Sailed it UJI a avr 8teamer Steel Mariner for United King dom. Arrived at 10 . .. Ship St Kiche- - - ... . -a. ' TT- ? WILLIAMS. LINE DIRECT BERYICB BETWEEH PORTLAJD A5D ASTORIA TO SEATTLE Next Steamer Loading About Sept.-13th x . DIRECT SAILUTO FBOll PORTXAJTU SV ASTORIA ; ' . - -- TO - . YEW T01KraiIAD2LraiA-BUtTJI0II . - - S. S Willfaro Loading About Sept. 13th. V v.; ; ' V. FOR RATCS AND SPACE APPLY TO V t - - af ta V t wk V - A8i ft a, - - Aa i uviXrui, fwsenerai Agenr - pbones I Broawa3r ,n 414 Oregon BUUainf . FOKJLANIJ, ORE. ' I Broadway 1414 -. $