The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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    FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1021.
Fridays from S tot and.T ta t p. au
The University Park branch vtll b open
Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday from
J to nd t to-1 p. m. - Books drawn
out at one branch may be returned ax
Ithar branch, as suits the convtnlenco
of the borrower.
i Albany, Or, SpL 2. Preparations for
;th big; Willamette Valley Shrtners pte
' sic and' entertainment to be held here
Labor day were formulated Wednesday
alfht . when. H. J. Boyd, recorder, and
Harvey Wells, captain of s-uarda of Al
Kader shrine, Portland, me) with the
local committeemen.
.. i A parade, including all members of the
local- Khrine club, will meet a special
train from Portland aC the Oregon Elec
tric depot at 10 :45 o'clock Monday morn
Inr Tilt train will leave Portland at S
o'clock, included in the Portland delega
tion of between 200 and 300 Shrlners will
b the Al Kader band, chanter a dancing
girls and patrol.
The Salem patrol and delegation of 100
will be picked up en route, as will Shrln
ers from way points. Eugene Shrinera
report a delegation coming and the esti
mated attendance, including local Ma
; sons, is 6000.
The parade will disperse at Bryant
park, where the majority of the festiv
ities will be. staged. At noon a picnic
luncheon will be served under the direc
tion of Mrs. B E. Mason. F. H. Pfeiffer,
and nine committers of local women.
At 1 o'clock the speaking program will
begin. Mayor George Baker of Port
land has been designated orator of the
day. On the program is also. Potentate
' Frank 8. Grant, while either Mayor'
Percy A. Young or District Attorney L.
O. Lewelllng of Albany will represent
the local club. At 1;30 o'clock a concert
will be given by Al Kader band.
Following the speaking, amusement
stunts by the dancing glrta, an exhibi
tion drill by the Salem patrol In new
uniforms, children's contests and games
and dancing In the Bryant Park pavil
ion. In which a dancing floor brought
from Brownsville has been Installed,
win fill the afternoon.
At he Bryant Park swimming pool
Miss Helen Micks. Northwest champion
swimmer ; Miss Virginia Pembroke, Ore
gon state champion ; Mies Thelma
Payne, national champion ; "Bus" Doug
las and Chester Carrol. Northwest mate
champions, will give tansy diving and
swimming exhibitions.
The evening will be devoted to a Ma
sonic dance at the Albany armory.
During the afternoon a motion picture
matinee will be in progress at one the
atre, while another showhbuse will be
rapt open as & recreation center.
la the event of rain the theatres, the
. armory, the Masonic Temple and the
Albany Community House will be em
ployed in housing the visitors and will
be the amusement centers.
The Al Kader band, will give concerts
at the park and wherever the crowds as
semble; the chanters will sing at the
- park and matinee. The Al Kader patrol
will also take a prominent part in the
entertainment program.
Arrangements by the Albany Shrine
club are being completed by 29 com
. mlttees under the leadership of C. F.
Hill, chalrm-- of the general commutes.
Harms and Family
To Leave for Beach
Answering the call of the rod and the
ocean breezes. Captain L. A. Harms of
the second night relief and his family
will leave for a 10-day vacation at Bar
vfaw Saturday morning. Fishing and
, digging clams will be the hardest work
to bs dons on the jaunt the i'sklpper"
aasuMit his colleagues. His two sons,
Olenn and Vernon, who . recently re
turned from a cruise to the Orient on
the stfamer Vlnlta, will accompany him.
, Both boys shipped from Portland and
cams back with higher rates than when
they left
j.- .
Ohange in Hours at
Branch Libraries
' Library Association of Portland Thurs-
day issued announcement of a ehanga
of library hours. The Peninsula brancti
Will be" open Mondays, Wednesdays and
Brownsville Post
Of Legion Planning
Community House
. Brownsville, Or., Sept, 2. Calapoola
post No. 104 Aftnerican Legion, has ad
vanced a plan for bunding a club house,
which may be used as a community hall
end gymnasium! According to the reso
lution adopted by the post the new build
ing will cost approximately $2500 and
lunds will be raised by popular sub
scription. The committee appointed to
take charge; of the work is Jesse K.
Hinman, organizer of the post; Delos
Cosbow, G. V. Bamsdall, George Tetzie,
David Cook. I John Miller. .!
The building, as planned, will be 'a
Cne story frame structure including an
auditorium, i gymnasium, shower baths
and other modern facilities. An athletic
club will be organised by the post tor
the control of the building, but others
than members will be allowed to affiliate
and the building will be free for social
and buslnesto gatherings.
Mazamas to Make
Annual Journey to
Neah-kah-nie Mt.
The Mazamas will leave Union station
at 12:45 p. m. Saturday for their annual
beach trip to Neah-kah-nie mountain
where they will be Joined Saturday
evening by the Angora club of Astorii.
Sunday both clubs will hike to Short
sand beach,! where the day will be spent
and surf bathing enjoyed. Returning,
the party will climb to the summit,
thence down the face of the mountain
to camp. The evenings will be given
over to campfire sessions, and as there
will be an unusual amount of talent in
the party, a splendid tints is assured.
The Mazamas are extending a general
public Invitation and refer those Inter'
ested to call Marshall 2432.
Unemployed Vets
'Asked to Kegister
The unemployment committee, Portland
post No. 1, i American Legion, Thursday
issued a request that all unemployed vet
erans of the World war register at the
employment! office, 170 Fourth street, so
that plans may be made to meet the con
dition of unemployment that may arise
this winter.! Men should bring theirdis
charge or other evidence, showing serv
ice during the war, for registration, said
Glenn H. Tcer director.
-f'f tVJ f
If V't;
Wat Tax Iselsssd
any day. Return limit 30 days.
$1.00 to Attoria -St Helens
Asd Pelau Betweea
$1.60 to ! Seaside -Gexrhart
ROUND TRIP: St Helens, $1.60 diily, limit two days
after date of gale; war tax included.
iTrains'fc Astoria and Seaside leave Portland 7:03 a. rru
o .ou . m., o iiV p. m. aauv, anu l a p. m. Saturday. Labor
day trains leave Seaside for Portland TaOO a. m.. 3:00. 5S0.
5::0 $20 p. m. -, A- .
- 7?ckl Prlor C SaU and Details at?
NORTH BANK STATION, 10th (and Hoyi Streets
t s
Please note the tow upstairs prices at which we.
are selling these beautiful Fahey-B rock man
Junior: Suits including sturdy, blue serges, de
signed exclusively for first long pants and high
school age I
$15 and $20
(Sizes 31-36)
Here is your opportunity to. clothe your boy
properly for Fall at a fraction of the cost in ordi
nary stores, as well as teach him a wonderful les
son in true economy. , ,i
Respectfully, FAHEY-BROCKA1AN.
i - -- - Z'i -- ' ' - -
1 J
f l s 4r& ff
S 6 'f -fs 'i
v. s V, v ,4
' ul
i M- v i man m fir i jk aur ti-''- i m r-r-r.-f-y. m 1 m 1 1 w 1
0 mmmm jmm Ar
k Bkv k.-'-.-.-J-V. .V.-l'.V.V.V.VW.V.v A',v,-.; T,i.l7,:,.vv.Y.y.-.y. .y... ii. . m m m j mimmmMWmi
y-L Tm Iff A m
Bovs I il lLillLi 11 rJl J1IL4 11 0 iLM
same Written and I , II I i
vj signed guarantee that I II f) I
goe with the clothe I I ' f I
we meU Dad and fcP sss W V
I ; brother. ' I
j Remember i
I alterations and fit I
free. I
j "satisfaction or your I
j money back. I
Specially esigned.
for the
Younger Young Men'
(Sizes 31-36)
Fb Will Find
in the Pocket
of your Fahey-Brock
man Junior Suit r the
which guarantees you ten dollars saving over ordinary prices
Particularly Suited to the Needs of High
School and First Long Pants Age
! Made of the same sturdy rhaterials and with the same
careful workmanship that marks all the Fahey-Brockman
clothes for men, the Eahey-Brockman- Junior is sure to
win thousands of new friends while holding thousands of
old friends among the younger young men.
Note this, boys! These suits are made for you not
for somebody lCTor 20 years older. They were designed
by the foremost boys' tailors in America men who have
made a lifetime study and a national reputation in design
ing suits and overcoats that v
Express the
f. They come in all the newest Fall colors and patterns
and have a distinctive style all of their owiu They in
clude blue serges and the new invisible checks and pencil
-if . ' .,,
Individuality oft
stripes that are going to be all the rage this Fall Don't
fail to see them. Remember, ask for ,t -
Up-staiars CEojtfi&iles
o )
: ' J u
. 1