The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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    i ! -
1 i--
t 5 -
Wachlnrton. Sent. (WASHING
George E. Chamberlain, ex-senator from
Oregon, receives mention several - time
In the monthly Installment of The Lon
don Letter of Walter H. Pact" la the
September Iwue of World'e Work. Page,
who died. a abort. Urn since, was arobae-,
sador to Great Britain during the war.
and the close adviser of President Wil
son during the controversy over Panama
canal tolls. ' -" '
former Senator Chamberlain was a
mAmr ti ttui mult In favnr of exemot-
ln American coastwise shleolng from
payment of tolls. For this reason he
' comes in for a measure of acorn In the
"letters of Ambassador Pare and also at
the hanAa trf Burton J. i Hendrlck. who
has compiled the correspondence and
broocht it tosetber into a conneciea .
' story, v
In one letUr to the president the
, American ambassador reierreo 10 a con-
I ... I U Ct. VAmrmwA . ftraO than
foreign minister. In which they comrola-
eratea witn eacn oiner over me criti
cisms they had encountered- Page con
.. -Afte telling me that I need fear no
trouble at tnis ena 01 uie uno. ne wra
me how severely be Is now criticised by
a nertelit element for 'bOWlnK too low
to the Afrierlcana.' We then each bowed
low to the other. The yellow press and
Chamberlain wow a give a year s irowu
for a photograph or ua in mat poa-
This letter was In March. 114. after
the debate in tha senate'' had opened,
following the disclosure that President
WUson, who had spoken for "free toils"
' in the nmMdinr ra.moa.le-n. had chanced
hla position and was for repeal of tha
The Page letters are severe in their
criticism of those who opposed his idea
"nrt t 111 favored tha exemption of
American ebips. He had precisely the
same vlejr as the British ; that any
other position was dishonest ana ais-
- -fiAnnrehle.
' W made a bargain - he said in a
letter to the president from Scotland.
whPA tie wee vlnitlnr at Scotch coun-
try homes, "a solemn compact, and we
hn hrnken it Whether it were a rood
bargain or a,? bed one, a silly one or a
mia. aim that', far from the Boint.
lsn"t ItT This tolls matter stands In the
i way of .s very thing. They have no re
.n.f tnv Mr. Taft. for they remember
that he might have vetoed the bill 5 and
they ask, whenever they dare, what
you wil do about It Thay hold our
' vnvarnment In ihlRIt BO lonST as UllS
thing stands."
TV. I. ntp.ln nf ttrttlah hoatllttV. Of In
ability on the other side to understand
how America could do such a thing as
.place a different Interpretation on the
u.r.iinnfoU treatv -than the one
hv .airedj rune through the Page let
ters to ths president There, wag con
Stant lament that America might do
mnrh rnuA lead the British "to do
anything" If only the "wretched" tolls
question were reversed. This anxiety
i. ..Mani relatione with Britain, or to nff the e-athertne- British hostility.
anpears from the letters of Page and
Wilson the thing that was In the
presMent's mind when he made his fa-1
nm mvetarv' aoDeal to concrete In
k maaaae-e on Panama tolls 1
I a air thla of VOU In SUDDOrt Of the
foreign policy of the administration. -1
shall not know how to deal with other j
matters of even greater delicacy and
hearer consequence if you do not grant
. . . , . . ,,
.It to rsjr l" ungrudging incm..
The letters of Wilson to Page are cor
dial In tone and written with a manifest
errnrt to amooth the way for the ambas-
mmAnr in hie charrln over "breaks" he
had made In after dinner speeches,
what v.n rerarded as little pleasan
tries a,nd courfsy to his hosts, be com
plained, were twisiea oy American vriv
4.. IntA tfiilclfnir
ThM AnsloDhoblacs Irish and Pan-'
groan-" he wrote, wearily, hound me
wherever I go."
Tk. contribution from the Fasre letters
comes with particular ' interest at his
" time, when the senate hab before it the
Borah bill to make American ships
: again free from payment of toll.
Don't spend all your time telling what
you are going to do. Save some time to
tell, why you didn't do it
I 1 V
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Oir Store WiU Reniain Closed MondayLabo
A orders .from suburban districts-taken
op to J p. ra. City
tna close-in districts, all orders
Ufen up to 5:45 p. m. daily.
AT 19c
Mala Floor- Propbylsctic Tooth
Brushes is various styles tad sizes.
Slithtly imperfect, 40c 1 Q
and 50c f rides. Special 4-is
Tmowhisoh, Atpgw. wtsr phk and tekth STpygTsT
Seconal Flaotf Women's Wool
Bathing Suits In several OA ACk
styles, yalues to 9 7.9 5 Obtfial
High-trade Cbocolates In assort,
ed fruit flavors. Priced AfZg
special .. t pound . only tu
Fresh Toffee special pound 45c
Large Gum Drops pound 22c
Dependable Merchandise, Prompt Service, Lowest Prices And S. & H. Stamps Given With Purchases 1
Clearance of
Women's Dresses
$3.98, $6i98
Second i Floor Our Je
maininr stock of Women's
Summer Dresses have been
regrouped into two special
lots and still further i re
duced to effect a quick
clearance. Many beauti
ful garments in the sale.
' .
Women's Dresses of
Voile; Gingham and Or
1 gandie materials. Some in
combinations of Organdies
and Ginghams. Delightful
styles trimmed with ruffles.
olds, plaitings. etc. A
number of slip-on models
included. Dresses selling
earlier in the season ud to
7.50. Specially flQ QO
priced iat only DOea0
This ! lot takes in all of
our high-class summer
Dresses selling heretofore
up to $17.95. Voile, Linen
and Organdie materials in
the best colors. Ruffled,
slaited, tucked and straight-
line enects many witn
wide sashes and bows and
fancy collars and
cuffs. Special
at S6.98
Girls' and Misses' Coats
Saturday $5
i.There isn't a Coat In this entire lot but what is worth far more
than five dollars but as the assortment is made up of odd lines we
are anxious to close them out Quickly. Splendid Coats .for school
wear. Made ud in Wool Velonr, Serge, Tweed land other desirable
materials. Attractive ityles with large or small convertible collars
ana paten poceis. aome in the aressy aolraan effects, others In
plaited, l)elted and semi-fittd styles. Sizes $ to 1$. Coats AA
formerly selling' up tor too. On sale special at only iytiUl
Garment Salons, 2d Floor
Smart New Fall Hats
At $10
Beautiful hand-made Velvet
Hats in black and the new Fall
colors. 'Small and medium
shapes in smart models for ma
trons. Trimmed with flowers,
fancy feathers, coque, glycerlned
ostrich and novelties. These are
made up in the very best qual
ity velvet We also include in
the $ale Women's Sailors of hat-
ter plush, many novelty Sport
Hats and- French Felts. f
Priced special at only DXU
Millinery Salons .
2d Floor
School Days Are ; ;.
Suit Days for Boys
And Saturday Is a Good j
Time to Make Selections l -
Here is a stock of Boys' Suits that lives rem a fine opportunity of
cashing in on the best values you've seen In years.' Suits that art built
to witn stand nard usage and that win hoia their snape to the very iL
Bring your boy in tomorrow and let him glance over-the many classy
models.. One or two-panSuits in dependable makes. $8.95 to, $27.50
Sale of School Supplies
5 )
Center Circle, Main Floor
t Sctatch Pads at Se
x StenoPads 5c 8c
Spelling Pads at 7c
Large Tablets 15c
Crayolas 8c, 15c
Type Tablets 20c
Comp. Books 5c
Draw. Pads 5c lOc
filling Pens ideal- for school
use. Full size. ft. 50 Pens $1
11,75 Craig Pens at $1.25
Legal Tablets 20c
Paint Brushes at 8c
Paint Cups at 7C
School Paints 40c
Text Books at 7c
Pencils, 2c to 10c
Hi School Pads 7c
Pal Pencils $1.00
cversnarp Fencus in all styles
at 50c to $6. Headquarters
for Pens,Pen Holders, Erasers,
Pencil Boxes, Loose Leaf Books.
Ivory Soap 25c
Drug Department, 1st Floor
Main Floor None sold or. de
livered at abov price except
with other purchases maae in
the Drug Dept Limit 4 cakes
to a customer. Ivory OKp
Soap, special, 4f cakes S'tlL
. Carleton's British 1C
Mfcrth Soap, ijcakei.oiily J-Olv
Evers weet, 25c 45c
Dorin's Rouge, priced at 50c
Lister's Sanitary Napkins,
medium and large, -55c 65c
Lux Soap Flakes priced now
15c package, or two for 25c
Veda Rose Rouge, box 45c
Mercolized Wax, priced 89c
Pebeco Tooth Paste now 36c
We Give S. &H.
Green Trading Stamps
.Bathing Caps
Second Floor Saturday we shall
close out two special lots of
Women's Bathing Caps at big
reductions. Take advantage.
60c Bathing Gaps
-r-Rubber Bathing Caps in sev
eral good styles trimmed with
colored bows and ruffling. Caps
formerly selling u to
&0c priced special
at 35 c
$1 Bathing Gaps
Extra quality Rubber Bathing
Caps in a number of attractive
styles trimmed with fringe, large
bows, etc. Some in painted and
ribbon effect Values to iQ
JSl.OO. Priced special at xl
-4 -.
Wool Scarfs at $1.95
! Formerly'Priced $3.95
Main Floor Very smart and
comfy for school wear are
these Wodlen Scarfs. Novelty
mixtures ! in various colors,
alsq plain shades. Lengths
Vi to -1J yards. Regular
53.00 values. Spe- Q" AC
dally priced at J5i.eetl
SAMPLE SCARFS in a large
selection of new Fall styles.
Plain and shawl effects. Spe
cial at ;$4.50 to $9.95
j . '.
Fiber Scarfs
Combination stripes in all
the best! colors. ' Good full
Size 14x67 inches finished
at ends with knotted fringe.
These are splendid $6.50
values, on sale at d QK
special price of only DOetl
Sale of Picnic
Ppr Napki Regular
zee per hundred. To-
morrow specially priced XJC
Wax Paperregular 6 for a5c.
specially priced for to- "tQn
morrow's selling, 6 rolls XOC
Papor Cupe 5 in. package.
Regular 7c value. Tomor- fTn
row specially, priced only OC
Lanch Sou Cloth, l? napkins
and it plates. Regu- lA
lar 15c values at only Xv V
Paper Doili regularly ioc
dozen. Specially priced fjA
for tomorrow's telling at v
Dennison Booth,
2d Floor
Two-Pant Suits
Second Floor These are really
wonderful values at the price.
Made up in novelty mixtures in
good colors. Latest belted effects.
And, fcest of ap, two 4?Q OC
pairs of pants! Special OeeOU
Corduroy Suits
Second Floor Serviceable Suits of
dark brown corduroy. Made for
service as 'well as looks.. - Your
boy will, surely take to these
smart Corduroys. In CQ QK
broken sizes. Specul fDOJO
Boys' Sweaters
WOOL SWEATERS In . several
well known makes. Coat styles
with small collars -also the much
iked slip-ons. Large selection of
styles and every wanted color.
Prices range 34 up to $9.50
comfortable for winter wear. Light
enough in weight to- wear under
the coat. Plain gray, maroon and
navy. All sizes from 34 to 36.
Priced -at only $3.00 aqd $3.50
Hats, Caps, Blouses j
Boys Fall Hats in cloth and felt priced from $1.00 up to $3.00
Boys' School Caps In the latest styles and colors 98c up to $3.00
Boys1 School Blouses in best materials and atyles priced at $1.00
Headquarters lor Boys' Neckwear, underwear, Hosiery. Gloves, Etc
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Smart .Models in Young Men's Suits
$25 $35
Suits with a dash and style to thm
that go big. with young men of high
- school -age. Livelier styles than we
have ever shown before. Every Suit
perfect'in fashioning and workmanship
every Suit a splendid value. Step in
and look over these clever new models
t $22.50. $25 nd up to $35.00
New Fall-Suits
For Men
Conservative models for business
men and novelty cuts for those who
prefer them. Clothes from America's
best makers here for your choosing at
moderate prices. Come in and get ac
quainted and let us show you t quality
clothes at surprisingly low ! prices.
Suits for all types and variety of fabrics.
Men's Bathing Suits $2.19
Mala Floor To force out a small lot of Men's Bathing Suits we have
cut the price to less than cost. The man who is without a Bathing
Suit will do well to buy it now. Wool and wool mixtures. Broken
sizes. Don't overlook this opportunity. Special at only $219
Correct Shapes
Men's Fall Hats
$5 to $10
foQ. scant - wear that straw
rouchxlonrer! Why not choose
your new Fall Felt tomorrow and
wear it on Labor Day? Here
ate all the newest shapes and
colors for the coming season.
Soft Hats and Derbies, $5 to $10
- . New Gaps
Y e s, your favorite style
here.. And is for quality, there
are no better Caps to be had.
Large assortment of handsome
patterns. At $2.50 ud $3.00
let er (VUlt J le iw M tfU0 I '
light, medium and heavy weightsL '
your needs at once and have
over with. Cotton $2.50
$3.50 Wool $4.50 to $10
Jantzen. Webber and other re
liable makes in Sport Coats,
Hand-knit 'Coats and Slip-on
Sweaters. Coats are made with
V neck or shawl collars. See
these. . Priced $5.75 np to $10
I Priced $8.50 to $25
Not only are the styles most attractive the prices, too. are
considerably lower than last season. Your Fall wardrobe will not
be complete without at least one separate skirt; Here are styles
to please every fancy and for alt occasions. Wonderfully smart
Skirts for street and sport wear. Stripes, checks, plaids and plain
colors. Plaited and tailored. See these at your; first opportunity,
Here they are! the new Fiber Silk Sweaters so popular for
Fall wear. Light weights, medium .weights plain and open-mesh
weaves. Also block and striped weaves. Tuxedo styles with fitted
sleeves, belts and sashes. With or without pockets. All leading
colors. In tomorrow's selling prices range $6.98. $8.98. $9.98
Dept 2nd Floor
Basement Underprice Store
New Drape
Main Foor The popular square
Drapes so much the vogue at the
present moment. Fancy figures
and border effects in desirable
colors. Ask to see flJO C f
these. Big values at 5-ieUU
Shetland Veils
Fresh shipment of lovely Shet
land Mesh Veils Just in by -express.
Very serviceable and
smart for Fall wear. .Shown in
black and colors. Very ,Q
specially priced at only )
Main Floor
Ribbons for Hair Bows
29c 39c 69c
LOT I Halrbow Taffetas with
fancy satin Stripes. Red, navy,
black, pink, white and Alice
blue. Quality Ribbons from our
own regular tines semng
at 3Sc and 39c Yard AVK,
LOT 2 Hairbow Taffetas and
Moires in plain colors with fancy
edges. Pink, white, ' green and
red. Also satin striped Ribbons
In two-tone colorings. QQL
50c and 65 values, yard OaV
LOT 3 Novelty Hairbow Ribbons in a wide range of beautiful pat.
terns in plaids and checks. Ribbons of splendid quality especially
desirable for the : making of children's hairbows. ' Regular 5Q
85c and 90c values. Priced special for Saturday at only, yard Di
Hair Bows Tied Free of Charge
Sale of School Needs
For Boys and Girls !
pink and white knitted fabric.
Made with elastic at waist and
knee. Sizes t to t2. OA
Specially priced at only VV
e-CWLDWiYS HOSE of black
and brown ribbed cotton. Sizes
f to so. J Tomorrow; spe-i (J- l
Clafly priced at 3 pairs for 3X
corduroy and fancy mixtures-
Good sturdy Suits built , for
service.. Sizes 4 to Qft I7pr
S. Basement Sale OO. I O
letic style of with short sleeves
and ankle length. Broken range
of aires. jToporrow QG
specially priced, garment OV V
BOYS' SKIRTS of fray Do
mestic Flannel. Medium weight
, for schooL Sixes i2 i QQ.
to 14. Sale pice only 07v
, well known make. Sizes 5 to S
at $2.75 Sizes 8 J, to it at
$3.15 sizes 1 1 Vto 2 at
-All extra good values,.
New Collar
You will want to,see these ex
quisite new Laces, as they are
to be much in demand for the
making of Fall neckwear. Heavy
or light, as you prefer. . Venise,
imitation Irish and Filets In a
large, assortment Qf dainty new
patterns, v White and cream,
priced. $1 to $1.75 the yard.
. X-ace Department, :
i Main Floor .
School Handkerchiefs
At Special Prices
Mela . Floor Handkerchiefs
thousands of them--in this spe
cial Sale. Don't fail to supply
the children's school needs!
Children's school Handker
chiefs of good quality p
lawn. Also some with cor-
plain white
ner designs priced special
-Children's Handkerchiefs witk
colored corner embroidery and
colored hems. Also plain white
with corded borders.
cepttanal. values at oni
At 15c
A very special bargain in Wom
en's pure linen -"-Handkerchiefs,
plain white with H -inch "I pf n
hem. , Priced at only, each IvU
At 19c
Women's and Children's Hand
kerchiefs with wnitt taped bor
ders and with one-corner "I
embroiderv. Priced special
Sale Jtsstf : . ..
Men's Shoes, Oxfords
ANOTHER SNAP in Quality footwear for the roan who founts Ihe
enstt Manufacturer's samcle Shoes in iizet 6 6V4 and 7 entv.
Every pair is made of real calfskin or vie kid and all have German
Goodyear welt soles 132 pairs all tokL I Black or brown kid. tan
or mahogany calf. Every popular last is repjesenUd. We also in
clude a number of pairs of "seconds" of a famous make. dA OfT
Shoes and Oxfords well worth 19.50 to 112.50 in t-day sale VxeOtJ
Shoe' Departnient, 1st Floor
35c Brown's ' Logan-.; (Qn
vberry Juice -the bottle AUK,
--35 Lily f the. Valley OQ
Catsup priced, the bottle e-JeV
ug tawn syrup, CI fill
large cans special at tUxovlU
Flour special, package XUlv
Llbba P t k; I n i -f f)n
Beans Lafge cans xnly Xvlv
Everything for t h a t picnic
lunch -at Delicatessen counter,.
Model Grocery, 4th Floor