WEDNESDAY, AUGUST SI. 1921. IS? J THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL. PORTLAND, ' OREGON s ! i 1M ED MEN FIGHT ON THREE FRONTS IN MINERS VAR (Oon tinned From' Put One) Lincoln county before federal troops were dispatched Into the trouble TROOPS AWAIT PRESIDENT'S CALL TO SPKIXO TO ACTIOS Bj Kobert-J. Besdr United New SUff Correspondent Washington, Aug. 3L The federal gov ernment Is now moving rapidly to pro tect the state ot West Virginia against violence. - President Harding has issued a procla mation giving those engaged in unlawful proceedings in the state until noon Thurs day to return peaceably to their homes. Brigadier General Bandhoita has been ordered to return to West Virginia and yc rw-t-t An whether or not the insurrec- reglons. Brigadier General. Bandholtz. tionary forces ooey tne presiaems uiu . . . j., 11 .1 un.ti.. 1 mjitnm. woo n oeen mmupuis o.- - nks at Camp Dix has been win oe in commana. ine aispatcn 01 me i ordPred to keen one ot the tour regt- troops will depend on a report from the I ments of infantry at that camp in readi general tomorrow as to whether the hs for Immediate enatament in event j . j I thev are ordered into the war area or miners nave owjcu nuuius a wuuiuuiu I ii, . Vr that they disperse. ,"m7 SoIBieIs BEADY MINERS BEPUXSKD I Another rczimenL at Camp Sherman, Miners attacked county forces at dawn I Ohio, also has been ordered placed in near Ethel. Sheriff Chafin declared, after readiness for field service. Each of these reports from scouts were received today, regiments will number about 1000 men. The miners were driven back to Blair. Colonel F. B. Shaw has been dispatched Chafin's forces now total 1000 men, fromthe war department to Charleston, equipped with rifles and machine guns. W. Va.. as inspector and instructor for They expected a renewed attempt to organizing state minua iorcea. (Stony Island) In Fetrogrsd there is a special, home for mentally defective ehildren. Here - Professor Grlboedof f with a staff of five doctors and eight teachers carefully examines the children and either keeps them in his colony or sends them to some other home. There is an excellent laboratory and s library, of medical books. Careftl records are kept by teachers ant" doctors alike. When children are sent to other colonies special Instructions go with them as to the treatment required. Cases ot paralysis are also treated by a system of electric therapeutics, though the doctors are fearfully handicapped by lack of equipment. Six hundred children have passed through this home and the doctors and 220 teachers have received training. This institution was established only two years ago. (From the Friends report.) I believe most of the Americans who honestly desire to help Russia will agree with me when I say the' Society of Friends chose the right course In aiding those institutions already begun by the Soviets instead of attempting new ones. Tt ia lnirica.1 to suDDOse that the Russians understand Russia better than we do. and the work with the children has never had anything to do with pontics. 'cross the .mountains. ARMED CITIZENS LEAVE FOR "FROST" OF MISERS WAR If order is not restored by noon Thurs day federal troops will be sent into West Virginia to cooperate witn tne state forces in putting down lawlessness. Preparations have been completed, where by the troop movements into tne irouDie Logan, W. Va., Aug. 81. (U. P.) zone may be accomplished within three Scattered firing broke out today between or four hours. civilian patrols and armed miners on This Is the first time during the ad opposite sides of the ridge near Logan, ministration of President Harding that authorities here were advised. mere naa uteu a. 6.e Armed citizens quietly left Logan for 1 the "front" after the report was re ceived. WU.hj.rt an hour the roads to ward Ethel were specked with automo biles iarrylng deputies to the mountain passes. Battle planes soared over' Boone county showering d.own upon the masses of armed miners -lying behind the ridge dividing Boone and Logan counties copies of the proclamation' issued by President Harding calling on them to disperse. Logan county's first line of defense, 20 miles long, up and down the. valley of the Guyandotte, bristled with rifles as hundreds of volunteers from the sur rounding -counties poured in to strengthen the force that will bear the brunt of the assault if the miners at tack. All through the night groups of armed citizens, some partly clad in old O. X. some with the "tin hats' contemplated actions is extremely tasteful to President Harding. dis- RUSSIAN KIDDIES S.P. MAN SHOT IN DUEL WITH BANDIT BIRTHS SPZCIAL NOTICES NOTICE OK MEETING OF 101 HEMPHILL; To Mr. and Mrv Was. H- Memo-1 rorVTT BOARD OF EQCAUZATTOH hill. 680 E. 15th. Aug. 22. swob. 1 Notice, ia hereby circa that OB Monday. Sep- B ROMBERG To Mr. and Mr. H. Bromberg. I tember 11. 1921. tbe board of oauailsatioa of . 808 Wasco. Aug. 23. a eon. I Multnomah county will e,ttcaa ax use kot os WH1TTT To Mr. aad Mr. 1. P. WMttj 1 I the coanty aaseaeor at tbe courthouse in Port s' An- . mna I mmA wul mKlw-lv .TBI,!,, tt IIIIM IllSIlt TolSI OTTO To MV and Mia. L. W. Otto. King Al- I for the year 1821. and correct all errors in bert apta., A ax. 21, a eon, I Taluatiou. deaenpooa or quuuax Sanaa, som B BANDS To Mr. and Mm. B Brande, 1447 I M other property, by the county sa il array. Au ,C, a daughter. I seseor. And it shall be taa duty persons m- TCNNO To Mr. and Mia. Frank Tnnno. 628 terested to appear at tha time and place ap- 8d. Ana. 8. a aon. pointed. If it ahaU appear to aoch board of CANCILLA To Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Can- equalisation that there are any landa or lota cilia. 664 E. 14th, An. 14. a aon. or other property am hi. twice, or incor- XAKAJ1MA To Mr. and Mra. '. Xakagma. miij mmtmri aa to deeeriptioa or quantity, and AS N 1 ftth Au 90 a aon. i tK. mm rU a neraon or neraona rot tne TAKANO To Mr. and Mrs. 8. Takano. 92 If. I awner thereof, or aamaad nader or beyond tne 6th. Ane. 20. a dancnter. I artnal cash ralne thereat, aaia Doara Bay aaaee irHSST IN To Mr and Mra. Geo. L. John- I nn. of tha aame. If it aiiail ap- rton. $48 E. 17th, An. 10. a danchter. I pear to such board that any land, lota or otber NIEDERGERKB To Mi. and Mrs. V. U. Nied- I property aaeeaaaMe by the aaaeaaor are not aa- - erKerae,.Bi ancmcan. Aug- i -. a son. I aenea. ancn ooara snail BISIO To Mr. .an- aira. ttioo, i atanoa, 1 caab value tbereof. Ant. 51. a tnn XOD1J To Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Todd. 1220 RniM Anfi? 24. a dancnter. WATKEsS To Mr. and Mrs. E. TVatkuia. 0 Market St. Dnre. Ane. IS, a eon. HIRAM TJ. WELCH. Coonty Portland. Or.. Angaat 15. 1S21. MEETING NOTICES 102 MONUMENTS 10S mm as OTTO SCHUMANN MARBUS WQBKS QDMITT MXtoqEXAIS tLTrHftD 4tWHE STS. PHOWgC.,M3 FLORISTS 107 i Lnnrt rncaisiUKe3UK9 OaSGE ACCOCnSSXIOTEO 2 ST.O!iE3 32SWCSIMSOIn. MS UCCETSOtST PCETLXKD lOTtL aw I VUB.. 753 vlAlt- Z?7 DEATHS 600 11th, GBAUUOND Nadene , Q ram mood. Aoauxt 2s, 2 montns; acidoeia. GEORGE Lnra George. 6021 87th. Aocost 25. 40 years ; lobar pneumonia. SCNEIER Florentine A. Schneier. 6029 SOtn, Aaran 29. 8S years: carcinoma. BROWN William A. Brown, Good Samaritan hospital. August 26. S3 years; acute dila tation of heart. STONE Loren L. Stone. 876 East Mormon. August 80, 1 years: dysentery. HESSE Helena Hesse, 360 8. 54 yean: carcinoma. Well Well!! Here It Is! Big picnic at Crystal Lake park. Sunday. September 4. Eureka council 204, Security Benefit association. Bring your lunch and spend a pleas ant dar with toot old friends amoDg the S. B. A. General good time for alL Race of all kinds for youuz and old: swimming, boating, bowling, dancing afternoon and ee ning; refreshments iwrmi nn th E. 41st, August I parade will be special feature: prises for beat aressea. urgent and most comic dM. 7c cat .Admis- GIVEN GOOD CARE (Continued From Pass. One) ens for mothers, consultation depots. milk depots, infant homes, creches and day nurseries, special food kitchens for weak children, dispensaries, hospitals and sanatoria. HOW WORK IS DITIDED Under the commissariat of public in -steel helmets struction comes children's gardens, chil of overseasdays tramped or rode into I dren's houses, children's colonies, first ixgan county ana scauerea out aiong ana second graae scnoois, iraae scnoois , the river line. I and children's theatres. on tne otner siae ox tne rias-e. wnere i TTn-. vA mmicooriat' r in.iu .tjie miners waited for the dawn, great come8 medical, school dental aids, schools activity was reponea eany toaay. i ne for nhvsical culture .forest schools, homes miners forces have been augmented by for tubercular children, schools for the t . 416 arrival or nunareas or union men, deaf and jumb and schools for the blind. carrying rifles, wno passed tnrougn Maa- xv,,. children's commission vhas charee "son, in Boone county, ih automobiles 1 0f backward children, special -trade ana trains. I schools, colonies and homes for epileptics jaaior v. x. inompson, u. t. a., ana lnd idots and homes for moral defect two representatives or the "unitea Aiinei Ivea Workers, arrived here by special train commissariat for social mainten- f rom Charleston, with copies of Presi- j ance i3 responsible for the maintenance dent Harding's proclamation, which they of children of soldiers and sailors will carry personally through the miners' tBIwt i, rii.Kid hv work or war. outposts to the headquarters of the op- Thi Annf, bv nension- eiven to the posing camp. They will make a final mothers or in cooperation with the other appeal iu me iimicra icaucia iu i. i departments r the disaster that is certain to. follow I riIIT,;ntl crvviiTt jatir raiiure to ooey -tne presiaent a The commissariat of supplies is re- ' Special trains from Huntington and Southwestern counties brought other re inforcements to Logan. Five hundred men from McDowell county arrived with doctors, nurses and field ambulance equipment. Suisun, Aug. 3L (U. P.) H. E. Grimes, ticket agent at the Southern Pacific station here, was shot twice last night by a bandit who escaped. When the bandit ordered Grimes, who was alone in the office, to throw up his hands, the latter seized a revolver and opened fire. A pistol duel ensued in which Grimes fired five shots at the bandit, who fired four or five times at Grimes. Two of the shots took effect, one in Grimes arm and the other In his back. After Grimes fell the bandit rifled the till and obtained $93. Following his departure Grimes was able to pull a telephone off the desk and telephone to the Southern Facilic ireigni depot for aid. Two Go to. Electric Chair; One insists He Is Not Murderer McGINMS James McGinnis, 418 San Rafael, I fare. Muwaukte car. First and Alder. August 30. 64 years: cirrhosis ot liver. I sion to pant lie, including war tax. FENWICK Mrs. Catherine Fenwirk, 1032 3d. M. L. JOHNSON. Secretary. August 28. 82 jeers; ealTular heart disease. OREGON ASSEimLT No. 1. Cnited Artisans; CHUBE1N Looey Churn n Derr sanitarium. will nre card party and dance Thursday eee- August 29. 50 years: ralTular heart disease, ning. September 1st, ah V. O. W. hall. 12o 11th SMITHE Aurora Smythe, 443 E. 38th, Au- Cards will comraenca promptly at 8:30 gust 29, 8 years; lobar pneumonia. p. m.; dancing from 10 to 12. Coma early as GODABD-rPhoebe S. Godard, Wellington Coart the card game cannot be delayed by late ar- apts., August 27. 86 years: heart disease. rirals. A sack of flour will be giTen. also other KISER Lucile Cade Kiser. 1819 E. Morrison, useful prises for cards. Bring your friends for August is yean: aipntnerta. ia good tune. Admission 35 rents. HADLEY Herschel D. Hsdley. Good Samaritan I E. E. VAN AIJJTINE. secretary. hospital. August 23 years; nemorrtiage of brain. MEHEW Hilda Mehew, Multnomah hospital. Angut 27. 33 yearx; acute- penionitis. BEKTUA.NI Joseph S. Bertrand, 749 East Ash. August 2S. 54 year.; acute gastritis. NEW TODAY SO SAMARITAN LODGE NTT" I. O. O. V. meets erery Wed- nesrlsy firaini. at 8 o clock Odd Fellows' trm-iie' AMi-r street. Visiting brothers' always welcome. The MuxcoTites will hold a drill in the ball after lodje sojourns. , JESSE T. JONES. Rec. Sec k. e. om U1AM. N. APARTMENT BUNGALOW "Matot Method Saves Tim and Money And Floral Deaikna. 2S Large Huthooaea. Ne Branch Storea. 23 Tears oa Momaoa between. 4th and BtaV Tel. Main 7T0. Smith's Flower Shop "Portlanda Progresaiee Florist" Flowers for All Occasions. TsTstn 7215. T O Mgr th and Alder. floruta. 354 Wash- ington. Main 269. A-12 89 occasions artistically arranged. Fsowars for ail "fU, 1 N. W. Bank BMg. WfltS.7W 13 S 6118. 831 M Maa St LOST AND FOUND "108 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light rower to. Aug. 29: 1 umbrella, 3 ranch boxea. 3 purses. card case. 1 suitcase. 2 handbags. 2 sweaters. 4 hooks. 1 crutch, letter. 7 psckages. stovepipe and elbow, sack clothes. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Aider st rtaaon. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTED Eiperie steed sedy eelicilor to take orders Iroaa foruaad raaKtrnees: Bathing te sell: a aaasples to carry; good permanent past toon with good pay. lail in parsoa awtween 2 and 4 p. m. at 428 North weatera Bank bldg. si. ungg. WANTED A midd.e aged woman to keep how- for young rnaa and a chudrea 4, .6 and 11 ears old. Call at 701 wist avw. Take Ml Scott ear. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 EXPERIENCED bootaeeper wanted, references required. This ia a temporary position only. TCagea $4.30 per day. Frank Boactt ai Sona, ti Main St.. Oregon oay, ur. WANTED Huf pickers. ior 100 pouaos of green hope: start Sept. t. Rovte 2. Salem. Or. Fred Smith. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 GENERAL REPAIR MAX With 7 yesrs' etrwrience at earrjenter work. 3 years as millwright, wants work as general repair man tor aawrain. roller mill or grata elevator. Will take steady work very reasonable. l - su. journal. ARCHITECT Middle aeu. capable of handEna all kinds of work in the building Hne. desires steaay work with reliable firm in tocabty of roruaad by Oct. 1. Best references. Address w. r- Adams. Benkleman. Neb. CARPENTER eaUaastea given an boitrUng aad repair worm: screens made to order; al 1867 Hawthorne. Tabor 1J60. WE DO in aad outside painun. paper hanging ana noting ; estimates rven prompt attention. unr won guaranteed, tl! Main 9164. "THE little ioba that Iad won't do." All hoi hold repairs and jobbing: roofs repaired. A at e.-j an. labor A a. PAINTING, papering and kaisomimna. For f)r( i good material, call Tabor class work 411 WANTED Job aa trouble ahcyter on magneto excuange; I years experience. Box 4Ut Canton, or. MIDDLE aged man wanta situation as wstchman, janitor or such work; honest, reliable, ref erences. K-85, Journal. . MARRlkb man. handy with lulls; also good painter. Will exchange rooms. Y-958. JonmaJ. for housekeeping FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 FOR RENT nicely furnished room. X block iroaa kuosi ava. j luiassooa il . 1 ' FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FL'RXlSHF.II rma l ..btiim.b private home, bath aad pnooc: east side; 2 car lines and walking distance.' East 2102 or . 810 . HoOaday TWO large hghC- nana pleasant place. privilegea. board if desired: each suitable mar ried couple er 2 ladles, does ia. 498 E. ltb. Heltwood 82T8. . - ROOM. ATTRACTIVE HOME. REFTNED FAM- U.X. t-b 1 6U1H ilALN S. - LARGE, coxy front room. nnuMl for sas and wife er tww warn, convenient for echo teachers, -dose te 2 schools with or without board, in C. & noase. 414 Market sr.. rer. 11th. CLEAN, quiet room, moorm, reaaooablw; gou4 rendence . district ; close to. all coo venssncesv A real home. 382 Rosa St.. 2 blocks Broadway bridge. NirELT FTRMSHED ROOM IN LOTELT HOME FOR LA1T WHO WILL APPRE CIATE IT. ALL CONVENIENCES. . HAW THORNE DISTRICT. PHONE EAST 8025. Why pay carfare? Hers Is" a rEaC . home for a bisines8 woman: walk- ' IN(i INSTANCE TO TOWN. - CALto MAR SH. VLL 212. . BEACTD7LL room in pmate home; twin bed. parior. piano, Ik. me convenieDcea ; class in: soa. genial yonng man vrine room saata. d .1. 1Mb st. Broadway 27a I. MCE furufc-hed 'rum. central and ery eon venient. for a gentleman. 364 Couch at- Apt. 1. Broadway 1719. A LARGE, pleaaaat room'; ohnet w, lor a gsn- w.L " . . , 1 1 I mmr. rmnw ga y i FlUNISHED room for two sua; board if de- V sued: use ot garage. Broadway 4213. 4&1 Saner st. I REWARD I'er-on n took watch and jew elry from 420S 53d se. 8. E.. Aug. 16. plese return brooch, valued as keepsake. Be wsrd. No quetWn. LOST Monday. Aug. 29. by working girt, 870. on way to V. &. National bank. Call Bdwy. 2233. -.'Charleston, W. Va-.Aug. 3L (I. N. sponsible for the feeding and the cloth ing of every child. It is tbe department the Friends worked with and with which all the relief organizations that come Into Russia will have to deal. It sup plies food and clothing to all the institu tions of the other departments. It main tains special childrerfs kitchens of its Hundreds of miners are swarming own and supplies food to children on Into Marmet, 10 miles east of here, to- the family ration caras. day, according to a report brought here other departments are not allowed to . by a man who passed through Marmet purchase their supplies. By this means eany wis morning. x ise miners, it is competition of buying Detween tne aii said, were going in the direction of ferent departments is avoided. Boone county and virtually all or them . ,th TW.ii.n Kolchak , 4-V tAi X J.IS3 I; n a a ws a m - and other tsarist generals the Red army SHERIFF'S FORCES FKEFABE often captured great quantities of sup- vnrr nrnT Jr-ST TTlrl! idht P"es. 1 remeramr iwo " FOR FIGHT JUST .LIKE ARMY soldiers were able to give sub- Madison, W. Va., Aug. 31. The gath- hitantial eifta to the children of Russia. ering of forceis to combat armed miners jtie first time was when Kolchak's sup- (By Universal Service) Trenton. N. J.. Aug. 31. Frank J James and Raymond W. Schuck were put to deawa in the electric chair last night for the murder of David S. Paul, a Camden bank messenger. James was sent to the chair first in order that Schuck might benefit by any statement of James repudiating his tes timony at the trial that Schuck was equally guilty of the murder. Had James made a statement of that kind the electrocution of Schuck would not have taken place. Governor Edwards had been appealed tn hv .T Russell Carrow. counsel lor Schuck, to instruct the warden of the nriaon not to put Schuck to death in the event of such an eleventh hour state ment by James. The governor agreed. it nntinnal with the warden of the prison which day of the week specified by the court he inflicts death. TTor Schuck the final hours of the day were tense with hope. When he saw 7 q moo nflJSS throueh the doorway to the death chamber, there was yet hope that James might Bay the word that would save him. . - ""''. , j Six minutes after the iron door closed behind James it was reopened and all hope for Schuck faded when the Jailers bade him follow James. His last words as he left the cell were: "I never 6truck David Paul a blow. I am Innocent." " 5 " KL'NNYSTTtE LOIHJE NO. 163, A. r . a. M . bpecial com- municatiou Thursday, Sept. 1, at K 30 p. m.. temple 39th and Hawthorne. Work and examina tion in E. A. decree. Visiting brethren welcome. TJy order W. M. C. P. JENSEN. Secy. KENTON LODGE NO. 145. A. F. k A. M. Stated communi cation Thursday, Sept. 1. Visitors welcome. B. B. HEADLEY. Secretary. WAVERLEY LODGE NO. 174. A. F. A. M. E. 20th and Clinton sts. Stated communica tion this (Thursday) evening. 8 p. m. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of V. M. 11. I.. ailL(Lr.l. ocry. iiu is ous ui tne many designs we have that can be built from $1000 and Up Have us build one on your vacant lot for I your home, or help you dispose of your property whicn is now a ouraen. MATOT CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS BROADWAY 3886 82T HENRY BLDd. "Matot Method Saves Time and Monwy" OARAGES BUILT MB.00 AND UP In the impending battle has given birth tar a smooth running organization, al most like an army. Supply wagons play up and dowji the vallies at regular in tervals. Outpost sare relieved with per cfsion, automobiles coming in constantly ' with loads of rifles headed for the hills. Headquarters of Sheriffs Hatfield and Chafin is in a suite of several rooms in a hotel. ,-ijMessengers contlnnall yarrive. Confer ences on strategy are held. Wires through a private erwttchboard radiate to the Charleston capitoU to the settle . menu that serve aa field headquarters and , to surrounding towns. AJRPLAXES ARE SCOUTING , Airplane scouts are a part of Chafin's forces. They fly over the mountains of the "enemy" country and report where the largest bodies of men are located. Then the forces on this side ef the ridge are strengthened where it is thought there is need. Outposts have been strengthened. Forces guarding the narrow pass through . which is thought entry might be at tempted have been enlarged. Reserves wait the call of a siren whistle to rush T any point where there is danger. . ..Information received at the head quarters of the citizen army under Sheriff Don Chafin has been such as to cause anxiety. Miners, it was feared might strike in order to cross into FLUFF RUGS NEW RUGS Rewoven from old carpets save one half eost of ordinary carpets. Our fksff ruga an velvety, durable aad artuda Guaranteed ts wear. NORTHWEST RUG CO. The oldest and best equipped factory. Flatt and rag suga woven ail sines: ear seta refitted; bill ruga steam r sea a eg tl.fiO. Wa ceil tar and dehvex. Ill st- Ewht Sb Pbona East SbJM GXSGXSX4X5XsXs DANCING at Mcosa hall every Tuesday. Tburdsy and Sat urday nights. Plenty of fans. Cool balL ButtertiekL songs; Prasp orchestra. COLCMB1A LOWiE NO. 114. A. F. ANU A. M. 8tated coov municauun tomorrow (Thursday) avenmg at 8 o'clock. "J brethren always welcome by order W. M. FRED L. OlON. ec. ONEONTA TRIBE. IMP-D O. R M. Meets every Thursday night at W. O. W. hall.- 112 E. otb at. Vt-iting Brothers welcome. Acting C. of It 33 REWARD lor inlormation leading to re covery of 7 -months-old male Airedale dog, dis- appeared Aug. 18 from 357 Ivy st. Ka-4451. LOST Between 3d and 5th on Yamhill, a hule girl s sweater, light blue. Columbia 6Q4. CARPENTER and builder. 33 years' experience; understands taking charge of men and plans. Will contract" or day work. Phone Eat 633. BiiHK, Ceiurot work. Plastering. Repairing nestiy done. Automatic 311-73. FURNISHED room, suitable lor one or two, walking distance, west side. alar. 2639. 190 Lowrydale. - WELL furnished, desirable sleeping roomv walk ing distance, tientlcmaa preferred. 333 Hoyt St.. covnrr N. 17th t- &HINGLES. from i to 83 Tsbor 876. delivered. Call CEMENT foundations; bouses rased; cement work of sllkinds; reasonable. East 2191. CEMENT work; a& SeUwood !. LOST 4 leaf clover nugget chatelaine Reward. SeUwood 327. LOST St. Helens ball ring. Suitable reward. Call East 3824 after S p. m. 35 REWARD for black and white female Per sian est. Phone SeUwood 552. LOST Bunch keys on 82d st, or Oregon City. Call Main 3 and receive reward. LOST I-argt cameo pin. our mother's. shan 369. RewsnL PARTY seen taking bicycle from 408 Jefferson St.. please return and no questions asked. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 a -Ol Dei-- 7. FUNERAL COMPLETE CA8KIT, TvVc AUTOS, HCANSt, KMBALMINO, OUTSIDE BOX. SRAWK MARKER. FURERAL, NO TICES. BEARERS' GLOVES, USE OF CHAPEL ililler & Tracey Inaapsndsot r"anees Dlrecters WASIIINQTON AT ELLA hwnel, Ktotai Ctr1.'S7S-SS iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii"-nn . TaAte a 20 Pay Life Policy P With Ua . UNITED ARTISANS CIS ARTISANS BCILD15G Attets Over SL&MwtM Tsu Home Society for sr Tears liiiiiiininniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiin rantnred at Archangel. The second was when a supply of canned milk was obtained at Odessa. TEACHERS HANDICAPPED I have outlined the Soviet's own plan for care of children, because It will make clearer to the reader than any thing else that it is not a hit and miss plan, but, on the contrary, is Intricate and well designed. Space only permits me to go into detail to show one or two typical examples of how the worn is carried on. I quote from the Friends' records :" Day Schools First and second grade schools are run on the coeducational principle for children between the ages of 8 and 16. Manual training for botn boys and girls fills a very complete place In their program and, many scnoois have excellent carpenter, bookbinding and engineering shops and needlework and other handicraft wo.-Krooms. There are also special schools for art and music called 'children's homes . t . The teachers aie greatly handicapped by the shortage of books ana writing materials. As a consequence most of the exercises and tests have to be done orally. DISCIPLINE MAINTAINED Discipline Is maintained without pun ishment in the ordinary sense, A child does not . receive dinner until his hands are' clean, but he is not punished other wise.. For anti-social acts a child may be isolated for a period. -Corporal pun ishment Is forbidden. Kvery student Is entitled to an extra food ration. Every day a warm luncn eon is given, consisting f bread, 100 grams : meal, 20 grams ; fats, 13 grams i sugar, 17 "grams ; meat or fish. 27 grama, and four-fifteenths of an egg. Homes Jer Tubercular Children These homes are all on the outskirts or towns or in the country. Fresh air treatment and sunbaths are thoroughly applied. The children lie In the sun six hours every day. Lessons are given out of doors and by graduated treat merit the children become hardened to the cold. ' BATHE IN WOODS The cases of bone tuberculosis look healthy apart from the affected limbs. Special care is allotted the young' chil dren. Unfortunately there are not enough supplies to meet, the needs, and dried vegetables for the winter are lack ing. (From the personal report of Ar thur Watts, head of the English Friends) Forest schools Here two departmtnts unite in the establishment of an institu tion , where children recovering from fevervand sickness are sent to recuperate or children threatened with consumption are cared for. Open air lessons are the rule with sun-bath and bathing pool all In the middle of a huge wood. 'The open air life develops a love of nature atid the children have collected and arranged ex. cellent natural history exhibitions. The school I visited had once been Inhabited by two wealthy ladies with 80 servants. It houses about, 50 children. FOR MENTAL DEFECTITES As in the case 6f trammer colonies and many other institutions the children wear a single garment during the nummer days with a loose overall to slip on in the cool of the evening. (Also from the report . of Watts.) . - Mental defectives-s-On Kamenl Ostrov ton. BUILDING PERMITS X. N. Wygaard. rect residence. 5812 E. 92d. bet. 53d ave. and 55th ave.; builder. Marchall; "5H. P. Barrett, erect residence, 144 E. 71st st. V.. bet. Glisan and Oregon; builder. "T;c'2Grart. erectresidence. 178 7 Phelps, bet. Linn and Ochoco; builder, Frank R. nek. - v-hnnr .iwt residence. 797 E- 16th N.. bet. Beach" and Failing; builder. Pa cific Construction U: anna V Weston, erect residence. 6607 6d ave S. E.. bet E. 66th st. and E. 67 st Boy'W". Whitney, erect residence. 20 Sumner st, bet. Concord and interstate; uuuuer. -"-- w w ' noin erect residence. 430 E. 52d y bet Tillamook and Hancock; bnildr, same; - vr,nM erect residence. 805 Prince- vrcviac -. ----- ----- ... .. V....1H.- h.t pnrtunouui ana ou"'"i i -von 1297 E. 2! he Carlton and Tolman; builder. Garden -u: it tn i, - xaooo. tTwtaS." erect 'residence. 2081 E. Mor risen, bet E. 84th and E. Botn; ouiiuer, same. ''SJ'-c.i. i- irtence. 42S 49th. bet. Hancock and' Tillamook; builder. 1. Bryson M North'paific college. 189 E." 6th, bet Oregon and Pacific; builder. Hurley Mason Co.: $1000. School district No. 1. erect school. 50th ave.. bet 75th and 77th sts.; builder. A C. Meyer; 4Th" Smith, erect residence, 7811 63d are. S E-. bet 77th and S0U sts.; budder, H. C. Pet us; $2200. ' A. C. Weinel. erect residence 1800 E. Everett bet 70th and 71st; builder, W. H. Keretier-.. $2900. F W Harlow, erect residence. 1017 w. Schuyler bet 33d and 35th; builder. Albert Dobner; $2500. Thurkelsen Investment Co.. repair rooming house. 249-255 Taylor st bet 2d and 3d; builder Western Roofing A Supply Co.; $1000. Eagle Flour Mills to., repair gram conveyor gallery at municipal terminal So. 4; builder, same; $4000. ., .., ..j P E. Pedersen. . erect residence. 3927 55d. bet 39th and 40th ave. S. E-: builder, same ; $2100. - . .. . ...... 1- v7 oiq i o. O. F.. 104 Vt Kallinarwortbf ave.. near Albina. iteguiar .meeting every innrsaay eTwa- W ork in the nuuaiory a. Visiting brotherSFWelcomeiRop fi Y H. VAN WYNGARPEN. Sec. MEETS every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. 912 Will iams ave. Visiting brothers it AH. 10 KY mtKom- ' VCdDOE D. E. TIM MERMAN, N. G. KeJOti-LCxOF C. B. TRACEY. Sec. "VILLA LODGE 124. I. O. O. F.. meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. R. H. GIBBS. N. G. C. P. NELSON. Sec. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, pins. charms. Jseger Bros.. 131-133 6th st CLAY S. MORSE, INC. TKAirSPEB A!U POOL CAB DISTRIBUTORS CONSULT OTJB IBATFIC DEPT. CARD OF THANKS DEATH NOTICES 103 W1I.L1S August 31. at 7055 35th ave. 8. E. Mary Elisabeth Willis, sged 63 yesrs. late of Myrtle Creek. Or., daughter of Mathew and Serena Adams, pioneers of Oregon ; mother of Mrs. Fred V. Forbes. The remains are at Fin I ley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MET WANTED -IN THE AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOB BUSINESS BIO OPPORTUNITIES We can fit you for a good paying postUoa In k abort tune. We turn out expert auto sne- ehanies. ignition men. battery experts, toe vul nniwn and acetylene welders. Soa take tha tools in your hands and get the real practical shop experience under expert, instructors on all no-to-date automotive 'equipment una today. Doa't keep putting tt oil and set tne other let low beat yoo to it Information and ttteratnra noon reauest Dsr and evening classes. HEMPHILL 9 AlTOMOBILai AliU AT1&ACTOS SCHOOLS. T07 Hawthorns ave.. cor. 20th. Portland. Operating the largest aad best chain ot prae tieal motor schools in the world. PALNTING and kalsonuninr. material and work- msrunip msranteed. SelL 1027. WANTED Any kind of work for 2W aad 3 ton trncg. Bdwy. 4ib. FLRMTLKE moving and general hauling; cov ered bodies. Bdwy. s PAFEKHANGING and tinting, inaide finishing: fimt class work. Tabor 800. FVRNIS11ED room for rent nest side. 10 mia- utea waik to hesrt of city: beta; will rant reasonable. 4 64 , 6th t 1 1'UNIt.HLD au-epuit room for oue or two; modern conveniences, bath, close in. waikiM distance. 15 E. 9th. cor. Ash. FRONT suite and single rooms, nicely furnished: pbooe, hot and cold water; 5 minutes to Meier Frank's 32 1 12lh. comer Xlay. Main 4 88 1. X1CELT furnished dean outside aleepsng room Bath and phone. Walking distance, $3. 861 14th st Auto 521-64. - BOOM for single man, with breakfast and laun dry ; new. near Hawthorne car; rf are aces 266 H E 24th at " WANT psinting and tinting; have tools; able. Wdin. 503a. BT MARRIED man position as driver dyeworks or laundry; references. East 5751. CEMENT work of sll kind, reasonable prices, good work. Aut 632-92. GARAGE3 built $87.50 ana up; garage doors 812.50 and up. Ant 817-27. BASEMENTS. GRADING. GEN'L TEAMING; contract or day work, am, C22-35, after 8. ELECTRICIAN MAIN 7223 We specialise in electrically wiring your horns CARPENTER ana eonrractor. yoowmg. anything In tha building Una. Ptena East 86841. PAINTING, paivring and tinting at pre-war prices. East 7452. CARPENTER, painter, concrete men. take work $5 day. J. Carpenter. 225 First St. COLORED txrter wants work in barber shop or notei. vooiiswn stter a p. m. liDi.Li mam.h wanta pomtion. setting up or reiiairing. Fast 4575. ROOKS reliiieled and reiwired. Aut. 528-54. WHY BE OFT OF A JOB OR WORK AT ' AN UNDERPAID POSITION t Call at fnion ave. and Wasco st am da except Saturday, at 11 a. m . or writ for free catalog No. 4. It win not cost ng anything to find out bow we have helped over 300 graduates to good petition. We ran help you. too. ADCOX ACTO AVIATION SCHOOL Special Inducementa to Ex-Service Mea Reduced Rates June 1 to Sertember 1 West's Lareest Business CoDeae. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A-POSITION. All Business courses, including comptometer training. Enroll any time day school, night srbooL Write for free catalogue. 4th st. near MrrWrr. phone Mam 890. SPRINKLED STORAGE FUNERAL NOTICES 104 1 MOVE ANYTHING BDWY. St7t 4M GLTSAS FLUFF RUGS from old carpeta. woolen clotalas. rag rags, Ul siaea. Mail erdars. Send for kssokia, CARPET CLEANING Largest, finest equipped carpet cleaning, refitting works In state of Oregosy, ill Bos Steam Oaaaad SIM 816 Bag Bsaa, 810 Western Fluff Rug Co. Usls Of flew 84-4 UsJea A vs. II. East SS1S Vital statistics . mrriges.BIrtbs.J)eafts. MARRIAGE LICENSES ' 1 ..j, jshini. If sal. Jersey City. N. J., and n . . 1. 1 1 T..H.1 Srma anartments. neia sjutc., -- -- , - Motus Wilnitaky. legal. :m n. ui.v.. inl KS34 First st Bias Zlatirh! 27. 268 H N. Sisteenth at. and Marie Findene. 24. 270 N. Trurteemn . Joseph Liwtgni Hiison. irgai, i-o - 1.. v a.i-iitlin lcfral Portland, dir. Stanley B. Simpson legal. imru. mtni u.-u 1 r iiMN Wttl 715 Hancock st - Hoe l-awrence Pitts. 20. Gresham. Or., and Ella Baker, 17. Gresham, Or. ' im.M F. Hnlden. 23. 1708 E. Nineteenth st ..wi I. Tbnm-xin. 22. 666 Sherrett st Lonia G. liar nail, legal, una nosei. ana mw w. 8'J K .Herentv-first st Florence Francis Sullivan. legaL Hawthorne Apt., and, Cora U Haley, legal. 4 75 Wygant t Sidredce H. Angus, legal, 1635 Porta mouth ave.. and Ethel Q. Pascal!, legal. 80 Obertin st. WEDDING W. O. 8MTTH A CO. AND VISITEVG CARD ENGRAVERS 3 11. Morgan Bide Carpet Cleaning REFiTTINO. SIZING. BINDING. ETC 9X12 RUGS cblAKD SI.25 Rugs DRt CLEANED snd SHAMPOOED OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW New MaUressee for Sat 40-Lb. Cotton. S5.00 Faathars Renovated Work Ouarantaad Same-Day Service Wall Order Dept. PIONEER CARPET CLEANING AND MATTRESS WORKS. Moat Modern Equipped Plant in Oregon Phono X87-S7. 407S E. LInaol) St. O HANLON August 29. at 900 Minnesota are., Terrence O'Hanlon. ared 63 yean, hus band of Mrs. Annie O'Hanlon, father of James O'Hanlon. Tbe funeral will leave the above residence Thursday, September 1. at 8:30 a. , tnence to the unurcn of see Blessed sacra ment Maryland and Blandena sts., where ser vices will be held st 9 o clock, r nends are in vited. Interment Mt Calvary cemetery, t A. K. Zller '., In charge. ELLIS August 16, 1921. at 5411 TOUi st S. E.. Mrs. Mary EUis. sged 84 yesrs ft months and 28 days, mother of Claude Ellis of this city snd Harry Kills of San Francisco. C al. and one brother, John MrFarland; two sisters, Mrs. John Rysn of Grays Mills Wis., and Mrs. Annie Gray of St. Paul. Minn. MEHEW In this city. Aug. 27. Hilda Mehew azed 31 years, daughter of Mrs. J. W. ;td- ding, sister of Mrs. C. T. Wride and Mrs. Arthur PrieseL Tbe remains are at the con servatory chapel of tbe East Side Funeral Di rectors, 4 14 Aider street. ine luncrai notice will appear in a Ister issue. BENT In tins city. Aug. 29. 1921. Willism F. Bent, sged 50 yesrs. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at tiie chapel of Ed ward Hnlman A Son. 3d and Salmon sts.. Thurs day, Sept. 1. at 2 p. m. Concluding services st the Portland crematorium under the ausptcea of Disabled Veterans and Canadian Veterans' as sociation. , SPECIAL BATES CNT1L SEPTEMBER ALISKT BLDG.. 3D AND MORRISON CLERKS 18 upward, for postal mall service. 130 month. Examinations September. r.x nerience unnecessary. For free psrtlcuisrs of instruction write J. Leousrd (former civil service examiner). 998 Equitable btdg.. Wash ington. I. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach yow the trade, in 8 weeks; receive soma pay while learning; podtkma secured. Oregon ex-eervice men receive stata aid. Write er call for cats )ogue. 24 Bnrnside st LETT IE 8 MILLINERS SCHOOL 682 Union Ave. N. Complete course in millinery: personal in struction bv new and up-to-date method; full core for $25. LEARN TELEGRAPHT Hallway Telegraph Ifc strtute. 434 Railway Exchange bidg. Night elates. - WILL do painting for auto. Ea-t T452. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 EXPERIENCED lounw woman of good char scter desirea position in refined, ra-mectable widower's modem home in city; small family; $35 mo. Phone East 89. or P-764. Journal. . FURNISHED room for rent in Rose CUy dis trict. Call at R- C. barber shop, 1234 Saade blvd.. between 42d and 43d.. LIi.UV. airy bedrooms, $10 per month and up. Modern, home privileges; breaklast. a aesiraa; easy walking distance. Msrshsll 430d. . SklAIX. neatly furnished room, light and clean: 3 blocks from Bomsoo at n-easonabss. W Park st. COMFORTABLY furnished room for congenial. man walkme disLaatce. does Mnltnomah Club. Machal) 3295. SLEEPING ROOM, suitable tor ona or ts working people or aiuucttU. 475 East Ever-- etf st. . MCE room iu private family for 1 or 8 gentle-m-n, bume privilege, very reasonable. 814 E 44th st. N. Mrs. Nennecger. , LARGE front room, ciuae in. cheap; pbboe and bath. 290 ;raham ave. TO RENT Newly furnished 1112 Woodward ave. rooms. Inquire: FOR RENT I -a rue front room, pbone and bath. Call 407 4th st TWO counecting rooms tor rent, suitable for 3 or $ gentlemen. 205 11th at. Fist D. STEAM bested-" room., clean, modern conven iences 54 0 Wash st.. to-m B. 2d floor. THREE unfurnished front rooms. Including gas range. 44 8 Hall st BOARD and room, close in, near carlines, Broad way 18W8. 657 Flandtrs st LARGE front rooms, dean and cleao in, 809 11th st LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES - DONE LP LIKE NEW WILL CAM. EAST 8518. GIRL attending Franklin high desires home for services out of school hours not required for study. D-1000. Journal WANTED Pu&iQoa b bwedieh girl as cook in family where Swedish second girl ia emnlored. Call Woodlsan 6102. RELIABLE, experienced eteuographer desires teai- porsry work. Y-957. Journal. RESPECTABLE, middle sged lady wishes house keeping hast l'-'H. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. 1 DRESSMAKING 256 DYEING, cleamiic. prnaing. drcarma king. . re modeling, relining. slterstiom. plrsting. 1 rea sonable prices. The Cabinet Dressmaking Psr kr. 424 Morrrwi, rfrar llth Main 1K25. HEMSTITCHING. ANY OIlR CIS. YD 1 yard hemstitching free with each order over BOc 209 Alisky bhUg. 3d snd Merrtson. DUESSHAE1NG snd children's clothes. 561 W. Iombsrd. Columbia 4 98. EXPERIENCED, hlsu-clasa dressmaker would go out by dayt $3 TiO per day. Udlwn. 2774 NURSES PRIVATE maternity Phone East 174.. 257 home. graduaia nurse. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's tugb-claas down-town rendenttat boteL We give you tbe comfort of borne. American and European plan. Katea reasonable. 1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -Nicely furnished rooms, steam beet hot and cold water, with good table board. 832 10th at. comer of Market Maw 6381. WANTED School teachers to board and room; 1 block from Conch sehooL Main 61 H2. WILL give mother rare to two girts under S years of sre. Wdm. 4464. MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 Tenth st. telfoT business girls at moderate rate. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th. cor. Alder. A RE SPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75 . up. Private bath $2. Special rates by week or month. WASHINGTON HOTElT 12TU AND WASHINGTON 8T8. Attractive rooms and suites at reasonable rata by week or month. ' WILL care far children, good home, from . school. Aut- 643 99. 2 "blocks FOR RENT MEN. women, lesrn barber trade; wages while learning. Oregon Barber College, 333 Madi son st FURNISHED ROOMS 30Q CALL at xTM. C A. to aee tree Ui oi moder a's priced rooms for young men in all pans o tha city, including rooms at the Central 1. si. t A. with tale pbone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. RO KY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former asst sUte rnrpt.. Mgr.. N-W. Bank bldg. Aut 818-13. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Begins Rocket's prive school: individual In-tnx-tion. 1 22 H Grand svet lst 427 WANTED, at once, two men to learn vulcamT rng and retreading 433 Hawthorne HELP WANTED MALE 201 CHRISTEN SEN The funeral service for Evs Christensen, late of Extacada. ,Or . will be held Friday. Sept 2. at 10 a. m.. at Finley's Mortusry. Montgomery at Ttb. Friends Invited Concluding service, KiarrS View cemetery, under the suspires of the Myrtle chapter, O. E. 8. Tbe deceased wss a member of the White Shrine. KLENK August 27. at the late residence. 306 E. 48th sU Msry Mshel Klenk. aged 36 years. Tbe remains will be forwarded tomorrow (Thursday) at 9 a. m. by J. P. Finley A Son to Grand Rapids. Mich., where service will be held snd interment msde. EXPERIENCED TACTTM CLEANER SALES MAN. APPLT -SrPT S OFFICE. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING 8 WANTED A live, energetic n. unlimited nowibUitiea for rght man: anust bave wide acouslntanca In Portland: phone after 8 a.m. Monday tor appointment Banddai wear. Uotci Hoyt SeUeirooBBS Wsst Park asi T anthill ' At 10 A. M. Tomorrow I FLUFF RUGS g H Made from All Kinds af Old Carpets, H B For Onality. Besrlco and Ectmoeay. OREGON FLUFF RUG COl H 4SS4 E. Start Bt Taaor 781 4 B 4MBBwSjlSsSaBtamwB BIRTHS JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johnson, 572 E. 2 2d. Aug. 19. a son. GANOPOLK To Mr. and Mm. A. Ganopole, 114 K. 3d. Aug, 18. a son. McTl SH To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McTush, 7ff E. 63d. Aug. 15. a son. . . CHRISTENSEN T Mr. and Mrs. H. Chmbrn- sen. 14 E. 71st. Ang. 26, a aon. CHRISTEN SON To Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Chrls- ten-on, 4531 47tb. Aug. 27. a son. KEITH To Mr. and Mrs. J. C Keith, 4523 96th, Aug. 21. aaon. . POERING To Mr. and Mra. A F, Doering. 35 W. Srrapsosi, Aug. 18. a son. WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. D. WOson. 618 Vmmmsl. Absl 22. a dauahter. GOETTEN To Mr. and Mra. W. GoetUa. 1140 Franklin. Aug. 25. a dauabter. Oak and Maple Flooring Wholesale and Ri-taiL Buy from us and Save Money. OFFICE 398 E. CLAY. EAST 7022. RESIDENCE TABOR 640. OAK LEAF HARDWOOD FLOOR COl SMITH in this dt. Aug. 31. 1921. Ida E. -Kmith. seed 66 Tears. Remains at Edward Hlman A Son, 3d and Salmon eta. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 RAILWAY mail examinations Snt 17. Start 8138 month. Expenses paid. Specimen Questions free Columbus Institute, Coium bus. Ohio. BOY" 16 or over to dehvrry groceries. Must have bicycle and know how ta dries Ford r. 1226 Sandy blvd. WANTKIi Ktpeneiiced shoe salesman lor Sat tHVXlyesr Shoe P.. 149 4th St THIRD AND SALMON afALN 607 East Side Funeral Directors 414 E. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. "The Family Seta the Price.' Alder St Pbone East S3. Dunning & McEntee Morrison St at 12th. Broadway 430. Aut 548-58. ' Lerchr Undertaker - CAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHONK EA8T 781. DOWNING A McNEMAR A nomehke place. Irvlngtaw distrnn. Phono SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE Elf a Mathie having left my bed and beard. I wilt not be responsible or pay for any debts iwuried by her. . James Mathie. 1 WILL not be responsible for any debts con tracted by William J. O'Brien, after August 38. 192L (Signed) Mrs. Frank E. O'Brien. I W ILL not be responsible for any bills fos tracted by my wife, Eva Heoer. from this date, Aug. 29. 192L, C J. Heacr. Moderate ia prices. 64 McENTEE A EILEkS. taneral parlors with aB tha privacy of a home. 1 6th and Kverett sta, ptjosw Broadway zii. aut. oi-aa MILLER A TRACEY. moepenoent funerald7 rector. Funerala $75 and up. Washington at Ella t Main 269 L Aut 678-85. P T'" NEW RESIDENCE SVe Is UI V1 v IUmJ ESTABLISHMENT 901 Williama Ava. Woodlawn Z.u. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. 1 MAIN 9 D.AA.;MAv 14T Belmont St Ul bbl.fc&A.JIMVySav Tab. 1258- B a54 PLUMBER wauled: 126. Jonmal. state wages wanted. WANTED At. once, man to lean vulcanizing and retreading. 433 Hawthorne. TOURIST HOTEL Modern, free bath, red need rates. 75c per day and up; $4 a week and np. Transient trade solicited. Mrs. M. J Wslker. proprietor. HOTEL OCKLEY Momsen st 10th. $1 a dai: weeklv 85 op: free pbone and bath; light and airy HOTEL FRANKLIN Washington at lata. Rates b the week. tS and up; hot and cold running water; hot water hearing system; tub snd shower baths WANTED Two young ladies far room and board. close to Shaver . school : home privi leges, walking distance to town; board ramaon- able. - 155 Stanton st NICELY furnished room. Willi bosrd. in good home, for 2 ladies emploved dSya; good home rooktng: $38 per month. Pbone Auto. 6271b. 5817 41st ave. H. E. BOARD and room, suitable ror t students, in pnvsta family; aear Washington high, and Polytechnic schools. Call at 15 aV 13th st, Mrs. M. E. Stmtwoo. WILL give good room and board U tittle girt from 4 to 10 years of age. Near a good chooi. Mothers car. Price r aeons hie. Ta- bor 6260. FINE large room, 2 beds, nice home. Good table nicely served: 1 single room, near Mult nomsb elnb. ;en t irmm. Phone Msin 21! LARGE front room. sia ruuea with alt stung porch adioiniiig. Switsble for two gentlemen. Oia?osite Multnomah club. 580 Salmon st Main 3732. Hotel Medtord ls- i 6G- Two blocks of Depot 75c and up. $4 a week up. Hot, cold waty each room HOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th at. near Morrison. Clean, modern rooms by day, week or month ; reasonable rates. RECTOR HOTEL 9 North Broadway, new and modern. Yale locks on doors, $1 a day up. $3 per week up. Private ha tha. ELCLID HOTEL 5T3 Wsshingtoo, st 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths; rate to permanent gneta. Bdwy. 2682. . . TAlT HOTEL All out-ode moms, oast $1 day hotel in tbe city; rooms $4 to 87, and with bath $8 to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; auto matic elevator. 12th snd Stark. TRY EN ON HOTEL tor reduced rates; 75c and up; hot and cold water ia rooms; rates to permanent guests; transient trade solicited. 107 hk 4th st. Msin 7158. I HAVE a beautiful large front room, suitable Tor 2 gentlemen, la a lovely restricted dia- tru t walking rhstaiw-ea, also fine car sen a. a. East 5318. SALESMEN WANTED 202 THE oldest fruit snagaxine ia Northwest wanta a hv emulation salesman to make Oregoa state fair: only a h;gh vower man will dx who can mske money for himself.. Mr. Moody, 281 12tTl st TWO nicely furnished demrahie rooms for rent to young women: includes use of sitting nnn: teachers preferred; wslking die Lance. Mam 544. CLEAN. WEIJ. FURNISHED ROOM IN RE- FINED HOME 84 N. 21ST. CORNER OV EVERETT, 1 BLOCK NORTH OK WASH INGTON. ROOM and biwnl in private family, room with or without bw.nd, in fine resirae district. within walking distance, on east aide. Mea pre- Ptione Aut 222-O.V ROOM snd rxwjd for- one or two gentlemen in refined borne: home privileges and good home cooking: cjo-e tn. KeM 7167. - NICE. itea.-4nt room. furnace heat; Savier, Rdwr 1473 suitable for cooked m peot-: 669 IF YOU want a place to ret and recutral in cleaa home with good board, cheerful at- ' nnrvsbere. esll Tsbor 61 H. . ROOM and bert board, desirable for 2 mea. home privilegea, wslking distance. Broadway 1746.- - ' ONE single snd one double front room. H block fmra Multnomah club. Main 6589. 233 Nai-illa. WIIJ GIVE ROOM AVTi WKHi BOARD -TO 4 HILD t'NDER SCHOOL AGE IN PRIVATE HOME. .T-8BOW 7476 ; VI L board and room lady or 5-ear-old giis for 810 a month. Onrrh rt. , Salem. Or. Ella Finney. 1693 N. LADY having targe, handsomely furnished heme. 4il modern conveniences, would liksy two people tn room and board. Wdln. 8031. BEACTDl'L steam heated rooms, 2 mesls snd home privileges, $8 per week. rial Ant 812-96. MS Commer- WE wsnt an honevt young maa. with auto. capable of earning $500 month, ia po sit ion of real estate salesman. E. B. S.. 813 Couch bMr. CIGAR aa teaman wanted to hand.e a first elaaa "cigarette on first class commission as a side line. Address Colonial. Box 315. Providence. R. I. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTEIs-Woman. girl or boy to spend winter with me' on homestead. Mrs. Pearl GaeateL CarrolK Wash. BOARD and room and $10 a month (or school girl to he!; wtth housework. 921 8. Syracuse st i nramrna til. YOUNG people, working, will furnish comforV able borne for elderly woman ia return for very tietit aervtcesi. L-1ST. Journal. ANY GIRL in need of a Iriend. apply to the Salvation Army Reeroe Home. Mayfair and Alexander at. Phone Metn 84SO Is-M ear WOMEN sntd on psrs. Prodnets Co.. 821 E. Ysmhill. burr Fruit EXPERIENCED 8731 IwUy. drapery Call SelL A S-S W tl . - tt) Witllanna SM s. K seller wo WANTKII GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOI SE WORK 1?T FAMILY Of 4. G-724, Journal. CI,At, UNDERTAKING CO. Mam 152 I GIRL may pay for muste nam doing OKeWCS A-232U Comer Third and CUs, - or laundry.. Main 3118. Maxwell HallT":i, ".s Furnished sleetring rooms, bath, hot and eokd water; $4 00 week and NEWHALL HOTEL 402 B. Wash. St. cor. Grand are. Modern; ontgide sleeping rooms. EMPRESS HOTEL Butte or single rooms, nicely furnished, at attractive rates to permanent guests Sight ia the center ot the city. 6th and Stark. VERY Dvrly furnished room in steam bested apt. close in. wslking distance; references. Mm 3203 1 SEPARATE SLEEPING PORCH 1 sleeping room. 1 and - room apt Wasbinrtpn st No children. ' S55 thf. RifiTON. 45 ALDER ST. Clean furnished rooms $2.50 per week aad Tip. Also light bonseaeeping. CLEAN, taace. $3 week. i,Imu furnwbrd room, wslking dnv I block 2 carlines outside entrance; 826 E. 1st st N. East Z0. EL GENE ST. Nice, light airy front room, suitable tor z: gentlemen pveierrea. Ih minute walk to North Pacific Dental eollece T LMf.T wU furnished front room. 2 beds if desired: modern eoavenienoea. 59 N. 20th. near Washington st PLEASANT front room for resu. modern, walk- rng diseanee. ai 'n " DEc-IRABLE furnished room ra h rh class apt for woman. Call Bdwy- S10 after JZi. BOARD- AND ROOM for 2 worsingmeB or man and wife, or w.II rent rooms to nit Please phone Auto. 638-54. BOARD and loom fur a girt 9 years and onrr and piano teas ona: Tsbor 5722. good borne, near school. WANTED School girl to room and bosrd, aear good high and grammar sctsool. $20 per month. Colombia 14 25. . NICEJ.Y furnished room witn good toard for man and wife or 2 men. walking distance 23d and Loveyny. Main 4121. ROOM with or aitliout board in modern home. 933 Savier at near Montgomery-Ward.. Main 4417. PLEASANT rooea for ona or, two; borne privi legea. Use or piano, fisl Kajt 30 ih, near Hssrlhorne. -Tsbor. 3328. HOME foe aged people, convalescents and- semi rnvalids. . Specisl attention to nursing and diet Phone East 2643. CHILDREN will be well cared for in suburbsa residence of responsible party. Aut 630-25. WILL care for children in my borne; Christian Rrfrwe children pre'erred. Woodlawn 1 1 E9.. ROOM and board for 2. $33 each. East 4126.' 683 K. Couch. WILL board girl 5 years or over m Rosa City Park home. Tabor 5709. 1760 Stanton st WANTED home. Two children Mother's rare. to care foe. Wdln. 62S. Good ROOM and board, sinsle or double, hot water, ' walking distance. Main 9325. - WILL bosrd small girl; 2 Woodlawn 5134 blocks to Vernon LOOM with hoard 553 E. Coucft. East099. . (CorrUftwoa oa FoUowinfl Faoa) v