Wonderful "Morning Specials" Tomorrow 9:15 to 11:30 All Charge Purchases Go on September Bills, Dated October 1 5 The Qualttt Store of Portland Handkerchiefs 6 'Kerchiefs 35c Misses' and children's plain white, lawn handkerchiefs in medium weight. Quarter Jnch hemstitched hems. 'Kerchiefs, Each 8c Small boys . and girls' imported handker-chiais-rwith printed picture characters. Frefcch turned hems. 'Kerchiefs, Each 14c 6 for 75c. Misses" pure linen handkerchiefs with lace edges. Windsor Ties 25c Boys' silk Windsor ties in .many bright plaids. Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Sale of "Rose City" Taffeta Hairbows 59c Big flaring hairbows that are fine for school wear. Crisp new bows tied -of 1J2 yards all silk novelty edge "Rose City" taffeta ribbons made especially for us. This ribbon is noted for its wearing qualities. The .bows are tied in either, Mary Jane or Butterfly styles. All the staple colors, also new shades of coral and turquoise.' Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (.Mail Orders Filled.) Everything in Boys' Furnishings Meier & Frank's has, as, you know, most complete assortments of furnishings for school-going boys. Here we give a hint of our-preparedness to supply all the boys' needs for the coming school year.' Caps $1, $1.95 New fall shapes in a good assortment of patterns and colors. All sizes from 6$4 up. Sox, Pair 25c Medium weight cot'.on sox in popular colors. Sox, Pair 50c 6 pairs $2.75. Extra fine quality "Wayne Knit", fiber silk sox in popular colors. Jerseys $3, $4 Medium light weight slip on style, jerseys in plain colors and combinations. Meier & Shirts $155 Regularly $2.50. White oxford shirts with attached polo collars. Sizes 14 and up. Sweaters, $350 Medium heavy knit slip-bn sweaters with roll collars. High school and college ' colors. Pajamas $150, $2 Made of good quality checked nainsook, madras, etc., in all sizes 6 to 16. years. Frank's : Main Floor. (Mail Orders Ties 50c, 75c Boys' four-in-hand ties in a wide assortment of pat-, terns and colors. Union Suits We have full assortments of the famous "Munsing" union suits for boys in all materials, weights and. styles for fall and winter. Moderate prices. Other Things for boys include belts at 50c up, suspenders at 39c up. garters at 25c, cuff buttons, tie pins, collar fasteners, tie clasps, etc., at 25c up. Filled.) Corset Waists and Corsets are to be found in their own specialized section joining the women's corsets. If your daughter needs something of the sort our experts will be glad' to show the models which have been found to be most helpful. $t.5o to 15. Meier & Frank's : Third Floof . Umbrellas for School $1.95 We have just received 185 new cotton umbrellas suitable for kiddies' school use. Boys' and girls' styles. Strongly built umbrellas that will give ex cellent service. Very special at 11.95. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 1 i s i i 1 I Special Lecture on Music; 1 By special arrangement with the Victor Talking Machine Company Miss Evelyn McFarlane McCluskv will give a lecture on music 1 ' Wednesday afternoon in our Sixth-Floor Auditorium. The lec- t ture will be given in simple, interesting language and will be of special benefit to children, mothers I and teachers. FREE! j Famous Victor Dogs FREE I We will give regular 3 5c Victor dogs free to children ac- companied by adults who come to the Phonograph Slup s Wednesday. Meier Frank's: Sixth Floor. maaraiiMaMTwmwwMU auKmme. atMbWKiiB..'ka T't-jiit j Children's Gloves for School Select gloves for school wear from our complete assortments at moderate prices. Just a hint of our preparedness to supply school needs. Pair $150 Fine quality mocha gloves in gray and beaver. P. K. style. Sizes 6 to 10 years. Pair $2 Children's mocha gloves in gray and beaver. P. K. and fancy stitched backs. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Pair $2.75 Misses' mocha gloves Plain and fancy backs. in gray and beaver. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Meier & Frank's : Main School Hosiery and 'Underwear The children need rlenty of quality hosiery and underwear for school days -the kind made to stand constant service and frequent laundering. We have full stocks tf most de pendable hosiery and underwear. Hosiery Our assortments include the well-known "Black Cat." "Wayne Knit" and "Pony" stockings for boys and girls. Prices j-ange from the light weight cotton hose at 35c pair to the silk hose at 1 1.35 pair. Underwear We make a specialty of the. nationally known ".Munsing"' undergarments for boys1 and girls' school wear. Moderate prices. Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Official Portland Grammar School Text Books for AUt Grades and All Other School Supplies such as pads, notebooks, pencils, pens and so forth heretofore obtainable only in our Stationery Shop are now, with the opening of a new department, avail able in a complete school section established in special quarters on the Fifth Floor, Sixth-Street side. Meier & Frank Service Par Excellence And Other Accommodations combined with the special facilities offered by this new section will provide -the finest advantages for everyone from scholar of tenderest years to proudest parent who comes here for school supplies. aieier tc Franks: Firth Floor. r . SCHOOL clothes and accessories of all kinds for boys and girls can best be supplied at Meier & Frank's, where qualities are finest, assortments largest, values best. Now is the time to prepare for school days come and see the evidences of our preparedness to supply all school needs everything from text books to outer apparel here under one roof. Seven of our large Fifth, Alder and Sixth Street windows are given over to a special display of school apparel and accessories for boys and jirls, and the attendants have been schooled to special fitness in giving service. . ' Shoes for School Days Our assortments of boys' and girls' footwear for the school season were never better than at this time. All the latest styles and leathers all at new lower prices. Shoes $2.95 Children's brown and black lace shoes with solid leather extension soles. Lace and but- Shoes $4 Boys' brown elk calf Munson army last soft toe shoe, with Goodyear welt oak leather soles. Sizes wVi to pair 4 and IS. Sizes 1 to 6, pair 15 and $6.50. Shoes $5 Boys' dark mahogany English jast shoes with Goodyear welt - soles and low heels. Sizes 1 1 to 13, pair 5. Sizes 1 to 6, pair 6.50. Shoes $550 Boys' black gunmetal English or blucher style lace shoes with Goodyear welt soles and low heels. Sizes t to 6, pair 5.50. Shoes $5 Children's well-made black and dark brown calfskin shoes. Sizes 8JS to it with spring heels, pair $5. Sizes lt4 to 2 with low heels, pair 6. ton styles. Sizes 5 to 8, pair 2.95. Sizes 8 y2 to lt, pair 3.35. Sizes to 2, pair 3.95. , , , , Shoes $350 Children's nature shape shoes in brown, black, mocha, pearl elk leathers, lace and button styles. Sizes 5 to 8, pair 3.50. Sizes S'A to tt, pair 4.25. Sizes to 2, rair 5. Shoes $450 Boys' tan blucher shoes with round toes, oak soles and low heels. Sizes il to 13 54, pair 4.50. Shoes $7 Misses' black and tan leather lace shoes with medium broad toes. Widths AA to E. Sizes 2J4 to 7, pair 7. Meier & Frank's : Third Floor. (Mail Orders Killed.) The Second Floor School Girls' Store 1 opens next Tuesday. Mothers and daughters Autumn coats, regulation dresses, pretty dresse School Ofiens nT Tnerlav T-tVit-e -rA -4- are flocking into the Girls' Store to see what is new ...VJ HHJUIIUj u inv. XIU11U1CU3 ctliU hundreds of new garment? have arrived within the last two weeks. Autumn coats, regulation dresses. Drettv dresses that are not regulation, rain capesj sweaters, middies, gym nasium bloomers, hats, underclothes thousands of new garments here for the new school year at lowest prices. New Coats $13.95 Silvertone, chinchilla, kersey and velour heather mixtures. Sizes 6 to 14 years. New Coats $17.95 Silvertone, chinchilla, .kersey and velour tailored and dress coats with large and j small collars of fur or the material. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Coats $16.50 . $19.95 Peter Thompson style coats of navy chin chilla and cheviot, some lined with red flannel. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Other Coats High-grade chinchilla, velour and silver tone coats with plain and fur collars. De sirable shades. Sizes 6 to 16 years. 2750 to 42.5. I . - New Dresses Jersey, velveteen and serge dresses in many pleasing styles including sleeveless, slip-over jumper dresses. Effectively trimmed. Sizes 8 to 16 years, 7.95 to 29.50. New Dresses Navy serge regulation dresses in styles one and two-piece effects. 6 to 18 years, 6.95, S.95 to 18. many Sizes Blouses $4.95 New natural color pongee blouses in button-front and slip-over styles. Sizes to tcr years. Rain Coats, Capes Gym Bloomers New single and double-texture rain coats with convertible collars. Also rain capes with attached hoods. Sizes 4 to 14 years, 3.75 to 8.95. New full-pleated black sateen gym bloom ers in sizes for girls from 8 years to 34-inch waist.. Children's sizes 1.50, larger sizes 1.75. "Woolwear Economy" All -Wool Two-Knicker Suits for Boys, $18,50 "Woolwear Economy" suits for boys are to be obtained in Portland only at Meier & Frank's. Guaranteed strictly all wool suits in styles for wide-awake boys. Snappy down-to-the-minute models with two pairs of knickers. At tractive patterns in rich dark colors. Lined "throughout. A genuine pigskin belt with each suit. Sizes 8 to 17 years. Absolute satisfaction or a new suit free. Gorduroy Suits $8.45 At this special low price we have many serviceable corduroy suits including the famous Crompton all-weather corduroys. Good styles, Knickers are fully lined. Sizes 6 to 18 years. "Sampeck " Suits Are Here for Boys 8 to 18 Boys Hats $2 Neat dark patterns in boys' hats suitable for school or dressy wear. Sites 6H to Boys Hose 50c Boys' cotton stockings that will give excellent service. Light and heavy weights. Black and cordovan. All sizes. Blouses 85c A big assortment of percale and chambray blouses in sizes for boys of 6 to 16 years. Night Shirts $129 Boys' good weight outing flan nel night shirts in combination striped effects. Military col lars. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Flannel Middies Bloomers 75c-98c New Bob Evans red, green and navy flannel middies trimmed in contrasting braids. Sizes 8 to 22 at 4.95, 5.95 and 6.95. Wash Middies New jean wash middies in all white or white with colored galatea 'and flannel collars. Sizes 6 to 22 at 1.98, 2.98 to 3.75. School Hats - New velvet tarns, also velour and beaver hats are featured in all the most popular colors at 2.59 to 8.95. Black and white sateen bloomers with elastic at waist and knee. , Sizes 2 to 12 years. New Sweaters New tuxedo, coat and slip-over style sweaters in plain and novelty weaves. All the most popular -colors. Sizes 2 to 12 years, 2.95 to 9.95. Underclothes We have a large assortment of children's undergarments including princess slips, gowns, combinations, drawers, under waists. etc, at moderate prices. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) New High School Suits for Yonnwr YniinP' Mn c are now showing splendid assortments of suits in'lively styles for the high school boy and for the youth going into his first Jong trousers. SPECIAL regular 29.85 unfinished worsted and cassimere suits, single and double breasted models, sizes 32 to 36, at 21. High school suits of blue serge, two pairs of trousers, special 25. Meier & Franks: Third Moor. (Mail Orders Fined.) GO-ED" Dresses Waists for School Girls and other specialized apparel for misses, including "House of Youth" suits and the celebrated "Miss Manhattan" suits and coats are to be had at this store exclusively in Portland. The collections offer splendid choosing at prices which are decidedly moderate. Meier A Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Waists and overblouses of dimity, voile, batiste, georgette, crepe de chine and pongee are featured in a wide diversity of styles and colors. Long and short sleeves. Square and V-neck models with Peter Pan collars, also collarless waists. Prices are moderate, $1 and up. Meier Jb Frank's: Fourth Floor. Mail Orders Killed.) I Hf 1 III dshWfli'H Wm "" ' " 1 " - "" "" m 1 ' " ' mu m 1 1 1 ".'i vm mi - i nil hi nil