THIS OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 28, 1&21 J. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ' HOMES FIRST-TIHI ABVERTISEDI " TOL'H HOMs. la UMic MORE THAN 1200 photographs of homes for ': sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER OX THE PA- onc COAST. wmm -- r-v ip NECESSARY WETi HELP YOU MAKE "TOtR DOWN PAYMENT. Servicemen! NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT YOUR HOME! Mow inl APPLY YOUR BONUS LATER! . The busiest, biggest home picture display room "n the Wt is .lwajrs open for your inspection. "Photographs of more than 1200 homes fat sale. Evetgr district in the city. Home of every price end type.- If Beeeuary, well help you nuke your v ' down payment, i -.., w . a. v - , ., 28 Salesmen at yoar service. Own evenings until ft. ' OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 1 HOLLADAY-IBVINGTON DISTRICT """$550 0 A eery attract! t substantial modern - home on E. 3d and MultnomaJh; 8 , rooms; hardwood floors; built-ins; fur- ,...-. nsoe, etc ; paved . ; lien paid. " - ROSE CITY PA'RK -13500 Dstinctiva colonial Rose City bun galow of 5 rooms: .ultra modern; im - t maculate throughout; hardwood floor; f maave ana beautiful built-in features: ' old Ivory woodwork j breakfast alcove; pipelee furnace, 6 months old. Just the BUNGALOW FOR YOU; JCaat i " 54th at. ' . ' $2390 $600 down! A regular "don house," easy and artistic as can be! Plenty of windows for sunlight; combination liv ing and dining room; sewing room; cool .i . Dutch kitjhen; beautiful 75x100 cor ner with velvety lawn; frnit, berries. " etc IOOK THIS UP. Fremont st. . TRVINGTGN PARK $4990 ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL . - homes in all this district! 7 rooms: c distinctive in every detail. Among the r oool firs. Unusually well constructed with hardwood floors: massive built-in features: pipelftss furnace; garage; bun galow type with great pillared porch. r' etc. JS. Hist at. - - $1400 6 rooms in a coxy ALBERTA bunga low with built-in labor saving con veniences; best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. 3 light, airy bedrooms; convenient to car and school E. 19th St. $2890 Here's a rustic, made-for-loving bun galow In Brooklyn. 5 rooms, with the i true aimosphere of hominessl 50x150 i with 10 full bearing fruit trees, berries, nice ; -garden, beau if ul fkvwers, etc FURNISHED AT THIS PRICE. Mil- . wankie ave. -3790 EASY TERMS! Tour chance haaeome! 5 room very attractive HAWTHORNE bungalow with everything ..that you .could wish to make your life comfort able and plea. ant! Hardwood floors, built-in, fireplace, furnace; tlose to car and school, K. 31st St. 12100 PENINSULA! A very practical and substantial modem borne on E. Rus- ".. sett St., close to car and schooL SEE THIS. $4400 FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT! Get ready for school! Typical 8 room, very .modern and artistic California bunga low that MU8T BE SOLD AT ONCE! Hardwood floors, builc-in buffet, white ' Dutch kitchen, full cement basement , with furnace and laundry trays. 37th ave. $2230 $500 down! This is one of the pret- tieet little bunzaiows in Mt. Scott. 4 room withbath;, electricity, gas; 9th - St. OPEN TODAY UNTIL 9 SER FRANK I- McGUIRE To Buy Your Home . A.bmetcn Bldg. Main IOCS. ' 3d St. Ret. Wash and Stark. CHEAP HOME BUYS RENT TERMS $3500 Rose City, new bungalow, modem. $3850 New 4 -room, bungalow, E. Everett. ' i $2250 West side cottage. Fourth st, walking distance. Terms. $3500 W. Albert st., new 5-rcm bun galow, $500 cash, balance hke rent. T $2300 Rodney -are.. 8-ronm house. r " ment basement, 62x100 comer, oement walkaf J1'. $5500 Modem bungalow and garage. fc.6500 "Modem 7-room, Washington high . . school district. $6000 37th near Hancock, modem 6- " room houe. -Clha, Ringler Co. 225 Henry bldg. LaureJIuarst i - $8500 $6500 tf' "ew '"Tn bungalow: just completed; , carase, hardwood floors, all modem conveni i "; an artistie gem; n pattern built; ,r will please the muet fasiidious; terms if desired. t ; Star Real Estate - Inv. Co. r Realtors SSI Stark St. Bdwy. :6358, Sun. and Eva. 319-97 d HAWTHOBNE BARGAIN ONLY 4250 S r. BUNGALOW " Think of it. typical bungalow of 8 nice rooms, 5 down, ,8 up, firoplace, bookcases, cement basement, ldy. trays, furnace; only 6 years old. Near K-hool and car. Paved and sewered. DON'T PASS THIS UP. Marsh-- McCabe Co. , 822-3-4 Fading bldg. Uarshall 3993. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Splendid 6 -room hou-te on Poplar, near Hawthorne avenue; every modern conven ience and just redecorated and newly paint ed ; all floor coverings included; close to r-rhool: large lot with pared alley. Price $6250. HENRY W. GODDARD, REAf.TOR. . 343 Stark street. j Main 831. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 5 room modem buncaiow in he.t rJlatri- hardwood floors, fireplace, usual built-lns; am uMcuroi, launury trays: furnace. - beautiful lawn with tniit, berri and -tit'i' flowers Price only $4750. Ak for Mr. Pownder, Marshall 2245. 1215 N. W - Bank. bldg. . IMr. & Mrs. liomeseeker JUST LOOK AT THIS . . 6 room cottage. 50x100 lt. close to car, stores snd" school, $1200.- I have many others from $?BO0 to $4500 each, J. B. HOLE ROOK, Realtor. ' 214-15 Panama Bid BIG BARGAIN KAST BROADWAY at. J Bmsaway i: jon want an mv yto-date home, double- construutert throiubmit oak fionm, Dutch kitchen, rjom pspered. sbades.4 . . Tlx cures, finest of plum lung, full haiment. Ruud furnace t full lot, all inipruveintiis m and paid: parage; wiu- B. sola at leas than cost; see it before you buy. I MCAT-ROM BUNGALOW V - $Se50 .v. Strictly modem with hardwood floors, fire- place, bnilt-in buffet. etc.; white --wnaiart lrutch kitchen, conenste basement : only V block frt.-m csr, beautifnl view, terms. ., RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. BITTER LOWE A CO.. 201 2-3-5-7 Board of Trarie Bldg NEAR PENINSULA PARK i. B large rooms and larxe-attlr. white enamel fireplace, cement basement, built-ina in kitchen. i'aved street sea sewer. Johnson0odon Co. j..' 638 N. W. Bank bldg. Mailn 3 78 7. v. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee bv a teaBensible" company thst you will net suffer i -less en aeceunt of the title to your veal esuts. When yoa buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. ' Me abstract required. Title 4t Trust BY OWNER 5-ronm bungalow, modem; fuQ basement; ga ' rage; close to Alberta car and school. $3300 j.-caa or terms. l.ea. t., 2Stri st. N WEST SIDE PROPERTY 6-ronm eottag. for sale for cash. 661 Savier taks N. S car or 16th car, between 20th - or Zlt st. more rvtwy. 454. BY OWNER,, new 6 room bungalow in Rose X, Cty Park, modem in every way; come snd , sea this Suaday. Open 2 to 6. 400 E. S2ad st. w. ",'IITI: Insurance saves time il mowy because Be abstract e required, Title A Trust com- p TI100 CASH, balance monthly; 5 room bungalow v. near Jeff. JueU. $230. Main 7036 01 Cast C& B'vOM bunsiiewi beet our in Portland for $2800. with garage and alley. 969 Union ave. ;'uii &ALfc al-uv) taVU. o-romn h'-us in St. Jms. Call CoL T7S after Sunday. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CITY PARK LAURFI.HUR8T EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION If you are going to buy in either of those popular district, too owe it to your-: eS to inspiet our It tines : ttaau who nut to aril natnrsDv list their property .-wit us. No ob!ifti"f poritirely. IRITE OUT TODAY TO OFR EAST ' SIDE OFFICE. 40TH AND 8 ANDY A.C.TEEPE CO. OCALTOO A HrtyOANCt MAHI3092. 'XjAJT TA.&OR.95&6 BEAUTIFUL LAUBELHUR5T 6-ROOM BUNGALOW In E. Bnmside st. between S9th and 41st sta., 1 block from park; shown by appointment oniy; every room has oak floors excepting kitch en; reception hall, faring room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and breakfast nook; awnings, shrubbery, and carsre: extra lam 1st one of the finest Lsnrelbnrst homes; $2500 will handle. Call HH. CHES3MAN for appointment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bide Main 2 OS. $2800 $370 rxrwx $15 A MONTH AJTD INTEREST Here is a nifty little bungalow. 4 rooms and bath. Cement basement 2 bedrooms. 50x100 let. Everything" an odern and up to date. This is a new bouse, and can arrange terms as low as $370 down. This w north of Glisan st car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. ElTYlISgtOB B $6650 Real classy 0 room. Owner leaving for Idaho. Immediate possession. About 2 years old. Fine foliage. Concrete porch, screens, inlaid linoleum. Fruit, "McDonell, East 419 A REAL FAMILY HOME 4S50; EASY TERMS LOT 100X100. ALL SORTS OF FRUIT TRF.ES. BERRIES AND FLOWERS. WON DERFUL LAWN. FINE GARAGE; THE HOUSE IS ALMOST TOO WELL BinT: IT HAS FOUR BEDROOMS. ONE LARGE ONE ON THE FIRST FLOOR. IT IS CLOSE TO A GOOD SCHOOL. THB OWNERS ARE LEAV ING FOR THE EAST AND HATE TO 6AC BIFICE . Alvin Johnson . REALTOR BDWY. 37 204 BOARD OF TRADE SUNDAY EAST 2961 BUNGALOW AND GARAGE ' S42T.0 Modem, five rooms, furnace. Lot 50x100 with lots of roses and shrub bery; $500 firH payment, with liberal tmis on balance: no incumbrance; located at 407 Engene street, near Union. A fine home. METZGER- PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak street, city. MODERN BUNGALOW SACRIFICE PRICE $3975 5 rpoms and bath down and 2 rooms np; hardwood floors, built-in buffet and cabinet kitchen, good basement furnace and trays; close to car and walking dis tance Jefferson high; $1000 cash, bal ance like reu- E. M. BROWN 1122 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 2422. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Beautiful new view 7-room and den home now ready to show. Al--o bungalow with hardwood floors throughout. Drive out and see thee homes today and call I.'L. Karaoff Co. ' Main 6T5. 319 Ry. Ex. bldg. I.AlREIJfURST J5900 $800 CASH OWNER LEAVING FOR SEATTLE. LARGE FTVE ROOM BUNOAI.OW. FLOORED AT TIC. FURNACE, FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. ETC. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 204 BD. OF TRADE BLDG. BDWY. 37. ST'NDAY E. 2961 LARGE 5 room nvirtern bouse, juit remodeled and painted. 3 lots on corner, fronting on Mt Tabor, car line; street improvements su in hard surface on oue side; all kinds of fruit. larM e-hirken house. But direct from owners, S400O-. rnuft have $2500 cash: would take mod lot cm improved street. Tabor 75. FOR SALE BY OWNER $4000 Nest, well built. - double constructed, new room bnngslcw, all built-ina, fireplace, full ce ment basement, wash trays, sewer in. on paved st. 996 E. 29th st. N. For keys and informa tion call Wondlswn 4619. bT'NNYSIDE Near SOtli tor $4500; $1000 rash down: extra well built, elegantly kept, modern 6-roora house, fine garage, beautiful cement driveway; lot 50x100; fruit trees. Such a bargain never been offered See this quick. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont sr. Tabor 219. S200 DOWN FURNISHED Near Franklin hijrh, 4-room bungalow, good condition and furnished ; full lot. fruit, etc. Pnce only $2500 for all. QU1N. REALTOR 206 Morgan bide FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW 50x100. bath, gas, electric, cement basement, nice yard, 4 blocks to car, north of Reed college, larire attic; $3000, $750 down, bat 6 per cent. 22i Chamber of Commerce bidg. SEACHREST BROS. ROSE CITY 5 rooms, ivory finish, fireplace, buffet, full basement, furnace, close -to car and school ; street imp. paid. Pnce $4300. (900 down. 474 E 54th st. N. Phone 332-03. iuX 1M house, completely tunufthed, in lino condition, owner leaving Portland. Price for all, $2500.. $500 cash, DOMER & DOLSON 13 Fnatr Rosd. Anto. 646-26 $700 BUYS my equity in $1600 home: 5 rooms, full basement. 2 .a bias, from Jeffer son high, 3 blks. to Wms. ave. and St. Johns rsr. I U between 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. 1011 HaisM ave. IF YOU list R $500 We will build your bouse on pur lot and yoa may pay catanee easy terms. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Clumber of Commerce Bidg. Alain 1370. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern butigalow, 50x i uu comer: pavea street: rail cement base ment, furnace and built-ins; close to school and car; $3600. terms. $3500 cah. 522 Leo a. Seliwood car. ST. JOHNS New 5-rra. modem bungalow with a3 built- ins. 50x100 lot. 1 Vi blocks from car. $2700. $700 rash. bL $30 per mo including interest. nil . tconst'i. 4-JT.OOM plastered house, p&ntry, bath, toilet. eectricity. cement foundatxon. 3 feet from ground; lot 50x210; lots of fruit trees, bemes; woodshed, bam; .this is a snap. S39 Ocuoce a to., Seliwood Gardens, Or. MUST SELL THIS WEEK Owner leaving city, nice 5 room bunralow joining AJameda; a modem place; garage, cement basement, Dm tea kitchen, wash trays. A big bsrran. $2S00: $650 down. Wdln. 6684. WILL SELL my equity in 50x100 corner lot m Tate s addition. Has unfinished building 1Sx29: built of good material. Put in windows and doors and you can live in it and save real Woodlawn 1103. NICE bungalow. No. 53 E. B3i 2s'.; just fin ished. 4 rooms. Steeping porch, fine fixtures: restricted district, 1 blk. M. V. car; lot 60x 100. S2100. (250 cash. (20 ner month. Owner. BEAUTIFUL T-roura bungalow, finished in enamel and mahogany, full basement, attic. garage; ail conveniences; new 4 mountains ; Uniitn road. Call Main 8172 mornings. T1U.F.K and oue-ibird acres 8 room heuse, bam and outbuildings; gas, electric; fruit, berries; on 8 2d. 4 blocks north of DiviAaen. Owner 10-T7. OWNER has pretty 3 room furaUhrd bungalow, buiitins, 3 room M tic. full cement basement. nne lawn ana iiowers, garage; (34011, seme terms. H'j E. e'-'q ?t. fbone Auto. 216-13. MODERN bunaaiow. 6 large rms.. splendid fire place, furnace, large lot, fine fruit and ber rac, tarage; near 391a st. S. E. Call 221 68th. $3600 FBOM -owner; vacant; small payment, 6 room bungalow, comer lot, splendid eon dirion. Near PeairAcnls park. Wdln. 410 W Urv . I rr- " ' ' imi es e e iouiance rolicy, you do not need an abstract of title. One' pre- niiiijT, ;-tv :tt a:i iime. line Or Trnst eomnsnv 5 ROOM cousge, (2600; all street imp. in and I'Siu. ion drand ave. N ot ci, owner m'i mn mit cMrsmesB nours. NEW 4 rm. house with 75x1 OO to. East Mt itllii iJkl UeiAthu; aa attractive a-roum house rn . .Montgomery; terms. MarFoall 1720 NEW and modem 4-ioom house, near Penis sale echool; 50x100 comer. East 4843. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 : ALAMEDA PARK Owner wfR aeU at sacrifice, new high-das 8 room hnnealos. at 0 Dubckley ave. Broad way car? hardwood floor on cst floor; hot water heating plant. With most labors t tapestry pa- I per. til bath and shower, with ouxt us to date I fixtures. - Inlaid Itnoieam oa mtcnen noor, run and wh?t e&ameL mahogany trimmed, beveled plate art dass and many other special fixtures that go to snake a home complete. The price sad terms are below present market. 6 per cent on mortgage. Call Wdin. 2028 for sppotntmenta. After p. m. call Wdln. 2553. $100 TRVINGTON PASS $t0f S larce room cottage, gaa, electne lighta. beautiful front lot with all kinds of ah rubbery, street graded, pi do walk in and paid; 3 blocks to car. 100 feet to pave ment, alley. $450 cash. Star Real Estate & IffaV. Co. Realtors 331 Stark St Bdwy. 5358. Sun. and Eve. 319-97 $26S0areat Snap 5 rm. Queen Anna' bung. Practically M with firepl: bmlt-ins, .nam., plumbing, f. e. I bas't; glassed in laundry. Elegant condition;! owner moved to work out of city. House I vacant Shades, screens and other features. Must have $1000 cash. Near 71st and Glisan. Should be worth, at least $3750. Now is your I chance. Q. C. Gotdenberg Abineton Bide. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. Tabor 8104. PENINSULA. DISTRICT Owner leaving for California offers his 5- room modern buniralow borne for sals. Has fireplace, full cement basement, lot is 50xltl with $400 worth of choice roses, flowers, shrub bery.' fine large vegetable garden and fruit trees. r me range, umn auu uu , c uiuuucu ui ujb I price. $3780. Furniture if desired $400 extra. A real borne. Jo2.nsonDodon Co. . 633 Jf. W. Bank bldg. Mailn 3787. LAURELHUR8T . $750 cash and terms buys a beautiful 8 room bungalow, having breakfast nook, fur nace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floors, French doors and boiltin bath. Windows in all the clothes closets. Wonderful view home and only a block and a half from the park. $6500. - Otto & Harkson 413 Cham, of Com. Main 6398. NEW BUNGALOW By Owner 5- or 7-room house with hardwood floors. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, finished in old ivory. built-in s, modem in every respect, 1 block from canine, sewer and street improvements paid; contract price of building $3500; will sell $4000. will give terms en part: located at 2015 Bum- side st. , jrione Wocllawn 602. BROOKLYN $3000 5-room bungalow, 65x100 lot on Brooklyn st., near East 23rd st. Hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, gas, electric lights, on paved Street. Terms. J. L. Karnoffff & Co. 319 Ry. Ex. bids. Main y5. FURNISHED HOME , $3000 6 rooms and bath, well arranged interior, sirhtly location on paved street, only 1 block from ear, convenient to school; assorted fruit and berries: 50O cash, balance easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST. R-sltor, R UTTER, I OWE CO.. 201-2-3 5-7 Bosrd of Trade BHg. RALEIGH, NEAR 25TH. WEST SIDE Well fcuilt 7-room residence, with all mod em conveniences ; furnace, fireplace, eta. ; large lot, paved streets. A genuine bar gain at $6500. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark street. Main 831. BEST BUYS IN WOODSTOCK 6 room eottace, modern. $2800 cash, $2400 terms. 4-room cottage, $1150. $350 cash. 8-room bungalow, fireplace, sleeping porch, all built-ina, piped for furnace: $3200; $1600 cash. Lot almost given away. Lumber down build 6128 82d st. Woodstock ear." IRVINGTON SNAP MODERN Large reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, large built-tn buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with furnace. 3 bedrooms.- bath, sleeping porch up; only $5500. E. R S., 513 Couch bldg. Main 5694. . JUST ONCE This 5 room mod. house: lot 58x100 ft, close to car and school; good road. This is one of the finest places in Portland; flowers of stl kinds. Your snap, see this place, for $1800. Some terms. Ant. 612-29. SIGHTLY MODERN RUNGALOW ' in Fneldneham Heights;" every convenience; beautiful view. Just the, place for your permanent home. $3750. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. or my agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. FOR 8ALE 100x106 corrvsr and 8-room house and wnod&hed. BSth are. and 99th ft.:! (750; terms. 6123 101st st. A at. 6 4 21. SCNNYSIDE For quick sale I offer at a big bargain for (1300 extra well built modem 5-room houe and dm, situated at 9 0 E. Tay lor, near 88d. Terms. 1-3 cash. Ke owner at 9S3 E. Taylor. Tabor 219. See this tor loea- ten and price. AN ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee of yur title: it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. - ALBERTA BARGAIN 6-roora I -story semi-bungalow, completely furni had, modem, in One condition; must sell this week. Close to car. school and park. Terms. Owner, 1142 E. 24th st N. BRING this ad worth $50, 6 room house, lot 50x131, fruit, berries, large chicken bouse, ran. blue enam! range and winter wood in cluded; price (2200. Call 1662 E. 23rd. cor. Tenino. Call after 5 p. m. Art quick. FOR SAIjE If yoa want s bargain here is a modern 8-room house, brand new, for $6500; $4500 cash. Best location in the city. 1021 Ge.rfteM ave. Phone Woodlawn 6427. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property, 40 A., 10 in cultivation. 120 acres, 10 cultivation. 120 acres timber, 5.000,000 ft, 788 Keoil- worth ave. W. 8. ear. ' GET title insurance instead ot an abstraet It is quicker and cheaper and yoa are absolutely protected against error. Title A Trust company. einn r- a II k.i Mnnthlw A hu.MlAv . perch. A real bargain for (Z30O. Main 7036. East 3592. LARGE 6-nom hnUHC, 2 floors, mode rsr. with furnace. 50x100 lot, frnit and flowers, paved street; all improvements paid; vacant; $5000; 6i?d near Sandy. Wondlawa 1017. - LARGE 7-room house with 4 bedrooms, large hall, attic, good basement, ' garage, burglar I ale rm, furnace, nice lawn, lot 50x100 feet. 7B2 East Burnfcde street, near East 2 2d. 11700 5 room house, seme turniture. $670 cash; take Ford or Chevrolet as part first permenr. lftia Misssiswppi. (225 DOWN. 5-room home, lltli and E. Grant, only $1615: $25 monthly paymenta, QUIN. 206 Morisn bmMmr. Kealtor. 4 ROOMS, sleeping porch, paved si., lawn. flowers, garden spsee; near 2 carhnea able. Owner, Wdln. 1S6S. 68 W. Emerson. EXCELLENT 5 r. mod. house in R. C P., (5000. Will corner exchange fog cheaper place or lot and oasfl. Tabor d96. erenm rs. FURNISHED modem hou-. 6 rooms and bath. 50x100 corner let; $2700; easy terms, Aut I 635-4 5. 5-ROOMS with nurse's room; beautiful bedroom, large Dutch kitchen, garaeu. in lirincton nrk. (aeuu. wain. ones. i ROOM bungalow, modern, 2 blocks to ear, $2100. This snap won't hut. DOMER m DOLSON. 9188 Foster Road. A SACiilFICE SALE Owner iesving city; 7 . rooms. 50x100 lot. Call at 861 E. Taylor St.. cor. Zeth. rHone Tsooy ni. S-ROOM bungalow bath, ga-s, electric lights, - btsement: hard euTfaeed, atreet; price $8300, $500 cash, balance terms, lata 620-8S. A GOOD home for sale cheep. Mrs. Mary An- demon. 409 Jessup St. Phoae Wdln. ITT. 4 ROOM house. Ss acre, corner; some fruit; j i (200 rash will handle. Phone Ant, 646-26. "a cx-ao n ...l..i i .i... k, A3750: (500 cash. Wdln. 8064. FOR SALE Modem I room house, 1113 Clin ton st. by owner. (-ROOM bungalow, aaraae, lot 75x100, 1 K blocks from car, good bay for (450O; toad terms. 069 Union ave. WE HAVE alieadv examinee, lit. UU. to yoar property and can issue you a Title Insurance Policy wtthoov delay. Title Trust company FOR SALE, $2975- e-room. new. modem bun galow: roved street - Ceil 36 Lombard rt FOil SALE i tooaj "niioem bouse, cbran terwiv j. ja. jormsoo. m . win w. MODERN 6-roooi bungalow, 1 or 2 lota, reason- able. Owner.. 63 S3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 TZARS Or BTTTDT of Veal eaoBona. ft thoro-oxh knowledge at (Harriets, famili arity with values sad a splendid organisa tion enables as to sivw Joss th maiimwsi Service . in horse baying. Salesmen With Autos at Tear Berries It places 70a under no obligations. Hundred ot photos on display ia oar sales- rooms. FURNISHED BUNGALOW HOMX $4100 Let as show yov this nifty, ooea pletely famished bung-Ciow horns of 5 looms mad bath; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, eta. Completely furnished except kitefcan utensils snd linens. All furniture toes, ia eluding piano. Easy terms. 4200 5. room bungalow home with large floored attis easily finished into ' three additional rooms if desired; Iidwd. floors, Breplaea, buffet, Dutch kitchen with hood over kteebea range. Full lot. st. fans, aa in sad pd. $500 cash will handle. $4500 Let ns show you this new modern. attractive bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath, fireplace, buffet, . Dutch kitchen, St. imp. in sad pd. Terras. .J."8EJlViCB MEJf- -ATTENTION (4650 Nothing down, pay monthly pay ments until loan ia granted, then easy terms oa balance; new busts low home of 3 rooms snd bath. . full cement basement, wash trays, hdwd. floors, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen with kroekfaat nook; st. imp. pd. Let ns show yon. ROSE CITY PARK $6500 Don't let this price scare yon. If yoa are looking for a real home, a new, well built snd classy bun galow, let ua show yoa this one. For real workmanship snd ma terial this can't be beat; 5 rooms and breakfast nook; hdwd. floors throughout. furnace; fireplaee, Dutch kitchen; beautiful electric fixtures; garage, corner, with all imps, in and pd. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $5730 Here ia a strictly California typo of bungalow;, living room across entire front; dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook; cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, hdwd. , floors, tap estry paper; finished in enamel throughout Garage, Imp. in and paid. Terras. New. never oc cupied. Let ua show yea. . $7500 Buys beautiful English colonial home. Four bedrooms, one of which is all windows on two sides, mm king it practically a aleeping porch. Entrance hall, living room. Dutch kitchen and breakfast room first floor; additional toilet and lavatory first floor: full bathroom up. This, home is strictly modem, with all built-in conveniences such aa dust chute, clothes chute from first and second floors; . hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet. sliding French doors, linen closets: dress ing room off main bedrooms with built-in commode and full length ' triple mirrors; finished in enamef throughout with two-tone single panel doors on second floor; attic for storage; full cement basement under entire bouse, with cement fruit room; wash trays and Fox furnace; newly painted and deco rated: less than five years old, in perfect condition. It would cost (9000 to duplicate house alone to ' day and 80x100 lot on comer thrown in for good measure. To sea this is to buy a bargain. We have salesmen who specialize in the different sections of the city. If you will tell as frankly how high yoa wish to go and what section of the eity yon desire to locate in we win have a man who knows the homes that must be sold show yoa the best bargain to be had at your price. REMEMBER : We have a building com pany and can build for yon en easy terms either on your lot or on one of our own the very home that yoa bare ia mind. Our architect will gladly prepare sketches for you and gie you an etimata free oLeharge. EXSERVICE. MEN ATTENTION. Before buying or building see us for par ticulars regarding our easy payment plan and have a real home built to suit- It will cost' you less than you had expected, to Sunday. 19 to t. Open eveninas until 9 o'clock. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home" 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 583. $750 CAelH, balance easy, buys a double con structed well-built 5-room bungalow in West moreland; fireplace and many buiiXins; all street improvements In and paid: price (3V3U. 7-room double-constructed bungalow in Irving- ton park, beautiful 100x1 00-foot lot. all street improvements in snd paid; price only (5450; very easy terms. a -room nws. moaern pinmaini. iuii r- ment, 50xl00-foot lot, street improvements all in I I and paid; price only $2500. $500 cash, bal ance easv. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, good eonaitxm. modern plumbing, comer lot, gas, electricity and garage; 1 block to Division and Hawthorn ear; hard snrfsra street: nrtre only (310O 5-room house, 100x1 00-foot lot, between Haw thorne and Division; comer; fruit, berries, gas. elec. and modem plumbing; price only iouu. MAIN 7027 W WASH, at PARK SUITE 4J$ PLATT BLDG WALNUT AND PRUNES 4-ROOM HOUSB NEW Only half block outside city, no city taxes; 20 bearing prone trees, 20 English walnut trees, some bearing. House small, but modem: has 2 bedrooms. Urt ia 90x198, near 42d at. $1000 will handle, balance monthly. Pnce $3150. I Call MR. CHESSMAN. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce bklx. Main 208 Laurelhurst FORTY-THIRD AND COUCH A beautiful, complete home. Very unique de- tP- S.1 con-truction. 6 treat big rooms. all on the one floor. Music room or son parlor. Urine room (15x28) and dining room across the front. The prettiest bathroom ia Portland. Hardwood throughout. Tuble earner lot. Lawn all seeded and green. The house of plate glass windows. Open all day Sunday. A home yon can t help wanting. A. C. JEWELL. SELLING AGENT WAAIJC SHATTUCK CONSTRUCTION CO. Broadway 5164. 627 Hnry Building. 8 ROOM, 1 V -story bungalow now ' nnder con- stmctinn, including son room and en ale break fast nook, ready to occupy in 8 weeks, 4 fire places, bardwood floors, sll built-ins including 1 "- Ths best of plumbing: will sea reason- able and take Alameda Park lot up to value of $2000 in trade. Thia is located at (Oth at. bet, Mason and Shaver. Pi mar I onstrucUon Co., inc.. 1302 e. autn st. n. LOOK AT THIS HOME YOUXL LIKE IT One of the best locations In Piedmont, 1163 Commercial atreet. close to library, Jefferson high. Peninsula park and best of ear service: 7 rooms and aleeping porch, laundry room, cement basement and pipe less furnace; lot 68x100, splendid double garage and nice trees. Price $8000, $1500 cash, balance to suit, E. M. BROWN 112? Norths eastern Bank bldg. Main 2422. nutiiu riK i-i.&a If yon have a clear lot and (500 we will pod yoa a anodem bunxalow. 4r5- RJATJI MR. HOMES EEKER, why not build what yen want where yoa want and at yoar own pnce. Save the bja. profits and the big commissions anu put n mux your noma. v a es our material tiw Ijm- maam. Iai idl ns Almt n Y.Blit JeomaL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW (6000. terms. 6 rooms, all on one floor. strictly modem, hardwood floors, built-in, for- naoe, nmxaoe, ruu cement Pise meat, Bangs. close to Irrington school, improvements all ia and pent, transer. rat (4BS. 535 K. nth N. I GET READY for lW.i tair. Own your home. save carfare, commission. time: 6 room. I ciodsm. Lot 50x150. Fruit, berries, garage. I Terms like sent, D. W. Jervie. owner. Maxa 4057. " HERE YOC Ire S rooms, rent out the nostaim and have It any for your home; lot 80x100. 2 blocks from the car. en paved street: (5200; with good terms. warn. sunt. UU 1' UxlOQ, to cumei. (room hoose. pan Is farnaiied if desired. 6(00 50tb St. k. E. Owner st p'sce Sun. Week days rail Sell. 8464. l'KibKBU ,,-ruout huose, stricuy nioCern. Rom City Park, block from ear; ae oaldeen. references. P64 E. 7th N I iuiali til Y Una. a-rocm Buiaier buswaiow. tl I piaee. furnace, rarao. comer lot, (2T50 nod terms. Dubois. b4 SpaloiBS blda. pas REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 .1 $2150 PABKROSE ' - . , - - $500 DOWN. BAL. , STRAIGHT PAYMENTS Cost and seat. ' S-rooaa eotm oa acre, tract; many fir tress.: which help to make this place exceptionally attractive, u yoa want an. inexpensive place, yvt la A-l condition - we know yoa will like this place. Gas, electricity snd water i- '""'l also good, gravel street. JT. U HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of C BK1C PaJkroae Branch Office at sad of Parkroaa Opes every aaj. 2 BLOCKS FROM LA.UBET JTUBST PARK 6 ROOM BUS GALOW $5030 XTu n i.mi.i 1m. fiMn. vtATtH. fodefSt to amallet detail. Hardwood in main floors; S bed rooras; interior sjs enamel; garare, f arcane, fireplsee and fuQ cement basement. $2500 cash, balance 850 per month and interest at ft per cent , JT. U HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Com, Wax. Main 208. BOOMS AND GARAGE ROSE CITY PARK A strictly modern 8-room boose for 46000 This is oa 4 9 in st. and is a good bay. Cement basement, furnace, tirrplaee. hardwood floors in fact, has all modem conveniences. If 8 roams is what yoa want better see this one. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branoh OfSes 4th and Sandy bird. ! 8 ROOMS, finished attic, cement basement, furnace, 66x190 lot; 2 blocks to Haw thorn, cariine; bargain st $6000, with part oa time at 6 per cent interest. Small house and bam, with 6 acres, near eity limits: family orchard, fine view loca tion; $6000. with some eaah and ex change; balance mortgage. Fairly food house, 2 H acres; all mlti rated. In Tigard. near paved highway. Lots of berries. Good buy at $2500. $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent interest. L G. DAVIDSON, REALTOR 819 Chamber of Commerce. SEE THIS TODAY Fine bungalow, inst west of LaureQmrat. Fire rooms down, 1 op; all late built-ina, fire place and furnace, garage, lull cement base ment, all kinds of fruit and bemes, beautiful lot, ail Improeementa in and paid. Near Sandy bird. Price $4700: terms. LET 15 HrJLf itU If yoa are axt ex set lies man with a small I amount of cash and want to buy or build. call ns. We nave some very good cnanoea. BLOWS STEWART C. Tl E. 11th st. N. East 2S38. 12 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY Buy this good 6 room home and we win agree to rent it for $40 a month. Thie amounts to 12 per cent interest on your money; 6 rooms and bath, all largo rooms, full concrete basement; paved st paid. The location is on Belmont st., only 12 minutes to west side. The price is only $3500: $1000 caan win candle. Call us today (Sunday). GOMTE Jk KOHLMAN 208 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Main 6550, ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful S room house on Wstans, near 60th. Built for home modem throughout: hardwood floors, breakfast room,, many built-ina. at tic, fun basement and garage with cement driveway. $1,060 will handle. McUlure A Sohmaach Co.. 306 Railway exchange bldg. Main 1503. HEY I HEY!! HEYHI READ THIS BARGAIN When ron see mi 5-room modem Alberta buniralow you will sav. "What's the use of look ing any further." Here ia a dandy little bome, located on a nice comer lot with both stree' paved and sewer in. It's near the car and schools and the price of $3500 pays for it all. Terms. bee it toaay at 34U eoster sl. Al berta car to E. 120) at., 1 block Burtb, .Wood- lawn 6296. MT. TABOR CORNER BUNGALOW Near Gleneo school, car and park. 5-room. in good condition. Prioa reduced to $3500 for quick sale. Terms. (ZiOO XTTAiE SZZOU 5 rooms, on paved lot. adjacent to I-aureV hnrat park. California owner says sell at once; easy terms, balance like rent. Marshall 3352. Sunday Tabor 8090. 403 Ceaeh bldg. J. . KUI K. ! ROSE CITY" $5200 HAST TERMS A WO A IT 1ST IS K DU DT'VCltntV V A SCW lTVLNq .ROOM. I'lREPiCE. BUFFET. DUTCH KITCHEN. WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. 2 NICK BEDROOMS. TEMENT BASE MENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS, FURNACE, PLATE GLASS WINDOWS AND V THROBS. BUILT BI OWNEK nw HIS HOME. R. HOMKRVII.LE. BDWY, 24 78. HAWTHORNE FOB SALE Strictly modem 6 room bunga low, east front, lota of windows, French doors, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-ina. Dctch kitohrn. large a Luc. full cement basement. Liberal terms to responsible party. Might con sider lis hi ear. $5000. 265 E. S2d St.. be tween Hawthorne ave. and Madison sta. Ta bor 2591. " $200 CASH. PRICE $1650 5 loom bungalow type; bath, basement, 50x100 lot; 2 blocks to Knot Heights car: 8c carfare. Thia is a road little home for $1650 sad terms only $200 down snd $15 snd interest are very easy. Call Mr. Hewitt, COMTE A KOHLMAN 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6550. HAWTHOBNE (500 CASH $350: NEW 4 KM. BUNGALOW. LAS OF BUFFET IN DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. 2 LARGE BF.D RMS., FINE BATH n M . , lc.MKT RASLMKST, LAIMKY TRAYS, LARGE ATTIC. FINISHED IN OLD IVOBY AND BEAUTIFUL TAPF.STBT PAPER. K. SOMERvlLLE. BDWY. 2478. Hew sunn y$ ide bungalow Located at 128 E. (2d st 1 block narth from unayside ear. Large living rm., hard wood floor, fireplaee, buffet, Dutch kitchen with oreaktast nook, cement basement and garage, eleetrie fixture and ahadta. $500 down. bal ance $25 a mo. and interest. Owner oa pre mjses afternoon and evening. AN "HONEST TO GOODNESS" BARGAIN 4 room plastered Louse: a sere, chicken house, fruit trees; the "whole cheese" for $00. It is situated lust outside city; must have $500 ; snout z years cm Palanre.. B. H CONFBEY. REALTOR RITTER-. LOWE A CO. 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY-OWNER: 2 story. 7 room snd bath; lot (0x100: two blocks west of Laurelhurvt on Everett; very desirebk location. New pipeless ruraaee, wasn trays, etc; 4 cherry, 1 apple, 1 English walnut; beautiful lawn, with tuts of berries and flowers. Everrthine in and naid. (3B50: (400 down. iL (40 r month and wt, at 1 per cent t-im. ,ino. (4250 ROSS CITY PARK BARGAIN Strictly modem 5-room bunaalnw. well bnilt- eonvenieTitly arranged: ivory finish, hardwood floors, furnace, fireoiace. rood olambine. all boiltin; break fait nook, full cement basement, laundry trays, good aaraa-e. dandv lot. lawn. shrubbery, fine location; 1 block Sandy bird.; immcoistr posesssion. Tsoor !5. WHY pay rent when I will serve youT A 7 rm. boose, modern, with full lot and fruit treea. Including wood range. Cement basement. Lo cated in best part of St. Jehna. $(00 -ah. Balance monthly. No mortgage to assume. WILGU8 D. KMITH 690 Williams Ave. East 1298 or Wdln. 5861. FURNISHED BUNOAf.oW. UAVEULT HEIGHTS - $300 doom, dsndy (-6 room mnrlera home. (1m to car and schools: (34 50. includes I, everything: no inenmbranees: easy terms. QXINj 206 Morpn bldg. Realtor. $2200 WEST SIDE MONTGOMERY DRIVE Cosy modem ( room cottage, eood fnraitnra. fine view kit, all at. improvements ia and paid; fruit and garden ; easy terms. JOiLNSOtS, 1TLKSTATB LAND CO. 24 8 Stark St. ROSB CITY CARLINE $260 down, cosy 4-eoom bunxalow-atyie home. 2 bedrooms, bath 'a' everything; ( blocks to ear. 4 to school. QULN. 206 Morgan bkic. ricaiinr. i . . . , IFOR SALa,. by owoen, well built 6 rm. hrue mv-uujs i u,Lu, vm-iBvui ihi oarage. 771 E. bth st. N.. cor. Beech st. (4000. terms. For rarticulars call .Wdln, $305 or inquire at rit i-j. tn st. fa A BARGAIN for quick sale Mortem boase. 7 went, sleeping poech, comer wt, beautiful new, west side. lav Galas St., cor. CorbeU. Tel Msin 3(59 MuDilRN buaaiuw. rooms, hardwood floors. ftrepiaevj. buirt-ms, inlaid linoleum kitchen. furnace, 4 tons brtqaeta, 5 cords wood, $5200. Tabor 9161. 4-ROOM fumsviied hooae, 100x150 fruiL. ber- riea. block to ear: t. 403 Railway Ka ehsnre. Main 81Q9. ils K 5-ruo bungalow, newly painted and tinted. (3T5w. terms; 1 Block from m-T ear. 8 K. tb st. N. ktiR BAI -som hoose. iO-fl. lot. sarden Iran treest wiu tasa mt in or Bear Kenton aa par rayvaent. Ineuire 1 S Brbofietd St.. Kent'in 4-BOOM house In Mt. eeett for-$1800'. nap for looking ta save lent. Wdln. 66(4. 4 ROOM hoose, (0x160 lot, Weediawa. near (120. (-U0 Sewn, 620 Uenry bide. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $2100 room rvttage. ara fnO Iota, near Jefferson high. aiooka to ear line. A BARGAIN. $$50 eaah, bal ance to suit. 13370 Modem np-to-data room buncae low, fall cement basement, fireplace. bnilt-iaa, Dutch kcithea, very eoaa plets; 1 block to W'erdstork ear. . EAST TERMS PETERSON YORK, 437 N. W. Bank Bed Maim 8005. $ 1 ok Cash $ 10 , windsor heights hawthorne 1mstrict restricted wonderful. arti3tio bungalow $4250 $4330 $4250 $4330 $4230 5 Ism roomas Dutch kitchen, breakfast room. hardwood noore; fireplace, buffet, bmlt-ins. tapes try decorations, finished in rich old ivory. 2 light, airy bed chambers, choice elartria fix toraa, 50x100. east front, full cement basement. best plumbing, paving, sewer sH, paid, block ear, convenient to 1 rank Lin high school. BRAND rKW BRAND NEW BKANU sew zfia iVKii-M.ia sr. Drive oat Division to 4 9th. Then just block south. Owner. Tsbor 8104 FURNISHED BUNGALOW 7 rooms. 2 bedrooms down, furnished mm- plate with good range; beantiful kt 50x120; all improvements in and nud; lot is worth nearly price asaea: on z 1 sl uniy sztv wiui ou io see this one today, eaa r-art Zola. NIFTY 4-ROOM BUNGALOW On I7th near Alberta car; beautiful lot; complete bathroom. Only $2200 with $500. Marshall 8332. Tabor 3090. J. B. ROCK. IKVLNUTGN PARK, by owner, tt-roum and aleeping porch, ovine and dinitic roam rmished in mahogany wood; hardwood floor, hot water bestinc. inlaid linoleum, in kitchen and bath, doable garage; built-in 'Jeeturee too many to describe. Call Woodlawn 2553. INCOME property, Jut "compl.vevi; 5-room flat upstairs, modern gas-neated four large rooms downstairs, and double garage: 50x104 lot: part cash and balance can be arranged on parmenta. Buy from owner and save commission. (7000. MS E. 4th sorth near Hswthcme. ROSE CITY bungalow by owner. 6 rooms, laun dry and bath, en one floor, cement basement. furnace, 2 fireplaces, built-ina, cange; do to school and ear. Quick possession. Will put in oak Doors. Pribe $5(00. - Terms. Tabor 1864. sfter 11 s.m. ONLT (160 6 -room bungalow, front and bark porch. French doors and windows, elec tric hjchte and gas, lawn and fruit treea, ivory woodwork, close to Kose City Park oar and school. 691 E. 76th st. N. ACREAGE 405 I OWN more land than I eaa farm and will sell to people who went to make s home, from five to 40 acres on very easy terms and st a -price they will be able to pay. This land is located in the beat prune belt of Clarke county, oa pared road, electric light line. R. F. I., tele phone, plenty of fine water at depth of 30 .feet If yoa want- good sosl snd good location, very low price, and esuy terms, see me: J. B. Atkinson 705 Mala St., Yaaoosrer. CHICKEN RANCH IN PORTLAND New Sboupe Isjing house 80x20 completely equipped with trmpoests and feed hoppers, feedruom 11x20. 14 breeding pens, colony hoasea. covered yards for cockerels, etc.. ideal incubator cellar; good -room dwelling, bath, gas. electricity and phone, 1 H blocks from car. lta of berries, grapes, gone. berries, roses, etc This place has been run as a very successful poultry plant for the past 0 years, handling pedigreed trance ted stock orilv. Can aril anv- thing yoa can raue right at the door, especially good location for baby chicks, hatching egas and broilers. Present owner has bought a farm and this is enre a dandy chance to buy right into s spienata paying propoxiuoa. Dome caao, oaj snos $13 a month at 7 per cent. Phone A at 619-27. POWELL VALLEY AND 8 2D ST. H acre, on pavement, all city con veniences with no city taxes, near school. Hawthorne car. Easy terms. Will be on tract 'Sunday afternoon. MoClure at Schmaocbj Co., 306 Railway Ex change blds YOU CAN'T GET ArlEAD BY LOOKIn'G' OS" Buy this sere for $8(0. build a small house to start with, snd atop paying rent; yoa can live here-and still work in ths eity; only $90 VB7rT. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE CO., 501-2-3-5-7 Bnerd of Trade bMg. VERY desirable 20 acres, good level land, fee ing on paved highway, T acres slashed, burnt and seeded ; about 400 cords fuel; timber on beX; small log hoose. H acre in garden; a very good bay for only $1900. 8 miles from Van couver: terms. J. R. WOLFF. 419 Henry bldg. 5 acres, facing Barker road, near Base Line, fine soil, near good school, good neighborhood, in high school disirict, good terms; pnce $1750; $170 eaah. R H. nONFRET. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-8-6-7 Bnert of Trade bide. GET THIS Only one five-acre tract left facing Bei'Uun Lin. rnad: bny today and have no regrets ; Wster to each tract. ' It H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTFR. IWF A CO.. 2"1 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. On Bank of Columbia Near Sandy road, east of Park rose. 18 seres of the best csrnen land in tiregon. 3 acres In potatoes; some fruit; wonderful new; good Inra Uon for fish wheel; imi l house; snap at (8300. S. P. Osnurn. 610 MrKsy blilg. 4 beautiful Wooded acres Out rowell' Valley read. 10 minutes from city, good school, good district and (uod Talus; buy now, easy terms; price (1400. R H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 3 8 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 5 ACRE HOME, all in cultivation, good 7 room bouse, bam and chicken house: family orchard: 1M acres black ess raspberries ; just s nice walk from town. For Quick sale will take (Z800. terms, by W. E. WHITB dt CO. N'ewherg, Or. OUT UAsE LINh. ROAD 4 63 acres, about 9 miles oat. for (1400 (150 cash. IL n. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. liOWE A CO.. 201 -2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Wdg. Gresham District 10 acres, mostly In cult, sll good, level land: 1 acre orchard, new bam. 4 room house. good mad; $3200. Might consider cheap bouse. 1 10 acres, same district, no buildings, a l sou terms. S. P. Onbom. 610 McKay bkig. FOR SA LE $3 500; 1 acre in 82d st, with good house: city wster. electricity, gaa, good cesspool, garage. 2 chick ss booses, nupbevriae. strawborri, gnbseberrias, corraata: 8 blocks to car: $2000 cash, terms on balance. 8 blecks sonth of Kstacada ear line, first hooe on right FORCED to sell 2 cleared acres, 1 3 miles west; 8 room partly furnished ahack. other butldtngs; lots of extra lumber. $5(0. which Is $100 sn sere lees than s-Jr.ed f' unirar roved land ad jomina. $300 eaah. M. L. Swift, 204 Madi son. SUBURBAN HOME IXMH-WAUKIE Acre of f:nest garden land. 40 bearing trees. berries. 6 -room house, bam. chicken house; $3500. $1000 down; RuU Run. gas. J. C COHBIN '.. 805-6-T LEVIS BLDG. 1C0 ACRES WITHIN CITY LIMITS (100 PER ACRE Assessments included; fin view, creek. 80 seres timber. J. C CORB1N CO.. 803 6-T LEWIS BLDG. 33 ACRES. (100 PER ACRB West Side. 14 miles oat. rocked road. S acres under blow: coed soil, timber, epnoa. - SlvOV down.. J. C. CORBTN Co.. 105-6-7 lewis Bldg. SUBURBAN ACEHej " " Will ssll 1 or 5 seres on good road, sidewalk m. eity water, gas and lights, frnit. fiae place for yocr bom.. Call Ant 612-99. 8TOKE3 THaCTS Acres and fracuoaa." City water. Ns assessments. Alberta car. Ken nedy school. (IB Paymenta. K. W. Cery. 1219 N. W. Bank bids. ON CLACKAMAS river. (225 an acre. 20 acres. n mile to peved road te dty. 7 miles t dty hmita of PortisBd. I miles east of ''it- 1. K. Welch. 20 Acres (100 csh. 424 Bldg. AT T IG A RDV ILL E. 14 V scree, (our aleased. rich soil, sightly location, east elope: half mile men. hictiwsy. ea eood toed. 84200. eery terms. 2932 62nd St. S. E. screeAts. ciuse to Colombia" WLaheas. only 30 milea to Portland; (30 Ber acre; easy IXTTTtSTATF LAND CO. 24t gurk ft. EARLY strawberry snd alfalfa laad. irrigated. tor salt or rent. Geo. Howard. 6(3 E. 42d N 34 ACKEo fine land near WieJeck7"Wash., cheap A $25 down. $10 W. S. C. 631 33d ave. SE. AUTO or tractor wanted as part Bayment ea 46 acres rmproved trait land. White Salmon raiicy. sa ua st a. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 Tie ACRES, enramted, fenced with wovsuL wire, UssOy ore bard. 7 end a-reean Bouse la good shape, hern, chicken Boaue. boa hoose. A mile to school, mDe te Willa mette, S ealich aows. ncc 2 belfeta, cream operator. tuna bay; $6200; a cash. 1 0 - scree, cultivated, well, sprinc. -1 00 (rait trees. 6-room plastered hoose. large barn, eaaokea boom, woodshed, tool Bessse. H mile to school. 2 V aulas to Orecoa Otyi eow. ahstaens. all. toots. $3500. 10 scree. 8 cultivated, all tenerd. 12 bearing fruit trees. 3000 fecaneernes. iOO strewkwiTiea. a-room hoane. large ham. one. 2 heifers, wagon, plow, rulUvaXur. $$TrXr 31(00 ansa. Bockhold Bros. REALTORS 601 gwetiaad Bldg. S, 10 and 23 Acre Tracts $25 Acre Up 816 down and $3 per tenth tnye S et 806 seres. thai addtUoi the Coram Ma river est the Oreaon side, close to Columbia higaway and giver; fine transports tsun, railroad, rim. ante stage and track. Besntltai Uyinc bad. free from rock or (ravel; seme trans have beeotiful view of river: there Is alee some with streams,. Fine location for ehickeaa. airy, berries, fruit snd vegetables CHARLES DELFEL . SIS Railway Exchange Eldg, GOOD SIZED (25 down and $7.50 monthly bays 12 47 seres 6 miles from courthouse, 1 vt miles from end of Fulton ear one: wonderful view. Ideal fer frnit. berries snd ehiekens sad docks; price $750 fer the entire tract: we also hare just s few sere tracts left in this sams vicinity on ids same terms. T82 Chamber of Commerce. BJTLOW ACREa Combines the elements of the eronomieal home with aa nnnsuailp attractive investment rutnre. This tract of land face. Base Line road. Just west of Barker road, and faces east on the latter road, from Base Line to Section Line. unre oat today and look it over; the prices are unusual 'y low. R. H. CON FRET, Realtor. " RTTTEB. LOWE CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SPLENDID SMALL FARM Located 8 miles from Oregon City, 2 H from the railroad. 20 acres, with 8 seres in cul tivation, fine sprinc and well. 7-room ppastered house, bam 82x42, chicken honse 16x60. all in good shape, family orchard, rural route, hard road: let us show this piaee; $4000. $2000 cash. B AtTQSS 732 Chamber of Commerce. "WUluN YOU Altai PUZZLED" And don't know where to find one- acre, drive oat Section I jne road, just outside the city limits, yen will see the new bouses being built: pick out yoar location, then aee on for pnce and terms. I R. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE m CO.. 201 -2-3-5-7 Bnerd of Trade bldg. ONi. ACRE ON MAIN ROAD AT GARDEN HOMB One block from echool. All in cultivation : full grown cherry, pear and apple treea. SplendUd building site. Gaa. water, electricity in street. An ideal place to build a modern subnrban borne. -Oa Ore. Elec. '23 min. ride from Portland, 9c commutation fare. For further particulars call Mam 66T1. 11 ACRES. mOe east of O regno city, on a good road, near Campine station on WiUaraeUs Vsl ey Southern R R. Tim ber enough on thia place to clear it: ex ceptional bargain. $1100 takes it. Phone Mrs. Wilcox, Broadway 281. J GOING FAST This sere tract, out Section Line road, an in cultivation. Boll Ran water, aitnated high and sightly, just outside the city limits. There is one left for (925; $85 rash. R. H. CXMS-FRrTY. Res tor. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201 -2-3-5-7 Bnerd of Trade Wdg. FOR SALE 1 1 scree near Tualatin, small log honse. Ktrsbn nne man stump puller. 150 ft. inch cable, 6(0 ft V Inch and 1200 ft. inch eable with blocks, hooks, etc, snd one 1921 Essex automobile all goes fer (450). Land easy to dear. Call Mr. Hobbs. Phone East 2056 between 6 and 8 P. m. or at 351 East Glisan sV 18 ACRES FOR ONLY $558 EASY TERMS RICH PRODCCTIV SOTXi On good road, stream across place: not far to atom and postoffirs : near river transports Land sightly rolling. JOHNSON-IMJDSOS CO. 633 Northwestern Bank hldg. THERE IS .SO CONGESTION HERE A beautiful anre facing on macadamized mad. with Bull Run water, out Section Ijne road, just outside, eity limits for $560; $90 cah. - R. H. CONFRFT. Realtor, RITTER, LOWB it CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1 mi ACRES with modern 6 rm. bungalow. close to Mnltnomsh station en the Ore gon Bee, only (3750. on easy tertna. This at the best boy ia thia district. (1500 below (he market. For particulars call ea BEN RIESLAND 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park ft. or Mrs. Grant local agent at Multnomah office. ONE ACHK IN CULTIVATION The location ia ideal, it is where the peace and beauty of the country meets the brsstle cf the eity. where yea can enjoy peene and quiet. Section Line mad: Brie (860; (90 caalc R H. OONFRKT, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE Ac CO.. 201-2-8-A-T Roa-d of Trade Mdg. WOKDF.BFUL bargain for snap "hunters. Very fins 10 seres, nearly level, fine soil, no rock. 3 acres la euuivsuon, 2 acres more slashed, bslance second growth fir. all easy to clear. 44 mile rock highway, near Rsiaier, nice section oi country, owner going Aast. must ecu. pnce, clear title. 8650.- $400 cash, time balance. , - , n ... , u, . . i. Aa, e-.vr. j..n riTn njeit. 10 ACRES 10 great, big, jniey. wooded acres, facing Barr road, vast east pf Borkley ave.. for (40OO, on good terms. See it today, watch for sign m left, R H. riONFRET. Realtor. RITTFR. I)WE A ro., gni-2.3.t.7 Bnard of Trade Wdg. AM. FORCED to sell my ( srrea. level and cleared, all good sou, one mile to Hillsbnro. owe (14 uu on easy terms. Any offer, even (100 cash, takes ray eqnity. See MURRAY 09 CHAMBER OP COMMFBCE 10 ACRES, improved, 18 miles north of Vsn onovsr. Wsah.. 1 H miles from pavement and depot. 8 hi acres cultivated. balance pastors, level, eood soil, fine for chicken ranch, fair buildings, stock, m. Imub-rarnta. furnltur. tmta with place. $2000; terms. Will sell e trade for house in Portland. 8-704. Journal, 10 ACRES, jtbt neat W'-lu M.. new 3i00 bun alow. aood barn, chicken house. 130 choice Bing ehemea. years old: last years cherry crop $450: a $100 per month milk route; 150 bearuig tmit trees; (100 on rhubsru. 6JIZ7 92d st Mt. Sco-t car. 40 Acress$525 . ST miles from Portland, cabin." acre ia cultivation on county road; A-l soil, lies fine, mail mute, $150- cash. BUN UY, 618 Chamber of Gommerre bldg. THT8 la year last chaace to bay half aewse sd joining'- the Darlington Plat on 52nd st. B. E. st $50 down snd $15 per month, bo Interest. Let ns show yea these st (Jail Automatic 6((-zo. 20 ACKEa (leUO All in cult., fenced, dose to Amity. Yamhill county, eoonty rosd. dose to school, fine soil. (SOU sown. pat. per eena. se vnamaer oi Commerce bldg egACfTnF8T BROS QUICK SALE BEE IT YOURSELF Aero and small hoose 12x16, Jennings Lodge Take O rax an Cur car to Asbdale. 300 ft. east to fimt road right- Ask fer Harley Schmidts place; small payment down, baisnee monthly. 40 ACRES COLUMBIA County farm timber land, sacrifice fer $1000 cash or will consider value ia Liberty bonds. a. oa. iminw. POWa, L VALLEY. PAVED Bead. 2 acres. -eolUvstod. ideal location, g electricity; Barenla for (1250: easy terms. Murphy. Stock Exchange bldx. Marshan ((24. 160 ACRES timber land leaisd ia Klickitat eoonty; good cord wood propoai-Jon; ebesp af sold ia 10 (Uja. Mrs. Chaxias Berg, rouls 1. Hulsdal. Or. - 5 -ACS Ed well improved -dose to Eugene, all eood land. 8 acre prune orchard: other frnit cheap fer cash, or might consider improved fact pear Portlsnd. rnone mwy. sssy. 4 sO ACRES, 85 ia euiavauon. 2 apringa. froit treea; grand place Tor shewn, turkeys, etc. (25 per acre; majht eonriaeT some trade, as have (4000 eaah. IK SO, JenreaL DANDY serves, near Furtiaud awl liisaaay modera wnrgaleej te trade for Bice dty atane. Addrapa ISO Broadway. Mar. HIT. 16 ACRES, well improveAf. goad bniuiiasa, part Faeills highway; si joins town, aiga Ales 41. W REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 10 ACRES. S miles son Lk west of EKannsa. mile to echool,- Ve mile of dirt road, food black loam soil, 13 younc fruit trees, rood 4-room hwoaa. abed - bam. chicken - hoose; 2, acres nndev cultivation, balance m pa-rre. an can Be cultivate! wnen cleared, Inclnded with place; 1 horse. 1 sod HoL-tein cow, 1 heifer. 50 cbickena, harness, tools eve prlee $2000 for every thing. (1128 eaah. Or wiU consider more land farther oat. of 40 acres or more, with, net lees than 28 errs nnder Cttltrvatieev Property inspected by Brooks. Photo at wffme, TWO ACRES OF BERRIES S Acres, in town with good pay rU, T Marks from rtstiea and school: all nnder cultivation: 1 V, scree strawberries, " acre knnberriea.- currants, rhubarb. SS bsarma fruit trees; room boose. Bam, ; gnraaw, storehouse, chicken honse; exeep tJonaCy fine soil: TO miles from Portland. Price $2200. $1000 cash. Coosltier prop erty in Portland of aar nlw. Photo at office. Mr. Hunter. S aerwa, 19 mSae aaatri PorOaad by auto, V mile from Ore. Electric stati'va: 1 acre nnder cultivation ; all can he cuhb vated; balance hi wood; goad well, yoonc Keartna' fruit trees 6-room ceiled honse. large barn, ehk-ken hooae. wood bowse. Priew $1800. $600 eaah, balance $15 pa Over 12 acres. 15 mOea from center of Portland, near Ores-nn Cirv; 1 van B achool; good road, good bearing eeebwiel: T room fee bangs low on sock foundation; S barns, chicken boose, garage, etc; acres -- nnder cultivation; al! can be farmed when rleared; land not in cultivation in tim ber. Pnce $2700, $100 eaah. Prop erty Inspected by Nelson. WANT HOTSB ON SMALL- LOT - S acres, H mile from city hmita of Port land. On macadamised road.' V mile from i ear line. So fare. All city oonrenienosa " there: land all nnder coltivatinn; rood gar den soil; senail hoose. Price $2700. Will eoTutder hou e ia Portland up to $4040 if value is right ONLT (100 DOWN Aero tracts. Alberta district, on pawed street with walks snd paving paid: an ia fruit and berries; very best of kind, fruit in fine -condition; (100 down, easy terms at 0 per cent JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg:. Over 800' BrnaS Places Near PorUaad. Get Oar Extensive --iifird Ltots. WESTHAMPTON SITBCTtBAN TRACTS Why pay rent when yen can own a nice suburban tract larger than 2 eity lots for a down payment of $20 and monthly pay menu el $10. Twenty minutes oat en the Bed Eleetrie at Waodrow station; com mutation fare 8 V e: the prices are from $250 to $500. Forty-foot streets. Boll Run wster In front of every parcel, gas and electricity also available. Purchase one of these tracts, get some lumber, build a eduple of rooms and add to it as yen poeketbook will allow. Your rent w3 do ad this snd will eooa provide yoa with a paid-up home. Others are doing it and ae ran yoa. Many homes are now being con structed. Come oat and see for ..yours!. Remember there are no city taxes, no city restrictions. Salesman en ground every dsy and Sunday from 10 nnril 6": City office 709 GAS CO BLDG. TELETHONS 627-31. J. D. Hanley 2-8 ACRE. 5-room hoose, small barn, chirkeai house, frnit and bemes; only (2250, $300 eaah, $25 per month including interest 6 pes. H acre, 4-room hooae. abundance of frnit and bemes. city water, gaa, chicken hoose hard sur face road past piaee; pnee (22(0, (500 i per BBontn. MAIN 7027 V?; WASKatPARK 1 ftCRI"! fl rnnm bin o. hnih in ronri nil nree barn, woodshed and ether oarbaadings; phone, watevr- gas ia house; sll in cultivation. sera strawberries. $2300: $300 cash balance $23 per month, 6 interest, or will aril the tet. acres wiin ouuaings xor enou. Lrfv-aieo; as Raleigh station, dose te two electric lines snd 9e fsra. W. L Koyea, Beayerua, Or. Phone onotis i idOflsrt (IS ( 7S dawW1BdK (IS per month wfTl bay a beautiful country - bomesite on Clear Creek; 43 minute, ride from city; beauti ful trees: creek and good roads; 5 acres; price (750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Bdwy. '4751. 410 Henry bldg. RIGHT AT BEAVERTON 4 serve of splendid coil, all in coltivatinn, 170 bearing frnit treea, 4 -room hoose with dty watr; thia ia a snap and will not last lung; $3000. $500 cash, good terms on the balance. ' T 3 7 member of Owimeree. "FOLLOW THE CROWD" Drive oat the Section Line road trow, east of 82nd atreet; note the building activity, exam ine the soil, talk to the neighbors, than see lis for price and terms on the afere that suits yoa best. 0 H IT. COyFRKT. Realtor, RITTER. LOWB CO.. 201 -2-8-5-7 B-vard of Trade Bldg. ( to ACRES, right ia town, two blocks to eiecLria station and store, good 4-room Bona-alow. barn, fine well at back door, se earn notstoes. I acres strawbemea. Will or confectionery store. See Parrish & Parrish . 209 Failing bide Main 6S27 INCOME 1 PROPER Tf" Owner says bad art income of ewer 41 cent this year; 7 acres highly Improved. 3 Vk scree ITTJlTfe'TL yJO) SUITE 4! HPiJsTTBLiyii lot an be men, 2 Vi acres strawberries, near car. . eity water, electric lights, gaa, eta. Good bouse and bam. Pnce only (H-5QQ. $2300 cash, u ce to suit. JOHNSON-TiODSON CO. r 63 3 North western Bank bldg. BY OWNER 1. 2 or S acres, all nnder enltl vntjoa; some buildings, lota af fruit; this place at a bargain via easy terms. Call Automate 612-96 or 6029 5Sd st 8. E. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ' 1 " " ,L ' at ' as as at ,"m"""""" Near Columbia Highway 3 H acres 23 m routes drive from dty. very sightly: 1 acre in orchard ;- good S room aeose, fireplace, eleetrie lights; also 4 mom honse. beautiful trout stream, beautiful driveway), oae of the most sigqUy spot in Orrgoa. Bargaia at $5750. Easy terms. 8. F. Oabora. 610 McKay bldg.. Sd and Stark. $600 Oa terms for it acre tract, S blooks froea Bell station ea Fstacada line, hi the Beat boy m that distnet; part lead and part ea alone: a few stamps, K. MURRAY. o Chamber rd Oowimeme. EXCELLENT SUBURBAN HOME Beautifully located 5 acres, rood 7 Is res elurkra hoose, brooder hooae, ham, can age. z acree assorted fruit; 29 minutes from dowo town'; good road, near- station, $3000. caan, terma oa balano.. Owner, kfaia 7750. AT YOUR 0AN i-RlCE 7 Are yon eraxv. oaring reatf Yoa can has 4-room Dlastered boose, eood barn. . rhlrkev bouse. 1 H acree of good land near car; little eah or light car as first psymsnt. Balance 818 per month. Call 6824 96th st. S. E. FOR. SALE One acre. $900, hoose. chicket. hoose. fruit, also edyoimac improved seres st reasonable prices; these are worth look nr. at. Conrtney station, Oregon City deetrie east te Oatfield mad. south one block, east on Finsbornt road, rellowa, Milwaukw. ronto 1-19V $1750 BrYB aesr'y oue are etuUvatd laaJ a ravel road. Mouse, an race. fir. No aaaeesmer.ta or (ravei Near 42nd and Ama wonh. $100 cash. $1S asonth. K. W. Caj-v. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg, OWNER SACRIFICES 400 ttJLlTL tUV Balance (640. $15 per month: s4 mm iti ' rated; new cattae. gas. 8 S c com. fare. Owm R- Howard. Evergreen sta.. Oregon Oty line. - 4-ROOM bangaiow, new. acre, all in cultiva . Uon; pnce. if sold st once very r asims IiIbl tewes easy. Phone Tabor 494. MULTNuMAU Ma.t sacnHce my 4-room at tracuve bungs lew with beaatifai trees, shmtsy' 'nf snd flowers; $2500, terms. H, J. Chapman. block sco-Ji station. Msin 7623. ACRE on avaia suAvd. 4 -room n.Mie. good well s. wood, saiaum -eUar tins I m. balance smsll paymento. CaD 861 fe. 11th st. 8 A BARGALN rl acre.- City water, shack; t blocks north Rose City carr (1600, terms. T leder. E- 72d an4 Present sts ONLY (76 1 13 cooivsted. 2 n honse. on eoanty road, down. F-779. J-vurnal. Bear staling. ((( $160 DOWN, new 4 lightaA ga.. Urge view tot, only 8 1800. WnB n-r. S-702. JooniL NOW the tune to bay; 6 room modem hour and 1 acre of good soil at a barxaia and ei eery eey terms. wner. Ant 26-47. MODERN S-reom residence with finely cultivate acre close to car and echoes at Garden n. Gflraan. Main fS.0. ne $1(00 BUYS 20 acres, ad nnder entuvauoa near Portland.- tress . ls-710. Journal ' -I' i V u J.