THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28. 1021 4 " "kirk LOST AND FOUND 108 V THii following erticl were fonnd on th ears ! of the Fortlsnd Railway. Light A Power Co. Aog. 26, 1921: 2 umbrella. 1 key, comb, 1 pin, 1 suitcase, 1 handbag. pair and 1 single I gloves, 2 caps, basket and auto license, sm4 : ' aack wheat, 11 paekagee. Owner mar obtain name open proper identification at let and Alder sts. station. J STOLEN Aug. 2 iTHaccy -Davidson motorcycle S and ' sidecar, electrically eqtuppexi license Return to owner. J. A. Godbout. oo ' Corbia- Jtrown speedometer, ammeter, Goodrich tire on J motorcycle. ; Goodyear ere on norar, E.. Aut. 632-15. Reward. STOLEN 83 reward- for information coocera mg bicycle taken evening An. 24 from Day w theatr. Mi are. Batons to crippled boy .. who is in need of It. 081 Minnesota are. LOST Sunday. Aug. 21, between Salem ana Woodburn, roll containing bed and saddle bag, Finder please notify C. A. Engl. Woreeateg bldg.. Portland. - ' .l IIST fnm Kilierum. Or., yrnmg Chow doc, irunaia Ait 111 sore on left foot- Answer to nam of "Fang." M. E. Pomeroy, Silver- ton, Or. . LOST K'ring of pari between 1128 Macadam and 1091 Cotbett st- H iouhu riuiu iu 1091 Corbett and receive liberal reward. (Mar. ' 6728. . - LOST On r. and M. ear,. Conned Crest car cr at Conned Crest park, Aug. 24, piatintra ,.- bar pin with several diunonda. Call Mar. 4l f Reward. (1UKJ.11S ELECTRIC. Sunday. 21st. child's " handbag. Reward. So Questions. Everson, Main 1382, LOST Peart earring. Wed., between 39th and Woodward' av and O. W. K. store, taoor 245,5. , . ' . r a T a hiii ree nL between Ledd ' .addition. K. lztb and Broadway. Reward. Ant. 332-08; vil. mm whir do : Miked collar: iiunn to nil me of Dock. Keward. Tabor 7862 400 E. 40th' St. N LOST Black Persian cat in v.einity of 42d and K Moiriaon. He turn to 000 iteawy. oeu. 3524. $5 reward. LOST- Aug. 24, case bearing name of Staples. containing spectacles; linuer piea noun -t. W. C. A.: reward. . five lall.T.A REWARD for the return of a small gold bead necklace, lost last week. Pnone Tabor 2 33. LOST Brown Boston bull, answers to name of Jerry"; haniftw with Dot-rise 8104; limps em front foot. Howard. Tabor lou, 1 itiT fonuLiniii- nair of classed, on road between Tillamook and Portland. 451 East 52d st- Tabor 7826.;-; Reward. LOST Airedale puppy. B months old, newn name of Peter. Reward. 535 E. 19th at. N Phone East 680. -Between Portland hotl and Meier 1 jl is'l'- Franks, chain key ring with 5 key. plcsee telephone Mam 3826, & lender FOUND Lady'a brown purse, containing small amount money. Owner may hare same by Identifying. Address K-51, Jonrnal. LOST Lady s gold wrint waun, Swiss moremeny monoKram on back, H. 0. O. ; suitable reward. Phone Mam 941. ' LOST Itnte" cameo pin. our mother'. 31ax- shall 369. Reward. FOUND -t- fiaturday ioI3 watch on Burnside bridae. Woodlawn 8764. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOL5 200 KIN WAKTED El THB ADTOMOBII E AND TBACTOB BUSINESS BIO OPPOUTUNnTEa Wa rsa fit yon for a good paytng posttfon Jn a abort time. We turn out expert anto me chanist ienition man. battery erperts. the tuV- eanizera and acetylene welders. Ion take tb nnl. m imii hands and cet the real practical shop experience under expert instructors on all np-to-dute automotive equipment. r-nrou uaay. Don't kern putting it off and let the ether fel low beat you to it. Information and literature trnon reauesi Dt and evening daieea. BMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. AV . . 4A1 VaMUM ' ' Operatiiig the largest' and best chain of prac tical motor senools in uie worm. 5or& itictMii e&tfjoor HELP WANTED MALE 201 15 HOP pickers, go Monday, SI per 100. - Take tent and outfit, good T"ir""g grounda, - ; . t '' i ' ' Contractnr to take packing, sorting aad nailing contract for apple orchard. 4 to 6 weeks ran; 1 1c per box. Also wanted 6 sorter 4 packets and 4 pickers, packets fte per bo J, sorters and pickers 30e hour. 3 apple packer '5e per box. Take bed. ' board S5e meal. 6 weeks' run. - Berry pickers, 2e per poond, talcs camp outfit. Cook. Coast hotel, $90. B. It E Pioneer Employment Company - 14 N. Second SL " HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 EXPERIENCED booaer wacwd. references required. This ia a temporary poaitsan only. Wages (4.50 per day.. Frank Botes at Bona 712 Main st Ores on City. Or. CALL at Y. IX. C, A. to see tree Ut ol asuier- a priced rooms lot roue a men in all nana o the city, including rooms at the? Central X. M. C A. with ' telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 GENERAL REPAIR MAN" With 7 ywars" experience at carpenter work. S Tears aa millwrisbt. wants work as ceneral repair man for sawmill, roller mill cr grain elerator. Will take steady work xery reasonable. Z-290. JoTirnaL WANTED STEWARD-CHEF Man capable of takinar charg of high class dnb kitchen in this city. State preriotu ex perience and place of employment. Informa tion strictly confidential. Address i-6o9, Journal. SALESMEN WANTED 202 IT GETS THE BUSINESS Sell our accident and health policiei and es tablish paying permanent business of yonr own. Full standard conunistaon paid on 1st and re newal premiums. Whole or part time. Poli-y absolutely in class by, itself; rates from 19 per year to S245 per year. All classes of pro fessional and business men and farmers written, Oregon,. Idaho, Washington and Utah territory open. Address. Accident and Health, CrandaU, manager. Employers' Indemnity Corp., ' N. W. Back bid g. , Portland. SALESMAN We desire a forceful and ag reasir salesman to sell oor 1923 line of nigh-grade calendar and adrertiaing specialties In Portland and adjacent territory: will consider applications only from men of reliable character ana lust-ciass selling aouiry: send reierences ol banks and business men. Tho. Jf.. Beckman Co., siu . itn St., t-miaaetpnia. SALESMEN calling on- general stores. BIG commissions. Sideline. Fast selling special OVERALL. ONE sample. REPEAT ORDERS. Cincinnati Overall Mfg. Co. (3) Cicinnati, Oho. WANT aggressive, salesman with $100 to in vest to take aeency for specialty line for Oregon exclusive outside of Multnomah county. Apply 4 5 4th St. Room 607. PORTLAND motor car firm has good opening for hitch-grade salesman; only those with good selling records need apply; answer at once, stat ins experience.. D-937, Jonmsl. 3 GOOD salesmen, in city and valley territory. commission basis: only rood producers. 10J9 Chamber of Commerce bide., Monday morning. EXCELLENT selling article for men making grocery trade, Oregon and Washington. Call or write C. P.. 810 Hoyt St. AGENTS WANTED 203 STOP HERE Make $30 next Saturday: uenU. salesmen, district managers; brand new in vention, selling like wildfire; sell speeder tors for Fords: makes any Ford run like a Packard; (tops stalling and backing; put on quick no tools. or holes to bore; instant satisfaction; listen, mike money qnick; $75 to $150 week easy. Helton, Utah, makes $300 every week ; . McAlister, 111., mad $12 first afternoon: Dane, W. Va. $55 Week, spare time only. Hurry, write quick for detaila and exclusive territory. Addresa Perrin Co.. 1117 PerHn blag.. Detroit. Mich. SALES AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANT ED. & Stipulated territory, start at once hardware guaranteed; enormous demand; clean cut proposition : sell direct; commission. DRAWER U Erie, Pa. LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER want agent to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer exclusive patterns; big values; free samples. MADISON MILLS, 503 Broadway. New York. EXPERIENCED agents to sell our proposition by commission, ready seller. 512 Merchant Trrnt bldg. See manager at ALTO MECHANIC, 9 years experience aa trouble ahcoier. electrical man and general renairiaan. wanta Job aa ah on foreman or mechanic Have had charge of shop and made them pay; can do acane for you.. Go anywhere. A duress D-346. Journal. TOURIST HOTEL Modem, free bath, reduced rates. 7 So per day and up; $4 m week and np, Transmit trade solicited. Mrs. M. J. Walker, proprietor. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Aider. A KE- Bl-tulAJSUS oowntown HOTEL. Rates 7e up. Private bath $2. Special rates by week or mom a. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS Let ms built roar home: no office loafer. aS workers; small payment down and small pay ment as building advance. J. F. FjUer. Sell- wood Z403. DIUECT mail adieruaers ahos praiseworthy in- telligenco when they engago me to write then form letters": that is my specialty at $3. W. C. Dolle. 241 13th. Main 627. FOR EXPERIENCED elevator operator, house- cleaner, woou-sftiltter, moving helper, nignt- watch. keyfiUer call Mar. 4377. H. C Mouptjoy. ' PAINTING AND. DECORATING FIRST-CLASS WOF.K AT REASONABLE . PRICES MAR. 2941 SNTDETt. KALSOMIM.NG and uunting. Kaoaominuig a specialty: best wort at reduced raxes; esti mate free; an ex-service man who needs work. Phone Eat 185H. apt. 8. THOROUGHLY honest and capable married man 33 years of are. Id years in salea and executive work, desims a position ottering a aennite iutar. Iveov, Journal. CARPENTER cellmates given on building and repair work: scrt-ens made to order: shop 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. WE DO in and outside painting, paper hanging and anting; estimates given prompt attention. Onr work guaranteed. Call Mam 9184. EXPERT bookkeeper and tyyi-t want either steady position or by hour. Far appointment call Aut. 811-79. "THE little jobs that Dad won't do." All house hold repairs and loobicg; roufa repaired. Aut. 623-39. Tabor 43. LET US figure jour rsehingling. repairing and cement work. ' General contracting. Tabor 1324. PAINTING, papering and kaisom:mng. For first class work and good material, cad Tabor WANTED- Job aa trouble shooter on magneto exchange; 7 years experience. Box 404 Carlton. Or. CARPENTER and builder. 35 years' experience understands taking csarce ol men and plan. Will contract or day work. Ffccn East 6373. VULCANI&ER wanU position; 5 year experience in general repair work, kettle curing and air bag building. G-733. Jonmsl. . EXPERIENCED and traveled information clerk desire position with hotel or other ooncern excellent ret. Marshall 425. AN A-l BAEEIt wishes work with good firm. W. J. Momberg, 781 E. 70th sr. N., Tabor 7357. WANTED To contract rock blasting under water. Oregon Box ec Manufacturing Co. ilsui 6564. KALSOMIN ING, painting, plastering, able. Main 2S 65. Reaon- WANTEI Contracts for clearing land; large ones preferred. V. G. fTlark. Aloha, Or. CEMENT FINISHER Tabor 1329. by day contract WANTED To contract whitewash job. Oregon Box e Msntiiactunng tjo. Main cam. THE little Jobs that dad won't do. All house hold repair and jobbing. Roofs repaired. Anto. 623-39. Tabor 43. BlilCK. Cement work. Plastering, Repairing negt.y done. Automatic 311-i3. FOR 1ST CLASS paperhanging, painting, tint ing, call Sheldon. East f437; very reasonable. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? Call at Union av. and Wiwi ft any day except Saturday, at 11 a. m., or write for free catalog No. 4. It will not cost von snything to find out bow we have beined over 300 graduates to good positions. We can help you, too ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION' SCHOOL Special Inducements tu F.i Service Men. Rsd-.iced Rates Jvtne 1 to September 1. yi . . v Wet'a Lar"t Businene College. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. V All RiunnMbt rnnrves. includioa comptomster traiuirg. Enroll any time day school, night . school. Write for free catalogue. 4th St., Morrwvr fhrne Main 590. SPECIAL RATES UNTIL SEPTEMBER llrusinEs ALTSKY BLDO., 3J AND MORRISON MUlJblH BaRUKU COLLEtit. will teach you tbe trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay while learning: positions eecurtd. Oregon ex-service men receive state1 aid. Write or call for cats logne 2"t4 BumsMe . LETTIES MI1X.INERY SCHOOL 582 Lnton Ave. . , - Pomrilets course in milltnsry: Personal tn- atruction by new and up-to -date method: full . eonre for 2.V -STEEN SEWING 6CHOOI -Bleek system of ladies' tailoring and d smaking tanght; pat terns cut to- measure. Phone East 2359. B- 8R0T. 15$ Grand ave., near Belmont. MISS MATTINGLX S Private Scho.4. Short hand, typewriting, 269 14th sr.. near Jeffer- - eon. $6 a month. Isv anil Evening. EXPERIENCED waitress, good country town, $45 and board, good side money. l.ady cook, coast place. $50, R. and B. 2 lady waltreases. small town, $40, R. And R. lAdy housekeeper in family $1 per day, Eastern Oregon. Pioneer Employment . Company 14 N. Second St. miIjLtnttrt SATEwof! ant makers APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU BE FORE 10:30 A. M. Ltpman, Wolfs A Company. TTTR OLDS, WOTtTMAN A KING STORE requires the service of an experienced opera tor for beauty parlors. Must understand Mar eell waving. Apply superintendent's office 9:15 to it) oo a. m. TTIS! OtXS. WORTMAN KTNO STORE requires the service of , first-clM silk saleswoman. ' Beet of references required. Ap ply superintendent office 9:15 to lu:30 a. m. WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS TO SEW BAGS MUST BE USED TO WORKING PIECE WORK. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NEVILI.E BAG CO., 15TH AND HOYT STS. TAKE N AND S. PORTLAND ST. CAR. ' SHINGLING. Good work, not speed, our motto. Phone Tabor ;730. SHINGLES, from $2 to l aoor Mt. $3 delivered. Call CARPENTER and builder, jobbing, built-in estimate on new work. Aut 620-ni. PHONE EAST 605 good references. Stenographer needs work FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8TS ' Attractive rooms and suites at nuouhU nl. or wees: or monuu HOTEL OCKLEY Momscn t 10th. $1 a dav! weekl ts aH q: iree pnone anq pain; ngnt arm airy. HOTEL FRA.VELtN Washington at 13th. Rate b the . k ts and np; hot and cold running water: hot water nesting em; too ana (Bower bath. Hotel Mediord lzv L.bL2r Two block of Depot. TS and nn. $4 week op. Hot, cold waU each room. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland'a hizh-elasa down-low nent botes. W give yon the omforts of bomet Am erics a and European plan. Rates reesorable. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, with good table board, 333 10th st corner of Market, Main 6381. LIGHT, kiry rooms, home cooKing, served farmer style; one large room to be shared by two men, separata beds, $9 pet week. . Phone, 85 10th at, BOARD AND ROOM for 2 workingmen or man . and wife, or win rent roan to soil Please phone Auto. 63S-54. WANTED School teacher to board and room: 1 Mock fr o Conrh school. - Main 61 2. W ILL give mother's rare to two giria under 6 yeers of n. WrBn. 4 464. MARTHA WASHINGTON 80 Tenth St.. ho . tel for bnsineal gtrH at moderate rate. RECTOR HOTEL B North Broadway, new and modern. Tale locks on door. $1 a day up. $5 per week na. PriT.te bath. EUCLID HOTEL 673 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private .hatha; rata to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2682. . MOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th it j near Morrison. Clean, modern rooms by day, wVek or month; reaeonable rates. TAIT HOTEL All outside rooms, oet $1 day bote! in the city: room $4 to $7, and with bath $8 to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; auto matic elevator. 12th and Stark. TRY ENON HOTEL for reduced rates; 75e and up; not ana cola water in room ; rate to permanent guests: transient trad solicited, 107 4th St.. Main 7158. I HAVE beautiful large front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, in a lovely restricted dis trict, walking distance, also Lne car aervK. cast oats. Maxwell Hall iW?U v Furnished deeping rooms, bath, hot and cow water; $4 00 week and up. NEWHALL HOTEL " 402 E. Wash. St. aor. Grand av. Modern; outside sleeTi ing roo ms. ROOMS AND BOARD ' PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ATTENTION T EACUERS . Ha v plai tor noea and board in rjnvabs family lor X or a teacher, wmlkine distaneo from M. V. School. Hawthorne, Burkmia and Kern school; msy he reached by car without transfer. Tabor 2033. WAN TED To board children from 5 year up have plenty of fresh milk and eggs; modern country home; good school: firt-clave refer ences, Mrs. Mary Ana McMillan. G re ham. Or.. Route A. A HOME for young men: ail modern conven iences, home cooking, home privilegev large living room, piano, fireplace, walking distance; come and see. Main 2583. 283 14th St.. comer Jefferson, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED RlHMS FOH RENT 304 Nicely fo Khed sfnzle. 1 or 3 mom h- k. rooma. at 40 M. lth at roc. Cpamtr. Rat- by the month. $S and up; free trirphoMh bath and pool table. Call Bdwy. 1546. CHEAPEST BOOMS TN TOW ' Kir bousieetring and alrecin : vlean and nosMiik. walking distanco; $2.50 and np. 293 4 Union av., 1 block sooth of llawthome. $3 WEEK UP. completely furnished house keeping suites; absolutely dean; every, con venience; hot water all noun; right downtown; save oarfam Motel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. FURNISHED aieeping rooms. ht doa town. $2.50 per week and np. Good ac eotnmedationa, Every thing spie and span. 387 Yamhill St.. near Went Park. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or double: ass, waging dist ca. free lights, bath and rhone. reaoonabl rank $48 H Morrison t Broadway 1644. SINGLE and double furnioeu houvrkeejing rooms at vour nrire within reason; sinks. wash bowls, hot water, gas ranges, ete, 163 First St.. cor. Morrison. or drug etc re. $7 PER MONTH, a b'ment turnished IL K. room: steam neat, electric liirlits. laundry, not and cold water. Ire phone. 4uu taacouvcr ave. near pqwy. $16 PER MONTH. 2 lane front furnished H K. rooms; steam heat, laundry, hot and cold water, electric lights, ire phone. 4 OS Vancouver ave, near Broadway. TWO very nine furnL-hed housekeeping rooms, on second floor, $20 per month, water, liciita and phone furnished; good iucauon; adults only. 39 ancver ave. PLEASANT front room. Urge light closet. 2 beds, bath, furnace, h a comforta. walking distance; good car service; 3 meal. 43(1 ri. Ann. East S445. WILL care for children, good noma, 2 block from achooL Aut. 643-09. and board, close to Shaver school: home privi lege, walking diAtaoc to town; board reason able. 15.1 f Union st. WANTED Two young ladies for room NICELY famished room, with board, in good home, for 2 ladies employed days; good liome cooking; $34 per month. Phone Auto. 627-18. 5817 41st ave. . E. -ROOM and 2 nieaU in p'.easaut home for 2 or more gentlemen. Home privilege, close in on rarlina. Convenient to medical college. Main 7023. EMPRESS HOTEL Suite or single rooms, nicely furnished, at attractive ra tea to permanent guests. Right tn the center of the city, 6th and Stark. BOARD and room, suitable tor 2 students, in private family; near Washington high and Polytechnic school. Call at 15 15th St. N., Mrs. M. E. Simpson. VERY nicely furnished room in steam heated apt., close in, walking distance; references. Main 8203. - TWO room. 1 .with sleeping porch, twin beds. running waterl excellent meals. block trout car: garage next b!ock. Phone Bdwy. 4633. THE BARTON. 455 ALDER ST. Clean furnished rooms $2.50 per week and up. Also lignt housekeeping. IF YOU want a pin to rest and recuperate in clean borne with good board, cheerful at- moT'here, call Tabor 61 ,. DESIRABLE fumi-hed room in hiah class apt. for woman. Call Bdwy. 8610 attert 6 :30. ONE single and one double front room, H block from Multnomah club. Main 0589. Z3a Taylor. HIGH CLASS furnihed rooms for one or couple; reasonable. 707 Flanders. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY WILL GIVE RiOM AND GOOD BOARD TO CHILD UNDER SCHOOL AGE IN PRIVATE HOME. TABOR 7476. 1CELY furnished rooms, excellent board; borne 301 privileges; wslking distance; as week. Hnlsey, near Union ave. ' LARGE, clean, well famished rooms; H block from Sunnysida or Mt Tabor car. 170 E. 33d &. BEAUTIFUL a team heated rooms, 2 nieai nd home privilege. $8 per week. 669 lommer- cial. Aftt. 812-96, BEAUTIFULLY furnL-hed 'room In fireproof apartment house, with private dressing room, bath and phone, steam heat; 1 block from Cen tral library; mut be seen to be" appreciated; $20 per month: gentlemn only. Main 4655. LADY having large, handsomely furnished home. all modern conveniences, would Uka two peopi to room end board. Wdln. 8031. BOARD and room for a girl 9 yea and ovr and ptana leaeon; good noma, near acbooi. Tabor 6722. FURNISHED rucrns to gentlemen, private home, bath and phone: east side: 2 car lines and walking distance. East 2102 or 810 Holladay ave. WANTED School girl to room aad board, near good high and grammar school. JU per month. Columbia 1426. TWO large light rooms, pleasant place, home privileges, board if desired: each suitable mar ried couple or 2 ladies, close in. 498 . loth. Seliwood 3278. ROOM. ATTRACTIVE HOMK. REFINED FAM ILY, WEST SIDE. MAIN 3969. EXCAVATING, grading contract. Marshall 423, after 6 p. m. EXPERIENCED duok lake watchman want place. 10O1 Michigan ave. Mississippi car. CEMENT foundationa; houses raxed; cement work of all kind; reasonaMe. hast 219 u CARPENTER. firt-clais finisher, wishes work. Phone Woodlswn 3761. CEMENT work; ell ku Beliwood 919. run das only PAINTING and kalsomining.msterial and Work msTKhtp rttsra n'evd. gelL 1027. SU1NGLERS When you need resliingling dons. call MsrShall 1072. GARAGE3 built, $87.50 ana up; gang door $12.50 and np. Ant. 317-27. MAN with 1 ton Republic truck want hauling by hour or contract. Tabor 3237. PAPERHANGXNG, painting and tinting, wood 3063. Sell- PLASTERING, brick, cement won, repairing and remodeling. Ant. 311-73. WOULI like job in restaurant a di-h washer or flunky. JacoB EPJler. 210 Yamhill at. BASEMENTS. GRADING. GEVLi EAMING ; contract or day work, auu S22-35, after 6. " KLKC1UIC1AN4' MAtji" 7223 We speciahe in electrically wiring your home. SHINGLING contractors. It us shingl your roof. J. T. Pitaer. SelL 240S. CARTENTER nd contractor. Jobbtns. snything LARGE, cozy front room, suitable for man and wife or two men. convenient for school teachers, cloee to 2 schools with or without board, jnC.3. home. 414 Market st. cor. 11th. CLEANj quiet room, moaern, reasonable; good residence district; close in, all conveniences. A real home. 362 Ross St., 2 block Broadway bridge. ' T HO nicely turn, rooms in. private family ; beautiful sleeping porch with dressing-room stesm heat and bath. 7 Lucrsua st. Main 6009. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM J LOVELY HOME FOR LADY WHO WILL APPRE CIATE IT. ALL CONVENIENCES. HAW THORNE DISTRICT. FHONE EA8T 8025. WHY PAY CARFARE? HERE 13 A REAL HOME FOR A BUSINESS WOMAN; WALK ING DISTANCE TO TOWN. CALL MAR SHALL 212. 3 NICELY furnished outside rooms, private en trance: Liitit and nhone furnished: near S. S or Mt. Tabor street car; good location; close in. Kt 8146. 95 Fact 8Utb. ia the building Una phene Eat 866$. IF YO0 want weeds or grass cut phone East 1562. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2S4 WANTEIV For position in Marnhfieid, Or.. saleswoman for ladies' ready-to-wear; one who ran alter garment; state experience and Alary expected in first letter, also give telephone num ber; permanent position to the right party. KX-58. ioornaL WANTED 3 GIRLS NOT OVER 18 YRS. OF AGE FOR OFFBEARERS IN BAG FAC TORY. OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN POWER MACHINE WORK. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NKVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOTT STS. TAKB N. AND S. PORTLAND CAR. GRADUATE of high school teacher training eours ; would like out of town posloon. C- 241, Journal. ENGLISHWOMAN wanta day deaaing; Laurel- hnrst preferred. Call Sunday er Msnday. Tabor 2727. MIDDLE AGED lady will care for children afternoons and avenrngs while mother ia ab sent: bet references. Tsbor 1530. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to keep house for respectabia man. no objection, to 1 cd. On Wdln. 1"09. EXPKRTENCrTn chocolate Hppe r wanted. Arply Lang A Co. candy .factory. 9 N. First, near Barnside. WIXJ. manaire rooming house for living room. Seliwood 3676. . LEARN TELEGRAPHY hallway Telegraph l--' stitute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night . MEN. women, learn. barber trade; wage while learning. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madi ' arm st - kOCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former asst. vat supt.. Mgr., N-W. Bank bid. Aut 512-13. Z - EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL L Miss RefiBa Bucket's prive school; individual frwtroction. 122 H Grand ave. 427 WANTED, at once, -Iwa men to learn vulcanis ing and retreading 432 Hwthorn. WELL EDUCATED lady gives EngJ&h lessons "to foreignerr Broad y 22fl4. HELP "WANTED MALE 201 WANTED Experienced slsdy solicitor to take orders from Portland 'residences; nothing to sell; no sample to carry; good permanent posi tion with good pay. Call in person between 2 and 4 p. m. at 428 Northwestern Bank bldg. M. Griyr. WANTED Neat, responsible girl wishing per manent place in good home for general house work; most be good, plain cook; wage $43; rf f-rw TVired. Main 6045. YOUNG lady to do private detective work be able to work nights and to leave city if necessary. A good place for one who can seep meir wits aoont them. w-733. journal. WANTED A live, enereetic. can, unlimited 0 , possibilities for right man; must have wida - acquaintance in Portland; phone after 8 a. m, - Monday for appointment Randdai West. Hotel -Hyt. : , SALESI 1Y in each town in Oregon to hsn Ota Dr. Bush a psychological publications : also a few for city work. E. C Dana. Broadway nnLei. rnon Hdwy. z. RAILWAY mail essroioatioo Sept. 17. Start $133- month. Expenses paid.- Speeimea questions free. - Coldmb latitn.te. Colum bos, Ohio. iVANTKl i Man viith team or auto to sell our products direct to consumer; also men and women for city work. Mccpnnon Co.. Wmon, Mirin. cChnn eipe WANTED at one several etpenenced floor lay ers, scrapers and finishers; only practical floor men need reply: steady work. Oak Leaf Hardwood Floor fo.. 231 E. 76th rt. N. Tabor 624H. 8-HOUR DAY, 44-HOUR WEEK PLASTERERS $10 2ft CARPENTERS 8.33 804 ARTISAN BI.PO. WANTED Plumbers and plasterer to give estimate on new house. After a p. m, ere P'ngs- io5 e. .acta ,. HAVE 3000 cord wood. Want partner with tooia or aell Mompagei near track. 308 Sal mon at Msirhall 428. J EARN $& day gathering ferns, barka, roots and herba from the fields and roadside; we teach K yon : free book. Botanical. 10 W. Haven. Conn. V WANTED Foreman for newly formed furni ture- company; give compteta history; good tu , tare. -G-722. Journal. WANTED A young man to work Jew hours for board and room murnicg or evening. Tf. 21st st. 510 ' WANTED To learn complete line of candy making. Willing to work er pay for fastrue- 11 on. - Wood lawn av-. - - WANTED Platan Vre a feeder; also boy to learn printing . business. Smith. Printers. II N. 6th St. . - CARPENTER to build partition and hang, doors. ; i Call a. m. or after 5:30 p. m. 431 East A-li. WANTED At once, man to learn vulcanising ana retreading 432 Mawuiorne. WANTED Cabinet and carpenter work in eX- . V , . j , . T 1 WANTED Man to piaster house. C H. Baker, t8 W Presrott st. . labor on CARPENTER wanted to contract rtonm. CslI st 327 Henry hid. WANTED Man to dig cespoc4. Phono Mar aa 2433 befor Vi clack Monday. COMPETENT middle aged woman for r-neral housework in the country; must be good plain cook; good wages. Addresa Rt. 1,' Box 93, WANTED Elderly woman for housekeeper on small chicken ranch. Must understand care of chickens and cow. Call or writ D. tteuKom, Winer, or. WANTED High school girl in family of 3 adults 3iu per ni&nth. 487 E. Pin St. WllHlWEH, 2 smali children, wants houcekeeiP er: small house- modem emtveniene a,t- qress i lerk -86. P. O. Salem. Or. ILL GIE steady girl or woman good home ana some wse-es to anon witn ernld and light nomn. itnii k. lTtn st. N.. Ain ta car. ANY GIRL in need of a fnend. apply to the oaivsnon Army Kescvia Home, Mayfair and .41 nder f. Phone Main 3450 D-M car. SCHOOLGIRL to assist with hoiuework, iany of 2. for room and board: home. U-73. JonmaL good Protestant ELDER LY lady with reference to keen house f ;wr nut giris m scnooi; small wag. call otjT k. zmn st. n. GIRL may - pay for music course doing sewing or launarr. stain svie FEMALfi help wanted on pears. Starr Fruit s-nxracts. a i r.. laraniu. WANTED Six siris. Raleilh b'dr. Apply Monday. 403 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 ARE yon out of a job! Would ten be wOline to try out on a commission bsxis with a reli able concent wrier th chance of steady employ ment la good if y can make good? This is open to men and women. Experience not neces sary, but honesty, appearance and hnstla eery necessary. Call room 08 Artisan bldgg. Sea nr. Maoson. WANTED Solicitor, men or women, 4 for r-oruaoa. I lor uregon Wty. 1 tor Th Dalles, 2 for Astoria; pleasant, profitable and perma nent employment for people that will work. Write tor Twrt eihr. Ph e or oaM aft S n m. Harry B. Foumier, 223 W. Park st,. phone WANTED Hop pickers, $1.60 for 100 pounds oi gen uops; tun oepv. x. red. jtaat aajeiB, vr. - NICELY fuxuisbed room lor one or two gentle men, $15 per mo, or $16 for two; us of telephone and bath. 610 54th. ROOM4 FOR' RENT Large front room: walking d ju nrse, 346 Col- lege st. near Broadway. LARGE, light, modern room, suitable for two or three. Private family. Wast Side. Very close in. Mar. 1596. NICE, clean sleeping room, comfortable bed. phone and bath; rent $14 mo. Mar. 1377 8S1 Msdison near Broadway. FURNISHED room for two men: board if de sired; use of garage. Broadway 4213. 651 Savier ft FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two walking distance, west side. Mar. 2639. 190 .own "dale. EXCEPTIONALLY wed furnished, clean, light sleeping and H. rooms. Vary low in price. 6i3 H Oilman NOB HILL room, privet entrance, in refined bom. 84 N. 2 1st su corner of nirarett walking clHanoe, EXPERIENCED telephone operator wanta pos- ti in otfio or bank. Best reierences. T-956, Journal. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUlSETTli CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES. DONE UP L SEW. WILL CALU EAST 8519. RELIABLE mhldleaced lady wishes occasional ly to take care of children, or other work, eve nings and Sundays. U-634. JonrnaL IRONING or small bundle waAhings. by ct.lored sundry; east side preferred. Phone Wdln. 60. WOMAN wants day or hour work wash, iron or clean; civ pnone rmmher. W-732, Journal GRADUATE pianist will teach at your home; lessons $1 an hottr. MENDING for gentlemen. 2.182. mornings. Main 4 50V Puoa Woodlawn YOUNG woman wisliea work by th hour. Woodlswn 2S18. NEAT, raliabia woman wants day work ironing: washing preferred. Main 857. WOMAN wants work hv hour. Tuesday and Thursday. Call Mrs. Siscel. Woodiawn 8357. MIDDLE AGED lady want housekeeping gentlemea pro; erred. li-iM, journal. tot LACB CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. YEARS' EXPERIENCE,, tg.r 61. 12 COIXiRED girl wants work by day. Mar. 3419. WOMAN want day work. Main 649. DRESSMAKING 256 MRS. OBK, 308 I'anami bidg. ; hemstitch iZg mint and ew rton. all colors.- ec a tb . wmie yno wait, and pleating all kinds, 3rd and; Aider street. ' DYEING, cleanuia, pressing, dre&i-mskina, re modeling, mining. aitrrations, pieauna. ' ' sonable pricea. Th Cabinet Dressmaking l-ar- r. 24 M- i"n. ner lltti- aiam icjj. RFI STITCHING 1 Tare heenatitehrna fre with each ordcf over 00c. 209 Ailnlty Dtulg., o ana jsomn. 1ST CLASS dressmaker: would gn out by day $3.50 per day. Woodlawp 2774. LADIES' tailoring: alterations; costs reluied. Mrs. Mucker. 446 Morrison. Bread y 2319. NURSES PRIVATE maternity home. Poor Est 11. - " 257 graduate nurse. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 S NICELY furniehed room for rent, for young wanv: teacher preferred; walking distance. Main 544. - 1 ftLEEPKn PORCH 2 l-roorn apartrnent nth porch. 653 TTashe rnrton at. o cnuaren. - CLEAN, pirsjant furnbhed room, walking dis tance. 1 block 2 earline. outside entrance, $3 week. 326 E. 1st st. N. feast saoa. LARiR. well furnished front rooms. 2 beds desired: modern convenience. 69 K. 20th, near Washington at. FOR RENT nicely furnished room. 1 block from Union ave. 4244 TUiamon; ex. PLEASAN T front room for rent, niolern, ix distance. 381 to 6'A g$ aide. LAltGE inclosed sleeping porch with room adjoining; walking distanc. Also single room. AL 2 16-8 J. DESIRABLE room in refined horns, walking t- tanoe: 360 H Park. aor. aim; awry conven ience. Marshall 815. FUKNiSHED room for rent, west side. 10 mm- utes' walk to heart of city: bath: will rent reasonable 464 H 6th st. LARGE front room, 3 windows, light, el walking distance. East 4962. PLEASANT front sleeping' room, furnished nice, three rindpw. 312 per month gentleman. 451 10th St. S. for one quiet ROOM for aingi man. with breakfast and laun dry; new, near Hawthorn car; reierences. 66H K. 24th st. NICE 2 room farnlihed faint bousekee:iug. new ly kalsomined: electria linbts. baxh fnclulcd, rent reduced ; good place for laundry ; alkiug dis- tance wr side. 54 5 H First. SINOLE furnisned bxiusckeernsr roimi: nice quiet place gentlemen pref erred ; $2.50 week and np: lights and bath included; waiking distance. 215 Mill. cor. r irst. FURNISHED basement housekeeping room bachelor, C2.5ii per week; free gas. lights and bath. Furnished 2 rooms and kitchenette housekeeping. $8 per week. At 186 14th st. 8 3 LARGE hoiiMkeeping roouia, 3,2.50 per month; suitable for Franklin high school giria or teacher. On block to car. Phone .Tatior 7396. IT 2 and 3 Moms well furnished Lir house keeping: 1 block to car. near F.manoel btjspital. 683 Commercial. LARGE, well furnished auntie iiouJekeeping rooms with kitchenett . fiom $3.50 to $6.23 per week. 434 Yamhill ft. 363 NICELY furnished room with good board for man and wife or 2 man, walking diatanc. 3d and Lovejoy. Main 4121. ROOM with or witiwut board in modern borne. 935 Saner at. near Montgomery-Ward. Main 417. ONE laive front room with kitchenette, fur nished. near DM car; rent reaobi 21st st. Nortli. FURNISHED h. k. , room-. lo In. electric lights. 1 large front room, per wee and up. 326 1st, between Ciay and Market st. TWO furni-died a. k. ruvuu. light, clean ani airy, on lower floor, nice yard. 427 N. Slit St.. corner Vsughn ft. Bdwy. 5561. O iumiUied rucms for housekeeping, very . c learn and homelike, $7 50 per week, includes everything. 4C8 10th st. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Classy 4-Rm. Furnished Apartments $50 to $65 Per Month ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. EQCI PPFD FO TWO TO Fors PF.RJtOSS. B EACTIFCLLT fnmiahed. Nona better ia all Portland. First daaa janitor service guar teed. e atreat car are to pay. ri r. COLUMBIA,- lift tllUHHlA. -RtKi Kt RXisnv.ri APARTMENT $75 West kid, walkrae- datane. all eaxt- aU rooaa, front porch, aleeping porch. 3 bed rooms; pienry or neat aad M water in-aiaoea; steady tenant; adrute: no phono taforvnation. i ll v.(if K . KTis a r.- i n A i-r.. FLATS FURNISHED 309 MU.-1C fa-acoer wU give essmsn r of piana and room, reasonable: home privilege; oe- sirsble. 360 U l-rk. Ma n3ol8. FWH RENT t'lioiee 3 room flat; baitement, fnrnace. lanndi . all nrivau: molern: no rar- far. Two people oniv. 441 East Couch at., cor. Tth. TeL Fst 131$. - 2 ROOMS. bou-ekevDma: neat, light, pbona. hot wa'er. lannfirr: e tthing new. anoaera: use of living room rd piano; Stable for t fentle- men or laaiee employed; walking taaa; seas I15 SS Phone 1 252. THE l'HKMklki" APTi. 209 lfith- Ne.r Toior. Mar. 12.' Nice fnrn. or unfiirn. A room arts, for re dent or transient and tourist: no obiectiaal to children; walking dietas . THE JEFFERY 2 room furnished aoartments. 1 1 6. Ruwll and Krrby fJ East 1594. Corner The Alta Nice 3 roor apt. with bath, light aad water. u. ?i t.. Ash. 1-3 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. Dh-ne. fciht, ate. lurnunea. 130 aveLy st.. Fnlwa rar: aise - d coLeg to not garage, bungalow Mar-haT! 12i4. THE LILLIAN APTS. 2 and 3 room, lame and airy, etc in, w side, modern. 881 Sixth c Main 1378. Cariois Apartments 2-roora furnished modern apartmeej, reaaoa- anie. itn ana staraet at. - Katherine Apartments 149 N. 23d. 3 room apartment, $42.30 and opi wfflir, with nice sntchen. Marshall Z99. SA- MARCO, E. BTH AND COUCH THREE ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 1990. IT IH! E3 CPiCWHAil m 3 ta MAS, LjiJUMIlVUiU Cor. Market 2 and 3 room furnihd apt : modern cwi .-em- err-; private biths; $25 to $36 per month. . Leeds Apartment Fireproof building, modern 2, 8, 4 room apartments, also sleeping room Mar. 359 1 FOR RENT 2 Urge furniJurd h. 41 S E. Pine. East 8364. room. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms tor light housekeep ing, at 110 E. 14th at,, opposite Washing ton hieh school. THREE large rooms wi:h pantry. doiuiir, bath half of basement, yard. 610 E. Ah st. $25 ALL IIWER floor, 5 rooms and batu. water and lights. 4 76 Vancouver ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 THE JEFFERSONIAN. 16th and Jefferson. 3 room suites, large 1 gat pleasant room. usual eonveniencea. Laundry aad storage; reas onable rsfes. FOR RENT FLATS UffFTJRNISHLT) 310- HoLIAliAY addiUm 3 and 4-rcqea f1au cms lore, rmt-wster netet: $23 and 330. Sol K. 2d st. N , cor. Multnomah, 8 ROOM ksvr flat, bath sd electric iKiita, ga-. rag and wort-iux.. j-at cloaneU. 82, J .4 Knott t. MiasWppi car. ROOM mode lUt. Dutch kitchen, built ia buffet, large porcu. only SI 8. 728 Missouri. near Fremont. Take MiaaiiLl eat. EKY auraitiv 5 room fiat, walking d.-Uoce; clean- Must b asesi to K nr rUt-d: adults. . Et S323. TO KtN 1 rf-ruon: lowers. fl.r. new builduig. garage if wanted: walking rii&n.- .ut Ki.le. ph a chmHta 1 -ROOM mjden fiat for rtat. fumitur tor sai. mi) i i it . Pt-t. niTT. and a-.h. -KO!M flat wiih bath and :ctne hahta. l5ft. 707 H CoTim.-r-nl .t. 4 RtMiM unJura ed flat for rent. reel. 370 14th RXiM Hat. comer Skidmor and Minnesota, $40. Tabor 1503. ROOM Hat. furnace. walking dVtance. taa. west Mar. 12S9. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 MEIER rxANK'S 1 INFORM ATTOW ANr RBJiTAL BLREAt Reliable, np to date cats of dealrabl vacant. bouses, apcrtmentat an flats, with delinM infar ataoon pertainmg t each Newcomer to Portland will find this bifeM of great value ia beting the get properly aad quickly located. - EIGHTH FLOOR . THE GROVER . 181 G rover t.. nicely tarnished 1 and 2 room htm e woping apartment. low rt . Main 905a. . THE STAIN FIELD Clean, outide 2 -room apt.: light, heat, phone; $20 and 322 60. Main 7892. THE ALTA 8 room famished apartment with bath $30; light, water .'.i-iae. 82 E. Ash. PIAN"6s moved $3: auu extra. (1 each flight; '$0 days free nonce on all bonehold goods; fumitpr moving, 1 an truck, $2 per hour: large truck $2. 73 per boar; w r aiperienoed and hav good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer A Storsg Co. 104 K. tU st, Open Sunday nd evenings. IVAVS'K Si' Nr.R RlNti S-ROOM CNFURNISHEIi APARTMKNT $70 All large, ouhude room with beat of snrroundinga and walking distance of Fifth and Washington: adults; no pbnne information. SMITH WAGONER X.. ST'K'K KXOHANGB. GOOD, modern 7 no. house, just vacated. 4012. E. 47th at. S. E., near public and Catholic school. Dutch kitchen, buffet, full bament. wood rtrc wastt tray, etc. Tabor 3224 or Main 6091. . NINE large pleasant rooms at 333 12th sc. cor. Market, cement basement, lurhacw aad fireplace, walking distance, no housekeeping rooms; vacant Sept. 1; rcfereuce. Call East Br,n?t fer 9 a. m. Monday or Tndsv. BeJHngham Apartments 421 H E. Mo son st. 1 and 2 rootn fuite. H. K. rooms. feasonaMe. Katherine Apartments 149 N. 23d 3 room anartmenta, roomy, with nice kitchen. Marshall 2996. FTJRXISHED housekeeping room, suitable married or single; rent reasonable. 693 Johnson. PLEASANT room for on or two; home privi leges. Use of piano. 356 kt 3 0th. near Hawthorne. Tabor 8328. HOME for agsd people, convalescents and aemT invalids. special attention to nursing and dirt. Phone East 2648. GOOD widow a home and real one child. Call Kat 166. aothar' oar for CHILDREN will be well eared for in suburban residence of responsible party. Ant. 630-25, WliiL ear for children in my home; Chriiin Science- ohildT pre'rrred. Woodlawn 1180. East 4126. ROOM and board for 2, $36 each. 636 K. Couch. WILL board girl 8 year or over in Rose City i-srk com, isrvor oiu. imt Stanton yt. ROOM and board, sihgl or double, hot water. walking distance. Alain 9323. Looms' for 3 or 4 gentlemen; board if desired LETTER than ordinary. Housekeeping and single sleeping rooms, newly renovated and fnrni-lied. furnace beat and large bath, waljuug aiMAnoe. mees reasonable. 041 YsinliilL LOVELY blue-white room, nuui nl no objection ttT child), or t o vomtn; hoe kevpff pn fUetp or board; ptano. mcxlei- con wmmm. 1024 llolnt. H-lt 1112. ONE single bouaekeejMnjf room, nicely furniaiird, modrrn home ; Include? hsht, wter. a unit um of phone; 1 block from. 2 car line. 4hh Kfdney Kt 7S4 TWO rtm housekeeping apu, furnufj or un furnished: both MitAide room Call aftr 5 p. m. ICHVi Graad ave. Only re;ecUbi DUNDEE APTS. Housekeeping rooms, $2 end $3 a week 850 S Hiwhnm sve. Eaet f2B. 2 ROOM housekeeping apt., both outside room. Heat, phone, ga and elect, light. 130 18th t. N. Suitable for wiMltirg p-opk. AUCK COURT APTS. S room apartment, Dutch kitchen and bed room in ivory; fireplace: imitatioa oak floors; lately renovated. East 9566. FINE apt., furnished, heat, light, water, phone. piano, fireplace, .eta. 804 Giisan. bet, 17th and lSth; easy walking distance: 1 blka. froco 3 carllne. ; NICELY lurnldied h. k. room, ki'-chenette. with sink and running wter. free ptione, batb and electric light, west side, walking di-ttance; prefer couple employe I. B 2016. 585 Jobnwin ft. $35. Walking distance. 101 B. 11th. WANTED To car for a giri ol school sg. reasonable. 663 Overton St GOOD oar of little girl over 6 yean, near ach-, a a week. 11)4 hi. lloyt at- EXCEILEN'P care for child over 2 yea, $30 month. 753 Ellis v. WILL board smali girl; 2 school. Woodlawn 2134. bivcke to Vernon GOOD home for school girl: school clne: ree- jonarile. 997 Hswthome. Ant. 231-25. OOM with board. 553 E. Cou:-h. EastAo99. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 VERY good h. k. room, $5 wk. np; also single rooms, $3.50 wk and up. The Mam to u. 261 13th. 3 FURNLSHED h. a. rooms, all modnrn coo- venience included; umisuslly Attractive place. 1000 E. Main. Tsbor 879. l'HE MAPLE 30 N. lTH ST Clean, well furnished IL K. room: hot and eoiq water eacn room. 1 CLEAN 2 -room U. K. aut. in nasement. Lot. cold water, . elect, li.'ht, bath, phone and heat free: walking dist, 62 S W. Morrison st. FURNISHED 11. K. roouia Art renu newly pa pered and painted; clean. Between 14th aad Ve-ta Vrl6th st f8 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING privilege for on or two girl employ ed day. Mod erase not. 806 Park. 1 AND 2 -room housekeeping pts. on main floor: clean and comfortable, with water in ton i, free light, phone and water. 472 Main STKAMHKATKD H. K. rootna, well furnished, close in, west side, clean, reasonable. 649 Washington st. Room B. ONE single h. k. room. $3 pr month; alao" basement rootna, $3 week; light and water aad linen furnished. ls 14 th sr. IN' IRVINGTON 3 IL E, suites, clean and weU furnished, on first floor, very convenient S iitsbl for 8 or 4 r Is. 411 R th N. DOUBLE a-ncl clean furnuhed H. 1 K. also sleeping room, reaaonabla prica; walking dis tance. 42 H Washington St. TWO housekeeping room. $12 month; near store and oar. 4 94 Maenoiia st, Wdln. 4T20. WO very desirabl Lglit nou.iekeepiiig rooms, in nice private bom: phon. heat and lie it fur nished; 15 minntrs from business center; rea- aonable rent. 294 ICth sr.. cor. Columbia. $17 8 furnished rooms, 55 roUai. newly pa pered and painted, teparate entrance gas. bath. yard, walking distance, wet aide. Tabor 1114. 610 First. TWO FLN'E houMksepmg rooms, eer)thifag fur- Bished. fnrn ace heat, rlectnc Lgut, gss for rooking; walking distance; 2 people, no children; Price $33. 441 E. Conrh. cor. 7th. East 1316. FURNISHED 1 or 2 r-Mio apartaient, gas raue. running water, very pleasant, good lo- caUon. Also sleeping poteb with oul en trance. 116 N. 23d. Msin 8610. WKI furnished 2 room apsrtm-nt, bath, dreas itie rrwim el.wet aul mntrr. On first Goor of Irving-tun rraiJence. Mparst antnuioa, East 15211. 44.1 K. 18tb t N. LIST your houe . rata and stores for rent with us. We make a sperisrrv of roliectitig rent. C A. WAGNER CO., 230 trk Bt. Main 8156. 6 ROOM bou. rent $20; new lumitnr for V rent, good borne: aaa rent rooms. Electricity, ga. At 171 17th sr. between Morrison and ViniMIl S-KOOM modern honse. South Portland. 171 ' Meade. $25.60. includ'ng water. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark t. Main $150. 8 ROOM modem rotate, e'ectric light, ga and garage, rent $27.-50. 181 Gibb st. C. A. WAGONER CO.. 230 Stark st. Main 81 50. GOOD 6 room ho'tse. with garage. 131 82nd St., 1 blk. N. of Belmont st, $35 per aio. C. M. DERB Vr. 5245. r 1215 N. W. Bank bMr. FOR RENT room pUu.trod hou-r, gas, light and water, wood hou-e which may be ned for garage. Bant $13 per tnonth. 705 E, Slat St. N. IN KENTON, strictly first e modem 8-ruom ftirii tied, clean apartment; hot water heat; adni i ly. Wdln. 4 09. 2 CLEAN, we'd furukhed h. k. suite, very een- venient. 3 and 4 rooms each. chooL 412 E. 8th t. N. Irvington Sunnymont Apts. Fimis'-ed pt. tbe 1st of Sept. Tabor 1889. FOUR large. light room ape. $50 mouth, in cluding light, heat, phono aad linen. 846 Co!'"ge Kt. r.T Broadway. Elms Apartments 8 room furnished ait-. walking dit. 191 14th. FURNISHED housekeeping room, very clean a-d airy, witn pnvata enttance. just opposite ttw Stephen school. Rent cheap to reliable tenant, 871 E. 7th st. S. SUITE OF CLEAN. MODERN HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS. CENTRAL WEST SIDE. BROADWAY 6157. TWO h. k. moin-i, modern, free liglit and plione, laundry prUet:e. private hall, near Dnul ecllege. Ft 4 92. 2 FURNlallED roomi for rent for light hixi-e-keeping; alo oc sleeping room. 1171 Min neiKTta a. Wdln. 148. 2 PLEASANT rooms up.taird. 2 bed-i, acrs street from Conch school ; bath, phon, lau- dry. $15 per minth. 636 Glian. 3 1.AKUE, llKiit, cien houveepinc ixei fi,r 2 adults; fin location ; walking distance. 675 T. Main. $16 2 CLEAN, large fur. IL K. rooms, sink, pantry, yard; prlvu entrance, 2 adult. 246 7Jr; In. TWO rooms, fumfurd cocnpUte for IL K. ; walk ing distanc. 11 E. 14Ui N.. between Ankeny and Bnrnide. FURNISHED room for rent in Rose City dv trict. t ail at R. C. barber shop. 1234 Sandy blvd., between 4d and SB a. LlGllt. airy bedrooms. $10 per month and up. Modem, borne pnvueges; nreaktaat, u desired; easy walking distance. Marshall 4304. - $23.50 TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms, in cluding light, phone and gaa. East 1183. 629 Bajraont. between 16th nd 17th. SMALI neatly furnished room., light and clean ; 3 blocks from Marriat4 St. reuonabi. 22S TV V,.V W FOR LENT Furnished L. K. or aleeping rorma. elsan and corafortahla. Bear bosDitala. 770 Hoyt st. near 23d. LARGE furnished bouvkeejing rooms $4 week ' er 1 month. 299 Merrlaoa at. between Front end First. COMFORTABLY furnished room for congenial ntan, waiking distance, olos Moltnomah dub. Msnhsll 3293. SLEEPING RoOiL suitable for one or two working people or atWa 46 Eaa vr- ett st- NICE room in pricate family for 1 or 2 gentle- bl home nrivileaa. very C 44th st. N. Mrs. Nenneeger. 614 FRONT suit and sing rooms, nicely furnUhed; phone, hot and aou water; 6 minute to Meier tc Frank's. S21 12th, comer Play, Msin 4831. $ FRONT rooms fori young men or students. walking distance Benson scnooi or Dental xol- LARGE front aleeping room for 2 gentlemen; would serve 2 meals; daub la ear service; m E. 17th St. Seliwood 3073. LARGE front bath. 290 Graham ave. room. Inquire TO RENT Newly furnished 1112 Woodward ave. FOR RENT Large front room, phon and bath. can 4WI 4tn st. TWO connecting rooms tor rent, suitable fur 2 or 3 gentlemen. 203 11th st. Fiat D. THREJC unfurnished front rooms, including gas range. 44 8 Hail St. BOARD sod room, close in. near earline Broad way 18t8. 657 Flanders st. NICK clean well rurniehed root ia beautlfal home. Easy walking dnanoe. 216 14th. SLEEPING BOOM with prttaia entra ace, N. 22nd. 60 VERY desinhi room tor gentl-raaa ta private fsmily; s per w t ; etc m. Eat 1202. rrPNl-Mirit alrnring rnnai fnf g ailranin 8 4th at, NICELY furnished 387 E. 7th rt. N. LARGE front rooms, clean aad ainse ia. 309 11th at. UlCELY furmehed room for young couple, with kitchen priTi'ee . Call Automat S38-4. ROOM AND BOARD 302 WIDOW want 3 teacher from Woodstock er Arleta school to room and Mara, at aa ef ntraen. ant, ai-s-ai. IF YOU Ilk good tilings to eat. call Broadway . 4633 for room aad board. 2 rooms, twin beda. FOR RENT. 3 nice room upstairs, furnished for light bouarkeeptn-. Adulo. 337 43rd St., South. 2 OR 3 furnished and unfurnished rooms, mod- ern. near Broadway. 8"2 fjst Fin st. DEIliArtLE r ow for 2 .ri. employed; kome NICELY furnished aoaerkeepiag rooms; outside room: clean: running water, free li- 214 ISth st. ONE large IL K. room with saxk aad water; aioe and dean: walking distnno or loth ear t Sherman. 83 week. 605 6th. 2 RMS. Nicely funu-hed; walking distance; reasonabla, Phoae Mar. 1299. 264 Jef ferson. 2 NEWLY PAPERED, spotlessly clean IL room: close in: centra hly located lor all schools. Main T098. 3 WELL furnished bousekeeriirai room for 4 grown naoDla. ana block to car. Phaaa Tabor T396. LARGE clean luniUhed houMekeidiig rooms. eiose ia a east aide: E. - 10th st. 1 Mock from aar. 20 2 SMALL housekeeping rooms cheap; 'Walking distance. 449 E. YngnVU. Pbrme Eat 8115. LARGE unfurnished h. k. rwoma, $1.00 per week. 1694 Front at, TWO roaia H. K. act., also amgle H. K. ph m, gas; reasonable. TT 193 wewller C 2 AND 3 I m IL K. pts.-fur tent, very rea- aonabl. 192 4 E. uurnania and tirana ave. ONE furnished EL K. room. Wdln. C882I 542 Killinsswerth. SICE CLEAN IL K. ROOM3. MOST CEN TRALLY LOCATED. 291 H MORRISOX. NICE. Urge 2 room uit lor rent. $2.30 and S3. 489H Belmont st. East i33. TWO ntoucrn furnubed bouse sesibg ronms. right ia o a, asw ata t H. K. BXOa, fumi 4. incL . U-W "EC bath. $18 per mot 426 Btay t. 827 6TH ST. Weil furhad asadera, 1 a, k. MraaU !. ONE er 2 nicely furnished rooaia. walking di tanee, boo keeping pnvil-ge. 464 "w 6th. VERY peasant h. k. room with aU coriveriienees. Rent resonbll Nice lor inon. 807 Market. FURNISHED large aing'ie-h. k. room; hot and raid water.'- Bdwy. i'069. 194 N. 17th. 1 LARGE front faom and kitchen, wail fur- nished and clean. 887 Taylor. SUITE of h, k. ro aa for reat. East 2356, ' . 211. TWO iarj forouhed booaekeepinc rooms, $34 HS t - - 429 "MAIN eanomnia huuj eepm raoaa. PLEASANT iuruiJi.d h. k. room. uiir..i f-r Mdy or armierasn; everything furnished; 83 60 r wek. 807 Msrtet -t. TWO frost room, iriiate er.trjnc; ue batb room. 1 sirring room for two. 1 house tnog room B52 Jlorriwin of t. afteTTlOCllS. FURNISHED 2 and 3 roum tparunenta: alo one unfurauhed 3 rocra apartmant. 167 9 M E Glian st Tabor 7023. ff!E "Lillian4 APAhfMESts 2 and 8 rootna. larr and airy, close tn. treat side, modern. 31 6th st. Main 1376. ' lilllil grade furniture tor sale, compiet rooms; apt. n be r ited if d i d. Apt. 24 Morton apt, itwt be seen to aprwc lata, 8 1;U)U furnished apt., modern; water, light. bath and us of lanndry. S08 Crosby. 2 bWh from est end Be dway bridge. 3 ROOM t m bested front apartment with 2 bed. $32 month; also a 2 room apartment f 25. By mrwith or w . 402 4 8d. 7-aUoM str.itly muueta hou.e. wiUi aieeplng porch and (sngt, 'Bcsunont, $6.1 per month; give year lease. Rummell It Kununsll. 274 Sark st. - - FOR RENT 3 room nonse, gas, ek trie, gas rsnre, heating store Pr.ra $20. Inquire 264 E . 79th N. lake MV car to 79th, walk 3 blocks north. 161 93d at. X. near Gliiaa water, gaa; rent $17.5u; 3 blocks east M-V depot car. See owner at 233 k 'Grand are 3 A dul's peefeerod. 4 room bou.. of ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 13 lr' Storag Free. fwt lirnie nv d f V i. Broadway 5446. WHEN moving, city or country, get Ui b' -at lowest price. Green Trans. Ca, Uaia - 1261. 202 H Alder st iA A MOliniiN 7 room nous, witn gar-, t atricted district. 634 Overlook blvd.. $30. Key croi the street. MODERN seven room L.Kibe, just new, j unuedT brge. yard, ws ter naidv $30 month. 193 E 74th at. N. M-V car. " COTTAGE for rent at Wood row ',u. 6 mile from city, $26 per month; e-tr watar; neither gas r el tricity. 'sll Thr 3S59. PLEASANT 3 rooms apartment, clean and com fortable, with bora like atmor phere. eloa to car! m-. 4218 4 2d sve. 8 K XH'K. clean furnished apt, and seep-n r-wats; free light, water and phon.. 543 Wash ington. 2 ROOMS Urg airy, lkrht, pieaxattj newly fitted. Call at noon or after 6. 634 Morrison. 8 RfMiMS, fumirhed. for rnt; no children. 821 Thnrman. Mar. 8666. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American Apts. 8 room modern spsrUneat. 21t and Jonn n. B rosdwsy 83C 0 STEVENS apt.. Northrop, near 24th; 6 Urge sunny ouvid room, front, back and sleeping porches; heat. Water, yard. Ptwae Msin 9.158. privilege. 360S Iark. Main 3018. 2 LARGE, light h. k. rooms ; electric light, ha'h. 805 4 t FRONT h. k. with kib-heoette, newly pepered. tnve Jiet. FURNISHED 180 17th sL, cor. Yamhill housekeeping 821 6th APARTMENTS FURNISHED .307 TUS DAYTON roota tur. Da meat apt. Only $20 mo., and light iauilor work. Bdwy 8134. UAWTHOKNE AITS., 2 and 3-roora furarhed apt., private bath, hot end eoid water. 365 Irt sr.. bet. Line-in and Grant, we-1 side. MA BELLE APTS. 414 Jaffenoa t 11th rt.. 2 and 6 iooa-tur. apt,, modern; rent r ina- bie. HIS LOP HALL, 410 H Hawthorne '-. furnished Phone East 882. apartment, $33 and 1 np. ONE" 4 -room unfurrixhed aisirtment; hot-water heat; rent $4 3. Washington High, 14tb and r.-t Stork. T41E WASSLL. E. 13TH AND TAMHILL Unfurnished 4 room apt. adults. nw manage ment, walking dis'ance. Phocr East 3232. IS MINUTES' walk to Murrison. 822. 5 room partly furnished or unfurnished house, 746 4 -a st. Take N-S car to Honker. FOR HALE or lea fur 3 year. Irvlngtou H roos modern bom. Dan K rile her.. 480 Belmont st. Earn R4S8. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow with garage. 921 K. Frmnklm. Cll ft 6. $16 ATTRAOriVK ouuage. gaa, ateotnc; no hoys. 1192 R. Salmon. &-ROOM house . d.e in. rent, $ f. jrrono, 22 Menry Wdr. Wuuur 4-MA.IOM bouse WaiUarrM i t. car line, (16.&0. 8U7 6-ROOM hoe. 2 hU, $16. Phor.e f.46-26. 9133 Fovter rd." NEW 6 room bungalow, Ryan. Oregon Electric and 86th Mar. 8760 pyrnlngs. FOR RENT S room modern house; adalta pre- leered. CU Col. 694 or 414 Brivl tt. WK move furniture tn 8-4 - bocm boa tor ' 310. For furth inforn tinn. Mala 4290. fC'ALK.UsG distance. East aide, eialit ruema, lik desirable district. $20 t room k papering. no Mam 4531 834 Hal y. Su Johca, fur $15 aad 8 ROOM bows oa Marquam hi:j s04 11th st. Mar. 4497. 8 ROOM bouM. larr enough for two families "or for roomers. Phone E. 7076. FOR RENT 3 room bon-a at Muiuh sa tion. PI one. Main 4T.3 7. - - MOLLH N 6 room bungalow; 1 V acre ground. 1178 Woodward ate.. Richmond. Bdwy. 29J0. PhUCH apsrtmeru. 25tb and Nmxhrup ats. 6-rm mod. front. I ping ireh. hdwd. r -. stesm h t. )tn. r vice: fine view Msf. 1423. KLa ALBfTRt APTC : 1 3 u apt, hardwood . Loom, til bat Main 859. 4-IUMiM Bnfurnjhea spt., Chrtten n' hall. 169 H 11th t-. Main 6017. 2 AND 3 ftwm H. K. sow-. pnvaU reaideae, witi garage. Call Tabor 426. 3 M ba-ement apartment, modern, rloa 526 Flanderv. Inquire .528 Flanders. FLATS FURNISHED 309 IRVINGTON Three large rooms, completely furnished, oa earline, - ground Goor. play r piaao, fireptaoe; 863, include heat, ' phone, water. ligttts; no ch'taren ; nirM for man and wife; employed peopav proferred. East 4384. after 2 p. m ' TWO and 3 room moaern flata. 63 H 80th ex., MoaUvQIa. Suik t, car; ia boaiaaes section. $15 srd $20. witA libt, water, garbage . nn-m f jt. oljone. fueL wtr. Mala is Aduita. C ApC A, lU K. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 MOIl.K. k-t-v irg. 7-r-m hn very d-lrhl neif hborhood ; furnace, fire-' ple. hardwood floors, aU built-in. Marshall 169$. FOR RENT Partly furnished 2-to-xa ' hu ; ha just been papered and pa-ated thr gn ooL 160O Willow at. M. V. car to 60th and 8 bi-ci!ji norrh PDCDMONT 6-room Im wiOi garage, for th - c booi year, near Jefferson high sahool. 660 Per month; firet and lat month in advance. Can after 4 p. m. st 361 K;ilin-w-nh ave. sir room modern boo, near Weaiiingtoa hiah, 1 block ben earline. Piano. furn-; r it fuaVr Dished, or sell turnitar. Adult. 690 Belmont, 10 to 4 today. Kit 'ELY furnished new 8 room boo. : toilet gaa. el trie light. i. M. blacky. 2 1st and -Lake road. Milwsnkie. - - 7 BOOM bo ue - 'furnished, not and cold wa'er, gaa. lighta. 8 bedruuaia. $36; adults. 1UZ Ktarrtoa St.: take Misp ear. I' FOS KENT MODERN 8 room furnished apartment, privat bath, ft asm heat, hot water, ad outaija rosasa Fset 8611. FOR RENT Ni 8 room r smgM aperuneata. Ail cauaide ro , 63.50 per week and up. 4 "OH F, Welmow t St.. eor 9th. F"t 74 52 COM 1XKT A HLE 2 room IL K. apartUMrnt. a-o ainaie room. 11th . N. $12 a aw. and up. 71 liifi ALTA VISTA apartav , corner 16th ard Pettyg k Hrruseaaiing rooms from $2 50 fn g 5. 644 Pt' 'V. 3 AND 4 room- furnifKed and unfurnished. tristly modern; elevator: r table renv TSn N. 20th. Broadway 20T1. THE ALTAMONT APTS., 804 COLLEGE Cool, oozy, modern 8 and 4 room apt.. lea se n b le rent- COlirORTABI.K 8 room apanmaat, 240 E. 16th st. 'Phono-TUft 472. K'irELY'" furnished aiaxuneat. Marshall 2834. T nrr Lu joy. PORTNOMAH 4 ro oa furnished apartment, wtth skceo ing roech: adnrts. 200 T.. 18rhw. GLEN COURT, corner Psrk and Taytov; 2 and 3 tooTtts frrmihed- Mi'ii 1961. FURNISHED Price $29. Ninth t. N CLEAN c-y 4 rooms, bsth. floe view, we-t aide, walking distsnoe. near LTrtoola high; adnite; 44 Hall, near lBtn. Oat. piano. $66 6- ROOM aooru inmisBed 187 1 6th . "-enonri iiv. &-L.'-l flat, furr,-bed; 2 room flat, fural ed? 73 Union av. N. 4 L6oil ftt lurai-Ul, tt6S , Mam 725. 823 Had .. flat C FURNISHED 4 roam Hat, 840 K. 30th. AdiZLv Tahor 8993. SIX rum furni-iied fiat, piano. $53; walk I dirtane. Sunday and eve ningv MawhaH 3293, NICELY furnuhed 6 4a, modern Hat. 230 Alberta, rrnmt JeffeV i high hoot WE1.L furniJted 3 room 1UI ia beaanfal modara home, 2 blocks from er. 1113 E- 16th X. FluiOM furaiahed fist, air yard, near school, ga 229 E. 49Ji C Tsbor 628. FO"RRENT. Modern 8 room low Vr flat, furn- tsaed; dn in. l-t side. 320 Tiilaraook. $4 5. Woodlawn 403 2 . 4 ia:-13. pasiio; nice grounds; 830. Portlnd ilwignt ear nprnig k.. in to riow - eo . 661 rwVer.port, $ ROOMS, leptng no h. near University park tatv . $18. Wdln. 489f or W'n. 735. F1VK rooe lurro-hed Oat and garage f rbC 1363 E. 1Mb st- ., or eell Mara 7128. THE ALBERT Furriil-ed apt., steam beat, private bath. 840 H Mi"M ippl e. AA COMPLETE. 821.Su; concrete b comer Union av i and Killing orth. LARGE, lights 2 room apt., connecting Lath. 823 thly. 170 10'a trKim aad bati. ll-i'KR fiat. 4 490 Market. RirTTSENT Xew modem 4 room flat, kitchenj a wart -idj. furnrdied. 101 H E- 33d. FTRN tSBED fUt nd b k. mms i t f-i ce. Sen. 2888. Wavaingtoa. or aingl 4 RiS. 3 furniebed, $1$ per as sell at., ne r J. nl. 847 Ras- LOWLR fiat to rert: furnaca, all ooavaniaa la 'b-nngtoa. 867 P oott st, r. r l.,r.ii.r..t K m . ... - - K -'. . - X : and water, all modern. Call at 673 Tiilaawok at., er pbene East 4977. " WF.lA, tamil 1 $ room lion-, piano, f'rnaoe: WasMnruia Lich school district. Adults only. it 69. Inqwrr 172 Park St. $ RfxjM completely furnished attge oa Row a City rarhne. Call at 413 Bl nt Ant 823-57 for 635. ' WELL furothed 6 room modera hous in east ! for 335: rA int. Call 3 5 ro-.ra burtcsluw. uo claiuren. long time. 1178 Yamhin- ,fr i in p. m. enimy COMPLS1ELY fumUhed. dean, m.ira I roT mrmm, m w arweerrs, rwrnaea. I mutt to quit' $60; at 964 lUwtnorno vw. : KENT $33. 4 rooms, part af privet hous. light, gaa. ptione, wator free, cln ta Irving, ton scnooi. 675 TUlswtook. eor. 19th. - siODi-U-.N well furr.i.lwd A hMlri, good firetdae and (arns . h, r $73. rt 2736 " ' f MAIX lurnislied i for rent: reference r.. quired : no gdr. Seliwood 2710. . Call after 10 a. CLEAN, aratiy farntahed 3-ruota bunasiow n4, bth: awdana; reat rsaaaasuia, $91 6ia OH Rk.Ni Butuuily funuLd auourbaa! home, all modcra coavminoe. garag. t ell it er io. mll t-t.87. - tW ltEKT Furnished Wie at 628 fc. ivg at, tm Brooklyn ear line: it will be vacant Sept. 1. Call at 614 P ell .- m7 3 i a 4??p T-h u at ' V'ir!wii! . $13". hr ifim da iK HL.iT a t-K larxusued Loo. 1251 K. Mm. 223 66, - ; FOR RENT Modern namithed a h 68 F-; et St. E t 48S8. FURNISHED 6 room sa-jdtrn bulk w rT . 146 Woodward ava 1