1921. iTHE OREGOtt DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON 19 FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1 AT THE COVET MOTOR- CAB COMPANY . . PLAST i ' ' Th truth about neb car offered for sal by tii Corey Motor Car company ia easily deter mined through the simple addition to oar selling plan of an outside removable pocket placed ttnoa the left front door of each automobile. Ia this pocket and. open to your inspection l tha shop work sheet- an absolute record of ail work done to the car in Question. It has always been possible to obtain from this firm the big best quality used, rebuilt and refin atbed motor cars, absolutely .without misrepre sentation. We are very proud of the public confidence placed in all branches of our , business and daily wish to increase it. U - Vi in constantly striving to improve our position in the used ear field and span no ex pense to produce the finest car possible. Used ear sties increase our new ear volume and we will look to this volume for our profit. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS 1915 Dodge Bros, touring and roadster. .9 675 .1917 Dodge Brae, touring 650 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster and touring. . 1918 Dodge Bros. eeaan ..f. ........ 1919 Dodge Bros, touring , ........ . 1920 Itodge Bros, touring . ... ....... 1920 Buick sedan . L 1920 Buick tourinc ......I......... 1919 Buick roadster 725 1.150 825 950 2000 1250 ,1101 1917 Buick 4 touring .... 1920 Franklin touring .... 450 19T5 1350 400 800 475 25 700 850 795 545 575 400 30 1919 Franklin 4 passenger 1919 Oakland tonnng ................ Late 1917 Chandler coupe, excellent con. 1920 Ford touring i . 1920 Ford coupe . ...... 1920 Ford sedanr, a dandy.'. , .. 1919- Ford roadster , 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan . 1 920 Chevrolet roadster, in One shape. . 1920 Chevrolet touring ...I 1919 Chevrolet touring . . , 1918 Chevrolet touring ... i ........ . 191 6 Chevrolet tourinc ...1 "250 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1200 1919 Maxwell roadster, very good 490 1913 Willys-Knight, only . . i 1200 Model "N" Hupmobile touring, very good 750 1919 Studebaker Big Six 5 pass. 1475 1918 Studebaker coupe', a real buy St. . . 600 1917 Studebaker 4 touring 826 1915 Studebaker touring, to be sold a is 160 1920 Haynes touring , 2100 1919 Haynes touring, only J ....'1500 1918 Chandler touring, new tires.. 850 1919 Chandler Chummy rdrtr., fine shape 1175 1!20 Chandler good condition, snsp.... 1400 1919 Oldsmobile "6" roadster 50 1920 Oldsmobile "6" touring 1025 1918 Lexington touring ...4, 700 1919 Oldsmobile touring "8":. ....... .. 950 1918 Scripps-Booth coups . j . . 1350 1919 Peerless 8 touring, not rebuilt, only 1475 1920 Overland roadster, a good one.... 585 1918 Overland "90" touring 450 1920 Overland '4" sedan 950 1921 Overland 4" touring, an exception al .car 675 1919 Hudson limousine, in fine condition. , a wonderful taxicab. 1918 Twin 8ix Packard Landaulett 2750 1920 Ford roadster with delivery body.. 425 1920 Liberty trailing 1275 DELIVERY CABS 1919 Dodge. Bros, screen, sn excellent car 825 1918. Dodge Bros, panel, good shape..... 775 1919 Chevrolet Panel delivery 400 1918 Buick delivery 400 CADILLACS The present eood will of the Covey Motor Cat Co. is both a direct result of the unusually de- j flinuw Uitea ui ri a uauiixcu aim wio cuuv? aav ' iafsrtory way they are handled. The desirability of a used, rebuilt and refln lihed Cadillac is reflected in the satisfactory numbers constantly being placed in the hands of tha most discriminating buyer. AU cars guaranteed snd sold on easy terms. We are open Sunday. 21st at 'Washington fit Main 6244. Also a big display at the new Broadway sales room downtown. -Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. XHr automobile transporta tion service mikes it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH . 28-80 N. Broadway. - Main 6244. Used fiupmobiles-. AT ManSey Auto Co. HUPMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS 1 1TH AND BURN SIDE STS. ALL MODELS EXCEPTIONAL TERMS An investment in a used Hupmobile is al ways, under any condition protected. Very few used Hupmobile owners are wiihna to pert with their car. How many Hunmoblles can you find advertised, look today . That's mighty good proof that a used Hupmobile is a good investment. U you are buying used car why not a Hupmobile snd be protected 1 Call . , MR. MOUNTAIN Bdwy. 217. - REAL BARGAINS MR. BARGAIN HCNTERI HERE'S TOUR CHANCE 1918 Maxwell touring $225 1918 Chevrolet roadster 295 1918 Chevrolet touring 385 "191.6 Dodge roadster , 485 1919 Oldsmobile 6 roadster 650 1918 Mitchell 6 touring 750 1917 Chalmers roadster 850 1917 Buick 4 delivery 295 1916 Buick 6 touring 485 1916 Saxon 6 touring 298 Don't fail to "see these cars before you buy Some of them are like new. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY Grand Ave. and Hawthorne East 3770 Maxwell New Roadsters New ones as cheap as traded-in cars. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Wash. St. Portland. WEAVER TIRB COMPANY FEREDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIRB REPAIRING. 833-835 Burnside at Broadway. 1918 Chevrolet Roadster This car Is right mechanically, in looks and price; only $250; will girt very easy terms. Jske's Used Car exchange. 323 Glisan, bet. Bdwy. and Sixth. Bdwy. 5598. We never close. 1918 BUICK coupe, 5 cord tires, Alemite greas ing system, fine upholstering, original paint Uka new; $1500. Your car taken in trade. Broadway 610. MICHIGAN bug; some buy for $100. See-it at Weller Motor Co., N. W. cor. 15tb and Wash Incton. FOR SALE Late 16 Ford tounnz. late tadia- tor and fenders, shock absorbers, water circu lator. $170 for quick sale. 5820 92d at. or call Aut 633-68. FOKD sedau, wire wheels and" lot of extras uaea just tor demonstrating; wul sell on easy terms. Robinson-Smith Co., 6th at Madi son. STEARNS, 1917, chummy, slightly used; spot light, motometer; driven 4U83 miles. wiu consider any reasonable cash offer, or trade. roadway nlri. 919 FORD touring, firt--las9 condition, new ores. su0 worth ot extras: Dries S3 73 Tsbor 15. 1920 OAKLAND, new with special plate glass. side curtains. 5 tires: specui pamt, 1200 down balance 12 months. Broadway SI 6. 1921 Cl"PE. u1 but very little; will discount cash or terms. Robinson-Smith Co., 6th and lusn son MODEL 90 Overland, at a price that wiU force you to lake notice; liberal terms. ra. L. Ilugheon Co.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis ri. WE PUT Steel teem in your old flrwheel a . crankshaft turning. H. B. Black,' machine- OVERLAND. 1918, Model 90. $250 for quirk - aale. W. a Garbe.. Broadway at BurnwU. nroaqwsy .. . 1 92 L FORD touring, run oily 8 weeks: owner - -leaving and must sell. Woa. L- Hughson Co., w . proaaway at x'avgi sr. AUTO TOPS it ECO V ER ED Curtains repaired. ' B. B. Body and Ton wnrss. ouu "liuan! ave. un iis l9t8 CHEVROLET touring, good- tires; will live terms to responsible party. Call . Big gpvstatf. Broadway 24Q. - . IHl FORD tourinc. new body, new tire. I extras; car ia A-l, 8350 or trade in on Dodge Eat . - ; 1919 FORD touring, mecnaviically perfect tood rubber, easy terms. Mr.. Bigger left. : r;at eo. , - FRANKLIN touring. Model S M. : "must be seen to appreciate the low price of only 8475. Call veek days Marshall 2822, or 748 Water at. 1916 FRANKLIN. 5 cord tiree. $650; hurry for this one. Want old car in trade. Broad way 616. 1ATE 1920 Maxwell touring, cord Urea and otner extras, in 11m das condrUoa, 8325, with terms. Tabor 9496. - ' . BARGALN in Buick. Dt3; fine conditio Wood wi lwn 220. 191 FORD sedan, r.mfcfst; wili se'd or trade t r Ford toitring bf rosdstet. Tab. 3079. BTCDKBAKER 1918. $100 down, balance in 13 months. Broadway 616. ili IMJWX, take my late Mxxweil, stsrtef, etc.; . balarw-e 150. Evenings. East 5757. - 1918 OAKLAND, new top. repainted, dandy ear. 8550 8175 down. Broadway. 61 6 1 -; ItUDEBAKER 1919 light 6. fine "wnoiUon, $1150. terms. Owner. Tabor 668. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 we are belling hudsot and ESSEX- AUTOMOBILES that save - been -either-rebuilt of renewed that are in the ben mechanical and running -condition that are also warranted the . same as factories warrant new ears. In addition, we give 90 days free median- - . teal service. . Tbja is not new on Hudson' automo- - bQea, We hava rebuilt and sold them with a warranty since 1916. Ton buy a fine quality car with the same safety as when you purchase a new auto- i - mobiles Buy a car you can depend upon and at a bargain, price. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first. ' class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit given on any other ear of equal price that customer may select. :., . This gives ample time for every pur . ' chaser to try out the ear he buys, gives : Trim time to have it inspected, as we r . -want only satisfied customers. . 1918-191 eriea Hudson Super ',. riix ... .? 11800 ' 1920 Hudson Super BU ..... 1575 1920 Hudson Speedster...... 1550 1920 Essex, like new 1225 1919 Maxwell 575 1 ( 19 Essex automobile ...... 950 1919 Grant Six..'.......... 600 1918 Oldsmobile Eight 900 1919 Chalmers 1085 1918 Olds. Eight, 4-pass.. sport model 1025 1920 Dodge roadster 900 1918 Dodge 675 1919 Liberty. 4 pass., sport model 1000 1921 Olds Six. . 1300 1918 Cole Eight 1350 The ear that never wears out that is the automobile that is known as the Hudson; it does not vibrate, there fore doea not damage the material; the worn parts can be replaced and'the automobile continues to run like new. For a long time tha Hudson has hid the reputation as the car that never wear out. Used Hudson are better than new ears at the same price. Ask the Hudson owner. These used Hudaona are known for being the best used car vslues on the market. Largest Used Car Branch Store la the City at 40-48 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 5738. Also a Display at Our' Salesroom, 615-617 Washington street opes weekdays only. .a t. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USE1 Fill! EASY TERMS 1920 TOURING, almost new, starter 1920 TOURING, many extras, starter 1919 TOURING, fine shape, extra. 1 920 TOURING, a bargain ... 1919 TOURINO. only . -8425 . 450 . 395 . 395 . 825 ! . 295 tlOlSjTOURINO. going for ., a vie iirumtiT, a snap. . . , . . . . . 1920 ROADSTER, like new, starter 1919 ROADSTER, good shape 1919 ROADSTER delivery 1915 ROADSTER, some buy 1920 SEDAN, new paint, starter.... 1920 SEDAN, starter, extras 1920 COUPE, new paint, starter.... LATE COUPE, perfect 1919 TON truck, good shape....... . 195 . 430 . 325 . 295 . 150 . 725 . 695 . 675 . 695 1 . 495 TU.N truck, chassis .... 1919 DELIVERY, a dandy .. 1919 DELIVERY, good shape 1917 DELIVERY, some buy. 1 0 bugs, all colors, choice .... A few chassis 295 295 225 195 295 $100 and up Universal Car Exchange) TWO BIG STORES GRAND AVE. AND EAST YAMHILL. E. 471 'WEST snK BRANCH BBOADWAT AT HOTT ST. BROADWAT 837. OPEN EVENINGS AND 8CNDAYB Vransons for Light Used Cars ' 1916 Ford touring, extras. 1916 Chevrolet touring .. 200 215 265 325 1917 Ford touring, extras 1 918 Ford tourinc. extras 920 Ford tourinc. starter, extras 450 585 295 450 450 325 525 373 1920 Ford coupe, starter, extras... 1V1B Oakland touring 918 Oakland 6 tourinc 1916 Dodge touring, new top 1918 Saxon 6 - touring, good shape . 1920 Overland 4 roadster 1918 Chevrolet touring, naw Urea.. 1920 Chevrolet touring, A-l 530 425 275 350 395 495 1816 uskland 0 roadster, overhauled 1915 Buick 4 touring, overhauled. . i Jackson o. 7-pasa. 913 Packard 30. 7-sass. 1917 Cole 8. 7-psss. 1918 Studebaker 6, 7 -pass. 1916 Cadillac 8. 7 -pas., new top.. 1919 Buick 6. 5 -pass.. A-l 550 950 1050 VKA.NSO.Vg LSED CAR. EXCHANGE. Union Ave, and Belmont St. Upstairs. 1919 NASH SIX TOURING WQI sacrifice my car eouipped with spot-1 light, bumps ra and five good tiret; ear was , or.,.o,,1dfi ni "e Mw H&nrwbrk be sold this Week. See it st BRALT AUTO COMPANT. 501 Burnside Street, at Fourteenth. Broadway 901. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, needs. tanas, repaired and remodeled; auto sheet-metal work a specialty. 1UO-1U7 n. iota Bt. Phone BROADWAY 8299. FORD Late models with and without starters. Prices ranre from S200 to 8400. Will aiva verv rood terms. Jake'a Used Car exchange. 825 Gliaan, bet. Bdwy. and Sixth. Bdwy. 8593. W. never close. 1919 OLDSMOBILE 8. 7 -bass. tires, good pamt and looks good, new; just been overhauled, and in the very best condition. This ear is going to be told in a hurry. Our price ia far below the market value. -Reasonable terras. Call Hawkins. Broad - way 3606 CHANDLER 1920 If you want a real bargain in A 7-pasa. ear. see this; driven about 7000 mi lea; looks and runs like new and for sale at only half the price of new car; mechanically perfect. F. V. Par sons at 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 321. HOW COME you're walking, or driving that old rattle trap when 1 can- sell you a wonderful little 6-rylinder car, all in a trie pie order and te price as SCRB right. Yes, 1 11 trade or give term. Phone A. v. Bngcs at Bdwy. 7R. 1919 CHEVROLET tourinc in fine condition. -wl mhhtf C.4&0- will takj 1 O tl Anmn . nH give terms on balance, Phone Wood law. $320 after 8 o clock evenings. 1030 alsuory ave. ELGIN chummy: acme bargain lor 3800. See at at Weller Motor Co.. N. W. oor. 15 in and Washington. . . 1919 CHEVROLET touring, cord tires, good mechanical condition: wiU sacrifice for 3375 and give terms. A&k for Mr. Biggerstaf f. Broad' way 240. ,- 5-PASS Studebaker car, cheap, quick deal will take phonocranh. in good order and some fur niture and rugs aa part payment. 4e. today at ess v Williams ee. 30x3 Mil. HE LIN -piy tires. 816.90. Nr better. We know nsrw to repair brea Vul can Tit Shop Grand ave. at Pine. B. 4898. A 11 in Tnns h. co venae im rtpairina UtO 1 OpS at reeswnabM priewa 888 Salmon St., between 6th sad Breadway. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, w 1st class condi tion. Owner will sacrifice and give reasonable terms. ,.425. Morris stL. or fatne fcart1070, CASH paid tot old cars, conoruoa no obiect parts for all makes ef cava. Theatpaon A Kelly. 448 Flanders, near lltb. Bdwy. 8508. GOOD Dort tourint car in excellent mechanical condition, can be bought 1 on easy terms. Call 60 N. Broadway. Phne Broadwav 831. . FORD TOURING . Who wants . a Ford at $180? Do yanf 330 Burnside. Broadway 8656. A GOOD Dodge at 880 Burnside, $525 will boy it. Terms. ; 1 FENDER welding and repairing. B. B. Body wofk. 500 Williams a-. East 1198. FORD BUG BEAR CAT - 356 Burnside. Broadway. 3656. A BABY ROADSTER $130 85Q Burnside. . Broadway 8656. 1918 FORD sedan, in fine condition, good tins, looks like ,ncw. CailN ester. Broadway.. 27$, 1918 CHALMERS ft past.; will accept Ford at down payment, balance 10 months. B way 616. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 SPECIAL ROUGE -AFFIDAVIT County of Multnomah) Bute of Oregon R. E. Murphy, being first duly, swore, deposes and says he is now and has been since January. 1919, sole owner and proprietor of tha TWCf STATES MOTOR CAR CO. And that the special sale reductions listed below are bona tide and subject to confirmation from authentic records. , (Signed) E. E. MURPHY. Subscribed to my presence and sworn to bo- lora me una ztia aay 01 .August, lxi. (Signed) E. J. STRAIGHT. ' Notary Public for the State of Oregon. My commission ex aires December 1, 1921. Cct. ..8 750 Sale price. 1915 Chandler touring. 8 450 1918 Chandler tourinc...... 1200 ISIS Chandler touring...... 1400 9(0 800 1050 1918 Chandler touring...... 1550 1918 Chandler chummy..... 1450 1818 Chandler chummy..... 1875 1917 Studebaker 700 950 900 473 soo 1818 Studebaker ......... T50 YeTS "Studebaker ......... 700 450 600 650 1917 Chalmers 800 1817 Buick Bug. . . 895 1919 Patterson 850 Model 79 Overland 400 650 SOO We also have Saxons. Maxwells. Chevrolet and I ords at correspondingly attractive prices. Twin States Motor Car Company Washington at 11 9th OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS SMALL PAYMENTS EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE IF IT'S A CHEVROLET TOP ARE LOOK ING FOR, WHY LOSE TIME SHOP PLNG, COME RIGHT TO THE CHEV ROLET DISTRIBUTORS. WE REP RESENT THE CAR WE SELL AND WE ARE JUST AS ANXIOUS THAT TOO GET A SQUARE DEAL WHEN TOD PURCHASE USED CAB FROM US AS WHEN WB DELIVER YOU A NEW ONE. WE KNOW NO BETTER WAT TO GIVE THE PUBLIC A SQUARE DEAL THAN TO SELL ONLY PROPERLY CONDITIONED CARS AT A FAIR PRICE AND ON TERMS TOU CAN AFFORD. COME IN AND LEARN THB REAL MEANING OF PROPERLY CONDI TIONED USED CARS. OCR STOCK. INCLUDES ALL MODELS. Chevrolet' Factory Representatives Used Chevrolet Depot 13 Grand ave. north. - East 490. Between Burnside and K. Ankeny PORTABLE OARAGE FIRST QUALITY ft. by 16ft.S46.0Q olS ASK ABOUT OUR HOUSES $180 AND TJF asIlUf ADK CONST. CO. WOODLAWN 841a. NOTICE GARAGE 1 Ford and Chevrolet work a specialty: Clean carbon; grind Valves .8 4.50 Overhaul motors Take up connecting rods. . 18.00 . 3.00 . 500 Overhaul rear end. . 2.7 Other Work $1.00 Hour. All Work Guaranteed. LESLIE OARAGE, East 87th and Hawthorn, Tabor 2885. BARGALN S IN WSED CARS m r .$ 485 1918 Chevrolet tooring . . n . . . . Small Overland tourinc ........ . 850 . 800 . 1000 Lett modal Chalmers tourinc ROBINSON-SMITH CO., th and Madison. 1920 NASH S-pa&s., has been run just 2300 miles. Ion can hardly tell It from a new a. Was Stored for six months, guaranteed to be perfect in every way. This car ia for sal. at large sacrifice. Will accept email ear aa .part payment, give terms on balance cau uawuns. I "dwy. 8606. CAMP TRAII.V.RSL I Closing them cut at cost because our floor 10 . I space is too valuable for this business. A com tourinc. Good I plets camping outfit' on wheela settles the prob rood, rnna like 1 f- ur. t 1. rA. ' . ,-1,. I 1,U1 WK 11 1 T" . J11J 1, 1 M 1 11119 J illy. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT 81st at Washington sts. Main 6244 TTTTfl mbm In too late for the auction sale 1920 Chevrolet, wire wheels, only 1475 some buy. W aUar Motor Co. N. W. cor. 15 th ana v ssrungTrm. 1918 FORD touring, new upholstery, cushions. too. etc This lord is a good buy and is in good condition mechanically. Call Hawkins. Bdwy. 8606. CHEVROLET BAB &RAfl5 This must go, as the price says so. 8100 down? 350 Burnside. Broadway 3656 1921 OLDS six roadster, same aa new car, guar. so teed same as new ear; cash, trade or terms. Natter. Broadway 2279. TWO STUDEBAKERS A 5 AND 7 PASST Iter 6800, - 350 Burnside.. Broadway 8656. I AUTOS cut to a sleeper; our system does not I weaken kr disficure the bodv. B. B. Bod I works. 500 Williams ave. East 1198. I FRANKLIN I B touring car. fine mechanical thane. 81000. Want light car in trade. Broadwav 616. - MAXWELL touring, in first class condition, for sale by owner for $SOO; FaU Wdln. 362. , . will consider terms. 1018 CHEVROLET; if you want a light car, this one wiU pleas, yon; 8323. Una Call at 5428 39th ave. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6. sport top. repainted. 8100 down, balance of 8300 in 12 months. Phone Broadway 616. FOR SALE-t-'lO Dodo, good mechanical con dition, will demonstrate. Can be seen cti-- hings arw Sunday at 821 Minnesota ave. OVERLAND club roadster, an exceptionally good chummy. I must seU. -Only 3150 down. Cell 3 go Burnside. Broadway goon. : FORD ROADSTER , . This win go to first Ford buyer. . 850 Burnside. Broadway 3656. 1921 FORD sedan, aaaae aa new car. good tires. clean unhobaenBC an ueepoonauy good buy, i ester. Broadway zarw.. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 GET THE Northwest Aut. csms bed and tea gage earner for evmping and touring it's toe ttnest camp bed made. See it at 41 Grand jve.. cor. Pine. Kast 4S96. WINDSHIELDS We stock nsed ones; also make them to order." B. B. Body wrrts. Bug WiUiams are. East 1198 FOR SALE Nw set demountable wheela and - earriec tot Ford; en. third ofi. , Call. Auto, 83?. ALTO CAMP OCA FITS, big reduction: demon- atratioo. I. W. cor, Bdwy. nod Biirnson, AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 t'sEb fLndESJ- Thousands to nick from. B BL Body works. SOO Williams ave. East 1198. INSIDE auto bed 810. Mam 3500. Call Mr. Lamb.- TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 ?s new roirvntcE TTtrcire as" IK -TON CAPACITY. COMPLETE WITH BODY. WINDSHIELD. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. CORD TIRES; REGULAR PRICK 82315: WHILE THET LAST,- $1500. A TEW 2-TON CAPACITY 81600. 1 HALF PRICJ! HALF PRICK BRAND NEW CHICAGO 2t-TON TRUCK. PNEUMATIC TIRES, WORM DRIVE: REGU LAR PRICE $4500; DRIVE IT AWAY FOB $2250. . . U SEW TRUCK BODIES " Express bodies for 1 and lb-ton trucks. While they last, half price. UlliW MOTOR CAR CU, 47 North 9th St. New and Used Trucks Work anea with some of them trucks EXPECT 6000 CORDS OF WOOD TO HAUL 7 MILES USED TBCCKS INCLUDE GMC. Republic, Reo. White, Federal 1-ton, Federal 1 H -too. Federal S " -ton. I ery low prices and attractive terms on ait traces, races from. Slbu. up. Call Mr. Wood. W. L. Honghson Co., Broadway and Davis. Phone Bdwy. 321. FORD DELIVERY CAR 19S0 MODEL Equipped with electric lights and starter; must be sold this week. Ion will find a bargain here. BRALT ATJTO COMPANT. 501 Buxnside Street, at Fourteenth. Broadway 901. 1920 1-TON Ford tru.-k. good condition, good rubber, cab and flat bed; email payment down. balance monthly will handle. Wilkenaon, Bdwy, 3231. 3-TON DEN BY TRUCK, a fine ' machine for hauling wood; speed, power and condition guaranteed. Has platform body, rack sides and end gate. Call Used Car Dept.. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Phone Bdwy. 1460. ATTERBCRY 2 too, new rear end and motor. This U an excellent buy for aomebody. Will trade and give terms. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691. Evenings. Marshall 885. I PACKARD 3 4-4 ton truck, new tires and over- hauled; wul take cord or some light car in trade. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691 Erenlnga arshall 885. G. JL C. 2 ton, in first ciaas condition, worm drive and new rubber: will take Ford in trade. Phone Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings. Mar shall 8S5. 0-45 WHITE truck for sale or trsde; prscu- cauy new, at rignt price, call Broadway 3307. C. Martin. FEDERAL 2 ton. worm drive, a special .bargain if you can use this size truck. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691 Evenings Marshall 885. REPUBLIC 2 ton, 3 months old, just like new' will trade and give terms. Phone Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings. Mar-hall 885. 920 1 ten-truck, $400 takes it. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691. Eve nines, Marshall 885. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 918 STANDARD make motorcycle, $35 down. balance of 370 in 10 months. YV. C. Garbe. Broadway at Bumnide. Bdwy. 616. OR SALE cheap or will trade model H Hen derson, 8195 cash; new Bosch magneto, new carburetor, A-I shape. Sellwood 1907. WANT late model motorcycle; have a tt-cy Under car, uoattnenlal motor and standard Darts. Bdwy. 616. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTb. ALL MAKES KAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-48 Grand ave. NEW 1920 Uarley-Davidwn. 8300; $75 down. $12 mo. on balance. W. C. Garbe. Bdw. 616. PARTS for all motorryrje-, cueap. - Bchucg Cycle Co.. 1923 Westlake ave.. Seattle, Wash. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS overhauled ................. FORD overhauled .880 Bear Axle overhauled Axle overhauled ..........8 6 ground, carbon removed. ..........8 8 to recharged ....................$ ft Valves Magneto We hand-Ian nistona, acrao. bearincs. ate.. which ins urea a perfect running" motor. Genuine Ford parts only used, All work guaranteed. UUAKANTEK AUTO KivFAlK CO, 280 Front Bt. Corner Jefferson. FEHSES TIRE & BEFAIB SHOP. Goodrich tires. Vulcanizing and re treading. Work guaranteed to out last the tire. 834 Glisan St.. cor- Eighth. DON'T throw away your auto seat cushion; ex change it for a good rebuilt cushion at the Cushion Shop, 406 E. Clay, near Grand AUTOS repaired, your bo me Zi mine; work gnsrsnteed. Auto. 512-Q2. . ' BUG BODIES built to order. B. B. Body Works, 600 W illiams ave. Ma lina. AUTO STAGE LINES 805 PACKARD stage ear leaving from Portland tor Atoria and Seaside. 8 .30 a- m. araji 4- 80 p. ' Bdwy. 5330. J. P. Block. 5 Broadway. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 5 and 7 passenger cars, Buicka, West- cots, Crow Elk harts; reasonable rates, days. nights,., weekly. CITY QARAQc 132 12th St., betw. Washington and Alder Bdwy. 840 AUTOS TO LEASE. WITHOUT DRIVERS Focd and Chevrolet touring ears 75e an hour. Overland touring ears 31. and hour. Rates by day and week. AUTO LEASING COi Srd at Gusan at JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE New ears for rent without, drivers. Reason able rates. Open day and night, 325 Gttsan St., between Brosdwsy and 6th st. Broadway 5593. AUTOS FOB HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 282. 10th at TarnhuL A-126. H. S. BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. TUUUJ AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 CASH FOR CARS We wiu pay cash for your Ford or late car Of any other make Jate a Used Car Exchange. 323 Glisan, bet. Bdwy. aod 6th. Open Sun. and eve. Bdwy. 6393, AUTO WANTED Will trade ball interest in 160 acres first' elass timber for good auto. Timber Is In Douglas co. Address, J.. JJ. Cord on. New berg. Or. WANT good light car; will trade n new 6-gaUoo Wayne gaaoline pump ana tins uu as sea W. Park. HAVE Clatsno and Tillamook county Beach lots to trad IS Ford. Phone Oac urov. a- or write MUwantie, Route 1. Bog ZS6-A. WANT to bar for cash 1820 or "tl Dodge, or equally good, 4 cylinder or light 6. prefer dealing with owners. F-Q37, Jonrnsl. CARS BOUGHT for wrecking: parts sold for all ears. Oregon Auto Greeting co s.s on- mont st.. near 6th. Eaft 4569. CARS wanted to wreck: nana lor nil cars for lees. S. A 8. Auto Wrecking Co, 15ln and Alder. Broadway 636. WANT Dodg or Ford. Mut be in good me- chanical rendition. Will pay cash. Must be barsain. Tsbor 8011. ELGIN 6 to trade for Ford coupe or sedan. Even or otherwise. 8-700. Journal WIIJjTXT cash fc lata model Chevrolet or Dodge touring or delivery car. .-. WANTED for cash. Dodge, Chevrolet ec Butch; must be . rood buy. East.421S. ilS ELGIN tt to trade foe Ford coupe ot redan. Even or otherwlw, W S5, Journal. WILL UT cars for cash; mu be cheap. Call MarshaU 1950. If FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 BRIGGS auto wood baw for aale or trade, $60 rash or 890 terms., liiblcr. 63-2. 32 WINCHESTER rule. cas. nd. rod. t23 Main 84. ELECTRIC atove, fancy - horns, she lis, brie- a-brae-cnrloa. East 291. . .. . ' ... POTATOES Burbanks. tl sack, denvwred. 631 E. Everett st Fast 6708. SWEET waurmeaona, your chwe. toahqrrow 15c 834 First st. Fl)R SAI.K Wood beater. F prpe. elbow ana board. .13. oo. num. sini. NEW Sevling rotary sewing machine, $40. 816 Market st WATERMELON 61 Tak. yenr pick tomorrow 35c 854 First rt. LAUNDHYETTE nasher for sale. $140. Tabor 5570. MEOIUM aised ice ehea, rood eMiditioa. tot 85. will sell for 315. 403 4;h Cor. Himwi. GOD houe isate. cheap ; 3 jack screws, .uc eli ef the earth. 54 Front st. ' 30-30 RIFLE, take down, hke Broadwsy 4046. after 6 p. m. a. jChetty, PLUMS and Eartlett p-srs tor 578. i East Salmm,vt. East 1 FOB, &AL Woodaaw. cheap. hi srUiall 2740. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WUILa. THEY TZSf Orders from Dodc Bros. quip an ears In stock with ovenixe cord Urea has placed en one hands an unusual quantity of 82x8 faerie urea ana tubes. The, will bo cold at a creel reduetloa whCe they last, - 82x3 plate tread. . .11 J 00. re, pc $1.0 32x31 non-nkid .... 16.50. rec. pr. 22.18 82x3 gray tubes.. . 1.85 rag. PC 8.00 COVET MOTOR. CAR COMPANY 31st and Wash. ata, Main 6344. CEDAR CHESTS. Direct front factory to your bean, and Port Orford cedar; solid copper Write for eatalocwe. J. W. H1GGLNS as SON 1912-16-18 B. GLISAN. TABOB 808 Wt BATB Ton MONTY Hons wiring, lighting fis tares, electrical repairing awp pUee. Third Street Electne Boaae, 324 Third at, sm salmon, Main $058. SAVE MONET ON OFFICE FTRNITrKlS Big purchase used desks, files, diets phones, mimeographs, typewriter. Burroughs, Dai ton and aiea aaa. machines. Be as before. yon buy. Wax Offir-e Eauipment House, 24 S. 5th at, Bdwy. 2739. Sewing Machines We have the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices, We rent and tepsic, 172 3d, near YambilL WHY A SUBSTITUTE BOOFERf Why not a cenuine and permanent roofer T We repair rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, craeked. weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old, leaky roofa. rnone nawy. 7 a. SAFES Fire and burglar proof as Tea. new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, cold and exchanged. Easy terms if ueatreO. NORR1S SAFE et LOCK CO. 105 8ecood EC Main 2048. 10 DROPHEAD aewln meenxnee with attacb. nfcnta. 320 each: norubl. elsAn. maaebj for rent; sawing machines rlaaneit and repaired, Jl. iL eteen. 1.3 Grand ave. avast 2369. Independent Printers 1000 HammermiU Utter heads, 85.00; 1000 white wove XXX envelopes, $4.50. Smith, Printer. 11 N. 6th Street, Commonwealth bktc DEIJCIOCS hand-picked prunea tor canning or table direct; per 20-lb. box. Femes Toe. Italians '90c. exoresa eharaea collect or add SOc postage Portland and vicinity. Washbond Fruit Farm, Newberg, Or ONE L. C. Smith .12 gauge gun, in firsV- clasa condition. exoeUent target, wkh sole leather case, 340. Also vest, hat, shells and pants. Call after 6 p. nv, Wdln. 43b5. 891 Colonial ave. Electric Motors Bought. sokL rn.ted and repaired. Wsiker Electrie Works, 418 B Bra nd., corner 10th. Broadway 6674 Furnaces Save 830 to 840 in installation. Less pensive to operate, long Cre pot, wood or coal. siain 7199. investigate. A VERY fine Vcae dark case unrighW tone good as new. Price only 1215. ion actually aava about $335 In this opportunity. Se. Beanie Dept.. 2d floor Eilers Music bldg, bee or. tel- eplione quick, stain 1123. HEMSTITCHING and picoung attachment ; fiU all sewing machines. price $2. personal checks lOe extra. Light a Mail Order House, box 127. Birmingham, Ala. HOT WATER TANK co-gal. $7: 40 -gal 39 tested and guaranteed: atove and furnace coils gas beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st ai. Bain. Razor Blade Grinding Single edge 25c doc, double 85o; grinding f all edge tools The Grinder. 87 6th st GAB RADIANT FIRE WANTED -WiU exchange new Victrola, Edison, Grafo nola and Brunswick for Gsa Radiant Fire. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. BARTLETT pears from my oVn orchard: bring boxes and get orchard prieaa, 2 H e and 3o per lb. Cochran's Farm Store, 1108 Haw thorne ave., a 87th. Tabor 81 OS LADIES coats, sizes 38-40. one heavy navy blue velour racoon collar, one French blue velour lined throughout, cacn 67.50. Tabor 2B. 109 East 80th st. ACT OmOBILES. MO IXIKCTClJM. UACNCIlEl" or boats are separate clsmificstiooa. A large Bsting will bo found under thin different eliari- ticationa, - ON A0COUNT of sickness will sell beat equipped and located hemstitching and button parlors In the city. For particulars, address J. A. W.. 970 Thurman St. Some terms to right parties, ELECTRIC fixtures wholesale, 1 light chain, $1.25; 4 light fixtures. $4-25; electric stoves, $3. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electri. Union at Russell. East 3688. MITCHELL WATER SYSTEM. 4 50 gal. steel tank. 2 h. p. Stover engine, 50 gal. Myers pump: pipe fittings, satires, etc T?L Main 9527. Mail td. Box 18. R. t. 2. Portland. Or. GAS RANGE, lawn mower,' power washing ma- chine, bedroom furniture, a multitude oi mis- eellaneoua article.; very reasons hie. Call 963 E. 40th st Ji. ONE reclining chair. , Victrola cabinet phono graph. 350 ft. rope and tackle. 392 6th St., Apartment 4, Sundays and evenings. DIEBOLD aafes; new and second hand; special pricea. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Frcot sr. Bdwy. lyso. LICENSED tnaewenden, electrician, wtrea 8 rooms for $18. 8 rooms 820. and guaranteed to pass Inspection Woodlawn, 8791. ITALIAN marble steps. 5 ft., l it. and 10-ft.. 12-in.-lH with risers. 31.50 per ft run; poor tile, Z4uu, x, iic escn. ura. zion. COMPUTING SCALES, cash registers, coffee choppers and funeral store fix- rej at 226 Stark st.. bet. 1st snd 2d. tnrej BLS1NE8S CAR Da 45 II tSlTt BOSE CITY rRLNTEBT iClivW Yon must bring tins ad. 120 6th St SMALL beating stov. with pipe and stove board in good condition. 109 E. BOth at. Tabor 829. FOUND A man wao wul repair, upholster your furniture at your home: prices very rea- aonsble; all work guaranteed. Breadwiy 4755. WOODSTOCK typewriter, in tine shape, only 850, 310 down, $5 a i Michine Co., $50 Aider. Hyatt Talkmg BUGS washed on your floor with Hamiltcav Beacn electrie carpet wanner; detning done. East 4046. also vacuum ELECTRIC fixtures toe t rooaia 815; big aeleo tion other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Com merce bide. Broadwav 4258. $1.10 DOZEN. 100 1b. tlour aacks. Uundered, Mail orders add postage. 8. Hodes. 428 Belmont st-. near 6th. East 4869. MULTIGRAfU, automatic printing attachment. quantity or job type, extra segments; alto tao- l-t press. 15Q. T Board ot Trade nHpg. PEAKS I PEARS! BARTLETT PEA RSI Apples prunea and grapes. Oreba fruit farm. 0lb and King at.. Milwankie. Or. Dentistry jSt Without Pahs. Latest Nerve W. KEENB Waahlncton St, Blocking Method. l'llJES can be Dermanentlv cured without onera- tinn. . Call or writ. Dr. Dean, second and Morrison. BLACKBERRIES 4e on vme; picking Wedne- dav. Fridav and Sunda. Aut 644-83. 1814 Division. SUartOOli. dried, tOiO- green 16-incU 87 SO "r;Mr3,7mbi. 64 2 he'twriJTn m , ' v.V? . I WILI, pay cash for fruit on the trees, or dr livered: also bny Dotato patch iest U. Dillon. 674 K Salmon. East 1579 GOOD second hand building material and sky light, 8x4 ft Oa ob 2d and GUaan. , Tabor $017 office, 6 p.. Tn. flN NER Evrtrouxhe renewed or repaired any- . wBere In trie city. wain. 636".. FOR SALE Gravest no appW, also BarUette pears, .box. Cfl at 1513 E. .Morrison at... Bring t BUY all kinds of freut for cash on the tree or off. 674 East Salmon tt. East 1575 HEMSTITCHINii. 7e YARD, SAT.. HON. AND .it o A a i s l a a -' " a-. cts xa na, u s A . B i ". v . s-a . . a TUESDAY. PARIS HAT SHOP. S7 ALDER. FOR" SALE- Resist lrs. th owcasea, wail caaea Cash or credit. 24 2 Salmon GET your furnace properly cleaned and OTrr- ba tried rtont wait. CaU lonerd. Awt. 326 .1. HAIR Combtcca made up. B. F. Pierce, 24 KlUirgswcrth. Weodlawn 4380. GAS RANGE, $x0; heating stove, $8. 30S1. Bell. 6MART nsed epparel seenren tram well gu.nad women: attractive prices; Tsbor 2S25. FOB RENT Electne varwna eteenexa; 24 day. 86e delivered. Wdln. 1259. VACUUM cleaners tor rent. 5c a day 1 deiivaraj anywhere. Wowalawn 8498. U6oii"84 50 per load, delivered. press, i Main 4262. BBADSHAW plum 3. per pound." Pony Ea- 4427 E. 44th rt. S. E. MAIL yonr rnrs and hides for tanning to the West Coes Tsnnmg C 892 Tenino ave. ONE reed bsby bugiy. geod condition. $12. Wdln. 454JI. .91 Colon'al ave. LARGE red lux tut. $25 if taken at once, Main 6744. r.tril ram rlM l&a rrmtm lll T m, corner xiaxxer ana gtnrr roada. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 BASKETS LESS THAN WHOtXSALB front laundry basketa, 8 rise. 60c, 70c, 80c. Bphnt satchel beabeta. 40c, 30c, 60a, Splint wood basketa, 85c, - Sphst hanur basketa. 82.80. $2.7,5, $1.00. N. Deliveries. . BEES SPECIALTY SHOP. 319 WiUiaaas Ave. East 1508. , aVSW io MACHXSJ, KMPORIUM Kesy marhiars nokt for lasn; M agent, esapioyed. Bargain, xn 3d hand machine. Pari, and repairs for aS. Ma ehinea rtnttal and renalrlnc ennr toed. Kara 8481. 1 99 3d aC. near Tayksc DOORS and windows, tarns, lata, ahbtgnw. ,1;- u4 gun work, nee one ooi atocc of aaah and doors for prtcea, D. B. nCU U.I oo.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER 8 TORE, 1T1 Front St - Phone Main 4818. For Rent Sb3tgtms and Rifles BOUGHT. BOLD AND EX CHANG ED N NEWMAN. 12S FUtST. MAIN 4485. BARTLETT PEARS 10 ton. of tho finest on the market: will ncU by the bos; lOO or ton; brine bozea; opam till 7:30 p. nv. and win bo open eunoay. m a in through picking. Come now. 1108 Hawthorne, near 37th at. Tabor 8108. A WONDERFUL player ptenot juet exacUy a good a nw. Taw kind uu costs 1 1 au now adava. Will take less than one-half vain, if all h or HIV torma, eu oasn, oaianc. your own terms. 84 fine musie rolls and bench tn- eroded. See 2d Ooor Eilers Mxta bldg.. or pboee Main 1128. -; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 HYATT'S Phonograph Bargains The following maehineahav. pet taken tn on larger types. Each one ia cuarsnteed chanacally the same as nee W. offer them on exceptionally easy terms: a as: on rtr,frmnl ffltawew.. -.t 80.00 8175.00 Biradivara, only.. .......... 8 $5 00 (150.DO Btradieara. only. au.vv 8100.00 Musola. cabinet type, special 8 40.00 Edison disc and records, cost $190; price 3115.00 SMiral lliO ITM null ...8 15.00 $150.00 Brunswick $110.00 $125.00 Brunswick $ 90.00 I snna Vu-tmia n rma anane ...lui.vu $125.00 Paths, special $ 65.00 Edison cyL horn machine. 100 recorda. $ 15.50 $ 82.50 ColumbU bornlesa $ 19.00 C?lO. OO Rniumrk latoat tma and 100 recorda $250.00 $115.00 Edison disc, only $ $5.00 A r -Kl THE iXlLLOWING PIANOS: $450.00 Ludwig. fine tone 82T5.00 9400.00 Krebling, 8225.00 8450.00 Nialey 3250.00 8450.00 KnhleT A Campbell... 3210.00 trrruiTv nTnittnc en n nsrvfj out 8373 1. P. Hal. On, need npright $10 $450 Peerleea, npright. tnabogany 163 $275 Collard It Colli rd. upriht $ 8750 Pisnist. player piano 39$ 8250 Pianola plajer. walnut ... 43 Parlor organs, 818. 625. $35. $$8. cut, 103 TENTH 8T.. CORNER STARK. anmiv Ptivn m tlMmffifT Store. Sn Binh,rt mmA -U ,K $39 3675 Singer, upright grand ........... $98 3750 Adam Schaaf player 49 tOlin 4. . Im riei luluinllt ... 49 3900 Steinway A Sons, npright........ $$$ 8473 Hallet Da vis. upright.- 1$5 am t ion ruh. m tn 111 monthlf. tIKO Pathe. mdL 10. nsed phonograph. . 80 125 Brunswick. No. 107. EhoDocraph. . . 9 8 95 8trsdivara. in aek ............. 8 75 Victor, in mahogany ........... 8 50 Victor. In oak Terras, 83 cash, $8. $4 and $3 monthly. 101 Teeth SC. at Wash, and Sure. PHONOGRAPH nPEClALS Large aize eab- inet Brnnmrick ehonocranh. 8100. A eab Inet Colnmhia with aneeial filinc system. 87$ Lso Sonora at 375. Victrola style is, eiecirm, 8275. Columbia table machines at $40, $$7 and $35, and others equally aa good; terms. u. jr. johsom ru-u 149 6th 8C IT'S PIANO TUNING TIMB Oorrect. Careful and Conscientiou. Work N'nw U th. nroraee time to let us do it. Case. repoiished. man token off. keys whitened, rust removed, moth, and mice eliminated. If yonra sj a good piano let na take care of it. Phon the old reliable Hons, of Eilers, Main 1123. A DANDY Eboniaed case. Emerson, only $186. All cash not necessary if yon pay n little, imitla ImmmL Worth almaat threw thnen this l-0, Mine tn Alaska- Emm Piano Ex. chance. 2d Floor Eilers Muaio TtWg. or phone Vain H9S. 31400 GRAND PIANO The world's finest piano at anout im price, rvnen ana .runa new: terms. Also, a 31400 Wtber late style hv50.j " twn Broker C- 311 Worcester bldg. CH1CKEIUNG A SON. PIANO, saahogany oae, a wonderful buy. Be aur. and see uus piano; late style case. Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 6th St. - - 1 ... i i 4 WONDERFUL PIANOS The world s beat makes. Chicksrikx. Stricb at Zmdler. Weber and a MePhaiL 41 ska an offer on any of them: rXZlTVwZ they must be told; terms given. Brokerage j JiMbaLL GRANlb mahogany" used" for I demonstration only. Reasonably priced. Terms given. BtLBtLLLMi-LLCAS MLS1U I.U.. 125 4th at. HOLTON cornet, aimoat new. ailver niatod. wun old bell snd trimmings. 865. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 6th St. decKCr 1 B6n" pLaTer pIanO." Wl. i dudes bench and rolls; terms given. EIBERUNG-LUC AA MUSIC CO.. 128 4th st, STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin. rosin and extra strings, 32, G F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. HARLmaS'. mahogany cart, $356. 1 wonderful buy. 8ED3KRLING-LUCA MUSIC Ca. 128 4th St. MELODY "U" saxophone, complete with case. 3110; terms. a. F. JOHNSO PIANO CO, 149 Btn st. I KRAMCU A BACH piano, walnut case, at about half nrica. A bargain. 8EIBEBLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th at, ' LARGE model art design table mach i pa. snap at 8185. Terms. G. F.JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 6th St. HAINES PIANO $250. Bee Uua Terms given. SETBKRLING-LUCAB MUSIC CO, 125 4th at. I I $130 Mcl'HAiL grand Almost new. late style, $650: also wonderful Chickerina, Ie8 4 price, equal to new; terms. Sill Wo bldg. wring ..I. -t-. . , -t nj,4iLi.ji plated, with gold bell.- 855. i G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6 til fttw C0i.t-MBIA PtiONOGRAPH l.VD "bECO&D. $78 Csbinet sise. Term given. 6 KIBERUNG-LUCAS) MUSIC CO, 125 4th sC PLATER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10. PLAYER ROLL SOLD. IS. VALUES UP TO 68.00 HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Ysahm ft. 6 PIANOS Ipnghts. 3113 8200: many fine standard makes, are Kimball. Everett. I hik. Bates. Hinxe McCaanon and others; terms, 811 BA-NKl.lS'. walnut case. 2?l. f.rms glvL BEIBEBXINU-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 12a 4th st. FOR SALE i alto aaaopanoen. 1 tonor. brand new. Apply at 511 Everett at, Latavlsg -'r Cheap. Most have cash. ricurc ion.. . .. t AnwAl awan I'miiwi w.w an a ana aviaas r. n w 'aawj sxivw SKI Pfc.rU.INO-LCCAB HltlG CO.. lit tn W ' no fum;A WB DELIVER Pianoa: lnweat rates. rnone oouvery DexC. Orwxon Eilev Mnsaa Hnws. Hsin II 23 3700 HOBART M. CABLE Mahecany. lam sty:., rism w-.tn Dene a. saw: tcrma. .11 woreefter bkig. ORGAN 116. Ws-nn a Bsmi.n. " ." 6EIBERUNU-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th st. PIANO credit for sale. 3400 cash credit any piano tn Bush aV Lane Co. store.- Will dHesTwnt 10 per r"fc - w 8747. 3200 BUYS aknobt new piann. piaun oaa hoe- any, fin. B leaser make; term. $11 Wee- etrt bid. PIANO wanted from private natty. Cash iox . bargain. . Ant, zza-ex $400 BUYS PLATER PIANO Tory ease term. .11 W oveester DIOC WANTED Sweet toned piano for nal cash. Ceil Main 4424. $600 SMITH aV BARNES, la lest aaah-. snuy $223; terms. 311 Wnveestee bldg. W AN 7 El Gowl ned piano, must be cheap for cH. Mam 220. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 'e up; pen wholesale awd retaL 548 Vt.'sh. Bdws. 1044, 370i KIMBALL PIANO and bench. 92ZSI wrnt .11 wwinu I .w. - COLUMBtA cahinet graf.noU and SO records. erwt new 9173. Win sell for 30. Main I2.tr $673 KINGSBURY Aimoat bni 'ain'm , I I0; OSTmsl -. . 1 1 V TTSSireT pX. i PIANO wanted,, pay Main 6386, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 01 1 PIANO SPECIALS A Bradbury, man, cam. ION 3285. Benuinoil. walnut esse. (ZiU. J. e& I tvener. man. case. 3Z, and many sxnara I at Duces to fit ronr vpcketbook. T u. r. Joh n so riA.u 14 6th St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 iBSdLUTELx' fik. hraad new except 'used or demonat rating pnrpoaea. n gensxin. golden oak diamond dies $298 model Edason. with attach ment to play Victor and Columbia records, and' $4$ worth of Bed Seal and other records, total vain. $351.80. Will sacrifice $120 for auick Abo n dandy brown mahogany Sheraton mode) 00 Edison diamond disc together with rec ord, and attachment to pky sU make, of tee- aeon, total value 8237; will ease, out at n count 3110 if paid for all cash or for 820 additional win aaU at $10 n month. Phone na about thea. berraine. Main 1123. Better tee about this today sum. - PhonocraDh haadanar- tsra, 3d neer Eilmera Mnslo i, antra ncn and elevator 1ST Waabtnctan at. atAVa saenran Try n aale. degn, if yon want tn nay r asB bnnsihiill awodai seduced fretcbt rata, tn taoat all point, hi our through pool cars. Expert packing, renalrlnc and refinishinZ Money menad fV JV kMeproof storage, tow Z-7rZ.Zrl, . . .. I ""V W Mnltneawan hntat, man atroaaway alia. i . -v.. ! ' I . v uuw nan enaaaeara nenama gas range l with Lorraln. even reculator. Also mi AoVth1!..'1 U ' - DRESSEB, wash stand, dining table and chairs. I wii center taoie. ruga, caa range, sewing macnine, wneel barrow, town mower. 8013 77tn - S. . cor. 50th ave., Firland. FOR SALE, at once, dining act. combination J A-B OAS range, higa cioatt. tiue eutvi.Uiu; a 1 bargain at 325. 1178 Woodward are. Phon. Tabor 1464. BOOMS, furnitur. cheap. Apply $03 Everett at,, or puone Bdwy. 1441. FTJ Ton wiah to buy or sell n atoee or furni- a -ture. sew Wat, 6534 Foster Kd. 637-57. LEATHER davenport, library tabic, 4 ruga, other araoiee, gooq. oonaiuon. BelL 2BT. FIN B 4-boia, soUt copper reservoir, wood or coal ranreat 343. 990 Vernon ave. COMPLETE fnrniahings of n 8 room bungalow. nearly new. East 3092. 125 E. 24th st N. FOR SALE MACHINERY " QClfttS'G BUSINESS 903 AUCTION SALE AMERICAN ELECTRIC WORKS Saturday Afternoon. August 27, 2 p. 129 East Water 8treet. Maehinerv and toota. eoniistinc of 10-Inch lathe and lath, tools, 60-h. p. motor, 2 2-h. p. motors, drill preas and 70 drilia, winding set. emery grinders and drawing -board, anvil and lorge. i CHXVBOLET AUTOMOBILE Viasa, Benches, Ladder, aad other lota ton nu- mcroue to mention. TWO Manna enginea, each $100. terms if de sirvd. Reverse gear. 3 creeds forward. 20 horsepower high speed. Jump spark ignition high tenaton magneto. Suitable for speed boat or light towing. See Mr. MKchclL Northwest Auto Co., 1 Btn and Aider. FOR SALE 15 H. P. MOTOR- GOOD AS NEW. Call East 6810, Universal Tire Filler Co. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 k Oil bALr. zo-tt. aoeed boat with Oka motor. Maxwell special. $$30: will take ma chine in trade. H. G. n at Una. Mllwauxie xaaor- aga WANTED 1 Giea duleh. aixe No. 8. good con dition. Phone mornings, Ida st, and Wil- lameue oivo. rnone aiar. soae. SlEltN-WHEEL STEAMER HIU, lSOxbx. FULTON BOATYARD. , FT, VIRGINIA. MAKri. z"a. WILL TRADE motorboat. 32x9. Call Mam 4918. for bungalow. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 nukes guaranteed one year. Beat tw-eon- structed typewriura on coast. . New priew hat Wholeaale Typewriter Co 821 Waatington sL. Fbrtlana. Or. BFBUTX.T tyuewiners. all 'makea. rentals. nairxoc. supnliea. Distributors COROA Por ts Vie. 8UNDSTBAND adding irseMnaa. Main Sir. E. W. Prase Co.. 110 Sixth t. RING . specially, ire. estimates; rentals; lias; buy. sell, exchange; add. mach. repaired. iter Inspection Co.. 311 Stark. Main 5549 rT nli EtPAlRLN I xypewni I ALL MAKES of troewriters IwUi repaired I and sold on nronthly payment piaw. Oregon I 7TTWwnier ta, ye em ax. main I UNDER WOOD and Bemlngton typewriters. 93 a siiim Transfer. 254 Broadway. na-;. ma, OFFICE FURNITURE iug f ..... . i ca& muuwi - sale cheap. $51 Oak at. ARMV ooooa U. 8. ARMY GOODS tor anla, wnolwila and retail: erica, reduced. H. Horenatein. ZV 1 ti at., er 204 1st at. Main T878. ATTORNCVa LAWYER Advlc. free and confidential in all Room 816 Board of Trade blag. 8V CArtWIAOB RtPAIBIria . "PETERd " w i w ciiTir:ra c-w a tf TCf TD. UP- HOLSTER ED, BAlREXa, . 846 HAJUUBOS. MALN 8533. LARK BOOK WtKI'l DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC., 100 d sV. . hlnna book mana'scrnrers. A-8183. slste 1$ CRIROPRA0T0R8 DR. VI cM AH UN (Meal an I hia system Pexspls taking adjustments while sinning; wa year. CAT RP OQ H06PITAt. LOFB CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Inc.. E. 7th and Grant, Both pnenea, aay ana night servw-e. Three vetevtBsnana. - COAL AM WOOD BOXWOOD n.Hi tmmxllatelv bv Fulton Wood Co, 1261 Macadam. Phone Msln 4178. ci.iBiiiUin Art. tg.BO ; araen. 86: 14-ta dry alab 812: double load green,- $11: cord- wood. $7.50. old growth. CuL 643 between 4 and 7 p, NOT TOO LATE TO DRY $10.10 for I load, block and slab mixed : first owth cord wood 88, second growth $7.50, per I cord; country alab $6 per cord, Wdln. 4102. I X.-T.P- slsbwood S6.9V a cords nry 12 1 end 16 in alab 87. 0 load; Blco lo in. iao 83.75 load. speciaL Psul Fuel Co.. Sell. 179. ' 1 iswaa Maw JCe0 'pi-St. i.JTi" AioenM . BIG load of bewwood $8.69 a load, lea Weod- lawn 5904. or lias Montana ave. DRY COBDWOOD $6.50. black bark. Call, after 7 p. m, wooqiawn eon. FIRST growth encdwood. liberal redurticn. $8 enrd delivered. . st-. rnei o., rjst imi. BEFORE ordering your winter's wond all Asia A26-36. wonn nana gaej vol. o t p-nnr. EXTRA goad heavy cord wood 38 cord, delivered Irvington. Piedmont, ainerta- ssoooiawn ee CORD WOOD. 86 pet rd. Southeart aid. I I COUNTRY Mock and alak, never been in water. I Boecial P"ce now. am oti SHORT alab wood for aale. wksMesale and ro taiL St John Lumber Co. Coi. 131. 1 BEAT e.4 growvk fir cord wood. $T per corn. n.nwwnd. 314 6PEC1AL Good sound eordwood. weil seasoned. 87 o Pr core... com iocs., vrun. nm. A-l FIB8T groenb cor wood, 87 75: in & and 1 0 con jom. Can Automatic 623-65. COUNTRY alab, $6.25 per cord: prompt deliv ery, orssjon met, w a in. mivj. OERTtSTS DR. B. Li. WRIGHT id fmer. Baletgn bldg, cor, IU aad Washington ata. VsrS) tll A-!l. Dentistry DR. A. W. KFF.NE, 881 1& Washinctnn WKfcwl Fcfn. Lvnt Kerve-BVoi-a-wic Method. KOUOATIOWAt. DANCima THE bAXCB STUDIO. 50$ Dekuns hide.. Wuk- angton at Third, rr.vtto nonr ac naif now namaai na. arreninn. 8:80 a. m. - t 9 n. sa. Conrw Maiiin specially priced. Class Monday. FrHse. T 8Q. p nv Miss lrehmd. . SLMMERa' Dancing Academy, tin 3th. Les wwi day. eve. Bdwy. 35HO i iy I Mwtne school R TC.erR - ,Lm.BV7 I of vceee an 38$. 11 I . - . ' - BLCCTROLOwlST ELECTRICITY i health eonsnltatlon free, Whit. nhyrtrolosiat. 3.5 FLedncr bids, Bdwy. 2887. SWAPS 92S a, oi the beat sr. ling articke on the market. wiut xemtnry ex state, to worm in; 2ww wra os aoacenai on nana; wui wru or nae ior snytcir-g of value. Mcrria, 613 Chacaber of lmmeree bMc. i SALE or awap a ."od Thor eleouic washing cna chin, tix caod Ford tourinc car. tpanur st. N Ul.bT Oakland ear. 0: conaidac good piano ant cash. Tsbov" 59. DANDY $-roean houseboat; Dutch kitchen. lmo teem; exebanre for lord. Wdln. 4024. SMALL 4-paaenger Packard auto to exchange for rano. Main 2S2Q. WILL TRADE otd Ovcnand tor pnonocraph. 12- woolstnct: ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED People c I'oruaad to knew Uatt nay toe nisbest cash once for second-nine hrsisehold goods. No s mount ton laice ec Is tsaX Prompt sttei tion . - N. M. SEATZa PVwte Fast 9208. 149 v. 812 50 TO 325.QO METER. THE TAILOR, pays xwov. for Sew end Mand tnita, shoes, evercoata. -W. call day or even inc. Marshall ju. oc 233 stTeeC imir Third. iou .rouod your nous, you want to dispose of call Main 4058. I buy i0i Flri 7t E buy VK-troUs and reenrds; alo piaooa. Caa Oregon KUere Iusc House, tilers Xmue Uog. u... i i -i WANTED - VVincl,ter 30-30 carhln. niU. W cam. P. . Ku-ro. fcast Sb.'J. tV( AS.D llltiX 'llORiii A, C k6t62L vr.'T 4. SVANTED MUSICAL INS'MENTS 9 SI WANTED FLTINTTURE 9S2 hPOZ CASH lOK LSKl), H hAlILxvAJ "" Main 8873 UNTrrn fcrnttt-kk mtcbb 178 F1KST STRFKr Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want your need furniture, atovea. camat. and pianos; we rV the h' theft rath prices. io eno.ie. riitar bt. vwu Main cost. - M. R.SEATER Bnya the beat aa well as cheaper grade of . hand furniture. C6 Crand ave. Aotex 3-8. I AM desperately in need of aecood-hand house hold goods, atovea. ranges, rugs and any ' furniture you- have to aeU. WiU pay bent of prices. East 4912. - WE BUY ail kinds of second hand furniture, - stoves and ranges... Call East 80T7. " WE BIT awed fumitnre, stoves, vie. KeUanie. Fnrnitnre C . 203-203 24. Main T08. PERSONALS 075 NOTICE! The Browning Bath House wiQ gtvw frmM bath and sample of Lang'a Mineral Wonder to man or woman suffering with rheumatism, kid ney trouble, stomach trouble or eczema. Cut. out ad, bring with yon. 146 1st. between Mar- " rison and Alder. a INFORMATION wanted of Mrs. Ksto Walah or her relations. Her mother's maiden name was Elisabeth Brickiey, who married man named . Lewleae, new Bnckley bad a brother, Jinn Brick ley, who married Bridget Chandler. Writ. v B. L La Sella. 924 Crocker bldg.. Ban Fran- cisoo. CeL - haVi. your ayes properly at tended t. at Goodmaa'a Rigot glasses at right pricea. I .i.ei .f S u.r.. J T T, T. 1'rompt service. i nonsend " .3 ........,f..v. I ex i.cio ootn leet mel up at nr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST who. doesn't hurt you. 8 yrs. here. Exam. free. Globe inestre 0Mg.. llth at Wash.. Broadway 8824. LEAVING for Loa AngxWe via San Francisco, Pieroa-Arrow car. take 3 or 4 passengers. City Garage, Broadway 840. or Palace hotel. Broad way 1251. leaving" for Loa Anceiea na San Francisco, Pierce-Arrow car. take 8 aw u pi ant tea. City Uarage. Broadway 840, Broadway 1251. or Palace hotel. GEORGE BUBENSTECt, tho veteran optician. will fit your evea better and cheaner than elsewhere. Expert optician. Utaaooabic trricaa, 326 Morrison st, gLfiWYer ... . .v,,. , f , 6rh i irpt dvi i-jli Oontnltaoon rBE AH 464 Oonaobdited Becmrlria. St. Bnosdwsy 499S. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, motes, warta, removed. by 10 needle method. Trial free. Joai. Finley, 514 Bosh A I -an. bldg. Main 6368. JAZZ 1 0 Icaown.; pupmar aonga immediately; advanced course for players. Parker Plane School. 514 Eilers bldg. - UT YOC want to be strong and healthy, er de- ln fMl akin Wnti mjmm n. , Ift'l TiA- i oiag. siain oasn. ' rr i .t., c, mu, kmikji, iucu. irr. c-. am I Borenson. 508 Panama bldg. Druzleaa pays. FLUFF RUG8 AND RA& RUM PORTLAND RUQ CO. Fluff Ruga, Mtde Front Old Carpets. 1672-1674 E. 17TH ST. SELLWOOD $621. MAT CLCAR6R6 AND OVERS HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable asm aat lafnetory. Royal Hat Work. 228 First st. - OPTOMETRIST sssssnw A.l'Ee anenuiicaiiy tested with " eti- rn tnstrumenU; glaasea fitted at aj" i ? JSTJ."! t"fsetion guaranteed. A. E. HrRWftZ. Optometrist, 225 1st 8t J" v" ?T.'i3.ON Painting, papennc. tirfing, 1 54 UlVt " Brosdwsy 4414 Woodlawn 1 2 6. tm I I I sn I L i . : r a --ww,-. 4oulUim oa rooi m pouring no4rf prirwt; worfc grmoW?t9d. Em 46. ATEWT ATTORWIYi " a -st r r t - . , . 1 i matrix?- ". trademarks, copy, nghta. 610 Chamber of Commerc bldg. - ' PHVSICIARS "Lk. k. a: pIiILLIps." Broadway Bldg. Office I'firtire emty. PLUWBISSO nWD 6TEAW riTTUSa lAJi piices on all kind, plumbing sutuL. ,Ti Co.. 817 I men ave. N.. near B.ll e. ig? OTIO rillL'Ui. plumber. Prompt serv.e.-ia reasonable nrireo. 1st ?Jlwir' .'"' $ r ' - j.m.ihh. mil .784. rfiMBIN UPPl.lEn .t umiHtira PBICES. BTARK-DAVIn CO.. I 'X YCT THE M L. KLINE CO.. H4-86-67-89T RRIWTIRO. a-RORAVlajQ. BIWQ1WO Printsni? v-,to- Li - co, u - "U"'r and-Osk. M.,. tax 61lis: e.,T w-liODoON COMPANY n.fiinnnn. nmadwar 4 34. i.m ANSLEY ti!- "s-. . .Wash, w. Main 467t ROOF RERniRiam HOOFS repaired and painted. Inc.. mfgv 1 1 . L. , . .. .. " J. ..'uiuui i-amr, za6 Board sat 871. Main R644 Ms:n utriir s EPA IKED AND PAlXTrn VVORK I ; CAR AN' TEED E. E. NICK F.I I. rse-r ate. A-Hj DO EM TrtlB isi!n.'?'N'"1'" B""fing Co, Mw-.w 8029 A0" : B .f3 caa-Jauor 460. gSmT! . siwialty. T.W 4bl7.-S JUTJL kLZ!ui mm amtoi, reaaonaiie. . 6MEET WETAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS . : - - - " '-iv jw - m A wk. ryLJOJI Sheet Metal Works: roof.eg cuuZ? radtatnni and tecair work w ,'. JRAR8CCR nWP STORnaaT BBCCfirrr rtobagi- a transfer co. , P.-kmg-MoT,ng tr.r. kOKFT TjOAED ON GOODS IW STORArri - $3 FoorTh at, wpp. MoilnW.h bSmL Phone Broadway 8715. ALWAtA PICK THE BEST HOUSEHL"" ahrppint snd snonng ; acrse and auto TanaaeZ. eal rate tn sR points. ' C. tt' PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO 21 M Pfrne vta Tlrcsdwse 66. A-1 991.- Oregon Transfer Co.' 478 CUsan t ' Rroeway 1SS3 DBATAGK STORAGE Fwor w'iiriiiwi ew Term mat Track RFDCCFD FEEKJHT hATES'to all points oa honsehotd sroda. Pirifie roast Forwaadmgi f . P ial H"Tt '. Rwt 703 - VACUUM CLEANER TOR HEM Electric vscuum clesncrs. ia" day. 88c, deiverad. Wdln. L259.