The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 25, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    . THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921.
State Christian tndearor summer coaference,
CoiambU City. Aarast 29 to September 6.
Nona west conference Methodist cnarca, Boata,
Portland. September 7.
Laos County fair, Eugene, September 13 to
Prismas County Fair, Canby, September 14
to II.
. .Northwest Hay and Grain Snow, Pendleton.
September 19 to 24.
Multnomah County Fair. Greabem. Seitei
ber 1 to 25.
Columbia County Fair, St. Helen. September
21 to Z3. )
Oregon State Fair. Salem. September 26 to
October- 1. -
Linn Countr Fair. Albur. October t to 8.
Wasco. County Fair. The DaUeai October 4
to 7. .
Onion Method Ut coaference. Forest Gnrre.
October 5.
. Polk Cnnnf Var Twill October ( to 8.
Annual Contention Orecon W. C T. U-. Ore-
Koyai arcanum, grand council, runuui w
tober 18.
Kniehts Temnlar. mod commandery. la
Grande. October 13. .
National Grange meeting, Portland, Norem
ber to 18.
Pacific - laternatioDal ' livestock Exposition.
Portland, Kotember 21 to 2S.
American Historical association. Pacific Coast
.branch. Portland, November 25 and 26.
Oregon Bar association, Portland, December
Portland and vicinity: : Friday fair; nortl)wetr
erly winds. '
Oresoo and Washington: Friday fair; mod
erate westerly winds. i
Low pressure prevails n California and Ari
sona, and from Alberta and Saskatchewan to
Nebraska- Oier the .remainder of the country
the. pressure is moderately high. Precipitation
has occurred in Manitoba. British Columbia,
Washington. Montana, Idaho. Utah. Colorado,
Missouri, and Louisiana. The folk) wing faeary
rainfall is reported: New Orleans, Louisiana.
1.20: Tatoosh Island: Wash... 1.16. The weath
er is ranch cooler in parts of Montana and
Saskatchewan. The tempera tare is generally
a bore normal except on the Pacific slope and
along the Atlantic coast.
R.lai.T. humiditT at Portland: Noon yea-
"bsrdaT. 42 cer cent: 5 D. ro. yesterday. 43 per
cent: 5 a. m. today, 87 per cent.
Xvuinit.iri in J,minr 1: Total. 24.33
tn-h-' nnrmil 2S 81 inches: deficiency, 1.28
inches. ; EDWARD L. WKLL8
When going away for the ummer.
or en yor faeation, hay The J oar-
BaJ follow yen at the rt rainy rate.
or the following agents will (apply
yoo at oar regnlar city rated
anowi. Or, t. T. Tattle. .
Berrtew, Or, Ralph B. StppeeJI.
Bay City, Or, air. S. F. Duncan. '
Bay ocean. Or, J. O. Van Ettan.
Singh am Sprints Hotel, gibbon. Or.
Cannon Beach ana Eceia, Or, M. L. Harris.
Carson. Wests, and Shepherds Serins. Cart
- B. am ltd.
Chinook, Wash, Isaac Knvtssn.
Columbia Beach. Or, W. 8, tanel
Garibaldi, Or, D. C. Kills.
Gearhart, Or, SJetein stone.
Hahnans. Wash, James Corooran.
Hot Lake. Or, Hot Lake Hotel.
Lake Lytic, Julia M. Parker.
Lena Beach. Wash, sHrauhai 4k C.
manhattan Beach, Or, Mn. Q. I. Huston.
Manunita Beach, Or, CmH O. KardelL
N ah cot la. Wash, Tronesea A Brawn.
Mea-Kan-Mle. Or, A. C. Anderson.
Mehalem, Or, Rehatem Drue Co.
starts. Or, Mr. M. F. Cross.
Newport, Or, M. ft. Hunt.
Ocean Park, Wash, Baerac H. Kramer.
Otter Reck, Or, T. H. Homlna.
Pacific City, Or, nV L. Walters.
Rockaway. Or, 4. B. 41 L. CrOdboy.
Seaside, Or, Jason McCune.
Seartew, Wash, Q sores L. Putnam.
South Beach, Or, H. O. Omlld.
Tillamook, Or, Clayton Hey.
Twin Rocks, Or, O. J. Van Scyoe.
Wallowa Lata, Lr, Wallowa Lake Park.
Wtlhoit Sarlnos, Or, B. O. Rowan.
violations at the police station Wadnea
day night, and 75 per cent were charred
with having- glaring headlight. The
campaign against the obnoxious lights
started last Friday, and already a de
cided improvement has been noted, ac
cording to the traffic officers. The war
on the "bright lights" will continue, say
the police.
Sr. EJJtfc Phillip, 450 Pittock block.
returned. Broadway 1305. Adv. .
Checks Eeceived to
Pay Guard Members
Salem, Aug. 25. Checks aggregating
more than $24,000 were received at the
office of the adjutant general here from
the war department for distribution
among members of the Oregon National
Guard in payment for armory drills.
Most of these checks, it was stated, will
be distributed in Salem. McMinnville,
Med ford. Silverton and Portland. Adju
tant General White said checks aggre
gating more than $115,000 have been
distributed to Oregon guardsmen by the
war department since1 the first of the
Schools of medicine and agriculture
I have been opened in West Africa by the
i French government.
Salem, Or, Aug. 25. The justice of a
toll charge for telephone conversation
between Warrenton and Astoria were at
tacked by J. J. Barratt, attorney repre
senting Warrenton In the telephone rats
rehearing, in cross-examination of C El
Flaeger, chief plant engineer for the
telephone company, this morning. War
renton. according to Barratt, should be
treated as a suburb of Astoria in the
computation of telephone rates and free
service provided between the two points
as it existed for 20 years prior to the
order of the public service commission
authorising a toll charge.
The reasonableness of the rate of re
turn which is realised by the telephone
company on Its Astoria plant formed the
basis for a prolonged argument between
Attorney Mott for the city of Astoria
and Flaeger. Mott this morning re
sumed his cross-examination which he
was unable to complete Wednesday afternoon.
Flaeger had admitted that upon Its
face the present rate of return at As
toria might seem -unreasonable to the
public, but Insisted that when additions
and Improvements bow under way were
completed the rate of return would be
reduced ot approximately 4.61 per cent,
which he declared was not adequate.
- Even now. Flaeger insisted.- Astoria
should be in group two (it was placed
in group three by the last order of the
commission) and paying the higher rate
schedule ot that group. Those rates, he
insisted, were only fair for an exchange
the aise of Astoria.
Salem, Aug. 25. Governor Olcott to
day announced the appointment of C. E.
Gates of Medford to succeed E. V. Car
ter of Ashland, resigned, as a member of
the board of state fair directors. Carter,
who has been spending the summer at
his summer home at Lake of the Woods
In Southern Oregon, has found it im
possible to attend the meetings of the
fair board, and bad asked that he be re
lieved. Gates has been for four terms
mayor of Medford.
Baker. Or. . .
'Barkerrille. B.
Boise, Idaho .
Boston, Mass.
Buffslo -N. T.
Bull Harbor, B.
tTuoago, 111.
Dearer, Colo. . .
Des Moines, Iowa . . .
Fresno, Csl. ....... t.
.Gaireston. Texss . . . .
Helena. Mont,
Honolulu, T.. H. . . .
Huron. S. D. .......
Juneau, Alaska . . . .
KalispeQ, Mont.
Kansas City. Mo. . . .
KnoxTiUe. Tern
Lns Angeles, CaL . . . .
Marsafietd, Or.
Medford. Or.
'-Memphis, Tenn.
New Orleans. La.
New York. N, Y.
Nome, Alaska ......
North Head. Wash. .
North Platte, Neb.
Oklahoma City. Ok la. .
Phoenix, Arts
Pittsburg, Pa. ......
Portland, Or
Prince Rupert, B. C. . ,
Roseburg, Or
Roswell. N. M
Sacramento, CaL . . . ,
8t Louis, Ma
St. Paul. Minn.
Salt Lake. City. L'tah .
Ban Diego, CaL
San Francisco, CaL . ,
Seattle, Wash. ,
Sheridan. Wyo. . . . . ,
Mitka. Alaska
Spokane. Wash.
Tanana. Alaska -. . . ,
Tatoosh Island. Wash.
Tonopah. 'er. ......
Valdes, Alaska . . . ..
Vartcourer. B. C. . . . .
Walla Walla, Wash. . .
Washington. D. C.
Yakima, Wash
l imp. - b
if 6T
If -2 -2
If xi ft
Z ml
Ti 42 0
50 34 .26
SO 54 0
72 58 0
78 64 0 ,
66 B2 .02
78 70 0
80 56 .06
84 70 0
96 62 0
88 82 0
82 54 .02
76 0
84 88 0
70 .0
74 40 0
88 74 0
82 68 0
K0 60 0
72 44 0
82 50 0
90 76 0
2 76 1.20
78 62 0
62 .... .04
62 54 .02
88. 64 0
100 76 0
94 76 0
84 64 0
74 53 - 0
60 52 .06
73 48 0
92 60 0
88 54 0
80 72 .06
84 , 62 0
82 60 .01
72 64 0
68 54 0
64 50 .80
86 54 0
64 0
72 48 0
68 0
58 50 1.16
7 "80 0
64 0
66 52 .38
76 54 0
80 '53 0
I 78 44 0
P. M. report of preceding day.
Federation to Meet Organisations af
filiated with the Italian federation will
meet at 3:30 p'clock Sunday afternoon
at the federation hall. Fourth and Madi
son streets, for the purpose of electing
officers and- trustees of the building cor
poration which will have charge .of the
construction of -the proposed new feder
ation building. Several months ago the
Italian societies purchased the property
.at the southeast corner of Fourth and
Madison streets, formerly occupied by
the Tennessee "hotel, as a site for a build
ing estimated to cost $100,000.
Shepard's Ant. Bas Lines Portland-
St. Helens division Leave Portland 6 :4S,
8:30 a. m, 10 a, m, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m,
7 o'clock daily and 11 :15 p. m. Saturday,
Sunday and holidays. Leave St. Helens
7:30 a. m, 10 :55 a. m, 1 :15 p. m, 1 :45
p. m, 5:15 p. m. and 9:45 p. m. aaijy
and 6:15 p. m. Saturday, Sunday and
holidays. Buses leave St. Charles hotel.
204 Morrison street. Telephone Marshall
435L Adv.
W01 Receive Contributions Contribu
tions toward a fund for the J. Walter
Freiberg memorial endowment will be
solicited In. Portland by Adolphe Wolfe,
according to announcement made today
Freiberg, prior to his death, was presi
dent of the Union of America Hebrew
congregations and the fund to be raised
amounts to $250,000. Wolfe's appoint
ment was received from Manny Strauss
of New York.
Sbepsrd's Asto Bas Uses Portland
. Astoria-Seaside division Leave-Portland
at fi :45 a. m, 8 :30 a. m, 10 a. m, 1 p. m.
4:15 p. m. and 7 p. m. Leaving Astoria
7 :1a a. m, 8 as a m, 10 a. m, 1 :30 p. m.
2 :(5 p. m. and 6 :15 p. m. Direct connec
tions at Astoria to and from Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St.
-Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street. Tele
phone Marshall 438L. Adv.
Tnlrersity Mas to Address Club Carl
S. Dakan, professor of business adminis
tration In the University of Washington,
will be the speaker at the luncheon meet
ing of the City club on Friday. His topic
will be 'The Relation of Agricultural
Credits to Industry." The club meets in
the Crystal room of the Benson hotel at
Filers Asked to Deliver Mosey A pe
tition asking that H. J. Kilers deliver
$58,647.37 to the estate of the bankrupt
Eilers Music Hjouse has been filed in
the bankruptcy court by H. W. Sitton,
acting- trustee. The petition sets forth
that Eilers had been previously directed
by United States Commissioner Cannon
to account for this sura, but that he has
not done so. It is also stated In the pe- 1
tition that $40,000 is held by Eilers and
used In the Oregon Eilers Music House
and that $18,644.67 is held under . the
name of Ann Eilers. A hearing will b-
held on the petition September 12 be
fore United States District Judge Bean.
Caaby Mason Mlssine Cart W. Vic
Theer, 266 Vi Fourteenth street, was re
ported to the police today as having
been missing since July 26. He Is said
to have been despondent for some time.
He had been working for the Crown-
Willamette .Paper company , as an. all-
around timber man. He is 34 years of
age, six feet tall and weighs around 185
pounds. The last time ha was seen he
wore a gray suit, gray hat and black
shoes. He . is a member of Champoeg
lodge- No. 27. A. F. and A. M. at
Canby, Or.
Scoot Young Picnic Scout Young
camp No. 2, United Spanish War Vet- j
erans, will hold its annual picnic at
Peninsula park Sunday. The committee
in charge will furnish coffee, sugar.
cream and lemonade. Lunch will be
spread at 12 :30, after which sports for
young and old will be on the program.
and prizes will be awarded the winners.
Invitation has, been extended to all
Spanish-American war veterans and
their families.
Pheasant Shooter Warned Pheasants
are flying low in the neighborhood of
518 East Ninetieth street north, and
some "scatter gun" artist has been in
the habit of taking '"pot" shots at them.
according to a complaint made to the
police. The shooting occurs in the city
limits and besides it is out of season.
so a warning Is Issued to those who have
been having their fun in that district.
Shepard's Alto Bos Lines Multnomah
Falls division. Leave Portland 9 :S0
m, 11 a. m, 2 :45 p. m, 4 :30 p. m. and 6
p. m. daily. Leave Multnomah Falls
7 :15 a. m, 11 :15 a. m, 12 :55 p m, 4 p. m.
and 6 :10 p. m. daily. Buses leave St
Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street Tele
phone Marshall 438L Adv.
Shepard's Asto Bns Lines Portland-
Hood River division Leave Portland
:30 a. m, 11 a. m, 2 :45 p. m. and 4 :3t
p. m. daily. Leave Hood River 9:30
m, 11 a. m, 2:20 p. m. and 4:30 p. m.
daily. Buses leave St. Charles hotel, 204
Morrison st. ' Telephone Mar. 4381. Adv.
Evergreen -. Blackberries Ripe Good
news for thrifty, housewives. Big crop of
evergreen blackberries now ripe at many
places ajong our interurban lines. These
berries are excellent for canning pur
poses. Ask our agent at First and Alder I
for full information where to go. Adv.
The only proper nnmber to call is Fast
3088 when you require the Salvation
Array truck to call for your waste ma
terial. Help us to help others by your
help. Address 24 Union avenue. Major
John Bree, district officer. Adv.
Kippered t-almon, tocf silver smelt
loc ; chicken halibut loc ; halibut cheeks.
25c ; silver salmon, 12e ; fresh crabs, 25c.
Royal Fish Co., 205 Yamhill street near
tne river. Adv.
American Ideals, Irish Independence'
A lecture Dy ur. E. A. Can trell, Protest
ant clergyman, -In Lincoln high, school
auditorium tomorrow evening, 8 'o'clock.
Free. Questions answered. Adv.
Portland-Sewbersr Bas Leave Fourth
and Alder dally. 8, 9 :30, II :00 a. m, and
l, z so, 4 :io, 5 :30, 6 :30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday 11 :15 p. m. Phone Main
3314. Adv.
Reliance ML Hood Asto Stares leawa
Kouueaga seea store 8 a. m. and 2 n. m.
for Welch's. Tawney's. Rhododendron
ana uovernment Camp. Adv.
jroruana . iiuamook Cadillac stage,
Hoyt hotel, daily at 8:15 a. m. and 2 n.
m. Special arrangements made for fish
ing parties. Adv.
Str. America St Helens via Columbia
river. 2 :30 p. m. daily : li :30 a. m. Sun
day. Alder st dock. Jdain 8323. Adv.
Fortlaad-Safera Stage Leaves Seward
hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
1 a. m, to 7 p. m. Fare, $1.75. Adv.
aaiem-Miu city stage Connects O. E.
trains No. 5 and 9 Tor Mill City. Joseph
, , r , . - -
nsauasn, oaiem. i rop. Aa V.
jp or Rent Ltental office In Morgan
ounaing ; snare suite with dentist Mar
shall 96. Adv.
. nr. Sorts rup, osteopathic physician.
3U .Morgan Didg, returned. Adv.
nr. ueo. M. bewail ha returned. 413
Morgan bldg. Main 7423. Adv.
Forty.five Motorists Accused Forty
five motorists were booked for traf fid
Do not' be embarrassed with ansighUy hair or
fns on the face, seek or arms. The
American system remores it permanently,
ho electric needle or depilatary used.
427 VrrocK BLOCK
Bet, Taylor and Salmon. Bed Front.
Wbtre Only the Best French and Itallaa
Dieaers Can Be Had.
: 227 'Vg . Madison
B etV First and Second
$ Ssuy
N N - -J - .
Mrs. F. D. Luse. infi F
N.i the winner of the X8S "Easy'
S- r 1 " av b . a . r
wasmnt: maenme, ottered free
the Gas Co. for the best letter
"Why I prefer the Gas Co.'
'Easy., Washer r to all others.
Can You Name
cThese 'Power Sites?
CDrpT A t XTrvri 017 Raastw. o-r str a
OI LKjLTU iyJ X IV-iH, el jrfy Aagnat la OrtUr That EaployM May Eajoy a Waakly Half
Holiday. Lewd This Mn nan sat Yowr 5iport Ivy Arrnm
ttP.R Wedaasdiy Dwring tho Hot Moatia
I WwoUy.Halt'
tho f orsttvooo.
Yontr Skoppiag oa WaWaaadsys ta
. 11 rr n.
CI Wo Arc Agwau for tk
Bvttorick Pattarma md
DwUntor An Now
StyU. Ar Now Showing-.
The Store That Undersells
Because It Sells for Cash
O Tko T Fa two ot
tk Battarick Pattarma
la Proving of Groat As-
is tan c to- Honi
Our 1085th Bargain Friday
You Reap Greater Than Usual Benefits When You Profit by the Specially
Underpriced Offerings Arranged for This Weekly Selling Event So We
Urge You to Come and Share in These Savings.
Three superb hydro-electric power streams join
the Columbia River near Portland.
Northwestern Electric Company owns theso
power sites, and does a profitable business in the
manufacture and development of hydro-electric
and steam power in the Portland Power area.
"Hydro-Electro Dividends and How to Get Them"
is a Dooklet telling just where these power sites
are, how much power they can produce, and why
Northwestern Electric has made money from the
start and has just paid its twenty-fifth consecu
tive dividend to security holders.
It also explains a Special Savings Plan, by which
any self-supporting man or woman can become
a part owner in Northwestern Electric Company
business, properties and profits through invest
ment in its Cumulative First Preferred Stock pay
ing 7.37 per cent on the investment and sold on
interest-bearing partial, payments.
This issue is limited to 10,000 shares.
s .
Telephone, call or vrke today for free '
illustratcdbooklet, "Hydro-EUSric Dhi
dends and How to Get Thenu" Address
'J. G.Tavakes, Stock Sales Manager
10th and Washington Streets Telephones: Broadway 580
Portland, Oregon Automatic 56747
Three Underpriced Specials In
Hosiery and Knit Underwear
v For Bargain Friday's Sale
Children's Lisle Half.
Socks at 15c Pair
While any remain we place on
sale a special lot of slightly Im
perfect Lisle Half-Socks in fancy
stripe top styles in siaes "1 ET
m from Aft to 9J4 al, pair JLUl,
Women's Cotton
Stockings at 12)2c Pair
The Mother Hubbard brand of
Women's black Cotton Hose in
sizes to to, on sale Bargain
Friday at only, .
Women's Cotton Union
Suits at 25c Suit
A limited quantity to -close at
this ridiculously low price. They
come in regular top style with
tight knee. Size 36 only nrp
at, a suit 4&Jl
Women's Suede Lisle Gloves at 98c Pair
A clearance of broken lines Women's Suede Usle Gloves Fowne's ii and 16 button length
gloves in mode, beaver, and white also Ivanhoe Chamoisuede Gloves'in 1J button length in grey
and white., Not all sizes in each color, but all sites Trom S to 7lA in this assortment QQp
Come early for first choice. Pay only, pair. . VO
i- i
- M
Exceedingly Great Values in
Thousands of Yards in Popular Weaves -1
and of Standard Quality in One Great J JtZ)
Assortment in Friday's Sale at . JL: yd.
Of unusual interest to the prudent shopper is the special showing and' sale
of Silks and Satins it is a saving opportunity not to be met with every day
. Don't miss it -
You have choice from:
Yard-wida Novelty Plaid Taffetas
Yard-wid Black Maaealinea
Yard-wida Black Taffetas
Yard-wide Dot Foulards
Yd-wide, Weak Satins, FIesk. Wlute
Yard-wide White Fibre Skirting
Yard-wide Black and Wlute Shepherd .Check SOks
Women's iNeckwear at Ridiculously Low Prices
10 c
In this assortment we include all slightly soiled
or mussed Neckwear this season's styles In all
sorts of dainty materials and shapes. Come early
for first and best choice. Values are 1A.
extraordinary at --U C
A closing out of broken lines In Collars, Sets,
Jabots, Vestees, etc, some slightly -soiled - or
mussed-from display or' handling. All sorts of
styles and materials. Valves extraordi-
Mail This Coupon
for Full
J. G.TAVAS.ES, Stock Sales Mna$er, NtrtbveJtan EleOrie Cmnptny
10th and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon
Please send meyom free bo7dTol Dnid, Ho to Get Them.
Tbinl 4s Vf) (if t mmrjam -f rrvPtM HiWte
ff1 J?
1 1
"Everything for the Office"
This is our slogan and we are prepared to live up to all that
it implies. Our lines embrace everything required in an
up-to-date office, from the smallest thumb tack to enormous
vault doors, and our reputation for Quality and Service is
always jealously guarded. s
We operate complete Printing, Engraving, Bookbinding and
Rubber Stamp Departments and are prepared to handle any
job regardless of nature or size. We are proud of our
reputation for quality and artistic workmanship in these
departments and acknowledge no superior in this line.
Ribbons for School Days
And Many Other Purposes
4 and 5 Inch Widths at 19c a Yard f
Excellent choice in plain colors in Taffetas and Moire Ribbons; also light
and dark warp print fancies 4 and S inch widths. Especially under- -
priced for Bargain Friday's Sale at, yard JLiC
Dainty Handkerchiefs at 10c Each 3 for 25c
' In order to adjust our Handkerchief stock we offer this great special. Included are many. styles
and materials as well as a splendid lot of Women's Swiss Handkerchiefs with lace edge or embroidered
corner. Others in plain linen in small size. Choice from the entire lot Barg-ain Q rot Opr
Friday at each 10c. or ' O sUC
Blazer Stripe Skirts at J55
These extremely popular sport and 'outing
Skirts are of splendid quality flannel and come
in clever color combinations.- At the same low
price we include a splendid lot of White
Baronet Skirts. Sizes 26 to 31
Friday Only at
Sleeveless Jersey Dresses at $535
Most surprising values in the extremely fash
ionable Sleeveless Dresses made of 12 oz. Jersey.
They come in navy, brown and black in sizes
16, 18, 36, 38 and 40. A very attractive.
Inexpensive Dress . at Friday's Sale
Fifth and Oak Sts.
Marshall 6080
1C 3T
With French Cuffs at
All Sizes 14 to 17
An unusual price reduction on Men's fine Percale Dress Shirts made with
French cuffs, and well tailored throughout They come in a splendid assort
ment of patterns and colorings in all sizes from 14 to 17.
Men's Underwear Reduced
A clearance of aU Summer lines Including the beat
makes and all styles. Many garments are ot a weight
suitable for all the year around. Her are a tsw of the
95S SUIT For Men's Pproaknlt Union Suits.
SUIT For Jersey Ribbed Cotton Union Suits.
9 1.55 StlT For Jersey Ribbed Cotton Union Suits.
91.65 SUIT For Jersey Ribbed Cotton Union Suits.
S1.85 SUIT For Jersey Ribbed Cotton Union Suits.
02.15 SUIT For Mercerised Usle Union Suits.
www tw m
A Great Sale of Sport Corsets at 95c and at $1.59
Here is truly a golden opportunity. Heavy satin, brocade, bandeau cloth, fancy flowered her
ringbone twill, surgical aU elastic sport girdles. These numbers are from R. & &, Betsy Ross,
Treco, Chas. Scott. Empire, Loretti, Lady Louise all guaranteed makers. Many are factory
samples, end sizes, discontinued lines, etc. AU are phenomenal values, scores actually selling at
two, three and even six times regular. The sizes, 19 to 28. Though, of course, not every size
in each style. If you can wear sizes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 we will give yoa the surprise of your life.
Just think of selecting a high grade corset at In many cases at far less than actual mill cost
95c nd $1.59. None exchanged.
Bleached Sheeting at 39c Yard,
Special for Bargain Friday A splendid weight
that comes 2 yards wide. A quality that will
proTe most durable. .. " . -
White Stone Bar Pins
Plated Bar Pins
Plated Brooches- -Plated
Collar Pins '
Silkoline Comforters at235 Each
Special for Bargain Friday Fun double bed
size Comforters covered with' flowered silkoline
and filled with white cotton. '