ire, 6 THE OREGON" DAILY : JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST S3. 1S21. roads, to th government goes un paid. - .-' -. - C 8. JACKSON.... genaor Capper f of Kansas says Pnhliahaf I farm tMiinfpv ba increased after all e'her . ym wrmld hTe them do onto yon I- uoiisbed every week da and Hunda. aaormns y: The Journal nuildinc, Broadway end Tw- I nui TTt, Portland. UWfOB. Littered at the pgetoitic at Portland. Oresos. tot trannsijslon throuih the mails a second matter, ' liXtl'HONfca Ham 7 ITS. Automatic 560-S1. y AM eVpaTTrnent trarhyi. by thee numbers, j proved Credit facilities. pATIONAl ADVERTISING KEPKESENTA- great wars, and be insists that it has been because the V little farmer has been w unable to obtain- sufficient credit carry: en his" work. : "For the rood of America, Senator Cap per says, the "fafmer should have Im- if-TIVE Benjamin & Kentoor Co., Bninswiek .' building, 22 KMth tmur, Sew Toil: 00 f pimtim mnit-ins. i nicago. pACmo COAST REPRESENTATIVE W. H. ;:-.BaranreT Co., Kxamiser building; 8a Ftn-,;-tljeo; Title lnuraae bonding. Los Angeles; 7 rVrt-IntT1irwieeT bnildfat. Brattle. ' !- UUX.O JOUHNAi. reserts the right to THE PEOPLE HAVE PAID "PORTLAND wants no crime wave a. this . winter. . in preparing: now to combat an uprising. Mayor Baker, reject adrtrtirins copy which it deem ob- J Chief of Police Jenkins arid Sheriff v-ioaaDia. t sup win no piw I 17.ll,( nronlno a wi.w fouree ny. e v that in an war simulates readine Battler er i-that cannot readily be reeeenized a adrer- On year. - Sis month. .65 .0. . But to fight crime, the police do partmeot has requested 60 more pa trolmen and additional equipment. It is reported that the request is meeting with favor, at the city hall. But the police request is not the SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, City and Country DAILY AND SUXDAY One week. .....$ .15 On month. .... S DAILY - I SUNDAY ta. wek .10 I On wek......f r kail, all" rates payable cai)Vajck I only one that has been njade of the DAILY AND SUNDAY . I .!.. .i-.-;--. Th hatoo mcn a nn . rv,- .nili, llfSl"1' v- " - On month. .... . i repeated ana widespread request ior 8 UN DAT I AraaA in ti r.rRt--nf erovernment. fftnlvl I .--- " On year. , ... Six months..,. Three month.. 4.26 F (Without Sunday) us year. , ..00 f t months..... 3.25 5 arse montbs. . . 1. 7o Oa month. . . . . .60 ;u- WEEKLY I WEEKLY AND W (Erary Wednesday) 1 SUNDAY Oa year $1.00 I On year. Six months..... .60 1 iam nin apply ei i j in vne tt-m. tag acta. Consciousness of pursuit for the orime stands out-In B rum field's flight as plainly as the ever lasting hills against the . vision. Nor doea memory lapse have to be seized upon to support the state ment that & . man : of . Brumfleld's standing would not commit such a crime while in the full possession' of his faculties. - Crime plays no favor ite station, be it high or low. It runs like a muddy vein through all strata of society, - as numerous cases of recent development have shown. To- McADOO CONFUTES THE RAILROADS Former Director General Stakes Clear the Obligations of Roads and Government Growing Out of Wartime Control Show Government's Claims Large, and Definite and the Railroads Claims Indefinite and Largely Indefensible. : COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF , SMALL CHANGE- SIDELIGHTS ti Is there any cream on the milk of human kindness? The qtustioe of the covers meet's payinc the railroads of the country $00, 000.000 is befc rasa. Ike minority oi lb Intends t commerc commute of Ui ent aed recently that ex becretary th Treasury WUuam t. MeAdoo, sat was alt duwetor eaaeeal of railmeda in ISIS, fee caileol Botosw toe eommitiee. its majonu Osate toe nuoeat. cwnatar slsuki ox we minnriLv at tue eoeamitlee then wrote to sir. SfteAditfk -' " nua so eJaissomto taw .tr y rn rclaUon t to soreruiDent ane the run rue fit ludor tii wartime cuotroi ana tue cxjsuik ooucauoaa I there Is no sweet music In WO tOU OI low of eacu (rwu out ot uiaa nsuasi nusjuuea Is tn lau teu, at vtm ssucr was sax. efamw I ocnool bell. rot sax. btauiey in ootoiuiance wusi uua regut. I UivXa nm Maun rym naaypra ntar tn By WlUiam G. MeAdoo I the cellar Is because of the home brew. In mt kw Aism n rlnram Winter tit into the ot eternal heppinensT see Small boys and girU will testify that In order to understand the DioDosals of the president in his message Of July I supposed to be stored there. day a resnectable man or woman, to-Ion toe rauroaa tu wf.m it u iiw-mr i y to au ui uunu ctu-tain mimnnnui xcva. I tnbrrow a r notorious mnrderer or n fre-""" ot tac xsuxtwMis) u toe usiAtr INUi a sett swrvwu uut s,uu- i when automobiles get as mucn sense mm muiTow a. nuionuus inui ucicr or I menl w uul coutrol of Uietu, avuuoxy 1. i.Xi.a. iu oruer to save Ui war. luuutsut- j Old Dobbin had they'll be safe vehicles muroeress. I wusuerauuu tutu tu gtteu to umi tuiyoiuuit, iroiuexa ot ii uviuiux swr uio th tours of courting swains. - ii I customary "auditions ana betterments." Inciuuiuz "motive nowec suia euuiDUient." I . f cruaus wc uwu gu uo iai lxie t - i . i tnan ,merson s statement, tnat in 1 xhese necessiitate larea ajinuat exDenoiturea m tucn had to oe woviued for oy Ue I Pnrtiend iinrtnr has nnW duDlloated what every man there la a latent infinite I railroads themselves notwithstanding ; tne fact that the government wu tem- I the marriage license has been doing for easieitv far erimi. to exnlain th- porarUy operaUng Ue properties. . . . , centuries. merrier Tinf R-ll. Th. W L.. Uer Private control tfa railroads procured WiftettoM P""! I mj setting asiae a pan oi tneir net earnings, u nuixiowut tor mo " i ..- ' riZri J Li,fA with the lapse in the entire horrible enact- lb) appropriaUng a part of their net earnings and selling bond or new capital I X,J! ,v, iv .nTiadVBD!! verr stock or both for the remainder; or (c) selling bonds or capital stock, or ootn, - : ,CK for the entire amount. I when the lexloographers discovered ment seems to be the lapse against the kill. ancient law, "Thou shalt not The usual practice was to resort in large measure to the sale of bonds (short term obligations Included) to raise the new money. Told that if she went into a dark room the bogy man would seize and KftfmL lust offhand, that there Is some thing lacking in faith healing and the theories of mind over matter, as long as little children suffer pain. The United 'States was under no obligation whatever to advance money lor such capital exDcimnures. xn tact, the leueral control act, ay pruned aasvrca At, six. f inrs.slv reuuirea that in every agreement between tne United fetaie auu choke her to death, a little eirl ran I raiirtn it snama b srirjuiaia Lhat -tn Linitud bustee tuay. by oooucuoiui .3.oo Those requests have come from the I from the room in fright, fainted and irwn the" just compensation vreniai to be paid me rauroau. or ty i threats again next year, beerciairy n res 1.71 I ... I i . . Koro-a k. .imKirirMH fn, th. nar nv naoitions. rsuairs. renewal i nas aeciaeo. Jtna me tarwe, loot people who are straining to Day tne fell. When consciousness returned .",T " r7 tYLirartyi not lusuv chargeable to ui- real menace Ues. wlU go unprotected. A great army organisation will spend tho monrv of American taxpayers In "shaflow boxing" a bevy oi imaginary It Is hoped that. In connection with the present phone rate Inquiry,' the "hlo girls will decide to give th patrons a Bearing. Eugene Register. m m m All retumlnr Baker neenle from a visit to California are content to remain here, satisfied that conditions from every standpoint are better at bome tnan abroad. Baker Democrat. e Tr taiH a man shout, a wear to learn to talk and six or seven years to 3Tite. and then it takes hina the rest of his life to learn what not to say or write. Polk County itemlser. . - - rmirrMi la aaiM tn s nnranrlate SS0O. 000 tor the disarmament conference. It's a rood deal to nay for talk, and espe cially so when the talking for this coun try will all te oone oy tienry . vsotn Lodge. Eugene Guard. The Columbia river furnishes the only water grade route to the Pacific ocean in the United States and it is as natural that freight will flow down that- route as it Is that water, flows down the river bed. Astoria isudget. s Hardlv a da'y has passed within the l. wVa that some atrocious mur oar has not been reported. And the hiaa rhlnr about the whole crime wave is the fact that soon after, the apprehen sion of the criminals they show a fero cious tendency toward Insanity.-r-Rose- burg News-Review. licemen and the bills for the present Gradually she lost her voice, then I In pursuance of this act the director general entered into agreement (known 3.80 ,mo U ,t r rit f .11 I as the standard contract) witn various railroads providing lor annual rental or --""" -'- ' ... I u tn tum, Bvmv Af tha nut earniiiKS oi me tnree Municipal governmetit In Portland 1 cal science has been able to do, is w.. r ,i. v..n n.m.iv: from Juiv l. ii. to June u. 117. These MORE OR LESS PERSONAL rJonake rtmlSneeiKn few years has been now a mental and physical wreck. A rentals aggregated, for all properties under 'federal', control. . approximately Order er iraatt. If your postotliee is not Ifaney Order office, 1 er 2-cent sumps will be Random Observations About Town The Oregon Country Soxtiweet Haeveetina. fa, Brief .Ywrst for, the Beay Reede. . - ..-.,' ever i. . . I m . - . A , a - I Clian llfMl lUlu n Annum ueiure. touiua tiqry transiorxneo: ner irom 1 - , v , . . .v. v,, jyitmA ctate in toeee. contract ttsecuon it it w a.yicatj - TZ , A few days ago a Heppner bank, ful- more expensive than accepted. Make an renutunees payabi to TV There have been constant demands a bright, happy child Into hopeless Lnoud SI' the right tiideduct from such rentals "aU amounU required to relm- filling the Uw. published a list of un- Jnnmal. PnrtlaM. Orrenn. I u. t nunoil fnr mnrs I k.n ItmV I . .v. it.l.j r .v.. aAAtinnm nni hittarmnts made to th I claimed denoslts which have lain in the property of the company not justly chargeable to tne unitea sisun, umc nun vaun ior years. u - . Vi i v., ,(.,.. I.!., oar. nf hv tha rsRiDaliy tO the satisfaction I u.taohan of -Portland was credited with MORE TOR FURS THAN SCHOOLS of director generaL" The director general agreed, however, not to- deduct for a balance of $12.17. A friend of Phil's additions and betterments in such a way jls to prevent the railroads from paying informed him. and It Is unnecessary to MORE than twice as much money the fixed charges "they had theretofore regularly Paid y that Phil lost no time in drawing was naid out lor furs in AmeV- L After sufficient allowance , for wchrxed charge, the dector general w bank tor the full amount. The free to deduct eacn year irom me rentals aw ' . , """" " r""' " Uii only way I can account for It, says mil. Is that when I left Hecpner, some la f- money. The people have granted It until the breaking point has been reached. The time has arrived for the high tide of taxes to recede. A large body of people in Portland think the crime wave can be over oroe without additional expend!'' tures on the police department. That department now Is costing twice what it cost three years ago. There are three men in the department now lea was paid out for furs In Amer- in 1J20 as was paid for all for "additions and betterments." even if such deductions should compel the rail roads to reduce or defer dividends on capital stock, unless, ot coure, mw rsuirw, financed such "additions and betterments" to his satisfaction. t v,., n Miina raiirnad stockholders of apprehension as to how this power would be ' exercised, the director general consented to the following provision (SecUon T-A Standard Contract): Th. nnn... t.AAnr ihA amount due bv the company for the cost of addi tions and betterments not Justly chargeable to the United States is further flo highway between Forest Grove and I wa, served by nearly a desen trains Gaston is now complete, according to w. daily, the heme of Oregon's normal D. Clark, division engineer of the state I school is now without regular passenrar highway department, who passed through I service, motor busses having replaoed Portland Tuesday. Paving Is also prectl- I vn" rally completed between Gaston and I The Rainier Manofecturlng company Yamhill. This U.t named section i. X,&JL&& cement concrete and will not be ready for I mt that place. The company is a eoop- trarnc ior at least so days, me com- 1 srative concern witn a capttxu m forms of higher education. The statement waa recently made by P, P. Claxton, former ' United States commissioner, of education. The education referred to included fe-i If yoe would be puncent be brief, for tt it with words si with socbeama the .more they are condensed the deeper they sum. eonthey. Hi- 3, THE M'ADOO LETTER years ago there were small sums due me and It Is possible that one et ray debtors deposited It to my account. I recall that Bill Mahoney told me a few years back that I had a small balance In the bank and suggested that I con where there were two three vears 1 all tralnine in collesres. universities. I j i j v. ,..,.,, tn k mutd hv the director ceneral only when I tribute it to the building of a ne .. - I I UCVI4I CU W ftll-J v " " " - I , 1 . . ago. There is more and better equip- professional and technical schools, he finds that no other reasonable means is provided by the company to reimburse church at Heppner. I told ment at the police station than ever whether supported by public taxa- united -nrnp 'r iaioney muTt have t orgotun to Deiore. - is it more jnuuey, men, losi ud vr vtivaio cumi w jiiciil. (power of deduction as not to Interrupt unnecessarily ins rvguuar ij "-" l do so. the department needs, or Is it morel -When a country is spending less I dividends as made by the company during tne test perioa.- , efficiency in the department? than half as much n the higher This provision imposed no wntmx j mj - Tt1a le n,Hn. liharallv fAr M. I on;n, nf a eH, 1 r, V. 1 . I COUia not go oeyonu uie "i . --" i ..-..-. -., tion of poucy. I - ...w I ... . . m n-.n r TTI .. luMr million dollars is eiven ud to that end of furs, worn lararelv for nersonal While I was director general lyear xsisy ami " . I w I i f iniu KnciAi ijnuw y, rA . 4JiU.s ! Vak With that sum and the-aid of the hundred million dollar for furs and dividends, nor to Bell bonds or stock as they had thsretofors dona, to 'lfPrM Lirrtvala I l . .. s sni. . i. sttsh "vAi"-!!!. Ann nfttlftr I nft a am s HMa Ka -ii i MvasnmAHi Yfi rnmsuk nTWriniiurPB. a uc lubl ui i. . . i v,vv s w. wr su -'- 7,"r: ; ti.ii ,t.. tint on Mtrch 1. 0. ' w. ... r.-. a w..t.afid . .... . -.--.- tnan rR ? rinrniiai w mn wLiics-n u v urn jtu t. v -. - - - gii. miu abas d. . v b fws --..a - against crime waves at an seasons oi training above. th high school t" -r.f,;"" 'l returned rto private control, they owed (and still owe) M, .nd Mr. w. Howard Ramp of the year should be provided by the I leaves the country- no' room to com- the United States the enormous sum of $1,144,000,000. These additions and be1: Brooks are among out of town visitors. -.1t--. T It ta .At S to n nl Vnaiie I .1.:. -. , ,1. , . J A , I ..-..-.., l-.,,, tSvtntlve Ttowf Snd eOUIDment. 1 Iirt muiiiuiiui . I eve V""1-0- " " " o.w wc v-v.01. u. ""1"T" 1 " .i. v. r. rlad to have the w tu t. su--,v T.n. AnVanw rorcea unon tne raiiroaos. mw rrvu : . .'. . ... i mirm. mvhu j - the people have not paid for It. tion. TN FULL on this page Is the letter tV- of former Secretary MeAdoo to US. Ilia v m - - , A. . . - ww.. - . j .i .v- , Mnt wnirn was irns inau lhv .h . . , . n n .ha a 1 1 nr -wans . i government ienu witsin un nviijr k-- ' -- . . h. l,y . .... . The cheapest thing that America la J5e. Congress had to appropriate thU I1.144.O00.0O0 out of taxes levied on the I WiaUt M visiting friends in Portland. buying today or any other day, the people, and these very appropriations for loans to the railroads have been used py ..!. .v... - ...-.. unfriendly critics as a basis for the charge that federal control waswasterui or - - a- - " I tlllll AAA TI1UVU tUC VVUllkl J U IkClWlllli I . J. B. Cornett of Shedd Is taking in the Bights of the metro polla C. E. Brown of Eugene is in Portland on business. t. v TTnfoi- nf Sim is recistered at iiTrt-iTiciiv rrnn a aa ax um-i iur 0-. - . . . . i . - . - . , . jv. . v . vaiipAait. nwsi ths srovemment on xnis I .. t.-.. i - Senator Stanley resnectlne the ac- from his salarv d urine- his tirr.i- I -t ! .-. t. .--,--. I government ' -V V of t1 , insist I . I ' " - i vr. ... -..v.y , cuvuv-i. i lceoont is a valuable asset 11 uirat cramro v..--, .V'$(unt between the government and ent term. Hayes saved $44,000 aj j I upon satisfactory security as the law requires. ' - riod the railroads, briefly quoted in yes- year. Arthur saved $50,000 during For actual money advanced, the Of this vast debt the United States has already extended for a iong penoo today's dispatches. ! his three and a half years. Cleveland railroads owe the government $1,- I 1?? ,3r?i'w TeVv now due : for -additn. aid betUrment ;y As director general of railroads! entered the White House a poor man, U44.000.000. On fllmay clalmt that the sura of approximately $763,000,000. V - i a m ti - a 1 Kilt Vdt iyA1 t f nriVfltA llfA romfftft- I lanA nrlnr ffAVArnmanf nnAMtUn I ' w curing part 01 tue penou ox gov- -- . -"v I t .. - orowidine for emani rAntrni xtr ATfArir. (. ir. ably provided for. Mciuniey en- waa inefficient, the railroads arsrue I February z. iju. congress u-cic " . r.. -. . h. iipsiUon to speak with authority on '-" presidency in debt, but that the government owes them I Hin MtataSce !cVetionrwlthtn certain limitations to set'orf against the Irhat the government owes the roads after five and a half years in the of- $758,000,000. The government Is debt the railroads owe'the United States any indebtedness arising out of fenaJ .v- I ., t . v. r I , . . . I u . r; .?! il r.i.. o..,.. .i.kt t-ifminii n owe ths railroads. That act further nd what the roads owe the govern- W lu UCULa proposing to pay tne roaas,a.o,gg9.- no': "J" aSiMibnof t cai to the United States in .nt. Perhaps it was because of Provide adeq.uately for Mrs. McKin-1 000 on these claims and have m tourtSo ot The work of paving the west side Pad- . - ; OREGON f' C' A Stubble firs in tha Watts field north - of Athena last week caused a -low of 10 sacks of wheat. - - Crook County's entire wnnl ells has been sold and shipped.. It amounted to neariy 70o.uoo pounds. - - Astoria is one of the nine cities In the . country with a gain of more than $10,000 in postal savings during July. - . A survey of the mineral resources of Grant county is being mad by engineer connected with the Oregon bureau of mines - , .. . There are six applicants for the vest- mastership at Pendleton, that number having tiled their applications at Wash ington, August IS. Shipments averaging between : seven and It carloads of cattle have been leaving Pr neville each Saturday for the past several weeks. - The Whit pine Lumber company's mill at White Swan, Klamath county, which has been idle all summer, will start September 1 with a crew -of 40 men. 1 An examination for the 112! appoint ments to the naval academy at An -n a polls and the military academy at West Point will be held in Pendleton7 October 29. Lack of funds has made necessary the withdrawal of the construction crew from the Bend-Sparks Lake road. Th road, however, is said to be tn good mid season shape. . ' , Weston will soon be the scene of much activity, with street paving on Main and Water aureola, the laying of new steel. water mains ana tne buuaing or a" steel and concrete bridge on Main street. , Though a few years ago Monmouth oletlon of these two stretches gives a continuous pavement from Portland to McMinnvtlle by way of HUieboro and Forest Grove. $1,000,000. OI Hansen, for many vears employed on the O-W. section at Blue Mountain. sustained a fractured situii ana o rosea arm when a speeder wnicn ne was oper ating was struck and thrown from the Eric Hauser of the Multnomah hotel I """E r -"-Vnier train. Is In reoelpt of a box of fresh straw- berries sent him by George Neuner Jr. and J. O. Watson of Roseburg. The strawberries were grown by is. H. Mathews of the Lookiagglas district. near Roseburg. WASHINGTON . It I- now said that the l21wheat crop In Washington will exceed bushels. Grain men estimate that th 1121 yield of wheat In Walla Walla county will ct.i.-, v nri-rt nf rvwiuiiia who I reach $.000,000 bushels. kliSlUlCj t us WW w w a a has been motoring through Washington Mabton s hay Plfe fair wni neis and Oregon. Is in Portland on his way wp r Ttif. Jl home. "We are having a wonderrui I"" ..""- - tlme. he said. csmut ei-nlnarion In a threvher on th William Martin ranch near Walla Walla , . ... destroyed a combine and more than XS00 Herman Wise, postmaster of Astoria. I acks f wi,eat. is in Portland on one of . .s periodic Annroximstelv 2.000.000 boshele of visits. He says he is ready at any time wheat hRV8 n sold in the Walla Walla to give up his job to a Republican sue- valley sine July X, most of which was cesser. Ed Cole, a stockman of Haines, brought down a carload of cattle for the Portland and Seattle markets. a see Mr. and Mrs. D. Baldwin of Rock- away are registered at the Imperial. e e !. b. Davis and J. Allen of Salem were in Portland Wednesday. J. Crocker of Ooldendale. Wash- is making a business visit to Portland. OBSERVATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Locklejr hat ho knows, that the Congres- ley afte" his death. Both Roosevelt j kind of settlement in about 10 years. I funded for a period of 10 years from the termination of federal control, or m, Lr , . .-,. , r.' ii.- . afifl Txtt anvd mnnnr. Tt-"1s estfi I tVi ,.. ct nr .; MkIka I .hnrt.i- rin at tha ontion of the carrier, with interest at per cent per annum iwoai committee investigating iue i i - e,. - iinbJect recently declined to call Mr. I mated that; Wilson sa.ved $50,000 a ment on this page. rwanderinss and sd rent urea of e who T" n-L tin... iae eakri in th West but honing ixule. but who set-led down in time to becane one af taa two "e-daac lnnaDitanoi ot naieaa in nt w carried our blankets and took turns doing the cooking for the crowd. JlcAdoo as a witness, a fact that In k"' durinj. his eight years in the Itself waa -extraordinary. . Briefly H711"9 iloUite- Stated, Mr. lIcAdoo's view of the ac- A WORK WELL DONE count between the government and EMERSONS the roada. is a follows; Railroads owe the government VIEW FIELD OF BRUM- """v" rv n iia n--etlon TT-.av prescribe. WM it is troethattoo toanaplwrtation at seems o confer upon the president Tf eo. oce are - J a,J2 AtlrX. l witiSeStiUi limitations. ho much of the debt the Mr. IfUj. 7 th-Jbl. exen UiWMV wr w . . A Va aK Ka fa VAr1fl W1U BW CWUUUOU All "V United States owes , lne ' " "onmn lte tha none of rthe i www uic wi-.. -- - Z.. v.... .v.- - ..,ma that It . T. x . Tnwnhna'hDt I V GALAXY of medical specialists, ebt of theunu fS SS Ur nT remaining Ugd Ue Johu. U j"oph C" d -tX men who have snent a lifetime I WIU oecausc m . .... . M . i. i 4- induhltahlv I r iri,...., c.i.m when I met In study of causes and effects of at nder the law and the contract between the parties, the United States is him recently at Seaside. "John O. Wright ana i are tne two oium rwi.i. Salem from the standpoint of continuous n. a .,,( havahesn misled into making such a statement residence in the Capital City. I moved All that the United St-te. i renuired to do. legally - and ""J fand for Portland t, Salem Just before m nnTTT . i t 1 1 , - , . ,., . I . ., j i.ii k..j r,ii oa itaiM. hv Uis nrMld.nt in bis mesiue, ijr- . , i.t-s . .1 ix r&w cases in American -nminai i pnsisai ins, wiu gamer in roruano not Tnoraiiy ano iraiu !..--.. - - - - M ,.M . Ktt- ll.144.000.00d for addftlSns and bet- 1 annal3 haa the circumstantial Monday and TUPSdav - for thk d.a. the $763,000,000 of debt the railroads owe the trtasury for better- trments. These 'additions and bet- evidence of the crime been stronger semination of information on the ?lVll LtlVl 8',?tVw .d meSaS; l. to T fund lor Jrments include motive power and than tnat against the man charged causes, care and treatment of dis- ten years "any remaining indebtedness of the carriers to the United States" after ennn. to i862, so I have lived there iuinlnmant Tha nfctdadl . . . . , , - -r. n ui ..... . I V.1...1., ne aivniinta lover 9 vears. I WAS bom in Ohio 27- . ",. "V Wltn lne aiyB t xuola eases ma.n enort to spare numanity - " . e . October 1. l$a. My father was Scotch "-lyruveiHcnu. ww :S ntar Roseburg. So strong does this the sufferings that beset human no to July 15 1920 the railroads had filed with the director general counter- IrUn. My mother was German-English, to nave tne tro vera ment itiaRe tnem I . t .ni .-, ,.. I v - ' ..'.... ., mm uui m -n r !nor. i navit , ... . . n . . ... e.miiw . t avvHi vu. iu ikvo - w- jtiiiii.. I claims aeainst the united states aggrsgatuiB ij,vu,vv. ..ww. ..v.. - .4 was tne urst uum - --... - . . . . i . i . - - . i claims against uic uiAkcu .i-v, . . - -... on. inoney advanced by it at per travagant to say that acquittal prob- The struggle to overcome the ill- 1 says that the greater part of these claims is for1 under-maintenance of way. strue- My mother was about 1$ I cent, which, was less than the market ably would not result lf Dr. . Brum. nesses ve foreyer atUcked the tures and eQuipment and thatftooT. Jltz. 1 ... when I was rate for money. ;&Congresa appropriated this mdney xit of taxes levied upon the people, fof this debt, $381,000,000 was for locomotives and cars, and the time '(f payment Is long overdue. On ac count of additions and betterments to title tracks and other railroad prop erty, the roads now owe the goverh tbnt $763,000,0.00. SfcUp to July 15, 1920, the-railroads had filed with the government coun 1 ,, . M t 1 !. I . ... .. . . I 1UI ailCKCU . - . . . . t . .. , ,., lu nimseu were iu umy "hums numan race nas neen long ana arau- I efficiency of labor" claims as "of a too nigniy inoennite, ipecu.sur. ,rln of 1880 j WM one of a called to testify, and were allowed I ous. Generations have com and tingent character to warrant consideration" and states that .they 'are not contem- I . 60 to start out with ox teams gone as Information of diseases and plated .y the anM cot.- gold diggings in hamnered and unembarrassed by era h hn addad to th. interstate commerce - Colorado. Like most of the otner gold cross - examination by prosecuting storehouse of knowledge. TrMid-Lt. in hii message, suggests that the claims of the railroads against .J?'"-. "r., JI xi! Tint tha seed of search bava homa the United States may amount to $500,000,000. It is difficult to conceive tnat tne riw in fUlw MU la that i . .. . . . . w t : . i k. . . .an . nnmaon B nr .urn - 'm-iw. -. . w... j - TUSt Claims Ot tnw jam u-uo .f."" .-.- . - sum. But assuming, ior illustration, maw uic -. stated as follows: ' m th. United Btatst by th railroad. ,In ftn Sn Du, th Tsllraads seeoant of alUsrf tu-der-suuntonaae. 600.000.000 prosecuting storehouse of knowledge counsel. .Even under such circum stances it would be doubtful if he fruit. Disease Is today under greater could establish his innocence, all the control than ever before in the his while giving him that inalienable le- tory of tho world. Few are the mala- gal right the presumption that he dies . that medical science cannot Is innocent until convicted. "sonquer. Few are the ills on which In all likelihood there will be no I science Is not informed. .S6J.000.000 fall I worked in a placer claim that four of us bought. We averaged $10 a dav sdIocs throuxh the season, which was a lot more than many of the other tenderfeet made. That fall after th claim was pretty well worked out ttr claims against the United States attempt by the defense to explain But medical science is not content fi ""L"l , ' Ven. This is the kind of settlement the law now authorises and six mules, to take us to Atchison, 0n account ot federal control. $758,- away the damaging circumstances of with cures. It is reaching out now to cor. tern nlate3. Such a settlement involves "no added expense, no added .invest- Kansas. In our party of 1J Including th 'MO.OOO. Present Director General the case Indications are that these effect prevention. And as in hun- ment, no added liability, no added tax burden and no added appropria.iuu ii driver there were no two men imm tne ' r I 1 1 aaa -. f J . aj Ja b a aaa fae w n aa wairi C3L IT n aty t i WM TY s1 w I .. m . . -a S w eae-W i n wrae evsi s S r n n wm 1 ca vu ss "-rvrv s 's Peak diggings had tiese claims Is for under - mainte-1 of an insane act. The sole mainstay I to prevent is frequently the heriUge I Jr,Vkt drawn men from all over the Union. franca of wav-structures and eauin-1 of the defense, in the light of pres-1 of isnorance. ' I , This was in the fall of I860, and while , , r - - .- , 2- . . . . MA. r. r- .,).., n nt i -n411 V. n -, . -. .-.. A t M n t A ...! n.. . 1 . ynent, ana tnat 4u to o per cent -. " .v. , " overcome tuat nnran, t i taterittte entire $763,000,000 due by the carriers to the United States. New England, and though politics was t&at is for "alleged inefficiency of of memory, of which the suspected educate the public as to means of "nU" , h. . in cash. $500,000,000 for alleged under-maintenance redhot In those days, there was not a dentist has talked inaptly and freely. I prevention of various Ills, tho Amer- if that be the amount finally determined. The president assures us that sharp word spoken on the whole trip. . I I USU-13, n u' . . . . . ... .. .,j 'j llKltlt- ariHw4 I Yet even in tnrs intricate networs I Iran rvmera of Rnrcerv airmr with i thia involves (ll "no aoaea in ve sum en-. n no nuuw ua.w - - this memory lanse the pattern of its own clinics, is holdlnr nublio tax burden." ueariy. misiaat. labor." He characterizes these "in efficlency-of-labor" claims as "of a tfd highly Indefinite, speculative and contingent character to warrant con- V tltderationN" and states that they are lint contemplated by the "standard bh1161-" and that he has refused to ilow them. The interstate' cpm- - tnsree commission has, by a decision, lcently upheld the director general. The claim that! labor was ineffi cient and that the government should pay the railroads several ; hundred trillions on that flimsy contention,:ls Extraordinary. It Is especially ex traordinary since the present director general of railroads characterizes the claims as of "a too highly indefi nite, speculative and contingent char acter to warrant, consideration,?' and ' since a ; decision of the interstate commerce commission upholds the director . generaL Why should the government pay the roads $500,000, 006 on flimsy and highly Indefinite sind speculative claims, when the roads owe tho government a much greater sum, which the government needs quite as badly as the : roads t need money? , i Besides tho $1,144,000,000 which tho- roads owe the government, they " have received under the Esch-Cum i&lns law additional loan to the a,mount of $300,000,000, making a total of $1,444,000,000 of indebted ' ness to tho United States. ; ( In tho ' light 1 of the ' statement of Air. MCAdO. win no extraoramary. If congress passes the pending "rail -. rpad bill, practically paying the . roads $500,000,000 on their flimsy cJalii,;wh-lo ;the whole -debt, of tho this year's crop. Th office of the Northern Pacific railroad at Mabton was entered Wednea- . day night by burglars who robbed the till oi $10 tn change. Annmvlmatel-r 11.000 cut-throat tTOUt - from th hatchery on Gold creek have been distributed in Clarke . county " streams during the past week. - , Miss Pauline Child and Miss Helen Salisbury of Sprague are on their way to Hllo. Hawaii, where they will teach in the schools the coming year. - Valuations on all property, real and personal, in Grays Harbor country were reduced alO ner eent by unanimous vole of the county board of equalisation. Mrs. - Rlisabeth Trumley. a red 7C Is dead at Pasco as a result of injuries re ceived when she missed her footing and fell down th cellar steps or ner noma . Jacob, J. Brown, under arrest at-Se attle, is wanted in New York for the alleged theft of $13,000 worth of dia monds, and on tne runner cnarge ei bigamy. All red to have noured notson Into a - cup of coffee riven her fester mother, a 6-year-old girl, whose name is withheld.' Is helnyr held in tne juvenu o.iwiuoo From Atchison I went to Westport. Missouri, and from there to Shawnee- town on th Shawnee reservation In Kansas. I spilt rails there for a while and later got a Job butchering cattle. I home at Seattle. The government had taken a lot of the I aihert V. vanhert. a T scorn a dry Shawnee reservation to throw open to I squad policeman, has been Jailed fonow- setUemnt and for It they paid the lng his alleged detection In the act or Indians annuity money, qusrteriy. A lot I accepting a onn or ito iron uw piv ot saloonkeepers, marked-card men. I pnetors or a son orina stand. thugs and other rough characters had gathered at Shawnee town to prey on the Indians. The saloons furnished the Indians' boos and charged it to them. The Indians had not associated with the The conviction of 21 L W. W. mem bers, sentenced by th Pierce county su perior court March Z. lzu. nas eeen set aside and a new trial for the defendants ordered by the supreme court. v. m i . . ... .Tln. - ecnit AnA " -1 white, Jong enough to b dishonest, so ran7asn1 wear when they received their annuity money j th. of equalisation which held Ola. a.w !! aa . a - k . S . Vala A. W a We I . -, . a immm a mir oiu not try to wvauo uieir uniia vvi I t final seSHIOn baiurasy. ins ssstsseo turned It over to the saloonkeepers to I valuation is still $1,000,000 higher than pay for the liauor they had consumed. I last year. The saloonkeepers, who wer white men. I Elmer Teal.' whose body wss found rarely returned any of the money. They either padded the Indians' bills or told them they would keep the money for them and they could drink it up. which seemed to be perfectly satisfactory to the Indians. "There was aa Abolitionist living there who was also a Prohibitionist, which in those days was m rare sort of animal. design stares out like an avenging meetings to which the public is ln- Tate. The shipment of the box oflyited. clothing to the point where tho sus-1 , Such a meeting Is to bo held at pect was captured; the finding of I the Couch school, Monday evening. Dennis Russell's decapitated corpse On that, occasion some of the fore- under the charred remnants of the most specialists of tho country will 1. There Is an "added investment- oi tne isipajna ..i - " A . . . . -1 . er fn win nlul w. a r aa a sa 1 aa I $500,000,000, because, instead or riseiung or cancama ,jwiu,v nu. amount Of the oeot tne raiiroaos owe me uuu " .- ,k. niimana SEOO.000.000 of new money. . iiwntv" nf because the treasury must Letters From the People suspect's automobile, with the evi dence ', -thai an attempt " had been made to create the belief that the dead' man was the suspect: the suc- outllno the causes for many of the physical ills or the time, and describe the ways to prevent them. Than' those who have gone so far OPPOSES THE 4-L Portland, Aug. 20. To the Editor of cessf ul flight of the suspect through j toward overcoming th suffering of the states under an assumed name; I the race, few groups of men hav the discovery , of two letters under I done more to make for the happl- the suspect's bed in Canada, in one! ness of mankind. In continuing the of which ne is said to have Invited a j struggle and in educating the public woman, not his wife, to accompany I to help itself they aro Improving on a work already well done. TRUSTEES OF WEALTH him to Australia, and In the other of which he made an elaborate effort to- convince the searching authorities that he, the suspect.- was dead ' and that Dennis Russell was alive ail A FTER amassing a great fortune of these things, not to mention others, I i-m- $350,000,000. Andrew Carnegie bear the earmarks of careful ' pre-1 rave all of it away except $22,000,000. meditation, however . crude and I as lata figures on tho value ot his es clumsy that may be. - tate show. He recognized tho prin But this crudity apd clumsiness I ciple that the possession of great need not be laid to a memory sud-1 wealth should . bo a trusteeship denly gone forgetfuL In fact,1 it is j rather than actual ownership. Within the very stumbling nature of these a generation or two, it is Tory prob things which blasts a defense- based" able that tho same principle will be on a lapse of "memory. From what more widely recognized and enforced nttie they know of the human mind, J by law in heavily increased inheri psychologists are convinced that th tanco taxes. subconscious ego is supremely cun ning and subtle. Had the subcon-1 The raro' beauty of an Egyptian scious mind; alone been performing I girl who lived 8000 'years ago and in the Brumfield case there, perhaps, whose mummified remains have been would have been none of the criminal received at a British museum is clumsiness which is part and parcel widely proclaimed. . But what Is the of,; tho conscious mind. Self-con- good of besiuty under tho peculiar scionsnes always ; leads to blunder- J circumstances ? continue to Jend that sum to the railroads, some with good and some with poor .t -a. lam loss may finally result. Thus, if the United States now cancels $300,000,000 with a part of the debt the railroads ow ttf at least to the extent of $500,000,000 the chance of loss or liability will be removed. , m. will tu an "adaea rax Duraerr unless me, uau;oa - . ..- . w -- .... . . . . .. I ruruauu. auk thereon are finally repaid by the, raiiroaos oeca use mere The Journal-It seems "A Reader." of et.fa tn wet isoo.OOO.OOO for the railroads except by taxation, unless it I ., ... . , i w. en tasu-rV certificates of Indebtedness-the same thin, because these -"--' . t hinV like t h- must be paid unUmately out. of taxation. 4-L die. To me it has always been a , . .w .. . --.-,,, y- I wonder that any patriotic American citi- , nr Mant sava let the authority of the war finance corporation be I .. ... .rr . extended "Uiat it may purchase these railway, funding securities" and thereby .old put up witkl vsva aav "- . " " . . " . . a . Bri st !. I AS M. DHQEC. 1L W DO UUUUl wV BUCCTO. This does not alter the situation. J " h s lihor .rrinlution It Is a direct .ISrSSI thVtrVr- isiue TZTSS LTJ. ...nt and sell them to the nublic in competition with treasury financing. In I Commnnfawtto-w ai.t to The Journal for publication In this d-frt-iwt sboeld be written en only one side of the paper: sbouid sot ezceeo 100 words fat -earth, and matt be dsned by the writer, whose mail addraaa in full Bast accom pany the eoBtnbutaeal Sunday on the Charles Flathers ranch near Prescott. came to his death through poTBorring. appsrently taken with sui cidal intent Teal ,and his wife had quarreled. x IDAHO . . RnnaMlna )iintv has a bonded In debtedness of $750,000 and a tax valua tion of $l,ZS5.lll. . TiVa-iV v . riemns. r. mavor of af allow. He waa thought to b reporting th I Cork county, Ireland, Is paying aa of- wegai pracuoes going on in wiawn- nclal visit to jotse. town to Jim Lane at Lawrence, Kansas. Grangevftle's seventh ' annual Border One day while h was leaning against Day, a Wild Wert chow. Is to be th side or his door a bullet came be- staged September 2$. 29 and 30. tween his body, and his arm and buried ' rancher near Caldwell owning 160 Itself in th door frame. Later, while he I acre of late potstoes haa lust turned was stooping over his stove frying his I down aa oner or ib.wv ior nis neio. 1 bacon for breakfast, a bullet hit the I The garage belonging to T. L. Porter stovepipe Just above his head. Hardly a. I at Biancnard waa destroy ea oy yre week wrent by while I was there that I Aloncay, witn a toss esiunaiea at By a vot or b3 to MO residents or Buhl have turned down an added levy to meet the financial requirements ef tbe schoola k , ' , , , Th state board of equalization has fixed 6.R7 mills as the total general stste tax levy for all purposes. The 120 levy was i.ll mills. & - D. Harold McGrafh of the Jerome County Times is now publishing the some thug or eatocviman didn't take shot at him, but h was still alive when I- left. He didn't seem nervous about being shot at. He claimed he was get ting used to It." the A. F. of L. "A Reader" may be sure I would divorce him Immediately, al though I em strongly opposed to di vorces. Xuf f said 1 But. O well I maybe I would feel different if. like "A Reader.' I resided In Kings Valley. Antl-4-L. MAXIM AND KIN STEIN Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 21. To th Editor, of The Journal. Maxim Informs us that he, and not Kinsteln. was the original abolitionist of time and space. In this matter the honor properly belongs I Red Chevron, the official paper for the to Kane insteins relativities are neither more, less nor other than were Kant s noumena. Further, this theory Is far from being recondite.' The veriest tyro. In mental philosophy must realise that conception - without psychosis Is Impossible, that all manner of psychosis la dependent, absolutely, on neurosis. and that neurosis can result only through neural stimulation (matter in energetic contact with - matter). Now, time and space ax not material; hence they can not- stimulate or. Influence tbe .neural system. - It follows that they are Incon ceivable. In plain words, time and space are unknowable.. They are. so tar as w are concerned, non-existing nonen titlea. ... Psychlet. American Legion of Idaho. Th cost of running the schools of Twin Fall for th school year of 121 and 1922 will be reduced practically $42,000. or about. 25 per cent over last vear , Uncle Jeff Snow Sayi It's e-gitUn so that when a feller comes baok from a flshln trip and tells about the 'rainbow trout three foot Jong that he caught on Whopper creek or tn Stretch em lake, his neighbor wants -to ee th. photograph et it. and thereby casta reflections on his verbosity. loss which on final analysis must be borne by the "T-'T - , .".-. ... -.--.. ani that ia tha luimn-t 1 1 know wni i am UtlKing a DO 111. ss a of S.",iia nnnce ration have worked in a lumber plajjt where or tne.pcninng . .,. ', . it i. a fradit and waa the 4-L, had the upper hand. Should my r ,n. "".- " ' . n V ; ri5; r husband affiliate himself with th 4-L given WwJ. .""'.v. '3. '..'-. W. fr the rallmai To Varr. out this plan, whether through the war finance corporation or through the treasury direct, involves a new appropriation. e a w Rnwever the wlan may be consummated, whether through the war finance corporation or through tne treasury atrecx. it remains cir mat a new u e i;aa non Ann la tn ra axtenaea ta tne raiiroaos tor a prriwi ui jiv irin. . , iiai- ever may be said, it Is certain that the railroads should be required, before any ..a made tn ahandnn the "inefficiency of labor" claims which the director general declares are too "highly Indefinite, speculative snd continsrent I dispose or them it a loi .. ., . i . v.. . ll n.-.-l . ... ttMAniiltifnQVtr. to warrant consideration. im raiiroaos siroum vu s tv,wnin i ,- . w more and remain at npeny to Keep me goemme-.t t 6 - """ j suppose you reallae that. In addition to the $1,144,000,000 the railroads owe claims for an Indefinite tima . . I .v. .Mn.m.nt inr additiona and hettermenta. thev have received additional Nor Should the government be forced to buy the obligations ot the railroads loans under th Esch-Cummins bill of about I300.000.00d, making a total of $1,444.- at a higher price than their market value at the time. The bill as drawn obliges OOO.OOO. , . . , , . . ,. the ptdentTln the exercise ef the authority given him. to purchase such railroad Stripped of confusing non-e-eTtiala. what Is now broposed Is that the goy- -r?uritles on a bxsis that will return not teT exceed percent on th investmegt. emment ehall wait 10 years for $763.0.000 the nalli-nada we It for betterments subieet to such discount as mav represent the customary and reasonable expense and improvements, and pay immediately $500. 000.000 to th railroads on account of markeUnr such -securities. The biU also authorrse the war finance corporation of claims for alleged under-main tens nee, etc, taking from the M or more to Durcnas tne aetrunties I rorn tne presiueni aa uw . viium, wv. vi iurU .-. .,.. - ., , - - C I. prohibits said corporation from selling the securities at less than the original cost. I securities as they may be able to provide eecuritles which In many Instance If the war finance corporation is to be thus used as th marketing agency, then I may not be adequate to protect the government against loss clearly the securities should bear such rate of interest as will permit them to be I This is not a question pf "legal and moral obligation on the part of the wtthMtlt Tf nroad securities cannot now be sold on a per cent I United States to lend the railroads $500.0oO.OOO more, for 10 years.It Is a quest ion kaaia (awl . I. think' it will be conceded that. they cannot-be) -then the. obligalions I of poiiciv-and should be. considered from that standpoint on y. Kor the adoption Durchased bv th government sncmia near m uigner raie, r enouiu uw iiuiv-aaniim wku . . LZ. . . , , . T j - . at a n that will yield a high enough rate to attract Investors. Otherwise I it should be candid about It. Tbe public mind should not b confused by Juggling of he United States most either continue to hold them until a market which will I figures, manipulation of accounts, or securities, or gweremental agenciea. To absorb tSm at Per cent can be found a very uncertain contingency), or I get the facta Is the object of your Inquiry, aa U is equally th object oi my reply. The Football Season - Approaches Now comes the football season. With tho next college year only a few weeks distant, sports fans ar turning , their - attention to this year's gridiron prospects. ;Tho Sunday Journal . sports section next Sunday will contain tho schedules of the major teams ot the East, the Middle West and tho Pacific coast. ' Mr. Motorist. Mind ! Where You Park A set of new parking regulation Is -to be enforced tn Portland in the near future: What the pro vide will be shown in graphic form in The Sunday Journal Automo tive section next Sunday. What Goes On " Af the Beaches ' 'fhio '"several ." teach resorts" on the Oregon and Washington covets still' hum with tho activities of their respective summer colopiesJ . . ' j, , These nappemngs are irisicu in detail. In The Sunday Joarnal. Next Sunday