THURSDAY, AUGUST .25, .1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 5 SHIPPING BOARD S . RECO RD' OF GRAFT SHOCKS CAPITAL Bj Xonnaa Hapgood United Sen Staff Correspondent Washington, Aug:. .25. For acuteness of interest In--Washington just now first place undoubtedly goes to the tangle in the shipping board. A scandal, is usually rr.ore popular than a problem and the shipping situation combines a first class ecadal with a first-class problem. Chairman ' Lasker, meeting a young lawyer, at a dance, asked him what he thouerht should be done with the wooden snfps. "You ought to keep the wooden ships," the young nan said. ! "Why?" inquired the heavily laden chairman of the shipping board. "Because," replied -his new acquaint ance, "if you do not solve your problems Miccessfully you will need the wooden ships for coffins." The chairman Rave the youns man a . drink, and the danoe went on. WOCLDST CHA5GE JOBS I am glad I am writing for the news papers instead of trying to hold down MY. Lasker's job. Here is one of the re cent incidents of his eventful life. A certain ex-senator, in, Washington on business, was called on the telephone by a friend who happened to be in the shipping board entourage. "If you are going to get in your bid. he said, referring to one of the contem- j plated sales, "you had better hurry up. "But when bids were asked for," said the ex-senator, "the time set -was the end of this month." 'Yes," said his friend, "I know. But all the same the bid are going to be h opened tomorrow." t EX-SEJfATOB Suppressing most of his available profanity the ex-sf-nator called upon the man in charge of the bids. He indicated what he thought of deciding such a matter" before all the bids were in. "Ah," said the official, "we have got all the bids we want." "Have you," said the visitor, with more or less Tine Irony. "And may I ask now many of these bids you - mean to send up to Mr. Lagker forf decision? . . ." "Three will be enough." So the ex-senatorial attorney hied him to .Mr. Lasker and repeated, his woe. "Waiting ontit the end j of the month would have done no good," said the chairman. , fWe have only one bid and tt Is satis factory." : - ; ' "How much is it?" "I do not know that I ought to tell you but I will. . It is $2,800,000." "Well." breathed out the inquiring: law yer with some emphasis. "I come here authorized to offer, you $3,800,000." GRAFT IS ETEBTWHIBE Mr. Laaker, ef course,' was shocked at what his subordinates had been putting over on him. It is not a debatable ques tion ; it is a fact that the shipping board is shot through and through with graft. The move for a senatorial investiga tion was blocked by the fear of the Democrats that such an investigation would center on the parts of the situa tion for which the Wilson administration is responsible, and by the fear of ad ministration Republicans that the present regime would suffer from some of the later facts. Foremost among the later facts stands out the appointment of attorneys. A good deal of the noise is made about the sise and number of salaries recently handed out to legal assistants, and there is plenty to be said on both sides of that question. But' a much more effectively subtle drive is against the fact that many of these lawyers have been representing shipping interests that are now urging claims against the shipping board. SENATORS INQUISITIVE A few senators asked with some na tural heat whether they were to vote large appropriations without inquiring into so striking a situation as this: It l . . : . i . i 'i tn is nut uemeu uiai salaries 01 M,vm), j ,C AAA I4C lifiA - : .a ... I . I who formerly worked for the govern ment at about a quarter of the sum, and who have in the interim worked for a shipping organization that is British in its ultimate control. Nor is it denied that many other large salaries are paid to lawyers whose past affiliations have identified ' them with suits against the government now pend ing. efMr. President," said Senator Borah' on Monday, "all of this discussion, of course, discloses the fact that it is al most impossible to discuss any question here without discussing it from a purely partisan standpoint,' WHERE SERVICE IS BEST No music house in all the west offers in service, in convenience and courtesy the advantages that are found in our stores. Airy, roomy, sound -proof booths make for record shoppers a pleasurable and restful re treat. While the convenience and quick service off our ground floor d e p artments save time and add greatly to the comfort of the hurried buyer. Courteous service, stocks in Victrolas, Brunswicks and Records that are un surpassable make our stores your logi cal music shopping place; Easy terms. I , J.'i.liv.. I i i f I MASON ANffHSrOTPRNO MORRISON ST. AT DROADWAY OTMKH STONE. SAM rWAMCTSCO. OAKLAND. mttNO. 9AM I AM JOU, 1ACWAM WTO. MS AN4CUI i I II v -HI ; ;:L . - " - ''If !fl j V Cl T ?r ,; fljo ' " Women's Luxite Hose ; : Large new shipments have arrived of silk, mercerized and fiber Luxite. also new silk lace effects and outsize Luxite hose, silk, silk plated and mercerized. .. . ' Street Floor, Lipman, Wolf & Co. ' j- (p. cUD Merchandise of Merit (W Two August Sales that are attracting wide attention and effecting Important sav ings for hundreds of purchasers are the sales of Mendel and Multnomah Wardrobe j Trunks (Fifth Floor) and Pure Wool Blankets (Second Floor). - . ; ' .-- We Purchased an Importer's Surplus Stock of a Higher-Priced Group of 500 " Hand-Made Porto Rican Blouses At a price concession which will enable us to sell them Friday at this Sensationally Low Price inexpensive Pianos During Readjustment Period Sale Those who seek a piano of excellent quality but have deferred buying because of prices will find here offerings that make it possible to buy now. $375 $425 $475 will buy fine new upright pianos and that means that you are paying $150 to $250 Less Than You Did a Year Ago for the same quality new pianos right here in Portland. I i i 6 I Grands $200 to $300 Lower I I If you do not wish to pay cash we will arrange to let you pay 9 I by the month as low as 10 for a new Piano, as low as MS for 2 I a Player Piano, ana as low as f 25 a montn for a new Grand Piano. Phonographs f I m r r a -i rvrv at to $iuu Reductions Initial Payment $5 Small Weekly or Monthly Payments Thereafter It plays all makes of records r its sapphire ball does away with needle changing its action is so smooth and even that records played on the Pathe last longer its tone is a marvel of sweetness $75 Cash or $4 a Month A new Stradivara, Harmony G. oak 9125.00 A new Stradivara. Beethoven, mahogany 2 new Stradivaras, Chopin G, oak..' 9150.00 A new Stradivara. Melody, mahogany 8112.50 A nfcw Bluebird B, mahogany $125.00 COXYEKIEWT TERMS S1Q or more at time or purchase S3, $S or more a month thereafter. Seventh Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. Smocks Reduced! $1.95 for Beautifully Embroidered and Appliqued Smocks Fine roile, heavy crepe and ' beach cloth are the splendid ma terials in these smocks the varied colors, embroidery and appliqued motifs add unusual charm to the wide variety of clever styles. $3.95 All Our Finest Crepe' and Beach Cloth Smocks Unless you have seen the latest developments " in smocks you cannot imagine the beauty, the novelty and (he becoming ness of these models with their original treatments of yokes, sashes, belts or pockets and their gorgeous color harmonies. r Good News for Girls! All Wash Skirts Many Wash Dresses Reduced to $1.95 At Price . For Girls and . Juniors Others Less .Than Half Price fourth Floor, Upman, Wolfe & Co. ff $1.95 The quality of the batiste, the hand sewn and hemstitching and the beauty of the drawn- 'will prompt every woman who loves hand-made rarel to procure a liberal surrlv at this price Fri Come early to make certain of securing your share of these charming models with tuxedo and V collars. Every sale finaL Sale Square, Street Floor and Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe Sc. Co. lOling Mien I an Younger Young Men, Heed These Uh J 21.-50 Prices Friday and Saturday Only Many Lang hams and Langham Highs Included $26 50 Over 200 Fine Suits W A Cleanup of ALL : : Broken Lines in Styles for Young Men Year round Weights Every Suit All Wool Every Suit Perfectly Tailored Single and Double Breasted 1, 2 and 3 Button Models Never before have we offered such wonderful suits, priced so remarkably low. All sizes from 32 to 42 for young men, but not all sizes in all patterns. Towering back of this reduction sale is the realization that every one of these suits is tailored by one of the ferr makers who tailor their garments up to the Lipman-Wolfe standard of quality the highest known. For Two Days Only Best to Come Early Friday Caps bn $1.95 TJ a of Smart Cloths, rialS New Fall Stock New Fall Arrivals for Young Me Hundreds of New Fall Suits Have Arrived for Men and Young Men Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe &. Co. $3.65 EVERYTHING FOR CASH EVERYTHING FOR LESS- The NEW Tailored Hats of Black Hatters' Plush in the fashionable high luster with contrasting facing of smart Leatherette ace here for immediate wear 95 Lantern Bags Also new Strap Purses and Leather Vanities such as the young miss and every woman adore. Featured i Special Cash Price :.$i Vanities of black, brown and gTay leather; large mir ror, powder box and coin purse, $1. Strap Purses of tooled and spider grain leather, $1." Soft, roomy leather Bags , in the novelty lantern style, metal tops with large mirror all at the one feature price of ONE DOLLAK. ECONOMY BASEMENT, lipman, Wolf & Co. A Matchles Low Price for ' Such Style and Quality And you will find them in most becoming shapes,, with " straight and roll 'brims. Trimmed with black grosgrain ribbon band and corded, effect of . the leatherette. . ; , ; . . - ECONOMY BASEMENT. LSpmejt, Wolfe A Co. - - w omens SilkHose Black, Cordovan and Russian Calf, the wanted colors for fall n- pure silk nose with lisle toe, heel and tarter-proof top. ; Wade with seam up the back fof-rerfect fit Just imagine it, at . . . . . .1 . . . . ... . 98c ECONOMY BASEMENT, Lipman, Wolf, & Co. THIS STORE USES NO COMPARATIVE PRICES THEY ARE MISLEADING AND OFTEN UNTRUE b -;, 7 I