. THURSDAY, AUGUST - 25 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND; OREGON 19 i . n : AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAB COMPANY ... .- PLAJiT, ' Ths truth- shoot each ear offend for sal. by the Covey Motor Car oompny - is easily 'deter mined through .lb simple addition to our selling plan of an outside -removable pocket placed, upon tile left front door of each automobile. In this Docket and open to Tour inspection fa the shop work sheet sn absolute record of all von done to the ear ia Question. " It haa always been possible to obtain front IMi fins the highest quality used, rebuilt and reftn ished motor cars, absolutely without anisrepre nrntarjon. We are very proud of the public confidence plaeed in an branches of our business and daily wish to increase it. We are constantly striving to improve our position -in the used ear field and spare no ex pense to produce the finest car possible. Used car sales- increase our new ear volume and we will look this volume for our. profit. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS 1916 Dodge Bros, touring and roadster. .$ 575 1917 Dodge Bros, 'touring : . 60 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster and touring.. 725 1918 Dodge Bros, eedan .... 1150 1919 Dodge Bros, touring ... 825 1920 Dodge Bros, touring . ..X. 950 1920 Buick sedan 2000 1920 Buick touring ........ 1250 1919 Buick roadster ....'1100 19X7 Buick 4 touring w. 450 1920 Franklin touring .. 1975 1919 Franklin 4 passenger 1350 1919 Oakland touring ......... ,m. ... . 400 I -t 1917 Chandler coupe, excellent eon. 900 1920 Ford touting 475 1920 Ford coupe ... i. 625 1920 Ford sedan, a dandy. I . .. 700 1919 Ford roadster .................. - 850 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan . 795 1920 Chevrolet roadster, in fine share.. 545 1920 Chevrolet touring i. 75 1 9 1 9 Chevrolet touring 400 r918 Chevrolet touring 880 1914 Chevrolet touring 250 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1200 1919 Maxwell roadster, very good 490 1918 Willys-Knight, only 1200 Model. -"N Hupmobile touring, very good 750 1919 8tndebaker Big bis 5 pass. 1475 1918 Studebaker coupe, a real buy at... 600 19 1,7 -Studebaker 4 touring . .'. 325 1915 Studebsker touring, to be sold as is 150 1920 Haynes touring 2100 1919 Haynes touring, only ........... 1500 1918 Chandler touring, new tires....... 850 1919 Chandler Chummy rditr.. fine shape 1175 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 1919 Oldsmobile "6" roadster 850 1920 Oldsraobile '6" touring 1025 ,1918 Lexington touring , 700 1918 Olds mobile touring "8" 950 1918 Bcripps-Booth-coupe 1350 1919 Peerless 8 touring, not rebuilt, only 1475 1920 Overland roadster, a a-ood one.... 585 1918 Overlaid "90" touring . .. 450 1929 Overland "" sedan 950 ; 1921 Overland " tourine. an exeeotion- al car , . . 678 1919' Hudson limousine, in One condition, a wonderful taxicab- 1916 Twin Six Packard Landaulett .... . 2750 1920 Ford roadster with delivery body.. 425 1920 liberty touring 1275 DELIVERY CARS . 1019 Dodge Bros, screen, an excelli.it ear 825 ' 1918 Dodge Bros, panel, good shape 775- 1919 Chevrolet Panel delivery. t - 400 1918 Buick delivery 400 c-vrm.r.Ars The present good will of site Covey Motor Car Co is both a direct remit of the unusually de sirable lines of cars bandied and the entirely sat isfactory war they axe handled. The desirability of a used, rebuilt and re fin ished Cadillac is reflected in the satisfactory umbers constantly being placed in the hands of the most- discriminating buyers. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. We are open Sunday. 21st at Washington St. r Main. 6244 Abo a big display at the new Broadway sales room downtown. Call at the - salesroom most oonvenient for you. -Our automobile transporta tion service makes it quickly possible for you to 100C over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH 38-80 N. Broadway. Main 6244 REAL BARGAINS ICR. BARGAIN HCNTER1 HERE'S T0UB CHLANCE 1918 Maxwell touring .... i ............ $225 1918 Chevrolet roadster .... ...296 1918 Chevrolet touring 885 1918 Dodge roadster 485 1919 Old-imobile 6. roadster 650 1918 Mitchell 6 touring 750 1917 Chalmers roadster .............. 550 1917 Buick 4 delivery 295 1918 Buick 6 touring 485 1916 Saxon 6 touring . .. ...... 295 Don t fail to see these cars before you buy. Some of them are like new. Terms if desired. - If KAN CIS MOTOR CAB COMPANY Grand Ave, and Hawthorne East 8770 ' x . Max we!. New Roadsters $785 ' New ones aa cheap as traded-in ears. O. Ju. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Wash. St. Portland. M. B. FISCH Badiaton, fenders, bodies, bonds, tanks, repaired and remodeled; auto sheet-metal work a specialty. 105-107 N. 15th St. Phone BROADWAY 2299. 1913 CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER " Owned and - overhauled by Cadillac mechanic; new 1-man toD. new paint. Alemita crease sv. tero, spotliehtj Firestone rims, good rubber. The pries I ask for this caf is less than it would cost to get the overhaul job done in a shop. BROADWAY 5557. or see - M. B. Craig, at Covey Motor Car Co. niRT.iKrt a tail s tncrvr.rn This car taken in trade on truck, and we are able to sell at a very attractive price. Car is iu fine running condition; price $500, on terms. - - W. L. HUGHSON CO., Broadway 821. Evenings, Woodlawn 3163. : Ask for Mr. Wood. FORD: Late models with and without starters. Prices range from 8300 to 8400. Will give very good terms. Jake's Used Car exchange, 325 Gliaan, bet Bdwy. and Sixth. Bdwy. 60.B3. We never clot. 1919 OLDSMOBILE 8. 7 -pass, touring. Good tires, good pamt and looks good, runs like new; just been overhauled, and in the very best condition. This car is going to be sold in a hurry. Our price is far below the market value. Reasonable terms. Call Hawkins. Broad way 3606. WEAVER TIRE COMTAKX FIRE DAL TIRES . OREGON VULCANIZING CO. . TIRE REPAIRING $33-335 Burnt ids at Broadway. 1918 Chevrolet Roadster Tins ear- is right mechanically, in looks and price; only S-S0; will give very easy terms. Jake's Used Car exenance, 325 Ghsan. 'bet. Bdwy. and ciixth. Bdwy. 5593. We never close. 1021 FORD coupe. 4 months old. has Hassle shock absorbers and speedometer: will eon- aider taxing in s late model roadster or touring. Sunday call East 7878; during week Broadway est ask ior Memo. REO 6 touring car that has been thoroughly renewed. -passenger; good rubber. S625. 1-3 cash, balance easy terms. Used Car Dept., Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Aider. Phone Bdwy. 1460. FOR SALS Cheap, late moQei Chevrolet 490; never off pavement. Looks like new) 5 new tires, spotlight and many other extras. Will stand inspection by any mechanic. Phone warn. 842. 1919 CHEVROLET touring in fine condition food rubber, 8460; will take $200 down and Crve terms on balance. Phone Woodlawn 3520 alter B o clock evenings, luao Mallory ave. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, cord tires.- good meenamoai condition; wiu sacrifice for 8375 ana give terms. Ask. tor Mr. Biggerstaff, Broad way 240. ' avis aijL.vna.LiLt touring, completely over- nsniJed, pantaaota top, curtatna open with door, new battery; an exceptional barg&iu at 8440. wm, Li. tiugnson uo., e n. Broadway. FOR SALE Late '16 Ford tounn. kite radia. tor and fenders,' shock absorbers, water circu- jatox, iiv tor qui aaie. ssv d at. or call AUt. B33-CS. j i iuku aeaan. usea omy a tew weeks as a demonstrator, like new ia every respect, spe cial paint job; liberal terms. Wm. L. Hughson u. w . groaaway as wtvia sv CliEVEOLXT. 1919, apeoial top, uphoi&tering and simonised, S95. $123 down, balance in ia payments. Broadway 816. .- WE PUT Steel teeu, m your old flrwbeel; crankshaft turning. - H. B. Black, maehine ebop. 634 Alder c Broadway 2ftJit, . " " AtTO.ioPi KlxioVti&tD ' ' . Curtains repaired. - B. . R. Body and Top works. 500 Williams ave. East 1198. - 1917 SrrtlEBAKF.il 6 mnrt Ion Mnaintl $100 down, balaBoe of $300 in 12 month Ci 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good tires; a give terms to respoosible party. ... Call MI gyryiair. groaqway avv. r lil$ FORD touring new body, new tires, 23 ' - extras; car is A-l, $350 or trade ia oa Podge! 1919 FORD touring, mecnavucaliy perfect; good robber, easy terms. - Mr. Biggarsteff, East 490. - LATE 1920 Maxwell tounsc. oord tires - and ether extras, in nm class cemdraon. $5S. with terms. Tabor 949. BARGAIN ia Buck. D45; tine coadiUsa. Wood- iswn 2Xti. - , STIDEBASEK 1919 light . fine condition. $1150. t-rms. Owner, Tabor BflHl. 1921 FORD sedan, aimost new; will sell or trad. Int Ford touring or roadster. Tab. 3079. -BDlCK.' 4. "runs fin.,' hfidy In Vic ftvaditifm. Broadway 17J. Mr. Jangsrs. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 WE ARK SELLING HTTDSOX AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES that have been either rebuilt or: renewed that are in the best mechanical and running condition that are also; warranted the same aa lactones warrant new ears. - In addition, we give 90 days free mechan-' ical service. - . . - . ;j , This is not new en Hudraa antomo bnes. , Hi have rebuilt and sold them with s warranty since 1918. Yon buy s fine quality car with the same safety ' ss whan you purcbsas i a new auto mobile. Buy s car : yon can . depend upon and at S bargain price. - Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, ; put is first class condition sod sold .with s 10 daye' free triaL subject to being re tnraed and full credit given on any other car of equal price, that customer may select. ; This gives ample time for every pur chaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to hsve it inspected, as we want only satisfied csatomera, 118-1919 series Hudson Super 1920 Hudson Suoer Kir , - .......... 1574 1920 Hudson Speedster...... 1920 Essex, tike -new j t i. d . . 1919 Maxwell J, 1919 Essex automobile ; .... . 1919 Grant Six i.i.... 1 u 1 O A!Ji.;i. T: . . : 1550 1225 575 S50 600 t snn 1919 Chalmers 7 J L ! lnR5 1919 Olds. Eight. 4 -pass. sport model ... 1025" 1920 Dodes roadster ....... 900- 1918 Dodge - 75 1919 Liberty. 4 - pasa.4 . sport model ........ ii 1000 1921 Olds 8ix.....;v..... 1300 1918 Cote Eight. ... 1350 The car that neverwears out-' that Is the automobile that ia known sa the Hudson; it does not vibrate, there fore does not damage the material; the worn parts can be replaced and the automobile continues to run like new. For a long time the Hudson has had the reputation aa the ear that never wears out. Used Hudsons are -better than new cars at the 1 same price. Ask. the Hudsea owner, , These used Hudsons are known for being the best used car values on the, market. . Xrgett Used Car Branch Store ia the City st 40-48 Broadway. . Branch Store Open Sunday , and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5739. Also Display ', at Our Salesroom,' 6 15'-6 IT Washington street open weekdays only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. GCARANTEK AND gUKVlCB bAMlfi A3 MEW CARa Howard Automobile Co. 13TH AND ALDER STS. ' Broadway 1180. PORTABLE GARAGE FIRST QUALITY ft. by 16 ft; '546.00 A8K ABOUT 0TTR HOC8ES $180 AltD TJF MUXMADB CONST. CO. WOODLAWN 2413. "BUILT TO ENDURE Portable and Permanent 845 to $300 Best -Sectional Garage Built on Ptcifie Coast BEDUIADX BLDO; CO., PORTLAND, OU. E. 11th and Market. Phone East 5114. ' Downtown sales eAiee Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4335. 1918 CHANDLER DISPATCH, sport model. 4- paaa ; white wire wheels and paint; looks like new;-new top ajr seat eovara. Car is in fine condition. A real buy. i Tou will have to sea this ear to appreciate the value of auch a car at so low a price. wiu traae ior smaller car. Reasonable terms oa balance. Call Props t. Broad way 306. A SPECIAL. BUT Studebaker 4. with new tires, starter and generator, all in good shape. Com. and gat lr Ior $190. - Ask no questions, ; Come and look it over. See Jensen. Mack International Motor Truck, 'Inc., 10th and Davis. - . liUPMOBILES, . We have the models N and R's, late modeis, just rebuilt; low prices and easy terms. Jake's Used Car exchange. 325 Glisan. bet. Bdwy. and Sixth. .Bdwy. 5593. We never close. 1920 B1H PAIGE SIX COUPE. This ear ia almost new. never been off the pavement. Paint looks like new; tires and upholstery in line condition, inis is tne seat Buy in the city. Will take small car; terms on balanoe. Call Propst, Bdwy. 8608. . THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, takes the kinks out while j wait; repairs radiators and bodies. Liberty radi ator sores tot all types of cars in stock. Bdwy. 3214 30 N. 11th st. near Bumsld. 1919 MAXWELL, 5-pasa. touring, good tires, paint and . good oar. i Mechanically perfect. Ea?y terms. - A very low! price. : Call Hawkins. Bdwy. 8608. " J ' - ' : HUDSON SUPER SIX in fins running order; tires practical- new. Must go Quick. Price $730. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. -B9i. eve.. Mar. stta. 1919 BCICK SIX, 7 -pass. This car uu good condition and ia a good buy. Will trade for smaller oar. - Balanoe on terms. Call Propst, Bdwy. 8808. i j 1919 PAIGE BIG SIX. 7-paas. this ear will make someone s fin. family car. The price is right Very good ttrma. Call Propst, Broad way 3000. AUTO BEDS Have your seat cut ta make a" bed; positively will Mil ... V. H- M. TJUU 1918DODGE tourina. in excellent condition, new top, bumper, spotlight, extra tire. Call between o a. m. ana p. m. rnvate owner. $490. ot miams svs. 1 . HAYNES 8 in excellent condiuoiL Lb. show you this high grade car. sell or trade for light car. Mr. JUPgera. Broadway 1572, MAXWELL bug, top, windshield, fenders, new pamt; J3 ta or MMq 8260. lernr can be arranged. : . ' CHALMERS 8, runs fine, good top, body in fine shape. Sell for 9325 or trade for light Mr -jnngers. Broadway 1573 e-Tl.pERAK.ER special 8, late 1930, run 30UO miles, nicely broken in; terox. Wdln. 2811. iu uimoara. FOR SALE 1919 Cleveland, peat $7$. L-189. Journal. of shape, 191. STUDEBAKER 4. repainted; want Ford vr Chevrolet in trade. Call Bdwy. 618. iv-'u txittu tounng. starter extras; aacruies, - vvoo. ask ior rfonnson, r-s-T eai9. ' 19x1 FORD for sale. $459 881Q 3d st. a. r- at scott car 1919 BUCK tounng;--wUl sscrlfiaa. $995. . East 4878. ' ! - - WILLI-S 6, will Mil ior $400 or trade tot lighter car, air jangers, uroaaway FOR. SALE Cheap. Ford touring body, com' plete. Phono Col 152. CHANDLER Inapateh, iuat Tli ka naw. nnl. $1450, tor itroaaway un. Mr, 4waara, 1918 CHAXDUTR chummy at a sacrifice. X Call owner. Main 5391. StuLE<LKfi' apodal ft. juA oteilauUL HTX asE, vunswra. ruoauwsy l a i 2. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 C. G. Bleasdale . ... -... We hav the ear you want. Will accept any rwonabio offer. Now is ths tuna Terms to suiW NO BROKERAGE . . Classy Ford Boas Ford Tonrmg , MalweU Roadster 12 ' Maxwell Touring ' Mazwall Delivsiy , Chevrolet Baby Grand Chevrolet Touring Studebaker 4 ' . Studebaker 6 Saxon Touring MitcheH Touring Mercer Touring Maibohn Roadster Overland Country Club Overlaid 90 Touring . Overland 85-4B " , Overland 85-6B Buick Roadster - Buick Touring Essex Touring Nash Sport Model Jordan (uks new) Paige Larchmotit Model Franklin Touring These cars range in price from $100 to $3000. C. Q. Bleasdale 630 Alder. Bdwy. 1152. Bargains! Bargains! Used Cars 1919 Nash touring to $1050 . 100 1915 Cole 8 '. 1918 Overlanb, 4 pass., wirt wheels, good tires, new paint 1919 Studebaker 4, new paint .... 1918 Nash, 4-paas.. original finish. . 423 650 828 Model 79 Overland, yon can't best this buy in town for. . 75 1919 Chandler, wire wheels, new paint and 6 cord tires 900 Model 85 Overland Coupe, excellent oondiUoa 700 1919 Pan-American, ' two new cord tires, new paint 700 ' 1916 Cole 8, 7-paas. 700 PORTLAND MOTOR CAB. CO.. 10th and Bumsids. 'Broadway 621. If Youi Are in the Market for a Used Car See Us 916 Ford touring. A-l shape... $200 1916 Chevrolet touring , 215 1917 Ford touring, extras 265 1918 Ford touring, overhauled 95 1919 Ford touring, starter true 29.1 1920 -Ford touring, starter, extras....... 465 820 Ford coupe, extras ....... .i 585 1916 Oakland 8 touring , 295 1918 Oakland 6 touring 465 1917 Velie 6 touring , 400 1918 Briscoe roadster 271 WE RATE LOTS OF OTHERS Will take Ford as first psyment TRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE t'nion Ave and Belment St. Upstairs FORD WIZ&RL- CHARGER Chsrsea 6-voM battery from Ford maenato. insures .bright headlights, . gives steadier apsrk. no more oil lamps; electrify your Fords fully guaranteed: price 31U. cord owners, get enr introductory offer. Garages, accessory dealers. scents, investigate, $10 offer for samples ana stock.'- Wixard Mfg. Co.. 21$ Jefferson St.. Portland. OAKLAND 8. 1920. B-PASS. This car taken in trade on truck and we are sble to sell st a very attractive price. Car is in fine running condition. Price $500, on terms. ' ! W. I HUGHSON CO.. Broadway 32 L Evenings. Wdln. 3163. Ask for Mr. Wood. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAT- you tq sei us bot repairinr that RADIATOR, FENDER or BODY. Expert work guaranteed and at moderate prices. Cor; Union and Hawthorns avenues. East 8498. GRANT SIX You must see this car to amraclnta it. f-Ank. and runs like new. Pries $300. Will give easy terms. Worth twice that money. Jake's Used isr exenange, 32a ousan, bet. Bdwy. snd 81 ta. Bdwy. 5593. We never close. 1920 OAKLAND light 6, $750. Like new eon dition; 5 good tires. Alemita system; terms. Billingsley Motor Co., 453 Hawthorne are. East DODGE 1920 I This is a than: in first class condition, can fee ooucnt on terms, call my rcsidenc. after 6 :3 V p. m. AUt. 219-11. - 1 921 FORD touring, demountable rims, starter. spouignu speeaometer. larre wneei: ll A l shocks; run 2900 miles, $450 cash. J. E. Pat terson, ast 6632. FIVE passenger, model 83. Overland, in fine condition, good tires. 8350: terms. Call Mr Spinning. East 8510. American Warehouse A sales u. 1921 FORD Light delivery expreaa body costs 3165. Car thoroughly gone ever. $415; term a. BiHirigsley Motor Co.. 45$ Hawthorne sve. East 72t blu, r-ABu-us.is touklnu car. in ex cellent condition. A -bansin at 82S0. tTnnl CarDepti Northwest Anto Co.. 18th and Alder sts. Phone Broadway 1460. OR SALE 1917 five pass, coalmen; must be soia this week: car m sood condition l a anan al $580. Phone East 8068. I LIBERTY 9, 1918. new pamt and tires, guar anteed mechanical condition. 8800: tarma. e w l . n.n 1916 FIUNKLIN. cord tirea. $j6; hurry for this one Want old car ia trade. . Broad- way sis WB TEAR 'em up and sen tne faeces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 631 Alder near 17th; Broadway 6234: mail orderr filled. 1920 OAKLAND, new, with special plate 7!uw aid. curtains. B tires special paint; $200 down, balance It months. Broadway BIB. 1919 CHALMERS. 5 pass: will accept Ford at down payment, balance in 19 months. Bdwy. 616. HUFMOBtLE SNAP ' 1921 used very little, saerifios lor. terms. Mr. Argo, Braadway, 3281. $1400, CHEVROLET SNAP - 1320. like new, $300, tarma. Broadway 8281. ' Mr. Argo. 1920 DODGE roadster, S good Urn excellent mechanical condition at a bargain; terms. Broadway 1572. Mr. Jungera. 191S FORD, open delivery body ; exchange for roadster or toanrte car. or will era hen en nodv J. Lang. 622 Alder St. Bdwy. 2797. HAVE 3 passenger EtuUc baker roadster; will sell on easy terms cheap. Will demonstrate. Call East 6962. rnn sit e i.n,.. w-a.- .iJ. good condition 3125, fot quick sale. Phone 520-13. . 4H5 Broadway. CHANDLER di-patch. exceUent condition, new Daint lob. . 31200. terms. Broadway 1372. Mr. Jungera. FRANKLIN 9-B touring car. aha po. 31000. Want light in. . mechanical ear in trade. Broadway BIB WILL trade" . '. 1 1 . i i iu, traoa a good o pass, l-i-unng ear lor rmint tob interior boildlna. Call at Burnaide at Broadway. W. -C. Garbe. i ZJZ.m.-ls girea, only angers. . $400. Broadway 1572. Mr. LIGHT wesglit Stodebaker 4.T" dowa. balance $200 ia 12 saofiths. Bdwy. 616. - - ' t Phone MAXWELL, new top. 3 good tires, body aad upbaisteniig in good condition, only $273. nr. Jungera, Broadway 1572. ?m3M9-4n'' - -- tton'h!: Bdw 81 ? : - 1929 FORD, starter, like aew. new tires. A-l guT"!T-aV.5u0- M.ilS5lL'fa7sl 1 NEVV MAVnELL at $7S5; caa hs seaissA aa tormai Call Auto. 21S-11. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 WHLLK THK.1l LaAT Orders frosa Dedgs Bros. te eqnfs) all can ta wan mnrmum card arm kas laeed sat ou hands an anosaal suuti mi 32x8 m tabne ' Urea and tabea, . Thes erin W sold at a. areas reduction while they Ust. J2x3H plain tread. . .$13.00. rec pc $19 90 32x3Va nonskid .... 1 0. re, pe. tt l $2x314, gray tabes... 3-25. res- pt' 8.09 COVET MOT si CAB COMPANY ; 21st and Wash. sts. Main 6244. COLS 8 A privately owned car. Wis maUeV. ft prist maliy new Miner eords. Sun raor, ssoto- meter. spotlight, bumpers. This car has bean driven only a abort while. Good terms to re sponsible party. Call i Dewey Brown. Broad ly 14 so. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 GET THE Kenbweat Auto caasa bed and ?us- gaga earner for camping and tonnng; it a toe finest camp bed made. 8es it at 41 Grand g vs.. sot. Pine. East 4896. USED FENDERS Thousands to pick from. - B. B. Body works. 500 WUllams ave. East 1198. WINDSHIELDS Ws stook need ones: also make them to order. B. B. Body works, 500 Williams ave. East 1198. HIT FORD B. body with large del body, top and windshield in good order. Can alter p. m. K. B3B9. szv. I IN BIDE auto bed 810. Main 8500. Call Mr. Lamb. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 S A -ton Cer-RIv . .omrmed with cab and woedrack. Get this sad get bus. 8 T30 2-ton GMC. Just going through tie shop, new pistons, new rings, new bearings, .very part overhanled and re nei red. This is one of the best buys we have bad this season $1873 2-ton Federal, in the very best of me- , ehanioal flondition front start to finish $1230 1 H -ton GMC, pneumatic tires on sll four wheels. This saschine bss never been e bused. - has always had the easiest kind of work and the best kind of work-and the best Doesiblo ear $1230 m X V4 -ton Whit, pneumatic front Ores, solid rears. Ws havs lust finished overhauling this track and you will . find it ready to cive vou honest, de pendable service in every way.... $1450 1-ton GMC, on pneumatic tinea, over hauled and fully guaranteed in every respect. This ia an exceptional value and ws belief, it to be considerably nnderpriced .$1230 1-ton Morale nd, solid tires. Continental motor, Brown -Lip. transmission, Tim ken rear axle, even unit in first- class condition $ 775 1-ton BepnbBo, solid Urea, good body, ton and windshield. We will over- . haul asd repaint this machine ..... $ 750 -ton Republic, pneumatic tires, good body, cab and windshield, is id first class condition. Was used by a Jap who had very light work.. $ 550 ft -tea GfC. Overhauled, repainted. .. .$ T50 Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND ST.. COB. TAYLOR. 23 NEW COMMERCE TRfCKS 28 1H-TON CAPACITT. COMPLETE WITH B0DT. WINDSHIELD, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, TOKU TIKES ; REGULAR PRICE $2315; WHILE'THEY LAST, $1500. A. FEW 2-TON CAPACITY $1000. HALF PRICE HALF PRICE BRAND NEW CHICAGO 2 "4 -TON TRUCK. PNEUMATIC TIRES. WORM DRIVE: REGU LAR PRICE $4300; DRIVB IT AWAT FOR NEW TRUCK" BODIES" Express bodies for 1 and 1 w -ton trucks. While they last, half price. LAI SAW MOTOR CAB CO.. 47 North 9th St. NEW AND L'SED TRUCKS FOB SALE Work eoea with aom. nf Uim trmki EXPECT 8000 CORDS Of WOOD TO HAU1 7 MILES USED TRUCKS I CLODS CMC. TtennKrie Reo. White, Federal 1-too, Federal 1 -loo. Federal 3 -ton. Very low prices and attracrlva terms on all trucks, prices from $150. Six Call Mr. Wood, W. L. Houghson Co.. Broadway and Davis. Phone Bdwy. 321. 1920 1-TOW Ford track, good condition, good runner, cas ana Ilat bed: email navment rirvwn oaiancs monuuy wiu hutue. VtUkeneon. Bdwy. uL.La.mjisiL.it i-ton truck, new drive gears, new . axles, cylinders re ground snd fitted with new pistons, excellent rubber; we will guarantee this irucc ior ou aava against defective material, and sell for $950; $300 cash, balance terms. Phone Broadway 1460, Used Car Dept. Northwest Auto yo., iota ana Aiaer. THE famous REO SDeedwaaon. thnmii.hlv newed, mechanically O. K. . newlv Dainted: w. guarantee this dehvery auto. $1050, terms if "reu. tsea car Uept. iorthwest Auto Co.. ATTERBLRY 2 ton, new rear end and motor. This is sn excellent buy for somebodv. Will I a sivs terms. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691. Evenings. Marshall 885. PACKARD 3 H -4 ton truck, new tires and 01 nauied; wul take Ford or ions lixht enr ta trade, fhone Jensen, Broadway 691. Evenings narsn.il 000. G. M. C 2 ton, in first class condition, worm uiiT, iiui new ruDDer: will tax. h rr- in trmAA Phone Jensen. Broadw.v aai .rinn u..' shall 883. ' ' 20-45 WHITE truck for sate or trade; practi' ejlly new, st right price. Call Broadway 3307. . . v - -ii a run. ttUhBAL 2 ton. worm drive, a special bargain if you can use this sise truck. Phone Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings Marshall 885. REPUBLIC 2 ton. 3 month, old, justlSe" win traas ana - give terms. Phone Broadway 691. Evenings, Marshall 885. 1920 1 too truck. $400 takes it Phone Jensen. nicwin ntarvnau HBO. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 EW 1920 Hurley-Davidson. $300; $75 down". $13 monJi an n.i W. C. Gsrbe. Broad- way 616. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS, ALL MAKES aASl BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. . 44 46 Grand ave. WANT late model motorcycle, have a 6 cylinder ear. Continental motor and stsndsrd nana. Broadway 6 La. "ta t"ahapV"tota of 'iJISSi Lhim !M f, at n , , i - . - ,i, wn jit iivv. asaia znvo 1918 STANDARD make motorcydo. $35 down, balance of 170 In 10 mmth. W t n.A. Broadway at Bunukie. Broadway 616. $50 TAKEe) away my Twin i,.- Call Ta- oor eois evevilnga. PARTS for a',1 motorcyesm. awaa Schnek Cycle Co.. 1929 Westlake are.. SaatUe. Wash. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS' 804 FORD OWNERS IDRt overksnled . ...............1.820 near Axle oversanled ..........8 4 Valves crouad. earbra Saaamnd a a Magneto recharged . ..$ . w haad-lap pVtoaa, Scrap, bearings, eta., whick Insures a perfect running motor. Genniae "Tord parts only aned, All work guaranteed. uuaitAsriKE AUTO REPAIR CO, 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson, FfcHSES T1RS A REPAIR SHOP. fiAnrieW.K Sipwn T.ImmH.. . . jut th.tira. 834 Gliwu at. eor. ElghtK DON'T throw sway your suto aeat cushion; ex- ehsnce it for a good rebuilt cushion at the Cushion Shop, 406 K- Clay, near Grand. AUTOS repaired, roar sua. r saiae) work rosrvnteed. Auto. 512-62. BUG BODIES built U Bl B- Body East 1198. Wsrks, 500 Williams ave. AUTO STAGE LINES 805 I . I PACKARD stags car laavmg Lrota Portland for I aswit. aaa ocsnac, o:v n.wi. ana ...w p, Ba-y- P- ! Broadway. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS TO LEASE WITHOUT DRTVERit Ford and Chevrolet touring cars 75s sa hour. uvsnand touring ease 81. aad bong. - - Bates by day and week. AUTO LEASING CO. 3rd at Gtisaa iWftS Oft HIRE WITH OR WllHolt DRITERS U 8CI-LITAN. FA8BI05 GA- RAGE. MAR. 29g 10th at Tsmhili. A-122B. 8. R BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITH- OUT DEiVKiZ ARMT GARAGE, TiiiiU) AND TATUOB. PHu.SE KAU -1647. - AUTO FOR HIRE SOS Autos kented-without drivers. Lai saooel and T sa saengsr cars. Banska, Was, m. Crow AJkharss; rseie.skle sasss. ansa, nights, weekly. CITY GARAGE . 113 lit u betw. Washiegtoa sad Alas Bdwy. 840 JAKE'S USED "AR EXCHAXGS K.W ear. far r,nt nrirltfMt drintM; Vmm. stile rates. Orwa day and night. 325 G3aan at,. perween Mmeaway ana ath St. Broadway !. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CASH FOR CAES W e nu pey cash, for year - r ora or late car of any ether make. Jake s Ceed Car fcxehanre. 323 Uliaanv beau. Bdwy. end 8th. Cpen Sun. end eve. Bdwy. 5393. WANT good light car; will trade a aew 3-galloa Wsyne gaeoua. pump and tank. Call at 143 . Park EaT K Ciauop and TUiamook cmcty Beach sola to trade for Ford. Phone Oak Grove 1-R ce wvwc Milwaukie. Rnwte 1. Box 188-a. L1MOUSIXE wanted. WU1 trade Poniaad aieigina Braoerti oa car line. 2-698. Jour nal. . WANT to buy for cash 1920 or '21 Dodge, or equally good, 4 cylinder or light 8, prefer dealing with owners. F-537.' JoarnaL CARS BOUGHT for wrecking; parts sold for sll cars... Oregon Auto Wrecking Co. 418 BO mont st. near 8th. East 44(19. CAUS waniad to wreck; paru ler all cars tor leea. S. A B. Anto Wrecking Co 131 and Alder. Broadway 838. for cash, Duoce. Chevrolet or Biuck; must be-a good buy. East 4218. W I LI BUX cara fur cash; must be che MarshaU 1950. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 DO YOU LIVE IX THE SUBURBS or on a faan? If so, a self -starting Universal lighting plant win make a city home out of your boose. We can sell you a 30-alobe aiae for $123. Storage batteries cost $75 additional. Talk this over with Mr. Barnes. Northwest A a to Co., 18 lb. ana AHier. fnone isroaaway iou. BLACERERR1ES grown on irrigated land. 4c per box; pick them yourself; bring yoar own containers. tjut Clay, between 75th tad BOtn sts. Take Mt. Tabor car to 76th Jt-. go south to Clay. W. P. Dickinson. DELICIOCS hand-picked prunes ToT canning or table direct: per 20-11. box. - Petatee f 0c. Italians 90e. exprees charges collect' or add 30c postage Portland and vicinity. Washbond Fruit term. Newbcrg, Or. U U. C South .12 gauge gun. in first class condition, excellent target, with sole leather ea. 840. Also vest, hat, shells and pants. Call alter 8 p. m.. Wdln. 4365. 891 Colonial ave. MR. FARMER Wby pump water by band when you can buy a Paul water system aa low $1251 . Come in and let's talk it over. A for Mr. Barnes, Northwest Auto Co.. 18th s Alder. Phone Broadway 1460 Electric Motors Bought, sold, retted . and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Barn- side. corner lOtn. Broadwsy 8674. Furnaces Sav. $30 to $40 in' lnstsllstioa. Lass ex pensive to operate, long firs pot, wood or coal aiain lion, investigate. L. C. SMITH 1 X eauii. sun. in lit elnm mnn dition. excellent target, with sole leather ease. 40. Abu, vext. ahHla .nil nanrji- 1 1 ,1, i-t baby buggy, good condition, $12. Call after p. m. Wdln. 4363. 881 Cokmial ave. HEMSTITCHIN6 ana picoung attaenment; fits all aewinj machines. Price 32. Denonal Checks luc extra. Light s Mail Order House, box 127. Birmingham, Ala. , HOT WATER TANXb Bw-gaL $7; 40-gsL $9; tested snd guaranteed: stove and furnace eoua: gas heaters installed; expert plumbing repairing: East Bide Welding Shop, 203 Adams st E. 8518. Razor Blade Grinding Single edge 25c dos.. double 35e: grinding or sll eage tools. Tne unnaer. 7 H Bth st . GAS RADIANT FIRE WANTED Will exchange new Victrols, Edison. Grafo- nola and Brunswick for Gas Radiant Fire. Hyatt TaiKing Mscnine to., sav Alder. BARTLETT pears from my own orchard; bring boxes snd get orchard prices, 2 toe and 3c per lb. Cochrane Farm Store, 1108 Haw thorne ave., at 87th. Tabor 81 OR. LADIES coats, sizes 88-40, ohe heavy navy blue velour racoon collar, one French blue velour lined throughout, each $7.50. Tabor 828. 109 East 30th st, AtT6MOBiLES. Uo'ivticYlLia. LACi-tRta or boats are separate damnifications. A large listing will be found, aader taess difleretit rlina ficationa. ' . ON ACCOUNT of sickness will sell bast equipped and located hemstitching and button parlors in the city. For particulars, address J. A. W.. 970 Thurman st. Some terms to right parties. DIEBOLD safes; new and second nana; special prices., pacific Seals A Supply Co.. 48 Frost it. Bdwy. 1966. LICENSED tnaependen. electrician, wires rooms for $12, 6 rooms $20, and guaranteed to pass inpectJon. Woodlawn $791. ITALIAN marble strpe, 5 -it.. 7 -ft. and 10-ft. 12--1B.-1H with nscrs. $1.50 -per it run; iiocr uie, 4u. 9t. ioc eacn. reu. z 1 us. COMPUTING BCALKh, cash registers, coffee Bulla, mett choppers snd general ttors fix- rores at t Btara st,, pet 1st and 2d. xt SlS-ESS CARDe, f-fl RfTJ Wlt ROSE CITY FR1NTERT aUlles? Ton must bring thie sd. 120 Bth St SMALL heating stove with pipe and stovs board in good condition. 109 E. 80th at, Tabor 28. FOCN man won will repair, upholster your furniture at your borne: prices eery rea sonable; ell work guaranteed. Broadway 4733 WOODSTOCK typewriter, in fine shape, only 830. $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. - BUGS washed oa your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer: also vacuum deening done. East 4043. ELECTRIC fixtures tot 6 roosia 813; big sekw tioa .that fixtures. 207 Chamber of Coss erce bldg. Broadway 4253. il.10 DOZEN. 100-lb. Hour aackk launoered. aiau orders sad postage. s. nodes. -S Belmont et. near 6th. East 4 569. MULTIGRAPH, automatic printing attachment, quantity of job type, extra segments; alto tab- let press. $150. 7 Board of Trade bldg. PEARS! PEARS! BARTLETT .PEARS I Apples prunes sad grspea. Grebe fruit farm. 40th and King at.. Milwaukie, Or. rt)on 4-; Dh A. W. EEENE uentisiry $51 h wsshtngton st Without Pain, latest Nerve Blocking Method, PILES can be permanently cured wiLuout opera tion. Call or write Dr. Dean, sreood and Morrison. BLACKBERRIES 4e on vme; picking Wednea day. Fndar aad Sanday. Aut 644-83. 1814 Divwion. SLIGHTLY used vulcanising outfit complete cheap. cah or terms. Northwestern New and Second Hand. 383 Front. Main 8490. SLABWOOD. dried. $050, green 36; 16-inch double load, dry $12. green $11; cordwood $7.80. Call Columbia 642 between 4-7 p. m. I WILL pay cash for fruit on the trees, or de livered; alno buy potato patches. H. Dillon. B74 E. Salmon. Eaet 1575. .GOOD second band building material snd sky light, s4 ft, - oa je lid aad Wiiean.. .labor BT'li onice. c p. m. " TINNER- Kvetroogha renewed or repaired any- wbere in the city. wain. 03bb. FOR SALE Grave. tine applea. also BarlleUa pears. Call st 1513 E. Morrison st. Bong a box. NEW DAYTON scale, will sacrifice; also cash register. 1594 Willow itrtll evemnsx I BUT all kinds of fruit for cash on the tree or ofL 674 East Salmon St. East 1373 PLUMS and Bartlett pears far 'Salmon at. Eat 1375. tela. $74 East GHEEN gsge plums 75c crate. Call alter 7 p. m , cvroeT Barker and Barr roads. FOR SALE Registers, show, wall Cash or credit. 242 Salmon GET your furnace properly cleaned and over hauled. Don't wait Can Leonard, Autt 82B-51 FOR SALE 1 high ovea Valoaa aaa. range. cheap. Call East 6200 Tf- A $ O Ccmbings made up. S. F. Pierce. a ii aa ax 24 rTnilnrrwortrl. -WoodTawa 4390, GAS HANGE, 8x0; beating stove, $8. SelL S'JBI. FOR redveing old rugs aad carpets, abas Seilr - wooa 31... w SCREEN doers, windows, mirrors, tarsi tare pairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. SMART used apparel .scared tram weTT women: sttracrjv. price: Tabor 2S28. FOR BENT Elnrtne vsrwwaa esesaatst 34 day. 83. delivered. Wdla 1269. VACUUM cioancra tor rent, tijm a day; Bniinrnd anywncre. wooaiawa B49B. -UOOO H 46 per load.' aeaverel' Pony E tTsse. Maia 426 2. SPORTS MEN Fia. duck lass aad earns, 558, Journal - BRADSHAW plums 3s par ponnd. 4421 44th it S. E. PRACTICALLY new radiant lira. $27 3355. . - abor MAIL your fare aad hides for taanta ta the Wet Coast Tanning Co.. 892 Teniao ave. ONE reed baby buggy, good cotidiuoa, Wdln. 4365. 891 Colonial te. $12. Woud- FOa SALE- Las plnaan, ia. la wa 1999. 1918 ELGIN i, trade to r Ford Man. Kvvfl or rrwi. XV-959. Jwal. jOSL 8 a I V. Weooaaw. law. FOR SALE MlSCn 1 ANXOUS 900 : U HfLK " iEt Last Ordeta frosa Dedca Bros, ta ewaia all ears ta ssack snk mn saew ttrea aaa pin. 4 aa oar kaads an naaaaal quantity of $2x1 k fabric ores ana tubes. wis ka at a great raducUoa wkQe they last. 2xJH plara tread. . .$13.00. rec-ac. $19 0 BtaS4 aoa-akid .... 16.80. rec PC .22.18 $2x3 in gray tabes... 2-2S, teg. pa. 3- " COTET MOTOR CAB COMPANY 21st aad Wash. sta. M.in 8244. BASKETS LESS TBA WHOLESALE Spbnt isandry baskets. 3 siaee,'60c. 70c. 80c Kptmt satchel aaaketa, 40c, 50c. Cue. rplint wood haaSeta. 85c. Splint hamper baskets, SS.B0. $2.73. $3.00. No Deliveries. REED PPEC1ALTX SHOP. $19 WUhasas Ava, - . Ksat 8508. : bKWI.NO MACHO'S EMPORIUM saachiaea sold for Bargsias ka 24 ad sairhtnea. Parts snd repairs tee- aS, Ma ehteea rented - sad rrnairins teed. Mala (MIL 190 3d sU near Taymc -,CEDAR CHESTS Dtrees faetorr a. sad Port Orford eeOaR a W rM. for HIGGIXB as BON 1913-18-18 E. -GUSAN. TABOR 80$ WB BUTE Ton MOKET Haass wiring. Idghtia f tares, eleetrical sepainaa si pUea. Third Street Eiectne Btnsa, 224 hk Third at, as Maia B061. - SATE MONET ON OFFICE FCBNITCRE tnlmeograiiha, tr p. writers. Burroughs,- Daiuin and wales add. machines. See us before yon buy. Wax Office - Eauipaunt House, 24 N. 3th st Bdwy. 8739. I66fl3 and windows, lumbar, lata, shinaisa saouMiings snd mm work, aea oux ooa stoci st sssa and doors for prices. D. B. SCULLT CO , " DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 Front St Phone Main 4218. For Rent Shotgnns and" Wfles BOUGHT. BOLD AND EXCHANGED NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4493. Sewing Machines - w Ws have th. tereeat stock sf toad ewtag atacainee ta the Oty. Coca- pricea Ws rent and repair. . aesr Tamnlll. WUt A aUBSTITUTE ROOFER? Why not a genuine and, permanent roofer? We repair rubber-bund and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated aid. leaky roots. roone awy-. T MAKE L'S AN OFFER and if it ia within rea son yon can have th. last Happy 'Farmer tractor we have. It's brand new snd sells regu larly for 81250. Sea Mr. Barnes. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th snd Alder. Phone Broadway 1460. SAFES Fire end burglar proof sates, new aad eeesadhaad. at riant prteea, kwaght, sold aad exchanged. Easy terms if desired. .NORB1S SAFE LOCK CO. 103 Second St. Msin 2048. 30 DROPHEAD eewina, msewmes wtta attaca- gaenta, 820 each; portable eiectne mar nine for rent; eewing machine, cleaned and repaired. E. B. Btees, IBS Grand ave. East 2369. Independent Printers 1000 Hamtnermill letterheads. 83.00; 1009 White wove XXX envelopes. 84.50. Smith. Printer. 11 N. th Street, Commonwealth bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OCT $375 J. P. fiale a Co. aaed upright $219 $450 Peerless, upright, mahogany ...... . 16$ $273 Collard 6 CoUard, upright 65 1750 Pianists player piano 295 $250 Pianola player, walnut 43 Parlor organ. $18. 323, 833, $38. em. . 103 TENTH 8T.. CORNER STARE. SCHWAX PIANO CO.. Downstairs Store. $650 EimbaXL need, beat style. mahog...$S9$ $675 Singer, Upright grand 29$ $750 Adam Scbeaf player 49$ $900 Stager, in rich mahogany ........ 495 $900 Steioway tt Sons, upright 399 $475 Halle t A Davia. upright 198 819 to $25 cash. 36 to 812 monthly. $130 Paths. mdL 10. need paonograpa. 80 $125 Brunswick, No. 107, phonograph . . . 91 B va Htreaivars. in cas 1 75 Victor, ia mahogany ........... $ 50 Victor, in oak Terms. $5 cash. $3. $4 snd $5 monthly. 101 Tenth St. at Wash, and Btark. PIANO SPECIALS A Bradbury, man. $233. Schulboff. walnut ease. $250. J. A C Fischer, mah. case. $373. and many others at prices to fit your poeketbook. Term. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 6th St. $1400 GRAND FIAN'U Ihe world's finest piano st shout H price. Prefect snd brand new; terms. Also, s $1400 Weber late style snd bench. $300: easy teams. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. CU1CKERING A SON'S PIANO, mahogany case a wonderful buy. B. sure 'soil see this piano; lata style ease. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 449 6th St WONDERFUL PIANOS The world's best makes. Chickering. 8trich A Zeidler. Weber and a McPbaU. Maka sn offer off any of them ; they must be sold: terms given. Brokerage Co.. $ 1 1 Worcester bldg, KIMBALL GRAND mahogany case, used fot demonstration only. Reasonably priced. Terms gives. BSUBtm.LNtf-L.lX AO IILSIC 123 4th st HOLTON comet, siraosi aew, silver plated, wiLa gold bell snd trimaitnga, ins. . Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 Bth Bt tiECKEk A SO.N PLAlEk PUnO, W, inl tA sba vej irisv ls ta uvsfe s W asm s aac 1 ui v ff, 4 v vee. BElBERLINO-t,UCAS MUSIC CO., -125 4th st. STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin." case. bow, roun ana extra etnngs, so. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 Bth St. HARDMAN $350. A wonderful buy. SEtBERLLNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th rt MELofcl -'C" ssiophoae, contpieia with caaa, Biiv; sarrea, G- T. JOIHfBON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St K&ANtcil BArtl plana, walnut case, at shout half price. A bargain. 8E1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. LARGE model art design tabic mac snap st $185.- Terms. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO OTA, 149 6:h 8t ' HAINES PIANO $250: See this anan. Terms given. 8EIBEBXLNG-LUCA8 MUSIC CO.. , ' 12 4th - $i300 ilcriiAii, grand Almost new. late stria, B650; also wonderful Chickering. leas 4 price, euual to new; terms. Sll Wo reenter bldg. YORK stiver cornet, ia gioa condiUoh. saint patted, wita goia ben, (95. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO Ca. 149 Bth St. COLCMfeil 'li-HONOGkAPk' AKyjCORbi - BI5 t. .timet rise. Terms rven. SE1RERL1N G-LUC A3 MUSIC CO., 128 4th et player Rolls exchanged, it FLAYER ROLLS SOLD. Z3e VALUES UP TO 83.00 BAHOLP 8. GILBERT. 384 Yernhfll St PIANOS Uprights. $11$ to $209; fins standard makes, are Kim ball. Ei Bates, Bum, MeCamoa and ethers; Ursa, Woreewer bldg. - - irett. Sll FRANKLIN, walnut ease. 3273. Terms given. n a 1 n s. ru.L. i-il. v-aa satasw sju.. izs sta et. PIs'SeH 'j.Uuo. 3 20; E1REJLL1NG-L1 a real sbsd. Terns una lM.ll.as JSLblU UU., 126 4th vt. $700 HOBART M. CABLE Mahosany. Ute style, pain with beach. $30; terms. $11 Worcester bldg. ORGAN $10. Uuos A A.miinl '' SE1BERI.ING-LCCAS MUSIC CO 198 4th rt $200 BUYS aaaeat new aiann, paaia any, fiaa Staler make; unci $11 W cener bids. FlANo waatsd from privau party. Caaa fog bsrrsrn. Ant. 225-53. $400 BUYS PLATER PIANO Vary Aatesti nary teinis sii worceater sxig. MHIttte- Swaet toaa piaaa isr all sank. cXj Mala 444. - - tioO SMITH at . BARNEA, Wit 'mah., only zz; terwev ail v. m urn it niag hA"ftL G00J u-d usati moat be cheap res cenh. Mala Xa2 ES29. - PH0NOtRAPH repainof. apringa Oe up; wholesale and mat 548 Wa-h. Bdwy. lris 2044 $704 KIMBALL PIANO aad beach. $225; terms. 311 W bMg. Uii iniXwaiUit A $11 Wc a55 h JT-y scants ssapsuyecV r 1 ha MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 . . BTaXT " Phoaograpa Bargalas The toDowins: marhiaea ha v. bena take ta sa larger typss, Eack aaa a gaaraatasa tn chantrally the eame as new. Vi a aile taess oa exceptionally eaar tarmst , 45 nrafreHwa. Hire new 8 BB.aa 8175.00 Suadi vara, awry .......$ 93.0B $13a.0w Stradivara. only...... $ 80 10O.0O Miaseea. aabtaet type, spsetal 40.OW Rdana dise aad record, cost $199; pram liJ&.OO Fherat, $120 type. care.. .,.$ t3.w $150.00 Bruaawirk :...$110 $123.00 Braanrn-k $ 90.04) 150 00 Virtrola XI. faae shape. ..... 1 1 . 00 tlli.OO Patae. apeeial $ 65.B0 Edmoei cyl. bnvw machine. 104 records. $ 1 .!9 8 82.30 Colambia bornlens $ 19.99 $260.00 Branswick. laAeat type aad 10O - records $259 0w $113.00 Edidiae. oaly , $ 83.09 ALSO THE FOLLOWCtQ PIANOS : $450.00 Ladwig. fin. too.. $273.90 $400.00 Kmhliag .....$235.00 $450.OO Nisley $250.OO 84-.OAA K oh ler CamptteB $210 00 PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS bars, sise lost Bmnewick naceMaraDh. 1100. - A cab inet Columbia with special fiiiag arsteca. 173; am Boaora at S ( a. Ylctrola sts IS is. ewetne. 3873. Columbia table saaehiaaa at 849. SST snd $33. snd others equally as food; terms. U. r. JOHNSON PIANO 149 Bth St PIANO w.ated. pay eaab. Maia 8366. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 I RNirURE koxv4tat an kinds - of far aitnrs and stoves repaired, stoves eon- : aected and coils made. , , Oki Furniture Co. : 209 asocsut Street. BAT a MONAl Try awr tales 4ept If yoa Waal to bay aonseboid goods: reduced freiabt rains ta all poiatt ia ear throuch pool cars. Expert porting, repairing aad rafiaiaaiaa, as aa goods ia atnraga. trepraol inmraac rttea , SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. BB Fourth at, app. Maltnevaaa aetae, Paoa. Broadway 3713. iHOLE rang. $18. gaa rang. $3, gas piste $4. OJran Beater S3, dmlng tabic 88.30 mo chain $1 sp, dresser $15, kikchea treasure 33, bed snd springs $2.50 Oft, rockers $1.23 up. cooking tftensila, ruga and carpets, cheap. tst oj. in urana sva. FOR SALE Whit, enaavsled Seiiabia tea range with lArrsin. oven regulator. Aiaa radiant firs gas heater. Appty at 59 East Ainswortli if DRESSER, wash stand, dining table aad chairs. rockers, canter table, ruga, gas range, eewing machine, wheel barrow, lawn mower. 6012 77Ut st. . t. . cor. 50th ave.. Firiand. 9x12 BUG. maple dreseer. chiftnnier. hot coach, Morris chair, parlor heatar. Cheuj, 411 Bort sr., eor. xutn, alter .'so IVORY bedrooat set. 3 ruga, eah davenport. assail oak rockera; mast aru;AeaeiBg town; A. aeaiera. au w ooa lawn sobs. $125 HARDW1CE-W1L.I0N rug for $15 Bdwy. 2677. t ' 3 BOOMS, furnitore cheap. Apply $03 Everett or phooe Bdwy. 144. LEATHER davenport, library table. 4 wZar article., good condition. Sell. 2287 FINE 6-boie, solid copper reservoir.-wwod or son! range at f4. 990 vermin ave. COMPLETE furasthings ef a 8 roots bangeaow, nearly new. East 3092. 123 E. 24th et. N FOR SALE MACHINERY " utlTTlNG BLStNESS " ' 90H AUCTION SALE AMERICAN ELECT RIO WORE! . Saturday Aftsmooa, August 27, 2 a. Ill EnS Wnnvr Mint . Machinery snd tool, aousfetlug of 1 0-inch lathe and lath, tools. BO b. n. motor. 2 2-h. a. motors, drill proas sad 79 drills, winding art. emery grinders snd drawing board, anvil and large. CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILE Vises. Beaches. LsddSrs and other kXB numerous ta anentioa . TWO Mann, engines, each $190. terms if de sired. - Reverse gear. 3 spends far-ware. 80 horsepower high speed. Jump spark ismitioa high tsnaioa msgneto. Suitable for speed boat light towing. Sea Mr. MttaheU, Northwest Auto Cov 18th snd Alder. LAUNCHES AND BOATS , 904 FOR SALE 26-ft. apeed beat with 46 h. motor. Maxwell special. 8320: win take : china in trade. B. ti. WatkinJC Milwaukie aw age. - WANTED 1 Giee clutch, aire No. $. good dition. I none mornings. Kn sr. aad Wil Ismett. blvd. Phone Msr. 28$4. ONE hoasebeat furnished complete. chess, cash or terms, inoulr st U. W. airplane field. mmssSS. CD ARMY OODB c 8. ARMT GOO Del foe msin. wiinsmsle tnB retail t arirss rsducad. H. HnCensteta, 25W J 2d at. or 204 IH et Mstn 7573. I ATTOBHtrB LAWYER Advice free snd confidential ka all Room SIS Board of Trade Piag- BSBY CAHWIAQE WtaAIWIW, PETERS ' - - BART CARRtAGEB ENAMEI ED. UP HOLSTERED, REPAIRED. $49 HARRISOX MAIN 5538. tLAWK BOOK MilUM DAVIS A IiOLMAN. INC. 109 23 SU. Bk book mlTro'.ctorers. A-8183., Sftta 1SS-- CAT AltO OOA HOSPrTSt. VOCE CITY VETERINARY HoAPtTAL, laZ, E. 7th and Grant, Both paaaea. aM Bad night aerviee. Three veterinarians.. OOAL AND WOOB BOXWOOD Iwaawred 261 Mseai Imatedlately by rultea Waad Oou eadsm. Phone Main 4173. TToadT BLOCK aad slab sauted. $10.59 far first growth. So. 1 cordwood. SS la B-eord lota. Utah lump coal $1 per toe. aura Beaver. Oregon Fuel. Wdln 4102. . Oak wood for sale. $io,bo a cord. DELIVERED ANTW Htna WITHIN z iL.a. LIMIT OF O. W. FREIGHT SHEDS. EAST PORTLAND. KAST 8319. EAST Bill. vrvr too MTR TO TRT 16.50 for 2 loads black aad slab aUsed: first rrowth cordwood $9. seooad growth $T.5wper cord: country stab $6 per cora. via. sins. vir-c ennrrv al.bwood $6.80 a cord: dry 12 and 16-ia slab BI- losai nico ins , aw $3.73 load, special. Paul roet t.o., neu. im FIRST srowth ooxdwooa. S$ aord. delivered. Woodlawa. A-Bwrta am FisdsaosuV Wood- lawn 6312. ' BIG load of boxwood $3.30 B load. Call Wood lawa 6904. or Ills Monieaa avw. DRY CORDWOOD $6.50. alack bark. Cal sftsr 7 p. m.. vtooaiawB sets. FIRST rrowth our. wood, liberal redneticn. $$ coed deHvered. Nat Fuel Co.. East 2041 BEFORE ordering rwrr wtntar's wood Sail AatO. 626-3 6. Nortn Bans saei vol. ... cpsour. EXTRA good besvy eardwead 88 sard, delivered Irvtnrton. Ptadmopt. ainena ewsavsnai A-l CORDWOOD, 5S per card. Southeast aids etvlv. CsU Aata. wj.-ae. FIRST growth aurdwovio Ma. 1, IS card, de- llvcrd aeywhera vaia. lies. C0CNTRT blosk aa4slab, aever beea la wsteT Special pne now, aast swat. SHORT slab wood for tala, w taiL Bt Jonas lamwr tjm Cat 131. BEST .d-rowUt fit eucdweod. Sellwood 814. $8 par cord. SPECIAL Geed soaod cwrdwood. well nsnriaed. 37.80 per oord. 4 cord lota. Wdln. 1403. A-l FIRST growth cordwood, $7.7$ t $ ass 10 -cord, lota. Call Automatic $23-6$. - COLNTRT alab, $6.23 per cord; prompt aeiiv etf. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4102. DCMT18T ' Sd floor. Baleiarh tsldfe. 6 th. aad Wuhir ttoa sta. . Mstn 2119 A 2119. mat. Wasalagtoa BV Wrthowt Fsla. I4tet WerBtaLkwtg MeTAod. DWCATrOMAk fc Nil it 5 THE DACS STUDIO. 509 Dekuas btdA, Wanh ioctoa at Third. Private hear 14 half boss lemons; day. shewing. B 30 a. av tt 9 p. toarse as una specially anceq Friday. 7 :0 p m. Mise Irvbiwd. SUMMERS' Daaeiat AasAemy, II tU. ami. day. eve bdwy. $590. BtUBIO BCMOOCB A WO TUCWtSt la, CAiiLL EAT7 of v 14$ 13U St, Brsadwaj 134 $, FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 9C3 snakas gwarsateed aae year. ntrarted typewnters ea coast. Kew pnea Wt. -wbrl-calo Typcwntcr Ca. 121 WaaLiagtaa aV. Fv-rtlad, Or - Vr HI 1LT typewntera. all aaa aea rectaia, re pairmc euppliea. Dtstrrbntors CORONA aor. rMe. 8UNDSTRAND adding wroaaa, Mala It S3 -K. W. ri. Co.. IIP f'Tth t REPAIRING a ipecialtv, tree esomatesi reataist eapphea; Boy. sell, exchaage: add. snach. repaired. Typewriter laawwr-tian t y. 512 8 tart- Maia ALL MAKES af typewnters res-atd. revaired sad sold oa avoathly payateat Ptaa. Typewriter On. 94 8th rt. Maia 8668. OFFICE FURNITURE 90 FLAT ToP standing denka, silica chaira,-lot es W cheep. 351 Oak H. SWAPS 92$ SALa or awap a good Thar ..ectne ahing atuv etuna (eg good Ford toaruig car. BIB Ipahag st. N. - LATE saouwrrcie; wul trade for SArthinc ol value. Trends r.at 4Si. DANDY t-rsaa aounnboat; Dutch kili-hen. linn Wdln. 4024. : . WILL TRADE old Oreriaad ior phoBograph. a i s I t.a' a . - a. . P U mmamamm9jmmm i- jiml t i Je-nf-MeMsBSBBfA WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' 950 WANTED PvovU of I'ortiaad b a now that J cas the biihast cash Dm far seeeaa-asaa Wweebold roods No s mount tea lata, at toe 1 2. PToecpt sttevtioa N. M. SEATEB rwwaa East (208. 149 Raweff SV 812 $0 TO $2&.0 METER. THE TAILOR, psys snore far ftets rwd Hand saita, shoes, overcoats, W. . call C or evening MarsheU $229. ar 13$ MadweB ntTM mt Third. Lr IOC aae anyihina around year hoibe oa" want ta dhutoee af call. Maia 4033. I bay ' everythisg ia hoosehoid sjoo&a. ciothing, tools, sta. $0$ Pirrt st - - WIXTES U'lacliesW 3&-30 carbinw rifia. gain. P. N. Kami East 8627. WANTED FURNITURE 952s SPOT CASH FOR 18K1 n kMIlaH " Main 8878 iTsnrn rtRNrrrBE mtohr 1T3 FTP? T BTRFET Owl Furniture Co. MORRIS02I Ws wsat roar need fnraitorn. staves. carpsIB . sad rnanoa; we pay tne nighast easn tmcea 166 and 168 FIRST ST. fall Man m sozt. M. R. S EATER Ron th. bert aa wetl a. cheaper erade af find fumtrwrn. 286 Grand tw. Anto. 232-SS. AM desperately ia aeed of aeeood-band soum' basd good, stoves, ranges, rugs 'and -aaf furniture ; yow ha v. ta seU. Will par best at pneea. East 491 2. - WE BCX all kiads al eecaod hand fumiutra. rtovee snd ranges. Call Ea.t 8077. WE BtT Used- furniture, stovea, etc Rrtlabw Fsrnttav Ca. 108-101 Sd. Main tsos . PERSONALS 078 NOTICE! The Browning Bath Hons. wQl afcr free can bath aad sample of Lang'e Miners. Wander to ia ar woman suffering wtta rheumatism, kid ney trouble, stomach trouble or eeaaea tat cut Sd. bring with yon. 14$ 1st. between Mor on and Alder. IA FORMATION wanted of Mrs. Kate Wakh or her reiatiocia. Her mother a maiaea Basse was Elisabeth Brtckley. who married maa named Lawless, new Brtckley bad a brother, Jamea Brk-kley. who BsrrWd Bridget Chaadler. Wnke B. L LeSeUe. 92ft Crocker bids.. Saa Fra- cisco, Cal- - , ate, your eyea properly sa. traded to st Goodmsa'a, - Right glaasea at right prions, Promnt nervien- TstnwnU sf sstlafled patrons. 209 Memsen st Msin 2 1 2t. 11 GETS both feet fixed np st Dr. Eaton's. thB CHIROPODIST. aad ARCH SPECIALIST whs doesn't hurt you. 8 yra. here. Exsaa. f ran. Globs xneetre 0MUo I lta at wasa.. Broadway 2124. LEAVING for Los Angeles via Ssa Francinc-a, fierce-Arrow ear, taks 8 City Gsrsge, Broadway $40. fe road way 1231. or 6 tar raise bntai. GEORGE RUB EN STEIN, th. wterin optician, will fit your syea better snd cheeper thaa elsewbara Expert optician. Beasoashia pricaa. 326 kiorrtaeo st . Lawyer tnasaltaDoa FEEET" 404 Consolidated Pwg . 4 . Broadway 499S. ' SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, too in, warta, rrtnsmd by 10 aeedie metlmd. Tnal free. Josis ltale. $14 Bash A Lane bids. Main 6366. JAZZ 10 lesnona; popuiar nobga imatediatet advsaend eoaiaa far nlnvcim. rsrhcr Piaaa jrhool, 514 Eilers bldg. MA WAGE, baths. kidneys. be Elna BOB bid. Drugleaa ahya. 1 tLttCTNOLMaiST o 1 ELECTRICITY U health eoe.oJt.tian In. Whttn! electre.logii't. 326 Fliedner bldg.. Bdwy 2307., rLUFP HUQB A WD WAtt RUBB - -- Portland ruq co." Huff Ron. Made rm. nvt r-nn. ' 1679-M74 AltTB ST. SEIXWOOD $821. HAT CLEAN. US Its trrtt HATS cksned. blocked, dyed bin . 4 mm auactory. Royal Hat Wsrks, 22$ First ss. OwTOBitTwIBTB urauiically tested with mow (S. sra instruments) glasses fttted at B TV l stifacti.B gasrsntsad. . Zi A. fe ITURWftS. Optometri.t. 225 let Si T railtTtaj Ttw-n, saeWWa0iy n.lLl?y 7vM. Wodl.w,2las. P ALN TIN G aad kaknmlnin. .n J L at moderate prices: work gu.tcT4.' lr9lw AH-s,-. Tli.J: ..I-Pstenta. trademarks. 919 Cham., Cn:." capn. I WTBICIAWB "EA R. a. PUILUMT Rrosdwsy Bldg. . Offic. Prsctic on It. fLUMBIM wo BTtam rii-nna r, 1 1 11 11 1 r ' " s.ss. I 7 -.1, i . reasonable mle-T .,1 j;-"..""" M r.i ,, it 1 ij '""""? stain STS4. tr.n 11 1 1 -" " et. " " 1 awe it -. S4-6-$;.89 Frost ns. lfwtWTtwa tmamAvma. tiaa... Hrlntintr wrTOTra 'A snd Oak. Mam tss m'11 ..v. "-hOD0.i COMPANY ,l" vrnnningTon. Broadway 454. ee. 262 Wi-h. vt Main 41 ,SrOQa WlPBIeTlWi ROOFS ' Inc. P""J sad painted. Rnof aecurUr Trade. RB-S HLNGLKD, repair Ur roofine o. xaZ' "TVT " erea wils - ". a 1 s. hfit.k Vrti'n fi mli 'mi., i- . 7;U1 lOofiia ixMUXT 1 4B17. r.a "" . " - ' T.nnv ka ROOFS repatrad aai namimi ..L " nr- bor 929. BwttT WrTAL tsowa eMULTNOMAH SHEX METiL WORKS: - Ilaafma, BuTtertac. swoatiag. Jobbtn. -,nA trTt rerwtTtnt VJw Benawsy tt jTrbZ FULTON Sheet Metal Works: roof.ne ",.5 radistors and ret air work. Mat. 203$. TrtAWBFEH AWQ BTORSOS SECURITY STORAGB TRANSFER COfcl Fsekrna-Movtng-etoragt MONET LOANED ON GOODS IN BTOILACR $$ Fourth St., oppx Multnomah hotnL Phoae Broadway 8713. . 4 ALVralBPICK THF BEST HOCSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST - gUiraa rlTvL. Wpptag sad I moving: aoac Sad auto tana, mil 7vK3 KVJl m C. a PICE TRANSFER A STORAOE VI l snd Prne f- Broadway $96. A-l 90 , Oregon Transfer Co.; 474 CBssa St " Broadway UX1 DRAY AGS STohaGB Feor Warehooees aa Termtnel Tracks -' t ' EfDUCIJ) FREIGHT RATES-o ail point, ea fcoe-taH rmds PeeifV Coast rorwsjrUial Co . arh end Hvt IMwy. 703 - - -T VACUUM CACAMCRB 4Vi UI Ainsan. rtnraa eiesAasa. at a, ml , ssj. $$. deii versa, -ftdin, 1239. i i