16 l THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 1 OREGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 1221. MANY PRIZES All E DISTRIBUTED IN i - V: I. CATTLE EXHIBITS Southwest Washington Fair Grounds, Aug. 25. Judging in virtually all de--fcartmenta 0f the Southwest Washington ' fair were completed this morning. ' . George iSertrand of . Olequa was r "awarded diplomas for "the grand cham pion cow and the grand champion: bull 1n the shorthorn beef cattle division. ),"He took 14 first prizes in that division ',, end- eight second prizes. J. D. McQuire . of Tenino, next heaviest exhibitor, took ' i t-Yf flratts and fnitr irri A u T Scollard of dhehalis won every prize but . one with his fine herd of Aberdeen 'Angus, lie look 20 first, 11 second and vb1x third prizes. K. I .i Porter of Halsey, Or., entered i ' a herd of Red Polled and was awarded ',U first, eight second and four third . jplaces. i K. C. Truesdell of Centralia took tlx; first places with his milking horthoros. C. W. Shoemate .of Olympia i acted as judge. H " Kntries in the floral department were " unusually numerous and beautiful this . ' year. Judged by Mrs. K. Peterson of Olympia i and John W. Watson of Cen tralia, special honors went to Mrs. A. i. Long of Chehalia. Mrs. C. L. Rumpsa and Mrsi Theodore Hoss of Centralia. J. O. Wallace of Chehalis won prac tically all the prizes in' the apiary ex hibit' Mrs. E. Wood;;, llerllo Hues and K. Nelson, all of Centralia. scoreU high in the art ' exhibit. :': : In the agriculture, horticulture and photography departments. -In "which large numbers of entries were made, prize were scattered among exhibitors from all parts of the state. i Governor Louis F. Hart is a special guest at the fair today. ORDER FOR T MOVEMENT ISSUED Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 25. Orders for the transfer of the Fifty-ninth in fantry from Camp Lewis to Vancouver have been Issued by the war department, and the movement will begin soon after September 1, according to Lieutenant Hod son. i "The men will march from Camp Lewis to Vancouver and will be or, the road about eight days. Everything will be In readiness for their reception by the time they arrive here. Major j Delaplane is arranging accommodations for the Thirty-second and making such changes as are necessary for the housing of the troops and officers coming from Camp Lewis. It is not definitely known how many men will be sent here, but about 2000 officers and men are expected. HARDWARE STORE IS ROBBED OF CUTLERY MUCH . SCIT'FOK DITOECE FILED Baker, Aug. 25. Mrs. Sanra Emily Morin has filed suitMn circuit court ask ing for a divorce from Benjamin C. Morin. They were married in Tillamook county in 1889, and have not lived . to gether since 1908. ' By pulling the boards off the oil room at the rear of the J- E. Twiggins hard ware store, 7?74 t Mississippi avenue, thieves gained entrance, ransacking the place and obtaining cutlery Wednesday night It is believed they were fright ened away before they had completed the job, as razors and aluminum ware were piled on a counter. . , j A dozen pocket knives, a carving set. one dozen teaspoons, half dozen dessert spoons and a flashlight were reported to the police as . being stolen. Neighbors reported to the police that a large auto mobile was keen to drive away from the building around midnight, after a resident had turned on an electric light to investigate a noise he had heard, TWO DOLLS STOLEN Two dolls and some Christmas tree decorations were taken from the resi dence of A. L. Sherk, 7219 Fifty-fifth avenue southeast, while the family was away at the seashore. It is believed that the work was done by some young sters.' i Reports to the police were made Wed nesday night that prowlers were trying to enter homes at 595 East Couch street. 422 East Couch street and 950 East Ulisan. In none of the cases were they successful In. gaining entrance, accord ing to the reports to the police. A prowler took ti from, room 17 of the Barr hotel, according to a report made to the police by John Carter of Spokane. It was taken shortly after midnight Wednesday. - j GROCERY IS BOBBED . The Nealand grocery. 235 Sixteenth street. North, was broken into Wednes day night and several cartons of cigar ettes and about S2 In pennies were takes, according to a report made to the po lice. The burglar- jimmied a side win dow and in doing so broke a pane . of glass, evidently cutting himself, for there were blood stains on the sllL He had taken a couple of pieces of coat lining to wipe the blood from the cut and they were discovered under the window. Some one went Into Joe Evans chicken house in the rear of Evans home, 14S0 I'nlon avenue. North, shortly after mid night today and . stole some chickens. according to his complaint to the police. The thieves were frightened away ana although the place was watched the re mainder of the morning, they did not return. mained that way until bis death. : He admitted he was of Portuguese nationality and that he had relatives in Portugal, but he refused to disclose their names to the police. The county will take charge of the body. Man Shot on Roof Of Hoyt Hotel Is Dead From Wounds Albert Carr, who was shot in the back by a private detective hired by the com pany owning the Hoyt hotel, died last night at the St. Vincents hospital. Carr, it is alleged, was shot the night of July 28 as he tried to crawl from the roof of the Hoyt hotel to another roof. He was taken to the hospital where, it was found he was paralyzed, and he re- FREE I e LB m , lit rwA i A Remarkable Off er arvi f iU I .... r'e. 1 r. - j- :- 5 .-& 0 0C3.-fi . s Lb NO MORE VISITORS FOR DR. BRUMFIELD Cautioned From Pace Om) SOMETHING NEW IN PORTLAND Will be given free this Thursday and Friday to Sunday Journal cash Want Ad patrons at The Journal business office only j Remember, only 700 packages will be given away, so you better be here early. : I his trademark stands for a new product in Portland a new quality in fried cakes or crullers it stands for a new era. in delicious flavor and digestibility. Even a humming bird could eat GeBOTT'S ORIGINAL KREAM FRYDKAKES and' not get indigestion. There has never been anything like this fried cake in Portland before." Try one and you'll have an en tirely new idea of how good a fried cake can be. ! . The history of GeBOTT'S ORIGINAL KREAM FRYDKAKES in other cities is a record of amazing and immense popularity. A branch factory has just been established in Portland, and GeBOTT'S KREAM FRYDKAKES are now to be had through your local grocer. Once you have tried them you will never eat any other kind of fried cakes. GeBOTT'S ORIGINAL KREAM FRYDKAKES are made of real cake mixture and cooked in the purest vegetable compound. We us,e the very highest grade of flour and fresh cream in making our cake mixture, and they are baked fresh every day. They have a delicious flavor not obtainable in any other fried cake, and their perfect digest ibility makes them ideal for family use. I All of that old, greasy, hard to digest sensation that belongs to the! old-time "cruller," is absent from GeBOTT'S ORIGINAL KREAM FRYDKAKES. Ask your grocer for this delicious new QUALITY pastry. They will retain their freshness for four or five days. decidedly averse to having the prisoner talk for publication, but made up for this by assigning him to special quarters on the upper floor of the county jalL and permitting him to converse la free unrestricted fashion with the members of his family. SOT EVEX HIS WIFE Now. Brumfleld is to be permitted to see no one not even his wife, if the sheriff carries oat his latest dictum. District Attorney Ueorge Neuner dis avows responsibility for the new order. I advised the sheriff that ' it would be better to bar Brumfield from com munication with anyone except his at torneys and representatives of the press, said the district attorney today. .tThere were good reasons for iL. I aid not advise him to exclude newspaper men." The real reason for Starmer's move Is said to lie in an effort now being made to have Brumfield confined in a cell, instead of being given the freedom of the jail. SOT PrT IN CELL Even when Starmer moved the pris oner downstairs, he did not place him In a cell, but put him In the main room of the jail, where he la allowed to mingle freely with other priaonera This was discovered yesterday, when newspaper men were permitted to interview the prisoner. Criticism of the new arrange ment wa voiced by the public at once. - One man probably voiced the general feeling accurately when he said: "If Brumfield is insane as he claims, he is a menace to the prisoners with whom he is confined. If he is sane, he belongs in a cell which can be found for him anyhow." WOULD RELEASE THEM The dentist's fellow prisoners are to young men charged with larceny. So strong Is feeling regarding their In carceration with the alleged murderer, that a movement has been started to procure their release on bond There are three cells in the Douglas county jail, the remainder of the lower floor being taken up by a large cage technically known as a "bull pen. Brumfield, it was learned, was In one of these cells for about two minutes fol lowing his return from Calgary last week. A deputy who did not know of the extra attentions arranged for the dentist, put him there. A moment later. Starmer came in the door "Here," he called, "don't put that man in there. We're going to keep him up stairs." IN "HONEYMOON" SUITE Brumf itld was then removed to the "honeymoon suite" to remain there until public sentiment forced his removal to the "bull pen Asked why Brumfield is not confined in a cell, as is the usual case with ac cused slayers, the sheriff sajd : "There ain't enough air in them cells." However, air or no air, the cells have been used frequently for other prison era, and Roseburg doesn't see why one of them shouldn't be used for Brum field. The discovery that it is not being so used lent new vigor today to the utik advocating Starmer's recall as of. .recall for Sheriff Starmer. 'with Webb as the candidate for successor. Among those served with subpenaa during the day .was a woman whose name has been mentioned frequently in connection with the ease. She was at one time employed at the Brumfield home, and is generally known as a good friend of both the dentist and Mrs. Brumfield. The woman came to Roseburg from her home in a California city the day after Brum field was brought back from Calgary, and left within 24 hours. Rela tives have learned that her testimony w as wanted, and urged her to come bark to Roaeburgl She is now in the citv. and will remain until ane is called s a witness. LOSES TOBACCO HABIT 1 Dr. Brumfield has discovered a sure cure for the tobacco habit. He explained It Wednesday night when In the course of an Interview he declared that he had entirely lost his taste for tobacco since he disappeared from Roseburg July 13. leaving the mutilated body of Dennis Russell be neath his automobile. I simply haven't had any desire to smoke since I recovered from my lapie of memory," said the dentist. It was suggested that, probably, he had mislaid his taste for tobacco along with his remembrance of the events surrounding the murder of Russell. QUITS CHECKERS FOR CARDS The dentist had abandoned checkers today, and was Initiating his companions In the "bull pen" of , the jail into the delights of "five hundred." They say the doctor was one of the -"five hun dred" sharks of Roseburgs parlor set before he had his lapse of homicidal amnesia. I'd like to talk to you." the dentist assured The Journal correspondent, "but I'm too busy playing cards." He was informed that It had been decreed by Sheriff Starmer that he was to receive newspaper meu in the future enmasse. 1 much after the fashion prac ticed by President Harding. "That'll be alright." he said. "That way I can tell them all at once that I have nothing to say." He then bid eight In spades. LETTER IMPORTANT EVIDENCE County Judge George Qulne vindicated his theory that when Dr. Brumfield wrote a letter in Calgary describing the movements of the pseudo-Dennis Russell, he was In reality giving a true account of the movements of the real Dr. Brum field following Brumfield's flight from Roseburg after the murder of RnsselL Onei paragraph in this letter, found under Brumfield's mattrexs at the farm where he was working, referred to "Rus sell's" having spent a night south of Oakland where he had slept in a bed made' of straw. Acting on this theory, Quine. who mas formerly sheriff of Douglas county, made a trip toward Oakland this morn ing airfl found, half a mile south of Sutherltn, a straw bed beside the rail road track. This corresponded so closely with the description in the letter that Quine expects to follow up other portions of the letter to check their nearness to truth. NEW TODAY FLUFF NEW RUGS RUGS MM af anSMfy oupat. On Omit rmm am tlt. tsrafctt aa4 SJtMOa I ia. MEETING NOTICES 102 NORTHWEST RUG CO. ' TW Mat umm flail aad fas wm 1 wa sail Hr aa4 IU a. IMk . -I.KT S U ' , fiSlMI FU NIC ''--. rulfew taa l'raa4 & cv am tor all at twaa ui rtai a un it-j. Aaswat T K.rtrratr Craned rial. cwrw tttnaftt A-waatia. ! tanil thai aVxa (Kiats - A M da, ot fas. Km baaUae. koabu. amaMBias. r. " aaarfeaU. n(tnn: UoV.m cae. a.rBrraa . Hoaacx's Ait-Uxn. k.lrkVlr. U( . Ankaaa. Daacrae aniwoe aa4 ulC Korh taavma ma) as tch-ln Cakte Oc. ladia Sac. tarlwlias ar tax. Ca. laka car lM aad AkWf ta.. Sa aiataV ride. 7e fare. I rt rarrrbady I at ida . UJaa and HID' tot a trl eoe4 tiaac rhamrv Jfc-r Rrr . IllHi DEATH NOTICES 103 CLAY S; MORSE, INC. TRAPF.K AH1 POOL CAB PITRIBPTOR COSSCLT OUR TRAFFIC DIPT. SPHNKL E STORAGE CXTO N" Aora.r ; 4 . at Van H -o. Or., ilar caivt t'allaa. acrd 72 rrars. av.thrr of ld Canaa ot Uk ntjr. Uorsa at Milnakta. . Akrs of 4oratrllo, Idaho. Mr Mrgart-t iivnil of lorUaa4 a ad Mts. Sarab Mrf:.niT of Vb ' Horn, (nr. Th rrmaraa ara at KinW a mortaary. Himtsomerj at IVlh. NoUra A luimal if-aftr. enUi avrnc aoatbaa-t. Uaum rrri. tA 44 yean, belnard vtfc of Hr-rtr. Fsnml anW latrr. TlrmaiBa at Uia TilfiUaI tarkra of Vtiilrr A Tvac?. FUNERAL NOTICES WE WOVE ANYTHING SWT. SI Ta rn GLISAV Choice Willamette Valley Farm FOR Dairy Farm in Tillamook County 101 acres highly Improved valley farm with besir of -buildings, all in cultivation, near- 11- K. station on good wagon road. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 '. W. BAK BLDU. MAIS. 3787 104 Ql'APY At tha rraWimv. lontU hoaVaard ami TyadaU atrrrt. Aorw4 lia Jn4v. acad yai. wil of Altv-n Qudr. atuther ot iia and Krant Uuadv and Mrs. Kdii nth, at! or !'niaud: -..- .'( X' J Ibrk of Kpnaanr. ttth, and liat A nf Ia Apcrtoa, tl. Tba tnnral rortrc will Intc tlw b rMtdrnra tndajr. An-aat -6. at 1 n. ta . Ilwara to H. John jithB rhurrh. enrarr I'mtitoaila aveou and Kilpatnrk atrort. wbrra arnxva l I ha ofIrrd at 1 30 IntrrmAt Koto 'UT oral. trrr PrMnrH iattrd. ' Arrangement a cat rf Miller a TraPQT. . HTi.KRAU la thu rtt. Aut 24. Utiiita F Kiucrraid. acod 89 en, biod brmltrr of Mr. W lter BiUiov aand T A. V'njer 1 of arramfrto. CaL. J. H. and S J. Ftlwmld of Han I'raarfoo. l"al. : K. R. Kttxcrrald of 8tackton. t'aL. and J. K. riucmkl of tiUo Cal. Krmaina will hr at tho mimtial funeral lrlon of lutnninc A MrKntr. MarrrWa atmt M Twr-lf.h, uaui l n m. tnnay iioirxu)), A ua -i, bb they will be forwarded u tac rjmeto. fal.. where iwurwient win tlie r'rr- Couple Are Robbed Of Money and Watch On Flanders Street FLUFF RUGS fraai eld cartwts. araoleB ctotWas. ra raa. . tU aisaa. MaU ardm Scad lot bentlat. CARPET CLEANING Larcnt, fteaat ecrUppad earpot daaalaa rfitca( trarfca ia atato of Oraaaa. ilX Kip 8teaa Uaaaad MM M HaI Ban. IM Western Fluff Rug Co. Ual Off les Ca At a. H. Kaat S1 sheriff, and the appointment ta his place of Deputy Percy Webb. Webb is the deputy who quit his job as a protest against the official favors being show ered upon the prisoner. fo) o IA3 ARE MANUFACTURED BY The Portland Cream Fried Cake Co., 650-52 1st St. " Tel. Main 4589 W. L. Thompson, War re uv io" Finance Corporation Advisor, Is on the Job Washington. Aug. 25. (WASHING TON BUREAU OK THE JOURNAL.) W. L. Thompson. Portland banker, has arrived and will act In an advisory ca pacity here to the war finance corpora tion In matters' of extending relief for exportation of farm products under the McNary act. which President Harding signed yesterday. This is expected to result in large, immediate expansion of business In which, the Pacific Northwest should participate. Thompson, as one familiar with these conditions, will give particular attention to it. PorMand.Orc THE NATIONAL CREAM FRIED CAKE CORPORATION SPlrFA ALBAST. BALTIMORE. BOSTON. BROOKLYN. BUFFALO. CINCINNATI. CLEVELAND. COLUMBUS, DETROIT, FORT WATNE. 11LN riNUTON, W. TA.; INDIANAPOLIS, KANSAS. CITY, LOUISVILLE. MILWAUKEE, NEWARK, NEW HAVEN, PROVIDENCE! PORTLAND, ORE.! ROCHESTER, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, SYRACUSE, TOLEDO, UTICA, WASHINGTON, WILMINGTON CONDITIONS J Only one dozen to an advertiser, include Sunday. Ads must run Sunday or ad can run more than one day, but must you have anything to buy, sell or exchange If you have any want or don't want a little 2 line Classified at a cost of only 20c will advertise your "needs" to nearly half d million people every Sunday B JOURNAL WANT AD DEPOTS PREMIUMS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OUT AT WANT AD DEPOTS A. W. Allen, lth and Lovejoy Arbor Lodge Pharmacy, MM Greely St. Beaver PtfarBiaey, Umatilla Ave Sell wood Broeklya Pharmacy, Powta at JHHwamkle SW J. C Clark Co, S$ta and Bamilds Colemaa Drag Co, . Bvraslds and Uraad Cottr-1 Drag Co, First mad Shermaa mi Cosrh Pharmacy. 817 Mississippi Are. " Dieksoa Drag Co, E. 8th aid Stark , Eagle Drsr Co,-137. Hawthora ' H. L. Fairly, 7t and Saady Foster Road Pharmacy, H Foster Road :'i ' Frederick C Forbes Drag C East Morrlsoa aad Graad Gelraaa A Bader Drag Co, Froat aid Glbbs Sts. , Hawthome Fkarmaey, tiU ail HawUorae - HlgkUad Pharmacy. ltM Uiloi Are. if. Hoffmlre'g Fkarmaey, Cor. tttk aad Hawtkoraa Katxya Fkarmaey, at3 7Sd St. 8a JE ' Kelty Drag Ce, USI Belmoat St, Saaayslds Keatoa Fkarmaey, Keatoa Kllllngswortk Drsg Co, Missis alppl aad Klllingnwortk Aes. Marqaardt Bros, Ualoa aad Kill . lagiwerth Matlklea Drag More, Hassell 8U aad William At. XL Scott Drag Co, Leats Portsmoatk Drag Co, Sit Lorn. bard St. Rlrkmoad Fkarmaey. 17th aad DiTisloa St. Jokas Pkarmaey, 8U Jokas The Drar Skop, .. sth Glisaa UalTersity Drag Co, tSi Lombard Veraoa Drag Co, 17U aad AV. berta St, Wllsoa Drag Co, Cor. Corbett aad Uamlltoa One InsarUon. 'ime-Un"Thre Insertions, 25c Per Line Seven Insertions, 50c Per Line Count Six Words to the Lino Over a Quarter Million People Read The Journal Every Day and Nearly Half a Million Every Sunday ' J " ' a iTii h r. S3u3 WILL HEAR CONCERT From the inside of the Douglas county ji.il. Dr. Brumfield, one time musical .i-aJtr of Koseburg. will listen tonight to ihe concert of the Koseburg band. Brumfield was vice preoider.t of the Koseburg Musical club still is. unless he has been secretly deposed. He was ar. enthusiast In music, and he and tlie wife who now Jis jail vould other cities when there was a good t) m phony concert or soloist In prospect. That is one of the strangest features of the murder of Dennis Russell that a man regarded as of exceptionally hu mane and sensitive nature should be held for such a particularly cruel and luthless crime. Brumfield was "one of the workers for the organisation of the band. On Thurs day, July 15, there was to have been a band concert at usual. But it was net held. Most of Roseburg then wtiil be lieved that the mutilated body beneath the wreck of Brumfield's automobile was that of the dentist. It was postponed, therefore, out pf regard for his memory. It will not be postpoined tonight. It will be held as usual on the courthouse lawn, within a hundred yards of the barred windows behind which the one time musical authority is confined. There Is a "wiener roast" scheduled, too, at which Roseburg's youth will regale itself on the conventional "hot dog" There will be laughter and shouting, and all the other things which go with a band concert in Koseburg. Brumfield will hear it But mat la alL DENIES USE OF DICTOGRAPH Was a dictagraph used to record the conversation of Dr. Richard M. Brum field with his wife while the oRseburg aentist was being held in hi "state suite" on the upper floor of the county In spite of specific and apparently candid denials by District Attorney George Neuner that such a ruse was employed the rumor persists that the state authorities are In possession of all that Brumfield said during ine eariy daya of his Incarceration. The general belief is based largely on the'fact that. In previous criminal cases. District Attorney Neuner has invariably sprung some unexpected move on the defense at the last moment SOMETHING UP HIS 'SLEEVE "0re has something up his sleeve.' is the way local rumor puis . from the same source, is a dictagraph. But Neuner says "no. "Thr was no dictagraph nor any other Instrument used on Brumfield." he told The Journal corresponaem v eanes day "We didn't need it We have enough evidence to convict without It" R thra the matter Bianoa. out iw- burg probably will not be convinced until ih trial is over. officer Percy Webb was busy Wednes day serving sobpoenas on tne many wii- nesSe9 who are to do cauea wiore wo grand Jury when it convene next Mon day. RECALL TALKED OF y Webb la the deputy sheriff who quit bis Job In disgust because of the extra consideration he said was being shown Brumfield by Sheriff Starmer. Be Is now working as a special state officer under District Attorney Neuner. and will continue to function In that capacity until the Brumfleld case is disposed of. Efforts are being made to reinstate him in his former Job at the end of that time. There has also been some 'talk While walking along Flanders street between Eighteenth and Nineteenth street at 11 o'clock last night Dallas Clark of the Elvier Dairy, and Miss Irene Noonan, 670 Thurman street, were held up and robbed by a man wearing a black muffler as a mask. A watch and $15 were taken from Clark and Miss Noaman contributed $2. The robber backed them up against a building, and warned them not to make a noise. After going through Clark's pockets, he went through Miss Noonan's handbag, and then disappeared in the direction of Gli san street. Clark was able to furnish the police with an excellent description of the man. Land said that he carried a blue cteel automatic. 4InvestmentSnaps 826,000 FIRST AND WASH, S35.000 FRONT AND ALDER S40.000 FRONT AND MAIN 1M5.000 FRONT AND CLAT Eastern Exchange Si 7V, Washlagtan si. Offices fM-zM W AI. H Aacuat 23. at th family iwanm. fifcO V- Kwrrert at., t'rvd 4'.. aard 44 Starv hnwDand of Acaea M. Walrh. talhrr of r'mV Kk. I'harlea. brother of Mra. 'arna RHiafar, Mm. U. Ia?irrt ura. h4wanl rinawj, ma Tina Wairh. I "bo ha aad Cbartea Wakh- Iw funeral arrrict will be brk! Satardar. Anen4 27, at S p. at tha at" rrli-r. FnervVa tn Tiled. IntetBwnt. Urvenwood cwnetery. i P. l-lnlyy A How, triix Ui- K Ib th cilj. Auiu 21. 1121. Kiiaabath A. (.tuaoar. aaoLfwr of Marsmt UrKrni. ElUabetn. Jcaaia. Jooa aad W. A. t.ilraour of Ponlaad and Aleuador (jilmoar of IxKiixnika. Ky. Pricada are BkTitad to at- tnd tba fuorral armera at Hoinua ehairl. Third and ttalmon FrUaj. Aocit 2. at I U p. m. lH-rrawnt at 1Uttww cmnonr. UA.BF.Ri Tha funeral atrricea of tba Ul i'liarlas T. Hasbers will be held Rarnnljy. Autl -T. at 1 p. m.. at tha chajvl of Mcih-r-A Trarrt. Interaiafit, Ruse CUjr cemacr. 1'aXKtK 1b thu tily. Aufiut 23. Mary Janr. axed 58 yrara. wil of ;aara IKIkwr ut E. 19th ft. Tha ramauia art at Kinln anortuarj. MonUtoaicry at 5th. Notice of f u rwa iwrpaftr. tXKfK The rrraaina of the Uta Ell A. Cook will be (onrardrd under tha dirertton ot Miller A Tracer Friday, initat ta Lalie. Mm-o.. where aenitaa and interment will Uta place. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 EDWARD EOLMAN THIRD AND ALIOM it IN 607 East Side Funeral Directors 414 E. F. 8. DUNNING. IXC "Tba Family Seta the Price' Aider St. Pbona iambtrs co. Eaat SS. Carpet Cleaning REFITTINa. SIZINO. INOIRO. KTC. 9X12 RUGS cZeanf.d5I.25 Run DRY CU.ANKD and RHAMPOOF.D OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW Naar MaUraaaaa foe aatan 40-Lb. Cotton. SS.OO Faathaea WanoaataS Wort Ouarantaad Sama-Oay Sorr're Mall Oedar Daot- PIOrlCEB! CABfCT OLE ANtlaQ AND MATTRESS WORKS. Mint Mnd-rn ntTped I'iam in Ores on Bttona 137-07. 107 C. LlneolM St. Fuaaral LHractora. ATI tha Coaenrenrr of a Homa. WoodlawB 10. S4S-250 KiUlnFWorth aa. Dunning & McEntee . Morrtaon St at lTtr. Broadway 4S0. Aat. 64 j 5S eo. boaa Xlifal ! statistics T71 a rriagts.Birtbs. Death MARRIAGE UCENSES Wm. A. Eoiett! Irsal. Hotel Fortlaiid. aud Ada i. Xicbolann. legal, S07 E. Momaoa at. lUrland W. Bamea, 24. 783 W WUliama a.. Walter E. Nelwn. Irnl, T aroma. Wuk., and reK& 1 Newel). Irnl & K. 6th ml. Wm. L). Jimien. local. SOS Kueoa at., aad Ila M. Wall, lraal. city. Wm. F. Bieord-ion, leal. WarrentoB. Or.. and Maraaret Niltart. WaL 439 Main at. Alfred C. Muhlkcr. So. New York city, and Alice Kncleenn. SN. 1441 K. Miman at. Fred A. llarmon. Wat, Mtnnewta are.. and Katbenne Uste. lesal. 2-'T 1 IU1 ar. AncuU Knaler, 1-sal. 713 W ayne, and Acsca E. Rider. leat. 4 4U Mirroente aJa And. that something WEDDING W. G. SMITH A CO. AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS SI I Morran BM. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW Al Ul.jiu.. a Altilo.s hOtbtL. loa-17. SEONI 8TRKET SALE AT 10 A. If. SPECIAL NOTICES OK HtKTl.VU 1V 101 NOTli'. COI NTT BOARD OK Kul'ALIZATION Notice i. hereby airen that on Monday, Sep tember 12, 1921. tha board of equalization of Multnomah conn'y will attend at the of tic of tha connly avrr at tha court bo ue in Fort land, and pab'tcly examine tba aaataament rolla for tha year 1921. and corrctt all errora m Tanutiua. devnpuoa or qnalitiea ot landa. lota or other pmperty. lawril by tha emmty a nor. And it aball be the doty of penona'tn- te rested to a "fear at tba tima and place ap pointed. If it ahaU appear to aucb board of eiaaluation that tbera are toy Uada or kMa c.r other pruvarty n ia i twica. or incor rectly aaeeaacd aa to deacription or quantity, and in the nam of a perann or persona not tha owne. Uieraof, or aateaaed under or beyond tha actual eaab rahta thereat', aaid bnard may make p coper correcttqa of the ante. If it ahaU ap pear to aucb tarl teat any land, lota or otber property lainnbla by tBa aaeeaaor arc not a"-a-aed. atich board aliaH aiaeaa tba bum at tba full cash value thereof. HIRAM V. WKLCH. County Portland. Or.. Ansuat 15. 1921. Lerch, Undertaker CAST IXrVKSTU AND UAWTBuRXB l-HONK EAST 71 6oVNTSG A McXEatAR A nomehka taai Mode rata ia prioaa. lrrinctoa diatnew lu Eaat 64 UcEXTEE A EILERS. funeral rarlora wiik all the criTacy of a homo. ISlb and errtt iu Pbona Broadway 2133. Ant. azl-. MILLER A TKACEY. inaeiwndent funeral di rartora. Fnnarak S7S and up. Waabiastoa at t-iia at. Main 2691. Aat. 67S-B3. a la L JPV.i CiO ESTABLISHMENT 901 Williama Ata Woodlawa J'.u. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MOXTGOMERT AT ritTH MAIN 9. Breeze&Snook A- R- Zeller Co 'Phone Ka- la Skewes UNDERTA&IXG CO, Mam A-2S21 Corner Third and 0.y. MONUMENTS 108 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLS W0QKS QTJAIJTT MZM3BIAIS E. THIRD t-WWE 8TS "WOWC CT4V3 FLORISTS 107 T1IK nndari-ned wij recaiaa aealad -bida for a atork of drug of the inventory ealoatioa of $3493.96 tocelber with fixture. 3747.12. lo oted at Pa E1L Waah.. up to 12 o'clock, noon, o. Friday. Aasuat 26. 1921. Tba inventory may ba aeea at my otfiee and the. property may bt inapxetad at I'a Ell. Wah. Tba nht ia re aerrad to reject any and all brda. O. A COTE. 641 Pittock block. I HAVE .purchaaad crocaT atora located at 493 Beecia at., from Jamta l"n worth, and 1 will not he reaponmhla for ny dehtt contracted pnor to Aw. 2S. 1921; Mr. A. Adam a. I HAVE aold bumeat at 492 Beerh at- I will not be re-pondbla for btlla prior to Auc. 24. 1921. J. I'naworth. 1 WILL pay no billa contracted by any other una myaell on and after Aiipu zt, n:i J. W. (.KoRiiE. THE Eakenaxi Transfer will not ba responsible loa any damarea V furniture. BIRTHS and Mra. Andrew MaTkT 162 MARE To M 2 lt. Aus. 19. a daughter. STONE To Mr. and Mra. F. L, Stone. 274 i Hnlliday. Aus. 14. a ana. BROWN To Mr. and Mra. L. L. Brown. 3313 T1h. Auc. 20. a daushter. LA Y TON Ta Mr. and Mra. L. 31. Lartuo, 695 2d. Auc 18. a aom. ROTH AM EX To Mr. and Mra. L. A. Rothamol. Reaw Aptx.. Aoc 22. a aon. B1CHARISOX To Mr. and Mra. J. W. Rvb- ardwn. Seaprooae. Or., Auc. 13, a daughter. BIPLET To Mr. and Mra. B. A. Riplay. 7 E. 63r. Aug. 19. a ann. DEATHS STRAIGHT John L Straight, 493 E. bth, Aug. 21. 28 year; hemorrhage. WOOD S. R. Wood. Good Samaritan hoapital. Anc. 23, 43 yeara; pulmonary hemorrnage. WENKLAND Theodora C. Wendland. 643 E. 24th. Aug. 22. 63 yeara: angina pw-torU. BA RTKU Atbertina Barteb. 429 Hall. Aug. 23. 79 years; angina pactoria. OLSEX Ottilie W. Olaen, 229 ET 23d. Aug 22. 57 Tear: eirrbaau. SLOAN Gideon P. filoaa. Good Samaritan o. ratal. Aug. 23. 41 yeara: Irar-rare ot aa-uO. NEW TODAY 5Q I- FLUFF RUGS Made from AM tUada av OM or Owanty. Bantta Bawl OKE4MMB FlVfa IU9 OOV 494 a. Saara 9V - Taaw TtrtS MEETING NOTICES 102 I C 1 f AA AT auf -fJ i Z- Hah aT v A" ULRCUTfUTAll FiAmismKmaUJ caaa iccoorsatuano 2 STOD.ES 32S MCCTilffOll ?T. -rWltfmiTSOTSt rOETlAJO aOTH, 733 Klal. WtA-2 2.57 And Flora Der.kna. 23 Larga Hothouaaa. Na Branch Storea.' Si Yeara on Morrtaos at. between 4th and taV taa-v TeL Maim T709. Smith's Flower Shop - "Portland'a Progrearfe Flonat"" Flowen for All Ocewiona. Mam T213 T C Luke. Mcr Sth and AMee. MARTIX A FORBES CO.. florlata. i4 Waar. ingtoa. Main 269. A-1269 Ficnera for aU aceanom erttntK-ally arranred ChappeH's N. W. bank Bldg. Maia 831 Morrtaon St. LOST AND FOUND 108 THE MASTKlfB. WAKHE-NS AND PAST MASTERS' ASSOCIA TION, at tba urgent aolicitatkm of ofiieera and memben vf the acreral lodgea of the city. haa anececded in arraBging for another lectara by Brotbar W. Emaat etockley of Clinton. Iowa, to be giaen at Pythian hall, aecond iloar. Than day. p. m. alaarp- For Ataater Ataaons only. Jjoa't Bum thia opportunity. 5? a J l JOHX SHAXXOX I. k . 309, P L.. Xo Tbar4ay, p. m.. Xo. 203 H - Third at Tailing brotfaan wekvma WEBFOOT CAMP So. 69 W. O. W.. carry Frtda? niebt n W. O. W. Taaaple 128 11th at Memben re aoeated to ba prcaast V av tora veicoaaa. H. U BAR BUB.. Clerk. SELL WOOD LODGE XO. 131. A. r. and A. kL snacial (aaeting tumunuw ( Friday I " reenlng at 7 JO clark. W-rrk ta M M. decree. All rkutora welcome. By order W. 1 1. H. BCTT.tR. Sacratary. tilRL who tacked black oeal aanliy caae. cnu Uining card and ealnable recetpu, 2 o'clock Wedneaday. near Mancinga eoffea atora. OS Yamhill. t4eae rail Main T-14: rewarq. IAflT Two milea Jin uoe ot W ilburt norinaa. a eialin made by Mr. Robin-en. Ua-irer to my office and receWe a aery liberal reward Tr Howard D. Poore. 64 Panama bMg. Main 2Mb I.OftT A ii to tira Dm and Kepnblie tir. SSc 444. on Auc '21. on road between Wa rm ver and Battleground lake. .Owner will call and pay reward. Frank Schlecel. Main M2T. 3 morttlia old. 33 arwwara E. lUl at. LAST Airedale Puppy name of Peter. Reward. X. I -bone Eat SUrer watch and, chain on Flamiera bc loST: tweaa 16tA and 17th. ward. Broadway 3313. Bc- I.OT Pearl bordered diamond abaaed f raWr nity pin on Bluebird ba. aigtiL Frrdar cal TaboT 3163 Reward. LOST In Meier A Frank a. pocket boo cow tainiag tin itncy and onya aatting. priced as kertnaka. lUward. Mi Bt'in. Tabor 171. LOST Baruane paarl r" with piai and laeecr. der dropa. between Llia at. and Por.laao ho teL Betur Alexandra Court. Reward. LOST At 82 aad Difiuoa, amali black Cocker ftpaaiei dog. aaiwera to name of -Bob." . Re ward. Plreee phone Bdwy. - -Pair ot giaaae between Aiameda Park 12th and Belmoat. Pleaaw call Mra. . LOST and Bradley, Eat 2163 fBlU!fX tXDOB XO 14. K. OP P. Meeta eaery Friday rt I a ra Oriemt haD. 423 B. Aide, awe 6th. VButora alwaya ni If ibi , F. O. SKATOX. ML of U. aV AV - LuST A brown RowoB bi !. ha" collar with lieeaea Xo. S14. rtta;-ng on right frort ird. Can Titpwivw. ' - LtrST Toy fog terrier, no collar; reward. ' Mar 2497. 13 N. 3th at. ' Cmtoiart aw) rotlentni Paa IT